An update from Longyearbyen, Svalbard (78°N) Margit Dyrland and Fred Sigernes NDMC Oberpfaffenhofen, May 2011 Optical measurement season at Kjell Henriksen Observatory (KHO) from November-March Project-title: High Arctic gravity waves and their impact on middle atmospheric circulation and temperature Project leader: Margit Dyrland, The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) NFR funding: FRINAT 204993 The KeoSentry4ix imager is designed to image nearinfrared emissions from the OH(6-2) band of airglow. KeoSentry4ix airglow imager. (1) Mamiya RB67 fish-eye lens, (2) collimator lens, (3) filter wheel, (4) Smart motor system, (5) relay optics, and (6) CCD detector. OH(6-2) band investigated Auroral line 8446Å “auroral contamination” 8465Å: OH(6-2) P1(4) 8400Å: OH(6-2) P1(2) Ratio of P1(2) and P1(4) should give temperature! Hope to use it as a “MTM” Configuration: • Filters: 8446, 8400, 8465A (18A fwhm, 4 inch diameter) • AND… NIR wideband with notch centered at 8446A, 180A fwhm • Background to be determined from the spectrometer measurements Installed and in use since November 28. Auroral contamination Main scientific questions: 1. What are the characteristics of mesopause region gravity waves (GWs) observed by an all-sky airglow imager at the high arctic location Svalbard (78°N) 2. Is there a direct coupling between the GW activity above Svalbard and the circulation and temperature of the middle atmosphere? 3. Are there major differences or correlations between modelled and observed GWs at high arctic latitudes, and those at other latitudes? Tasks: - Two-dim Fourier analysis of images (after flattening, star removal etc.) - Comparing with data from Ebert-Fastie (temperatures) - Input of GW characteristics in models? (KMCM - Erich Becker, IAP-KBORN) - Comparing with models and measurements at other latitudes. - Connection with circulation? Illustration by WMO, 1985, adapted from Hoppe, 2001 An update on the OH(6-2) temperature series from Longyearbyen, Svalbard (78°N) • Ebert-Fastie spectrometer measuring OH(6-2) band in Longyearbyen since 1983 • Data until 2005 published in Dyrland and Sigernes, CJP, 2007. • Problems with signal to noise ratio since changing some parts in January 2007 • Moved autumn 2007 • PMT tube changed fall 2010 – improved s/n ratio • Finally the last seasons have been analysed :o) OH(6-2) temperatures from the last 5 seasons PSC above Longyearbyen 22. February 2011 Thank you for your attention!
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