Muscogee County School District
Muscogee County School District
Muscogee County School District 2960 Macon Road Columbus, GA 31906 For Immediate Release Valerie Fuller Director of Communications & Open Records Officer Telephone: (706) 748-2034 Release Date: January 23, 2015 MEDIA RELEASE 2015 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) Public Forum Notice (Columbus, GA)-Eleven (11) public forums are scheduled throughout the county to share important information and to receive feedback on the 2015 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), a one percent sales and use tax, for the school district. A proposed 2015 SPLOST project list was presented to the Board of Education (December 2014) by Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent of Education. The Superintendent requested approval for a resolution authorizing a SPLOST Referendum be held on March 17, 2015, at all voting precincts. The Board approved the recommendation at the January 20, 2015, meeting. In 1996, the voters of Georgia passed a constitutional amendment, which authorizes a new funding source for public education. The amendment specifies that the proceeds of the tax may be expended only on capital outlay projects for educational purposes. Following the public forums, the superintendent will compile citizen feedback and present to the Board of Education. For more information, access, or e-mail [email protected] ### 2015 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) Public Forums Day/Date Thursday, January 29, 2015 Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Thursday, February 12, 2015 Friday, February 13, 2015 Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Thursday, February 26, 2015 Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Thursday, March 5, 2015 Tuesday, March 10, 2015 School/Address Downtown Elementary Magnet 1400 – 1st Avenue Columbus, GA 31901 Kendrick High School 6015 Georgetown Drive Columbus, GA 31907 Spencer High School 4340 Victory Drive Columbus, GA 31903 Time 6:00 PM District 7 Region West 6:00 PM 4 East 6:00 PM 3 East Fort Middle School 2900 Woodruff Farm Road Columbus, GA 31907 Columbus Museum 1251 Wynnton Road Columbus, GA 31906 Shaw High School 7579 Raider Way Columbus, GA 31909 Northside High School 2002 American Way Columbus, GA 31909 Arnold Magnet Middle School 2011- 51st Street Columbus, GA 31904 Gentian Elementary School 4201 Primrose Road Columbus, GA 31907 Dorothy Height Elementary 1458 Benning Drive Columbus, GA 31903 Columbus Public Library 3000 Macon Road Columbus, GA 31906 6:00 PM 1 East 2:00 PM At Large 6:00 PM 6 Central 6:00 PM 2 West 6:00 PM 8 West 6:00 PM 5 Central 6:00 PM 3 Central 6:00 PM At Large For more information, access or e-mail [email protected] . A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, GEORGIA IMPOSING A ONE PERCENT SALES AND USE TAX AS AUTHORIZED BY ARTICLE VIII, SECTION VI, PARAGRAPH IV OF THE GEORGIA CONSTITUTION AND ARTICLE 4 OF CHAPTER 8 OF TITLE 48 OF THE OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED; SPECIFYING THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH TAX ARE TO BE USED; SPECIFYING THE ESTIMATED MAXIMUM PERIOD OF TIME FOR WHICH SUCH TAX MAY BE IMPOSED; SPECIFYING THE MAXIMUM COST OF THE CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH TAX; SPECIFYING THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT TO BE ISSUED; SPECIFYING THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH SUCH GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT IS TO BE ISSUED; SPECIFYING THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE OR RATES OF INTEREST WHICH SUCH GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT MAY BEAR; SPECIFYING THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TO BE PAID IN EACH YEAR DURING THE LIFE OF SUCH GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT; REQUESTING THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION AS THE ELECTION SUPERINTENDENT TO CALL AN ELECTION OF THE VOTERS OF THE MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT TO APPROVE THE IMPOSITION OF SUCH TAX; APPROVING THE FORM OF BALLOT TO BE USED IN SUCH ELECTION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Article VIII, Section VI, Paragraph IV of the Georgia Constitution and Article 4 of Chapter 8 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, as amended (the "Act"), authorizes the imposition of a one percent sales and use tax for the purpose, inter alia, of financing certain capital outlay projects, which include those set forth herein; and WHEREAS,the Board of Education of Muscogee County, Georgia (the "Board") wishes to call an election for the purpose of approving the imposition of a sales and use tax for the purposes described below; and WHEREAS,the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Muscogee County School District(the "School District")that a one percent sales and use tax (the "Sales and Use Tax") be imposed in the School District to raise not more than $192,185,000 to pay or