English Menus
English Menus
English Menus Soba(buckwheat noodles) Udon(flour noodles) Udon/Soba そば・うどん Soba・Udo きつねうどん kitsune Udon あんかけうどん Ankake Udon ちらしうどん Chirashi Udon Tempura Soba 500 600 600 600 玉子とじうどん 600 TamagoTojiUdon 衣笠うどん Kinugasa Udon 700 たぬきうどん Tanuki Udon 700 あげカレーうどん Age Curry Udon730 肉カレーうどん 750 Niku Curry Udon 月見うどん Tsukimi Udon Age Curry Udon 750 しっぽくうどん Shippoku Udon 750 鳥なんばそば Udon/Soba (Hot or Cold) ToriNambaSoba750 けいらんうどん Keiran Udon ごぼうの天そば にゅうめん Gobo Tempra Soba 700 Soba topping with burdock tempura. Nyumen 田舎そば 700 Inaka Soba Soba topping with grated radish. 梅そば 肉うどん 750 750 Niku Udon 750 てんぷらそば 800 Tempura Soba 850 力うどん Ume Soba Soba topping with pickled ume. Chikara Udon 800 釜あげうどん 山菜そば 800 Kama-age Udon 850 Samsai Soba Soba topping with mountain herbs. のっぺうどん 850 Noppe Udon 山かけそば 950 かやくとじうどん Yamakake Soba 850 Soba topping with grated yam. KayakuToji Udon 小そば 温/冷 400/450 Soba/Udon of Small(hot/cold) 親子なんばうどん OyakoNamba 他人うどん Tanin Udon 850 にしんそば 850 Nishin Soba 天とじうどん Yamakake Soba Ume Soba 850 TemTioji Udon 900 Plain soba or udon with original soup. Plain udon or soba topped with deep-fried tofu. Plain udon in a thick ginger-flavored soup. Plain udon or Soba topped with a bit of tempura. Plain udon or Soba topped with scrambled egg. Tamago Toji Udon with deep-fried tofu and greens. Udon with deep-fried tofu in a thick ginger-flavored soup. Udon with deep-fried tofu in a curry soup. Udon with beef and green in a curry soup. Plain udon topped with a poached egg and toasted laver. Plain udon with fish cake, shiitake wheat gluten and greens. Plain soba or udon with chicken and sliced scallions. Ankake Udon with scrambled egg. Boiled Vermicelli noodle. Plain udon or soba with thinly-sliced meat. Plain udon or soba with deep-fried shrimp. Plain udon or soba with roasted rice cake. Udon served with a dipping -sauce on the side. Shippoku Udon in thick ginger-flavored soup. Shippoku Udon with scrambled egg. Tori namba Udon with scrambled egg. Niku Udon with scrambled egg. Plain Soba topped with boiled herring. Tempura Udon withscrambled egg. The name of the menu written in romaji.