Caistor Town Plan


Caistor Town Plan
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Illustration 1: Map showing parish boundaries (in yellow)
Illustration 2: Caistor Market Place
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Table of Contents
Page No.
MAP OF CAISTOR........................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................. 3
Forward to the Town Plan.................................................................................................................4
Steering Group Members................................................................................................................. 4
This Document................................................................................................................................. 5
Its Purpose....................................................................................................................................... 5
Documentary Evidence.................................................................................................................... 5
The Aims of the Steering Group.......................................................................................................5
Acknowledgements.......................................................................................................................... 5
Next Steps........................................................................................................................................ 6
Glossary - Abbreviations................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 7
A short history of the town................................................................................................................ 7
Community & Activities..................................................................................................................... 8
Christmas in Caistor......................................................................................................................... 8
Educational Facilities........................................................................................................................ 9
Religious Establishments................................................................................................................. 9
Health Centre................................................................................................................................... 9
Library ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Allotments........................................................................................................................................ 9
Commercial Sector........................................................................................................................... 9
Eating Out / Fast Food..................................................................................................................... 9
Caistor Multi Use Centre ............................................................................................................... 10
Leisure........................................................................................................................................... 10
Caistor Society & Caistor Community History Group .....................................................................10
Caistor Twinning Association.......................................................................................................... 10
Traffic & Transport.......................................................................................................................... 10
Policing........................................................................................................................................... 11
Town Centre................................................................................................................................... 11
Town Hall........................................................................................................................................ 11
Consultation................................................................................................................................... 12
Recent achievements .................................................................................................................... 13
Consultation at CMUC on 6th June 2009.......................................................................................14
Action Plan .................................................................................................................................... 15
Housing Needs – Summary (Appendix A)......................................................................................19
Kids Questionnaire – Summary – May 2008 (Appendix B).............................................................20
Kids Comments Results Analysis (Appendix C).............................................................................21
Main Questionnaire - Significant Results (Appendix D)..................................................................22
Organisations/Contacts in Caistor (Appendix E).............................................................................24
Resident Population & Age, Electors, Dwellings (Appendix F)........................................................27
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Forward to the Town Plan
Caistor Town Plan Steering Group proudly presents the Caistor Town Plan.
After two years of extensive, in-depth consultation with residents, businesses and
organisations in the town, a town plan has been created which sets out the objectives to
be attained, describes the methods used to gather information, and importantly, reveals
the findings of the project.
Volunteers and community group leaders, as well as county, district and town Councillors,
have worked together under the guidance of the Community Council of Lincolnshire and it
is hoped all residents will join us in thanking all those who took part in the initial and ongoing consultation, for their continuing interest and for giving freely of their very valuable
A Town Plan is a document that sets out how a community sees itself developing over the
next few years and describes how improvements can be achieved. Our aim has been to
make this plan inclusive of the whole town and we hope that you as residents of this
community will feel encouraged to participate in helping to achieve the goals that we have
identified. There are no rules prescribing exactly what should be included in or excluded
from a town plan. However, its central task is to identify local problems and opportunities
and to set out achievable goals and aspirations for the future.
Our report findings have been arrived at by consulting widely with all sections of the
community and, through much debate, this has allowed the creation of a vision of the
future and of where we would like to be in five or ten years’ time.
The plan creates a community-led framework that we believe should be used to inform
local authority (town, district and county) agendas in the future of the town’s concerns,
wishes and needs. With the town council’s endorsement, it automatically becomes the
‘Action Plan’ towards which the town council should be working.
We trust that you will feel that the plan reflects your aspirations for our town and that it will
inspire you and your groups/organisations to remain involved in the process of developing
our community.
Thank you for your help,
Caistor Town Plan Steering Group.
May 2010
Steering Group Members
Deborah Barker
Sue Neave
Roy Schofield
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
This Document
This document has been compiled by the Caistor Town Plan Steering Group with
the assistance of residents and voluntary organisations of Caistor.
The information has been collated from a number of consultation events such as:1.
Letters to all organisations inviting comments and aspirations – March 2007
Coffeehouse challenge at Caistor Multi Use Centre – 23 rd June 2007
Garden party at Hope House – 10 th July 2007
Consultation event at Caistor Primary School including the hire of skate park
equipment for the kids on 4th August 2007 and gained the aspirations of the
young people.
Sports consultation event at Caistor Grammar School 7th Nov 2007
Community History Group quiz evening – November 2007
Questionnaire delivered to every household in the town - March 2008
Kids ‘Thinking About Free Time’ questionnaire - April 2008
Consultation event at Caistor Town Hall on 30th August 2008
10. Consultation event at Caistor Multi Use Centre on 6th June 2009
Coffee morning at the Multi Use Centre - 27 th June 2009
Its Purpose
The ‘Town Plan’ will determine what the aspirations are for everyone in Caistor and the
actions required in order to achieve that goal. It will provide a vision of the future of Caistor
for the next 5 to 10 years.
