posttraumatic stress and adaptation in patients following acute
posttraumatic stress and adaptation in patients following acute
POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS AND ADAPTATION IN PATIENTS FOLLOWING ACUTE CARDIAC EVENTS Anna Wikman Department of Epidemiology and Public Health University College London 2009 Thesis submitted to the University of London for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 1 I, Anna Wikman, confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. Signature……………………………………… Date…………………… 2 Abstract The aim of this thesis is to investigate emotional recovery following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and the factors that predict the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms. The overall objective of this work is to increase understanding of recovery and adaptation following ACS. This thesis will present data from two prospective studies of psychological aspects of ACS; the ‗Acute Coronary Syndrome Emotional Triggering‘ (ACCENT) study and the ‗Tracking Recovery after Acute Cardiac Events‘ (TRACE) study. Although most commonly diagnosed in individuals that have experienced traumatic events such as war, natural disasters or assault, there is now increasing evidence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in individuals after onset, diagnosis, or treatment for physical illness. ACS, like other nonmedical trauma, is life-threatening, sudden and often unexpected. Many patients report an intense fear of dying, and emotional distress such as anxiety and depression during the acute phase and in the immediate aftermath is common. Although most patients will fully recover from this emotional distress, some do not recover and distress can persist for a significant period of time. The persistent and severe psychological distress experienced by some patients may actually satisfy criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD. PTSD risk factor research indicates that individuals‘ experiences during traumatic events play a significant role in differentiating between those who subsequently go on to develop PTSD and those who do not. Within this thesis, data will be presented on the longer term prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress in patients following ACS, as well as the underlying biological and cognitive correlates which may increase vulnerability to emotional distress and risk of future cardiac events. 3 Table of contents Abstract ................................................................................................................... 3 Table of contents .................................................................................................... 4 List of tables.......................................................................................................... 10 List of figures ........................................................................................................ 13 Publications .......................................................................................................... 14 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................ 15 List of abbreviations ............................................................................................. 16 CHAPTER 1. Literature Review: Psychosocial risk factors and Cardiovascular Disease ...................................................................................................................... 18 1.1 Overview of Cardiovascular Disease ............................................................. 18 1.2 Psychological factors in the development of CHD ....................................... 19 1.2.1 Depression ................................................................................................. 20 1.2.2 Anxiety ....................................................................................................... 23 1.2.3 Anger and Hostility ..................................................................................... 26 1.3 Psychological consequences of CHD ........................................................... 29 1.3.1 Rates and prognostic implications of depression following CHD ................ 29 1.3.2 Anxiety ....................................................................................................... 31 1.3.3 Type D personality ..................................................................................... 33 1.4 Pathways between negative affect and CHD................................................. 35 1.5 Overlapping affective dispositions ................................................................ 38 1.6 Summary ......................................................................................................... 39 CHAPTER 2. Literature Review: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ........................... 42 2.1 Introduction to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ............................................. 42 2.2 Current understanding of PTSD..................................................................... 44 2.3 Models of PTSD ............................................................................................... 47 2.3.1 Emotional processing theory ...................................................................... 48 2.3.2 Dual representation model ......................................................................... 49 2.3.3 Ehlers and Clarke’s cognitive model........................................................... 50 2.3.4 Summary of current models of PTSD ......................................................... 52 2.4 PTSD following non-medical trauma ............................................................. 52 2.5 Medical events as traumatic stressors .......................................................... 55 2.6 PTSD following medical trauma ..................................................................... 57 2.7 PTSD as a consequence of Acute Coronary Syndrome ............................... 60 4 2.7.1 Prevalence of PTSD following ACS ............................................................ 60 2.7.2 Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms following ACS ...................... 63 2.7.3 Distinctive features of ACS-related PTSD .................................................. 70 2.7.4 Consequences of PTSD following ACS ...................................................... 71 2.7.5 The relationship between PTSD and depression ........................................ 72 2.8 The role of PTSD in the development of coronary heart disease ................ 77 2.9 Psychophysiology of PTSD ............................................................................ 79 2.9.1 Cortisol ....................................................................................................... 79 2.9.2 Heart rate ................................................................................................... 84 2.10 Chapter summary.......................................................................................... 85 CHAPTER 3. Methodology ACCENT study ............................................................. 87 3.1 Introduction and hypotheses ......................................................................... 87 3.2 Participants ..................................................................................................... 89 3.3 Study design and procedure .......................................................................... 90 3.3.1 My role in study design, data collection and analysis.................................. 90 3.4 Psychosocial measures ................................................................................. 91 3.4.1 Socio-demographic information .................................................................. 91 3.4.2 Clinical data ............................................................................................... 92 3.4.3 Psychological measures ............................................................................. 92 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)......................................................... 93 Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms – Self Report Scale (PSS-SR) .......... 94 Hospital Anxiety Scale (HADS-A) ........................................................ 95 Medical Outcome Short Form 36 (SF36) ............................................. 95 Cook and Medley Hostility Scale (Ho) ................................................. 96 Type D (DS16) .................................................................................... 97 Fear, helplessness and horror – Acute stress. ..................................... 97 Acute stress disorder ........................................................................... 98 3.5 Data storage .................................................................................................... 98 3.6 Statistical analyses ......................................................................................... 98 CHAPTER 4. Results ACCENT Study .................................................................... 100 4.1 Results ........................................................................................................... 100 4.1.1 Data analyses .......................................................................................... 100 4.1.2 Patient characteristics .............................................................................. 101 4.1.3 Prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptoms at 12 and 36 months ........ 103 5 4.1.4 Comparisons of psychological variables between PTSD and non-PTSD groups ............................................................................................................... 105 4.1.5 Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptom severity at 12 months........... 106 4.1.6 Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at 36 months post ACS ...... 110 4.2 Discussion..................................................................................................... 112 4.2.1 Strengths and limitations .......................................................................... 116 4.2.2 Summary.................................................................................................. 117 CHAPTER 5. Methodology TRACE study .............................................................. 119 5.1 Introduction and hypotheses ....................................................................... 119 5.1.1 Acute post-ACS emotional responses and their relationship with short (2 week) and long term (six months) posttraumatic stress reactions...................... 119 Introduction to illness representations ............................................... 120 Causal attributions and CHD ............................................................. 121 Illness representations and post-MI recovery..................................... 123 The relationship between illness representations and post-MI depression and quality of life ......................................................................... 125 Posttraumatic stress and illness representations ............................... 128 5.1.2 Biological determinants of early emotional responses to ACS .................. 129 Cortisol .............................................................................................. 129 Heart rate variability........................................................................... 134 5.1.3 The relationship between posttraumatic stress responses and post ACS adaptation ......................................................................................................... 137 5.1.4 Influence of partner distress on patient posttraumatic stress reactions ..... 138 5.2 Study design ................................................................................................. 139 5.2.1 My role in study design, data collection and analysis................................ 140 5.3 Participants ................................................................................................... 140 5.4 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 142 5.4.1 Time 1 assessment .................................................................................. 142 5.4.2 Time 2 assessment .................................................................................. 143 5.4.3 Time 3 follow up assessment ................................................................... 144 5.5 Measures ....................................................................................................... 144 5.6 Measures – Time 1 ........................................................................................ 145 5.6.1 Socio-demographic information ................................................................ 145 5.6.2 Clinical data ............................................................................................. 145 5.6.3 Psychosocial measures............................................................................ 146 Profile of Mood States (POMS) ......................................................... 146 6 Medical Outcome Short Form 12 (SF-12) .......................................... 147 5.7 Measures – Time 2 ........................................................................................ 148 5.7.1 Psychosocial measures............................................................................ 148 DISH ................................................................................................. 148 Social Network .................................................................................. 149 Social Support ................................................................................... 149 Causal Beliefs ................................................................................... 150 Illness Perception Questionnaire – Revised ...................................... 151 5.7.2 Health behaviours .................................................................................... 152 Smoking ............................................................................................ 152 Alcohol consumption ......................................................................... 152 Diet.................................................................................................... 152 Physical activity ................................................................................. 153 Adherence to medications ................................................................. 153 5.7.3 Biological measures ................................................................................. 153 Salivary cortisol ................................................................................. 153 Heart rate variability........................................................................... 154 5.8 Measures – Time 3 ........................................................................................ 155 5.8.1 Psychosocial measures............................................................................ 155 5.8.2 Health behaviours .................................................................................... 156 5.10 Data storage ................................................................................................ 156 5.11 Statistical analyses ..................................................................................... 156 CHAPTER 6. Results TRACE Study I ..................................................................... 159 6.1 Data analysis ................................................................................................. 159 6.2 Patient characteristics .................................................................................. 160 6.3 Posttraumatic stress symptoms 3 – 4 weeks post ACS (time 2) ............... 162 6.3.1 Acute admission predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 .. 163 6.3.2 Multivariate predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 .......... 164 6.3.3 Psychosocial predictors of posttraumatic stress at time 2 ......................... 167 6.3.4 Illness representations and current mood state in relation to posttraumatic stress reactions at time 2 .................................................................................. 169 6.4 Posttraumatic stress symptoms and salivary cortisol ............................... 173 6.5 Posttraumatic stress symptoms and heart rate variability at time 2 ......... 179 6.6 Discussion..................................................................................................... 181 6.6.1 Predicting short term posttraumatic stress symptoms from patients’ acute post-ACS emotional responses ......................................................................... 181 7 6.6.2 Salivary cortisol and heart rate variability in the immediate aftermath of ACS – predictors of acute emotional reactions .......................................................... 187 6.6.3 Summary.................................................................................................. 190 CHAPTER 7. Results TRACE Study II .................................................................... 191 7.1 Data analysis ................................................................................................. 191 7.2 Patient characteristics .................................................................................. 192 7.3 Posttraumatic stress symptoms six months (time 3) post ACS ................ 193 7.3.1. Multivariate predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 ......... 195 7.3.2 Cognitive predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 ............. 200 7.3.3 Multivariate predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months ... 212 7.4 Posttraumatic stress symptoms, health behaviour and psychosocial adjustment at time 3 ........................................................................................... 214 7.5 Partner posttraumatic stress reactions and post ACS patient emotional recovery............................................................................................................... 218 7.6 Posttraumatic stress at six months and salivary cortisol .......................... 222 7.7 Time 2 heart rate variability and six-month posttraumatic stress ............. 222 7.8 Discussion..................................................................................................... 224 7.8.1 Predicting six-month posttraumatic stress symptoms from patients’ emotional and cognitive post-ACS reactions ..................................................... 224 7.8.2 Adjustment ............................................................................................... 229 7.8.3 The influence of post ACS biological dysfunction on patients posttraumatic stress responses at six months ......................................................................... 231 7.8.4 The association of partner distress with patients’ posttraumatic stress reactions ........................................................................................................... 232 7.8.5 TRACE: Study strengths and limitations ................................................... 234 7.8.6 Summary.................................................................................................. 236 CHAPTER 8. General discussion of research carried out in this thesis ............. 238 8.1 ACCENT and TRACE studies – Aims........................................................... 238 8.1.1 Accent – the relationship between emotional reactions to ACS and long-term posttraumatic stress .......................................................................................... 239 8.1.2 TRACE – the relationship between acute emotional reactions to ACS and posttraumatic stress 3 – 4 weeks and six months post trauma .......................... 240 8.1.3 Comparability of ACCENT and TRACE findings ....................................... 243 Predictor variables – ACCENT and TRACE ...................................... 248 Cognitive factors – TRACE ................................................................ 250 8 8.1.4 Biological dysfunction post ACS and later posttraumatic stress ................ 253 Cortisol .............................................................................................. 253 Heart rate variability........................................................................... 255 8.2 General thesis limitations............................................................................. 257 8.2.1 Study design ............................................................................................ 257 8.2.2 Measurement issues ................................................................................ 258 PTSD assessment ............................................................................. 259 8.2.3 Cortisol assessment ................................................................................. 261 8.2.4 Response rate, sample size and power .................................................... 263 8.3 Clinical implications ..................................................................................... 264 8.4 Directions for future research ...................................................................... 266 8.5 Key message of thesis ................................................................................. 268 8.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 269 References .............................................................................................................. 271 Appendix I: ACCENT 12 and 36 month Interview…………………………………….308 Appendix II: ACCENT 12 and 36 month questionnaire..………………….……..….310 Appendix III: TRACE patient information sheet.………………………………….….318 Appendix IV: TRACE consent form…………………………………………………….320 Appendix V: TRACE time 1, time 2 and time 3 questionnaires..……………….….321 Appendix VI: TRACE time 3 telephone interview…………………………………….365 Appendix VII: TRACE cortisol diary…………………………………………………….367 9 List of tables TABLE 2.1 DSM-IV DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER ......... 45 TABLE 2.2 PREVALENCE OF PTSD FOLLOWING ACS ...................................................... 62 TABLE 2.3 RISK FACTORS FOR PTSD FOLLOWING ACS .................................................. 66 TABLE 3.1 MEASURES OBTAINED AT EACH TIME POINT .................................................... 99 TABLE 4.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS – 12 MONTH SAMPLE ......................................... 102 TABLE 4.2 PSS-SR SCORES....................................................................................... 103 TABLE 4.3 PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES BY PTSD CASENESS ........................................ 105 TABLE 4.4 PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS .................................. 107 TABLE 4.5 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTOR VARIABLES ............... 108 TABLE 4.6 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT 12 MONTHS ............................................................................................................. 109 TABLE 4.7 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT 36 MONTHS ............................................................................................................. 112 TABLE 5.1 REASONS FOR EXCLUSIONS AND REFUSALS ................................................. 142 TABLE 5.2 MEASURES OBTAINED AT EACH TIME POINT .................................................. 157 TABLE 5.3 CRONBACH‘S ALPHA FOR MEASURES ADMINISTERED IN TRACE .................... 158 TABLE 6.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................ 161 TABLE 6.2 PSS-SR SCORES AT TIME 2 ........................................................................ 163 TABLE 6.3 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN BASLINE VARIABLES (TIME 1) AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 164 TABLE 6.4 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 ......................................................................................................................... 166 TABLE 6.5 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 ......................................................................................................................... 166 TABLE 6.6 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK FACTORS AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 167 TABLE 6.7 PSYCHOSOCIAL PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 ......................................................................................................................... 168 TABLE 6.8 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 169 TABLE 6.9 ILLNESS REPRESENTATION CHARACTERISTICS AT TIME 2 ............................... 169 TABLE 6.10 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATION DIMENSIONS ... 170 TABLE 6.11 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 172 TABLE 6.12 COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 173 10 TABLE 6.13 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND SALIVARY CORTISOL AT TIME 2 .... 175 TABLE 6.14 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND TOTAL CORTISOL OUTPUT AT TIME 2 ......................................................................................................................... 176 TABLE 6.15 INDICES OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT TIME 2 .......................................... 179 TABLE 6.16 ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 HEART RATE VARIABILITY AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS .................................................................................... 180 TABLE 6.17 PTSD AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT TIME 2........................................... 181 TABLE 7.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS AT TIME 3.......................................................... 192 TABLE 7.2 PSS-SR SCORES AT SIX MONTHS POST ACS ............................................... 194 TABLE 7.3 PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS .................................. 196 TABLE 7.4 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTOR VARIABLES ............... 197 TABLE 7.5 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS ............................................................................................................. 199 TABLE 7.6 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS ............................................................................................................. 199 TABLE 7.7 TIME 3 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS ............................................................. 201 TABLE 7.8 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS AND TIME 3 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS ................................................................................ 201 TABLE 7.9 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS AND TIME 3 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 203 TABLE 7.10 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS ................................................................................................... 204 TABLE 7.11 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC INTRUSION SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS .................................................................................. 205 TABLE 7.12 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AVOIDANCE SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS .................................................................................. 205 TABLE 7.13 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AROUSAL SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS .................................................................................. 206 TABLE 7.14 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS............................................................ 208 TABLE 7.15 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC INTRUSION SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS............................................................ 209 TABLE 7.16 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AVOIDANCE SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS............................................................ 209 TABLE 7.17 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AROUSAL SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS............................................................ 210 11 TABLE 7.18 COMBINED MULTIVARIATE PREDICTOR MODEL OF SIX MONTH POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ............................................................................................. 212 TABLE 7.19 UNADJUSTED COMBINED MULTIVARIATE PREDICTOR MODEL OF SIX MONTH POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 213 TABLE 7.20 HEALTH BEHAVIOUR CHANGE TIME 2 TO TIME 3 ........................................... 215 TABLE 7.21 PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH STATUS CHANGE TIME 2 TO TIME 3 .............. 216 TABLE 7.22 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH STATUS CHANGE .................................................. 217 TABLE 7.23 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PATIENT AND PARTNER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS AT TIME 2 ................................................................................................................ 219 TABLE 7.24 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PATIENT AND PARTNER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS AT TIME 3 ................................................................................................................ 219 TABLE 7.25 PARTNER PSS-SR SCORES AT TIME 2 AND TIME 3 ...................................... 220 TABLE 7.26 PARTNER POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS AS A PREDICTOR OF PATIENT POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS AT SIX MONTHS ............................................................. 221 TABLE 7.27 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 3 AND SALIVARY CORTISOL AT TIME 2 ................................................................................................................ 222 TABLE 7.28 HEART RATE VARIABILITY (TIME 2) AND PTSD AT TIME 3 ............................. 223 TABLE 7.29 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS (ORIGINAL CRITERIA – TIME 3) AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT TIME 2 ................................................................................ 223 TABLE 8.1 OVERVIEW ACCENT AND TRACE STUDIES ................................................. 246 TABLE 8.2 SUMMARY OF PREDICTOR VARIABLES ACCENT AND TRACE........................ 249 12 List of figures FIGURE 2.1 HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY-ADRENAL AXIS .................................................. 80 FIGURE 3.1 FLOWCHART OF PATIENT RECRUITMENT ....................................................... 99 FIGURE 4.1 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPRESSION SCORES AT BASELINE AND 12 MONTH POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................................................................... 110 FIGURE 5.1 TRACE STUDY DESIGN ............................................................................. 139 FIGURE 6.1 TYPE D PERSONALITY AND POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS ................. 168 FIGURE 6.2 PROFILE OF SALIVARY CORTISOL THROUGHOUT THE DAY AT TIME 2 ............. 174 FIGURE 6.3 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND TOTAL CORTISOL OUTPUT CONTROLLING FOR DEPRESSION .............................................. 176 FIGURE 6.4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACUTE STRESS AND CORTISOL AT TIME 2....... 178 FIGURE 8.1 KEY FINDINGS OF ACCENT AND TRACE INVESTIGATIONS .......................... 268 13 Publications Some of the research described in this thesis has been published, and other sections have been submitted for publication. In addition, some of the research described has been presented in conferences. Publications: Wikman, A., Bhattacharyya, M., Perkins-Porras, L., Steptoe, A. (2008) Posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months post acute coronary syndrome. Psychosomatic Medicine; 70: 764-772. Bhattacharyya, M., Perkins-Porras, L., Wikman, A., Steptoe, A. (2008) The long-term effects of acute triggers of acute coronary syndromes on adaptation and quality of life. International journal of cardiology, [In press, corrected proof, available online]. Conference presentations: *American Psychosomatic Society Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, 2009. ‗Posttraumatic stress and anxiety symptoms in partners of patients following acute coronary syndrome’. *American Psychosomatic Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA, 2008. ‗Posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months following ACS’. *Erice International School of Ethology: The inevitable link between heart and behaviour workshop, Erice, Sicily, 2007. ‘PTSD at 12 and 36 months post ACS’. 14 Acknowledgments First and foremost, I wish to express my gratitude and thanks to my thesis supervisor, Professor Andrew Steptoe, for his continued and invaluable support and guidance throughout this process. I am also grateful for the support offered by a number of my colleagues, who have contributed to the collection and processing of data, as well as offered me advice and support when needed, these include Dr Gerry Molly, Dr Nadine Messerli-Burgy, Dr Linda Perkins-Porras, Dr Mimi Bhattacharyya and Dr Emily Williams. I would like to extend my gratitude to Professor Chris Brewin for the much appreciated advice on PTSD he has offered on many occasions. Thanks also to Dr Samantha Dockray for her many helpful suggestions. I would like to thank all the patients who agreed to participate in the research projects. I am also grateful to the Medical Research Council for the funding I have received to complete this thesis, and the British Heart Foundation for funding these projects. A special thank you goes to my very dear friends and colleagues Nina Grant and Gemma Randall. Their presence have made every day in the office a joy. Without their friendship, support and encouragement this thesis would never have been completed, and I am forever grateful. Finally I would like to thank my partner, Vicent Garcia, for being understanding when I have been unreasonable, for being supportive when I have not deserved it, and for always providing excellent IT support, which has been so desperately needed. 15 List of abbreviations ACCENT ACE ACS ACTH ANS ASD AUC BDI BMI BPM CABG CAD CAPS CAR CHD CI CRP CVD DBP DISH DS14 DS16 DSM DTS ECG ED EE GRACE HADS HF HO HPA HR HRV IBI IES IL-10 IL-6 IPQ-R LF LVEF MARS MI NA NSTEMI OR PDS POMS PSS PTSD Acute coronary syndrome emotion and triggers study Angiotensin converting enzyme Acute coronary syndrome Adreno corticotrophin hormone Autonomic nervous system Acute stress disorder Area under the curve Beck depression inventory Body mass index Beats per minute Coronary artery bypass graft Coronary artery disease Clinician Administered PTSD scale Cortisol awakening response Coronary heart disease Confidence interval C-Reactive protein Cardiovascular disease Diastolic blood pressure Depression Interview and Structured Hamilton Type D personality scale -14 Type D personality scale -16 Diagnostics and statistical manual The Davidson Trauma Scale Electrocardiogram Emergency department Expressed emotion Global registry of acute coronary events Hospital anxiety and depression scale High frequency Cook-Medley hostility scale Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis Heart rate Heart rate variability Inter beat interval Impact of events scale Interleukin - 10 Interleukin - 6 Illness perception questionnaire - revised Low frequency Left ventricular ejection fraction Medication Adherence Report Scale Myocardial infarction Negative affectivity Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction Odds ratio Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale Profile of mood states Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale Posttraumatic stress disorder 16 QOL QRS RMSSD RR R-R SAM SBP SCID SD SDNN SE SES SF12 SF36 SI SRI STAI STEMI TRACE UA UFC VAM VLF Quality of life Q, R, S waves root of the mean square difference Relative risk Beat to beat Semantically accessible memory Systolic bloody pressure Structured clinical interview Standard deviation standard deviation of normal mean Standard error Socioeconomic status Medical Outcome Short Form 12 Medical Outcome Short Form 36 Social inhibition Simple risk index State trait anxiety inventory ST elevation myocardial infarction Tracking recovery after cardiac events study Unstable angina Urinary free cortisol Verbally accessibly memory Very low frequency 17 CHAPTER 1. Literature Review: Psychosocial risk factors and Cardiovascular Disease 1.1 Overview of Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is by far the most common cause of death, and premature death, in the United Kingdom (UK). Approximately one in three deaths each year are caused by CVD. Coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for almost half (48%) of deaths from CVD. CHD claims around 94,000 lives each year. CHD kills approximately one in five men and one in six women each year. However these figures have declined over the past 30 years (CVD down by 24% in past 10 years in patients under 75 years, CHD down by 46% in past 10 year in patients under 65). These trends are primarily due to reductions of risk factors, particularly smoking, though improved clinical care has also increased survival following acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (British Heart Foundation [BHF], 2008). CHD occurs when the artery supplying blood to the heart becomes partially or wholly blocked. This is caused by fatty deposits (cholesterol plaques) building up on the inside lining of the arteries (atherosclerosis). When this narrowing of arteries exceeds 50 – 70%, the blood supply beyond the plaque cannot meet the oxygen demand of the heart on exertion. This causes symptoms of chest pain (angina), which is temporary and treatable, though not everyone will experience pain. If arteries are narrowed in excess of 90 – 99%, angina may occur even in a resting state (this is referred to as Unstable Angina – UA). CHD can result in a heart attack (Myocardial Infarction – MI) if the blood supply to the heart is stopped for long enough to cause damage (death of heart muscle tissue). A MI will generally occur suddenly, due to a rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. Every six minutes someone dies from a heart attack. 18 The term ‗acute coronary syndrome‘ encompasses a spectrum of unstable coronary heart disease that includes UA and two forms of MI. The type of MI is determined according to the appearance of the electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) as ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) or non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Combined data from prevalence studies of MI suggest that 4% of men and 2% of women have had a MI (BHF, 2008). The improved survival rates following ACS have led to an increase in the prevalence of patients with ACS, so issues of emotional adjustment and quality of life are becoming increasingly important. There are around 1.4 million people over the age of 35 in the UK who have survived a heart attack (BHF, 2008). Besides the traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia, four different types of psychosocial factors have been found to be most consistently associated with an increased risk of CHD: work stress, lack of social support, depression and personality (particularly hostility). This chapter will focus on the role of psychosocial factors, in particular psychological factors, in the development of CHD. Psychological consequences of CHD will be discussed in detail and possible mechanisms underlying the association will be evaluated. 1.2 Psychological factors in the development of CHD Negative emotions have been claimed to be a cause of CHD as well as a consequence of the disease. There is growing evidence that negative emotions have cumulative pathophysiological effects that can ultimately lead to CHD events, via accumulation of damage through a steady activation of neurohormonal systems and other mechanisms (Everson-Rose & Lewis, 2005; Kubzansky et al., 2005; Rozanski et al., 2005). Negative emotions may have direct physiologic effects on the development of CHD through the repeated activation of the sympathetic nervous system and 19 hypothalamic-pituitary adrenocortical axis (HPA) activation, immune dysregulation, and vascular inflammation. Alternatively negative emotions may affect the development of CHD through indirect pathways such as their negative influence on health behaviours such as smoking, exercise or adherence to medications (Steptoe, 2007). By identifying such plausible causal pathways the argument that negative emotions, such as depression, contribute to the development of CHD can be strengthened. As discussed above a number of pathways have been proposed including behavioural and lifestyle processes, psychosocial factors such as social support, and more direct biological processes. These are discussed more fully in section 1.4 below in the context of linking negative emotions with mortality and morbidity in patients with existing cardiac disease. A body of research has to date shown strong positive associations between three main negative emotions and increased risk of CHD in initially disease free individuals: depression, anxiety and anger. The following sections will discuss the role of depression, anxiety, anger/hostility and type D personality in the development of CHD. 1.2.1 Depression A number of prospective studies have noted an increased risk of MI and cardiovascular mortality among depressed, but otherwise healthy individuals. However it is important to note that the use of the term ‗depression‘ in the literature sometime refers to depressive symptoms and sometimes to depressive illness. Most studies investigating depression and the aetiology of CHD have used self-report measures to assess ‗symptoms of depression‘. Other studies have used diagnostic interviews, whereby a clinical diagnosis can be assigned. Only by adopting this method can one refer to the depression observed as ‗depressive illness‘. In reviewing the literature there appears to be a trend towards positive associations among studies that have involved 20 a clinical diagnosis of depression by interview, compared with studies utilizing selfreport questionnaire measures of depressed mood. Several large representative epidemiological studies that have controlled for a broad range of CHD risk factors have established a positive association between depression and CHD. Anda and colleagues (1993) reported a relative risk (RR) of 1.5 for fatal CHD, adjusting for several other factors (e.g. age, gender, BMI, standard CHD risk factors etc), in a sample of >2800 followed up for 12 years, where 11.1% of the sample had depressed affect at baseline. A meta-analysis of 11 published studies demonstrated a strong positive association between depression and incident CHD, with a RR of 2.69 (95% Confidence Intervals [CI]:1.63 – 4.43) for individuals with clinically relevant levels of depression, and a RR of 1.49 (95% CI: 1.16 – 1.02) for individuals with depressed mood (Rugulies, 2002). A systematic review by Wulsin and Singal (2003) reported a combined overall RR of depression of 1.64 (95% CI: 1.41–1.90) for the onset CHD. This risk was greater than the risk conferred by passive smoking (RR= 1.25), however, it was less than the risk conferred by active smoking (RR= 2.5) observed in this review. Findings from the INTERHEART study (Rosengren et al., 2004; Yusuf et al., 2004) showed that psychosocial distress conferred a higher relative risk for MI than did hypertension, abdominal adiposity, diabetes and several other traditional risk factors. Compared with lower levels of depressive symptoms, a high level was associated with a 2.5 – fold relative risk. This relationship remained even when all other risk factors were included in the model simultaneously. Some studies have demonstrated a dose-response relationship between depression and future CHD suggesting that individuals with sub-clinical levels of depression may still be at increased risk for CHD. Pratt et al (1996) found major depression to be associated with a 4.5-fold increased risk of MI, whereas dysphoria was associated with a 2.7-fold increased risk. A 17 – 27 year follow up of 730 health men and women by Barefoot and Schroll (1996) demonstrated a relative risk of 1.71 and 1.59 for fatal/non-fatal MI and all cause mortality, respectively, for each 2-Standard 21 Deviation increase in depression score. These authors concluded, based on the graded relationship observed between depression scores and CHD risk, as well as the apparently long lasting effect, that depression should be considered as a continuous variable, representing a psychological trait not as an episodic psychiatric condition or threshold effect. This intensity effect has been replicated by Pennix et al (2001). More recent research further reinforces the conclusions that higher depression among healthy populations at baseline confers a heightened risk of CHD. A 2007 study from Sweden (Janszky et al., 2007) prospectively followed patients who were hospitalized for depression. The RR of developing an acute MI was 2.9, and this risk persisted for decades after the initial hospitalization. A prospective UK cohort study of initially disease free individuals revealed major depression to be associated with a higher rate of death from CHD. Specifically, patients who had depression currently or in the past 12 months had a 2.7-fold increased risk of dying than those who had never had depression or who had had it more than 12 months previously (Surtees et al., 2008). Frasure-Smith and Lesperance (2005) reviewed 21 aetiological and 43 prognostic publications and concluded that despite the multiple methodological differences between studies, data from prospective adequately powered aetiological and prognostic studies with objective outcome measures (at least one outcome other than angina or self-reported chest pain) and utilizing recognized indices of depression were highly consistent in their support of depression as a risk factor for the development of CHD (as well as the worsening of established CHD). Steptoe (2007) reviewed 27 longitudinal observational studies published between 1964 and 2005, and pointed overall towards a positive association between depression and CHD, although inconsistencies were present. A meta-analysis of cohort studies measuring depression with follow up for fatal CHD/incident MI (aetiological) or all-cause mortality/fatal CHD (prognostic) by Nicholson and colleagues (2006) found significant associations between depression 22 and CHD. The pooled RR across 21 aetiological studies was 1.81 (95% CI: 1.53 – 2.15) for future CHD. Adjusted results were included for 11 studies, with adjustments reducing the crude effect marginally from 2.08 (95% CI: 1.69 – 2.55) to 1.90 (95% CI: 1.49 – 2.42). In the 34 prognostic studies included in this analysis, the pooled RR was 1.80 (95% CI: 1.50 – 2.15). However, these authors concluded that due to the biased availability of adjustments, incomplete adjustments, and the possibility of reverse causation, these findings cast doubt on the significant associations observed between depression and future CHD, and whether depression can be considered an independent risk factor is yet to be established. However, a more recent meta-analysis by Van der Kooy and colleauges of 28 epidemiologic studies with nearly 80,000 patients showed depression to be an independent risk factor for the onset of a wide range of CVD (Van der Kooy et al., 2007). The authors acknowledge that the evidence is related to a high level of heterogeneity across studies, and only the overall combined risk of depression for the onset of myocardial infarctions (n=8, RR=1.60, 95% CI: 1.341.92) was homogenous. 1.2.2 Anxiety Anxiety has been defined as a state of emotional distress ‗resulting from feelings of being unable to predict, control, or obtain desired outcomes‘ (Barlow, 2004). Anxiety often involves feelings of apprehension and fear characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and feelings of stress. Anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses. Unlike the relatively mild, brief anxiety caused by a stressful event such as a public speaking or a job interview, anxiety disorders are chronic, relentless, and can grow progressively worse if not treated. Though relatively fewer studies have investigated anxiety as a risk factor for CHD compared with depression, there is emerging evidence of a prospective relationship between anxiety and CHD in initially disease free individuals. Several large 23 studies have noted a relationship between phobic anxiety and sudden cardiac death. An early report by Haines et al (1987) found that high levels of phobic anxiety as measured by the Crown-Crisp index were associated with a RR for fatal CHD of 3.77 (95% CI: 1.64 – 8.64) in a sample of 1457 men. A later study found a dose-response relationship between phobic anxiety and fatal CHD in men, with further analyses revealing this association to be specific to the outcome of sudden cardiac death (RR= 2.5, 95% CI: 1.00 – 5.96). These findings were independent of smoking, alcohol use and a broad range of cardiovascular risk factors. No association was observed between phobic anxiety and either non-fatal MI or total CHD (Kawachi et al., 1994a). Using data from a 32 – year follow up of the Normative Ageing Study of 2271 men, aged 21 to 80 years in 1961, Kawachi et al (1994b) observed an age adjusted RR of 3.20 (95% CI: 1.27 – 8.09) for fatal CHD, and an RR for sudden cardiac death of 5.73 (95% CI: 1.26 – 26.1). As risk behaviours such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have been related to anxiety, these analyses were adjusted for those variables and other standard CHD risk factors. The authors found that effects became non-significant after taking into account smoking, alcohol consumption and standard CHD risk factors ( RR= 1.94, 95% CI: 0.70 – 5.41 for fatal CHD; RR= 4.46, 95% CI: 0.93 – 8.25 for sudden cardiac death). Albert et al (2005) reported findings from a prospective study of 72 359 women with no history of cardiovascular disease or cancer. At 12 – year follow up, women who had scored 4 or higher on the Crown-Crisp Index were at a 1.59 – fold (95% CI: 0.97 – 2.60) marginally increased risk of sudden cardiac death and a 1.31 – fold (95% CI: 0.97 – 1.75) marginally increased risk of fatal CHD compared with those who scored 0 or 1. After control for possible confounding risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol), a trend toward an increased risk persisted for sudden cardiac death (p= .06). Further analyses in the Normative Ageing Study have examined an additional dimension of anxiety – chronic worrying – as a risk factor for CHD (Kubzansky et al., 1997). Compared with men reporting the lowest levels of anxiety, men with the highest 24 levels were at approximately 2.5 times the risk (95% CI: 1.49 – 4.31) for non-fatal MI, but men with moderate anxiety were also at increased risk (RR=1.70, 95% CI: 1.01 – 2.86). However, it was not possible to determine in this study whether the risk stemmed from the actual content of worry or the severity of worry. Similar effects have been observed in a sample of women. Eaker et al (1992) reported findings from a 20 – year follow up of 749 initially health women. A significant association of anxiety symptoms with MI and fatal CHD among homemakers was found, however, this was not observed among employed women. These findings showed that reporting any symptom of anxiety (self-report) was associated with a 6 – fold increased risk compared with those who reported no anxiety. This effect persisted after controlling for a wide range of other CHD risk factors. Findings such as these are particularly striking, considering selfreport measures are likely to capture sub-clinical symptomatology as well as more severe distress. This is of notable importance, considering the evidence showing anxious or depressed individuals experience multiple difficulties, even when they may not formally qualify for a clinical diagnosis (Kessler et al., 2003). One explanation for the evidence linking [phobic] anxiety with risk of CHD might be the influence of treatment drugs prescribed such as benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants, and barbiturates (Thorogood et al., 1992). However, it is difficult to tease apart the risk conferred by drug treatments and the risk associated with underlying anxiety. For example, Kawachi et al (1994a) found similar sizes of effect of anxiety in their subgroup of drug free men compared with those who were on drug treatment on CHD risk, making the explanation of effects of drugs less likely. Another explanation for the association of anxiety and future CHD risk is that chronically anxious patients have low heart rate variability (HRV), with decreased capacity for heart rate change in response to stress (Miu et al., 2009). Diminished heart rate variability has been identified as a potent risk factor for sudden cardiac death in patients recovering from myocardial infarction (Bigger et al., 1992) and is a significant independent predictor of mortality in high risk groups (Makikallio et al., 2001a, 2001b). 25 Overall the evidence has largely demonstrated positive associations, albeit mainly in studies of male participants, and most effects have been independent of standard cardiovascular risk factors and demographic indices. Inconsistencies do however exist, probably due to varying sample sizes, differences in follow up periods, type of measures used (clinical interview vs. self-report measures), and adequacy of adjustment for confounders. 1.2.3 Anger and Hostility Anger and hostile feelings are strongly associated with each other; generally, anger is considered the emotional aspect of hostility. In turn, hostility is more representative of a more enduring disposition or personality style. Hostility is defined as a cynical, suspicious and resentful attitude towards others, often leading to negative social exchanges and more opportunities to experience anger. In contrast, not all individuals with high levels of anger can be characterized as hostile. Much of the early work in this area focused on the type A behaviour pattern. Type A is defined as ‗an action-emotion complex that can be observed in any person who is aggressively involved in a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time, and if required to do so, against the opposing efforts of other things or persons…‘ (Friedman & Rosenman, 1959). In other words, type A personality includes elements of impatience, hard driving goal oriented behaviour, irritation and anger. Early studies supported an association between type A personality and risk of CHD. In one major longitudinal study (Rosenman et al., 1975) it was observed that individuals with type A behaviour were more than twice as likely to suffer CHD than those without type A characteristics. Another important study was the Framingham Heart Study (Haynes et al., 1980), where type A personality was found to predict future CHD among men with white-collar professions and in women working outside the home. Later work, however, did not support the early evidence for a link between type A behaviour pattern and 26 future CHD (Matthews & Haynes, 1986). Type A is now considered a weak and inconsistent predictor of CHD disease. Hostility is a component of Type A personality, and is considered the ‗toxic‘ component of Type A, with regards to CHD risk (Rozanski et al., 1999). Similar to findings with depression and anxiety, although there are fewer studies, both crosssectional and prospective studies reveal an association between anger/hostility and clinical indices of CHD. In cross-sectional studies, various indices of anger have been shown to correlate with CHD risk (e.g. Mittleman et al., 1995; Moller et al., 1999). Prospective studies provide robust evidence of an association. For example, an early study of initially disease free men, hostility predicted 10 – year risk of acute MI and CHD mortality (Shekelle et al., 1983). Kawachi et al (1996) reported that compared with men reporting the lowest levels of anger, the RR among men reporting the highest levels of anger were 3.15 (95% CI: 0.94 – 10.5) for total CHD (nonfatal MI plus fatal CHD) and 2.66 (95% CI: 1.26 – 5.61) for combined incident coronary events including angina pectoris. This study demonstrated a dose-response relationship over a 7 year follow up period. It is interesting to note that levels of risk increased significantly for men who reported only two to four symptoms and dramatically for those reporting more than five symptoms. Williams et al (2000) studied 12,986 individuals [men and women] without known CHD at baseline and reported a strong graded relationship between increasing ‗trait anger‘ and subsequent MI and CHD mortality. A 1996 meta-analysis of 45 studies by Miller et al (1996) showed that chronic hostility is an independent risk factor for CHD as well as all-cause mortality, with the relationship being strongest among younger patients. A more recent meta-analysis also showed that hostility yielded a significant association with CHD (Myrtek, 2001). Although numerous studies have supported an association between hostility and CHD, controversy persists due to the rarity of large-scale prospective cohort studies of initially healthy populations. Surtees et al (2005) addressed this issue in a prospective investigation of the association between hostility and cardiovascular (and all-cause) 27 mortality among 20,550 men and women, 41–80 years of age, participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk), United Kingdom study. These authors found that hostility was not associated with cardiovascular mortality, after adjustment for age and prevalent disease, in either men (RR= 1.09 for a 1 SD decrease in hostility score [representing increased hostility]; 95% CI: 0.98 – 1.22) or in women (RR= 1.00; 95% CI: 0.86 – 1.26). Subgroup analysis suggested hostility may be associated with cardiovascular mortality (independent of age, prevalent disease and cigarette smoking) for participants reporting very high hostility and for those aged less than 60 years. Overall, evidence from methodologically sound population-based studies suggests a role of anger and hostility in the increased risk of CHD in initially healthy populations. However, in common with the research on anxiety and CHD, the majority of studies have been of White males. Many reviews have been conducted of the association between anger/hostility and CHD, but findings have been disparate. Schulman and Stromberg (2007) compared seven meta-analyses, and showed that the diverse conclusions about the role of anger and hostility in CHD, is largely due to the varied study inclusion criteria. Chida and Steptoe (2009) conducted a review and metaanalysis of prospective cohort studies, addressing issues of methodological study quality, follow-up periods, participant characteristics, and whether studies used initially healthy participants or those with established CHD. These authors concluded that anger and hostility are significantly associated with development of CHD, as well as disease progression among those with existing CHD. In fact, they showed that the effect was marginally greater in studies of CHD populations compared with initially disease free populations. In addition, the association of anger and hostility with CHD was stronger among men then women. However, studies included in these analyses were observational in nature, and therefore causality cannot be established. When controlling for a broad range of behavioural co-variates (possible mediating pathways), 28 the effect of hostility was no longer significant in either studies of disease free individuals at baseline, or those with established CHD. 1.3 Psychological consequences of CHD 1.3.1 Rates and prognostic implications of depression following CHD Having a heart attack is a distressing experience and the psychological consequences of an ACS may be profound and persistent. Many patients report feeling acutely upset and a proportion develops marked depressive symptoms. Major depressive disorder (MDD) develops in approximately 15% of cardiac patients (post MI and CABG), with a further 20% reporting either minor depression or elevated levels of depressive symptoms (Davidson et al., 2004; King, 1997; Lett et al., 2004; Rozanski et al., 1999). Depression is associated with significant impairment of functioning, which can at times exceed that of an individual‘s physical illness (Wells et al., 1989). The impact of depression on clinical recovery following MI has been extensively studied since Frasure-Smith and colleagues reported its prospective association with cardiac prognosis (Frasure-Smith et al., 1993). In this study 222 MI patients were assessed between 5 and 15 days following admission and were followed up 6 months later. At the 6 – month stage, approximately 5% of the sample had died from cardiac causes. Depression measured at baseline was a significant predictor of mortality (Odds Ratio [OR]: 5.74, 95% CI: 4.61 – 6.87). The impact of depression remained after control for left ventricular dysfunction and previous MI (OR: 4.29, 95% CI: 3.14 – 5.86). FrasureSmith et al argued that the impact of depression on mortality following MI is at least equivalent to that of left ventricular dysfunction and history of previous MI. The data linking depression and adverse outcomes among patients with established cardiac disease are particularly striking with a 1998 review noting that 11 of 11 studies reported worsened outcome (Glassman & Shapiro, 1998). 