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PAULIST PRESS ACADEMIC CATALOG 2016 C E L E B R A T I N G 15 0 Y E A R S To Our Academic Readers, Paulist Press is proud to announce the upcoming publication of The Paulist Biblical Commentary (PBC), which is to be published in 2018. This is a one-volume commentary on the books of the Bible designed for a wide variety of Bible readers, especially those engaged in pastoral ministry. The volume consists of a commentary on each of the seventy-three books of the Catholic canon of the Bible along with twelve general articles. The Commentary brings together the collaboration of more than seventy international biblical scholars, each with expertise in their area of study. Closer to the moment, in 2016, in conjunction with Fordham University, Paulist Press will hold an event celebrating its 150th anniversary. On Friday evening, October 14, there will be a keynote address, Media as Vocation, award presentation, and reception at Fordham University, Lincoln Center campus. On Saturday, October 15, various panels will explore different aspects of media as vocation, featuring academics and professionals from the media in the areas of print media, television, radio, film, and the performing arts, followed by a celebration of Eucharist and reception. In this 2016 Academic Catalog there are a number of titles that should appeal to students, professors, and theologians, as well as the informed reader. Vatican II is the complete history of this historic event. It contains over 300 illustrations and offers data and facts that scholars might otherwise find difficult to access. In the field of theology noted theologian and liturgist Kevin Irwin presents ways in which the liturgy of the sacraments has been celebrated and understood in history and the ways in which liturgy can (and should) be understood today. In the area of ethics and social issues, we have the pope’s encyclical On Care for Our Common Home and Catholic Moral Theology in Practice and Theory. Those interested in history, especially having to deal with the pope, will welcome Go into the Streets!, The Francis Project, and Francis, Bishop of Rome. Other notable titles include Beholding Paradise, highlighting the photography of Thomas Merton, The Beatitudes, and the provocative and timely Catholic Women Speak, a collection of 40 essays by leading women theologians from all over the world. At the end of this catalog, there are carefully chosen books for your courses to help you navigate our robust academic backlist to enhance your course offerings. As always, we invite your comments and suggestions. Cover art from Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory (p. 9) TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1 BIBLE ............................................................2-5 Apocalypse ....................................................5 Bibles/Bible Introduction ..........................3, 4 Spiritual Direction ......................................24 Theology of Ministry ..................................24 Youth and Young Adult Ministry ................24 *Paulist Biblical Commentary ........................3 PERSONAL GROWTH ..............................25, 26 Career and Vocation..............................25, 26 Life Stages/Discernment ..............................26 John ..........................................................4, 5 *Reading John for the First Time....................2 Luke ......................................................2, 4, 5 Matthew ....................................................2, 5 Mark ........................................................2, 5 Luke/Acts ..................................................2, 5 Paul ..............................................................5 New Testament..........................................4, 5 Old Testament ..........................................4, 5 PHILOSOPHY ..........................................26, 27 History of Philosophy ................................26 Philosophy..................................................27 SACRAMENTS ..........................................27-30 Eucharist ....................................................27 *Body Broken for a Broken People ..............27 Eucharist ....................................................27 General ......................................................28 ETHICS & SOCIAL ISSUES............................6, 7 Bioethics/Medical Ethics ................................7 Ethics ............................................................7 *Catholic Sacraments ..................................28 *How Not to Say Mass ................................28 *The Sacraments ........................................29 *Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory ................................................7 *Own Yourself ................................................6 Order/Deacons............................................29 Marriage ....................................................28 Morality ........................................................7 Social/Political Ethics ................................6, 7 *Marriage and Family ................................28 Reconciliation ............................................29 *On Care for Our Common Home..................6 *Energy, Justice, and Peace ............................6 *Finance and the Common Good....................6 SPIRITUALITY ..........................................30-40 Classics of Western Spirituality ..............35-40 FAITH & CULTURE ........................................8, 9 Multicultural ................................................9 Classical Spirituality..............................30, 33 *The Emergence of Evangelical Spirituality ..35 *When Mary Becomes Cosmic ....................30 *Beholding Paradise ......................................8 Inspirational Reading ............................31, 33 Religion & the Arts....................................8, 9 *The Beatitudes ..........................................31 *Crossing the Threshold of Mercy ..............31 FAITH FORMATION ..................................10, 11 Young Adult/Adult (RCIA) ....................10, 11 Masculine and Feminine Spirituality ....33, 34 Prayer Resources/Prayer Books....................33 Spiritual Growth ............................30, 32, 33 *God Questions ............................................10 *Principles of Ignatian Leadership ..............10 *Why Faith? ................................................11 *When Catholic Means Cosmic ..................30 *God’s Unconditional Love ..........................32 *Teilhard de Chardin—Seven Stages of Suffering ..............................................32 HISTORY....................................................12-20 Ancient Christian Writers ......................17-20 *Sulpicius Severus ........................................17 Biography ..............................................14, 15 Study of Spirituality ....................................34 *The Essential Writings of Bernard Cooke ..14 *St. Dominic ................................................14 THEOLOGY ..............................................41-46 Christology ................................................41 Church History ......................................14-16 *The God of Jesus Christ ............................41 *Understanding Jesus ..................................43 *Take Heart ..................................................14 Historical Studies ..................................15, 16 Patrology ....................................................16 Papacy..............................................12, 15-17 Christology and Soteriology ..................43, 45 Ecclesiology ..........................................42, 46 *Go into the Streets! ....................................12 *The Francis Project ....................................12 *Francis, Bishop of Rome................................12 Eschatology/Last Things..............................45 Fundamental Theology ..............................44 Vatican II ..............................................13, 17 Liturgical Theology ....................................45 Moral Theology ..........................................45 Sacramental Theology ................................45 Science and Faith........................................45 Theology of God/Trinity..............................44 Women’s Theology ......................................42 *The Rising Laity ........................................42 *Theology and Power ..................................43 *Vatican II: The Complete History ..............13 PASTORAL MINISTRY ..............................21-24 Canon Law ............................................22, 23 *Annulment ..................................................22 *Indissolubility and the Synod of Bishops ....22 Community Formation................................23 Evangelization ............................................23 Homiletics/Preaching ............................21, 23 *Faith: Collected Sermons I..........................21 Leadership Training & Planning ............23, 24 Multicultural Ministry ................................24 Pastoral Care ..............................................24 Professional Pastoral Resources....................24 Reconciliation Ministry................................24 *Catholic Women Speak ..............................42 WORLD RELIGIONS..................................46-48 Ecumenism............................................46-47 *Catholics without Labels............................46 *Christian Unity ..........................................47 Interreligious ........................................47-48 BOOKS FOR YOUR COURSES ..................48, 49 COMPLETE TITLE & AUTHOR INDEX ............50 *New Books 2 BIBLE ALSO IN THE SERIES 152 pages (t) 5 /8 x 8 • $14.95 (t) Paperback 3 978-0-8091-4938-4 John Reading Luke for the First Time Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP A brief and insightful guide for reading and understanding the Gospel of Luke and its message. 4930-8 • $14.95 Paperback • 176 pages Reading John for the First Time Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP In this brief and insightful blueprint for reading and appreciating the Gospel of John, noted scripture scholar Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP, guides the reader through the major themes of the Gospel. John has wholly imposed the Christ of faith upon the earthly Jesus. He has painted an icon. An icon brings out the spiritual significance of the subject. This is the final volume in a series of pastoral commentaries on the gospel which seek to make available the best of scriptural scholarship to the nonspecialist. The series will be of particular interest to preachers, teachers, and those coming to scripture study for the first time. Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP, currently lectures at the Priory Institute and at the Church of Ireland Theological College, both in Dublin. An Irish Dominican and professor emeritus of the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy in Dublin, he earned degrees in theology at the University of St. Thomas, Rome, and in biblical studies at the Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem. Fr. Harrington’s teaching and writing career spans more than half a century. He has published a number of books and articles in the biblical field, including Jesus Our Brother (Paulist Press 2010).. Reading Matthew for the First Time Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP A blueprint for reading and appreciating the Gospel of Matthew that emphasizes two main points: he provides a “road map” through the Gospel by describing its structure; and he explains Matthew’s focus on Jesus’ teaching as the Messiah. 4853-0 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Reading Mark for the First Time Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP Explores the Gospel of Mark with emphasis on why Mark tells the story the way he does. The author backs up his appreciation of the literary sophistication of Mark by outlining his technique and discusses the centrality of the cross to Mark’s account of Jesus. 4843-1 • $14.95 • Paperback • 176 pages 3 BIBLE HEAD Paulist Press is proud to announce the forthcoming volume THE PAULIST BIBLICAL COMMENTARY ing 18 m o C s t 20 gu Au Publication Date: August 1, 2018 PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Mark-David Janus, CSP EDITORIAL BOARD José Enrique Aguilar Chiu • Richard Clifford, SJ • Carol J. Dempsey, OP • Eileen M. Schuller, OSU • Thomas Stegman, SJ • Ronald Witherup, PSS The Paulist Biblical Commentary (PBC), which is to be published by Paulist Press in 2018, is a one-volume commentary on the books of the Bible designed for a wide variety of Bible readers, especially those engaged in pastoral ministry. The volume consists of a commentary on each of the seventy-three books of the Catholic canon of the Bible along with twelve general articles. While based on classical approaches to Scripture, the commentaries and articles are not limited to historical-literary issues, but draw upon relevant theological and pastoral ideas found in the text. The Paulist Biblical Commentary presents: • Solid exegesis of the biblical text. • A useful tool for preaching and spiritual nourishment. • An essential aid to deepen the understanding of Scripture. • Current biblical research that is relevant to pastoral or spiritual ministry. CONTRIBUTORS The Commentary brings together the collaboration of more than seventy international biblical scholars, each with expertise in their area of study drawn from their experience and interest in pastoral or spiritual ministry. GENERAL BIBLE PARTS OF THE BIBLE The Bible in the Life of the Church The Christian Bible Ronald Witherup, PSS The History of the Biblical Period I (Old Testament) Thomas D. Stegman, SJ Richard Clifford, SJ Leslie Hoppe, OFM The Pentateuch The History of the Biblical Period II (New Testament) Antony Campbell, SJ Eileen M. Schuller, OSU The Prophets The Text of the Bible I (Old Testament) Carol Dempsey, OP Eugene Ulrich Wisdom Literature The Text of the Bible II (New Testament) Dianne Bergant, CSA Jean-François Racine Jesus and the Four Gospels Reading the Bible in the Twenty-First Century Pheme Perkins Timothy Radcliffe, OP Paul, his Life and his Theology Jewish Interpretation of the Bible Michael Gorman Barry Dov Walfish Christian Interpretation of the Bible Zachary Flanagin God as One: Monotheism in the Hebrew Bible Mark S. Smith 4 BIBLE RECENTLY PUBLISHED Old Testament John The Psalms: An Intro. José Enrique Aguilar Chiu God’s Promise An overview of general issues related to the study of the psalms, emphasizing their literary aspects and characteristics of each family of psalms. 4880-6 • $19.95 • Paperback 128 pages Covenant Relationship in John Sherri Brown God’s Promise explores the role of this Old Testament covenant metaphor in the literary fabric of the Gospel and Letters of John. 4899-8 • $18.95 • Paperback 128 pages Luke Reading Luke for the First Time Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP A brief and insightful guide for reading and understanding the Gospel of Luke and its message. 4930-8 • $14.95 • Paperback 176 pages New Testament BACKLIST Bibles Catholic Prayer Bible, The (NRSV) Lectio Divina Edition Paulist Press 0587-8 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 1968 pages 4663-5 • $29.95 • Paperback • 1968 pages 4766-3 • $49.95 • Deluxe • 1968 pages Bible Introductory And God Said What? Revised Edition Margaret Nutting Ralph 4129-9 • $18.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Biblical Essays in Honor of Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, & Richard J. Clifford, SJ Critical Meaning of the Bible, The Opportunity for No Little Instruction Edited by Christopher G. Frechette, Christopher R. Matthews, and Thomas D. Stegman, SJ Exploring the Narrative and Message John W. Miller 4183-3 • $18.95 • Paperback • 208 pages A collection of essays on the use and reappropriation of biblical texts and traditions as found in Scripture, intertestamental writings, and early Christian writings. 4898-1 • $29.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Letter to the Hebrews, The A New Commentary Albert Vanhoye, SJ A thorough commentary written by the most renowned scholar on one of the favorite and yet most enigmatic books of the New Testament: the Letter to the Hebrews, a text that presents the priesthood of Christ. 4928-5 • $34.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Raymond E. Brown 2406-8 • $12.95 • Paperback • 160 pages How the Bible Came to Be 50 Keys to the Bible Marc Sevin 4792-2 • $16.95 • Paperback • 200 pages Impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ 4615-4 • $16.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Interpretation of Scripture, The In Defense of the Historical-Critical Method Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ 4504-1 • $18.95 • Paperback • 168 pages 101 Questions & Answers on the Bible Raymond E. Brown 101 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS SERIES 4251-1 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Understanding the Bible REV. & EXPANDED ED. A Basic Introduction to Biblical Interpretation George T. Montague 4344-3 • $21.95 Paperback • 288 pages Opening the Door of Faith Old Testament Encountering Jesus and His Call to Discipleship Thomas D. Stegman, SJ Dark God: Cruelty, Sex & Violence in the Old Testament Thomas Romer 4796-0 • $17.95 • Paperback • 160 page Essays that bring forth another source for study and reflection on the issue of faith, the five major voices of the New Testament— Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. This book lays out four dimensions of the life of faith from each of these voices. 4927-8 • $11.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Introduction to the Prophets: Their Stories, Sayings, & Scrolls Thomas L. Leclerc 4492-1 • $29.95 • Paperback • 432 pages Meet the Prophets A Beginner’s Guide to the Books of the Biblical Prophets John W. Miller 2899-3 • $19.95 • Paperback • 272 pages 5 BIBLE 101 Q & A on the Historical Books of the Bible What Are They Saying About the Gospel of Thomas? Victor H. Matthews 101 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS SERIES 4618-5 • $16.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Christopher W. Skinner WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT…? 4761-8 • $16.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Old Testament Parallels REV. & EXPANDED 3RD ED. Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin 4435-2 • $24.95 • Paperback • 448 pages Witnesses to the Word Pastoral Essays in Honor of Lawrence Boadt, CSP Matthew Reading the Old Testament Edited by Corrine L. Carvalho 4838-7 • $18.