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Poznań University of Economics and Business No. 9 (2015/2016) May 2016 Editor-in-chief Sylwia Jurga Edited by Grzegorz Lemański Graphic design Izabela Jasiczak English translation by Wenesa Synowiec Photographs PUEB Archive, Fotogenika.pl Print and typesetting Przedsiębiorstwo poligraficzno-usługowe „Multigraf” S.C. R. Ellert, J. Tomczuk Table of contents UNIVERSITY LIFE 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The 90th anniversary of PUEB...................................................................................................................... Academy of Innovative Business at PUEB................................................................................................ Our scientist a member of the Committee of Economic Sciences PAS......................................... PUEB Rector awarded the Medal of the Polish Bank Association................................................... Our scientist the Speaker of the Year 2016.............................................................................................. Nearly 1.8 million PLN for research............................................................................................................ The PUEB’s Runners Club won in the Ekiden xlpl Marathon Relay ................................................ Successes of ESN PUEB................................................................................................................................... Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco at PUEB............................................................................... A meeting with Tadeusz Kościński............................................................................................................. Adam Szejnfeld visited PUEB....................................................................................................................... Fura Świetlików in the Citadel Park............................................................................................................ Strategic meeting............................................................................................................................................. A new publication by Studio Oeconomica Posnaniensia.................................................................. Alberto Mingardi at PUEB.............................................................................................................................. International Day at PUEB............................................................................................................................. PUEB students win the Audit OdyssEY..................................................................................................... Meeting with representatives of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) at PUEB..................... One of the Diversity Business Meetings in Poznan ............................................................................. A remarkable monograph by PUEB scientists........................................................................................ The conference “Participation versus democracy” at our University............................................. Occupation: diplomat..................................................................................................................................... Students Opinion Research.......................................................................................................................... A competition “Modeling the Energy Market” for the Award of the President of ENEA SA... Days of the Commodity Science Department....................................................................................... “Insurance and the challenges of the twenty-first century” - a conference at PUEB............... 2 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 21 THE GALLERY OF PUEB RECTORS 22 INTERVIEW 24 ISSN 2450-1166 Circulation 100 copies Publisher Poznań University of Economics and Business al. Niepodległości 10 61-875 Poznań phone: 61 856 90 00 www.ue.poznan.pl/en © Copyright by Poznań University of Economics and Business Poznań 2016 • Business communication in practice......................................................................................................... 24 OUR ALUMNI 26 • Our graduates have the highest paying jobs......................................................................................... 26 • The best works of PUEB graduates............................................................................................................. 26 PUEB IN THE MEDIA 27 • Our experts in the media............................................................................................................................... 27 • Media monitoring – May 2016..................................................................................................................... 28 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE The 90th anniversary of PUEB In May 2016, we celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Poznan University of Economics and Business. The programme of celebrations included exhibitions, scientific conferences and a picnic for the academic society and residents of the region. Celebrations included also solemn sitting of the PUEB Senate and a ceremony of awarding the Honoris Causa Doctorate. The programme of celebrations was very diverse and assumed the commitment of various stakeholders of the University including graduates, students, employees, City authorities and residents, and business and institutional partners. All the events were to emphasize city-forming and social role of PUEB in shaping the potential of Poznan and the country. The celebrations started on 13 May 2016 with the anniversary concert of the female choir “Sonantes.” The concert was entitled “If not us, then who?” Songs of the interwar period (founding of the University) and years 1950, 1974 (the date of renaming the University), 2004 (the year in which Ms. Hanna Malicka became the choir’s conductor) and 2008 (renaming the University the Poznan University of Economics) were sang in new versions by more than 30 chorus girls. In the concert part, the Sonantes choir illustrated musically the most important dates in the history of the University. Rector of the Poznan University of Economics and Business, prof. dr. Marian Gorynia, prof. zw. UEP, presented the chorus singers with occasional diplomas. Jubilarians thanked representatives of the University and administrative divisions. The concert was preceded by the official part, during which the Rector of PUEB awarded medals “For Merit to the Poznan University of Economics and Business,” Labor Omnia Vincit medals, and Young Positivist distinctions awarded by the Hipolit Cegielski Society. Another part of celebrations took place on 15 May. It was the Holy Mass, during which Archbishop 2 Stanislaw Gadecki, Metropolitan of Poznan, delivered his sermon. An exhibition, opened at the Educational Center of Electronic Services and on the Old Market, “A view of the city,” was organized on 16 May 2016. The aim of the exhibition was to show different forms of the University’s presence in the city. Memories, achievements of employees and alumni, stories about the buildings, people and events have been illustrated by the archival and contemporary photographs. The exhibition will be opened until the end of September at ECES and until 29 May 2016 on the Old Market. Extension of the exhibition is a richly illustrated anniversary publication “Components. 