29 Depression appears to be common and persistent in MI patients with approximately one in three experiencing at least mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms during hospitalization (Thombs et al., 2006). Depression has now gained status as a risk factor alongside biomedical risk factors (Rumsfeld & Ho, 2005). Findings reported by Kaptein et al (2006) suggested a potential ‗high-risk‘ group of patients. This group of patients who had significant levels of depression during hospitalization for MI, and whose symptoms increased in the subsequent year, were at higher risk of recurrent cardiac events (Hazard Ratio [HR]: 2.5, 95% CI: 1.11 – 5.45) compared with patients with no depressive symptoms. These patients were also more likely to report a history of previous depression and experienced more severe initial depressive symptoms at baseline. Lesperance and colleagues (2002) observed an increased risk of cardiac death in patients with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores that started below the traditional cut-off point for identifying mild depression. Patients‘ baseline depression was associated with long term cardiac survival. Improvement of depressed mood over time had little effect on prognosis in those patients with moderate to severe depression (BDI > 19) whereas improvement of symptoms in patients with mild to moderate depressed mood at baseline was associated with better cardiovascular prognosis. Although depression following an acute cardiac event is common it is important to bear in mind that approximately 50% of these patients will have had previous episodes of depressive symptoms or that the post-MI depressive symptoms are a continuation of pre-MI depression (Freedland et al., 1992; Spijkerman et al., 2005). One early report found that 40% of depressed MI patients with a history of depression died by 18 months post the event in comparison with only 10% of patients with a first time depression, while the group of patients with a history of depression but no depression during hospitalization had the lowest mortality (2.2%) (Lesperance et al., 1996). Other reports suggest that first time depression post MI increases the risk of mortality. Grace et al (2005) reported that patients with self-reported depressed mood 30 following ACS but no history of depression had a 1.78 – fold increased risk of 5-year mortality compared with depressed ACS patients with a history of depression. Similarly, de Jonge and colleagues (2006) found that patients with first time depression following MI had an increased risk of new cardiovascular events (HR: 1.76, 95% CI: 1.06 – 2.03) compared with non-depressed patients. Patients with recurrent post-MI depression were no more likely to experience recurrent cardiac events than were non-depressed patients (HR: 1.39, 95% CI: 0.74 – 2.61). One recent study found no relationship between depression and increased cardiac mortality at all. Dickens et al (2007) measured depression before the MI and then 12 months later, and found that neither increased risk of cardiac death following MI. These data therefore suggest that depression in the weeks soon after MI onset may be particularly critical. This notion is further reinforced by data collected as part of this thesis. The importance of depressive symptoms observed in the early aftermath of ACS in relation to later adverse psychosocial outcomes is demonstrated in chapter 4 in this thesis. Although more recent systematic reviews have shown that depression following an ACS is associated with a 2-fold increased risk of cardiac and all-cause mortality in patients with established CHD (van Melle et al., 2004; Barth et al., 2004), the findings are not universally consistent (Lane et al., 2001; Mayou et al., 2000). However, the studies not to have found associations have typically been rather smaller scale than others, and may have been underpowered. 1.3.2 Anxiety Anxiety is often overlooked as a psychosocial risk factor in CHD. Much of the focus remains on the role of depression. However, accumulating evidence indicates that depression in CHD is often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety (Denollet et al., 2006c), and that anxiety predicts cardiac events in post – MI patients over and above the effect of depression (Grace et al., 2004; Strik et al., 2003). Considering the frequent 31 co-occurrence of depression and anxiety, greater focus should be directed to investigating the influence of anxiety on prognosis in patients with recognized CHD. Anxiety symptoms were assessed soon after admission in the two samples of ACS patients I studied, and up to 3 years post the event. The importance of anxiety symptoms, and posttraumatic stress (an anxiety disorder) in relation to post ACS adjustment was assessed; these data are presented in chapters 4 and 6. Frasure-Smith and colleagues reported an increased risk of cardiac events after MI associated with anxiety (Frasure-Smith et al., 1995), in contrast to Jiang et al (2001) who used the same measure and found no relationship with mortality. From longitudinal investigations (3 – 5 year follow up), anxiety was associated with increased occurrence of adverse events post MI (Strik et al., 2003). A review by Januzzi et al (2000) highlighted the importance of studying anxiety in the context of CHD, as it was found to increase risk of all-cause mortality three-fold following MI. This review also found that anxiety almost doubled the risk of re-infarction at 5 years follow up, and increased the risk of sudden cardiac death by a factor of 6. Studies of prognosis following cardiac surgery have found anxiety to predict post-operative recovery after CABG sugery (Rothenhausler et al., 2005). However, among these studies, symptoms of anxiety assessed post-operatively have emerged as stronger predictors of adverse outcomes following cardiac surgery then symptom levels recorded pre-operatively. Oxlad et al (2006) reported that, following CABG, 6–month cardiac related hospital readmissions were predicted by pre-operative depression levels and post-operative anxiety, after controlling for a broad range of medical confounders. A more recent study by Szekely et al (2007) demonstrated that trait anxiety, as measured by the Spielberger State – Trait Anxiety Inventory, was associated with increased mortality and cardiovascular morbidity following CABG and valve surgery. 180 patients who underwent cardiac surgery were followed up at 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 months post discharge. 42% of the sample were classified as presenting clinically significant anxiety symptoms. Trait anxiety emerged as an independent predictor of post-discharge 32 cardiovascular events and 4 year mortality. This study further supports the evidence of stronger predictive value of post-operative anxiety scores than of pre-operative values. At 6 month follow up, trait anxiety scores were found to be more strongly associated with cardiovascular events than were values obtained pre-surgery. In this study, anxiety and depression were strongly correlated, however, only anxiety was significantly associated with increased mortality and morbidity. 1.3.3 Type D personality Type D personality refers to the joint tendency to experience negative emotions (negative affectivity) and to inhibit these emotions at the same time by avoiding negative reactions from others (social inhibition). Type D personality has been associated with a variety of adverse health outcomes in cardiac patients. These adversities include poor prognosis, heightened emotional distress, poor selfmanagement, pro-inflammatory cytokine activation, and disturbances in cortisol secretion in patients with CHD, heart failure, and heart transplantation (Denollet & Brutsaert, 1998; Whitehead et al., 2007). Type D has also been associated with a wide range of emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress (Denollet et al., 2000; Pedersen & Denollet, 2003; Pedersen & Denollet, 2004; Pedersen & Denollet, 2006). Type D personality may be a pre-existing vulnerability factor for development of posttraumatic stress in response to ACS. Chapters 4, 6 and 7 in this thesis address the role of type D personality in the prediction of post ACS posttraumatic reactions. Denollet et al (1995) showed in a prospective study of 268 men and 38 women with established CHD, that Type D personality was associated with a six-fold increased risk of death from cardiac events two to five years post MI (in men). In a sample of patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation, Type D personality emerged as an independent risk factor associated with a four – fold increased risk of death from 33 cardiac causes (Denollet et al., 1996). A more recent study (Denollet et al., 2006b) followed up 337 MI patient after 5 years. Multivariate analyses showed that left ventricular ejection fraction <40%, not having coronary artery bypass surgery, and Type D personality were independent predictors of major adverse events (OR= 2.90, 95% CI: 1.42 – 5.92), whereas psychological stress as measured by the General Health Questionnaire was marginally significant (OR= 2.01, 95% CI: 0.99 – 4.11). These authors concluded that Type D reflects more than temporary changes in stress levels as it predicted cardiac events after controlling for concurrent symptoms of stress. The very core of Type D research is the notion that the general tendency to experience emotional and interpersonal difficulties may exacerbate progression of CHD, irrespective of depression and anxiety. Although some overlap may exist between depression and Type D personality in terms of negative affect, they clearly differ in the inclusion of social inhibition and their conceptualization as either a disorder (depression) or personality trait (Type D). Research has shown that the presence of only one of the tendencies (negative affectivity and social inhibition) has no effect in terms of cardiac prognosis, in fact it seems it is the interaction of the two that predict a significantly increased risk of adverse clinical events in patients with existing CHD (Denollet et al., 2006a). Recent evidence supports the predictive value of Type D personality after adjustment for depressive symptoms. Whitehead et al (2007) showed that Type D predicted cortisol dysregulation after controlling for depression. Denollet and Pedersen (2008) found Type D to be an independent [of depression] risk factor for major clinical events in cardiac patients. Findings from the Myocardial Infarction and Depression Intervention Trial (MIND-IT), demonstrated that depression was confounded by disease severity, whereas Type D personality was not (de Jonge et al., 2007). A number of pathways have been proposed to explain the association of Type D with adverse outcomes among those with established CHD. Whilst numerous studies have suggested a potential link, there is a lack of evidence of specific biological 34 pathways. And taken together, results from these studies suggest that Type D may be explained by different underlying biological pathways compared with more established psychological risk factors such as depression. An alternative explanation may be that Type D personality is associated with negative health behaviours. The tendency of social inhibition will lead to less social contact and availability of support, which may have a detrimental effect on health. There is some evidence that social inhibition and negative affectivity are in part due to genetic factors (Bouchard, Jr., 1994), and Type D personality may therefore be the behavioural manifestation of underlying biology, which would predispose an individual to cardiac outcomes associated with such underlying genetic causes. 1.4 Pathways between negative affect and CHD Anger, anxiety and depression are thought to play direct or indirect roles in the disease process. One line of argument for the apparently worse prognosis among cardiac patients that are depressed has been that these patients may just have experienced a more severe clinical event. However, numerous studies show that there is no reliable relationship between depression and any physiological index of disease severity (Carney, 2002). There are several plausible mechanisms that may explain the relationship between depression and prognosis in CHD patients. Some of these suggest an indirect link where negative emotion is predictive of, but not causally related to, morbidity and mortality in coronary heart disease (CHD). Other explanations imply a direct influence of negative emotions on course and outcomes of CHD. One general class of factors relates to adverse health behaviours. This is one proposed pathway for the increased morbidity and mortality after acute cardiac events. Individuals who are anxious, depressed or angry may engage in more adverse health behaviours, and these behaviours may contribute and exacerbate underlying cardiac disease. For example, smoking tends to be more common among angry, anxious or 35 depressed persons (Black et al., 1999). Depressed cardiac patients are also less adherent to cardiac medication regimens (DiMatteo et al., 2000), lifestyle risk factor interventions, cardiac rehabilitation programs (Ziegelstein et al., 2000) and are more sedentary (Kritz-Silverstein et al., 2001). Cardiac medications significantly reduce mortality in CHD patients and therefore non-adherence to prescribed medication can have greatly detrimental effects on the course and outcomes of CHD. There is also evidence that hostility and depression are associated with less social support and greater social isolation, as a result these individuals may lack an important stress buffer. Some negative affects are also associated with elevated status on traditional risk factors that result from adverse health behaviours and/or reflect environmental factors or genetic predispositions. For example, some studies show that depression, anxiety or anger increase risk of developing hypertension (Davidson et al., 2000; Jonas & Lando, 2000). Further, diabetes, which confers a three – to four-fold increase in CHD risk is twice as prevalent in depressed individuals (Anderson et al., 2001) and more common in hostile persons (Niaura et al., 2002). In addition, individuals who score highly on cynical hostility also tend to be obese and have elevated low-density cholesterol (Weidner et al., 1987). Though many of the studies linking depression with increased CHD risk have included these many of these standard risk factors as covariates. However, a direct effect is unlikely, and multifactorial influences, mediating pathways and unexplained variance in the relationship between depression and CHD must be considered. A more direct pathway between depression and poor cardiac prognosis suggests that neurohormonal dysregulation is involved. Evidence of dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and of the HPA axis in medically well patients with major depressive disorder includes elevated plasma and urinary catecholamines and cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels can promote the development of atherosclerosis and accelerate injury of vascular endothelial cells. HPA dysregulation in depression 36 has been well documented (Broadley et al., 2006; Plotsky et al., 1998). Decreased parasympathetic and increased sympathetic nervous system activity predisposes CHD patients to myocardial ischemia, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death. The ANS abnormalities associated with depression could therefore accelerate the progression of CHD and precipitate cardiac events by altering cardiac autonomic tone and promoting procoagulant and proinflammatory processes. Low heart rate variability (HRV) indicates excessive sympathetic and/or inadequate parasympathetic tone, and it is a powerful, independent predictor of mortality in patients with a recent MI or with stable CHD. There is growing evidence that HRV is reduced in depressed compared with medically comparable non-depressed patients following MI (Rottenberg, 2007). Lower HRV is a risk factor for cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac arrest (Curtis & O'Keefe, 2002). Some of the strongest epidemiologic results (Kawachi et al., 1994a) for anxiety are specifically with sudden cardiac death, which tends to be associated with cardiac arrhythmias. Depression is one way by which inflammatory processes can be affected and may also be partly responsible for maintaining inflammatory responses once they have been initiated. Depression may be involved in the maintenance of inflammatory responses by inhibiting the immune system‘s sensitivity to glucocorticoid hormones, which are responsible for terminating the inflammatory response (Carney, 2002). Numerous studies report higher circulating levels of inflammatory risk markers (e.g. IL6, C-reactive protein [CRP], TNR-α) of cardiac morbidity and mortality amongst medically health adults (Carney, 2002). A recent review by Howren and colleagues (2009) assessed the magnitude and direction of associations of depression with CRP, IL-1 and IL-6 in clinical and community samples. Articles published between 1967 and 2008 were systematically reviewed and results showed positive associations of CRP, IL-1, IL-6 and depression. This pattern was observed in both clinical and community settings, as well among studies using clinical interview or self-report measures. There was evidence of a dose-response relationship of these inflammatory markers and 37 depression, supporting the notion that cardiac risk conferred by depression is not limited to patient populations. However, the magnitude of effect was substantially greater in studies of clinical patients utilising clinical interview to evaluate depression. 1.5 Overlapping affective dispositions Anxiety, depression and anger correlate highly with each other in patients with established CHD (Denollet & Brutsaert, 1998). This potential construct and measurement overlap create not only ambiguity for theory, but also for interpretation of evidence (Suls & Bunde, 2005). Another difficulty arises from an all too common singlefactor approach. The similarities of results from reports discussed in this chapter suggests that negative emotions in general are related to CHD, however, there remains a tendency to focus on only one of these emotions at a time in this context. Findings from factor analytic studies suggest that anxiety, depression and anger are lower level constructs that all load with a broad dimension of negative affectivity (NA) (rs = .71 – 85; Costa & McCrae, 1992). NA is a broadband personality dimension that is conceptualized as a higher order construct that subsumes all of the negative emotions (Watson & Clarke, 1984). To date, few studies have used broad measures of NA to predict CHD, however, many studies report positive associations among anxiety, depression, anger and CHD. However, it is important to note that evidence of overlap does not imply that these emotions lack distinctive qualities. The issue of conceptual distinctiveness of psychological constructs was addressed in a sample of 822 healthy working men. Kudielka et al (2004) demonstrated conceptual distinctiveness of depression, vital exhaustion, and negative affectivity, with the factor structure of the original questionnaires maintained. A sample of 565 cardiac patients (ischemic heart disease and chronic heart failure) completed the Type D scale (DS14), HADS, BDI, and State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Pelle and colleagues (2009) identified two higher-order constructs; negative affect and social 38 inhibition. Factor analysis was performed of all measures on item level, and demonstrated distinctiveness of the constructs measured by the various questionnaires. However, only the original structure of the DS14 was confirmed, items on the HADS and BDI loaded more diffusely and did not tend to cluster together as originally proposed. In this study, the higher order construct ‗negative affect‘ comprised both state and trait facets, thereby highlighting the importance of assessing both chronic (i.e. lasting >2 years) and episodic components (i.e. lasting several months and up to 2 years), which might improve understanding of disease progression compared when focusing on these components separately. Taken together, these preliminary finding suggest that there is overlap between some, but not all psychological constructs. 1.6 Summary Overall there seems to be a growing body of research demonstrating that depression, anxiety, anger/hostility and Type D adversely affect either onset or course of CHD or both. Whereas depression seems to involve longer-term risk of adverse outcomes (such as acute MI or death), anxiety seems particularly associated with sudden cardiac death (and possibly acute MI). As discussed in the previous sections, numerous studies have concluded that depression and anxiety predict CHD morbidity and mortality, even after traditional CHD risk factors are controlled for. Studies of anger and hostility have yielded more mixed results, but prospective associations with CHD have been found in some. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is linked closely with both anxiety and depression and has been hypothesized to be associated both with the development of CHD and as a consequence of acute cardiac events. Interestingly, findings in select samples are beginning to emerge that are consistent with studies on anxiety or depression and CHD (Kubzansky, 2009). This literature is reviewed in Chapter 2. 39 Research has identified multiple behavioural and biological pathways by which these psychological factors may contribute to the development and progression of CHD. However, this area of inquiry has elicited controversy. Disagreement stems partly from the inconsistencies in the literature, noted above. Findings from the ENRICHD trial have intensified controversy. This trial, involving cognitive-behavioural treatment of depression in post-MI patients, reduced depression but did not confer direct cardiac benefits in patients with existing disease (ENRICHD, 2003), suggesting that a fresh approach to understanding the pathways underlying associations with CHD is required. Overall the evidence for a connection between depression and subsequent CHD appear strong. Though the majority of studies support an association between depression and CHD progression or mortality, there are also several negative findings. One possible explanation for trends suggesting a declining effect of depression is that publication biases initially favour positive studies. Later, when a research area begins to mature,,failures to replicate earlier positive findings begin to appear. An alternative explanation is that treatment of CHD has developed greatly in recent decades, and post MI mortality has steadily declined. It is plausible that physiological or behavioural pathways may be weakened by advances in treatment, which were not available in the early days of this research. This explanation is strengthened by the findings that the effect of depression has apparently declined but not disappeared. Further, criticism has been directed at the inadequate adjustment for confounding risk factors in many studies; the diagnosis of depression could be confounded by the patient‘s medical condition; also, subclinical disease may have been present in some portion of nominally healthy population. As is the case for depression, the evidence supporting a role for anxiety in cardiac disease risk is more consistent in initially healthy samples than in patient populations. This might indicate that negative emotions play less of a role in CHD progression than in the development of CHD. However, a failure to differentiate between state or trait anxiety may be responsible for some of the weak and inconsistent effects observed in the literature. Findings from studies of anger and 40 hostility are mixed, and positive results have generally been found in samples of initially healthy participants. The results from patient samples are weaker and more inconsistent. Negative emotions are prevalent among patients who have experienced cardiac events. It is not only of importance to assess disease progression or fatal CHD as outcomes in this population. With an increasing number of ACS survivors, assessment of negative affect is of significant interest due to their association with poor adjustment and quality of life. This thesis attempts to address these issues by assessing recovery and emotional adjustment following ACS. 41 CHAPTER 2. Literature Review: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 2.1 Introduction to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Although the concept of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) dates back more than a hundred years (recognised under terms such as shell shock, traumatic neurosis, rape-trauma syndrome etc) it was first introduced, and formally recognised, in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) in 1980. PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop following exposure to a traumatic event. For current DSM-IV (APA, 1994) classification, trauma must involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others (criterion A1). In addition, trauma must elicit intense fear, helplessness or horror in the exposed individual during the event (criterion A2). There are three sets of symptom clusters related to PTSD. The first symptom cluster, re-experiencing the event (criterion B), may occur in several ways. The individual may have recurring nightmares about the event, may experience intrusive and recurring thoughts about the event, may feel as though the event is recurring (‗flashbacks‘), and/or may experience psychological and/or physical reactions to stimuli associated with the event. The second symptom cluster, avoidance of stimuli associated with the event and numbing of general responsiveness (criterion C), occurs when the individual avoids thoughts and feelings associated with the event as well as avoids other stimuli such as people, places, and activities associated with the event. The avoidance symptom cluster is also characterized by difficulty remembering important aspects of the event, diminished enjoyment in pleasurable activities, feelings of detachment, a restricted range of affect, and a sense of a foreshortened future. The last symptom cluster, increased arousal (criterion D), is indicated by difficulty staying or falling asleep, anger and irritability, hypervigilance, difficulty concentrating, and an exaggerated startle response. To qualify for a diagnosis of PTSD, in addition to fulfilling criterion A, individuals must also report 42 at least one of the re-experiencing symptoms (criterion B), at least three of the avoidance symptoms (criterion C) and at least two arousal symptoms (criterion D). Symptoms should remain for at least one month (criterion E), and must result in clinically significant distress or impairments in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning (criterion F). When a person experiences a traumatic event, it is common to experience some of these symptoms in the immediate aftermath as part of a normal reaction to severe stress. When these symptoms persist after two weeks, a diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) may be appropriate; however, when the duration of the symptoms persists for more than one month, a diagnosis of PTSD may be warranted (APA, 1994). The diagnostic criteria for PTSD, as defined by the DSM-IV, are provided in Table 2.1. However, the introduction of PTSD into the DSM has not gone unchallenged and many of the issues concerning the concept are widely debated. One of the major issues with the concept of PTSD concerns the expansion of the stressor criterion (A). Since its introduction into the DSM the definitions for the crucial factor, the traumatic event, have undergone significant change. In the early days the traumatic stressor was considered an extreme event outside normal human experience. In the latest version of the DSM the concept of the traumatic stressor has broadened to such an extent that the vast majority of [American] adults have been exposed to PTSD-qualifying events (McNally, 2004). Fulfilment of part one of criterion A is sufficient if individuals have been ‗confronted with‘ a traumatic event rather than directly experiencing it. This term is vague and merely ‗hearing about something horrible‘ could cause PTSD, bearing with it the potential for over-inflating the rate of PTSD and abuse of the syndrome for monetary reasons (malingering). McNally (McNally, 2003) refers to this as ‗conceptual bracket creep‘. The second part of criterion A, which requires a persons‘ response to include intense fear, helplessness, or horror, is flawed by the retrospective nature of such reports and the potential for current symptoms to influence memories of trauma reactions (Frueh et al., 2002). 43 A number of issues are also associated with the symptom criteria (B-D). In particular, the limited support for the three-factor model of the condition. A number of studies using factor analysis report best fit models ranging from 2 to 5 factors (Cordova et al., 2000; Simms et al., 2002). Yet another issue is that many of the defining symptoms of PTSD overlap with other well know disorders, in particular depression, specific phobia and other anxiety disorders (Spitzer et al., 2007). It is important to bear in mind that some of the symptoms of PTSD are also part of a non-pathological response to intense stressful experiences. Some research suggests that PTSD may not actually be a qualitatively distinct response to extreme stress but that it in fact reflects the upper end of a stress-response continuum (Ruscio et al., 2002). The implication of this argument for the purpose of my thesis is that it is important to investigate levels of posttraumatic symptoms in cardiac patients as a continuum, rather than simply classifying patients into those with and without PTSD. 2.2 Current understanding of PTSD Much of the work on PTSD to date has focused on the role of memory in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress symptoms during and after a traumatic event. A number of changes in memory functioning have been identified (Brewin & Holmes, 2003). PTSD is characterized both by enhanced recall of trauma related materials as well as amnesia for details of the traumatic event (Buckley et al., 2000). One distinctive memory feature of PTSD is ‗flashbacks‘ or the reliving of past trauma as if it were happening in the present. These intrusive memories are not 44 TABLE 2.1 DSM-IV DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Criterion A (Stressor): The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following have been present: (i) the person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others (ii) the person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behaviour Criterion B (Re-experiencing): The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in one (or more) of the following ways: (i) recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: In young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed (ii) recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content (iii) acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur upon awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young children, trauma-specific re-enactment may occur (iv) intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event (v) physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event Criterion C (Avoidance): Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the following: (i) efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma (ii) efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma (iii) inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma (iv) markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities (v) feeling of detachment or estrangement from others (vi) restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings) (vii) sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span) Criterion D (Arousal): Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following: (i) difficulty falling or staying asleep (ii) irritability or outbursts of anger (iii) difficulty concentrating (iv) hypervigilance (v) exaggerated startle response Criterion E (Duration): Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in Criteria B, C, and D) is more than one month. Criterion F (Distress or Impairment): The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. 45 triggered by a deliberate search but involuntarily by specific reminders that in some way relate to the traumatic event (Brewin & Holmes, 2003). Another memory process relevant to the disorder is working memory capacity. Individuals with greater working memory capacity are better at suppressing unwanted thoughts (Brewin & Beaton, 2002; Brewin & Smart, 2005), and may be part of the explanation that low intelligence, which is strongly associated with working memory, is a risk factor for PTSD (Brewin et al., 2000). There has been some research undertaken aiming to establish the role of attention for risk of PTSD. Evidence shows an attentional bias early in processing of traumatic material (Bryant & Harvey, 1997). However, studies are scarce and results fairly inconsistent and do not show that the effects are unique to PTSD. Another psychological process linked with the increased risk of PTSD following trauma is ‗dissociation‘. Dissociation has been defined as a kind of temporary interruption of, in our otherwise continuous, interrelated processes of perceiving the world around us, remembering the past, and our ability to link the past with our future (Spiegel & Cardena, 1991). Dissociation most commonly encountered in response to traumatic experience (peri-traumatic dissociation) includes states such as emotional numbing, depersonalization and ‗out-of-body‘ experiences. These reactions appear to be related to the severity of trauma, fear of death and feelings of helplessness (Holman & Silver, 1998; Reynolds & Brewin, 1998). A number of studies show dissociative responses to trauma to be strong predictors of later PTSD (Ehlers et al., 1998; Engelhard et al., 2003; Ursano et al., 1999). However, it is important to note that a number of studies show this is only the case for peri-traumatic dissociation, not for dissociative experiences that occur post trauma (Brewin et al., 1999; Harvey & Bryant, 1998; 1999). Emotions experienced at the time of trauma or as a post trauma response, such as intense fear, helplessness, horror, anger and ‗mental defeat‘ (defined as the perceived loss of all autonomy, a state of ‗giving up‘), are strongly associated with increased risk of PTSD, slowed recovery, and more persistent symptomatology (Andrews et al., 2000; 46 Ehlers et al., 2000). A central idea of PTSD is that traumatic events shatter people‘s basic beliefs and assumptions (Bolton & Hill, 1996; Horowitz, 1986). Post trauma, increased negative beliefs (about self, others, the world) are common among those who later go on to develop PTSD (Dunmore et al., 1999; Foa et al., 1999). Coping strategies adopted by trauma victims can influence recovery. Studies show that avoidance and thought suppression are related to slower recovery and greater symptom levels (Dunmore et al., 1999; Steil & Ehlers, 2000) and that attempts to suppress unwanted thoughts may in fact lead to them returning even more strongly (Wenzlaff & Wegner, 2000). A meta-analysis conducted by Brewin and colleagues (2000) found social support, alongside gender and trauma severity, to be the strongest risk factor for PTSD. Several studies show that a lack of positive social support is associated with PTSD, but the existence of a negative social environment appears to be an even greater indicator of PTSD symptomatology (Ullman & Filipas, 2001). It is clear that PTSD is associated with disturbances in a wide range of psychological processes (memory, beliefs, and emotions). The following section will outline the frameworks that drive current thinking about PTSD. The three main theoretical models of PTSD are described. 2.3 Models of PTSD PTSD risk factor research indicates that individuals‘ experiences during traumatic events play a significant role in differentiating between those who subsequently go on to develop PTSD and those who do not (Brewin et al., 2000). The way in which an individual processes these experiences is a part of this subjective experience. Below, three current theoretical approaches to explaining PTSD are described. 47 2.3.1 Emotional processing theory One of the basic features of emotional processing theory (Foa et al., 1989; Foa & Kozak, 1986) is that PTSD is a form of pathological fear. Specifically, PTSD symptoms arise when information in the fear network is incompatible with pre-existing memory structures. This model posits that pathological fear responses occur and are maintained when there is an attempt to avoid or suppress the activation of the fear network. Further, depending on the severity of the stressor, the cognitive processes of attention and memory at the time of trauma may be disrupted, which may lead to formation of a disjointed or fragmented fear network that is difficult to integrate with existing memory structures. This model holds that resolution of the trauma occurs with activation of the fear network, which will enable modification of the memory structure by integrating information that is incompatible with the trauma so that new memories can be formed. More recent developments of the theory (Foa & Riggs, 1993; Foa & Rothbaum, 1998; Tolin & Foa, 2002) include elaboration on the relationship between PTSD and knowledge available prior, during and after the trauma. It is hypothesized that individuals who hold more rigid pre-trauma views will be more susceptible to PTSD. These views may be positive or negative, for example, views about the self as being extremely competent, and the world extremely safe, or the opposite, views about the self as being extremely incompetent, and the world extremely dangerous. These recent adaptations also place greater emphasis on negative appraisals of responses and behaviours which can lead to exacerbations of negative self views. It is suggested that these beliefs (present prior, during and post trauma) could interact and reinforce negative views about the self and contribute to chronicity of PTSD. This model fits well with the evidence showing successful reduction of PTSD following exposure therapy (Foa et al., 1999; Foa et al., 1991). Repeated exposure should lead to habituation of fear, allowing integration of new (safety) information 48 regarding the trauma into the trauma memory, and re-evaluation of negative beliefs or appraisals. As proposed by this model, trauma can cause disruption of cognitive processes such as memory and attention, leading to disjointed or fragmented fear structures. By reliving the trauma through exposure therapy it is possible to generate a more organized memory record that is easier to integrate into the rest of the memory system. Although this model has great explanatory power in terms of the effects of exposure treatment, and the strongly supported inclusion of importance of appraisal processes prior, during and post trauma, there are a number of issues with this approach. Firstly, there is no consistent evidence that repeated exposure will lead to changes in the structure of trauma memories, to the initial activation of fear, or habituation. Secondly, the model is based on the assumption of a fear network, thus it could be argued that reminders of the trauma would activate the entire fear memory (stimulus information, response information, and meaning). This, however, does not fit with the literature showing that many individuals with PTSD have memories of the traumatic event that fragmented, where certain parts are clear and others less so (Mechanic et al., 1998). 2.3.2 Dual representation model In contrast to the emotional processing theory described above, dual representation theory suggests that trauma memories are represented in fundamentally distinctive ways from other types of memories. Brewin et al (1996) argue that there are two separate memory systems, operating in parallel, where one may take precedence over the other at different times. One of these systems, the ‗verbally accessible memory‘ (VAM) system, records only information which has been consciously attended to either prior to, during, or after the traumatic experience. This information receives enough conscious processing to be integrated with other autobiographical memories, 49 and can thereby be retrieved deliberately. Emotions accompanying these memories include both those that happened at the time of trauma (primary emotions) as well as those generated by retrospective appraisals of the event (secondary emotions). However, the information stored in this system is limited, as diversion of attention to the immediate source of threat, and the accompanying high levels of arousal during trauma greatly affect the volume of information that can be consciously registered. A second system is proposed. The ‗situationally accessible memory‘ (SAM) system contains information that has been obtained from lower level processing of the traumatic event, such as sights, sounds, bodily responses etc. Memories (i.e. flashbacks) stored in this system can be triggered by situational reminders of the trauma, these triggers can be either external or internal. The emotions that accompany SAM memories are restricted to primary emotions that were experienced during the trauma, and therefore flashbacks tend to be more detailed and emotion-laden than ordinary memories. This model of PTSD mainly focuses on the role of memory, emotions and appraisals, however there is little discussion of other important features of PTSD such as dissociation or emotional numbing. Further research is needed for the basic tenets of this theory to be fully supported. 2.3.3 Ehlers and Clarke’s cognitive model Two mechanisms for pathological responses to trauma are identified in Ehlers and Clarke‘s cognitive model of PTSD (2000). These are the negative appraisals of the trauma or its consequences and the trauma memory itself. Patients with PTSD feel anxious about the future, even though the source of threat (the trauma) lies in the past. This apparent paradox is addressed in this model of PTSD. These authors argue that factors that increase the likelihood of negative appraisals are thought processes during the trauma and prior beliefs and experiences. There is a particular focus on one state of mind identified as ‗mental defeat‘. This reaction to trauma, emphasizing the inability 50 of the person to influence their fate, is a risk factor for such appraisals as being weak, ineffective or unable to protect oneself. This model also attempts to account for traumatic memories by suggesting a number of peri-traumatic influences that affect the nature of trauma memories. Ehlers and Clarke‘s approach to explaining research findings of traumatic memory was to suggest that the memory of the traumatic event is poorly elaborated, not given a complete context in the first place, and inadequately integrated into autobiographical memory. Firstly, they distinguish between conceptual and data-driven processing of information encountered during trauma. Conceptual processing (focused on the meaning of the situation, organizing the information, and placing it in context), facilitates integration of the trauma memory into general autobiographical memory, whereas data-driven processing (focused on sensory impressions) leads to strong perceptual priming (a reduced perceptual threshold for trauma-related stimuli), accounting for re-experiencing in the present (absence of temporal context), and a memory that is difficult to intentionally retrieve (indicating absence of clearly specified retrieval routes). Secondly, inability to establish a self-referential perspective while experiencing the trauma, dissociation, emotional numbing, and a lack of cognitive capacity to evaluate aspects of the event clearly, are among the other peri-traumatic influences proposed. A number of maladaptive behavioural strategies post trauma are considered risk factors for persisting PTSD, such as active attempts at thought suppression, distraction, avoidance of trauma reminders, use of alcohol or medication to control anxiety, abandonment of normal activities, and adoption of safety behaviours to prevent or minimize trauma-related negative outcomes. Although this model of PTSD is considered the most detailed account of PTSD (Brewin & Holmes, 2003), there is a lack of consistent evidence in supporting the datadriven versus conceptual processing argument. However, the importance of ‗mental 51 defeat‘, negative appraisals of initial PTSD symptoms and safety behaviours and avoidance have been strongly supported (Dunmore et al., 2001). 2.3.4 Summary of current models of PTSD There is a great deal of overlap between these three theoretical accounts of PTSD incorporating factors affecting encoding of trauma information, alterations in memory functioning, appraisals of the trauma, coping strategies and cognitive styles etc. The main difference between these models lies in their accounts of how trauma impacts memory, the process whereby changes are brought about in memory, and how changes are related to recovery. One major difference between the emotional processing theory and the other two models are that in the latter two PTSD is accounted for by two distinct memory systems whereas the emotional processing theory relies on the idea of a single associative network in memory. Though, further work is needed, as effectiveness of treatments for PTSD is likely to increase from improved theoretical understanding of trauma, memory and PTSD. 2.4 PTSD following non-medical trauma The majority of people will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Data from large, representative community samples in the US, estimate lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the general population between approximately 7% (Kessler et al., 2005) and 15% (Breslau et al., 2005). Certain types of traumatic events are more likely to lead to PTSD. For example intentional acts of interpersonal violence, in particular sexual assault and combat, are more likely to result in posttraumatic stress than are accidents or natural disasters (Creamer et al., 2001; Kessler et al., 1995; Stein et al., 1997). Further, men are more likely to experience more traumatic events than women, but women tend to experience higher impact events and are also more likely to 52 develop PTSD in response to trauma (Stein et al., 1997). However, this gender difference in risk is not explained by differences in the type of traumatic event (Kessler et al., 1995). Although many people experience posttraumatic symptoms in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event, prospective research suggests that rates decline rapidly over time. One study reported that following the terrorist attacks on the 11 th of September 2001 in New York, PTSD rates reduced from 7.5% one month post the event to 1.6% at four months and 0.6% at six months (Galea et al., 2003). For some, however, the disorder persists for a significant period of time (Kessler et al., 1995). It is important to note that not everyone that encounters a traumatic experience will go on to develop PTSD. Hence, exposure itself is not sufficient to explain the phenomenon and it is being increasingly recognised that some pre or post trauma individual variability factors have a role to play in understanding this condition. A growing literature on PTSD shows that demographic characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES) are associated with different rates of PTSD, with younger persons, females, Latinos (in the US), and low SES individuals being more likely to develop PTSD following a traumatic event (Norris et al., 2002). Interpersonal and psychological factors, such as social support and negative affect, have also been implicated in the onset and course of PTSD (Adams & Boscarino, 2005; Breslau et al., 2004). A meta-analysis by Brewin et al (2000) identified 14 risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder including, trauma severity, lack of education, younger age, female sex, minority status, psychiatric history, low SES, other adverse childhood factors, other previous trauma, family psychiatric history, lack of social support, childhood abuse, life stress and low intelligence. However, closer inspection of the effect sizes reported in this study, suggest that the intensity of trauma and factors that follow the traumatic event (such as social support and further stressors) are the strongest predictors of PTSD, whereas pre-traumatic stressors have smaller individual effects (Shalev, 2001). Thus, once a traumatic event has occurred, 53 the major risk factors for PTSD appears to lie ahead, suggesting ample opportunity for secondary prevention of this disorder. However, it should be noted that there are considerable differences observed in effect sizes of risk factors between studies. A recent review by Wittchen and colleagues, highlight the considerable degree of variability, and report that risk factors, their interaction, and effect sizes vary by type of sample, cohort, and a number of other methodological factors (Wittchen et al., 2009). The current conceptualization of PTSD implicitly assumes a dose-response relationship (APA, 1994). That is, the more severe the event, or the greater the proximity, the more intense the posttraumatic stress. Some studies support this assumption. For example, studies of PTSD in combat exposed individuals (Goldberg et al., 1990; Vuksic-Mihaljevic et al., 2000) as well as studies of civilians living under combat conditions (Afana et al., 2002) support a dose-response theory of PTSD. However, there is great variability in the results from such studies and many find no evidence of greater PTSD with increased severity of trauma. For example a welldesigned Swiss study of severely injured motor vehicle accident victims found a onemonth PTSD rate of 4.7%, dropping to 1.9% at one year (Schnyder et al., 2001). One study of Turkish torture victims found that the majority did not develop PTSD (Basoglu & Paker, 1995). A number of studies show that previous experience of traumatic events is one of the strongest risk factors for PTSD in the community (Breslau et al., 1999), in war veterans (Bremner et al., 1993), in female rape victims (Yehuda et al., 1998) and individuals with PTSD following the events of September 11, 2001, in New York (Galea et al., 2003). Although the multiple-trauma data suggest that some individuals show sensitization, some studies also indicate that some people show adaptive responses to events (Corneil et al., 1999; Falsetti & Resick, 1995) with some data suggesting that a majority of trauma exposed adults respond to repeat trauma with greater confidence and enhanced coping skills (Aldwin et al., 1996). 54 There are relatively few studies investigating the long-term natural course of PTSD in the community. However, most of these suggest that in the majority of cases, PTSD typically runs a chronic and persistent course (Perkonigg et al., 2005; Owashi & Perkonigg, 2008). This is not to say that individuals continuously meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD, as variations in severity around the diagnostic threshold appear quite frequent. Community findings of predictors of chronicity suggest that occurrence of new traumatic events, higher rates of avoidant symptoms at onset, and higher rates of other anxiety or somatoform disorders are associated with persistence (Perkonigg et al., 2005). Using 10-year longitudinal data, Perkonigg et al (2005) found few spontaneous remissions, even after many years post trauma. Contrary to some other disaster studies, where post-disaster PTSD typically decreases over time, a recent study of survivors of the hurricane Katrina in the US (Kessler et al., 2008) observed increased rates of PTSD from baseline (5 – 8 months after the traumatic event) to 1 year later (14.9% to 20.9%). More recently studies have begun investigating PTSD as a consequence of medical illness. In the DSM-IV, ‘being diagnosed with a life threatening illness‘ was added as an example of traumatic stress (APA, 1994). Although PTSD has been recorded most commonly as a consequence of trauma in an external environment, some physical illnesses and particularly those of an acute nature (such as acute coronary syndrome) can occur just as suddenly and unexpectedly as other traumatic stressors. This literature is reviewed in the following sections. 2.5 Medical events as traumatic stressors Although most commonly diagnosed in victims of war, natural disasters or assault, there is increasing evidence of PTSD in individuals after onset, diagnosis, or treatment for physical illness. After the inclusion of ‗being diagnosed with a life- threatening illness‘ in DSM-IV the question has arisen whether the experience of 55 severe physical illness, essentially an event internal to the person, satisfies the traumatic stress criterion (A) for PTSD. It seems, however, that medical stressors are not dissimilar from other traumatic stressors, in that they are likely also to convey lifethreat. Medical diagnoses, like other traumatic events, are also precipitants of extreme fear, helplessness or horror. PTSD may develop as a result of direct threat, such as diagnosis of, or treatment for serious illness, or more indirectly as a function of witnessing or care giving for individuals with serious illness (Tedstone & Tarrier, 2003). So what distinguishes medical stressors from other more traditionally viewed traumatic stressors? One of the major differences is the relative prevalence of PTSD. In general, the likelihood of PTSD is lower among medical patients, than other trauma victims. For example, the rate of PTSD as a consequence of myocardial infarction ranges between 0% and 32% (see table 2.2), PTSD as a result of cancer ranges between 0% and 32% (Kangas et al., 2002), compared with 35 – 47% in studies of rape or battery (Rothbaum et al., 1992; Riggs et al., 1992; Resnick et al., 1992). These lower observed rates have a number of plausible explanations. Lower rates of PTSD among medically ill patients reflect general findings that development of psychopathology in medical populations is also relatively low (Mundy & Baum, 2004). Differences in methodology may also account for these lower rates. Limits on the severity of disease and stages of disease, or at which time point assessments are made, may have an impact on rates. For example, many studies of PTSD following cancer have used early stage breast cancer patients, who have a relatively good prognosis, which may in fact artificially limit the likelihood of experiencing psychological trauma. There are also distinct differences in symptomatology. Patterns of falling and rising posttraumatic symptom experience are not uncommon following medical trauma, whereas in studies of non-medical stressors, distress tends to be greatest in the immediate aftermath of the event and decrease (often rapidly) over time (Rothbaum et al., 1992; Kessler et al., 1995). 56 Possibly the most significant difference between many medical stressors and what is considered more ‗traditional‘ traumas is the focus of threat in time. Whereas traditional trauma can be considered a discrete or acute event, occurring in the past, medical stressors not only share this characteristic but there is an added dimension containing future-oriented aspects of the threat, such as fears about treatment, survival, recurrence and persistence of life-threat (Compas et al., 2002; Kangas et al., 2002). One implication of this is the effect it may have on PTSD symptomatology, in particular regarding intrusive thoughts. For medical patients, intrusions may not only consist of past events, but may also include future-oriented aspects of the trauma. This possibility must be taken into account when assessing intrusions following medical trauma. For this study population, it may be more appropriate to ask about the specific nature or content of intrusions, rather than simply assessing existence of intrusive thoughts. The appropriateness of adopting PTSD as a model explaining distress related to medical trauma must therefore be questioned. 2.6 PTSD following medical trauma Tedstone and Tarrier (2003) reviewed the prevalence and predictors associated with posttraumatic symptoms in a number of medical conditions (myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, haemorrhage and stroke, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and gynaecological procedures, intensive care treatment and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection) and found that the highest prevalence rates were identified in patients treated, in intensive care units, for life-threatening events (14 – 59%) and those with HIV infection (30 – 35%). The lowest rates where found in studies of PTSD post-childbirth (1.7 – 5.6%). A number of factors were identified across studies which may predispose individuals to the development of PTSD. Patient characteristics, including personality factors, previous life adversity, and previous mental health problems were associated with increased risk of PTSD. Age as a risk factor was 57 supported in some studies but not in others. Aspects of the trauma itself, such as poor partner/confidant support during or after the traumatic event and negative perceptions of medical staff were also implicated as risk factors for later PTSD. Interestingly, the majority of studies report no relationship between objective severity of illness and later PTSD. However, one study found more severe pre-operative cardiac conditions to be a risk factor (Stoll et al., 2000). Also, some studies have found that the severity of medical intervention is associated with increased risk of PTSD (Creedy et al., 2000; Menage, 1993). The studies included in Tedstone and Tarrier‘s review (2003), which measured PTSD at two time points, all found a reduction in the number of cases with PTSD over time. This has also been found in epidemiological studies (Kessler et al., 1995), where PTSD cases have significantly been reduced over time, in particular by 12 months post trauma. Thus the timing of symptom assessment is of crucial importance to understand the nature of PTSD. There has also been a greater focus in recent years on the issue of PTSD following cancer. Kangas et al (2002) reviewed the literature on PTSD as a consequence of cancer and found prevalence rates (13 studies, 10 of which studied breast cancer, all but one were cross-sectional) between 0% and 32%. A further 21 studies were included in this review, these focused only on the prevalence of intrusion and avoidance symptoms. Across studies patients reported high rates of both intrusion (16-43%) and avoidance (15-80%) symptoms at least within the first month following cancer diagnosis. Numerous studies have investigated the predictors of PTSD following cancer. Many predictors of PTSD from the general trauma literature have also been found to predict PTSD in cancer patients, including female gender (Hampton & Frombach, 2000; Nordin & Glimelius, 1998), younger age at diagnosis (Andrykowski et al., 2000; Cordova et al., 2000; Green et al., 2000), lower SES (Cordova et al., 1995), and lower education (Cordova et al., 1995; Jacobsen et al., 1998). Other risk factors associated with PTSD responses following cancer diagnosis are prior negative life stressors (Andrykowski & Cordova, 1998; Mundy et al., 2000), a history of 58 psychological disturbance (Green et al., 2000; Mundy et al., 2000), elevated psychological distress subsequent to the diagnosis (Epping-Jordan et al., 1999; Jacobsen et al., 1998; Smith et al., 1999), avoidant coping style (Nordin & Glimelius, 1998), poor social support (Andrykowski & Cordova, 1998; Butler et al., 1999; Green et al., 2000), poor social functioning (Kelly et al., 1995; Smith et al., 1999), and reduced physical functioning (Jacobsen et al., 1998; Smith et al., 1999). There is mixed evidence on the predictive value of medical variables such as type, severity, stage and prognosis of cancer. Whereas some studies have found no relationship between such variables (Alter et al., 1996; Cordova et al., 1995; Green et al., 1998), other have found more advanced stages (Andrykowski & Cordova, 1998; Epping-Jordan et al., 1999; Jacobsen et al., 1998), the recency of treatment for cancer at PTSD assessment (Andrykowski & Cordova, 1998; Kornblith et al., 1992), and patients experiencing at least one cancer recurrence (Butler et al., 1999; Cella et al., 1990) to be associated with increased severity of PTSD symptoms post cancer diagnosis. There are however a number of major methodological issues that must be taken into account when interpreting findings from these studies. Firstly, the majority of studies have been cross-sectional in nature. Retrospective accounts of symptoms may be strongly influenced by current symptomatology, and cross-sectional designs does not allow researchers to delineate the relative contribution of diagnosis, treatment, side effects or changing prognosis of cancer on PTSD symptomatology. Another major issue is the reliance on self-report measures, and the wide variety of measures used across studies makes results difficult to generalise. There is also a marked variability in the samples used across studies in terms of type and stage of cancer. The overemphasis on using female patients is also problematic considering the strong evidence that females are more likely to develop PTSD then males. 