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Psalms, The: Songs of Faith and Praise; The Revised New Testament Studies Since Vatican II Daniel J. Harrington, SJ 4820-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Companion God: A Cross-Cultural Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (Revised Edition) George T. Montague, SM 4501-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 368 pages Grail Psalter with Commentary and Prayers Gregory J. Polan, OSB 4882-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 416 pages Reading Matthew for the First Time Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction Lawrence Boadt, CSP 2631-1 • $21.95 • Paperback • 576 pages Mark Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction; 2ND ED. Lawrence Boadt; Rev. & Updated by Richard Clifford & Daniel Harrington 4780-9 • $24.95 • Paperback • 528 pages Understanding the Historical Books of the Old Testament Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP 4853-0 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages What Are They Saying About Mark? Daniel J. Harrington, SJ WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT…? 4263-5 • $12.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Luke/Acts What Are They Saying About Acts? Vincent P. Branick 4728-1 • $24.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Mark Allen Powell WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT…? 3279-6 • $12.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Understanding the Prophets and Their Books John Vincent P. Branick 4763-2 • $29.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Community of the Beloved Disciple, The New Testament Raymond E. Brown 2174-3 • $14.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Edited by Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, & Christopher R. Matthews 4812-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 120 pages Hour Is Now, The: Praying with the Gospel of John Richard W. Chilson, CSP 4842-4 • $14.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Invitation to the Gospels Paul Encounter Jesus in the Scriptures Donald Senior, Paul J. Achtemeier, Robert J. Karris, George W. MacRae, and Daniel J. Harrington 4072-1 • $19.95 • Paperback • 416 pages 101 Questions & Answers on Paul 101 Q & A on Women in the New Testament Paul for Today’s Church Judith Schubert, RSM 101 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON... 4845-5 • $16.95 • Paperback • 144 pages A Commentary on First Corinthians Stanley B. Marrow; foreword by Thomas D. Stegman, SJ 4855-4 • $22.95 • Paperback • 224 pages Reading the New Testament An Introduction Pheme Perkins 2939-6 • $16.95 • Paperback • 368 pages Reading the New Testament: An Intro. 3RD ED. REV. Pheme Perkins 4786-1 • $18.95 • Paperback • 336 pages The Resurrection of the Messiah: A Narrative Commentary on the Resurrection Accounts in the Four Gospels Francis J. Moloney, SDB 4847-9 • $21.95 • Paperback • 224 pages What Are They Saying About Q? Benedict Viviano, OP WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT...? 4839-4 • $14.95 • Paperback • 128 pages Understanding the New Testament and Its Message: An Introduction Vincent P. Branick 3780-1 • $26.95 • Paperback • 416 pages A Walk Through the New Testament: An Intro. for Catholics Margaret Nutting Ralph 4582-9 • $19.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Ronald D. Witherup 101 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS SERIES 4180-9 • $16.95 • Paperback • 240 pages Paul of Tarsus: A Visionary Life Edward Stourton 032-7 • $24.00 • Hardcover • 224 pages Paul’s Jewish Matrix Edited by Thomas G. Casey and Justin Taylor 4740-3 • $19.95 • Paperback • 392 pages Understanding Paul and His Letters Vincent P. Branick 4581-2 • $27.95 • Paperback • 464 pages What Are They Saying About the Pastoral Epistles? Mark Harding WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT…? 3975-8 • $12.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Apocalypse I Saw the World End An Introduction to the Bible’s Apocalyptic Literature William C. Nicholas, Jr. 4450-1 • $18.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Unmasking Apocalyptic Texts A Guide to Preaching and Teaching Dorothy Jonaitis, OP 4356-9 • $18.95 • Paperback • 224 pages 6 ETHICS & SOCIAL ISSUES On Care for Our Common Home The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ Pope Francis; Introduction by Msgr. Kevin W. Irwin Laudato si’, mi Signore—Praise Be to You, My Lord! With these words of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis begins by reminding us of the Canticle of the Creatures that celebrates the earth as our common home, our sister, who embraces and blesses all of us, with abundance and beauty. But, in the words of Saint John Paul II, the world needs a global ecological conversion before it is too late. The world is already grievously wounded, and its continued degradation is having the greatest immediate impact upon the poor. Appealing to “every person living on this planet,” drawing on the wisdom of the tradition of the church and the teachings of previous popes, with this encyclical Pope Francis reaches out to begin a “dialogue with all people” about what we are doing to our planet. 160 pages • 5 3/8 x 8 $9.95 • • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4980-3 • Social/Political Issues Energy, Justice, and Peace (t) ENERGY, JUSTICE, AND PEACE Pontifical Congregation for Justice and Peace This timely title is a reflection of the Pontifical Council “Justice and Peace” on how energy is linked to justice and peace. The latter can, in fact, be threatened for all unresolved energy issues, while a healthy energy management can and should contribute to an integral, real, sustainable development. Energy, Justice, and Peace is the theme of the Message for the 49th World Day of Peace, January 1, 2016, the third of the papacy of Pope Francis. Pontifical Congregation for Justice and Peace 96(t) pages • 5 3/8 x 8 • $11.95(t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4985-8 Social/Political Issues Finance and the Common Good Placing People at the Center of the Economy and Society Fondazione Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice In 2014 the Foundation Centesimus Annus—Pro Pontifice held the international conference, A Dialogue on Finance and the Common Good, in Dublin, Ireland. At this important conference the most important issues confronting the Church and the global economy were explored by authorities in the areas of finance, banking, economics, ethics, theology, and Catholic social teaching. Hosted and introduced by Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin, topics include poverty and global urbanization, bank regulation and supervision, finance in service of people. The Institution “Centesimus Annus—Pro Pontifice” owes its name and birth to the Encyclical “Centesimus Annus” published by Pope John Paul II on May 1, 1991.The connection reveals CAPP’s inspiring idea and purpose: heartfelt endorsement of papal social teachings and committed support to the Holy Father’s charitable initiatives.The Institution chose to add the words “Pro Pontifice” out of admiration and gratitude for the Holy Father’s ministry as Teacher and Universal Shepherd. 196 (t) pages 5 3/8 x 8 • • $19.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4973-5 • Social/Political Issues Own Yourself OWN How to Form Your Conscience William J. O’Malley, SJ YOURSELF How do you make yourself an adult rather than just hoping it happens to you? Own Yourself explores the ethical and moral issues that young people will need to address as adults in “the real world.” It not only analyses the truths about being a YOUR CONSCIENCE decent human, it questions whether they “ring true”—do they lead to a richer, worthier human life? In learning that no one can legitimately objectify a human being, Own Yourself guides us in owning our potential as humans and setting it in W J. O’M , SJ motion toward its richest kind of fulfillment. William J. O‚‘Malley, SJ, has taught theology and religion to young people for over 50 years. He is currently teaching theology at Seattle University. He has authored forty books and won four best articles and one best book award from the Catholic Press Association. HOW TO FORM ILLIAM 192 (t) pages ALLEY • 6x9 • $15.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4977-3 • Ethics 7 ETHICS & SOCIAL ISSUES Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory An Introduction Bernard G. Prusak Written for readers both in school and out of school, this book serves as an introduction to the living tradition of Catholic moral philosophy. In accord with Pope Francis’s injunction to seek to initiate processes rather than dominate spaces, the book is structured, as compared to the typical book in moral philosophy, upside down. It begins, not by laying out a moral theory, but instead with a handful of controversies which the reader is invited to consider as a way into the practice and theory of moral philosophy. The goal is to enable and encourage readers to enter into the twists and turns of the tradition of Catholic moral philosophy, to find it exciting, to become more reflective, and to agree and disagree even vehemently, but with greater appreciation of the tradition’s depths and complexities. Topics include what distinguishes Catholic moral philosophy; how Catholics ought to argue about abortion; double-effect reasoning, the principle of lesser evil, and casuistry more generally; Thomas Aquinas on self-defense; the evolution and state of the art of just war theory; the ethics of eating meat; the moral limits of markets, in particular whether markets in human kidneys ought to be legal; conceptions of conscience; and finally natural law theory, virtue ethics, and modern moral philosophy. Bernard G. Prusak is associate professor of philosophy and director of the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. 384 (t) pages • 6x9 • $29.95 (t) • Paperback RECENTLY PUBLISHED Social / Political Issues Seek Justice That You May Live Reflections and Resources on the Bible and Social Justice John R. Donahue A study of the major themes of both the Old and New Testaments that bear on issues of social justice, e.g., creation, exodus, liberation, prophets, psalms and Wisdom literature, and Jesus and the kingdom of God. 4874-5 • $29.95 • Paperback • 336 pages BACKLIST Ethics Biblical Ethics in the 21st Century Developments, Emerging Consensus, & Future Directions Lúcás Chan, SJ; foreword by James F. Keenan, SJ 4837-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 192 pages Character, Choices & Community The Three Faces of Christian Ethics Russell B. Connors, Jr., and Patrick T. McCormick 3805-0 • $19.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Common Good, Uncommon Questions Topics in Moral Theology; Revised, Updated Edition Edited by Timothy Backous, OSB, & William C. Graham 4881-3 • $34.95 • Paperback • 320 pages • 978-0-8091-4978-0 • Ethics Bioethics / Medical Ethics Introduction to Bioethics, An Fourth Edition - Revised and Updated Thomas A. Shannon and Nicholas J. Kockler 4623-9 • $22.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Morality Facing Ethical Issues Dimensions of Character, Choices & Community Patrick T. McCormick and Russell B. Connors, Jr. 4077-2 • $26.95 • Paperback • 400 pages Good Life, The Where Morality and Spirituality Converge Richard M. Gula 3859-X • $12.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Social / Political Issues Eucharist and Social Justice, The Margaret Scott 4566-9 • $16.95 • Paperback • 160 pages On “Strangers No Longer” Perspectives on the Historic U.S. - Mexican Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migration Edited by Todd Scribner and J. Kevin Appleby 4828-8 • $27.95 • Paperback • 384 pages Toward Healing and Renewal The 2012 Symposium on the Sexual Abuse of Minors Held at the Pontifical Gregorian University Charles J. Scicluna, Hans Zollner, & David John Ayotte 4794-6 • $19.95 • Paperback • 224 pages Voting and Holiness Dennis J. Billy, CSsR 4680-2 • $15.95 • Paperback • 168 pages Catholic Perspectives on Political Participation Edited by Nicholas P. Cafardi 4767-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Ethics and Spirituality 101 Q & A on Catholic Social Teaching Contemplative Ethics: An Introduction Readings in Moral Theology No. 17 Edited by Charles E. Curran and Lisa A. Fullam 4873-8 • $29.95 • Paperback • 288 pages SECOND EDITION Kenneth R. Himes, OFM 4849-3 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages 8 FAITH & CULTURE Beholding Paradise The Photographs of Thomas Merton Thomas Merton and Paul M. Pearson Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton provides the reader with the only available overview of Thomas Merton’s photographs while also providing a highly accessible introduction to Merton as a photographer. For Merton, his photography, as his writing, became a way for him to explore and express his relationship with the world. As he discovered contemplative photography, and how to use a camera as a contemplative instrument, he produced images that had the same effect as much of prose and poetry writings in the last decade of his life. Media and advertisers use images manipulatively to sell a story or an object. By contrast, Merton’s images have nothing to sell, they cause us to pause, to stop, to see, to see what is right in front of us every day. This volume allows the reader to explore, meditatively, the way that Thomas Merton came to see the world in the final decade of his life. Highlights: • There is no other collection of Merton’s photographs currently in print. • The photographs are placed within the larger context of Merton’s life and thought so that the reader can understand the place of photography in Merton’s phenomenal literary output. • In this beautifully produced volume Merton’s photographs are presented in such a way that the reader can take time out of their busy life and learn to see, once more, the world around them. • Thomas Merton was one of the first, if not the very first, to use the phrase “Zen photography” and this book explores his vision of photography. • The incorporation of short quotations from Merton’s spiritual writings enables the reader to pause and to enter into the silence demanded by these photographs. Paul M. Pearson is director of the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky, and chief of research for the Merton Legacy Trust. He is resident secretary of the International Thomas Merton Society and served as president for the tenth administration. He completed his PhD at Heythrop College, London, and his masters in library and information science at University College, London. 240 (t) pages 8 1/2 x 10 7/8 • $39.95 (t) Hardcover 978-0-8091-0625-7 Religion & the Arts 9 FAITH & CULTURE RECENTLY PUBLISHED Multicultural BACKLIST Multicultural History of the National Encuentros, The Hispanic Americans in the One Catholic Church Mario J. Paredes In the early seventies, the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops convened the First National Encuentro and subsequent encuentros. This book deals with the process and development of the first National Encuentros. 4905-6 • $27.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Bare Ruined Choirs Doubt, Prophecy, and Radical Religion Garry Wills 4819-6 • $24.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Better Than Babylon A New Vision for Western Culture Thomas G. Casey, SJ 4770-0 • $16.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Disciplines for Christian Living Interfaith Perspectives Thomas Ryan, CSP 3380-6 • $14.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Night Conversations with Cardinal Martini The Relevance of the Church for Tomorrow Cardinal Carlo M. Martini and Georg Sporschill 4799-1 • $15.95 • Paperback • 136 pages Religion & The Arts White Man, Yellow Man Caritas The Illustrated History of Christian Charity Juan María Laboa Two Novellas Shusaku Endo 4862-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Religion and The Arts Clashing Symbols NEW AND REVISED EDITION An Introduction to Faith and Culture Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ 4259-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Jesus and the Emergence of a Catholic Imagination Charity is not unique to Christianity, but the history of the followers of Jesus can be told in their practice of love for their neighbors. In this book, Juan María Laboa presents a panorama of this history, told through representative works of art through the centuries. 0610-3 • $79.95 • Hardcover • 260 Pages An Illustrated Journey John Pfordresher 4453-2 • $27.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Liturgy The Illustrated History Keith F. Pecklers 0604-2 • $79.95 • Hardcover 260 pages One Faith, Many Faithful Short Takes on Contemporary Catholic Concerns William J. Byron, SJ 4759-5 • $15.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Philip Pullman’s Jesus Ishi Means Man Essays on Native Americans Thomas Merton Foreword by Dorothy Day Thomas Merton’s thought-provoking book is a series of essays about various Amerindian cultures. 4911-7 • $9.95 • Paperback 96 pages Gerald O’Collins 4730-4 • $15.95 • Paperback • 128 pages Sistine Chapel, The A Biblical Tour Christine M. Panyard, PhD 0593-9 • $19.95 Hardcover • 112 pages 10 FAITH FORMATION Principles of Ignatian Leadership A Resource for a Faith-Committed Life William J. Byron, SJ, and James L. Connor, SJ This book assists people to recognize in themselves their capacity for and their skills of leadership, and then to assist them to exercise leadership most effectively in their service of others. This is exactly what the retreat of St. Ignatius, called “Spiritual Exercises,” aims to do. The ancient Delphic Oracle used to advise people to “know thyself.” And then, “To thine own self be true,” is what Polonius tells his son in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Ignatius assists us to do just that, as we can see in a powerful meditation he offers us midway through the retreat. It is entitled, “Two Types of People”—people who march under two banners with absolutely opposite messages on them. One banner says, “What’s in it for me-me-me?” and the other banner says, “And what can I do for you?” In his retreat, Ignatius is guiding people through the “conversion” which he himself experienced—from self-promoting “ladies’ man” and playboy to companion of Christ in service to others. This is the perennial challenge and invitation we humans face, and this book helps us to make that passage successfully and permanently. William Byron, SJ, is a university professor of business and society at St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia. The author of many books, he holds a doctorate in economics and has taught in the business schools of Georgetown and Loyola University Maryland. James L. Connor, SJ, holds a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University. He currently offers seminars in Jesuit spirituality to business school faculty and business leaders. 