11. JUL. 2014 10:13 844 846195 SO Y TE S6 45/0 /BYT-QT. NO. 127 P 1 CONG 1101 XA HOT CHU NGHQ VIT NAM Dy do - 1-1hphtic Eli)c Ha NOi, ngay thang 7 V/v Chtrung truce JENESY2.0 Kith ................ chuang trinh giao luu TENESY danh cho sixth vien y khoa Lien quan ah'4n dugc danh sach Y , da Viet Nana sang Nhjt Ban., cluang va cac sinh vien do q4 Intorng d&' cir than gia chuong trinh. fe hoan tat cac thu t-kic tiap theo, BO Y to •:1" nghi cac truCmg c6 sinh vien than). fir: - Cung cap cac thong tin lien quan cua sink vien duge cir tham dui chuong trinh theo mau girl kem theo. Thong bao cho sinh vien lam h0 chi'L ph6 thong va hoan thien cac form dang k57 sau: Form Bong )'7tham gia chuong trinh, Form clang 147 tham gia chuong trinh JENESYS 2M, Form cap visa vao Nhat Ban sinh vien tavc tiep (cac form ducic dan anh va day du 147). lien he vox VIA Hop tac Qu6c to de clugc huang dan khai form va nh4n ban znem qua email. Cac form clang 1(- 7 va ban. gOc ho chiau nOp v" Vu Hop tie Qu6c to fru-6T ngay 5/8/2014_ theri gian: Ban to chic c6 thong bao th&i gian di Nhat Ban có su thay cox nhu sau: tir ngay 21-29/10/2014. Kirsh phi: Ban to chik dai tho town bc) kinh phi, ye may bay, an 6., di 14i cho sinh vien tai Nhat Ban. Caz kinh phi khac truac chuye'n di nhu h'() chik!, an 6-, di Zai to dza phuong d6n sari bay qu6c t" NOi Bai/Tan Son Nhat do ca nhan to tic hoc Tr Ong tit sinh vien tham du 113 lay. Bo Y to tran trong thong bao de qu)'T Tnreng bi6t va, thong bao den cac sinh vien hoan tat cac dui we cho chuy6n TL.BQ TRVONG tzhCin: KT. VU TRUION....1(U , HOP TAC QUOC TE - Nhis trent IfoNG n-X130- . - TT. Le Quang Ctrang (ei" b/c); - L.ffu: VT, QT. aith Cirefng "'442ZrakA Moi thOng tin chi tit lien 1* Ms. WI Ha Thu (DD:0912020382, email: hatlFax - 6,243,2233. ) 11. JUL. 2014 10:13 NO. 127 844 846195 P Dania sach oh kern then tong van s6z-K.20/BYT-QT ngay 11/7/2014 Fax 3 C? 5,254A c 1. True-rig Dai hoc Y Ha NOi 2. Trithng Y Ducic Tp HCM 08 385 523 093. Trueng Dai hoc Y Dirge Thai Nguyen 0.2 Vo 3855740 4. Throng Dai hoc Y Dtreic Thai Binh : 03e 50(1-7509 5. TruCmg Dai hoc Y Dirot Hai Thong : 03A 3-T34,22y- / 4 <22 E 6. Truang Dal hoc Y khoa Hu6 z 0,5-4 332 62_69 7. TmOng Dai hoc Y Dugc CA.n. The" 04-4 0 3761022_4 - L22.0 8. Truong Dai hoc Y Pham. Ng9c Thach : 9, Tnro-ng Dal hoc Dieu throng Narri Dinh : 0 55G 36q-9-6- 03s-0 36q-3669 10. True-rig Dai hoc Ky thu-at y t6 Ha.z Ducmg : 03 20 3 H A'' 9T11.Tnro-ng Dai hoc K-y thut y Dugc Da N'Lg O5 4 4 3 ' 3 S 3 go 2 Danh sach (loan chi Nhtit Ban thAng 10/2014 then chtro-ng trInh JENESY 2.0 Gi6i fink NO), Milli hoe Y Duqc Hai Pheng Nit Pham Thanh Ilai Dai hoc Y Dug( Hai Phong 3 Nguyen Hujrnh Ai Uyen Dal hoc Y Dirac • Can Thu 4 D8 Thi Diem Nggc Dai hoc Y Dtroc • Can Thu 5 V5n Thi Minh An Dai hoc Y Duqc Hue 6 To Th i L ien Dai hoc Y Dirge Hue SIT Ho vA ten 1 Nguyen Thai Ha 2 7 NguY8n Thi Tam LS/ Trubv-, Dai hoc Y Ha NOi Chuyen ngatili Y nArn thin 4 CN Dieu duOng re inn tlift 3 SV Y khoa nAnt lhir 5 SV diet] du3ng nam tit& 3 nf;)ifarildi thr5 S6 diOt th* Entail 28/08/1990 01695770756 thalhahaiphong @yahoo.corn N0 27/02/1990 ' 01263356688 [email protected] MY 05/11/1992 Nit 19/09/1991 Ncr 09/08/1991 01649823590 [email protected] Nit 14/08/1993 01648108075 nniatuyet.1441993 @gi nail.cona HO ehieu , 01656092119 Na I 8 Nguyen Thi Nhung 9 Le Thi Huyen 10 Phung Thi Deng Ha 11 Trim Thi Thby Dung Dai hoc Y Ha NOi Dai hoc Y DirgeDai hoc Thai Nguyen Dai hoc Y DugcDal hgc Thai Nguyen Dai Ii?c Y Duge TP. 116 Chi Minh Da khoa ,, na nt thin 3 Y hoc du phOng ream thil 3 CN dieu du-Ong n5"in thCr 4 CN diet dir'ang 01647549606 Nit Nil 14/10/1993 , 01659990280 huyenle129@grnaikom I Nit 22/01/1993 Nu 1987 01688939265 [email protected] 12 Phknn Ngoc Thiry Trang Dai hoc Y