September 2009 - Temple Beth Sholom


September 2009 - Temple Beth Sholom
September 2009
Elul 5769/Tishri 5770
By Rabbi Alan B. Lucas
“I think you are wrong,
but I still love you!”
am watching a televised town hall meeting where
a congressman i s meeting with his local constituents to di scuss t he merits of health reform that i s being
propo sed by the current administ ration. But what I
see is not a conversation, not even a debate, but a
shouting match. And there is a small but significant
contingent of protestors t hat have co me, not to discuss,
but to disrupt . Every time the cong ressman tries to
speak and explain his views they shout him down
with ironic chant s of , “thi s is America!” Ironic, I say,
because this is America, and I thought that the freedom to share one’s views was a hallmark of what this
great count ry was abo ut. Civil discourse has become
more difficult than ever, and t hat t roubles me greatly.
Pluralism i s b ased on a fundamental belief that no
one group owns the exclusive right s to THE truth. I
believe that I am right and that you are wrong. But,
in a pluralistic society, I underst and that yo u believe
that you are right and that I am wro ng – and learning how to live with that gap is the key to a civil
I just returned fro m another summer in my three-year
Rabbinic Leadership prog ram, which is sponsored by
the Jerusalem-based Shalom Hartman Institute. More
than 25 rabbis of all denominations fro m ac ro ss North
America are fellows in this prog ram, and it is a model
of learning to have civil conversation ac ross deno minational lines. It i s easy to talk with those who m you
agree. The beauty of Hart man is the oppo rtunity and
the challenge to talk with those with who m you fundamentally di sag ree and to realize that while few of us
have changed o ur opinions, we have learned muc h by
studying and arg uing with each other.
Some make the arg ument that democ racy i s not a
Jewish concept. But as f ar b ack as the early rabbinic
tradition, the great rabbis Hillel and Shammai, who
lived almo st 2000 years ago, di sag reed with each
other throughout the pages of the Talmud. The
school of Shammai is known for its very strict reading of the law and for its sometimes- unwelcoming
attitude towards the “other.” The school of Hillel is
known for its creative interpretation of Jewi sh law
and fo r its usually “friendly” attitude towards the
other. Their disag reements were so significant that
at time s they could have lead to very different underst anding s of Jewish identity, but they insisted
that their children could marry one another despite
their deep differences. In f act, when the Talmud
came to establish one opinion as decisive, it chose
the opinions of the School of Hillel – not because
they were necessarily any mo re correct than tho se of
the School of Shammai but rat her because in presenting their arg uments, Beit Hillel always insisted
on presenting the o pinion of their adversary, the
School of Shammai before their own! It was that
sense of deference and respect that earned them the
right of law acco rding to the Tal mud. In co mmenting on this wonderful trait of Hillel, in putting their
The Obama admini stration is learning that it i s difficult to talk to extremi st s. The fundamental assumption
that reasonable people can work out almo st any problem no matter ho w intractable if they just sit down and
talk founders on the realization that not all people are
While we were in Israel, ultra-O rthodo x Jews in Jerusalem rioted in protest over the opening of a parking
garage on Shabbat. Similarly, an ultra- Ortho dox
mother was c harged with c hild ab use for the neglect of
her child and ag ain violent protest s erupted, where
trash was hurled at the police, and garbage was
burned in t he streets.
But here in America and in I srael and around the
world there are significant g roups who do not share
that philosophy. They believe that they, and they
alone, are in possession of the truth, and no re spect
need be given or should be given to anyone but their
own kind.
(Continued on pa ge 5)
By Louis Naviasky
he High Holiday s are a ti me to reflect on the
year that is ending and the hopes for the new
year to come. I n keeping with tradition, rather t han
celebrating through revelry, we quietly, communally
review both our acco mplishment s and o ur
sho rtcoming s, ask forgiveness, and develop methods
for improvement, bot h inward and o utward.
According to Pirkei Avot 1:2 (Ethics of the Fathers), the
world st ands on three principles: To rah. Service. Acts
of loving kindness. A s we prepare for the Ya mim
Nora ’im – the Days of A we marking the year 5770 - I
am hono red to share with yo u what o ur clergy, staff,
and lay leaders have achieved this past year, not just
to adv ance our co mmunal c auses, but to fulfill the true
meaning s of faithfulness to Torah, service to God, and
acts of loving kindness within the community.
Our new state-of-the-art Early Childhood and Lifelong
Learning Center has finally come to fruition. We
began planning it 10 years ago, launched our Capital
Campaign fo ur years ago, and, just 13 mo nths ago, we
broke ground.
We are blessed with a co re of dedicated lay leaders
who helped move this vi sion fro m a dream to reality.
We wish a grateful Yasher Koa ch to Bernice Cohen,
Steve Kober, Richard Levine, Marc Magid and Susan
Zelman for your tireless effort s in achieving our
goals…a st ate-of-the-art facility delivered on time and
within budget! To Margy Cohen and Helayne Cohen your kno wledge of state education laws, Early
Childhood education, and Judaic curriculum
requirements were essential in bringing this project to
Our Executive Director, Donna Bartolomeo, and her
staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that the facility
is properly maint ained and to assist o ur members with
all their needs.
Under the leadership of Gila Hadani Ward, o ur
Director of Life Long Learning, our mi ssion is to edu-
cate our entire community of learners. Fro m youngest
to oldest, fro m beginners to the well-learned, Gila has
programs for all. The Barnet and Annette Ostrow
Early Childhood and Life Long Learning Center gives
us t he space to achieve those goals.
We will continue to offer amazing, transforming,
award-winning prog ramming in our F ramework for
Excellence Religious School, where parents are part of
the conversation and the learning. In an effort to make
the Bar/Bat Mitzvah process mo re meaningful, we will
initiate a Mitzvah Fair so people can see the range of
tzedakah and mitzvah opportunities that are available to
We have planned a f ull schedule of Adult Learning
Opport unities classes in the daytime and evening,
sponso red by Si sterhood in partnership with
Derech: Lifelong Learning. We are re-establishing o ur
Adult Bat Mitzvah Class beginning this fall - a 2-year
curriculum for wo men who have never had a Bat
For tho se at the beginning of t heir Jewish journeys –
people seeking a co mmunity of learners and a
nurt uring environment in which to ask questions and
make decisions – we are starting a Dorshei Derech
Class. Dorshei Derech is partially f unded through the
generosity of the Legacy Heritage Foundation. There
are many entry point s at TBS - no matter which door
you enter, we hope to have so mething that excites you.
This year, our prog ramming the me is “TBS Goes
Green” - teaching our co mmunity the Jewish values
inherent in environmentalism. Toda h Rabba h to BatSheva Slavin, Gila Hadani Ward, and Rabbi Friedman
for assembling a wonderful calendar of prog ramming.
Rabbi Lucas, Cantor Barnoy , Rabbi F riedman, R abbi
Solomon, Sandy Berger, Barry Epstein, and Beth
Eichenholtz have been working diligently to ensure
that you have a most meaningful spiritual experience
during The Day s of Awe.
(Continued on pa ge 5)
Temple Beth Sholom
By Donna Bartolome o
Summer i s over. The tents fo r c amp are coming
down, and we are well on the way with our preparations for the High Holiday s. As I look forward to
the new year, I al so look b ack at thi s past year. Last
September, as we began co nst ruction o n our new
Early Childhood and Lifelong Learning Center and
the hole that never seemed to be mo re than a hole
was dug , we began to f ace a year of challenges. The
traffic patterns c hanged, parking spaces were eliminated, pick up and drop off for the sc hools were all
affected, and daily minyan moved f ro m the chapel
to the main sanctuary . Yo ur patience and cooperation througho ut the proce ss was appreciated.
Camp had their own challenges this year, which
included not being able to use the fields at the middle school. The c amp season i s over, and the c ampers had a g reat summer. Now our new Early Childhood Center is done, and I feel very fortunate to
have been a part of thi s project.
There have been many po sitive changes in the main
office, too. We welcomed Bonnie Rosen as our Bookkeeper and S usan Wetzel as o ur Marketing Assistant. Now that Susan is part of our team, the Temple
bulletin is laid out and printed in the office.
In our effort to “go green” and c ut co st s, we have
communic ated with you via email twice each week,
once for prog ramming and once for Shabb at. Members were given a choice whether to receive information from the temple by email or by hard copy, and
many have opted for t he email option.
As we begin the new year, I look forward to seeing
you for High Holiday ticket pick up and personally
greeting you on the High Holiday s. I am here to
work with yo u and your co mmittees and just being
there for whatever you need. Please feel free to call,
email, or stop by with any q uestions or just to say
My children Jennifer, Jason, Samantha, Alex and I
wish all of you and your families L’Sha na Tova .