59 2.7 PTSD as a consequence of Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS, like other non-medical trauma, is life-threatening, sudden and often unexpected. Many patients report an intense fear of dying (Whitehead et al., 2005), and emotional distress such as anxiety and depression during the acute phase and in the immediate aftermath is common. Although most patients will fully recover from this emotional distress, many patients do not recover and distress can persist for a significant period of time. The persistent and severe psychological distress experienced by some patients may actually satisfy criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD. 2.7.1 Prevalence of PTSD following ACS Table 2.2 summarizes the prevalence levels of PTSD that have been observed in patients following ACS (mostly acute Myocardial Infarction - MI). As can be seen from the table, the prevalence of PTSD ranges from 0 and 32% in these studies. In their review, Spindler and Pedersen (2005) put the average rate at 15%. There may be several reasons for this variability, one is the measurement tool. As can be seen in Table 2.2, a wide variety of questionnaires have been used, including the Impact of Events scale (IES), the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale (PSS). The criteria derived from these different instruments vary, so prevalence may not be uniform. The IES in particular is likely to elevate estimated prevalence rates as it only assesses avoidance and intrusion symptoms. Second, some studies have used a prospective design while others have been cross-sectional. Subject selection and loss to follow up is a major cause of potential bias in prospective research. Cross-sectional studies have the disadvantage of selection processes operating, and it may also be that patients retrospectively attribute posttraumatic symptoms to the cardiac event that have other origins. Although cross-sectional methods are the most cost-effective and efficient way of assessing 60 prevalence, in such selected samples, no one individual may actually have the disorder [under investigation], thus results may not reflect ‗true‘ prevalence rates. Third, the interval between ACS and measurement of PTSD has varied widely, this impairs direct comparison of results. Most prospective studies have ranged from 3 to 9 months, with only one (van Driel & Op den Velde, 1995) lasting more than 12 months. There is no clear relationship between the duration of studies and the prevalence of PTSD. On the other hand, studies that have taken measurements at more than one time point have typically shown some diminution in the prevalence of PTSD (Pedersen et al., 2003; Pedersen et al., 2004; Sheldrick et al., 2006). It is therefore not very clear whether PTSD persists in the long run, or diminishes over time. It is also very striking from table 2.2 that sample sizes have been relatively small. The mean sample size is 79, and only 7 studies have involved more than 100 patients. These limitations in the literature stimulated the work undertaken in this thesis, and data on the longer-term prevalence in presented in chapter 4. 61 TABLE 2.2 PREVALENCE OF PTSD FOLLOWING ACS Reference Sample size Design PTSD measure* Time since ACS Prevalence Kutz et al. (1994) 100 (88 male, 12 female) Retrospective PTSD Inventory 6 to 18 months 16% chronic, 9% acute Doerfler et al. (1994) 27 male Cross-sectional IES and others 6 to 18 months 8% Van Driel et al. (1995) 23 (14 male, 9 female) Prospective SCID 22 to 26 months 0% Bennett et al. (1999) 44 (30 male, 14 female) MI patients Cross-sectional PDS 6 to 12 months 10.75% Bennett et al. (2001) 70 (52 male, 18 female) MI patients Prospective PDS 3 months 3% Shemesh et al. (2001) 102 (81 male, 21 female) MI patients Prospective IES 6 months 9.8% Prospective PTSD Inventory <1 week; 7 months 16% at 7 months Prospective PDS 4 to 6 weeks; 9 months T 1 – 24 %; T2 – 14% Case-control PDS, SCID, IES 3 to 18 months 7% (SCID) Ginzburg et al. (2002) Pedersen et al. (2003; 2004) O‘Reilly et al. (2004) 116 (94 male, 22 female) MI patients; 72 (51 male, 21 female) healthy matched controls 112 (79 male, 33 female) MI patients; 115 (72 male, 43 female) matched controls; 9 months 102 MI patients 27 (24 male, 3 female); 27 Sudden cardiac arrest patients Shemesh et al. (2004) 65 MI patients Prospective IES 6 months 20% Doerfler et al. (2005) 52 (36 male, 16 female) MI patients Cross-sectional PSS 3 to 6 months 7.7% Sheldrick et al. (2006) 17 MI patients; 27 Subarachnoid Haemorrhage patients Prospective DTS <2 weeks; 5 to 7 weeks; 11 to 14 weeks T1 – 13.3%; T2 – 23.8%; T3 – 11.8% Whitehead et al. (2006) 135 (99 male, 36 female) Prospective PSS 3 months 14.8% Jones et al. (2007) 111 ( 81 male, 23 female) MI patients Cross-sectional PDS <5 years to >10 years 32% Chung et al (2008) 120 MI patients (94 male, 26 female) Cross-sectional PDS Average time since first MI: 9.92 years 31% Rocha et al. (2008) 31 MI patients Prospective IES, SCID 1 to 2 months 4% (SCID), 16% above threshold on IES Wiedemar et al. (2008) 190 MI patients Prospective CAPS Average 95 days post MI 9.4% Guler et al. (2009) 394 MI patients Cross-sectional CAPS Screening Q sent on average 98 days post MI 10.2% *CAPS – Clinician Administered PTSD scale; IES – Impact of Events Scale; SCID – The Structural Clinical Interview; PDS – Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale; DTS – The Davidson Trauma Scale; PSS – Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale. 62 Studies investigating symptom levels within the subscales of PTSD have found more prevalent or higher scores for avoidance symptoms than for intrusions (Bennett et al., 2001; Bennett & Brooke, 1999; Shemesh et al., 2001). One explanation for higher avoidance symptom scores may be that post-ACS patients avoid activities such as physical exertion or avoid exposure to stress for fear of provoking recurrent cardiac symptoms. Bennett et al (2001) also found that women were more likely than men to avoid reminders of their MI. Prevalence rates of PTSD following cardiac surgery (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting – CABG) are similar to those observed following MI, and range between 10.8% and 18% (Tedstone & Tarrier, 2003), however, investigations of the PTSD subscales in particular show that intrusive symptoms are more prevalent than are avoidance symptoms (e.g. Doerfler et al., 1994). This is an interesting finding, considering that the research with MI patients suggests that avoidance symptoms may be more common in cardiac population. 2.7.2 Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms following ACS As discussed in previous sections, several factors predictive of PTSD have been identified from studies of natural disasters, victims of war and interpersonal violence. There are an increasing number of studies aiming to identify the factors that are predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms following an acute cardiac event. Although many risk factors have been associated with the development of PTSD following trauma, several of these appear not to be associated with the disorder in cardiac populations, suggesting that PTSD may have distinct correlates in this group of patients. The findings from these studies are discussed below and a summary of studies is provided in table 2.3. In contrast to findings suggesting a dose-response relationship between trauma and PTSD, emotional distress following MI appears not to be related to the severity of the infarction. However, there are some data suggesting that patients who experience 63 multiple cardiac related events, such as multiple hospitalizations, cardiac arrest, or repeat MI, are at increased risk of developing posttraumatic stress (Doerfler et al., 2005). Accumulating research now suggests that the subjective perception of the MI and its perceived impact on future activities and longevity are important factors determining distress (van Driel & Op den Velde, 1995). In addition, emotional reactions to acute cardiac events appear to be important in the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms. Whitehead et al (2006) found that the most robust predictor of posttraumatic symptoms 3 months post ACS was emotional state at the time of admission. In this study, 135 ACS patients completed psychological measures 7-10 days post admission and again at 3 months. 14.8% of patients could be identified with PTSD at 3 months. No demographic variables were predictive of PTSD, and whereas the subjective rating of severity as indexed by degree of chest pain was predictive of posttraumatic symptoms severity, objective clinical severity was unrelated to posttraumatic symptoms. Early (in-hospital) emotional responses were strongly predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms. Acute stress symptoms, depressed mood, negative affect and hostility were independent predictors of symptom severity at 3 months. A recent pilot study by Rocha and colleagues (Rocha et al., 2008) showed that higher scores of posttraumatic symptoms, 2 months following MI, were associated with depressive symptoms and self-reported anxiety at baseline. In this study, prevalence of PTSD was low, 4%. However, when including subsyndromal cases this figure rose to 16%. Further support for the importance of subjective perceptions of MI in the prediction of later PTSD, was demonstrated recently by Wiedemar et al (2008). In this study, 190 MI patients were assessed for PTSD approximately 3 months following the index event. There was no association between demographic variables or left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF – a proxy measure of objective MI severity) and later posttraumatic stress. Helplessness and greater subjective pain intensity emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms in multivariate analyses. 64 However, this study did not control for depression. This study also assessed the value of fulfilling the A2 criterion for a DSM-IV diagnosis of PTSD. Most research to date has not assessed subsyndromal symptoms of PTSD. This is now recognised as a specific nosologic subcategory of PTSD (Mylle & Maes, 2004). Including only patients who reach a certain threshold of symptoms for a diagnosis of PTSD can be misleading, as studies show that subsyndromal PTSD also endorse marked levels of psychological distress and low functional status (Grubaugh et al., 2005). This study found no difference between those who fulfilled the A2 criterion (i.e. negative emotional response to MI) and those who did not, on the prevalence of full PTSD. There was, however, a small decrease in prevalence of subsyndromal symptoms when criterion A2 was applied. These results suggest that those who did not respond to the MI with intense fear, helplessness or horror, were less likely to develop PTSD (subsyndromal level). These findings are in line with previous results from a large community-based study showing that traumatic events not involving symptoms of the A2 criterion rarely result in PTSD (Breslau & Kessler, 2001). Guler et al (2009) extended the study reported by Wiedermar et al (2008). PTSD was assessed in 394 patients, the prevalence remained largely the same, 10%, using a structured clinical interview. Patients with clinical PTSD were younger and reported greater fear of dying and more intense helplessness during the MI, supporting the notion that subjective experience of MI is a stronger predictor of PTSD than is objective measures of MI severity. These authors suggest that there is little evidence for the assumption that certain risk factors identified in the literature (demographic, clinical, psychological) can differentiate clinical PTSD status from elevated PTSD symptom level (i.e. subsyndromal levels). However, this might be expected since posttraumatic stress occurs on a continuum of severity (Whitehead et al., 2006). 65 TABLE 2.3 RISK FACTORS FOR PTSD FOLLOWING ACS Risk factor Positive Association MI severity (objective) No Association Negative Association Whitehead et al (2006); Ginzburg et al (2002) Ginzburg (2006a); Pedersen et al (2003); Kutz et al (1994); Doerfler et al (2005) MI severity (i.e. subjective pain)/ Subjective perception of threat/ Importance attached to the event Whitehead et al (2006); Ginzburg et al(2002); Bennett et al (2001); Wiedemar et al (2008); Guler et al (2009) – fear of dying/helplessness Duration of MI/ Pain duration Doerfler et al (2005) Prior MI/cardiac hospitalization Kutz et al (1994) Times re-hospitalized (any reason) Doerfler et al (2005) Awareness of event as MI Van Driel & Op den Welde (1995); Bennett & Brooke (1999) Dissociation during event/Acute stress disorder Bennett et al (2002); Ginzburg (2006a); Whitehead et al (2006) Fear at time of MI Bennett & Brooke (1999); Bennett et al (2001); van Driel & Op den Welde (1995) Subjective expectation of incapacitation Kutz et al (1994) Previous PTSD Kutz et al (1994); van Driel & Op den Welde (1995) Pre-MI stressful life events Ginzburg (2006a) Post-MI stressful life events Ginzburg (2006a) Age Doerfler et al (2005), Guler et al (2009) – subjective pain Doerfler et al (2005) Bennett et al (2001); Whitehead et al (2006) Ethnic origin Kutz et al (1994) – Asian or Mediterranean; Rocha et al (2008) – AfricanAmerican History of depression Whitehead et al (2006) Negative affect in hospital/Depressed mood Bennett et al (2001); Pedersen et al (2003); Whitehead et al (2006); Rocha et al (2008) Hostility Whitehead et al (2006) Bennett & Brooke (1999); Rocha et al (2008) Bennett et al (1999) Optimism Whitehead et al (2006) 66 Risk factor Positive Association Neuroticism Pedersen et al (2003) Anxiety Pedersen et al (2003); Rocha et al (2008) Whitehead et al (2006) Alexithymia Bennett & Brooke (1999) Bennett et al (2002) Type D personality/Neuroticism Bennett & Brooke (1999); Bennett et al (2001); Whitehead et al (2006); Pedersen & Denollet (2004) Social support/ social network Whitehead et al (2006) Perceived control Non-repressive coping No Association Negative Association Bennett et al (2002); Pedersen et al (2004) Doerfler et al (2005) Ginzburg et al (2002) There are some inconsistencies in the literature on risk factors for PTSD in MI patients, in particular regarding the relation between subjective perceptions and PTSD. For example, Doerfler and colleagues (2005) studied the psychological variables related to PTSD in MI patients 3 to 6 months post the event. The sample included 52 MI patients (36 male, 16 female). PTSD was measured with the Impact of Events Scale and the PTSD symptom scale. Measures of quality of life, perceived control, stressful events at the time of the MI, cardiac history, subjective pain, degree of danger, fear of dying and the degree of predictability of the MI were obtained 3 to 6 months post admission. In this study between 4% and 8% of patients qualified for a diagnosis of PTSD depending on cut-off. Elevated scores on the PTSD measures were associated with poorer quality of life. Factors associated with PTSD at 3 to 6 months post the event included readmissions to hospital, longer lasting MI and ratings of pain duration. Patients reporting lower ability to control their emotions during the acute event and any future MI, as well as perceived lower controllability over aversive events more generally were associated with higher PTSD scores. However, cross-sectional studies such as this have limited ability to determine the direction of the relationships. It is unclear whether perceptions of control lead to the development of PTSD or whether these 67 perceptions are produced by psychological distress. In contrast to other research, this study found that subjective pain was not related to PTSD nor were ratings of perceived danger, predictability and fear of dying. A recent study by Guler et al (2009) also report no association between subjective pain scores and later posttraumatic stress symptoms. A study by Bennett and Brooke (1999) found that awareness of having an MI during the acute phase was strongly predictive of posttraumatic stress 6 – 12 months post admission and in particular the level of intrusive symptoms. In a second, longitudinal study, Bennett et al (2001) found that low mood while in hospital and the fright experienced at the time of the MI were predictive of the frequency of the symptoms of PTSD three months following the event. Some research suggests that personality variables may be important in the development of posttraumatic stress following MI. There is relatively little research in this area and so far the main focus has been on two factors in the context of MI patients. The first, alexithymia, is a stable personality trait implicated as a risk factor for the development of PTSD in general (Krystal et al., 1986) and PTSD in MI patients in particular (Bennett & Brooke, 1999). Alexithymia is characterized by an inability to process emotions, and it has been postulated that this may result in failure to integrate memories and their emotional associations into more general memory systems (Brewin et al., 1996). Although some cross-sectional data suggest an association between alexithymia and PTSD (Bennett & Brooke, 1999), longitudinal studies have not supported this relationship (Bennett et al., 2002). The second personality factor associated with PTSD post MI is negative affectivity which reflects an individuals‘ propensity to experience negative moods and interpret events in a negative way, even without the presence of an obvious stressor (Watson & Clarke, 1984). A number of studies support the role of negative affect in the development of PTSD. Low positive and high negative affect is predictive of PTSD (Bennett & Brooke, 1999; Bennett et al., 2001). Type D personality trait (i.e. negative affectivity and social inhibition) is another factor which has been found to relate to posttraumatic symptoms. 68 The negative affectivity component of Type D, conceptualized as neuroticism, has been shown to be associated with post-MI PTSD (Pedersen & Denollet, 2004; Whitehead et al., 2006). A recent study showed higher neuroticism among patients with full-PTSD compared with patients with no or partial PTSD (Chung et al., 2007). These findings support the proposed link between Type D and post-MI PTSD. This is because the negative affectivity dimension of Type D constitutes partly the characteristics of neuroticism. Some argue that the trait of high negative emotionality or neuroticism is the primary personality risk factor for developing full PTSD (Miller, 2003). One line of argument suggests that a particular type of coping style may have a protective function on PTSD development following MI due to its effect on patients‘ appraisals of the stressful event, their own self-esteem and belief in ability to cope. Ginzburg et al (2002) investigated the relationship between repressive coping and PTSD. This study showed that only 7.1% of repressors 7 months post MI were identified as having PTSD compared with between 17.2% and 20% of non-repressors. These authors argue that repressive coping may serve as a stress buffer. Repressive coping is defined as the cognitive and emotional effort to ignore or divert attention from threatening stimuli, whether internal or external. There has been little research on the role of repression on PTSD in MI patients. One study of the related concept of avoidance shows that such strategies are effective in the short term following an MI (Esteve et al., 1992). The efficacy of avoidance strategies in the longer run is less clear. Some studies show that avoidance is related to increased posttraumatic stress symptoms after various traumatic events (Amir, 1997; Reynolds & Brewin, 1998). However, due to the cross-sectional nature of these studies it is not clear whether avoidant coping is a risk factor for PTSD or a manifestation of the disorder. It is clear from the literature reviewed above that there is great variability in studies of risk factors for PTSD following MI and that the risk factors identified do not seem to overlap greatly with those identified in the general population. Although age, gender, and socioeconomic status have generally been identified as risk factors for 69 PTSD following trauma, the majority of the post-MI PTSD literature reports no such associations. However, lack of social support and negative affect in the wake of trauma do seem to be important factors for developing posttraumatic stress overall. One of the core assumptions of the PTSD construct is the idea of a dose-response relationship between trauma and subsequent symptoms. Although there has been some support for this argument in the literature on PTSD from various causes, there is an overwhelming lack of support for such a relationship among post-MI PTSD patients. Due to the lack of agreement of risk factors between studies of PTSD in MI patients and of individuals exposed to other types of trauma, it is difficult to make inferences from the broad PTSD literature, thus, it is important to further explore the potential risk factors for PTSD in cardiac populations. Data on predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms are presented in chapters 4, 6 and 7 in this thesis. The salience of emotional and psychological predictor variables for posttraumatic stress in response to acute cardiac events is highlighted. 2.7.3 Distinctive features of ACS-related PTSD The core constructs of PTSD include the traumatic stressor, re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance symptoms and arousal symptoms. These may be potentially distinctive among ACS patients. Firstly, the experience of an acute coronary syndrome represents a distinctive stressor within the PTSD framework because it involves a potentially chronic and debilitating illness that may be accompanied by a range of aversive associated events (e.g. angina). The stressor causing PTSD is distinctive also because it is triggered by an internally induced event rather than an external source of threat. The threat associated with the stressor is not only immediate but the outcome is also future oriented. This is problematic in terms of the DSM-IV‘s description of reexperiencing symptoms, which implies that the intrusive thoughts and associated affect pertain to an event that has occurred in the past (APA, 1994). Many intrusive thoughts 70 reported by ACS patients appear to be future oriented fears about one‘s health. A number of the avoidance symptoms in the DSM-IV definition of PTSD may also pose a problem. Avoiding reminders of the stressor may be difficult because many of the cues are either internally (e.g. symptoms such as shortened breath, fatigue, and angina) or externally imposed (e.g. medical visits, rehabilitation attendance, and taking prescribed medication). Arousal symptoms may also be problematic because they can index somatic responses that can overlap with effects of ACS and its treatment. It is erroneous to attribute somatic problems to PTSD if they are in fact secondary to the effects of ACS and its treatment. These issues highlight the difficulties associated with applying the current PTSD framework to distress reported in response to medical illness, and how cautiously results must be interpreted. 2.7.4 Consequences of PTSD following ACS Posttraumatic stress is associated with a number of adverse consequences following ACS. PTSD commonly co-occurs with depression in cardiac patients and depressive symptoms are themselves associated with a 2-fold increased risk of mortality (van Melle et al., 2004). Posttraumatic stress symptoms are associated with outcomes such as impaired quality of life (Doerfler et al., 2005), inadequate coping (Alonzo, 1999), increased smoking and alcohol intake (Op den Velde et al., 2002), which are, in themselves, independent risk factors for cardiovascular complications after MI (Shemesh et al., 2003), and overall worse general health (Jones et al., 2007). Stukas et al (1999) report that PTSD is also a strong predictor of mortality after a heart transplant. In this study, those patients who survived beyond a year post transplant and who met criteria for PTSD during that year had over a 13 times greater risk of mortality by 3 years post-transplant. This effect was independent of other known transplant related predictors of mortality. Alonzo (1999) highlighted the variation in patients‘ reactions and suggested that as distress increases, their ability to seek help when 71 experiencing early signs of a further MI is reduced. The impact of posttraumatic stress symptoms on patients health behaviours and adjustment is presented in chapter 7 in this thesis, further demonstrating the significant negative influence of posttraumatic stress symptoms on patients post ACS recovery. Levels of social support may also be affected in MI patients who develop PTSD. Lack of social support is a known risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and has also been related to adverse prognosis (Everson-Rose & Lewis, 2005). Kutz et al (1994) reported that patients who developed PTSD following MI were more likely not to return to work, to decrease their social activity level, and to avoid social situations, all of which result in less social contacts and less potential support. Since lack of support is an independent risk factor for CHD it is possible that MI patients who suffer posttraumatic stress symptoms have a higher risk of developing recurrent cardiac events. PTSD is also associated with nonadherence to cardiac medications in survivors of MI, which in turn is related to poor medical outcome (Shemesh et al., 2001). It is speculated that taking prescribed medication may serve as a reminder of the traumatic event, something which those with PTSD would rather avoid. A study by Shemesh and colleagues (2004) found that PTSD was associated with almost a 3-fold increased risk of readmission for cardiovascular events 1.5 years post admission for MI. It can be speculated that these findings relate to the increased nonadherence observed in the sample, or they may be related to biological correlates of PTSD (see section 2.9), which may put an additional strain on an already ailing heart. 2.7.5 The relationship between PTSD and depression The comorbidity between PTSD and anxiety, depression, substance abuse, somatoform disorders, and personality disorders is well documented (McFarlane & Papay, 1992) In a large scale epidemiological study in the general American population [National Comorbidity Study], lifetime prevalence of PTSD was estimated at 7.8%, 72 based on interviews with over 5000 people (Kessler et al., 1995). Approximately 48% (47.9% of males and 48.5% of females) of those who met criteria for lifetime PTSD also met criteria for major depression, secondary to the trauma. These comorbidity patterns can also arise in the context of acute coronary syndromes. Rates of depression among cardiac patients are relatively high, with approximately 15% of patients developing major depression and a further 20% minor depression (Davidson et al., 2004; Lett et al., 2004; Rozanski et al., 1999). Previous research show that a substantial proportion of PTSD sufferers also meet diagnostic criteria for depression, with prevalence ranging from about 21% to 94% (e.g. Mollica et al., 1999; Salcioglu et al., 2003). As discussed in the previous section, PTSD is associated with a number of adverse outcomes following ACS. Similarly, high levels of depression are associated with psychosocial maladjustment (Drory et al., 1999), increased hospitalization and mortality among cardiac patients (Burg et al., 2003). The clinical implications of comorbidity of PTSD and depression are unclear, though a number of studies suggest that it may complicate adjustment. For example, studies have found more severe PTSD, greater depressive symptoms and greater difficulties in psychosocial adjustment among those with comorbid PTSD and depression compared with those with PTSD alone (e.g. KozaricKovacic & Kocijan-Hercigonja, 2001; Maes et al., 2000; Momartin et al., 2004). These findings are replicated in those with comorbid PTSD and depression compared with those who suffer from depression without PTSD (e.g Constans et al., 1997; Frayne et al., 2004; Holtzheimer, III et al., 2005). There, is however, a lack of empirical research on the comorbidity of PTSD and depression following MI. One study (Ginzburg, 2006a) assessed the issue of comorbid PTSD and depression in a prospective study of 116 MI patients at one week and seven months post the index event. 73 At one week following the acute MI, 6% of patients fulfilled criteria for ASD 1, 13% were identified as suffering from depression, and 12% had comorbid ASD and depression. At follow up 8% met diagnostic criteria for full PTSD, 14% had depression alone, and 8% were classified as having comorbid PTSD and depression. Predictors of comorbidity were investigated and no association was found with baseline objective MI severity, or with subjective appraisals (threat of death, perceived severity). However, immediate levels of dissociation, intrusion, arousal and symptoms of depression were significantly associated with comorbidity at time 2. Dissociative responses to the MI and arousal symptoms were higher in the depression and comorbidity groups. The depression group reported the highest levels of intrusion, and the comorbid group reported the highest levels of initial depression. Comorbidity was significantly associated with PTSD symptomatology, depression, psychosocial functioning and somatic complaints. However, the PTSD group reported the highest levels of somatic complaints, whereas the comorbid group reported the lowest level of psychosocial functioning. It is clear from these findings that comorbidity is an important issue following acute cardiac events. Causal pathways for explaining the association between PTSD and major depression post trauma include; (1) Pre-existing depression may render individuals more vulnerable to PTSD in the aftermath of trauma; (2) The presence of PTSD may increase the risk of first onset of depression. These pathways suggest the possibility of a shared vulnerability for both disorders. However, not all support the view that comorbidity is genuine clinical phenomenon, some argue that what is observed is an artifact of symptom overlap. In fact, when examining the DSM-IV criteria for these disorders, one finds that three of the 17 symptoms of PTSD (sleep disturbance/insomnia, difficulty with or impaired concentration, and loss of interest in 1 ASD – Occurs within 1 month following trauma. Similar etiology, symptoms and course as PTSD, but of limited duration - 2 days to 4 weeks. If the symptoms and behavioral disturbances of the acute stress disorder persist for more than a month, and if these features are associated with functional impairment or significant distress to the sufferer, the diagnosis is changed to posttraumatic stress disorder (APA, 1994). The usefulness of ASD in the prediction of later PTSD has been questioned (Marshall et al., 1999). 74 previously enjoyed activities – anhedonia) are also three of the nine symptoms needed for a diagnosis of major depression. Two important research questions must be addressed; (1) Are depression and PTSD independent consequences of trauma, each having its own course and prognosis? (2) Which symptoms are shared, and which separate the two disorders? Constans et al (1997) investigated the phenomenological features of depression occurring in PTSD patients, and the relationship between depressive features and PTSD symptoms in a sample of 217 veterans of war. 84% of the sample met criteria for PTSD. These were subsequently re-categorised into three groups: comorbid depression/melancholic features; comorbid depression/non-melancholic features; no comorbid depression. Results showed that those with melancholic and non-melancholic features of comorbid depression did not differ on measures of depression, PTSD, and anxiety. However, the melancholic sub-group reported excessive guilt compared with the other groups. Further, the presence of melancholic features was related to severity of emotional-numbing experienced by the PTSD sufferers. These authors concluded that a subset of PTSD patients experience a depression subtype of PTSD, distinguished by higher frequency and severity of emotional-numbing symptoms. Franklin and Zimmerman (2001) investigated the role of overlapping symptoms in diagnostic comorbidity. These authors argued that if contaminated symptoms (i.e. the three symptoms common to both PTSD and major depression) are responsible for the observed comorbidity, they would be more frequently endorsed among PTSD patients with major depression compared with those with PTSD only, and that these symptoms would show less specificity, that is, they would correlate less highly with the total PTSD symptom score than would the other 14 PTSD unique symptoms. These authors found no evidence to support the notion that overlapping symptoms contribute to the comorbidity observed between PTSD and depression. Results showed that the contaminated symptoms did not correlate less 75 strongly with the total PTSD scores, nor were they more frequently endorsed by the comorbidity group. A prospective study of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in 211 trauma survivors (a variety of traumatic stressors) showed that the intensity of depressive symptoms in PTSD resembles that of major depression. Results showed that the comorbidity group had higher scores on a range of symptoms typically thought to reflect depression than did the depression only group (i.e. diminished interest, detachment/estrangement, restricted range of affect) (Shalev et al., 1998a). However, 29% of the trauma survivors with major depression did not have comorbid PTSD. These authors concluded that depression and PTSD may be independent sequelae of trauma. Contrasting findings indicate that risk of depression only increases among trauma victims who develop PTSD, suggesting that PTSD and major depression are not influenced by separate vulnerabilities (Breslau et al., 1997; Breslau et al., 2000). A more recent study by O‘Donnell et al (2004) assessed predictors of PTSD, depression and comorbid PTSD/depression in a sample of 363 injury survivors at hospital discharge, and at 3 and 12 months. They argued that if indeed PTSD and depression are separate constructs, then symptom severity and diagnostic group should be a function of differential groups of predictors. Full diagnostic criteria were met in almost equal numbers for each of the three groups at 3 months (4% depressed, 6% PTSD and 5% comorbid) and at 12 months (4%, 4% and 6% respectively). A surprising degree of movement between diagnostic categories was observed, with approximately half of those with a diagnosis at both time points changing diagnostic category by 12 months follow up. The pattern of change was similar for the PTSD and comorbid groups with comparable proportions recovering, maintaining their diagnosis, or changing their diagnostic group. The depression group in contrast showed a strikingly different pattern. The majority of those with depression at 3 month had recovered by 12 months. Further, results indicated that the PTSD and comorbid PTSD/depression were predicted by the same range of variables at both time points. 76 Depression at 3 months was predicted by different variables. However, at 12 months, depression was no longer found to be an independent construct suggesting that in the immediate aftermath of a trauma, depression may exist as a separate and independent construct, with its own unique set of predictors. However, by 12 months, as the psychopathology becomes more chronic, this construct may become less well differentiated and no longer possible to identify. At this point, it may be most appropriate to consider the psychopathology observed as a more general traumatic stress factor that is characterized by a combination of PTSD and depressive symptoms. These results suggest that PTSD alone and comorbid PTSD/depression may be the one and same construct. The findings presented in this section highlight the complex interaction and overlap between these diagnoses. 2.8 The role of PTSD in the development of coronary heart disease Not only is PTSD an outcome of cardiac disease, in fact a number of studies have found a relationship between a diagnosis of PTSD and increased risk of developing CHD in initially disease free individuals. Boscarino (1997) found lifetime PTSD to be associated with a higher prevalence of circulatory disorders (OR= 1.62), independent of demographic factors, smoking and substance abuse. A later study found an association between PTSD and increased risk of MI (OR= 4.44) (Boscarino & Chang, 1999). This effect was independent of a number of traditional risk factors such as smoking, body mass index and alcohol use. Consistent with work suggesting that PTSD rather than trauma exposure alone may mediate between trauma and risk of adverse health outcomes, a study by Dong and colleagues (Dong et al., 2004) found that men and women who had experienced numerous adverse childhood events were at increased risk of CHD (OR= 3.6, C.I: 2.4 – 5.3), this effect was explained more completely by psychological distress than by traditional risk factors. 77 The association between PTSD and increased risk of CHD may be explained by pathophysiological changes that occur during a stress response. A persistent state of arousal may contribute to the progression of CHD mediated through changes in haemostatic parameters (von Känel et al., 2001). A recent review suggests that PTSD confers a heightened pro-inflammatory state (Gander & von Känel., 2006). Although there are some inconsistencies in the evidence for a pro-inflammatory state in PTSD, most consistency emerged in studies showing higher Interleukin (IL) -1β in individuals with PTSD compared with controls (Sondergaard et al., 2004; Tucker et al., 2004). It has also been found that patients with PTSD have lower peripheral cortisol levels both at rest and in response to trauma related stimuli (McFall et al., 1990; Yehuda et al., 1992) as well as reduced heart rate variability (Cohen et al., 1997). The pathophysiology of PTSD will be discussed in the following section. If PTSD indeed has pathophysiological effects, it seems they would be likely to be most evident when symptoms of PTSD follow a pattern of persisting or recurring over time. PTSD may also motivate health-related behaviours that can influence risk of developing CHD. For example, PTSD has been associated with greater likelihood of smoking and excess alcohol consumption, behaviours that increase risk of CHD (Breslau et al., 2003). A large scale prospective study of PTSD and CHD (data from the Normative Ageing Study) assessed the relationship directly and independently of depression (Kubzansky et al., 2007). It is important to establish a link between PTSD and CHD that is independent of depression due to concerns that self-report measures of PTSD may over-emphasize the depression component of PTSD and because depression has been identified as a risk factor for CHD (see chapter 1). Some investigators have suggested that any apparent PTSD-CHD association is largely due to depression. Kubzansky et al (2007) report that PTSD symptoms are associated with an increased risk of incident CHD. Although modest, the effects were maintained after controlling for depressive symptoms, and most clearly apparent in relation to the hard outcomes of nonfatal MI and fatal CHD. These findings were also suggestive of a dose-response 78 relationship, as for each standard deviation increase in posttraumatic stress symptoms there was a significant increase in the risk of developing CHD (OR= 1.21). A more recent study investigated PTSD and increased risk of CHD in a sample of community dwelling women [non-military], and tested whether the relationship was independent of other forms of distress (Kubzansky et al., 2009). These authors found that women reporting five or more posttraumatic symptoms were at over three times greater risk of developing CHD compared with those with no symptoms (OR= 3.21, C.I: 1.29 – 7.98). Findings were maintained after controlling for standard risk factors as well as depression and trait anxiety. The findings discussed in this section are provocative, and suggest that being exposed to a traumatic event and experiencing a prolonged stress reaction may not only lead to psychological disability but may also have cardiotoxic effects. More research is clearly called for to further the understanding of a possible relationship between posttraumatic stress and cardiovascular endpoints. 2.9 Psychophysiology of PTSD 2.9.1 Cortisol Although a great many individuals are exposed to one or more traumatic events in their lifetime (Kessler et al., 1995), and many develop symptoms in the early aftermath of trauma, the intensity of the initial response and the number of individuals who manifest these responses substantially decreases as time goes on. Posttraumatic symptoms become chronic only in a subgroup of trauma survivors. Thus, PTSD can be best considered a possible, not inevitable, outcome following trauma exposure. As discussed in previous sections, there are a number of psychological variables that influence the development of PTSD in the days following the initial trauma. There also 79 appear to be some salient predictors of PTSD that manifest within hours after the traumatic event. These are not psychological variables, but rather biological ones. Evidence is emerging of a distinct pathophysiology for posttraumatic stress. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is activated in response to stress. HPA axis activity is governed by the secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus (figure 2.1). CRH activates the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary. ACTH, in turn, stimulates the secretion of glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans) from the adrenal glands. Cortisol interacts with their receptors - the corticosteroid receptors - in almost every tissue in the body, and the best known effect is the regulation of energy metabolism. By binding to corticosteroid receptors in the brain, cortisol also inhibits the further secretion of CRH from the hypothalamus and ACTH from the pituitary (negative feedback). The major function of cortisol is to contain these stress-activated reactions (Munck et al., 1984). FIGURE 2.1 HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY-ADRENAL AXIS 80 The neuroendocrine profile observed in those with chronic PTSD is somewhat paradoxical as the alterations in patterns make the patterns almost exactly the opposite of the patterns observed in chronic stress and major depression (Chrousos & Gold, 1992). Like depression, PTSD is associated with increased secretion of corticotropin releasing factor. Unlike depression, however, the increased secretion is associated with hypocortisolaemia (Baker et al., 1999), suggesting a grossly exaggerated negative feedback inhibition of the HPA axis that is possibly secondary to up-regulation of glucocorticoid receptors (Liberzon et al., 1999). That is, chronic PTSD is characterized by a decrease in levels of circulating cortisol and a concomittant increase in responsiveness of glucocorticoid receptors, an increased sensitivity of the HPA negative feedback inhibition, and a progressive sensitization of the entire HPA axis (Yehuda et al., 1998). These findings raise two questions; (1) are these alterations observed in the HPA axis characteristic of chronic PTSD, and; (2) are there fundamental differences in the way the HPA axis functions normally that will influence the way in which an individual will respond to traumatic stress? There are inconsistencies in the literature on the relationship of cortisol and PTSD, with some studies reporting increased levels of cortisol and others reporting decreased cortisol. Whereas a number of studies of women with PTSD have found evidence of HPA hyperactivity, particularly following childhood abuse (Heim et al., 2000; Lemieux & Coe, 1995; Maes et al., 1998; Rasmusson et al., 2001), studies of male combat veterans and elderly Holocaust survivors have found evidence of a low cortisol profile, persisting even in the presence of major depression (e.g. Boscarino, 1996; Yehuda, 2002a; Yehuda et al., 2002). Some prospective research has shown that low cortisol levels at the time of exposure to psychological trauma predict the development of PTSD (e.g. Resnick et al., 1995; Yehuda et al., 1998), suggesting hypocortisolism might be a pre-existing risk factor that is associated with maladaptive stress responses such as PTSD. Consequently, administration of hydrocortisone directly after exposure to psychological trauma has been shown to effectively reduce 81 risk of developing PTSD (de Quervain, 2008; Schelling et al., 2004). Resnick et al (1995) found significantly lower cortisol levels in a sample of female rape victims (assessed during emergency room visit within hours of the trauma) with prior history of sexual assault. This group of women was three times more likely to develop PTSD at 4-month follow up than were women without a history of prior sexual assault. These authors argued that prior traumatization may have been the cause of altered HPA axis function in response to subsequent trauma, and that the attenuated cortisol response consequently increased the risk of PTSD from this ‗new‘ trauma. This study was however limited by the fact no other psychiatric or psychological disturbances were assessed or controlled for. In a study of motor vehicle accident victims, McFarlane et al (1997) found lower levels of cortisol in the immediate aftermath of the trauma among those who at 6 months were classified as having PTSD, compared with no diagnosis or depression (higher levels of cortisol observed). These findings were independent of accident severity, time of day and minutes post-trauma. The studies by Resnick et al (1995) and McFarlane et al (1997) suggest a paradoxically lower cortisol response is present in trauma victims who later go on to develop PTSD compared with those who either develop depression or those who subsequently do not develop any psychiatric disorder. However, in both these studies cortisol was assessed only post trauma, there was no examination of cortisol levels prior to trauma, therefore no statement can be made about the cortisol response relative to these individuals‘ baseline levels. Not all studies have demonstrated lower cortisol levels among groups of PTSD patients. Indeed some have reported the opposite pattern. Liberzon et al (1999) found significantly higher baseline cortisol among PTSD diagnosed patients than among nonPTSD controls. Pitman and Orr (1990) reported significantly higher 24-hour cortisol values in those with PTSD compared with controls. A study by Young and colleagues (2004a) found normal levels of cortisol in a low SES sample of women with high exposure rates to trauma, with either current or lifetime PTSD. However, a non- 82 significant trend of higher cortisol in women with comorbid lifetime PTSD and past-year major depression was observed. Young and Breslau (2004a) assessed 24-hour urinary free cortisol (UFC) at a sleep research centre, in a community sample and demonstrated no effect of exposure to trauma, or lifetime PTSD, on UFC. They did however find a significant increase in UFC among women with comorbid major depression and PTSD. Using a larger subset of this community sample, Young and Breslau (2004b), using morning and early evening salivary cortisol from 516 participants (265, exposed to trauma, 183 not exposed to trauma, 68 current or past PTSD), found significantly higher evening cortisol in participants with PTSD compared with those who had been exposed to trauma but did not develop PTSD. Further, analyses comparing PTSD only with major depression only, comorbid depression/PTSD and no disorder did not show higher levels of cortisol for either the PTSD or depression only groups. However, the comorbid group demonstrated elevated evening levels of cortisol in comparison with the no disorder group. Whereas this effect was observed among women only in the earlier study (Young & Breslau, 2004a), in this study the effect was observed in participants of both genders. Though findings are inconsistent, there is strong evidence for persistent cortisol abnormalities. These abnormalities may be a trait rather than state phenomenon, possibly reflecting pre-existing abnormalities rather than a consequence of prior disorder. The findings of elevated cortisol in those with comorbid psychiatric disorders further highlight the importance of assessing comorbidity among those with PTSD. More research needs to be undertaken to further the understanding of the role of cortisol in PTSD. The cortisol profiles in a sample of ACS patients are investigated in relation to posttraumatic reactions in chapters 6 and 7. These data show some interesting findings in relation to co-morbid depression. 83 2.9.2 Heart rate One of the criteria that must be fulfilled for a diagnosis of PTSD is that of psychophysiological arousal such as sleep disturbances, hypervigilance and an exaggerated startle. A number of studies now also suggest an important role of heart rate (in the immediate aftermath of trauma) for subsequent development of PTSD. In a prospective study of 91 injured trauma survivors (not requiring admission), heart rate was assessed at the emergency department, then at 1 week, 1 month and 4 months post trauma (Shalev et al., 1998b). The CAPS was also administered at each assessment point to assess posttraumatic stress. The results showed higher heart rates but not blood pressure, among those who later went on to develop PTSD, at the emergency department and at 1 week post trauma heart rate assessment. At 1 and 4 months follow up, there was no longer a difference in heart rate. These results were independent of age, trauma severity, response intensity and peri-traumatic dissociation. It is important to note, however, that those who did not develop PTSD by 4 month follow up, also had elevated heart rate at the emergency room, which would be expected from a stress response. Consistent with these findings are those of Bryant et al (2000). In this study, discharge heart rate of motor vehicle accident survivors was significantly predictive of 6-month PTSD. Unexpectedly, higher heart rates were demonstrated among those with sub-clinical ASD. This might be due to the lack of dissociation in this group. The presence of dissociative symptoms distinguishes ASD from sub-clinical ASD, and it has been proposed that dissociation may reduce overwhelming distress and arousal in the acute phase thereby providing one explanation for the higher heart rates observed in the sub-clinical ASD group. A more recent study by Zatzick et al (2005) further support these results. Emergency heart rate of 95 beats per minute was a significant independent predictor of posttraumatic stress symptoms in severely injured surgical inpatients, over the course of one year (assessment points in-hospital, 1 month, 4-6 months, 12 months). These authors found 84 no significant association of heart rate and subsequent depression, even though major depression has been associated with elevated heart rate in a number of studies (e.g. Carney et al., 1999; Moser et al., 1998). Shalev et al (1998b) report that although emergency department heart rate significantly predicted PTSD at 4 months, it showed no relationship with depression. These findings suggest that autonomic nervous system disruptions may develop as a result of depression, whereas for PTSD these alterations may contribute to the pathogenesis of the disorder. Although these three prospective studies have differed in terms of heart rate measurement, type of trauma and trauma severity, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the timing and duration of follow up, taken together they provide support for an association between elevated sympathetic arousal and the development of enduring posttraumatic stress symptoms. However, contrasting findings have been demonstrated by Blanchard et al (2002). In this study of 76 motor vehicle accident survivors, heart rate assessed in the emergency department was significantly negatively associated with increasing posttraumatic symptom levels (CAPS interview) at 13 months follow up. The use of heart rate as a predictor of later PTSD among cardiac patients is problematic due to the use of beta-blockers as part of treatment for myocardial infarction. However, I did investigate both heart rate and heart rate variability in relation to PTSD in the second of the studies I conducted (see chapters 6 and 7). 2.10 Chapter summary Although in recent years more attention has been directed to posttraumatic stress reactions in patients following an ACS, it is becoming clear that the risk factors for posttraumatic stress in cardiac patients may not be the same as the risk factors for PTSD following other trauma. Risk factors for developing posttraumatic symptoms following MI may include pre-event vulnerabilities such as prior trauma or personality, event related variables such as the subjective experience of pain and emotional 85 experiences soon after hospitalization, and post-event experiences such as social support and coping. Together these findings clearly show that a significant minority of cardiac patients will go on to develop posttraumatic stress symptoms, and that this may have a significant impact on morbidity and mortality. Considering the well established link between depression and CHD it is becoming clear that PTSD may have similarly detrimental effects on outcomes. Many studies in this area have used relatively small samples and follow up periods have generally been shorter than 9 months. In order to fill this gap, I carried out a study to assess the longer term prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress symptom in patients 12 and 36 months post admission. These results are presented in chapter 4. The second study I carried out assessed posttraumatic stress in a sample of ACS patients at 2 weeks, 6 months and 12 months post the acute event investigating the change in symptoms during the first year post trauma. The results of this study are presented in chapters 6 and 7. 86 CHAPTER 3. Methodology ACCENT study 3.1 Introduction and hypotheses There is growing evidence that PTSD may develop as a consequence of an acute cardiac event. The average prevalence rate of PTSD across studies of post-MI patients is approximately 15% (Gander & von Känel, 2006). Most prospective research on PTSD has measured posttraumatic stress symptoms 3 – 9 months following cardiac events, and only one study (van Driel & Op den Velde, 1995) has involved longer periods. Since longer term prevalence has not been studied in detail, it is not known whether symptoms persist or there is recovery over time. Cross-sectional studies suggest that posttraumatic symptoms may last for many years (Jones et al., 2007; Bennett & Brooke, 1999), but dysphoric reporting biases may be present (Chung et al., 2007). The first aim of this study was therefore to establish the intensity of posttraumatic symptoms and incidence of PTSD at 12 and 36 months following admission to hospital with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in a prospective design. The second aim of the study was to identify early predictors of later PTSD. For most traumatic events, posttraumatic symptoms increase with the severity of the stressor (Brewin et al., 2000). However, studies of cardiac patients have not typically found a relationship between severity of cardiac damage or occurrence of other cardiac symptoms and the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms (O'Reilly et al., 2004; Pedersen et al., 2003; Ginzburg et al., 2003). But although objective clinical severity appears not to be predictive, several studies have found that subjective intensity of the event (Ginzburg et al., 2002; Ginzburg et al., 2003; Whitehead et al., 2006) and the anticipation of incapacitation (Kutz et al., 1994) are predictive of later PTSD. Acute cardiac events can be very distressing and expectations of death or serious disability can be highly influential. Fear during and immediately after the acute 87 event is associated with greater posttraumatic stress symptoms (Bennett & Brooke, 1999; Bennett et al., 2001). It is also possible that recurrence of cardiac symptoms in the period following hospital discharge will increase posttraumatic symptoms by providing vivid reminders of the acute event. A growing number of studies suggest that emotional responses and negative affective states soon after admission are strongly predictive of posttraumatic symptoms following ACS (Pedersen et al., 2003; Bennett et al., 2001; Whitehead et al., 2006). However, the significance of early emotional reactions for persistent long-term posttraumatic symptoms has not been established. In this study, my focus was on how acute emotional reactions to ACS and patients‘ general psychological dispositions would influence the development and course of PTSD 12 and 36 months after the acute event. My predictions were that depressed mood following hospital admission would be predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months later, independently of clinical and sociodemographic factors. In addition I hypothesised that patients‘ psychological disposition, in particular type D personality and hostility, would also be predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months following hospital admission. Previous research suggest that posttraumatic stress symptoms may become chronic, if left untreated, beyond as early as nine months post trauma (Gander & von Känel, 2006; Freedman et al., 1999). Therefore, I hypothesised that patients‘ posttraumatic stress symptoms would show chronicity, remaining stable between 12 and 36 month follow up. The analyses presented in this chapter were undertaken as part of the ACCENT study (see section 3.2). Posttraumatic stress symptoms were previously assessed at 3 months, and results from this subgroup of ACCENT patients have been presented elsewhere (Whitehead et al., 2006). 88 3.2 Participants Participants were 284 patients admitted with ACS to one of three London hospitals. ACS was diagnosed based on the presence of chest pain and the following criteria: verification by electrocardiographic changes (ECG; new ST elevation > 0.2mV in two contiguous leads [V1, V2, or V3] and > 0.1mV in two contiguous other leads, ST depression > 0.1mV in two contiguous leads in the absence of QRS confounders, new left branch bundle block, or dynamic T wave inversion in more than one lead), and/or elevated cardiac enzymes (troponin T measurement > 0.01µg/l or a creatine kinase measurement more than twice the upper range of normal for the measuring laboratory). As the original focus of this study was to investigate acute triggering of ACS, patients were eligible to participate if they could recall the specific time of symptom onset. Patients with co-morbid conditions which could influence either symptom presentation or mood state (such as severe psychiatric illness, unexplained anaemia, ongoing infection or inflammatory conditions, neoplasia and renal failure), and conditions that might cause false troponin positivity, were excluded. Eligible patients were aged between 18 and 80 years old and were able to complete the in-hospital interview and questionnaire measures in English. Data for this study were collected between 2001 and 2004. 360 potentially eligible patients were admitted on the days recruitment was conducted during this period. Of these, 46 patients (12.8%) had been discharged or transferred on to a different hospital before the researchers could conduct the in-hospital interview. A further 30 patients (8.3%) declined to participate in the study (fig. 3.1). These data were collected as part of a larger study of emotional experiences related to ACS (The ACCENT study), and other results from this study have been published previously, including data about the triggering of cardiac events (Strike et al., 2006), the delays between symptom onset and admission to hospital (Perkins-Porras et al., 2009), the role of ongoing stress and social support in determining adherence to advice following 89 discharge (Molloy et al., 2008) and factors predicting return to work (Bhattacharyya et al., 2007). 