Documentary Evidence
It provides documentary evidence for all groups, clubs and associations within the town
and will assist them in making applications for funding or planning future events.
The Aims of the Steering Group
Work to achieve the long term economic sustainability of Caistor by preserving, restoring
and enhancing the historical, architectural and cultural heritage of the town
The steering group would like to express its appreciation to Community Lincs, Caistor
Town Council, West Lindsey District Council, Lincolnshire County Council and all the
organisations and residents of Caistor who have attended our coffee mornings and
consultation events during the past two years. Also to Community Lincs for their help and
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Next Steps
The Town Plan should be seen as a living document that requires regular reviews and
updating for progress and changes. To this end it is recommended that a monitoring
committee be organised that will consider, through a review process, the progress of the
action items.
The purpose of the review will be to ensure that the action is in line with the target date
and to assist in resolving any issues and problems. The monitoring committee should hold
consultation events and present an update on progress made.
Glossary - Abbreviations
CDT: Caistor Development Trust
CHG: Caistor History Group
CIBG: Caistor In Bloom Group
CS: Caistor Society
CTC: Caistor Town Council
LCC: Lincolnshire County Council
LCDA: Lincolnshire Co-operative Development Association
LIVES: Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service
TBD: to be determined
THC: Town Hall Committee
THI: Townscape Heritage Initiative
WLDC: West Lindsey District Council
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Town & Parish Plans originated as part of the government‘s Rural White Paper initiative
in 2000 aiming to provide a greater role for the local community influencing their own
destiny, encouraging people to have a greater say in their own affairs.
No rules actually govern the content of the town plan. However, the central aspiration is
to identify local problems and opportunities, setting out achievable aims. This will include
that vital plan of action for the future.
On production, the town plan can then be used in conjunction with the district and county
councils to be included in their future plans for the town.
Development of the plan is fully supported and funded by Community Lincs, Caistor
Town Council, West Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council.
A short history of the town
The community of Caistor sits upon a hill, at
almost the highest point in Lincolnshire on a
western spur of the Wolds. It has a fine old
church, many springs gushing out of the
chalk hillside and a history going back over
two thousand years.
Built of golden stone, the Church of St
Peter & St Paul retains something of Saxon
and Norman times and some medieval
Nearby is the original Grammar School
building built from an endowment in 1630,
which has seen many famous pupils
through its doors such as the distinguished
poet Sir Henry Newbolt.
Illustration 3: Caistor House (built 1682)
Caistor grew out of a stronghold of the
Romans, itself succeeding a hill-fort of the
early Britons, who called it Caer-Egarry.
The Roman camp was encircled by a
massive wall, of which fragments remain. A
seventh century coin found nearby
suggests that it was a site of trade and it
was recorded as a Royal Mint from 970 to
1042. Caistor was involved in the 1536
Lincolnshire Rising and in 1590 burials due
to the plague grew from 12 to 36.
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Illustration 4: Sypher Spring
A disastrous fire in 1681 destroyed the town
square, causing several deaths and making
45 families homeless. The Sessions house
of 1662 was the sole survivor. The
rebuilding of the square in brick instead of
wood, in the 18th and 19th centuries gives
us the present town centre. The Lion Pump
was erected in 1897 to commemorate 60
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years of Queen Victoria’s reign.
Caistor traders thrived
in the nineteenth
century with sheep,
cattle and horse fairs
taking place in the
town – the 1858 sheep
fair was the largest in
England at the time.
For a few years from
1800 the Lincolnshire
Agricultural show was
held at the Talbot Inn.
Illustration 5: The
The population grew to
Lion Pump
2166 in 1851 and
every trade imaginable was carried out,
from craftsmen making chairs, clocks, and
candles to the thriving inns and hotels. New
Methodist and Congregational churches
were built. In 1818 a savings bank opened
and the fire engine installed in 1869. Gas
arrived in 1856, prompting the Lincolnshire
Chronicle to write that it was ‘A city on a hill
whose light cannot be hid!’
The House of Industry was built in 1800,
becoming the Caistor Union Workhouse
from 1836 – 1937 and finally Caistor
Hospital until its closure in 1990.
Schools were developed which led to the
first joint Church of England and Methodist
Primary School.
The railway never came to Caistor and a
canal begun in 1793 was not used after
1855 and was officially abandoned in 1936.
The next century saw the building of a
bypass in 1938 and involvement in the
Second World War with RAF Caistor
opening in 1940. A second school, Caistor
Yarborough was built, the grammar school
enlarged and today they form part of the
first class educational facilities in the town.
In the 1950s Irish people who had come to
the town originally for agricultural & mining
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
work built their own catholic church and
today they form an important part of a
diverse community who continue to
influence the history and development of
Community & Activities
There is a strong community spirit within
Caistor which is reflected in the fact that
there are 60 community groups &
organisations. See appendix 'E' for a
comprehensive listing.
All ages and most interests are catered for
and hopefully the town plan will highlight
any shortfalls.
