Add-ons - Shelby Systems
Add-ons - Shelby Systems
shelby Add-ons shelby Add-ons S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 shelby Add-ons Shelby Add-ons Integrated Hardware and So ware to Enhance Your Ministry Shelby’s Add-ons include a variety of tools that integrate with your Shelby Systems so ware to enhance the management and organiza on of your ministry, as well as to simplify everyday tasks. From Check-In hardware to Bulk Mailing so ware to Remote Deposit with check scanners, these extensive integra ons are ready to empower your ministry, saving you both me and money. Shelby’s Add-Ons Barcode Readers Shelby Mailroom Shelby Teller Simplify your a endance tracking. Scan the bar codes of people present and the system will mark those who are absent. You can also scan bar-coded asset tags for the Fixed Assets module. Double the informa on, half the effort. Address management system that integrates with your Shelby data to increase the efficiency of your bulk mailings. A complete, Check 21- compa ble, electronic check processing so ware, from ProfitStars, that fully integrates with Shelby’s so ware. This unique system scans and captures both front and back of check images, thing envelopes, or other financial documents. Check-In Hardware Implement a nursery security program AND quickly track a endance with check-in hardware. Shelby offers label printers, label & receipt stock, touchscreen monitors & computers, barcode readers, ID badge printers, and check-in kiosk furniture. Check Scanners Canon’s CR-Series Check Transport products enable Shelby users to benefit from the Shelby Teller module, a complete, Check 21-compa ble, electronic check processing so ware that fully integrates with your Shelby data. Fingerprint/Vein Scanning Eliminate ID Cards, safeguard members and children, and offer a faster and more convenient user and staff experience. Save money and improve security through the innova ve use of biometric so ware and readers. MOVE Agent MOVE Agent works with your Shelby Mailroom to correct addresses via the Na onal Change of Address (NCOA) database and CASS cer fies them all in one process. Phonetree Telephone, text (SMS), and email messaging system invented in the church community for your specific needs. PhoneTree integrates with your Shelby so ware to facilitate your church’s communica on needs. An online op on is also available with no need for hardware. Phonetree VoiceWave Online Allows you to make thousands of calls in just minutes via the Internet. Perfect for weather-related emergencies or urgent messages, VoiceWave Online will keep your members informed and involved with comprehensive voice, text and email messaging without having to purchase any hardware TimeClock Plus Improve accuracy by reducing calcula ons with TimeClock Plus. It also helps manage work schedules – adding people as needed, avoiding unnecessary over me, monitoring a endance etc., and then transfers the informa on into Shelby Payroll. Background Screening Ensure security by running employee and volunteer background checks. An individual’s informa on from within Shelby will automa cally populate the request form. Through this integra on with Protect My Ministry, you choose from packages and services designed specifically for faith-based organiza ons. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 ® Facility Management Check-In Kiosks Shelby has partnered with Cool Solu ons Group, who answers the need for inexpensive, web-based, ministry scheduling so ware. This partnership provides a fullfeatured solu on to event, facility, and work order management. We offer complete kiosk solu ons, including: Check-In so ware, hardware, and kiosk furniture op ons. Our kiosk enclosures house all of your Check-In hardware safely, a rac vely and conveniently. ID Badge Printer Systems Email Marke ng Using Constant Contact’s email marke ng is an easy, effec ve, and highly affordable way to get your message out to members and visitors. You can create high-impact, professional looking emails quickly, and with no technical exper se. Seamlessly integrates with Shelby’s ID Badge Design feature in the GlobaFILE, Check-In and Registra ons modules. Produce ID badges and key tags for your check-in system, employee iden fica on, events or even school IDs. Even incorporate photos or bar codes for added security and automa on. Partners Simply Powerful Data Quality Solutions Provides Enterprise Content Management technologies, filing systems, format conversions, so ware installa ons, and onsite consulta ons to a growing list of customers across the United States. Processes payments directly from Shelby’s so ware, improving integra on and reducing manual efforts. MinistryLINQ offers the latest processing technology using a fully cer fied Level 1 PCI-DSS pla orm, PA-DSS and Level-1 PCI compliance. NELCO is the chosen provider of checks, tax and business forms for Shelby Systems. Nelco has been in the tax and business forms industry for over 50 years and works closely with the developers of Shelby so ware. We are confident that Nelco’s product offering will exceed your needs and expecta ons. Satori So ware’s contact data quality solu ons help churches and nonprofits increase overall address quality of its members and prospects. Be er quality contact data ensures the most efficient use of communica ons budgets and prompt delivery of mail with fewer returns. StrikeIron is the leader in Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), delivering data quality and communica ons solu ons via our cloud pla orm IronCloud. They provide address verifica on, email verifica on, phone valida on, phone append, SMS text messaging, and sales tax solu ons to customers in a variety of markets. Canon Solu ons Provider with high quality, single-source solu ons and progressive end-to-end service offerings that provide you with all the equipment, support and service necessary to speed up your business and slow down your spending. An integrated payment solu ons provider to merchants and billers with an extensive set of tailored products to deliver world-class payment acceptance, processing, and risk/fraud management with Level-1 PCI compliance. “We love our Canon check scanner and love Shelby Teller! Our bank wasn’t able to accept the files directly, so we go through ProfitStars, who then sends the deposits to the bank. It’s seamless and works wonderfully!” –Michelle, Peoria, AZ Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Background ScreeningAdd-ons Protect My Ministry Shelby v.5 offers background screening services through an integra on with Protect My Ministry, a trusted background screening company. These packages and services are designed specifically for faithbased organiza ons. Simply establish an account and request employee and volunteer background checks directly from within the Shelby v.5 applica on. From autopopula on of individual informa on to email alerts, the process is simple and seamless. Thousands of organiza ons trust Shelby Systems and Protect My Ministry to protect their members and their ministries. Features and Benefits • • • • • • • Compe ve rates and volume discounts. Packages designed specifically for faith-based organiza ons. Online consulta on tool helps you select the right screenings without selling you more than you need. Informa on integrity assurance via free re-verifica on prior to delivery. Due diligence against legal and financial risk. Time savings with automa c data popula on, no fica on and results. Peace of mind for ministry leaders, volunteers and parents. Frequently Asked Ques ons What is background screening? Background checks are public and private records searches on individuals. They can be as simple as one-county checks or as in depth as security clearance inves ga ons. Why do background checks? By performing rou ne background checks on your volunteers and employees, your ministry limits risk, exercises due diligence, and protects people and resources. How long does it take? Turnaround me is typically one to two business days. How much will it cost? Our integrated solu on offers highly compe ve rates and convenient packages designed around the most common needs of faith-based organiza ons. Choose from standard and high volume (prepayment) rates. Contact your Shelby Systems sales representa ve with ques ons. How do I get started? Register from within Shelby v.5 and receive instruc ons for ac va ng your account. Once ac vated, register your users, select your candidates and begin the checks. What if we already have a Protect My Ministry Account? You may switch over immediately. If you’ve prepaid your exis ng account, the balance will be applied to your new account. Just register within Shelby v.5 to ac vate the new package rates and integra on. Is the informa on secure? All screening is performed on secure sites and all online systems are stored on secure servers in loca ons with offsite backups. Informa on integrity is further controlled by user and viewing rights within Shelby v.5. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Background Screening ® Pricing Setup $ One-time Signup Fee 39.00 Market Rate Our Price BASIC Prepaid Packages Approximate Number of Background Checks Discount Price $4 Included $1,000 105 $9.50 $8 Included $2,000 222 $9.00 (with Re-verification of positive records) National Sex Offender Registry Search $2 $3,000 353 $8.50 $14 Included $ 10.00 $4,000 500 $5,000 667 $8.00 $7.50 Market Rate Our Price PLUS Prepaid Packages Approximate Number of Background Checks Discount Price $4 Included $1,000 53 $18.95 $8 Included $2,000 111 $17.95 $2 Included $3,000 177 $16.95 $10 Included $ 19.95 $4,000 250 $15.95 $5,000 334 $14.95 BASIC Package SSN Verification & Address History National Criminal Database Search TOTAL PLUS Package SSN Verification & Address History National Criminal Database Search (with Re-verification of positive records) National Sex Offender Registry Search (1) County or Statewide Court Search TOTAL Mandatory State and/or County Fees $24 Varies* Addi onal Recommenda ons Credit History Report (pre-employment) $10.00 Motor Vehicle Search (any state) $5.00* Effort is made to provide current informa on at all mes, however providers, rates and packages are subject to change. Please contact your Shelby Systems sales representa ve for the most current informa on. /ĚĞŶƟĨLJĐĂŶĚŝĚĂƚĞƐ͕ ŽďƚĂŝŶĐŽŶƐĞŶƚ Register in Shelby v.5 " How it works *Addi onal mandatory state and/or county fees may apply. Varies by state. Lorem Ipsum dolor set Abeteranig Catuorno wol Nocturn meodhm Fidneled progl ĐĐĞƐƐƌĞƐƵůƚƐŝŶ Shelby v.5 ͲŵĂŝůŶŽƟĮĞƐLJŽƵ ƌĞƐƵůƚƐĂƌĞƌĞĂĚLJ Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 Shelby v.5 ĂƵƚŽŵĂƟĐĂůůLJ ƉŽƉƵůĂƚĞƐ ĐĂŶĚŝĚĂƚĞ͛Ɛ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ shelby Background ScreeningAdd-ons Secure Search SecureSearch™, an online volunteer and pre-employment screening service, has partnered with Shelby Systems to provide background screenings for secure hiring – every me. The screening services offer the convenience of submi ng requests and accessing profile reports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere with an Internet connec on. SecureSearch™ is commi ed to crea ng a safer and more secure workplace through the responsible use and dissemina on of informa on. All business prac ces are FCRA compliant and the technology pla orm is HR-XML CONSORTIUM CERTIFIED. Features and Benefits • Integrated volunteer and employee screening • Mul -state criminal searches • Na onal sex offender searches • Motor vehicle records • County courthouse searches • Na onal federal searches • Credit reports • No signup fees • • • • • • Educa on verifica ons Employment verifica ons Free educa onal webinars Free consent forms and policy samples 20+ years of industry experience and knowledge Provides child sexual abuse awareness and safety training via Safeguard from Abuse™ (provided at an addi onal cost). Please contact Shelby Sales at (800) 877-0222 or [email protected] for more informa on. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Secure Search ® Pricing Service Price Mul -State Criminal Search with Alias & SSN Trace* $12.00 Mul -State Criminal, Na onal Offender Search & SSN Trace* $10.00 Mul -State Criminal & Na onal Sex Offender Search* $9.00 County Courthouse Criminal Search (7 Year History) $8.00 MVR Records $4.00 Statewide Criminal Repository Search $10.00 (plus State fees) Colorado Statewide Criminal Search $10.00 Educa on Verifica on – Higher Educa on Only (per school) $10.00 Previous Employer Verifica on (per employer) $10.00 Federal District Courts Search per district $15.00 na onal $20.00 Full Execu ve Staff Member Screening Package $80.00 Full Pre-Employment Credit Report (PEER)** $9.00 Drug Tes ng Urine Screen, 5 Panel $35.00 Urine Screen, 10 Panel $45.00 *Add a Red Flag review by SecureSearch staff for an addi onal charge of $1.00 per profile. **Access to credit reports requires a physical site visit and inspec on, The cost of the site visit is $85.00. Please contact Shelby Sales at (800) 877-0222 or [email protected] for more informa on. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons Bar Code Readers Bar code readers greatly simplify a endance tracking. Scan the bar codes of people present and the system will mark those who are absent. You can also scan bar-coded asset tags for the Fixed Assets module. You get double the informa on with half of the effort. Scan the bar codes of a endees from a remote loca on with the miniSCAN portable bar code reading device. Features and Benefits Corded Bar Code Readers • Displays data on terminal for valida on • Reads a variety of bar codes. Examples: membership codes on a endance sheets, codes on par cipant badges, contribu on envelopes, fixed assets tags • Gives high first-read rates • Reduces data entry me • Increases data entry accuracy Image Bar Code Readers • Lightweight ergonomic ‘sure grip’ design • Supports all common interfaces • 5 ./1.5 m drop spec and recessed exit window • Integrated adjustable stand miniSCAN • Small, portable, lightweight, ergonomically designed • Large 0.5 GB memory capacity • Internal lithium ion ba ery that charges with included USB host cable • A 24-hour batch/12-hour Bluetooth mode ba ery life insures well over single shi scanning performance on a charge • Scan and Delete bu ons can be used to add or delete data (delete bu on can be disabled) • Easy and intui ve to use – just point, click and scan • Connects easily to your computer for quick data import into Shelby A endance • CS1504 miniSCAN – v.5, Arena and XP compa ble • CS3000 miniSCAN – v.5, Windows 7 or Vista compa ble Requirements: • A endance, Check-In, or Fixed Assets • USB Laser Bar code Scanner Omnidirec onal scanner easily reads bar coded ID badges from almost any angle. Makes family check-in with the Check-In module a breeze. This omnidirec onal hands-free image reader can scan printed bar codes on paper labels or mobile bar codes on the screen of a cell phone. Point. Click. Scan. A endance data entry just got easier. The miniSCAN is small enough to fit in your pocket and it is extremely affordable. This laser barcode scanner reads all popular standard 1D barcodes mee ng most applica on requirements. Rubberized contact points protect the GS220 from drops & shock. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Bar Code Readers ® Pricing Descrip on Price Omnidirec onal Scanner with Stand (USB) $299.00 Laser Bar Code Scanner (USB) $175.00 GS220 Laser Bar Code Scanner $74.99 Shipping - Ground $20.00 Shipping - 2nd Day Air $45.00 Shipping - Next Day Air $75.00 Descrip on Price Image Bar Code Scanner $365.00 Shipping - Ground $15.00 Descrip on miniSCAN (single unit)* miniSCAN (six pack)* Price $285.00 $1,695.00 Shipping (single unit) - Ground* $20.00 Shipping (six pack) - Ground* $25.00 *Call for 2nd day & next day shipping quotes. 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ Sales Department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons Canon CR-Series Check Scanners Canon’s CR-Series Check Transport products are designed to enable users to benefit from the ShelbyTELLER module. ShelbyTELLER is a complete, Check 21-compa ble, electronic check processing so ware. This hardware allows your system to scan and capture both front and back of check images, thing envelopes, or other financial documents. You can also use this func onality to scan directly into Contribu ons. Features and Benefits • The Canon CR-50 scanner meets the requirements for distributed check and remote deposit capture, offering affordability, high performance, and ultra-reliable design. • The Canon CR-80 check scanning device offers unmatched image quality and reliability for check capture at the first point of presentment. • The high-speed Canon Check Transport CR-135 scans both sides of 135 checks per minute and simultaneously reads the MICR (Magne c Ink Character Recogni on) characters using its built in magne c head. • The number of checks able to be scanned per minute is easily recognizable by the scanners’ names (e.g., Canon CR-50 scans 50 checks per minute; CR-80 scans 80 checks per minute, etc.). • Supported opera ng systems: WIndows XP, WIndows Vista, WIndows 7. Requirements: • Contribu ons, Donors and Gi s, Accounts Receivable, Bank Reconcilia on, or Remi ances • USB port Canon CR-50/CR-80 Canon CR-135 ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Canon CR-Series Check Scanners ® Model Comparison Canon Canon Canon CR-50 CR-80 CR-135 Printed Bank Endorsement Double Side Imaging Built-in Jogger Available Separately Available Separately Feeder Capacity 50 50 250 Maximum Checks Scanned Per Minute 50 80 135 Cleaning Kit USB Scans Envelopes Scans Supplemental Documents Check 21 Automatic Feeder Maintenance Agreement (with next day replacement) Replacement Ink Cartridge $ Unit Price 835 $ 1,039 $ 3,199 *Interface may be required with Shelby v5. Shipping (per unit) Price Ground $ 30 2nd Day Air $ 75 Next Day Air $ 125 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ Sales Department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons Check-In Hardware Are you searching for a way to implement a check-in or nursery security system AND quickly track a endance? Integrate your so ware with approved hardware for a complete check-in system. Features and Benefits Finger Vein Scanners Use biometric Finger Scanning to eliminate ID Cards, safeguard members and children, and offer a more convenient user and staff experience. Biometric technology has proven to be the most effec ve and affordable solu on for the safe management of member informa on. Omnidirec onal Scanner The Check-In Omnidirec onal Bar Code Scanner offers scanning performance in an ergonomic handheld design. It easily reads bar-coded ID badges from almost any angle. Combine with a touchscreen monitor to make family check-in with the Check-In module a breeze. 