Index to September 2009
F rom the Rabbi’s D esk………………………………………..p. 2
F rom the P resident……………………………………………..p. 2
F rom the E xecutive D irector………………….…….........p. 4
Religious S chool………………………………………………...p. 6
B’N ai M itzvah……………………………………………………..p. 7
M itzvah of the M onth………………………………………….p. 8
MBS ………………………………………………………………….p. 9
D erech: Lifelong Learning……………………………..…...p. 10
M en’s C lub New s……………………………………………….p. 11
S isterhood S coop……………………………………………...p. 12
U shering at TBS ………………………………………………..p. 12
Torah F und……………………………………………………….p. 14
TBS M emory Book……………………………………………..p. 14
TBS M embership………………………………………………..p. 15
E arly C hildhood C enter……………………………………….p. 16
ECC Construction……………………………………………….p. 17
E lijah’s C hair……………………………………………………..p. 18
Keepers of the Earth…………………………………………..p. 19
D onations………………………………………………………….p. 20
G olf Outing………………………………………………………..p. 26
Calendar…………………………………………………………...p. 27
PICC………………………………………………………………….p. 28
Temple F amily ……………………………………………………p. 31
To enhance your observance of Sukkot
October 3 and 4
by calling the Temple office
(continued from page 2)
(continued from page 3)
opponents’ opinions first, the Talmud co ncludes: eilu
v’eilu divrei Elohim cha yim – “these and those are the
words of the Living God.”
This has been an economically challenging year both
for TBS and our greater co mmunity. The Financial
officers have been working diligently on reducing our
expenses and assi sting any members in need. This has
been a time-consuming task that requires a great deal
of thought and co mpassion. To Alan Goldstein,
Richard Levine, and Gil Lipper - we thank you.
What a wonderful lesson fo r our day – to acknowledge
that no matter how muc h you think that truth is on
your side, you pause to recognize the value of the
other and that yo ur adversary also believes fervently
in the rightness of his cause.
At the Hart man Institute this summer we practiced
what we preached. We learned with t hose with who m
we disagreed, and we learned to love each other despite our disagreements. O ur experience was t he polar
opposite of t hose who woul d throw stones at their
opponents o r atte mpt to shout them down to prevent
the expression of their views.
If there is any future for America, I srael, and the Jewish community, it will be based on the model of Hillel
and Shammai and not on t he stone throwers and tho se
who wo uld shout do wn their oppo nents as they try
and expre ss their version of t he truth.
The future of our wo rld depends on ho w you answer
one simple question: Can you i magine the po ssibility
that yo u may be wrong? The fut ure of the world
hinges on our i magination. If we can i magine beliefs
of value other than our own, than we can imagine the
value of those different than ourselves.
We have not only looked to cut costs, b ut have also
looked to increase o ur revenue. Under Rabbi Lucas’
leadership, I am glad to say t hat we have been
successf ul at developing several new initiatives.
I think you will agree that this summer has been a
busy time. I hope that during t he new year yo u will
avail yourself of the myriad of opport unities at TBS.
By taking small steps, yo u will find your Jewish
journey a more meaningful experience.
I look forward to g reeting each of you on the High
May the new year be one of blessing and peace for
each of us, our families, and K’la l Yisra el. May it be a
year in which we all rededicate ourselves to the Three
Principles many of us learned as children:
Commit ment to To rah. Service. Acts of loving
kindness. A nd, in 5770, one more: To the renewal of
our spi ritual co mmitment here at TBS.
La Sha na Tova Tika tevu V’Techa temu.
It is easy to live with those who are like you. Learning
how to live with the “other” may well be the most
critical challenge of our time.
What can we do? I doubt we can change the whole
world – but maybe we c an change our little portion of
it. We can make sure that we are students of Beit Hillel
– who believe passionately in the rightness of o ur
cause but respect the right of others to be equally passionate in the pursuit of their beliefs.
Two thousand years ago, Hillel and Shammai learned
how to live meaningfully and productively in a world
of passionate disagreement – can we?
May you be insc ribed and sealed in the Book of Life.
Welcome to a new year at TBS. Our bulletin is
published 9 times a year at the beginning of each
month. We are also always available on the web
at If you have any news you
would like to share, please feel free to email me
at [email protected].
May you be blessed with a sweet New Year
Deborah Brosowsky, Editor
Temple Beth Sholom
iting the Museum of Jewi sh Heritage in NYC, where
they will be introduced to survivors abo ut who m
they read and st udied during class.
By S haron S olomon, Re ligious School Director
I wish to welcome all of our new and returning students back for an exciting school year. I hope that
each and every one of you had a wonderful and restful summer. O ur Religious School teachers and staff
are enthusiastic and ready to welcome the children
for another year of learning – full of Mitzvot. Many
new school-wide programs have been planned that
will incorporate Bibliodrama, Storytelling, Bible
through t he Arts, Jewish Holiday A rt, Music and
monthly Tikun Olam (charity) projects.
At our Religious School we strive for a curriculum
that will challenge the children and provi de them
with oppo rtunities to question and explore Judai sm.
We encourage our st udents to question their learning
and how to beco me critical thinkers.
Many new programs for our Vav classes will be implemented this year. We will have a year-long Holocaust unit with speakers and survivo rs, including a
visit to the Temple Judea Holocaust Center as well as
speakers f ro m t he Kupferberg Holocaust Center at
Queensborough Co mmunity College.
Our Zayin st udents will have an o ppo rtunity to use
the curriculum of “F acing Histo ry” as well as having
speakers who will talk on “I srael Today” and attend
Israel work shops and lectures. They will also be vis-
Again thi s year we are very pleased to have autho rs
visit our school. The Gan and Aleph classes will be
meeting with the noted children’s author Dena
Rosenfeld, and the renowned author David Adler
will be presenting a program to the upper classes.
Our Shabbat Family Study prog ram is st arting it s
third year when families study the po rtion of the
week along with their children. This year we are
expanding this program to include interested families to share a Shabbat meal after their learning and
preceding our F riday night Kabb alat Shabbat service. We are excited that parents have enjoyed this
learning prog ram. This will strengthen our co mmunity even more.
We are beginning our year with the Mitzvah of th e
Month of feeding the hungry. We ask that each f amily donate non-perishable fruit – dried fruit, apples,
pears, o range s, pineapples o r any f ruit with a hard
shell - on Sunday September 13 th (g rades K-5 and
7 th) and Monday, September 14 th (6 th & 7 th and Tikvah). We will be making f ruit baskets fo r dist ribution before Rosh Hashanah. These b askets will be
given to local Jewish families in need through the
auspices of the JCC of the Greater Five Towns.
Looking forward to a wonderful year of Mitzvot.
Sha na Tova Umetuka h!
Shirley Daee and Fran Kohn —
re cipients of the 2009 Ba rbanel
award — with Sharon Solomon
Mr. Ba rbanel a nd family with
award re cip ients - Ga n teache rs Shirley Daee and Fran Kohn
September Programs
Sunday , Sept. 13 th:
Sunday , Sept. 13 th:
Monday, Sept. 14 th:
Tuesday, Sept. 15 th:
Tuesday, Sept. 22 nd:
Thursday, Sept. 24 th:
First day of sc hool for Gan (K) – Hay (5 th) and Zayin (7 th)
Art - Shana Tova cards
Aleph class
Art - Ho ney Dishes
Bet classes
First day of sc hool for Vav (6 th) and Tikvah
Art - Ho ney Dishes
Bet classes
Sukkah Happening
Bet through Hay classes
(making decorations)
Sukkah Happening
Vav classes
(making decorations)
Daughter of
Debra & Hal
August 29
Daughter of
Galit & Alan
September 5
Daughter of
Karen & Jeffrey
September 7
Son of
Linda & D avid
September 5
Daughter of
Roya & Keivon
September 5
Daughter of
Meg & Howard
September 12
Cantor’s Concert
Sunday — November 1st — 2009 at 4 PM
Canto rs Concert, hosted by Ofer Barnoy, is presented for an audience of all ages and will
feature a f un and modern eclectic program, including "Ol d Red Wine," a Klezmer-Dixieland J azz b and, a Karaoke
style Israeli sing-along lead by Yosi Karavani and a c ast of t alented performers, including Israel Singer and
Shlomo Leiderman.
Ticket prices and sponso rship levels:
General admission
Silver Sponso r
Gold Sponso r
Platinum Sponso r
$25 ($18 seniors and st udents under 21)
Temple Beth Sholom
Mitzvah of the Month
By Rabbi Je ni S. Frie dman
We sing a beautiful metaphor every week. Etz Ha yim
Hee La Ma cha zikim Ba h, V'tomcheha Me'usha r. We sing it
in the Torah Service, but it i s originally f ro m the Book of
Proverb s (3:18). In English it goes so mething like: It (the
Torah) is a Tree of Life for those who cling to it, and all
who suppo rt it are happy. This year, as we e mbrace our
environmentalism and the 'greening' of TBS, it can
remind us of what a mitzvah it is to care for t he trees.
Early Jewish texts are, uncharacteri stically, largely silent
on issues of t aking care of the wo rld aro und us. In
Genesis we are commanded both to wo rk and to guard
the earth. And fro m Deuteronomy we derive the
commandment ag ainst wasting precious resources. But
our later co mmentato rs, legal minds, and poets di d most
of the work exploring the deep connection of human
lives, of our Jewish lives, to tho se of the earth, the water,
and t he trees.
Based on Deuteronomy 20:19, Israeli poet Natan Zach
writes co mpellingly of our connection to the trees:
Beca use the ma n is the tree of the field; Like the tree the ma n
grows up. Lik e the the ma n, the tree also gets uprooted, And I
surely do not k now where I have been a nd where I will be, like
the tree of the field. Beca use the ma n is the tree of the field;
Like the tree he a spires upwa rds. Lik e the ma n, he gets burnt
in fire, And I surely do not k now where I ha ve been a nd where
will I be, like the tree of the field. Beca use the ma n is the tree
of the field; Like the tree he is thirsty to wa ter. Lik e the ma n,
thirsty he remains, And I surely do not k now
where I have been a nd where will I be, like the tree of the field.