Throughout the year there is a variety of
events held in different locations and the
town hall hosts the popular pantomime
produced by CATS (Caistor Amateur
Theatrical Society) and is an ideal venue for
touring theatres, festivals, exhibitions and a
wide range of functions.
A huge marquee is erected each year for
the celtic festival in South Street Park.
Traditional Celtic music is replaced by the
ever popular sound of the Market Rasen
RPC Band playing their brass instruments
at Proms in the Park. Travelling fairs are
also visitors to the park and the huge Lions
bonfire attracts over 2000 people and is an
event not to be missed.
The Saturday and Wednesday markets in
the Market Place are well attended.
Caistor’s Street Party organised by Caistor
Goes Events Committee is held each year
and a different theme is chosen. This
attracts a huge audience from far and wide
entering in to the spirit of the event.
Christmas in Caistor
A unique part of the festivities are the
stunning decorations where almost 500
households participate in a scheme to fix
brightly lit trees to each house.
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The Lions Victorian Market attracts many
shoppers prior to the dressing of the huge
Christmas tree in the Market Place where
carol singers gather.
The Lions Father Christmas tours
surrounding villages and the town
distributing presents following the
Christmas lights switch on ceremony in the
Market Place.
Educational Facilities
Caistor has a well deserved reputation for
its excellent educational facilities and the
high ranking in education league tables is
one of the key attractions for people moving
into the town.
There are several options for pre-school
children - Rainbow Pre School. Whitegate
House Kindergarten and the Montessori
School. Play groups include Hulabaloo,
Kaistor Kids and Playtots. Caistor Primary
and the Montessori serve the primary
sector and Caistor Yarborough and Caistor
Grammar cater for secondary education.
Religious Establishments
St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Caistor
Methodist Church and St. Thomas More
Catholic Church.
Health Centre
Caistor is well served by a medical centre
with GPs surgeries and specialist clinics
including a phlebotomist, podiatrist, health
visitors, nursing services and care of the
very young and the elderly.
A comprehensive range of books is
available with a free internet service. Book
clubs reading groups and holiday clubs
meet regularly in this excellent facility.
The town council provide a small number of
allotments which may be rented by keen
Commercial Sector
Several multi national and smaller
companies operate from Caistor
contributing to the excellent employment
opportunities. They are a major factor in the
town’s economic development.
Caistor is serviced by many good retail
outlets including two general stores, post
office, pharmacy, a number of hairdressers,
beautician, picture framers, photographer,
wine merchant, butcher, café, model shop,
paper shop and estate agency
There are a number of plumbers, builders,
electricians, joiners and an undertaker.
Professional services are well provided by a
solicitor, accountant, veterinary surgeon,
health centre, library, registrar, district
council area office and a bank.
Eating Out / Fast Food
Good pub food is available at the White
Hart along with B&B accommodation.
Illustration 6: St. Peter & Paul Church
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Chinese, Indian, fish & chips or a pizza can
cater for fast food requirements and both a
café and bistro are open for snacks, meals
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and drinks.
Caistor Multi Use Centre
Was created from the old magistrates court
with a grant from Lincolnshire County
Council. Opened by the High Sheriff of
Lincolnshire in
October 2006,
it is an LCC
point and
provides tourist
leaflets and
from statutory
and voluntary organisations. A meeting
room and interview room are available for
hire with full audio and visual facilities.
Includes many sporting facilities with the
thriving sports & social club, grammar
Illustration 7: Brigg Road, Sports Field
school fitness suite, Wolds Leisure facilities
at Caistor Yarborough School and a
purpose built equestrian centre.
There is a wide variety of yoga, keep fit and
pilate's classes.
Children are catered for with several play
Caistor health walks meet every Tuesday at
the health centre.
The Viking Way passes right through
Caistor attracting several ramblers & cycle
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Caistor Society & Caistor
Community History Group
Caistor Society is registered with the Civic
Trust. A wealth of photographs and archives
exist on Caistor and people are invited to
share their memories and artifacts to create
a history of the town.
Caistor Twinning Association
Caistor is twinned with Savigne l' Eveque
Sarthe France; there is a membership of 40
families in the twinning association.
Savigne l' Eveque, with a population of
3,500 lies 8 miles North East of the city of
Le Mans.
Traffic & Transport
Located on the north western edge of the
Lincolnshire Wolds, an area of outstanding
natural beauty (AONB), on the Viking Way
Illustration 8: Viking Way Sign
One of the attractions of Caistor is its ready
access to the public transport network.
Situated on the junction of the A46, A1084,
A1081 and the B1225.
Humberside International Airport is only 7.5
miles away, M180: 9 miles, Port of
Immingham: 12 miles, Grimsby: 13 miles,
Scunthorpe: 17 miles, Lincoln: 25 miles,
Hull: 26 miles, M18: 35 miles, M62: 42
miles, A1(M): 46 miles and M1: 58 miles.
