Members - Northern Nevada Regional MLS


Members - Northern Nevada Regional MLS
A publication for the Members of the Northern Nevada Regional MLS
What’s Inside:
Introduction of New Trustees
The Top Three Tech Calls of 2011
The Top Three Violations of 2011
The Importance of
Uploading Your Photo to Paragon
In this Month’s Issue
Introduction of New Trustees
Printing and Emailing the CMA Summary Spreadsheet Report
New Christmas Computer?
Tech Tip Corner: The Top Three Tech Calls of 2011
The Top Three Violations of 2011
Viewing Your Account Online For Brokers
Welcome to the New ‘Ask Amie’ Column!
Training Schedule for Winter 2012
MLS Docs Folder in Paragon
MLSU Winter Training Schedule
The Importance of Uploading Your Photo to Paragon
Start the New Year With Help From the FM Short Sale Assistance Desk
Members’ Website Under Construction
Products and Services
Meet the Staff
Introduction of New Trustees
We have several great new initiatives to offer our members and no increase
The strength
Scheduled for the first quarter 2012:
Launch of Down Payment Assistance
Launch of REALTORS® Property Resource
Possible launch of Single Sign-On
Other initiatives we are focusing on in 2012 will be to increase the value to our
members of the consumer-facing website; focusing on driving traffic that would
otherwise have gone to 3rd party sites back to our Members own sites. Included
in our planning and research is finding value not only for the listing agent, but the
Buyer’s Agent as well.
As proud as I am of both the level of service and the fine product line up
offered here at NNRMLS, I can’t take all the credit. The strength and foresight
of this organization comes from our volunteer leadership who, over the past
7 years, have consistently held up our mission, have put in place policies
focused on protecting the value of the core intellectual property, and
continue to look ahead at trending issues that may affect our industry.
They are the Trustees of the Northern Nevada Regional MLS. In
2012 your representatives are:
Pat Schweigert, President
RSAR – ERA Realty Central
Bob Getto, Vice President
SNAR – Ferguson & Getto Inc REALTORS®
Carmen Kundert, Treasurer
RSAR – HomeGate Realty of Nevada
Chick James
SNAR – Realty Executives Nevada’s Choice
Jennifer Capurro
RSAR – RE/MAX Premier Properties
Pamela Ricci
RSAR – RE/MAX Realty Affiliates
Mike Nolan
RSAR – Nolan Realty & Investments
Kari Begovich-Wigton
SNAR – Century 21 Clark Properties
Dick McCole
SNAR – RE/MAX Realty Affiliates
Joan Zadny
SNAR – Charles Kitchen Realty
& foresight
of this
comes from
our volunteer
in MLS fees for 2012. As always, the leadership and staff of NNRMLS are focused
on initiatives that keep our Members central to the real estate transaction; this is a
top priority guiding principle as well as our mission.
Printing and Emailing the
CMA Summary Spreadsheet Report
Our helpdesk receives a fair number of calls each week from Members asking for
Updates have
been made
that should
when printing
or emailing
help with the CMA Summary Report. The development team at LPS has recently made
some updates to the Printing and Email interfaces that should reduce the confusion
involved when printing or emailing this report.
From a list of search results, you can generate a CMA Summary Report either by
clicking on the green REPORTS button in the top right corner of the browser window,
or by clicking either the Email or Print (Print+) buttons and then selecting the report
from the Available Reports column.
It’s important to be mindful of which listings will be included in this report, prior to
printing or emailing. From the search results, you can select a listing by clicking on
the checkbox to the left. In the Email and Print+ options, under the heading “SELECT
LISTING(S)” in the left column of the pop-up dialogue box, you are presented with the
option to include Selected Listings or All Listings. The default setting is All Listings, and
bypasses your previous selections. If you choose Selected Listings, the report will only
contain the listings that you have placed a check mark next to.
The Print+ and Email windows also give you the option of which format to use for
displaying the report. PDF is the preferred format for document control, and will
George Pickard generate a report that is formatted independent of browser or Operating System
IT Director configuration. PDF is also more email friendly, and is less likely to be mistaken for
malware by your client’s virus protection software. HTML reports may be quicker to
render, but some control over their appearance may be lost when the report is loaded
on another machine.