Dirge TP. HO Chi Minh 13 Iloang Dung 14 Nig 1987 Dai lux K9 till* Y-Duov Da Nhg Nit 1992 NguyenThj Loan Dai hoc K9 thug Y-Duqc Da Ming Nit 1994 15 Phan Thi Bich Ngoc Dai hcc Dieu du6ng Nam Dinh dieti Cu ?than duang No. 25/02/1989 16 Vii hong Nhung Dai hoc Di&I dtrong Nam Dinh Cir. nhan dieu duong Nit 23/01/1991 17 Nguyn - Thi Thu Huang Dai face Dieu dung Nam Dinh Cur ilia dieu duryng Ntr 18 Vu Thi Quyen Ky thqt Y Dai t8 Hai Ducmg to Nu 0976217809 [email protected] 19 Nguyen Thi Kieu Da:617icaiKii9 thu(11 Y uoxlg Nu 01674023778 [email protected] 20 Vu Hong Son Dai 119c Y Duqc Thai 131nh Nam 11/12/1991 21 Quart Thi Thanh They Dai hoc Y Dugc Thai Binh NO- 08/05/1992 22 Nguiin Thi QuJ Tran Dai hoc Y khoa Pharn Ngoc Thach CN clieu duOng Nit 1988 23 Ngt, iie'n VII Minh Trang 1) 1. hoc Y khoa Pharr Ngoc Thach Bac st da khoa Nit 1987 24 Pharr Ngan Giang Cue KHCN&DT 13.(3 Yte Chanh Van phang Cvc Nit , 25 Vu HTQT ao Y te Bac si 06/06/1989 • 0913593736 Nit. i P. 5 NO. 127 844 846195 11. JUL. 2014 10:14 Req.No. JENESYS2.° Entry Form for JENESYS 2.0 Programme (Country: 1. Personal Information * Please fill in the form in BLOCK LETTERS. Full Name(Exattly the same as your passport) (in English) Photo (taken within 3 months) Please write your name on the back of your photo. .Family Name (English) Given name (English) Middle Name (English) (if any) ___, 1-. ; , . Full Name (in Mother language) -- (Day) Date of Birth Month) Year ...______. A,ge (as or the 1 1 as shown on your 1 passport) starting day of the programme)) 1 Nationality Religion . Name Sex 1111 Buddhist Christian ( [=1 Sornan Hindu Ni Muslim Protesta, 111 Other 0 Single Marital Status Number ___._.. . , Diplomat Private Passport** Date of Issue _._ . Mamie. Type of Passport .. Date of Expin, ._ . IN Fema Others Mother Tongue (Day) Male (Month) (Year) ; (Day) Official .... ..... . ._._____ (Month) ' (Year) I. l , I Address -- _...... ___....._ . ... ____ . . .._____ ____ Current Address Tel: __ .. .___. .. - -••"" r-Ad—d-ress blank. Tel: _ .. . - •—• -- - . . - - -- - -- - • Full Name •• • - - - - • — .. . . Phone Number: . - . • • • . • • --• • • • --•• • :Relationship _._ __ ._ . .. I I • • • • •• • - • • •-•----•-•---- _ . ; . __ 'Fax: . • Mobile: .... _ ___. . . ... .. _. Profession/Occupation: "If you do not have phone atyour current address, please write contact person and number. •• . - - - -- • in'Emer_d it shall be your parent. If you live with him/her, please leave address • E-mail: Full Name ... ______ _.... C ontact Person • Fax: . Mobile: ... - ... . .... i E-mail: . . ___ .. • - 'Relationship . E-mail: **Passport: If you have a valid passport, please fill in the passport section. If you don't have a passport, please leave the section blank. Revised on 20/11/2013 JUL, 2014 10:14 NO. 127 844 846195 P. 6 2. Health Condition Blood Type ❑ A ❑6 ❑0 ❑ AE U UNKNOWN II Good Health Condition ... ._ . l-laving Chronic disease Please specify: [chronic lung disease (asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease etc.) [immunodeficiency state (T cell immunodeficiency etc.) Dchronic heart disease (congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease etc.) Dmetabolic disease (diabeteQ Crenal dysfuncfjn CobEity El myasthenia gravis Dinfectious diseases (Specified: ) Clothers ( ) 1. A permission letter by doctor is required in the pre-departure orientation. 