90 years of the Poznan University of Economics and Business.” It became an opportunity to discover the stories about the University, which at first glance may not seem significant enough to pay attention to when talking about the school. But the great stories consist of many small stories and this was the idea behind this publication. Monument - exposed before the reader - built with poems written by Professor Zbigniew Zakrzewski, with baroque menu of Bratniak canteens, punch lines of cabaret Pegazik’s jokes, with crackling sounds of the first student broadcasting system, with calligraphed pages of thousand positions in the economic library, with the love of the Odra 1013 computer, with announcements of tutoring and social actions, with views from the 18th floor of the Collegium Altum, with press cuttings and human memory, with archival photographs and a completely new images. With the components of great things [fragment allowed for publication]. The publication is available at the PUEB bookstore. On 17 May 2016, the Newsroom in the PUEB Library was named after Hanna Maciejewska - longtime manager and director of the library, and a deserved bibliographer of the University. Additionally, the exhibition presenting the history of the Main Library of the Poznan University of Economics and Business was organized there. The integral part of the exhibition is the one devoted to Hanna Maciejewska. Sports Day was held on 17 May 2016 at the Main Building and in the sports hall on 17 May 2016. Sports activities for the whole academic community were prepared the University Club AZS UEP. Students took part in, among others, training in self-defense (Krav Maga) and aerobics on trampolines. Another event was a traditional basketball game students versus the University authorities. The authorities have one for the first time (78:75). A day later, the PUEB Student Parliament and the AWF Student Government Council organized cultural and sports festival “Integralia.” The programme included sports tournaments, escape room game and speed dating. The musical atmosphere during the festival was provided by artists of Polish hip-hop scene (Zeus, Sobota). The strong substantive point of jubilee celebrations was a discussion panel “The Polish economy: achievements, failures and development opportunities” organized on May 18, 2016. It was attended by prof. Andrzej Matysiak, prof. Witold Orlowski, prof. Andrzej Wojtyna, prof. Ryszard Rapacki, prof. Anna Zielinska-Głębocka, prof. Marian Gorynia, prof. Tadeusz Kowalski and prof. Maciej Zukowski. On the same day, during a meeting in the form of business breakfast, prof. Piotr Banaszyk discussed the results of the survey on logistics solutions in Partner Club companies. One of the main anniversary celebrations was a ceremony of awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Poznan University of Economics to dr. Andrzej Byrt. The ceremony took place on 19 May 2016 in the auditorium of PUEB. Dr. Andrzej Byrt is an outstanding organizer of international entrepreneurship, effective business leader, a skilled negotiator and diplomat, builder of the relationship between science and practice and acclaimed speaker and promoter of economic value in the international community. Until now, the honorable title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Poznan University of Economics and Business has been awarded to 25 people of particular merit, with a high scientific status, whose work and achievements fulfill the mission of the University. After the ceremony of awarding the Doctor Honoris Causa title, the Polish Dance Theatre “Czterdzieści” gave an anniversary performance at Poznan International Fair (director, choreography, scenography and text: Jo Strømgren). To honor the memory of those involved in the development of the University - staff, alumni, students and supporters - we set up the Memorial Room. On 20 May 20, the exhibition presenting the University’s history was organized there. The main celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the Poznan University of Economics and Business ended on 21 May 2016 with “Wolny Targ, or we present what’s best.” The event included, among others, market with a picnic, trips to places associated with the University, integration game, and a concert of the Economic Singers choir under the direction of Magdalena Szczeniawska, operating at the Open University “Erga Omnes”. A detailed report on all events will be available in the special September issue of the Biuletyn. 3 UNIVERSITY LIFE 4 UNIVERSITY LIFE 5 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Academy of Innovative Business at PUEB The Academy of Innovative Business is a project of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Poznan University of Economics and Business, funded by the Leopold Kronenberg Banking Foundation. The purpose of the Academy is to promote innovative technologies and the latest knowledge among small and medium-sized companies from Wielkopolska, to help in adjusting workers’ qualifications to the needs of the regional economy and, above all, to popularize knowledge about the latest trends in management. A series of free training in the form of lectures combined with practical workshops was launched within this project. They took place from October 2015 to May 2016 at the Poznan University of Economics and Business. They were conducted by known and respected experts. The subject of the meetings was adapted to the needs of entrepreneurs. Among the issues discussed were, among others, transformation of Polish companies and the role of leaders in the second decade of the twenty-first century, the new law restructuring, changes in the Union and national law on public procurement, foreign expansion of Polish companies, building a CSR strategy or “Strategy 64 squares” (analogies between business and chess). The meetings were very popular among entrepreneurs as they were not only an opportunity to acquire interesting, current knowledge, but also an opportunity for creative exchange of business experiences. Our scientist a member of the Committee of Economic Sciences PAS Professor dr hab. Wieslawa Przybylska-Kapuścińska, prof. zw. UEP, has been appointed a member of the Committee of Economic Sciences (CES) of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term of office 2016-2019. The scope of activities of the Committee of Economic Sciences includes the following thematic areas: general theory of economics, history of economic thought, and the problems of functioning and development of the economies of Central and Eastern Europe. PUEB Rector awarded the Medal of the Polish Bank Association The Polish Bank Association awarded prof. dr. hab. Marian Gorynia, prof. zw. UEP, the Silver Medal of Nicolaus Copernicus for special achievements 6 CES is an organizational unit of the Polish Academy of Sciences, its activity involves the development, promotion, integration and dissemination of science and contributes to the development of education and enrichment of the national culture. in construction and development of the banking sector. Nicolaus Copernicus Medal of the Polish Bank Association was estab- lished as an honorable distinction for outstanding achievement for the development and safe operation of the Polish banking sector. 