July 2016 News Letter issue 12 - Lions Club International District


July 2016 News Letter issue 12 - Lions Club International District
June 2016
Lions Club International 105SW
In this issue:
The Growler
• The Growler—District
• “Tails” from the clubs
District News
• Seeking new “Cubs” -
A message from our new District Governor
• Taking Pride in
Broom’s Blog
As you read this, I should be sweating it out in the heat
and humidity of Fukuoka, Japan. I trust by the time I
return, I will be able to say this without sounding obscene
• Future “Mane” Events
• Dingbat Den
and will have mastered chopsticks, whilst attending three
days of schooling.
I am really excited about the prospect of working together
with you, facing the challenge of growing our membership
and at the same time equipping new and existing members,
through well organised and accessible training,
to get the most out of their life as a Lion.
Being a Lion has been one of the most challenging and yet
fulfilling parts of my life. It has given me so much in the way
of friends, memories and satisfaction and I hope this year to
give back to Lions just a portion of what I have got out of it.
In order to encourage you to actively seek out members
who can reduce our overall average age and thus hopefully build a longer,
stronger future for our Lion’s family, I am giving a bottle of wine to everyone who
sponsors a new member under 50. (So long as they bring both sets of
grandparents with them to swear they are old enough to drink it%..just kidding).
The emotive subject of redistricting must be tackled this year and so I encourage
all members to look carefully at the questionnaire and go to their club meeting with
their thoughts and opinions to be sent back to MDHQ. If you haven’t already sent
it, please do so immediately.
Already my calendar is filling up well into next year and as I said in the letter that
went out last month, “I want to be a hands on D.G.”. So, if you want me to be at
any event you are organising, please ask. If I am free, I will be there but it is on a
first come, first serve basis.
I recently saw a poster that said:
“Many people spend a lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
Lions don’t face that problem”
Be proud of that, be proud of what you do and most importantly%.
District Governor Fred would like to welcome the
following Lions into the District:
Budleigh Salterton
Budleigh Salterton
Crewkerne (Sedgemoor)
Crewkerne (Sedgemoor)
Yeo Valley
Julie Burke
Martin Prew
Sam Barrett
Simon Champion
Maureen Pittard
Lorraine Conway
Jamie Dyne
Sue Dyne
Edward Jones
Nick Blowey
Dennis Somerton
GMT/GLT meeting
Crewkerne Lions Business Meeting
Tiverton Charter
Crewkerne's "Land Down Under"
Crewkerne's Duck Race & Dog Show
District Handover at Roadford Lake
Council of Governors, Solihull.
*Figures not updated in June.
GMT/GLT meeting
Ivybridge Lions Fun Day, Ivybridge
District Handover at Roadford Lake
Charter Anniversaries 2016
22nd October - Exeter
29th October
- Brixham
30th October
- Launceston Anniversary Lunch
The Lions Club of Plymouth are concentrating their
efforts on a Remembrance Day golf event to be held at
the Staddon Heights Golf Club in November.
Plans to hold a similar event on June 10 have been
cancelled. Instead, the Lions are seeking support from
golfers interested in supporting their charity event in
Further details are available from Lion Roy Russell on
Plymouth (01752) 347547 or email:
[email protected]
“Tails” from the Clubs
What has been going on across the district?
South Molton Lions’ Youth of the Year
South Molton Lions Club was extremely proud to present their Youth Of the year
2016 to Laura Radley at a special ceremony. The award is to recognise a young
person who is a role model for others.
Laura has challenged herself
by taking part in the Ten
Tors, has volunteered for
charity work in Uganda and
hopes to complete her
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
Award this year.
She has been a literacy
leader and prefect at College
and helped other young
people at a local club.
Another challenge was also
to Join the SM Junior Town
band and learn to play the
Cornet at many events. Her
interest also extends to
singing and has performed at
Caduggan Hall, Exeter
Cathedral and has helped to
raise funds for many
Charities with her choir.
After a confident speech,
Laura entertained the
audience by singing ‘The second Star to the Right’.
Lions Help Build Therapy Garden in France
Nailsea Lions have helped to build an innovative therapy garden at a retirement
home in France.
During a recent twinning with the Lions
Club of Mortagne au Perche, in Normandy,
the two clubs made a joint donation of
€1,000 towards the cost of the garden.
In thanking the two clubs for their
generosity, the director of the home, Msr
Herve Levert, explained that the garden,
designed specially for those with reduced
mobility, allows the residents to go outside
in a safe environment, either on their own
Presentation: Peter Smith (left) and President of
Mortagne Lions, Marc Wentzel (right) present the
cheque to the director of the home, Herve Levert.
or with their families. Many of the
residents come from country areas,
where they have had their own garden
all their life. Being able to go into the
garden greatly improves their activity
and their life style. Many of the plants
are scented, so that they can be
appreciated by those with impaired
eyesight. Ultimately, raised beds will be installed, so that residents in wheelchairs
can help tend the plants.
Speaking in French, the president elect of Nailsea Lions, Peter Smith, said how
pleased the Lions were to help with a project which will improve the lives of the
residents and will bring them great pleasure in the years to come.
For the last 42 years the two clubs have visited each other every year, alternating
between the two countries, for a weekend of friendship and to carry out a join
community project in the host’s country. Last year the two clubs donated £1,000 to
the Nailsea Skatepark Project.
