!Jo 11i5allowec1 011 that. gl`Oltlll1 (seD No. 12)1 evell if thcl`e were


!Jo 11i5allowec1 011 that. gl`Oltlll1 (seD No. 12)1 evell if thcl`e were
'l'he claim i::; Il Ot s nolt as t lle trcaty contolllpl ntes, and JU\l st
!Jo 11i5allowec1 011 that. gl'Oltlll1 (seD No. 12)1 eve ll if th cl'e were
uo lack oC Cy¡ae ll co, and 110 difli e' u lt) abo ut (l no pJ'cscntatioll.
G :\I~C' I.\
C.\ IlIZ ,
ll O\\"
B.\I : BEIl1E,
>J\"o. 47 .
U NI'1' ED ST.\TE!:i 011
f E:\I::Zl' ELA.)
Hi:JO. l
Fl:\DLAY, fo\' t11 0 CO lIll Uissioll :
.At t.It e thres holll of thi:-s cnso th crc is [t jnrisdidiou:\l qlleSti o ll n-1JiclJ luig bt gi\'c ri so to ::;c ri olls clilli t.: ult)' ir t ile da iul
was wel1 rOllndCll in otlltJ l' rcs pcct.s. lJy t ho tt~ r m s of UlCl
Trenty we ;I]'e oul.'" at libcrty tú pa ~s upon sllC' 11 claims as
we re prL'5;c uted tu tlu..! (: O\'CrHllI Oll t uf til O l ' lIittlll Statesu r to
its L egati ol.l :ü Cn.m cas bej'áJ'/J til O 1irst (lay oi A ng l1st, 18GB.
fl'h c papcrs in thi s caso were s uLlllittcll 1))" tiJ u L ega,ti o lJ to
th o 0111 CO llllllissioll 011 t he 1st of :\ Hgnst , I RnS, hnt t1I C I'O is
uo positivo proof th ftt th e~' hnd UOeIl pr05clltüll to til o ] Jogatio n prior to that da te, :Iull by t1 w stri ct tcrllls oí til e lnn g l1:1g:e ahoyo quoted \l'o HM be exd ml c<l, Tt appears , ho\\"o n~ r , that th cy wero Illi\iled (rOlll XtlW York on til e ~2 <1 o í
Juu C'; 18G8 , to D. :\1. Ta,1llwgc, t il o Coulluissio nor oí t11 0
Un ited St;ües, th clI cng:aged in tho clischal'gc oí hi s officia1
c1 11ty nt Cn ra cil"s, tlud in d ue COU I'S U ought to IlfwD reachotl
him in time to h;ne uecu til ed with tlw L egati oJ1 bcfore t IlO
first oí tho followiug AllgUSt. Hall th e)" bccn tra.llsmittotl to
th e Legation iustead oí Ah . T ;lJlll agc \\'e llIi g llt ha.\·e b Ul' u
willing to presume that th o} '\\"01'0 received in t imo to COlllO
",ithin tit e tel'UlS oí tIlo prcsont snullliss ioll; uut, SOllt ast lJ ey
\\'ere, t hel'o is no pl'csll l1lptiou to he ma(l e ¡JI fa vo r oí tl u'ir
time]y l'eceipt. rrhe <jncstion, ho",c \'cl', is not n. Yo r} llU-
F)W;\I 'r il E H EC' J ):1l ' JI"
1)I:UC Y.Ell IX(;S , ....