7 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Our scientist the Speaker of the Year 2016 Dr. Tomasz Kopczyński from the Department of Strategic Management won the title of the Speaker of the Year 2016 awarded by PMI (Project Management Institute). Speaker of the Year 2016 was elected on 23 April 2016 during the “PMPIADA” - a series of professional speeches on project management. Eleven experts pre- sented the most important information from selected areas of expertise from a set of good practices PMBoK Guide, i.e. Project Management Institute guide, one of the most important sources of knowledge for Project Managers. The speeches were evaluated by 6-person jury composed of experts in project management. PMPMIADA is organized by the Poznan branch of the Project Management Institute (PMI), an association, one of the largest in the world, associating professionals in the fields of project management. PMI has more than 454 thousand members in 185 countries, where there are more than 250 branches. Nearly 1.8 million PLN for research Researchers from the Poznan University of Economics and Business received funding from the National Science Centre. Their research projects won a total of 1 792 221 PLN in tenth edition of OPUS, SONATA and PRELUDIUM 9 competitions. In the OPUS 10 competition, researchers can apply for grants for research projects, including financing the purchase or manufacture of research equipment necessary for the implementation of these projects. Three PUEB’s projects will be financed under OPUS 10 and the total amount is 873 681 PLN: 1. “Creating a network of values in e-commerce in terms of logistics and marketing” – dr Arkadiusz Kawa 2. “Possibilities of measuring the effectiveness of brand strategies of Polish cities (on the ex- 8 ample of Polish district towns) in theoretical and empirical terms” – dr Magdalena Florek 3. “Risk premium on international bond markets” – dr Adam Zaremba The SONATA 10 competition is dedicated to people with doctoral degrees who are starting their careers. Five projects of our scientists received funding for the amount of 858 720 PLN: 1. “The study of the subjective dimension of the quality of life of children in Poland” – Dr Tomasz Strózik 2. “The importance of the selection of valuation methods in the identification of market anomalies” – Dr Joanna Lizińska 3. “The revitalization of degraded urban areas under the JESSICA initiative” – Dr Piotr Idczak 4. “Analysis of the alliances of open innovation and strategic partnerships in the biopharmaceutical sector in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe” – dr Łukasz Puślecki 5. “The maturity of a company in terms of relationship management vs. competitive advantage” – dr Bartosz Deszczeński A student of PUEB the winner of the Citigroup World Chess Championship The way the title of the best chess player of one of the largest global corporations, captain of the chess Poznań University of Economics Michal Mazurkiewicz - beat 200 players representing 25 countries from all regions of the world. Competition took place via the Internet and lasted four months - the participants played a total of eleven matches phases of the fundamental and three play-offs. Citigroup World Cup Final in chess was organized in the main site of Citi Handlowy. Confronting student UEP Anton Bashtavy (also defending the colors red and white). Michal Mazurkiewicz UEP is a student majoring in Economics, specializing in the global economy and managerial. In November of 2016. He will defend the current champion Polish bankers. The PUEB’s Runners Club won in the Ekiden xlpl Marathon Relay A record number of 294 relay teams participated in this year’s fourth edition of the Ekiden xlpl Marathon Relay. Three of these teams represented the PUEB Runners Club. In previous editions, the Runners Club has always occupied the highest positions in the qualification. This year, for the first time, the runners from PUEB dominated the competition taking all the places on the podium. • I place – KB UEP 2 w składzie: Marcin Bartkowiak, Jarosław Łabedzki, Marcin Walkowiak, Paweł Gorzelańczyk, Dawid Obrzeżgiewicz, Marcin Flotyński • II place – KB UEP 1 w składzie: Jakub Niedźwiadek, Waldemar Rydzak, Waldemar Budner, Emil Waszkowski, Jacek Trębecki, Zygmunt Waśkowski • III place – KB UEP 3 w składzie: Tomasz Fliegner, Aleksander Nowakowski, Marta Sprada, Sławomir Ratajczak, Jakub Budner, Jan Polowczyk The PRELUDE 10 competition subsidizes research projects carried out by people who are starting their careers in science and do not have doctoral degrees. In this competition, a project prepared by mgr Wiktoria Domagała, “Gender inequality in the professional sphere in developed countries,” received funding for the amount of 59 820 PLN. 9 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Successes of ESN PUEB A meeting with Tadeusz Kościński During the National Platform in Lublin - the most important national congress of all sections of the Erasmus Student Network in Poland – the section operating at our University - ESN PUEB - received three awards. In the category Best Collaboration between Sections, we took third place for cooperation between Poznan ESN sections (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan University of Technology and PUEB). In the past year, the above mentioned sectiones organized many university events and joint events for exchange students in Poznań. In the Best Congress category, ESN PUEB won second place for the organization of the National Platform in Poznan in May 2015. National Platform in Poznań was a huge logistical undertaking as 180 members of the ESN Poland Association visited our city. The last award was given to the President of ESN PUEB Filip Wypi- jewski, who took first place in the Best Presidium category during the meeting of ESN Poland Delegates in Szczecin. Working in the presidium involved substantive organization of the whole congress, conducting meetings, and preparation of the report of the proceedings and resolutions adopted during the meeting. Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco at PUEB On 10 May 2016, our University hosted distinguished guests who prepared two lectures for the academic community. The first lecture, “Poland and the African countries in recent years,” was delivered by a Member of Parliament Killion Munyama (in Polish). Killion Munyama is a professor of economics and international finance, regional civil servant and politician of the Zambian origin (Member of Parliament for VII and VIII term). He was born on 10 July 196, in Makala in Zambia. He came to Poland in 1981 thanks to a government scholar- 10 ship. He graduated from the Poznan University of Economics. Since 1994 he has been a doctor of economic sciences. In 2012, he obtained a postdoctoral degree in economic sciences in the field of economics. He specializes in banking and international finance. Since 2011, he has been a deputy to the Sejm on behalf of the Platforma Obywatelska. In the previous VII and current VIII term of office he is a delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) where he is a deputy representative. The second lecture - “Politics and Economy of Morocco”- was delivered Vice-secretary of State in the Ministry of Development - Tadeusz Kościński - met with the academic community of the Poznan University of Economics and Business. On 9 May 2016, he gave a lecture entitled “The role of international cooperation in the implementation of the plan for responsible development”. Tadeusz Kościński has been associated with the banking sector throughout his career. Since 1997, he served as director of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Previously, he worked in Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A., Bank PrzemysłowoHandlowy, Bank Śląski and Bank Pomorski, as well as two banks in London. He graduated from Goldsmith’s University of London. Adam Szejnfeld visited PUEB Adam Szejnfeld visited the Poznan University of Economics and Business. On 30 May 2016, in the PUEB auditorium, he gave a lecture addressed to academic community For the