Wyndmere Public School District Master Contract
Wyndmere Public School District Master Contract
WyndmerePublicSchoolDistrictMasterContract (20 1 3- 2 0 1 4& 2 0 14 - 2 0 1 5 ) PROCEDURE GRIEVANCE I ARTICLE A. to expressa complaint PURPOSE - To enableteachers aboutthe administration withthe assurance thatthe complaint willreceive agreement of the negotiated promptattentionby the personswho can remedyit if necessary. B. - Anydisagreement DEFINITION regarding the interpretation or inequitable application of a specificprovision of the negotiated agreement or boardpolicy. c. maybe represented PROCEDURE - Any partyto thegrievance duringanystep procedure of thegrievance by a personor agentdesignated by suchpartyto act in his/herbehalf. LevelOne 1. meetingshallbe heldbetween An informal theteacherandthe in an aitemptto settlethe matter. superintendent 2. the grievance lf the matteris notresolved, in writingby shallbe presented (30) within theteacherto thesuperintendent thirty calendar daysafterthe factsuponthegrievance is basedfirstoccuror firstbecomeknown.The writtengrievance shallcontainthe datetheallegedviolation tookplace,a precisestatement of the natureof thegrievance, thearticleor provision of violated, the remedyrequested, the agreement allegedly andthe person. of the aggrieved signature 3. Thesuperintendent shallgivea writtenanswerwithinseven(7)calendar waspresented in daysof thetimethe grievance to thesuperintendent writinn Levetrwe 1. personis notsatisfied withthesuperintendent's lf the aggrieved thegrievantmaywithinten (10)calendar clisposition of the grievance, in filethe grievance disposition, daysafterreceiptof thesuperintendent's writinqwiththe Boardof Education. 2. Withi;ten(10)calendar daysaftersubmission of thewrittengrievance, withthe Boardof thegrievantmayrequestandbe granteda meeting Education at the Board'snextregularor specialmeeting.The Boardshall rendera decisionin writingwithinten (10)calendar daysafterthe WyndmerePublicSchool MasterAgreement meetingat whichit washeard.Thedecision of the Boardof Education is the laststepof thegrievance procedure. D. Leveloneof the procedure maybe bypassed provided thatthe superintendent agrees. E. The numberof daysindicated at eachlevelaremaximum timelimits.A reasonable effortshallbe madeto expedite theprocess. F. proceedings Copiesof thegrievance willbefiledseparately fromthe personnel filesof the participant. ARTICLE II LEAVEPOLICIES A. LEAVEOF ABSENCE 1. A teachermayrequesta leaveof absence for maternity or childrearing. Requests for thisleavemaynotexceedoneschoolyearandmustbe submitted in writingfor Boardaction.lf approved by the Board,in itssole discretion, suchleavewillbe withoutpayor fringebenefits, unlessthe employee electsto payforfringebenefits for whichtheemployee is eligible duringtheduration of the leave. 2. Faiiureof a teacherio acceptempioyment 30 ciaysbeforethetermof tne approved leaveof absencehasexpiredshallrelievetheschooldistrictof its obligation to renewthe teacher'scontract. 3. No leaveof absencewillbe grantedunlesstheteacherhascompleted yearof successful onecalendar teaching in the Wyndmere PublicSchool system. 4. Experience creditwillbe determined at thetimeleaveis requested. 