Team Packet - In Motion Events


Team Packet - In Motion Events
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Team Packet
Race Date: Sunday, March 7, 2010
Dear Race for Literacy Participant:
Thank you for taking part in the 19th Annual Union-Tribune Race for Literacy. On
behalf of the many people who rely on literacy services throughout the county,
we want to convey our sincere appreciation for your continued participation and
support of this event.
Since more than 440,000 adults are low-literate in our county, it is imperative
to provide literacy services to those who would benefit. Each day, countless
residents in our county struggle to read prescriptions, complete job applications,
or apply for bank accounts or home loans. A significant number of parents with
low literacy skills find they cannot help their children with homework assignments.
Many struggle in jobs that lead nowhere, limiting their capacity to fulfill the
American Dream.
With your participation in the 2010 Union-Tribune Race for Literacy, you will make
a difference in someone’s life. A portion of the proceeds raised at this event will
benefit literacy programs throughout San Diego County.
There are many great literacy organizations in the San Diego area. We encourage
you to find one to support. To learn more about getting involved in meeting
literacy needs in our community, please log on to or call 1-888-850-READ (7323).
Your friends at the Race for Literacy
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Team Captain Guide
Union-Tribune Race for Literacy 8K Team Challenge
Gather your co-workers, students, family and friends to walk or run in this scenic downhill 8K (4.96-mile) race from Balboa
Park through downtown San Diego to Pantoja Park. Beautiful Highway 163 will be closed to cars and turned over to runners
and walkers for this special event. And did we mention it's downhill? Assemble a team now and make plans to bring a team
banner to run or walk with, wear team costumes or uniforms and even sing a team song or shout a cheer! Every team will be
recognized and those with the fastest participants and the most participants will WIN PRIZES!
Forming a team is easy
Benefits of being on a team
Just follow these steps:
• If setting up your team online: (recommended)
- Follow the steps outlined on page (3) - Online Team
Captain Registration. •
If setting up your team offline:
- Complete and fax in the Offline Team Captain
Registration form on page (4). Make copies of the
entry form and distribute to your team members.
You must submit a completed entry form with a
signed waiver and entry fee for every team member,
including yourself.
All online team entries must be completed and all
offline team entries must be submitted by 5 p.m.
Wednesday, February 17. There will be NO deadline
extensions and NO late entry forms will be processed.
Pick up your team race-day packet (your team’s
bib numbers and T-shirts) at our team packet pickup
and pre-registration event Tuesday, March 2, 12 to 7
p.m. at Road Runner Sports, 5553 Copley Drive. You
must attend this pre-registration event so you can
distribute bibs and T-shirts to your team members
BEFORE race day.
If you have a minimum of (30) people registered for your
team by the team deadline, we'll screen your team
name* on the back of your team's race shirts. (*Limited
number of characters and no logos.)
You’ll receive an 8K training schedule to prepare your best race ever, even if it’s your first.
You’ll receive a Union-Tribune Race for Literacy 8K T-shirt.
You’ll be energized by the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie that comes with raising money for a crucial cause: literacy.
You’ll have the opportunity to run together on a unique
course - from Balboa Park to downtown via Highway
163 - and it’s downhill!
Largest school team cash incentives
Cash awards will be presented to the largest Magic Mile
school teams based on the percentage of registered
participants (see example below). Team members may
include students, teachers, parents, friends and anyone else
who registers for either event under your team name.
Example: Martha Stewart Elementary has 500 students enrolled.
If 250 people including students, parents, teachers, friends,
etc., register on the Martha Stewart team this would equal 50%
participation based on the amount of students enrolled.
Each team participant, including the team captain, must
complete a team registration form and pay the team
entry fee of $25 per person, due by 5 p.m. Wednesday,
February 17.
Race for Literacy 8K School Team Awards:
First Place
Second Place $1,000
Third Place
The great cause
A portion of the proceeds from this event benefit local
literacy programs providing services to more than 118,000
San Diegans in an effort to help make San Diego a
more literate community. To volunteer as a tutor, call
Log on today
Visit today to learn more about the
event, download forms, form a team, sign up team members
and read the latest event updates.
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Online Team Captain
Follow these easy steps to register your team online.
• Go to
• Click on "Union-Tribune Race for Literacy."
• Click on "Click here to register online." This step will take you to
• Click on "Team Captains - Create Your Team."
• Log in using your username and password (if you already have one) or create an username
and password. Keep this username and password handy - you'll need it to access your Team Home page again.
• Once you've logged in, you'll be taken to the "Team Creation" page.
• Enter your team name and click "Save."
• Next, you will be taken to your Team Home page. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can return to it easily.
• Click on "Click Here if you have not yet registered for this event and joined your own team. " under "Team Summary" to
register yourself on your team.
• Follow the steps to register yourself on your team and pay for your entry.
Congratulations - you've set up your team and registered as the first member of your team!
Now that you’ve set up your team, there are many great ways to promote and manage it!
Log on to: and enter your username and password. Important note - DO NOT edit your
online team name or team number.
Online, you can recruit team members and solicit donations. You can also view your list of registered team members,
email your entire team with race updates and send co-workers, friends and family email invitations with a direct link to the
registration page, where they can donate to your team online.
If you have any problems setting up your team registration, please contact at
888.543.7223 extension 4.
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Offline Team Captain
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use this form ONLY if all of your team members will be
registering for the race as part of your team offline (using paper entry forms).
If you want to be able to register team members online, skip this form and
follow the steps outlined on page (3) "Online Team Captain Registration."
By completing and returning this form, you understand that as the team captain, you're the leader
of the team. You're responsible for distributing the entry forms, then collecting the completed forms
along with appropriate entry fees and turning everything in to Race Headquarters on or before 5
p.m. Wednesday, February 17.
