November 2015 Newsletter
November 2015 Newsletter
November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Celebrating 50 Years | Yesterday, Today, Always A Message from David Wheeler, Principal Dear Bishop Grimes Community, It seems to me that fall in the Northeast is an invitation to look inward. As the beauty of the colorful leaves gives way to darker November days and we see the bare trees around us and witness the shortened days, it seems natural that we reflect on our own lives and what they mean in the grand scheme. As we enter into the season of Thanksgiving followed immediately after by Advent, let’s remember to give thanks to God daily for all that he has provided from our most basic needs to His boundless love. Bishop Grimes, now in its 50th year, is an integral part of all of our lives, and, here at school, we strive constantly to bring the word of God, the love of Our Lord, and the mission of the Church into everything we do. We must re-”dedicate ourselves to thankfulness,” as St. Paul said. We need to remember to be grateful from our morning greeting, to opening prayer, to academic endeavors, and even when we have the opportunity to serve those around us. If, in our autumn reflections, we consider those people we honored on All Saints Day, people who walked this earth as we do, then perhaps we could challenge ourselves to tap into our own gifts and to share them right here as saints-in-training. Some simple gifts that come to mind include the gifts of kindness, friendship, or time. There are daily opportunities to say a kind word to someone you don’t usually spend time with, smile at someone who looks sad, or spend time with a classmate or sibling when it isn’t necessarily convenient. Let’s use our fall days to grow closer to the Lord by gratefully putting our faith into action. Only then will our Christmas bring us the joy we all seek. God bless! Please join us… Please join the Bishop Grimes Players as they offer the fall production of “Ashland Falls” (by Steven Stack) on November 6th and 7th at 7:00pm. The play is being directed by faculty member Mrs. Reeves. Admission is $10 for adults, $7 for seniors and students. Children 8 and under are free! The family rate is $30. Ashland Falls is a “spine-tingling comedy” thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat questioning everything you witnessed. The ending will have you questioning everything you saw during the play. See you on opening night! MISSION STATEMENT Bishop Grimes shares in the evangelizing mission of the Roman Catholic Church, a mission that has been handed on by Christ and his apostles and received by generations of believers. Therefore, we seek to help students take part, with the current generation of believers, in receiving and handing on their Catholic faith by coming to know it, live it, and share it. We accomplish this mission by providing a high quality and rigorous Catholic education that prepares students in mind, body, and spirit to encounter Christ, live their faith in the context of His Church, and serve others in His name, particularly the poor and those who are in need. Bishop Grimes Jr/Sr High School 6653 Kirkville Road East Syracuse, NY 13057 (315) 437.0356 November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE OUR SINCEREST CONGRATULATIONS... On Saturday, October 24th, the Bishop Grimes Alumni Committee presented awards to Barb Pfefferle (Alumni Faculty Award), General Thomas P. Kane (Alumni Achievement Award), and Danielle Cummings (Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award) at the annual dinner/auction, “A Night under the Stars”. We would like to congratulate each one of our award recipients for their extraordinary service and outstanding contributions to the school community and society through their professional and personal experiences. These wonderful people provide a model for our youth and they serve to inspire the acceptance of responsibility, instilling leadership, and fostering care for values and principals emphasized in our Catholic identity rooted in Gospel values, centered on the Eucharist and committed to faith, academic excellence and service. On behalf of the Bishop Grimes Community, thank you for all you do and for making a difference in many lives. Congratulations to our honorees. We are so proud of you. CONGRATULATIONS Julie Moss (’82), Winner of the BG Sweepstakes $5,000!! November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE “A Night under the Stars” Dinner/Auction This year’s dinner/auction was held on Saturday, October 24th. More than 300 parents, alumni, students, and community members came together to support this event. Proceeds from the event supports student tuition scholarships and helps to maintain tuition costs. There were many volunteers who dedicated and committed their time, and for that, we are very grateful. Many local businesses donated items for our live and silent auctions, as well as restaurants preparing and donating the food served at the event. Please support the businesses who participated in this year’s dinner/auction by patronizing them. A complete listing is included in this month’s edition of the newsletter. Our Board of Directors were very involved by purchasing tables, donating items for the auction, and selling raffle tickets. Bishop Grimes students Anna Cummings, Madeline Kujabi, and Christopher Mancuso did an outstanding job with the presentations of the Alumni Awards. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge and thank Dan Cummings and Peter Capponi for being our Masters of Ceremonies. They did a wonderful job entertaining the audience throughout the program which made for a memorable evening. Between auctioneer Bernie Brzostek, Dan and Peter, our live auction brought in $14,375, up 61% from last year. Thank you for your support! November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE A NIGHT UNDER THE STARS DINNER/AUCTION Sponsored by Anaren 7th Grade Class 8th Grade Class 9th Grade Class 10th Grade Class 11th Grade Class 12th Grade Class 5Wits of Destiny AAA Travel ACIS Adirondack Furniture American Heart Association Ann Zaccheo Applebees Avicolli’s Baker Photography Big Don’s Wild River Golf Bishop Grimes Faculty Bishop Ludden Blessed Sacrament Blue Tusk Boldt Castle Boom Babies Bradley’s Jewelers Brew Zillow Tanning Brooklyn Pickle Bruce Stauffer Bull ‘n Bear Carabba’s Carvel Dewitt Cazenovia Jewelry Channels 3,5, 6 Cheesecake Factory Cheri Haskins CNY Karate Schools Condominium Travel Club CORE Federal Corning Museum of Glass Costco Danielle Cummings Dave’s Diner David and Daryll Wheeler Deborah Rodems Delmonicos Delta Sonic Denise Wolken Dewitt Dry Cleaners Dick Pepper Dolce Vita Drumlins Tennis Club Dunk n Bright Dunkin Donuts Ed Guarente Empire Brewing Empire Distributing Five Star Flynn & O’Hara Four Seasons Friendly’s Friends of Beaver Lake Funny Bones Gianelli Sausage Gold’s Gym Greek Peak Hank Fust Harden Furniture Haun Welding Supply Highland Forest Holy Cross Home Depot Immaculate Con. Church James Flowers Jefferson-Clinton Hotel Jerry Ball Jet Black Joe & Kristin Mancuso John Martin Jreck Subs Lakeland Winery Liquor City Lisa Mantz Lisa O’Hara Little Caesars Pizza Lowes Macy’s Maria Martin Maria Rizzo Art Mark and Teresa Shattuck Marty Woodford Matthews Salon Maxwells Melony Marshall Melting Pot Michelle Engle MOST Nice & Easy Grocery Nikos NOVA Tours NYS Fair Olive Garden OnCenter OCC Onondaga Flooring Owera Vineyards Pandora’s Box Pastabilities Peppino’s PepsiCo Peter Capponi Phoebes Pizza Hut Positive Space Price Chopper Ra-Lin Red House Regal Entertainment River Edge Mansion Rogues Roost Rosamond Gifford Zoo Rosie’s Russo’s Produce Save Around Scott Perry – Onondaga Flooring Seabreeze Amusement Song Mountain Southern Wine & Spirits St. James Parish St. Margaret’s St. Rose Stickley Subway Sue Collins Sun Auto Warehouse SUNY Oswego Admissions Sweet Frog Syracuse Chiefs Syracuse Crunch Hockey Syracuse Dance Factory Syracuse Stage Texas Roadhouse TGIFridays The Art of Massage The Retreat TJ Sheehan Distributing Tom Dwyer Trappers II Twin Trees III Uncle Sam’s Boat Tours UNO Chicago Grill Vince’s Gourmet Imports Trader Joes WB Mason Mike Shannon Whistletop Florist YMCA WonderWorks Ziebart Nicholas Baiamonte Father Christopher Seibt Father Christopher Ballard Shari Clark Margie Gilbert Tina Giblin-Breazeale Tammy Marone Patrick Shandorf Molly Dargiewicz Kristy Lee Witt Julie Moss Renee Baker Mark Baker BG Ambassadors Antonia Vigliotti Chris Beavers Anne Beavers Lisa Coppola Karen Schroeder Lori Russo Dan Cummings Bernie Brzostek Marnie Medeiros Molly Higman Mary Moriarty Burgess Tom DeSantis Mark Nicotra Brandon Triche Destiny Mall Trappers Art of Massage Santangelo’s Alison Jackson Popp Design Mario’s Bakery AmeriPride Eagle Bulletin Dr. Jack Jones Barbara Goode Steven Rockwell Anna Cummings Christopher Mancuso Madeline Kujabi BG Faculty Stadium Idealease LanCo Martin Collins, Esq. Dr. Marc Engle, DDS Allstate—Robert Battaglia Downtown Decorations Positive Space Sunshine’s Coffee Shop Cremation Services of CNY Syracuse Diocese November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE As one of Bishop Grimes’ stakeholders, it’s your participation that matters most. Please consider making a gift to the Grimes Annual Fund today. As an investment in the bright futures of today’s and tomorrow’s Bishop Grimes students, it is you who can make a true difference in the opportunities we provide. Celebrating 50 Years | Yesterday, Today, Always ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? In less than a minute, YOU can change the life of a student! Bishop Grimes is celebrating 50 years! We want to raise $50,000 from our alumni. Are you up for the challenge of helping