21.5" All-In-One Touchscreen PC The 21.5" All-In-One Touchscreen PC saves valuable desktop space by having the en re PC inside a slim LCD Flat Panel. The keyboard and mouse can be removed, making it an ideal solu on for kiosk applica ons. Label Printer The Check-In Label Printer boasts more of the things that you want from a label printer, such as more versa lity (prints die cut labels AND durable white paper or film tape), more speed (up to 50 labels per minute*), and more value (wide feature set). Simply print quick, beau ful labels, name tags, etc., from your Check-In so ware. Godex Direct Thermal Printers These economically priced direct thermal printers are perfect for member/visitor badges and wrist bands. These printers have a small space-saving design, including a wall mounted feature. Very easy to use. Print labels, receipts or wristbands. *Standard 4-line address label, text only Requirements: • Check-In • USB port Omnidirec onal scanners easily read bar coded ID badges from almost any angle. Makes family check-in with the Check-In module quick and easy. This 21.5 inch USB touchscreen PC makes member check in a breeze. Easy setup and intui ve design for member and visitor interac ons. Use the label printer to create child claim ckets, name tags or labels for possessions le in childcare area (ex. diaper bag). Godex thermal label printers are wall-mountable. Available in USB options. S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Check-In Hardware ® Pricing Descrip on 21.5" HP Touch PC (Shipping $25) Price $1099.00 Godex 4" Printer (Shipping $25) $299.00 ID Badge Printer (Shipping $40) $1,499.00 ID Badge Printer Color Ribbon Kit (Shipping $15) $139.99 ID Badge Printer Black Ribbon Kit (Shipping $15) $21.99 ID Badges - 500 Blank, White Plas c Cards (Shipping $18) $47.00 ID Key Tags - 500 Blank, (3 tags per card) (Shipping $18) $115.00 Label Printer (Shipping $15) $149.00 Twin Label and Receipt Printer (Shipping $15) $229.00 Omnidirec onal Scanner with Stand (USB; Shipping $20**) $299.00 Touchscreen Monitor (17 in. USB; Shipping $25) $559.00 Finger Vein Scanner *** Kiosk Furniture (Several different models available. Shipping $250-$300) $700-$4,499.00 * Next day and 2nd day air shipments not available. Call for delivery schedule. ** Omnidirec onal Scanner: Next day shipping ($75) and 2nd day air shipping ($45) *** See Fingerprint Scanning product sheet for pricing. Contact your sales representa ve for labels, receipts, wristband stock and special package pricing op ons. 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ Sales Department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Check-In Kiosks Add-ons Shelby Systems offers complete kiosk solu ons, including Check-In so ware, hardware, and kiosk furniture op ons. Our kiosk enclosures house all of your Check-In hardware safely, a rac vely and conveniently. Features and Benefits • • • • • Model op ons to match your building’s interior Casters on some models make the en re unit mobile Shelves for label and receipt printers Locking cabinet spaces Security panels to protect the computer monitor and cords • High quality cabinet construc on and compe ve prices through our provider rela onships Requirements: • Check-In (Old City Kiosk) I&E ($4,499) I & E Podium Kiosk ($935) Old City (front) Old City (back) ($1799-2799 based on finish) SunPro ($1995) ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Check-In Kiosks ® Pricing Descrip on Price Shipping Ergotron Kiosk $999.00 $210.00 I & E Kiosk (Comes with touchscreen & “brick” PC Customizable) $4499.00 $170.00 I & E Podium Kiosk** (Addi onal op ons available) $700.00 $85.00 I & E Podium Kiosk**- with one tray (Keyboard or printer tray available) $935.00 $85.00 I & E Podium Kiosk** – with two Trays (Keyboard and printer tray) $1075.00 $85.00 Old City Laminate Kiosk* $1899.00 $175.00 Old City Paint-Grade Kiosk* $1799.00 $175.00 Old City Stain-Grade Kiosk* $2799.00 $175.00 $89.00 -- $1995.00 $150.00 Old City Trim/Molding Kit (for paint/stain only) SunPro Capri Kiosk *Bundle discount pricing available for kiosk with purchase of all-in-one PC and printer. ** To have casters included, add $30 to the listed price. The keyboard tray’s dimensions are 14 3/8 W x 5 3/8 D; it is designed for a compact keyboard. Contact the Shelby Sales Department for details. 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ Sales Department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons Constant Contact Shelby Systems has teamed up with Constant Contact to enable you to effec vely communicate with your members and visitors. Constant Contact®, Inc. champions businesses and nonprofit organiza ons to help them connect with their customers and members easily and affordably. More than 350,000 organiza ons worldwide use Constant Contact’s industry-leading Email Marke ng and online survey tools. They create professionallooking e-mail communica ons and online surveys to inform their audience and get feedback that ul mately result in closer rela onships. Professional, yet Easy to Use Email Marke ng by Constant Contact is the easy, effec ve, and highly affordable way to get your message out to your members and visitors. You’ll create high-impact, professional-looking e-mails — quickly and with no technical exper se. And, most importantly, you’ll build strong connec ons with your members that ul mately strengthen your ministry. With Email Marke ng by Constant Contact, you can: • Send weekly bulle ns, commi ee updates, or group-specific newsle ers • Announce special events like trips, study groups, and more • Create different newsle ers for parents, youths, members with specific interests, or visitors • Send last-minute weather cancella ons or emergency appeals • Share sermons, prayers, and holiday reflec ons with specially-sized inspira onal message templates • Choose from more than 300 templates designed for churches and schools — add your own look and feel • Reduce costs on prin ng and postage Discover how the power of Email Marke ng by Constant Contact can help you be er connect with your members, strengthen your rela onships with them, and grow your ministry. Compliance backed by Customer Service Constant Contact will take care of ge ng your e-mail delivered and keep you CAN-SPAM compliant. Constant Contact provides high e-mail deliverability rates due to its strong ISP partnerships, no-tolerance spam policy, and par cipa on in an -spam industry groups. Plus, Constant Contact supports customers every step of the way with award-winning, unlimited, free customer service. Time-Saving Integra on With the integra on of Shelby v.5 and Constant Contact, you save me with the management of your e-mail list. Sign up and learn more today! h p:// For more informa on, call 1-800-877-0222 S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 O T Y D A RE ? P U N G SI lby.const e h s / :/ p h shelby Add-ons Finger Vein Scanning Use Finger Vein Scanning to eliminate ID Cards, safeguard members and children, and offer a more convenient user and staff experience. Save money and improve security through the innova ve use of biometric so ware and finger vein readers. Biometric technology has proven to be the most effec ve and affordable solu on for the safe and orderly management of member informa on. Organiza ons are becoming aware of the value of finger vein recogni on. A finger vein system such as M2SYS will easily interface into your exis ng Shelby Check-In, providing instant finger vein scanning capabili es, elimina ng the need