60 (t) pages • 6x9 • $7.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4965-0 • Young Adult/Adults God Questions Meeting the Living God William J. O’Malley, SJ God Questions challenges all adults to reflect honestly on their faith and sets out important questions that can open a discussion with their children or students. Based on the structure of Meeting the Living God, this book gives adults, especially parents and teachers, the tools with which to discuss the important questions of faith and belief with young people. As the author notes, this shared quest will be meaningful to both parent/teacher and youngster “only if the question of the child’s belief or disbelief in God is more important than whether he or she chooses to be a Democrat or a Republican.” Father William J. O‚‘Malley has taught theology and religion to young people for fifty years. He’s taught about five thousand students in high schools and universities here, in England, and in Australia. Throughout his teaching career, he has published forty books and won four best articles and one best book award from the Catholic Press Association. He now resides at the Jesuit Community at Fordham University. 144 pages • 6x9 • $15.95 • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4936-0 • Young Adult/Adults 11 FAITH FORMATION Why Faith? A Journey of Discovery Matt Emerson Why Faith?: A Journey of Discovery tries to help men and women, particularly young adults formed by the modern world, work through some of the big questions and topics in faith that in the author’s experience are especially pressing. It tries to meet someone in the midst of his or her confusions and struggles, rather than presupposing deep theological interest or knowledge. It addresses some specific theological matters (e.g., “How do I know God’s will?”) but it also addresses matters that are more philosophical or preliminary, for example: Why should I have faith at all? What is the basis for entrusting ourselves to something we cannot verify with certainty? Highlights: • It focuses on questions and the doubts of modern believers • It is grounded in the context of the 21st century; all the influences and distractions of the modern world, the allure of science, the rise of the New Atheists, etc. • It is not a work of apologetics or a general introduction, but it’s more of a series of reflections that will help people better understand the Catholic, Christian faith • It doesn’t presuppose theological knowledge; it’s written for the average layperson, not an expert or a student of theology • It’s accessible, and the chapters are short enough for dwindling attention spans. Matt Emerson is an award-winning author who writes on faith, culture, and education. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including America, Commonweal, and First Things. Currently he blogs for America at “The Ignatian Educator” and teaches at Xavier College Preparatory in Palm Desert, CA, where he also directs development. 144 (t) pages • 6x9 • $15.95 (t) • Paperback RECENTLY PUBLISHED Young Adult/Adults This Is Our Faith An Introduction to Catholicism Thomas P. Rausch, SJ A concise introductory outline of the Catholic faith based on the Apostles’ Creed and including more recent developments since the Second Vatican Council and the challenges of a global church. 4893-6 • $17.95 • Paperback • 224 page • 978-0-8091-4941-4 • Young Adult/Adults BACKLIST Young Adult/Adult (RCIA) Ascend The Catholic Faith for a New Generation Eric Stoltz and Vince Tomkovicz 4621-5 • $24.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Catholic Faith, The An Introduction Lawrence S. Cunningham 2859-4 • $11.95 • Paperback • 192 pages Catholicism Today A Survey of Catholic Belief and Practice Matthew F. Kohmescher, SM 3873-5 • $14.95 • Paperback • 252 pages Understanding Catholicism Second Edition Monika K. Hellwig 4063-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 208 pages What Mary Means to Christians An Ancient Tradition Explained Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas 4744-1 • $9.95 • Paperback • 112 pages 12 HISTORY Go into the Streets!: The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis Edited by Thomas P. Rausch, SJ, and Richard R. Gaillardetz Pope Francis has called for a church of and for the poor and has sought to reclaim the collegial vision of the Second Vatican Council. This book calls on ten distinguished theologians to explore the ecclesial vision of the first pope from the global South. Francis sees the church as the “holy, people of God.” This is the church that enjoys in the Spirit what he calls‚ “infallibility in believing” (infallibilitas in credendo) “We should not even think…that ‘thinking with the church’ means only thinking with the hierarchy of the church.” Starting with an examination of how Francis’ papacy both advances the themes of his predecessors and represents genuinely new developments, this volume considers his concern for a fresh reception of Vatican II, his efforts to move the church toward the periphery and accompany those who live on the margins of church and society. The pope seeks to shape a dialogical church that listens. Key chapters also explore the tension between the church universal and local churches, Francis’ understanding of the importance of popular religion, and his particular vision of social justice. Rev. Thomas P. Rausch, SJ, is the T. Marie Chilton Professor of Catholic Theology at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is a consultor to Jesuit Superior General, Father Adolfo Nicholás, for ecumenical affairs. Richard R. Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. He is a past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America (2013-14). 176 (t) pages • 6x9 $19.95 (t) • • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4951-3 • Papacy The Francis Project: Where He Wants to Take the Church Victor Manuel Fernández with Paolo Rodari In this extraordinary conversation with Paolo Rodari, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández, the theologian closest to Pope Francis, addresses in every detail the crucial aspects of this pontificate: the relationship between divine mercy and the emphasis on ethical requirements, the necessity of a church “outside” and in a permanent state of mission, the ecclesiastical resistance in relation to the originality of Francis’s proposal, the very strong sense of the “people” inherent in the mentality of this South American pope. Victor Manuel Fernández is a theologian and rector of the Catholic Pontifical University of Argentina in Buenos Aires. Pope Francis named him archbishop in one of his first episcopal appointments after becoming pope. He collaborated with then Cardinal Bergoglio in drafting the document of the Aparecida Conference of Latin American Bishops in 2007. Paolo Rodari is a journalist on the daily paper La Repubblica. He has worked in various news journal. 128 (t) pages • 5 3/8 x 8 • $17.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4963-6 • Papacy Francis, Bishop of Rome: The Gospel for the Third Millennium Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ The surprising appearance of Jorge Bergoglio on the world stage aptly reflects the tectonic shift toward the Global South and away from Western centralization now underway in the Catholic Church, a change that can be unpacked and illuminated in terms of the culture, spirituality, people, and events that profoundly influenced the life of the first Argentine pope. To say that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first Latin American and Jesuit to occupy the chair of Peter is to assert the most important facts about him. Francis, Bishop of Rome focuses on the most revelatory features of his life and times, highlighting key facets of Pope Francis’ rich background using primary Spanish-language sources that include interviews with key players from his formative years in religious life and pastoral ministry. The picture emerging is one of a complex human being, a work in progress, and an intrepid reformer focused on moving the Church into the third millennium in ways that few would have ever imagined. While making history, moreover, he seems to be actually having fun doing it. Rev. Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, currently holds the Charles S. Casassa Chair of Catholic Social Values at Loyola Marymount University. A nationally recognized U.S. Latino theologian and writer, Father Deck brings a track record of academic and pastoral experiences, along with an extensive background in Latin American Catholicism and Jesuit spirituality, to an analysis and interpretation of Pope Francis’ deepest roots. 160 (t) pages • 6x9 • $24.95 (t) • Hardcover • 978-0-8091-0622-6 • Papacy HISTORY 280 pages 24 cm. x 31 cm. • $79.95 Hardcover 978-0-8091-0624-0 Vatican II Vatican II The Complete History Directed by Alberto Melloni Edited by Federico Ruozzi and Enrico Falavotti Foreword by Massimo Faggioli The end of 2015 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. Just in time for this historic event is this book, the first illustrated history of Vatican II. Using the archives from the Foundation for Religious Sciences in Bologna and the best photographic archives available, this volume documents the Council from its preparation to its conclusion. Participants from all over the world attended the Council, and in this volume readers will recognize its protagonists, the way in which their work took place, and aspects of their daily life. Readers will also be able to follow the progress of the works leading to the Council's great declarations and documents, and the way the conciliar texts were voted, revised, prepared for the final voting, as well as the final promulgation. This is a work rich in information, documents, and illustrations that brings readers into the atmosphere of an extraordinary historical moment full of hope for the Church and for humanity. It makes available data and facts that scholars might otherwise find difficult to access and provides an insight into an unforgettable experience for general readers. 13 14 HISTORY The Essential Writings of Bernard Cooke, The Essential Writings of Bernard Cooke A Narrative Theology of Church, Sacrament, and Ministry Bernard Cooke with Bruce T. Morrill; Foreword by Elizabeth A. Johnson An original work of narrative theology, The Essential Writings of Bernard Cooke interweaves the prominent American Catholic theologian Bernard Cooke’s life story (including key extracts from his unpublished memoir) with the major themes Bernard Cooke running through his fifty years of publications. Organized along the lines of Cooke’s with Bruce T. Morrill fundamental theology, theological anthropology, Christology, sacramental theology, and theology of ministry, this volume accesses a rich fund of practical-pastoral insights refreshingly relevant to the continuing questions of late modern Catholic and wider Christian theology. Judicious use of Cooke’s memoir reveals how deeply christological and Eucharist-centered was Cooke’s entire theological project. Bernard J. Cooke (1922-2013) practiced a scholarly career spanning more than a half century. He taught at numerous institutions including the College of the Holy Cross, where he retired as Loyola Professor of Theology Emeritus. Bruce T. Morrill, SJ, Edward A. Malloy Professor of Catholic Studies at Vanderbilt University, has authored more than a hundred articles, chapters, and reviews. His books include Encountering Christ in the Eucharist (Paulist Press, 2012), 288 (t) pages • 6x9 • $24.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4975-9 • Biography St. Dominic: The Story of a Preaching Friar Donald J. Goergen, OP; Foreword by Timothy Radcliffe, OP The Order of Preachers, the Dominicans, celebrate the 800th anniversary of their founding in 2016. This book revisits the life of their founder, Dominic, in light of the most recent historical research. At the same time it attempts to bring the saint to life, not in a hagiographical way but as someone who has contemporary appeal. Dominic was a man of real flesh and blood, with real challenges and struggles. Portraits of him can only approximate who he was, but he comes through to today’s world as an itinerant contemplative for whom preaching was a passion and his first love, someone responsive to the ways in which providence worked in his life. There are many unanswered questions in the life of Dominic and many that will always remain unanswered. The closer, however, we sift through the sources, the more we see a man who was a servant of God but also a servant of preaching. He liked to style himself as the humble servant of preaching. And with preaching being in the forefront of concerns in the life of the church, Saint Dominic is truly a saint for our times. Donald Goergen is a Dominican priest, teacher, and author. He has published ten books, the most recent being Fire of Love: Encountering the Holy Spirit (Paulist Press), as well as many articles. 144 (t) pages • 5 3/8 x 8 • $12.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4954-4 • Biography Take Heart: Growing as a Faith Community Nan Deane Cano, IHM; Foreword by Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB The Immaculate Heart Community chronicles the pioneer years of the Immaculate Heart Community as they worked in California through the gold rush, post-Civil War, through railroad expansion and the massive development of Los Angeles. Their journey placed them in the position of embracing the pleas of Pope John XXIII in Vatican II to examine deeply their life in religious community and to discern their place in the modern world. Confronted by adamant strictures from Cardinal James McIntyre, this community ultimately embraced a new, noncanonical future as a lay community devoted to the marginalized of society, seeking social justice. Acting with conscience, the withdrawal of four hundred sisters from canonical status was the largest departure in the history of the Catholic Church. Their dramatic story has not ended. For the first time, this study examines the forty-five years of community life after the momentous decision and offers insight into the life of a nonprofit lay Christian community blending former nuns, men, women, married and single, all pursuing the goal of social equity in our times. Nan Deane Cano, IHM, is a member of the Immaculate Heart Community, with fifty years of involvement as an alumna of Immaculate Heart College, faculty member of Immaculate Heart High School, and copresident of Immaculate Heart Center. 192 (t) pages • 9 1/2 x 6 3/4 • $22.95 (t) • Paperback • 978-0-8091-4959-9 • Church History 15 HISTORY RECENTLY PUBLISHED Papacy Faith, Hope, and Charity Biography Benedict XVI on the Theological Virtues Thomas P. Rausch, SJ Exile Ends in Glory The Life of a Trappistine Mother M. Berchmans, O.C.S.O. Thomas Merton Here is Thomas Merton’s biography of Mother Berchmans (18761915), a French Trappistine. He had been inspired by her strength of spirit that enabled her to leave behind beloved home in France in order to help grow the struggling Our Lady of the Angels Abbey in Hakodate, Japan. 4909-4 • $24.95 • Paperback • 320 pages What Are These Wounds? The Life of a Cistercian Mystic Saint Lutgarde of Aywières Thomas Merton Thomas Merton’s biography of a little known saint, St. Lutgarde of Aywieres, the Cistercian mystic, now reissued. 4910-0 • $19.95 • Paperback • 192 pages A study of Pope Benedict XVI’s three encyclicals, Deus caritas est, Spe salvi, and Lumen fidei (drafted for Pope Francis) on the theological virtues, faith, hope, and charity. 4924-7 • $17.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Pope Francis Tradition in Transition Massimo Faggioli Captures some special moments and some key issues at the heart of the transition from Pope Benedict XVI to Francis, with the intuition that this unexpected transition reveals something which is not only a special “Catholic event,” but also a particular historical moment in a tradition in flux. 4892-9 • $14.95 • Paperback • 128 pages Vatican II The Legacy of Vatican II Church History The Catholic Church through the Ages A History—2nd ed. John Vidmar, OP Edited by Massimo Faggioli & Andrea Vicini, SJ A unique scholarly contribution, this book celebrates and studies the legacy of the Second Vatican Council by offering the contributions of twelve outstanding international scholars. 4922-3 • $29.95 • Paperback • 320 pages This bestseller, now in a second edition, is a one-volume survey of the history of the Catholic Church from its beginning until, and including, the pontificate of Pope Francis. 4904-9 • $24.95 • Paperback • 392 pages BACKLIST Historal Studies Biography Searching for God Catholic Theology Past and Present Gregory C. Higgins An introduction to twentieth-century theology that focuses on nine of the most influential thinkers whose work has charted the course of Christian theology into the twenty-first century. 4894-3 • $24.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ A Model Theologian, 1918-2008 Patrick W. Carey 0571-7 • $49.95 • Hardcover • 736 pages Christian Mystics Their Lives and Legacies throughout the Ages Ursula King 012-2 • $20.00 • Paperback • 280 pages Isaac Hecker An American Catholic David J. O’Brien 0397-4 • $25.00 • Hardcover • 480 pages Vision of Saint John XXIII, The Randall S. Rosenberg; foreword by Cardinal Timothy Dolan 4886-8 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages 16 BACKLIST (cont.) Church History Catholic Church through the Ages, The A History John Vidmar, OP 4234-1 • $19.95 • Paperback • 368 pages Church History Twenty Centuries of Catholic Christianity John Dwyer 3830-1 • $22.95 • Paperback • 448 pages General Councils, The A History of the Twenty-One Church Councils from Nicaea to Vatican II Christopher M. Bellitto 4019-5 • $18.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Great Catholic Reformers, The From Gregory the Great to Dorothy Day C. Colt Anderson 0579-3 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 288 pages Jesus and First-Century Christianity in Jerusalem Elizabeth McNamer and Bargil Pixner 4523-2 • $19.95 • Paperback • 112 pages 101 Q & A on the Crusades & the Inquisition Disputed Questions John Vidmar, OP 4804-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 128 pages Renewing Christianity A History of Church Reform from Day One to Vatican II Christopher M. Bellitto 4028-4 • $18.