2. Medical treatment cost related to the chronic disease is not covered by the programme insurance. ❑ Not taking any medicines Medicine ETaking medicines regularity (Specified: Pregnancy Food Allergies (which may cause allergic reaction) OYes nNo cannot participate in JENESYS 2.0 Programme *Pregnant women owing to maternal and child health reason. MINone ill Shrimp DCrab MOShellfishO OFisf: i—i Others ( Li alone Food Restriction (for religion or custom reason) Dietary Requirements Other Allergies and Restriction ) MIPork ... . ...... CEgg • -- - - - - • C1Shrir0 ClOt -• - En Beef LOChickerEl EIMutton/LarrO • --- -- - -- ---- - 111Shelifish INFish EEgg FIlOthers ( ) 'Please be noted that the meals provided in the programme cannot meet all the requests from the participants. UNone EiVegitarian EUVegann OHaIC DOthers ) L None . . . . . .... .. . .. ❑ Dogs E Cats DilHouse dust: DOthers ( . . . . . _ .. ) 3. Academic Details and Professions Location (c ty,province) Name of Organization Tel: 1 1 , • . Fax: Profession (for non-student onll Information of your Field of study (for School/Organization university student only) _. .,... .........___ ____ . ...__ .. ! • --. . Grade/school year (for student) as of the day of the flight to .. . .... . . _. . ._ . Title (for supervisor only) .... . _._, -- - - ----- - • ---- -- • .. . . - •• • • English Proficiency certificated score (if any, e.g. Level _ ...___. of Japanese •-• - •--- -- Speaking ❑ Good ❑ Faill Poor Fai:-.1 Writing iiil Good II Poor .. .....__ . Fai❑ Reading 1.11 Good • Poor Japanese Year or Month Poor Level of English ..._______ ......._ ..._ .... Language Fau Speaking ❑ Good IN ._.. _ . ..._ ... .. _ .. Fairi Writing :1 Good 0 Reading :❑ Good Other Language . Ej Faim Poor learning experience I Poor __ -- Revised on 20/11/2013 11. JUL. 2014 10:14 NO. 127 844 846195 4. Personal Activities Activities P. 7 Period of Involvement Sports/Clubs Hobbies Academic Awards (if any) 5. Essay *Please answer the two auestions in 250 - 300 words. You 171Av AffPrh nanwq ac naori,,r1 1. Why do you want to participate in the JENESYS 2.0 Programme? 2. What will you be able to contribute to it? 6. Other Information Have you ever been to Japan before El Yes 0 No If Yes, When? . . . If Yes, what was the purpose of the visit and where did you visit? principle, any candidates who have participated in JENESYS 2.0 Programme before are not allowed to take part again, Declaration I hereby certify that the statements made by me in this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Agreement of the Application Guidelines for JENESYS 2.0 I have read and understood the terms and conditions in the "Application guidelines for JENESYS 2.0." Agreement of the Handling of Personal Information agree that my personal information in the Entry Form will be used in accordance with the Handing of Personal Information (ANNEX). (Day) (Month) (Year) Signature: Date: ANNEX Revised on 20/11/2013 .11. JUL. 2014 10:14 844 846195 NO. 127 P. 8 With re arid to the Handling of Personal Information (Managed by Japan Overseas Cooperative Association, for Jenesys2.0 appLcants) The Association observes the laws and ordinances of Japan, principles, guidelines and other regulations determined by the government with regard to protection of personal information. As to JENESY52.0, in order to ensure the actions are in accordance with these guidelines, please agree with the following points and submit the application_ Nose 1 intended Purposes The purposes of the personal information you provide are intended to be for recruitment, selection, program participation procedures, and report of achievement of the program (including for public relations regarding the project on the Association's home page and bulletin) as to JENESYS2_0 ASEAN Short-Term Invitaton Project. Collected information will not be used for other purposes_ 2 Entrustment of Personal information Personal information you provide may be entrusted to travel agencies, insurance agents, or printing companies with which the Association may contract. 