I've loved, a nd I've ha ted; I've ta sted both this a nd tha t; I was
buried in a plot of la nd; And it's bitter, it's bitter in my
mouth, Lik e the tree of the field; Lik e the tree of the field.
Sources for Learning:
When God created the first man he took him and
showed hi m all the trees of the Garden of Eden and
said to him, 'See my wo rk s, how beautiful and
prai seworthy they are. And everything that I
created, I c reated it for yo u. Be careful not to spoil or
destroy my world - fo r if you do, there will be
nobody after you to repair it.'" (Midrash Kohelet
Man's life is dependent on t rees, and the tree is so
import ant for the existence of the wo rld t hat the
sages establi shed a special blessing for those who go
out in Ni san and see blosso ming f ruit-producing
trees. The blessing says 'nothing is lacking fro m
God's wo rld, and God created good c reations and
good trees fo r the benefit of man.' (The Me’A m Loez
- an 18th and 19th century Bible commentato r.)
Sources for Doing:
Visit for info rmation on planting trees in
Israel in hono r of a special occasion or in memo ry of
a loved one.
Learn about the trees in your neighborhoo d! What
type are they? How long have they been there? Visit
www.a rborda for more information on ho w to
plant and c are fo r trees.
By Gila Hadani Ward, Dire ctor of Life long Le arning
As anot her school year begins, we are so excited to welcome our st udent s back to Hebrew High School. We
have an amazing f aculty, so me great classes, and unbelievable programs planned. J ust remember that you can
be part of t he action at MBS at any time. Even if you are
a senior in high school, it is never too late to join us.
We also want to encourage all of our teens to get involved in the many programs that we offer in our High
School community. While our Hebrew High School is
great, we are so much more than just a school. Machon
Beth Sholom is t he address for all teens at Temple Beth
Sholom. We offer social, educational, cultural and community service programs all year long, and we want you
(and if you are a parent, your teen) to be a part of the
action. It does not matter where you go to school – Roslyn, Wheatley, Schechter or any other school – we hope
that you will become involved in our diverse and exciting prog ram.
We also want to remind you that we have three aweso me youth g roups:
Machar (Grades 4 and 5)
Kadima (Grades 6 and 7)
USY (Grade s 8-12)
Our youth prog rams offer students an oppo rtunity to
meet other Jewish friends, to gain leadership skills, and,
in USY, to travel acro ss No rth A merica to Israel and
around t he world!
Finally, if there is so mething you are looking for that you
have not seen advertised, please feel free to get in touch
with me. We are very open to your sugge stions. We
need you to make our co mmunity stro ng, and we need
your voice.
Have a wonderful and sweet New Year.
United Synagogue Youth and Kadima
(does not include Hebrew High School Sessions
Sundays 11 AM – 1 PM and Mondays 7:1 5 – 9PM)
Kadima (Grades 6 and 7) 6:15–7:30PM
USY (Grades 8-12) 7:30-9PM
8-12th Graders
Please join us in the Board Room
fro m 1 0:30AM – Noon
On the First and Second Days of Rosh Hashana
(September 1 4 and 1 5)
During Kol Nidre Services (Septembe r 27)
And on Yom Kippur Day (September 28)
For study with Mike and Ravid.
If you are interested in serving
as a volunteer for the
High Holidays in one of our Children’ s Services,
Please contact Gila at
[email protected].
Coming In October, 2009
MBS/USY Sukkah “Event”
USY Regional Kickoff Dance
For More Information
Contact Ravid at [email protected]
Temple Beth Sholom
By Gila Hadani Ward, Dire ctor of Lifelong Learning
What Is The TBS “Vision?”
Since it is the beginning of the year - both the school year
as well as the Jewish year - this i s the time of year that
we reflect on the year that has passed and look to the
year ahead. This co ncept is called Heshbon Ha Nefesh –
literally, taking an accounting of our so uls. As we plan
for the year ahead, we take an accounting of that which
is impo rtant to us – what are our priorities? In essence,
we create, revise, or reaffirm the individual vision that
we have fo r o urselves. We then spend the year working
to achieve that vision.
Visions are an interesting pheno menon. They are an
ideal picture of what we want to be, of what we would
like to become. The impo rtant thing with a vi sion is to
see the ideal, but kno w that it is not something t hat is
necessarily going to be achieved overnight. The steps we
take toward achieving that vision are just as c ritical.
law. The center portion of the statement, t he Mishna of
the statement, represent s the essence of our Vision. However, it is surro unded by co mmentary – t he many voices
that are also essential to our Vision. The center reads:
Temple Beth Sholom is dedicated to t he
Built on the principles of Torah, we strive to
inspire learners at every age to live a vibrant
Jewish life in the home, within the congregation, and in the greater Jewish co mmunity.
We view each person in this building as a learner. Each
of us has so mething to learn, so mething fro m which to
benefit and gro w. It does not matter what you knew
before or if you never had Jewish education – the key is
to be on a pat h of Jewish learning – on a derech as it is
said in Hebrew. We hope to help you discover what
As a Heshbon Ha Nefesh ask s individuals to create a vision your path is, and we are here for you to di scuss it and
for the mselves, we at Temple Beth Sholom also have a provide you with reso urces to get you on t hat path.
Vision. It is a beautifully written st atement, written by a
dedicated gro up of thinkers who spent 2 years really Here are so me questions fo r thoug ht/disc ussion fo r you:
studying Temple Beth Sholom in our ReImagine Project. • What does Lifelong Jewish Learning mean to yo u?
You may have seen it before – if you have not, it is en- • As you begin the Jewish year, what would yo u like
closed in this bulletin and it is on o ur website at
to learn? What Jewish topics int rigue you? W hat is rning/derech.shtml.
so mething you alway s wanted to k now?
• How can you live a vibrant Jewish life both in your
During the course of the year, throug h the TBS Bulletin,
synagogue as well as in your ho me?
we will look at the different elements that co mprise the • How can we at TBS help you on this path? RememTBS Vision. After a brief discussion, we will pose quesber we are here for you!
tions to you that will help you connect this vision to yo ur
own lives. We hope that you t ake the time to think about I would love to hear your responses – let’s talk/email.
this, and we welcome your co mments and thought s as Please feel free to email me your responses at
well. Please feel free to email them to me so that we can gha da niwa [email protected].
begin a meaningful dialogue.
Wishing you a sha na tova u’metuka h,
The st atement is laid o ut as a page of Talmud, connecting us to the sy mbolism of Jewish learning and Jewish
By Mansour Zarabi. Preside nt
My name is M ansour Zarabi. Fo r tho se of you who
don't kno w me, you can find me every Shabbat at the
sanctuary entrance. I am excited to have been chosen
for the po sition of Men's Club President and am looking
forward to a challenging and successful year ahead.
For me, my responsibility has already begun. Last
month, for t he 4 th of July holiday, fo r five day s I attended the 2009 International Federation of Jewish
Men's Club convention in Philadelphia. It was a wonderful gat hering of Men's Club members f ro m many
conservative sy nagog ues fro m thro ughout t he United
States, Canada and even so me Latin A merican co untries. I met with many professional men of all ages,
from many backg rounds and all of whom were dynamic and lively. Also, I noticed that all of these men
were willing and capable of doing g reat mitzv ahs. Yes,
mitzv ah. The word has no clear-cut definition in the
English language; however, we are all bound by the
teachings of the Torah to do one hundred of them each
Men’s Club Dinner
on October 20th
to Star Freddie Roman
The Men’s Club of Temple Beth Sholom is pleased to
announce that our first paid up membership dinner
will be held on Tue sday night, October 20, 2009. Our
special guest entertainer will be Freddie Roman, the
great Cat skills comedian. F reddie Roman has been a
standup co mic since the age of 15 and has headlined at
many major reso rts, including Caesars Palace in Las
Vegas and Harrah’s in Atlantic City. In addition, Roman has appeared in many movies and television
shows, including La w a nd Order. Roman was the mastermind behind the long running Broadway sho w
Ca tsk ills on Broadway. He is currently Dean of the New
York Friar’s Club.
This dinner and show are free for all paid up mem-
Doing mitzvahs is what the Men's Club here at Beth
Sholom is all about and is precisely what I will encourage all of my fellow members of Temple Beth Sholom to
join me in accomplishing. And in return I can assure
you a rich life full of reward and happiness. Please
keep watch for our f uture f unctions and I wi sh yo u all a
happy and pleasant summer.
bers of the Temple Beth Sholom Men’s Club. In addition, the spouses of Men’s Club members are invited
to join us for dessert and the show at no charge. A
special invitation to all paid up Sisterhood members—
please join us fo r dessert and t he sho w at no charge.
The cost of dinner and t he sho w fo r non-Men’s Club
members i s $75.
Hor d’oeuvre s: 6:30 PM
Dinner: 7:15 PM
Dessert & Sho w: 8:00 PM
Since we are expecting a very large t urno ut, reserv ations will be required, and there will be absolutely no
admission at the doo r. Reservations will be accepted
until October 18 th or until we are f ull. There will be no
Temple Beth Sholom
By Molly Chernofsky, President
Nourishing Mind, Body, and Soul
Sisterhood i s ready to welcome you with open arms.