to be applied toward the cost of capital outlay projects within the School District consisting of adding to, renovating, modifying, repairing, improving and equipping existing schools, other buildings and related facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; and acquiring real estate for the construction of new and replacement schools and facilities, and constructing and enuipping thereon new and replacement schools and facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; specifically including, but not limited to the following and without prioritizing any of such items: (i) the acquisition, construction and equipping of new and replacement school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to a replacement Spencer High School, a replacement Gym at Fort Middle School, a Virtual E-Library in North Columbus, and a new Multi-Sport Complex for District-Wide Use (Stadium, Track); (ii) adding to, renovating, improving and equipping existing school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to retrofitting existing space to accommodate level-specific autistic programming, expanding the Northside High School cafeteria, adding to the South Columbus Library Br'111C~1, ~1dC~111~ l0 Z11C~ TeIlOVc1t1I1g S~1aW Hlg~1 School, adding to or renovating weight rooms and wrestling x001115 Zt Shaw High School, Columbus High School, Jordan High School, Northside High School and Kendrick High School, program enhancements for Fine Arts Academy, upgrading Kinnett Stadium (Field House, Press Box, Concessions, Resti'OOI11S~, upgrading softball and baseball fields at Hardaway High School, Shaw High School, Jordan High School, Kendrick High School and Columbus High School, upgrading furniture, fxtures and equipment, transportation facilities and alternative energy sources study, updating playgrounds at elementary schools, upgrading cafeteria and auditoriums at Arnold Middle School, Clubview Elementary School, Eddy Middle School, Hardaway IIigh School, Columbus High School and Kendrick High School, upgrading or replacing electrical and mechanical equipment at Columbus Museum, repairing and replacing roofing, refurbishing outdated kitchens, and addressing other facilities needs as reflected in the Five-Year Facilities Plan, (iii) acquiring new school equipment and making certain technology ariC~ 111fTaStlUCtL1Pe 1ri1pIOVe111eI1tS a11C~ t1p~Pades, lI1CIt1C~111~ bllt 1101 111111teC~ t0 C~1StT1Ct-W1C~C SeCtlTlty 1I11~J1'OVeIlleritS aI1C~ PeplaCelTlellt Of OL1tC~ateC~ COI71111UI11Cat10I1S eC~L11pI11e11t, Ie~JIaCeI11C11t 0~ 011tdaled buses and related equipment, and (iv) acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefore, both real and personal (the "Projects"); and WHEREAS, the Board has determined it is in the best interest of the citizens of the School District that a maximum of $70,000,000 of general obligation debt of the School District, (the "Debt"), secured by the proceeds of suc11 sales and use tax, be issued to permit the School District to fund all or a portion of the Projects as the School District may determine, from the proceeds of such Debt so as to ensure that there will be no shortfall of construction fiends for the Projects during the period over which the Sales and Use Tax is being collected for such purposes; and WHEREAS,the Board has determined and it is hereby declared that during each year in which any payment of principal or interest on such bonds will become due, the School District will receive from the Sales and Use Tax authorized to be imposed by this Resolution, net proceeds sufficient to fully satisfy the School District's obligation with respect to the payment of principal and interest on the Debt on a current basis; WHEREAS, the Board desires to provide the voters of Muscogee County, Georgia the opportunity to vote pursuant to law in favor of or against the imposition of the Sales and Use Tax and the issuance of bonded indebtedness in anticipation of the collection thereof and therefore the Board wishes to call an election for the purpose of approving the imposition of the Sales and Use Tax and the issuance of the Debt; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Muscogee County, Georgia, and it is hereby resolved by authoz•ity of the same as follows: Authorization of Sales and Use Tax. In order to finance the Projects, there Section 1. is hereby authorized to be levied and collected within the School District a sales and use tax in the amount of one percent on all sales and uses in Muscogee County, Georgia as provided in the Act. As required by Sections 48-8-141 and 48-8-111(a) of the Act: the proceeds of the Sales and Use Tax are to be used to finance the costs (a) of the Projects; the Sales and Use Tax is hereby authorized to be imposed for a period of (b) time not to exceed 20 consecutive calendar quarters commencing July 1, 2015; the maximum estimated cost of the Projects to be funded fi'OI11 the (c) proceeds of the Sales and Use Tax, including interest on the Debt is $192,185,000; and assuming the imposition of