3 Provision to Third Parties Personal information you provide may be shared with third parties in order to smoothly manage the program or report achievement o; the project. (Entities to which the personal information will be provided) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, ASEAN, partner exchange schools, host families, etc. (information to be provided) 1Vlattrs described in applications, passport information 4 Voluntariness of the Provision of Personal Information Your personal information is to be provided voluntarily_ However, your non-provision of necessary information may result in difficulties upon participation in the program. 5 Disclosures, Corrections, Additions. Deletions, etc. of Personal Information You have the right to request notice of the intended purpose, disclosure, and correction of personal information, addition and deletion of some terns of information, and the deletion, dist_isP, and suspension of use of the personal information itself_ When you wish to request disclosure of your perscnw information, etc., please contact the following consultation service representntive. [Personal information Consultation Service Representative) 5'11 Floor, Nirlonseimei lchibancho Building., 23-3 lchiban-oho, ChiyoCa, Tokyo, 102-0082 General Affairs Department of Japan Overseas Cooperative Association. contact for Personal Information Consultation Services: Daisuke Watanabe Email : kojinjoho@joca, Tel ; 03-6261-0261 (Contact Information as to JENESYS2.0] Japan Overseas Cooperative Association. Third DiVision of Operator! Department, Division in charge of JENESYS..20 Tel : 03-62'31-0247 FAX 03-6261-0249 Email . bunka3(ajoca_orjp Revised on 20/11/2013 JUL. 2014 10:14 NO. 127 844 846195 P. 9 JENESYSI° JENESYS2.0 PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS I (name) hereby acknowledge that I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions regarding my participation in JENESYS2.0. All participants including chaperons/supervisors will need to be physically fit and capable of walking extensive distances and climbing numerous stairs. Candidates with medical conditions which may impede full participation in physical activities should not be considered. Each participant must declare all the health problems in the application form and is fully responsible for health condition and its costs associated with those diseases. Participants including chaperons/supervisors have to comprehend that medical treatment cost related to the chronic disease is not covered by the program insurance. Airfare, lodging, transportation, meals and admission fees for scheduled activities are provided for all JENESYS2.0 participants. Participants are expected to cover personal expenses and bring sufficient funds for pocket money and for the purchase of items for personal use. A participant is fully responsible for costs associated with last-minute cancellations or changes, initiated by the participant. Participants with behavioral issues may result in dismissal from the JENESYS2.0 program and leave Japan at their own expense. All participants including chaperons/supervisors have to attend all the programs planned by the implementing agency and they need to follow the rules/guidelines made by the implementing agency. (Signature) (DD) (Ivan (YYYY) 11. JUL. 2014 10:14 - • 844 846195 NO. 127 P. 10 VISA APPLICATION FORM TO ENTER JAPAN (Paste photo here) 45mm x45mm *Official use only or 2inx2in Surname (as shown in passport) Given and middle names (as shown in passport) Other names (including any other names you are or have been known by) Place of birth Date of birth (Day)/(r onth)J(Year) Sex: Male 0 Female 7 (City) (Country) (State or ProvinceT Marital status: Single 1:11 Married 0 Widowed El