CCS News - Columbus Computer Society
CCS News - Columbus Computer Society
E H S T AC C E S BE SO T RY COLUMBUS COMPUTER SOCIETY R YOUR PC FO Volume 16, Issue 7 CCS PROGRAMS & EVENTS MONDAY JULY 9, 7 PM @ CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS SERVICE MGI Software PhotoSuite VideoWave PhotoVista OFFICERS GIVEN VOTE OF CONFIDENCE The incumbents officers of the Columbus Computer Society were granted another one year term in office by the members of CCS. Voting was completed at the CCS General meetings in June and counted by the election committee of Craig Wright and Bill Merrill. CCS Election Count Presented by Dave Whittle (See Page 8) Ballots received 62 Discarded Ballots (expired membership) 2 Valid ballots 60 WEDNESDAY JULY 18, 7PM @ ONLINE COMPUTER LIBRARY CENTER NISIS QUICKPIX Qp2 Digital Camera & Netcam Presented by Don Rauch (See Page 9) President Charles Isaacs Blank vote 59 1 Vice-president John Cramer Irene Scaramazza 59 1 Secretary Ruth Albert 60 Treasurer Helen Isaacs Blank vote 59 1 CCS Summer School SIGs Cancelled for Independence Day Holiday New classes begin in July and August (Complete details on page 12) Novice Computer Networking Investment Software These SIGs will resume their regular schedule in August The CCS News July 2001 Intermediate Webpage Design, HTML 4.0 and Introduction to Java Programming 1 COMPUTERS IN YOUR LIFE GOES ON-LINE AND RETURNS TO THE AIRWAVES WEDNESDAYS - 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. WOSU Radio-820 AM In April, the Computers in Your Life radio program began its experiment with streaming audio. The WOSU radio station had planned to preempt the show to air Ohio State Buckeye baseball game play-by-play. In order to provide the up-to-date and informative news on all aspects of computers, that has been the hallmark of the show, volunteers stepped up to provide a streaming audio solution over the internet. The primary emphasis of this show is to have listeners telephone or e-mail their questions. A panel of guests from the Columbus Computer Society and other area computer user groups respond and resolve these issues. Those of you, who are too shy to speak on the radio, may submit your questions by email during the program. The show is in its tenth year with Tom Wiebell as host. WOSU plans to provide webcasting as a regular feature of their programming. Check their website at to see when they activate that service. The radio show is on 820 on the AM dial every Wednesday - 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Call 292-8513 to ask a question during the show. DISCOUNT FOR EMPLOYMENT ADS “Columbus ComputerUser Magazine” is offering a member discount for Employment ads in the Career Super Highway section. The $60 per column inch rate will be reduced to $25. For discounted larger display ads, contact me for the rate card. It can be faxed & emailed. Contact: Diana Barnum at (614) 529-9459. NEW CCS MEMBERS FOR JUNE 2001 Javad Habibi, Zanesville Jim Miller, Columbus Welcome to The Columbus Computer Society ! INSTRUCTORS NEEDED!! Due to the expansion of the classes being offered through the Columbus Computer Society, we are looking for people with knowledge in all areas of computer programming, applications, and systems. These people must have good knowledge of the program they would like to teach and enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. If you would like more information on how to become a CCS instructor, please contact Karen Shepherd at email [email protected] or go to the CCS Web Site @ 2 July 2001 The CCS News Adobe ® Photoshop Elements ® Easily create professional-quality digital images for print and the Web Adobe Photoshop Elements software offers unique features designed specifically for amateur photographers, hobbyists, and business users who want an easy-to-use yet powerful digital imaging solution. State-of-the-art image-editing tools free you to explore your creativity while mastering the elements of digital imaging. Work with photos taken with digital or traditional cameras and prepare your images for print, e-mail, or posting on the Web. Adobe® Photoshop® Elements Special Offer for $69. See details at Adobe, the Adobe logo, Clearly Adobe Imaging, the Clearly Adobe Imaging logo, and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. © 2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Produced by Merchandising Programs. BC 2720 1/01 CCS CALENDAR - July 2001 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 • Web Applications SIG • WordPerfect SIG 8 MarketPro Show and Sale 9 • General Meeting (Chem. Abs) WEDNESDAY 3 • Computer Networking SIG cancelled • Novice SIG cancelled 4 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 7 12 13 14 20 21 27 28 3 4 • Investment SIG cancelled WOSU radio cancelled Independence Day 10 • AutoCAD / AutoLISP SIG • Windows SIG THURSDAY 11 • Consulting SIG • Delphi SIG • Super Highway SIG WOSU Radio 15 16 • Act SIG • Paradox SIG 17 • Genealogy SIG • LINUX SIG 18 • General Meeting (OCLC) 19 • JAVA / Open Source SIG WOSU Radio 22 23 • Access / Visual Basic SIG Intermediate Web Page Design class begins • Fox Programming SIG • Board Meeting 29 24 30 31 • Board Meeting 25 • Web Page Design SIG 26 • Microsoft Office WOSU Radio August 1 2 MarketPro Show and Sale • Investment SIG WOSU Radio 5 6 • Web Applications SIG • WordPerfect SIG 7 