for passwords, barcode readers, and iden fica on cards. Features and Benefits • • • • • Eliminate barcode/card scanning or PINs Speed traffic through lines Instantly retrieve picture and profile informa on Ensure a child arrives and leaves with the correct person Eliminate problems caused by lost or stolen cards • • • • • Improve ease-of-use for facility members Op mize staff or personnel efficiency Reduce staff involvement with member check-In Prevent occurrence of member iden ty fraud USB interface M2SYS Vein Reader ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Finger Vein Scanning ® Bundle Pricing A La Carte Pricing Number of Finger Vein Scanners Number of Scanned Members 2 1,000 $ 1330 $ 15 $ 89 6 2,500 $ 3040 $ 25 $ 99 10 5,000 $ 4750 $ 30 $ 109 15 10,000 $ 6875 $ 35 $ 119 25 20,000 11050 $ 40 $ 129 Price $ Annual Renewal Shipping Note: Total price above includes scanners, biometric so ware and first year support. Price Shipping Finger Vein Reader $420 $10 Additional M2SYS Support Incident Credit $70 - Shelby Biometrics Interface $199 - Price Support Number of Scanned Members Biometric Software 1,000 $ 435 $ 2,500 $ 465 $ 5,000 $ 500 $ 10,000 20,000 $ 535 $ 575 $ $ 89 99 109 119 129 Frequently Asked Ques ons Are there any privacy risks? None. The M2SYS biometric system does not store a copy of the finger vein image. The so ware extracts the unique finger vein pa ern data from the image for the purpose of iden fica on within a closed environment. It is impossible to recreate a finger vein pa ern from this data, and no background check can be performed without the image. Therefore, there are no associated privacy risks. Addi onally, the data template itself is 100% encrypted from the me it is captured to the me it is stored in the database. What are the chances the system will misiden fy users? The M2SYS finger vein system operates in a closed environment with several system parameters configured to maximize both accuracy and performance levels. For example, during enrollment and iden fica on, the system forces the capture of a high quality image with many unique iden fying points, which nearly eliminates the chance of error. What if something happens to an enrolled finger? During enrollment, the M2SYS system captures finger vein images that can be used to iden fy an individual. Should something happen to one of the enrolled fingers (i.e., cut, burn, damaged, etc.), the other finger vein image will s ll serve as an alternate unique iden fier. Addi onally, an administrator, when necessary, can update any enrolled finger vein image in the system. How accurate is the finger vein system? Every person’s finger vein contains a unique pa ern consis ng of what are known as “minu ae points”. The orienta on of these points within the pa ern is what differen ates one finger vein pa ern from another. The M2SYS biometric so ware examines and extracts these unique minu ae points and stores them in the form of a “biometric iden ty template”, which is used during iden fica on. When a maximized finger vein image is captured during enrollment and recogni on, the chance of misiden fica on is almost nonexistent. How long does the enrollment process take? Enrollment consists of scanning the finger three mes consecu vely. The scanner automa cally captures the image when the finger is placed on it. Capture me for each scan is less than one second. Total enrollment me should take less than 10 seconds. How long does it take to iden fy users? The M2SYS system matches a finger vein pa ern at a speed of 20,000 records per second in an op mized, single CPU environment. Unless there are an extraordinary number of stored individuals in the database, the iden fica on process is nearly instantaneous. What happens if a client surpasses the user limit on their license? It is a good idea to scale a solu on for growth from the very beginning. However, with M2SYS, you do have the flexibility to upgrade to higher user ers as needed. Please note that the so ware will stop iden fying users once the user threshold limit is reached. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons ID Badge Printer System Have you been looking for a way to produce professional quality ID badges in-house without having to spend a fortune? This ID Badge Printer System seamlessly integrates with Shelby’s ID Badge Design feature in the GlobaFILE, Check-In and Registra ons modules. Produce ID badges and key tags for your check-in system, employee iden fica on, events or even school IDs. Even incorporate photos or bar codes for added security and automa on. Features and Benefits • Add photos with your own camera. Images are saved in GlobaFILE. • Design and print personalized ID badges and key tags directly from within Shelby Check-In, GlobaFILE, or Registra ons, no addi onal so ware needed • One-sided, edge-to-edge prin ng • 100-card, front-facing input hopper • 20 card, front-facing output hopper • Automa c card feeding • Easy-access components, including quick-change ribbon cartridges • Full-color or monochrome imaging • 300 dpi print resolu on • Prints up to 120 full-color cards per hour or up to 500 single-color cards per hour • Produce custom ID badges and key tags one at a me or in large batches • Add a bar code to your ID badge design and incorporate with your Check-In module to reduce check-in me and speed up a endance tracking • Compact size doesn’t take up much room on your desktop • Lightweight and portable design allows you to transport the printer to satellite loca ons or temporary work sta ons • Standard USB connec ons offer plug-and-play simplicity and fast, easy installa on Requirements: • GlobaFILE, Pose n’ Print (for photos) • USB port Op onal: • Check-In, Registra ons ID Badge Printer System equips you to produce ID badges for your Check-In systems, employee iden fica on or even school IDs. Shelby offers blank, white plas c ID Badge Stock. Use with the ID Badge Printer to produce photo ID badges on demand- quickly and inexpensively. Key Tag badge stock. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 ID Badge Printer System ® Pricing Descrip on ID Badge Printer (Shipping $40*) Price $1,499.00 ID Badge Printer Color Ribbon Kit (Shipping $15*) $139.99 ID Badge Printer Black Ribbon Kit (Shipping $15*) $21.99 ID Badges - 500 Blank, White Plas c Cards (Shipping $18*) $47.00 ID Key Tags - 500 Blank, (3 tags per card) (Shipping $18) ID Badge Printer Bundle (Shipping $50*) (includes ID Badge Printer, 500 blank, white ID badges, one color ribbon kit and one black ribbon kit) $115.00 $1,649.00 *Next day and 2nd day air shipments not available. Call for delivery schedule. Contact your sales representa ve for special package pricing op ons. Note: These products are supported on worksta ons running Windows XP Pro 32-bit or Windows Vista 32-bit Business, Ul mate or Enterprise, but are not supported on worksta ons running Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2003 Terminal Server. As with all Shelby Add-on products, we offer product support in your use of related Shelby so ware modules. We do not offer technical support on setup and troubleshoo ng with these items. We suggest that you contact the manufacturer directly for assistance. 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ Sales Department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 Payment Solutions Provider shelby Add-ons MinistryLINQ Shelby Systems has partnered with MinistryLINQ, a Level 1 PCI DSS-Compliant payments provider. As a total solu ons provider, MinistryLINQ handles all risk and underwri ng, provides merchant accounts, and runs transac ons through its proprietary solu on, CustomQ. MinistryLINQ solu ons allow Shelby customers to process payments directly from their Shelby so ware and reduce the me spent re-keying. SmoothPay recently became available to Shelby customers through MinistryLINQ. SmoothPay makes accep ng credit cards, debit cards, and eChecks (EFT) with Shelby Systems so ware easier than ever. SmoothPay features: • NO annual fee and NO batch fees • NO downgrades or surcharges • ONE easy-to-read statement for all processing services • Net deposit of credit, debit, and eChecks – including American Express • 24/7 access to online repor ng • Transac on detail for every deposit, including failed transac ons MinistryLINQ also partners with SecurityMetrics, a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), to give Shelby customers access to a comprehensive PCI Compliance Program. The program includes valuable tools to help organiza ons become PCI DSS-compliant to protect their data and reputa on. MinistryLINQ SmoothPay Pricing (online) SmoothPay provides one flat-rate for credit card transactions (no downgrades) with a single transaction fee. Flat Rate Pricing * 2.50% Transaction Fee $0.40 vs. Industry Standard