the Sales and Use Tax and the issuance of the (d) Debt is approved by the voters of the School District in the election hereinafter referred to, the School District is hereby authorized to issue the Debt (in whole or in part and in one or more series), secured by the proceeds of the Sales and Use Tax, in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000. The proceeds of the Debt, if issued, shall be used to pay all or a portion of the costs of the Projects and the costs of issuing the Debt. The Debt shall bear interest from the first day of the month during (i) which such Debt is to be issued or from such other date as may be designated by the School District prior to the issuance of such Debt, at a rate or rates to be determined in a supplemental resolution to be adopted by the School District prior to the issuance of such Debt, which rates shall not exceed 6% per annum, payable semiannually on the first days of April and October in each year until paid, commencing October 1, 2015 or the first day of April or October following the date of issuance of the Debt, and the amount of principal to be paid on October 1 in each year during the life of such Debt shall be as follows: Date Amount 2016 2017 2018 2019 $16,690,000 $17,190,000 $17,705,000 $18,415,000 Proceeds of the Debt shall be deposited in a separate trust fund to be maintained by the School District and applied toward funding all or a portion of the Projects and any interest earnings on such proceeds shall be similarly applied by the School District. Sales and Use Tax proceeds received in any year pursuant to the imposition of such tax shall first be used for paying debt service requirements on the Debt in any such year before such proceeds are applied for the purposes authorized above. Proceeds of the Sales and Use Tax not required to be deposited for payment of debt service on the Debt coming due in the current year shall be deposited in a separate trust fund to be maintained by the School District and applied toward funding the Projects to the extent such Projects have not been funded with Debt proceeds. Call for Election. The Board of Elections and Registration of Muscogee Section 2. County, Georgia, as the Election Superintendent (the "Election Superintendent") is hereby requested to call an election to be held in all the voting precincts in the School District on the 17th day of March, 2015, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the School District the question set forth in paragraph 3 below. Form of Ballot. The ballots to be used in such election should have Section 3. written or printed thereon substantially the following: ❑ YES ❑ NO Shall a special one percent sales and use tax be imposed in Muscogee County for a period of time not to exceed 20 calendar quarters and for the raising of not more than $192,185,000 to pay or to be applied toward the cost of (a) adding to, renovating, modifying, repairing, improving and equipping existing schools, other buildings and related facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; and acquiring real estate for the construction of new and replacement schools and facilities, and constructing and equipping thereon new and replacement schools and facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; specifically including, but not limited to the following and without prioritizing any of such items: (i) the acquisition, construction and equipping of new and replacement school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to a replacement Spencer High School, a replacement Gym at Fort Middle School, a V ii-tual E-Library in North Columbus, and a new MultiSpoi-t Complex for District-Wide Use (Stadium, Tiack); (ii) adding to, renovating, improving and equipping existing school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to retrofitting existing space to accommodate levelspecific autistic programming, expanding the Northside High School cafeteria, adding to the South Columbus Library Branch, adding to and renovating Shaw High School, adding to or renovating weight rooms and wrestling rooms at Shaw High School, Columbus High School, Jordan High School, Northside High School and Kendrick High School, program enhancements for Fine Arts Academy, upgrading Kinnett Stadium (Field House, Press Box, COIIC~SS1011S, Restrooms), upgrading softball and baseball fields at Hardaway High Sc11oo1, Shaw High School, Jordan High School, Kendrick High School and Columbus High School, upgrading furniture, fixtures and equipment, transportation facilities and alternative energy sources study, updating playgrounds at elementary schools, upgrading cafeteria and auditoriums at Arnold Middle School, Clubview Elementary School, Eddy Middle School, Hardaway High School, Columbus High School and Kendrick High School, upgrading oi• replacing electrical and mechanical equipment at Columbus Museum, repairing and replacing roofing, refurbishing outdated kitchens, and addressing other facilities needs as reflected in the Five-Year Facilities Plan, (iii) acquiring