Introducción a la asignatura de Computación Avanzada Grado en
Introducción a la asignatura de Computación Avanzada Grado en
Introducción a la asignatura de Computación Avanzada Grado en Física Javier Junquera Datos identificativos de la asignatura Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica Facultad de Ciencias 1. DATOS IDENTIFICATIVOS DE LA ASIGNATURA Título/s Grado en Física ( Optativa ) Centro Facultad de Ciencias Módulo / materia MATERIA COMPUTACIÓN AVANZADA MENCION FISICA APLICADA TODAS LAS OPTATIVAS MENCION FISICA FUNDAMENTAL TODAS LAS OPTATIVAS OPTATIVAS TRANSVERSALES G-FISICA Código y denominación Créditos ECTS G80 - Computación Avanzada Curso / Cuatrimestre CUATRIMESTRAL (1) Web Idioma de impartición Inglés Forma de impartición Presencial Departamento DPTO. ELECTRONICA Y COMPUTADORES Profesor responsable JULIO LUIS MEDINA PASAJE E-mail [email protected] Número despacho Facultad de Ciencias. Planta: + 3. DESPACHO - COMPUTADORES TIEMPO REAL (3051) Otros profesores FRANCISCO JAVIER JUNQUERA QUINTANA 6 Bibliography: M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley Computer Simulation of Liquids Oxford Science Publications ISBN 0 19 855645 4 How to reach me Javier Junquera Ciencias de la Tierra y Física de la Materia Condensada Facultad de Ciencias, Despacho 3-12 E-mail: [email protected] URL: In the web page, you can find: - The program of the course - Slides of the different lecture - The code implementing the simulation of a liquid interacting via a Lennard-Jones potential Office hours: - At the end of each lecture - At any moment, under request by e-mail Physical problem to be solved during this course Given a set of classical particles (atoms or molecules) whose microscopic state may be specified in terms of: - positions Note that the classical description has to be - momenta adequate. If not we can not specify at the same time the coordinates and momenta of a given molecule and whose Hamiltonian may be written as the sum of kinetic and potential energy functions of the set of coordinates and momenta of each molecule Solve numerically in the computer the equations of motion which governs the time evolution of the system and all its mechanical properties Physical problem to be solved during this course In particular, we will simulate numerically the evolution with time of classical particles interacting via a two-body potential (the Lennard-Jones potential) Why molecular dynamics? Why Lennard-Jones potential? Advantages It allows to solve time dependent problems: - Reactions - Collisions Standard two-body effective pair potential - Diffusion - Growth Well known parameters for many elements - Vibrations - Fractures Provides reasonable description of closed - Radiation damage shells atoms (such as inert gases) -… It is more parallelizable than other methods, such as Monte Carlo techniques Disadvantages More complex (differential equations) Less adaptable Ergodicity problems It require forces Note about the generalized coordinates May be simply the set of cartesian coordinates system of each atom or nucleus in the Sometimes it is more useful to treat the molecule as a rigid body. In this case, will consist of: - the Cartesian coordinates of the center of mass of each molecule - together with a set of variables that specify the molecular orientation In any case, stands for the appropriate set of conjugate momenta Kinetic and potential energy functions Usually the kinetic energy takes the form molecular mass runs over the different components of the momentum of the molecule The potential energy contains the interesting information regarding intermolecular interactions Potential energy function of an atomic system Consider a system containing atoms. The potential energy may be divided into terms depending on the coordinates of individual, pairs, triplets, etc. Expected to be small One body potential One body potential Represents the effect of an external field (including, for example, the contained walls) Particle interactions Pair potential Depends only on the magnitude of the pair separation The notation Three particle potential Significant at liquid densities. Rarely included in computer simulations (very time consuming on a computer) indicates a summation over all distinct pairs without containing any pair twice. The same care must be taken for triplets, etc. The effective pair potential The potential energy may be divided into terms depending on the coordinates of individual, pairs, triplets, etc. The pairwise approximation gives a remarkably good description because the average three body effects can be partially included by defining an “effective” pair potential The pair potentials appearing in computer simulations are generally to be regarded as effective pair potentials of this kind, representing many-body effects A consequence of this approximation is that the effective pair potential needed to reproduce experimental