We are the spa of relaxation and the spa of spiritual
fulfillment. We will soothe and stimulate you with the
finest programs and events. Braid a challah, and put it
in the oven. Sigh with satisfaction as you take a bite
out of the cookies you just b aked. Join us at our first
morning and evening holiday baking classes on
Wednesday, September 9 th. Of course, you will get
samples to taste and to t ake home. Continue to enjoy
yourself as you b rowse in our beautiful Judaica Shop.
Our g rand reopening is on Sunday, September 13 th.
Perhaps you would like to use your creative talents to
beautify our sanct uary by creating a Haftorah Scroll
cover. Attend our Li f e Talk Uni versity, and learn the
secrets of successful parenting. That will certainly reduce the stress in your life. Or join us at one of our destressing wo rk shops. Are yo u a t heater lover? Join o ur
Wednesday matinee theater group. Myrna Robbins
picks winners. Her lucky l adies ( and several gentlemen) saw Jersey Boys and Billy Elliot before they became the biggest hits on Broadway. Leave your car at
home, and enjoy luxury transpo rtation into the city.
Call Myrna at 516 484-1736 for mo re information.
Join us at our educ ation classes where you c an nourish
your mind and your soul. O ur education t heme is Getti ng Cl oser to God. We have morning and evening
classes to suit your schedule. Yo u c an learn Hebrew
or solve an ethical problem at our Thursday morning
Brunch a nd Lea rn program. Yo u can study our Life Cycle rituals in R abbi Jeni Friedman’s Wal kin g With Lif e
evening classes. We invite you to renew yourself by
studying to become an Adult Bat Mitzvah. You don’t
have to feel overwhelmed or insecure. O ur teachers
will make you feel comfortable and welcome. Please
join our P rayer Circle and experience the satisf action
of praying fo r those in need. Call Ruthie Solomon at
516-484-2380 to join or learn more. Perhaps you want
to join us at our mo rning and evening book clubs. It is
a great place to share your experiences and make new
friends. And we have a g reat current events disc ussion
group led by Eileen Schnier.
Are your children leaving for college, and are you feeling a little sad? Help us with our College Youth packages, and tuck a personalized message in the ones going to your children. It ’s great to talk to wo men who
can empathize with you. We welcome all of
you: mo ms, daughters, aunt s, grandmas, si sters and
friends. We welcome those with difficult schedules
and tho se with easy schedules. We are here for you
day and night. Please share your precious commo dity
of time with us. Have fun at Mah Jong or Bridge. Join
our chocolate de ssert Wo men’s I ntergenerational
Workshop Seder. Perform a good deed and help out at
our Kn it f or a Cau se class or help us make our co mmunity a better place on Mi tzvah Day. If you love
getting in front of an audience, TBS Has Tal ent will
take place in early May. You can sing, dance or tell
jokes. Your teens are invited too! A Greek Island and
Crui se Happening and a Scavenger Hunt are all waiting for yo u. Would yo u like to wo rk behind the scenes
and help us with o ur Judaic a Shop or with our Purim
Baskets? Our Sisterhoo d bo ard c an’t wait to meet
you. We look forward to invigorating and soothing
you with our great menu of offering s. Please call me at
626-9025 or e-mail me at [email protected] with
any que stions. Say hi to me! I want to meet you!
Have a sweet and healthy New Year. L’Sha nah Tova h.
by Michael Mand
I would like to take this opport unity to thank all the people who have agreed to usher our Shabb at services each
week. Most of you have served as ushers for q uite so me time. Those of you who attend services regularly and
those who attend occasionally as well have prob ably noticed a familiar f ace or two upon entering the sanctuary
each week. We hope this helps to c reate the welcoming at mo sphere we at Temple Beth Sholom are wo rking hard to
maint ain. Although f amiliar f aces are co mfo rting of course, new f aces would add f reshness and vitality to our services. We would like to recruit new ushers. If you attend services regularly, please consider adding your name to
one of our ushering teams. Thi s i s a g reat o ppo rtunity fo r you to become involved in the synagog ue with a limited
commitment. U shering once every six weeks or so i s a g reat way to become more f amiliar with our services and,
more i mpo rtantly, with other me mbers. That is exactly how I got mo re involved, and it has become one of the most
rewarding associations of my life. If you are interested, please feel free to call me or leave me a message at 516-6214771 or send an e-mail to mjma [email protected].
Jayne Spielman Honored at Sisterhood Dinner,
Molly Chernofsky Installed as President
By Miriam Furman
Sisterhood Past Pre sident Jayne Spielman received
the Torah F und award for her contributions on
behalf of Sisterhood and To rah Fund, which benefits the Jewish Theological Seminary, at Sisterhood’s annual spring dinner on J une 3. Molly
Chernofsky was installed as Sisterhood’s new
president, replacing Laurie Pro wler, who oversaw
a fab ulous year of Si sterhood prog rams.
Molly is reprising her role as Si sterhood president;
she last served TBS in this capacity nine years ago
in 2000-01. A former high school English teacher
who graciously imparts her love of literature to
other wo men, she launc hed a Si sterhood Evening
Book Group two years ago that ’s still going strong.
Please join Sisterhood in congratulating both Jayne
and Molly and in thanking Laurie.
New Sis terh ood President
Molly Chernofsky
S is terh ood mem bers enjoy the
lavish c ock tail buffet. L to R:
Edy Lucas , Jay ne Spielman,
and Sara Mos t
Torah Fund Chairwoman
Lisa Sc hles inger, Honoree
Jayne Spielman, and
Outgoing S is terh ood
Laurie Prowler
Sisterhood Membership Honored at TBS UJA Dinner
By Miriam Furman
The Temple’s annual UJA Federation dinner reception on May 19 hono red the members of Si sterhood,
who came out in force to enjoy some well-deserved
recognition for their work on behalf of the Jewish
community. William E. R apfogel, CEO and executive director of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish
Poverty, a UJA beneficiary, spoke about the work
his agency does to alleviate poverty among Jews in
New York City. The agency, one of the largest providing human services in the city, provides meals to
13,000 people daily, he said. It s programs assist
more than 100,000 New Yorkers annually in such
areas as foo d di stribution and cri sis intervention
UJA dinner attendees inc lude
(L-R) S is terh ood’s Laurie
Prowler, Molly Chernofsky ,
Jackie Wadler, Pearl Halegua,
and Mahvash Zarabi
William E. Rapfogel s peaks
about the c rucial work of the
Metropolitan Counc il on
Jewish Pov erty
Temple Beth Sholom
By Lisa G. S chlesinger
For many years we have taken
our earth fo r g ranted, assuming it would always provide
and prevail. A s awareness of
changes and threat s to our
world has surf aced, we have
become more mindful of the
need to "plant and preserve." Recycling and conserving
have not only become our cause but have even become
the fashion. A concentrated effort has emerged to protect our blessing s to ensure a healthy pl anet for f uture
Le-a vda h ul-sha mra h, our first co mmand "to plant and
preserve" all that we have been graced with, has never
been more vital.
Just as we are dedicated to protecting our secular
world, we need to dedicate ourselves to protecting our
Jewish World. We cannot assume that J udaism will
alway s thrive if we do not plant and preserve.
Torah Fund is dedicated to that purpose. We cannot
take for g ranted that we will always have emerging
rabbis, c antors, educ ators, and leaders. We must do our
part to nurt ure Conserv ative/Masorti Judaism. Together
we can make our best effort to ho nor o ur first co mmand. By supporting To rah F und, you will join the
dedicated force that is committed to t hat end.
May we all heed our command and provi de a thriving
Jewish world and a bountiful planet to future generations.
By Elle n Walk, Vice President Me mbership
As we recite Yizkor four times a year we use a special
TBS Yizkor Book that includes the names of our loved
ones who are no longer with us.
Have you ever looked at the names and wished yo u
knew a little something about the lives of those named
in our book? Have yo u wanted to share the special role
these people played in your lives?
This year, in addition to the Yizkor Book, we will be
printing a new TBS Memory Book. The book will offer
the opportunity to share your memories by writing life
stories about your loved ones. We hope you will consider writing about your f amily members and share a
biography, anecdote, or special memory for thi s special
You can dedicate an entire page to one perso n o r fill the
page with re membrances of several different people.
Each page c an include up to 400 typed wo rds. (In f uture
years we ho pe to be able to include photographs as
well.) The cost per page is $36.
This lasting testament will be used all year long at Te mple Beth Sholom when we recite Yizkor on Yom Kippur,
Sukkot, Pesach, and Shav uot.
Please sub mit all Memory Book entries by September 9,
2009. They can be emailed to ewalk If you
have any questions, please email Ellen Walk at this address o r call the sy nagog ue office at 621-2288.
L'sha nah Tovah - May this be a sweet year for you and
your f amilies.
By Elle n Walk, Vice President Me mbership
By Elle n Walk, Vice Preside nt Me mbership
Did you know that adult children and grandc hildren,
aged 23-29, of TBS members can become full members
of the shul fo r $260/year?
The price of a High Holiday ticket is $250. For just $10
more, yo u can purchase a ticket that includes a yearlong membership to TBS with full membership privileges. In addition to a High Holiday ticket (for each of
the four services requiring a ticket), these new me mbers will be invited to the New Member Dinner (as
our guest) and other activities designed to welcome
and connect them to our TBS family. They can al so
sub sc ribe to TBSnet, and will receive the TBS bulletin
and ot her special-event mailings.