pOI'Lnnl Ollt ', hl' l'IH1 81' (l1l eX;lIllillill~ t1 w pa llL'l'S aucl p roo f~
snhllJiLtl,d . \\ e IlIllst )'( 'j L' d, t(¡ r dai Jl I llp OI1 oLile!' g r o lll Hls
whi.,J¡ go tll it~ IIH,)'it o,(. Thc pclil iQU ¡lll egc:-i tltal .fol:iú :Felix
Gan' in (';\di /. wa~ a L' iti z(,1l of tlH ' L"uih·d St:1tt'H, :l ml thflt he
:"''''d a~ ¡1g'l'lIt foll':l n agt' uL of tlll ' UUyc rIlll1 c lI L o f r C I1"Zlll,1a
to p nn ' )¡ ¡\¡o, c :1mb fol' h, ·\' fnn:I'l-: tlWII í' n~agl·d ¡JI 111 0 W:1,.1' fol'
ill d t· PClld'·!H.'L', ami U.a l iu tlll' l'ert"'1'ILlllJl Ct' ,)f this s(:'I'\' icc he
\'Olo'; c:pls('(l lo ~l1n~ ,1' a. pCClll1ia,l'Y IO~3 "hi(')¡ i ~ \'il ri o ll~l.r
&lütí'd, aul! iu SUl'il:l Inl lsc a nd lln<,¡,ali¡..facto"y 1I1:IIII1 CI' tll;ü
wo Can lI t'i tL t' r , li¡-'('C' I'I,) Ih e pn'ci ~" twtU I"t:' 01' Ilis iujltr,r nOl'
tllf' PXlI' lIt of his IU:;~L':'>. TIa' cOIlh-.wl llu tl el' " l l id l iL is
(,laitnpt l he W:IS ndillg is Il ol :lIIlOlIg tlll' 1';(1)(' l'ti. 1I0r 110 thoy
~ l1ppl.r th e (, ,- j(ll'll l'e 1,., \\'Li(' h \\'0 \'al1 ;l,,,(,c l't a in its t e rms,
:t ppt';H~, howc\'t'I', to ado Jlt th e 1¡¡1l~ 1I :tg¡' of tl n.' pc titi o u,
" t1Jat ¡Jnl'il l~ lhe yt'fll''; 1f.. .I 0, l Hl t , I Hl:!, fl U'¡ 11, t'reftl,(} lIl.-:, til e
sa id C;14liz ',as tll l' fl;.w ut oC tlll~ '(' u ' /lIdau C;OYCI'll llle ll t in
LIJ c t ' )l ited SLat cs, :tdi u/o; b~ I'cqne:-t :l ll tlIlJH1~ ' 1' Ih ~· tl irecl iou
or DO II ,Juan "il'e n! €.' Holh·a r. t h¡'1l agt' nL of ' "I ' II 'Z IlCb, iu
tb r ( ~ lIit ctl Slates o f .\ 1l1(,·ril:ll . n Ull ns &lIc h )) lI rchusl. 1I ;\ I'lJlS,
¡u tbe JlPi!/ldH1rI,OII'¡ of fh e lh o ll~ ¡ lud t lln sla't~. rol' I ht' ' "I' lI eZll ela ll (lon~ nltJl('nt.. a l Im ' h 't' ( I:!) d o l l; ~ I',., (,;l.c lt . ['11' \\ hi ell he
wn sollligccl to pa., in pal't.aucl 011 "iJich J¡ :l<1 "fl IlC C<l cOllSid cralJle oC bis 0\\'11 1I10 IJll.\, :1lld rOl' "Id·h lh e snitl 1;ll l ir:l I' :18
ag-cul rOl' lbe s aic1 r {' Il C/.I1C !a1l (;O\(,' rtllll c ut agr cl'(} th :ü he
s hou ld h paid,"
J: C fl' l'ClH'~ i:i t,hrll 111 ;1(1" 011 pt't ilion or Il is 1'1'011101', Do n
11 amoll (larda, lla lcd ,Jnly :! '. l SI I, Ulld t.I lt.' p;q ll'l'ti Il ll'l'clo
a ll 11 c'\ l.:d , as .· 11 ppl,"i ni; t he e\ itl e lH;e "J¡i d, su ppods lil e il \'0 1'II lClILS or (nd a:; ahvn; f{U Oh ' ll.
