07-24-2016 - SPNSA – St. Philip Neri
07-24-2016 - SPNSA – St. Philip Neri
St. Philip Neri - St. Albert the Great Parish St. Philip Neri Church - 3101 Van Buren St. Alameda, 94501 Phone: (510) 373-5200 Fax: (510) 522-8123 Mass schedule: Monday-Saturday 8:30 am Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am and 11:30am Holy Days: Vigil 6:00pm & 8:30 am St. Albert Church - 1022 Holly St. Alameda, 94502 Phone: (510) 373-5220 Fax: (510) 522-8123 Mass schedule: Monday-Saturday 7:30 am Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am Holy Days: 7:30 am & 6:00pm St. Philip Neri School TK-8 1335 High St. Alameda, 94501 Principal: Jessica Murray 521-0787 Pastor: Fr. Robert Chinnapan, mf (510) 373-5201 pastor @spnsa.org Parochial Vicar: Fr. Kuriakose Nadooparambil, mf (510) 373-5202 [email protected] Parish Website: www.saspn.org SPN office hours Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm SA office hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 12nn Staffed by the Missionaries of Faith since 2008 For Baptisms: call the Parish office first for interview with the pastor or associate Parish registration & preparation class are required. Individual Confessions: call 373-5201 or 373-5202 for appointment Saturday Confessions : SPN - 3:30-4:30pm SA - 4:00-4:30 pm For Weddings: call priest at least 6 months in advance, parish registration & preparation classes are required . July 24, 2016 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time LITURGY CORNER “Lord, Teach Us To Pray” In the early church writing called the Didache (The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, probably second century), we have the first “commandment” about prayer: to pray the Our Father “as the Lord bids us in His Gospel… pray in this way three times a day.” Traditional prayer times would be up‐ on rising, at midday, and upon retiring. How many of us take time throughout the day to pause and pray? With such busy schedules, this can be difficult. Choosing a specific time and being persistent about honoring that time for prayer helps. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA July 24, 2016 Effective Friday, July 1, 2016, the Diocese of Oakland has implemented the new Safe Environment train‐ ing called VIRTUS for both parish and school. TRAINING IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE ON SHIELD THE VULNERABLE. Therefore, ALL VOLUNTEERS & STAFF (CFF, CLW, Youth Ministry, EME, Lectors, Music Ministry, etc.) will have to train using this new system REGARDLESS OF WHEN YOU HAD YOUR LAST TRAINING. Online training is now available. Simply visit www.virtus.org or follow the link through the Diocese website www.oakdiocese.org/offices/safe-environment to register and take the online course. The office will directly see and record those who have trained. This certification is in compliance with our Retraining Calendar cycle and is good for 3 years. If you have any questions or if you need help with online training, please call the office (510) 373-5200. The SPN/SA Parish is looking for volunteers to join our Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) program. CFF conducts religious classes between 10:15am to 11:15am on most Sundays from September to May at the SPN school. We have between 80 to 100 students each year being taught by a cadre of wonderful religious teachers called Catechists. We are looking for catechists at all grade levels from K to 7th grade. If you love working with children and would love to bring the Word of the Lord to them, think about joining our program. Please contact the Coordinator, Jesus Romero, at [email protected] or call him at (510) 373-5218 if you have an interest or have questions. EVENTS AT ST. PHILIP NERI EVENTS AT ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Choir - Mondays Children’s Choir practice at 3:30 - 4:15pm, SPN Church Wednesdays Youth Choir practice at 6:30 - 8pm, SPN Church Thursdays Adult Choir practice at 7 - 8:30 pm , SPN & SA Church Centering Prayer & Lectio Divina - 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 7:30 pm, Rectory Knights of Columbus - 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 pm, Rectory Basement Direction for our Times - 2nd Thursday at 9:00 am, Church Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - 1st Fridays at 9 am - 5 pm, Church 3rd Order Carmelites - 3rd Saturday at 9:00 -12 nn, Annex ICF Branch #10 - 1st Thursday 7:00 pm, Hall Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts - various groups Our Lady’s Prayer Group - Meets Wednesday at 4:30-6:00 pm, Church Divine Mercy - Tuesdays at 6:00 pm, Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, Church SPN-SA Parish Outreach - Meets 2nd Thursdays at 9:00 am, Parish Hall St. Vincent de Paul Society - 2nd Sunday at 9:00 am, Rectory Meeting Room Mass of Anointing - 1st Friday at 9:30 am Legion of Mary - Fridays at 5pm, Rectory Rosary Makers - 3rd Saturday at 8:00 am, Hall ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 3 Our second collection on the 5th Sundays of the month benefits