5. Disability because of maternity willbe treatedlikeanyothersickleave. B. PERSONAL LEAVE 1. All requests requireat leasttwodayspriorapproval fromthe administration exceptin emergencies. (Maximum of fourdaysperyear) Unusedpersonal leavewiltbe reimbursed perday. at a rateof $SO.OO 2. Fractions of daysabsentwillbe accounted for by the administration. 3. A teacherwillloseoneday'ssalaryfor eachadditional daytaken. WyndmerePublic School 2 MasterAgreement C . F U N E R A LL E A V E 1. Onedayperfuneral fordeathof familymembers or friends. 2. AdCitional daysof funeralleavelryillbe ccuntedas sickleave;rsithactual daysto be determined by the administration depending on individual circumstances. D. SICKLEAVE 1. pre-planned lllnessof teacher, including healthrelated child,or parent(s), appointments. 2. Tendaysperyearaccumulative to 100. 3. lf a teacher's spouse,livingat home,is unableto performthe normal dutiesin his/herprofessional capacity, saidteachershallbe entitled to utilize20 daysof his/reraccumulated sickleaveperyear. A physician's presented statement incapacity of mustbe beforesuchleavewillbe grantedfor thatspecific disability. 4. Teachers who haveaccumuiated 100claysof sickieavepriorto the beginning of anyschoolyearwillbe reimbursed $20perdayfor eachof the 10 unuseddays. Payment willbe madeat the endof eachyearin theJunecheck. Ex.-A teacherwithgg sickdaysat the beginning of theyearwouldbe granted1 additional thetotalto 100)and dayof sickleave(thusbringing wouldbe paidforthe 9 daysthatwouldotherwise be foregone. E. PROFESSIONAL LEAVE 1. Workshops andclinicssponsored by the Department of Publiclnstruction, North Dakota the HighSchoolActivities Association or otherprofessional organizations shallbe considered by the administration for leaveif directly relatedto facultymembers contracted duties. 2. possible, Whenever all requests shallbe madeto the administration two weekspriorto thedatefor whichthe leaveis requested. 3. Thecostof a substitute teachershallbe bornbv the district. Wyn d m e r ePublicS chool MasterAgreement 4. All costsassociatedwith requiredworkshopsor clinicsor monitoring studentson approvedactivityshallbe bornby the districtat the rate statedwithinthe guidelinesfor the stateof NorthDakota. 5. Financialagreementsshallbe agreedto at the time at whichthe leaveis granted. F . WE L L N E S SL E A V E 1. ARTICLEIII A. B. ARTICLE IV Wellness Day: Afteraccumulating the 100maximum sickleavedays,a teacherwhocompletes oneschoolyearwithoutusinganysickdaysshall be grantedonedayof paidpersonal leave. Thisdayshallbe usedat the teacher's discretion withinthe nextschoolyear.Theadministration must be givenat leastfivedayspriornoticeandthedaycannotbe usedduring thefirst5 daysof the schooltermfollowing summerrecess,or thelast5 year. daysof the school BREACHOF CONTRACT POLICY Anyteacherwhosignsa contract to teachin theWyndmere PublicSchools and thenbreaksthatcontract shallbe liableforthefollowing damagepayments: 1. July1st --July31st - 2% of grosscontract salary 2. August1--school starts- 3% of grosscontract salary 3. Duringtheschoolyear - 5% of grosscontract salary The SchoolBoardreserves the rightto waivethe