academic community “The Union on the cusp.” In his lecture, MEP presented the greatest threats for the European Union and its Member States in recent years (including the financial crisis, a wave of refugees, terrorism, intensifying the policy of “humanization” of society and the “socialization” of the economy, and the crisis of values and nationalization of social attitudes). During the presentation, Mr Szejnfeld also assessed the impact of the current European integration on Poland. In the second part of the meeting, he took up the issue of the measures necessary to maintain the social, economic and military security and presented possible scenarios for the future. by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Poland J.E. Youns Tijani. Ambassador Youns Tijani started his work for the government of the Kingdom of Morocco in 1978. He worked in both domestic and foreign institutions, performing various functions, including among others, Minister Plenipotentiary of Moroccan Mission to the UN in Geneva, Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Madrid, and Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Paris. From 2013, he has served as Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Morocco in the Republic of Poland. 11 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Fura Świetlików in the Citadel Park Organizers of Fura Szczęścia -a cyclic project implemented by students of Management, specializing in business communication at PUEB –would like to invite everyone to the run YORK FURA ŚWIETLIKÓW, which will take place on 21 May 2016 in the Park Citadel in Poznan. Participants run a distance of 5 km. Start of the race took place at 21:00 and each of the runners received a starter pack and a fluorescent band. Thanks to the bands, the Citadel Park looked as if it had been swarmed by colorful fireflies. The Run was a charity. All the income will support the common room COLOR STOP in Poznan in renovating bathrooms and purchase of necessities. Strategic meeting The aim of the strategic meeting 2016 was to present the level of implementation of 2013-2015 Strategy at PUEB. Such a meeting takes place once in four years - we had the opportunity to listen to speeches of the Rector, Vice-Rectors and Deans, who summed up the achievements in various strategic areas, as well as the Rector-elect, who presented a vision of the development of our University. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss and listen to the voice of employees and students of PUEB. The most versatile departments of the academic year 2014/2015 were 12 awarded during the meeting. These departments were: • Department of European Studies • Department of Trade and Marketing • Department of Information Systems • Department of International Competitiveness • Department of Macroeconomics and Food Economy • Department of Monetary Policy and Financial Markets • Department of Labour and Social Policy • Department of Information Technologies • Department of Theory of Organization and Management • Department of Insurance • Department of Strategic Management • Department of Standardized Management Systems Diplomas were also presented to departments which achieved the best results in the past 7 years: • Department of Theory of Organization and Management • Department of Macroeconomics and Food Economy • Department of Monetary Policy and Financial Markets A new publication by Studio Oeconomica Posnaniensia Nearly twenty representatives of science were involved in the creation of the latest edition of the monthly Studio Oeconomica Posnaniensia. The scientific journal published at the Poznan University of Economics and Business since 2013 is a continuation of the Bulletin of Economics of the Poznań University of Economics and Business. Articles in the fields of economics, finance, commodities and management are published there. The May issue of the monthly magazine consists of nine articles, created by employees of major European universities and research institutions. Among the authors were scientists from Belgium, France, Canada, Spain, Poland and the United Kingdom. The initiators and editors were prof. Krzysztof Malaga and prof. Jean-Christophe Poutineau from the University of Rennes. Cooperation of researchers at the Poznań University of Economics and Business with foreign friends Alberto Mingardi at PUEB Alberto Mingardi’s open lecture was held at the Poznan University of Economics and Business on 30 May 2016. The meeting was connected with the promotion of the book by the late Bruno Leoni, “Freedom and Law.” Alberto Mingardi is a chief executive of the Italian think-tank Instituto Bruno Leoni. He also cooperates with the Cato Institute and the Atlas Network. He wrote for The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, Libero and La Stampa. He has a PhD in political science that he defended at the University of Pavia. He specializes in antitrust law and the health care system. One of his most important publication is a monograph devoted to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer published in 2011. On 22 May, during the Warsaw Book Fair, the book “Freedom and Law” by Bruno Leoni had its premiere. This is the first Polish edition of this book and will be released by Wydawnictwo Nieoczywiste in cooperation with the Forum Foundation for Civic Development. Introduction to the book was written by prof. Leszek Balcerowicz. also resulted in the establishment of a brand new magazine of international scope. In October 2016, a monthly magazine Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française will be published as a result of collaboration between the Poznań University of Economics and Business and the Association Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française based in Paris. “Freedom and Law” by Bruno Leoni is an example of excellent analysis of the relationship between law and freedom, in which the author shares the views of Frédéric Bastiat, surpassing Hayek with consistency and rigor. Leoni explains the features of the law created in times of freedom and shows that legislator itself becomes a threat to the law by undermining values such as stability, versatility and discipline. In his work, the author formulates the thesis that the greatest obstacle to an effective legal system is legislative inflation. In modern democratic societies, legislative bodies usurp the functions that have been and should be exercised by individuals or groups, but not by the government. The result of such activities is the establishment of an excessive amount of laws and regulations that crush individual freedom. “Freedom and Law” is not only a great treatise on the history of law. It is also a basis for understanding the true relationship between law and free market economy. 