T1 Vaginal Dilation
T1 Vaginal Dilation
3/28/2016 Vaginal Dilation 101 Heather Appelbaum, MD, FACOG Anne‐Marie Anne‐ Marie Amies Oelschlager, Amies Oelschlager, MD, FACOG g MD, FACOG Disclosures Dr. Heather Appelbaum and Dr. Anne‐Marie Amies Oelschlager have g no financial conflicts with this topic 1 3/28/2016 OBJECTIVES • Understand the embryology of development of the vagina • Learn the history of vaginal dilation • Understand the outcomes of dilation versus surgery • Learn methods of dilation • Know how to manage dilation therapy Disorders associated with vaginal agenesis • • • • • • MRKH Androgen Insensitivity Isolated vaginal atresia Anorectal malformations MURCS VACTRL/VATER 2 3/28/2016 Mayer‐Rotitansky‐Kuster‐ Hauser Syndrome (MRKH) • • • • • • Primary amenorrhea Absent or hypoplastic uterus, vagina Normal ovarian function Normal secondary sexual characteristics 46, XX karyotype Sporadic inheritance but may be associated with WNT4 gene mutation g MRKH TYPE I • IIsolated Mullerian duct l t d M ll i d t anomaly TYPE II • • • • • Renal anomalies Renal anomalies MURCS with renal and cervical somite anomalies Klippel‐Feil syndrome (vertebral loss and scoliosis) Auditory, Cardiac and Digit anomalies Ano‐rectal malformations 3 3/28/2016 Androgen Insensitivity Androgen receptor defect 46 XY High serum testosterone Regression of mullerian structures Distal vagina present Inguinal or abdominal testes Breast development at puberty Complete or Partial www.cbs.dtu.dk “I have no vagina.” 4 3/28/2016 Embryology Emans and Laufer, 2012 How do we measure the vagina? Vaginal length • Insert a cotton bud into the vagina and record the length from the posterior fourchette to the most distal part of the blind ending vagina g p y Vaginal capacity • Note the size of the largest dilator that can be fully inserted Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 5 3/28/2016 Coital dilation Serial Serial intermittent mechanical self dilation intermittent mechanical self dilation Continuous mechanical dilation Vecchietti procedure Balloon vaginoplasty Graft vaginoplasty Split thickness skin graft Amnion Buccal mucosa Bowel Peritoneum Williams labial flap vulvovaginoplasty Sheares , Creastas Complications Dilation < 1% urinary complaints, bleeding, prolapse Surgery • Intraoperative Intraoperative Bladder or rectal peroration (1‐4%) UTI (4‐7%) • Post operative Graft necrosis (1‐3.5%) Neovaginal granulation tissue (9%) Fistulae (1‐3%) • Long term Reoperation rate 40% R 4 % Vaginal stenosis or strictures (4‐9%) Neovagina hair growth (1‐6%) Persistent discharge (3%) Prolapse (3%) Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 6 3/28/2016 History of vaginal dilation Amussat 1935: Apply strong digital pressure The Frank Method Frank RT. The formation of an artificial Frank RT. The formation of an artificial vagina without operation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1938; 35: 1053. Gynecol 1938; 35: 1053 Rock JA, Reeves LA, Retto H, et al. Success Rock JA, Reeves LA, Retto H, et al. Success following vaginal creation for Mullerian agenesis. Fertil Steril 1983;39:809. 7 3/28/2016 Mechanical intermittent self dilation: Technique Dilators of gradual sizes are used to sizes are used to create a vaginal space Dilator is placed by the patient at the g p vaginal dimple The Ingram Method Ingram JM. The bicycle seat I a JM The bi y le eat stool in the treatment of vaginal agenesis and stenosis: a preliminary report. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1981; 140:867. 8 3/28/2016 Coital dilation 20 patients, starting vaginal length 0 20 patients, starting vaginal length 0‐ 0‐4.5 cm 4.5 cm Ages 16‐‐25 Ages 16 Ending length 7‐‐12 cm Ending length 7 Average 2‐ verage 2‐12 months after coitarche 95% success 19/20 One patient had narrowing of proximal vagina p g p g with 8.5 cm depth; underwent Davydov. Moen MH Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2014 Nonsurgical vaginal elongation DISADVANTAGES: ADVANTAGES: ADVANTAGES: Requires self motivation • Requires self motivation • Highly successful Highly successful (85‐90%) • Delayed results • Lower cost • Sociocultural barriers • $796 versus $ 796 versus $18520 18520 • Limited success after surgical • Patient controlled attempts • Less discomfort • Inadvertent dilation of the Inadvertent dilation of the • Non surgical urethra or rectum • Few side effect • Mucosal injury Edmonds 2011, Rock 1983, Broadbent 1984, Roberts 2001, Gargollo 2009, Nadarajah 2005, Edmonds 2005, Routh 2010 9 3/28/2016 ACOG: Management of patients with vaginal agenesis 1. Psychosocial counseling to address the functional and emotional effects of vaginal agenesis 2. Nonsurgical creation of the vagina is the appropriate first‐ appropriate first‐line approach in most patients 3. Discuss reproductive potential ACOG Committee Opinion #562 Mullerian agenesis: diagnosis, management, and treatment; May 2013 Case 1 Your 15 yo patient recently diagnosed with MRKH diagnosed with MRKH presents and states that she wants to start dilating. She denies any current plan to have intercourse, but wants to have a “normal vagina” like her friends. 10 3/28/2016 The psychosocial impact of Vaginal agenesis Sexual identity Sexual identity Infertility Social isolation Coital competency Fear of surgery/treatment Is she ready? What is her personal motivation? I h i th id t f l l ti hi Is she in the midst of a sexual relationship or anticipating one soon? Is it a healthy relationship? Ask about her body image/self esteem Is she dealing with a mood disorder? Is her family is supportive? Does she have privacy? Does she anticipate any barriers to Does she anticipate any barriers Does she anticipate any barriers to dilation? If so, how to dilation? If so, how dilation? If so how would she solve them? How confident does she feel that she would succeed? If she has low confidence, address why. 11 3/28/2016 Advantages of dilating Disadvantages of dilating Advantages of not Disadvantages of dilating not dilating Can have a normal/pain free sex life sex life Chore/Boring Be “normal” for a day Won’t be able to have “normal” sex Feel better as a woman Discomfort/Pain Saves time Lose progress already made Feel confident to pursue a relationship Reminder of being No advantage “abnormal” Will worry about pursuing relationships To have a vagina/to avoid i / id surgery/to treat anxiety Fear of causing h harm/dilators /dil not comfortable/ weird/sex still painful Have to have surgery/won’t be a / ’ b “normal” woman Avoid pain/discomfort i /di f Liao et al. J Obstet Gynecol 2006 Does age matter? Age < 18 versus > 18 Lower anatomic success 47% versus 78% 47% versus 78% Equal functional success 78% versus 76% Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014, BYMRKH photo 12 3/28/2016 Psychosocial Motivational problems and poor compliance Unstable relationship Interpersonal conflict Parental misunderstanding of diagnosis Sociocultural factors M t l health h lth issues i Mental Cognitive issues impacting comprehension Young age Underlying learning disability Lack of knowledge of process Logistical Lack of privacy a e d sta ce to cclinic c Travel distance Anatomic Discomfort and pain Prior scar from “hymenectomy” Absence of dimple Multiple congenital anomalies Reasons for failure Strategies for support • • • • • • Engage the family Engage the family Provide detailed information on anatomy and physiology of menstruation and fertility Discuss sexuality Review treatment options including risks and benefits db fit Allow for gradual acceptance Provide professional and peer support 13 3/28/2016 The vaginal agenesis team The patient Family/friends Nursing Gynecologist Social worker and psychologist On‐Line Support • • • • • • • • • • Beautiful You MRKH foundation www.beautifulyoumrkh.org/ AIS DSD Support Group http://aisdsd.org http://aisdsd.org// Center for Young Women’s Health http://youngwomenshealth org/2013/10/02/mrkh/ http://youngwomenshealth.org/2013/10/02/mrkh/ The MRKH Organization: http://www.mrkh.org/ Accord Alliance: http://www.accordalliance.org American Surrogacy Center www.surrogacy.com MRKH Support and Awareness: https://www.facebook.com/groups/squirrellhill/ Embrace MRKH Foundation: https://www.facebook.com/embrace.mrkh AskaboutMRKH: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/askaboutM RKH/ MRKH girls: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mrkh-grrls/ 14 3/28/2016 “You a e i o t ol ” “You are in control.” “There is no rush.” Case 2 An 18 yo with MRKH