Computer Networking SIG Novice SIG 8 • Consulting SIG • Delphi SIGI 9 10 11 17 18 • Super Highway SIG WOSU Radio 12 13 • General Meeting (Chem. Abs) 14 15 • AutoCAD / AutoLISP SIG • Windows SIG WOSU Radio 4 July 2001 16 • JAVA / Open Source SIG Intro to JAVA Programming class begins The CCS News CCS SIG and GENERAL MEETING DETAILS SIG/MEETING LOCATION TIME/DAY CONTACT Access/Visual Basic CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 4th Tuesday Steve Patterson 777-9540 ACT! Chemical Abstracts 7:00 pm - 3rd Monday John McAlister [email protected] AutoCAD/AutoLISP CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 2nd Tuesday Mark Landis 740-363-4012 Board Meeting CCS Resource Center 6:30 pm - Last Monday Charles Isaacs 901-0043 Computer Networking CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 1st Tuesday John Cramer 279-8721 Consulting Chemical Abstracts 7:00 pm - 2nd Wednesday Dave Williams [email protected] Delphi CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 2nd Wednesday Rick Ross 898-2767 Fox Programming Chemical Abstracts 6:30 pm - 4th Monday Barbara Brunot Jerry Gibson 488-4186 [email protected] General Meeting Chemical Abstracts 7:00 pm - 2nd Monday CCS Info Line 461-6227 General Meeting Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) 7:00 pm - Wednesday after 3rd Monday CCS Info Line 461-6227 Genealogy CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 3rd Tuesday John Cramer 279-8271 Investment Chemical Abstracts 7:30 pm - 1st Wednesday Frank Tarr 876-4648 LINUX Chemical Abstracts 7:00 pm - 3rd Tuesday Scott Sharkey [email protected] Microsoft Office CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 4th Thursday Steve Rollison [email protected] Novice Chemical Abstracts 7:00 pm - 1st Tuesday Craig Wright 885-9419 JAVA and Open Source Ohio Supercomputer Center 1224 Kinnear Rd, Rm 405 7:00 pm - 3rd Thursday Ken Langer [email protected] Paradox CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 3rd Monday Dave Sherman 228-3626 Super Highway Chemical Abstracts 7:00 pm - 2nd Thursday Charles Isaacs Craig Wright 901-0043 885-9419 Web Page Design CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - Last Wednesday Charles Isaacs 901-0043 WEB Application CCS Resource Center 7:00 pm - 1st Monday Charles Isaacs 901-0043 Windows Chemical Abstracts 6:30 pm - 2nd Tuesday Bruce Hotte 459-5657 WordPerfect CCS Resource Center 6:30 pm - 1st Monday Bill Young 267-8452 The CCS News July 2001 TOWN ST SR 315 CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS CYPRESS AVE ST GLENWOOD AVE DODRIDGE CENTRAL AVE ACKERMAN RD SAWMILL RD 33 DUBLIN RD SR 161 FRANTZ RD SR 161 BROAD ST OLENTANGY RIVER ROAD D R CCS RESOURCE CENTER N. BROADWAY I-270 ST R D INGS R CCS Resource Center 1091 West Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43223 Chemical Abstracts Service 2540 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43202 SR 315 ONLINE COMPUTER LIBRARY CENTER PO 745 Online Computer Library Center 6565 Frantz Road Dublin, Ohio 43017 5 RECENT CCS BOARD ACTION In the past few months, the CCS Board of Trustees has been looking into the possibility of moving the Resource Center to a new location. The lease for the current location was up at the end of June 2001. The investigation has been spearheaded by Judy Bell, CCS Public Relations Director. The Board was interested in opportunities to get a better value location - improve the available space and/or reduce the rent. Judy analyzed the zip codes in the membership database and had the goal to find a location more central to where the members live. The concentration was found to be in the northern part of the county, with the communities of Westerville, Worthington, Dublin, Hilliard, Clintonville, Gahanna, Upper Arlington, Grandview and north Columbus each having a significant number of members. Judy found a promising location near Huntley, Wilson Bridge, and Worthington-Galena roads. The rental cost would have been lower than the location on West Broad Street. But in light of the cost of building modifications necessry to have three meeting rooms and moving costs, the Board voted to not go to this site at a special Board Meeting held on May 30. With the Broad Street lease expiring at the end of June, President Isaacs agreed to speak with the landlord to determine whether we could renew on shorter terms or month-to-month, while we continued to search for a new location. Landlord required that the renewal be for one year. The Board voted to extend the lease at the June 25 for one year. Judy was asked to continue the search for a suitable location for a change at the end of the lease next summer. The Board thanked Judy for her efforts on this project. THESE BUSINESSES SUPPORT THE COLUMBUS COMPUTER SOCIETY Career Development Steve Patterson, President 6017 Buffalo Head Trail Dublin, Ohio 43017 Harry E. Kitchen, CSQE Embedded and real-time solutions for physical measurement and process control. Firmware development, software project management and process improvement. Over thirty years of contract service to industry. 