abovepenalties underspecial circumstances suchas death,permanent injury,or extremehardship to the teacherinvolved. EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT A. Eachteachershouldsecureadditional trainingaccording to the recommendations of the Department of Publiclnstruction. B. Teaehers noi in a graciuaie programat a coliegeor university musthavethe approval of theWyndmere superintendent of schoolbeforethecourseis takenin orderfor it to applyto the salaryschedule. C. lf a teacheris workingtowardsa minorin an outsidefield,thatteacher's past coursesmayapplyto the salaryschedule whenandif thatteacheris contracted in thatminorfield.Priorapproval of coursesmaybe obtained fromthe superintendent. WyndmerePublic School 4 MasterAgreement D. musthavetheir programat a collegeor university in a graduate Teachers The program of schools. superintendent programon filewiththeWyndmere Public at theWyndmere teachingposition to theteacher's mustbe relevant Schoolin orderfor it to applyto the salaryschedule. E. before To movefromonecolumnto anotherallworkmustbe completed 1stof theschoolYear. September SALARYSCHEDULE V ARTICLE A. is attached andbenefitschedule schedule, extra-curricular Thesalaryschedule, thatare schedules Thesalary to, andpartof thisagreement(copyattached). thatwillbe paidat includea2.5'/"careerincrement to thisagreement attached column. the bottomof the MS+30,85+60 TEACHEB]'VQBKLQAq ARTICLEVI A. TeacherWorkload 1. VII ARTICLE highschoolwillbe 25 teaching A normalteachingloadin thejunior/senior studyhall. Teachers periodsperweekplus5 periodsof supervised thenormalioadwiil above anci over to ieachan extraclass required basesalary. receive117of theteacher's CLAUSE DURATION A. in forcefor andwillcontinue be renewed willautomatically Thisagreement gives the otherparty, party to notice periodsof oneyearunlesseither additional of its dateof thisagreement, before(February1st),priorto the anniversary successor of thisagreement.In the eventa desireto reopencertainprovisions all dateof thisagreement, is notagreeduponbeforethe anniversary agreement shallremainin fullforceuntila mutualagreement provisions of thisagreement hasbeenreached. B. agreeduponin the successor andworkingconditions benefits, Allsalaries, dateof thisagreement. to the anniversary willbe retroactive agreement VIII ARTICLE A. CLAUSE SAVINGS be declaredillegalby a or clauseof thisagreement Shouldanyarticle,section, jurisdiction, or clause,shallbe saidarticle,section, courtof competent the law. to the extentthatit violates deletedfromthe agreement automatically or clausesshallremainin fullforceandin effect sections articles, Theremaining Eitherpartymaymakea writtenrequest of the agreement. for theduration WvndmerePublicSchool MasterAgreement ' within20 daysof the declaration to opennegotiations to alterany articles, sections" cr clausesthatmayhavebeendeclaredillegal.A requestf*r a speciat meetingshallinciudespecificreascnsfor the requestancishailbe limitedio the article(si,section(s),or clause(s)that was (were)declaredilfegal.Negotiations wili beginwithin30 daysof thelvi'ittenrequest. VERIFICATION Thiscontractis madeandenteredinto lrtis,! I day of Ju,,l* ,2g by and betweenthe wyndmereBoardof Educationandthe wyndmere Education Associatian far the 2013- 2a14& 20i 4 - 2815schaolvears. i2 !2 4:23*t3 WyndmereBoardOf Education,President FRINGEBENEFITSSCHEDULE A. IIEALTH II{$UNAFIEE 1. The Boardagreesto pay 96,355for 2013- 2A14& $6,890for 20142015perteachertovrrards healthinsurancecoveragethr.ough the wyndmereErnpioyees GroupPolicy.The baianceoi tne premiumcost will be deductedfrornthe employee'ssalary. 