.\11 ('~a lll j ll a l iO I ¡ o f lh ('~o
I'apcrs sho\\'s lh:\t. tl t('Y t:OI!Si ht of f\ Iclle!' addl'€,':-:-t'll 101o=vl1l\.'0110 as
::\ [nsL 1 ) lIi~:"! a Il L Sil'," ;lU tI \\' 110, rl'Om l ll t' ('o Jlh'x t,
\\'on ld nppL'!\I' to Ila,' I'(;('n a !Wn, OIl i n Idglt IIlltllUl'iL," iJl
Ye n 7.t1t'!a, pa rtil'llhu ly ¡lo.;, t "t~ \\'1i tel' ~ \ J)('t.·t-: a g n ':ll llú:tI
f1'olll tho C'qnity uf U,i:-; iluli, ¡¡l llul, ,,110111, iJl tlll' ('Iobing pnr;tgntpll , ¡le ).,lJ Il'S l. YOIII' I I I~hllt':-,'i," 'fhi ~ lt ·tl{~ 1' io,( Ilah'll
"Cal'lLl':ts, '¡"ly 28, IHI L," :l llll, a lllt ug h :\p p a l'f' ltfl y w riltu ll
by Don HIlJfJon nfll'l' i n , iti lIol S i¡J; IW tl I'Y:1 ll yhod y, 'Phi R 18
t il o fOtlllllatiOIl oC th,' ,--' 1aiUl , ,11111 r (' s t~, lh (, l'e [(H'e, UpOIJ fl ll
Itll :-; ig ucll lc1l e r ad tll'l'!'\8ctl to nu boll j, TIIt~ dailll, iu fad,
lil\ ,' ü u fl ir- pla\1t, :.t·I' II1S l o dm \\' ~l1Stí ' lI ¡\ll (, P fl'Ol l1 o,'c ry
SOtll'l!e t.-'x('{·pt its 1'Ol1 ts, On ('xnlllilli u ~ il, hO\\ercl', \\'0 fillll
L1ml lile ca sc mad t' tl0l's 1I0t 1Il'l'<..>n l C II1J~~ \\ ¡lit Ih e Ca cts as
a lkg "tl in t lt(' p t!lit io ll , 'n lú l'a:'l ' a~ prcsc lltl '(] h.,' tll c I t,ttf~ 1'
)'t'IHL':-iCll ts .Josc ph ( 'atl i ¡¡; as l )t' ill ~ eX lwM'(\ tu an adio ll by
th c 1ll,lIlllr<ltlllrt' r~ f(li' breadl n I' couLrad, a Utl üs cc rtail1
t o snlfl,l' i n {'l'cl1it l ly tllí' fa i lll l'f! o f r C' II ('¡¡; ll f'la tú t a"l' al1
tllC 11Illlikds Ol\lt'l'l'll; I Jl~ ~ i tI c:-; :-' ldrL' rilJ ~ a lI il'c d PC('Hlli a r.r
(l f ~:{ , Ú O U 0 1] a<'l'ount. of Itlllskels , :l lltl
tll l' payu lC llt uf as 11I1H: h III'II'C Oll a CNllll] l of 1:o li\'a 1', \\'uo
10:-;:-; by th e
h atl ;\gn'ed l o (lch':I11 t'l' i t , lJllÍ (' lil('ll.
'L'l tcl'ú i~ no 1)U' lIt ioa lII ,uh , nf ;lU\'
. l os 8 ¡.;ufl'c retl b,' til o
claiwant il l CIJU SNiU l' ll t'\' oC tl ll' difl~ ' J' t ' II ('e hd\\,('üll 1h e' pl'i l:o
pai,l (Ul' UI O ulll s 1~t' t~ a1111 th e IIl'OCf' l ' ,I:-; oC lI11' sa l,·s of Gof}'e c
\\'J¡ich th ey ,,-e re kl!'l L· l'('ll.
AppclHl etl to Uds Id! " I', hO Wl" ' ÚI', is :1 l"ita t,cIlI UJlt, uf Het.:OUlIt" Hu dt-'\' llat. t~ of .I/(Iy I :! , no\~:;, pllJ'porlill g t o lt:w c IJcen
miul c by .J o~t) l'll t ':Hli z , Hlltl w)Jil' l] ¡s cnWletl ".A r-:: tate nwll t
or ti/(· Ilt·ht o\l1tl its inlt·l'C' . . t:-; uf nOIl .T1l;11] rit'l' uÍt' Boli,-,ll',
Agc llt oC r C' !l c¡¡;nC'la ill tite [Tuitl'tl Stntl'S of .\lU t' ril'l11 .1nriJlg
~ll c -"t'al ' lSJ 1,"
111 tltis :ll'I ' lllllJt (',\lliz l'ha J'ges rOl' :-0:10,85 11
with c h~\' on y ilill'S- illb ' !'L':--t OH tlH' ~ : llt1l\ ;0-:(;, 11;1 , flS n S lllll oC
lIlOI};.')" dn e hilll 0 11 :1,1; 17 nin~I;:I' ts al :::.1 :?"j fl api('('o, oxp laiuing th o ih.llll as follo\\':-i : " TIH'. . \· 111 11,.;k,·ts "'CJ'IJ La l'tel'e,l rOl'