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Shaping of Christianity, The The History and Literature of the Formative Centuries (100-800) Gérard Vallée 3867-0 • $21.95 • Paperback • 288 pages HISTORY Papacy 101 Q & A on Popes and the Papacy Christopher M. Bellitto 4516-4 • $16.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Pope Benedict XVI An Introduction to His Theological Vision Thomas P. Rausch, SJ 0556-4 • $22.95 • Hardcover • 208 pages Patrology Beginning to Read the Fathers Revised Edition Boniface Ramsey 4754-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Reading the Early Church Fathers From the Didache to Nicaea James L. Papandrea 4751-9 • $24.95 • Paperback • 352 pages What Are They Saying About Augustine? Joseph T. Kelley 4854-7 • $19.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Vatican II Decoding Vatican II Interpretation and Ongoing Reception Catherine E. Clifford 4857-8 • $12.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Living Vatican II The 21st Council for the 21st Century Gerald O’Collins, SJ 4290-2 • $19.95 • Paperback • 256 pages 101 Q & A on Vatican II Maureen Sullivan RESPONSES TO 101 QUESTIONS… 4133-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 156 pages Road to Vatican II, The Historical Studies Key Changes in Theology Maureen Sullivan 4277-4 • $17.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Catholic Perspectives on Sports Spirituality of the Second Vatican Council, The From Medieval to Modern Times Patrick Kelly, SJ 4795-3 • $19.95 • Paperback • 224 pages Gerald O’Collins, SJ 4870-7 • $10.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Still Interpreting Vatican II Christ, Church, Mankind Some Hermeneutical Principles Ormond Rush 4285-6 • $12.95 • Paperback • 144 pages The Spirit of Vatican II according to Pope John Paul II Edited by Zdzislaw Josef Kijas. OFM and Andrzej Dobrzynski 4762-5 • $15.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Faith Maps Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ 4698-7 • $16.95 • Paperback • 168 pages Readings in Western Religious Thought, Vol. I The Ancient World Edited by Patrick V. Reid 2850-0 • $29.95 • Paperback • 408 pages Readings in Western Religious Thought, Vol. II The Middle Ages Through the Reformation Edited by Patrick V. Reid 3533-7 • $29.95 • Paperback • 392 pages Theological Highlights of Vatican II Joseph Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XVI; Introduction by Thomas Rausch, SJ 4610-9 • $16.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Vatican II The Battle for Meaning Massimo Faggioli 4750-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Vatican II A Universal Call to Holiness Anthony Ciorra and Michael W. Higgins, editors 4787-8 • $16.95 • Paperback • 176 pages 17 VAT I C A N I I / A N C I E N T C H R I S T I A N W R I T E R S Rediscovering Vatican II Series An 8-book series developed in commemoration of the Second Vatican Council. These books place the council in dialogue with today’s church and are not just historical expositions. 320 pages 5 7/16 x 8 1/2 • $49.95 Hardcover 978-0-8091-0620-2 THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD Gaudium et Spes, Inter Mirifica Patrology Norman Tanner 4238-4 • 144 pages • $12.95 • Paperback ECUMENISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE Unitatis Redintegratio, Nostra Aetate 70. Sulpicius Severus Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy Introduction, translation, and notes by Richard J. Goodrich 4338-0 • 304 pages • $18.95 • Paperback THE LAITY AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Apostolicam Actuositatem, Gravissimum Educationis Dolores R. Leckey 4220-1 • 128 pages • $14.95 • Paperback RELIGIOUS LIFE AND PRIESTHOOD Perfectae Caritatis, Optatam Totius, Presbyterorum Ordinis Maryanne Confoy 4454-9 • 368 pages • $27.95 • Paperback THE CHURCH IN THE MAKING Lumen Gentium, Christus Dominus, Orientalium Ecclesiarum Richard R. Gaillardetz 4276-7 • 240 pages • $19.95 • Paperback EVANGELIZATION AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Ad Gentes, Dignitatis Humanae Stephen B. Bevans, SVD, and Jeffrey Gros, FSC 4202-6 • 272 pages • $21.95 • Paperback • Paperback LITURGY Sacrosanctum Concilium Rita Ferrone 4472-3 • 144 pages • $15.95 SCRIPTURE Dei Verbum Ronald D. Witherup 4428-X • 176 pages • $15.95 Paperback The Complete Works ANCIENT CHRISTIAN WRITERS SERIES Volume 70 in the Ancient Christian Writers series offers the first complete English translation since the late nineteenth century of the works of Sulpicius Severus, an early fifth-century Gallic writer. Although Sulpicius is primarily known for his two works on Saint Martin of Tours (Life of Saint Martin and Dialogues), he also wrote the Chronica, a history of the world in two books that began with the creation of Adam and extended to the ecclesiastical controversies of late-fourth-century Gaul. These three works, plus a small number of extant letters, offer a fascinating glimpse into the emerging Gallic church, the use of historical writing in biography, apologetic, and polemic, and the role played by Roman aristocrats in promoting and shaping the western monastic movement. Richard Goodrich, who holds a PhD in ancient history from the University of St Andrews (Scotland), is a lecturer in history at Gonzaga University. He lives in Spokane, WA. 18 A N C I E N T C H R I S T I A N W R I T E R S - ( Pa t r o l o g y ) RECENTLY PUBLISHED Cassiodorus, Vol. 1 (No. 51) Explanation of the Psalms translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh 0441-5 • $36.95 • Hardcover • 624 pages Patrology Cassiodorus, Vol. 2 (No. 52) St. Jerome (No. 68) Commentary on Isaiah; Origen: Homilies 1–9 on Isaiah Translated and with an Introduction by Thomas P. Scheck This is the first translation into any modern language of St. Jerome’s Commentary on Isaiah. 0608-0 • $79.95 • Hardcover • 1,120 pages Theodore the Studite (No. 69) Writings on Iconoclasm Translated and Introduced by Thomas Cattoi This volume makes available in English for the first time all the writings by Theodore the Studite (759-826) on the subject of iconoclasm. 0611-0 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages Explanation of the Psalms translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh 0444-X • $34.95 • Hardcover • 528 pages Cassiodorus, Vol. 3 (No. 53) Explanation of the Psalms translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh 0445-8 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 540 pages Didache, The (No. 06) The Epistle of Barnabas, The Epistles and the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, The Fragments of Papias, The Epistle to Diognetus translated and annotated by James A. Kleist, SJ 0247-1 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 248 pages Egeria (No. 38) Diary of a Pilgrimage translated and annotated by George E. Gingras 0029-0 • $32.95 • Hardcover • 296 pages Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch, The (No. 01) translated and annotated by James A. Kleist, SJ 0038-X • $24.95 • Hardcover • 176 pages Evagrius Ponticus (No. 59) Ad Monachos translation and commentary by Jeremy Driscoll 0560-8 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 416 pages Firmicus Maternus (No. 37) Ancient Christian Writers Ancient Christian Writers. This series brings the English-speaking world key selection from the remarkable literature of early Christianity—veritable treasures of Christian faith and theology in superb translations. Each original translation is enhanced by an introduction and extensive commentaries, notes, and indices. BACKLIST The Error of the Pagan Religions translated and annotated by Clarence A. Forbes 0039-8 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 260 pages Isidore of Seville (No. 61) De Ecclesiasticis Officiis Thomas L. Knoebel 0581-6 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 144 pages John Cassian (No. 58) The Institutes translated and annotated by Boniface Ramsey, OP 0522-5 • $36.95 • Hardcover • 304 pages John Cassian (No. 57) The Conferences translated and annotated by Boniface Ramsey, OP 0484-9 • $54.95 • Hardcover • 912 pages Julian of Toledo (No.63) The Case Against the Pagans translated & annotated by George E. McCracken 0248-X • $34.95 • Hardcover • 384 pages Prognosticum futuri saeculi (Foreknowledge of the world to come) translated, edited, and introduced by Tommaso Stancati, OP 0568-7 • $49.95 • Hardcover • 624 pages Arnobius of Sicca, Vol. 2 (No. 08) Julianus Pomerius (No. 04) Arnobius of Sicca, Vol. 1 (No. 07) The Case Against the Pagans translated & annotated by George E. McCracken 0249-8 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 268 pages Athenagoras (No. 23) Embassy for the Christians, The Resurrection of the Dead translated & annotated by Joseph Hugh Crehan, SJ 0036-3 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 200 pages The Contemplative Life translated and annotated by Mary Josephine Suelzer 0245-5 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 232 pages Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, The, Vol. 1 (No. 43) translated and annotated by G.W. Clarke 0341-9 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 384 pages ANCIENT CHRISTIAN WRITERS Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, The, Vol. 2 (No. 44) translated and annotated by G.W. Clarke 0342-7 • $37.95 • Hardcover • 320 pages Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, The, Vol. 3 (No. 46) translated and annotated by G.W. Clarke 0369-9 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 352 pages Sermons of St. Maximus of Turin (No. 50) translated and annotated by Boniface Ramsey, OP 0423-7 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 400 pages St. Athanasius (No. 10) The Life of St. Antony translated and annotated by Robert T. Meyer 0250-1 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 168 pages St. Augustine (No. 02) translated and annotated by G.W. Clarke 0370-2 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 336 pages The First Catechetical Instruction translated and annotated by Joseph P. Christopher 0047-9 • $26.95 • Hardcover • 176 pages Letters of St. Jerome, Vol. 1 (No. 33) St. Augustine (No. 03) Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, The, Vol. 4 (No. 47) translated by Charles Christopher Mierow 0087-8 • $31.95 • Hardcover • 288 pages Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Vol. 1 (No. 35) translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh 0088-6 • $32.95 • Hardcover • 286 pages Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Vol. 2 (No. 36) translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh 0089-4 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 398 pages Octavius of Marcus Minucius Felix, The (No. 39) translated and annotated by G. W. Clarke 0189-0 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 422 pages Origen (No. 19) Prayer, Exhortation to Martyrdom translated and annotated by John J. O’Meara 0256-0 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 264 pages Origen (No. 26) 19 Faith, Hope and Charity translated and annotated by Louis A. Arand, SS 0045-2 • $21.95 • Hardcover • 176 pages St. Augustine (No. 05) The Lord’s Sermon on the Mount translated by John J. Epson, SS 0246-3 • $31.95 • Hardcover • 240 pages St. Augustine (No. 09) The Greatness of the Soul, The Teacher translated and annotated by Joseph M. Colleran, CSsR 0060-6 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 264 pages St. Augustine (No. 12) Against the Academics translated and annotated by John J. O’Meara 0252-8 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 224 pages St. Augustine (No. 15) The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies translated and annotated by R.P. Lawson 0261-7 • $37.95 • Hardcover • 392 pages Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany translated and annotated by Thomas Comerford Lawler 0137-8 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages Origen (No. 54) St. Augustine (No. 22) Treatise on the Passover and Dialogue with Heraclides translated and edited by Robert J. Daly, SJ 0452-0 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 128 pages The Problem of Free Choice translated and annotated by Dom Mark Pontifex 0259-5 • $31.95 • Hardcover • 306 pages Origen (No. 62) St. Augustine (No. 41) Homilies 1-14 on Ezekiel translation and introduction by Thomas P. Scheck 0567-0 • $31.95 • Hardcover • 224 pages The Literal Meaning of Genesis translated & annotated by John Hammond Taylor, SJ 0326-5 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 296 pages Palladius (No. 34) St. Augustine on Faith and Works (No. 48) The Lausiac History translated and annotated by Robert T. Meyer 0083-5 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 276 pages translated and annotated by Gregory J. Lombardo, CSC 0406-7 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 128 pages Palladius (No. 45) St. Augustine on the Psalms, Vol. 1 (No. 29) Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom translated and annotated by Robert T. Meyer 0358-3 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame Felicitas Corrigan 0104-1 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 360 pages Poems of St. Paulinus of Nola, The (No. 40) St. Augustine on the Psalms, Vol. 2 (No. 30) translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh 0197-1 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 454 pages Quodvultdeus of Carthage (No. 60) translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame Felicitas Corrigan 0105-X • $34.95 • Hardcover • 430 pages The Creedal Homilies St. Augustine, Vol. 2 (No. 42) translation and commentary by Thomas Macy Finn The Literal Meaning of Genesis 0572-1 • $22.95 • Hardcover • 160 pages translated and annotated by John Hammond Taylor, SJ Rufinus (No. 20) 0327-3 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 360 pages A Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed translated and annotated by J.N.D. Kelly 0257-9 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 176 pages 20 ANCIENT CHRISTIAN WRITERS St. Cyprian (No. 25) St. Prosper of Aquitaine (No. 32) The Lapsed, The Unity of the Catholic Church translated & annotated by Maurice Bévenot, SJ 0260-9 • $26.95 • Hardcover • 144 pages Defense of St. Augustine translated and annotated by P. De Letter, SJ 0263-3 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages St. Gregory of Nyssa (No. 18) Tertullian (No. 13) The Lord’s Prayer, The Beatitudes translated and annotated by Hilda C. Graef 0255-2 • $26.95 • Hardcover • 224 pages Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage: To His Wife, An Exhortation to Chastity, Monogamy translated and annotated by William P. Le Saint, SJ 0149-1 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 208 pages St. Gregory the Great, Pastoral Care (No. 11) translated and annotated by Henry Davis, SJ 0251-X • $32.95 • Hardcover • 296 pages St. Irenaeus (No. 16) Proof of the Apostolic Preaching translated and annotated by Joseph P. Smith, SJ 0264-1 • $26.95 • Hardcover • 248 pages St. Irenaeus of Lyons (No. 65) Against the Heresies (Book 2) Translated and annotated by Dominic J. Unger, OFM Cap., with further revisions by John J. Dillon. Introduction by Michael Slusser 0599-1 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 208 pages St. Irenaeus of Lyons (No. 64) Against the Heresies (Book 3) Translated and Annotated by Dominic J. Unger, OFM Cap; with an Introduction and Further Revisions by Irenaeus M. C. Steenberg 0589-2 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages St. Irenaeus of Lyons (No. 55) Against the Heresies translated and annotated by Dominic J. Unger, OFM Cap 0454-7 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 320 pages St. Jerome (No. 66) Commentary on Ecclesiastes Translated, and edited with a commentary, by Richard J. Goodrich and David J. D. Miller 0601-1 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 272 pages St. John Chrysostom (No. 31) Baptismal Instruction translated and annotated by Paul W. Harkins 0262-5 • $36.95 • Hardcover • 384 pages St. Justin Martyr (No. 56) The First and Second Apologies translated with introduction and notes by Leslie William Barnard 0472-5 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages St. Maximus the Confessor (No. 21) The Ascetic Life, The Four Centuries on Charity translated and annotated by Polycarp Sherwood, OSB 0258-7 • $37.95 • Hardcover • 292 pages St. Methodius (No. 27) The Symposium: A Treatise on Chastity translated and annotated by Herbert Musurillo, SJ 0143-2 • $16.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages St. Prosper of Aquitaine (No. 14) The Call of All Nations translated and annotated by P. De Letter, SJ 0253-6 • $26.95 • Hardcover • 248 pages Tertullian (No. 24) The Treatise against Hermogenes translated and annotated by J.H. Waszink 0148-3 • $26.95 • Hardcover • 190 pages Tertullian (No. 28) Treatises on Penance: On Penitence and On Purity translated and annotated by William P. Le Saint, SJ 0150-5 • $34.95 • Hardcover • 344 pages Theodoret of Cyrus (No. 49) On Divine Providence translated and annotated by Thomas Halton 0420-2 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 238 pages Theodoret of Cyrus (ACW 67) A Cure for Pagan Maladies Translation and Introduction by Thomas Halton 0606-6 • $49.95 • Hardcover • 376 pages Works of St. Patrick, St. Secundinus, The (No. 17) Hymn on St. Patrick translated and annotated by Ludwig Bieler 0254-7 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 128 pages 21 PASTORAL MINISTRY FAITH Collected Sermons I Walter Kasper Faith Collected Sermons I Walter Kasper Faith: Collected Sermons I is comprised of excerpts of homilies and pastoral talks given by Cardinal Walter Kasper. The eight chapters focus on faith which, says Kasper, gives us courage to live. Because God says yes to us, we can say yes back to God in all the challenges and joys of our lives. The title of the first reflection in the book’s first chapter is: “God’s Yes and Our Yes.” The reader will see, time and again in these pages, that God’s ‚“yes” to us makes it possible for us to live with courage. To have faith, then, is for us to say yes back to God and to dare to live lives of hope and love. The result here is a collection of spiritual writings that invite us to deeper faith and hope. The collection of texts gives visible witness to how contemplation of faith makes loving and living the gospel possible: “Those who believe do not tremble,” was the title that Kasper himself (referring to a statement by Pope Saint John XXIII) gave these reflections. Readers will find this to be an inspiring book of spiritual reading, a book with short and easily accessible texts for renewing and strengthening Christian faith. Walter Kasper is a German cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He is president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, having served as its president from 2001 to 2010. 