data may turn out to depend on the density, temperature, etc. while the true two-body potential does not. Types of bonds Types of materials. Cations Anions Ions Cations Ionic Valence electrons Ions Metal Ions Bonds Covalent Polarized atoms Molecular Types of simulations What do we want regarding…? The model: -Realistic or more approximate The energy: -Prevalence of repulsion? -Bonds are broken? The scale: -Atoms? -Molecules? -Continuum? speed equipment. The possibility that a similar phenomenon for hard spheres in two dimensions may have been missed in the original Monte Carlo calculationsl will also be investigated. an hour 2000, 1000, and 500 collisions, respectively, can 256 and particles are be calculated. The results for For the500other compounds measured the spin-orbit planation of this behavior will be attempted in not now presented due to inadequate couplingstatistics. constants thus obtained are either unreason- present paper. the acThe equation of state shown Fig. or 1 of ablyinlarge small. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS particles is for, the companying paper6 for 32 and 108 (CH3NH3hIrCI 6 (C6H6NhIrCI6 and (<p4AshIrCI 6 intermediate region of density, where disagreement was wish Dto thank461 Research Corpora S T 1] DIEdisplay SIN a111 rather 0 LEe peculiar U L A R magnetic D Y N A 1\1 behavior I C S. I. with G ENE R A L 1\1 E THO found with the previous Monte Carlo results. The moments considerably below the expected values over Umverslty Research Council, and American V volume, v, is given relative to the volume of close themore whole range No and ex- then Corporation for financial support time interval by recalculating a new force of this research since size temperature a crystallite haveinvestigated. Vo. Plotted alsothe aremaximum the extended Monte can packing,distorted particles.these Equally serious is the to apply for the next short-time interval, and so on. would the be, agreement say, 500 between Carlo results; three syswithin thethat present of thecrystal pressure tems isnecessity this accuracy SOO-particle solidifies not This method could also handle particles with anisodetermination. agreement provides only in aThis given lattice type but an alsointeresting in a special orienta- tropic potentials and with rotational and other degrees of the postulates of boundary, statistical mechanics confirmation tion with respect to the affecting its proba- of freedom, provided that classical description is adefor thisbility system. of appearance. Thus the only way solids formed quate. The accuracy of such calculations would depend THE JOURNAL VOLUME 31, NUMBER 2 AUGUST, paper shows OF two CHEMICAL PHYSICS Figure 1 of the accompanying from a melt can differ is by a translational displacement. on the length of the time interval. Since it was desired separate and overlapping branches. In the overlapping Evidence that inexist order at presented a given density, in to twoexamine the in the present work to make no approximations in the region the system will can, be Studies in Molecular Dynamics. I. General Method* properties of a heterogeneous system it is states with considerably different pressures. As thenecessary to calculations, a simple potential was chosen for which use proceeds many more particlesis than in jump the case calculation the pressure seen to sud- of a single the force is truly constant (zero) for short-time interJ. ALDER AND T. E. WAINWRIGHT phase homogeneous solid which the particles are allowed to move. posi-region itself vals B.during denly from onesystem. level to In the the other. A study of the that can as long the system Radiation Laboratory, Universitytoofdeal California, Livermore,potentials, California it tions ofvarious the particles reveals lattice types beasstudied to Lawrence overcome Although it is feasible with realistic stays onthe theabove lower branch of thedifficulty curve the and particles mentioned the are one of lowest entails (Received a considerable slowing down of the calculation February 19, 1959) all confined the narrow region in space determined by have been and involves the problem of having to cope with refree toenergy determined. Examples of this their neighbors, while on the upper branch of the curveis by which it is possible to calculate the behavior of several exhundred interworked out. pulsive collisions where exactly the forces the particles claSSical The of this many-body problem is carried out by an electronic computer the particles have acquired freedom torepresent exchange Although smallenough systems can which an infinite perience change very rapidly. solves are numencally the simultaneous equations of motion. The limitations of this numerical scheme with the surrounding particles. Since the spheres system remarkably the statistical of The most interaction potential which has so are enum.erat:? important steps in generalthe program efficient on the computers