There is an hourly bus service to
Cleethorpes or Lincoln during the day. DialPage 10 of 27
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a-Ride operates throughout the surrounding
The Caistor western relief road was
designed and planned in 1992 but
unfortunately was not completed due to a
change in political leadership. The High
Street, one of the main routes to the
motorway, suffers dramatically from the
constant battering of HGV’s and high
volumes of traffic.
October 2008 on the ‘Public Realm’ aspects
of the Market Place ie: replacing street and
pavement surfaces in the Market Place,
part of South Street and related areas
including the creation of a bus stop and
installation of a bus shelter in the
Town Hall
Parking in the Market Place is limited and
further spaces are available in the town hall
car park and to the rear of the multi use
Policing in Caistor is carried out by a
community beat manager and two police
community support officers. The team
responds to problems raised at surgeries
and incidents which includes anti-social
behaviour, burglary, theft from motor
vehicles and criminal damage. The team
offers crime prevention surveys, patrols and
encourages the growth of neighbourhood
watch schemes. A regular bulletin is
included as part of the Caistor Area Diary.
Built in 1887 the Town Hall has recently
had heritage repairs carried out as a result
of the Caistor Townscape Heritage
Initiative. A time capsule was discovered
behind the memorial stone containing
newspapers and memorabilia of bygone
Town Centre
At the very heart of Caistor is the unique
Market Place made up of many Grade II
listed and significant buildings. Their
dilapidation has long been a concern
among residents giving a negative impact
to visitors and discouraging economic
development. A Townscape Heritage
Initiative (THI) has brought considerable
funds (more than £2.6M) to the town which
has enabled many of the buildings to be
restored to their former glory. Throughout
these renovations, English Heritage has
ensured that the authenticity of the
particular period of the buildings was
As a result of additional funding from
Lincolnshire County Council, work started in
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Work on Caistor Town Plan effectively began in March 2007, with the distribution of letters
to over 46 groups/clubs/societies in the town inviting comments and aspirations.
A Coffee House Challenge meeting & photographic competition entitled ‘The Best & Worst
of Caistor’ was held at the multi use centre in June 2007. This was well attended with the
input of great photos and invaluable feedback.
Following this, in July a garden party was held encouraging visitors to openly discuss and
write down their concerns on the services and facilities within Caistor.
Illustration 9: Temporary Skating Area
In August, there was a brilliant response from
younger residents to the hiring of a skateboard
park. This proved tremendously popular and
brought useful suggestions from more than 50
Illustration 10: At Caistor Primary School
One of the aims of the town plan is to reach out to the varied groups in the town.
Several diverse sports clubs met together for an evening to combine ideas and discuss
their assorted requirements.
A great strength in Caistor is the wealth of historical interest promoted by the Caistor
Society and the Community History Group whose participation in the town plan
consultation process culminated in a successful quiz night.
The Caistor Town Plan Steering Group met to investigate and bring together the
highlighted topics and identify relevant issues from the information gathered. These then
became the basis of questions making up the town plan questionnaire which was delivered
to every house in Caistor at the end of March 2008.
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
There was a tremendous response from
over 260 residents and 450 students
from pre-school, primary and secondary
schools in the completed questionnaires
returned, representing 25% of all
households and in excess of 50% of the
schools. Cash prizes and iPods were
awarded to motivate the completion of
the questionnaires and thanks go to all
who duly completed and returned the
Illustration 11: The Red Lion after restoration
The completed questionnaires were
analysed during June/July 2008 and
included a review of all comments made
from all residents canvassed.
Recent achievements
Caistor in Bloom Group have undertaken a number of projects in the town and have
declared their intention to win gold in the East Midlands In Bloom competition in 2010.
Illustration 12: Plough Hill Flower Bed
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Illustration 13: Sypher Spring Clean Up 2010
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Consultation at CMUC on 6th June 2009
Ranking Attributed to each Area
Ranking Environment Highways &
Heritage &
Illustration 14: A view from the past
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Action Plan
Priority Area / Goals
Action by
Make use of
redundant buildings
Advise commercial property
2009 - 2012 WLDC
owners to contact WLDC to
have their buildings listed in
the 'Tractivity' database which
promotes commercial
properties to a wide number of
people looking for business
Make owners more
Ask WLDC to consider more
use of their powers under
Section 215 of the Town and
Country Planning Act.
Continue improving
the market place
Work with LCC and WLDC on 2009-2012 LCC Highways /
a possible THI Phase2 scheme
and with the Caistor in Bloom
Group to improve the signage
and increase the number of
tubs and planters.