3.3 Study design and procedure Potential participants were approached as soon as possible after their admission for ACS, at which point the study was explained and informed consent was obtained. The in-hospital interview took place on average 2.56 ± 1.5 days following admission, with the majority (95%) taking place within five days of admission. These interviews primarily focused on the circumstances surrounding symptom onset and hospital admission. After the interview, within 7 to 10 days of admission, participants completed a battery of self-report questionnaires (detailed in the section below). Patients were re-contacted at 3 (reported elsewhere, Whitehead et al., 2006), 12 and 36 months post admission for ACS. Only data collected at the baseline hospital assessment and at 12 and 36 month follow up have been used for the purpose of this thesis. The follow-up interviews included a semi-structured telephone interview assessing recurrence of symptoms, other health problems, adherence to medication, and health behaviours (Appendix I) (details on health behaviours from this data set not shown as I did not incorporate these in any of my analyses or hypotheses). The participants were also mailed a battery of standardized questionnaires, at both follow up points, to complete and return by post. 3.3.1 My role in study design, data collection and analysis As the ACCENT study was already underway at the time of my joining, my responsibilities at that stage included data collection, data entry and data analysis. I carried out the majority of the 36 month interviews, though a proportion was conducted 90 by a colleague, Dr Mimi Bhattacharyya. The statistical analyses included in this thesis were undertaken by myself, with additional guidance from my thesis supervisor. 3.4 Psychosocial measures 3.4.1 Socio-demographic information Patients‘ age, marital status and ethnicity were obtained and data on patients‘ socio-economic status (SES) were collected during the in-hospital interview. A social deprivation index was created using an adaptation of the Townsend Material Deprivation Index (1988). This index has been shown to be related to increased cardiovascular risk factors (Sunquist et al., 1999) and is a broad measure of social deprivation and access to resources. Social deprivation was computed based on the following four criteria: renting one‘s home (as opposed to owning a home), not having access to a car or van, living in a crowded household (defined as more than one person per room) and being in receipt of state benefits. Scores on these items ranged from 0 to four, with four being the highest level of deprivation. Participants were classified as low deprivation (negative on all items), medium deprivation (one positive score) and high deprivation (two to four positive items). In addition, patients‘ level of educational attainment was also assessed. The level of reported education was categorised into seven groups: no educational qualifications, up to school certificate, CSE‘s, GCSE‘s, A level, Degree and Other. For the purposes of statistical analyses educational attainment was reclassified into a categorical variable with three levels; ‗none‘, ‗up to O-level‘ and ‗A-level or above‘. 91 3.4.2 Clinical data Information on clinical factors during admission, management and cardiovascular history was collected from patients‘ hospital admission notes. Admission ECGs and troponin T or creatine kinase data were reviewed by a cardiologist and patients were classified for presentation with ST- elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non ST- elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) or unstable angina (UA). For purposes of analyses these were categorised into a binary variable ‗STEMI‘ vs ‗NSTEMI/UA‘. Composite clinical risk scores were also computed based on the algorithm developed in the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) study (Eagle et al., 2004). This algorithm uses the following nine criteria to define risk of six month post discharge death applicable to all types of ACS: age, history of congestive heart failure, history of MI, systolic blood pressure and heart rate on admission, ST segment depression, initial serum creatine, raised cardiac enzymes and no in-hospital percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients‘ subjective pain ratings were also recorded. Chest pain during ACS was rated on a 10-point scale from 1= very low to 10= excruciating; however, this measure was not introduced until midway through the study, so was available only for a subset of patients. 3.4.3 Psychological measures A range of well established standardized questionnaires were used in this study (Appendix II). These were used to assess emotional states and well-being as well as psychological traits. The questionnaires described in this section have been widely used with cardiac populations in previous research. A range of emotional factors was measured, including depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Other measures included negative affectivity and hostility. The full range of questionnaires 92 employed is described in detail below. Details on which measures were obtained at each time point are presented in table 3.1. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Patients‘ level of depression was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), a standard measure of depressive symptoms (Beck et al., 1988). This measure has been widely used in cardiac populations and is considered a valid measure of depression (Buchanan et al., 1993; Crowe et al., 1996; Frasure-Smith et al., 1997). Findings from a meta-analysis of studies of non-psychiatric participants show a mean coefficient alpha of .81 (Beck et al., 1988). The BDI is a 21-item selfreport measure that assesses the severity of depressive symptoms over the past week. Patients rate symptoms from none (0) to severe (3). The scores can range from 0 to 63 with higher scores indicating more severe depressive symptoms. The standard cut-off points are as follows; 0-9 indicates that the person is not depressed, 10-18 suggests mild-to-moderate depression, 19-29 indicates moderate to severe symptoms and a score between 30-63 would suggest presence of severe depression. The Cronbach‘s alpha for this scale was .88. The BDI suffers the same problems as other self-report measures; for example, the way the measure is administered can influence the responses. For instance, if a patient is asked to fill the form out in front of other people in a clinical environment, social expectations might elicit a different response compared to administration via a postal survey (Bowling, 2005). More closely relevant to this study of ACS patients is the issue of the BDI‘s inclusion of physical symptoms such as fatigue, which might artificially inflate depression scores in a medically ill population, due to symptoms related to their physical health status rather than depression. 93 Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms – Self Report Scale (PSS-SR) The presence and severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms was assessed using the PTSD Symptom Scale - Self Report version (PSS-SR) (Foa et al., 1993), the precursor of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (Foa et al., 1997). The PSS-SR is a 17-item scale with items corresponding to the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis of PTSD for the three dimensions of intrusions/re-experiencing, avoidance and arousal. Each item is rated on a 4-point scale, ranging from 0 (not at all) to 3 (5 or more times per week) to indicate frequency of patients‘ experiencing symptoms during the past 2 weeks. The PSS-SR was primarily analyzed as a continuous variable to identify predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms. However, the scale can also be used to identify individuals who meet criteria for a probable diagnosis of PTSD, and has been endorsed by the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2005) as a suitable measure of PTSD. Sensitivity of the scale is 62% and specificity 100% based on DSM criteria (Foa et al., 1993). The presence of PTSD is defined by a score of 1 or more on at least one re-experiencing, three avoidance and two arousal symptoms. For the purpose of analysis in this study, I used an adaptation of the original scoring system, such that the presence of PTSD was defined by a score of ≥ 2 (two to four times a week) on at least one intrusion, three avoidance and two arousal items. These scoring criteria are more conservative than the original guidelines but are more closely related to original DSM-IV criteria (APA, 1994). Brewin and colleagues (1999) found that when using original scoring criteria, some patients were identified with PTSD even though no symptom was rated more than 1 and the total symptom scores were as low as 9 (possible range 0-51). Thus in order to eliminate low scores and to more closely match DSM criteria for persistence of symptoms these authors argue that the adapted scoring system will yield a more accurate estimate of posttraumatic symptoms. This modified version of the scale showed good internal reliability with a Cronbach‘s alpha of .92. 94 Hospital Anxiety Scale (HADS-A) Anxiety was measured using the anxiety sub-scale from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS). This is a well-established measure of psychological distress in medical patients, and was originally developed to assess anxiety and depression in a clinical population of medical outpatients suffering from a wide variety of illnesses (Zigmond & Snaith, 1983). The anxiety sub-scale of the HADS has seven items (five which are reverse scored) which are scored from 0 (not at all anxious) to 3 (very often anxious). Total scores range from 0 to 21, with higher scores reflecting greater anxiety. The recognised cut-off for moderate anxiety is scores ≥ 8. Cronbach‘s alpha for this scale was .85. The HADS has shown good psychometric properties with Cronbach‘s alpha over .60 in populations of both medical and psychiatric settings, and in the general population (Bjalland et al., 2002). Medical Outcome Short Form 36 (SF36) The SF36 is a general outcome measure which assesses health status and health-related quality of life (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992), and has been frequently used to assess quality of life among cardiac patients (Brown et al., 1999; Fogel et al., 2004; Rumsfeld et al., 1999). Previous research has shown good psychometric properties of this scale, with internal reliability in excess of .70 (Ware & Gandek, 1998). The SF36 uses eight sub-scales to measure three aspects of health – functional status, wellbeing, and overall evaluation of health. The Cronbach‘s alphas ranged between .77 and .94 for these scales. This measure has 36 items, which are grouped into eight multi-item sub-scales representing the three domains described above. These are as follows: (1) functional status – physical functioning (limitations in physical activity due to physical problems), social functioning (interference with social activities due to physical and emotional health problems), role limitations due to physical problems (problems 95 with work and daily activities due to physical health), role limitations due to emotional problems (problems with work and daily activities due to emotional problems); (2) wellbeing – mental health (anxiety and depression), vitality (energy and fatigue), bodily pain (severity); (3) overall evaluation of health – general health perception (evaluation of physical health and likelihood of improvement). Each sub-scale is scored from 0 (worst health status) to 100 (best health status) to indicate level of function. The SF36 can also provide scores on two summary components, by averaging scores on the subscales relevant to these; physical health status (physical functioning, role limitations due to physical problems, bodily pain and general health perception) and mental health status (social functioning, limitations due to emotional problems, vitality and general mental health). Cook and Medley Hostility Scale (Ho) Hostility is a key component of Type A personality (Williams, Jr. et al., 1980) and has been linked to CHD rates. Hostility is also associated with poor health behaviours such as smoking and alcohol use. The link between hostility and CHD may be mediated by poor health behaviours. Hostility was assessed using the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale (Ho) (Cook & Medley, 1954). This 39-item version contains items from the four subscales identified by Barefoot and colleagues; cynicism, hostile attribution, hostile affect and aggressive responding (Barefoot et al., 1989). Responses to these items were rated 0 (false) or 1 (true), with total scores ranging from 0 (lowest hostility) to 39 (highest hostility). The Ho scale has been reported to have good psychometric properties, including adequate internal validity, good test-retest reliability and construct validity (Barefoot & Lipkus, 1994). In this study the Cronbach‘s alpha was .87. 96 Type D (DS16) Type D personality is associated with worse prognosis following myocardial infarction and is defined as the joint tendency towards negative affectivity and social inhibition. Type D was assessed using the 16-item DS16 (Denollet, 1998). Each item is rated according to a 5-point Likert scale with scores from 0 (false) to 4 (true). Patients who score high on both the social inhibition and negative affectivity scales, as determined by median split, are classified as having Type D. This scale shows satisfactory psychometric qualities and prognostic power, with Cronbach‘s alpha of .89 and .82 for the negative affectivity and social inhibition scales respectively (Denollet, 1998; Denollet et al., 2000). The Cronbach‘s alphas for the negative affectivity and social inhibition scales in this study was .85 and .73, respectively. Fear, helplessness and horror – Acute stress. During the in-hospital interview, patients were asked to rate their experience of acute distress and fear at the time of their ACS. This was measured using three items; ‗I was frightened when the symptoms came on‘, ‗I thought I might be dying when the symptoms came on‘, and ‗I found my cardiac event stressful‘. Each item was rated on a five point scale; not at all true, slightly true, somewhat true, very true and extremely true. A combined score was created by averaging these ratings. Participants were subsequently categorised into one of three groups; no distress and fear (average ratings of ‗not at all true‘), moderate distress and fear (average ratings of ‗slightly true‘ and ‗somewhat true‘) and high distress and fear (average ratings of ‗very true‘ and ‗extremely true‘). This measure was used as a proxy measure for fulfilment of criterion A of the DSM-IV classification for a diagnosis of PTSD. 97 Acute stress disorder Patients acute stress reactions (acute stress disorder - ASD) to the ACS was assessed using a composite scale derived from the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (Marmar et al., 1997) and the Acute Stress Disorder Scale (Bryant et al., 2000). This scale consisted of 14-items rated on a five point scale (‗not at all true‘ to ‗extremely true‘). Higher scores indicate greater dissociation, flashbacks, intrusions and fear duing the event. Cronbach‘s alpha showed good reliability of the full scale (α = .87). As for the subjective pain measure, the acute stress measure was also not introduced until midway through the study and therefore data were only available for a subset of patients for this scale. 3.5 Data storage All data collected were treated as confidential. Interview data and questionnaires from all data collection points were kept separate from consent forms, and all were kept in locked filing cabinets with restricted access. Data were anonymised and entered into a database which was password protected. 3.6 Statistical analyses All statistical analyses were performed using the statistical programme SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc). The significance level was set at p < .05 for all analyses. Specific details on the analyses conducted are presented in the results sections of chapter 4. 98 TABLE 3.1 MEASURES OBTAINED AT EACH TIME POINT Time point Measure BDI In-Hospital 12 m follow up 36 m follow up X X X PTSS-SR X X HADS-A X X X X X SF-36 X Ho-Scale X Type D X Acute stress X ASD X X: Measure was administered at this time point. Hospital Recruitment N=360 Discharged or Transferred N=46 Declined to Participate N=30 In-Hospital Interview N=284 Untraceable N= 54 Excluded from analyses at 12m N=13 Deceased N=4 12 month Follow up N=213 Untraceable N=34 36 month Follow up N=179 FIGURE 3.1 FLOWCHART OF PATIENT RECRUITMENT 99 CHAPTER 4. Results ACCENT Study 4.1 Results 4.1.1 Data analyses 226 of the 284 patients recruited at baseline were assessed at 12 months. Four patients were deceased and 54 could not be traced. 13 of the patients responding at 12 months had to be excluded from the analyses because their questionnaires provided insufficient data. At 36 months 179 patients were re-assessed. The principal analyses were therefore carried out on 213 patients at 12 month follow-up, and 179 at 36 months (for flowchart of recruitment see chapter 3, fig. 3.1). Patients who did not complete the 12 month follow up were similar to those who completed the study on most baseline clinical, demographic and psychological variables. However, non-completers were more likely to be in the high deprivation category (χ² = 19.26, p < .001), scored significantly lower on the GRACE index (t = -2.19, p < .05) and were more likely to be unmarried (χ² = 6.63, p < .05) than completers. At 36 months, a significantly greater proportion of non-completers scored highly on the index of social deprivation (χ² = 6.84, p < .05). There were no differences on any of the clinical, demographic or psychological characteristics collected during admission between those patients who completed 12 month follow-up only, 36 months follow-up only, or those who completed follow-up at both time points. The prevalence of PTSD and severity of posttraumatic symptoms at each time point were examined. Repeated measures analysis of variance was employed to test whether symptom levels changed between 12 and 36 months. Associations between posttraumatic stress symptom severity at 12 and 36 months and demographic, clinical and psychological factors were analyzed using product-moment correlations for continuous variables and analysis of variance for categorical variables. Multiple 100 regressions on posttraumatic symptoms at 12 and 36 months were conducted in order to identify independent predictors of symptom levels. I selected variables into these models based on previous literature and the results from the univariate analyses. Two models were tested for each follow up point. Model 1 included demographic and clinical factors. In Model 2, demographic and clinical factors were entered on step 1, and psychological predictors on step 2. In the regression on 36 month posttraumatic symptoms, 12 month symptom levels were included at step 1. Standardized regression coefficients (β) are presented. 4.1.2 Patient characteristics The characteristics of the patients participating at 12 month follow up are presented in Table 4.1. Patients were aged 61 years on average, and the majority were men of white European descent. They were poorly educated, with only 30% having completed high school or college. The majority had experienced an STEMI rather than an NSTEMI/UA. ACS severity as defined by the GRACE score was moderate, and only 9.9% had experienced a previous MI. Depression scores on the BDI 7-10 days following admission were elevated, with 33.1% scoring ≥ 10. 101 TABLE 4.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS – 12 MONTH SAMPLE Mean (SD) Demographic factors Age Gender Educational attainment 60.95 (11.22) Men 164 (77.0) Women 49 (23.0) None 65 (42.5) Up to O-level 42 (27.5) A-level + 46 (30.1) Ethnicity (white) Social deprivation 182 (85.4) Low Medium High 101 (47.4) 57 (26.8) 55 (25.8) Marital status (married) Clinical factors ACS type GRACE score N (%) 140 (65.7) STEMI 153 (71.8) NSTEMI/UA 60 (28.2) 96.02 (26.63) Previous MI (yes) 21 (9.9) Recurrence of cardiac symptoms (yes) 43 (21.5) Psychosocial factors BDI (following admission) 8.13 (7.51) Anxiety 5.70 (3.92) Acute stress disorder symptoms (n = 154) 27.42 (9.62) Subjective pain (n = 120) 7.49 (2.22) Hostility 15.54 (7.96) Type D (positive) 60 (33.1) History of depression (yes) 38 (17.8) 102 4.1.3 Prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptoms at 12 and 36 months At 12 months post-ACS, 26 patients (12.2%) met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, and the posttraumatic symptom severity score was 12.65 (SD 10.40). At 36 months 23 (12.8%) patients were identified as having PTSD, and the severity score for the sample averaged 11.78 (SD 10.27). Table 4.2 shows the scores on the PSS-SR for the sample at 12 and 36 months on all sub-scales. It can be seen that scores did not differ markedly between 12 and 36 months, indicating no reduction in posttraumatic stress symptoms. This was confirmed by analysis of those patients who provided PSSSR ratings at both time points (F (1, 162) = 2.27, p = .134, η2 = .014). TABLE 4.2 PSS-SR SCORES 12 months 36 months N Means (SD) Range N Means (SD) Range PSS-SR Total score 213 12.65 (10.40) 0-47 179 11.78 (10.27) 0-43 PSS-SR Avoidance 213 5.95 (5.95) 0-21 177 5.72 (5.04) 0-21 PSS-SR Arousal 213 4.35 (3.83) 0-18 177 4.03 (3.75) 0-18 PSS-SR Re-experiencing 213 2.35 (2.66) 0-12 179 1.98 (2.48) 0-12 PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – modified 213 12.2% 179 12.8% PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – original 211 51.7% 179 41.9% As discussed in chapter 3, section, the scoring criteria used for a probable diagnosis of PTSD in this sample is more conservative than the original guidelines for this scale. When adopting the original diagnostic scoring of the PSS-SR, this measure yielded a prevalence of 51.7% of PTSD among patients at 12 months (n=109). At 36 month follow up, 75 patients (41.9%) met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. These rates appear highly inflated in comparison with previous research on posttraumatic stress symptoms within this population, and the use of the modified criteria for scoring is supported. When the analysis was limited to patients with a 103 classic STEMI, the prevalence was 9.8% and mean severity score 12.30 (SD 10.26) at 12 months, and 12.2% and 11.26 (SD 9.98) respectively, at 36 months. At 36 months there were 8 new cases of PTSD that had not scored above the diagnostic threshold at 12 months, while 6 cases showed improvements from 12 month follow up and were no longer classified as having PTSD at 36 months. A symptom severity change score was calculated by subtracting the 36 month total symptom score from the 12 month total symptom score. 163 patients had completed the PSS-SR scale at both time points. The mean symptom change score was .77 (SD 6.56), range -18 to 36, with negative scores indicating a worsening of symptoms. None of the psychological, sociodemographic or clinical variables were significantly associated with change in symptom severity, with the exception of a history of previous Myocardial Infarction (r = -.171, p = .029). Patients who had experienced a previous MI had a significantly worse change score (mean -2.61, SD 6.52) than did those who had not had a previous MI (mean 1.14, SD 6.48) (F (1, 161) = 4.837, p = .029, η2 = .029), suggesting these patients‘ emotional status declined with time. The correlation between posttraumatic symptom severity at 12 and 36 months was .79 (p < .001), suggesting that generally symptom intensity remained stable over time. As seen above, in repeated measures analysis of variance, there was no significant change in posttraumatic symptom intensity between 12 and 36 months (p = .134). Patients with posttraumatic symptoms above threshold at 12 months had markedly impaired physical and mental health status at 12 months as measured by the SF-36, averaging 29.7 (SD 15.1) and 32.3 (SD 15.5) for the two scales, compared with 68.2 (SD 23.9) and 73.1 (SD 20.8) for physical and mental health status respectively in the non-PTSD patients (both p < .001). At 36 months, patients meeting criteria for PTSD continued to have impaired physical and mental health status (means 30.9, SD 11.3 and 35.7, SD 17.7 respectively) compared with the remainder (means 50.9, SD 19.5 and 72.4, SD 21.5, both p < .001), indicating that PTSD was associated with 104 impairment in other important areas of functioning, fulfilling criteria F of the DSM-IV classification for a PTSD diagnosis. 4.1.4 Comparisons of psychological variables between PTSD and non-PTSD groups Patients who went on to develop PTSD at 12 months reported significantly greater depression in hospital, higher hostility scores, and were more likely to have a history of depression (Table 4.3). None of the other psychological variables assessed at baseline differed between the diagnostic groups (significance level adjusted to p < .007, by means of Bonferroni correction). Patients who scored above threshold at 36 months had higher depression, hostility and acute stress disorder symptoms at baseline (all at p < .007) (data not shown). TABLE 4.3 PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES BY PTSD CASENESS 12 months Non-PTSD PTSD p-value Posttraumatic stress symptoms 9.75 (6.90) 33.51 (6.95) <.001* BDI 7.07 (6.10) 17.97 (11.57) =.001* Anxiety 5.66 (3.86) 6.06 (4.58) =.691 Acute stress disorder symptoms 26.73 (8.91) 33.41 (13.25) =.066 Hostility 14.79 (7.51) 22.63 (8.83) <.001* Subjective pain 7.35 (8.71) 2.23 (1.74) =.044 Type D (positive) 61.1% 30.1% =.008 History of depression (yes) 15% 38.5% =.003* * Sig. at p < .007 by means of Bonferroni correction. 105 4.1.5 Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptom severity at 12 months Associations between demographic, clinical, and psychological variables and posttraumatic symptom intensity at 12 months are summarized in Table 4.4. Posttraumatic symptom intensity was greater in younger patients (r = -.138, p = .045), those from ethnic minorities (F (1,211) = 4.51, p = .035, η2 = .021) and more socially deprived patients (F (2,210) = 5.31, p = .006). None of the clinical measures obtained at the time of hospital admission predicted later posttraumatic symptoms, but recurrent cardiac symptoms were strongly associated with 12 month posttraumatic stress symptoms (F (1,198) = 25.7, p <.001, η2 = .115). All psychological variables (BDI measured in hospital, anxiety, acute stress disorder symptoms, hostility, Type D personality, subjective pain ratings and a history of clinical depression) were associated with higher posttraumatic stress symptom scores at 12 months (all p < .001, pain ratings p < .05). Although subjective pain and acute stress symptoms were predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms in this sample at 3 months (Whitehead et al., 2006), it was not possible to include patients‘ subjective pain ratings and acute stress disorder symptoms in multivariate analyses in the present study due to the large amount of missing data on these variables. These measures were not introduced until midway through the study and therefore the inclusion of these variables for multivariate analyses would reduce the overall number of cases included in the models, and could thereby cause failure to detect other significant relationships. 106 TABLE 4.4 PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Demographic factors Age 12 month posttraumatic symptoms Means (SD) or r P 36 month posttraumatic symptoms Means (SD) or r P -.138 .045 -.129 .085 Gender Men Women 12.19 (10.59) 14.19 (9.69) .239 12.19 (10.83) 10.50 (8.23) .347 Education None Up to O-level A-level + 13.93 (11.00) 11.80 (10.89) 11.50 (8.91) .267 13.15 (10.94) 9.28 (9.18) 11.85 (9.94) .142 Ethnicity White Other 12.03 (9.85) 16.29 (12.79) .035 10.80 (9.56) 16.87 (12.33) .003 Social deprivation Low Medium High 10.62 (8.75) 12.87 (11.42) 16.18 (11.29) .006 10.70 (9.04) 11.86 (10.64) 13.90 (11.96) .246 Marital status Married Not married 12.01 (10.02) 13.89 (11.06) .212 11.83 (9.57) 11.70 (11.53) .933 STEMI NSTEMI/UN 12.31 (10.26) 13.54 (10.80) .438 11.26 (10.87) 12.26 (9.98) .308 -.119 .084 -.106 .158 Clinical factors ACS type GRACE score Previous MI Yes No 13.96 (11.65) 12.51 (10.31) .545 16.59 (11.76) 11.18 (9.94) .026 Recurrence of cardiac symptoms Yes No 19.33 (12.37) 10.82 (8.94) .001 16.99 (11.60) 9.65 (8.89) <.001 Psychosocial factors BDI (following admission) .674 <.001 .677 <.001 Anxiety .294 <.001 .196 .017 Acute stress disorder symptoms (n =154/130) .442 <.001 .400 <.001 Subjective pain (n =120/101) .231 .011 .144 <.001 Hostility .354 <.001 .281 .001 Type D Yes No 16.15 (11.56) 9.91 (8.21) <.001 15.29 (10.58) 9.72 (9.66) .002 History of depression Yes No 18.21 (12.32) 11.45 (9.56) <.001 17.02 (11.38) 10.56 (9.62) .001 107 Examination of the intercorrelations (table 4.5) between the psychological variables measured show that symptoms of depression shortly after ACS were significantly related to all other psychological variables. Anxiety in hospital was only associated with depression and acute stress symptoms. The acute stress disorder measure was significantly associated with all other measures with the exception of a history of depression. Hostility showed a relationship with the other trait measure, type D, as well as with depression and acute stress disorder symptoms. Subjective pain was largely unrelated to the other psychological variables, however, an association was found between this variable and the acute stress disorder measure and depression in hospital. Type D personality was associated only with a history of depression and depression in hospital. These correlations suggest that although there are several different psychological predictors of posttraumatic stress, it is important to note that many of these are not independent on one another. TABLE 4.5 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTOR VARIABLES Psychological BDI Anxiety variable† Acute Hostility Stress Subjective Type Pain D disorder symptoms Anxiety r .352 p .000 Acute stress r .526 .434 disorder symptoms p .000 .000 Hostility r .394 .104 .259 p .000 .169 .002 r .284 -.076 .277 .086 p .004 .440 .005 .385 r .424 .113 .268 .192 .083 p .000 .134 .001 .011 .402 History of r .364 .069 .085 .114 .057 .232 Depression p .000 .361 .295 .132 .535 .002 Subjective Pain Type D †Correlations between psychological variables measured at baseline among patients who completed 12-month posttraumatic stress symptom follow up. 108 The multiple regression on 12 month posttraumatic symptoms indicated that demographic and clinical factors together accounted for 21.5% of the variance, with social deprivation and recurrence of cardiac symptoms being the strongest independent predictors (Table 4.6, Model 1). The psychological factors (Model 2, step 2) accounted for an additional 29.8% of the variance, and the complete model explained 51.3% of the variance in 12 month posttraumatic symptoms. The BDI measured in hospital was the only independent predictor from among the psychological measures. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. TABLE 4.6 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT 12 MONTHS Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients P Model 2 Standardised regression coefficients P Age -.083 .585 -.064 .611 Gender .152 .052 .083 .210 Ethnicity .085 .248 .060 .327 Social deprivation .211 .004 .079 .190 GRACE score -.173 .245 -.093 .447 .269 <.001 .178 .004 BDI (hospital) .471 <.001 Anxiety .088 .167 Hostility .116 .093 Type D -.027 .676 History of depression .078 .202 Recurrence of cardiac symptoms R² R² .215 .513 Figure 4.1 Illustrates the relationship between depression in hospital and later posttraumatic stress symptom severity, where patients were grouped according to the cut-off scores for ‗none‘, ‗mild-to-moderate‘, ‗moderate-to-severe‘ and ‗severe‘ symptoms as described in chapter 3, section Scores are shown for both 109 unadjusted and adjusted means (co-variates; age, gender, ethnicity, social deprivation, GRACE score, recurrence of symptoms). A strong linear relationship is apparent. FIGURE 4.1 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPRESSION SCORES AT BASELINE AND 12 MONTH POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS 4.1.6 Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at 36 months post ACS Posttraumatic symptom intensity at 36 months was greater in patients from ethnic minorities (F (1,177) = 8.87, p = .003, η2 = .048), patients who had previously had an MI (F (1,177) = 5.04, p = .026, η2 = .028) and those experiencing recurrent cardiac symptoms (F (1,1556) = 13.98, p < .001, η2 = .083), as shown in Table 4.4. None of the other clinical measures or demographic characteristics obtained at baseline were predictive of later posttraumatic stress symptoms. All psychological variables (BDI measured in hospital, anxiety, acute stress disorder symptoms, hostility, Type D personality, subjective pain ratings and a history of clinical depression) were 110 strongly associated with higher posttraumatic stress symptom scores (all p < 0.05) (Table 4.4). The multiple regression analyses indicated that demographic, clinical factors and posttraumatic symptoms at 12 months together accounted for 61.2% of the variance in 36 month posttraumatic symptom intensity. This was primarily due to the strong influence of 12 month posttraumatic symptoms in the model, this variable being the only independent predictor in this step (Table 4.7, Model 1). Nevertheless, psychological factors measured in hospital (Model 2, step 2) accounted for an additional 2.3% of the variance, and the complete model explained 63.5% of the variance in 36 month posttraumatic symptoms. The BDI measured in hospital was the only independent predictor from among the psychological measures. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. Because the inclusion of the 12 month symptom level in the predictive model for 36 month posttraumatic symptom intensity could possibly obscure other interesting associations, I repeated the multiple regression on 36 month posttraumatic symptom intensity omitting the 12 month symptoms. In this model, one additional factor, ethnicity ( = .159, p = .037), made an independent contribution to the final model but the BDI measured in hospital continued to be the only independent predictor among the psychological measures ( = .602, p < .001) (data not shown). 111 TABLE 4.7 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT 36 MONTHS Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients P Model 2 Standardised regression coefficients P Age -.123 .353 -.122 .369 Gender -.029 .660 -.044 .516 Ethnicity .077 .214 .098 .137 GRACE score .121 .353 .107 .423 Previous MI .093 .127 .089 .143 .083 .188 .051 .443 .726 <.001 .598 <.001 BDI (hospital) .205 .041 Anxiety -.027 .689 Hostility -.067 .363 Type D .002 .982 .053 .422 Recurrence of cardiac symptoms Posttraumatic symptoms (12 months) R² .612 History of depression R² .635 4.2 Discussion This study investigated the prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months following admission for an acute coronary syndrome. The findings indicate that 12.2% of patients at 12 months and 12.8% of patients at 36 months met criteria for PTSD. Other studies that examined the occurrence of PTSD in cardiac patients over shorter periods reported comparable rates (Spindler & Pedersen, 2005; Gander & von Känel, 2006; Shemesh et al., 2006; Ginzburg et al., 2003) (see Table 2.2, chapter 2). It has been suggested that MI related posttraumatic stress may comprise an acute reaction to a life-threatening event, and therefore may abate with time (Owen et al., 2001). Although one previous study showed that the prevalence of PTSD dropped by 40% between 4-6 weeks and 9 months (Pedersen et al., 2004), a recent review found no convincing evidence of diminishing PTSD 4-6 weeks to 14 112 months following a cardiac event (Gander & von Känel, 2006). I also found that the prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptoms had not diminished by 36 month follow up, but remained stable and comparable to levels recorded at earlier times. This result adds to the findings from studies of posttraumatic stress disorder from other traumatic experiences that symptoms persisting beyond 12 months may become chronic (Freedman et al., 1999). Whether it is appropriate to regard posttraumatic stress symptoms above a certain threshold to constitute PTSD as a diagnostic entity is open to debate. DSM-IV criteria specify not only that the person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event, but that the person‘s response involves intense fear, helplessness, or horror. In common with much other research on PTSD following MI or ACS (Bennett & Brooke, 1999; Chung et al., 2007; Ginzburg, 2006a; Doerfler et al., 1994), data were not systematically collected on these acute emotional responses in all patients at the time of admission (acute stress disorder measure). In the general PTSD literature, there are doubts about the value of criterion A2 as an indicator, provided A1 is fulfilled (Weathers & Keane, 2007). Additionally, only a minority of studies have included criterion F (the disturbance should cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning) as part of the diagnosis (Pedersen et al., 2003). Narrow et al (2002) have emphasised that an accurate understanding of clinical impact is required in order to plan treatment need. In this study, I assessed physical, social and emotional functioning using the SF36 health status measure, and found that ratings were markedly impaired in patients exceeding the threshold on the PSS-SR, suggesting that criterion F was fulfilled. More generally, the posttraumatic nature of some of the symptoms is open to question. As Kangas et al (2002) have pointed out in relation to PTSD following cancer, the stressor for patients following ACS is not in the past, since they are at increased risk for future events. Further, the stressor is triggered by an internal cardiac event rather than an external threat, so cannot be physically avoided in the same way 113 as other traumas. There may be ambiguity in the extent to which patients complete assessment instruments with respect to the index ACS, or take into account current health and symptomatology. For these reasons, the primary focus of this study was on severity of posttraumatic symptoms, rather than PTSD as a diagnosis. Consistent with other research (Kutz et al., 1994; Whitehead et al., 2006), the clinical severity of the cardiac event was not related to posttraumatic stress symptoms. In other words, cardiac disease severity and the extent of myocardial damage could not explain why some patients‘ experienced greater posttraumatic symptoms post ACS than others. Recurrence of cardiac symptoms, however, strongly predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms at 12 months. These cardiac symptoms may have served as reminders of the traumatic event, activating re-experiencing symptoms and contributing to the persistence of posttraumatic stress symptoms. Unlike the situation when posttraumatic symptoms arise from external traumas such as natural disasters, war or violence inflicted by others, ACS involves internal trauma, and it may therefore be more difficult to avoid reminders of the ACS when interoceptive stimuli such as chest pain or shortness of breath are present to trigger memories of the event. Posttraumatic symptoms at 12 months were predicted by high social deprivation scores, while ethnic minority status was associated with symptom levels after 36 months (model omitting 12 posttraumatic symptom level). Low socioeconomic status is a consistent predictor of PTSD in trauma-exposed adults (Brewin et al., 2000). Low socioeconomic status is also associated with depression (Lorant et al., 2003), so it is interesting in this study that the association between social deprivation and 12 month posttraumatic symptoms was no longer significant after depressed mood in hospital was included in the model (Table 4.6). This suggests that depressed mood may have mediated the social deprivation effect. Ethnic minority status is a predictor of PTSD following external traumatic events (Brewin et al., 2000), and ethnicity predicted PTSD following acute MI in a study in Israel (Kutz et al., 1994). 114 Previous research indicates that posttraumatic stress symptoms in cardiac patients are associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression and anger (Doerfler & Paraskos, 2004). A number of studies indicate that posttraumatic symptoms are influenced by negative affective states during and following the acute event (Bennett & Brooke, 1999; Pedersen et al., 2003; Bennett et al., 2001; Whitehead et al., 2006). In line with my predictions, I found depressed mood in hospital, anxiety, hostility and type D personality, were predictive of posttraumatic symptoms. Depressed mood was the strongest predictor of posttraumatic symptoms at 12 and 36 months following ACS. This finding is not surprising considering the high levels co-morbidity of depression and posttraumatic stress (Ginzburg, 2006a). Type D (distressed) personality has previously been found to be associated with posttraumatic symptoms at 3 months following ACS (Pedersen & Denollet, 2004). The present findings show that although type D was associated with symptom severity at both 12 and 36 months, it did not independently predict posttraumatic stress symptoms at 12 months after depressed mood had been taken into account. Hostility has been found to be an independent predictor of posttraumatic stress 3 months after ACS (Whitehead et al., 2006), as well as other traumatic events (Brewin et al., 2000). I replicated this finding at 12 and 36 months, when hostility was a significant predictor after age, gender, GRACE risk score, ethnicity, social deprivation and recurrence of symptoms had been taken into account (data not shown). However, it did not survive as an independent predictor when depressed mood in hospital was included in the model (tables 4.6 and 4.7). Similarly, I found anxiety to be an independent predictor of posttraumatic stress at 12 months, though not at 36 months, after age, gender, GRACE risk score, ethnicity, social deprivation and recurrence of symptoms had been taken into account. However, once depression was included in the model at 12 months, anxiety no longer made an independent contribution to the prediction of posttraumatic symptoms. 115 One explanation may be that hostility and depressed mood were positively correlated (r = .394, p <.001), and this shared variance reduced the independent influence of hostility. This may also be the reason why Type D personality and anxiety did not survive as independent predictors. Posttraumatic stress symptoms were highly stable between 12 and 36 months, with a correlation of .79. Consequently, 12 month symptom level was the major predictor of symptoms at 36 months. Nonetheless, depressed mood following hospitalization remained a significant independent predictor of posttraumatic symptom severity at 36 months, further reinforcing the long-term significance of early emotional responses to acute cardiac events. Despite the stability in average posttraumatic symptom levels, a small proportion of patients who did not fulfill criteria for PTSD at 12 months moved into the positive category at 36 months, and a similar number improved. Unfortunately, the numbers were insufficient to carry out robust analyses of predictors of this pattern. These effects merit a larger investigation, since it may be important from the clinical perspective that some patients deteriorate over the long-term in posttraumatic symptomatology. In particular, previous MI was associated with worsening of symptoms from 12 to 36 months, and some research (non-medical trauma) suggest that exposure to previous trauma is a vulnerability factor for developing PTSD following new traumatic events (Breslau et al., 1999), in particular among those who went on to develop PTSD previously (Breslau et al., 2008). 4.2.1 Strengths and limitations The strengths of this study include its prospective design, relatively large sample, and the length of the follow up period. There are however a number of limitations. Posttraumatic symptoms were assessed with self-report measures rather than gold standard clinical interviews. A full diagnostic interview was not possible within the confines of the study, and although a well standardized measure was used, results 116 might have been different with diagnosis by interview. However, it is interesting that in a recent study that diagnosed PTSD by clinical interview, the prevalence was 9.4%, similar to the level observed in this study (Wiedemar et al., 2008). Second, the dropout rate raises the concern of selective attrition. Non-completers were of lower socioeconomic background, were more likely to be unmarried but had lower scores on the GRACE index, suggesting that they had experienced less severe ACS. I do not know how many of these individuals experienced posttraumatic symptoms, so whether their inclusion would have increased or reduced the prevalence of severe PTSD remains unclear. It is conceivable that posttraumatic symptom levels would have been lower in mild cases, leading to an overestimation of the incidence of PTSD. Third, I did not measure other factors that are thought to relate to the development of posttraumatic symptoms following ACS, including dissociative responses (Ginzburg, 2006b) and personality traits (Chung et al., 2007). Finally, the sample was predominantly male and of white ethnic origin, so it cannot be assumed that the present findings generalize to the entire population of patients after ACS. Additionally, patients recruited for the study were selected on the basis of being able to identify a distinct time of onset of symptoms, and patients with co-morbidities that potentially influenced cardiac enzyme levels or mood were excluded. In practice, this meant that few patients with co-morbidities participated, so the sample was not representative of ACS patients in general. 4.2.2 Summary Despite these limitations, the present findings show that posttraumatic symptoms are a problem for some patients who experience an ACS and that we can begin to predict who is at increased risk for this condition. Although the experience of posttraumatic stress in patients after major cardiac events is low in comparison with traumatic events such as war, natural disasters or assault, it is nevertheless associated 117 with significant psychological disability and poorer quality of life. Elevated symptom levels, regardless of whether they meet criteria for diagnosis, are related to distress and poor functioning (Doerfler et al., 2005). The prevalence rates of 12.2% and 12.8%, at 12 and 36 months suggest that symptoms may become chronic. Assessment of posttraumatic stress symptoms may be helpful in identifying patients who experience psychological distress. Appropriate treatment for these patients is important as they are more likely to experience other psychosocial impairments as well as increased risk of recurrent cardiac events. 118 CHAPTER 5. Methodology TRACE study 5.1 Introduction and hypotheses 5.1.1 Acute post-ACS emotional responses and their relationship with short (2 week) and long term (six months) posttraumatic stress reactions Emotional reactions identified early after an acute cardiac event can be predictive of long-term psychosocial adaptation. In my first study, described in chapters 3 and 4, the significance of early emotional reactions for persistence of longer term posttraumatic stress symptoms was assessed. Approximately 12% of patients meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD at both 12 and 36 months following admission for ACS, suggesting a chronic course of symptoms. These analyses further supported the importance of early emotional distress, in particular depressive symptoms experienced in the immediate aftermath of the acute event (independent of clinical and demographic variables), in the prediction of posttraumatic symptomatology up to three years later. In addition, those patients who reported experiencing recurrent cardiac symptoms also reported greater posttraumatic stress symptoms, suggesting that ‗internal reminders‘ of patients‘ cardiac condition can contribute to the maintenance of posttraumatic symptoms. Building on the results reported in chapter 4, the first objective of this study was to assess patients‘ acute emotional reactions to ACS and how these predict early (2 week) posttraumatic symptoms. Secondly, I aimed to establish the prevalence and severity of ACS related posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months follow up. Thirdly, I aimed to investigate the predictors of longer-term (six month) posttraumatic stress symptoms. Based on previous work and the results presented in chapter 4 the following hypotheses were addressed; 119 i) Negative emotional state during admission, in particular negative mood and acute distress in response to the acute cardiac event, will be associated with greater posttraumatic stress symptomatology shortly after hospital discharge. ii) Negative emotional state, in particular depressed mood, assessed shortly after hospital discharge for ACS will be predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months, independent of clinical and demographic variables. iii) Patients‘ psychological disposition, in particular type D personality and hostility, will also be predictive of posttraumatic stress independent of clinical and demographic variables. Introduction to illness representations Although most patients ultimately have successful adjustment following an acute cardiac event, the literature reviewed previously and the results presented in chapter 4 demonstrate that a significant minority have persistent psychosocial distress that can have negative consequences for physical and psychological well-being, reintegration into usual work and for social, leisure, sexual and domestic activities. There is relatively little known about the mechanisms underlying emotional reactions to acute medical trauma such as MI, with most studies in this area focusing on chronically ill populations. In addition to the importance of early emotional reactions as a consequence of the acute event in predicting later psychosocial adjustment, an individuals‘ perception of their illness or condition could also have an effect. The concept of illness perceptions could provide a useful theoretical framework for exploring this process in ACS patients. 120 An individual‘s beliefs, thoughts, attributions, cognitive schemas and general attitudes all provide meaning to life events and contribute to emotional arousal. Beliefs structure meaning and affect emotion. Four cognitive or belief aspects have been proposed to have a central role in the development of PTSD: (1) the appraisal of the event that it is harmful; (2) general beliefs about personal vulnerability; (3) attempts to assign meaning to the event; and (4) beliefs about the amount of individual control (Parrot & Howes, 1991). One approach which may prove useful in understanding the development and persistence of posttraumatic stress following an ACS focuses on the patients‘ own model of their illness. Leventhal and colleagues (1980) proposed a model of self-regulation in which individuals regulate both their emotional and behavioural reactions to illness based on symptoms attributed to the illness (identity), beliefs about what caused their illness (cause), their belief in the curability or controllability of the illness (cure/control), the perceived consequences (consequences) and the expected duration of the illness (time-line). The five components of the self-regulation model; identity, cause, cure/control, consequences and time-line represent an individuals‘ own understanding or perception of a situation. It is important to take these into account when trying to understand health related outcomes, in particular because these often differ greatly from the cognitive models of patients‘ health care professionals or from medical fact. It has been shown that the illness perceptions held by the patient can account for variations in emotional reactions to symptoms of physical disease. Causal attributions and CHD There have been a number of studies investigating causal attributions of CHD. Causal attributions are the beliefs that people hold about the causes of their illness or condition. A wide range of causal attributions have been identified in cardiac patients, including beliefs about psychological causes (stress, overwork, etc), lifestyle (physical inactivity, smoking) and hereditary factors (Perkins-Porras et al., 2006). There are 121 strong associations between traditional risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension, obesity, and the causal attributions endorsed by CHD patients (Perkins-Porras et al., 2006). For example, patients who are overweight are more likely to attribute the cause of their cardiac problem to being overweight. Patients‘ attributions have important implications for recovery. When someone experiences an acute cardiac event, identifying causes may give them a greater sense of predictability and control, thus aiding the coping process. Some studies suggest that illness perceptions are predictive of behaviour change following MI. Weinman and colleagues (2000) demonstrated that patients who rated poor health habits as the main cause of their MI were also more likely to make changes to their diet than were those who rated stress or family history as causal factors. In addition, causal attributions of poor health habits, by the spouses of MI patients, were predictive of increase in exercise levels at 6 months in the patients. However, in a more recent reanalysis of the data reported by Weinman and colleagues, French et al (2005) showed that these attributions were no longer associated with behaviour change when controlling for pre-MI behaviour. The reanalysis did nevertheless indicate that spousal attributions may be important in predicting patient behaviour change, in particular reductions in smoking. In the same paper, French et al also describe an additional study in which causal belief measures again did not predict behaviour change 6 months post the event. Some studies highlight gender differences in CHD related causal attributions. Aalto et al (2005) investigated illness perceptions and their correlates in CHD in a sample of 3130 men and women. The results showed that men were more likely to attribute their illness to internal and behavioural factors, whereas women more often saw their illness as a result of stress. Women in this study also reported more perceived CHD-related symptoms and more serious consequences of CHD disease than did men. These gender differences may be related to the general observation that women tend to report more psychological morbidity post MI than men (Brezinka & Kittel, 1996). Although severity of cardiac disease tends not to be related to later 122 emotional distress, such disease-related factors appear to exert influence on patients‘ perceptions. For example in the study by Aalto and colleagues, disease severity was related to change in illness perceptions at one year follow up. In addition, stronger psychosocial resources (e.g. perceived competence, social support) were related to weaker illness identity, stronger belief in control/cure, and less severe perceived consequences. Illness representations and post-MI recovery Much less research has been conducted focusing on illness perceptions and their role in the successful recovery following MI. There are some data from studies using the theoretical framework of illness perceptions. For example, Petrie and colleagues (1996) reported that illness representations were better predictors of return to work following MI than was severity of illness. In this sample of 143 first time MI patients, return to work within six weeks was predicted by the perception that the illness would last a short time and that it would have less grave consequences. Rehabilitation attendance was strongly predicted by patients‘ stronger beliefs during admission that the illness could be cured or controlled. Patients who anticipated serious consequences [of their MI] were slower to regain social and domestic duties. These authors argued that the early emergence of such coherent illness representations suggests they may be largely formed by pre-MI information. In a sample of post-MI women, MacInnes (2005) found that at 3 months post the acute event, cardiac rehabilitation attendance was influenced by beliefs of a known cause and a higher level of perceived control over the illness. In this study, women most commonly endorsed stress as the causal attribution, and a belief in the illness being inevitable was more common among older women. These perceptions may have contributed to the lack of lifestyle changes reported in this sample. Cooper and colleagues (2007) assessed patient‘s beliefs about cardiac rehabilitation in particular 123 and demonstrated that those who attended were more likely to believe that cardiac rehabilitation was necessary and to understand its role compared with non-attenders. There was a non-significant trend suggesting that patients who expressed concerns about exercise or who reported practical barriers to attendance were less likely to attend. Earlier work has shown non-attenders to be more likely to hold misconceptions regarding rest and avoiding exerting themselves (Wyer et al., 2001). These studies demonstrating strong associations of illness representations and cardiac rehabilitation uptake suggest that screening patients‘ perceptions, and intervening to modify beliefs, at an early stage may be valuable in increasing participation in such programs. Petrie at al (2002) demonstrated that a brief hospital intervention was successful in changing post-MI patients‘ negative illness perceptions about their MI and resulted in improved recovery and reduced disability at 3 months follow up. 65 patients were randomized either to the intervention group or usual care (i.e. cardiac rehabilitation nurse in-hospital visits and standard MI educational material). The intervention consisted of three 30 – 40 minute sessions conducted by a psychologist in hospital. Patients‘ understanding of the physiology of MI, their causal beliefs, timeline and consequences were addressed during these sessions, as well as providing explanations for symptoms that can be attributable to MI. These authors found that before leaving hospital the intervention group had significantly modified their perceptions about the duration of their illness, the personal consequences on their life, and were more optimistic their illness could be cured or controlled than the control group. These findings were maintained at the 3 month follow up assessment. Patients in the intervention group also returned to work sooner than did the controls. There was a non-significant trend of increased rehabilitation attendance for intervention compared with control patients. These results support the usefulness of adopting the illness representation model as a theoretical framework within which in-patient rehabilitation efforts can be directed and evaluated. A recent study by Broadbent et al (2009a) further supports these findings. In a sample of 103 MI patients, the group that received 124 the three half-hour sessions and one half-hour session including the patient‘s spouse, had a significantly faster rate of return to work at six month follow up than did those in the control group (standard post-MI care). This study replicated the findings of Petrie et al (2002) increasing the generalizability of the intervention to the current broader definition of MI and to patients who also have experienced a previous MI. Others have found that illness perceptions are predictive of complications shortly after the acute cardiac event. Cherrington et al (2004) found that as illness representations became more negative, the odds of experiencing a cardiac complication in hospital increased by 1.05. In other words, for each unit increase in the illness perception measure, the odds of a complication increased by 5%. In this study, neither anxiety nor depression added significantly to the prediction of recurrent complications whilst in hospital. However, the authors offer no explanation of the possible physiological mechanisms underlying this relationship. The relationship between illness representations and post-MI depression and quality of life Among CAD patients, illness beliefs have predominantly been investigated in relation to their impact on health behaviours. The association with depression has received little attention. Although numerous associations with disease related factors and socio-demographic variables and depression have been established, the inability to modify these variables to improve outcome is problematic. Therefore, the identification of modifiable determinants of depression in CAD patients is important. Patients‘ illness perceptions are also strongly related to global health status and quality of life. In particular, patients who associate a greater number of symptoms with their cardiac disease, perceive more severe consequences, and regard their illness as uncontrollable report poorer health status and quality of life (Aalto et al., 2006). 