13 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE International Day at PUEB PUEB students win the Audit OdyssEY Presentations of partner institutions, creating a map of the world and dancing Zumba – this is what this edition of the International Day looked like. The event was organized by the Department of Research and International Cooperation and the Erasmus Student Network at PUEB. Students of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting won the national competition Audit OdyssEY. Its organizer was the company EY - one of the market leaders in business consulting and tax. International Day is an annual event which aims to integrate students from foreign universities, located in Poznań under the Erasmus+ program. During the entertainment part, students created a map of the world on a postcard from PUEB, tasted sweets and an “international pizza” and danced the Zumba. In addition to excellent fun, the organizers have also created a space to exchange ideas and opinions on the studies and presentations were given by guests from partner universities - the University of Lethbridge, Armenian State University of Economics, IESEG Lille and Nanjing University. The event was also attended by members of the PUEB Erasmus Student Network. Representatives of the organization promoted the idea of visits to partner universities of PUEB and encouraged to participate in the Mentor program which supports foreign students who came to study at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The competition consisted of three stages: online tasks, during which students could test their knowledge of finance and accounting, webcast during which the teams could play the role of auditors and simulate a project audit, and the grand finale, during which an audit case study was organized. - We wanted to give students the opportunity to experience the exceptional work of the auditor and to show the diversity of the projects. It’s a business area, which allows you to get to know the company inside out through the prism of its financial and business process - explains Marcin Zielinski, a Partner in the Audit Department of EY. Ten teams representing seven universities made it into the finals. After completing the final task the jury named a team representing PUEB the winners: Patrycja Matyjasik, Marcin Budzyński, Gniewomir Prus and Kajetan Matuszewski. The winners received a cash prize of 20 thousand. PLN and an invitation to paid internships in the EY Audit Department. Meeting with representatives of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) at PUEB The reduction of the retirement age, social security contributions on employment contracts and the solvency of the Social Security Fund were discussed during the meeting with representatives of the First Branch Office of Social Insurance Institution in Poznan. The meeting was attended by Director of the Poznan Branch, Maria Nowak and head of Department of Pensions Bernard Kimel. Students, who also participated in the meeting, had a lot of questions to the speakers. - Social security issues are intricate and complex. Many people do not possess appropriate knowledge of this subject. But each of us is part of this system. That is why some issues are worth looking into today - said third-year student, Mariusz Gawron. 14 Some of the questions related to inheritance of funds on subaccount of ZUS, entitlements to the survivor’s pension for people who lose student status, and the rules for reimbursement of unduly received benefits. The audience also focused on cocial security contributions on contracts and the possible consequences related to the employment of students. The meeting was organized by the Department of Labour and Social Policy. Its main objective was to present the functioning of the Social Insurance Fund and widening knowledge of social insurance in Poland. O obniżeniu wieku emerytalnego, oskładkowaniu umowy-zlecenia oraz wypłacalności Funduszu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych rozmawiano podczas spotkania z przedstawicielami I Oddziału Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społeczny w Poznaniu. 15 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE One of the Diversity Business Meetings in Poznan A remarkable monograph by PUEB scientists The intercultural business practice was discussed at the second meeting of the cycle Diversity Business Meetings in Poznan, which took place on 18 May 2016 at the Zamek Culture Center. The achievements of decades of scientific research was presented by employees of the Department of Economics and Environmental Planning in the monograph “Spatial planning. The share of the Poznan University of Economics and Business in the formation of the modern paradigm.” The first part of the conference was devoted to the presence of foreigners on the Polish labor market. The honorary consul of Ukraine, Witold Horowski, director of the Job Fair Play Alexander Kuzmich and HR specialist at INEA S.A. - Monika Zawada-Hlawaczek shared their thoughts on this aspect. Speakers primarily emphasized the desired model for immigration for Wielkopolska, the treatment of immigrants and the prac- tical ability to acquire employees from the Ukrainian market. The second module of the conference concerned the work in an environment of cultural diversity and had a workshop character. The invited guests moderated discussions in groups on, among others, adaptability of expatriates in the workplace, intercultural management in cultural institutions and the management of a culturally diverse football club. The culmination of the event was a speech given by foreign students of Poznan universities, who shared their experiences involving socio-professional adaptation in Poland. Diversity Business Meetings in Poznan is a joint initiative of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, F5 Consulting and Diversity Hub from Krakow. The first meeting was held on 24 November 2015 and started a debate on diversity management in organizations in Wielkopolska. The three-volume publication documents the contribution of employees of the Poznan University of Economics and Business to the development of Polish science in the field of regional and spatial planning. The work of prof. Ryszard Domański - the leader and creator of the Poznan School of Economics and Spatial Studies play a dominant role in the publication. Contributions to the development of the monograph were also made by, among others, prof. dr. Wanda Gaczek, prof. dr. Waldemar Budner, prof. dr. Marek Ciesielski and prof. dr. Ewa Małuszyńska. The work published by the Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning is particularly valuable for people from the world of science, whose interests revolve around issues of research space. Due to the wide spectrum of issues referred to and the different major subjects and specializations in the course of study, the monograph is also an important reference book for teachers and students preparing theses on topics that require in-depth theoretical knowledge. Practitioners should also find hints on methodology specialized research and economic space. The conference “Participation versus democracy” at our University The participation of trade unions in the management was discussed within the walls of PUEB during a conference entitled “Participation versus democracy.” The event was organized by the Poznań University of Economics and Business, NSZZ Solidarność and the University of Frankfurt. A visit of a fifty-person group of graduates of the European Academy of Labour, acting at the University of Frankfurt am Main, 16 was a great opportunity to organize the conference. Its main mission is to educate trade unionists from different countries in the field of social policy, labor law and business management. Representatives of the Wielkopolska branch of Solidarność are also adepts at this Academy. The main theme of the conference was the role of trade union participation in management based on the principles of socio-economic democracy. It was attended by Di- rector of the European Academy of Labour prof. Martin Allespach, chairman of the Wielkopolska Region of “NSZZ Solidarność” Jaroslaw Lange, a representative of the National Council of the “NSZZ Solidarność” Section of Science Marek Kisilowski, legal counsellor to Volkswagen Sp. z o.o. Rafal Fabisiak and Chairwoman of the University Council of “NSZZ Solidarność” dr Ewelina Szajba. The event was hosted by dr. hab. Agnieszka Ziomek. 