2009 - 2012 WLDC
Remove litter & tidy up TC & WLDC to work with the
Caistor in Bloom Group to
Monitor on regular basis and
assist with the regular clean up
Develop green spaces With assistance from the
/ wildlife area
Lincolnshire Countryside
Service and the British Trust
for Conservation Volunteers
the Sustainable Caistor Group
have undertaken work on the
'bottom field' of the sports
ground with a view to adopting
it as a wildlife and a picnic area
for the community
TC / Church / Caistor
Sustainability Group /
Caistor in Bloom
Economic Development
Increase number of
retail outlets
Work with LCC and WLDC to
promote Caistor as a shopping
centre for niche markets
Improve & develop
Improve market stalls /
arrangement and encourage
more diversity
Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
2009 - 2011 TC
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Action Plan
Create employment
Develop a long term strategy 2009 - 2012 WLDC / LCC
for the North Kelsey Road
Industrial Estate and its
surrounding area with a view to
expanding and developing
employment opportunities
Reduce non domestic Lobby government and
2009 - 2010 Government / WLDC
encourage businesses to
contact WLDC who will provide
advice on how to appeal
against rateable value and
provide advice on exemptions
or reliefs available.
Heritage & Tourism
Museum / art gallery
Work with LCC and LCDA to
2009 - 2011 CDT/LCC/LCDA and
explore the prospects of using
other interested
a redundant building eg: The
old youth club on Plough Hill to
create an arts & heritage
Restaurant / cafe / tea To improve the general
2009 - 2012
room / bistro
facilities for visitors and locals
promoting the use of local food
with a range of types of venues
to suit all ages
consortium / private
Family pub
Identify suitable premises and 2009 - 2011 Business
encourage creation of facilities
for families thereby bringing
younger people in to the town
Hotel / B&B
Identify suitable premises and
create more facilities for
people to stay in the town. A
range of prices to suit all ages
and pockets – perhaps a
boutique hotel
Craft shop/workshops Explore the possibility of
combining this with an arts &
heritage centre or providing
separate small designer and
niche outlets
Improve signage
2009 - 2012 Business
consortium / private
2009 - 2012 Business
consortium / private
Improve the finger sign posting 2009 - 2010 TC / LCC / CS / CHG
and work with Caistor Society
and the Caistor History Group
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Action Plan
to identify areas of interest and
facilities in the town
Highways & Traffic
Western relief road
As recommended in the WLDC
Strategic Review of Caistor in
2006, WLDC to work with CDT
to increase the priority in the
Local Transport Plan (LDT)
Traffic calming / speed Work with LCC Highways on
Phase 2 of the THI Public
Realm Scheme to improve
Grimsby Road and High Street
and review the possibility of
creating a pedestrian crossing
from the town hall to the
Market Place.
Out of hours service
Provide closer GP contact for
Caistor after 1700 hours
2009 - 2012 TC / Primary Care
Dentist & chiropodist
Encourage a dentist and
chiropodist to relocate /
provide services in Caistor
2009 - 2012 TC / WLDC / Primary
Care Trust
Work with young persons to
develop potential areas
2009 – 2012 TC
Access to leisure
centre, sauna &
swimming pool
Carry out a survey to establish
the need for transport to and
from external facilities and
depending upon the results
organise regular bus services
to local facilities especially at
weekends and school holidays
Squash courts
Carry out a survey to establish
the need for additional services
and facilities at the Wolds
Leisure Centre
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Caistor Town Plan – May 2010
Action Plan
Specifically Identified Projects
Caistor Society of Bell Ringers : Purchase of a ringing simulator known as a Wombel
including software to allow it to be audibly rung - £1,400
Caistor Football Clubs : Replacement equipment to assist Caistor youngsters
including :- goalposts £1,200, football nets £200, line marker £400, footballs £150, training
equipment £ 250 – totalling £2,200
Caistor Town Hall : Stage improvements, new velvet front curtains, acoustic survey,
hearing loop, understage renovations, improvements to changing rooms & storage area,
hall lighting, false roof, new heating system, renovations to entrance reception and toilet
areas, refit the bar area, 100 comfortable chairs, white board for arts centre.
Caistor Amateur Theatrical Society (CATS) : Sound system, digital lighting system,
non-slip surface for stage area, indoor rostrum, understage renovations, carpet stairwell,
improvement acoustics, stage curtain. Estimated total £69,000.
Heritage Based Tourism : Develop a heritage based tourism strategy in conjunction with
WLDC as recommended in the WLDC Strategic Review of Caistor in 2006.
Western Relief Road : This road was planned in 1992 but due to a change in political
administration was not started. As a result of this shortfall in the towns infrastructure a
considerable number of heavy goods vehicles are obliged to pass through the town along
the A1084, High Street and North Kelsey Road on their way to the town's industrial area
causing considerable damage to many grade II listed buildings alongside the High Street.
The WLDC Strategic Review of the town in 2006 recommended that WLDC should work
with the Caistor Development Partnership in order to move this project forward.
Rainbow Pre-School Group : Would like to see a zebra crossing on Nettleton Road at
the point where the lollipop lady used to stand. Also would like a “spaceship” piece of
equipment in the park and bigger equipment for children at the sports ground.
Caistor Yarborough School : A climbing wall.
Youth Facilities : Develop the 'Cuboid' centre in conjunction with LCC Youth Service and
organise a consultation event to identify areas of need and recruit volunteers.
