annual report 2014 - Stratford
annual report 2014 - Stratford
Every animal deserves a chance ANNUAL REPORT 2014 message to our community Letter from Executive Director: JACK KINCH For years AWASCO has been on a journey to find the best ways to give every animal a chance for a healthy, happy life. In the beginning, shelters were created to eliminate the nuisance and potential dangers of stray pets. But the solution is far more complex than just housing these lost dogs and cats. We need to solve the root problem of why these pets are roaming the community in the first place. So we’ve invested in one-on-one adoption support, community education initiatives and engaging ways to reach the current and next generations to create a better understanding of the responsibilities of pet ownership, ensuring both animals and community members are safe and in healthy, caring relationships for years to come. This approach led to the launch of a major campaign in October 2014 to invite community involvement in a new Animal Welfare Centre in Stratford. This facility will serve the community in a much larger capacity as it educates people on the care and ownership of their pets. Animal Care Stats KWHS for 2014* Humane Education Stats for 2014* Total animals cared for Adoptions Returned to owners KWHS Children reached SP Children reached Total Number of Schools in KW & SP 3714 domestic pets 2358 761 Animal Care Stats SPHS for 2014* Total animals cared for Adoptions Returned to owners 631 domestic pets 397 31 Donors Stats for 2014* Number of donors, KWHS 3011 Number of donors, SPHS 555 *for calendar year Letter from President of the Board: 32869 2582 761 NEIL MURRAY 2015 marks the end to my two year term as Board President with AWASCO. When I reflect back on my time, I am filled with gratitude for what Jack Kinch and his team have accomplished in such a short time. Animal Service Stats for 2014* Request for animal control services Cruelty Investigations With the opening of the animal hospital within the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society, we’ve succeeded in realizing a goal that started nearly 8 years ago. Having the hospital on-site has dramatically cut down on transportation time and costs and allowed us to serve more animals in our community. 4645 1125 Community Support Stats for 2014 * KWHS volunteers SPHS volunteers 419 55 2014 was a year to lay the strategic groundwork required for us to work towards a community that has a greater number of loved and cared for pets and fewer stray, abandoned and homeless animals. Thank you to our community, partners and supporters for all you’ve helped AWASCO achieve this past year. I’d also like to point out the tremendous contributions of Stratford-Perth Animal Welfare Centre committee co-chairs Jeff Orr and Eddie Matthews. These two men have spear-headed the capital campaign in Stratford since its launch in October last year. Their dedication has been a driving force behind our success. None of our success would be possible without the tireless commitment of our countless volunteers. I’m so excited to see where AWASCO is headed in the coming year. I am indebted to our staff, volunteers and communities because I know that none of this would have been possible without your overwhelming support. Mission We are the leader in animal welfare in our communities focusing on the responsible treatment of animals through education, compliance, advocacy and care. Vision Communities that value and respect animals. Values We believe in… • Serving communities • Humane treatment of animals • Innovation and learning • Compassion and dedication • Leadership and collaboration • Accountability volunteer milestones who is AWASCO? In July 2012, the Perth County Branch of the OSPCA joined with the Kitchener-Waterloo & North Waterloo Humane Society to form the Animal Welfare Agency of South Central Ontario (AWASCO), one of the largest animal welfare agencies in Canada. The two organizations had been working closely together for a number of years to manage the pet and animal populations across this extended region. The merger capitalized on the strengths of two long serving organizations, making each better able to support their communities in incorporating responsible pet ownership philosophies, policies, and practices into all programs and services dealing with companion animals. The Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society has been caring for its communities’ abandoned, lost, or stray pets since 1927. It provides community programming, humane education, and sheltering