2. Healthinsurancecoverageshallextendfrom october1stof one yearto september30thof the nextyear. Thoseteacherswishingto droptheir healthinsuranceccveragebeforeihe Septernber 30thdatemustmake ihe requesiin writingat leasione monthin acivanee.The insuranee payrnentshallthenbe depositedin a tax-deferred annuityas statedin iiems#3 and#4, thissection. 3. Thoseteacherselectingnotto jointhe WyndmereEmployees Group HealthInsurance Policyshallhavethe Boarddeposii$6,355(2013-14) & (2014-15) per teacherin 12 equalinstallments $6,830 in a tax-deferred annuitysubjectic the provisions listedin item#4, thissection. 4. Teacherswho electto notjoin the WyndmereEmployeesGroupHealth Insurance Policywillbe providedwithan annuitythrcughthe Ha#crd throughFdwardJonesInsurance. W,vndmere PublicSchool MasterAgreement 5. Onlyregularly contracted teachers willbe eligibleto jointhe Wyndmere group School unlesshe/sheis the spouseof a regularly contracted teacher.All payments in thissectionwillbe prorated according to full= $3,178per timeequivalency of theteacher.(Ex: halftimeteacher year). B. DISABILITY PROTECTION 1. The Boardagreesto payup to an averageof $20 permonthperteacher policyas provided towardsthedisability insurance by a mutually acceptable insurance company.Thoseteachers wantingadditional coverage underthispolicyshallnotifythe clerkandthe additional premium willbe withheld fromtheirsalaries. 2. Coverage shallbe fromthe beginning of the schoolyearuntiltheendof the monththattheteacher's contractis terminated, eitherby discharge, nonrenewal. or resionation. 3. Thepremirt utor,"ntin item#1 willbe paidfor allteachers employed one-half timeor more. lt willnotbe paidfor thoseteaching lessthanonehalftime. RETIREMENT C. TEACHERS' 1. Taxsheltereachteacher's contribution to the Teachers' Fundfor Retirement in linewithH81095andsection15-39.1-09 N.D.C.C. and Model1 attached. WyndmerePublic School MasterAsreement lNEwMONEYI | BASEPAY 2012-13 $ 4 6 ,1 1 2 | WYNDMERE PUBLICSCHOOL ?013-14 SALARY SCHEDULE N.Rffi-*i_l INCRMT 2412-13 l 36 9 5 0 12012-13._^ a JUl I 2013-14 LANEPAY 2012-13 475 1 2 0 1 3 -1 4 I 2013-14 ADDITIONAL 5 | Et'5 qnn | ?74qnl | 4qnl 500 t--'l l- - l INCREASE INCREASE ITNCREASE IITNCREASEI s 0 0t0 l l o ZJ I IYEARSEXP I tEs------l FRINGE INCREASE JttrS n s00 ?o13-1 4 ADDITIONAL INCREASE 0 + IJ, IZ INCREASE n 0 -l --l srM lles*sosEr,l I Es-ro sEM Fs*ro-sEM les-gosrla I lss++o 37454 3795 0 38450 389s0 39450 399s0 40450 37900 384s0 38950 39450 399s0 40450 40950 565)U 3895 0 39450 ?oo qn 40450 409s0 4' t 450 38800 39450 39950 40450 409s0 4 14 5 0 41 950 39250 ?qq qn 40450 40950 4 14 5 0 4 19 5 0 4?450 5 39700 40450 409s0 41450 4 19 5 0 4?450 42950 6 40150 409s0 4 14 5 0 41 950 42450 +ZJ JV 43450 7 40600 