the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. St. Vincent de Paul has always been actively helping with the needs of our community. The Alameda Deanery recently welcomed a refugee family from Afghanistan and we are helping them transition to a new life here in the United States. St. Vincent de Paul purchased furniture from the St. Vincent warehouse and donated these items to the refugee family. ♦ Our parish conference donated $1,000 to the Alameda County St. Vincent District to help supply backpacks and school supplies to 150 children from Oakland’s poorest families. ♦ The St. Vincent de Paul “Tiny Tickets Program” is collecting partially used BART tickets. When they are turned in, St. Vincent will receive 100% of the unused value on each ticket. Parishioners can place these partially used tickets in the poor boxes at St. Philip Neri or St. Albert the Great church. ♦ Thank you for your generous support of this parish ministry! Mercy: the Heart of Peace will continue the movement that has inspired many men and women of religion to gather together to pray for peace since the first meeting, called by Pope John Paul II, in Assisi in 1986. Thirty years after the first meeting, the Spirit of Assisi reaches the West Coast of the United States in the Diocese of Oakland. The Meeting will embody the message that peace lies at the heart of religion, and that believers are called to be peacemakers and instruments of mercy. "There is something positive you and I can do to promote peace: by coming together to pray and give common witness to our desire for peace" - Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ For more information: Jean Evans 510-267-8357 [email protected] We pray for our dead … Marion Bradley We pray for our sick … Sharon Trayan, Efren Ramos, Dave McConkey, Steve DiGiulio, Florence Harvey, Daniel Fenzl, Charles Saraspi, Guillermo Gonzalez, Roberto Pellegrino, Bill Mossholder, Julie Kennedy, Pearlene Wanigatunga, Lillian Layante, Rick Magarian, Bill Heck, Reneé Ragucci, Fran Najor, Teresa Hert, Jo Marie Mendoza, Sharon Ramos, Mabelen Sanford, Sr. Christine Patrinos, SNJM, Sr. Betty Shields, SJNM, Joe & Siony Piatos, Froilan Ampil, Bridget Kanady, Arnel Alano, Paula Rolleri, Nicholas Toth, Arvil Flippin, Maureen Mondello, Fr. Jim Sloan, Joan Pruden, Lorin Kroska, Sherry Crevani, Steve Tao, Mario Galetto, David Truong, Bernard & Catherine Welz, Fr. Matthew George, Lourdes Hartrick, Joyce Edwards, Ed Murray, Erma Skinner, Barbara Janowski, Jun Saraspi, Esperanza A. Boglosa , Aurelia A. Alcontin, Pat Medaglia, PeggyRourke‐Nichols, Mike Rourke, Juan Garcia, Karol Turner, David McNamara, Nathan Roco, Raul Macatangay, Dina Fazio, Sharon Brunetti, Juanita Estrellas, Ofelia Osalbo, Dolores Dejager, Luke Mars, Paul McCormack, Richard Goodman, Juner Valencia, Louis Garcia, Patrick Glynn, Donna Thomas, Betty Spingola, Rick Freitas, Shirley Morrison, Maggie Hobson‐Caracciolo, Trudi LeDruillenec. We pray for all our military personnel in harms way especially Nicholas Argueta & Jeff Brandon. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 4 St. Philip Neri St. Albert the Great July 23 - 31 Sat. July 23 8:30am 5:00pm Anna Mathew † ICF #10 Living & Deceased Members Sun. July 24 9:00am Louise Wright † 11:30am People of SPN-SA Mon. 8:30am Special Intention Fr. William Marshall Tues. 8:30am Wed. July 23 - 31 Sat. July 23 7:30am 5:00pm Special Intention Mary Lee Fr. William Marshall Sun. July 24 8:00am Hans Peter Lang † 10:30am Trinidad Pacheco † Mon. 7:30am Joseph Tan Truong † Nestor Gangcuangco † Tues. 7:30am German Alido 8:30am Daniel Rourke † Edwin Gangcuangco † Wed. 7:30am Special Intention Thurs. 8:30am Kenneth Owen † Thurs. 7:30am Ban Mataban † Fri. 8:30am Trudi LeDruillenec Fri. 7:30am Special Intention Sat. July 30 8:30am 5:00pm Ian Matthew Pabelico Agostino & Marina Parodi † Sat. July 30 7:30am 5:00pm Claudia Johnson † Lourdes Alido † Sun. July 31 9:00am 11:30am Sean Ketner † Tony Castaldo † Sun. July 31 8:00am Janette Relevante 10:30am Mr. & Mrs. Felisa Rivero † TODAY'S READINGS READINGS FOR THE WEEK First Reading -- Abraham bargains with God to spare the city (Genesis 18:20-32). Psalm -- Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me (Psalm 138). Second Reading -- Buried with Christ in baptism, we were also raised with him; all our transgressions are forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14). Gospel -- Jesus speaks of God's sure response to those who pray (Luke 11:1-13). Monday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 1718; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 3334; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:15, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA Page 5 Luke 11: 1 reads, “Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He had finished, one of His disci‐ ples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray….” The curious disciple did not ask Jesus what He was praying rather he asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. The Lord’s prayer, taught by Jesus to His disciples in the Gospel, is