are indicated. originally in ordered positions,well, the system starts outfluctuations on and The. al?phcablhty ?f to the solutIOn of many problems in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium any property (the pressure, for example) must be far been used is the square-well potential, V, the lower branch; the first jump to the upper branch can statistical IS discussed. From the of mechamcs making most is require examined. very many collisions. Thepoint trend,ofas view expected, V= 00 r<<TI ofnon-trivial computing time, these efficient useofmore that at higher densities collisions arephase necessary for statistical Discovery transitions, V=Vo O"I<r<<T2 the firstfluctuations transition, however, therereduced are largeby deviations. are best averaging a large not just looking the equations V=O r><T2, At vlvo= 1.60,evident 5000 collisions were at 1.55, number of calculations withrequired; a small system rather than INTRODUCTION The most common scheme is to let a represen 25000; making while at 1.54 only 400; at 1.535, 7000; at 1.53, a smaller number of calculations in a large where r is the magnitude of the separation of the particle experience the potential of the rest of the 75 000; system. and at 1.525, 95 000. Runs NE in excess of 200 000 difficulties in centers of the great the present dayof molecules and <TI, <T2, and Vo are of a pair cles held fixed in an average position. This av collisions at vivo of 1.55 and 1.53 have not shown any to describe physical Both the Monte Carlo theoretical method andattempts the dynamical constants. Theand hard sphere potential a special case. potential can beis obtained from a definite ph return to the lower branch, while at 1.525 the system has chemical systems the inadequate method can have difficulty due to the slowis convergence This mathematical interaction potential of events returned several times, however only for relatively few modelallows or inthea sequence self-consistent way. The next b apparatus which has been available the many-system to be described by a series of of The the lowest systemdensity to theat equilibrium configuration. In the to in solve a many-body collisions. which the system did approximation in such a scheme would be to le body problem. Thus, propertiescollisions. of an That is, since a particle does not dynamical method, presently machines,the two-body at 1.50, howeveravailable the run although not jump to the upper curve iswith molecules move in the potential of the rest o isolated molecule well established and the is practical follow a small system ofare molecules for experience any elechangesystem. in velocity at theand instant extends it only to 50 000 to collisions and at that density it Thisexcept procedure several variations mentary processes occur when twoitsuch mole- from another onlyvery about millimicrosecond at lowwhich temperature might take manyone collisions before the appropriate when is separated particle by <TI or <T2, have indeed been worked out fluctuation escape from its culestointeract are described by awell-known thein a finite system, be more than twofor various phy few hundred thousand collisions for (theoccurs order for of a molecule there willlaws never, models. However, the calculations are so compli 108 neighborhood. For comparison, the first jump for of systems of whether many interacting 32-particle system). behavior It is sometimes a worry are changing. particles at a time whose that velocities it is necessary to seekThis numerical solution particlesaoccurred vlvo= 1.55cannot, and 1.60 at general, about 2000 with theoretically system for is in equilibrium orinwhether it be is indealt a metapotential hasintheanqualitative features of a real molecular means of automatic computers. It is interesting to collisions. This is fewer collisions per particle than for exact way. Even a be three-particle system presents great stable state. question can usually of simplicity is indicative of larger possible resolved by potential and still some the smaller system andThis that elements to calculate the actualwhich dynamics of the m not theories relatively easy to apply. analytical difficulty. starting theinsystem variousApparently, initial configurations and difficulties make the are analytical density fluctuations larger in systems. the Since these particle system is, in some cases, not a greater pro Example of ideal effective pair potentials * Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1 M. N. Rosenbluth and A. W. Rosenbluth, J. Chern. Phys. 22, 881 (1954). 2 Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth, Teller, and Teller, J. Chern. Phys. 21, 1087 (1953). 3 B. J. Alder and T. Wainwright, J. Chern. Phys. 27,1208 (1957). 4 W. W. Wood and F. R. Parker, J. Chern. Phys. 27, 720 (1957). This paper discusses the Monte Carlo method in some detail, as well as giving computational results for Lennard-Jones molecules. 