presents to your office for a new consult with her h d h d l mother and wants to schedule surgery. Her referring doctor told her that she needs surgery because she has no vagina. She was given dilators when she was 14 in the clinic and said that they didn’t work when she tried them. She has a boyfriend and wants to be sexually intimate with him. 15 3/28/2016 Results • • • • • 360 patients between 1998‐2010 with MRKH 245 patients requesting vaginal dilation Mean age of dilating patients:18.6 years (16‐22 years) Successful length (6 cm length) and sexual Successful length (6 cm length) and sexual function 232 (94%) 13 patients did not complete treatment 1 lost to follow‐up 16 3/28/2016 Dilation program Components of success • • • • • • Patient readiness Knowledgeable, accessible, positive multidisciplinary team Comfortable surroundings E Engagement of family support f f il Patient pace driven Active support of staff What increases confidence in dilating? • • • • • • Knowing exactly where the dilators are going and what they are doing going and what they are doing Evidence that it works • information about the time it takes • how to assess progress Knowing about others’ experience Being more organized B i i d Making it more fun Making it more comfortable Liao et al. J Obstet Gynecol 2006 17 3/28/2016 Is her vagina too small for dilator therapy to work? • Starting length is correlated with end vaginal length and duration of dilator therapy • Not correlated with anatomic correlated with anatomic success Vaginal length in 26 women with vaginal agenesis before and after dilation therapy as first line treatment. Ida S. Ismail-Pratt et al. Hum. Reprod. 2007;22:2020-2024 © The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] 18 3/28/2016 Getting started 1) 2) 3) 4) Tour of the anatomy with the patient Tour of the anatomy with the patient Demonstrate appropriate angle Start with smallest dilator Talk about how to avoid the urethra 4) Discuss the levators/Kegels 5) Discuss how to softening the vagina: coconut oil, bath, sexual / activity/orgasm 6) Privacy strategies 7) Building your team: partner, support group , p , 8)) Review condoms, STI prevention, and HPV vaccine 9) Schedule follow up and make sure she knows the clinic number to call 19 3/28/2016 Dilation methods • Patients instructed to place a 0.8 cm tube or p extra small dilator in a downward angle towards the sacrum one to three times per day for 10 to 30 minutes • When some depth has been reached, change to a more cranial angle and tube is changed to a 2 cm tube or small dilator t b ll dil t • Twice per day for 10 to 30 minutes • Return to clinic next day, two weeks, four weeks, 6‐8 weeks Does frequency or duration matter? • Frequency matters more than duration • 3X per day for 10 minutes better than 3X per day for 10 minutes better than once for 30 minutes • Dilation 2‐4 times per day versus 1 X per day • anatomic success 76% versus 46% • functional success 78% versus 84% functional success 78% versus 84% Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 20 3/28/2016 Which one to recommend? Dilator websites Pure Romance http://www.vaginismusmd.com/aidsproducts/dilators/pure‐ romance‐vaginal‐dilators‐set‐of‐6‐dilators/ http://pureromance.com *Pure Romance will give a discount if you mention AISDSDSG. Lelo Liv vibrator p // g / p / / http://www.vaginismusmd.com/aidsproducts/vibrators/lelo ‐liv‐vibrating‐dilator/<https://www.lelo.com/liv‐2> I Vibrators in graduated sizes www.goodvibrations.com 21 3/28/2016 She returns to clinic 8 weeks later and states that she only has time to dilate once a day She She reports pain, reports pain dilate once a day. light vaginal bleeding, and urinary frequency. On exam, her vagina is 4 cm in length and 2 cm in width. Troubleshooting: Bleeding • Physical exam to assess for f perforation • Encourage more lubrication • Prescribe estrogen cream • Increase width of dilator • Take a rest day 22 3/28/2016 Troubleshooting: Pain Lidocaine jelly Pelvic floor physical Pelvic floor physical therapy Increasing width of the dilator Estrogen cream g Coconut oil Switch to softer dilator or vibrator McVearry ME , Warner WE. Use of physical therapy to augment dilator treatment for vaginal agenesis. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2011 Troubleshooting: Urinary symptoms Urinalysis and culture Test for gonorrhea and chlamydia Estrogen cream y p Review baseline symptoms Review dilating technique Review Kegels and voiding habits 23 3/28/2016 Pretreatment % Posttreatment Normative data % Hesitancy Urgency Bladder pain 53 53 37 53 63 58 25 20 10 Intermittent stream Burning Incomplete emptying Wearing protection Urge incontinence 37 42 37 16 15 53 37 58 33 21 30 15 25 0 5 Stress incontinence Abnormal strength of stream 16 16 21 37 25 0 Michala et al. Int Urogynecol J 2013 She returns to clinic 6 weeks later. She has been dilating 2‐3 times per day and she is wondering when intercourse is safe. Her vagina is now 5 is safe Her vagina is now 5 cm in length 24 3/28/2016 What is the definition of success? Anatomic versus Functional MOST COMMON DEFINITION: ANATOMIC LENGTH > ANATOMIC LENGTH > 6 cm and ABSENCE OF 6 cm and ABSENCE OF COMPLICATIONS If success is: • ANATOMIC LENGTH > 7 CM • Vaginoplasty 90% versus dilation 75% • SATISFACTION WITH SEX” • Vaginoplasty 93% versus dilation 96% • “ABILITY OF WOMAN TO PROVIDE PLEASURE TO THE PARTNER” Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 Overall outcomes for dilation 908 patients 93% MRKH 7% AIS 93% MRKH, 7% AIS ANATOMIC SUCCESS > 6 CM: 78% > 7 CM: 69% > 8 CM: 33% FUNCTIONAL SUCCESS 96% satisfaction with sex life satisfaction with sex life or successful sexual function COMFORTABLE COITAL AND ORGASMIC FUNCTION 74% SEXUAL ACTIVITY 86% Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 25 3/28/2016 When is intercourse OK? She returns 6 weeks later and now her vagina is 7 cm in length. She has been using the medium dilator She and her boyfriend have medium dilator. She and her boyfriend have been having intercourse and she states that it was initially painful but now it is better. She has not had an orgasm with him and she is worried that her clitoris is not working. She reports vaginal dryness and she is scared of having sex. She still doesn’t feel that her vagina is “normal.” 26 3/28/2016 MSQ Scores before and after dilator therapy Sexual esteem CAIS before CAIS after MRKH MRKH before after 6 7 2 4 Sexual anxiety 9 6 12.5 7 Sexual assertiveness 8 7 8 6 Sexual depression 11.5 8 11 5 Fear of sex 9 8 9 8 Sexual satisfaction l f 2.5 9 5 6 Ida S. Ismail-Pratt et al. Hum. Reprod. 2007;22:2020-2024 Long term sexual function: Female Sexual Function Index • Women post dilation and surgery have lower scores than women without vaginal agenesis Arousal Lubrication Orgasm Pain during intercourse • No differences in desire or satisfaction with No diffe e ces i desi e o satisfactio ith sex life or relationship • Those medically treated did not have higher scores than those who were not treated Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 27 3/28/2016 Vaginal perceptions Ida S. Ismail-Pratt et al. Hum. Reprod. 2007;22:2020-2024 © The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] Quality of life Depression symptoms Doubts about female identity Body image issues Even post surgery and dilation, f women feel that their vagina is abnormal. Minto et al Fertility and Sterility 2003 28 3/28/2016 Troubleshooting: Addressing sexual dysfunction Discuss healthy relationships Discuss lubrication, anatomy Encourage pelvic floor PT Discuss psychological issues Encourage counseling Encourage support from others She returns one year later. She and her boyfriend have broken y up. She is really busy with school and work and is wondering whether her vagina is going to shrink but she doesn’t really want to dilate due to boredom. boredom 29 3/28/2016 Is maintenance dilation necessary? Recommended 2‐3 times per week if no coitus • 2‐3 times per week if no coitus • No studies comparing those who did and did not do maintenance dilation • Women regain length very Women regain length very quickly with resumption after hiatus Callens et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014 VIBRATORS! 30 3/28/2016 Take home points • • • Vaginal dilation successful as a first line treatment for vaginal agenesis Psychological readiness/ evaluation is important Multidisciplinary support is likely a variable in success 31
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