co lh!l' at tho l':1to of lOO 11>:-:, oC C'r'l tlce fol' c/lch llI ul')k ct; :tnd,
tit e coU't 'o hn\'iu g h Cl' Ll :-:oltl in PhiJ:ul¡' lpld i\ al :-.:!) p or LOO
lbs, lo Uh' ü t th0 lIl; LlIl1fadn r el':';' clniHl::i," A' c., t he l'C' wns a (li fret ellGO ,\:.; aho\'c sbltt ,tl nguiui)t til o tll' C'011ut,¡\llt o r til e
prill cipa l !o; UU1 01' :-o:\O,8i) I,
Me re U. CH is a c lain H\llt \VIlO , lhrowrjj
n bi:i hrothc l' :1.11t1 :lo(t('ut
in 18] 1, i~ allegcd lo ha \' e t'OIHjJlainetl to SO U!(' a uuu ymo ns
uody in V (' JIC¡¡;llC'!a th nt he 1acl be" 1l i lljul'cd hy th,-, l'OfUS ..l l
or tho agc nt oC
th¡\l. go \' cruJUc uL ill t ite Ouitcd Slah.: s to ca rl''y
co ntl'flct wilh l'C::i p cct to tIJ o plI l'c)¡a sc of lJlus kct s, fllltl
yet, who fnil s to me llti o ll what in lc nm yen rs nfle rwl\l'll s , flCf\
cording to :)11 <10('0 l111t tlion mad e up b.r IJill1, beco mos e ne oC
tilO prin cip;l l it ems 01' lIi:-, los5. :Not on1y so, l)llt th e clnima.nt. 11imself, in lunk ing up thi s nccount, <loes it so lo osel,}' that
he m:l.kes :l n erro r oC ~ 1 7 08.50 in til O 3,(il7 lunskc ts ite lll ,
chnl's ing fol' th ulll $-lR,40-l- , al $12.50 por mt1 sk t, whi ch nt
tlwt I'llle \\"ould y iehl ~·j 5,'l12 .50. It is t.rlle this cl'i'ol' is
nga inst him, un t as a u cvidence o f tho lOOSCJl e-ss ,,~ith wLicu
thc acco ullt i5 sla t cd i t mntlcl's Ilot OH whi cl! si de o f the col111ll1l it OCCUI'S .
A mMI with :l, bona.jide cbi m :\11<1 a r c ason ab le expcctnti oll oi lUl \'ing ii p ~l.icl d o s 11 0& lls unlly faH iuto
slI ch CITOI"S. 'rIJ c ro is flllother thing to he lI o t.iced in COIl nectiou wilh thi s ncco ullt. 'l 'hc lot oE5S:3 muske ts com plete
witLI bayollots is llicnti on ed as h:l\' ing bec u "tflkcll along
with him "- tilat ¡s, TIolinll'. ~I'I IO Otlr C' l' 101 o f 3,G17 is
callad " tll e romai ntler rccch 'ed Cro m til e mnnnfa ctul'c l's,/I aucl
wo ul d nppcfll' lo h ll.\'C bec n pa iel fo l' in cofree, whi c h CeH sll ol't
01 lhe ;'\grccd p ricc by 8 .1 0,851. 'Ye ro th oso IllJls kcls I'Ccei"ed by Yenezuela 0 1' no!.? ~Ph e I tl r oí D on l~ amoll Gn1'e¡a. befo l'o l' fe rrcd to, t11ll1cr d:l.tf' o f .T1I1.r 28, 18]1 , 011(1 whieh
cOlJstit nlc:-i l h 6rst pl'csolltntioll 01 lll o claim nn, 's C;lSC, in its
gcncrnl te nor wou ld scc m to " CI')' po ill lellly indicat.e tl1ft t th e
by Cü<1i z :111(1 1301i \';'\ 1' 111\(1 not boell rleli"c l'C'd, Tilo Janguagc of Don lb.ulon
¡s as CoIl0\\'5: "Bnt ou aski ng of tb o ubo\'o- 1lI nt ioncd age nt,
D on .J ll nn Vicente Boli nt r, tIJe :ullount wh ich wns to he paiel
as fi rst i llsb lr.n c ut, t he ngcnt l'c(us -<1 lo pay it, nnd .Don J osé
F eli x (meonillg (,"d iz) ,,"as lelt lo P"Y til dobt " (th "t is, as
\\' 0 u u,l r l'sloQ,l it, th fil'sl inst::tJmont),
'1'110 \\Tite!' then goos
011 to sa,': U.r\ nll flS nbo llt lha t tiul e n Oll 'r c lc!ó\foro Orca SlIC·