to educate a Bishop Grimes student? Private giving coupled with tuition revenue and fundraising income must make up the majority of Bishop Grimes current budget. Private support from our alumni plays an increasingly significant role in the continuum of providing a quality Christian education. Your support provides more than simply “extras” is critical for advancing Bishop Grimes. Your gift translates into student tuition scholarships. In other words, your contributions provide educational opportunities that otherwise would not be available to many students. Whether you are a recent graduate or you graduated many years ago, we all have one thing in common. We want to ensure that Bishop Grimes continues to provide a quality, Catholic education. Please consider making a gift today to the Grimes Annual Fund. Here’s a challenge for all graduating classes...can your class raise $1,000? If every class raises $1,000, we would be able to provide $50,000 in scholarships for our students. Step up to the challenge. Let’s see which graduating class comes in first! Attention BG Alumni This and that.. If you are not receiving e-mail reminders and notices from the school and/or your child’s teachers, please contact the Main Office at 437-0356. We will gladly add your e-mail address to your parent/guardian profile, which will allow you to receive important updates and information. Connect with BG on social media! Check out our Facebook page, Twitter account, and Remind account to stay up-to-date with BG news and events. Alumni Basketball Game and Luncheon with Special Guest Brandon Triche Bishop Grimes, 11:00am Saturday, November 28th Reservations are required to play so that we can order a t-shirt for each player. All alumni are invited to watch the game and join the players for a complimentary lunch. Please call Mission Advancement at (315) 314-7157 or email [email protected]. Newsworthy Items for Alumni Newsletter Please submit any newsworthy item(s) for the alumni newsletter to [email protected]. Stay Connected to BG Our “Stay Connected to BG” booklets are in production. To request a copy, please contact [email protected] November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE CALLING ALL BISHOP GRIMES FANS! Please join us on April 12th for fun, food and fundraising at Olive Garden (4pm - Close), located at 3147 Erie Boulevard, Dewitt. Olive Garden will donate up to $1,000 to our school, so don’t forget to MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 12TH. Bring your family and friends to the Olive Garden on April 12th to show our school spirit to our community, don’t forget to tag your photos with #SPIRITNIGHT and mention @OliveGarden for your chance to win prizes! Olive Garden will donate back to the school for any customer that shows up on Tuesday, April 12th. Last month Mrs. Brisson’s Government class welcomed Assemblyman William Magnarelli, representing District 129, to Bishop Grimes. Mrs. Brisson’s students learned about the assembly, local government, and the students were able to ask questions. Bishop Grimes thanks Assemblyman William Magnarelli for taking time out of his busy schedule to share his time with our students. Thank you Assemblyman Magnarelli for visiting Bishop Grimes. CyberAlly Workshop Update On October 9th, several students from Bishop Grimes in grades 7-11 participated in a special training sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League. Through the course of the day, students were trained to recognize cyberbullying and how to be a “CyberAlly”. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE The Spotlights are on...Social Studies Fall happenings in the Bishop Grimes Social Studies Classrooms 7th Grade: Mrs. Moss and her 7th grade students are currently learning about the 13 English Colonies. Students are completing a project on one of the colonies using Google Slides and their Chromebooks. Mrs. Moss and the students are excited to visit with Google Expeditions and tour Colonial Churches. 8th Grade: Mr. Capponi and his 8th grade students are investigating events of the Civil War. Student Anthony Falgiatano shared his Civil War memorabilia with his fellow classmates. Mr. Capponi and the his students will be touring Gettysburg with Google Expeditions! 9th Grade: Ms. Nolan and her students have just wrapped up learning about India. Next on the schedule is Ancient China! Google Expeditions will be visiting the 9th graders too. 10th Grade: Mrs. Brisson and her students have been discussing the French Revolution. Students have been hard at work creating replicas of guillotines, the Bastille, and the Arch de Triumphe. They are all looking forward to touring with Google! 11th Grade: Mrs. Brisson and her students have been studying the United States Constitution. Students are creating brochures of the amendments for a project. Google Expeditions will be dropping into United States History! 