new school equipment and making certain technology and infrastructure improvements and upgrades, including but not limited to district-wide security improvements and replacement of outdated communications equipment, replacement of outdated buses and related equipment, and (iv) acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefore, both real and personal (the "Projects"); and (b) issuing the heieinaftei• described Debt; the maximum cost of such Projects to be funded from the proceeds of such tax not to exceed $192,185,000? If imposition of the tax is approved by the voters, such vote shall also constitute approval of the issuance of general obligation debt of Muscogee County School District in the principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000(the "Debt")for the above purposes. Manner of Election. The date of such election shall be and is hereby set Section 4. for March 17, 2015, the polls of each election district of Muscogee County, Georgia shall be open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., and the election shall be held by the same persons and under and in accordance with the election laws of the State of Georgia. Prior to the date of the election authorized herein, there shall be appointed proper Election Managers and Clerks to (i) supervise and hold the election,(ii) count the votes in the election and (iii) present the returns of the election to the Board of Education and the Election Superintendent, who shall, in the presence of and together with the several Election Managers, consolidate such retui'I1S and declare the result of the election in the manner required by law. Publication of Notice of Election. The Election Supet'111te11Clellt 1S 11~1•eby Section 5. authorized and requested to publish the notice of said election as required by law in the newspaper in which Sheriff's advertisements for Muscogee County, Georgia are published once a week for five weeks immediately preceding the date of the election in substantially the form attached hereto as exhibit"A". Property Tax Levy. Should the Debt be authorized by the requisite Section 6. number of qualified voters, the Board of Commissioners of Muscogee County, Georgia shall be directed to levy a tax upon all property subject to taxation for general obligation bond purposes within Muscogee County, Georgia sufficient in amount to pay the principal of and interest on the Debt at its respective maturities to the extent of any deficiency in the sales and use tax proceeds. Advertisements as Binding Statements of Intention. As required by Section 7. Section 36-82-1(d) of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, any brochures, listings or other advertisements issued by the School District or by any other person, firm, coi'pO1c1t10I1 or association with the knowledge c~I1C~ consent of the School District, shall be deemed to be a statement of intention of the School District concerning the use of the proceeds of the Debt, and such statement of intention shall be binding on the School District in the expenditure of any such bond funds or interest received from such bond funds which have been invested. Notice to the Board of Elections and Registration. The Secretary of the Section 8. Board of Education of Muscogee County is hereby authorized and directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Election Superintendent, with a request that the Election Superintendent call for an election. State Funds. To the extent possible, the School District may decide to Section 9. combine its available State funds with revenues from the one percent sales and use tax and other local fiends to finance the Projects. Section 10. rurther Authority. The proper officers and agents of the School District are hereby authorized to take any and all further actions as may be required in connection with the imposition of such sales and use tax and the acquisition, construction and equipping of the projects as herein provided. Section 11. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately day of January, 2015. adoption, this L1p011 MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, GEORGIA By: Press ent, Boar o E ucation its (SEAL) of Muscogee County, Georgia ice-Press ent Mem er Mem er Mem er etn er em er Mem er Mem er By: ucation Secretary, Boar o of Muscogee County, Georgia EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE QUALIrIED VOTERS OF MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, GEORGIA: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 17th day of March, 2015, an election will be held at the regular polling places in all the election districts of the Muscogee County School District, Georgia (which embraces all of Muscogee County), at which time there will be submitted to the qualified voters of Muscogee County for their determination the question of whether a special sales and use tax of one percent shall be imposed on all sales and uses in Muscogee County for a period of time not to exceed 20 calendar quarters, commencing July 1, 