Cheddar Vale Hold “Quacking”
Duck Race
Bank Holiday weekend and the
Sun was shining, people were out
in some numbers Cheddar Vale
held its annual duck race down
the gorge.
Two races were held and popularity for
the event was such that the tickets were
sold out before the first race had even
Funds were
being raised on
the day for
Hospice SW.
The generosity of the people from Cheddar Vale and
all those who were out to see the sights but donated
or bought a ticket anyway, help to raise a whopping
Cheddar Vale Lions expressed their thanks and
gratitude to all who were able to support them on the
1000 ducks per race barrelling through
4oC water, vying to become the winner.
This year, the Lions Club of Sidmouth is
celebrating the 40th Anniversary of its
formation with several significant
events. Firstly, the Lions Club gained
planning approval to have a special
Commemorative Poster Cabinet installed in
a prominent position in Sidmouth town
centre. The cabinet was unveiled on
Friday 29th April 2016 by Olympic Gold
Medal winning equestrian Mary King MBE,
who lives locally and was recently
appointed Deputy Lieutenant of
Devon. The Lions Club is particularly
grateful to Skinner Construction Limited of Sidmouth, who constructed and
donated the cabinet; also to Sidmouth Conservative Club for allowing the
cabinet to be mounted on the Club’s perimeter wall.
On Saturday 14th May, members of the Lions Club of Sidmouth were delighted
to welcome friends and members of the public to the Manor Pavilion Theatre,
Sidmouth, for a Gala Concert. This special Concert was organised to celebrate
the 40 years of Sidmouth Lions community service in the Sid Valley and
neighbouring villages and, as befitted the occasion, guests were invited to
commence the evening with canapés and a glass of bubbly.
The programme for this special
concert was created by superb
local songbird Vicki Angus
Campbell, who enlisted the support of other talented singers and musicians,
including some youngsters who have benefited from sponsorship by Sidmouth
Lions Club. All the performers donated their services free of charge for this special
As the concert was primarily a celebration of the Club’s 40 years of service,
pictorial illustrations of some highlights and amusing Lion’s moments were
projected on to a screen at the end of
the first half. The audience appeared
to thoroughly enjoy the whole, superb
programme of music and song and
certainly helped to make this landmark
celebration a very memorable evening
for Sidmouth Lions. Incidentally, this
evening of fun and friendship also
raised over £1,000 net for the Club’s
charity services account!
The third element of the Anniversary
celebrations is the Club’s 40th Charter
Anniversary Dinner, which will take
place in November at the celebrated
Hotel Riviera on the Sidmouth
Esplanade. Sidmouth Lions know and
show that voluntary service can be fun!
The combined Lion Clubs of Camborne/Redruth and Truro came together to
fundraise for the Cornwall Hospice Cair by organising a Grand Concert at Redruth
Methodist Church. Who better to ensure that the concert was a success than the
City of Truro Male Choir (MD Russell Pascoe, Accompanist Martin Davies) and
Fourlanes Male Choir (MD Tim Hosken Accompanist Tania Lord). Added to the
Choir’s splendid renderings and as a complete contrast were the Ritzy Belles, a
Cornish based harmony group, who performed and sang vintage style harmonies.
The Grand concert was superbly chaired by Tamsin Thomas former Radio
Cornwall presenter and now PR and Fundraiser for the Cornwall Hospice Care.
Truro Lion President Alan Chick said that the evening was very successful and he
thanked the sponsors Wheal Jane Ltd, Warren’s Bakery and Cornish Mutual
Assurance. He thanked the Choirs and Ritzy Belles for their splendid entertainment
and in particular, the Ritzy Belles, who donated their fee to the Cornwall Hospice.
Before presenting Tamsin
Thomas with a bouquet LP
Alan said that it was
anticipated that £1000 would
be donated to the Cornwall
Seeking New “Cubs” - Recruitment
In an effort to share innovative ways in which we can promote
Lions and increase membership, we welcome anyone to send
in ideas or success stories from their club, to introduce new
If you club has any posters they would like to share in this
section please send them in.
Taking Pride in Welfare
Crewkerne Lions Club have managed to
collect 56 pairs of unwanted glasses to be
recycled. They will help aid people in
third world countries who cannot afford
glasses but need them to be able to help
with poor eyesight.
The Lion Clubs of Camborne / Redruth,
Falmouth / Penryn, Hayle, Penzance and
Truro combined to help Dave Rowland
organise a morning of fun.
In excess of 350 special needs persons
from all over the county turned up at
Falmouth Rugby Ground to sample the
delights of the Rowland’s Fun Fair where
all the rides were free along with ice cream, tea coffee, crisps and biscuits.
The fun started at 11am and although initially the weather was not kind the sun
eventually came through and the event finished at 1pm in a blaze of sunshine.
Zone Chairman Lion Jerry Dawkins from Penzance paid tribute to Dave Rowland
and his staff and warmly thanked them for giving their services free of charge and
for the £200 personal cheque donated by Dave Rowland to offset the expenses
incurred on the day.
Lion Jerry, on behalf of the Lions, presented Dave Rowland with a bottle of his
favourite whisky and District Governor Lesley Clarke presented him with a bouquet
of flowers for his wife. See pictures below.
Future “Mane” Events
Lions on the Downs - 3rd July
Ivybridge Fun Day - 9th July
The Land Down Under - 16th July
Crewkerne's Duck Race & Dog Show - 23rd July
Dingbat Den
Try Your Hand at these Dingbats, Answers next Month.
Hint: Euro 2016