New Christmas Computer?
Did you get a new computer for Christmas? How exciting!
January 2012
Now it’s time to configure your computer’s browser to optimize
Paragon’s performance. You can always bring your device to
the NNRMLS office to have one of our techs help you with it or
you can click here to read this article that should help you learn
more about this topic:
We have answers!
The Top Three Tech Calls of 2011
articles are
not meant
to replace a
call to your
tech team.
e always enjoy hearing from and working with our Members! Our goal is to make
you central to the transaction – we always strive to create a seamless experience between
you and the tech tools that we support for you. We thought it would be helpful to post the
top three tech calls that we received this past December.
1. The Clareity Security
“cookies” error:
Many of you called us reporting that
you couldn’t log into Paragon because
you received an error message
that says, “An error occurred while
processing your request,” or “this
service requires cookies.” This is
one of the most common errors our
Members receive. I know it sounds too simple, but to fix this issue just close your browser
and then re-open it, then go back to Paragon and try again. To read the full article on this
click here:
2. Printing problems, detail report prints on 4 pages or cuts off right margin:
Some agents and brokers have called us asking why a detail listing report prints on three to
Help Desk Representative four pages as opposed to two, or why the right-hand side of the print job gets cut off. You
can easily fix this issue by adjusting your Internet browser's Page Setup and Print Settings.
Click here to read more on how to configure your print settings for today’s top browsers.
Andrew Cristancho
January 2012
3. I can’t log in; scroll bars
appear in the password field
of Paragon log-in screen:
If you’ve tried to log in to Paragon 5
and you cannot enter your password
because there is a scroll bar in the
password field of the log in screen,
then you are experiencing what we
have identified as the browser-zoom
issue. Click here to read more on how to correct this issue:
The Top Three Violations for 2011
NNRMLS has been tracking the number of violations that we send on a yearly basis.
Our hope
is that you
can avoid
and fines...
Our hope is that you can avoid violations and fines by being aware of these top three.
In 2011, over 1580 violation notices were sent – out of those only 56
citation/fees were assessed.
Each notice that we receive is investigated, and if found to be in violation, a correction
notice is then sent.
The top 3 violations for 2011 were as follows:
1. Photos – Remember you have 5 days to upload a primary photo to your listing regardless
of the status. This is a Level 2 Citation which could result in a $250 fine.
2. Incorrect Area – It is very important that the area for your listing is accurate. To confirm
the correct area, NNRMLS Area Maps are available on the Member website: http://, click on “Resources” then click “NNRMLS Area Maps”. We have
maps available for all of Reno/Sparks, Carson City, Lyon County, Gardnerville/Minden,
Washoe Valley, Virginia City Highlands, Lake Tahoe, and Fallon. This is a Level 1 Citation
which could result in a $100 fine.
3. Special Condition of Sale – This field allows you to select from a group of six choices
– REO, None, Relocation, Short Sale, Subject to Court Approval and Other. It is vitally
important that you select the appropriate field. This is a Level 2 Citation which could result
in a fine of $250. When in doubt please call at 823-8838 or email [email protected].
“Waiver of SRPD” should be removed from all listing remarks. For further information on
this new NV State Law go to: SB314 No waiver of SRPD
under Legislation.
Viewing Your Account Online for Brokers
As a broker viewing account details, including recent payments made for agents,
It’s so easy
to do!
is a very simple task that can be done from the Online Payment button on the NNRMLS
Member website.
•Go to
•Click the “Online Bill Pay” button in the left side column
•Login with your Member number and your password
•Click “Pay Your Bill”
•In the upper right-hand corner you will find “View Paid and Unpaid Invoices”
You will see all invoices and any payments made for agents noted by name and
explanation. If a Broker has paid on behalf of his/her agent, it is the responsibility of that
Broker to collect payment from the agent; we cannot transfer a paid invoice.
Not only brokers, but all Members can pay their individual accounts in the same way.