of animals for Kitchener, Waterloo and North Waterloo Region. Both Humane Societies provide community programming, humane education, and the rehoming of pets. AWASCO has become a leading animal welfare agency and is active provincially and nationally in program development. In October 2014, the SPHS launched a community capital campaign to construct an Animal Welfare Centre in Stratford, replacing the outdated shelter on Douro St. The Kitchener-Waterloo and Stratford-Perth Humane Societies do not receive any form of government funding for the support or delivery of any shelter and adoption services, humane education. The Humane Societies rely entirely on the funding generated through their services, events, and appeals and on the generous support of their communities through donations and volunteering. KWHS Volunteers of the Year Allison Kelly Jen Dewar SPHS Volunteer of the Year Jennette Hook 10 years Tracy Roth Erin Cherry 200+ hours Nan Chapman Allison Kelly Jen Lisk Scott McGinley Cindy Paven Natalie Struthers 100+ hours Heather Buerkle Nicole Cressman Janice Dejong Barbara Dembek Clint Ehgoetz Jennifer Ford Sean Harrington Vicky Hicks Allison Maxwell Debbie Nuhn Richard Nuhn Robin Padfield Kathy Ste Marie Patricia Sylvestre Jaime Thomas Elanna Urschel Sue Zimmer-Kays Wally Koegler Award For their generosity and dedication to serving the pet population of this community, AWASCO is delighted to award Bill and Marion Weber of Waterloo with this year’s Wally Koegler Award, “We just wanted to get something started, because there’s such a need for looking after these cats... It’s a problem everywhere, in every city, in Canada and the United States.” After being cat parents for over 40 years, Bill and Marion Weber are passionate about the safety of all pets – but particularly the vulnerable cats in this community. “We just wanted to get something started, because there’s such a need for looking after these cats,” said Marion. “It’s a problem everywhere, in every city, in Canada and the US.” Marion remembers being told about a stray cat that gave birth to her litter in a barn where the newborn kittens froze to death. The owner of the barn saw the cat taking her kittens out of the barn one-by-one – each of them lifeless in their mother’s grasp. It was at that moment that Marion recognized something needed to be done. “I cannot stand idly by and watch while these cats endure immense suffering from a lack of food, serious illnesses, and being the hunted prey of other wild animals,” says Marion. “Local cat rescue groups are doing great work, but before now their volunteers had to drive to London or Toronto to get the rescued animals neutered. These types of not-for-profit organizations simply don’t have the financial resources to pay for this operation.” The Webers generously donated the resources to fund a spay-neuter clinic at the KW Humane Society for stray cats. The clinic operates every Wednesday. Their goal was to neuter 1,000 cats in the first year of operation. After 6 months, the clinic is right on track with nearly 550 operations performed. Yet, this is still just the tip of the iceburg. Bill and Marion are hopeful that by “going public” their initiative will highlight the importance of spaying and neutering pets, and will promote the responsibility pet owners have to spay and neuter their own animals. humanitarian award The Romeo Pet Hospital in Stratford has been a longtime partner of the Humane Society in that community. Their staff and veterinarians have provided expert and compassionate care to pets in our shelter and throughout the community. Dr. LeeAnn Sealey opened the Romeo Pet Hospital after moving back to her home town of Stratford in 1997. Dr. Leesa Gillies joined the team as a partner in 2006. Since that time, this hospital has grown to include two additional veterinarians, veterinary technicians, office staff, and even their own hospital cat, a loveable little lady named “Pumpkin”. For the past two years, the Romeo Pet Hospital has been working with the SP Humane Society and now serves as a veterinary partner – helping with medical decisions, providing surgeries and medical care. Everyone at the practice is thrilled to participate with the shelter and each one of the team has fostered animals needing extra care. They passionately believe in our mandate that every animal deserves a chance. “We do it for the animals, not the praise or awards,” says Dr. Gillies, “but it is lovely to be recognized for going above and beyond what we are asked to do for the pet population of Stratford.” Recently