Team Captain's Full Name:____________________________________________________________________ Company/School/Club/Family Affiliation:______________________________________________________
Official Team Name:_ ________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _ ____________________
Day Phone (____) _______-___________ Evening Phone (____) _______-___________
Fax: (____) _______-___________
Fax this completed form to 760.692.2901.
Call 760.692.2900 or email [email protected]
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Team Roster
Team Captain:_________________________________________________________________________________
Team Name: _______________________________________ Fax Number:_ _____________________________
Provide the following for each of your TEAM MEMBERS who registered OFFLINE: Full name, T-shirt size and amount paid. Submit
your completed roster (after you’ve made a copy for yourself) with all your entry forms and fees to Race Headquarters no
later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 17.
If any of your team members will be registering online follow the steps outlined on page (3).
Race Headquarters: In Motion, Inc., 6116 Innovation Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009
For teams larger than
20, photocopy
this sheet,
and submit all Team
[email protected]
| Fax
| Email:
Entry Form
Team Member Name
T-Shirt Size
T-Shirt Size Grand Totals: SM_______ MED _______
LRG _______
XL _______ XXL _______
If submitting more than one sheet of Team Rosters, please place grand totals for T-shirt sizes on the front sheet.
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Team Captain Checklist
& Important Details
Use this checklist as a guide to
ensure your team's success.
I read the team captain guide to familiarize
myself with all of the team and event
I established my team and myself as the team
captain online OR completed and faxed the
Offline Team Captain Registration form - page
(4). I registered myself on my team ether
online or offline.
I determined team goals and formulated a
plan to achieve those goals.
I personalized and distributed entry forms and/
or sent the online team registration link to
potential team members.
There's plenty of free parking near or within a half mile
of the start line in Balboa Park near Park Boulevard and
Presidents Way.
Post-Race Shuttles
Free shuttles will transport participants back to the start
line beginning at 8:15 a.m. and continuing until 10:30
a.m. The shuttle bus pickup will be on State Street, one
block north of G Street.
Race Course
The race starts on the east side of Balboa Park in Pan
American Plaza. It heads north past the Organ Pavillion
then turns west over the Laurel Street Bridge. From there,
it goes north on 6th Avenue, turns right on Robinson
where it enters the historic Highway 163. It travels south
on the 163 into downtown, turns right on Broadway, left
on 5th then right on G Street to the finish line located on
G just west of Front. The post-race party takes place two
blocks west of the finish line in Pantoja Park.
I maintained regular communication with my
team members.
I collected entry forms and fees for any
offline registrations and mailed them to Race
Headquarters with my team roster and kept
a copy of the roster and/or had all my team
members including myself register online by 5
p.m. Wednesday, February 17.
I attended the Team T-shirt/Race-Day Packet
Pick-Up at Road Runner Sports on Tuesday,
March 2, between 12 and 7 p.m.
I planned a time and place before the day of
event for my team members to pick up their
T-shirts and bib numbers from me.
I planned my team’s activities and a place to
meet on race day.
Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk
Poster Request Form
Please note: Downloadable team posters
are available online at
Please send me ________ posters.
Team Captain:_______________________________________________________________________________ Team Name:_________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _ ____________________
Day Phone (____) _______-___________
Fax this request to 760.692.2901
Every attempt will be made to mail posters within 24 hours.
8 AM | SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 2010
Team up for fun to run or walk
Experience this exciting, fast, flat, scenic,
point-to-point 8K (4.9-mile) course from Balboa
Park to Pantoja Park in Downtown San Diego.
Perfect for runners and walkers.
Event Highlights:
Entry includes a great T-shirt, tag timing,
awesome finish line festival with refreshments
and entertainment, and free bus shuttle back to
your vehicle at the start.
Great Cause:
A portion of the funds raised support local literacy
programs. Please join us in helping to make San
Diego literate.
Learn more and sign up online at
Union-Tribune Race for Literacy 8K Run/Walk Team Member Entry Form
Team Member Entry Fee - $25
Must be postmarked by 2/17/10
Please use one form for each participant. OK to photocopy. Do not reduce.
First Name
Make check payable to:
Race for Literacy
Please return completed form with
payment to team captain:
Age on 03/07/10
Last Name
T-shirt Size (circle only one)
Adult: S M
Street Address
Team Captain
Team Name:
Call: 760.692.2900
Email: [email protected]
Race Headquarters:
In Motion, Inc.
6116 Innovation Way
Carlsbad, CA 92009
State Zip Code
Day Phone
EVENT WAIVER AND RELEASE (Participant must sign in order to be eligible to participate in event): 
I hereby certify and guarantee that I am in good condition and health and able to safely participate in this
event. I am fully aware of the hazards and voluntarily assume all risks of injury that I may sustain as a result of
my participation in the Union-Tribune Race for Literacy. I hereby release and waive any claim by myself, my
heirs or personal representatives for damages caused by the negligence of the Union-Tribune Publishing Co.,
In Motion, Inc., the City of San Diego, the California Department of Transportation and all municipal agencies
whose property and/or personnel are used as a result of my participation in the Union-Tribune Race for Literacy.
I will additionally permit the use of my name and pictures in broadcasts, telecasts, newspapers, brochures, etc.
for promotional purposes without compensation. I also understand that the entry fee is non-refundable. As a
participating athlete, I certify that all information provided in this form is true and complete. I have read the entry
information provided for the event and certify my compliance by signature below. If athlete is under 18 years of
age: I certify that my son or daughter has my permission to compete in the Union-Tribune Race for Literacy, is
in good physical condition and that the race officials have my permission to authorize emergency treatment if
Participant’s Signature (Parent or legal guardian if athlete under age 18)