614-538-9808 [email protected] KEEP UP ON WHAT’S HAPPENING IN CCS WEBSITE CCS BOARD MEETING MINUTES AND TREASURER’S REPORTS HELP LIST CCS INFORMATION LINE (614) 461-6227 (phones are monitored by volunteers on Monday afternoons except holidays -- if you call at some other time, please leave a message and you will be called back) DOWNLOAD THIS NEWSLETTER 6 July 2001 The CCS News ADVERTISE IN CCS NEWS! Promote your business or service to the CCS membership in this publication. You will find that the The CCS News has a targeted audience of people interested in and knowledgeable about computers. The following monthly rates will place your ad in The CCS News: Full-page $150.00 Three-quarter page $125.00 Half-page $100.00 Third-page $75.00 Quarter-page $50.00 Business card $20.00 Business card (member) $10.00 Help wanted "classified" style or up to a quarter-page Free Help wanted third-page up to full page $25.00 Items for sale "classified" style Free 10% Discount for a one year committment Contact Eagan Foster at [email protected] or (61) 771-1919. CCS News (ISSN 1041-0538) is published monthly by the Columbus Computer Society, PO Box 163336, Columbus, OH 43216-3336, as a service to its members. © Copyright 2001 by the Columbus Computer Society. Permission for reproduction in whole or part is given to other computer user groups for non-profit use, provided CCS and the original author are credited. All other reproduction is prohibited without the specific written permission of the original author. Editorial contents are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Columbus Computer Society, its officers or members. Articles may be e-mailed to the Publications Director at [email protected] Change of address should be directed to CCS Membership Director, PO Box 163336, Columbus, OH 43216-3336. PC 101 SIG and Saturday Afternoon Family Computer Club Plan Hiatus through the Summer SIG Leader Judy Bell announced that these two SIG’s which have been meeting at local bookstores on the fourth Saturday of the month will be going on hiatus for the summer. They will possibily begin meeeting again in September. DEADLINES FOR The CCS News Please submit advertising for placement in The CCS News by the second Friday of the month. Please submit articles or news items for placement in The CCS News by the third Friday of the month. Articles can be submitted as text files, Microsoft Word documents or Corel WordPerfect files. Articles should be submitted by email attachment to [email protected] The CCS News July 2001 7 JULY PROGRAMS & EVENTS By James Simbro ([email protected]) JULY 9, 2001, 7:00 P.M. CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS 2540 OLENTANGY RIVER ROAD, COLUMBUS MGI Software PhotoSuite, VideoWave & PhotoVista) Presentation by Dave Whittle Digital photography and digital video have steadily grown to become two of the hottest arenas in personal computing today. Getting started is probably easier than many might imagine. You can create digital photos ready for use on your computer by scanning in your snapshots or by taking pictures with a digital camera, thereby eliminating the cost of film and developing. Similarly, you can create digital video clips by capturing your camcorder tapes using an inexpensive "video capture adapter" for older analog camcorders, or an IEEE-1394 adapter for digital camcorders. Although you should have a 166Mhz, 32MB system for digital photography and at least a 64MB, 266MHz Pentium MMX-capable system for digital video (with several GBs of free disk space), the rewards of going digital easily outweigh the very reasonable costs of the digital imaging software as well as the costs of upgrading your system as necessary. MGI® will be featuring its award-winning products and technologies, presented by David B. Whittle, author of "Cyberspace: The Human Dimension" and named by Working Woman magazine as "one of America's most original technological thinkers." Dave will demonstrate MGI's newest digital imaging products and introduce exciting new MGI products and technologies that have the potential to "change the way you picture the world." MGI PhotoSuite 4 Platinum Edition® is Web and PC Photography made easy. As users of its predecessor products can attest, PhotoSuite is the fastest, easiest way to capture, touch up, transform, organize, create, show, and share your photos. Enjoy a creative freedom you've never had before. Turn your photos into scrapbook pages, greeting cards, personal calendars, postcards, invitations, certificates, web pages, collages, family letters, business cards, report covers, posters, magazine 8 covers, sports cards, ads, and much, much more. Now, with PhotoSuite 4 Platinum Edition, this consumers' favorite now includes additional photo-enhancement tools, fresh content, and more photo-sharing capabilities. In addition, new Web features allow users of any experience level to create stunning, image-rich personal Web pages in minutes complete, with 360-degree Panoramas and animated GIFs. The program includes tools for organizing photo, video, and audio files in a wide variety of industry-standard formats into easy-to-search albums, for presenting photos in compelling multimedia slide shows, and for sharing photos and creations through e-mail or a free photo-sharing web site. Users can even stitch together as many as 48 photos, or turn a photo into a dramatic mosaic of small thumbnail photos. Dust off your home movies and put some life into them with MGI VideoWave 4®, the complete PC & Web video experience. VideoWave is the first application to fundamentally change the way video is edited on a PC. Aimed at the