6x9 • Hardcover • 978-0-8091-0627-1 Homilectics / Preaching Other Books by Walter Kasper The Gospel of the Family Cardinal Kasper, in an address to the consistory, published in English exclusively by Paulist Press, advocates a stronger appreciation of marriage and the family—even on sensitive issues such as divorce and remarriage. 4908-7 • $9.95 • Paperback 64 pages Mercy The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life “This book has done me so much good.” —Pope Francis From one of the leading intellects in the church today—one whom Pope Francis has described as a “superb theologian”—comes perhaps his most important book yet. 0609-7 • $29.95 • Hardcover 288 pages Pope Francis’ Revolution of Tenderness and Love Theological and Pastoral Perspectives Outlines the significant influences that have led Cardinal Kasper to call Francis a pope leading a radical revolution of tenderness and love—radical because it is rooted in the gospel. 0623-3 • $16.95 • Hardcover 128 pages 22 PASTORAL MINISTRY 64 pages 5 x 7 • $9.95 Paperback 84 pages 5 x 7 • $12.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4957-5 978-0-8091-4958-2 Canon Law Canon Law Annulment A Guide for RCIA Candidates, Ministers, and Others Indissolubility and the Synod of Bishops Reflections of a Canon Lawyer Kevin E. McKenna John A. Alesandro, JCD, JD Annulment provides a user-friendly summary of the process of applying for a decree of nullity of a former marriage. Primarily intended for RCIA candidates, it is also helpful to RCIA staff and volunteers who will guide the candidates through this process or will simply answer their questions about it. The book also emphasizes the healing and pastoral guidance that can come from the annulment process. This timely work focuses on a central topic of the Synod’s agenda: the pastoral resolution of canonically irregular marriages, the interpretation of indissolubility, and the streamlining of canonical practice. Part One: Sacramental and Indissoluble Marriage. The author examines the underlying theological and canonical principles of the teaching and law on marriage. Part Two: Streamlining Canon Law. In light of a more flexible understanding of sacramentality, indissolubility, and consummation, the author then proposes concrete changes in canon law, almost all of which can be implemented immediately, in order to streamline the Church’s tribunal process regarding the irregular marriages of Catholics who have married outside the Church after a divorce. Highlights • A new flexible way of thinking about the sacramentality of marriage. • Without abandoning the doctrine of indissolubility, a recognition that some marriages of the baptized fail to become fully indissoluble. • Recommendations for streamlining canon law are not merely proposed in general; specific revisions of the canons are proposed. Fr. Kevin E. McKenna is a priest of the Diocese of Rochester, NY, who has served as chancellor and director of legal services for the diocese and as president of the Canon Law Society of America. Fr. McKenna holds a graduate degree in canon law from the Gregorian University in Rome and a doctorate from St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. He is rector of Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester, NY A well-known canon and civil lawyer, Msgr. John A. Alesandro, JCD, JD, is a priest of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. He is currently judge-instructor in the Rockville Centre tribunal. PASTORAL MINISTRY RECENTLY PUBLISHED Homiletics/Preaching The Word Proclaimed, Explained, Received A Homily for Every Sunday of Years A, B, and C William J. Byron, SJ A collection of homilies for all the Sundays of Cycles A, B, and C from a well-known theologian. 4956-8 • $54.95 3-book Package BACKLIST Canon Law New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law Edited by John P. Beal, James A. Coriden and Thomas J. Green 0502-0 • $94.95 • Hardcover • 1984 pages Community Formation Building Strong Church Communities A Sociological Overview Patricia Wittberg, SC 4774-8 • $26.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Evangelization Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization Leadership Training & Planning Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership Practicing the Wisdom of Leading by Serving Revised & Expanded Edition James W. Sipe & Don M. Frick Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership (Rev.) offers concrete, functional skills necessary to practice servant leadership—to lead by serving first. 4926-1 • $26.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 4760-1 • $14.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Evangelization for the Third Millennium Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ 4622-2 • $15.95 • Paperback • 144 pages From Maintenance to Mission Evangelization and the Revitalization of the Parish Robert S. Rivers, CSP 4318-6 • $22.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Great Commission, The Models of Evangelization in American Catholicism Timothy E. Byerley; Foreword by Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ 4558-4 • $18.95 • Paperback • 176 pages New Evangelization, The Strategic Planning An Interactive Process for Leaders Dan R. Ebener and Frederick L. Smith A clear, concise textbook on strategic planning using an interactive process from a leadership perspective that covers business, not-for-profits, and public entities. 4920-9 • $14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Professional Pastoral Resources Overcoming the Obstacles Steven Boguslawski, OP, and Ralph Martin 4532-4 • $16.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Homiletics/Preaching Fulfilled in Our Hearing History and Method of Christian Preaching Guerric DeBona, OSB 4359-3 • $19.95 • Paperback • 240 pages Preaching The Art and the Craft Walter J. Burghardt, SJ 2906-X • $18.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Preaching Better Gospel of the Family,The Cardinal Walter Kasper Cardinal Kasper, in an address to the consistory, published in English exclusively by Paulist Press, advocates a stronger appreciation of marriage and the family—even on sensitive issues such as divorce and remarriage. 4908-7 • $9.95 • Paperback • 64 pages 23 Practical Suggestions for Homilists Kenneth Untener 3849-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 136 pages Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings Roland J. Faley 4541-6 • $39.95 • Paperback • 576 pages Word Received, The A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year; Year C William J. Byron, SJ 4809-7 • $19.95 • Paperback • 256 pages 24 PASTORAL MINISTRY BACKLIST (CONT.) Pastors of Souls Leadership Training and Planning Reflections for Bishops from Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI Congregation for Bishops 4793-9 • $9.95 • Paperback • 64 pages Courageous Hope The Call of Leadership Leonard Doohan 4727-4 • $16.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Leading Wisely in Difficult Times Three Cases of Faith and Business Michael Naughton and David Specht 4738-0 • $19.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Servant Leadership 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness Robert K. Greenleaf 0554-3 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 384 pages Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership Practicing the Wisdom of Leading by Servings James W. Sipe and Don M. Frick 4560-7 • $21.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Survival Guide for Church Minister, A William J. Jarema 4721-2 • $19.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Reconciliation Ministry Healing God’s People Theological and Pastoral Approaches; A Reconciliation Reader Edited by Thomas A. Kane, CSP 4822-6 • $21.95 • Paperback • 248 pages Spiritual Direction Spiritual Direction Beyond the Beginnings Janet K. Ruffing, RSM 3958-8 • $14.95 • Paperback • 192 pages Introduction to Spiritual Direction, An Multicultural Ministry Culture-Sensitive Ministry Helpful Strategies for Pastoral Ministers Kenneth McGuire, CSP, Eduardo Fernández, SJ, and Anne Hansen 4651-2 • $9.95 • Paperback • 96 pages Globalization and Multicultural Ministry A Teilhardian Vision David John Ayotte, SJ 4816-5 • $29.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Parish Ministry in a Hispanic Community Charles W. Dahm, OP 4272-4 • $22.95 • Paperback • 320 pages A Psychological Approach for Directors and Directees Chester Michael 4174-4 • $18.95 • Paperback • 240 pages Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with God REVISED EDITION A Theological Inquiry William A. Barry, SJ 4294-5 • $12.95 • Paperback • 128 pages To Tell the Sacred Tale Spiritual Direction and Narrative Janet K. Ruffing, RSM 4723-6 • $19.95 • Paperback • 224 pages Theology of Ministry Pastoral Care Emerging Laity, The Overcoming Pornography Addiction Vocation, Mission, and Spirituality Aurelie A. Hagstrom 4652-9 • $14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages A Spiritual Solution J. Brian Bransfield 4797-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Youth and Young Adult Ministry Professional Ministry Resources Catholic Colleges in the 21st Century Ethics in Pastoral Ministry A Road Map for Campus Ministry Jeffrey LaBelle, SJ, and Daniel Kendall, SJ 4733-5 • $9.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Richard M. Gula 3620-1 • $14.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Just Ministry Professional Ethics for Pastoral Ministers Richard M. Gula 4631-4 • $19.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Making Parish Councils Pastoral Mark F. Fischer 4676-5 • $19.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Seeds of Hope Young Adults and the Catholic Church in the United States Tim Muldoon 4514-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 240 pages 25 PERSONAL GROWTH Study Guides Religious Life in a New Millennium Margaret Brennan, IHM, and Barbara Green, OP with a Foreword by Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM 144 pages • 6x9 • $16.95 • Paperback 978-0-8091-4903-2 Career and Vocation Those desiring to delve into Sandra Schneiders’ insights into religious life in the context of the twenty-first century will find this a useful guide through the often-dense texts of the three books in the series. Designed for group use, this can also be used for private study. Questions for discussion are included, as well as points to consider for the future. Career and Vocation RELIGIOUS LIFE IN A NEW MILLENNIUM SERIES by Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM Finding the Treasure Locating Catholic Religious Life in a New Ecclesial and Cultural Context Analyzing the church since Vatican II and postmodernism, and locating religious life within this context, this book analyzes where religious life is going on the dawn of the next century and what elements remain since the profound changes that are a valuable basis for future growth. 3961-8 • $22.95 • Paperback 480 pages Selling All Buying the Field Commitment, Consecrated Celibacy, and Community in Catholic Religious Life Catholic Religious Life in Mission to the World An examination of the internal reality of contemporary religious life, particularly that of ministerial women religious in the first world setting, through the focusing lenses of commitment, consecrated celibacy, and community. 3973-1 • $24.95 • Paperback 512 pages Sandra Schneiders continues her rethinking of the traditional religious vows in the context of postmodernism, reaching back into the gospels for the meaning of “world” in order to discern the meaning of renunciation of the “world” by religious, examining the vow of poverty both in its economic and spiritual sense as well as the vow of obedience. 4788-5 • $39.95 • Paperback 800 pages 26 PERSONAL GROWTH RECENTLY PUBLISHED PHILOSOPHY History of Philosophy Series Career and Vocation Called to Joy Celebrating Priesthood George Augustin; Foreword by Cardinal Walter Kasper In the midst of the stress and uncertainty surrounding priests due to the demands of their ministry and the scandals surrounding them, George Augustin offers encouragement to his brother priests, based on solid theology and his experience as a pastor. 4860-8 • $29.95 • Paperback • 288 pages History of Philosophy provides a complete history of philosophy in nine volumes, written with students in mind, by the world renowned Frederick Copleston, SJ. Relationships Volume I GREECE AND ROME From a Mother’s Heart Letters to Our College Daughters; By the Mothers of Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana Introduced by Elizabeth Groppe Letters written by mothers of incoming freshmen at St. Mary’s College in Indiana sharing with their daughters words of wisdom and reflections on life and faith. 0612-7 • $19.95 • Hardcover • 128 pages BACKLIST Career and Vocation 0065-7 • 534 pages 0066-5 • 622 pages 0067-3 • 496 pages $39.00 • Hardcover • $42.00 • Hardcover Volume IV DESCARTES TO LEIBNIZ 0068-1 • 384 pages • $42.00 • Hardcover • Hardcover • Hardcover Volume V HOBBES TO HUME Living Celibacy 0070-3 Healthy Pathways for Priests Gerdenio Sonny Manuel, SJ 4784-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Volume VII • 448 pages • $42.00 WOLFF TO KANT • 520 pages • $39.00 FICHTE TO NIETZSCHE 0071-1 Reflections for Life’s Journey Vivien Jennings, OP 4825-7 • 14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages • OCKHAM TO SUAREZ Volume VI November Noon Hardcover Volume III 0069-X Practical Insights from Spiritual Traditions Gary J. Boelhower 4814-1 • $19.95 • Paperback • 240 pages • MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY AUGUSTINE TO SCOTUS Wisdom Stories for Learning and Growth Edited by Paul Davis and Larry C. Spears 4805-9 • $10.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Choose Wisely $42.00 Volume II Fortuitous Encounters Life Stages/Discernment • • 510 pages • $39.00 • Hardcover Volume VIII BENTHAM TO RUSSELL 0072-X • 592 pages • $39.00 • Hardcover Volume IX MAINE DE BIRAN TO SARTRE 0196-3 • 504 pages • $39.00 • Hardcover PHILOSOPHY 27 SACRAMENTS RECENTLY PUBLISHED Philosophy Existence and the Existent 320 pages 5 5/16 x 8 1/2 $24.95 (t) Paperback Jacques Maritain; Foreword by John G. Trapani, Jr. In a substantial philosophical work, Jacques Maritain designated Christianity as the sole full humanism. Defender of Catholic orthodoxy, he contributed to the renaissance of Thomism, which had a great influence on the philosophical renewal that took place between the two wars. 4832-5 • $16.95 • Paperback • 144 pages 978-0-8091-4971-1 Eucharist Body Broken for a Broken People Divorce, Remarriage, and the Eucharist Approaches to God Jacques Maritain Foreword by John G. Trapani, Jr. In this contemporary classic, one of the great Catholic philosophers illuminates the methods by which humanity comes to know their God. 4833-2 • $12.95 • Paperback • 96 pages BACKLIST Philosophy Bernard Lonergan An Introductory Guide to Insight Terry J. Tekippe 4150-7 • $16.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Francis J. Moloney, SDB The writings of the New Testament, without fail, indicate that the Eucharist is not a reward for the perfect, but God’s gracious remedy and nourishment for the weak. The Gospels of Mark (14:1731) and Matthew (26:20-35) locate Jesus’ final meal with his disciples within a narrative “frame” that tells the audience that he breaks his body and spills his blood for them: betrayers and deniers. In a bold final move, Professor Moloney examines the New Testament’s discussion of divorce, remarriage, and access to the eucharistic table. The earliest Church’s accommodation of Jesus’ teaching is part of our inspired Sacred Scriptures. The contemporary Church needs to question whether the current tradition concerning the divorced and remarried has not “distorted” the original revealed Tradition. Paul tells us why: ‚“For God has called us to peace” (1 Cor 7:15). Francis J. Moloney, SDB, AM, FAHA, is an Australian Salesian Priest. Educated in Rome (STL, SSL) and at the University of Oxford (DPhil) he has taught widely, in Europe, Israel, Australia, East Asia, and the USA. He is currently a Professorial Fellow at Australian Catholic University, and a Senior Fellow of Catholic Theological College, within the University of Divinity. He is the author of many significant books and studies, a Member of the Order of Australia, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. 28 SACRAMENTS 256 pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $21.95 Paperback 192 pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $15.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4972-8 978-0-8091-4952-0 Marriage General Marriage and Family Catholic Sacraments Relics of the Past or Promise of the Future? Edited and with an Introduction by George Augustin A Rich Source of Blessings With the announcement of the extraordinary synod of bishops, 2014-2015, Pope Francis placed “marriage and family” at the center of ecclesial attention and a somewhat turbulent discussion was ignited. This volume examines the most important issues of this discussion. Edited by George Augustin, there are original contributions from Walter Kasper, Christoph Schönborn, Gerhard Ludwig Muller, Cathleen Kaveny, Terrence Keeley, Thomas Krafft, Thomas Söding, Reinhard Marx, and Kurt Koch. Rev. George Augustin, SAC, is professor of fundamental theology and dogmatics at the Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar in Germany and the founding director of the Cardinal Walter Kasper Institute for Ecumenism, Theology, and Spirituality. He is also the author of Called to Joy: Celebrating Priesthood (Paulist Press). How Not to Say Mass A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal–3rd Ed. Dennis C. Smolarski, SJ Revised in accord with the 2002 General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the new translation of the liturgy, this book encourages the authentic celebration of the renewed eucharistic liturgy. Dennis C. Smolarski, SJ, who holds a doctorate in computer science, is associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Santa Clara University. He is also the author of Sacred Mysteries and Eucharist and American Culture (Paulist Press). 