Many Conserv ative congregations offer this new category of membership – called Young Leadership me mbers - in response to a g rowing pheno menon among
Conserv ative Jews of not belonging to a sy nagogue
from college graduation until enrolling a child in Hebrew School.
On one of the few rain-free day s in J une, Rabbi Jeni
Friedman hosted a delightful reception in her backyard
for our ECC children and their f amilies. This year-end
celebration was held on a b right Sunday mo rning and
featured live entertainment, lots of refreshment s, and,
mo st import antly, a gathering of good f riends.
The guitar player filled the air with his joyful music and
silly song s as t he kids and their parents sang and
danced on the yard. It was smiles all around for everyone who came to share in the fun and festivities!
Thank you to R abbi Friedman fo r her g racious ho me
hospitality. Thank s, too, to ECC Director Helayne
Cohen for helping to plan thi s event and fo r being there
— along with the TBS Executive Board — to welcome
the youngest members of our TBS family. O ur biggest
thank s go to all o ur ECC f amilies for their o n-going
suppo rt as we head into an exciting new year and the
opening of our b rand new Early Childhood Center.
If you are buying a High Holiday ticket for your children or g randchildren, we hope you will consider
giving the gift of Membership. What co uld be a better
gift than helping someone you love jump- start what
we hope will be a long-term relationship with a synagogue, starting right here at Te mple Beth Sholom?
Temple Beth Sholom
By He layne Cohe n, Early Childhood Ce nter Director
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
How I spent my summer vac ation…Well, I went to bed
a little later – actually after 9:30. (For those who know
me, that' s progress!) And I woke up after 6 but not too
muc h after 7. Spent quality time with my family,
squeezed in lunch with friends, took long walk s with
my dog, t ravelled a bit with my husb and, and did a lot
of dreaming. Dreamt about our new Early Childhoo d
Center. D reamt about the beautiful, sparkling clean
classroo ms that are just waiting for our creative, very
excited teachers to add their o wn to uch and for our
children to walk through t he doors into their "new
home." D reamt about t he beautiful indoor play roo m
that will be fully equipped with toy s and activities to
help pro mote and develop large and small moto r
skills. D reamt abo ut the incredible playground with
slides, climbing pieces, picnic tables, a bicycle path, a
sandbo x for digging and exploring , benches for some
quiet time with a good book – all in a nat ural setting
that provides the opport unity to view and appreciate
seaso nal changes thro ughout the year. Dreamt abo ut
our families utilizing the cozy niche in the main hallway, where they can c atch up with old f riends, make
new ones and t ruly become a part of o ur TBS f amily. Dreamt abo ut the new Children's Museum t hat will
display many of the beautiful treasures that our little
artist s c reate during their day at school. Dreamt about
the new kitchens that will be used to make latkes, hamentashen and much, much mo re. Dreamt about celebrating
Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Simchat To rah, Shabbat, Chanukah, Purim and Pesac h, to name a few of all the wonderf ul
Jewish holiday s celebrated througho ut the year. And the
best part of all is that my dream is coming true.
We watched the building evolve from a very large hole in
the ground to thi s phenomenal new center encompassing
early childhood and lifelong learning that will serve our
community spiritually, educationally and socially. This is
such a special time to be a part of Te mple Beth
Sholom. Our children and their f amilies will be a part of
the inaugural class of t he new Early Childhood Center of
which we are all so pro ud of.
At this time of the year, I alway s begin to reflect on how
fortunate I am to have been blessed with my o wn wonderful family, and I feel equally as blessed to be a part of
Temple Beth Sholom's.
My heartfelt wishes for a very happy new year. May we
all be blessed with good things: peace, pro sperity, good
health and happiness.
For inquiries about o ur school, c all us at 516-621-2288 x22.
Important dates at the
Early Childhood Center
Sept. 8
Sept. 9
Sept. 14 Monday
Sept. 18 Friday
Sept. 28 Monday
Ribbon Cutting / Family Barbecue
Parent O rientation (Parents Only, P lease)
Toddler O rientation
6:30 PM—7:45 PM
3’s & Pre-K O rientation 8:00 PM
First D ay of School
Erev Rosh Hashanah Holiday (No Classes)
Yom Kippur (No Classes)
Please check out our website at
Sign up for Temple Beth Sholom online!
Be part of TBSNet !
By Richard Levine , Vice President Finance /Fundraising
On 9/09/09 Temple Beth Sholom’s vision of a new
Early Childhood Center (ECC) will have become a
reality. Thi s 10 year dream had numerous bumps in
the road, b ut with t he determination of many of the
TBS family, the new center will open on ti me and
within budget. There is nothing Te mple Beth Sholom
cannot do as we forge on to a new era in early childhood educ ation.
The current co mmittee started meeting about 18
months ago with the charge of building the finest and
mo st modern ECC in the area. A rchitects were interviewed, and the Spector Group was cho sen. Spector’s
expertise in educational projects and their close pro ximity to TBS was enticing to the committee. They have
worked clo sely with the co mmittee every step of the
way, including weekly meetings and daily phone
The next step was to employ a construction manager
who would handle the entire construction project.
Again, several people were interviewed by the co mmittee and the Spector Group. T.G . Nickel was cho sen
because of their previous successful projects, which
included work with Synagog ues. With everything in
place, the project was launched with a gro und b reaking last September. The committee dreamed of the
day t he project would be co mplete, and we are glad to
report that we are al most t here.
The excitement of the project continued as holes were
dug and steel was erected, colors were cho sen and
new furniture was selected. A topping off ceremo ny in
the spring helped build excitement as t he vision was
well on its way .
The TBS day c amp added a new set of challenges.
How co uld we run an eight-week summer program at
the same time we were building an addition of this
mag nitude? Ag ain, there is nothing the TBS f amily
cannot do. The co mmittee, architect, const ruction
manager, and the staff of both TBS and the summer
camp worked together to make this the best summer
We reach the project’s conclusion with a g reat feeling
of pride. At the ribbon cutting we will hand over the
very best ECC. The co mmittee became more like a
family as we reached our go al. We look forward to
many years of educ ational happiness in our new
From Generation to Generation
Create a lasting legacy of yo ur family’s connection to Temple Beth Sholom with the purchase of an engraved
brick for the Courtyard in our new Early Childhood and Lifelong Learning Center. You can even choose between two sized b ricks:
Size 4 x 8:
Cost : $180 per brick or 3 for $500 (Each brick can include 3 lines of text with up to 14 characters)
Size 12 x 12: Cost : $540 per brick (Each brick c an include 8 lines of text with up to 16 characters)
Characters include letters, numbers, sy mbols, and spaces.
For more information, contact Rebecca Altman at rebrub4@a or Rachel Schor at rschor1234@gma
Temple Beth Sholom
By Bat-Sheva S lavin, Muse um Curator
Elijah’s Chair
TBS Elijah’s Chair is here!
In the fall of 2006, The Judaica Museum Co mmittee
began the process of acquiring an Elijah’s Chair for the
use of our membership. After determining the specifications for the chair, the co mmittee launched an Elijah
Chair Co mpetition. Artist s f ro m I srael and the USA
were invited to participate and send in sample entries.
The sample Elijah’s Chairs were the focus of our Passover exhibition 2007. After much deliberation, the
commission fo r TBS Elijah’s Chair was awarded, in
early 2009, to Gabriel Bass, an I sraeli American Artist.
The chair arrived f ro m I srael to TBS in the early part of
the summer.
The Elijah’s Chair i s c arved out of solid wood and features carved decorations of the seven species of which
the land of Israel is blessed with as well as the quote,
“Elijah, the angel of the covenant… stand at my right
and support me.” At the back of the chair there is a
drawer containing a Ma zal Tov Album registering and
celebrating all the New Co mers for generations to
Why is Elijah P resent at every Bris or Baby Naming?
Why do we need an Elijah’s Chair?
The above ceremonies mark the entry of Jewish children into the covenant of Ab raham. The Midrash explains t hat the Prophet Elijah complained to Go d that
“The Children of I srael forsaken Thy Covenant” (King s I 19:14), meaning the covenant of Abraham. To that, God replied, “Because of your excessive
zeal to Me, you have broug ht charges ag ainst I srael
that they have forsaken My covenant, therefore, you
shall have to be present in every covenant ceremony
(Pirkei de R“ Eliezer 29; Zohar I Gen.93a). Thi s
charges Elijah to be present at the “critical birth” period of every newborn Jewish child. To acco mmodate
Elijah,” The Angel of the Covenant,” an Elijah’s Chair
is designated and i s left empty for him. Elijah is
“pre sent” in every ceremony - bearing witness and
assuring the eternity of Israel.
The Elijah’s Chair was sponsored thro ugh the generosity of Amy and Marc Magid, Milagro and Lawrence
Magid, Mitra and Habib Nazarian, Roya and Kamran
Pourgol, Tina and Steve Shayani, Madeline and David
Yousefzadeh, Debora and Itzc hak Ziv ari.
The Elijah’s Chair i s av ailable for your Simchas at
home or the temple. Please call the temple office to
reserve the Chair. I n honor of the newborn, a suggestion (Chair maintenance) gift of $180 to TBS Museum
will be greatly appreciated.