ccedcd :\fr, ]3oI h'n r in lh· nr" ney :\ud auth o rit)· o f th o sfl mc,
whell Ihe tilll 101" lile fu)fil m nI of th e COl1t,"O "t fOl" Ihe :;,000
5,000 ll1us J.: cts Lnl'gn i n \1 fol' in som c wuy
ltl us kcls wns 11 1' Don .1 ~é Fc liI ( lIl:lt ¡s, C'ndiz) call c\l 0 11
Bolh'fl r, wlJO lo hl him to &'c l' t\:l hout th IlI otlo !'. l fe did
so, bul Orcn 80 111 lJim hoc k to 13 lil"'I" : Ih ercjore (italies
OI1I"S) thC' hrotI l<'r o f ti 1(' nnd c l's ig u('(l (;1I th o ng ll , ll g we l. :\\"c
uc fol'c stntc<l, tllÜ IcHo!' is s ig ncd 11)" nuhud.r} is gro:ltl y e xposetl to h o l'uincd ~f, 'lb' 1't !:.·eclfl. .. /1,1/111'111, t it e 1It.fnll~(f/ c t f,re nl
li'UJ ¡, ¡ In tiJUi lrt l.-e p:A..:~·e.'·ll·¡() 1I '!l. ¡, tS !/o(uls " (i t: d ies liga il l uu I'ij).
FI'OUl tlliK staLollh'ut it woul d ;tP Jl C'ft l' tlJat tlH: Illn sk c t~
woro 1lot d eli n : l'ccl. ¡¡¡ltI t.hut what í'xcitc<l t il \'" frnteru n.1s uli citude o f Do n U;Hll OII W;1fol th e ft~a r t1lat Ili ~ hl'otI IC I' wo nlcl Le
slI c<l fol' f\ hrc:l ch uf I·o ut.fad. Bl's id ('s it 1II ;\.y bí' nccf' ptecl
a s ít fa ct whieL rcqnil'c~ no proo r tlwt til e maun(actnrers
\\'onltl Ilo t ha,·c partl...'\l witl.! t1l cir pl'UpCl'ty l111til th lj.Y WC I'C
citll el' pai<l Ol" SCf ' nrt'(1. Bl1t., ngaiu, th ~ IcHo!" gous on t.o sny
"tho lludcl'sigucll (';1l1 11 ot forilc;\.1' rcg rcUiu g. ill t he fil'st
placo, tit e ,1 etl'illl (, ll t c:lll sed to this pl'o ,·i ncc a uil itR f'o n(ederates b!l llot /I/lvil/y "~ec lt1·erl tll e úO ll sid ornlll e nHlll oer of
al"lllS whi cIJ we ro hal'ga ill t..-. l aL suell a g-ood pl' i('c, coWú(l c l'ing tllnt th e GO\"CI'IlIllCll t o C tlu! [Tnite(l S tatus pay fift.,- l'f'uts
lIJ oro ro r enel, 11lll:-:kot. " Tf tlli ~ l:1u ~ n ng c h as a uy ~ i g: uiti­
ca nco at aU , ¡t. Cilll onl.'" 1I1 CIln t.Iutt D 0 11 }{alllo ll , iJl Unl , in
tli o posscssiuu oC lotto!'::i l'C'cclltI.,- J'\~co h ·e(l . li S ho sta tes, in
t1ds !-i:lIII U lütter IHJful't , <¡l1otetl , fl'Oll1 ltis hroth ol' in tIJ e
{Tnitcd Statcs, cOlllpl ll inillg u f th o COllrso oC B ulinu·, lHule rxtooll tll e canso 01' g' l'il' ,·ancc to ),t' that t ilo ú1 nillmllt lulI1
IU:Hh, II hnrg:\ill fOI" II111 Sk ú t s, whi eh he was not ah]l' to Calfil ,
alld lhat Ili s liahility to n. s nit [or bl'C'a ch o f cOlltract, togeth el' with cCl'taill mOllOr he hall a<lvallcc<l in p a rt. )ln )" lllont
COI' tIJ e muskets, constitlltcd llis cl:lilll. In t S ~ H tlic clailU:Lllt, us \YO In\\"e 5ltO\\'U , app cal's to h nx o oulal'getl his chilll,
au<l it th e ll appeal's as ir til o Illl1skets lJacl u oo n deli \'cl'cd,
bnt he Cailed to reali zo in (ull whnt waS agl'ced to be paiel
COI' th om, by I'CaSOll of tlle colf08 whi el! W il S tuk cu iu excha.ngo not b riug iug: a.s wl1ch púr p o nnd as liad ueen anti cipaled .