6 Kirkwood, Maun, and Alder, J. Chern. Phys. 18, 1040 (1950). Hard-sphere potential Phase Transition for a Hard Sphere System B. J. ALDER AND T. E. WAINWRIGHT University of California Radiation LalJoratory, Livermore, California (Received August 12, 1957) CALCULATION of molecular dynamic motion has been designed principally to study the reA laxations accompanying various nonequilibrium phenomena. The method consists of solving exactly (to the number of significant figures carried) the simultaneous classical equations of motion of several hundred particles by means of fast electronic computors. Some of the details as they relate to hard spheres and to particles having square well potentials of attraction have been described. l •2 The method has been used also to calculate equilibrium properties, particularly the equation of state of hard spheres where differences with previous Monte Carl03 results appeared. The calculation treats a system of particles in a rectangular box with periodic boundary conditions. 4 Initially, the particles are in an ordered lattice with velocities of equal magnitude but with random orientations. After a very short initial runl •2 the system reached the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution so that the pressure could thereafter be evaluated directly by means of the virial theorem, that is by the rate of change of the momentum of the colliding particles. l •2 The pressure has also been evaluated from the radial distribution function. 6 Agreement between the two methods is within the accuracy of the calculation. Soft sphere potential (ν=1) No attractive part Square-well potential O Soft sphere potential (ν=12) The soft-sphere potential becomes progressively harder as ν increases conceptual computers observing whether the same finalbut statemathematical, is reached. high-speed Furthermore, it is possible to make theoretical extenthan the calculations required for the models. are well to dealwhich with is them. Still another limitation on suited the method con- sions of the results to more realistic potentials by One of the aims of the exact numerical solution To of take account interaction techniques. of a nected with the smallness theexplicitly system, isinto that mole- the perturbation It is important to develop compare results with these analytical the large number of adequately particles involves either multi- techniques inthe cules with long-rangefairly potentials cannot be such perturbation order to overcome one are more clean-cut than compar d.imensional integralswould or high-order differential studied since the field of one molecule extend of the most equasevere limitations of numerical schemes, WIth expenments on natural systems because Downloaded 20 Sep 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: expressions can bethat reduced outside the periodictIOns. box. These This mathematical limitation could be namely, they are only valid for the specific case possible to set up artificial many-particle systems for dilute solved. systems since, in probably overcome tobymanageable introducingequations approximations interactions which are both simple and exactly k case, thetheories. behaviorThat of the can similar to those used that in analytical is, system the In be theconceived dynamical and calculation the analytical molecules theories are all are relatively for which ?f properly as succession of essentially unrelated particles could interact at short range but the given initialbinary velocities From then much on, more detaile to and workpositions. out. Furthermore, mteractions. In the by caseanofaverage nondiluteofsystems is long-range interactions could be replaced course, that the future behavior of the system is deterforma.tio.n is from calculations of this when thesolution range of small potential. A direct numerical of intermolecular the quantum- forces Various initial conditions have been to used than It IS ever possIble getbut from real experim compared to has the not average distancethe molecules have been given equal at- most frequently mechanical many-body problem been intermolecular No attractive part It is useful to divide realistic potentials in separate attractive and repulsive components Attractive interaction Van der Waals-London or fluctuating dipole interaction Classical argument C. Kittel Introduction to Solid State Physics (3rd Edition) John Wiley and sons Electric field produced by dipole 1 on position 2 Instantaneous dipole induced by this field on 2 Potential energy of the dipole moment Always attractive Is the unit vector directed from 1 to 2 J. D. Jackson Classical Electrodynamics (Chapter 4) John Wiley and Sons It is useful to divide realistic potentials in separate attractive and repulsive components Attractive interaction Van der Waals-London or fluctuating dipole interaction Quantum argument Hamiltonian for a system of two interacting oscillators Where the perturbative term is