KRG - Duhok Governorate
KRG - Duhok Governorate
KRG - Duhok Governorate For humanitarian relief purposes only Production date: 16/07/2013 Draft / work in progress Syrians Living in Host Communities - Breakdown by Subdistrict: March - April 2013 Households: Disc size indicates count per subdistrict The REACH Household Assessment has identified 4272 households with a total of 11998 Syrian refugees staying in Duhok Governorate host communities. The average household size is therefore 2.8 individuals. This relatively low average is explained by a high number of singles present: 2019 (1960 male and 59 female). Average size of household without counting singles - so average family size - is 4.4. Zakho is Governorate's secondlargest city at 230,000 inhabitants. 1,000 0 100 3Km Three areas of major concentrations of refugees have been identified. The geographic breakdown of individuals identified in the assessment is: 3825 2782 2708 2683 Pesh Khabur ferry border crossing has been closed since 19/05/2013 for most cases apart from exceptions like serious healthconditions and family reuniting. Duhok city Rural (31%) - Domiz village (23%) - Duhok city (22%) - Zakho and Semel cities (22%) - Remaining rural areas Zakho city Domiz village Seven Syrian districts from which at least 100 refugee husueholds originate have been identified: 1221 (29%) - Quamishli 1134 (27%) - Malika 641 (15%) - Hasakeh (Aleppo) 466 (11%) - Damascus 143 (3%) - Rif Dimashq 136 (3%) - Jebel Saman 102 (2%) - Ras Al Ain Sahela/Al Walid is a stretch of the borderwhere Syrian refugees are occasionallyable to cross to Iraq and continue to KRG. 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Quamishli Malika Hasakeh Damascus Rif Dimashq Together they account for 3843 (90%) of all households identified in the Duhok Governorate. The Moquble Camp is home for some 300 Syrian Kurdish refugees who left Quamishli governorate in 2004. The Misereek Collective, already a host to Turkish-Kurdish population arrived in 2004-2005 has now also attracted over 300 Syrian Kurdish 1400 Jebel Saman Ras Al Ain Four of those seven districts are in the northeastern part of Syria. They have been colour-coded on the map below according to the same key as graph above. KRG subdistricts are colour-coded using the same key according to the predominant refugees' origin Domiz village, just east of the Domiz Camp 93% have indicated ‘apartment’ as their accommodation situation as opposed to 73% in the entire governorate. TURKEY 64% of refugees pay rent with average value of 245000IQD. This is generally more expensive compared to all of Duhok governorate with 51% of refugees paying average 210000IQD. Duhok city is the capital of the Governorate and its largest city at almost 300,000 inhabitants. 0 3Km Semel is Governorate's third city with population of 53,000 0 BSUs: 12/2012-01/2013 - REACH Key Informant Assessment Thematic Data: 03/2013 - REACH Household Assessment Roads, cities, airports, railway: OSM Administrative boundaries: GADM Background imagery: ESRI/Bing Projection: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 38N TURKEY SYRIA IRAQ EGYPT SYRIA SAUDI ARABIA IRAN Contact : [email protected] File: IRQ_Dohuk_Summary_A3_07Jul2013 Note: Data, designations and boundaries contained on this map are not warranted to be error-free and do not imply acceptance by the REACH partners, associates or donors mentioned on this map. 16% of refugees live in moderately or severely damaged shelters 5 10 20 30 40 IRAQ 50 Km Shelter Condition Refugees' Arrival Times Good/Undamaged Minor Damage Moderate Damage Severe Damage Most of the identified refugees have settled at their current location between October 2012 and February 2013. There is very little geographic variation between KRG's subdistricts. These numbers include 106 Syrian families from the Moqebleh settlement who arrived after 2004 riots in Qashmili. These 106 families consitute 54% of all Syrians arrived over 12 months ago. 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1-2 months 2-6 months 6-12 months >12 months