144 pages • 5 3/8 x 8 • $12.95 • Paperback 978-0-8091-4944-5 • Deacons Edited by John F. Baldovin, SJ, and David Farina Turnbloom Using passages of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the official rubrics of sacramental rites as the basis for their writing, the contributors to this collection of texts highlight the connection between theology, prayer, and ritual. The book is divided into four main parts. The first part, entitled “Why the Sacraments?,” treats the sacraments in general, focusing on the central role they play in the Catholic faith. The remaining parts treat the Sacraments of Initiation (Part 2), the Sacraments of Healing (Part 3), and the Sacraments of Vocation (Part 4). The treatment of each sacrament begins with selected passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church that offer succinct descriptions of the sacrament and its role in the life of the Church. Second, there is an excerpt from the prayers used in the celebration of that sacrament followed by responses by theologians with expertise in the history and theology of that sacrament. Finally, discussion questions that follow each section are intended to lead the individual or group into a deeper understanding of the sacraments and their role in the life of the Church and daily life. These texts provide sources for students and teachers, for Catholics and non-Catholics, for Christians and non-Christians, and for the laity and the ordained. John F. Baldovin, SJ, is professor of liturgical and historical theology at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, MA. David Farina Turnbloom is a doctoral student studying systematic theology at Boston College. 29 SACRAMENTS RECENTLY PUBLISHED Reconciliation From Sinners to Saints 392 (t) pages 6 x 9 • $39.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4955-1 General A Guide to Understanding the Sacrament of Reconciliation Kurt Stasiak, OSB A practical guide for those who do not know “how” to go to confession that offers as well new resources to those familiar and comfortable with the sacrament. 4895-0 • $12.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Deacons The Sacraments The Heart of the Diaconate Historical Foundations and Liturgical Theology Communion with the Servant Mysteries of Christ James Keating Kevin W. Irwin “The heart of this book is about the ways in which the liturgy of the sacraments has been celebrated and understood in history and the ways in which the liturgy can (and should) influence how we understand the sacraments today.” In the first text of its kind, renowned liturgical scholar Kevin W. Irwin offers a thorough explanation of the sacraments in their intimate relationship to liturgy. In Part 1 he traces the historical evolution of sacraments and sacramental practice from their biblical foundations through the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Part 3 concerns a theology of sacraments based on the liturgy as a major and firm foundation for understanding the theology of the sacraments today. Bridging these two main parts are two methodological chapters that describe the sources and method to be applied in Part 3. The Sacraments is an indispensable resource for scholars and students who need to understand the sacraments as they should be understood: in their historical and theological relationships to the liturgy. Kevin W. Irwin is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York and former dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America, where he holds the Walter J. Schmitz Chair of Liturgical Studies. Msgr. Irwin earned his doctorate in sacramental theology from the Ateneo of San Anselmo in Rome. He is the author of several books on liturgy and sacraments, including What We Have Done and What We Have Failed to Do: Assessing the Liturgical Reforms of Vatican II (Paulist Press). Assesses the character and future role of the diaconate in a Church that is experiencing major transitions in immigration, evangelization, family life, moral sensibilities, and clerical formation. 4917-9 • $12.95 • 5-3/8" x 8" • 96 pages BACKLIST Eucharist Eucharist and American Culture Liturgy, Unity, and Individualism Dennis C. Smolarski, SJ 4670-3 • $12.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Models of the Eucharist Kevin W. Irwin 4332-1 • $24.95 • Paperback • 384 pages Teilhard’s Mass: Approaches to “The Mass on the World” Thomas M. King, SJ 4328-3 • $19.95 • Paperback • 192 pages Orders/Deacons Deacon at Mass, The A Theological and Pastoral Guide-SECOND EDITION William T. Ditewig 4852-3 • $16.95 • Paperback • 128 pages Deacon Reader, The Edited by James Keating 4389-5 • $22.95 • Paperback • 304 pages Forming Deacons: Ministers of Soul and Leaven Edited by William T. Ditewig with Michael J. Tkacik 4497-6 • $24.95 • Paperback • 264 pages Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future Gary Macy, William T. Ditewig, and Phyllis Zagano 4743-4 • $14.95 • Paperback • 136 pages Women in Ministry Emerging Questions about the Diaconate Phyllis Zagano; Foreword by William T. Ditewig 4756-4 • $14.95 • Paperback • 104 pages 30 SPIRITUALITY 192 pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $19.95 Paperback 144 (t) pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $15.95 (t) Paperback 978-0-8091-4932-2 978-0-8091-4982-7 Spiritual Growth Classical Spirituality When Catholic Means Cosmic When Mary Becomes Cosmic Opening to a Big-Hearted Faith A Jungian and Mystical Path to the Divine Feminine David Richo David Richo When Catholic Means Cosmic argues that real faith finds its goal, as St. Thomas Aquinas states, not in adherence to beliefs or in devotional feelings, but in generous and compassionate action. True faith in the gospel of Jesus is shown first of all in having and showing love for everyone. This introduces us to the bigness of our faith since it shows it to be about universal love. In this way, faith is a driving force of our evolution as connected beings. When Catholic Means Cosmic presents a liberated Catholicism—one that is about its values, assets, and limitations. While some people have divided religion from spirituality, this book now looks at reconnecting them sanely and exuberantly as it examines the marvels and challenges on our journey of discovering where we are going. In exploring the Divine Feminine imaged in Mary, When Mary Becomes Cosmic opens us to another way to honor her—not unlike the mystics, who have traveled along this way to the depths—and helps us to explore the richness that lies in what Jung referred to as the Catholic Church’s treasury of image and metaphor. The archetypal images found in the ancient and treasured “Litany of Loreto” form the framework for this book, and enriched with quotes from a variety of spiritual writers, Richo guides us through reflections on: “Who is Mary?” and “What is the Divine Feminine?” Finally, in the appendix, “A Retreat with Mary,” the author encourages prayer with suggestions for various ways of praying with music, art, movement, silence, etc., as well as “being” with the image of Mary. David Richo, PhD, is a psychotherapist, writer, and workshop leader. He teaches at a variety of places including Esalen, Mercy Center, San Damiano Retreat Center, Casa De Maria Center. He shares his time between Santa Barbara and San Francisco, California. Dave combines psychological and spiritual perspectives in his work. The website for books, CD’s, and events is The author of several other works He is the author of the bestselling How to Be an Adult (Paulist Press). 31 SPIRITUALITY 168 (t) pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $19.95 Hardcover 200 pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $14.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-0614-1 978-0-8091-4981-0 Inspirational Reading Inspirational Reading The Beatitudes George Hunsinger In this book the Beatitudes, as found in the Gospel of Matthew, are presented as the self-interpretation of Jesus. Each Beatitude finds its primary definition in Jesus himself. For example, he himself defines what it means to be “poor in spirit.” Jesus is also presented as the promise and the blessing to those whom he addresses in each case. With Jesus at the center, the Beatitudes are extended first to the immediate circle of his disciples who have known and and followed him throughout history. They also apply, however, in some secret sense, to those who do not yet know and follow him for who he is. The Beatitudes are divided into two sets of four, with the ninth serving as the overall conclusion. The first four Beatitudes pertain to The Needy, while the second four pertain to The Faithful. The final Beatitude pertains to religious persecution. The discussion of each Beatitude ends with a practical application. The topics considered with respect to The Needy are Christian responsibility to the poor, the ministry of listening, the spirituality of meekness, and the proper care of the earth. With respect to The Faithful, the topics include what mercy looks like in action, purity of heart as sacramentally based, restorative justice as a contemporary example of peacemaking, and dramatic instances of nonretaliation on the part of the righteous being persecuted. The book concludes with a meditation on persecution: the persecution and martyrdom of Christians as well as some persecutions undertaken by Christians (especially of the Jews). The hope of universal salvation is raised at the end by attending to Catholic, Evangelical, and Eastern Orthodox voices. George Hunsinger is Princeton Theological Seminary’s Hazel Thompson McCord Professor of Systematic Theology. He earned a PhD from Yale University. A leading expert in Barth studies and 2010 recipient of the Karl Barth Prize, Dr. Hunsinger is also an ordained Presbyterian minister. Crossing the Threshold of Mercy A Spiritual Guide for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Edited by Mark-David Janus, CSP, PhD “The Church is commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the beating heart of the gospel, which in its own way must penetrate the heart and mind of every person.” + Pope Francis With these words Pope Francis invites the Church to celebrate an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, which is a pilgrimage, a journey to the mercy of God. In this book, readers follow along the events of this important year, taking inspiration from prayers, words of Sacred Scripture, the thoughts of Pope Francis, and the words of those that inspire him. Beginning December 8, 2015, with the Opening of the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis encourages us to reflect upon the central importance of mercy in the life and meaning of the Church today. Crossing the threshold means leaving behind doubt and fear and allowing God’s love to embrace us. This pilgrimage is spiritual not geographic; it represents the journey of our lives, a journey through our self-understanding, a journey that leads us to a complete and final trust in the love God is for us. Mark-David Janus, CSP, PhD, is president and publisher of Paulist Press. 32 SPIRITUALITY 160 (t) pages 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 • $19.95 (t) Paperback 128 pages 6 x 9 • $15.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4961-2 978-0-8091-4940-7 Spiritual Growth Spiritual Growth God’s Unconditional Love Healing Our Shame Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon Au While God’s Unconditional Love focuses on the Christian approach to the healing and transformation of shame, it is a book that will appeal to everyone who experiences shame. The book attempts to reinforce the new Christian narrative that asserts without qualification that God’s love is merciful and seeks to soften our troubled hearts and to quiet the anxiety that drives our need to do everything just right. We need but open ourselves to hear God’s voice reassuring us, “I love you, no matter what! Using Scripture and the practice of imaginative contemplation, this book will help readers be open to a deepening knowledge of God’s unconditional love. Highlights: • It integrates psychology and spirituality to present a holistic spirituality • It offers useful spiritual exercises and points for reflection at the end of each chapter. • It is written by authors who have over thirty years of experience in the work of therapy and spiritual direction. • It is written by authors who have experienced life both as vowed religious and as a married couple. Wilkie Au is professor of theological studies at Loyola Marymount University. His By Way of the Heart won the College Theology Society Book Award for 1990 and his The Enduring Heart won an award from the Catholic Press Association in 2001 (both Paulist Press). Noreen Cannon Au, a practicing Jungian analyst, is a faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and an adjunct professor in the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University. With Wilkie Au, she co-authored Urgings of the Heart and The Discerning Heart, which was awarded First Place by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada in the category of Pastoral Ministry in 2007 (both Paulist Press). Teilhard de Chardin— Seven Stages of Suffering A Spiritual Path for Transformation Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne Despite the fact that tremendous strides have been made to reduce human suffering and efforts to alleviate human anguish continue onward, we are still living in an unfinished, evolving world filled with pain, frustration, loss, grief, and adversity. Based on the spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin, this book addresses the question: How are those who suffer called to live with and understand their pain? This book shows how it is possible that those who suffer can, by transforming the tremendous potential energy hidden in their pain, become coworkers with God in bringing our world to more fullness of life, even as they suffer. With the new spirituality presented in Teilhard de Chardin—Seven Stages of Suffering, one realizes that the very principle and purpose of human life on Earth has shifted from a traditional focus on saving your soul and getting to heaven, to one of contributing one’s whole life and efforts—including our suffering and pain—to God’s grand evolutionary project Louis M. Savary, PhD, STD, is author of The Divine Milieu Explained and The New Spiritual Exercises in the Spirit of Teilhard de Chardin (Paulist Press). Patricia H. Berne, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, spiritual director, and counselor of priests and religious. She is coauthor of books previously published by Paulist Press: Dreams and Spiritual Growth and Why Did God Make Me? She is Savary’s wife and editor of his books. SPIRITUALITY RECENTLY PUBLISHED Inspirational Reading No Journey Will Be Too Long Friendship in Christian Life José Tolentino Mendonça Explores the meaning and relevance of friendship in various situations: in our personal lives, in the context of communities and believers, in social relationships. Friendship is a universal experience and represents for each individual an irreplaceable process of humanization and hope. 4897-4 • $19.95 • Paperback • 192 pages Signs Seven Words of Hope Jean Vanier One of today's great Catholic humanitarians helps readers come to an understanding of themselves and the world they live in through meditations on seven words such as power and authority, isolation and community. 4872-1 • $14.95 • Paperback • 104 pages “Your Faith Has Made You Well” Jesus Heals in the New Testament Barbara Hosbach "Your Faith Has Made You Well" explores what happened when Jesus healed and what the gospel stories of those healing encounters mean for us in the here and now. 4888-2 • $14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages What Are We Doing on Earth for Christ’s Sake? Richard Leonard, SJ Addressing the world in which Christians live, bestselling author Richard Leonard asks who we are before God and how we can be more confident in our faith in a loving God. 4902-5 • $14.95 • Paperback • 184 pages BACKLIST Classical Spirituality From the Depth of the Well An Anthology of Jewish Mysticism Edited by Ariel Evan Mayse 4879-0 • $34.95 • Paperback • 400 pages 33 Making All Things Well Finding Spiritual Strength with Julian of Norwich Isobel de Gruchy 4858-5 • $16.95 • Paperback • 192 pages Inspirational Reading All Holy Men and Women A Paulist Litany of Saints Edited by Thomas A. Kane, CSP 4863-9 • $22.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Dancing Standing Still Healing the World from a Place of Prayer A New Edition of A Lever and a Place to Stand Richard Rohr with a foreword by James Martin, SJ 4867-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Genius Born of Anguish The Life and Legacy of Henri Nouwen Michael W. Higgins and Kevin Burns 4785-4 • $17.95 • Paperback • 176 pages I Ask You to Pray for Me Opening a Horizon of Hope Pope Francis 4859-2 • $12.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Spiritual Masters for All Seasons Michael Ford 055-7 • $18.00 • Paperback • 176 pages Masculine & Feminine Spirituality Consecrated Spirits A Thousand Years of Spiritual Writings by Women Religious Compiled by Felicity Leng 4790-8 • $18.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Prayer Resources/Prayer Books Why Bother Praying? Richard Leonard, SJ 4803-5 • $14.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Spiritual Growth Becoming Who You Are Insights on the True Self from Thomas Merton and Other Saints James Martin, SJ 8307-4 • $11.00 • 2 hrs. 40 min. • CD-ROM 036-X • $11.00 • Paperback • 112 pages 8305-0 • Beauty A Path to God Anthony J. Ciorra 4831-8 • $14.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Grateful Heart, The Living the Christian Message Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon Au 4735-9 • $19.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Love in Action God’s Gifts for All Albert Vanhoye, SJ 4829-5 • $8.95 • Paperback • 48 pages 34 SPIRITUALITY Study of Spirituality Mysticism and the Spiritual Quest Explorations in Spirituality History, Theology, and Social Practice Philip F. Sheldrake 4647-5 • $22.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Henri Nouwen and Spiritual Polarities A Life of Tension Wil Hernandez foreword by Richard Rohr, OFM 4741-0 • $16.95 • Paperback • 176 pages A Crosscultural Anthology Phyllis Zagano 4626-0 • $27.95 • Paperback • 448 pages Profiles in Discipleship: Stories of Faith & Courage Gregory C. Higgins 4745-8 • $19.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Teilhard de Chardin - The Divine Milieu Explained A Spirituality for the 21st Century Louis M. Savary 4484-6 • $19.95 • Paperback • 288 pages MADELEVA LECTURE SERIES Sponsored by the Center of Spirituality, St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, these lectures honor annually the woman who as president of the college inaugurated its pioneering graduate program in theology, Sr. M. Madeleva, CSC. Awe-Filled Wonder Quotidian Mysteries, The The Interface of Science and Spirituality Barbara Fiand 4529-4 • $9.95 • Paperback • 96 pages Laundry, Liturgy and “Women’s Work” Kathleen Norris 3801-8 • $8.95 • Paperback • 104 pages Becoming the Sign Speaking of Authority Sacramental Living in a Post-Conciliar Church Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ 4824-0 • $10.