Torah ~ Etz Chayim
The Torah is a Tree of Life
By Bat-Sheva S lavin, Vice President Programs
As we usher in the New Year 5770 - the birthday of the worl d - we also approac h the co mpletion of the reading
cycle of the Torah, and at same instance, begin the cycle all over again. F ro m In t he Beginning, the Torah
teaches us that we are charged with the task of caring for Earth. We are Keepers of the Earth – we are here to
work her and keep her - Le‘ovdah U’leshomra . In the upcoming year we will offer you and the entire community
programs and exhibits that will follow the theme of Shomrei Adama.
Join us on
Saturday Night, September 12th 9:30 pm
Rabbi Ario S. and Tess Hyams Judaica Museum
Newest exhibition
Torah ~ Etz Chayim
Extraordinary Persian Torah Tiks ~ Magnificent wood carved panels
and silver Judaica
from the collection of Simon Zareh’s family in memory of
Miriam Zareh z’’l and Darioush Zareh z’’l
Festive collation
Joint Selichot Services at 11:00 pm
Led by Rabbi Alan B. Lucas, Cantor Ofer Barnoy,
and the spiritual leaders of neighboring synagogues
Sukkot the Harvest Festival
Dinner in our Sukkah & Friday Night Live
Friday, October 2nd at 6:30 pm
Services at 8:00 pm
Rabbi Ario S. and Tess Hyams Judaica Museum
40th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, October 25th 5:00 pm
Honoring and memorializing the museum Founders and Curators
Featuring our Torah ~ Etz Chayim Exhibition
On loan from Simon Zareh’s Family Collection
The evening will include Persian music & delicacies catered by
Newman & Leventhal.
Detailed information will follow in the mail.
Call temple main office for information.
Temple Beth Sholom
Gladys Cohen
in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ellen Belsky
Rebecca & Michael Altman
in memory of Bernice S. Dresdale
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
in memory of Jackie Wadler’s si ster
In me mory of Tina Weiss:
Melody & Harvey Alsto dt
Dedee & Stephen Lovell
Daniela & Steven Klein
Frances & Martin Ilivicky
Esther Meth
Marilyn & Eric Blier
Henriette & Milton Parker
in memory of Pauline Parker
Donation by Diane Acker Haber & Norbert Haber
In me mory of Les Schwartz:
Marilyn & Barry R ubenstein
Helene & Glenn Dorfman
Nancy & Peter Kurzweil
in memory of Ruth Kurzweil - Special thanks to
R abbi Lucas for his help.
in honor of Arielle Kurzweil’s graduation f ro m
medical school and engagement to D aniel
The Merker Family
in memory of Leo Hoffman
Elaine & Marvin Friedlander
in memory of Katherine Anne Goldberg
Carol & Ira Fishman
in memory of Joel Weiss
Ellen Dresdale Ritz
in memory of Bernice S. Dresdale, with much
appreciation and thanks to Rabbi Luc as, Rabbi
F riedman & Canto r Barnoy
Natalie & Jason Karp
in honor of Rabbi Luc as, Rabbi F riedman, &
R abbi Solomon for their help in preparing Reid
for his Bar Mitzv ah
Lisbeth & Claude Wolgel
in honor of Rabbi F riedman fo r her g uidance in
helping Chelsea prepare her D’v ar To rah
in honor of Rabbi Luc as for his g uidance and
words for Chelsea’s Bat Mitzvah
in honor of Rabbi Solomon for his g uidance in
learning Torah fo r Chelsea’s Bat Mitzvah
Rosalyn & Martin Landsman
in honor of Dr. Robert & Karen Spitalnik on their
40th wedding anniversary
Dara & Brian Rubenstein
in honor of Rebecca Altman
Stanley Fried
in honor of Harvey Beyer constructing the
Jerusalem 3000 Israel Expo in 1972
Heather & Harvey Melniker
in honor of the engagement of Sarah Merker
to J acob Taber
in honor of the engagement of Matthew
Kapl an to Cassie Billinger
Pam & Marty Bernard
in honor of Rabbi Luc as
Donation by Mark Goldman
Mark Lazarovic
in memory of Jank a Lazarovic - Thank you to
the TBS family.
Donation by Dori s & D avid Gladstone
Barbara & Alan Kaplan
in honor of Rabbi Luc as, Cantor Barnoy,
Rabbi F riedman, & Rabbi Solomon - Thank
you fo r your help in preparing Ro ss for his
Bar Mitzvah
The Halegua F amily
in honor of the birth of Meryl & Ho ward
Fuchs’ g randson - Mazal Tov
Marcia & Larry Atlas
in memory of Ziona Ben-Zvi
Eleanor & Robert Liebman
Thank yo u for our Shabb at Aliyah.
Joel Levine
in memory of No rma Atlas
In me mory of Leo Mirsky:
Arlyne & Warren Choset
Rena & Andy Goodman
Soraya & Abe Ost ad
in memory of Pauline Grossman
in memory of Annette Ostro w
Rena & Andy Goodman
Thank s to R abbi Lucas & Canto r Barnoy for
their support and care at the passing of Rena’s
mother, Ziona Ben-Zvi.
Frances & Martin Ilivicky
in memory of Mel Nacht
Alan Rosenwasser
in memory of Samuel Rosenwasser
The Merker Family
in memory of Edward Haberman
Alan Rosenwasser
Thank yo u for Aliyah on 26 Tammuz.
In me mory of Philip Garfield:
Pam & Noel Cott
Robin & Jay Merker
Roberta & Steven Zeldis
In me mory of Pauline Grossman:
Ruth Kroll
Daniela & Steven Klein
Sharon & R ubin Pikus
Marci & Mark Kamberg
in honor of Michael Margulis, Rebecca
Alt man & Deborah B roso wsky on the installation
of their new term o n the Board of Trustees
Phyllis, Steven, Rachel, & Joshua Goldenberg
in honor of Sarah Merker’s g raduation &
engagement to J acob Taber
in honor of Rabbi Luc as, Rabbi Solomo n, & Rabbi
F riedman - Thank you for all your assi stance in
preparation fo r Jo shua’s Bar Mitzvah.
in honor of Rabbi Luc as - Thank you fo r the
kindness extended to my cousins and me.
Roslyn Karmin
in honor of the birth of J acob Lev Melniker
in memory of Max Einhorn
in honor of Rabbi Jeni Friedman - With
muc h appreciation for your help in arranging fo r
the Pidyon Haben for her great g randson, J acob
Lev Melniker. Proud parents: Rachael &
Douglas Melniker
Heather & Harvey Melniker
in honor of Rabbi Jenni Friedman - With appreciation for officiating at the Pidyon Haben of Jacob
Lev Melniker, son of R achel & Douglas Melniker
The Tract F amily
in honor of Susan Zelman as o utgoing President
for her dedication to TBS
Risa & Michael Doherty
in appreciation to Rabbi Luc as, R abbi Friedman,
and Cantor Barnoy
In honor of Rabbi & Edy Lucas’ grandson, Aiven
Gray Relles:
Amy & Marc Magid
Roberta & Al Sprung
Soray a & Ab raham O stad
Rena & Andy Goodman
Helaine & Frederick Kurtzman
Susan & Ho ward Braverman
Marilyn & Barry R ubenstein
Helene & Scott Lurie
Joan & Leonard Weinberg
The Merker Family
Daniela & Steven Klein
Barb ara & Alan Kaplan
Carol & Jules Einhorn
Sharon & R ubin Pikus
Dorine & Robert Wulwick
Wendy & Scott Siegel
Sara & Alan Most
Risa & Michael Doherty
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In me mory of Jennie Lucas:
Steven Pilchik
Melody & Harvey Alsto dt
Dedee & Stephen Lovell
Bella & Barry Freedberg
Daniela & Steven Klein
In me mory of Edward Haberman:
Melody & Harvey Alsto dt
Sharon & R ubin Pikus
Lisbeth & Claude Wolgel
in honor of Cantor Barnoy for his g uidance, mentoring, and instruction fo r Chelsea’s Bat Mitzvah
Linda & Michael Moskowitz
in honor of Aaron Halegua’s graduation f ro m law
Lee & Jules Levine
in honor of Martin Ab rams’ 90th birthday
Phyllis, Steven, Rachel, & Joshua Goldenberg
in honor of Cantor Barnoy - Thank you fo r all your
help in preparing for Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah.
Mahvash & Manso ur Zarabi
in memory of Jackie Wadler’s si ster
Lee & Jules Levine
in honor of Martin Ab rams’ 90th birthday
Bat-Sheva & Nathan Slavin
in memory of Annette Ostro w
in memory of Philip Garfield
in honor of Rabbi & Edy Lucas’ grandson, Aiven
Gray Relles
In me mory of Stuart Heitner:
Barb ara & Alan Kaplan
Rebecca & Michael Altman
The Walk F amily
Miriam, Steve, & Ilana Siverman
Bonnie Rosen
Barbara Heitner
in memory of Molly Heitner
in memory of Calvin Heitner
Temple Beth Sholom
Barbara & Alan Kaplan
in memory of Bernice S. Dresdale
Phyllis, Steven, & Rachel Goldenberg
in honor of Rac hel’s teachers at MBS
Phyllis, Steven, & Joshua Goldenberg
in honor of Jo sh’s teachers at TBS/Religious School
Phyllis & Hy Kazen
Mazal Tov to Jessie Lurie on her MBS graduation
Helene & Scott Lurie
Mazal Tov to MBS Graduating Class
Lisbeth & Claude Wolgel
in honor of Gila Hadani Ward for her guidance in
Chelsea’s Bat Mitzvah
Cheryl & Mark F riedman
in honor of the Bar Mitzv ah of Jo shua Goldenberg
Barbara & Alan Kaplan
in honor of Rac hel Goldenberg - Mazal Tov on your
graduation f ro m Ro slyn High School.