2015, to raise not more than $192,185,000 to be used to pay or to be applied toward the cost of adding to, renovating, modifying, repairing, improving and equipping existing schools, other buildings and related facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; and acquiring real estate for the construction of new and replacement schools and facilities, and constructing and equipping thereon new and replacement schools and facilities, and acquiring any propet•ty necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; specifically including, but not limited to the following and without prioritizing any of such items: (i) the acquisition, construction and equipping of new and replacement school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to a replacement Spencer High School, a replacement Gym at Fort Middle School, a Virtual E-Library in North Columbus, and a new Multi-Sport Complex for District-Wide Use (Stadium, Track); (ii) adding to, renovating, improving and equipping existing school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to retrofitting existing space to accommodate levelspecifis autistic programming, expanding the Northside High School cafeteria, adding to the South Columbus Library Branch, adding to and renovating Shaw High School, adding to oi• renovating weight rooms and wrestling rooms at Shaw High School, Columbus IIigh School, Jordan High School, Northside High School and Kendrick High School, program enhancements for Fine Arts Academy, upgrading Kinnett Stadium (rield House, Press Box, Concessions, Restrooms), upgrading softball and baseball fields at Hardaway High School, Shaw High School, Jordan High School, Kendrick High School and Columbus High School, upgrading furniture, fixtures and equipment, transportation facilities and alternative energy sources study, upd~1t1I1~ playgrounds at elementary schools, upgrading cafeteria and auditoriums at Arnold Middle School, Clubview Elementary School, Eddy Middle School, Hardaway High School, COILlI11bL1S High School and Kendrick IIigh School, upgrading or replacing electrical and mechanical equipment at Columbus Museum, repairing and replacing roofing, refurbishing outdated kitchens, and addressing other facilities needs as reflected in the Five-Year Facilities Plan, (iii) acquiring new school equipment and snaking certain technology and infrastructure improvements and upgrades, including but not limited to district-wide security improvements and replacement of outdated communications equipment, replacement of outdated buses and related equipment, and (iv) acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefore, both real and personal (the "Projects"); the maximum cost of the Projects to be funded from the proceeds of such tax not to exceed $192,185,000. If the imposition of such tax is approved by the voters, such vote shall also constitute appz•oval of the issuance of general obligation debt of the Muscogee County School District in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000 (the "Debt"). The proceeds of the Debt, if issued, shall be used to pay all or a portion of the costs of the Project and the costs of issuing the Debt. The Debt, if so authorized, may be issued by Muscogee County School District in whole or in part and in one or more series. The Debt shall bear interest from the first day of the month during which such Debt is to be issued or from such other date as may be designated by the Muscogee County School District prior to the issuance of such Debt, at a rate or rates not to exceed 6% per annum, payable semiannually on the frst days of April and October in each year, commencing on October 1, 2015 or the first day of April or October following the date of issuance of the Debt, and the amount of principal to be paid October 1 in each year during the life of such debt shall be as follows: Date 2016 2017 2018 2019 Amount $16,690,000 $17,190,000 $17,705,000 $18,415,000 The principal and interest on the Debt is expected to be paid from proceeds of the and shall be payaUle in lawful money of the United States of~ Amez•ica at a and use tax sales paying agent bank which will be designated by the Board of Education of Muscogee County prior to the issuance of the Debt. The ballots to be used at such election s11a11 have written or printed thereon substantially the following: ❑ YES ❑ NO Shall a special one percent sales and use tax be imposed in Muscogee County for a period of time not to exceed 20 calendar quarters and for the raising of not more than $192,185,000 to pay or to be applied toward the cost of (a) adding to, renovating, modifying, repairing, improving and equipping existing schools, other buildings and related facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; and acquiring real estate for the construction of new and replacement schools and facilities, and constructing and equipping thereon new and replacement schools and facilities, and acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefor, both real and personal; specifically