17 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Occupation: diplomat In May 2016, the European Academy of Diplomacy, the Department of European Studies at PUEB and SKN Europe organized two events in a series of open meetings “Occupation: diplomat.” The main topic was widely understood career in the foreign service. On 10 May 2016, our University hosted dr Katarzyna Pisarska, director of the European Academy of Diplomacy and the Visegrad School of Political Science (VSPS), a member of the Young Global Leaders club (2014) of the World Economic Forum in Davos, and the author of publications on public diplomacy. On 23 May 2016, the meeting was conducted by Ambassador Jerzy Maria Nowak, associated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1960. During his many years of work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nowak went through all the ranks of the foreign service, becoming among others, the Polish ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain and the Polish Representative to NATO and WEU. He also served as Director of the Security Policy Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and President of the Euro-Atlantic Association (SEA). In later years, Ambassador Nowak was vice-chairman of the executive council of the SEA. In 2011-2013, he was also a coordinator of a group in National Security Bureau responsible for creating the National Security Strategy for the Republic of Poland. Students Opinion Research Students gave answers to questions concerning, among others, satisfaction with the choice of university, student government activities and functioning of the moodle platform, in the thirteenth edition of the “Students Opinion Reaserch”. The project was carried out by Young Statisticians and Demographers Students Scientific Association, acting at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The main objective of the project is to understand students opinions on the various elements of the institution, obtain information about the satisfaction of selected studies and to compare ratings on various economic universities in Poland. This year’s study involved more than 3,600 people at the Universities of Economics in Poznan, Krakow, Katowice and Wroclaw. Respondents invited to the study answered questions divided into six 18 thematic areas: the university in general, infrastructure, non-didactic units, academics and assessment decisions. Most of the questions was to rate the given statements on a 5-point scale. The survey was conducted between 1 and 24 April in an electronic form. The Poznań University of Economics and Business turned out to be leader in most aspects. It received very high notes during the assessment of the functioning of the moodle platform, libraries and technical knowledge of academics. Also noteworthy is the high level of student satisfaction with their chosen path of education. The Rector of the Poznań University of Economics and Business has taken patronage over this study. The results were presented at a conference, which was held on 20 May 2016. The report and the detailed results are available on the website [qr code] http://kmsid.ue.poznan.pl/bos/2016/. A competition “Modeling the Energy Market” for the Award of the President of ENEA SA Students of the Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy took part in the “Modeling the Energy Market”, which took place on 17 May 2016 within the walls of the Poznań University of Economics and Business. ENEA was the strategic partner of the event. The aim of the competition was to popularize a theme of functioning of the energy market and to introduce students to the specifics of work of an analyst in this area. Ten teams (consisting of 3-5 people) entered the competition. The competition task was to propose a solution to a problem on the analytical modeling of the energy market. To find a solution, the teams were required to carry out studies related to the specificity of energy production by wind power and its impact on electricity prices in the SPOT market. The time given to work on the problem was 6 hours. After this time, the teams presented the results of their work to the Competition Comitee composed of: Mrs. Anna Gabrysiak - Head of the Office of Market Analysis Enea Trading (Chair), Ms. Ilona Młynarczyk employee of Market Analysis Trading Enea, graduate of WIGE, prof. Barbara BędowskaSójka and prof. Małgorzata Doman, WIGE PUE, prof. Ryszard Doman WMI UAM, and other participants of the competition. The students worked with great commitment and the level of the solutions proposed was high. Finally, after 10 hours of the contest, the jury chose the winners. The first prize, in the amount of 5000 PLN, was awarded to the team of students from WMI UAM composed of Magdalena Kłosowska, Dariusz Ratajczyk, Paulina Zieba. The second and third prize in the amount of 3000 and 2000 PLN went to WIGE students of the of financial engineering specialization. The winning teams were students of the third year. foto – Olga Gadomska Michał Dziubiński, Wojciech Frackowiak, Joanna Polańska, Łukasz Przedwój, Anna Rokicka (second place) are a team of first-year students at second-cycle studiies: Marcin Gwiazda, Przemysław Mączyński, Anna Morawska (third place). President of ENEA SA, Mirosław Kowalik, stressed the mutual benefits of cooperation between universities and business. - We appreciate the cooperation with universities. It is to build long-term relationships, pursue joint projects and invest in the students’ knowledge. They will be better prepared to enter the labor market, to the benefit of the Polish economy and companies such as ENEA. Currently, the winning companies and organizations on the market are those that base their strategy and action on knowledge. The PUEb Partner Club, in which ENEA is involved, is a good platform to build long-term relationships with the academic community and students. We see great potential and prospects of this cooperation, and this year’s, well prepared competition is the best example. The president of ENEA Trading, David Klimczak, assured that the possibility of acquiring highly qualified personnel is crucial to the company: “The competition gives you a chance to get future experts interested in the secrets of the energy market. 3 We are also working on an internship program together with universities. As a company with innovation included in our daily work, we are determined to build the Polish intellectual and technological capacity.” The organizers of the competition was the Department of Informatics and Electronic Economy PUEB and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science UAM. Partners - Enea (strategic partner) and Enea Trading. foto: Aleksandra Rutkowska 19 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Days of the Commodity Science Department “Insurance and the challenges of the twenty-first century” - a conference at PUEB For the third time, students and academics have celebrated the Days of the Commodity Science Department. Rector of PUEB prof. dr. Marian Gorynia and the Mayor of Poznan Jacek Jaśkowiak have taken patronage over the event. Researchers of all scientific centers in Poland and the representatives of the most important institutions of the insurance market took part in the X International Conference “Insurance and the challenges of the twenty-first century.” The Days of the Commodity Science Department started with a conference entitled “Environment and Technology in business.” Its theme was focused around the modern trends of business and manufacturing processes of products including environmentfriendly technologies. Representatives of the major players from the world of business and public sectors also debated on the role of environmental management and the functioning of the