CWA Membership Card
CWA Membership Card
Ml I Payroll No. Print Employee Name Social Security Number AUTHORIZATION FOR EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION DEDUCTION hereby authorize the State of New Jersey to make biweekly deductions from my salary in an amount certified to you by the union The amount deducted shall be paid to the Secretary Treasurer of the Union I understand that the authorization shall remain in effect unless cancelled by me in writing pursuant to the provisions of the negotiated contract Name_, Trenton, NJ 08618 Home Address Zip City State Phone (Home) ., ,.... Online Membership Card Employee Organization CWA Local 1033 321 W. State St. . (Work) ., Home Email Address Job Classification Title FOR PAYROLL CLERK USE ONLY CODE 81-WEEKLY AMOUNT Employee Signature Date Payroll Clerk Signature Dept. & Location .................... . .,, ............- . Date . ISS33Od iVOMWSV3ii 3Hi. O id3O FIRST LAST