125 A recent study by Stafford and colleagues (2009) found an association between illness representations and depressive symptomatology in CAD patients at three and nine months following hospital admission. Stafford et al (2009) reported that negative illness beliefs, in particular more severe perceived consequences of the condition were predictive of higher levels of depression at three and nine months follow up. However, the relationship between illness representations and depression at nine months was no longer significant after the three month symptoms were controlled for, suggesting that the association observed at nine months might entirely reflect a crosssectional relationship between illness representations and depression at three months. In this study, positive illness beliefs were related to better quality of life at both time points, as well predicting the change in mental quality of life between the two assessment points. Another study found negative illness beliefs following MI was associated with new onset depression six or 12 months post the acute event (Dickens et al., 2008). In particular, beliefs that their illness would last a long time were associated with a 2.7 – fold increased risk of developing new-onset depression. Anticipation that the heart condition could be controlled or cured was associated with half the incidence of depression. The cognitive model of depression proposes that negative thoughts and beliefs can predispose an individual to the development of depression (Kovacs & Beck, 1978). If in fact negative health beliefs do contribute to the development of depression after MI, they may be amenable to psychological interventions, which in turn could reduce depression incidence, and therefore, hold potential to improve medical outcomes. Women tend to experience greater depressive symptomatology following ACS than do men (Grace et al., 2005; Frasure-Smith et al., 1999). One way to address this gender difference in psychosocial adjustment may be through the examination of illness belief held and their relationship with depression. Grace et al (2005) found that women, compared with men, were more likely to attribute their cardiac condition to 126 causes beyond their control and to perceive CVD as a chronic, untreatable condition. Depressive symptomatology was associated with younger age, lower activity status and perceiving a chronic time course among women. For men, being non-white, reporting lower activity status, less exercise behaviour, perceiving a chronic course, greater consequences and lower treatability was associated with greater depressive symptomatology. In this study there was no significant difference in depressive symptoms between men and women. The explanation for this finding is unclear. Men were more likely to view their illness as within their personal control, and to view treatment as effective in controlling or curing their condition. This may have important ramifications for depressive symptomatology as previous research suggests that helplessness and external locus of control are associated with depression (Moser & Dracup, 1995). Murphy et al (1999) found that depression in the chronic condition rheumatoid arthritis was most strongly correlated with the negative illness perception components consequences, suggesting patients view their condition as serious, and control/cure, which suggest a belief in limited control over their illness. These effects are independent of disease severity. The findings that patients control beliefs are associated with depressed mood are in line with other studies measuring health locus of control, suggesting that perceived control may be conducive to psychological well being. Regaining a sense of control has been postulated to be a core process in the adjustment following an MI. Moser and Dracup (1995) found that when controlling for sociodemographic and clinical variables, only perceived control contributed significantly to the prediction of differences in psychosocial recovery. Patients with perceptions of high control at baseline had significantly lower anxiety, depression, hostility and psychosocial adjustment (total score) to illness at 6 month follow up, compared with those with low control. It is important to note that it is the perception of control that has been associated with positive outcomes, control need not be exercised nor real to be 127 effective (Litt, 1988). The findings presented in this section further support the designing and testing of brief interventions to optimize psychological well-being following acute cardiac events. Posttraumatic stress and illness representations Illness perceptions are not rigid and may very well change over time as patients‘ knowledge and experience of their illness changes. As patients recover, changes occur in physical ability, affect, social environment and comprehension of their illness, therefore it can be expected that illness perceptions will change accordingly. One recent study investigated the association between patients‘ illness perceptions and posttraumatic stress symptoms following MI (Sheldrick et al., 2006). These authors found that PTSD levels varied over time. Posttraumatic symptoms were assessed in MI patients within 2 weeks of admission, then between 5 – 7 weeks, and finally 11 –14 weeks post admission. There was a non-significant increase in symptoms between baseline and the second assessment. However, symptoms significantly decreased between the second and third follow up. Increased emotional representations, decreased illness coherence, increased consequences and decreased treatment control beliefs measured at 5 to 7 weeks were predictive of posttraumatic stress at 11 to 14 weeks. The multiple regression model explained 62% of variance. The component of emotional representations was the strongest predictor of posttraumatic symptoms, accounting for approximately 47% of the total variance. These results suggest that the experience of PTSD following MI may be mediated by patients‘ emotional responses to the trauma, their confidence in their understanding of the illness, their perception of its impact upon their lives and their confidence in subsequent medical treatment. These authors argue that through appropriate information provision it may be possible to reduce some of the distress experienced by MI patients. Through appropriate information particular illness beliefs could be targeted, such as 128 encouraging and increasing patients‘ confidence in their knowledge and understanding of their condition, generating realistic expectations of the consequences and reassuring patients of the efficacy of treatment. I aimed to assess patients‘ illness beliefs regarding their cardiac condition and how these relate to levels of posttraumatic stress at six months post ACS. The following hypothesis was tested; iv) Patients who hold more negative illness representations at time 2 will also report greater posttraumatic stress symptoms at six month follow up. In particular, beliefs that the condition will have more serious consequences, a lack of understanding of the condition, experiencing more negative emotional representations and lower control/cure beliefs at 2 weeks post admission for ACS will predict posttraumatic symptom severity at follow up. 5.1.2 Biological determinants of early emotional responses to ACS Cortisol Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex both spontaneously and in response to stressors. Cortisol can be measured in blood, urine and saliva. Measurement of cortisol is an important tool in assessing HPA axis function. Cortisol shows a natural diurnal pattern in healthy adults, which peaks at approximately 20 – 45 minutes after waking, and subsequently decreases through the day, reaching the lowest levels at night and in the early hours of the morning before rising again. The sharp increase in cortisol levels post awakening is referred to as the cortisol awakening response (CAR). Exaggerated increases in cortisol after waking has been associated with chronic stress (Chida & Steptoe, 2009). Further, studies have 129 found a greater CAR to be related to depressive symptoms and reduced positive affect (Pruessner et al., 2003; Steptoe et al., 2007). The decline in cortisol levels following the CAR is referred to as the slope of decline, and is calculated as the difference between awakening levels and evening [bedtime] values. Total cortisol output over the day is measured as the area under the curve (AUC). A growing body of evidence suggest an association between HPA axis activity and coronary atherosclerosis. A prospective association between cortisol and future CHD has been documented in middle aged men (Smith et al., 2005), while acute cortisol elevation after ACS predicts adverse cardiac outcomes (Bain et al., 1989; Tenerz et al., 2003). Positive correlations between morning plasma cortisol levels and the degree of coronary artery disease (CAD) have been demonstrated (Troxler et al., 1977; Koertge et al., 2002; (Alevizaki et al., 2007). Though, others have failed to find a relationship between morning levels and number of diseased coronary vessels (e.g. Whitehead et al., 2007). Otte et al (2004) reported significantly increased total output levels of cortisol in patients with stable CAD compared with age and gender matched controls. One limitation of these studies is that neither single measures of morning cortisol, nor collection of 24-hour urinary cortisol, provide information on cortisol reactivity or daily profiles. In fact, these measures are unable to assess the diurnal slope. This is important as dysfunction of the HPA axis can take the form of a smaller decline in levels across the day, that is, a flatter slope. Although it is still unclear what the determinants or consequences of having a flatter cortisol profile are, it is generally considered a result of long-term HPA overstimulation (Nijm & Jonasson, 2009). Findings from a population based cross-sectional study, in which six salivary cortisol samples were collected over the course of one day, from awakening to bedtime, demonstrated an increased likelihood of any coronary calcification the flatter the slope throughout the day (Rosmond et al., 2003). Some reports also demonstrate associations between HPA dysfunction and clusters of recognised CAD risk factors. For example, a study by Rosmond and 130 Bjorntorp (2000) showed strong associations between low diurnal cortisol variability and a poor lunch-induced cortisol response and a cluster of established risk factors. Other studies suggest a relationship between subtle alterations in cortisol secretion and separate CAD risk factors such as smoking, abdominal adiposity, and hypertension (Gluck et al., 2004; Duclos et al., 2005; Rohleder & Kirschbaum, 2006; Wirtz et al., 2007). Overall, these studies suggest a role of HPA axis dysfunction in inflammatory disease activity. A flatter diurnal cortisol profile has been found in both preclinical and clinical CAD samples and the dysregulated cortisol secretion in CAD patients appear to be associated with a systemic inflammatory activity. HPA axis dysfunction may, thereby, have implications for CAD progress. A flatter slope across the day has also been found to be associated with depression (Weber et al., 2000). Depressed mood is associated with a blunting of the normal reduction in cortisol levels over the course of the evening (Kirschbaum & Hellhamner, 1989a). Whereas some findings suggest a relationship between depression and elevated values in the morning (e.g. Yehuda et al., 1996), others report strong associations of evening levels with depression (Gold et al., 1988). There is a lack of evidence directly linking depression and cortisol in patients with CAD. HPA axis dysfunction, particularly hypercortisolaemia, may play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of CAD through their association with established physiological risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and insuline resistance (Girod & Brotman, 2004). A study by von Kanel and colleagues (2007) showed independent associations of elevated morning cortisol levels and prothrombotic activity in a sample of women, however no relationship with mood was observed. A relationship between psychological factors and cortisol has been demonstrated by Whitehead and colleagues (2007) in sample of 72 ACS patients. Salivary cortisol was assessed over a 24 hour period within five days of admission, while patients still remained in the cardiac ward. Cortisol was not associated with severity of ACS or underlying CAD, nor with depression scores (BDI). However, the 131 CAR was positively associated with type-D personality independently of age, and BMI. Molloy et al (2008) assessed the association of cortisol and type-D personality in same sample of patients 4 months post ACS. These authors observed a typical diurnal pattern of cortisol, with low levels in the evening and high levels early in the day. However, type-D was not associated with CAR, but a higher total cortisol output was higher in type-D compared with non type-D ACS patients. These results contrast those reported from earlier analyses of these data (Whithead et al., 2007). However, in the earlier report, cortisol was assessed in-hospital, where numerous factors may have influenced the results. For example, patients were in an unfamiliar environment, where sleep was likely to be disrupted, and wake up times tend to be early. There is evidence that basal cortisol levels are increased in hospital settings (Scheer et al., 2002), which might partly explain the differing pattern of results in the study by Molloy and colleagues (2008). This study also showed that concurrent depressed mood as measured by the BDI was not associated with cortisol. This finding is in contrast to previous work, which has demonstrated links between depression and 24-hour urinary cortisol in patients with stable CAD (Otte et al., 2004). Bhattacharyya et al (2008) observed a relationship between cortisol levels and depression in CHD patients. These authors found a flatter cortisol slope over the day in more depressed patients with CHD, but no relationship was observed between cortisol slope and depression in patients without CHD. There is accumulating evidence linking cortisol to the pathophysiological processes contributing the cardiovascular disease (Girod & Brotman, 2004; Brotman et al., 2007). Heightened cortisol output is partly responsible for vascular endothelial dysfunction in depressed individuals (Broadley et al., 2005), and this effect is reversed by inhibition of cortisol (Broadley et al., 2006). These results suggest that endothelial dysfunction may play a role in the increased CHD risk associated with depression. There is emerging evidence for a distinct pathophysiology of PTSD. The notion that negative emotional states such as depression and PTSD may confer an 132 atherogenic risk suggests involvement of behavioural factors (e.g. smoking, nonadherence to medications) as well as biological mechanisms (e.g. inflammation, sympathetic overactivity, and endocrine dysfunction) in underpinning pathways (see chapter 2, section 2.9). However, teasing apart the unique contributions of these intertwined variables remains a challenge. Whereas the literature on depression and cortisol tends to suggest hypercortisolaemia, with a blunted diurnal profile, results from studies of PTSD and cortisol are more varied. Clearly, more work needs to be undertaken to address these difference in results, and to further our understanding of the role of cortisol in the development of posttraumatic stress. Cortisol in relation to posttraumatic stress in a sample of MI patients was investigated in a recent study by von Känel and colleagues (in press). In bi-variate correlation analyses, no significant associations were observed between PTSD or posttraumatic symptoms and cortisol levels. However, patients with PTSD had significantly lower mean cortisol levels than patients without PTSD when controlling for depressive symptoms. These results suggest that depression may disguise associations between posttraumatic symptoms and cortisol profiles. For the TRACE study, cortisol was assessed in saliva. Salivary cortisol has proven to be an accurate reflection of plasma cortisol, and this type of salivary sampling is a non-invasive and convenient method for assessing diurnal patterns in a naturalistic ambulatory setting (Kirschbaum & Hellhamner, 1989b). However it is important to note that responses can be affected by e.g. gender, smoking, use of oral contraceptive and a range of other factors. For example, some studies show trait negative affect is associated with a higher overall total cortisol concentration and a greater morning rise in men, even after controlling for wakening levels (Polk et al., 2005). This collection method relies on participants themselves taking the samples, and reporting the time of assessment, resulting in a significant loss of control available in the laboratory setting in order to gain ecological validity. 133 Mood state in the immediate aftermath of admission for ACS is an important indicator of future quality of life, morbidity and mortality. One aim of the TRACE study was to assess the relationship between psychological status and HPA-axis function by assessing salivary cortisol over the course of one single day in ACS patients shortly after discharge and again at 12 months. There are relatively few studies investigating the cortisol profiles of patients in the immediate aftermath of ACS. The analyses presented in chapter 6 were undertaken to investigate the biological underpinnings of early distress and mood in patients two weeks following admission for ACS. Based on previous literature I hypothesized; v) Patients who report greater posttraumatic stress symptoms will show evidence of cortisol dysregulation following hospital discharge. Heart rate variability Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the beat-to-beat (or R-R) alterations in heart rate. HRV is a useful non-invasive tool for the assessment of cardiac autonomic control. Resting heart rate (HR) is one index of autonomic imbalance (Levy et al., 1990) and a large positive dose response relationship between resting HR and all cause mortality has been observed previously (Habib, 1997). In particular, elevated HR has been shown to predict future CHD, independent of other established CHD risk factors (Kannel et al., 1987). One particularly salient reason for the increasing interest in the measurement of HRV stems from its ability to predict survival after heart attacks. Numerous prospective studies have demonstrated that reduced HRV predicts sudden death in patients with MI, independent of other prognostic indicators such as left ventricular ejection fraction 134 (LVEF1) (e.g. Cripps et al., 1991; Bigger et al., 1993; Quintana et al., 1997). Moreover, findings from population studies suggest that decreased HRV has predictive value for mortality also among healthy adults, and is a well established risk factor for arrhythmic events, cardiovascular disease, and sudden cardiac death (Simpson & Wicks, 1988). Several studies also suggest a link between negative emotions (such as anxiety, depression and hostility) and reduced HRV. Kawachi et al (1995) reported a cross-sectional association between anxiety and reduced HRV in 581 men. Offerhaus (1980) observed lower HRV in individuals who were ‗highly anxious‘. Yeragani et al. (e.g., 1991; 1993) have published a series of reports indicating reduced HRV (using both time domain and spectral measures) among DSM-III diagnosed panic disorder and major depression patients. In turn, at least three prospective epidemiologic studies (Haines et al, 1987; Kawachi et al., 1994a; Kawachi et al., 1994b), and one casecrossover study (Mittleman et al., 1995) have suggested a relationship between high levels of anxiety and risk of CHD. Sloan et al (1994) reported reduced high-frequency power among 33 healthy volunteers who scored high on the Cooke-Medley Hostility scale. Carney et al (2001) demonstrated that depressed mood is associated with reduced HRV in patients following MI. The association between negative affect and reduced HRV may thus provide a potential mechanism linking chronic stress to disease outcomes (e.g., risk of CHD). There are three distinct rhythms identified within the beat-to-beat modulation of the heart; a high, low, and a very low frequency component (Task force, 1996). * High Frequency band (HF): range between 0.15 and 0.4 Hz. HF is driven by respiration and appears to derive mainly from vagal (parasympathetic) tone. 1 Ejection fraction refers to the fraction of blood pumped out of the ventricle with each heart beat. The ejection fraction is one of the most important predictors of prognosis; those with significantly reduced ejection fractions typically have poorer prognoses. Ejection fractions typically range between 50% and 65% in healthy individuals, lower levels indicate ventricular dysfunction. 135 * Low Frequency band (LF): between 0.04 and 0.15 Hz. LF is mediated by both parasympathetic and sympathetic activity. * Very Low Frequency band (VLF): band between 0.0033 and 0.04 Hz. The origin of VLF is not well known, but it had been attributed to thermal regulation of the body's internal systems. The ratio between HF and LF can be measured, and the higher the ratio, the greater the vagal tone. LF and HF are strongly related and it is postulated that LF power reflects substantial parasympathetic influence (Wang et al., 2005). Originally, HRV was assessed manually from calculation of the mean R-R interval and its standard deviation measured on short-term (e.g., 5 minute) electrocardiograms. The smaller the standard deviation in R-R intervals, the lower is the HRV. There are many different types of arithmetic manipulations of R-R intervals, and time domain measures include standard deviation of normal mean R-R interval obtained over 24 hour holter recordings (called SDNN index) and the root-mean square of the difference of successive R-R intervals (the RMSSD index). The various methods of expressing HRV are potentially equivalent, with no evidence that one method is superior to another, providing measurement windows are 5 minutes or longer (Bigger et al., 1992a, 1992b). The measurement of HRV has been standardised (Task Force, 1996). A number of studies have found post trauma assessed heart rate to predict subsequent development of PTSD (see chapter 2, section 2.9.2). One explanation suggests that the development of PTSD may be facilitated by an atypical biological response (such as heart rate) in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event, which in turn leads to a maladaptive psychological state. In this study, patients‘ heart rate and HRV were assessed at the time 2 home interview. Based on previous literature I hypothesized that; 136 vi) HRV at 2 weeks post ACS will be reduced in those patients exhibiting greater posttraumatic stress responses to the acute cardiac event. 5.1.3 The relationship between posttraumatic stress responses and post ACS adaptation Chronic conditions, such as CHD, often involve complicated treatment regimens or medications and lifestyle adjustments. One of the challenges these patients may encounter is finding a balance between the demands and restrictions posed by their cardiac condition on the one hand and the various challenges and demands of everyday life on the other. As survival rates following ACS have increased, more and more patients live with the consequences of such conditions. Post-ACS patients are encouraged to facilitate their recovery by engaging in diverse lifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation, dietary change, weight loss and increased exercise. Improvements of health behaviours are associated with improved prospects for recovery following ACS (Daubenmier et al., 2007; Pischke et al., 2008). One aspect of recovery involves cardiac rehabilitation. Participation in comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programmes reduces cardiac mortality by 26% (Jolliffe et al., 2004), all cause mortality by 13% and non-fatal MI by 38% (Clark et al., 2005). As reviewed in chapter 2, past research has demonstrated that ACS related posttraumatic stress is associated with a range of adverse consequences such as increased smoking and alcohol intake, poor adherence to medication regimens and reduced participation in rehabilitation programmes, lower social support and reduced quality of life. In addition, many of these outcomes have also been identified as independent risk factors for cardiac prognosis. The aim of this section is to establish post ACS adjustment and the influence of posttraumatic stress symptomatology on recovery behaviours. Based on past research I hypothesized that; 137 vii) Higher levels of posttraumatic symptoms reported 2 weeks following discharge from hospital will have a negative influence on health behaviours and quality of life at six months. 5.1.4 Influence of partner distress on patient posttraumatic stress reactions Many of the traumatic aspects of an ACS are not experienced by the patient alone. Family members and friends may feel great concern and even intense anxiety at the possibility of losing a significant other. For those who are responsible for the care and wellbeing of the patient (often a spouse), the anxiety experienced might even reach the traumatic levels associated with PTSD. Previous research has found that partners of ACS patients experience substantial distress, and examination of affect in cardiac couples have revealed that partners tend to be more anxious, distressed and depressed than patients (Bennett & Connell, 1999; Conway et al., 2008; Mayou et al., 1978; Moore, 1994; Moser & Dracup., 2004; Rose et al., 1996). This difference has been found to persist beyond hospitalisation and may also impact upon the patient‘s level of depression and experience suggesting emotional contagion effects (Conway et al., 2008, Moser & Dracup, 2004). High anxiety and depression in partners may increase anxiety and depression experienced by the patient, and may negatively influence provision of social support from the partner to the patient, thereby imposing greater emotional demands upon the patient. Most research of couple distress following cardiac events has focused on a female partner, and findings suggest the increased distress observed among partners may be an artefact of gender. Though, there is some limited evidence suggesting that these effects may be independent of gender (Moser & Dracup, 2004). Based on this literature I hypothesized that; 138 viii) Partners of the ACS patients will show high levels of distress, in particular anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms and this will in turn negatively influence patients‘ emotional recovery. 5.2 Study design The TRACE study is a prospective longitudinal study incorporating four assessment time points conducted over the course of one year following admission for ACS (fig. 5.1). Time 1 assessment was conducted in-hospital within two days of admission, Time 2 interviews were conducted approximately 10 to 12 days post discharge, Time 3 follow-up assessment was conducted at six months post admission and Time 4 follow-up was completed 12 months following the initial hospital admission. For the purpose of this thesis, only data from time 1, 2 and 3 are included. FIGURE 5.1 TRACE STUDY DESIGN 139 5.2.1 My role in study design, data collection and analysis The TRACE study was undertaken by a team of researchers. In collaboration with these colleagues, I was actively involved in the study design, including questionnaire selection and development of the procedure. My main responsibilities during the data collection phase involved the arranging and undertaking of the home assessments of patients (interviewing and collection of biological measures), as well as the 12-month follow up interviewing of patients (telephone interviewing and postal questionnaire follow up). I undertook a minority of interviews at six month follow up. In addition, I was responsible for data entry for all patient data from time 2, 3 and 4. The statistical analyses included in this thesis were undertaken by myself, with additional guidance from my thesis supervisor. 5.3 Participants Patients were recruited from one south London hospital following admission for ACS. Presence of chest pain and verification by electrocardiographic changes, and/or elevated cardiac enzymes (for details see section 3.2), were required for a diagnosis of ACS. Patients were eligible for participation if they met the following criteria; admitted for ACS, aged 18 years or over, able to complete the in-hospital interview and questionnaire measures in English. Patients with co-morbid conditions, which could influence either symptom presentation or mood state (such as severe psychiatric illness, unexplained anaemia, ongoing infection or inflammatory conditions, neoplasia and renal failure), and conditions that might cause false troponin positivity, were excluded. In addition, patients who were too unwell or clinically unstable (e.g. those experiencing on-going chest pain and critical ischaemia or ventricular tachyarrhythmias) were also excluded. 140 Hospital data collection began in June 2007 and was completed in October 2008. 693 potentially eligible patients were admitted on the days recruitment was conducted during this period. Of these, 125 patients (18%) had been discharged or transferred on to a different hospital before the researchers could conduct the inhospital interview, 58 patients (8.4%) declined to participate in the study, and 7 patients (1%) died in hospital. A further 205 patients were excluded for various reasons (see table 5.1). Of the 298 patients who completed the time 1 interview, 222 participated at time 2 (74.5%), however, an additional 4 patients completed a postal version of the interview making the total sample 226 (75.8%) at time 2. The reasons for attrition at time 2 are outlined in table 5.1 below. Six-month follow up was completed in March 2009. A total of 200 (67%) patients were re-contacted at time 3. At this follow up point, 3 patients were deceased (1%), 32 patients had withdrawn since recruitment (10.7%) and a further 63 patients (21.1%) were un-contactable. 12 month follow up of the sample is ongoing and will be completed by October 2009, therefore data from this assessment point are unavailable for use in this thesis. 141 TABLE 5.1 REASONS FOR EXCLUSIONS AND REFUSALS n Target population % 693 Deceased before inclusion 7 1 Discharged or transferred 125 18 Declined to participate 58 8.4 Patients cardiac event not ACS 3 0.4 Recruitment break (Christmas) 24 3.5 Adverse situation 1 0.1 Patient too unwell/unable to communicate 90 13 Not able to speak English 27 4 Serious psychiatric problem 10 1.4 Confused 23 3.3 Cardiac event occurred as in-patient 13 1.9 Patient in isolation 5 0.7 Patient did not live within recruitment area 9 1.3 Exclusions Total patients time 1 298 Failed to contact 21 7 Health reason (re-admissions, patient too unwell, memory problems) 12 4 Declined to participate in interview 40 13.4 Deceased 3 1 222 (226*) 74.5 (75.8) Total patients time 2 interview Follow up assessment Time 3 200 *4 additional patients did not complete the time 2 home interview; however, they did complete a postal version instead (3 of these patients belonged to the ‘failed to contact’ interview, 1 patient declined a home visit, preferring a postal version). 5.4 Procedure 5.4.1 Time 1 assessment Patients were recruited from the Coronary Care Unit at St. George‘s Hospital, London, based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria outline in section 5.3 above. Patients were approached by a member of the research team as soon as possible after admission for ACS, at which point the study was explained fully and a detailed 142 information sheet was provided (Appendix III). Patients who opted to participate were asked to complete a consent form (Appendix IV), which was collected by the researcher at the time of the interview. A blood sample was drawn within 24 hours for the assessment of CRP, neutrophil counts, IL-6 and IL-10. The in-hospital interviews focused primarily on the circumstances surrounding symptom onset and hospital admission, patients‘ acute fear response and distress during ACS as well as quality of life prior to admission was also obtained. Current mood state was also recorded at this time. A second blood sample was taken at this point in time. Information concerning indicators such as history of heart failure and arrhythmia on admission was obtained from patients clinical notes. Clinical risk was calculated using the composite measure developed in the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) trial (see chapter 3, section 3.4.2) and the Simple Risk Index (SRI; Morrow et al., 2001). The management strategy for the patient (medical, revascularisation etc.) was recorded, and angiography results obtained when available. 5.4.2 Time 2 assessment Following discharge, patients were contacted by telephone by one of the researchers to arrange a suitable time for the second phase of the study (the home interview). During this phone call patients‘ spouse/partner was also invited to participate in the study. Time 2 home interviews took place on average 21 days (range 8 – 51) following the original admission date for ACS, and were conducted by a team of two researchers. During the home interview patients completed a number of psychosocial measures and a structured clinical interview (DISH) was completed to assess depression and psychiatric history. In addition, samples of salivary cortisol were collected at four points during the interview; at the start of the interview, prior to the DISH interview, immediately following the DISH, and a final sample at the end of the interview. Patients‘ heart rate and heart rate variability was also monitored throughout 143 using an ambulatory device (Actiheart). Participating spouses completed a number of psychosocial measures. The patient and spouse interviews were conducted in separate rooms when possible. At the end of the interview patients were given a set of questionnaires for self-completion to be returned via freepost to the research team. Patients and participating spouses were also asked to complete a saliva sampling task over the course of one single day following the interview date [not on the same day], and to return these with the completed self-report questionnaires. 5.4.3 Time 3 follow up assessment At six (time 3) months following ACS, patients were re-contacted by telephone. Time 3 interviews took place on average 193 days (range 137 – 281) following the original admission date for ACS. The follow-up calls included a semi-structured interview assessing recurrence of symptoms, other health problems, adherence to medications and cardiac rehabilitation, health behaviours and return to work. Participants and participating spouses were also mailed a battery of self-completion standardized questionnaires, to return by post. 5.5 Measures This section describes the measures obtained at each assessment point. For an overview of the time at which data were obtained and measures administered please refer to table 5.2 at the end of this chapter. This table also displays which measures were administered to partners and at which time point. A selection of these was used for the purpose of this thesis and only these measures are described in detail. Some of the questionnaires used in this study were administered as interviews to facilitate completion and to enhance data collection. All interview materials and questionnaires used are listed in Appendices V - VII. A variety of measures of 144 emotional state, well-being and psychological traits were utilised. Questionnaires included in this study have been widely used with cardiac samples previously. Several of these scales have been introduced in chapter 3, section 3.4.3. Those not previously discussed in this thesis are presented in the following section. Table 5.3 show the Cronbach‘s alpha for each of the measures used. 5.6 Measures – Time 1 5.6.1 Socio-demographic information Socio-demographic information including age, marital status, ethnicity, employment status at admission, educational qualifications and income were obtained at the time 1 interview. Patients were categorised as ‗low‘, ‗medium‘ or ‗high‘ on a social deprivation index (described fully in section 3.4.1). The level of reported education included no educational qualifications, up to school certificate, CSE‘s, GCSE‘s, A level, Degree and Other. For the purpose of statistical analyses, these were reclassified into a four level variable; ‗none‘, ‗basic‘, ‗secondary‘ and ‗degree‘. Socioeconomic status (SES) was derived from patients‘ income and educational qualifications. Educational attainment is an indicator of socio-economic position that is easily measured, applicable to people not in the active labour force as well as those in stable employment over time. 5.6.2 Clinical data Clinical information was obtained from the hospital admission records. Clinical variables of interest included admission ECGs and troponin T or creatine kinase levels for review by a cardiologist in order to classify patients as presenting with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non ST- elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) or 145 unstable angina (UA). This information was subsequently categorised as a binary variable (STEMI vs NSTEMI/UA). Clinical risk indices used included the GRACE index (Eagle et al., 2004: see section 3.4.2) and the Simple Risk Index (SRI). The SRI uses age, heart rate and systolic blood pressure (SBP) for predicting mortality over 30 – days [(heart rate x [age/10]²)/SBP]. This risk index is a robust predictor of very early events including death by 24h (Morrow et al., 2001). Subjective pain experienced at symptom onset was recorded at the in-hospital interview. Pain was rated on a 10-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain ever). 5.6.3 Psychosocial measures In addition to the psychosocial measures described in this section patients selfreported acute stress (fear, helplessness and horror) experienced at time of ACS (see section for a description of this measure). Profile of Mood States (POMS) The POMS was developed by McNair and colleagues (1981) to identify and assess transient, fluctuating affective mood states. This measure has been widely used in medical patients, athletes, and normal populations. The POMS has 65 items that measures six identifiable moods or feelings: Tension-Anxiety (T), Depression-Dejection (D), Anger-Hostility (A), Vigor-Activity (V), Fatigue-Inertia (F), and ConfusionBewilderment (C). Items include key words such as unhappy, tense, careless, and cheerful. For each statement, participants state how they feel at that moment, or how they felt over the previous day, few days, or week, by choosing one of the following responses: not at all (0); a little (1); moderately (2); quite a lot (3); extremely (4). In our study participants were asked to rate their mood on each item ‗at the moment‘. 146 Numerous research studies have provided evidence for the predictive and construct validity of the POMS, finding it to exhibit a highly satisfactory level of internal consistency, and reasonable test-retest reliability. Factor analytic replications provide evidence for the validity of a 6 – factor model, and examination of individual items defining each mood state support the content validity of the factor scores. In this study, a shortened version of the POMS was used, with the 6 highest loading items contributing to each mood factor. This shortened version has been used in many other studies in order to reduce respondent burden. The internal consistency of the 6 subscales ranged from .72 to .91 in the present study. Six additional somatic symptoms are included in the questionnaire as filler items. Medical Outcome Short Form 12 (SF-12) The SF-12 measures perceived health related quality of life. This scale consists of 12 items drawn from the SF-36, a product of the US Medical Outcomes Study (Ware et al., 1996). The SF-12 reproduces the eight-scale profile of the SF-36 (see section for a description), the scores for each scale are coded, summarized and transformed into a scale ranging from 0 (worse possible health) to 100 (best possible health), and as with the SF-36, total scores on two summary components are calculated. The SF-12 physical and mental health summary measures are referred to as PCS-12 and MCS-12, respectively. The brevity and the simple design of the SF-12 is a benefit over the SF-36, and it appears to be a robust and efficient alternative to the SF-36 for the assessment of health related quality of life of patients with coronary heart disease (e.g. (Melville et al., 2003) (Muller-Nordhorn et al., 2004). 147 5.7 Measures – Time 2 5.7.1 Psychosocial measures In addition to the measures described in this section, the following were also administered at time 2: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI: see section; Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms – Self Report Scale (PSS-SR: see section; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-A: see section; Cook and Medley Hostility Scale (Ho: see section and; type D personality (see section For a full description of these scales please refer to the relevant sections in chapter 3. DISH The DSM-IV Depression Interview and Structured Hamilton (DISH; Freedland et al., 2002) is a semi-structured psycho-diagnostic interview that is used to diagnose current major and minor depressive episodes and dysthymia in medically ill persons according to DSM-IV criteria. It also assesses the past history and longitudinal course of depressive disorders, including partial and full remissions, relapses and recurrences. It determines the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression severity score for the past week, and screen for other neuropsychiatric disorders. This measure was developed for use in the ENRICHD clinical trial, in which participants‘ eligibility required a unipolar depressive disorder and/or low social support. The DISH was specifically developed for use among post-MI patients (and other medically ill patients). Enrolment for ENRICHD took place shortly after the acute event, in order to reduce the risk of reinfarction or death, therefore the measure was designed to minimize respondent burden, without sacrificing the thoroughness or accuracy of the interview. This is a suitable measure for use by well-trained research interviewers and health clinicians. 148 Symptoms of depression are scored and coded as absent, sub-threshold, present or present but due entirely to direct physiological effects of medical illness or its treatment. Symptom duration in weeks (or days if present less than two weeks) is specified in an adjacent column. The interviewer uses mandatory and optional probes to determine the presence or absence of DSM-IV depressive disorder. From this interview a total depression score is generated (Hamilton), as well as frequency of current major or minor depression lasting 1-2 weeks, or lasting 2 weeks or longer. Frequency of a history of depression was also calculated. This instrument is efficient in yielding both a DSM-IV diagnosis and a 17-item Hamilton score, and correlates highly with other established diagnostic instruments such as the BDI (Freedland et al., 2002). Social Network Small social networks have been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and mortality (Ruthledge et al., 2004). More to the point, smaller networks are predictive of poor outcomes following ACS (Lett et al., 2005). In this study patients social network was assessed using the Social Network Index (Cohen et al., 1997). This scale measures 12 sets of contacts (e.g. children, friends, work colleagues etc.) and works as an index of the diversity of social interactions. A score of 1 is assigned for each type of relationship (range 0 – 12) for which respondents indicate that they speak to (in person or on the phone) at least once every two weeks (items scored from never to everyday). Greater values on this measure represent more diverse social networks. Social Support Not only the number of social interactions is important for health, but also the quality of social support has been identified as a particularly important factor 149 (Greenwood, 1996). The ENRICHD social support inventory (ENRICHD Writing Committee, 2003) was used in this study to assess the quality of social support available. This measure was selected for use because it was specifically developed for use among cardiac patients, and has been found to be a reliable and valid measure of support in this population (Vaglio et al., 2004) and is a useful short measure with good internal consistency. This measure includes six questions concerning the amount of instrumental and emotional support available to the participant (e.g. ‗Is there someone available to whom you can count on to listen to you when you need to talk?‘; ‗Is there someone available to help with daily chores?‘) and one final question assessing marital status (yes = 1, no = 0). Each question is rated on a five-point scale, ranging from none of the time (1) to all the time (5). Totalled scores gave an overall social support value between 1 and 30, with higher values showing increased levels of social support. Three additional questions were incorporated in this measure, to assess support for health behaviours (medication adherence, diet and exercise). These were scored in the same way as the first six items, described above. Causal Beliefs Patients‘ beliefs concerning the causes of their heart problem and heart disease symptoms were measured using the Illness Attribution Questionnaire which is based on the major categories of causal attribution described by French et al (2001) and Gudmundsdottir et al (2001). This measure has previously been used in cardiac populations (Perkins-Porras et al., 2006). The scale consists of 16 items scored as ‗yes‘ (2), ‗maybe‘ (1) and ‗no‘ (0) and load on 4 factors (State of mind/over exertion/stress; Traditional risk factors; Genetic factors; Other medical causes). 150 Illness Perception Questionnaire – Revised According to Leventhal, the initial response to the onset of illness is to identify the nature of the threat faced, so that appropriate coping strategies can be engaged. This process is represented along five dimensions; identity, consequences, timeline, control/cure and cause. The illness perception questionnaire is a quantitative assessment tool developed to capture the five components of the illness representation model (Leventhal et al., 1997, 2003). The revised illness perception questionnaire (IPQ-R: Moss-Morris et al., 2002) was developed in response to problems of internal consistency of specific sub-scales in the previous version (cure/control; timeline), and the previous oversight of not including an emotional representation component (an important dimension of Leventhal‘s model). A final addition to the scale was the assessment of the extent to which a patients‘ illness representation provide a coherent understanding of the illness (the illness coherence sub-scale). The IPQ-R is divided into three sections, with the identity and causal dimensions presented separately from the remaining dimensions. For the TRACE study, the causal dimension of the IPQ-R was not included. Instead, participants‘ causal beliefs were assessed using the measure described in section above. The use of this measure was deemed more appropriate as the causal attributes included are better associated with heart disease than are some of the causal attributes included in this dimension of the IPQ-R. The identity scale contains 14 commonly experienced illness symptoms, patients respond whether they have experienced the symptom (yes or no), and whether they believe the symptom to be specifically related to their illness (yes or no). At the 12 month follow up (TRACE), the identity scale was not included for reasons of patient acceptability. In the second section the consequences, timeline (acute/chronic), timeline (cyclical), control (personal), control (treatment), illness coherence and 151 emotional representations are rated on a 5-point Likert type scale: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neither agree nor disagree (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5). Total scores for each scale range between 1 and 5. The IPQ-R show good internal reliability of all sub-scales and has acceptable levels of stability over three weeks and six months (Moss-Morris et al., 2002). 5.7.2 Health behaviours Smoking Patients were asked to provide information on their smoking status (current smoker, ex-smoker, never smoker, nr of cigarettes/cigars/pipe per day). Alcohol consumption Weekly alcohol consumption was assessed at the time 2 interview. A unit of alcohol was defined as one measure of sprit, a small glass of wine, or a half pint of beer. A weekly total score was generated. Diet The healthy eating assessment (Little et al., 1999) was used to collect dietary information at time 2. Patients reported the average number of pieces of fruit consumed per [typical] day and also rated how often they would consume less than this average figure reported per week. The same was obtained for average portions of vegetables (excluding potatoes). An average daily fruit and vegetable intake score was generated using patients responses indicating number of daily vegetables eaten and the frequency of eating less than the reported amount per week. 152 Fat intake was assessed by nine diet questions relating to the frequency of intake of certain fatty foods (e.g. type of milk used, cheese intake, meat, ready meals, take away food, snacks etc.) Greater scores on this measure reflect a diet higher in fat. Physical activity Patients reported past week physical activity at the time 2 interview. ‗Walking per day‘ in minutes, ‗Brisk walking per day‘ in minutes, ‗Cycling per day‘ in minutes scores were generated. Patients also reported the number of times per week they performed vigorous physical activity, enough to make them out of breath, prior to their ACS. Adherence to medications Self-reported adherence to medications was assessed using the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS; Horne & Weinman, 1999) at all follow up assessment points. Patients rate their adherence on five questions (‗forget medication‘, ‗alter dose‘, ‗stop medication‘, ‗decided to miss dose‘, ‗take less than instructed‘) on a 5-point Likert scale. Items are scored from Never (4) to Always (0), total scores range from 0 to 20 with higher scores indicating greater adherence. 5.7.3 Biological measures Salivary cortisol During the time 2 interview a set of four salivary cortisol samples were obtained. Sample 1 was collected at the start of the interview, sample 2 immediately prior the clinical interview for assessing depression followed by sample 3 directly after 153 completing the clinical assessment. The final sample was collected at the end of the home interview. Patients were left with a saliva sampling kit and diary to complete over the course of one single day following the interview day to complete and return to the research group by post. Patients were required to provide six 2-minute saliva samples at the following times: sample 1 – immediately upon waking; sample 2 – 30 minutes post waking; sample 3; between 10.00 – 10.30 AM; sample 4 – between 14.00 – 14.30 PM; sample 5 – between 19.00 – 19.30 and the final sample 6 – at bedtime. Patients were instructed not to brush their teeth, eat or drink caffeinated products before providing the waking samples (1 – 2). A sampling diary was to be completed at the time of collecting the saliva sample. Patients completed three mood questions at the time of each sample (happy/stressed/depressed or gloomy) as well as providing information on time of sleep the night prior to sampling day, time of waking on the sampling day, and meal times during the sampling day. At the end of the day patients reported on smoking, drinking and exercise undertaken during the day, as well as any stressful encounters. Samples were returned via mail and stored at -80 degrees Celsius. Heart rate variability At the start of the time 2 interview patients were fitted with an Actiheart (Cambridge Neuroscience Ltd) monitor to record their heart rate and heart rate variability throughout the interview session. Actiheart is a compact, chest-worn device that records heart rate, inter-beat-interval (IBI), and physical activity. Actiheart digitizes the ECG signal and determines the IBI from the R-to-R interval. The Actiheart is worn on the chest and consists of two electrodes connected by a short lead which simply clip onto two standard ECG pads. Once the recording session is completed, the data are transferred to a computer for storage, viewing, and analysis. From the IBI recording files, the heart rate and heart rate variability parameters are calculated. The reliability 154 and validity of this monitor for recording activity and heart rate has been scientifically validated (Brage et al., 2005). The HRV sequences were screened for data quality, and RR intervals were excluded if the current beat and the two beats preceding the current beat were not in sinus rhythm, as recommended by the manufacturers. Specifically, we excluded RR intervals <300 ms or >3000 ms, any RR intervals <80% or >120% of the previous RR, and any intervals >3 times the SD of the preceding period. The interview recording sequence was analyzed in 10-minute segments. Periods with <80% valid data were excluded. The following variables were computed: total power (ms2), VLF power between the limits of 0.003 Hz and 0.04 Hz (ms2), LF power in the range of 0.04 Hz and 0.15 Hz (ms2), and HF power in the range 0.15 Hz and 0.40 Hz (ms2). The HF component is thought to reflect parasympathetic cardiac control, whereas the LF component reflects sympathetic/parasympathetic balance. In the time domain, we computed the square root of the mean square difference between successive RR intervals (RMSSD) and pNN50. The indices used for analysis in Chapter 6 were, heart rate, mean RMSSD, normalised high frequency power, low frequency power and very low frequency power. With the exception of heart rate, the other variables were log transformed due to the data being skewed. 5.8 Measures – Time 3 5.8.1 Psychosocial measures At the time 3 follow-up the following measures were re-administered; BDI; HADS-A; PSS-SR; Ho; DS-14; SF-12; Social Support; IPQ-R; Causal attributions. 155 5.8.2 Health behaviours Patients‘ smoking status was reassessed during the telephone interview, and if relapse was reported, reasons for this were recorded. Diet, alcohol intake and physical activity were also reassessed. Patients also reported current weight and their adherence to cardiac medications. 5.10 Data storage Data collected as part of this study were treated as confidential. Information obtained from interviews and questionnaires from all data collection time points were kept separate from consent forms, and kept in locked filing cabinets with restricted access. Data entered into a database were anonymised, and personal information was stored separately. 5.11 Statistical analyses All statistical analyses were performed using the statistical programme SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc). Specific details on the analyses conducted are presented in the relevant results sections. 156 TABLE 5.2 MEASURES OBTAINED AT EACH TIME POINT Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Location Hospital Home Tel Int / Post Tel Int / Post Time post Admission for ACS 6-28 hrs 10 – 14 Days 6 Months 12 Months MEASUREMENTS Pt Only Pt Pt Part Pt Part Socio-Demographics CN Clinical data CN Health Details INT Triggers (2 hours pre-ACS) INT Triggers (2 hours pre-ACS previous day) INT Acute fear INT Events surrounding heart problem / Delay INT Part INT INT 1. Emotional Distress Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Anxiety INT SR SR SR SR SR Beck Depression Inventory INT SR SR SR SR SR PTSD / Acute stress INT SR SR SR SR SR Depression Interview and structured Hamilton Profile of Mood States INT INT 2. Behaviours Medication Adherence Report Scale INT INT INT SR INT SR Physical Activity INT INT INT SR SR SR SR Diet INT INT SR SR SR SR Smoking / Alcohol INT INT INT SR INT SR Jenkins Sleep Scale [1] INT INT SR SR SR SR Cardiac Rehabilitation Attendance SR SR 3. Health Status Quality of Life – SF-12 INT INT INT Cortisol INT HM INT/HM Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability INT SR SR SR SR 4. Biological Blood INT HM 5. Psychosocial Measures Social Network Scale SR SR ENRICHD Social Support Inventory SR SR Support with recovery behaviours SR SR Illness Perceptions Questionnaire – Revised SR Illness Perceptions Questionnaire – Partner [2] SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR Causal Attributions SR SR SR SR SR SR Self-efficacy for Recovery Behaviours [3] SR SR SR SR SR SR Cardiac Denial of Impact Scale [4] SR Type – D Personality SR SR SR Cook Medley Hostility Scale SR SR SR Life Orientation Test – Optimism SR SR Benefit Finding Scale [5] SR SR Coping Inventory of Stress Situations [6] SR Seattle Angina Questionnaire [7] SR SR SR SR SR SR Key: CN – taken from clinical notes, INT – Interview measure or questionnaire by interview, SR – Self-Report questionnaire, HM – home based collection NB. Measures not previously described are listed numerically in the measures reference section of the Chapter 9. 157 TABLE 5.3 CRONBACH‘S ALPHA FOR MEASURES ADMINISTERED IN TRACE Measure Time 1 Time 2 .82 -- .77 - .91 -- Causal Beliefs -- .34 - 85 BDI -- .86 PTSS-SR -- .89 HADS-A -- .88 Ho-Scale -- .88 Negative affectivity scale -- .86 Social inhibition scale -- .85 Social Support -- .85 IPQ-R -- .65 - .90 Acute stress POMS Type D 158 CHAPTER 6. Results TRACE Study I In this chapter, the results from the time 1 and time 2 assessment points of the TRACE study are presented. The sample characteristics are outlined, followed by an examination of the prevalence and acute predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at 3 – 4 weeks post ACS. The relationship between patients‘ illness cognitions and concurrent posttraumatic stress symptoms is presented next. This is followed by an evaluation of patients‘ post-ACS biological reactions (salivary cortisol and heart rate variability) in relation to posttraumatic symptoms. This chapter concludes with a discussion of the results presented in the following sections. 6.1 Data analysis 693 patients were approached in hospital, of these 125 declined to participate, 205 were excluded, 7 died in hospital and 58 were transferred to another hospital before time 1 could be completed (see table 5.1, chapter 5). Of the 298 patients recruited in hospital (time 1), 226 were assessed at time 2 (home interview) and the principal analyses of the time 2 data were carried out this sub-sample. Of these, 222 patients had valid data for a total score on the PTSD measure at time 2. The prevalence of PTSD and severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms were examined. Associations between posttraumatic stress and time 1 clinical, demographic and psychological variables were analyzed using Pearson correlations for continuous variables and non-parametric Spearman correlations for categorical variables. To identify early independent predictors of time 2 posttraumatic stress multiple regression analyses were conducted. The variables included in these models were selected based on previous work as well as the results from the univariate analyses. Multiple regressions were also conducted to assess the independent contribution of psychosocial risk factors as well as the relationship of time 2 cortisol levels and heart 159 rate variability with posttraumatic symptoms. Standardized regression coefficients (β) are presented along with the standard errors for these. 6.2 Patient characteristics The baseline (time 1) clinical, demographic and psychological characteristics of the complete sample and the sub-set of patients who completed time 2 interviews are presented in table 6.1. The majority of patients were men, and mostly of white European decent, aged 60 years on average at the time of ACS. More than half of patients participating in the study were employed at the time of their admission, and the majority were married. Patients had low educational attainment with only a small proportion reporting education above secondary school. 87% of the patients had experienced a STEMI rather than an NSTEMI/UA. ACS severity as defined by the GRACE score was moderate, 13% had experienced a previous MI, and 9% experienced heart failure in hospital. Patients who completed time 1 interviews only were similar to those who completed interviews at both time 1 and time 2 on all clinical and psychological variables. However, those who did not complete time 2 were more likely to be unmarried (χ² = 5.46, p < .05) and in the moderate and high deprivation categories than completers (χ² = 7.94, p < .05). 160 TABLE 6.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS Time 1 Sample Mean (SD) N Demographic factors Age 298 Gender 298 Educational attainment 297 n (%) 60.15 (11.57) N Time 2 Sample Mean (SD) n (%) 226 59.74 (11.75) Men 250 (83.9) Women 48 (16.1) 226 190 (84.1) None 84 (28.23) Basic 74 (24.9) 61 (27.0) Secondary Degree 93 (31.3) 46 (15.5) 68 (30.1) 33 (14.6) 36 (15.9) 225 63 (28.0) Marital status (married) 298 203 (68.1) 226 162 (71.7) Ethnicity (white) 298 247 (82.9) 224 188 (83.2) Social deprivation 294 188 (63.9) 70 (23.8) 36 (12.2) 221 152 (68.2) 45 (20.2) 26 (11.7) Employed (yes) 296 169 (57.1) 224 127 (56.7) Clinical factors ACS type 298 STEMI 260 (87.2) 226 199 (88.1) NSTEMI/UA 38 (12.8) Low Medium High 27 (12.1) GRACE score 298 92.85 (27.72) 226 91.81 (26.45) SRI 298 21.74 (11.82) 226 20.93 (10.15) Heart failure 298 28 (9.4) 226 20 (8.8) Previous MI (yes) 297 39 (13.1) 226 28 (12.4) Family history of CHD (yes) 298 189 (63.4) 225 141 (62.4) Smoker (current) 298 118 (39.6) 226 85 (37.6) BMI 292 Psychosocial factors SF12 SF12 260 Physical Mental Acute stress 280 Low Medium High POMS negative 278 3.69 (2.81) 220 3.66 (2.74) Subjective pain during ACS 295 7 (2.54) 226 6.98 (2.43) History of depression (yes) – assessed at time 2 27.60 (4.93) 210 27.52 (40.7) 46.27 (8.39) 50.16 (9.93) 205 46.29 (8.30) 50.02 (10.26) 67 (23.9) 151 (53.9) 62 (22.1) 203 212 56 (25.5) 120 (54.5) 44 (20.0) 67 (31.6) 161 6.3 Posttraumatic stress symptoms 3 – 4 weeks post ACS (time 2) At the time 2 interview patients‘ posttraumatic stress responses to their ACS were assessed. Although a diagnosis of PTSD can only be established (according to DSM-IV guidelines) one month following the trauma at the earliest, I felt that it would be informative to assess early posttraumatic reactions at this stage. Furthermore, the timing of time 2 interviews (average 21 days post ACS) did approach the one month mark. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress prior to one month post trauma are usually referred to as acute stress disorder or symptoms. However, the validity and usefulness of this concept has been questioned (Marshall et al., 1999). At this early post ACS assessment point, I chose to use the same PTSD measure as for the follow up assessments at six months to aid comparison of results (Professor Chris Brewin; personal communication). Patients were asked to think back over the last few weeks since their ACS and report on symptoms experienced since the acute event. The symptoms reported by patients at time 2 show a similar pattern to those reported by patients at 12 and 36 months in the ACCENT study (see data presented in chapter 4), with avoidance symptoms endorsed most frequently, followed by arousal then reexperiencing symptoms (table 6.2). Already at this early stage, 5.8% of patients met diagnostic criteria for potential PTSD, using the modified criteria as outlined in sections and 4.1.2. Using the original scoring method yielded a prevalence level for PTSD of 22.2% at this early stage, a rate that appears highly inflated compared with rates observed in previous studies. 162 TABLE 6.2 PSS-SR SCORES AT TIME 2 Time 2 N Means (SD) Range PSS-SR Total score 222 7.70 (7.73) 0 – 41 PSS-SR Avoidance 222 3.43 (3.52) 0 – 19 PSS-SR Arousal 222 2.56 (3.12) 0 – 16 PSS-SR Re-experiencing 223 1.70 (2.01) 0 – 10 PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – modified 223 5.8% PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – original 223 22.2% In line with DSM-IV requirements for PTSD classification, patients reported on acute distress and fear (acute stress) experienced during their ACS, with the majority of patients reporting moderate distress (53.9%), intense distress was reported by 22.1% and a further 23.9% reported low distress during ACS. 6.3.1 Acute admission predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 Greater posttraumatic stress symptomatology at time 2 was associated with greater acute distress at time of ACS, a history of depression, younger age, female gender, and greater social deprivation assessed at time 1. In hospital negative mood, prior lower mental health status (mental quality of life) and lower GRACE risk scores were associated with higher posttraumatic symptoms at time 2. There was a nonsignificant trend for more intense pain (self-report) also relate to higher posttraumatic stress at time 2 follow up (table 6.3). 163 TABLE 6.3 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN BASLINE VARIABLES (TIME 1) AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Time 2 posttraumatic symptoms N r P Age 222 -.183 .006 Gender (female) 222 .140 .038 Educational attainment 221 -.115 .089 Marital status (married) 222 .078 .247 Ethnicity (white) 222 .076 .262 Social deprivation 219 .259 < .001 ACS type (STEMI) 222 -.031 .641 GRACE score 222 -.151 .024 SRI 222 -.058 .387 Heart failure 222 .043 .520 Previous MI 222 -.051 .446 Family history of CHD 222 -.036 .589 Smoker (current) 222 .043 .527 BMI 221 .016 .808 SF12 – physical 201 -.098 .168 SF12 – mental 201 -.460 < .001 POMS negative 216 -.393 < .001 Acute stress 216 .269 < .001 Subjective pain during ACS 222 .126 .061 History of depression 209 .261 < .001 Demographic factors Clinical factors Psychosocial factors 6.3.2 Multivariate predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 The factors identified in the previous section as being related to posttraumatic symptoms may not be independent of one another. Time 1 clinical, demographic and psychological variables were therefore entered into a multiple regression model in order to establish the early predictors of shorter-term posttraumatic stress reactions in response to an acute cardiac event. These variables were selected on the basis of the correlations described in the previous section as well as previous work by myself (chapter 4) and others (chapter 2). The following variables were tested as predictors in 164 the multiple regression; age, gender, ethnicity, social deprivation, GRACE score, subjective pain (at time of ACS), negative mood in hospital (POMS), acute stress, SF12 mental quality of life, and concurrent pain (since discharge, assessed at time 2). The multiple regression on time 2 posttraumatic symptom severity indicated that the variables included in the model together accounted for 38.3% of variance (table 6.4). Social deprivation, negative mood in hospital, acute stress reactions, mental quality of life and current (time 2) pain emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 2. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. It is notable that posttraumatic stress symptoms were not associated in multiple regression analyses with the clinical severity of the ACS as defined by the Grace algorithm, or with other clinical factors such as history of MI, type of ACS, heart failure, or cardiac arrest (Spearman‘s correlations, p > .05). This model was re-run including the history of depression variable, though this resulted in a slight reduction in the numbers included in the model. A history of depression predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2. Social deprivation, negative mood, acute stress, mental QoL and current pain remained independent predictors of posttraumatic reactions also (table 6.5). These variables accounted for 38.4% of the variance in posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 2. 165 TABLE 6.4 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 Model 1* Standardised regression Standard error P coefficients Age .069 .110 .527 Gender .028 .064 .666 Ethnicity .070 .059 .240 Social deprivation .205 .062 .001 GRACE score .002 .105 .988 Subjective pain -.025 .061 .678 Negative mood (POMS) .258 .064 <.001 Acute stress .184 .067 .006 SF-12 mental QoL -.240 .068 .001 Current pain (time 2) .134 .061 .030 R² .383 * n = 197 TABLE 6.5 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 Model 1* Standardised regression Standard error P coefficients Age .038 .113 .735 Gender -.057 .066 .383 Ethnicity .076 .062 .221 Social deprivation .181 .063 .005 GRACE score .047 .109 .663 Subjective pain -.006 .064 .929 Negative mood (POMS) .287 .066 <.001 Acute stress .158 .069 .023 SF-12 mental QoL -.221 .071 .002 Current pain (time 2) .135 .063 .034 History of depression .122 .062 .051 R² .384 * n = 186 166 6.3.3 Psychosocial predictors of posttraumatic stress at time 2 Time 2 posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with hostility and type D personality. Lower reported social support was associated with greater posttraumatic stress symptoms. However, there was no relationship with patients‘ social network (table 6.6). TABLE 6.6 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK FACTORS AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Time 2 Posttraumatic stress symptoms r p Hostility .324 <.001 Type D .418 <.001 Social support -.234 .003 Social network -.136 .083 Psychosocial factors The influence of hostility, type D personality, social support and social network, although measured at time 2, were considered previously existing psychosocial characteristics and were therefore entered into a separate multiple regression model to that including acute emotional reactions to the ACS. This model explained 28.2% of the variance, with hostility and type D personality emerging as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress reactions at time 2. Social support or network did not contribute to the explained variance (table 6.7). None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. 167 TABLE 6.7 PSYCHOSOCIAL PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 Model 1* Standardised regression Standard error P coefficients Age -.035 .134 .795 Gender .155 .080 .055 Ethnicity .022 .073 .762 Social deprivation .086 .075 .254 GRACE score -.043 .133 .749 Hostility .264 .076 .001 Type D personality .294 .075 <.001 Social support .002 .075 .979 Social network -.076 .082 .354 R² .282 *n = 156 Figure 6.1 illustrates the relationship between type D personality and posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 2, after controlling for the other variables included in the regression model above. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Type D positive Type D negative FIGURE 6.1 TYPE D PERSONALITY AND POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS 168 6.3.4 Illness representations and current mood state in relation to posttraumatic stress reactions at time 2 Total posttraumatic stress scores at time 2 were correlated with concurrent depression, anxiety, and quality of life scores. At time 2 patients reporting higher posttraumatic stress symptoms also had significantly greater depression and anxiety symptoms, and reported worse physical and mental quality of life (table 6.8). TABLE 6.8 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Time 2 Posttraumatic stress symptoms r p BDI .761 <.001 Anxiety .770 <.001 SF12 physical QoL -.226 .001 SF12 mental QoL -.778 <.001 Psychological factors TABLE 6.9 ILLNESS REPRESENTATION CHARACTERISTICS AT TIME 2 N Means SD Median Timeline 158 2.99 1.02 3.0 Timeline – cyclical 160 2.26 0.78 2.0 Consequences 159 3.28 0.69 3.3 Personal control 160 3.94 0.65 4.0 Treatment control 158 3.92 0.55 4.0 Illness coherence 160 3.77 0.77 4.0 Emotional representations 162 2.55 0.85 2.5 Illness representation 169 Patients‘ beliefs about their condition were also assessed at time 2 and the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and cognitive representations were tested. Illness representation scores for the seven dimensions assessed are presented in table 6.9. High scores denote a more chronic and cyclical timeline, greater perceived negative consequences, greater perceived personal control and belief in treatment, a sense of having a more coherent understanding of their illness and more negative emotional responses. The patients viewed their illness as chronic and cyclical, but reported understanding their condition quite well. They considered having quite strong personal control and treatment control. However, at the same time, the perceived negative consequences of the disease upon their lives were perceived as considerable, as was their emotional response. Table 6.10 shows the intercorrelations between the illness representation dimensions at time 2 after adjusting for patient age and gender. TABLE 6.10 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATION DIMENSIONS Time 2 Illness representations Time 2 Illness representations 1. Timeline r p 2. Timeline – cyclical r p 3. Consequences r p 4. Personal control r p 5. Treatment control r p 6. Illness coherence r p 7. Emotional representations r p 2 3 4 5 6 7 .274 .001 .476 <.001 -.150 .066 -.410 <.001 -.149 .070 .307 <.001 .364 <.001 -.255 .002 -.359 <.001 -.447 <.001 .489 <.001 -.009 .908 -.237 .004 -.221 .007 .481 <.001 .506 <.001 .238 .003 -.130 .114 .311 <.001 -.288 <.001 -.349 <.001 170 Overall the pattern of associations appears as one would expect. For example, stronger timeline – cyclical beliefs were associated with stronger timeline beliefs, greater consequences, less personal and treatment control, worse illness coherence and greater emotional representations. Patients who rate the consequences of ACS as more severe also have stronger emotional representations, and lower beliefs in the effectiveness of treatment. Beliefs in personal control are less consistently associated with the other illness representations, and appear to be unrelated to timeline beliefs and consequences in this sample of patients. A lack of understanding of the illness (low illness coherence) is accompanied by the belief that the condition will last a long time, has serious consequences, and is not controllable. Correlations between illness perceptions and posttraumatic stress symptoms and the sub-scales of intrusion, avoidance and arousal were examined using partial correlations controlling for age and gender (table 6.11). Greater posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with perceptions of a more chronic timeline, a cyclical timeline, serious consequences, poor understanding of the condition, poor treatment control and more negative emotional representations. The correlation with personal control was non-significant. A similar pattern of results was observed for each of the individual sub-scales, with the exception of the correlations between arousal symptoms and timeline and between intrusive symptoms and timeline, which were non-significant. 171 TABLE 6.11 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Posttraumatic stress symptoms Intrusion sub-scale Avoidance sub-scale Arousal sub-scale Illness representation Timeline r p .182 .027 .154 .062 .191 .020 .123 .136 Timeline – cyclical r p .424 <.001 .328 <.001 .387 <.001 .369 <.001 Consequences r p .328 <.001 .263 .001 .347 <.001 .227 .005 Personal control r p -.059 .475 -.089 .284 -.039 .638 -.042 .611 Treatment control r p -.207 .012 -.168 .042 -.176 .033 -.190 .020 Illness coherence r p -.307 <.001 -.282 .001 -.259 .001 -.260 .001 Emotional representations r p .560 <.001 .482 <.001 .542 <.001 .442 <.001 A multiple regression analysis was conducted to test whether the effect of illness representations on time 2 posttraumatic stress symptoms were independent of clinical and demographic factors. Variables entered on step one of the model were age, gender, ethnicity, social deprivation, and GRACE score. The seven illness representation dimensions were entered on step two (table 6.12). Demographic and clinical characteristics accounted for 11.1% of the variance in time 2 posttraumatic stress symptoms. The illness representations accounted for an additional 31.6% of variance, together the model accounted for 42.7% of variance. Social deprivation and emotional representations were the only independent predictors of posttraumatic symptoms. 172 TABLE 6.12 COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 2 Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.033 Age Model 2* Standard error P .148 .823 Standardised regression coefficients -.069 Standard error P .126 .584 Gender .144 .083 .084 .082 .072 .257 Social deprivation .203 .083 .015 .167 .072 .021 Ethnicity .085 .080 .290 .065 .069 .350 GRACE score -.124 .148 .404 .014 .127 .911 Timeline -.057 .085 .503 Timeline – cyclical .137 .085 .108 Consequences .067 .088 .449 Personal control .085 .086 .323 Treatment control -.016 .087 .854 Illness coherence -.054 .079 .499 .460 .086 <.001 R² .111 Emotional representations R² .427 *n = 146 6.4 Posttraumatic stress symptoms and salivary cortisol Patients provided six samples of saliva for cortisol analyses across the course of one single day from awakening to bedtime. Mean values for cortisol for all participants showed that a typical diurnal pattern was present throughout the assessment day, with high level of cortisol early in the morning and with the lowest levels at night (fig. 6.2) 173 FIGURE 6.2 PROFILE OF SALIVARY CORTISOL THROUGHOUT THE DAY AT TIME 2 I conducted multiple regression analyses adjusted for age, gender, BMI, smoking and time of waking in the morning to examine potential relationships between posttraumatic stress symptoms and patients cortisol profiles. Four cortisol parameters were tested: the cortisol value on waking in the morning, the cortisol awakening response, the total output of cortisol as defined by area under the curve, and cortisol slope across the day. No significant associations between posttraumatic symptoms at time 2 and any of these measures of cortisol were observed. The regression coefficients derived from multiple regression analyses including age, gender, BMI, smoking and time of waking are presented in table 6.13. The study therefore failed to identify any associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms 3-4 weeks post-ACS and cortisol profiles. 174 TABLE 6.13 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND SALIVARY CORTISOL AT TIME 2 Cortisol measure Standardised regression coefficients Standard Error p n Cortisol waking value 102 -.066 .098 .502 Cortisol awakening response 91 .055 .103 .597 Total cortisol output (area under the curve) 100 .130 .101 .202 Cortisol slope 102 -.110 .097 .263 It was noted in chapter 5 (section that depression may disguise associations between posttraumatic symptoms and cortisol profiles. I therefore replicated the analytic strategy described by Von Känel and colleagues (in press). When the regression model was re-run including depressed mood (depressed [BDI > 10] vs non-depressed [BDI < 10]) as a co-variate, a significant association between patients posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 and total cortisol output across the day (table 6.14) was observed. Depression also emerged as an independent predictor of cortisol levels in model 2. The full model accounted for 16.7% of variance in total cortisol output over the day, assessed following the time 2 interview. An illustration of these results is shown in figure 6.3, where lines represent the upper and lower tertiles of posttraumatic stress symptoms, after controlling for age, gender, grace, BMI, smoking, time of waking and presence or absence of depression. This graph shows that total area under the curve appears elevated in the higher posttraumatic stress tertile throughout the day. 175 TABLE 6.14 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND TOTAL CORTISOL OUTPUT AT TIME 2 Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients .206 Age Model 2* Standard error P .188 .276 Standardised regression coefficients .172 Standard error P .184 .352 Gender .030 .101 .770 -.042 .103 .682 GRACE score .120 .178 .501 .221 .178 .218 BMI .036 .101 .723 .074 .099 .457 Smoker .025 .100 .804 .023 .097 .815 Time of waking .014 .103 .892 -.045 .103 .666 -.091 .102 .374 -.279 .126 .029 .315 .129 .017 Depression R² .113 Posttraumatic stress symptoms R² .167 *n = 100 FIGURE 6.3 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND TOTAL CORTISOL OUTPUT CONTROLLING FOR DEPRESSION 176 In addition, a significant relationship between acute distress experienced at time of ACS and cortisol levels at time 2 was observed. Patients who reported lower acute stress scores had significantly higher cortisol total output (area under the curve) during the day compared with those reporting higher distress (r = -.254, p = .002). This relationship remained when excluding the waking response from the area under the curve value (r = -.248, p = .002). No other relationships were observed between cortisol values and psychological variables (subjective pain, negative mood) measured at time 1. Analysis of co-variance was performed to test the differences in total cortisol values across the day and the acute stress categories (low, medium, high) assessed at time of ACS, controlling for age, gender, GRACE, BMI and smoking as covariates. This analysis indicate that patients with low acute stress had significantly higher cortisol output throughout the day than did those reporting moderate and high distress (F (2, 134) = 4.72, p = .010, η2 = .066). For an illustration of these results see figure 6.4. 177 FIGURE 6.4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACUTE STRESS AND CORTISOL AT TIME 2 Further analysis of co-variance revealed that those patients who reported low acute stress also had a greater cortisol awakening response than those reporting moderate and high acute distress, controlling for age, gender GRACE risk score, BMI and smoking. Time of waking was also included as a co-variate (F (2, 84) = 3.15, p = .034, η2 = .077). Analysis of co-variance between acute stress category and the timing of saliva sampling, with age, gender, GRACE, BMI and smoking as covariates, was performed to test whether patients with different acute stress responses to their ACS vary in when they performed the actual sampling in the home testing at time 2. The variables used in this analysis were computed from the timing of samples provided by patients and re-calculated as ‗time after midnight sample taken‘ (in minutes) to aid comparison. The results demonstrated that those reporting moderate acute stress (mean 7:05 am, SD 59 min) at time 1 also reported waking significantly earlier than those reporting low (mean 7:59 am, SD 59 min) or high acute stress (mean 8:00 am, 178 SD 81 min) (F (2, 97) = 3.56, p = .032, η2 = .068). There were no other significant differences between the acute stress categories in the timing of samples across the day. Consequently, the differences identified in figure 6.4 were not secondary to differences in the timing of cortisol samples. 6.5 Posttraumatic stress symptoms and heart rate variability at time 2 Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were analyzed in terms of heart rate, LF-HRV, HF-HRV and VLF-HRV. Although heart rate variability was initially averaged into 10 minute segments during the interview (see chapter 5 section, the analyses were limited to the means for the sampling period rather than the repeated measures data from the individual 10 minute sections. This decision was based on the following reasons; firstly, patients had varying numbers of 10 minute sections, some with 3 (i.e. 3 x 10 min) sections others with as many as 6 (i.e. 6 x 10 min), secondly, I was unable to control for the duration of the interview and the timing of the questionnaires completed. The mean values for the heart rate variability measures are summarized in table 6.15. TABLE 6.15 INDICES OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT TIME 2 HRV measure n mean SD High frequency HRV 151 4.16 1.50 Low frequency HRV 151 4.89 1.28 Very low frequency HRV 151 4.58 1.10 Heart rate 151 66.66 12.20 * adjusting for age, gender and cardiac medications. 179 The relationship of heart rate variability with posttraumatic stress at time 2 was analyzed both using continuous posttraumatic stress symptom levels, and categorically comparing the PTSD positive and PTSD negative patients. All comparisons were controlled for age, gender and cardiac medication (beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and statins), since these may influence heart rate variability measures. As can be seen from table 6.16 no significant associations between posttraumatic symptom scores and heart rate variability measures were observed. TABLE 6.16 ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 HEART RATE VARIABILITY AND TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS Posttraumatic stress symptoms HRV measure n r p* High frequency HRV 137 -.098 .262 Low frequency HRV 137 -.119 .175 Very low frequency HRV 137 -.091 .299 Heart rate 137 -.059 .498 * adjusting for age, gender and cardiac medications. However, an interesting effect emerged when heart rate and heart rate variability were compared between the PTSD positive and PTSD negative patients (n = 138) using analysis of covariance. There was significantly reduced HF HRV among PTSD positive patients (mean 3.66, SD 1.33) compared with those who scored below the diagnostic threshold (mean 4.60, SD 1.47) (F (1, 130) = 4.33, p = .039, η2 = .032). This effect was independent of patient age, gender, and cardiac medication (beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor and statins). It should be noted that the number of PTSD positive patients was very small. Nevertheless, the finding does suggest that parasympathetic control is reduced in patients with severe PTSD symptoms. 180 There was no difference in either LF HRV or VLF HRV between the diagnostic groups, nor were there any differences in mean heart rate between the two groups (table 6.17). Whereas elevated heart rate has previously been found to predict PTSD following trauma (Bryant, 2006), in the TRACE study, there were no differences in heart rate between those who scored positive (mean 69.94, SD 10.84) on the PTSD measure compared with those who did not (mean 66.20, SD 11.86), after controlling for age, gender, cardiac medications and BMI (p = .291). TABLE 6.17 PTSD AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT TIME 2 PTSD positive PTSD negative HRV measure n Mean SD n Mean SD P* High frequency HRV 6 3.66 1.33 132 4.60 1.47 .039 Low frequency HRV 6 4.15 1.42 132 4.87 1.25 .059 Very low frequency HRV 6 4.07 1.05 132 4.55 1.07 .108 Heart rate 6 69.94 10.84 132 66.20 11.86 .291 * controlling for age, gender and cardiac medications. 6.6 Discussion 6.6.1 Predicting short term posttraumatic stress symptoms from patients’ acute postACS emotional responses This study investigated the role of acute emotional reactions to an ACS in the prediction of short-term (3-4 week) posttraumatic stress symptoms in response to the cardiac event. The findings indicate that even at this early assessment point 5.8% of the patients met criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD. According to DSM-IV criteria, a diagnosis of PTSD cannot be made until one month post trauma at the earliest, and diagnosis of acute stress disorder (ASD) should instead be applied 1 – 4 weeks post 181 trauma. However, some research supports the usefulness of early assessed posttraumatic stress reactions, and challenges the proposition that an acute stress disorder diagnosis is an adequate tool to predict chronic PTSD. O‘Donnell et al (2007) showed that significantly higher re-experiencing, arousal, and avoidance symptoms assessed at eight days post trauma were predictive of 12month PTSD. Bryant and colleagues (2008) conducted a large-scale multisite study assessing the relationship between ASD and PTSD in a sample of 597 patients admitted to hospital for major trauma. All patients were randomly selected for screening during hospital admission, which occurred within one month of trauma exposure, and reassessed for PTSD at three months following the initial assessment (n=507). Among patients who met criteria for PTSD at follow-up, the authors studied how many also presented with acute stress disorder at first assessment to determine predictive rates between the disorders. Within one month of trauma 6% (n=33) met criteria for ASD. At three month follow up 10% (n=49) met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Fifteen patients (7%) diagnosed with acute stress disorder and 34 (45%) patients who were not diagnosed with acute stress disorder were later diagnosed with PTSD at follow-up. The authors concluded that the majority of patients who develop chronic PTSD do not initially present with acute stress disorder. These results are similar to results found in other studies and illustrate that presence of acute stress disorder may not be an effective tool to predict chronic PTSD. One study suggests that identification of potential PTSD cases as early as eight days post trauma is warranted and that it can facilitate treatment matching (O‘Donnell et al., 2007). In addition, average follow up of patients in the TRACE study for time 2 assessment was 21 days post admission, approaching the one month mark for appropriate DSM-IV diagnosis of PTSD. For a diagnosis of PTSD, a person‘s response to trauma should involve intense fear, helplessness and horror. This emotional reaction forms criterion A2 in the DSM-IV diagnostic manual for PTSD. However, some argue that provided that criterion A1 (trauma must involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the 182 physical integrity of self or others) is met, the value of criterion A2 is significantly reduced (Weathers & Keane, 2007). Other research suggests an important role for such acute emotional reactions. In the present study I was able to systematically collect information on patients‘ acute stress reactions in response to their ACS. This was a limitation of the study presented in chapters 3 and 4. Intense distress was reported by 22.1% of the sample, and 53.9% of the sample reported experiencing moderate distress at the time of their ACS. These figures are highly comparable to those reported by Whitehead et al (2005) from analyses of a sample of 184 patients recruited as part of the ACCENT study (see chapters 3 and 4), where 21.7% and 51.6% reported intense and moderate distress, respectively. Whitehead et al (2005) found that inhospital distress was predictive of short-term emotional responses. Patients who reported more intense distress and fear of dying also reported greater depression and anxiety one week post ACS. This relationship was independent of age, gender and negative affect. These authors concluded that acute distress during the initial stages of an ACS might serve as a trigger for subsequent emotional distress, in particular depression and anxiety, in turn promoting poorer prognosis and greater morbidity with time. Further analyses from the ACCENT study showed that acute stress symptoms, depression, negative affect, hostility, and subjective chest pain at admission were independent predictors of three-month PTSD symptoms (Whitehead et al., 2006). In the present study I assessed patients‘ acute emotional reactions shortly after admission for ACS. In line with the results presented by Whitehead and colleagues (2005, 2006) acute stress symptoms were predictive of emotional distress shortly after hospital discharge. Patients who reported more intense acute distress also reported greater posttraumatic stress symptoms. I hypothesized that negative mood state in hospital would be predictive of short-term posttraumatic symptoms. This hypothesis was supported by the findings. Clinical variables were unrelated to subsequent posttraumatic stress, although a univariate correlation was observed between lower GRACE risk scores and greater posttraumatic stress symptoms. This relationship may 183 be explained by the associations between age, GRACE scores and posttraumatic symptoms. Closer examination of the univariate associations suggests that younger patients have lower GRACE risk scores, but also report higher posttraumatic stress symptoms. The relationship between lower GRACE risk and posttraumatic symptoms was no longer significant in the multivariate analyses once age and gender were controlled for. Posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 were also predicted by higher social deprivation. In the general PTSD literature, low socioeconomic status is a consistent predictor of PTSD (Brewin et al., 2000). Consistent with previous research, negative mood in hospital and poorer mental quality of life also emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms severity. These findings support previous research demonstrating that posttraumatic symptoms are influenced by negative affective states during and following the acute event (e.g. Bennett & Brooke, 1999; Pedersen et al., 2003; Bennett et al., 2001; Whitehead et al., 2006, Wikman et al., 2008). One particularly interesting finding was that patients who reported experiencing current pain (cardiac event related) at the time 2 assessment also reported more intense posttraumatic reactions. This finding is in line with the results presented in chapter 4, where recurrence of symptoms was strongly predictive of 12 posttraumatic stress symptoms. The experience of recurrent cardiac symptoms, chest pain or other cardiac event related pain, as in the present study, may serve as a constant reminder of the traumatic event, thereby intensifying the posttraumatic reaction. Hostility and type D personality have previously been found to predict posttraumatic stress. As these variables were considered pre-existing psychosocial characteristics, together with patients social network and perceived social support, these were entered into a separate multiple linear regression model to that of patients acute emotional reactions at this stage of the analyses. In this separate analysis both type D personality and hostility emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic 184 stress symptoms at time 2. Although a lack of social support is a risk factor for PTSD in the general literature (Brewin et al., 2000), in this study neither social network nor level of social support were predictive of posttraumatic stress at time 2. Individuals high in hostility may be more likely to interpret people and events in a negative way and may be a vulnerability factor in developing PTSD in response to a traumatic event. Those trauma victims high in trait hostility may in fact have different responses to trauma than those with low or no trait hostility. For example, a study by Beckham et al (2002) compared the cardiovascular response of 118 male Vietnam veterans with a PTSD diagnosis (n=62) to Vietnam veterans without a PTSD diagnosis (n=56) on a relived anger task that did not involve trauma. The results from the study found that the veterans with PTSD experienced anger more quickly, had greater diastolic blood pressure (DBP) response, had greater anxiety and anger, and had greater magnitude DBP response during anger recovery. Additionally, the veterans with PTSD also reported greater trait covert hostility, and these scores were more predictive of DBP response, reported anger, and DBP and SBP (systolic blood pressure) recovery. According to the investigators, these results suggest ―covert hostility may affect reactivity in a different way among individuals with PTSD‖ (p.232). Furthermore, the authors hypothesized that individuals with PTSD may have intensified negative emotion as it ―may be encoded as part of a trauma memory structure‖ (p. 232). Another hypothesis posited by the authors is that individuals with PTSD may have difficulty regulating negative emotional responses. Similarly the personality trait type D, may be a vulnerability factor for developing PTSD in response to trauma, by the way in which type D individuals may react to the event. Type D represents a personality profile characterized by both the tendency to experience negative emotions (NA) and the propensity to inhibit self-expression in social interaction (SI) (Denollet & Van Heck, 2001). NA refers to the tendency of experiencing negative emotions across different times and situations. Individuals that score high on NA experience more feelings of dysphoria, anxiety and irritability; have a 185 negative view of self; and scan the world for signs of impending trouble. SI refers to the tendency to inhibit the expression of emotions/behaviors in social interactions to avoid disapproval by others. High-SI individuals tend to feel inhibited, tense and insecure when with others (Denollet, 1998). Miller (2003) claimed that the broad-band trait of high negative emotionality/neuroticism is the primary risk factor for developing fullPTSD. If this is the case, it would support the notion that Type D personality is a vulnerability factor for PTSD, as the negative affectivity aspect of Type D constitute partly the characteristics of neuroticism. Another aspect investigated in this early post ACS period was patients‘ illness representations. I found that more negative illness perceptions were associated with greater posttraumatic stress symptoms, in particular, duration of illness, greater consequences of the illness, lack of understanding, poorer treatment control and greater negative emotional representations were associated with posttraumatic symptoms severity at time 2. However, the association between patients‘ beliefs in personal control and posttraumatic stress was not significant. This finding appears contradictory to previous research, which has demonstrated the importance of a belief in personal control (Moser & Dracup, 1995; Doerfler et al., 2005). The concept of illness representations refers to the cognitive models and explanations a patient may hold regarding their illness or condition. Previous research has shown that illness perceptions held by patients can account for variations in emotional reactions to symptoms of physical disease (e.g. Murphy et al., 1999) as well as variations in selfcare behaviours (Petrie et al., 1996). Illness perceptions may partly explain the mental processes underlying emotional reactions to acute cardiac events, and provide a useful theoretical framework for understanding post ACS distress. When an individual face a health threat such as myocardial infarction, they form a representation of the illness. Internal and external variables, such as health history, personality, social environment, and demographic factors, contribute to the formation of illness perceptions. Illness perceptions may change over time as patient‘s knowledge and experience of the 186 condition evolve. They are not therefore fixed beliefs, and are amenable to change, offering one potential approach to improve adjustment following ACS. The role of illness perceptions in the development of longer term (six month) posttraumatic stress symptoms will be addressed in the following chapter. 6.6.2 Salivary cortisol and heart rate variability in the immediate aftermath of ACS – predictors of acute emotional reactions Although posttraumatic stress has previously been associated with cortisol dysfunction, at this point in time, shortly after hospital discharge for ACS, no significant relationships were observed between posttraumatic stress symptoms measured at time 2 and total cortisol output across the day, the slope of decline in cortisol levels or with the cortisol awakening response. The literature on cortisol profiles in PTSD is rather varied, with some reporting increased levels of cortisol, while others provide evidence of blunted HPA function. Attempts to identify biological markers of patients at high risk for developing PTSD following trauma have emerged from models postulating a progressive neural sensitization in the immediate aftermath of trauma, leading to increased activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the subsequent development of PTSD (Pitman et al., 2000). The lack of any observed relationships at this stage may be explained by the assessment of cortisol at this early post-ACS point. It may be that the lower cortisol levels observed in other PTSD samples are examples of ‗burn out‘ of the HPA axis, something that may occur after a long period of time of HPA axis over-activation. If this is the case, any potential cortisol dysfunction may become apparent with time, and the cortisol samples collected at the 12 month follow up would offer the opportunity to assess the cortisol levels over time in relation to posttraumatic stress symptoms (data not available for use in this thesis). Interestingly, when depression was entered into the model as a co-variate, total cortisol output 187 across the day was independently predicted by posttraumatic symptom severity at time 2. However, it is also interesting that that overall pattern of cortisol output over the day was not unusual (fig. 6.2) compared with that observed in healthy samples (Kirchbaum & Hellhammer, 2000). The mean cortisol awakening response was 4.27 9.7 nmol/l, comparable with that of non-cardiac men and women of similar age assessed on non-working days (e.g. 3.7 10.9 in Kunz-Ebrecht et al., 2004). Cortisol output at time 2 was however significantly associated with the level of acute stress experienced at the time of ACS. This is a particularly intriguing finding, since in my earlier analyses (see section 6.3.2) acute stress emerged as an independent predictor of posttraumatic symptom severity. Patients who reported lower levels of acute stress at the time of their ACS had higher total cortisol output over the day, and a significantly greater cortisol awakening response than did those with moderate and high acute stress. One explanation for these results may be that in those with higher levels of acute stress, what is observed here is a blunting of the normal cortisol response. This explanation is in line with prospective research suggesting that low cortisol levels at the time of exposure to trauma are predictive of subsequent PTSD (e.g. Resnick et al., 1995; Yehuda et al., 1998). Further, low levels of cortisol may in fact be a pre-existing risk factor associated with maladaptive stress responses to trauma resulting in PTSD. However, since cortisol was only measured post ACS in the present sample I cannot make any inferences about pre trauma levels. Further evidence of post ACS biological dysfunction was demonstrated by the HRV data collected during the time 2 home interviews. Although there were no differences in either low frequency or very low frequency HRV activity between PTSD positive and negative groups, the PTSD positive group showed significantly lower high frequency activity, indicative of reduced parasympathetic control. Reduced heart rate variability has been identified as a prognostic factor for cardiac mortality (e.g. Bigger et 188 al., 1993, Janszky et al., 2004, Nolan et al., 1998). PTSD has been associated with increased risk for mortality in cardiac patients and low HRV may act as an intermediary in this association. The finding that PTSD is associated with reduced HRV suggests that treating PTSD could increase HRV and, thus, decrease mortality post-ACS. However, HRV was only assessed post ACS in this sample, and it is not known whether the posttraumatic reaction to ACS caused the reduced HRV, or whether reduced HRV was a pre-existing state in these patients, potentially making them more vulnerable to developing PTSD. The result must also be interpreted very cautiously, since it only emerged in the comparison of patients with very high PTSD levels and the remainder, rather than in the multiple regression on the total PTSD scores. Further information may emerge from analyses of the 6 month data. Additionally, the heart rate observed in this sample at 3 – 4 weeks post ACS appeared, on the surface, lower than previously observed in trauma samples who later went on to develop PTSD. Shalev and colleagues (1998) assessed HR in 86 trauma survivors in the emergency department (ED), and reassessed these patients‘ HR one week, one month, and four months after their admission to the ED. Patients who displayed PTSD at four months had higher resting HR than those without PTSD at one week (95.5 beats per minute [bpm] versus 83.3 bpm) and one month (77.8 bpm versus 73.0 bpm). Bryant and Harvey (2002) found that patients who developed delayed onset PTSD (83.0 bpm) had comparable HR to those with continuous PTSD since the trauma (82.2 bpm), and both these groups had higher HR than those groups that did not develop PTSD (74.31 bpm). Zatzick and colleagues (2005) assessed HR in 161 injured surgical patients at the ED, and subsequently assessed them for PTSD at one month, 4–6 months, and 12 months post-trauma. Adopting an HR cutoff of ≥95 bpm, this study found that those patients with HR ≥95 bpm had higher PTSD scores at each of the follow-up assessments than those with the lower HR levels. Regression analyses indicated that this HR cutoff significantly predicted PTSD at 4–6 months and 12 months independently of injury, clinical, and demographic characteristics. 189 6.6.3 Summary The results presented in this chapter demonstrate the importance of post ACS acute emotional reactions in the prediction of subsequent posttraumatic responses, as well as the role of patients‘ illness cognitions. Although the prevalence rates of PTSD were lower than those observed in chapter 4, this significant minority of patients experience psychological distress which deserves further attention. The identification of predictors of posttraumatic stress is important as it could offer one potential pathway for developing interventions to reduce distress, in particular since these patients [high on posttraumatic stress] are also more likely to experience other psychosocial impairments and recurrent health problems. 190 CHAPTER 7. Results TRACE Study II The results from the second part of the TRACE study are presented in this chapter. The prevalence of PTSD at six months is introduced to start, followed by the examination of psychosocial and cognitive predictors of six-month posttraumatic stress symptoms. Patients‘ psychosocial adjustment is subsequently assessed, and the role of posttraumatic stress in predicting recovery behaviours is explored. This section is followed by the results showing a role of partner posttraumatic reactions for posttraumatic stress among patients six months following ACS. The chapter concludes with results addressing the issue whether time 2 (3-4 weeks post-ACS) cortisol and HRV data predict time 3 posttraumatic stress symptom severity. 7.1 Data analysis At six month follow up 200 of the 226 patients (88.4%) who completed time 2 were re-contacted. Although 200 patients completed the telephone interview (for a description see section 5.4.3), only 160 of these returned the follow up questionnaires. As the PTSD measure was included in the postal questionnaire only, not in the telephone assessment, the analyses were therefore limited to this number (n = 160). 174 patients completed both time 2 and time 3 follow up. The prevalence of PTSD and severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms were examined. Associations between posttraumatic stress and time 1 clinical, demographic and psychological variables were analyzed using Pearson correlations for continuous variables and non-parametric Spearman correlations for categorical variables. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to assess independent psychological, cognitive and biological predictors of time 3 posttraumatic symptom severity. Standardized regression coefficients (β) are presented along with the standard error for these. 191 7.2 Patient characteristics The baseline (time 1) clinical, demographic and psychological characteristics of the patients who completed time 3 interviews are presented in table 7.1. TABLE 7.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS AT TIME 3 Time 3 Sample Mean (SD) N n (%) Demographic factors Age 200 Gender 200 Educational attainment 199 60.85 (10.88) Men 172 (86.0) Women 28 (14.0) None 51 (25.6) Basic 57 (28.6) Secondary Degree 62 (31.2) 29 (14.6) Marital status (married) 200 141 (70.5) Ethnicity (white) 200 170 (85.0) Social deprivation 197 Employed (yes) 199 Low Medium High 139 (70.6) 40 (20.3) 18 (9.1) 110 (55.3) Clinical factors ACS type 200 STEMI 175 (87.5) NSTEMI/UA 25 (12.5) GRACE score 200 94.18 (25.87) SRI 200 21.71 (10.45) Heart failure 200 14 (7.0) Previous MI (yes) 200 31 (15.5) Family history of CHD (yes) 200 129 (64.5) Smoker (current) 200 76 (38.0) BMI 188 Major cardiac event since hospital 193 27.53 (4.62) 36 (18.7) 192 Time 3 Sample Mean (SD) N n (%) Psychosocial factors SF12 SF12 181 Physical Mental 45.84 (8.49) 50.82 (10.13) Acute stress 193 Low Medium High POMS negative 192 3.55 (2.60) Subjective pain during ACS 200 6.73 (2.57) History of depression (yes) – assessed at time 2 162 49 (25.4) 109 (56.5) 35 (18.1) 45 (27.8) Non-completers at time 3 were younger, more likely to be married, less socially deprived, and less likely to have had a history of depression than were those who completed time 3 follow up (p < .05). At six month follow up approximately 19% of patients had experienced some form of major cardiac event since hospital discharge. This included a having had a new ACS, cardiac surgery (including CABG), angiogram, new stent, and persistent chest pain or angina. 7.3 Posttraumatic stress symptoms six months (time 3) post ACS At six months follow up, 11 patients (7%) met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The posttraumatic stress symptom severity score was 8.19 (SD 8.08). Table 7.2 shows the total symptom scores, as well as the scores on each of the three sub-scales. Avoidance symptoms were most frequently endorsed, followed by arousal symptoms and finally intrusions/re-experiencing symptoms. The prevalence rate at six months was calculated using the modified scoring criteria, outlined in chapter 3, section The original scoring method yielded a prevalence of 24.4% at six months. 193 TABLE 7.2 PSS-SR SCORES AT SIX MONTHS POST ACS Time 3 – 6 months N Means (SD) Range PSS-SR Total score 156 8.19 (8.08) 0 – 44 PSS-SR Avoidance 156 3.66 (3.55) 0 – 19 PSS-SR Arousal 155 3.15 (3.44) 0 – 17 PSS-SR Re-experiencing 156 1.38 (1.89) 0 – 10 PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – modified 157 7% PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – original 158 24.4% At six months there were four new cases of PTSD that had not scored above the diagnostic threshold at time 2, while two cases showed improvements from time 2 follow up and were no longer classified as having PTSD at six months. 139 patients provided scores on the posttraumatic stress measure at both time 2 and time 3. The change in symptom severity between time 2 and time 3 follow up was examined by creating a posttraumatic severity change score. This score was generated by subtracting the total severity score at six months from the total score at time 2 for those patients who provided data at both follow up points. The mean symptom severity change score was -.69 (SD 4.93), range -21 – 13, the correlation between time 2 and 3 scores was .79 (p < .001), indicating very little change on average in symptom severity over time. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed no significant differences in symptom severity between time 2 and time 3 (F (1, 138) = 2.69, p = .103, η2 = .019). A diagnosis of PTSD, according to DSM-IV criteria, requires patients also to experience PTSD associated impairments in other important areas of functioning (criteria F). Patients with posttraumatic stress symptoms above threshold at six months also reported significantly impaired physical and mental health status, assessed using the SF-12 quality of life scale, averaging 35.50 (SD 10.34) and 30.68 (SD 10.53) for the two scales, compared with 44.76 (SD 9.94) and 54.52 (SD 7.82) for physical and mental health status respectively in the non-PTSD patients (both p < .05). 194 7.3.1. Multivariate predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 Table 7.3 shows associations between demographic, clinical and psychological variables assessed at time 1 and 2 and posttraumatic stress symptom intensity at six months post ACS. There were no significant associations between any of the demographic or clinical variables assessed at baseline and the posttraumatic stress symptom severity at six months. Patients‘ acute emotional reactions (acute stress symptoms, negative mood) in hospital were significantly associated with greater posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 (both p < .001). All psychosocial factors measured at time 2 (depression, anxiety, low social support, hostility, type D personality, and a history of depression) were associated with higher posttraumatic stress symptom scores at six months (all p < .001, history of depression p = .003), with the exception of pain experienced since ACS (p = .078). Greater posttraumatic symptom intensity was also associated with having experienced a new major cardiac event in the six months since hospital discharge (F (1,150) = 4.05, p = .046, η2 = .026), as well as having had a non-cardiac health problem in the past six months (F (1,150) = 7.93, p = .006, η2 = .050). Non-cardiac health problems reported by patients included having had a broken arm, receiving a diabetes diagnosis, deep vein thrombosis, and having had a cataract operation. 195 TABLE 7.3 PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS 6 month posttraumatic symptoms Means (SD) or r P Demographic factors Age -.123 .125 Gender Men Women 7.85 (8.06) 10.51 (7.99) .169 Education None Basic Secondary Degree 8.76 (8.45) 9.73 (7.96) 7.01 (7.63) 6.66 (8.55) .301 Ethnicity White Other 8.00 (8.00) 9.42 (8.65) .457 Social deprivation Low Medium High 7.49 (7.46) 10.07 (10.30) 11.87 (6.99) .098 Marital status Married Not married 6.94 (6.16) 11.29 (11.02) .060 STEMI NSTEMI/UA 8.29 (8.40) 7.44 (5.35) .669 GRACE score -.116 .151 SRI -.076 .346 BMI .021 .797 Clinical factors ACS type Smoker Yes No 9.88 (10.48) 7.27 (6.28) .054 Previous MI Yes No 7.00 (7.26) 8.44 (8.25) .401 Major cardiac event since hospital discharge Yes No 11.69 (8.59) 7.69 (7.84) .046 Other health problems since hospital discharge Yes No 14.90 (12.70) 7.69 (7.41) .006 Psychosocial factors Depression (BDI) .656 <.001 Anxiety .700 <.001 Acute stress symptoms .305 <.001 Subjective pain at ACS .037 .648 Pain since discharge (T2) .150 .078 POMS negative .393 <.001 Social support -.310 <.001 Hostility .345 <.001 196 6 month posttraumatic symptoms Means (SD) or r P Type D Yes No 13.25 (9.42) 5.77 (5.98) <.001 History of depression Yes No 10.96 (9.16) 6.49 (6.83) .003 The intercorrelations between the psychological predictor variables shown in table 7.4, highlight the importance of understanding that although there may be a number of different psychological predictors of posttraumatic stress, these are not always independent of each other. TABLE 7.4 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTOR VARIABLES Psychological BDI Anxiety variable Acute Type D Hostility Stress Anxiety Acute stress Type D r .722 p <.001 r .300 .380 p <.001 <.001 Subjective Depression pain History r .403 .496 .261 p <.001 <.001 .001 r .234 .288 .173 .267 p .002 <.001 .027 .001 Subjective r .150 .199 .266 .290 .144 pain at ACS p .025 .003 <.001 <.001 .062 History of r .219 .226 .107 .163 .148 .017 Depression p .001 .001 .124 .043 .066 .801 POMS negative r .427 .477 .286 .304 .161 .167 .082 p <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 .039 .005 .240 Hostility A hierarchical multiple regression model was performed. Age, gender, social deprivation, ethnicity, GRACE and having had a major cardiac event since hospital discharge were entered in step one. Demographic and clinical variables accounted for 197 9.1% of the variance, with social deprivation and experiencing a major cardiac event following hospital discharge emerging as independent predictors (Table 7.5, model 1). The psychological predictor variables were entered in the second step (Model 2). These variables accounted for an additional 51.9% of the variance, with the complete model explaining 61% of the variance in six-month posttraumatic symptom severity. Depressed mood and anxiety measured at time 2 were the only independent predictors from among the psychological variables. Though, there was a trend towards significance for the experiencing a new major cardiac event since hospital discharge. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. The model was re-run including a history of depression (independent predictors remained the same), though this resulted in a slight reduction in numbers included in the model and therefore the final model excluded this variable (data not shown). 198 TABLE 7.5 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.053 Age Standard Error P .150 .722 Standardised regression coefficients .130 Model 2* Standard Error P .102 .207 Gender .061 .089 .497 .061 .061 .318 Social deprivation .191 .089 .034 -.098 .065 .138 Ethnicity .057 .087 .514 -.041 .059 .487 GRACE score -.003 .151 .987 -.037 .101 .712 .188 .087 .033 .111 .060 .066 .114 .070 .103 Acute stress -.079 .067 .237 Depression time 2 .319 .089 <.001 .514 .090 <.001 Major cardiac event since hospital discharge R2 .091 Negative mood in hospital (POMS ) Anxiety time 2 2 R .610 *n= 128 TABLE 7.6 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients .005 Age Standard Error P .088 .951 Standardised regression coefficients .040 Model 2* Standard Error P .089 .652 Gender -.057 .053 .289 -.014 .054 .789 Social deprivation -.080 .055 .149 -.110 .057 .055 Ethnicity .052 .051 .311 .018 .052 .734 GRACE score .060 .089 .501 .033 .088 .706 .082 .052 .118 .083 .052 .111 .850 .056 <.001 .635 .099 <.001 .043 .061 .480 Acute stress -.088 .058 .132 Depression time 2 .077 .086 .371 .218 .090 .017 Major cardiac event since hospital discharge Posttraumatic symptoms time 2 R2 .686 Negative mood in hospital (POMS ) Anxiety time 2 R2 .711 *n= 128 199 Table 7.6 shows the regression analysis including the posttraumatic symptom severity at time 2. Posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 2 emerged as the strongest independent predictor of six-month symptoms, with model 1 accounting for 68.6% of the variance. The acute emotional reactions at time 1 and emotional responses at time 2 accounted for an additional 2.5% of variance in six-month posttraumatic stress. From among these variables, anxiety at time 2 was the only independent predictor of posttraumatic symptoms at time 3. A non-significant trend for social deprivation was observed. The complete model accounted for 71.1% of variance. A model including type D personality and hostility was also tested. However, these variables did not emerge as independent predictors when negative mood in hospital, acute stress, depression and anxiety were included in the model. Two models were tested including the clinical and demographic variables on step one, and the type D personality variable and hostility variable on step two, respectively, where these variables emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic symptoms (data not shown). 7.3.2 Cognitive predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 Patients‘ beliefs about their condition were re-assessed at time 3. Illness representation scores for the seven dimensions assessed are presented in table 7.7. Patients viewed their illness as chronic and cyclical, but reported understanding their condition quite well. They had quite strong personal and treatment control beliefs, indicating that they thought that their medical condition could be helped by their own actions and by clinical treatments. However, at the same time, the negative consequences of the disease upon their lives were perceived as considerable, as was their emotional response. 200 TABLE 7.7 TIME 3 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS N Means SD Median Timeline 151 3.37 0.91 3.5 Timeline – cyclical 151 2.29 0.84 2.0 Consequences 152 3.13 0.74 3.2 Personal control 151 3.88 0.66 4.0 Treatment control 151 3.74 0.61 3.8 Illness coherence 154 3.85 0.79 4.0 Emotional representations 153 2.50 0.87 2.3 Illness representations – Time 3 Table 7.8 shows the correlations between each of the illness representation dimension for ratings provided at time 2 and time 3 (controlling for age and gender). As can be seen in the table, all seven dimensions at time 2 correlated significantly with the corresponding dimension at time 3, indicating moderate stability (r = 0.44 to 0.64) in these cognitive representations. TABLE 7.8 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS AND TIME 3 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS Time 3 Illness representations Time 2 Illness representations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Timeline r p .583 <.001 .115 .230 .386 <.001 -.116 .227 -.247 .009 .052 .586 .271 .004 2. Timeline – cyclical r p .094 .327 .610 <.001 .136 .156 -.235 .013 -.231 .015 -.341 <.001 .281 .003 3. Consequences r p .241 .011 .134 .160 .443 <.001 .067 .483 -.175 .067 -.157 .100 .247 .009 4. Personal control r p .011 .909 -.168 .078 -.057 .553 .440 <.001 .473 <.001 .200 .035 -.118 .219 5. Treatment control r p -.143 .135 -.231 .014 -.132 .168 .349 <.001 .506 <.001 .087 .363 -.219 .021 6. Illness coherence r p -.015 .872 -.441 <.001 -.114 .235 .040 .674 .180 .059 .529 <.001 -.245 .010 7. Emotional representations r p .118 .216 .370 <.001 .399 <.001 -.090 .345 -.282 .003 -.265 .005 .638 <.001 201 Repeated measures ANOVA were conducted to assess any potential change in illness beliefs between time 2 and six month follow up. These analyses showed that beliefs in timeline were significantly higher at time 3 (mean 3.36, SD 0.93) than at time 2 (mean 3.00, SD 1.01), suggesting that patients more strongly believed their illness would last a long time or that it was of a permanent nature at time 3 than they did at time 2 (F (1,120) = 23.79, p < .001, η2 = .165). Consequences were perceived as significantly less severe at time 3 (mean 3.11, SD 0.71) than at time 2 (mean 3.27, SD 0.69) (F (1,122) = 6.84, p = .010, η2 = .053), but beliefs in the control of the illness by treatment were also significantly lower at time 3 (mean 3.73, SD 0.56) than at time 2 (mean 3.93, SD 0.56) (F (1,121) = 16.03, p < .001, η 2 = .117). There were no significant change for timeline – cyclical, personal control, illness coherence and emotional representations assessed at both time points. The relationship between each of the illness representation dimensions measured at time 2 and six-month posttraumatic stress symptom severity, as well as the relationship between illness representations and the three PTSD sub-scales (intrusion, avoidance and arousal) were examined. Table 7.9 shows that greater posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with stronger beliefs in timeline (illness will last a long time), timeline – cyclical (illness is unpredictable, symptoms will come and go), greater consequences, less personal control, less treatment control, poorer illness coherence, and greater emotional representations. This pattern of significant correlations was largely observed across the three sub-scales of the PTSD measure, with the exception of the non-significant associations between consequences and intrusions, and between personal control and avoidance symptoms. 