new field of study Product & Process Management Engineering, launched at the Faculty of Commodity Science in October 2015. During the event, the XI Young Commodity Scientist Days were organized, where students and 20 representatives of scientific circles had the opportunity to present the results of their theses and engineering projects within the prestigious seminar paper competition. During this year’s edition, over 130 students presented their works. The jury recognized the work of Mrs. Anna Nowak concerning the applicability of methods and tools of quality management in the improvement of manufacturing processes of the company Kabat. Students of Commodity Science could also discuss the results of their research work in the XII Forum of Students’ Scientific Associations. The meeting was attended by representatives of eight universities, including the Gdynia Maritime University, Technical University of Lodz, University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw and Krakow University of Economics. During the event, 65 scientific papers, which were included in the monograph “Young Commodity Scientist 2016,” were presented. The finale of this year’s Days of the Commodity Science Department was a Reporting Session given by PhD students of PUEB. Forty doctoral students, who had the opportunity to present their scientific achievements and listen to the opinions of professors, took part in the session. The event was an excellent opportunity to exchange views and present the latest research and interests of students and staff. Five plenary sessions and one poster session were held during the three-day event. Two practical panel discussions with representatives of practice and the scientific community devoted current problems of the insurance market were of particular interest. The first concerned the preventive measures in the field of civil liability of the entity as a medicinal element of the risk management process in hospitals. During the second panel, the new challenges in agricultural insurance were debated. The opening of the Conference was attended by honorable guests - Professors Teresa Czerwińska, Vicesecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Maciej Zukowski Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation and Rector-Elect of the PUEB, and Kamilla Marchewka-Bartkowiak - Dean-Elect of the Faculty of Economics PUEB. The organizer of the conference was the Department of Insurance of PUEB and Department of Insurance UEW. The rectors of the two universities took honorary patronage over the event. 21 THE GALLERY OF PUEB RECTORS THE GALLERY OF PUEB RECTORS prof. dr hab. Emil Panek, prof. zw. UEP prof. dr hab. Bohdan Gruchman, prof. zw. UEP He was born on 21 August 1928 in Lubliniec. He graduated in law and economics from the University of Warsaw and Poznan, and then obtained a PhD in economics at the Higher School of Economics. For many years, he connected scientific activity with his work. He was involved in the development of industry, agriculture and trade. He also spent five years of his life in Libya, where he served as an expert of the United Nations for the development. While at Poznan University of Economics and Business, prof. Bohdan Gruchman held various organizational functions. He took up a job as director of the Institute of Planning, then deputy dean and lastly vice-rector. The crowning achievement of his work at the University was becoming rector in 1990. During his tenure at the University, he has made a number of fundamental changes in the organizational structure and training programs. University of Economics joined the international scientific networks and at the time was the only one in Poland to organize postgraduate MBA programs in cooperation with four foreign universities. Thanks to the huge efforts of the Rector, the University has also been equipped with the largest Main Library in Central - Eastern Europe. 1990–1996 22 He was born on 9 February 1948 in Kozowo. He was first introduced to the Higher School of Economics in Poznan on 1 October 1970, when he bacame a PhD student. After graduating he was hired as an assistant professor, first at the Institute of Econometrics and Statistics and later the Institute of Economic Cybernetics. While working at the University, he held a number of important functions. For three years he was deputy dean of the Faculty of Planning and Management, and in 1990 the academic community elected him to the post of Vice-Rector for Didactics. The crowning achievement of his work at the University was to take the office of rector in 1996. In his many years of work at the University prof. Emil Panek made great contributions to its development. He was the forerunner of changes in study programs and as Vice-Rector of the University he has developed and carried out a comprehensive reform of the educational system. His work for the University of Economics led to its dynamic flourishing. During his tenure the Poznan University of Economics and business has become the second best economic university in the country. 1996–2006 23 INTERVIEW INTERVIEW Business communication in practice - Interview with Tomasz Kot, organizer of the B4KwB event You are organizing the event under the intriguing name B4KwB. Can you decipher it? There is some ambiguity in this name. The first symbols can in fact mean befor, ie. an event preceding the major event or be for. KwB is for our specialization - business communication. The name itself shows that the whole event is strongly associated with your specialization. Is it really the main theme of the event? Exactly! When the event was organized for the first time, the main idea behind it was to promote specialization among younger students younger, who stood before the choice of the path of their further studies. Direct contact with older colleagues, showing the path of development and identifying job opportunities encouraged many students to specialize in Business Communication. Did you put the emphasis on the promotion of the same specialization this year? The theme of this year’s edition is very different from previous years. After a huge brainstorming, we decided to change the formula of the event and create a forum for communication between current students and graduates of our specialization. Thanks to our event, graduates had a chance to meet again and renew old acquaintances. Current students could ask about 24 the experiences associated with the specialization and gain valuable information about the labour market. What did the event look like? The culmination of the event was the gala which took place on 20 May 20 2016. At the beginning, we had several discussion panels on subjects that were supposed to encourage more people to participate. For example, during one of the panels, we tried to answer the question whether it is better to start a career in Poznan or go to another city. In the second part of the gala, we organized a business speed dating which formula resembled the original form created at the end of the twentieth century in the United States. The difference was, however, on the theme, because the participants of our panel talked about the labor market, asking questions about the requirements of a given profession, they presented their CV or looked for traineeship and practices. How did you select the speakers for the gala? Most of them are people who have completed our specialization. That was our goal - to show that you can be successful after studying Business Communication. The exception in the choice of speakers was the first discussion panel that was attended by the owners of small catering company who opened their business in Poznan. What were