Tiered Pricing (example only) A standard account typically deposits MC/Visa/Discover, American Express, and eChecks (EFT) separately. Discount Rate 2.65% - Rewards Cards 3.50% - Non-Qualified *American Express 3% Gateway Fees One-Time Setup Fee $149.00 Monthly 2.35% - Credit $35.00 MinistryLINQ Customer Support Transaction Fee - Credit $0.25 Transaction Fee - Gateway $0.15 Daily Batch Fee $0.20 Monthly Statement Fee $10.00 Monthly Minimum $25.00 Annual Fee $50.00 800-811-7826 (Op on 1) M–F: 6am–5pm PST (A er Hours: Op on 9) [email protected] ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Payment Solutions Provider shelby Add-ons Payment Data Systems Shelby Systems has been in partnership with Payment Data Systems (PDS) since 2006 to manage customers’ ACH and Credit Card processing requirements for e-Solu ons. PDS is a Level 1 PCI DSS compliant Third Party Servicer and securely processes all forms of credit cards, bank debit cards, prepaid cards, ACH, or eChecks. Security & Reliability Credit Card Processing PDS con nues to hold the dis nc on as a Level One PCIDSS compliant third party servicer. The company also holds the designa ons of TPP (Third Party Processor: MasterCard) and TPS (Third Party Servicer: VISA). In order to keep you from the ini al and ongoing expense of maintaining PCI Compliance, PDS, in concert with Shelby Systems, has created a PCI DSS compliant ‘Hosted Pay Page’. All data entered via the ‘Hosted Pay Page’ and our CSR View applica ons are entered directly onto secure servers. Since you are not entering, storing, or transmi ng cardholder data, you are not required to spend extra money on an ongoing basis to maintain compliance. You simply sign a Self A esta on Ques onnaire when you first create your account. PDS offers special rates for all Shelby Systems users. PDS offers both MOTO/Internet accounts as well as tradi onal Retail card swipe accounts. If you already have a card swipe terminal and it is PCI compliant, PDS can reprogram it for you. If you need a new terminal, we have access to all major brand terminals on the market. Whether you require a standard dial-up, ethernet, or wireless terminal, PDS can get you set up. Please call for terminal quotes. Specialized Repor ng PDS provides specialized reports for all Shelby customers. As an example, reports include enhanced reports for batch and deposit reconcilia on, General Ledger capture and repor ng and General Ledger Summary. Customer Service PDS provides dedicated Customer Service (866-616-5239) to serve Shelby Systems customers. ACH (Check) Processing With PDS, it costs only $25/month to process up to 250 transac ons - or just $.10/transac on. Compare this to the average of $1.22 it costs an organiza on to process a paper check. Gateway Processing Already have a merchant account with another service provider and do not wish to change? You can use your exis ng merchant account for credit card processing for $5 per month and $.15 per transac on. Because PDS has universal connec vity and is cer fied on all processing networks, your transac ons and deposits will be routed to your exis ng provider. Note: If you choose to u lize the PDS Gateway only, PDS is unable to offer you the same PCI compliance as with other applica ons. Contact Informa on A er you have discussed your processing needs with your Shelby representa ve, you will be referred to a PDS representa ve to complete your applica on process. Please feel free to contact your PDS customer service representa ve at any me if you have ques ons or special processing needs. *Debit only is now available, as well as iRemote Pay, which allows you to make a cash, credit card, or ACH payment on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 Payment Data Systems ® ACH Transaction Rates & Fees* DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Transaction Fees $0.15 each transaction over 250 per month Application & Setup Fee $30 one-time fee Monthly Maintenance Fee Includes the first 250 transactions and reporting of all transaction activity $25 per month Return Item Fees $3 per returned item Credit/Debit Cards* and “Debit Card Only” Fees DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Application & Setup Fee $50 One-time fee Virtual Site Survey Fee $35 One-time fee Credit/Debit Card Monthly Processing Minimum $25 per month “Check/Debit Cards Only” Monthly Fee Monthly Service Fee $25 per month $ 8 per month Credit/Debit Transaction Rates* QUALIFICATION TYPE Retail Internet Debit Credit † Debit Credit† DISCOUNT % TRANSACTION FEE 1.53 % 1.94 % 1.99 % 2.28 % $0.15 $0.10 $0.15 $0.10 AUTH FEE $0.10 $0.10 $0.20* $0.20* Note: Final rates are contingent upon information submitted by the prospective Agent. For exact rates, contact an authorized Payment Data Systems sales representative. *Includes Gateway & AVS fee ** Requies special registration with Visa and Mastercard †Business cards, World cards, Corporate Purchase cards, and most Visa, MC, and Discover issued rewards cards have additional fees. These card types will be capped at 2.5%. Payment Data Systems contact: Jerry Knippa or Herb Authier [email protected] Ph: 866-616-5239 FAX: 210-249-4130 Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons PhoneTree ® The PhoneTree telephone messaging system was invented in and for the church. PhoneTree features were developed by working with and listening to churches who use PhoneTree systems. Features include integra on with your Shelby v.5 so ware, remote access by phone, InfoLines™, and more, helping facilitate your church’s ac vi es — from emergency no fica ons to spaghe suppers. Make PhoneTree a part of your ministry today! Features and Benefits • Reap What You Sow: Does your staff get bogged down every me an important message needs to be sent out to members? Relieve your staff of manual dialing and increase the output of your calls in half the me with PhoneTree’s automated messaging solu on. • Stretch Communica ons: Everyone has a preferred way they wish to be contacted. PhoneTree’s flexible voice, email and tex ng op ons help guarantee your messages reach their intended des na ons. • Rally Volunteers: Automa cally recruit volunteers to serve in a par cular capacity through PhoneTree’s interac ve feature. In a ma er of minutes, you’re able to send your message, generate responses, and access a report to show you actual number of recruited volunteers. It’s like having a dedicated staff member making the calls for you. • Access 24-7: Not in the office and need to get a call out to your members? PhoneTree’s remote access capability makes it possible to send your messages any me from any loca on using a touch-tone phone. • Autopilot Messages: Save you and your staff valuable me by automa ng rou ne calls regarding prayer chain requests, daily devo onals, choir schedule reminders, event reminders and more. Cancella ons, rescheduling updates, emergency no fica ons, and more, PhoneTree does it all. • Delivers your recorded message in crystal-clear, digital sound • Interfaces with your so ware with a quick, easy import • Add addi onal lines or addi onal PhoneTree units as your church grows • Make calls to selected people during a calling window you specify • All PhoneTree models offer voicemail capability when not being used for outgoing calls • PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Plus and VoiceWave™ Premium allow you to send companion e-mails with your calls • InfoLine™ allows you to record up to 999 automated announcements that people can call in and hear (InfoLine™ comes FREE with the PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Plus and VoiceWave™ Premium models) • Exclusive AVR-4™ Advanced Voice Recogni on technology detects voicemail and “waits for the beep” to leave your message • PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Premium offers text-to-speech capability and Flex Fields to let you deliver customized messages like, “Hello. This is John calling for [NAME] to remind you of [EVENT] on [DATE] at [TIME].” It’s like doing a mail merge with recorded messages for a more personal touch. Requirements: • GlobaFILE, Membership, Misc. Name & Addresses, Prospects, or Donors & Gi s • Windows® XP/Server 2000/Vista/Win 7 • 512 MB RAM; 500 MB hard drive space • One analog telephone line per PhoneTree port • CD ROM drive; color monitor • Internet connec on (for PhoneTree OnDemand or remote installa on) • USB port, minimum of one USB port for each PhoneTree box Choose from PhoneTree VoiceWave, VoiceWave™ Plus, or VoiceWave™ Premium models. Visit for more detailed product features. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 PhoneTree ® Pricing Descrip on PhoneTree VoiceWave™ PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Annual Maintenance Agreement* Price $1,549.00 $150.