12th Grade: Economics: Mrs. Moss and her senior Economic students have been participating in the Stock Market Game and Street Cents. Students are tracking their investments while learning about various economic concepts such as supply, demand, saving, investing, and free enterprise and how these concepts apply to the real world. Business Law and Government Classes: Mrs. Brisson and her students have been busy using the Chromebooks in class and joined and started using google classroom for current events. Holocaust: Ms. Nolan and her students have been studying the rise of the Nazi Party. The students have been listening to on-line testimonies from survivors of the Holocaust and participating in class discussions. Google Expeditions will take them through WWII where they will have a chance to see Auschwitz. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE The Spotlights are on...Social Studies Fall happenings in the Bishop Grimes Social Studies Classrooms AP United States History: Ms. Nolan and her students are busy exploring the Jeffersonian Era. Students have been busy analyzing primary and secondary sources of early American history. The students are looking forward to touring with Google Expeditions!!!! AP Psychology: Ms. Nolan and her students have just wrapped up learning about Bio-Psychology. Students studied the Central Nervous and Endocrine Systems. Students are presenting to their class on disorders connected to the brain. Psychology: Ms. Nolan and her 10th grade students have been studying Social Psychology. They are learning how behavior and how they think can be related to the social setting and groups they belong to. Through the unit they will view two famous experiments in the field of Social Psychology, The Milgram Experiment and The Stanford Prison Experiment. On October 14, 2015, several students participated in the Visitation Day Wax Museum. Participating students included: Mary Castricone, Grace Lambyrch, Mitchell Collins, Lucas Burnette, Anthony Falgiatano, Alex McDonald, Jonah Cummings, Zachary Jones, Lucas Fernandez, Paul Cifonelli, and Miles Costello. Thank you for your time and dedication! Ever wonder what is going on around the Diocese of Syracuse? Join Father Christopher Seibt, an alumnus of Bishop Grimes, each Wednesday on YouTube and find out! Just click onto the following link and be sure to like, share, and subscribe to “Around the Diocese”. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Yearbook Reminder… A friendly reminder about some very important dates for your senior and his/her yearbook! Senior Portraits, both formal and informal, were due to Ms. Purcell via email on October 23, 2015. If you have not sent these photos in, please do so as soon as possible! Please send them in a .jpeg format attachment to [email protected] Senior Ads were due October 30, 2015. If you are still planning on purchasing an ad, please send it to Ms. Purcell by November 6, 2015, as this is the absolute last day she is able to accept Senior Ads. Please be sure to fill out the order form and send it in with your payment . You may email all pictures and wording to [email protected] Baby pictures are due November 6, 2015. Please send those photos to Ms. Purcell in a .jpeg format attachment to [email protected]. The Yearbook staff is most appreciative to all those who have met these deadlines. In order to ensure that the Yearbook is ready for distribution before June, we have a number of deadlines that need to be met for different sections of the Yearbook that have been established by our publisher, Life Touch. Again, thank you for your support and timeliness throughout this process. The Yearbook staff and I are very excited about this year’s Yearbook! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Purcell through the yearbook email. . FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Bishop Grimes Open House Saturday, November 14th 11:30am—1:30pm Scholarship/Entrance Exam, November 14 7:45am For more information, call 314-7157 November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE BG Grandparents Club Our most lovely supporters are our grandparents. Help your grandchild and other students by having them join Bishop Grimes Grandparents Club. Bishop Grimes Jr/Sr High School invites all grandparents to join our “Grandparents Club”. As Catholic educators and administrators, we want the very best for your grandchildren. We are committed to providing an environment of faith, academic excellence, and service to others driven by the mission of Bishop Grimes. That’s why their membership in the “Grandparents Club” is so important. Students receive a quality, Catholic education that supports the spiritual, physical, emotional and academic achievement of our diverse student population. Eucharistic liturgies, daily and seasonal prayer services, and class