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Housing Needs – Summary (Appendix A)
A Housing Needs Survey was carried out in 2004 by The Community Council of
Lincolnshire which established that Caistor has 12.41 hectares of land available for
housing and it is anticipated that approximately 335 homes are likely to be built. Of these
82 are likely to be in the affordable sector.
The most common property tenure is owner occupation (83.1%) and (8%) of those
surveyed rented from a local housing association. This is predominately made up of
houses at (63.8%) followed by bungalows at (28.8.%).
The most common property size in the town is three bedrooms (47.4%) and the most
frequent household size is two occupants (48.1%) followed by one occupant at (23.6%).
The age range of the population in Caistor is predominantly middle aged to elderly. 201
respondents were aged between 35- 65 followed by 109 respondents over the age of
65.Of these respondents 124 had all persons retired within their household. Only 79
respondents were aged between 16-34
The average property price in the postcode area LN7 6 (which covers the town) from July
to September 2004 was £ 152,581. There were 27 sales in total over this period. The
average price in the district was £120,526 for the same period (Source (See Appendix 5 for house prices).
Caistor currently has a total of 187 Registered Social Landlord stock in the Town,
consisting of 50 one-bed properties, 93 two-bed properties and 44 three or more bed
In April 2004 there were 132 people on ACIS Groups waiting list requiring accommodation
in Caistor. This can be broken down as 10 people requiring sheltered housing, 34 people
requiring flats, 33 people requiring bungalows and 55 people requiring houses.
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Kids Questionnaire – Summary – May 2008 (Appendix B)
Questionnaires Completed
Males ........................................................................................................57
Females ...................................................................................................65
Totals .....................................................................................................122
Age Range
4 year olds ..................................................................................................1
5 year olds ..................................................................................................0
6 year olds ..................................................................................................1
7 year olds ..................................................................................................3
8 year olds ..................................................................................................3
9 year olds ..................................................................................................3
10 year olds ................................................................................................2
11 year olds ..............................................................................................12
12 year olds ..............................................................................................21
13 year olds ..............................................................................................31
14 year olds ..............................................................................................20
15 year olds ..............................................................................................18
16 year olds ................................................................................................9
TOTAL ....................................................................................................124
Area of Residence
Caistor ......................................................................................................91
Rothwell .....................................................................................................7
Grasby ........................................................................................................9
Searby ........................................................................................................1
Nettleton ...................................................................................................12
TOTAL ....................................................................................................120
Travel for free time activities
0–1 mile ....................................................................................................21
1-2 miles ...................................................................................................17
2-5 miles ...................................................................................................11
5-10 miles .................................................................................................23
10-20 miles ...............................................................................................25
Further ......................................................................................................20
TOTAL ............................................................................................…....117
Note: questions were not answered in all cases.
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Kids Comments Results Analysis (Appendix C)
Where do What could
you spend
Play OS/Park
More facilities for teenagers
(Millfields too) like Claxby.
Cuboid Centre
Improve & increase opening times
Rock climbing wall
Music lessons/playing
Dry ski slope
Basketball court
More shops
Sort out boarded up buildings
Walking ( & with dog)
Internet café
Swimming pool
Town Hall Improvements
Skate/BMX Park
Leisure centre
Better facilities
Need more books in library
(+ 1 build new town)
Cycling club
Golf course
More info on facilities available
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(more pubs)
Provide easier access/more local
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Main Questionnaire - Significant Results (Appendix D)
Suggestions for Improving the traffic situation in Caistor
Western relief road..............................................................................38.21%
Traffic Calming......................................................................................8.94%
One way system in the market place......................................................6.5%
Traffic lights...........................................................................................4.88%
What extra facilities would you like to see for young people ?
Youth club open most evenings & week-ends........................................6.1%
Swimming pool......................................................................................5.69%
Skate park.............................................................................................4.47%
Internet Cafe.........................................................................................2.85%
Community Safety
No contact with police in the past 12 months.....................................63.41%
No police officer has knocked on my door in the last 6 months.........91.87%
Number of people who said that the police do a good job...................37.8%
Feel very safe alone in the area after dark.........................................20.73%
Feel fairly safe alone in the area after dark........................................58.54%
Problem with teenagers hanging around..............................................24.8%
Problem with litter/rubbish lying around..............................................51.63%
Problem with vandalism to bus shelters/public telephones................15.45%
Problem with vandalism to other property..........................................19.51%
Problem with Graffiti on buildings.......................................................13.01%
People using/dealing with drugs.........................................................16.67%
People being drunk or rowdy...............................................................25.2%
Problem with dog fouling.........................................................................6.5%
Problem with speeding..........................................................................4.47%
Important to have a habitat/wildlife survey within the Town................27.24%
Important to have a renewable energy source in the town...................31.3%
Important to have a noise survey..........................................................18.7%
Important to have a drainage survey..................................................30.89%
Important to put cables underground..................................................21.14%
Important to protect/manage trees and hedges..................................45.53%
Important to provide more litter bins and site them correctly..............50.41%
Important to improve footpaths/cycle ways.........................................57.32%
Make owners of run down & derelict buildings more accountable.......23.1%
Smarten up the market place................................................................16.9%
Remove litter and tidy up......................................................................10.8%
People unable to find an NHS dentist...................................................22.7%
Need additional out of hours / emergency services................................5.0%
Need an NHS dentist in the town............................................................4.6%
Need a chiropodist in the town................................................................4.2%
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Other interesting statistics
People with broadband access...........................................................55.69%
Caistor residents who use public transport.........................................49.59%
What other facilities / activities would you like to see ?