non-technical, general business or home user, MGI VideoWave takes a fresh approach to video production by eliminating the traditional timeline interface used by other products. MGI VideoWave lets you quickly and easily capture, edit and produce videos on your computer for documentaries, business presentations, training materials, content for the Web, or to spice up home movies. Through its intuitive and revolutionary StoryLine and powerful editing features, VideoWave lets you easily combine video clips, transitions, photos, special effects, music, and narration to "tell a story" in video. With MGI VideoWave, you can produce videos in AVI, MPEG, MPEG2, RealVideo, and Internet streaming video formats for playback on computers, the Internet or output back to tape. MGI PhotoVista Virtual Tour® represents an exciting new extension to MGI's product line. Virtual Tour is an easy-to-use, complete package suite for creating interactive Web sites with engaging, media rich content. Now Web designers can create virtual tours of real estate properties, vacation spots, museums, shopping malls, and more, complete with controlled-motion panoramas, audio and 3D image objects. Let your site visitors zoom, rotate or pick up merchandise and other objects. Add hotspots July 2001 The CCS News that link to other images, locations and scenes, allowing visitors to explore your online world -- no plug-ins needed. See these products and learn more about how digital imaging is changing the way you picture the world by attending our next user group meeting. You will come away from this meeting entertained and informed. Dave will provide time for an open Q&A period and will bring valuable door prizes, informative handouts, and product for sale you can take home with you at especially low user group prices for those wishing to purchase these outstanding products at the meeting. See you then! MGI is a leading provider of visual media software products and infrastructure that maximize the use of digital visual content by businesses and individuals. We do this by providing software and services that uniquely enhance every step of the visual media communications cycle, including capturing, creating, streaming, viewing, storing, sharing, and publishing. Using our software, businesses and individuals create rich visual content to deliver optimal Internet experiences that communicate, drive user enjoyment and customer frequency, duration, transactions and satisfaction. With headquarters in Richmond Hill, Ontario, MGI employs over 300 people with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. MGI Software is publicly traded on The Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "MGI". For more information visit JULY 18, 2001, 7 P.M. OCLC (ONLINE COMPUTER LIBRARY CENTER), 6565 FRANTZ ROAD, DUBLIN NISIS QUICKPIX Qp2 Digital Camera & Netcam with AVI Movies capability Presented by Don Rauch THE NISIS Qp2 takes up to 26 pictures in high-resolution mode or 107 pictures in the lower resolution mode. The Qp2 even has a Self Timer mode and a Self Power control function to save battery life. PLUS the Qp2 can be used as a full function PC Internet camera to send video mail or video conference with friends and family in full motion video. IN ADDITION you can also capture video clips in AVI format. ONLY 3 CLICKS to The CCS News Bring a Friend to a Meeting You do not need to be a member to attend any of CCS's meetings! Guests are always welcome. There is a new member/prospective member orientation at 6:30 p.m. before each meeting. Join us and find out what membership in CCS is all about. install and simple to connect with the USB interface. PRODUCTIVE SOFTWARE supplied with the Qp2 includes Digital Camera Manager and Microsoft NetMeeting, Ulead: Photo Express, Photo Explorer, Cool 360 and Video Studio The product’s technical specifications are ! Digital, Web & Video Colour PC Camera ! Colour VGA (640 x 480) CMOS Image Sensor ! Maximum Resolution: 640 x 480 (307,200 pixels) ! USB port interface ! Image performance for Video stream: 9 fps for QVGA (320 x 240) 3 fps for VGA (640 x 480) ! Still Images 26 Pictures for VGA (640 x 480 pixels) 107 Pictures in QVGA (320 x 240 pixels) ! Memory: SDRAM 64 Mbits (8 Mbytes) ! TN LCD Display ! Hr: VGA Mode ! Lr: QVGA Mode ! Battery Low Status (display blink) ! St: Self timer Mode (10 seconds) ! Ct: Continuous Mode ! CL: Clear all pictures ! Dimensions: 5.6" x 1.35" x 1.0" ! Battery: 2 x 1.5V Alkaline batteries (size AAA) ! USB Power: When connected to USB port, camera derives its power from the PC ! View Angle: 54 degrees Minimum System Requirements ! Pentium 200MHz. processor or faster ! 