Dr. Sealey has taken a step back from general practice, as she now dedicates most of her time to helping the disadvantaged animals of the Stratford-Perth and Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Societies. Everyone at the practice is thrilled to participate with the shelter and each one of the team has fostered animals needing extra care They passionately believe in our mandate that every animal deserves a chance. supporters Abraham Erb Public School Adolph and Sylvia Prachar Advanced Air Alice Sears Andrew Mudge Angela McDonald Anne Parks Ants and Jo-Ann Kahu Atlantic Industries Ltd Barbara Dembek Barbara Hacking Barry and Marg Usprech Barry Triller Bell Canada Beverly Bald Bill and Marion Weber Brian Anderson Brian Stahlbaum Challenger Motor Freight Inc Chantelle James Chocolate Barr’s Candies Christine Burns Christine Thomas City of Kitchener (Staff) Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ltd Conestogo Public School Connie Kraft Conrad and Donna Huber Countryside Boarding, Grooming & Doggie Daycare Coventry Animal Hospital AWASCO greatly appreciates the support of its communities. The following donated $500+ in 2014. Craig Cooper D. DeGeer Dan Fotopoulas Danielle Soderholm David and Elizabeth Kerr Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan Inc Fidelity Investments Canada ULC Fred Astaire Dance Studio Deborah Harnack G.E.V Management Ltd Denise Eng Gayle Nummelin Diane Bell Glenn and Sheila Willar Dianna Flannery Global Pet Foods Dianne Green Gordon and Elaine Steed Donald Kelterborn Donald Siemon Donna Querengesser Dr. Dianne Brooks Dr. Karen Peckan Dr. LeeAnn Sealey Dr. Maheshwar Sharma Dr. Susan Mikkelsen Elaine Turcotte Gordon Burke Greenwood Gems Inc. Greta Podleski Home Hardware Stores Limited Irene Aston J. W. Gerth Public School Jack B. Kinch Elspeth Macdonald James and Joan McDonald Emma Bucholtz Jane Russwurm Eric Shapero Janet Mary McPherson Estate of Agatha Johanna Krause Janice Dobbin Karyne Steele Katharine Craig Kay Pfisterer Kelley Graham Kristina Tubbs Kyle Church Laura Hodgins Peter Maranger & Associates Sylvan Acres Properties Peter Mueller Telus Cares Peter Weiler Terpsichore Dance Celebration Ltd. Petsmart Charities of Canada Inc. R Williams Realty Inc Libro Credit Union Ralph and Lynda Daehn Linda Woloshyn ReMax Twin City Lynn Fagan Ren’s Pets Depot M. Law Rheo Thompson Candies Manulife Financial Margaret Avenue Public School Rob Hansen Rob Unruh Margaret Bryan Robert B. Gordon Margaret Shillolo Robert Purdy Marlene Ballantyne Rogers Group of Companies Mary Horst Mary Sinclair Mersynergy Charitable Foundation Michael and Debra Collins Michael Stemmler Moira Taylor Mrs. Jane Clement Spurr Shirley Skubowius Spaenaur St. Jacobs Dental Group Stewart MacDonald Jewel Spangler Norma Gould JK Group Orr Insurance and Investments Stratford & District Agricultural Society John McCallum Estate of Marie Patricia Allega John Schoba Evelyn Westen Joyce Owen Karen Cameron Pamela Paterson Paul and Anne Lake Penny Cleaver Peter and Teresa Jackowski Trudy Anderson Valerie and Doug Pinder Nikki Birch Estate of Linda Walker Tom Connor Sam Palmer Jeff Nesbitt OTIP The Three Oaks Foundation Union Gas Nigmendra Narain John Kechnie The Kitchener-Waterloo Bilingual School Sally Headley Jeanette Schmidt Joan Hie The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation TSC Stores, Stratford Estate of Elizabeth Kuntzie Estate of Helen Louise Mutschler The Janet E. Willis Charitable Gift Fund Royal Canin Steven and Lynn Scheerer Estate of Hazel Viola Cook The Co-operators TSC Stores, Kitchener Jean and Lorne Johnston Estate of Harold Gilbert The Budding Charitable Fund Romeo Pet Hospital Estate of Birute Antanina Petrusaitis Mumby Holdings Inc Terry Uniac Stantec Consulting Ltd Stratford Northwestern Secondary School Sun Life Financial Susan and Steve Culliton Susann Kuepfer Sutton Group - First Choice Realty Ltd Valerie and Dr. Doug Thompson Video Plus Books & CDs Waterloo Catholic District School Board Waterloo Wellington Carstar Westlandyn Farms Woodcock Brothers Transportation Group Your Neighbourhood Credit Union independent auditors’ report To the Members of Animal Welfare Agency South Central Ontario Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Animal Welfare Agency South Central Ontario, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2014 and the statements of revenues and expenditures, changes in fund balances and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Basis For Qualified Opinion In common with many charitable organizations, the Agency derives part of its revenue from memberships, donations, bequests and shelter operations, the completeness of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our examination of revenue from these sources was limited to accounting for the amounts recorded in the accounts of the Agency, and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to revenue, excess of revenue over expenses, assets and fund balances. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the effect of adjustments, if any, which we might have determined to be necessary had we been able to satisfy ourselves concerning revenue referred to in the preceding paragraph, thse financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Agency as at December 31, 2014 and the results of its operation, and the changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Licensed Public Accountants Kitchener, Ontario May 26, 2015 Nowak & Wilhelm 332 Charles Street East, Kitchener ON, N2G 2P9 T: 519-744-3586 F: 519-744-3587 [email protected] financial report Statement of Financial Position Statement of Revenue and Expenditures As At December 31, 2014 As At December 31, 2014 STRATFORD STRATFORD KW OPERATING CAPITAL OPERATING FUND CAMPAIGN FUND $ $ $ KW CAPITAL FUND $ 2014 $ STRATFORD STRATFORD KW OPERATING CAPITAL OPERATING FUND CAMPAIGN FUND $ $ $ 2013 $ KW CAPITAL FUND $ 2014 $ 2013 $ REVENUE ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash 29,401 20,898 204,217 0 254,516 147,561 Accounts receivable 4,379 0 32,639 0 37,018 134,111 Interfund balances 0 0 228,020 95,302 323,322 0 Taxes receivable 12,598 2,493 44,744 0 59,835 56,072 Prepaid expenes 8,227 169 38,326 0 46,722 41,352 54,605 23,560 547,946 95,302 721,413 379,096 INVESTMENTS 0 0 12,016 1,948,226 1,960,242 2,532,327 PROPERTY, BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT 307,736 4,280 2,275,156 0 2,587,172 2,395,381 362,341 27,840 2,835,118 2,043,528 5,268,827 5,306,804 Animal tags 49,077 0 409,231 0 458,308 265,265 Contract fees (schedule) 88,000 0 921,558 0 1,009,558 905,274 Donation and fundraising 164,696 5,084 830,552 0 1,000,332 813,668 Investment income - net 0 475 112 167,307 167,894 111,082 Shelter operations (schedule) 75,799 0 632,086 0 707,885 702,201 377,572 5,559 2,793,539 167,307 3,343,977 2,797,490 Amortization 11,725 476 239,511 0 251,712 195,905 Humane education and publications 0 0 0 27,334 27,334 20,330 Shelter operations (schedule) 516,402 48,435 2,899,492 0 3,464,329 3,035,525 528,127 48,911 3,139,003 27,334 3,743,375 3,251,760 Increase (decrease) in unrealized gains on financial assets during the year 0 0 0 (49,687) (49,687) 192,679 EXCESS revenues over expenditures (expenditures over revenue) for the year (150,555) (43,352) (345,464) 90,286 (449,085) (261,591) EXPENDITURES LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 23,330 1,451 352,842 0 377,623 372,883 Interfund balances 318,181 5,141 0 0 323,322 0 Deferred Income 228 87,417 53,209 0 140,854 50,374 Note payable 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 Current portion of capital lease 0 0 5,376 0 5,376 7,434 441,739 94,009 411,427 0 947,175 530,691 CAPITAL LEASE 0 0 0 0 0 5,376 FUND BALANCES (79,398) (66,169) 2,423,691 2,043,528 4,321,652 4,770,737 362,341 27,840 2,835,118 2,043,528 5,268,827 5,306,804 management team Jack Kinch Executive Director Marjorie Brown Development Manager Juana Galian Accounting Manager Kathy Innocente Animal Care Manager Jamie LaFlamme Operations Manager Laura Sparks Humane Education Manager board of directors Neil Murray, President Eric Kingston, Vice President Lars Pastrik, Secretary Kristina Tubbs, Treasurer Consultant, Information Technology nmurray@alumni. General Manager, Electrical Safety Authority HR Consultant Manager, Assurance Services, Ernst & Young LLP Dianna Flannery Jeff Nesbitt John Stevens Kate Phillips Martin Kihle Nancy Culliton Sr. Tax, Retirement & Estate Planning Consultant—Retail Markets, Manulife President, Culture Outreach Inc. Manager, Government and External Relations, OVMA Head of Business Development, CLG Regional Manager, Libro Credit Union Senior Classified Representative, Stratford Beacon Herald KITCHENER-WATERLOO HUMANE SOCIETY 250 Riverbend Drive, Kitchener, ON N2B 2E9 PH: 519-745-5615 EM: [email protected] KitchenerWaterlooHumaneSociety @KWHumane Charitable BIN: 11898 3550 RR001 STRATFORD-PERTH HUMANE SOCIETY 345 Douro Street, Stratford, ON N5A 3S8 PH: 519-273-6600 EM: [email protected] StratfordPerthHumaneSociety @SPHumane Charitable BIN: 11898 3550 RR001
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