The Tract F amily
in honor of Louis Navi asky on hi s presidency of TBS Cong rat ulations.
Phyllis & Elliot Pellman & F amily
in memory of Ziona Ben Zion
Susan and Al an Zelman
in memory of Stuart Heitner
in memory of Bernice S. Dresdale
Barbara & Alan Kaplan
in honor of Susan Zelman - Thank you for reading
To rah at Ro ss’ Bar Mitzvah and for all your hard
wo rk as President.
Cynthia & Ro nald Kat z
in honor of Rabbi & Edy Lucas’ grandson, Aiven
Gray Relles
Selda Steckler
in honor of the birth of t he new great g randchild of
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger
Henriette & Milton Parker
in memory of Simon Schlac hter
Bonnie Rosen
in memory of dearest mother, Regina Peggy Falb
Lee & Jules Levine
in honor of Martin Ab rams’ 90th birthday
Janet & Isaiah Seligman
in memory of Pauline Grossman
Gladys Kliegman
in memory of Ruth Kahan
in memory of Helene Hoffman
Roberta & Al Sprung
in memory of Albert Pine & Sol Sprung
in memory of Pauline Sprung & Jennie Rabinowitz
Phyllis Yablans
in memory of Gerald Y ablans
Sisterhood of TBS
in memory of Evelyne Hertzig
Harriet & Marvin Ro sen
in memory of Annette Ostro w
Pearl Halegua
in honor of Jay ne Spielman’s recognition as Torah
Fund ho noree
Harriet & Marvin Ro sen
in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Dr.
Robert & Karen Spitalnik
Carole & Joel Shyavitz
in memory of Bette Ann Spielman
Judy & Benjamin Pace
in honor of the engagement of son D avid to D arlene
In me mory of Ziona Ben-Zvi:
Stacey & Mark Silverman
Harriet & Marvin Rosen
In me mory of He le ne Hoffma n:
Susan & Ala n Zelma n
Judy & Art hur Goldberg
Selda Steckler
Adele & Irwin Flescher
Lori & Stephen Beyer
In me mory of Stuart Heitner:
Cheryl & Mark Friedman
Mandee & Howard Z apken
Roz Kaley
Susan & Ralph Wetzel
Marilyn Hoch
Marcia & Larry Atlas
Wendy & Scott Siegel
Doreen & Robert Wulwick
Pearl & Nat han Halegua
Phyllis, Steven, Rachel & Joshua Goldenberg
Mahvash & Mansour Z arabi
Judy & Art hur Goldberg
Mindy & Steven Kober
Amy & Lenny Katz & F amily
Carrie & Harold Gordon
Paige, Larry, S ara, J ason, & A dam Sirota
The Merker Family
Lisbeth & Claude Wolgel
Laurie & Davi d Prowler
Mildred & Abe Druss
Ines & Mark Bacharach
The Tract Family
Sharon & Steven Ball
in honor of the Bar Mitzv ah of Reid Karp
Doreen & Robert Wulwick
in honor of Arielle Kurzweil’s graduation f ro m
medical school and engagement to D aniel Swersky
in memory of Ruth Kurzweil
In honor of Bernice S. Dresdale
Carrie & Harold Gordon
Shari & Ho ward Schnitzer
Cheryl & Mark F riedman
in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Grossberg
Rhoda F riedman
in honor of the baby naming of Haruna Eva Friedman
Nancy J acob
in memory of Esther Glass
in memory of Tina Weiss
in memory of Morri s Eisner
Cheryl & Jay G reenfield
in honor of the Bar Mitzv ah of Reid Karp
The Merker Family
in honor of the Bar Mitzv ah of Z achary Kotin
Bella & Barry F reedberg
in memory of Dori s Vine
Lisbeth & Claude Wolgel
in memory of Barb ara Licht
The Halegua F amily
in memory of Pauline Grossman
in memory of Philip Garfield
Michael, Elaine, Jonathan, Alissa, Robert, & A my
in memo ry of Mose s Krolick
The Walk Family
in memory of Philip Garfield
In me mory of Annette Ostro w
Susan & Ho ward Braverman
Ann & Robert F ro mer
John Shalam
Marianne & Harvey Bernstein
Helene Fortunoff & Robert Gro ssman
Rochelle & Harold Lipton
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
Soray a & Ab raham O stad
Daniela & Steven Klein
Linda & J ules Lane
Sharon & R ubin Pikus
Shalini & Robert Schetty
Helen & Alan Wainstock
in memory of Joel Weiss
Ronna & Michael Niederman
in memory of Les Schwart z
Marla Kaminsky
in memory of Harold Wasserman
Donation by Faroch Sharaf
Adele & Irwin Flescher
in memory of Samuel Kransdorf
in memory of Lillian Lane
Anne & Gene Pritz
in memory of Edna & Jo seph Pritz
Temple Beth Sholom
Eleanor & Morton Robert s
in memory of Stuart Heitner
Nancy J acob
in memory of Stuart Heitner
in memory of Ruth Kahan
Judy & A rthur Goldberg
in memory of Ruth Kahan
Albert Friedman
in memory of Alex Shanno n
Bella & Barry F reedberg
in memory of Les Schwart z
Nadine & Lew Kesten
in memory of Evelyn Hertzig
Heather & Harvey Melniker
in honor of Jacob Lev Melniker
Albert Friedman
in memory of Louis F riedman
Lee & Jules Levine
in honor of Martin Ab rams’ 90th birthday
Arlyne & Warren Cho set
in memory of Leo Mirsky
Amy & Marc Magid
in memory of Bernice S. Dresdale
in memory of Stuart Heitner
in honor of the birth of S ara Kaila Ro senthal
in memory of Harold Wasserman
In me mory of Stuart Heitner:
Bernice Cohen
Arlene & Danny Fi sher
Susan & Ho ward Braverman
Jill & Louis Navi asky
Arlene & Danny Fisher & Family
in memory of Milton Bell
in memory of Steve Moskovitz’s mother
Barbara & Larry Glass
in memory of Tina Weiss
in memory of Stuart Heitner
in honor of Gil Lipper named Men’s Club Man of the
in honor of the birth of S am Harrison Kay, g randson of
Anita & Marty Kay
Bernice Cohen
in memory of Edward Haberman
Bonnie & Barry Epstein
in memory of Harold Wasserman
in honor of the Bar Mitzv ah of Jo shua Goldenberg
in honor of the birth of Joel and Elliana Seltzer’s b aby
daug hter
in memory of Ruth Kahan
Lori & Stephen Beyer
in memory of Esther Glass
in memory of Tina Weiss
In memory of Ziona Ben-Zvi:
Susan & Howard Braverman
Amy & Marc Magid
Donation by Arlene & Danny Fisher
In memory of Pauline Grossman, beloved mother
of Rita Kroll:
Susan & Howard Braverman
Barbara & Larry Glass
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
Arlene & Danny Fisher
Shirlee Roberts
in memory of Lena Isenb erg
In memory of Annette Ostrow, beloved mother of
Ron Ostrow:
Arlene & Danny Fisher
Bernice Cohen
Amy & Marc Magid
Barbara & Larry Glass
Cynthia & Ronald Katz
In memory of Philip Garfield:
Amy & Marc Magid
Barbara & Larry Glass
Susan & Howard Braverman
Leah & Harry Brochstein
in memory of Annette Ostrow
in honor of the birth of Edy & Rabbi Lucas’
In honor of the birth of Edy & Rabbi Lucas’
Bernice Cohen
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
Rita E. Cole
in honor of Sandy & Stephen Seltzer
Sharon, Lou, R achel. Jonathan, & Leah Heisler
in memory of Leo Hoffman
Ellen & Paul W alk
in memory of Tina Weiss
Judith Seltz
in memory of Stuart Heitner
in honor of Martin Ab rams’ special birthday
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
in memory of Bernice S. Dresdale
Elaine, Michael, Jonathan, Alissa, Robert & A my
in memo ry of J ulius Go rdon
Joan & Leonard Weinberg
in memory of Pauline Grossman
Be lla & Ba rry Free dbe rg
in me mory of Hele n Borowe r
(continued )
In me mory of Ruth Kahan:
Melody & Harvey Alsto dt
Judith Seltz
Adele & Irwin Flescher
Marcia & Larry Atlas
Lori & Stephen Beyer
Sharon & R ubin Pikus
Marion & Milton Radutzky
Evelyn Siegel & Family
Sheila Barth
Linn Shapiro
Cindy & Robert Kaplan
Selda Steckler
Mildred & Abe Druss
Judith & Robert Gro man
Irene Greenwald & F amily
Barb ara & D avid Schwartz
Phyllis, Steven, Rachel, & Jo shua Goldenberg
Bertha & Vincent Witt
in memory of Ruth & Sidney Kahan
Bella & Barry F reedberg
in memory of Helen Borower
Judy & A rthur Goldberg
in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of
Karen & Robert Spitalnik
Maris & Andy Rosenberg
in honor of the marriage of Jeffrey Bernard
Judith Seltz
in honor of Ellie & Morty Roberts’ 55th
wedding anniversary
Roberta & Al Sprung
in honor of Rabbi Zi ssel & Rut hie Solomon’s
wedding anniversary
Special Funds (Optional)
M inimum Donation $18
Albert B. Cohen Endowment Fund
Bernice Cohen Preschool Fund
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger - Camp R amah
Malka’s Fund fo r Lifelong Learning
MBS Scholarship Fund
Mel Hoffman Torah Maintenance Fund
Milton Horowitz Religious School Fund
Paul Shipper Music Fund
Rabbi’s Fund
Rabbi Ario S. Hy ams & Tess Hy ams
Judaic a Museum F und
Ruth and Sidney Kahan Chesed Fund
Ted Geffner Educational Scholarship Fund
William Spielman Solomon Schechter
Scholarship Fund
Yahrzeit Fund
Zelman College Textbook Fund
Rabbi Joseph P. Sternstein Memorial Fund
Other Donations:
Harold Kalb Prayer Book Fund
Library Fund
Max Greenfield Bible Fund
Why not sponso r a Sunday morning Minyan Breakfast in honor of Bar/Bat Mitzvah, si mcha, o r in
memo ry of a loved one?