32MB of RAM memory (64MB recommended) ! Graphics adaptor with minimum of 2MB RAM and capable of displaying at least 16-bit high color ! Windows 98, ME or 2000 ! Installed USB port ! CD ROM Drive July 2001 9 FROM THE DEALSGUY By Bob Click Greater Orlando Computer Users Group E-MAIL ADDRESS CHANGE I'm changing my email address from [[email protected]] to [[email protected]]. The old address will work for a while, but with spam increasing each day, and now some of it porn, I want to change it. I'll shut down the old address when the traffic slows to just spam. Also, if I want to change to another ISP, it's much easier. Thanks for your help. There is also a movement to have users lease their software by the hour, using it via software provided by an Application Service Provider (it's not even on your machine). That is "supposed" to prevent software pirating and provide cheaper applications. Not my bag either. However, with consumer cooperation these new plans will become prevalent. Without consumer cooperation, they will not fly – right? On the other hand, I hear a copy of the new MS Office XP can be installed on your desktop and one portable. I doubt that screwing a handle on top of another desktop will qualify it as portable. They better not be networked either. DISTRIBUTION UPDATE My thanks to Mike Alcom, editor for Connecticut Personal Computer Users Group, and Michael Hayes, editor for Columbus Baltimore User Group, who said they sometimes use my column and asked to be listed on my distribution page. Also to Bonnie Rorabough, editor for NOVACOM User Group in Fairfax, Va., and Steve Bass, WHAT KIND-A-DEAL IS THIS? editor for Pasadena IBM Users Group, who asked to start I assume most of you are aware that when you getting the column. Most editors are familiar with Steve purchase software, you don't own it, but instead you Bass since he works with the APCUG Editorial Committee own a perpetual license to use it. Years from now, if you're still using it, its OK. Well, things are a-changin'. and writes many good articles. Welcome to all the new Probably because of sagging sales, Microsoft will readers. It's been a rough month for the DealsGuy. Several ventry to discourage the sale of perpetual licensing to cusdors (leads from Comdex) did not return either my e-mail tomers with 250 PCs beginning October 1, 2001. or phone calls, and two are in financial trouble. Instead, businesses may purchase a subscription license for three years, and are "encouraged" to do it before. A MS rep I talked to thought it would only be STILL GOOD The Mouse Bungee deal is still good this month (I love on business versions and would not trickle down to mine), order at []. Also the personal copies for some time, but you should start Quick Drive by H45 Technologies. Call 1-800-373-8181. asking when you purchase software after Oct. 1, 2001 Now, let's see what we have: anyway. If I already had a subscription license, I'd no longer be able to write this column in my present softMAGAZINE UPDATE FROM HERB ware unless I upgraded because I still use MS Office GOODMAN 97 and it would have shut down. Herb notified editors who regularly print his discount Another possible scenario: What if it was the third year for a business using subscription software during magazine subscription service that Windows Magazine, Windows Sources and Home Office Computing have all an economic downturn. A business might be hard pressed financially to upgrade their license. Neverthe- ceased publication. However, the rest of his magazine discount subscription list still has the same prices: Computer less, either upgrade or their software shuts down, and Gaming World - $14.95, Computer Shopper - $17.97, Dr. they agreed to it when they read the EULA during Dobbs Journal - $15.95, Family PC - $8.95, Mac Home installation (you do read the EULA when you install, Journal - $15.97, Mac World - $12.95, Maximum PC don't you – do pigs fly?) Talk about being between a $8.97, Microsoft System Journal - $21.95, Mobile Comrock and a hard place -- that could be the straw that puting - $9.95, PC Magazine - $25.97, PC World - $14.95, broke that camel's back. According to one article, Publish - $17.95, Smart Business (PC Computing) some managers say subscriptions are OK, but more don't want it. I personally want no part of that plan if it $11.50, Wired - $13.97 and Yahoo! Internet Life - $13.95. comes to personal packages, even though software is (Continued on page 11) somewhat outdated in three years. There are some columns on ZD net about all this. 10 July 2001 The CCS News System: Intuos 6x8 (USB) Special Price: $199.67 (SRP Prices are for new one-year subscriptions and renew- $383.99) Intuos 9x12 (USB or Serial) Special Price: $299.62 als. (E-mail him for longer-term prices.) Check, cash or Money Order must accompany all orders. Make payable (SRP - $509.99) Intuos 12x12(USB or Serial) Special Price: $299.62 to Herb Goodman, and mail to: (SRP - $509.99) Herb Goodman Intuos 12x18(USB or Serial) Special Price: $399.37 8295 Sunlake Drive (SRP - $819.99) Boca Raton, FL 33496 For product information, check out e-mail: [[email protected]], Telephone: []. 561-488-4465 Please allow 10 to 12 weeks for your magazines to "This is an exclusive offer that Wacom is making to start. For renewals you must supply an address label from your present subscription to insure the correct start select associations, organizations and user groups. To maintain this exclusivity, if your association would like of your renewal. As an extra service, Herb will mail a Wacom to maintain a list of your members, we will refrenewal notice about four months prior to their expiraerence it when someone calls in to make a purchase. If tion date. not, we will simply request that the caller give us their name, organization and Source Code EXPENSIVE SOFTWARE THAT'S (JUNEMEMBER1) to ensure that the offer has in fact "ALMOST" FREE Clark Bird of Alamo PC Organization alerted me to been extended to your group. Call 1-800-922-6613 to a special for their group that led to this deal. If you check order." (Note) Briefly, I