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today Mary Catherine Hilkert 4586-7 • $15.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Compassionate Respect The Subversive Power of Love A Feminist Approach to Medical Ethics & Other Questions Margaret A. 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Johnson 3415-2 • $7.95 • Paperback • 88 pages S P I R I T U A L I T Y / CLASSICS OF WESTERN SPIRITUALITY 35 RECENTLY PUBLISHED The Earliest Franciscans The Legacy of Giles of Assisi, Roger of Provence, and James of Milan Compiled and introduced by Paul Lachance, OFM, and Pierre Brunette, OFM. Translated by Kathryn Krug 336 (t) pages 6 x 9 • $39.95 (t) Hardcover 978-0-8091-0621-9 Classics of Western Spirituality The Emergence of Evangelical Spirituality Brings to light the contributions of little-known, early members of the order and identifies their impact on Franciscan spirituality through their words and deeds, as well as the spiritual values of the growing Franciscan tradition. 0615-8 • $24.95 • Hardcover • 144 pages Scandinavian Pietists Spiritual Writings from 19thCentury Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland Edited & with an Introduction by Mark A. Granquist The Age of Edwards, Newton, and Whitefield Tom Schwanda Foreword by Mark A. Noll THE CLASSICS OF WESTERN SPIRITUALITY SERIES Recent decades have witnessed a growing interest in evangelical spirituality. Although several books are available that focus on evangelical spirituality, none thus far has included the rich and varied resources of primary readings of this under-researched spiritual tradition. The Emergence of Evangelical Spirituality offers readers a balanced collection of primary sources for eighteenth-century evangelical spirituality in America and Britain. Beginning with a chapter that introduces readers to the foundational nature and themes of evangelical spirituality, the book goes on to present the writings of men and women authors— some very well known, others not well known— grouped into six thematic categories. From giants of the movement such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield to social reformers William Wilberforce and Hannah More and such hymn writers as William Cowper, The Emergence of Evangelical Spirituality presents an invaluable and unequalled treasury of authors representing a rich heritage of American and British spirituality for students and general readers alike. Tom Schwanda is associate professor of Christian Formation and Ministry at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, and an ordained minister of the Reformed Church in America. The author of several works on Puritan and early Evangelical spirituality, Dr. Schwanda holds a PhD in historical theology from Durham University in England. Selected writings of the Pietist movement as it existed (exists) in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. 0618-9 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 304 npages Schleiermacher Christmas Dialogue, The Second Speech, and Other Selections Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by Julia A. 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Ciferni, OPraem 4468-6 • $27.95 • Paperback • 336 pages 0577-9 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 336 pages Origen Selected Writings translated and introduced by Rowan A. Greer 2198-0 • $21.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Philo of Alexandria The Contemplative Life, Giants and Selections translated and introduced by David Winston; preface by John Dillon 2333-9 • $27.95 • Paperback • 448 pages Pietists, The Selected Writings edited by Peter Erb 2509-9 • $27.95 • Paperback • 368 pages Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl Pilgrim’s Tale, The Upright Practices, The Light of the Eyes translation and introduction by Arthur Green 2374-6 • $22.95 • Paperback • 304 pages edited and with an introduction by Aleksei Pentkovsky; translated by T. Allan Smith; preface by Jaroslav Pelikan 3709-7 • $22.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Miguel de Molinos The Spiritual Guide edited & translated by Robert P. Baird with an introduction by Robert P. Baird & Bernard McGinn 0583-0 • $35.95 • Hardcover • 256 pages 4650-5 • $29.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Nahman of Bratslav The Tales translated and introduced by Arnold Band 2103-4 • $24.95 • Paperback • 368 pages Native Meso-American Spirituality edited by Miguel Léon-Portilla 2231-6 • $24.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Pseudo Dionysius The Complete Works translated by Colm Luibheid; foreword, notes, and translation collaboration by Paul Rorem; preface by René Roques; introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan, Jean Leclercq, and Karlfried Froehlich 2838-1 • $24.95 • Paperback • 336 pages Pseudo-Macarius The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and The Great Letter translated, edited, and with an introduction by George A. Maloney, SJ 3312-1 • $24.95 • Paperback • 320 pages 40 CLASSICS OF WESTERN SPIRITUALITY Pursuit of Wisdom and Other Works by the Author of the Cloud of Unknowing, The Talmud, The translated, edited, & annotated by James Walsh, SJ 2972-8 • $27.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Selected Writings edited by Ben Zion Bokser and Baruch M. Bokser 3114-5 • $24.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Quaker Spirituality Teresa of Avila Selected Writings edited and introduced by Douglas V. Steere; preface by Douglas V. Steere & Elizabeth Gray Vining 2510-2 • $27.95 • Paperback • 352 pages The Interior Castle translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD, and Otillo Rodriguez, OCD 2254-5 • $22.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Rabbinic Stories Theatine Spirituality translated and introduced by Jeffrey L. Rubenstein; preface by Shaye J. D. Cohen 4024-1 • $27.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Selected Writings translated, edited and with an introduction and notes by William V. 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Emmet McLaughlin 0564-0 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 272 pages 4206-6 • $24.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Safed Spirituality Rules of Mystical Piety, The Beginning of Wisdom translated and introduced by Lawrence Fine; preface by Louis Jacobs 2612-5 • $19.95 • Paperback • 224 pages Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Meditations and Hymns Edited and with an Introduction by Eric Lund 0600-4 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 384 pages 4729-8 • $29.95 • Paperback • 384 pages Shakers, The Two Centuries of Spiritual Reflection edited by Robley Edward Whitson 2373-8 • $19.95 • Paperback • 384 pages Sharafuddin Maneri The Hundred Letters translated and introduced by Paul Jackson, SJ ; preface by Syed Hasan Askari 2229-4 • $24.95 • Paperback • 480 pages Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Selected Writings translated & introduced by Pamela Kirk Rappaport 0530-6 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 336 pages 4012-8 • $27.95 • Paperback • 336 pages Spirituality of the German Awakening, The edited, translated & introduced by David Crowner & Gerald Christianson; preface by Martin E. Marty 4108-6 • $27.95 • Paperback • 464 pages 0549-7 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 464 pages Symeon the New Theologian The Discourses translated by C. J. DeCatanzaro 2230-8 • $27.95 • Paperback • 416 pages Venerable Bede, The On the Song of Songs and Selected Writings Translated, edited, and introduced by Arthur Holder; Preface by Benedicta Ward 4700-7 • $29.95 • Paperback • 384 pages 0591-5 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 384 pages Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac Rules, Conferences, and Writings edited by Frances Ryan, DC, & John E. Rybolt, CM 3564-7 • $24.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Walter Hilton The Scale of Perfection translated and introduced by John P.H. Clark and Rosemary Dorward 3194-3 • $24.95 • Paperback • 368 pages William Law A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, The Spirit of Love edited by and introduced by Paul G. Stanwood 2144-1 • $29.95 • Paperback • 544 pages Wycliffite Spirituality Edited and translated by J. Patrick Hornbeck II, Stephen E. Lahey, and Fiona Somerset 0605-9 • $39.95 • Hardcover • 432 pages 4765-6 • $29.95 • Paperback • 432 pages Zohar The Book of Enlightenment translation & introduction by Daniel Chanan Matt 2387-8 • $24.95 • Paperback • 336 pages THEOLOGY—COLLECTED WORKS OF CARDINAL WALTER KASPER 41 The God of Jesus Christ Walter Kasper THE COLLECTED WORKS OF WALTER KASPER This new edition of The God of Jesus Christ is an invaluable resource for questions of God and Trinity. It is an encouragement and invitation to grapple anew with the question of God and to continue thinking deeply about the doctrine of God. The God of Jesus Christ can also help in the future to proclaim the news of the living God, who is love, as good news that sets us free and will give many people light and strength on their way 448 pages • 6x9 • $49.95 (t) • Hardcover • 978-0-8091-0632-5 Christology RECENTLY PUBLISHED The Gospel of Jesus Christ Walter Kasper Contains writings from three different stages of Cardinal Walter Kasper’s theological journey. They seek to open up the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is intelligible to today’s readers. The works are: “An Introduction to the Faith,” “Surpassing All Knowledge,” and an original essay on evangelization, “New Evangelization as a Theological, Pastoral, and Spiritual Challenge.” 0616-5 • $49.95 • Hardcover • 320 pages THE COLLECTED WORKS OF CARDINAL WALTER KASPER This complete overview of Cardinal Kasper’s Systematic Theology—key classic texts and other works available for the first time—will be presented in eighteen volumes, all of which are newly translated into English by leading scholars in the field. This important project has been carefully organized, with each volume focusing upon a particular theme, such as the Liturgy, Christian Unity, Theology and Science, and Church and Society. From the eighteen volumes currently planned, the initial works to be published will be The Gospel of Jesus Christ and a revised edition of Kasper’s influential work Jesus the Christ. Subsequent volumes will be released approximately twice a year. THE COLLECTED WORKS includes Cardinal Kasper’s most influential published works as well as numerous previously unpublished texts, including a selection of his sermons. The collection is published in cooperation with The Cardinal Walter Kasper Institute for Theology, Ecumenism and Spirituality, based in Vallendar, Germany, in order to serve the growing appreciation for Cardinal Kasper’s work and its significance for the study and practice of theology. It is edited by George Augustin and Klaus Krämer of the Cardinal Walter Kasper Institute. Cardinal Walter Kasper was born in Heidenheim-Brenz, Germany, in 1933 and was ordained in 1957. An accomplished theologian and author of many books and articles, Kasper studied at the University of Tübingen where he later became professor of dogmatic theology. He taught at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., in 1983. In 1987 he was ordained bishop of Rottenberg-Stuttgart, Germany. 18 Scheduled Volumes •The God of Jesus Christ •The Gospel of Jesus Christ •The Doctrine of Tradition in the Roman School •The Absolute in History •Jesus the Christ •Theology and Science •Foundations of Dogmatic Theology •God, the Creator and Finisher •Jesus Christ, the Salvation of the World •The Liturgy of the Church •The Church of Jesus Christ •The Church and its Offices •The Catholic Church •Ways to Christian Unity •Unity in Christ •Church and Society •Pastoral •Sermons 42 THEOLOGY 176 (t) pages 6 x 9 • $19.95 (t) Paperback 224 pages 5 3/8 x 8 • $16.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4934-6 978-0-8091-4974-2 Ecclesiology Women’s Theology The Rising Laity Catholic Women Speak Ecclesial Movements since Vatican II Bringing Our Gifts to the Table Massimo Faggioli Edited by the Catholic Women Speak Network This book offers an analysis of the phenomenon of the new ecclesial movements with two different but compatible perspectives: historical and comparative. The historical perspective is necessary because the phenomenon grew in these last hundred years and a sociological-anthropological perspective tends to offer a nondynamic view of them. The comparative perspective Europe-USA is necessary because of the global nature of Catholicism and of the international-global features of these movements. This book is important in the Church of today considering the new emphasis given by pope Francis to the movements in the wider frame of a less institutional and more outward-looking Church. A special chapter is devoted to Pope Francis and the movements, analyzing the unique aspects of the relationship between the pontificate and the movements and the differences with his predecessors, especially John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Massimo Faggioli received his PhD from the University of Turin in 2002. Dr. Faggioli is associate professor in the Theology Department and director of the Institute for Catholicism and Citizenship at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul (Minnesota). He is the author of Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning, Pope Francis: Tradition in Transition, and the editor, with Andrea Vicini, SJ, of The Legacy of Vatican II (all Paulist Press). This unique anthology brings together forty-four contributors from around the world, including well-known Catholic women theologians and upand-coming theological voices from the global South, with a number of reflections from women telling their personal stories of faith and struggle. Contributors include Anne Arabome, Tina Beattie, Agnes Brazal, Margaret Farley, Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, Cristina Lledo Gomez, Nontando Hadebe, Elizabeth Johnson, Ursula King, Sara Maitland, Cettina Militello, Jean Porter, Carolina del Río, Lucetta Scaraffia, Janet Martin Soskice, Ana Lourdes Suárez, and many more. At a time when the Church is seeking to address issues related to family in the Church and in the contemporary world, the contributors believe that women have a vital contribution to make to these discussions. In Catholic Women Speak they offer theological insights and personal reflections as a resource for others considering these important topics. While dealing with complex and contested issues concerning relationships, marriage and divorce, family life, motherhood, sexuality and reproduction, poverty, and marginalization, all the essays in the book are relatively short and written for the widest possible readership. 43 THEOLOGY THEOLOGY and POWER International Perspectives 120 (t) pages 7 3/8 x 9 1/4 (t) $15.95 (t) Paperback 288 pages 6 x 9 • $29.95 (t) Paperback 978-0-8091-4945-2 Stephen Bullivant et al. 978-0-8091-4962-9 Fundamental Theology Christology & Soteriology Theology and Power Understanding Jesus International Perspectives Stephen Bullivant et al. 50 Reasons Why Jesus Matters Questions of power, and its capacity for abuse, have emerged as urgent themes for theoretical and practical reflection within the international Catholic context (and beyond). In large part, this is due to widespread revelations of sexual abuse, and allegations of subsequent cover-ups, mishandlings, and safeguarding failures. But while of the utmost importance, Christian explorations of power are neither limited to, nor prompted by, the sexual abuse crisis alone. And nor is the “logic of human power” (Pope Francis) a temptation confined only to religious settings. In the words of the Filipino Cardinal, Luis Antonio Tagle, “Power in whatever form can harm when misused.” Recognizing the gravity, urgency, and global application of these issues, Theology and Power brings together Catholic scholars from three continents for a renewed, practical and theoretical exploration of power and its (ab)uses. Special attention is given to both the sexual abuse crisis, and the often tense relationships between religion and politics. The wide-ranging contributions to this volume—encompassing biblical studies, moral philosophy, anthropology, pastoral theology, political theology, ecclesiology, social psychology, and bioethics—stem from a collaboration between the European Society for Catholic Theology (ESCT) and the Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines (DaKaTeo). Stephen Bullivant is senior lecturer in theology and ethics in the School of Education, Theology, and Leadership at Saint Mary’s University, Twickenham, London. He is the author of Faith and Unbelief and How Not to Be a Heretic (both from Paulist Press). Andrew Hamilton, SJ Divided into three sections, Understanding Jesus presents historical and scriptural background to knowing Jesus better. The book outlines fifty reasons based on: “What We Can Know About Jesus?” “Why Was Jesus Remembered?” and “Why Might Jesus Matters to Us?” Using archaeological and Christian sources the book provides evidence for Jesus’ life. Among the many topics presented, the book examines the four images of Jesus presented in the gospels, the context of Jesus’ life, his miracles, his relationships, his death, the concept of the Trinity, and the question of his divinity. Finally, the book presents the ways that Jesus is remembered and present in the community today. In coming to know Jesus, we come to realize why he continues to matter and why he is Good News. Andrew Hamilton, SJ, is a member of the Australian province of the Society of Jesus. For most of his Jesuit life he taught church history and systematic theology at the United Faculty of Theology in Melbourne. 44 THEOLOGY RECENTLY PUBLISHED Christian Anthropology Christian Anthropology An Introduction to the Human Person Michele Saracino 400 pages 6 x 9 • $29.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4890-5 Fundamental Theology Invitation to Practical Theology A student-friendly textbook on what it means to be human in light of our changing world and church. 4925-4 • $29.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Fundamental Theology Catholic Voices and Visions Mary in Scripture, Liturgy, and the Catholic Tradition Edited by Claire E. Wolfteich The formal discipline of practical theology developed largely in Protestant contexts and has recently garnered increasing attention among Catholic academics. Claire Wolfteich, a leading Catholic scholar in the field of practical theology, in this volume gathers significant voices to write on the many aspects to be considered in the study of practical theology. The result is the first text of its kind for professors and students of practical theology wishing to consider it from a Catholic perspective and a much needed core text for use in Catholic graduate programs of ministry and theology. René Laurentin Examines the invigorating presence of Mary in the mystery of the redemption that is the heart of the life of the church. The author contemplates her presence in the course of Scripture, human and ecclesial history, the church fathers, the mystics, and others. 