retreats are offered throughout the school year. Last year, our students earned $3.8 million in scholarships and students collectively completed over 8,000 hours of community service. Their membership can assist the school and our students and permit them to receive a tangible benefit. We hope each grandparent will consider responding today by joining the Grandparents Club. Why they should join: How will their gift be used: To request a brochure, please call (315) 314-7157 or email [email protected]. What is the cost to join: As a member of the Bishop Grimes Jr/ Sr High School Grandparents Club, they will receive: A quarterly grandparents’ newsletter A discount to the Fall Musical Invitations to Grimes signature events 10% discount on BG spirit wear purchased through the school store A special gift presented at the Grandparents Day Brunch Questions may be directed to Cheri Haskins, Director Mission Advancement Their gift is vital to the school and its sustainability. Their gift supports student tuition scholarships and keeps tuition costs down for families wanting to send their children to Bishop Grimes. Their gift will directly benefit their grandchildren, students, faculty, and school programs in the following way: Student scholarships Technology Mission opportunities for students Extracurricular activities Other school and student needs We are asking each grandparent to consider joining the Grandparents Club. The price is $30. However, If you they able to give more, their grandchild and the other students at the school will benefit greatly from their generosity. Youth Leadership Development and Learning Program Students will soon have a unique opportunity to participate in leadership activities through workshops and trainings with youth development practitioners. A consortium of community partners will provide students with the opportunity to enhance his/her leadership abilities and take hold of his/her future. The school recently received a CCHD Youth Grant and the “Youth Leadership Development and Learning Program” serves as a pilot initiative of the meaningful ways in which students from diverse backgrounds can learn leadership skills and contribute to their school, church, and community. The initiative’s curriculum and implementation is being developed by the Religion Department More details about the program will be featured in future newsletters. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE VISITATION DAY AT GRIMES On October 14th, 6th grade students visited Bishop Grimes from eight area Catholic elementary schools. The students were greeted by faculty, staff, and student ambassadors. During their visit, the students toured the school, participated in classroom activities, and joined in on a fun-filled basketball shooting competition in the gym. The Pep Band entertained the students while they were treated to a special BG lunch. We look forward to welcoming the students back to Bishop Grimes for fall scholarship testing and our Open House on November 14th. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Celebrating 50 Years | Yesterday, Today, Always 2nd Annual Sweepstakes Drawing Bishop Grimes would like to congratulate the following winners of the BG Sweepstakes: Julie Moss $5,000 Maureen DeChick $2,500 Patti Davis $1,000 Mike Spaulding $500 Christina Fuller $500 Leslie Noble $500 Mary Burgess $500 Dan Cummings $500 Giovanna Canzano $100 Jodi Demperio $100 Patti Davis $100 Richard Bucci $100 Shirley Nesbit $100 Elizabeth Avery $100 Sister Rosemary $100 John Niemi $100 Dale Avers $100 JoAnne Sgambati $100 Alumni Basketball Game Get ready for the second annual Alumni Basketball Game Reunion. This year we have invited Brandon Triche to watch the game and have lunch with our alums. The event will be held on Saturday, November 28th, at 11:00am in the Sheehan Gym. Immediately following the game, please join us for a complimentary lunch and to meet Brandon. For more information, please contact the Office of Mission Advancement at (315) 314-7157. COLLEGE VISITS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER November 9: Lassell College @ 10:30am November 10: Manhattan College @ 10:30am SUNY Potsdam @ 10:30am Monroe Community College @ 1:15pm BOARD OF TRUSTEES Father Christopher Ballard Dan Cummings Mary Ann Donnelly Henry Fust Richard Kane Joseph Mancuso John Martin James O’Shea Christiane Pagé Brian Schultz Father Christopher Seibt Patrick Shandorf Mark Shattuck David Wheeler Randy Wolken November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE News and Info | Booster Club Cobra Club Pass Order yours today! Fall, winter, and spring sporting events just got better! We are now selling the “Cobra Club Pass”. The Cobra Club Pass will be valid for admission to every regular season BG home game for the 2015-2016 school year (excluding Sectional games). The pass is $40 each or $100 