4145 0 4'l950 42450 42950 43450 +JY)U 8 41050 4195 0 42450 4?954 43450 4?q qn 44450 41500 42450 42950 43450 43950 44450 44950 10 42954 43450 43950 44450 44950 45450 11 43450 43950 44450 44950 45450 45950 ta 439s 0 44450 44954 AEAFA , <o<n ACAEA IJ 44950 45450 45950 46450 46950 7A 45450 45950 46450 469s0 47450 t5 45950 46450 469s0 47450 47950 lo 469s0 47450 47950 48450 17 47450 47950 48450 489s 0 18 47950 48450 48950 49450 48950 49450 49950 20 49450 49950 50450 al 49950 s0450 50950 ta 50950 51450 .J 51450 51950 aq 51950 52450 1 J IJ 25 529s0 ao 53450 27 53950 55 2 9 9 PublicSchool Wyndmere 2413-14 Schedule Extracurricular 1 2 -13 B a se l 3-1 4 Base 3 7 ,4 5 0 l--;;l;7;1 HeadFootball Asst. Football Asst. Football Jr. High Football Jr. HighFootbail 4434.00 f-M-h-pli*% I t rnt?r;__l lncrease f---;;:;-tl----l l------*-] f r Ye v^ J I I wrg.l tr-".J<|-/ 332s.s0 z?17.40 2217.00 12.04% 9.00% 9.00% 6.00% 6.00% 4494.00 3370.s0 3370.50 ??47.00 ??47.00 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 HeadVolleyball AssistantVolleyball Assistant Volleyball Jr. High Volleyball 4434.O0 3325.s0 3325.50 ??17.0A 12.40% 9.00% 9.00% 6.00% 4494-00 3370.50 3370.50 ?247.00 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 374.50 280.88 280.88 HeadGirls'Basketball Asst. Girls' Basketball 4434.00 1?.0096 9.00% 9.00% 6.00% 6.00% 3.00% 4494.OO 3370.50 3370.50 2?47.O0 ?247.O4 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 374.50 280.88 280.88 1?.0@6 9.00% 9.00% 6.00% 6.00% 3.00% 4494.00 3370.50 3370.50 ??47.OO 2247.OO ??17.A A l Z.OO% 9.00% €.cc% AnnualAdvisor 739.00 Banquet Advisor Asst. Girls' Easketball Jr. HighGids' Basketball Jr. HighGirls'Basketball Elementary Girls' Basketball 5JZ5.5U JJ4 J,) U J5 Z5 .5 U z?17.00 2?17.O0 1108.50 4434.OO I | 2 5 .5 U t1 1? 374.50 280.88 280.88 60.00 45.00 45.00 30,00 30.00 15.00 1? ta 374.50 280.88 280.88 4494.00 3370.50 ??47.AA 60.00 45_00 30.00 1? 1Z 374.50 280.88 z.oo% 749.00 10.00 369.50 1.00% 374.50 5.00 Prom Advisor 554.25 '1.50% 5 b t./5 7.50 Cheedeading Football 554.25 'I.50% 561.75 7.50 t^haprlp:riinn 323-I > 2.50% 936.25 I Z.5 U MagazineSales 369.s0 1.00% 374.s0 5.00 Newspap€rAdvisor 739.00 ?.oo% 749.00 10.00 554.25 't.50% 5 0 t./5 1? 280.88 HeadBoys' Basketball Asst. Boys'Basketball Asst. Boys'Basketball Jr. HighBoys' Basketball Jr. High Boys' Basketball EIementary Boys' Basketball 3325.50 ?217.00 ?217.00 'r108.50 4434.00 HeadTrack Asst. Track 55 2 5 .5 U RR DancelineAdvisor Speech Coach Choml MusicCoach J5 4 ) .) U | | 4 5 .) U 7.50 9.00% 3370.50 45.00 9.00% 3370.50 45.00 9.00% 3370.50 45.00 Drama Coach 'r108.50 3.00% '1I23.50 15.00 Honor Smiety 739.00 2.OA% 749.00 'r0.00 Student Council 739.00 ?.oo% 7 49.00 10.00 lnstrumentalMusicCoach VVYNDMERE PUBLICSCHOOL 2014.15 SALARY SCHEDULE 2013-14 2013-14 INCRMT #2 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15 2014- t s INCREASE Ii.ICREASE 500 INCREASi 500 PD I Naturallnc. l%TFFR | 1) 7q,oal $ 1 0 ,6 3 4 L____:r-:_: IADDTToNAL I -K tN bt I sfEPS I NCREASE 475.00 l0l ITNCREASE I xTRA.CUR NCREASE -u.v sEM_l ttt trARSTtF--__] lB-S-------__llB-s+to Et.