Leisure centre / swimming pool............................................................10.0%
Squash courts.........................................................................................5.0%
What would you like to see in Caistor that would be of interest to visitors ?
Café / tearoom / bistro..........................................................................31.2%
Museum / art gallery.............................................................................26.9%
Family pub.............................................................................................25.8%
Hotel / B&B............................................................................................24.2%
Craft Shop / workshops.........................................................................23.1%
Notice board / map in square................................................................15.0%
Various shops........................................................................................15.0%
Tourists, promotions & advertising, history...........................................10.4%
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Organisations/Contacts in Caistor (Appendix E)
Age Concern Care Service, Mrs Susan Cook, (0)1507 524242, The Old School House,
Manor House Street, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 5HF
Alzheimer's Society, Mrs Judith Clarke, (0)1522 692681, Lincoln House, 15 Sixfield
Close, Lincoln, LN6 0EJ
Brownies, 1st Caistor, Mrs. Christine Jeavons, (0)1472 852677, 3 Mill Lane, Caistor, LN7
Brownies, 2 Caistor, Mrs Jan Stimpson, (0)1472 851401, 5 North Kelsey Road, Caistor,
Caistor Arts & Heritage Centre Steering Group, Mr Roy Schofield, (0)1472 852927,
Chairman, 12 North Kelsey Road, Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6QH
Caistor Book Club, Mrs Sue Caine, (0)1472 851674, [email protected],
9 Horsemarket, Caistor, LN7 6UP
Caistor Grammar School, Mr Roger Hale, (0)1472 851250, Headmaster, Church Street,
Caistor, LN7 6QJ
Caistor & District Flower Club, Mrs Christine Gilbert, (0)1469 589315, Chairman
Caistor & District Lions Club, Mr Bob Oxley, (0)1472 852006, Brigg Road, Caistor, LN7
Caistor & District Male Voice Choir, Mr. David King, (0)1472 851805, Secretary,
Southdale, Caistor, LN7 6LS
Caistor Amateur Theatrical Society (CATS), Mr Mike Cluff, (0)1472 851212, c/o 17
Navigation Lane, Caistor, LN7 6NH
Caistor Arts Group, Mrs Barbara Fraser, (0)1472 851616, Secretary, 7 Chichester Drive,
Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6UJ
Caistor Christmas Trees, Mr Michael Galligan, (0)1472 851006, 28 South Street, Caistor,
Caistor Community History, Mr Alan Dennis, (0)1472 852693, 36 Nettleton Road, ,
Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 LNJ
Caistor Crusaders Junior Football Club, Mr Andy Hayes, (0)1469 560834, 25 Eastfield
Road, Keelby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN41 8JE
Caistor Development Trust, Mr Roy Schofield, (0)1472 859017, Chairman, 19 South
Street, Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6UB
Caistor First Responders, Mr Chris Robey, (0)1472 851118, 4 Wold View, Caistor, LN7
Caistor Friendship Club, Mrs June Gaughan, (0)1472 851062, Chairman, 5 Grimsby
Road, Caistor, LN7 6TY
Caistor Goes Events Committee, Mr Alan Caine, (0)1472 851674, Chairman, 9
Horsemarket, Caistor, LN7 6UP
Caistor Hillside Bowls Club, Mrs.P Dawson, (0)1472 851815, 3 Chichester Drive,
Caistor, LN7 6UJ
Caistor in Bloom, Mrs Jacquie Brown, (0)1472 859336, 16 Coach House Court, Caistor,
Caistor Indoor Bowls, Mrs. Grace Bentley, (0)1472 851631, 19 Lincoln Drive, Caistor,
Lincolnshire, LN7 6PA
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Caistor Lawn Tennis Club, Alan Saxton, (0)1472 851001, 29 Navigation Lane, Caistor,
Caistor Methodist Church, Reverend Andrew Lomax, (0)1472 851287, Fundraising, 14
Saxonfields, Caistor, LN7 6SF
Caistor Multi Use Centre, Mrs. Charlotte Linsell, (0)1472 859017, Chairman, 19 South
Street, Caistor, LN7 6UB
Caistor Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul, Mr David Naylor, (0)1472 851413, North