the dipole-dipole interaction From first-order perturbation theory, we can compute the change in energy C. Kittel Introduction to Solid State Physics (3rd Edition) John Wiley and sons It is useful to divide realistic potentials in separate attractive and repulsive components Repulsive interaction As the two atoms are brought together, their charge distribution gradually overlaps, changing the energy of the system. The overlap energy is repulsive due to the Pauli exclusion principle: No two electrons can have all their quantum numbers equal When the charge of the two atoms overlap there is a tendency for electrons from atom B to occupy in part states of atom A already occupied by electrons of atom A and viceversa. Electron distribution of atoms with closed shells can overlap only if accompanied by a partial promotion of electrons to higher unoccpied levels Electron overlap increases the total energy of the system and gives a repulsive contribution to the interaction The repulsive interaction is exponential Born-Mayer potential It is useful to divide realistic potentials in separate attractive and repulsive components Buckingham potential 37 2.2 THE FORCE FIELD ENERGY 2500 Energy (kJ/mol) 2000 "Exact" Lennard-Jones Buckingham Morse 1500 F. Jensen Introduction to Computational Chemistry John Wiley and Sons 1000 500 0 –500 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Distance (Å) Figure 2.10 Comparison of Evdw functionals for the H2—He potential kJ/mol) Because the exponential term converges to a constant as , while the term diverges, the Buckingham potential “turns over” as 1.0 becomes small. 0.8 This may be problematic when dealing "Exact" with a structure with very short Lennard-Jones 0.6 Buckingham interatomic distances Morse 0.4 It is useful to divide realistic potentials in separate attractive and repulsive components Lennard-Jones potential 37 2.2 THE FORCE FIELD ENERGY 2500 Energy (kJ/mol) 2000 "Exact" Lennard-Jones Buckingham Morse 1500 1000 F. Jensen Introduction to Computational Chemistry John Wiley and Sons 500 0 –500 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Distance (Å) Figure 2.10 Comparison of Evdw functionals for the H2—He potential The repulsive term has no theoretical justification. 1.0 It is used because it approximates the Pauli repulsion well, and is more convenient due to the relative computational efficiency 0.8 "Exact" of calculating r12 as the square of r6. Lennard-Jones kJ/mol) 0.6 0.4 Buckingham Morse 0 Comparison of effective two body potentials –500 Buckingham potential 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Distance (Å) Lennard-Jones Figure 2.10 Comparison of Evdw functionals for the H2—He potential Morse 1.0 0.8 "Exact" Lennard-Jones Buckingham Morse F. Jensen Introduction to Computational Chemistry John Wiley and Sons Energy (kJ/mol) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 –0.2 –0.4 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Distance (Å) Figure 2.11 Comparison of Evdw functionals for the attractive part of the H2—He potential The Lennard-Jones potential The well depth is often quoted as in units of temperature, where is the Boltzmann’s constant For instance, to simulate liquid Argon, reasonable values are: We must emphasize that these are not the values which would apply to an isolated pair of argon atoms The Lennard-Jones potential The well depth is often quoted as in units of temperature, where is the Boltzmann’s constant Suitable energy and length parameters for interactions between pairs of identical atoms in different molecules WARNING: The parameters are not designed to be transferable: the C atom parameters in CS2 are quite different from the values appropriate to a C in graphite Interactions between unlike atoms in different molecules can be approximated by the Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rules (for instance, in CS2) Is realistic the Lennard-Jones potential? Dashed line: 12-6 effective Lennard-Jones potential for liquid Ar Solid line: Bobetic-Barker-Maitland-Smith pair potential for liquid Ar (derived after considering a large quantity of experimental data) Lennard-Jones Steeply rising repulsive wall at short distances, due to non-bonded overlap between the electron clouds Optimal Attractive tail at large separations, due to correlation between electron clouds surrounding the atoms. Responsible for cohesion in condensed phases Separation of the Lennard-Jones potential into attractive and repulsive components Steeply rising repulsive wall at short distances, due to non-bonded overlap between the electron clouds Attractive tail at large separations, due to correlation between electron clouds surrounding the atoms. Responsible for cohesion in condensed phases Separation of the Lennard-Jones potential into attractive and repulsive components: energy scales repulsive attractive (u DDQ + uDQQ + u QQQ + u DDD4) are the higher multipole