Welcome to the New “Ask Amie” Column!
As most of you know, Amie VanClute, Receptionist Extraordinaire fields many phone
calls every day. Our Members call in with many questions, dilemmas and for information
– Amie knows the answers! We are beginning a new column for Amie to report the most
commonly asked question of the previous month. We track your calls and questions in
order to provide excellent service to you. If a question has been asked multiple times
in a month then the answer bears repeating in the “Ask Amie” column. Here is the first
question and answer from Amie:
Q: I’m transferring offices, what do I do?
Amie:When you transfer offices you would need to fill out the paperwork with your
local Association. Once the Association receives your paperwork then there is a 24-hour
turnaround time before you would be active in Paragon under your new office. Your
Association notifies us that you have moved offices, so there is no need to fill out any
paperwork with us. If you are moving REALTOR® organizations, please make sure you
terminate your membership with your old association to avoid double-billing. MLS only
Members should contact our Membership Manager, Linda Conger @ [email protected]
or call 775-823-8838.
If you are transferring to a new firm, all the listings you are taking with you must be
withdrawn by your former broker then re-listed with your new firm. This means that your
listings will have a “New” status in Paragon and require new paperwork.
If you are transferring to a different branch within the same firm then a Listing Transfer
Form must be filled out with the former broker’s signature. A Listing Transfer form must be
filled out for each listing you are taking with you and faxed or emailed to our office. This
form can be found in Paragon under MLS Documents, Listing Forms and also by clicking
NNRMLS has created an Agent Transfer Checklist that will make your office transition a
smooth process. This checklist can be found by clicking here
Docs/AgentTransferChecklist2012.pdf or going to Paragon, MLS Documents, Other Forms,
As always, feel free to contact our office with any questions. Our phone number is
775-823-8838 or you can email [email protected].
January 2012
Please make sure at the time of transfer that your account with NNRMLS is current. In
order for your transfer to be complete, your NNRMLS monthly bill must be up to date. If
you are on Auto Pay when you transfer, please contact NNRMLS to check the status of
your auto payment.
We track
your calls
in order
to provide
Training Schedule for Winter 2012
Happy New Year! The current 2012 MLSU training schedule is available on the
Learn how
Paragon can
homepage of Paragon as well as the Members’ website. As always, we are offering the
hands-on and online training formats for your convenience. The schedule is also posted
in this newsletter on the opposite page. Plan to attend one of our classes to learn how
Paragon 5 can work to its fullest potential and enhance your business.
There will be new and exciting products launched in the coming months and we will
provide additional training as these products are launched. Keep reading the newsletter,
watching the Paragon homepage and the Members’ website for announcements of the
training dates for these cutting-edge products that are on their way. Feel free to contact
[email protected] with any questions.
MLS Docs Folder in Paragon
One of the valuable features of Paragon is MLS Documents. In MLS Docs, you can
folders of
are available
access a great deal of information from Listing Input Forms to MLSU Class Information
and more.
Visit the HowTo Folder to find quick instructions on many Paragon 5 topics such as
setting up auto emails, customizing spreadsheets, uploading photos, etc. Visit the
NNRMLS Policy folder for a refresher on any of our Policies. And visit the Other Forms
folder for the AutopayForm, Team Setup Form among many others! These are only a
few of the many folders of information available.
January 2012
It’s simple to access MLS Documents once you login to Paragon.
Next time you are in Paragon, spend a few minutes in MLS Documents. You’ll be amazed
at the resources at your fingertips!
Winter Quarter 2012
hands-on in lab
Take y
to the nour skills
Sign upext level!
of our c or one
MLS 201 – Basic Paragon Prerequisite for the other Paragon classes
Basic skills needed for everyday work in the MLS System. Learn how to search by building and customizing the search parameters specific to your clients needs.
o Feb 2
o Mar 6
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
o Jan 23 —
o Feb 21 —
o Mar 22 —
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30pm
MLS 301 – Contact Management Prerequisite: MLS201 or 3 months use
Learn the most popular functions of the system; add prospects and send automatic emails based on individual search requirements. Let Paragon do the work!