the only prayer Jesus left us. The disciple who came to Jesus did not say, “Lord, teach me how to pray”. He was speaking on behalf of his companions too. In the Lord’s Prayer, we do not pray, “My Father in Heaven,” nor “give me today my daily bread.” It is not for ourselves alone that we are to ask not to be led into temptation, to be deliv‐ ered from evil. Even in such a personal matter as our own sins ‐ and surely our sins are ours alone, we are not to ask forgiveness only for ourselves, nor others for themselves. We are together to ask forgiveness for all of us. “Forgive us our sins …” This sort of prayer may sound humorous be‐ cause it is such a distortion of the faith of the Church. Our faith is not self‐referential, like a closed circle. The faith of the church opens out towards others. The Our Father is a communal prayer. We live as disciples among all the members of Christ’s mys‐ tical body. The Church, like the faith, is not a closed circle. We, like the Holy Spirit, need to always seek our own growth and of the Church. So in turn, we pray not only for the church, but for all in our world. For this reason, Jesus taught his disciple and invites us to pray “Our Father, who art in Heaven…”. There is always the danger that we will look at religion as merely a relationship between God and ourselves. We are, however, a sinful community, supporting one another in our search for salva‐ tion. The Lord’s Prayer is so central to our Christian experience that St. Teresa of Avila is supposed to have said, when asked how to be a true contemplative, “You must simply say the Lord’s Prayer… but you must say it very, very slowly!” The implication is that we will never exhaust the wisdom found in this wonderful prayer which is so special because it was given to us by Jesus himself. ST. PHILIP NERI- ST. ALBERT THE GREAT Alameda, CA PARISH STAFF Suzann Silva , RCIA Coordinator 373-5217 … [email protected] Cathy Morales, Youth Ministry 373-5216 … [email protected] Jesus Romero, CFF Director 373-5218 … [email protected] Lydia Cho, Music Director 373-5219 … [email protected] Jenny Feliciano, Office Administrator and Bulletin Editor Page 6 If you are new to our parish or have been attending mass but never registered, please drop by the office and fill out a registra‐ tion form. Our parish is filled with great people who share their time, talent and faith with one another and the community. We would like you to experience the same joy in serving God by being part of our parish. For questions or to get a form through email, please call (510)373-5200. 373-5215 … [email protected] Margaret Mariani, Office Support & Facilities Coordinator 373-5230 Anh Truong, Parish Bookkeeper 373-5214 … [email protected] Jessica Murray, SPN Elementary School Principal 521-0787 PARISH PLANNING COMMITTEES Adult Faith Formation Meets bi-monthly on last Tues. at 6pm CHAIR: Diane Bustos DINE AND DONATE at SPIN PIZZA in Alameda Landing Shopping Center Wednesday, July 27th 5:30PM to 8:00PM Finance Council Meets bi-monthly 1st Wed at 5:30pm CHAIR: Sandy Goya Liturgical Committee Meets 2nd Monday at 6:30pm CHAIR: Diane Bustos Pastoral Council Meets 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm Co-CHAIRS: Henry Ramos & Jeanne Decker St. Vincent dePaul Conference assistance to the needy call 373-5226 CHAIR : Jim Lee Bereavement and Support Ministry call 373-5208 The 2016-17 St. Philip Neri School 8th Grade Class Fundraising Committee is partnering with SPIN! Neapolitan Pizza for Dine and Donate. SPIN will donate 15% of your tab to our school, for either dine-in or take out during the designated hours. Come out and enjoy the evening with friends and family. No fliers needed. Thank you for your support! Upcoming 2nd Collections July 30 - 31 St. Vincent de Paul Aug. 6 - 7 Parish Improvement Weekly Goal Plate Received $10, 300.00 9,224.60 ($ 1,075.40) Daegeon Chamber Choir was founded in 1996 by the current conductor Joseph An. It was named after St. Andrew Daegeon Kim, the first Korean Catholic priest and a martyr. The mem‐ bers of Daegeon Chamber Choir have been devoting themselves to studying and presenting early church music in historically informed performance styles, while most members are not full‐time musicians. The choir's focus is on the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Its concert series, often with period instrument ensembles, has been inviting the audiences to a musical pilgrimage to old Germany, England, Italy, Flanders, and Bohemia. Notably in 2014 and 2015, the choir made the Korea premieres of two masterpieces by the Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka, who had been forgotten for centuries but is gaining popularity in recent decades. This October, Daegeon Chamber Choir will give its 20th anniversary concert in Seoul and Incheon with Bach's Cantata 214 and Zelenka's Te Deum. We are thrilled to have the Daegeon Chamber Choir join us on Saturday, July 30, 2016 at St. Philip Neri at the 5pm mass. Reception to follow in O’Brien Hall.
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