contributions. The triple -dipole potential can be evaluated from the formula proposed by Axilrod Beyond the two body potential: and Teller [Axi43]: the Axilrod-Teller potential u DDD = ( v DDD 1 + 3 cos θ i cos θ j cos θ k ) (rij rik r jk ) 3 (2.17) where the angles and intermolecular separations refer to a triangular configuration of atoms (see Figure 2.1) and where vDDD is the non-additive coefficient which can be estimated from observed oscillator strengthsAxilrod-Teller [Leo75]. potential: Three body potential that results from a third-order perturbation correction to the attractive Van der Waals-London dipersion interactions Figure 2.1 Triplet configuration of atoms i, j and k . The contribution of the AT potential can be either negative or positive depending on For ions or charged particles, the long range Coulomb interaction has to be added Where and are the charges of ions and , is the permittivity of free space How to deal with molecular systems Solution Treat the molecule as a rigid or semi-rigid unit with fixed bond-lengths and, sometimes fixed bond and torsion angles Justification Bond vibrations are of very high frequency (difficult to handle in classical simulations), but of low amplitude (unimportant for many liquid properties) MODEL SYSTEMS A N D INTERACTION POTENTIALS 13 Fig. 1.6 An atom-atom model of a diatomic molecule. pairwise contributions from distinct sites a in molecule i, at position ria,and b in molecule j, at position rjb A diatomic molecule with a strongly binding interatomic potential energy surface can be simulated by a dum-bell with a rigid interatomic bond Interaction between nuclei and electronic charge clouds of a pair of molecules Complicated function if relative positions and and orientations MODEL SYSTEMS A N D INTERACTION POTENTIALS and 13 Interaction sites: usually centered more or less on the position of the nuclei in the real molecule Fig. 1.6 An atom-atom model of a diatomic molecule. Simplified “atom-atom” pairwise contributions from distinct sitesor a in “site-site” molecule i, at positionapproach ria,and b in molecule j, at position rjb Pairwise contributions from distinct sites in molecule at position and site in molecule at position Nitrogen, Fluorine,… typically considered as two Lennard-Jones atoms separated by fixed bond-lengths Here a, b take the values 1,2, vab is the pair potential acting between sites a and b, and rabis shorthand for the inter-site separation rab= Iris I,.-' The interaction sites are usually centred, more or less, on the positions of the nuclei in the real molecule, so as to represent the basic effects of molecular 'shape'. A very simple extension of the hard-sphere model is to consider a diatomic composed of two hard spheres fused together [Streett and Tildesley 19761, but more realistic models involve continuous potentials. Thus, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine etc. have been depicted as two 'Lennard-Jones atoms' separated by a fixed bond length [Barojas et al. 1973; Cheung and Powles 1975; Singer, Taylor, and Singer 19771. Similar approaches apply to polyatomic molecules. The description of the molecular charge distribution may be improved somewhat by incorporating point multipole moments at the centre of charge Pair potential acting between and , Incorporate pole multipole moments at the center of charge to improve molecular charge distribution Might be equal to the known (isolated molecule) variable 14 INTRODUCTION or distribute fictitious multipoles in a similar way [Price, Stone, and Alderton May be “effective” values chosen to give better description of the 19841. For example, the electrostatic part of the interaction between nitrogen molecules may be modelled using five partial charges placed along the axis, thermodynamic properties while, for methane, a tetrahedral arrangement of partial charges is appropriate. These are illustrated in Fig. 1.7. For the case of N,, the quadrupole moment Q is given by [Gray and Gubbins 19841 Alternative Use “partial charges” distributed in a “physically reasonable way” around the molecule to reproduce the known multipole moments Electrostatic part of the interaction between N2 molecule might be modelled using five partial charges placed along the axis (first non-vanishing moment: quadrupole) For methane, a tetrahedral arrangement of partial charges is appropriate (first non-vanishing moment: octupole) Fig. 1.7 Partial charge models. (a) A five-chargemodel for N2.There is one charge at the bond centre, two at the positions of the nuclei, and two more displaced beyond the nuclei. Typical values are (in units of the magnitude of the electronic charge) z = +5.2366, z' = -4.0469, giving For large molecules, the complexity can be reduced by fixing some internal degrees of freedom Model for butane: CH3-CH MODEL SYSTEMS A N D INTERACTION POTENTIALS 2-CH2-CH 3 17 Represent the molecule as a four-center molecule with fixed