T h er o is llot the s li¡.;htest e yid cn oo iu t ho püpCI'S tImt this
anouy mo1l5 Jottor rlu<l this nCCo llut, ll cith cr oí th clII SWOI'Il to,
and constituting tito g ro nnd s oC daiul, \Yere OVOl' presented
by n.nyLody to fil1ybocly. 'rtl ero is a miullto at th e l..IOttom
of UIU Icttc]',
un sig uf'<l, whi ch r Cn d S :'lB fo ll o w8: 11 rl' he
oxo"; l1ti"c po \\'cr u rd úl'útl D on T e lcs fo l'o Orca. to fultl l tho
couLra ct, provid(;!{} th:lt its tC l'lllS W 1'0 n o~ \"t.' l'y Unr Cfl!:iOIlblo, 'Hl is "'flS s lllJstll utially tlu,) d Ol:i!:iiolJ , :lud tuo orclel' Wfl S
sellt to h im th el'e upou, " P ro m th is i ~ \\'onhl a.pp enr , ho \\' oyor, ~ h :u lh e co nt l'ilct hall not bee n fnl ti ll cd , :1 ue1 tilO IIl HSkcfs I.lot l1eli"ol'cd , :1lJd tIJ e I'clicf d ef'il'ed flD d obt:'tiu
. ed b .y
th c drt im aul Wa!:i tll e cscnpt: Crom liill;ility r O l' ~\ IJl'cac h oí
tlle COlltl'flC t.
'l'lte cbiluallt "p p"a rs to ha,·. leCt lh e Lillitetl " t,.tes sho r!l)"
a ml tnken "P ¡li s abo(lc in difrC'l'Cllt
lJt1rts 01' ~o ntl l J'\ lll c l'i~tI , Il OI;. 1'0tuJ'llitl ~, h ow~ ' ,'C I', to V(>1I 07.11 01:\,
th oso
oc\.'t1l'l't' lH; PS
H e filla.lly sel ¡eel ¡JI
~lllI t i :tgo
wOll lcl soo m fl'om au
llc Chile, fl'ol1l \\' ui. :1t plfl('c it
CUdOl'8c m li t 0 0 th
aCl'on nL be fo re
IlIcutiouctl, he CUIll IHllllic:ll ~d ",iMI his 1)1'0111 l' Don B ;l lllO ll ,
t bcu iu C':lmcas, cOll cl'l'llillg hü:; l'In i m, H e a cco rdill gly ~e lit
this ft CUO ll ul togel )¡ c l' ",i t lt all lil e papcl'S in his Cf\S~ to this
bl'oth 1', will1 fnll po \\'OI' oC alto l'l1 e." llnde l' d:llc oC ti lO :111 uf
lIay, 182:{, o colh,<:t ontll'ecf' iyo Ir ;111 111 IJUlouuls (hU' to
hilll ¡JI, th e ]/i}J" b¿¡c of ( 'uloml.ia, fl.n~1 s pt:!t i;llIy lhat he lII :ly
(lclI1:md fi ud C'ollect til o :1I1l 0 1l1lt !':pecitiPd in t hC" d ot nm oll ts
aU: ll'!Jell to lIds 110\\'0 1' oC nlto l'lll'y,"
Wlial was d Oll o wilh
thl' c1:l.illl, :\IH1 uwlcl' lh is Po\\'(, l' appp:1I'H 1'1'0 111 tl)(~ :lfl"iilndt
o r lhc p l 'cs~ n t daim:\JJt, ü d allglltúr o ( 11_1', ('lIt1i;.~ , m,ldc iu
N '" l ork on J.' hl'n:\l'y 2 , 1 90, in whic1 ,
ncco l'cling to dcpouent'!'.; be!oit Imow ledgc. iufol'llI :ü ioll. :wd
bcJjef, tb
llf llnlllo n, fl'o l1 l l S:!3 lo nbont l . {¡(j , "dI o f