o Jan 10
o Feb 7
o Mar 8
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
o Jan 25 —
o Feb 23 —
o Mar 27 —
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30pm
MLS 205 – Listing Input Prerequisite: None
Learn all aspects of entering a listing into Paragon, including adding photos and maintaining listings. Increase your awareness of requirements to avoid citations.
o Jan 24 —
o Feb 22 —
o Mar 26 —
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30am
9:30am - 11:30am
o Feb 6
o Mar 7
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
MLS 465 – CMA Presentation Prerequisite: MLS 201 or 3 months use
Build a CMA package through Paragon that includes cover letters, resumes, multiple formats for comparables, the ability to add a subject property & more!
o Jan 12 —
o Feb 9 —
o Mar 13 —
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30pm
o Jan 30 —
o Feb 28 —
o Mar 29 —
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
MLS 415 – Mapping
Learn how to maximize and use all of the mapping features of Paragon, including map searching, Geojet, Re-geocoding and more.
o Jan 26 —
o Feb 27 —
o Mar 28 —
2:30pm - 4:30pm
9:30am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 4:30pm
o Jan 11 — 9:30am - 11:30am
o Feb 8
— 2:30pm - 4:30pm
o Mar 12 — 9:30am - 11:30am
Our MLS classes are taught in the Training Lab at the NNRMLS Office at 5650 Riggins Court, Reno. A $25 “No-Show” fee will be
billed to your account if a cancellation is not received 24 hours in advance.
- 11:30am
- 4:30pm
- 11:30am
- 11:30am
- 4:30pm
- 4:30pm
Member #
Phone #
o I will be bringing my laptop computer
January 2012
o Jan 13
o Jan 27
o Feb 10
o Feb 24
o Mar 9
o Mar 23
Please check all classes you plan to attend and fax to: 775.823.8809
(Please arrive 10 minutes early for set-up!)
You control the content of what is taught in Study Hall sessions!
sign up
Study Hall – Hands On Classes Only
The Importance of Uploading Your Photo to Paragon
Which agents in the Agent Search screenshot below stand out more?
Your saved personal headshot image in Paragon will flow directly into
(our public-facing website) located by your contact information. This will give you more
visibility to our community when searching for homes and agents. It is one more way to
bring people closer together – revolving around an initial computer to computer interaction.
To upload a new photo in Paragon, simply go to Preferences, User Preferences, Agent
Image, and follow the instructions to upload. If you have questions, please contact
NNRMLS tech support.
Agent Search page screenshot below from
Bob Doe
Your City
City Real Estate
Jane Doe
Your City
City Real Estate
Kathryn Doe
Your City
City Real Estate
Property Details page also
reveals missing agent photos
Bob Doe
City Real Estate
Jane Doe
City Real Estate
your online
Which will the public feel more connected to and most likely get more calls? The agents that
have uploaded their photos will be more memorable. Most people are visual – uploading your
photo to Paragon can help generate and develop your online persona.
Start the New Year With Help From the Fannie Mae
Short Sale Assistance Desk!
The Fannie Mae Short Sale Assistance Desk is designed to help you get your deal closed.
Do you have a Fannie Mae backed listing under contract? Are you having problems with
servicer response times, the MI or 2nd Lien Holder? Can you answer yes to at least one of the
•It has been at least 20 days from the original offer submission and you have not
had a response from the Servicer
You could
be eligible
to submit
your issue...
•It has been at least 30 days from the original offer submission and a final
property valuation or BPO has not been completed
•A final decision or specific direction to facilitate a decision had not been met
within 60 days from the original offer submission date
•Or, if you have received an approval from the servicer for your transaction,
but the MI (or 2nd lien holder) has imposed a closing condition that is not
possible for the borrower to meet
If you answered yes to at least one of the above then you could be eligible to submit
your issue through the Fannie Mae Short Sale Assistance Desk. If you have any
questions about this program, or would like to learn more, feel free to contact Amie
VanClute at [email protected] or 823-8838.
Members’ Website Under Construction
You will see changes coming this year to your Members website:
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] for any suggestions
on content that you would like to see incorporated into the site.