including, but not limited to the following and without prioritizing any of such items: (i) the acquisition, construction and equipping of new and replacement school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to a replacement Spencer High School, a replacement Gym at Foi•t Middle School, a Virtual E-Library in North Columbus, and a new MultiSport Complex for District-Wide Use (Stadium, Track); (ii) adding to, renovating, improving and equipping existing school buildings and facilities, including but not limited to retrofitting existing space to accommodate levelspecific autistic programming, expanding the Northside High School cafeteria, adding to the South Columbus Library Branch, adding to and renovating Shaw High School, adding to or renovating weight rooms and wrestling rooms at Shaw High School, Columbus High School, Jordan High School, Noi-thside High School and Kendrick High School, program enhancements for Fine Arts Academy, upgrading Kinnett Stadium (Field House, Press Box, Concessions, Restrooms), upgrading softball and baseball fields at Hardaway High School, Shaw High School, Jordan High School, Kendrick High School and Columbus High School, upgrading furniture, fixtures and equipment, transportation facilities and alternative energy sources study, updating playgrounds at elementary schools, upgrading cafeteria and auditoriums at Arnold Middle School, Clubview Elementary School, Eddy Middle School, Hardaway High School, Columbus High School and Kendrick High School, upgrading or replacing electrical and mechanical equipment at Columbus Museum, repairing and replacing roofing, refurbishing outdated kitchens, and addressing other facilities needs as reflected in the Five-Year Facilities Plan, (iii) acquiring new school equipment and making certain technology and infrastructure improvements and upgrades, including but not limited to district-wide security improvements and replacement of outdated communications equipment, replacement of outdated buses and related equipment, and (iv) acquiring any property necessary or desirable therefore, both real and personal (the "Projects"); and (b) issuing the hereinafter described Debt; the maximum cost of such Projects to be funded from the proceeds of such tax not to exceed $192,185,000? If imposition of the tax is approved by the voters, such vote shall also constitute approval ofthe issuance of general obligation debt of Muscogee County School District in the principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000(the "Debt")for the above purposes. Any brochures, listings or other advertisements issued by the Board of Education of Muscogee County or by any other person, firm, corporation or association with the knowledge and consent ofthe Board of Education of Muscogee County shall be deemed to be a statement of intention of the Board of Education of Muscogee County concerning the use of the proceeds of the Debt. The several places for holding said election shall be at the regular and established voting precincts of the election districts of Muscogee County, Georgia, and the polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 on the date fixed for the election. The last day to register to vote in this election shall be February 9, 2015 through 5:00 p.m. Those residents of Muscogee County qualified to vote at such election shall be determined in all respects in accordance with the election laws of the State of Georgia. This notice is given pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Education of Muscogee County and an order of the Election Superintendent of Muscogee County. President, Board of Education of Muscogee County Election Superintendent, Board of Elections and Registration of Muscogee County, Georgia SECRETARY'S CERTIFICI~TE I, David F. Lewis ,Secretary of the Boai'C~ Of EC~t1Cc'1t10I1 Of ML15CO~ee COL1Ilty, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing pages of typewritten rnattei' COI1Stltllt~ a lI'lle 1110 Correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Education of Muscogee County, Georgia on January 20, 2015, at a meeting which was duly called and assembled and open to the public and at WI11C~1 ~ C1L10I't1111 WaS p1'eSellt aI1Cl aCt1I1~ t11I'OL1g110t1t, W~"11CI1 1'CSOIL1t10I1 ~I.aS IlOt vee11 1110C~1~leCI, repealed, revoked or rescinded as of the date hereof. This 20`'' day of J~illllill~y, 2015. Secretary, Board of Education of Musco~ee County, Georgia (SEAL) CERTIFICATE COLUMBUS,GEORGIA The undersigned election Superintendent of the Board of Elections and Registration of Muscogee County, Georgia, having been furnished with a certified copy of the resolution of the Board of Education of Muscogee County, adopted on January 20, 2015, relative to the calling of a referendum on the 17th day of March, 2015, for the imposition of a sales and use tax and issuance of the bonds described in said resolution, DOES HEREBY CALL the referendum. This day of February, 2015. Election Superintendent, Board of Elections and Registration of Muscogee County, Georgia (SEAL)