whi (.' h timo tla'.r Llul ehnrgc :111<1 pos!'.; ~s!oi i oJl oC1I1l' papen; 01.1
whi rh this clfl i nl i8 foullc1cd. nu" ' 1" coUrde<l lhil' n'C'f' i"t'd
a n)'tiJi ug
011 UCCO l1l1t
of t il e claitn i u Cjncs Lio u , ami JICt'c:r cu-
dWi:Ol'cd "r IfllfÜI'IOO!.; tú colled ti/e Mtid cla¡1JI," * J,} * :-)0
it shl1ll l '{'I' (1 rol' 1Il01' l.Im u fO l't.r.r fll'S, 1Il1 li ) tll l' pa)w l':-: "'CI'O
SeJJt lo ..\J I'. 'l'a lmag in Uu.' ' UlIllI1 el' uf 1. ~. as lJ furu tlcsCl'ihed , alld hnl'illg lU"PII tl i¡;'ltl!o\\'t'tl lIy 111(' ('Olllll'¡¡o<sioll of
wllÍth lit: W:Ui fl IIH:llubcl', b ':t ll iL " \\ ;l!:, 1I0l fil útl wi lb th o
· ~lI it :l d ~l¡¡t '!i LJegation pl'edOll S lo tIJ o o l'gl\niz:llion o f t hc
COItlllll ssiOIl ," it llOW t:OllleS bofore lIS, arter t IJO 1.1 pse o f non!'ly
f' ight)' yc ars fro lU tll e o ri gill o f tll e elaim.
B oUJ til o o riginal ('Inilllant :\11(1 hi :-: hroth el' T¡flm oll , lo wl1 o ll1 tlJl.:: power o f
at.tom c,)" W¡\ s giY(' II , appCíll' tú I l<lY C Ili cll in 1 8 ~H , hut, whil o
tLc po wcr WII ~ thn:-j I'c\'okcd, t.lic·ro iR no I'caso n \Vil )' th e
I'nrti es il.l h·restl'd ~ J¡ o l1ld )wt IUHO I'rc~e ut cd Uw clai Ul , c it ll cl'
in th e trilJ1l J!ftls o f r L' I j(~ ;': lwla , 01' through thc goo<1 otfi(:cs
oí tll e Pnited Bt:¡t. r~, :tncl ll ot 11:\.\' iug el OIl í' ~o, Wl lCll tlL e
Cil'Ctllllstan ccs in whir·h it ol'igillat(,cl ",ere cO lupal'ativcly
rece nt, not c n m tJ /I ,/('fu'o /'illf! 01' 'ltld"rt" k h¡g tú collod ¡t,
IJUt s] (.'0 pillg OH t,h eil' l'ighls for uearl.r a. ha lf ccutlll'Y,
we arc 01' opioion tliat til O cO lr:-;ill C' rati o lL o f s Heh n (: a ~c,
Ü\'Cll if wo l'o nhl aS(,C l't ai u with l'Cl\:,;oll nhl o i'l'l'taillly what it
\Yas, wonlrl tl o \'io lc nel' to t'YI ' I'j' prin ci pIe 0 1' SO Ulld puli c,)'
Itlltl Oplill tI lO ,l oo!' 1'0 1' til o adllJissiolt or a u,)' elailU , how evcl'
staln Hnd o \¡ ~t: llI'e. lt is hw' th;"t t t-hi fl. Co nlllli ~:-:i() n is all iuterllllli ollal trilnw,ll allfl in SO IIl O sC lL :o;e i:o; notof..ttel'c·d hy t.11O
lI:Ul'OW mi es fl l111 t IJ o Rtri r- t ¡wocC'rl11 I'CS o utainin g in mUlri cipal
conrt::i, Im t t hf' l'c aro l" ' l'lai l.l Pl'iIl Ciph:s, h,wiJ1 g th cir o l'ig:ill in
pl1bli c pol icy, fo tll Hl cd iJl th c lL:lturc aml Il cl'clisity of t. hill g~.