think this is a pressure sensitive tab[] and go to the upper left, then let for graphic artists or Web graphic developers. It can click on "View Cart," you will be guided to an array of have multiple pens and offers 2450 dpi. Can also be used software packages just for the cost of S&H. Is that a for 3D graphics. This offer expires June 30, 2001, but try deal, or is that a deal? Some of these packages sold for well over a hundred bucks. You will see nothing in your anyway if it's within a few days. That's it for this month. Meet me here again cart, but you should scroll to the bottom for specials. Read the instructions, and be sure to click where it says, next month if your editor permits. This column is "Click Here." The free ones that I saw are: Express written to make user group members aware of speForms 2000, Fortune Relationship Manager, DataScan cial offers I have found or arranged, and my Business Card Scanning Software, VersaClips and comments should not be interpreted to encourage, TransForm Suite Personal. I didn't see the descriptions or discourage, the purchase of products, no matter so I'll leave that up to you. how enthused I might sound. This company also offers products for printing your own checks, even if you have a laser printer, but that's Write the author, Bob (The Cheapskate) Click, at not part of this deal. Perhaps in the future. However, if [[email protected]]. Visit my Web site at you need something like that now, check further with [] for past columns and some them. The above closeouts are in limited supply so act other articles of interest. fast. From the Dealsguy (continued from page 10) THIS JUST IN I believe Bill Lindsay, Southeastern Regional Sales Manager, Wacom Technology sent this to all user groups, but I will repeat the message for my readers. It follows: "In an effort to recognize select user groups and professional associations, Wacom would like to extend some special pricing considerations to your organization. For a very limited time, you can obtain one of the following graphic tablets for as much as 50% off the suggested retail price! The Intelligent Graphics Tablet The CCS News July 2001 11 NEW CLASS OFFERINGS Intermediate Web Page Design - HTML 4.0 The Intermediate Web Page Design Class is a continuation of our Basic Web Design Class. Topics covered will include Tables, Frames, Cascading Style Sheets, Online Forms, JavaScript, and CGI Perl Scripts. Mr. Charles Issacs will be instructing this exciting class. Charles is a well-known Web page developer in this area and has approximately 20 years experience in the Web design field. Participants may choose the software they want to use. Charles will be using Homesite Tag Editor to design the pages and illustrate the use of the HTML tags. Most of the class time will be lecture, but there will be time allocated for questions and open discussion during the class. Classes will begin July 24, 2001 and continue for six consecutive Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m . The classes will be conducted at the CCS Resource Center located at 1091 W. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. The cost of this class is $159.00 for non-members with a special reduced price of $109.00 for members. The cost of the book is included in the class fee. For those already have the book, the class fee will be reduced by $29.00. Participants in this class will be responsible for obtaining their own Dial Up connection to an Internet Service Provider. Most Internet Service Providers provide space for personal home pages free of charge. Participants will want to contact their providers to find out their specific setup requirements. For additional information on this class please contact the instructor, Charles Isaacs by (evening) phone (614) 901-0043 or at [email protected] Introduction to Java An Introduction to Java programming is being offered starting Thursday, August 16, 2001. Java is an object oriented programming language that can add interactivity to web pages. Java can also be used to write full scale, stand-alone applications that can run on any computer running a Java Virtual Machine. The write once, run anywhere aspect of Java is what really makes it attractive to developers. Craig Wright will be instructing this ten-week class on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. There will be a two-week break in the class during the last week of August and the first week of September. Classes will be held at the CCS Resource Center located at 1091 W. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. The cost will be $169.00 for CCS members and $219.00 for non-members. Some experience with programming languages, particularly object oriented programming, is desirable in order for you to fully appreciate this course. Questions about the class can be directed to Craig Wright by phone at (614) 885-9419 or to [email protected] Registration closes on August 9, 2001. Registration by the form below or online at CCS CLASS REGISTRATION Look for class details within this issue of the CCS News. Send this Registration Form with a check made out to the COLUMBUS COMPUTER SOCIETY to Karen Shepherd, 8457 Invergordon Court, Dublin, OH 43017 Sign me up for the following classes 1 1 Starting Date Member price Non-member price Intermediate Web Page Design - HTML 4.0 7/24/2001 $109.00 $ 