for a family of 4. To order your pass, simply email [email protected]. Bottle and Can Drive The Booster Club is asking that you save and return your bottles and cans to the Thompson Road Bottle and Can Distribution Center, located at the corner of Kirkville and Thompson Roads (6222 Thompson Road). All proceeds from this year-long fundraiser will benefit the Booster Club. 2nd Annual Tailgate Party Save the date for Bishop Grimes’ 2nd Annual Tailgate Party sponsored by the Booster Club! There will be plenty of food, drinks, raffles, door prizes & fun! The event will be held on Saturday, January 16th, 2016. For more information, please contact [email protected]. All proceeds benefit the Booster Club. Save the Dates… January 10 Lady Cobra Softball Fundraiser at Applebee’s, Erie Blvd., Dewitt, Pancake Breakfast January 16 Annual Tailgate Party, Trappers 2 , Minoa. Food, drinks, raffles, Super Bowl board, door prizes and fun! March Look for our March Madness Bracket Challenge April 10 Boys Baseball Fundraiser at Applebee’s, North Syracuse, Pancake Breakfast May 25 Athletic Awards for Modified Sports June 8 Athletic Awards for JV and Varsity Sports Check us out on Flickr November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE This is a great article about taking tests recommended by the Administration. How to Take a Test (Stress Free) October 19, 2015 By Susan Kruger, M.Ed. Preparing ahead of time for a test is absolutely essential. But, there are some things you can do while taking a test to reduce anxiety and improve your score. The following action plan will give you a greater sense of control during tests and allow you to be more relaxed and think more clearly. * Be good to yourself. * Know your time limit. * Read the directions. Twice. * Scan the entire test once. * Begin answering questions. * Stuck? Skip it. * Breathe. * When in doubt, go with you first “hunch.” * Do not turn your test in early! There is no substitution for a good study plan before a test, but there are tactics to help you be more strategic during your test-taking ‘performance.’ For more information, visit: inf_contact_key=c0c96408ba804958262b0077085f3c90476a90c8376d58d9 aab0b7414734a399 A Note from Christ the King Retreat House & Conference Center Christ the King retreat House would like to thank the students that participated in the Saturday clean-up. Your help with excavation, and the yard work that you did was much needed and very appreciated. Christ the King Retreat House always welcomes volunteers. We have about 9,000 visitors annually that will benefit from the beautifying of the grounds. We hope that in return we can provide students with a home away from home that will be place where you are always welcome to come for mediation and prayer. Christ the King Retreat House and Conference Center hopes to provide all with an opportunity to recharge, renew and refocus. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Our Student’s Accomplishments We love to brag about our students. Has your child won an award or competition? Has he or she participated in a special project or done something notable in the community? We are eager to learn about our students’ accomplishments, even those outside of school. Let us know by using the online form on the BG Website or by contacting Mr. Kinne at [email protected]. A Reminder—After School Policy If you have not returned a permission slip for your son/daughter to go next door to Nice-N-Easy, please do so if he/she would like to go next door after school. If your son/daughter does not have a permission slip, the After School Room monitor will not let him/her go to Nice-N-Easy. The permission slips are available by calling the Main Office. In addition, please note that students are not to walk to Nice-N-Easy after arriving at school in the morning. If your son/daughter would like something to eat for breakfast, please ensure that he/she eats at home or that you stop at Nice-N-Easy before dropping them off in the morning. It’s essential that parents/guardians are also aware that food and drinks are not allowed outside of the cafeteria. If a student enters school with breakfast and/or a large coffee at 7:43, he/she needs to eat in the cafeteria and get to homeroom by 7:48 in order to avoid being marked tardy. Please plan accordingly. Finally, the manager of Nice-N-Easy has asked us to remind students that when they go to the store in the afternoon that they leave their book bags by the door in order to prevent bumping into things and/or the possibility of shoplifting. The manager assured us that BG students have always been cooperative and responsible with this policy in the past, and he thanked us in advance for continuing to do so. Attention Volunteers Parents, please remember that if you would like to volunteer and plan to be in the building around students that all volunteers must be