",hiel! 'a ro cqu a ll y o hli~ntory npon en ,' r} trilJllllal scckiu g tD
lulmilJislt:r jnstit·('. Grr nl t:\ P Sl' uf li mo is liD O"'" lo prOfhwc
c C'l't.lill íll cYitahl e rCRu lts, ,l lllüll ,i!; \\' hi l· J¡ a r e Hll" dl's tl'\H'ti on
01' t-Itp ohRc nmtioll of lJ \'idt' ll C:o, Jly wh i(' h tht' Cfltlality o C tile
pal'ti c~ is I.lisl m·ul'cl 01' Ilt:::tll'u}cd , aurl , ¡lS a co n~ (, lpl t! n cp,
I'eud ors t hC' 1I(,(,O lllpli ~ hll ltJnt uf oxact or onm appl'ox iuJU.to
justico illlpussi llle. Tim e itl:)clf ii:' au IIU Writtcu stn.tnt e 0 1' I'eposo. Conrt:-i oí t'<]l1 it)' cO Il ~t:\ntl .r i1ct, npon t his pl'illciph-.
which "dong:.; to no corl e 01' s,"stcm o[ Illtl nici pal jUtlicat,lll'c,
un t is I\S will e antl 11lli \'unml in ils opemti on n~ t ll e l'Imge oí
Immall co ntl'OVtl l'8y, A !; tnl ~· daim ~l oes not ilccomc ,111)' til o
less so bCcau8c it. ltappe us to be an int er ll ationlll OliO, :111 11
t,hi s trihllll¡ll in dcalill g with it. C¡l.lLlI ot eSt'ap c Ih e oblign ti o u
oí HU t1lli\'crSi\.lI y I'cúog ui zcd principk', Poimply UOl'llllSC th el'e
happeJl8 to be uo cod c o í pusiti yc I'lll es by wh ic- h its artiou
is to IJe gO YCl'u cl.l. 'file Tl'caty undcl' which it. is sitt.ing l'C-
J..'KOlI 'rUJo;
quites tlmt its d ecisio ns 811,,11 be made in co nlonlllty wilh
jus ti ce, withont defining whal is m eaut b) thnt tcnD, " re
are c]ca rl y oC the Opill io u, that in n o sense in wlll ch the t erm
is USl!d, w0 11111 it be jnst Io r n8 to mnke no a wnl'd which
wo nlc1 require th e le\'J iag oCa lax o n th e wh ole pre~c llt po pnIati o u o I r ClIezneln Lo pny a claim whi ch o rig in ato<1 beCo re
uenrIy nll oCtite clclo.;;t o Cth c m we re horIl , an cl wllich i8 presented nt a t ilD e ",h clI it is imposbible lo S:Ly wheth er Il 18
well fouuded o r not, lh e (1e]ay being wilh ollt excuse or jn ~ ti­
fica ti o ll, nucl "e nccordingly reJect tIJe clnitu ilud llis rui ss the
pebti on.
e1&1I1I 01
lll CII AJlD
~ /\'0. 33.
[Apri I 2,1890.]
FISDJ.AY, (01'
COUl llli ss ioll.
'T h c rc n.re no pnpers in t]li s cnse cxcc pt th e Io ll o", iug:
1 , A lctler Crom tlJ e clniUl il ut lo t be H un " , f-T Se wl1 nl,
c1atecl tll e AIIJnny Co uuty Luuntic Asyhuu, F eu,'u:u-y 27,
2. A certi fi cnte oC lhe intention oC th p. clf1. imallt to beco rue
n citi zc LI oC tll e U uitccl Stntcs, whi e l! saiel iutcn ti o u
dethe (jth day 01 F euruary, 1824, I1"d is certl fi ecl lo
"'ll S
cla red O"
und er date uf tb p 2Gth or F e oruar)', J G
3. A cert ifica te oC tbe nntumli zatiOIl ol th o cl:nmnut 00
¡h e 28th 01 F e oru. r} , 186 .
4. 1\ n a ffid avit wb ic h pu rpo r t.s t o la ave uean llI iHl e by th c
elni man! OD October 9, 1867, helore o ll a P. Ir. ;1hlll'hy, II'ho
s igns I;imsel f coruruissioncr of dccds COI' ti. Clty oC Al bRlly,
but with o ut nny [nrth a r auLl. euticali o u oC llis o ffi c li.d cLarncte r.