159.00 Introduction to Java Progrmming 8/16/2001 $169.00 $ 219.00 Total Submitted $_________ Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________State_______Zip ___________________________________________________ Home Phone____________Work Phone _______________________________________________________ e-Mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________ CCS Member #_________________Expiration Date _______________________________________________ 12 July 2001 The CCS News CCS FIFTEEN YEARS AGO... What follows is a software review from the July 1986 issue of CCS News. Dave went from winning Paradox, to using it, writing this review, being an evangelist for it, and starting the CCS Paradox SIG, which he still leads. Paradox has had many changes over the years, including the company owning it and distributing it. Originally owned by ANSA Software, Borland International and Corel have also had a hand in its development and distribution. PARADOX, By Ansa Softvare A review by Dave Sherman As the lucky individual who won the recent raffle of Paradox, I have been asked to write a product review concerning my first impressions of Paradox. I waited until I purchased a hard disk before l started to use it. Paradox sets up its own config.sys file when you install it on the hard disk. The hard disk is necessary, I believe, because of the size of memory needed to install Paradox (512K of RAM memory). To install Paradox on a hard disk takes about 10 minutes (the disks do much of the work for you). If you have to work at a different machine, uninstalling Paradox takes less than 5 minutes. What Ease! One of the features that I marveled at during Rick Alber's demonstration was the speed of the various functions, especially the sort function. When I made up a sample program for demo diskettes for the CCS Library, the speed of the sort function still amazed me. Paradox, the rational database, is a "Lotus" type menu driven structure that is easier to learn than was Lotus. It saves your work automatically. The Print function is faster to print than Lotus. As a novice user, I have found that the manuals are the much better written than I expected after trying to read the Lotus manuals. I have also found that Paradox is a user-friendly database program. System Requirements ! Microsoft or IBM DOS 2.0 or greater ! IBM or 100% IBM Compatible PC ! 512K RAM ! 2 floppy disks, or 1 floppy and 1 hard disk (recommended) ! Can import or export from the following file formats - Lotus 1-2-3; Lotus Symphony; dBase II; dBase III; pfs:File; Visicalc; Ascii (delimited and text) Latest Developments Ansa Software has made the following changes in Paradox recently: ! The copy protection has been dropped, to The CCS News eliminate the potential of failure; ! Release 1.1, which runs only on Microsoft core MS-DOS systems will now read files from upgraded versions of other programs released since Paradox's debut; ! Now only registered users will get technical support. ! Paradox retains its $595 retail price with free upgrades to all registered users as of March 17, 1985 and to any user who bought the program after Feb. 15, 1986. Other users will have to pay $19.95 to upgrade. It's a great program, easy to learn, and easy to use. COMPUTER UPGRADE WORKSHOPS The Saturday Computer Upgrade Workshop started in November 1999 are held on the second Saturday of odd-numbered months at the CCS Resource Center at 1091 West Broad Street. The upcoming workshops will be held on from 9 a.m. until noon on the dates listed below. The Computer Upgrade Workshop will be taking the summer off. The date in September is yet to be determined. The sessions will be FREE for CCS members and you will need to sign-up ahead of time to insure that we have space for you and the proper materials and leaders are available. Here is how it works... You bring Tools and your PC, monitor and mouse to the work-shop along with the part or two that you would like to add to the system. Also hardware manuals are very helpful. Persons wanting to know more about this kind of work can sign-up on a list server that is for sharing technical tips on doing work with computers and software If you want to attend this and you are not a CCS member. Send a filled out membership form to CCS Upgrade workshop with a check made out to CCS for membership dues, also fill out sign up form for the workshop. These forms are on our web pages, find them print them out, then fill them in. Upcoming Workshops: September & November 2001 July 2001 13 CCS Five Years Ago... With this article by Phil Edelsberg, then CCS Assistant Educational Services Director, it was made clear that the Internet had grown from a curiosity and a toy to something quite useful in everyday life. I can report that at the time, I accessed the Internet through the Greater Columbus FreeNet (GCFN) and got my email through Juno, GCFN and the email facility of Colossus, the CCS Bulletin Board System. Later in Eagan 1996, I graduated to America OnLine.. How I Found a Job through the Internet by Phil Edelsberg After working in Dayton for a year, coming home to Columbus on weekends, I wanted to return here full-time. So I decided to try searching the WEB for a job. I tried looking under various search engines using the keywords 'jobs" and "employment" and finally came across the On-line Career Center at One can search