January 2012 You will find pleasing design changes
as well as pages with updated links that will provide easy access to
information. These changes will not happen all at once, but over
the next few months – thank you for your patience! Are there any
changes you would like to see?
At NNRMLS, our goal is to constantly provide our members with Progressive Technology, Diverse Options and Superior Service. Below is a list of the many
products and services we provide, often at no additional charge to our members. Please ask us for more information about any of these products.
Paragon MLS
1. No Java – improved reliability!
2. New client portal website
3. Wizards to make learning easier
4. Multi-tasking
5. Cross-browser/Cross platform
Want MLS from Your Phone?
Search live MLS listings directly from your
internet ready phone or PDA.
Showing Assist
Your LockBox System
The Supra Lockbox System used by NNRMLS
provides infrared lockboxes and more options
than ever for lockbox keys. Open boxes via
Active Key, eKey, PDA, & some Smartphones.
Brand new showing management tool
to help you access showing instructions,
request showings and eliminate countless
unproductive phone calls. Instruction offered.
Enhanced Tax Functionality
Comparables and demographics available
via Paragon MLS
Valuation Tool for Your Website
Free to all NNRMLS members, MLStimate™
provides an AVM for your agent or office
website. MLStimate works similar to Zillow’s
Zestimate but with actual MLS data including
a map display of comps and solds. Contact
us to get this tool up on your site today.
Do you Have a Website?
Scout for SafeMLS
A security initiative designed to provide
optimum protection for valuable MLS
and customer data was implemented
in June 2010. Features improved security
posture that ensures valuable data isn’t
compromised. Members also have the
benefit of revenue assurance - assuring that
everyone using the MLS is participating in
the cost of providing the service.
Do you have an affordable, professional
website with excellent functionality? You can
with rDesk, a new product offered through
NNRMLS. If you already have a website, we
have rDesk IDX, a real-time IDX solution at an
affordable price.
FREE to Our Members
Doc Central is a secure document storage
solution that allows buyers and sellers to see
authorized transaction documents. You may
store personal or professional docs.
Hands-On or Online Training
January 2012
Northern Nevada Regional MLS University
provides training for Paragon. We offer
hands-on courses in our state-of-the-art
computer lab OR log into an Online Course
from the comfort of your home or office
computer. Online Training is in hour long
segments with a live, real time instructor.
ListHub provides a platform for real estate
brokers to manage their listings on the Internet.
ListHub is the broadest, most widely adopted
network for listing distribution and brings realty
firms a comprehensive system for maximizing
listing exposure while providing brokers and
agents with all of the control, reports, analytics,
and marketing tools necessary for driving an
effective online advertising program.
An online, contact management, agentcentric tool that will help you optimize
productivity, increase client satisfaction and
and maximize profits.
Point2 Agent
Point2 Agent provides you with a powerful
suite of website tools that allow you to have
the customized, professional online presence
you need - no design degree needed. You
can enter and edit your listing information
through Paragon as usual and the changes
are updated everywhere!
GeoJet E-mapping combines MLS listing
data and tax data into an all-in-one
comparables solution. GeoJet is built right
into Paragon Online MLS.
FREE to Our Members
Use any fax machine to digitally deliver paper
documents instantly to any email address in
the world. This service is FREE to all members.
For more information call:
[email protected]
(Toll Free) 877.823.8838
Public Site:
Sandi Phillips – Accounting Manager
MLS access:
Shelley Specchio – Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
Linda Conger – Membership/Policy Manager
[email protected]
Amie Duncan – Executive Assistant
Paragon WiFi:
[email protected]
Amie VanClute – Receptionist
Tech Support:
[email protected]
George Pickard– IT Director
[email protected]
775.823.8838 (Mon-Fri)
Fidelity: 877.MLS.HELP (877.657.4357)
SUPRA: 877.699.6787
MLS office:
Josh Kennedy – Training Coordinator/Tech Support
[email protected]
Andrew Cristancho – Help Desk Representative/Tech Support
[email protected]
Loy Mach – Communications Specialist
November 2011
[email protected]