In addition, a particularly meaningf ul way to co mmemo rate a milestone in your life is to sponso r a
Kiddush on S aturday morning, thereby sharing your simcha with the Temple family.
Please call David Oestreich at 621-3046 or the Temple office at 621-2288 for details or to
reserve a date.
Temple Beth Sholom
On Monday, August 3, Temple Beth Sholom held its Annual
Golf Outing at Glen Head Country Club honoring Sharon and
Rubin Pikus and Sandy and Steve Seltzer. As the attendees
arrived, they were greeted by Pearl Halegua, Lisa Levine, and
Amy Magid to register and were given golf balls, shirts, and
umbrellas. The next stop was brunch and then to the golf
course. After the round of golf, it was into the cocktail hour,
dinner, and presentations.
Richard Levine, this year’s chairman, welcomed and thanked
everyon e for their suppo rt o f the outing. Marc Magid, Executive Vice President, welcomed and thanked everyon e there for
a very success ful day. Presentations of trophies and raffle
prizes followed.
Honorees , S andy and S teve Seltzer
Event Chairs:
I ra Fishman
Roy Greif
Nathan Halegua
Alan Schecter
Committee Members:
Glen Albert
Barry Epstein
Larry Atlas
Jerold Dornbush
Gary Bernhardt
Danny Fisher
Steve Beyer
Josh Halegua
Howie Braverman
Michael Hammerman
Bernice Cohen
Ronnie Kat z
Mark Cohen
Richard Levine
Noel Cott
David Levy
Dedee Lovell
Steve Lovell
Marc Magid
Louis Naviasky
D avid Nussbaum
Ronald O stro w
Rubin Pikus
Sharon Pikus
Steve Seltzer
Sandy Seltzer
Honorees , S haron and Rubin Pikus
(L-R): Marc Magid, Amy Magid,
Richard Lev ine, Lisa Lev ine, and
Pearl Halegua
Temple Beth Sholom
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Roy Sobel
Temple Beth Sholom
Mazal Tov to:
Ravid Tilles, our R abbinic intern and Youth Director, on his marriage
to Y affa G arber.
Edy and Rabbi Alan B. Lucas o n the birth of a g randson, Aiven Gray.
Proud parents are Dina and Daniel Relles.
Pamela and Martin Bernard on t he marriage of their son Jeffrey to Jill
Sierchio, daughter of Jo an Witkin Gro ss and Joseph Sierchio.
Jill and Alan Sonnenklar on the birth of a son Samuel Harry.
Pro ud g randmother i s Susan Sonnenklar.
Judy and Benjamin Pace on the engagement of their son D avid to
D arlene Toedt.
David Pace on becoming Board Certified in Radiology.
Happy 103rd Birthday to Abe Druss.
Barbara and Steven Kohl on the birth of a grandso n, Matthew Ethan.
Pro ud parents are Leigh and A ndrew Kohl.
Ester and Allan Causanschi on the birth of their granddaughter, I sla
Nat alie Fleischman, daughter of Brooke and Michael Fleischman.
Pro ud g reat-grandparents are Harriett and Harvey Beyer.
T hank you:
T emple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Rosly n Height s, NY 11577
(516) 621-2288
Alan B. Lucas
Rabbi Emeritus
Dr. Joseph P. Sternstein z”l
Ofer Barnoy
Associate Rabbi
Jeni S. Friedman
Ritual Director
Rabbi Sidney Solomon
Executive Director
Donna Bartolomeo
Director of Lifelong Learning
Gila Hadani Ward
We would like to thank Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Friedman, Canto r Barnoy,
our I srael trip companions, and all of our Temple friends who helped
to honor us at the Solomon Schechter annual dinner on May 12. Yo ur
kind wo rds and support have helped that evening remain a wonderf ul
memo ry for us. We are so proud to be members of the Beth Sholom
family. Thank yo u, Harriet and Marvin Rosen.
Religious School Director
Sharon Solomon
Get well to:
Endowment Director
Bernice Cohen
Larry Atlas
Anita Kay
Michael Mand
Geoffrey Mattana
Our sincere condolences to:
Ron Ost row and the O strow family on the death of their beloved
mother and grandmother, our devoted member, Annette Ostro w.
The Siegel family on the passing of our devoted and long ti me member, Evelyn Siegel.
Jackie Samnick on t he death of her beloved husband, Norman
Risa Doherty o n the death of her beloved father, Philip Garfield.
Rita Kroll on the death of her beloved mother, Pauline Grossman.
Rena Goodman o n the death of her beloved mother, Ziona Ben-Zvi.
Alice Rutenberg Kasarsky on the death of her dear husband, Leon
Sanford Berger on the death of hi s beloved father, A rnold Berger.
Early Childhood Center Director
Helayne Cohen
Summer Program Director
Ginger Bloom
Museum Curator
Bat-Sheva Slavin
Louis Naviasky
Executive Vice President
Marc Magid
President of Sisterhood
Molly Chernofsky
President of Men’s Club
Mansour Zarabi
Co-Presidents of PTA
Barbara Levine
Marci Kamberg
Bulletin Editor
Deborah Brosowsky
Editorial Assistant
Jennifer Khoda
Ha mak om Yinachem — Ma y God comfort the mourners together
with all the mourners of Zion a nd Jerusa lem.
Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Roslyn Heights, N.Y. 11577
Friday Evening, Aug ust 28……...………………..6:30 PM
Candle Lighting Time…................................. 7:16 PM
Saturday Morning, Aug ust 29………………...…9:00 AM
Pa rasha t Ki Tetzei
Saturday Evening, Aug ust 29
Mincha/Ma’ariv Chapel……………………...7:30 PM
Mincha Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Skopicki
Friday Evening, September 4……………………..6:30 PM
Candle Lighting Time…................................. 7:05 PM
Saturday Morning, September 5……………..…..9:00 AM
Pa ra sha t Ki Tavo
Bat Mitzv ah of Gabrielle Brichta
Bat Mitzv ah of Ghazal Mizrahi
Saturday Evening, September 5
Mincha/Ma’ariv…...…… ...……………….....7:15 PM
Monday Morning, September 7 Labor Day
Chapel………………………………………..9:00 AM
Bat Mitzv ah of Felicia Horwitz…………..10:00 AM
Friday Evening, September 11…..……….….…....6:30 PM
Candle Lighting Time….................................6:54 PM
Saturday Morning, September 12……………….9:00 AM
Parashat Nitzavim — Va-yeilekh
Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Kahn
Saturday Evening, September 12
Mincha/Ma’ariv…………...……….……… ....7:00 PM
Selichot..……………………………………..11:00 PM
Friday Evening, September 18
Rosh Hashanah Eve…....................................6:30 PM
Candle Lighting Time….................................6:40 PM
Saturday Morning, September 19…………..…..8:00 AM
1st Day of Rosh Hashanah
Sanctuary & Chapel
Saturday Evening, September 19
Mincha/Ma’ariv……..…… ...……………….....7:00 PM
Candle Lighting Time……................................7:42 PM
Sunday Morning, September 20……………..…..8:00 AM
2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah
Sanct uary & Chapel
Tashlich at Ro slyn Duck Pond…...………….4:45 PM
Sunday Evening, September 20
Mincha/Ma’ariv……………....…………...…..7:00 PM
Friday Evening, September 25…….…………..….6:30 PM
Candle Lighting Time…...................................6:30 PM
Saturday Morning, September 26………………..9:00 AM
Pa rasha t Ha ’a zinu — Shabbat Shuvah
Saturday Evening, September 26
Mincha/Ma’ariv……...…...…..…………… ....6:45 PM
Sunday Evening, September 27
Yom Kippur
Mincha…..……….…........................................6:15 PM
Kol Nidre…………….......................................6:25 PM
Candle Lighting………....................................6:25 PM
Monday Morning, September 28…………..….....9:00 AM
Yom Kippur
Monday Evening, September 28 Yom Kippur
Co mmunity Yizkor……… .…………….……4:00 PM
Mincha……………….… ..................................4:30 PM
Neilah……………………….…........................6:05 PM
Ma’ariv………..….…........................................7:25 PM
Shofar Blowing ending Yo m Kippur…….....7:34 PM
Daily Minyan Schedule
Sunday Mornings 9:00 AM • Monday-Friday Mornings 6:45 AM • Sunday-Thursday Evenings 8:00 PM