this site by state, city, industry, corporation, etc. One thing I like about it, is that they list the most current job posting first. They display one job per line for approximately three months' resources of listings. One search that I ran, was to look for a data processing job in Columbus, OH. The search engine presented a list of jobs, although, in some, the primary location of Columbus was inside the main document, while in others it was on the description line. For a long list I used the Find command in Netscape, under the Edit pull down menu. It searched each line for Columbus. One job the system found was in New York City on "Columbus" Circle. The OH was nowhere in the found document~ However, there were quite a few jobs found in Columbus, OH. Another good search engine is located at and clicking on Employment. Some sites that appear, like E-span, allow you to enter a keyword describing a job, the Company (which is usually useless) and the State. Another, Monster Board,, allows you to choose a city and a job discipline. The pull down list ensures that your matches should be valid. MARKETPRO SHOW & SALE MarketPro calls themselves the Computer Products Superstore Show and Sale. These shows offer a variety of vendors selling at bargain prices. This month’s show is being held at theBuckeye Building at the Ohio Expo Center. If you would like to attend the MarketPro Show, information is available at Save $1.00 off the admission price by clipping the coupon below! The Columbus Computer Society exhibits at this monthly event. CCS expert members are available to answer your questions and provide direction for further assistance with many of your computing problems. More volunteers are always needed. Heading up this event is Assistant CCS Program Director, Ron Vagnier. Contact Ron at [email protected] If you are interested in helping with this event, . You will receive FREE admission for your volunteerism! ! Sunday, July 8 9:30 a.m. til 4:00 p.m. @ Ohio Expo Center ! Saturday, August 4 9:30 a.m. til 4:00 p.m. @ Veterans Memorial I hope this helps your endeavors. Good Hunting! 14 July 2001 The CCS News MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION OFFICERS President ___________________________________________ Charles Isaacs [email protected] Vice President John Cramer [email protected] Secretary Ruth L. Albert [email protected] Assistant OPEN Treasurer Helen Isaacs [email protected] Assistant OPEN Immediate Past President Irene Scaramazza [email protected] NAME FIRST ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP (_____) __________ (_____) ___________________ HOME PHONE WORK PHONE ___________________________________________ OCCUPATION ___________________________________________ EMPLOYER Advertising Director OPEN Assistant OPEN Educational Services Director Karen Shepherd [email protected] Assistant Ric Shorr [email protected] Assistant B. J. Mattson [email protected] Electronic Communications Director Craig Wright [email protected] Assistant Barbara Crockett [email protected] Webmaster Kathy Lince [email protected] Membership Services Director Gary Smith [email protected] Assistant Eagan Foster [email protected] Corporate OPEN Programs & Events Director James Simbro [email protected] Assistant Ron Vagnier [email protected] Assistant Seth Young [email protected] Public Relations Director Judy Bell [email protected] Assistant Diana Barnum [email protected] Publications Director Eagan Foster [email protected] Editor Lisa Adams [email protected] Proofreader Butch Clodfelter [email protected] Product Review James Simbro [email protected] Resource Center Director Patrick Snider [email protected] Assistant Butch Clodfelter [email protected] ___________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS CCS NEWS PREFERENCE Please select one of the following: I prefer to receive CCS News as an attachment to an e-mail message in pdf format I prefer to receive a notice that the newsletter is available for download from the web site I do not have e-mail or access to the web 1 1 1 THIS APPLICATION IS: 1 1 1 1 1 New Renewal - Member # _________________________ Address Change Gift - From ________________________________ Request for replacement card (see $5.00 fee below) Name on card(s) if different from above: 1) ________________________________________ 2)* ________________________________________ 3)* ________________________________________ 4)* ________________________________________ Annual Dues 1 x $30.00 Additional Family Cards ____ x $2.50* (At time of Membership or Renewal) Replacement Cards ____ x $5.00 Add Family Cards ____ x $5.00 My Tax Deductible Contribution Is Enclosed This page includes the names and email addresses for the elected officers, department directors and the key volunteer staff in the Columbus Computer Society. The CCS Board of Trustees is composed of the four elected officers, the immediate past President, and the directors of the various departments listed above. The CCS News LAST MAILING ADDRESS DEPARTMENTS, DIRECTORS AND STAFF Key CCS Personnel MI Enclosed Check # __________ Total = $ 30.00 = ___________ = = = = ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Return to: CCS Membership Dept. P.O. Box 163336 Columbus, OH 43216-3336 July 2001 15 Columbus Computer Society Publications Department P. O. Box 163336 Columbus, OH 43215-3336 FIRST CLASS