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Annual Maintenance Agreement* (comes standard with Maintenance Agreement) $1,165.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ with Total Service Agreement and Double Capacity/Speed $1,879.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Plus $1,599.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Plus Annual Maintenance Agreement* $220.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave* Plus Annual Maintenance Agreement* with 2,500 text messages $2,365.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Plus Annual Maintenance Agreement* Double Capacity/Speed with 5,000 text messages $2,495.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Premium $2,499.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Premium Annual Maintenance Agreement* $340.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Premium Annual Maintenance Agreement* with 5,000 text messages $3,499.00 PhoneTree VoiceWave™ Premium Annual Maintenance Agreement* Double Capacity/Speed with 10,000 text messages $4,099.00 PhoneTree Addi onal Lines (any er)** $599.00 Shipping - Ground $20.00 Shipping - 2nd Day Air $40.00 Shipping - Next Day Air $60.00 *Annual Maintenance Agreements en tle access to PhoneTree so ware updates and technical support from PhoneTree staff. **If you buy addi onal lines with your original PhoneTree purchase you pay only $399 per line. We are currently offering a $600 credit for VoiceWave Standard, Plus and Premium when you upgrade to the next product level. We are also offering a $400 credit for VoiceWave Standard, Plus and Premium when you upgrade to the next product level and new hardware is purchased. 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ sales department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons PhoneTree VoiceWave Online ® PhoneTree’s VoiceWave Online service allows you to make thousands of calls in just minutes via the Internet. Perfect for weather-related emergencies or urgent messages, VoiceWave Online will keep your members informed and involved with comprehensive voice, text and email messaging. Your calling list and your recorded messages are scheduled for delivery from PhoneTree’s high-speed calling center. Features and Benefits • Choose a plan or purchase points without signing a contract • Your account will include all available PhoneTree features • Send voice messages, SMS texts and emails in bulk • Create messages from any place at any me • Unlimited members, groups, file uploads and usage • Backed by 22 years of PhoneTree experience and innova on in church messaging • • • • Fast high-speed delivery Customized personal caller ID Reliable spam-free group emails Complete message op ons: - Record messages up to 2 minutes - PC mic, phone or text-to speech - Bilingual/alternate messaging available • Fully SAAS model PhoneTree service Requirements: • Internet connec on • An internal sound card • External PC speakers and microphone • A valid email address and/or phone number for each account and for each user you wish to create ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 PhoneTree® VoiceWave Online ® Pricing POINT USAGE CHART Message Time (seconds) Message Type Points 0 - 30 Phone 1.0 31 - 60 Phone 1.0 61 - 120 Phone 1.5 SMS 1.0 Email 0.1 SUBSCRIPTION Plan Points 200 600 2000 10000 Monthly Price Price Per Point $19.00 $54.00 $170.00 $800.00 $0.095 $0.090 $0.085 $0.080 PREPAID Plan Points Pay As You Go Price Per Point $22.00 $60.00 $190.00 $900.00 $0.110 $0.100 $0.095 $0.090 200 600 2000 10000 Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons ShelbyMAILROOM Reduce mailing costs and keep your mailing list addresses current all with one product. ShelbyMAILROOM is an integrated address management system. It works by standardizing the spellings and abbrevia ons of the address data elements. For users who wish to submit a mailing, ShelbyMAILROOM will automate the en re process by presor ng the list; prin ng required postal reports and bar coded labels. And best of all, ShelbyMAILROOM’s easy-to-use wizards navigate you through every step of the process. Features and Benefits • Prepara on for 1st Class, Standard Mail and Periodicals • USPS DVD-based data updates sent 6 mes per year • CASS Cer fica on - address correc on - addi on of Zip+4, Carrier Route, and Line of Travel (LOT) data • PAVE Cer fica on – USPS Cer fied Postal Presor ng for mul ple lists, qualifica on for postal discounts (entry-point, non-profit, etc) • Avoid impor ng and expor ng hassles; ShelbyMAILROOM is ghtly integrated with Shelby so ware • Flexible processing: date-stamped records, search/ sort capability • Printed USPS forms, bar-coded address labels, plus sack or tray tags • Integra on with direct impression and high speed printers. Takes advantage of standard mailing equipment to increase efficiency • Assures the fastest and most accurate delivery and guarantees you the best possible USPS rates Requirements: • GlobaFILE, Membership, Misc. Names and Addresses, or Prospects • DVD drive • 1 GB Hard Drive Space for Data Server; 50 MB Hard Drive Space for worksta ons Mailroom cer fies your addresses, prints required USPS reports, prints tray and mailing labels. Not only does ShelbyMAILROOM save you money, it actually pays for itself! ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 ShelbyMAILROOM ® Pricing Descrip on ShelbyMAILROOM Annual Subscrip on Piece Mailed Weekly Price 0-50 $ 69.00 51-199 $ 99.00 200-399 $199.00 400-999 $399.00 1,000-2,499 $799.00 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ sales department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons ShelbyMAILROOM MOVE Agent Did you know that more than 44 million Americans change their addresses annually? According to USPS es mates, that’s nearly 20% of American people and businesses that move every year. Don’t lose touch with your congrega on! Because it’s designed to work via the Internet, MOVE Agent provides nearly real- me* processing. By running MOVE Agent before a mailing, MOVE Agent helps you avoid the delays of the regular USPS mail-forwarding process and increases your overall address quality by upda ng your database with current addresses. Features and Benefits • Immediate, 24/7 access to Matching Process (bu on within ShelbyMAILROOM) • A single mailing or mailing to your whole database — you can process addresses as needed • Addresses corrected via Na onal Change of Address (NCOA) database and CASS cer fied in one process • Adherence to USPS requirements for First Class bulk mail • Data exchange via Internet: speedy reac on in a near real- me* environment • Membership informa on updated with corrected addresses • User-specified process: which records and what frequency • Prints required USPS Forms and reports showing processing results • Eliminates file manipula on or data entry; no file import or export, no manual data entry • Reduce duplicate mailings & postage • Spend less me & money with re-mailings • MOVE Agent has an annual registra on fee, plus a nominal per-record charge. Results vary, but between 3-12% of all records are updated during a typical MOVE Agent job. Cost of 100 pieces of Undeliverable Mail: Postage ($0.41 per piece) + produc on costs ($.40 per piece es mate) = $81.00 *The NCOALink™ database is updated weekly. Requirements: • GlobaFILE, ShelbyMAILROOM • Internet connec on Op onal: • Membership, Misc. Names and Addresses, or Prospects “ . . . I have now installed Move Agent and it is working perfectly. On the first run, I had 159 addresses that needed to be changed. The so ware performed perfectly, changing all the addresses and then prin ng a report of both new and old addresses, as well as an effec ve date of the address change. I am convinced that this so ware will pay for itself in short order, as many, many of our congrega on do not let the church office know when they move, even if it is within the same town. I will use this so ware frequently and would highly recommend it to any church.” - Jo Ann Anderson, Membership Secretary, First United Methodist Church, Coral Springs, FL. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 ShelbyMAILROOM MOVE Agent ® Pricing Descrip on MOVE Agent Annual Subscrip on* Descrip on MOVE Agent Update Credits* ($5.00 per batch of 1,000 Credits) Pieces Mailed Weekly Price 0-50 $ 69.00 51-199 $ 99.00 200-399 $199.00 400-999 $299.00 1,000-2,499 $399.00 Price $5.00 *Note: MOVE Agent requires both a recurring annual subscrip on and processing fees for batches of addresses reviewed. You will be asked to complete a NCOALink™ Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) provided by the USPS prior to establishing your MOVE Agent account. The form can be found within your Shelby v.5 so ware. MOVE Agent Annual Subscrip on is offered at an annual subscrip on rate, plus $65 worth of MOVE Update Credits (13,000 credits). Your MOVE Update Credits are consumed based upon the number of records reviewed, not the number of records updated. For example, if you upload a mailing list with 1,000 individual records and MOVE Agent indicates five changes, you will consume 1,000 MOVE Update credits, not just five. 