Case No.: 3455692 CLT/PET: Dipali Murti
Case No.: 3455692 CLT/PET: Dipali Murti
SacramentoOfficeof Appeals CaseNo.: 3455692 ALJ: RebeccaBach Dipali Murti-Hali CLT/PET: Employer PartiesAppearing:Claimant, PartiesAppearingby WrittenStatement:None ISSUESTATEMENT froma determination thatheldthe claimantnotineligible appealed Theemployer Insurance Codesection1253.3.Theissuein for benefitsunderUnemployment is a schoolemployee for who is ineligible thiscaseis whetherthe claimant andcustomary vacation or benefitsbetweentermsor duringan established recess. FI NDI N GO SF FACT a claimfor benefits withan effective dateof May31, Theclaimantestablished May9, 2010. Duringthe 2009. Shereopenedherclaimeffectiveapproximately Mercedas of California baseperiodof herclaim,the claimantworkedUniversity public lecturer.TheUniversity of California Mercedis a institution. a temporary of California Mercedobserved a summerrecessbetween The University yearsbeginning approximately May20, 2010andendingAugust16, academic 2010. Duringthatperiod,the claimantdid notwork. schoolyear,the claimantworkedas a temporarylecturerfor In the 200812009 of California Merced.ln thesummerof 2009,the claimant did not the University schoolyear,the claimantappliedfor a new work. At the endof the 2008/2009 positionfor the 200912010 schoolyear. Theclaimantreceivedherappointment Juneof 2009. in approximately schoolyear,the claimant workedas temporary lecturer for the ln the 200912010 of California Merced.As of the endof the schoolyear,the claimant University had not beennotifiedthatshewouldbe workingthe nextschoolyear. In early May 2010,the claimantappliedfor a positionas a temporarylecturerfor the schoolyear. On approximately June11,2010,the claimantreceived 201012011 herof herappointment for thatposition. a letternotifying Althoughthe University of CaliforniaMercedfollowsa traditional schoolcalendar, the lecturersare paidin a 12-monthsalarycycle. Forexample,in the 201012011 schoolyear,the claimanthasan actualserviceperiodof August16,2010 to May payments receive startingJuly1,2010andthroughJune30, 20,2011butwill 2011. Forthe 2009/2010 schoolyear,theclaimantalsoworkedfor ninemonthsbut receivedpaymentduringall 12 months. approximately 3455692 2 F O RD E C I S I O N RE A S O N S insurance in the employof a benefitsbasedon serviceperformed Unemployment public in an instructional, research or principal or educational institution non-profit withrespectto anyweek capacityare not payableto any individual administrative academicyearsor terms whichbeginsduringthe periodbetweentwo successive performs yearsor terms servicesin thefirstof suchacademic if the individual assurance thatsuchindividual will andif thereis a contractor reasonable performservicesfor any educational institution in the secondof suchacademic yearsor terms.(Unemployment Code,section1253.3(b).) lnsurance insurance in the employof benefitsbasedon servicesperformed Unemployment with respectto anyweek a schooldistrictshallnot be payableto any individual vacationperiodor duringan established andcustomary whichcommences before holidayrecessif the individualperformsservicesin the periodimmediately assurance thatthe suchvacationor holidayrecessandthereis a reasonable willperformservicesin the periodimmediately following individual the vacation periodor recess.(Unemployment Insurance Code,section1253.3(d).) "Reasonable assurance" of reemployment doesnot requirean absolute guarantee Theexclusion of benefits of reemployment. to schoolemployees undersection1253.3of the codeapplieswhethertheiremployment statusis (Boardof Educationof LongBeachUnifiedSchoo/District vestedor non-vested. lnsuranceAppealsBoard(1984)160Cal.App.3d v. CaliforniaUnemployment 674. ) "Reasonable is an agreement whichcontemplates the reemployment assurance" (Russv. California of the employeebutwhichis not legallyenforceable. lnsuranceAppealsBoard(1981)125Cal.App.3d834.) Unemployment Here,the claimant fileda claimfor benefitsbaseduponemployment by a public educationinstitution as a lecturer.Shesoughtbenefitsfor the recessperiod betweensuccessive terms. Becausethe claimantdid not havereasonable for assurance of workfor the nextschoolyear,the claimantis not ineligible the claimantis not ineligible for benefitsfor the recess benefits.Accordingly, periodbetweenthe successive terms. 3455692 3 DE CI S I O N is modified.Theclaimantis ineligible for benefits determination The department employerundersection1253.3for baseduponservicefor a publiceducation are May 9 throughMay22,2010andAugust15,2010andthereafter.Benefits period. Theclaimantis notineligible for benefitsbasedon deniedfor thattime public section for the periodof education employer under 1253.3 servicefor a May 23, 2010throughAugust14,2010. Benefitsare payablefor thattime period,provided eligible. the claimantis othenuise ADMlN.mes/RLB 3455692 4
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