VIRTUS trained. Training sessions are free and located throughout the diocese at various times and places. You can register for a training session by going to When registering, please note that you are affiliated with Bishop Grimes in order to ensure that the school receives your credentials on our site report. Thank you for helping us to ensure the safety of our students. Syracuse University Band Day We are very pleased to announce that our very own Bishop Grimes Pep Band will be performing at the Syracuse vs. Clemson football game on Saturday, November 14th! The Pep Band will be performing on the field for the halftime show alongside the Syracuse University Marching Band and a number of other bands from the Central New York area. As an Alumnus of SU and the SU marching band, Mr. Kammerer is very happy to be affording our band students this fantastic opportunity! As an incentive to raise attendance for the football game, the Carrier Dome Box Office is offering discounted ticket prices for members of the school communities. Prices are $10 for youth and as low as $18 for adults. You may purchase tickets at the following link: a7956675b9aa39b34fd76ac63666e2aaec328e40 Our BG specific code is “BANDPEP”. This year they are raising the incentive level by offering a substantial gift card to Midstate Music to the school that brings the most fans! Let’s show our BG Pride and support our music students at the general game! If you need assistance purchasing your tickets, please contact Natalie Andrianos at 443-6660. We hope to see you there. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Grimes Scrip Program Earn each time you stock your pantry! You spend a big portion of your monthly budget on retail for your family. But did you know there’s a way to make all that money work for you? By using scrip to pay for your regular retail purchases, you can earn funds for our school every time you shop. Gift cards are available from many leading retail brands through our scrip program. Buy these gift cards from Bishop Grimes to use at the retail stores where you normally shop. You pay face value, your gift card is worth face value, and Bishop Grimes earns a rebate on every gift card you purchase. It’s really that simple! For more info, please contact Jackie Belton at [email protected]. SAVE AROUND COUPON BOOKS On Sale Now! Sale Runs from 11/2—11/13 The school is pleased to announce that we will be offering the SaveAround® Coupon Book Program. The books will be available from November 2 nd to November 13th. The SaveAround® Program continues to expand and offer more savings! The 2016 book purchase offers you a FREE membership to Savings-On-The-Go that includes mobile and printable coupons. These make great holiday gifts locally and out-of-state. For every 5 books you sell, you get 1 free! If you have any questions, please contact Mission Advancement at (315) 314-7157, extension 166. FAMILY PORTRAIT FUND-RAISER Lifetouch will be bringing their entire studio to our school for an exclusive fundraising event. Appointments are now available. Signup before your preferred time is taken. You’ll receive a free 8x10 with your $10 school donation. Hi-Resolution CD Packages range from $69-$299 available for purchase. A minimum of 25 families is required for a successful fundraiser. You can have a great time, get a wonderful family portrait, and support our school. Flyers are coming home soon. November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE Bishop Grimes Varsity Girls Soccer Team completed a community service project by doing yard work for a deserving family. The Soccer Team pulled weeds, raked, and cleaned up the yard. Thank you to the Varsity Girls Soccer Team for doing such a great job. Coat Drive to Benefit Elementary Students Thank you to all the BG families who participated in this year’s Little Sister’s Winter 2015 Coat Drive. The school collected winter jackets and coats and donated them for the needy. With winter fast approaching, winter coats, hats, and gloves are in need for underserved families. Thank you for making a difference in a child’s life. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL’S FUNDRAISING EFFORTS These fundraisers support the scholarship and athletic programs! November, 2015 BISHOP GRIMES JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL FAITH • ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • SERVICE The Varsity and Modified Football players gave up their Saturday and Sunday in October to volunteer for the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Foundation. The players assisted with traffic control during the Apple Festival in Lafayette. The event raised $14,000 for the Baldwin Foundation. A heartfelt thank you goes out to each player (and their parents) who gave up their weekend to support a great cause.
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