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ sales department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Frequently Asked Ques ons What is the Move Update standard? The Move Update standard is a USPS (United States Postal Service) specifica on that all mailers must meet in order to minimize the number of pieces that require forwarding. Mailers are now required to demonstrate that they have updated their mailing list within 95 days before the date of mailing. Who is affected by Move Update? Mailers who claim presorted or automa on rates for First-Class Mail and all Standard Mail will be required to meet the Move Update Standard. What is MOVE Agent? MOVE Agent is an add-on to ShelbyMAILROOM that will qualify addresses for the Move Update standard and produce the necessary reports qualified by the USPS. MOVE Agent can help reduce costs, as the Post Office can charge up to $.80 per piece of returned mail. What is required to use MOVE Agent? ShelbyMAILROOM and a broadband Internet connec on. Are there alterna ves to MOVE Agent? Yes. The USPS recognizes four preapproved methods. There are also alterna ve methods that require separate approval. All these methods are described in the USPS Quick Service Guide 230a at h p:// qsg300/Q230a.htm. MOVE Agent uses the NCOALink method and is licensed by the Postal Service. What are the benefits of MOVE Agent over other methods? The advantage of MOVE Agent is that it operates in real- me, with 24/7 access to the USPS Move Server. MOVE Agent integrates with your Shelby v.5 data, corrects your database immediately and prints a report of changed addresses. What are MOVE Agent costs? There is an annual fee based on the number of pieces mailed weekly. On the ini al purchase of MOVE Agent, startup credits must be purchased. Addi onal credits can be purchased as needed. Credits do not expire. Contact your Shelby Sales representa ve about these costs. When is a credit used? A credit is used when an address record is reviewed, regardless if it is updated. Will I need to verify every address in my Shelby v.5 database? No. MOVE Agent verifica on can be restricted by address type or mail status. Does ShelbyMAILROOM verify addresses? No. ShelbyMAILROOM checks address validity. MOVE Agent confirms that the intended recipient actually lives at that address, finds the new address if the recipient has moved and updates the address for you. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons ShelbyTeller ShelbyTELLER is a complete Check 21-compa ble, electronic, check processing so ware that fully integrates with Shelby v.5 and Shelby Arena. The unique system scans and captures images of both front and back of checks, thing envelopes, or other financial documents. Remotely deposi ng your checks saves you me and trips to the bank! Features and Benefits • Adds stamped and virtual endorsements • Creates a Check 21-compliant x9.37 cash le er or ACH file for electronic deposit • CAR/LAR “reads” both the courtesy and legal amount of checks using OCR so ware technology • Processes payments and posts into your Accounts Receivables module • Creates a searchable archive of check images and payment documents • Provides full repor ng features and supports a batch processing environment • Updates Contribu ons • Complies with Check 21 regula ons ShelbyTeller Processing Summary 1. Open ShelbyTELLER. 2. Scan checks and/or envelopes. 3. ShelbyTELLER FAQ Verify amounts & exceptions. 1. How much does ShelbyTELLER cost? ShelbyTELLER is priced on a ered structure, star ng at $1,100, based on the number of checks processed per year. There is an annual renewal fee for subsequent years. Your sales representa ve can help you es mate your annual number of checks with our check calculator, so contact him/her today for a price quote. 5. What is CAR/LAR? CAR/LAR reads the handwri en Courtesy Amount (CAR) and the Legal Amount (LAR) on a check, compares the two, and returns the correct value with a high degree of accuracy. If this amount matches an expected amount determined by the accompanying stub, then the transac on is processed without operator interven on. 2. What is included in the purchase price? ShelbyTELLER So ware, support, and so ware installa on. 6. What fields are included in the Contributions import file? The fields that are imported are: date, gi amount, purpose, scanned image of the front and back of checks, and any accompanying envelopes. Open Contributions, select XML file for import. 7. Are multiple purpose codes supported in the import? Yes. Finalize entries & process normally. 3. Which scanners are compatible ? ShelbyTELLER works op mally with Canon scanners. While other scanners may work with ShelbyTELLER, we strongly recommend purchasing units from, and supported by, Shelby Systems. Check with your sales representa ve for addi onal informa on. 4. What are the file formats of the import files? The import file is XML. The bank import file is x9.37, a banking industry standard file format. 4. Export Check 21 file, send to bank. 5. Create XML file for Shelby. 6. 7. 8. Can contribution amounts be applied to existing pledges? Yes. 9. My bank has offered us a scanner with (low/minimal/no) transaction fees. What does ShelbyTELLER (offer/provide) us that our bank does not? ShelbyTELLER provides direct import into Shelby so ware. This integrated process saves you me and money, and it is fully supported by Shelby Systems. S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 ShelbyTELLER ® Pricing Ini al Install/First Year Op ons Descrip on Price ShelbyTELLER - Tier S (<10,000 Items per year) $1,100.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 0 (<25,000 items per year) $1,600.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 1 (<50,000 items per year) $3,000.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier B (<75,000 items per year) $3,675.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 2 (<100,000 items per year) $4,525.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier C (<150,000 items per year) $6,450.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier D (<200,000 items per year) $8,000.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 3 (<250,000 items per year) $11,150.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 4 (<500,000 items per year) $16,000.00 Annual Renewal Descrip on Price ShelbyTELLER - Tier S - Annual Renewal $390.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 0 - Annual Renewal $555.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 1 - Annual Renewal $945.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier B - Annual Renewal $1,270.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 2 - Annual Renewal $1,560.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier C - Annual Renewal $2,225.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier D - Annual Renewal $2,740.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 3 - Annual Renewal $3,675.00 ShelbyTELLER - Tier 4 - Annual Renewal $5,335.00 Having trouble with your bank accep ng cash x9.37 files or are your fees too high? ProfitStars® Electronic Payment Solu ons (EPS) is an official Shelby Systems partner, providing a direct link from ShelbyTELLER to your bank account, effec vely bypassing bank fees & frustra on. For more informa on on EPS and its services, contact the Shelby sales department at 800-877-0222 or by email at [email protected]. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons Text-To-Give A fast and easy text-to-give service for your ministry Shelby’s partnership with mobileAxept allows users to make dona ons to their church right on their mobile device. Your members can text their gi or make a purchase directly from your church with any device that can send and receive text messages. The solu on is easy, secure, and extremely effec ve. It is independent of any telecom operators, banking partnerships, or na onal boundaries. Benefits • • • • • • Real- me informa on on dona ons, including: name, address, cell phone, purpose of gi , and the amount Donors can give any amount they wish Funds are in your bank account in 24 hours Seamless integra on with Shelby Arena for ease of consolidated repor ng Making dona ons and purchases as easy as sending a text message Contributors can text their gi s or make purchases directly from their mobile phones • • • • Money is transferred directly to your church’s bank account All necessary data is posted into Shelby Arena Communica on between all par es involved in the mobileAxept system is carried out over secure lines encrypted with Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/ Transport Layer Security (TLS) mobileAxept uses Bluefin Payment Systems® as their Merchant Account Provider. Bluefin is PCI Security Compliant. Contact Us! Introductory Rates • • • One- me account setup fee: $399 Monthly service fee: $49.95 Transac on fee: 4.5% to 5% (this includes all fees for Bluefin debit/credit card processing and mobileAxept) Contact Shelby Sales at [email protected] or (800) 877-0222. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 ® Frequently Asked Questions How does it work? How secure is this? • Users can send a text message with a keyword, space, and the amount to 28950 (Ex: to give $10 to ABC Organization with the keyword “ABC”, they should text “ABC 10” to 28950). This solution is PCI Security Certified, and there is no data transmitted or stored on the user’s phone. PCI is the industry security standard for credit and debit card statements, and includes a rigorous periodic security testing and audit of the entire system. • If it is the first time a user has texted a gift, he/she will receive a text back with a link to a web page to register. • The user can then open the link and fill in the information that you would like to capture at that time. • When registration is complete, the user will receive a receipt for the $10.00 gift via text message. • Any time the user wants to give after that initial registration, all they have to do is send a text message. Their card will automatically be deducted, and they will receive a receipt via text message. What is the significance of the keywords? The keywords indicate where the donation is going. Your organization may use multiple keywords to raise funds for different ventures, drives, or to enable purchases and registrations. For more information, visit: What are the requirements? The system works with any mobile phone with SMS or texting ability. Your users do need to have a phone plan that allows texting. Also, users should not have Premium SMS or shortcode numbers blocked on their plan. To be able to do the initial registration on their phones, users will need to have internet access. If their phones can send text messages, but do not have internet access, they can still use their phone to give, but the initial registration will need to be done on a device with a web browser. Which kind of debit or credit card can be used? All major credit cards are accepted. Is the amount added to the user’s phone bill? No, it is deducted from their debit or credit card. What kind of receipt will users receive? Users will receive a receipt via text message. At the end of the year, the users donations can be aggregated by your organization so that they can be included on the annual tax receipt letter your organization may prepare. What is the maximum amount the user can give? The user can give any amount they wish, unless you, the recipient organization, decide to pre-impose caps or controls on their gift. Otherwise, the maximum limit depends on how much their bank will allow them put on their card. Is the donation tax deductible? Donations are tax deductible if the receiving organization is allowed by IRS 501(c) 3 rules. Does it work internationally? Will the users be charged per text message? Users will be charged the cost of sending and receiving the text messages, which is determined by their cell phone provider. Are donations refundable? It is up to your organization whether donations/purchases will be available for refund. How can someone unregister or unsubscribe? Simply by texting STOP to 28950. They will then receive an acknowledgement that they have been unregistered. At this point, this system works for U.S. subscribers only. If a user has a U.S. number and they are abroad – their text should go through, depending on their cell phone’s provider’s terms and policies. What if a mistake has been texted in or a member needs help? For general assistance, users can text HELP to 28950 to get connected to customer service. Can my organization use multiple keywords? Yes, different keywords indicating different fundraising aims, purchases, etc can be sent to the same number. No new registration is required for newly-used keywords so long as the short code of 28950 is used. Do users need a smartphone? No, any phone that is capable of using text messages can be used to give. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 shelby Add-ons TimeClock Plus Tired of calcula ng hours minus sick days plus vaca on and over me? The automa on of TimeClock Plus helps accuracy by reducing calcula ons. It also helps manage work schedules – adding people as needed, avoiding unnecessary over me, monitoring a endance, etc., and then transfers the informa on into your Shelby v.5 so ware. Features and Benefits • Seamless interface with Payroll module • PC-terminal or remote access device for clocking in and clocking out • Auto-tracking for hours, tardies, and absenteeism • Employee management: change departments, go on break, view hours and schedule • Supervisor management: edit hours, run reports, create employee schedule • Built-in detailed management reports: Approaching Over me, Who’s Here, Call List, Scheduled vs. Actual Hours, Day Breakdown Report, Supplemental Pay Report, Complete Payroll, Summary Payroll, Employee Job Rate • Mul -company management • Single user or mul -user opera ons • Mul ple job codes per employee for those staff members who work in mul ple departments • Fully customizable reports • Hours accrued to any job code, such as paid me off • • • • • • • • • • Mul -level job cos ng Customizable user-defined accrual rules Gives flexibility with different data capture devices Controls costs by flagging employees before they earn over me Eliminates duplicate so ware purchase for church, school, child care Allows user to specify report format needed - hourly, daily, weekly Helps to forecast and manage future schedules Imports data to save data entry me and improve payroll accuracy Manages day care billing as well as before and a erschool child care billing by integra ng with Shelby Accounts Receivable Easy to use Requirements: • Payroll or Accounts Receivable • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 or Novell • Call for addi onal specifica ons Incorporate employee ID badges for bar code or magne c strip swipes. Biometric hand scanners confirm employee iden ty before allowing clock in/ out. Prevents co-workers from clocking in or out for one another. TimeClock Plus’ remote data terminals allow mul ple employees to clock in/out at one centralized loca ons. ® S h e l b y Syste m s , Inc. • 7345 Go o dlett Farm s Parkway • Cordova, TN 3 8 0 1 6 • 8 0 0 -8 7 7 -0 2 2 2 • Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010 05/02/2013 TimeClock Plus ® Pricing So ware Op ons Descrip on Price Shelby Payroll Import Interface for TimeClock Plus* $299.00 TimeClock Plus v4.2 - Small Business Edi on Base $999.00 TimeClock Plus v4.2 - Block of 5 Employee Licenses $59.00 TimeClock Plus v6.0 - Professional Edi on Base $1,899.00 TimeClock Plus v6.0 - Block of 5 Employee Licenses $99.00 TimeClock Plus v3.0 - Web Edi on Base $1,790.00 TimeClock Plus v3.0 - Block of 5 Employee Licenses $115.00 TimeClock Plus Hybrid Edi on Base $2,355.00 (includes Client/Server v5.0 & Web Edi on v3.0) TimeClock Plus Hybrid Edi on - Block of 5 Employee Licenses $145.00 Shipping - Ground $20.00 Shipping - 2nd Day Air $40.00 Shipping - Next Day Air $85.00 *Use to export/import data between Payroll and TimeClock Plus. Annual support fee of $41.00 for the interface. Hardware Op ons Descrip on TimeClock RDT-100 Remote Data Terminal with keypad (Ethernet-Networkable) TimeClock RDT-100 Remote Data Terminal with mag card reader (Ethernet-Networkable) TimeClock RDT-100 Remote Data Terminal with bar code reader (Ethernet-Networkable) TimeClock RDT-100 Remote Data Terminal with hand scanner (Ethernet-Networkable) TimeClock Desktop BioScan II (Finger print reader for use with computer screen clock in/out) Price $1,649.95 $1,799.95 $2,199.95 $3,699.95 $449.95 Shipping - Ground $30.00 Shipping - 2nd Day Air $70.00 Shipping - Next Day Air $115.00 30-Day Money-back Guarantee: Try this product for 30 days. If for any reason you are not sa sfied, contact Shelby Systems’ sales department. We will issue a refund (less shipping) for any third-party product returned with a wri en explana on within 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond 30 days, defec ve product or warranty claims should be handled directly with the manufacturer. Effective 05/02/2013. Product pricing, features and availability are subject to change without notice. Copyright ©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc. SH-0010