202 TABLE 7.9 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TIME 2 ILLNESS REPRESENTATIONS AND TIME 3 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Time 2 Illness representation Posttraumatic stress symptoms Time 3 Intrusion sub-scale Time 3 Avoidance sub-scale Time 3 Arousal sub-scale Time 3 Timeline r p .290 .002 .223 .016 .279 .002 .260 .005 Timeline – cyclical r p .373 <.001 .240 .010 .357 <.001 .359 <.001 Consequences r p .339 <.001 .169 .070 .328 <.001 .346 <.001 Personal control r p -.198 .033 -.228 .014 -.163 .080 -.169 .070 Treatment control r p -.335 <.001 -.229 .001 -.313 .001 -.289 .002 Illness coherence r p -.452 <.001 -.221 .017 -.466 <.001 -.336 <.001 Emotional representations r p .580 <.001 .419 <.001 .561 <.001 .522 <.001 A multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate the predictive value of illness representations held by patients at time 2 on the posttraumatic stress severity at six months follow up (table 7.10). After controlling for patient age, gender, ethnicity, social deprivation, GRACE and the posttraumatic symptom severity at time 2 on step one, the seven dimensions of illness representations added in step two explained an additional 5.4% of variance, with the complete model accounting for 63.3% of the variance in six-month posttraumatic stress severity. The posttraumatic symptoms at time 2 were, unsurprisingly, the strongest predictor of time 3 posttraumatic symptoms. However, patients‘ emotional representations also emerged as an independent predictor of posttraumatic stress severity at six months. In addition, there was a near significant trend for poorer illness coherence predicting posttraumatic symptoms in the second step. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. 203 TABLE 7.10 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.024 Age Standard Error P .111 .829 Standardised regression coefficients -.093 Standard Error P .115 .425 Gender -.040 .065 .543 -.058 .067 .387 Social deprivation -.064 .068 .345 -.077 .070 .279 Ethnicity .116 .063 .069 .098 .063 .126 GRACE score .043 .111 .698 .060 .113 .595 Posttraumatic stress time 2 .774 .069 <.001 .617 .086 <.001 Timeline .060 .084 .472 Timeline – cyclical -.035 .079 .663 Consequences -.072 .082 .382 Personal control -.099 .083 .233 Treatment control .018 .087 .835 Illness coherence -.148 .077 .058 .201 .086 .021 R2 .578 Emotional representations R2 .633 *n= 114 This model was re-run excluding the time 2 posttraumatic symptom level as its inclusion in the model could potentially obscure other more interesting relationships. However, this reduced regression model did not demonstrate any strikingly different effects, with the illness representation dimension of emotional representations still being the only independent predictor of six-month posttraumatic stress (data not shown). The relationship between patients‘ illness representations and the three posttraumatic stress sub-scales was also investigated. As for the total posttraumatic stress severity score, age, gender, social deprivation, ethnicity, GRACE and posttraumatic symptoms (in this case the appropriate sub-scale) at time 2 were entered on to step one. The seven illness representation dimensions were entered on step two. These models are presented in tables 7.11 to 7.13 below. 204 TABLE 7.11 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC INTRUSION SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.064 Age Standard Error P .133 .632 Standardised regression coefficients -.127 Standard Error P .141 .369 Gender -.014 .079 .861 -.041 .083 .622 Social deprivation .034 .079 .672 .003 .083 .975 Ethnicity .099 .075 .193 .100 .078 .200 GRACE score .063 .134 .638 .057 .139 .685 Intrusion symptoms time 2 .606 .081 <.001 .531 .093 <.001 Timeline .026 .102 .803 Timeline – cyclical -.014 .097 .881 Consequences -.144 .101 .156 Personal control -.137 .101 .176 Treatment control -.053 .106 .615 Illness coherence .010 .094 .919 .201 .099 .046 R2 .393 Emotional representations R2 .451 *n= 114 TABLE 7.12 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AVOIDANCE SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients .092 Age Standard Error P .120 .445 Standardised regression coefficients -.017 Standard Error P .120 .885 Gender -.005 .070 .945 -.047 .070 .498 Social deprivation .053 .071 .461 .033 .071 .643 Ethnicity .188 .068 .006 .149 .066 .026 GRACE score -.077 .120 .522 -.029 .118 .803 Avoidance symptoms time 2 .666 .071 <.001 .507 .084 <.001 R2 .512 Timeline .030 .087 .731 Timeline – cyclical -.069 .083 .403 Consequences -.083 .086 .334 Personal control -.085 .087 .328 Treatment control .010 .090 .909 Illness coherence -.231 .080 .005 Emotional representations .245 .087 .006 R2 .603 *n= 114 205 TABLE 7.13 MULTIVARIATE COGNITIVE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AROUSAL SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.125 Age Standard Error P .127 .327 Standardised regression coefficients -.133 Standard Error P .133 .321 Gender -.043 .075 .565 -.036 .076 .636 Social deprivation -.156 .079 .050 -.168 .082 .043 Ethnicity .020 .072 .777 .018 .073 .803 GRACE score .120 .127 .348 .136 .130 .297 Arousal symptoms time 2 .718 .079 <.001 .549 .093 <.001 Timeline .094 .097 .334 Timeline – cyclical .019 .091 .837 Consequences .014 .095 .881 Personal control -.050 .094 .599 Treatment control .029 .099 .769 Illness coherence -.110 .089 .220 .187 .096 .055 R2 .447 Emotional representations R2 .514 *n= 114 These regression models show some interesting differences in the prediction of the three posttraumatic stress symptom clusters. Intrusive symptoms were predicted by the intrusion symptoms at time 2 (table 7.11, model 1), and the emotional representation variable was the only significant predictor from among the illness representation dimensions (Model 2, step 2). This suggests that patients with stronger emotional representations at time 2 had more intrusive symptoms after 6 months. The full model accounted for 45.1% of variance in six-month intrusion symptoms. Avoidance symptoms at six months were predicted by non-white ethnicity and avoidance symptoms at time 2 (table 7.12, model 1). Patients‘ illness representations accounted for an additional 9.1% of variance. Emotional representations and illness coherence emerged as independent predictors, indicating that patients with stronger emotional representations and poorer illness coherence at time 2 also had more intense avoidance reactions at time 3. The complete model accounted for 60.3% of 206 variance in avoidance symptoms at six months. None of the illness representations assessed at time 2 independently predicted arousal symptoms at six months. Instead only social deprivation and arousal symptoms experienced at time 2 independently predicted the variance in six-month posttraumatic arousal symptoms. However, it is noteworthy that there was a near significant trend for stronger emotional representations. The analyses presented above suggest that early cognitive representations predict future posttraumatic disturbances. One reason for this may be that early cognitive representations predict later representations, and that it is the cross-sectional association between cognitive representations and posttraumatic symptoms at six months that is important. I therefore carried out analyses to assess the association between concurrent illness beliefs (assessed at time 3) and posttraumatic symptom intensity at six months. These results are presented in table 7.14 below. After controlling for patient age, gender, ethnicity, social deprivation, GRACE and the posttraumatic symptom severity at time 2 on step one, the seven dimensions of illness representations measured at six months accounted for an additional 8.4% of variance, with the complete model accounting for 73.9% of the variance in six-month posttraumatic stress severity. Posttraumatic symptoms at time 2 were, unsurprisingly, the strongest predictors of time 3 posttraumatic symptoms. However, timeline – cyclical, personal control, treatment control and emotional representations also emerged as independent predictors. These results suggest that patients who had stronger beliefs in personal and treatment control, believed that their illness was more unpredictable with symptoms coming and going, as well as having stronger emotional representations at six months, also reported more intense posttraumatic stress symptoms. In addition, social deprivation emerged as an independent predictor in the second step. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. 207 TABLE 7.14 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.075 Age Standard Error P .097 .438 Standardised regression coefficients .000 Standard Error P .091 .999 Gender -.054 .057 .344 -.057 .053 .287 Social deprivation -.086 .059 .146 -.112 .055 .044 Ethnicity .097 .054 .076 .048 .050 .337 GRACE score .133 .097 .170 .126 .089 .162 Posttraumatic stress time 2 .841 .059 <.001 .649 .065 <.001 Timeline time 3 -.012 .058 .838 Timeline – cyclical time 3 .182 .064 .005 Consequences time 3 .038 .069 .580 Personal control time 3 .174 .073 .019 Treatment control time 3 -.204 .076 .008 Illness coherence time 3 .045 .060 .460 R2 .654 Emotional representations time .171 3 R2 .075 .024 .739 *n= 127 In the same way as for the total posttraumatic stress severity score, regressions on the posttraumatic symptom sub-scales were carried out, with age, gender, social deprivation, ethnicity, GRACE and intrusion, arousal or avoidance symptoms (respectively) at time 2 being entered at step one. The seven illness representation dimensions assessed at time 3 were entered on step two (tables 7.15 to 7.17). 208 TABLE 7.15 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC INTRUSION SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.228 Age Standard Error P .124 .068 Standardised regression coefficients -.118 Standard Error P .117 .313 Gender .033 .073 .648 .004 .069 .954 Social deprivation .042 .073 .566 -.016 .069 .817 Ethnicity .165 .069 .019 .102 .064 .115 GRACE score .261 .125 .038 .216 .116 .065 Intrusion time 2 .611 .073 <.001 .411 .075 <.001 Timeline time 3 -.049 .075 .518 Timeline – cyclical time 3 .199 .082 .017 Consequences time 3 .027 .088 .761 Personal control time 3 .100 .094 .288 Treatment control time 3 -.169 .098 .086 Illness coherence time 3 .128 .078 .103 .301 .094 .002 R2 .431 Emotional representations time 3 R2 .569 *n= 127 TABLE 7.16 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AVOIDANCE SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients .054 Age Standard Error P .112 .631 Standardised regression coefficients .118 Standard Error P .106 .268 Gender -.069 .065 .292 -.071 .063 .262 Social deprivation -.006 .067 .926 -.046 .063 .472 Ethnicity .098 .062 .120 .050 .058 .393 GRACE score -.007 .112 .947 .011 .105 .917 Avoidance time 2 .740 .066 <.001 .523 .075 <.001 Timeline time 3 -.056 .068 .413 Timeline – cyclical time 3 .162 .075 .034 Consequences time 3 .063 .081 .436 Personal control time 3 .227 .086 .010 Treatment control time 3 -.233 .089 .010 Illness coherence time 3 .013 .071 .850 Emotional representations time 3 .208 .087 .019 R2 R2 .538 .640 *n= 127 209 TABLE 7.17 MULTIVARIATE PREDICTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC AROUSAL SYMPTOMS AT SIX MONTHS – CONCURRENT ILLNESS BELIEFS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.135 Age Standard Error P .109 .218 Standardised regression coefficients -.055 Standard Error P .106 .604 Gender -.025 .063 .699 -.035 .062 .581 Social deprivation -.148 .068 .032 -.174 .066 .009 Ethnicity .037 .061 .549 -.007 .058 .903 GRACE score .155 .109 .158 .148 .105 .161 Arousal time 2 .795 .067 <.00 .660 .071 <.001 Timeline time 3 .042 .068 .535 Timeline – cyclical time 3 .167 .075 .028 Consequences time 3 .045 .080 .574 Personal control time 3 .137 .086 .112 Treatment control time 3 -.181 .089 .044 Illness coherence time 3 .031 .071 .660 .122 .086 .155 R2 .558 Emotional representations time 3 R2 .641 *n=127 The regression models above show some interesting differences in the prediction of the three posttraumatic stress symptom clusters by the concurrent time 3 illness representations. Intrusive symptoms were predicted by non-white ethnicity and the intrusion severity at time 2 (table 7.15, model 1), accounting for 55.8% of the variance in six-month symptoms. However, when the illness representations were entered into the model, only the intrusion symptoms at time 2 remained an independent predictor, as did the timeline – cyclical and emotional representations from among the illness representations variables (Model 2, step 2). These results suggest that patients who had a stronger belief in the unpredictability of their cardiac condition (believing that symptoms would come and go), as well as stronger concurrent emotional representations, were more likely also to have more intense intrusive reactions at time 3. When the illness representations were added to the model, these accounted for a further 13.8% of the variance, with the whole model accounting for 56.9% of variance in six-month intrusion symptoms. 210 Avoidance symptoms at six months was predicted by the avoidance symptoms at time 2 (table 7.16, model 1, accounting for 53.8% of variance). Once patients‘ illness beliefs were entered into the model, posttraumatic avoidance symptoms at time 2, timeline – cyclical, personal control, treatment control and emotional representations emerged as independent predictors, accounting for an additional 10.2% of variance. The complete model explained 59.9% of variance in avoidance symptoms at six months. These results indicate that patients who had a stronger belief in the unpredictability of their cardiac condition believing that symptoms would come and go, stronger beliefs in personal control, weaker beliefs in treatment control and stronger concurrent emotional representations were more likely also to have more intense avoidance reactions at time 3. Arousal symptoms at six months were predicted by social deprivation and arousal symptoms reported at time 2 (table 7.17, model 1). The illness representations accounted for an additional 8.3% of variance in arousal symptoms at six months, with timeline – cyclical and treatment control emerging as the only independent predictors from among the illness representations at time 3. These results indicate that patients who had a stronger belief in the unpredictability of their cardiac condition believing that symptoms would come and go as well as weaker beliefs in treatment control were more likely also to report greater arousal symptoms at time 3. The full model explained 64.1% of variance. 211 7.3.3 Multivariate predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months A final multiple regression model was run incorporating those variables emerging as independent predictors in previous sections, in order to test for independence of these predictor variables. The following variables were tested in this model: age, gender, social deprivation, ethnicity, GRACE score, major cardiac since hospital discharge, depressed mood at time 2, anxiety time 2, posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2, and emotional representations time 2. Demographic and clinical characteristics were entered on step 1. Patients‘ acute emotional reactions, mood and illness cognitions at time 2 were entered on to step 2. This model is shown in table 7.18 below. TABLE 7.18 COMBINED MULTIVARIATE PREDICTOR MODEL OF SIX MONTH POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.012 .163 .939 Standardised regression coefficients .128 .096 .183 Gender .131 .093 .160 -.022 .052 .675 Social deprivation .160 .093 .087 -.092 .054 .092 Ethnicity .093 .090 .303 .005 .052 .929 GRACE score -.073 .163 .656 -.050 .093 .593 .188 .090 .040 .085 .051 .099 .569 .099 <.001 Depression time 2 .103 .091 .263 Anxiety time 2 .196 .091 .033 Emotional representations .102 .069 .145 Age Major cardiac event since hospital discharge R2 time 2 R P Standard Error P .111 Posttraumatic stress symptoms 2 Standard Error .743 *n=118 The complete regression model accounted for 74.3% of variance in six-month posttraumatic stress symptoms (Table 7.18). In model 1, having experienced a major 212 cardiac event since hospital discharge emerged as an independent predictor of posttraumatic stress. However, once the posttraumatic stress symptoms experienced at time 2 were included in the model, only the time 2 anxiety symptoms remained independent predictors of posttraumatic symptom intensity at six months. When the model was re-run omitting the time 2 posttraumatic symptom level a slightly different picture emerged. In model 2 (Table 7.19), older age and major cardiac since discharge emerged as independent predictors from among the clinical and demographic variables. Patients‘ emotional reactions to the ACS as well as their emotional representations (near-significant) of their condition now also emerged as independent predictors of six-month posttraumatic symptoms. Anxiety was the strongest predictor from among these variables. This model accounted for 66.4% of variance in six-month posttraumatic stress. TABLE 7.19 UNADJUSTED COMBINED MULTIVARIATE PREDICTOR MODEL OF SIX MONTH POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.012 .163 .939 Standardised regression coefficients .249 .106 .021 Gender .131 .093 .160 .028 .059 .633 Social deprivation .160 .093 .087 -.076 .062 .221 Ethnicity .093 .090 .303 -.048 .058 .406 GRACE score -.073 .163 .656 -.135 .104 .198 .188 .090 .040 .128 .057 .028 Depression time 2 .383 .088 .000 Anxiety time 2 .405 .095 .000 Emotional representations .152 .078 .054 Age Major cardiac event since hospital discharge R2 2 R Standard Error P Standard Error P .111 .664 *n=118 213 7.4 Posttraumatic stress symptoms, health behaviour and psychosocial adjustment at time 3 Information about patients‘ health behaviours at time 2 and time 3 is displayed in table 7.20. A change score was calculated to show the difference in these health behaviours over time, by subtracting the time 2 scores from the time 3 scores. A positive value on the change score variables indicates improvement over time. Repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to investigate whether the scores at time 2 and time 3 were significantly different. Patients were less adherent to medications at time 3 than at time 2 (using the continuous score), but reported a significant increase in their fruit and vegetable intake and walking (in minutes) per day (table 7.20). Patients were categorised as adherent or non-adherent based on their scores on the MARS scale (see section At time 2, 79.8% of patients reported being adherent, whereas at time 3 adherence was reported by 46% of the patients. 125 patients provided information on their adherence levels at both time 2 and time 3. Almost half of the patients (48.1%) who reported being adherent at time 2, reported being non-adherent at six month follow up (χ² = 4.22, p < .040). Posttraumatic symptoms at time 2 were unrelated to adherence in logistic regression analysis (Odds ratio [OR] = .999, p = .982, CI = .947 – 1.055), controlling for age, gender, social deprivation and ethnicity. At time 2 39.6% of patients were smokers (n=118) but at time 3 only 12.4% of patients reported smoking (n=18). 145 patients provided information on their smoking status at both time points. A significant proportion of patients (67.3%) who reported smoking at baseline (smoking status assessed in hospital interview – time 1), reported they no longer smoked at time 3. Whereas, 32.7% of patients who smoked at time 1 also reported smoking at time 3 (χ² = 30.66, p < .001). A logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the effect of time 2 posttraumatic stress symptoms on time 3 smoking status, controlling for age, gender and social deprivation. This analysis 214 showed a near significant effect of posttraumatic stress on the increased likelihood of smoking at time 3 (adjusted OR = 1.07, p = .055, CI = .999 – 1.151). When social deprivation was removed from the analysis, greater posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 was significantly associated with an increased likelihood of smoking at time 3 (p = .036), suggesting shared variance between social deprivation and posttraumatic stress. TABLE 7.20 HEALTH BEHAVIOUR CHANGE TIME 2 TO TIME 3 N Time 2 Time 3 Score Score Means (SD) Means (SD) Change p Score Means (SD) Range Health Behaviour Medication adherence 125 19.72 (1.04) 19.14 (1.28) <.001 -.58 (1.51) -6 – 9 Fruit and vegetable intake Exercise (walking in min) 137 3.54 (1.98) 4.72 (2.37) <.001 1.18 (2.38) -4.29 – 12 129 35.73 (40.53) 80.58 (92.48) <.001 44.82 (93.41) -128.57 – 507.14 N (%) (%) Smoker (yes) 298/145 118 (39.6) 18 (12.4) Adherent (yes) 223/139 178 (79.8) 64 (46.0) Health Behaviour Cross-sectional associations between posttraumatic symptoms and health behaviour at six months were also tested. Posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 were not associated with or daily fruit and vegetable intake (r = -.044, p = .627) reported at time 3. However, patients reporting more intense posttraumatic stress symptoms reported significantly less walking (r = -.198, p = .041), after controlling for age, gender, ACS severity and physical health status. In addition, those patients who scored positively on the PTSD measure at time 3 were significantly more likely to smoke than those in the PTSD negative group (χ² = 13.96, p < .001). There was no significant association between time 3 posttraumatic symptoms and adherence (χ² = .906, p = .341). 215 Associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and the change in health behaviours between time 2 and 3 were tested. After controlling for patient age, gender, social deprivation, ethnicity and GRACE score no significant associations emerged between posttraumatic symptoms at time 2 and change fruit and vegetable intake (r = .135, p = .127), or between posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 and change in walking per day [additionally controlling for current physical health status] (r = -.105, p = .268). Change in levels of medication adherence between time 2 and six months were not significantly associated with time 2 posttraumatic stress (r = -.032, p = .733), nor was there an association between posttraumatic stress symptoms and change in smoking status by six months (r = .057, p = .557). At six month follow up patients reported significantly improved physical health status (SF12) than at time 2 (means 40.13, SD 9.43 and 44.53, SD 9.85 respectively, F [1,150] = 20.51, p < .001, η2 = .143). However, there was no difference in patient mental health status (SF12) between the two time points (table 7.21). TABLE 7.21 PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH STATUS CHANGE TIME 2 TO TIME 3 Time 2 N Time 3 Score Score Means (SD) Means (SD) Change p Score Means (SD) Range SF-12 Physical QoL 124 40.13 (9.43) 44.53 (9.85) <.001 4.40 (10.81) -22.95 – 29.20 SF-12 Mental QoL 124 53.56 (9.48) 53.06 (9.87) .484 .50 (7.86) -27.46 – 21.17 After controlling for patient age, gender, social deprivation, ethnicity and GRACE score, the change in physical health status from time 2 to time 3 was significantly associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 (r = -.214, p = .021), suggesting higher posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 2 is associated with a worsening in physical health status by six months. There was no significant 216 association between time 2 posttraumatic stress and change in mental health status by six months (table 7.22). TABLE 7.22 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TIME 2 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AND PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH STATUS CHANGE Posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 n SF-12 Physical QoL change score 114 SF-12 Mental QoL change score 114 r -.214 p .021 r .084 p .369 105 patients provided data on their employment status at both baseline and time 3 follow up. Of these, 53 reported having returned to work, and the remaining 52 had not. After controlling for age, gender, ACS severity (GRACE), and having had major cardiac event since discharge, those who had returned to work by six month follow up did not score differently on the posttraumatic stress measure at time 2 than did those that did not return to work by six months (F [1,86] = .587, p .446, η2 = .007). However, as reasons for non-employment at baseline were unknown (for example, patients may not have worked prior to hospitalization [time 1] due to cardiac related health problems, but may have returned to work subsequently), a logistic regression excluding working status at time 1 was conducted. This analysis included patient age, gender, social deprivation, ACS severity (GRACE), major cardiac event since hospital discharge and posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2. The results showed that male patients were more likely to work at six month follow up (adjusted OR = .066, p = .008, CI = .009 – .500, with men as the reference group), as were patients who had experienced a major cardiac event since discharge were more likely to work at six months (adjusted OR = 13.04, p < .001, CI = 3.54 – 48.10). In addition, patients who reported stronger posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 were less likely to be 217 working at time 3 (adjusted OR = .919, p = .013, CI = .859 – .986). For illustrative purposes, the proportion of patients in the highest posttraumatic symptom tertile who were working at time 3 was 22.5%, compared with 33.5% in the middle and 28.4% in the lowest tertile. 7.5 Partner posttraumatic stress reactions and post ACS patient emotional recovery Patient and partner emotional reactions in the weeks following admission for ACS (time 2) were significantly correlated (across all three measures, as illustrated in table 7.23), whereas at six month follow up (time 3) patient emotional distress (posttraumatic stress, depressive symptoms, anxiety) was associated with partner posttraumatic stress but not with depression. However, partner anxiety at time 3 was significantly associated with patient posttraumatic symptoms, but not with patient depression and anxiety (table 7.24). 218 TABLE 7.23 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PATIENT AND PARTNER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS AT TIME 2 Partners Posttraumatic stress symptoms r p n Posttraumatic stress symptoms .367 .001 74 Depression r p n .288 .013 74 .280 .004 106 .193 .046 108 Anxiety r p n .414 .000 74 .351 .000 106 .346 .000 108 Patients Depression Anxiety .370 .000 106 .248 .010 108 TABLE 7.24 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PATIENT AND PARTNER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS AT TIME 3 Partners Posttraumatic stress symptoms r p n Posttraumatic stress symptoms .388 .001 72 Depression r p n .389 .001 71 .156 .195 71 .208 .081 71 Anxiety r p n .445 .000 72 .175 .141 72 .186 .118 72 Patients Depression Anxiety .157 .188 72 .246 .037 72 Table 7.25 below show the PSS-SR scores for the partners at time 2 and 3. The symptom severity score at time 2 was 10.34 (SD 7.58), and 13% of the sample met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. At six month follow up the posttraumatic symptom severity score was 10.25 (SD 7.86), and the prevalence of PTSD was 11.5%. Unfortunately, only 48 partners completed the measures at both time 2 and 3, so within-person 219 changes could only be assessed on a small sample. A severity change score was calculated by subtracting the posttraumatic stress scores at time 3 from posttraumatic stress scores at time 2, whereby a negative score indicate a worsening of symptoms over time. Comparison of posttraumatic symptom severity among those partners who provided scores at both time 2 and time 3 (n = 48) suggested an improvement in symptom severity over time. The mean symptom severity change score was 1.91 (SD 6.33). Repeated measures ANOVA confirmed that posttraumatic symptom severity decreased between time 2 (mean 11.35, SD 8.28) and six month follow up (mean 9.44, SD 7.92) (F (1, 47) = 4.38, p = .042, η2 = .085), in those partners who provided data at both time points. TABLE 7.25 PARTNER PSS-SR SCORES AT TIME 2 AND TIME 3 Time 2 – 3-4 weeks Time 3 – 6 months N Means (SD) Range N Means (SD) Range PSS-SR Total score 77 10.34 (7.58) 0 – 30 77 10.25 (7.86) 0 – 31 PSS-SR Avoidance 77 3.82 (3.22) 0 – 15 77 4.11 (3.65) 0 – 14 PSS-SR Arousal 77 3.49 (2.94) 0 – 11 77 3.58 (2.75) 0 – 12 PSS-SR Re-experiencing 77 3.00 (2.48) 0 - 10 77 2.57 (2.21) 0–9 PTSD Diagnosis (positive) – modified 77 13% 77 11.5% Using paired-samples t-test, posttraumatic symptom scores were compared within couples (n=74) to determine whether there was a significant difference in the posttraumatic stress reaction between patients and their partners at time 2. This analysis showed that partners reported significantly greater posttraumatic stress symptoms (mean 10.42, SD 7.60) than did the patients (mean 6.27, SD 6.07) (t (73) = 4.586, p < .001). Similarly, partners reported higher intrusion (means 1.30, SD 1.73; 3.05, SD 2.47, respectively) (t (73) = -5.558, p < .001), avoidance (means 3.88, SD 3.24; 2.81, SD 2.52, respectively) (t (73) = -2.801, p = .007), and arousal symptoms (means 3.47, SD 2.96; 2.17, SD 2.75, respectively) (t (73) = -3.210, p = .002) than did the patients. Similarly, at time 3, within-couples, partners reported significantly higher 220 total posttraumatic symptoms, intrusions, avoidance and arousal symptoms than did the patients (data not shown). A multiple regression analysis was conducted to assess the association of partner posttraumatic stress (assessed at time 2) and patients‘ posttraumatic stress reactions at six months (table 7.26). This analysis could only be carried out on 53 patients. Partners‘ posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 2 (Model 2, step 2) accounted for an additional 7.5% of the variance, after patient clinical and demographic variables were included. The complete model explained 39.5% of the variance in patients‘ six-month posttraumatic symptoms. Partner posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 significantly predicted patient symptoms at six months, suggesting that the posttraumatic reaction of the partners can have a significant impact of patient reactions. None of the variables included in the final model showed multicollinearity according to variance inflation factor and tolerance values. TABLE 7.26 PARTNER POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS AS A PREDICTOR OF PATIENT POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS AT SIX MONTHS Model 2* Model 1 Standardised regression coefficients -.197 .177 .273 Standardised regression coefficients -.109 .173 .532 Gender -.093 .123 .452 -.027 .120 .821 Social deprivation .293 .122 .020 .240 .118 .048 Ethnicity .420 .123 .001 .399 .118 .001 GRACE score .151 .177 .397 .038 .175 .830 .301 .125 .020 Age 2 R R P Standard Error P .320 Partner posttraumatic stress time 2 2 Standard Error .395 *n= 53 221 7.6 Posttraumatic stress at six months and salivary cortisol I conducted multiple regression analyses adjusted for age, gender, BMI, smoking and time of waking in the morning to examine potential relationships between six-month posttraumatic stress symptoms and patients‘ cortisol profiles measured at time 2. Four cortisol parameters were tested: the cortisol value on waking in the morning, the cortisol awakening response, the total output of cortisol as defined by area under the curve, and cortisol slope across the day. No significant associations between posttraumatic symptoms at time 3 and any of these measures of cortisol were observed (table 7.26). The study therefore failed to identify any associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms six months post-ACS and cortisol profiles at time 2. TABLE 7.27 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AT TIME 3 AND SALIVARY CORTISOL AT TIME 2 Standardised regression coefficients Standard Error P Cortisol measure n Cortisol waking value 82 -.011 .116 .923 Cortisol awakening response 72 .039 .120 .744 Total cortisol output (area under the curve) 80 .206 .116 .080 Cortisol slope 82 -.079 .113 .486 7.7 Time 2 heart rate variability and six-month posttraumatic stress Heart rate and heart rate variability assessed at time 2 was compared between the patients who scored as PTSD positive or PTSD negative at time 3. HRV data from time 2 were available for 91 of the patients at time 3. Between groups analysis of variance on the time 2 HRV frequency data showed no significant differences in HF, LF 222 or VLF HRV between the PTSD groups after controlling for patient age, gender, and cardiac medication (beta-blocker, ACE inhibitor and statins) (table 7.27). TABLE 7.28 HEART RATE VARIABILITY (TIME 2) AND PTSD AT TIME 3 PTSD positive PTSD negative HRV measure N Mean SD n Mean SD P* High frequency HRV 5 4.82 0.51 86 4.62 1.53 .831 Low frequency HRV 5 4.92 0.60 86 4.94 1.27 .516 Very low frequency HRV 5 4.68 0.47 86 4.56 1.11 .524 Heart rate 5 67.16 4.62 86 65.36 11.13 .970 * controlling for age, gender and cardiac medications. These analyses were re-run using the original scoring criteria for PTSD. The results showed no significant differences emerged on any of the HRV measures between PTSD positive and PTSD negative patients (table 7.28). TABLE 7.29 POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS (ORIGINAL CRITERIA – TIME 3) AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY AT TIME 2 PTSD positive – original criteria PTSD negative – original criteria HRV measure n Mean SD n Mean SD P* High frequency HRV 19 4.61 1.08 71 4.61 1.58 .666 Low frequency HRV 19 4.91 1.05 71 4.93 1.29 .552 Very low frequency HRV 19 4.59 0.91 71 4.55 1.13 .625 Heart rate 19 65.25 11.06 71 65.44 10.95 .826 * controlling for age, gender and cardiac medications. 223 7.8 Discussion 7.8.1 Predicting six-month posttraumatic stress symptoms from patients’ emotional and cognitive post-ACS reactions This study investigated the role of psychological and cognitive factors in the prediction of longer-term posttraumatic stress symptoms. Patients‘ posttraumatic stress symptoms were assessed at six months following their admission to hospital for ACS. The findings indicate that 5.8% of patients at six months met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Though this rate of PTSD is markedly smaller than that presented in chapter 4 at 12 and 36 months, other studies assessing PTSD in cardiac patients have reported comparable rates (e.g. Doerfler et al., 1994, Doerfler et al., 2005; O‘Reilly et al., 2004; Wiedemar et al., 2008). Prevalence of PTSD varies widely across studies, due in part to the wide variety of PTSD instruments used, study design, and timing of measurement. On the surface, the two samples (ACCENT and TRACE) included in this thesis appear very similar (for patient characteristics see tables 4.1 and 6.1), both being prospective studies of ACS patients, utilizing similar or the same measures at repeated follow up assessment points. The marked difference in prevalence is puzzling. However, the prevalence rates may have been artificially reduced if patients who were more distressed in hospital did not opt to participate in the study, possibly in order to avoid talking about their condition. One potential explanation could be that the participants in the TRACE study compared with the participants in the ACCENT study reacted with greater relief to ‗have come through‘ the life-threatening trauma, and rather than experiencing a deterioration in emotional state, perhaps subsequent distress may have been buffered. Previous longitudinal research suggests that the tendency to hold dysfunctional beliefs [about self and the world] prior to trauma exposure increases the vulnerability to develop PTSD post trauma (Bryant & Guthrie, 2005). Conversely, strongly optimistic beliefs [about self and the world] can serve as a 224 buffer against the effects of trauma (Ali, Dunmore, Clarke & Ehlers., 2002). There were no measures of ‗relief of having come through‘ the ACS, therefore no conclusion about a buffering effect can be made. Another factor which could have influenced the prevalence rates differently in the two studies is patients‘ social deprivation. In ACCENT a larger percentage of patients (29.6%) were categorized as high deprivation at baseline, whereas in TRACE this figure was much lower at time 1 (12.2%). Previous research has found that low socioeconomic status is a consistent predictor of PTSD in trauma-exposed adults (Brewin et al., 2000). As reported in chapter 4, I also found that there was little change in posttraumatic symptom severity in this study between those who completed both time 2 and six-month follow-up. Though there was some movement between the diagnostic categories, there was no significant difference in symptom severity. Chronicity of PTSD has been observed in samples where symptoms persist beyond 12 months (Freedman et al., 1999; Wikman et al., 2008), however, there have been no other studies reporting stabilization of symptoms within six months of the acute event. This finding suggests that intervening at an earlier stage may be appropriate. In line with my predictions, clinical characteristics of the ACS were unrelated to six-month posttraumatic stress. This finding is generally supported by the literature on post ACS PTSD (chapter 2). Patients‘ acute emotional reactions (acute stress responses and negative mood in hospital), type D personality and hostility predicted subsequent posttraumatic stress, however, the association between these variables and posttraumatic stress at six month no longer remained significant after depressed mood at time 2 and symptoms of anxiety at time 2 were entered into the model. In this study, anxiety emerged as the strongest predictor of posttraumatic symptoms. Though contrasting with the non-significant effect of anxiety observed in the ACCENT study (chapter 4, sections 4.1.5 and 4.1.6) and others (Spindler & Pedersen, 2005), this finding is not surprising, considering that PTSD belongs to the group of anxiety 225 disorders, and others have observed a positive association between anxiety and subsequent posttraumatic stress (e.g. Pedersen et al., 2003; Rocha et al., 2008). Patient‘s cognitive and emotional representations of their illness were also assessed 3 – 4 weeks post ACS. I hypothesized that patients‘ illness perceptions would partly account for the variation in subsequent emotional reactions to an acute cardiac event. Specifically, beliefs that the condition will have more serious consequences, a lack of understanding of the condition, experiencing more negative emotional representations and lower control/cure beliefs will be related to posttraumatic stress at six months. This hypothesis was only partly supported by the findings, though the results demonstrate a significant role for illness representations in the prediction of longer term posttraumatic stress. Illness representations are by nature dynamic (Leventhal, 1997). Post ACS recovery entails changes in many areas of life, such as physical ability, affect, social relationships and knowledge of the illness and so on, therefore, patients‘ illness models may change accordingly. Patients‘ illness representations were re-assessed at sixmonth follow up. Patients reported significantly higher timeline beliefs, significantly lower consequences and treatment control beliefs at time 3 than at time 2. These findings suggest that patients reported increasing uncertainty regarding the control of their physical well-being, together with stronger beliefs in chronicity of the disease, which could have contributed to emotional distress experienced. These findings are similar to those reported by Sheldrick et al (2006) where in a combined sample of myocardial infarction patients and patients who had suffered subarachnoid haemorrhage, timeline beliefs increased over time, while timeline – cyclical, personal control and treatment control decreased with time. Patients in the present study, however, reported fewer consequences of their ACS at six-month follow-up than at 2 – 3 weeks following admission for ACS. This may suggest that over time patients learnt to accept the impact of their illness and thereby perceived fewer consequences. 226 Sheldrick et al (2006) reported that greater emotional representations, reduced illness coherence, greater consequences and stronger treatment control beliefs independently predicted posttraumatic stress at 5 – 7 weeks post admission. In this study the emotional representation variable was the strongest predictor, accounting for approximately 47% of variance in the posttraumatic stress scores. Analyses of the TRACE data found that only the emotional representation dimension from among the illness representations included in the model was predictive of posttraumatic stress intensity at six months, after controlling for posttraumatic symptoms at time 2. However, there was a near significant effect of the illness coherence variable as well. The emotional representation dimension involves aspects of depressed mood, anxiety, emotional upset, anger, worry and fear in relation to illness. The finding that greater emotional representations was the only significant independent predictor of posttraumatic stress symptom severity at time 3 corresponds well with the research showing a relationship between various measures of negative affect shortly after ACS and subsequent posttraumatic stress (see chapter 2 for a review of these studies). This is consistent with my hypothesis that negative affective states and cognitions shortly after ACS would be predictive of later posttraumatic stress. Patients‘ beliefs in consequences, treatment control and illness understanding were not related to posttraumatic stress in TRACE. One reason for this non-significant result may partly be explained by the anecdotal reports provided by some patients that they viewed their ACS as a single health event that occurred in the past and that they did not consider their ACS to be an ‗illness‘. I also assessed the role of illness perception in the prediction of the three posttraumatic stress sub-scales. Patients‘ intrusion symptoms at six months were predicted only by the emotional representations variable. Avoidance symptoms were predicted by emotional representations at time 2 as well as reduced illness coherence. None of the illness representation dimensions were predictive of six-month arousal symptoms. These findings are particularly interesting, as it seems that illness 227 representations may only be relevant to intrusion and avoidance symptoms. None of the illness representations predicted time 3 arousal symptoms, though one may not consider this a surprising finding as this dimension of posttraumatic symptoms are of a more physiological nature, such as sleep disturbances, irritability and physical reactivity. However, one might have expected to see an association with illness coherence. Patients who do not understand their illness might be more likely to react more strongly to unexpected physiological signs and symptoms, in turn leading to greater arousal. The relationship between illness coherence and avoidance symptoms, in addition to greater emotional representations, suggest that a lack of understanding of ones illness may lead to inappropriate avoidance of trauma related stimuli. Patients‘ illness representations at time 2 and 3 were moderately correlated, suggesting that time 3 illness representations may be driven in part by patients‘ illness representations at time 2, as well as their experiences in the months between the two assessment points. A slightly different picture emerged when concurrent illness beliefs were entered into the prediction model for six-month posttraumatic stress symptoms compared with when the time 2 representations were tested. Posttraumatic symptom severity was predicted by greater emotional representations, timeline – cyclical, personal and treatment control. These results suggest that patients who reported more intense posttraumatic reactions at six months also perceived their illness as more emotionally upsetting, more strongly believed in the unpredictability of their condition, had weaker beliefs in treatment control, but stronger beliefs in personal control. Whereas previous research have suggested that weaker beliefs in personal control is associated with poor emotional adjustment (e.g. Doerfler et al., 2005), in this sample, the association between personal control beliefs and posttraumatic stress was positive. The direction of this result was surprising, however, it may suggest that patients‘ felt more responsible for the outcome of their illness, but may have been impeded if they also experienced stronger emotional upset (emotional representations), did not believe 228 their illness could be controlled through treatment and that symptoms of their illness varied much and were of a unpredictable nature. The model including all independent predictors identified from the various models tested in this chapter was tested to determine their independence. The psychological predictors entered into the model, appeared to be independent of one another. In the model excluding the posttraumatic symptom intensity at time 2, depression, anxiety, emotional representations and having experienced a major cardiac event since hospital discharge all emerged as significant independent predictors of posttraumatic symptoms at six months. This model suggest that rather than being a single factor of ‗distress‘, these psychological factors may in fact operate though different pathways to precipitate posttraumatic stress reactions, and may require different intervention strategies. However, when posttraumatic symptom severity at time 2 was included, only the anxiety experienced shortly after hospitalization for ACS independently predicted patients posttraumatic stress level from among the psychological predictors identified in this study. In the majority of cases, conventional PTSD is accompanied by another condition, such as major depression, an anxiety disorder, or substance abuse (McFarlane, 2000; Kessler et al., 1995). Whereas negative affect in the immediate aftermath of ACS has been found to strongly predict subsequent posttraumatic reactions, in this sample, anxiety symptoms at time 2 were strongly positively correlated with six-month posttraumatic stress, suggesting that highly anxious responses post ACS, increased vulnerability to posttraumatic stress reactions. 7.8.2 Adjustment PTSD is associated with a variety of adverse consequences. In this study I investigated the influence of posttraumatic stress at time 2 on later health behaviours and adjustment (medication adherence, diet, exercise, smoking, QoL, return to work). 229 Patients reported being significantly less adherent to medication over time, while they increased fruit and vegetable intake and time spent walking per day. However, none of these were significantly associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2. These results suggest that in this sample of patients, early posttraumatic stress reactions do not predict later health behaviours. Physical health status seemed to improve from time 2 to time 3, however, greater posttraumatic stress was significantly associated with poorer physical health status change between the two time points. In cross-sectional analyses, greater posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 3 were also associated with less walking. One explanation may be that patients who were more traumatized by their ACS, intentionally reduced their activity levels (in this case walking) as increased physical exertion may have served as a reminder (such as shortness of breath, increased heart rate, sweating) of their cardiac event. Patients who at time 3 met diagnostic criteria for PTSD were also more likely to smoke than those who did not have PTSD, and time 2 posttraumatic stress symptoms showed a near-significant trend for increased likelihood of smoking at time 3. These findings are in line with previous research that has found posttraumatic stress following MI to be associated with increased smoking [and alcohol intake] (Op den Velde et al., 2002). One explanation for the non-significant effect of posttraumatic stress at time 2 on later (six-month) health behaviours, may be the low prevalence of PTSD observed in this sample. The total scores on the PTSD measure and its sub-scales were relatively low. Thus patients may not have experienced distress to such a level that it would affect these outcomes. Another issue relates to the use of self-report for health behaviours. For example, the adherence levels reported were very high (means 19.72, SD 1.04; 19.14, SD 1.28, at time 2 and 3 respectively, with a score of 20 indicating complete adherence), and it is not possible to know whether these are in fact the true levels of medication adherence. However, concurrent posttraumatic stress was associated with lower reported adherence, although earlier levels of posttraumatic stress (time 2) did not predict six-month adherence. 230 At time 3 patients also reported on their employment status. Male patients, those who had experienced a major cardiac event since hospital discharge, and those who reported less intense posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 were more likely to be working at time 3. These findings support the literature that PTSD is associated with impairments in psychosocial adjustment. However, the finding that having had a major cardiac event since discharge was associated with work at six months is puzzling. One explanation might be that the patients reporting major cardiac events may have undergone a revascularization procedure, thus improving their functional status, allowing them to work again. Missing data on the timing of return to work limited the analyses to the use of a binary variable of working vs not working at six months. Analysing the effect of posttraumatic stress at time 2 on the actual timing of return to work could also be interesting. 7.8.3 The influence of post ACS biological dysfunction on patients posttraumatic stress responses at six months No relationship was observed with any of the cortisol measures assessed at time 2 and patients‘ posttraumatic stress symptom levels at time 3. Although, cortisol dysfunction in response to trauma may be more likely to be observed over time, in this study patient posttraumatic stress symptoms remained stable between time 2 and 3, with very little movement between PTSD positive vs negative groups. This will result in little power to detect change between these assessment points. Similarly, at time 2, PTSD positive patients had significantly lower HF-activity than those patients in the PTSD negative category. At time 3 follow up, this relationship was no longer significant. 231 7.8.4 The association of partner distress with patients’ posttraumatic stress reactions Emotional reactions to ACS were also assessed in the partners of patients participating in this study. Anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms in partners were significantly associated with patients‘ anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress levels at time 2. At time 3, only the posttraumatic stress response of the partners was significantly associated with the overall emotional state of the patients (anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress). However, higher anxiety in partners at six months was also associated with higher posttraumatic stress symptoms in patients. In line with my predictions, the findings from the multivariate analyses demonstrated a significant impact of partner posttraumatic symptom severity on patients‘ posttraumatic response at six months. Partner posttraumatic stress at time 2 independently predicted patient posttraumatic stress at six months. A model including the depression and anxiety experienced by partners at time 3 was also run (data not shown), however, these variables made no independent contribution to the prediction of posttraumatic stress symptoms. One explanation for this may be that symptoms of anxiety and depression in partners at this point in time are unrelated to the acute cardiac event. The finding that partner posttraumatic reactions were predictive of patient posttraumatic symptoms is particularly interesting, as previous research has found that patients‘ adjustment to illness is worse when distress is greater in the partners than when distress is greater in patients (Moser & Dracup, 2004). Bennett and Connell (1999) found two contrasting processes to influence anxiety and depression in partners of MI patients. The physical health consequences of the MI, was one of the primary causes for partner anxiety, in particular the perceived physical limitations imposed on their spouse by their MI. In contrast, partner depression was strongly predicted by the emotional state of their spouse [MI patient]. Also the quality of the 232 marital relationship and the wider social support available to them influenced depression in the partners. Partner posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months were significantly positively associated with patient posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months. Previous research into couples and couple interactions have demonstrated an ‗emotional contagion‘ effect, whereby the emotional state and reaction of one partner influences the emotional reactions of the other (e.g. Bookwala & Schulz, 1996; Cutrona, 1990). There is growing evidence of emotional similarity within couples and contagion effects with regards to depressive symptomatology (e.g. Butterworth & Rodgers, 2006; Holahan et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2008). An alternative approach suggests that ‗Expressed Emotion‘ (EE) can have a significant and negative impact on patients with PTSD. EE refers to an emotional style characterized by criticism/critical comments, hostility, and marked emotional overinvolvement (Leff & Vaughn, 1985). EE is thought to reflect the quality of the emotional atmosphere in the home environment. The measure of EE has been most widely used in prospective studies to predict outcome in schizophrenia (e.g. Butzlaff & Hooley, 1998). Living with a high EE partner can result in chronic and accumulating stress, and the evidence that social support has an ameliorating action on the long-term effect of trauma (e.g. Green et al., 1985; Keane et al., 1985) and that psychiatric morbidity in traumatized populations is predicted by family instability and the quality of the relationship with the partner (e.g. Romans et al., 1995; King et al., 1996) suggest that EE can be considered pertinent to PTSD research. High EE partners also tend to behave in a more negative and intrusive way towards the patient compared with low EE partners (Hahlweg et al., 1989). Assessing the attributions held by partners of ACS patients may help explain differences in their responses to the patients‘ illness. High EE partners tend to view patients‘ behaviour as problematic and to attribute the cause of behaviour as due to factors that are personal and internal to the patient. This may lead to attempts by the partner to coerce the patient back to a normal level of functions. 233 However, this coercive or over-controlling response style of partners can be detrimental to the recovery of patients suffering from PTSD (Tarrier et al., 1999). This suggests that the quality of the emotional environment in patients homes can be a barrier for successful treatment of PTSD (Tarrier et al., 1999). Further, for PTSD, the DSM-IV now defines the stressor event to include learning of a trauma occurring to a loved one. Thus, secondary exposure can lead to an extreme reaction, such as the development of the full PTSD syndrome. Research has shown that caring for people who have experienced highly stressful, negative life events puts the caregivers (e.g. the partner) at risk for developing stress-related symptoms similar to those of the victims (Barnes, 1998; Figley, 1995; Stamm, 1995). This phenomenon is known as secondary traumatic stress (STS). Not only did partners in this study report high levels of distress in response to the patient ACS, within couples partners reported significantly higher levels of posttraumatic symptoms than did patients themselves. However, it is important to note that this may have been a gender effect, as the majority of partners were female. Overall, these findings are particularly important as the presence of high levels of distress in partners can have significant implications for patient recovery, by the reduced ability of partners to provide support, as well as increasing the levels of distress experienced by the patients themselves, this in itself being a risk factor for poorer post ACS adjustment and prognosis. 7.8.5 TRACE: Study strengths and limitations The strengths of this study include its prospective design and the inclusion of the full range of ACS rather than just MI. Data were collected from a single site (St George‘s Hospital) which is a strength of the study, whereas, multi-site data collection poses various challenges in research design, communication, and comparability. Further, the measures used to assess patients‘ emotional state were well-established 234 validated scales, used in previous studies on cardiac patients. The design of the study, which included the home assessment at time 2, is a particular strength of the study. This method may have been useful in increasing the response rate at time 2, as well as allowing for the assessment of posttraumatic symptoms in a ‗safe‘ or ‗familiar‘ environment for the patient. However, the study has a number of limitations. It involved a sample of patients with a higher proportion of STEMI than NSTEMI/UA and included a greater number of men than women. Exclusion of patients with co-morbidities likely to influence symptom presentation or mood may have restricted the sample to individuals with lower risk profiles. A substantial minority of eligible patients (13.4% and 11.5%) declined to take part at time 2 and 3, respectively, and it is possible that more severely distressed individuals chose not to participate. The majority of participants were men of white European decent, and it would have been desirable to recruit a wider range of ethnic minority groups and a larger percentage of women. The results from this study are therefore difficult to generalize. Further, the loss of (approximately) 24% between time 1 and time 2 might have influenced the pattern of results. Another issue is that posttraumatic stress was assessed by questionnaire rather than by clinical interview. A full diagnostic interview was not possible within the confines of the study, given the sample size and multi-phase design. It is important to note that PTSD diagnosed by questionnaire tends to yield higher prevalence rates than by clinical interview. However, the prevalence rates observed in this study are similar to those observed in other samples using structured clinical interview diagnosis (e.g. O‘Reilly et al., 2004). Additionally, modified more conservative criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD was applied, and therefore only patients endorsing symptoms more frequently were assigned to the PTSD positive group. This is of particular importance as this method avoids confounding by high scores on somatic items, which is problematic when assessing mood state in samples with chronic illness. For the majority of analyses I chose to examine the effect on posttraumatic symptoms rather than on 235 PTSD positive vs PTSD negative groups. Posttraumatic reactions occur on a continuum of severity, hence sub-threshold symptoms may also exert detrimental effects on post ACS patients. Further, of the 200 patients that completed the telephone interview at time 3 follow up, only 160 returned completed questionnaires. It may have been better to assess PTSD in the telephone interview at six month follow up instead of within the postal questionnaire, thereby increasing the response rate for this measure. A number of issues relate to the assessment of the biological variables. Firstly, cortisol was recorded only over the course a single day, and repeated measures are likely to generate findings that are more robust. Secondly, compliance with the sampling times was assessed by self-report and it was not possible to assess the reliability of these reports objectively. The heart rate variability data was limited by the issue of the interviews at time 2 not being of the same length, thus rather than being able to use the 10-minute recording sections of the interviews only differences in means across the whole session were suitable for use. 7.8.6 Summary Posttraumatic stress symptoms were experienced by approximately 7% of patients six months following ACS. This prevalence was similar to the rate reported at 2 – 3 weeks post admission in the same sample, suggesting persistence of symptoms as early as six months post the acute event. The findings presented in this chapter support previous research, demonstrating the importance of early emotional reactions to ACS in the prediction of longer-term posttraumatic stress. This study also showed that the assessment of patients‘ illness beliefs deserve further attention as significant relationships emerged between a number of illness representation dimensions and posttraumatic symptomatology. The inclusion of patients‘ partners was a particular strength of this study. Results showed that the emotional state of the partners strongly influenced the posttraumatic reactions of the patients. This area of research deserves 236 further attention, as patients‘ adjustment often takes place in the context of a partnership, and the quality of the emotional atmosphere in the home has been linked with posttraumatic stress. 