Street, Caistor, LN7 6QU
Caistor Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul, Reverend Ian Robinson, (0)1472 851339,
3 Spa Top, Caistor, LN7 6RB
Caistor Police, Christopher Bell, (0)1472 851618, Southdale, Caistor, LN7 6LS
Caistor Pool League, Mr. Graham Mason, (0)1472 , League Secretary, 5 Cherry Holt,
Caistor, LN7 6QQ
Caistor Primary School, Mrs Lesley Caborn, (0)1472 851396, Secretary, Southdale,
Caistor, LN7 6LS
Caistor Rovers, Mr Terry Lawrence, (0)1472 852844, Mill Lane, Caistor, LN7 6UA
Caistor Scrabble Club, Mrs Iris Parsons, (0)1472 851173, 2 Waterhills Court, Caistor,
Caistor Society, Mr Stuart Fraser, (0)1472 851616, 7 Chichester Drive, Caistor, LN7 6UJ
Caistor Society of Bell ringers, Mr. E W Colley, (0)1472 851007, 64 South Street,
Caistor, LN7 6UB
Caistor Sports & Social Club, Mr Richard Marriott, (0)1472 852453, Secretary, North
Street, Caistor, LN7 6QU
Caistor Sustainability Group, Mr Peter Sanderson, (0)1472 859542, Chairman, c/o Multi
Use Centre, 19 South Street, Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6UB
Caistor Town Council, Mrs Helen Pitman (0)1673 842744, Clerk, 31 Dovecote, Middle
Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UD
Caistor Town Cricket Club, Mr. Dennis Allison, (0)1472 851617, 25 Kelsway, Caistor,
Caistor Town Hall Management Committee, Mrs Ruth Smith, (0)1472 851075, North
Street, Caistor, LN7 6TX
Caistor Town Plan Steering Group, Deborah Barker, (0)1472 851883, 14 Coach House
Court, High Street, Caistor, Lincolnshire, LN7 6BX
Caistor Twinning Association, Janet Lyus, email: [email protected]
Caistor Women's Institute, Mrs Ann Timson, (0)1472 859012, President, 9 Partridge
Close, Caistor, LN7 6SN
Caistor Yarborough School, Mr Jeremy Newnham, (0)1472 851338, Grimsby Road,
Caistor, LN7 6QY
Caistorail, Mr. David Hill, Sweet Factory, Brigg Road, Caistor, LN7 6QG
Chapel of St. Thomas Moore, Father Tom Breslin, Bank Lane, Caistor, LN7 6UE
Disability Lincs, Mrs Kim Hodgson, (0)1469 518941, 68 Clifton Crescent, Immingham,
N.E. Lincolnshire, DN40 2BT
Flower Club, Mrs Cath Hand, (0)1472 851548, 11 North Kelsey Road, Caistor, LN7 6QN
Guides 1st Caistor, Mrs Margaret Roach, (0)1472 851808, 3 Southdale, Caistor, LN7 6LS
Guild of Yorkshire Sommeliers – Caistor & District, Charles Dobson, (0)1507 604632,
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Chairman, Park House, South Elkington, Louth, Lincs, LN11 0SA
Kaistor Kids, Mrs Lynn Favill, (0)1472 851630, Whitegate House, Whitegate Hill, Caistor,
Karate Club, Mr. Roger Hooten, (0)1472 852370, 22 Mallard Drive, Caistor, LN7 6SA
Montessori School, Mr Nathan Archer, (0)1472 859589, Grimsby Road, Caistor,
Lincolnshire, LN7 6QF
Mothers Union (St Peter & St Paul), Rev. Ian Robinson, (0)1472 851339, 3 Spa Top,
Caistor, LN7 6RB
Rainbow Pre-school, Mrs. Kate Jacob, (0)1472 851289, Head Supervisor, 41 Lincoln
Drive, Caistor, LN7 6PA
RNLI, Mr Graham Smith, (0)1472 851076, Caistor Branch, Cromwell View, Caistor, LN7
Royal British Legion Caistor & District Branch, Mr Louis King, (0)1472 851238, 7A Mill
Lane, Caistor Lincolnshire, LN7 6UA
Springs Church, Aiden Wood, (0)1472 859994, 4 Church Street, Caistor, Lincolnshire,
St Andrews Childrens Hospice ( Caistor Fundraising), Mrs Mary Gaughan, (0)1472
851511, 55 North Kelsey Road, Caistor, LN7 6QP
Whitegate House Kindergarten, Mrs Angela Lawrence, (0)1472 851248, Whitegate
House, Whitegate Hill, Caistor, LN7 6SW
WRVS - Over 60's Social Club, Mrs Vera Goodhand, (0)1472 851320, Chairman,
Canada Lane, Caistor, LN7 6RN
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Resident Population & Age, Electors, Dwellings (Appendix F)
2001 Census
The resident population of Caistor
The resident population of West Lindsey
The number of electors in Caistor in 2009
The number of dwellings in Caistor in 2009
Resident population spread by age range in Caistor (percentage)
Age range
West Lindsey
England and Wales
Under 16
16 to 19
20 to 29
30 to 59
60 to 74
75 and over
Average age
Source: 2001 census, ONS
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