bond-lengths and bond-bending angles derived from known experimental data Whole group of atoms (CH3 and CH2) are condensed into spherically symmetric effective “united atoms” Interaction between such groups may be represented by Lennard-Jones potential with empirically chosen parameters C1-C2, C2-C3, and C3-C4 bond lengths fixed Trans-conformer butane Gauge conformations Fig. 1.8 (a) A model of butane [Ryckaert and Bellemans 19751. [Marechal and Ryckaert 19831. and angles fixed (can be done by constraining the distances C1-C3 and C2-C4 Just one internal degree of freedom is left unconstrained: the rotation about C2-C3 (the angle) For each molecule, an extra term in the potential energy appears in the Hamiltonian (b) The torsional potential Reduced units Lennard-Jones parameters: - He: 20.0 0.0 - Ar: Energy (K) -20.0 -40.0 He Ar The functional form is the same in both cases. Only the parameters change -60.0 -80.0 -100.0 -120.0 0.0 If the simulation for He predicts a phase transition at 1.0 2.0 Distance (nm) To know these critical points, should we perform two different simulations for essentially the same interatomic potential? 3.0 The same phase transition will occur for Ar, although at a different temperature The use of reduced units avoids the possible embarrasement of conducting essentially duplicate simulations The interatomic potential is completely specified by two parameters: Take them as fundamental units for energy and length. Units for other quantities (pressure, time, momentum,…) follow directly 1.0 Energy (K) 0.5 Reduced units 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Distance (nm) 3.0 The molecular dynamic simulation is carried out only once. The transformation from reduced to other units, will be done afterwards, taking into account the real values of 2 Calculating the potential I. ENERGY FUNCTIONAL FOR A DIELECTRIC INSIDE AN ELECTRIC FIELD. C The potential energy will be stored in a variable V, C which is zeroed initially V = 0.0 C C C C C C Outer loop begins DO 100 I = 1, N - 1 We assume that the coordinate vectors of our atoms are stored in three FORTRAN arrays RX(I), RY(I), and RZ(I), with the particle index I running from 1 to N (the number of particles) RXI = RX(I) RYI = RY(I) RZI = RZ(I) C C Inner loop begins. We take care to count each pair only once DO 99 J = I + 1, N C C Temporary variables RXI, RYI, RZI are used not to make a large number of array references in the inner loop RXIJ = RXI - RX(J) RYIJ = RYI - RY(J) RZIJ = RZI - RZ(J) RIJSQ = RXIJ ** 2 + RYIJ ** 2 + RZIJ ** 2 C C C 99 For the Lennard-Jones potential, it is useful to have precomputed the value of sigma^2, which is stored in the variable SIGSQ SR2 = SIGSQ / RIJSQ SR6 = SR2 * SR2 * SR2 SR12 = SR6 ** 2 V = V + SR12 - SR6 ENDDO 100 ENDDO C C C The factor 4 x epsilon_0, which appears in every pair potential term, is multiplied only once, at the very end, rather than many times within the crucial inner loop. V = 4.0 * EPSLON * V Ionic Systems Ionic Systems Ionic systems: the Born-Mayer potential Repulsive interaction Coulomb between electronic attraction clouds Ionic radii 1st+2nd neighbors V Repulsive, VR “universal” constants Equilibrium distance Two universal constants Ro Bonding energy V(Ro) Total, V Coulomb, VC R Ionic systems: the Born-Mayer potential. Validity of the model Model adequate only for very ionic molecules. differs less than 10% from the experimental value for NaCl • In this model, ions are considered spherical • Improvement: consider possible deformations of their charge distributions (polarizabilities) • With these extra polarizability terms, the errors in are smaller than 3%. + - R→∞ + R - Shell model Shell Model. Shell model: linear chain Courtesy of Ph. Ghosez, Troisime Cycle de la Physique en Suisse Romande Each unit cell of lattice parameter contains two atoms: One Cation of mass and static charge One Anion of mass and static charge The cation is connected to the anion through a string of force constant The anion core and shell are connected through a spring of force constant Anion: Spherical atomic shell of negligible mass and charge coupled to an ione core of charge and mass Charge neutrality For the cell, the relative displacements of the cation, ion core and ion-shell are respectively Spring constant Shell model Basic idea: Vibrations aroundallows an equilibrium poin The first force constant to describe vibrations around an equilibrium position !(k) These parameters Parameters can be fitted tocan be fitte to experiment experiment The second force constant, that accounts for the polarizability of the electronic cloud, acknowledges the internal structure of the atom ABO3 perovskite Covalent model without bond breaking Morse potential Covalent Bond. Bonding Potentials. Bond stretching Harmonic potential Morse Potential. Bond bending Bond Stretching Bond torsion Bond Bending Van der Waals Bond Torsion Hydrogen bridge Electrostatic