4808-0 • $24.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Theology of God/Trinity Trinity, The How Not to Be a Heretic Stephen Bullivant CONTRIBUTORS Claire E. Wolfteich Kathleen Cahalan and Bryan Froehle Colleen Griffith David Tracy Terrence W. Tilley Edward Foley M. Shawn Copeland Roberto Goizueta Carmen María Cervantes, Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, and Ken Johnson-Mondragón Janet K. Ruffing Julie Hanlon Rubio Bradford Hinze Stephen Bevans, SVD Thomas Groome Annemie Dillen and Robert Mager Claire E. Wolfteich is associate professor of practical theology and spiritual formation and codirector for the Center for Practical Theology at Boston University. A former president of the International Academy of Practical Theology, Dr. Wolfteich has also served as president of the Association of Practical Theology and on the Governing Board of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality. She holds a PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School. The Trinity is an invitation to Christians who are sure that they believe in something called “the Trinity,” but are unsure as to what exactly that means, and uneasy about having to talk about it to others. 4933-9 • $17.95 • Paperback • 140 pages BACKLIST Christian Anthropology Experience of God, The (REVISED EDITION) An Invitation to Do Theology Dermot A. Lane 4379-8 • $12.95 • Paperback • 112 pages God and the Mystery of Human Suffering A Theological Conversation across the Ages Robin Ryan, CP 4713-7 • $29.95 • Paperback • 384 pages Hope Promise, Possibility, and Fulfillment Edited by Richard Lennan & Nancy Pineda-Madrid 4777-9 • $24.95 • Paperback • 288 pages THEOLOGY Human Experience of God Christian Foundations Denis Edwards 2559-5 • $12.95 • Paperback • 168 pages An Introduction to Faith in Our Time Kathleen R. Fischer and Thomas N. Hart 3595-7 • $18.95 • Paperback • 256 pages What Is Religion?: An Introduction John F. Haught 3117-X • $19.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Christology and Soteriology Introduction to New Testament Christology, An 45 Christianity 101 A Textbook of Catholic Theology Gregory C. Higgins 4208-2 • $24.95 • Paperback • 496 pages Concise Dictionary of Theology, A Raymond E. Brown, SS 3516-7 • $16.95 • Paperback • 240 pages Third Edition Gerald O’Collins, SJ, and Edward G. Farrugia, SJ 4827-1 • $24.95 • Paperback • 336 pages Jesus : A Gospel Portrait; NEW AND REVISED EDITION Joseph Ratzinger’s Theological Ideas Donald Senior, CP 3338-5 • $14.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Wise Cautions and Legitimate Hopes James Corkery, SJ 4601-7 • $14.95 • Paperback • 176 pages Jesus Our Brother: The Humanity of the Lord Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP 4671-0 • $14.95 • Paperback • 128 pages Mercy Jesus the Christ The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life Cardinal Walter Kasper 0609-7 • $29.95 • Hardcover • 288 pages Walter Kasper 2081-X • $22.95 • Paperback • 320 pages Liturgical Theology Mystery of the Incarnation, The 101 Q & A on the Mass Cardinal Christoph Schönborn 4851-6 • $9.95 • Paperback • 64 pages Trinitarian Christology: The Power That Sets Us Free Revised, Updated Edition Kevin W. Irwin 4779-3 • $18.95 • Paperback • 240 pages Michael L. Cook, SJ 4657-4 • $15.95 • Paperback • 128 pages What We Have Done, What We Have Failed to Do Ecclesiology Assessing the Liturgical Reforms of Vatican II Kevin W. Irwin 4848-6 • $24.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Church Unfinished, The Ecclesiology through the Centuries Bernard P. Prusak 4286-4 • $24.95 • Paperback • 416 pages Moral Theology Reason Informed by Faith Francis A. Sullivan 3039-4 • $19.95 • Paperback • 256 pages Foundations of Catholic Morality Richard M. Gula 3066-1 • $21.95 • Paperback • 344 pages Didache, The: Faith, Hope, & Life of the Earliest Sacramental Theology Christian Communities, 50-70 C.E. Aaron Milavec 0537-3 • $64.95 • Hardcover • 1024 pages Christian Sacraments in a Postmodern World Church We Believe In, The: One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Ever Ancient, Ever New Structures of Communion in the Church Archbishop John R. Quinn 4826-4 • $9.95 • Paperback • 64 pages Priestly People, A Baptismal Priesthood & Priestly Ministry Jean-Pierre Torrell, OP; foreword by Msgr. Kevin W. Irwin 4815-8 • $27.95 • Paperback • 240 pages Eschatology/Last Things Can Catholics and Evangelicals Agree about Purgatory and the Last Judgment Brett Salkeld 4681-9 • $12.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Fundamental Theology Believing in the Resurrection The Meaning and Promise of the Risen Jesus Gerald O’Collins.SJ 4757-1 • $24.95 • Paperback • 240 pages A Theology for the Third Millennium Kenan B. Osborne, OFM 3904-9 • $19.95 • Paperback • 272 pages Sacramental Theology A General Introduction Kenan B. Osborne, OFM 2945-0 • $14.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Serving the Body of Christ The Magisterium on Eucharist and Ordained Priesthood Kevin W. Irwin 4850-9 • $18.95 • Paperback • 160 pages Science and Faith Science and Faith A New Introduction John F. Haught 4806-6 • $19.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Theology of God/Trinity Faith and Unbelief Stephen Bullivant 4865-3 • $16.95 • Paperback • 176 pages 46 THEOLOGY / WORLD RELIGIONS BACKLIST (cont.) Tripersonal God, The Understanding and Interpreting the Trinity; Second Edition, Revised Gerald O’Collins, SJ 4876-9 • $24.95 • Paperback • 248 pages Women’s Theology Becoming the Sign Sacramental Living in a Post-Conciliar Church Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ 4824-0 • $9.95 • Paperback • 112 pages Readings In Moral Theology Series Ethics and Spirituality: No. 15 edited by Charles E. Curran and Lisa A. Fullam 4873-8 • $29.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Dissent in the Church: No. 6 edited by Richard A. McCormick, SJ, and Charles E. Curran 2930-2 • $14.95 • Paperback 560 pages The Catholic Church, Morality & Politics: No. 12 edited by Charles E. Curran and Leslie Griffin 4040-3 • $34.95 • Paperback • 400 pages Change in Official Catholic Moral Teachings: No. 13 edited by Charles E. Curran 4134-5 • $27.95 • Paperback • 352 pages Conscience: No. 14 edited by Charles E. Curran 4248-1 • $19.95 • Paperback • 208 pages Historical Development of Fundamental Moral Theology in the United States, The: No. 11 edited by Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, SJ 3879-4 • $29.95 • Paperback • 368 pages John Paul II and Moral Theology: No. 10 edited by Charles E. Curran & Richard A. McCormick, SJ 3797-6 • $29.95 • Paperback • 400 pages Marriage: No. 15 edited by Charles E. Curran and Julie Hanlon Rubio 4575-1 • $34.95 • Paperback 480 pages Virtue: No. 16 edited by Charles E. Curran and Lisa A. Fullam 4685-7 • $29.95 • Paperback • 288 pages Ethics and Spirituality: No. 15 edited by Charles E. Curran and Lisa A. Fullam 4873-8 • $29.95 • Paperback • 288 pages CATHOLICS WITHOUT LABELS MATT MALONE, SJ 128 pages 5 x 7 • $12.95 (t) Paperback 978-0-8091-4964-3 Ecumenism Catholics without Labels Matt Malone, SJ Matt Malone challenges readers to reject the political terms “liberal” and “conservative” in referring to the Church and instead to give testimony to a message that transcends pure politics—a Gospel message spread by its sole leader, Jesus. Faced with an increasingly secularized and worldly population, how can one find his/her place in society but also in a church where individualism and contemporary tribalism are tightly bound together? This incisive essay shows us that it is neither healthy nor effective for us to deck ourselves out in ideological labels. When we regard the church in terms of political terms that are essentially secular, he argues, the church is no longer a communion but a grouping of factions. According to the author, Christians are called to bear witness to a message more radical than any involving secular politics. That is why he engages Christians in a real, substantial debate devoted to only one message: the Gospel. And one leader: Jesus. Matt Malone, SJ, is president and editor-in-chief of America Media. 47 W O R L DHEAD RELIGIONS RECENTLY PUBLISHED Interreligious Coexistence & Reconciliation in Israel Voices for Interreligious Dialogue Ronald Kronish, Editor. Preface by Rev. Michael McGarry, CSP 224 pages 6 x 9 • $22.95 Paperback 978-0-8091-4950-6 Christian Unity The author, a major force in the field of interreligious dialogue and education in Israel and Palestine for over twenty years, has gathered essays by friends and colleagues who share his passion and are committed to the cause of reconciliation in Israel. 4900-1 • $29.95 • Paperback • 288 pages How You Can Make a Difference Thomas Ryan, CSP BACKLIST Ecumenism In this inspirational book, Fr. Thomas Ryan harvests his thirty-five years of experience in the work for Christian unity, putting it on the table for popular consumption and to renew energy for the cause. In addition, he gives voice to the experience of others from around the continent and beyond who have shared the journey with in-depth experience in particular domains of ecumenical endeavor. A parish priest in Los Angeles. A couple who have exercised leadership in the Canadian Association of Interchurch Families. Another couple whose lives have been enriched and faith deepened through their collaboration in social action projects with other local churches in Virginia. A group of men in Portland, Oregon, who bring together community leaders in the public, private and nonprofit sectors to support and encourage one another in their personal faith journeys and to find Christian community in a secular society. Ryan recounts stories as well of the growing number of lay movements and institutes of consecrated life who carry the work for unity at their core, such as Focolare and the Community of Sant’Egidio. Similarly, the significant contribution monastic and religious communities and societies of apostolic life can make is exemplified in the stories of Taizé and Bose, the Paulists, Atonement Friars, Glenmary Missioners, and Jesuits. The “new monastics” who are springing up within a variety of Protestant traditions in North America are also featured. Thomas Ryan, CSP, has been dedicated to the work for Christian unity since 1974. He is founderdirector of the Paulist North American Office for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations. He is the author of numerous articles and fifteen books. Ecumenism Biblical Foundations of the Doctrine of Justification, The An Ecumenical Follow-Up to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification Presented by a task force of biblical scholars and systematic theologians from the Lutheran World Federation, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and the World Methodist Council 4773-1 • $21.95 • Paperback • 144 pages Ecumenical Directions in the United States Today: Churches on a Theological Journey Edited by Antonios Kireopoulos with Juliana Mecera 4755-7 • $29.95 • Paperback • 416 pages Talking with Evangelicals: A Guide for Catholics Ralph Del Colle 4742-7 • $10.95 • Paperback • 104 pages Unity in Mission Theological Reflections on the Pilgrimage of Mission Edited by Mitzi J. 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Based on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans ..................................3580-9 ....$18.95 Five Steps to Spiritual Growth, Kalellis ..4302-X .....$14.95 Flaman, Paul, Genetic Engineering, Christian Values and Catholic Teaching ....................4089-6.....$12.95 COMPLETE TITLE / AUTHOR LISTING Flanagan, Patrick J., Gospel of Mark Made Easy, The ......3728-3.....$14.95 Flannery O’Connor’s Religious Imagination, Kilcourse ......................................4005-5.....$24.95 Flannery, Edward H., Anguish of the Jews ..4324-0.....$21.95 Fleming, Peter, Would I Like Jesus?,........4915-5.....$14.95 Flowers, Thomas, God’s Invitation ..........4712-0.....$12.95 Walking Humbly ............................4571-3 ......$9.95 Flynn, Eileen P., How Just Is the War on Terror? ........4509-6.....$14.95 Foley, Marc, Love That Keeps Us Sane, The ..4002-0.......$8.95 Following The Way, O’Collins ................3984-7.....$12.95 Fondazione Centesimus, Finance - Common Good ................4973-5.....$19.95 Footprints on the Mountain, Faley, ........3448-9.....$44.95 CD....8277-7.....$39.95 For the Beauty of the Earth, Ross ..........4422-0.......$9.95 Forbes, Clarence A., Firmicus Maternus (No. 37) ....hc....0039-8.....$34.95 Ford, John T., Twelve Tales Untold ..........NCR412 ...$14.95 Ford, Michael, Father Mychal Judge hc....0552-7.....$19.95 Spiritual Masters for All Seasons......055-7 ......$18.00 Song of the Nightingale ..................4335-6 ....$14.95 Forgotten Desert Mothers, The, Swan ........4016-0.....$16.95 Forming Deacons, Ditewig, Tkacik ..........4497-6.....$24.95 Fortuitous Encounters, Davis & Spears ....4805-9.....$10.95 Foster, Michael, Annulment: The Wedding That Was ..3844-1.....$14.95 Foundations of Theological Study, Viladesau ......................................3281-8.....$21.95 Four Portraits of Jesus, Platt ................4204-X .....$19.95 Four Steps to Spiritual Freedom, Ryan ..4145-0.....$18.95 Fox, Mary, Peacemakers (Ages 3-7) ........40-0.........$15.95 Peacemakers (Grades 1-3) ..............58-5 ........$15.00 Peacemakers (Grades 6-8) ..............32-5 ........$20.00 Francis and Clare, Armstrong ................2446-7.....$22.95 Francis, Bishop of Rome, Deck ..............0622-6..$24.95(t) Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal, Wright ..2990-6.....$22.95 Francis of Assisi, House ........................027-0.......$22.00 Francis Project, Fernandez, Rodari ........4963-6 ..$1795(t) Francisco de Osuna, Giles ....................2145-X .....$36.95 Franco, Ronald A., Isaac Hecker for Every Day ..............4625-3.......$8.95 Frank Is a Chihuahua, Morrison ....hc....A43-2.......$14.95 Frechette, Christopher, Biblical Essays ....4898-1.....$29.95 Frechette, Richard, Speaking of Miracles ..4447-6.....$14.95 Fredericks, James L., Faith among Faiths..3893-X .....$18.95 Freedom and Purpose, Gascoigne ..........4221-X .....$21.95 Frick, Don M., Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership, The ............................4560-7.....$21.95 Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership (Revised) ................................4926-1 ....$26.95 Friendly Beasts, The, Burlingham ..hc....6742-5.....$14.95 Friends for Life, Goldman ....................4534-8.....$19.95 Fripp, Robert, Let There Be Life ......hc....004-1.......$18.00 From a Mother’s Heart, Groppe ................0612-7.....$19.95 From Apostles to Bishops, Sullivan hc....0534-9.....$28.95 From Brokenness to Community, Vanier ..3341-5.......$6.95 From Fear to Serenity w/Anthony de Mello, Casey, Hassett ..............................066-3.......$12.00 From Genesis to Apocalypse, Faley ........4217-1.....$19.95 From Image to Likeness, Clarke, Grant, Thompson ................2552-8.....$14.95 From Maintenance to Mission, Rivers ....4318-6.....$22.95 From Sinners to Saints, Stasiak ............4895-0.....$12.95 From the Depth of the Well, Mayse ........4879-0.....$34.95 Fruits of Medjugorje, The, Ficocelli ........4388-7.....$16.95 Fulfilled in Our Hearing, DeBona ..........4359-3.....$19.95 Fullam, Lisa A., Ethics and Spirituality ....4873-8.....$29.95 Full Catastrophe, The, Leonard ..............061-8.......$18.00 Fun with Puzzles and Prayers, Haines ....6751-7.......$9.95 Funeral Homilies, Swords ....................2784-9.......$9.95 Furey, Robert, Art of Affirmation, The ......4432-8.......$9.95 Future of the Sacrament of Penance, The, O’Loughlin ....................................4556-0.....$14.95 Gafney, Leo, Guide to the Our Father Today, A......4425-5.....$14.95 Gaillardetz, Richard R., Church in the Making, The ..............4276-7.....$19.95 God into the Streets! 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..0620-2.....$49.95 González, Mónica, Stations of the Cross— El Via Crucis ..................................4821-9.......$3.50 Good Care, Painful Choices, Devine ......4273-2.....$19.95 Good Goats, Linn ........................3463-2.............$15.95 Good Goats, Linn ........................DVD ..8295-4..$19.95net Good Life, The, Gula ............................3859-X .....$12.95 Good Night God Bless [I], Clark ............053-3.......$20.00 Good Night God Bless [II], Clark ............057-1.......$24.00 Goodness Within, The, Redmond ..........4186-8.....$17.95 Goodrich, Richard J., St .Jerome......hc....0601-1.....$39.95 Googling God, Hayes ............................4487-7.....$16.95 Gormley, Joan F., John of Avila ........hc....0562-4.....$39.95 pb....4200-7 ....$27.95 Gorski, Eugene F., Theology of Religions ..4533-1.....$24.95 Gospel of Jesus Christ, Kasper ................0616-5.....$49.95 Gospel of John Set Free, The, Smiga ......4457-0.....$14.95 Gospel of John, The, 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Ed.), The ..4462-4 ....$14.95 Common Good, Uncommon Questions ..4881-3 ....$34.95 Granquist, Mark A., Scandinavian Pietists..0618-9.....$39.95 Grant, W. Harold, From Image to Likeness ..2552-8.....$14.95 Grassi, Joseph A., Informing the Future ..4092-6.....$21.95 Jesus Is Shalom ............................4308-9 ....$16.95 Grateful Heart, The, Au ........................4735-9.....$19.95 Gratefulness, The Heart of Prayer, Steindl-Rast ..................................2628-1.....$16.95 Gratitude Factor, The, Shelton ..............063-2.......$20.00 Great Catholic Reformers, The, Anderson ..............................hc....0579-3.....$29.95 Great Commission, The, Byerley ............4558-4.....$18.95 Great Mystics & Social Justice, Rakoczy ..4307-0.....$18.95 Great Spirits 1000-2000, O’Grady ..hc....0546-2.....$16.95 Great Women of Faith, Stanton ..............4123-X .....$12.95 Greatness in Our Teenagers, Tassi ..........4604-8.......$9.95 Green, Arthur, Hasidic Spirituality for a New Era hc....0603-5.....$34.95 pb....4771-7 ....$26.95 Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl ........2374-6 ....$22.95 Green, Barbara, Study Guides: Religious Life in a New Millennium ......................4903-2.....$16.95 Greenleaf, Robert K., Servant Leadership 25th Ann. 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