Divorced Nationality or citizenship Former and/or other nationalities or citizenships ID No. issued to you by your government Passport type: Diplomatic E Official E Ordinary ❑ Other ❑ Passport No. Date of issue Date of expiry (Day)/(Month)/(Year) Place of issue authority (Day)/(Month)/(Year) Purpose of visit to Japan Intended length of stay in Japan Date of arrival in Japan Port of entry into Japan Name of ship or airline Names and addresses of hotels or persons with whom applicant intends to stay Tel. Name Address Dates and duration of previous stays in Japan Your current residential address (if you have more than one address, please list them all) Address Tel. Mobile No, Current profession or occupation and position Name and address of employer Name Address Tel. 1'. JUL 2014 10:4 844 846195 NO. 127 P. 11 *Partner's profession/occupation (or that of parents, if applicant is a minor): Guarantor or reference in Japan (PloseProOde details ofthe guarantor or the person to be visited in Japan) Name s : •• Tel. %. • Address Date of birth Sex: Male El Female ❑ (Day)/(Month}/(Year) • Relationship to applicant Profession or occupation and Oosition Nationality and immigratiorist4us Inviter in Japan(Please write 'same as al;ovi!lf the inviting person and the guarantor are the same) Name Tel. Address Sex: Male 0 Female Date of birth (pay)/(Month)/(Year) Relationship to applicant Profession or occupation and position Nationality and immigration status *Remarks/Special circumstances, if any Have you ever: No n • been convicted of a crime or offence in any country? Yes ❑ • been sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year or more in any country?** Yes 171 No • been deported or removed from Japan or any country for overstaying your visa or violating any law or regulation? Yes El No 171 • been convicted and sentenced fora drug offence in any country in violation of law concerning narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances?** Yes IE • engaged in prostitution, or in the intermediation or solicitation of a prostitute for other persons, or in the provision of a place for prostitution, or any other activity directly connected to prostitution? • committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit such an offence? ** Please E No 7 No 1: Yes E No 0 Yes tick "Yes" if you have received any sentence, even if the sentence was suspended. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, please provide relevant details. 1 hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct-1 understand that immigration status and period of stay to be granted are decided by the Japanese immigration authorities upon my arrival. I understand that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter Japan upon arrival at port of entry if he or she is found Inadmissible." "I hereby consent to the provision of my personal information (by an accredited travel agent, within its capacity of representing my visa application) to the Japanese embassy/consulate-general and (entrust the agent with) the payment of my visa fee to the Japanese embassy/consulate-general, when such payment is necessary." Signature of applicant Date of application (Day)/(Month)/(Year) It is not mandatory to complete these items, . Any personal information gathered in this application as well as additional information submitted for the visa application (hereinafter referred to as "Retained Personal Information") will be handled appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs (Act No. 53 of 2003, hereinafter, "the Act-")- Retained Personal Information will only be used for the purpose of processing the visa application and to the extent necessary for the purposes stated in Article 8 of the Act.