other events organized for the participants of B4KwB? We organized two smaller events. In cooperation with our partners, we organized the action “Open up to an internship with Eurocash”, during which the students went into the escape room in which they solved case studies related to business. The best groups won not only freedom, but also an invitation for an interview. The second event was the training conducted by advertising agency Advertiva. How did you come up with the idea to organize such event? B4KwB is an event implemented under the subject “Managing marketing communications” in the fourth year of our specialization. We got the idea from our lecturer, dr Marek Zielinski. Thanks to him, we could get some practical skills instead of reading more books, How was dr Marek Zielinski involved in organizing the project? I think he did a great job. On the one hand, he helped us in decisionmaking and pointed out to some possibilities and solutions. On the other hand, we had tremendous flexibility and room for action. He did not interfere and did not force us to his vision. It is true that we went to a dead end a couple of times, but it allowed us to gain more valuable experience. How many people were involved in the project? Our group consisted of 31 people. We were divided into sections for strategy, execution, social media, image and research. Each of us was assigned duties. Not everyone, however, were involved in the same way. B4KwB is a project that absorbs a lot of free time, so it was kind of an obstacle for those who also work or have other responsibilities. In addition to the B4KwB project, Business Communication specialization has also organized a charity Fura Szczęścia. Would you prefer to organize the latter event? Initially, perhaps, some people preferred to be in the group of organizers of Fura Szczescia. This project is bigger and has well-established reputation. However, B4KwB gave us a huge experience, capabilities, and helped to gain valuable contacts. I think that today no one regrets organizing this event. Grzegorz Lemański The event has already ended. Did you have time for a summary? The time for detailed analysis will come, that’s for sure. But we can already tell, however, that the event was a success. The interest was great, nearly 150 people attended the meeting. Most of them congratulated us on professionalism and excellent organization. People involved in B4KwB Jakub Bakiera – Strategy department Kamil Adamczewski – Strategy department Alicja Bajer – Execution department Gosia Kulik – Social Media department Kasia Kaliszuk – Public Relations department Karolina Flieger – Strategy department 25 OUR ALUMNI PUEB IN THE MEDIA Graduates of the Poznan University of Economics and Business are among the top earners who graduated from public business schools. The Poznan University of Economics and Business took second place in the ranking of salaries of graduates of public schools of economics in Poland in 2015 prepared by Sedlak & Sedlak. The median of monthly salaries of our graduates in 2015 amounted to 5500 PLN (gross). Research shows that over 50% of graduates of PUEB con- tinue their careers in the city in which they studied and graduated. Taking into account the industry in which PUEB graduates work, the highest pays were recorded in banking or light industry (median: 6500 PLN). The graduates of our University employed in the IT industry could count on earnings in the amount of 6000 PLN (me- dian), in companies related to services for business - 5100 PLN(median), and in trade - 5000 PLN (median). The 2015 study involved 161 224 people (28.3% more than in 2014). For methodological reasons, Sedlak & Sedlak included data from 143 010 respondents in the final calculation. Our experts in the media Surveillance in the age of terrorism prof. W. Cellary Our graduates have the highest paying jobs The best works of PUEB graduates the category of doctoral theses, the jury decided to award the work of dr Filip Przydróżny “Communication between an insurance institution and the environment.” The winning master’s theses were written by mgr Patrycja Kwiek - “Evaluation of a new method of estimating reserves of gross damages - doubles chain-ladder method” - and Agata Sadowska for “The impact of the prohibition of premium differentials based on gender on premiums in the life insurance”. All dissertations were written under the supervision of prof. dr. Jacek Lisowski. The organizer of the competition was the Financial Ombudsman, Foundation for Insurance Education and Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa. collect all possible data on all citizens, that is, all surveillance, and, if necessary, carry out an analysis of this data in relation to the suspects. Analysis of surveillance data can help in the fight against terrorism, but like any new technology, can be used for both good and wrong purposes. - It allows to be more effective and act earlier to protect people from terrorism, disasters, accidents, diseases, etc., and to better predict their wishes. But the same techniques can be used to choose targets of criminal attacks or discriminate against political opponents - explained the PUEB scientist. An award for work drdrM. T.Andrałojć Bojkowski Graduates of the Poznan University of Economics and Business have been awarded in the fifteenth edition of the competition for the best doctoral, master’s, bachelor’s and post-graduate dissertation in the field of economic and social insurance. Abuse of data analysis leads to a society in which there is no free will and individual human choice. The moral compass of every human being is replaced by a computer algorithmwrote prof. Wojciech Cellary from the Department of Information Technology in Gazeta Wyborcza. - Formerly surveillance, in particular electronic, was possible only in relation to specific people, for which there was a reasonable suspicion of committing a crime, and only with the permission of the court as a guardian of civil liberties and with supervision of the law enforcement agencies - emphasizes prof. Cellary. - In the age of terrorism, the state wants to A well-motivated team is more effective. While appreciating employees one should rethink the system of motivation. It is easier to achieve better results when you know what the criteria for the evaluation are and what the employer expects. - The bonus system is a better tool for motivation than the reward system, which is implicitly discretionary. The bonus should not be discretionary – it should be determined on the basis of specific criteria, which the worker has been previously acquainted with - Notes dr Magdalena Andrałojć from the Department of Labour and Social Policy, in an interview with a journalist from Radio Mercury. dr K. Celka Apartments for the young 26 In the past five years, housing prices in Poznan fell by more than 300 PLN. Dr. Krzysztof Celka from the Department of Investment and Real Estate stresses, however, that there will be further price declines. Stabilization in the development market are to be provided by the government program MdM (“Mieszkanie dla Młodych”- Apartments for the Young). - I think that by the end of the program Apartments for the Young (up to the end of 2018.), demand for housing will be at such a level that these apartments will sell emphasizes the PUEB expert. - Unless the supply increases significantly and the customers will be able to count on the purchase of housing at even lower prices. 27 PUEB IN THE MEDIA Media monitoring – May 2016 73 (4.95%) e d 349 (23.56%) c b 959 (65.02%) 29 (1.97%) a 65 (4.41%) a b c Press Internet d e 28 Radio TV Social media
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