237 CHAPTER 8. General discussion of research carried out in this thesis Emotional states and reactions to acute cardiac events have been linked with later emotional distress and difficulties in psychosocial adjustment. This thesis presents a series of three analyses (chapters 4, 6 and 7) investigating the role of acute emotional reactions to ACS, as well as emotional state in the weeks following discharge, in the development of subsequent posttraumatic stress symptoms. This thesis has also considered the importance of patients‘ cognitive models of their illness in understanding later distress, as well as the influence of acute biological reactions to trauma. The existing literature generally lacks studies of posttraumatic stress reactions in ACS patients over longer periods of time, and most focus on a narrower range of predictors than have been included in this thesis. A discussion of the results has already been presented in chapters 4, 6 and 7. Therefore in this chapter I intend to discuss the findings of this thesis in a broader context. A summary of the aims, hypotheses and findings will be presented first, followed by a discussion of the comparability of the two study samples in relation to the findings. The general limitations of the studies included here will be presented next, followed by the clinical implications of my findings. Finally directions for future research will be outlined. The contribution that the two studies (ACCENT and TRACE) have made to the overall understanding of post ACS posttraumatic stress will be highlighted. 8.1 ACCENT and TRACE studies – Aims The three analyses included in this thesis were carried out with the following aims: a) To evaluate the influence of acute post ACS emotional reactions in the prediction of posttraumatic stress reactions 2 weeks following admission. 238 b) To evaluate the influence of emotional responses measured in the aftermath of ACS on longer-term posttraumatic stress symptoms (6, 12 and 36 months). c) To evaluate the influence of illness representations on subsequent posttraumatic stress. d) To evaluate the relationship between biological reactions following ACS and posttraumatic stress. e) To evaluate the influence of partner posttraumatic stress reactions on patients‘ posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months post ACS. f) To evaluate the influence of posttraumatic stress symptoms on health behaviours at six months following admission for ACS. 8.1.1 Accent – the relationship between emotional reactions to ACS and long-term posttraumatic stress My predictions for the ACCENT study were as follows: - Depressed mood following hospital admission will predict posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months later, independently of clinical and sociodemographic factors. In addition I hypothesized that: - Patients’ psychological disposition, in particular type D personality and hostility, will also be predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms 12 and 36 months following hospital admission for ACS. Finally I hypothesized that: - Patients’ posttraumatic stress symptoms will show chronicity, remaining stable between 12 and 36-month follow up. 239 The findings in chapter 4 largely supported these hypotheses. The prevalence rates at 12 and 36 months of 12.2% and 12.8%, respectively, are in accordance with previous research. Further, there was also very little movement between PTSD categories (positive vs negative) between the follow up time points, suggesting that once PTSD has established beyond 12 months it may remain chronic when left untreated. Negative emotional state shortly after ACS was predictive of posttraumatic symptom intensity at both 12 and 36 months. Specifically, depressed mood in hospital and the recurrence of cardiac symptoms by 12 month follow up strongly predicted posttraumatic symptom severity. Depressed mood remained a significant predictor of posttraumatic stress at 36 months, however, recurrence of cardiac symptoms was no longer significantly associated with symptom severity. 8.1.2 TRACE – the relationship between acute emotional reactions to ACS and posttraumatic stress 3 – 4 weeks and six months post trauma My predictions for the TRACE study were as follows: - Acute negative mood (in hospital) and distress will predict short-term posttraumatic stress reactions (time 2). - Negative emotional state, in particular depressed mood, at time 2 will predict posttraumatic stress symptom severity at six months, independently of clinical and demographic variables. - Patients’ psychological disposition (type D and hostility) will also be predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms. - Negative illness representations will be predictive of six-month posttraumatic symptom intensity, specifically strong beliefs in negative consequences, poor illness coherence, greater emotional representations and lower control/cure beliefs. 240 - Cortisol dysregulation following ACS (assessed at time 2) will be associated with greater posttraumatic stress reactions. - Heart rate variability will be reduced in those patients reporting greater posttraumatic stress reactions shortly after the acute cardiac event. - Posttraumatic symptom intensity will predict poor medication adherence and uptake of healthy behaviours at six months follow up. - Partner posttraumatic stress symptoms will have an influence on patient posttraumatic symptom severity. These hypotheses were partly supported by the findings reported in chapters 6 and 7. In line with my predictions, patients‘ acute negative mood in hospital and acute stress experienced at the time of ACS predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms at 3 – 4 weeks following admission. In addition, social deprivation, mental quality of life, current pain and a history of depression emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress symptom intensity. As with the results from the ACCENT study, type D and hostility emerged as independent predictors, though not once depressed mood was included in the models. At 3 – 4 weeks post ACS patients‘ illness beliefs were assessed. Stronger beliefs in chronicity of the illness, beliefs that symptoms were of a cyclical nature (i.e. coming and going), more serious consequences, beliefs that the illness was poorly controlled by treatment, poorer understanding of the illness and greater emotional responses were significantly associated with more intense posttraumatic stress symptoms. In multivariate analyses, the emotional representation dimension of the illness representations emerged as the strongest significant predictor of concurrent (time 2) posttraumatic stress symptoms. Similarly, at six-month follow up, greater posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with perceptions of a more chronic and cyclical timeline, more serious consequences, poor understanding of the condition, poor treatment control, greater personal control and more negative emotional 241 representations assessed at time 2. Stronger emotional representations emerged as the only significant independent predictor of six-month posttraumatic stress symptom intensity in multivariate analyses. Further, depressed mood and anxiety assessed at time 2 predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months. Interestingly, in this study anxiety emerged as the strongest predictor. Other results were not consistent with my hypotheses. Patients‘ cortisol levels at time 2 were generally unrelated to posttraumatic stress symptoms, though a relationship was observed between total cortisol output across the day and posttraumatic stress symptoms once depression was included in the model. In multivariate analyses, patients who reported more intense depressive symptoms at time 2 had lower total cortisol output across the day, whereas patients who reported more intense posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 had higher total cortisol output across the day. Further, an interesting relationship emerged between acute stress symptoms at time of ACS and cortisol at time 2. Patients who reported lower acute stress in response to the ACS had higher total cortisol output over the day, and a significantly greater cortisol awakening response than those reporting medium or high acute stress. Patients who were classified as PTSD positive at time 2 also had significantly reduced heart rate variability, in terms of reduced high frequency activity. There were no significant associations between cortisol and six-month posttraumatic stress or with heart rate variability and six-month posttraumatic stress. Unexpectedly, posttraumatic stress at time 2 did not predict adherence at time 3. However, greater posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 were predictive of smoking status at six months. However, when the analysis included social deprivation, this association was rendered just non-significant, suggesting shared variance between posttraumatic stress and social deprivation status. Patients reporting more intense posttraumatic stress symptoms at time 2 were also less likely to be working at six months. In cross-sectional analyses at time 3, patients who met diagnostic criteria for PTSD were more likely to smoke than were those without PTSD. Greater posttraumatic 242 stress symptoms were also associated with less daily walking, and a significant worsening of physical health status between time 2 and 3. Finally, an interesting relationship with partner distress was observed. Partner posttraumatic stress severity at time 2 was predictive of patients‘ posttraumatic stress symptom intensity at sixmonths. 8.1.3 Comparability of ACCENT and TRACE findings The work undertaken in this thesis has added to the literature on PTSD following cardiac events in a number of important ways. Firstly, the ACCENT study (chapter 4) is one of the few longitudinal studies to date assessing prevalence, severity and predictors of posttraumatic stress beyond the first year after the acute event. Although some prospective studies report on PTSD prevalence as long as 26 months post trauma, the prevalence and predictors of PTSD in this group of patients at 3 years follow up has not been demonstrated previously. Overall the prevalence of PTSD observed in these studies is in line with those reported previously (for a review of studies see chapter 2, section 2.7.1). For both the ACCENT and TRACE studies, prevalence rates between follow up points remained stable, and were not statistically significantly different over time. However, whereas the ACCENT prevalence was approximately 12% at both 12 and 36 months, in TRACE this rate was markedly reduced. In this sample only approximately 6% and 7% met diagnostic criteria for PTSD at 3 – 4 weeks and six months post ACS, respectively. It will be of great interest to assess the prevalence of PTSD in this sample at the 12month follow up (data not currently available). For an overview of some of the main features of the two samples see table 8.1. The severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms and prevalence at all follow up points appear much lower in TRACE than in ACCENT. There may have been some unmeasured protective factor in the TRACE study, which could have acted as a buffer 243 against more severe posttraumatic stress reactions. However, this would be surprising, as the two studies appear very similar. Both ACCENT and TRACE included relatively large samples. With a few exceptions, the number of patients included in previous studies of PTSD in MI survivors has generally ranged from 20 to 120 (see table 2.2, chapter 2). The salience of acute emotional reactions in the prediction of later posttraumatic stress reactions is supported by the findings presented in this thesis. However, in order to get a more complete picture, and to more fully understand the complex nature of post-ACS posttraumatic stress, the TRACE study (chapters 6 and 7) was undertaken as an extension of the work conducted as part of the ACCENT project. It therefore incorporated measures of illness cognitions as well as biological measurement in the immediate aftermath of ACS. This approach enabled me to assess the contribution of these potential predictors in a more multivariate manner, whereas in previous studies the focus has been on a much narrower range of predictors. Further, patients‘ spouses were included in this study, allowing me to assess the influence of partner distress on levels of posttraumatic stress in patients. One of the major issues with this research is that PTSD may in fact not be the right model to represent the anxiety and distress that ACS patients feel after the acute event, because distress appears to be experienced differently than when considering more traditionally studied traumatic stressors. In addition, medical stressors (such as MI) may be characterized by intrusions centered on future-oriented events. If one considers that the intrusions are more future oriented, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) could offer a better fit for the symptom presentation. The defining features of GAD are excessive, pervasive, and uncontrollable worry characterized by anxious apprehension. Anxious apprehension refers to a future-oriented mood state in which one becomes ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events. This mood state is associated with a state of high negative affect and chronic overarousal, a sense of uncontrollability, and an attentional focus on threat-related 244 stimuli (e.g., high self-focused attention, hypervigilance for threat cues) (Brown et al., 2001). Some patients in both ACCENT and TRACE reported experiencing recurrent cardiac-related symptoms or major cardiac events, both which independently predicted intensity of their posttraumatic stress reaction following ACS. Such recurrence may contribute to a sense of anxious apprehension, and in fact, symptoms reported may be more anxiety specific than posttraumatic in nature. It may be possible to distinguish whether medical patients presenting with intrusive thoughts and anxiety have PTSD versus GAD using physiological assessments. GAD is the one anxiety disorder in which somatic presentation involves inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system, a restriction in the range of system variability, and resulting physiological inflexibility at rest and when challenged (HazlettStevens, 2008). In contrast, trauma survivors with PTSD exhibit greater sympathetic reactivity than trauma survivors without PTSD (Blanchard et al., 1996; Orr et al., 1998). Alternatively, a new diagnosis may need to be formulated surrounding medical lifethreatening illnesses if the intrusive thoughts are both focused on the discrete past event and future-oriented events. 245 TABLE 8.1 OVERVIEW ACCENT AND TRACE STUDIES Baseline sample ACCENT TRACE 284 298 (3), 12 (n=213) Follow up and sample size & 36 (n=179) months Design Mood measures in hospital 2 -3 weeks (n=226), 6 (n=200) & 12 months (follow up not yet completed) Prospective Prospective Depression, Anxiety, Acute stress disorder [Profile of] Mood states, Acute stress (available only for part of the sample) symptoms Severity of posttraumatic 12 month severity mean 12.65 (SD 10.40) Time 2 (2-3 weeks) mean 7.70 (SD .73) symptoms (what time?) 36 month severity mean 11.78 (SD 10.27) Time 3 (6 months) mean 8.19 (SD 8.08) 12 month prevalence 12.2% Time 2 (2 – 3 weeks) prevalence 5.8% 36 month prevalence 12.8% Time 3 (6 months) prevalence 7% Home assessment No Yes Biological measures No Yes Spouse inclusion No Yes Prevalence of PTSD As illustrated in table 8.1 above, both studies were prospective in nature. However, the timing of the assessment points varied greatly. Both studies comprised in hospital interviews, however, only TRACE involved a home assessment following hospital discharge. This was a particular strength of the study, allowing for in-depth interviewing of patients to assess depression (utilizing the DISH, see section Also, it allowed participants to complete this part of the study in a familiar environment. However, some patients may have declined to participate if they did not wish the researchers to visit their homes. Though, overall one would expect that completion of questionnaires at this stage would have been improved compared with a postal assessment only. In ACCENT, patients only had face-to-face contact with the researchers in the hospital setting. This may have influenced response rates, and responses differently between the two studies. The assessment of acute stress responses to the ACS was more complete in TRACE than it was in ACCENT, where 246 the acute stress measure was only introduced once hospital recruitment was underway. This allowed me to examine the importance of acute stress reactions for the prediction of shorter and longer-term posttraumatic responses in the TRACE sample. Negative mood in hospital was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI: see section in ACCENT. In TRACE the Profile of Mood States (POMS: see section measure was utilized. The BDI requires patients to rate their mood over the past couple of weeks (including the present day) whereas the POMS asks patients to rate only their present mood state. The use of the POMS in TRACE is an advantage as it may be more representative of current mood. Patients thinking back and rating past week mood may have coloured the ratings of present mood. Both studies had multiple follow up points, allowing closer examination of PTSD trajectories. In ACCENT, patients were followed up at three months, 12 months and 36 months following the hospital assessment point. In TRACE, patients were followed up at 3 – 4 weeks, six months and 12 months (currently ongoing) following the initial hospital assessment point. A particular advantage of ACCENT over TRACE is the long follow up of patients (up until 36 months), which allowed for the assessment of longterm posttraumatic stress symptom severity and prevalence. Long-term studies such as this one are generally lacking in the post-ACS PTSD literature. However, it may have been sufficient to assess patients over relatively shorter periods, reducing participant burden, as in TRACE (up until 12 months), since previous work and the work presented in this thesis suggest that prevalence rates of PTSD appear to stabilize over time. The inclusion of biological measurements in TRACE is an important addition. With the exception of one recent study (von Känel et al., in press), there is a lack of studies exploring the unique relationship between posttraumatic stress and cortisol in this population. 247 Predictor variables – ACCENT and TRACE Although some of the demographic variables were predictive of posttraumatic stress in the analyses presented in chapters 4, 6 and 7, in this section the focus will be on the emotional and psychological predictor variables identified. Many of the psychological factors assessed emerged as predictors of later posttraumatic stress in both studies. However, there were a number of differences also. The predictor variables of posttraumatic stress are summarized in table 8.2. Depressed mood was identified as a significant independent predictor of later posttraumatic stress symptoms (multivariate analyses) in both ACCENT (depressed mood in hospital) and TRACE (negative mood in hospital and depressed mood at 3 – 4 weeks post ACS). Anxiety additionally emerged as a significant independent predictor of posttraumatic stress symptoms at six months in the TRACE study. Acute emotional reactions to the ACS, assessed in hospital, were predictive of short term posttraumatic symptoms (TRACE), however, these associations were no longer significant in the prediction of long term (six-month) posttraumatic stress reactions once time 2 emotional state was included in the regression models. In both studies, type D personality and hostility were identified as significant predictors of posttraumatic symptoms. However, these associations were rendered non-significant once the negative mood measures were included in the models both in ACCENT and TRACE. Recurrence of cardiac symptoms or the experience of new major cardiac events since discharge emerged as significant predictors in both studies. With the inclusion of biological and cognitive measures in TRACE, additional predictor variables of importance were identified from this study. In multivariate analyses, posttraumatic stress at six months was predicted by stronger emotional representations (illness representation dimension describing emotional upset and distress). Cortisol was associated with the acute stress experienced in hospital. A significant relationship was also observed between cortisol and posttraumatic stress, once depressive 248 symptoms were controlled for. Finally, high frequency heart rate variability appeared reduced in PTSD positive patients at 3 – 4 weeks post ACS. As this section describes, the results from both studies are remarkably similar. Differences appear to be largely due to different measures, but in both studies mood in hospital (POMS or BDI), cardiac symptom recurrence, type D and hostility emerge as significant. This suggests that the effects observed are robust. TABLE 8.2 SUMMARY OF PREDICTOR VARIABLES ACCENT AND TRACE ACCENT Predictor variable 12 months 36 months TRACE 3 – 4 weeks 6 months Negative mood in hospital Depression in hospital Depression at 3 – 4 weeks post ACS Anxiety (3-4 weeks post ACS) Acute stress (in hospital) Recurrent cardiac symptoms Type D Hostility Emotional representations Cortisol HRV 249 Cognitive factors – TRACE Illness representations were measured to investigate the cognitive representations and explanations patients held regarding their cardiac disease. A number of interesting associations between illness representations and posttraumatic stress were observed. Cross-sectional associations between time 2 illness representations and time 2 posttraumatic symptoms, as well as time 2 illness representations and time 3 posttraumatic stress symptom, showed that those who had more intense posttraumatic reactions also believed their illness was unpredictable and would last a long time, that it had more serious consequences and was poorly controllable by treatments. They also reported poorer understanding of their illness, as well as greater emotional responses. At time 3, stronger posttraumatic stress reactions were also associated with weaker beliefs in personal control. The moderate correlations observed between time 2 and time 3 illness representations suggest that early cognitive representations may predict later representations, and that it is the cross-sectional association between cognitive representations and posttraumatic symptoms at six months that is important. Concurrent stronger beliefs in chronicity of illness, poor treatment control, and stronger emotional representations predicted six-month posttraumatic stress. Greater personal control was also predictive of greater posttraumatic symptoms. Particularly interesting is the direction of this association. Whereas lower personal control has been found to be related to poorer psychosocial recovery (e.g. Moser & Dracup, 1995), in this sample, stronger beliefs in personal control predicted more intense posttraumatic reactions. Stronger personal control beliefs also predicted posttraumatic avoidance symptoms, though not intrusions or arousal symptoms. Patients may have felt more personally responsible for the outcome of their cardiac illness, and personal control could have been exerted by the active avoidance of cardiac event related reminders, situations or activities. 250 There are few studies investigating the relationship between illness representations and posttraumatic stress in ACS patients. In a study by Oxlad and Wade (2006) of pre-CABG patients, more negative illness representations (total score on IPQ-R) had a direct effect on PTSD symptomatology and also acted indirectly, mediated by increased use of avoidance coping. The results of post hoc analyses suggested that the illness representation dimensions of personal control and emotional representations may best explain the relationship between illness representation, avoidance coping and PTSD symptomatology. A study of MI patients found that poorer treatment control beliefs, weaker illness coherence, stronger emotional representations and greater consequences predicted subsequent PTSD (Sheldrick et al, 2006). However, this was not the case in TRACE where stronger emotional representations (at time 2) emerged as the only independent predictor of six-month posttraumatic stress in multivariate analyses. That emotional representations were the strongest predictor of later posttraumatic stress is not surprising, since this illness representation dimension could be regarded as another measure of distress, and that distress at one time generally predicts distress at another. The fact that none of the other illness representations emerged as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress following ACS may be explained by the reports by some patients that they did not consider their ACS to be an ‗illness‘. Rather, these patients described their ACS as a one time event that occurred in the past and did not consider it a chronic illness. Thus, the use of the word ‗illness‘ to describe the acute cardiac event in this sample may have been inappropriate, and could have influenced patients‘ responses on the illness representation measure. If the majority of patients held this view, it may explain why beliefs in negative consequences, poorer control and worse illness coherence did not emerge as independent predictors of posttraumatic stress. If the ACS was, in fact, not viewed as a ‗continuous‘ illness, it is not surprising that patients did not think it would have serious consequences, requiring 251 to be controlled (either by treatments of personal control) or that it needed to be understood in any way. An alternative cognitive approach may be more appropriate in this particular population than the illness representation perspective. Cognitive appraisals can increase the likelihood of developing PTSD following the traumatic event (i.e. ACS). As with the self-regulation model, Ehlers and Clark‘s (2000) cognitive-behavioural explanation for the persistence of PTSD symptomatology also focuses on the role of cognitive and emotional processes. These authors particularly emphasized the role of perceived threat and cognitive appraisals about the event or trauma sequelae. Modifying relevant cognitive appraisals is of paramount importance in cognitive therapy for PTSD following this model. Cognitive appraisals are not the by-product of cognitive reasoning, but are presumed to be relatively effortless, intuitive, and automatic evaluations that are sensitive to events related to survival and opportunities (Peters et al., 2004). This argument is in line with the cognitive model (Beck, 1995), which is based on the idea that our emotions and behaviours are influenced by our perceptions of events. Cognitive theory posits it is not the situations themselves that determine what we feel, but rather it is the way we think about the situation. The thoughts that go through our minds in any given situation are automatic and cause us to have different emotional responses. These automatic thoughts reflect the way in which we interpret and think about a situation, and have a major effect on the way we feel. Automatic thoughts spring up like a reflex; they are rapid and often very brief. In fact, many people are barely aware of their automatic thoughts and are more likely to notice the emotions that follow. As a result, many people accept their automatic thoughts as being true, without evaluating the validity of the thought. Negative cognitive appraisals can lead to negative emotional responses. Schachter and Singer‘s (1962), bi-factorial theory of emotion argue that emotional experience is a consequence of the interaction between cognition and physiological 252 arousal. It has been evident that bodily arousal is present in individuals with a history of trauma and that hyperarousal symptoms in PTSD patients may also trigger cognitions of poor physical health (Falsetti & Resnick, 1997). One could argue that misinterpretation of bodily arousal, during the experience of certain negative emotions could account for the generation of the perceptions of ill health. By identifying and challenging maladaptive cognitive appraisals about one‘s body about posttraumatic symptoms maybe one can achieve a decrease in physiological arousal and in negative health behaviours and subsequent positive health outcomes. 8.1.4 Biological dysfunction post ACS and later posttraumatic stress Cortisol Cortisol responds to a range of psychosocial factors, such as acute and chronic stressors, and for this thesis more relevant, affective disorders (McEwen, 1998; Steptoe & Ayers, 2004; Steptoe & Brydon, 2005; Williams et al., 2005). Cortisol in relation to short-term posttraumatic stress reactions was investigated in chapter 6. These analyses were conducted as an exploratory exercise to assess one potential pathway between experiencing an ACS and the increased risk of developing PTSD. Although there are numerous investigations of cortisol profiles in PTSD sufferers, these tend to focus on individuals exposed to interpersonal violence, war or motor vehicle accidents. Few studies have previously explored whether post-MI PTSD is associated with altered peripheral neuroendocrine activity. This seems a significant gap in the literature, considering findings suggesting an association between cortisol and proinflammatory activity which can sustain the atherothrombotic process in turn leading to recurrent cardiac events (Gander & von Känel, 2006). However, one recent article (von Känel et al., in press) has addressed this issue comparing post-MI PTSD patients (n=15) with post-MI patients without PTSD (n=29). 253 These authors suggest that due to the co-morbidity of PTSD and depression, and the fact that there are a number of commonalities in symptomatology, such as levelling of affect, sleep disturbances, irritability etc, distinct cortisol findings in PTSD samples can potentially be obscured by co-morbid depression. Von Känel and colleagues found that in unadjusted analyses there were no significant associations between PTSD and cortisol levels. However, when depressive symptoms were included as a co-variate, mean cortisol levels were significantly lower in patients with PTSD than in those without PTSD. These findings fit in well with the classical theory of divergent HPA axis dysfunction in PTSD and depression which posits that individuals with PTSD have reduced cortisol levels whereas those with depression exhibit elevated cortisol levels (Yehuda, 2002a). These findings are also in line with a recent meta-analysis showing that levels of cortisol were lower in PTSD patients when depression was absent relative to when depression was present, though, this difference was not significantly different (Meewisse et al., 2007). However, it is important to note that cortisol was assessed in this sample approximately 2.5 years following the acute cardiac event, and pre-trauma levels are not known. Thus these observed lower cortisol levels in the PTSD group may have reflected a pre-existing vulnerability predisposing these patients to go on to develop PTSD in response to the MI. Alternatively, a blunted cortisol response could have developed over time, in response to having experienced the traumatic cardiac event, as a consequence of persistent over-activation leading to exhaustion and depletion of the HPA system. Similar to the findings of von Känel et al (in press), I found no significant univariate associations between posttraumatic stress and cortisol, nor between depression and cortisol. However, a significant association emerged between posttraumatic stress symptoms and total cortisol output at time 2 after controlling for depression in the regression model. Interestingly, the direction of my findings is in direct contrast to that of von Känel and colleagues. Whereas PTSD (both as a categorical variable and a continuous variable) was associated with lower cortisol 254 levels in their study, in my sample, higher posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with higher cortisol levels in multivariate analyses after controlling for the presence or absence of depression. It is, however, interesting to consider these findings within the context of the results presented in chapter 6, section 6.4, where those patients who experienced low acute stress at time of ACS had significantly elevated cortisol levels at time 2, as well as an increased cortisol awakening response (CAR). Conversely, patients with high levels of acute stress showed a blunted total cortisol output across the day, and a decreased cortisol awakening response. This is particularly interesting when considering my earlier findings where higher acute stress symptoms emerged as an independent predictor of greater posttraumatic symptoms at time 2. These findings may suggest lower cortisol in those who experience high acute stress at the time of ACS and who later go on to develop PTSD. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that exhaustion of the HPA axis is associated with an attenuated CAR (Pruessner et al., 1999). Whether this cortisol profile emerged in response to trauma, or whether it is a pre-existing vulnerability factor is not known. Of course, cross-sectional analyses such as these cannot demonstrate causality and therefore, the associations found cannot confirm the psychological factor as the predicting variable. It is possible that the presence of biological dysfunction may promote negative psychological responses to trauma. I will be able to address this issue more specifically upon completion of data collection in TRACE, since cortisol is being re-assessed at 12 months post ACS. Heart rate variability Heart rate variability (HRV) is an indicator of cardiac autonomic control, and in particular the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Impaired HRV is a risk factor for adverse health outcomes in patients following ACS, 255 cardiac morbidity (La Rovere et al., 1998), and is also sensitive to psychosocial factors (Hemingway et al., 2001). It may therefore provide another potential mechanism for the association between psychosocial factors and cardiac disease. Several studies have found post-trauma heart rate to predict subsequent PTSD. Shalev et al (1998b) found that elevated heart rate (which is typically associated with reduced HRV) in the emergency department (immediately post trauma) predicted PTSD at 4 months follow up. However, no differences in heart rate were observed at either the one-month and four month follow up. Zatzick et al (2005) found that elevated admission heart rate (95), in a sample of severely injured surgical inpatient, predicted posttraumatic stress symptom over the course of one year follow up. PTSD has a strong physiologic component, principally of hyperarousal, as demonstrated by peripheral physiologic parameters (e.g. Tachycardica, excessive sweating etc; Kolb, 1987). PTSD patients demonstrate hyperalertness, and higher basal heart rate and blood pressure than controls (Kosten et al., 1987), suggesting autonomic function is altered in those with PTSD. Various studies in small samples have found reduced heart rate variability and increased sympathetic activity at rest (Blechert et al., 2007; Cohen et al., 2000; Cohen et al., 1997; Sahar et al., 2001), with parasympathetic activity blunted in response to challenge or trauma reminder among PTSD patients compared with healthy individuals without PTSD (Cohen et al., 1997; Sack et al., 2004; Sahar et al., 2001). However, there are no studies investigating HRV in post-ACS patients in relation to posttraumatic stress, where the traumatic event was the ACS. I found no relationship between patients‘ heart rate and posttraumatic stress reactions 3 – 4 weeks following ACS. However, it is important to note that previous studies that have found positive associations between heart rate and PTSD have assessed heart rate in the immediate aftermath of trauma. In TRACE, heart rate and HRV were assessed at the time 2 assessment, at which point all patients were also on beta-blocker medication. Beta-blockers reduce sympathetic cardiac drive, leading to 256 lower heart rate, and HRV is also modified. Interestingly, I did find significantly reduced high frequency (HF) activity among patients with PTSD compared with patients without PTSD at time 2 in the TRACE study, indicating reduced parasympathetic control. However, these findings were based on a very small sample of patients with PTSD (n = 6), and so need replication to be truly credible. HF power is firmly acknowledged as an indicator of parasympathetic influences. There is, however, some confusion in the literature as to whether elevated low frequency or reduced low frequency power is beneficial and whether low frequency and high frequency are positively or negatively correlated (e.g. Thayer & Lane, 2007). Although there is evidence relating alterations in HRV with post-MI prognosis, it should be emphasized that interpreting HRV results is not straightforward. Particular caution must be taken when interpreting the HRV results of the TRACE study as a number of PTSD positive patients did not have adequate HRV recordings, reducing the power to detect potentially significant effects. However, these findings suggest that HRV in relation to posttraumatic stress in ACS patients warrants further study. 8.2 General thesis limitations Study specific strengths and limitations have already been presented in the discussions of chapters 4, 6 and 7. The following section outlines some additional general thesis limitations, which must be taken into consideration. 8.2.1 Study design Both ACCENT and TRACE were of an observational nature, thus no experimental manipulations were undertaken, which would have allowed for cause and effect relationships to be evaluated and characterized. The use of cross-sectional data 257 is a major disadvantage in research as no causal inferences can be made. Although some of the analyses in this study (i.e. cortisol assessment at time 2 in relation to time 2 posttraumatic stress reactions) were of a cross-sectional nature, the studies included in this thesis were by design longitudinal and the majority of the analyses were conducted on these longitudinal data. The assessment of posttraumatic stress up to three years post-trauma is a particular strength of the ACCENT study, contributing significantly to the understanding of PTSD trajectories in post-MI patients. However, the lack of pre-trauma assessment is a weakness of these studies as pre-ACS measures of affect, cortisol and HRV would allow for control of baseline levels, thus allowing analyses to isolate the effect of the cardiac event itself on subsequent posttraumatic stress. This is difficult to achieve in this particular population of cardiac patients since acute cardiac events are typically unpredictable, compared with, for example, coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Further, both studies were carried out on patients who were admitted to hospital, thus individuals who were not admitted were automatically excluded from participation. Also, some cardiac events may have been missed, some patients who experience an ACS may refuse admission, or the clinical event may not have been considered sufficiently severe to warrant hospitalization. 8.2.2 Measurement issues The length of the questionnaire could itself have been a limiting factor, potentially deterring patients from participating in the follow up. Inevitably there was a limit to the size of the questionnaire included at each assessment point, and other interesting variables were omitted. For example, assessing the emotional atmosphere in patients‘ homes through the ‗Expressed Emotion‘ of partners could have offered useful insights into patients‘ posttraumatic symptomatology. Further, including assessment of prior [to ACS] traumatic exposure or adverse life events in the months between admission for ACS and follow up could aid the understanding of vulnerability 258 to subsequent PTSD or the course of posttraumatic symptomatology post ACS. Although I used well-established standardized questionnaires, as with any research conducted using self-report measures, there is always the possibility of reporting bias, as participants may respond to questions in a way which they would like to be perceived, particularly when measuring health behaviours. For example, in the TRACE sample, the adherence levels reported were incredibly high, which may be an artifact of self-report bias. In order to increase questionnaire completion the interviewer was present not only for the interview (at time 2) but also for the completion of some of the self-report measures. Thus, social desirability bias could have influence the responses of some patients at this assessment point. Further, questionnaire responses may be influenced by patients‘ mood. For example, in the TRACE study, 19.3% of patients reported above mild-to-moderate depression at the time 2 interview, and this could have coloured their responses to measures of illness representations and social factors. PTSD assessment PTSD was assessed using the PSS-SR scale by Foa and colleagues (1993). Although this scale assesses all three symptom clusters of PTSD, and is a validated scale, the gold standard would have been to conduct a diagnostic interview to establish the presence or absence of PTSD. The evaluation of PTSD post-ACS is problematic, especially when assessed by self-report, as the nature of the posttraumatic intrusions cannot be established. Intrusions may be of a future oriented ruminative nature (such as worrying about potential recurrence of cardiac symptoms), rather than truly intrusive trauma related memories (such as reliving aspects of the ACS as if they were happening in the present). Particular difficulties arise from the common co-morbidity with depression. In the TRACE study, there were no cases of ‗pure‘ PTSD, that is, depressive symptoms were present in all cases that also met diagnostic criteria for 259 PTSD. Whereas PTSD is frequently associated with other emotional disturbances (such as comorbid depression and anxiety) in the literature, some studies have reported cases of post MI PTSD positive patients without comorbid depression (e.g. Ginzburg, 2006a). Comorbidity [of PTSD and depression] is associated with greater symptom severity and lower levels of functioning (Ginzburg, 2006a; Shalev et al., 1998). One major issue is that many of the symptoms of depression overlap with symptoms of posttraumatic stress, and some argue that the PTSD observed may be a depressive sub-type of ‗pure‘ PTSD (e.g. Constans et al., 1997). An important question is whether the intrusions in PTSD differ from those in depressed patients? Studies of matched samples (e.g. Reynolds & Brewin, 1997) suggest that PTSD patients are somewhat more likely to have intrusive memories than are depressed patients, and the memories tend to be somewhat more prominent and more frequent. When intrusive memories are present, however, there seem to be few obvious differences. Both the depressed and PTSD groups are likely to experience very vivid, highly distressing memories that on average occur several times a week and last between several minutes and one hour. The majority of the memories are accompanied by physical sensations and the feeling of reliving the event. One of the few ways in which they differ is that PTSD patients are more likely to report feeling helpless and to have a dissociative experience such as feeling they were leaving their body or seeing themselves as an object in their memory. Another issue with the assessment of PTSD in this thesis is that PTSD was considered a consequence of the ACS, and the questionnaire specifically referred to the acute event. However, other potential sources of PTSD symptoms are present, such as those relating to the coronary care unit treatment, any invasive procedures performed, cardiac arrest, and resuscitation. Further, a history of previous trauma or PTSD was not assessed. A number of studies have demonstrated that previous exposure to trauma is a risk factor for developing PTSD in a variety of samples (e.g. Bremner et al., 1993; Breslau et al., 1999; Galea et a., 2003; Yehuda et al., 1998). One 260 approach suggests that prior negative life events (as stressors) can deplete an individual‘s resources, inhibiting adequate coping with further traumatic experiences, thereby rendering the individual more vulnerable to subsequent adjustment difficulties. A number of studies have shown that negative life events impair persons‘ emotional, somatic and psychosocial adjustment (e.g. Lane et al., 2005; Pagano et al., 2004). However, in contrast to these multiple-trauma studies, other studies suggest that individuals exposed to negative life events or traumatic experiences demonstrate adaptive responses (Corneil et al., 1999; Falsetti & Resick, 1995), with some data suggesting that trauma exposed adults respond to repeat trauma with greater confidence and enhanced coping skills (Aldwin et al., 1996). Thus, a lower prevalence of PTSD could be expected if major life events that superseded the trauma intensity of ACS, had been experienced prior to participation in this study. One general issue with the literature on PTSD in cardiac patients is that it is not sufficiently integrated with current theories and models of PTSD. There is a general lack of a conceptual framework in this research. 8.2.3 Cortisol assessment One issue that may have complicated the interpretation of the cortisol results in this sample of patients (TRACE) is that the timing of assessment was rather close to the actual trauma itself. Alterations in the HPA system may only become apparent over longer time periods, if in fact the traumatic event is causally related to dysfunction of cortisol. One major advantage of the TRACE study is the longitudinal follow up of cortisol at 12 months post ACS. However, assessment of cortisol in the ACCENT study (data not included in this thesis) was conducted in hospital, and results showed a significant positive relationship between cortisol awakening response and type D personality (Whitehead et al., 2007). However, type D is considered a personality trait and may therefore be associated with cortisol dysfunction unrelated to the ACS. That 261 is, dysfunction of the HPA axis may have preceded the assessment point, whereas the posttraumatic response in TRACE was specific to the acute cardiac event and any subsequent cortisol dysfunction may emerge over time. Compliance with the timing of cortisol samples is a problem with studies set in the natural environment. Although participants in the study were given clear instructions to follow about the timing of samples, almost 36% reported a delay of 10 minutes or more in the timing of the first sample after waking. Without this information on compliance, the cortisol awakening response may be misinterpreted as blunted (Dockray et al., 2008), a profile sometimes associated with poor health (Stone et al, 2001; Kudielka & Kirschbaum, 2003). Timing of the first sample of the day was controlled for in the analyses conducted to avoid confounding by this delay. Another confounding variable may be sleep disturbance. For example, some patients may have suffered from fatigue or poor sleep, in turn affecting time of waking. It should be noted that the measure of compliance with the timing of cortisol sampling used in this investigation was based on self-report, and this may not be completely accurate. For example, some participants may have stated that they took samples within a few minutes of waking, when in fact they did not. The use of electronic devices that time saliva samples are beneficial (Kudielka et al, 2003), however this was beyond the scope of this project. Also, although cortisol response to awakening is relatively stable, measurement over several days would have increased the reliability of these results. In the TRACE study, cortisol was measured over the course of a single day shortly after the time 2 assessment. This may also have contributed to the magnitude of the cortisol awakening response (Williams et al, 2005). Therefore, the cortisol findings must be interpreted with caution. 262 8.2.4 Response rate, sample size and power A satisfactory follow up rate is important to ensure the findings are not biased and are representative of the population. Only 8.4% of the eligible patients [during the recruitment period] declined to participate, but the representativeness of the sample was limited by the exclusion of patients with co-morbid conditions. However, exclusion of patients for these reasons is important as some comorbidities can have an influence on symptom presentation or mood state. The sample also consisted of mainly male patients of white European descent. The response rate at time 2 was good with over 74% of patients agreeing to participate in the home interview. Non-responders at time 2 were more likely to be unmarried and more socially deprived. This finding is not unexpected. It has been shown previously that married people are more likely to participate in health research. At six month follow up, 88% of the patients that completed time 2 were re-contacted and completed the telephone interview; however, 18% of these did not return the postal questionnaire which contained the majority of measures. At six month follow up patients who were married, less socially deprived and without a history of depression were less likely to participate. It may be that these patients had greater demands in daily life and therefore would not spend time completing the questionnaires. It is also possible that non-responders at time 1 were more distressed than those who chose to participate in the study. The data from ACCENT were limited to the original sample recruited and at 12 months as I was only involved in the 36 month data collection. This means that the true extent of the relationship between ACS and emotional responses could have been attenuated. Estimated power for the TRACE study was based upon the power calculations for the ACCENT study (detailed in Professor Steptoe's BHF programme grant application and approved by the BHF Chairs & Programme Grants committee in 2005). Assuming that the frequency of acute distress would be similar to that found in ACCENT, there would be 80% power to detect the same difference in Beck Depression 263 Inventory scores one week after discharge between intense distress and no distress groups (effect size 0.45), and 94% power for differences at 6 and 12 months. Power to confirm the predicted associations with psychobiological indicators (e.g. cortisol profiles) would be >90%. However, the prevalence of PTSD in the TRACE sample was much lower than that observed in ACCENT, this will likely have reduced power to detect between group differences. 8.3 Clinical implications The finding that between 6 and 12% of post ACS patients go on to develop PTSD suggest that this is a significant patient group which requires the attention of clinicians involved in the care of cardiac patients. Interventions aimed at reducing posttraumatic stress symptoms can carry significant health benefits considering the findings that posttraumatic stress is associated with increased non-adherence to medications (chapter 7), poorer quality of life (chapters 4, 6 & 7), and marked emotional distress (chapters 4, 6 & 7) The finding that acute stress symptoms in response to the ACS predicted subsequent posttraumatic symptoms suggests that decreasing feelings of helplessness, fear and horror in-hospital could be a reasonable means to decrease clinically significant posttraumatic symptom levels in the immediate aftermath of the cardiac event. However, some research suggest that formal interventions attempting to help individuals cope with PTSD or distressing intrusive thoughts (whether symptoms reach diagnostic threshold for PTSD or not) should not be conduced in the immediate aftermath of the trauma. In fact, interventions conducted at this time may worsen rather than improve long-term prognosis (Bisson et al., 1997). Further, as some studies suggest (e.g. Pedersen et al., 2004), ACS related PTSD may comprise an acute reaction and therefore symptoms may abate with time, it may be appropriate to focus interventions towards patients who have experienced posttraumatic symptomatology 264 for a period of time. However, the findings from both ACCENT and TRACE suggest that posttraumatic stress symptoms do not abate with time in this population of cardiac patients. Further work is needed to identify predictors of these varied posttraumatic symptom trajectories. A recent randomized control trial of a brief in-hospital illness perception intervention demonstrated that patients in the intervention group had improved rates of return to work than control patients receiving standard care. The illness perception intervention was moderately intense, consisting of 4 x 30 minute sessions, but resulted in some good effects. At six month follow up the intervention group also reported better understanding of information given in hospital, higher intentions to attend cardiac rehabilitation as well as lower anxiety about returning to work. The intervention group also showed greater increases in exercise levels and had contacted their general practitioner about their cardiac condition less often (Broadbent et al., 2009a). Broadbent and colleagues (2009b) also assessed whether the intervention would reduce anxiety in the spouses of the MI patients. In addition to standard care, spouses attended the final of the 4 30-minute sessions with the MI patient. At one-week post discharge, spouses were less anxious about patients doing physical activity, and had lower anxiety about the patient‘s medications, as well as lower distress about the patient‘s symptoms. At three month follow up, spouses in the intervention group reported being less worried about the illness. This finding suggests that an illness perception intervention can also be beneficial for spouses of cardiac patients in reducing their anxiety levels. Although specific interventions for ACS patients with PTSD are only just beginning to emerge (e.g. Shemesh et al., 2006), there are established treatments available for PTSD from other sources, including counselling, cognitive-behavioural and interpersonal psychotherapy, and psychopharmacology (Davidson, 2006; Yehuda, 2002b). However, conducting such formal interventions in the busy hospital environment does not seem feasible. What may be important is the screening and early 265 identification of those at increased risk of subsequent PTSD. For example, screening patients as they are invited to attend cardiac rehabilitation could be advantageous. Alternative approaches could also include undemanding interventions aimed at reducing emotional distress (e.g. leaflet information, short-term cognitive restructuring) in the acute phase post-ACS. In fact, reassuring the patient that the emotional distress experienced in response to the ACS is normal, as well as providing an explanation for commonly experienced symptoms, could be a useful strategy. However, randomized, controlled treatment studies would need to be conducted before any firm treatment recommendations could be made. 8.4 Directions for future research The findings from the studies reported in this thesis highlight a number of possibilities for future research. The first and foremost recommendation would be for additional longitudinal research to be conduced with numerous PTSD assessment points. Secondly, it would be interesting to obtain data from more diverse samples. In both the ACCENT and TRACE studies the majority of ACS patients were men. It would be important to include a larger number of women in future research, as they appear to have more difficulties with adjustment following cardiac illness (Wiklund et al., 1989; Brezinka & Kittel, 1995; Herlitz et al., 1999). Women may be more susceptible to developing PTSD following a traumatic event such as ACS compared with men (Breslau et al., 1997). However, more research is warranted to determine whether gender per se constitutes a risk factor for PTSD in this population (Wolfe & Kimerling, 1997). More conclusive evidence of the association between post-ACS PTSD and poor medical prognosis is needed. Additional work may wish to examine the exact duration or chronicity of PTSD necessary to initiate pathophysiological processes. Moreover, it is unknown whether the cardiotoxic effects of PTSD can be reversed if PTSD is 266 successfully treated. Future work may compare long-term cardiac outcomes between individuals with PTSD who were successfully treated and those whose PTSD was refractory to treatment. A more careful examination of biological mechanisms is also required. There has been relatively little research on the unique relationship between PTSD and peripheral stress hormones in post-MI patients with PTSD. Although, one recent study (von Känel et al., in press) has addressed this issue, more research is warranted. In TRACE, cortisol was assessed at more than one time point in a larger sample of post ACS patients. Although this provided some preliminary findings, it would be interesting to examine the relationship of post ACS cortisol levels and 12 month posttraumatic symptomatology, as well as cortisol values at 12 month follow up. Further, I feel that the TRACE analyses would have benefited from the inclusion of measures of acute inflammatory markers such as interleukin-6, cystatin C and C-reactive protein. In particular, I would be interested in assessing the relationship between post ACS inflammation and cortisol dysfunction in the shorter (3 – 4 weeks post ACS) and longer term (12 months post ACS). Data on inflammation in the TRACE participants will become available in the near future, which will enable me to further evaluate this relationship. The earlier finding (see chapter 7) that anxiety predicts PTSD suggests that anxiety may not simply be a symptom of PTSD but may instead predispose people to experience the disorder after a trauma. This is a subtle but important distinction. Although PTSD is technically considered to be an anxiety disorder, the symptoms of anxiety and posttraumatic stress are not synonymous. It is important to disentangle the ways in which other primary anxiety disorders can be differentiated from the anxiety that is associated with PTSD. Replicating the predictive relationship between these two constructs is the next step in this process. Similar examinations of the relationship between posttraumatic stress and other psychological symptoms could further illustrate the ways in which PTSD symptoms place patients at risk for adjustment difficulties. 267 Finally, I would be interested in identifying factors that determine resilience to PTSD, rather than placing all the focus on the risk factors for PTSD. This may be used to create interventions also, and is one approach that can potentially inform treatment options. 8.5 Key message of thesis The key findings of this thesis are summarized in figure 8.1 below. ACCENT Type D personality and hostility may Depressed mood in hospital is predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms at 12 and 36 months follow up. Recurrent cardiac related symptoms may pre-dispose patients to react in more serve as reminders thus increasing negative emotional manner post ACS, posttraumatic symptom intensity at 12 and predictive of posttraumatic stress, though 36 months post ACS. not once depressed mood and anxiety is accounted for. TRACE Acute emotional reactions are predictive of posttraumatic stress symptoms, in particular negative mood and acute stress. Depressed mood and anxiety in the weeks following discharge is predictive of 6 month posttraumatic stress. Concurrent cardiac Patient‘s illness representations may serve to influence post ACS emotional reactions, and patients emotional representations is predictive of 6 month posttraumatic stress. related pain might serve as a reminder thus increasing posttraumatic symptom intensity at 2 – 3 weeks post ACS. Having experience a major cardiac event in the past 6 months predicted 6 month posttraumatic stress symptoms. Cortisol is not Type D personality related to and hostility may posttraumatic pre-dispose stress, unless patients to react in depression is more negative included in the emotional manner model. The post ACS, relationship is predictive of complex, but there posttraumatic is some indication stress, though not of a blunted profile once depressed in those who report mood and anxiety high acute stress is accounted for. and later go on to HF HRV appear reduced 2 -3 weeks post ACS in patients who report more intense posttraumatic stress reactions. develop PTSD. FIGURE 8.1 KEY FINDINGS OF ACCENT AND TRACE INVESTIGATIONS 268 8.6 Conclusion The studies presented in this thesis shows that a PTSD perspective can be productive in conceptualizing the process of adjustment to a serious cardiac event. This is of clinical significance because such symptoms may have an influence on health care behaviors. Previous studies of the relative contribution of PTSD to medical morbidity, as compared with comorbid depressive and general distress or anxiety symptoms in patients with cardiovascular illnesses have found that PTSD symptoms are stronger predictors of poor outcome than are symptoms of depression or general distress (e.g. Shemesh et al., 2001; Shemesh et al., 2004). The findings presented in this thesis, along with the growing body of studies that assess PTSD among MI patients (see chapter 2 for a review of studies), support the view that acute cardiac events, such as ACS, like other life threatening illnesses, may be considered a traumatic event that may entail stress reactions. PTSD has been identified as a marker of extreme distress in response to a potentially traumatic event such as ACS, and may also be indicative of a chronic stress reaction. 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