- tr^il b--r I h F-s+roSEM_I Fs+30sEMI "n IBS+5oSEM I 185+60SEM I U 37950 38450 -rt-38950 394s0 ?oo qn 40450 40950 1 38400 38950 39 4 s 0 39 9 s 0 40450 409s0 4 14 5 0 38850 39450 399s0 40450 409s0 4 14 5 0 4 19 5 0 39300 39950 40450 40950 4 14 5 0 4 19 5 0 42450 39750 40450 40950 4 14 5 0 4 19 5 0 42450 42950 5 40200 409s0 4 14 5 0 4 19 5 0 42450 42950 43450 6 40650 41450 4l950 4?450 429s0 434s0 43950 7 41100 41950 42450 429s0 43450 43950 44450 I 41 550 42450 42950 4345O 43950 44454 44950 a 42000 429s0 43450 43950 44450 44950 45450 10 43450 43950 44450 44950 45450 45950 11 43950 44450 44950 45450 4qqqn 46450 12 44450 44950 45450 45950 46450 4 6 95 0 IJ 4q4qn 45950 46450 46950 47450 1A 45950 46450 4 6 95 0 47 450 4 7 95 0 lf , 46450 469s0 47450 47950 48450 lb 47450 47950 48450 48950 ll 47950 48450 48950 49450 Id 48450 48950 49450 4 9 9 s0 49450 499s0 50450 20 499s0 50450 qnq qn al 50450 s09s0 5 14 5 0 .L 5 14 5 0 5 19 5 0 LJ 5 19 5 0 52450 52450 52950 ?5 53450 LO 53950 zt 54450 5 5 8 11 WyndmerePublicSchooi 2014-1s Schedule Extracurricular 1 3-1 4 Base 37450 14-1 5 Base 3 7 95 0 lncrease frirl-14 ro I ,ff4llG--l % | lI Mulliplier ro t , o lt rs _ l Head Football Asst. Football Asst. Football Jr. High Football Jr. High Football 4494.00 ??7n<n 3370.50 2247.00 z?47.00 12.0@5 9.00% 9.00% 6.00% 6.00% 4554.00 3415.50 3415.50 ??77.A A 2277.OO 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 HeadVolleyball Assistant Volleybali Assistant Volleyball Jr. HighVolleyball 4494.00 3370.50 3370.50 ??47.O0 12.OO% 9-00% 9.00% 6.00% 4554.00 3415.50 3415.50 ??77.00 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 HeadGirls'Basketball Asst. Girls' Basketball Asst. Girls' Basketball Jr. HighGirls'Basketball Jr. HighGirls'Basketball ElementaryGirls'Basketball 4494.00 3370.50 3370.50 2?47.00 2247.00 1123.50 1?.0496 9.00% 9.00% 6.00% 5.00% 3.00% 4554.00 3415.50 3415.50 ??77.OO 2277.OO 1 r 38.50 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 Head Boys' Basketball Asst. Boys'Basketball Asst. Boys'Basketball Jr. High Boys' Basketball Jr. High Eoys' Basketball Elementary Boys' Basketbal' 4494.00 3370.50 3370.50 7247.O0 ?247.Q4 1I 23.50 12.0@6 9.00% 9.00% 5.00% 6.00% 3.00% 4554.00 3415.50 3415.50 z?77.04 2277.0Q 1138.50 60.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 HeadGirls'Track Asst. Track Jr. High Track 4494.00 3370.50 ??47.OO 12.0496 9.00% 6.00% 4554.00 3415.50 7?77.QQ 60.00 45.00 30.00 AnnualAdvisor 749.00 ?.oo95 759.00 10.00 Banquet Advisor 374.50 1.00% 379.50 5.00 Prom Advisor )o t./ ) 1.50% 5 b Y.Z5 7.50 Football Cheerleeding 56r.75 1.50% Basketball Cheerieading v5 b .z5 ?.5W5 948.75 MagazineSales 374.50 1.00% 379.50 5.00 f----;;._-__] # vi cEK> | | I Weekly Wage I 5 /Y.5U 284.63 284.63 ta tz 12 ?7q qn 284.63 ?84.63 379.50 284.63 284.63 IZ 379.50 284.63 ?84.63 12 379.50 284.63 1Z 7.50 12.50 NewspaperAdvisor 749.00 2.0096 759.00 't0.00 DancelineAdvisor 561.75 1.50% 569.25 7.50 Speech Coach 3370.50 9.00% 3415.50 45.00 Choral Music Coach 3370.50 9.00% 3415.50 45.00 lnstrumentalMusicCoach 3370.50 9.00% 3415.50 45.00 Drama Coach I | 4 5 ,JU 3.00% 1',I38.50 15.00 Honor Society 749.00 ?.0@$ 759.00 '10.00 Student Council 749.00 2.00% 759.00 10.00 284.63
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