University College - Sacred Heart University


University College - Sacred Heart University
University College
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
University College
Mary Lou DeRosa, MBA, Dean
University College brings Sacred Heart
University’s resources and programs to
adults, part-time students and to the
community. It is also the college that
develops and implements innovations
in pedagogy, delivery and content.
University College administers Weekend
University, Summer Intersessions, Winter
Intersession, English as a Second Language,
and the Center for Financial Education
(CFE). The campus in Stamford is home
to the CFE, the Sacred Heart English
Language Institute (SHELI), part-time
undergraduate studies, education courses
and graduate-level business certificates.
A major objective for the college is to
maintain and expand its position as the
regional leader in providing learning
opportunities to adult students. This
is accomplished by stressing teaching,
student service and access, responsiveness
to emerging educational needs and Sacred
Heart University’s mission and values.
University College develops, markets
and delivers certificate and degree
programs designed for adult learners.
It is responsive to the education needs
of business, social service, professional
and governmental organizations.
official transcript with notation of degree.
An official transcript must be received
and evaluated before acceptance can be
complete. After receiving acceptance into
a degree program, the student will review
the individualized plan of study worksheet
with an advisor, and use this worksheet
when registering for future classes.
All admissions requirements must
be fulfilled prior to eligibility for
financial assistance. A prospective
student may be issued an “in-process
status” and may register for classes.
New students should follow these steps:
International Students
For all non-native English speakers, an
official English language proficiency
examination is required. The following
minimum scores are accepted:
•IELTS: 6.5
•MELAB: 80 (proctored on-site at SHU)
•PTE: 62
•iTEP: 5
•Cambridge Certificate in
Advanced English (CAE): 5.5
All part-time undergraduate day, evening,
weekend, visiting, and summer school
students are admitted through University
College. Students seeking admission
to University College do not need prior
college experience to begin their studies
and standardized tests are not required.
•Cambridge Certificate in
Proficiency in English (CPE): 5.5
All applicants for admission to University
College must submit a high school
transcript or equivalent. Students who
have an Associate’s degree must provide an
University College
Correspondence should be directed to:
University College
Sacred Heart University
5151 Park Avenue
Fairfield, CT 06825-1000
Phone: 203-371-7830
Fax: 203-365-7500
[email protected]
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
First-Time Students
• Schedule an appointment to meet
with an academic advisor.
• Complete an application form and
submit with the non-refundable
application fee. The application
form is available online at
• Submit a copy of your high
school transcript or GED
• Connecticut law requires students born
after December 31, 1956, to provide
proof of two doses of measles vaccine
administered at least one month apart.
The first dose of vaccine must have
been given after the student’s first
birthday and after January 1, 1969;
the second dose must have been given
after January 1, 1980. The student is
also required to provide proof of one
dose of rubella vaccine administered
after the student’s first birthday.
Laboratory evidence (blood tests) of
immunity is acceptable in lieu of
administration of vaccine. All students
must be in compliance with this state
law before registering. For further
information regarding immunization
requirements, contact the University’s
Health Services Office at 203-371-7838.
• You may register with an advisor’s
signature as an in-process student
prior to our receipt of your
application requirements.
Transfer Students
• Fax an unofficial copy of your
college transcript(s) to University
College at 203-365-7500. The advisor
will do a preliminary evaluation
of all transfer credits prior to
your appointment if possible.
• Schedule an appointment with
a University College advisor.
• Complete an application form and
submit with a non-refundable
application fee. The application
form is available online at
• Connecticut law requires students born
after December 31, 1956, to provide
proof of two doses of measles vaccine
administered at least one month apart.
The first dose of vaccine must have
been given after the student’s first
birthday and after January 1, 1969;
the second dose must have been given
after January 1, 1980. The student is
also required to provide proof of one
dose of rubella vaccine administered
after the student’s first birthday.
Laboratory evidence (blood tests) of
immunity is acceptable in lieu of
administration of vaccine. All students
must be in compliance with this state
law before registering. For further
information regarding immunization
requirements, contact the University’s
Health Services Office at 203-371-7838.
• You may register with an advisor’s
signature as an in-process
student prior to receipt of your
application requirements.
• An official transcript must be
received and evaluated before
acceptance can be complete.
RN/BSN Students
• Student must have an AD
or Diploma in Nursing
• Schedule an appointment with a SHU
Online Admissions representative
• Student must participate with
a structured interview process
involving nursing faculty
• Student must have RN license in
state of practice and provide a copy
University College
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
• Complete a RN/BSN application
form online and submit with the
non-refundable application fee.
• Submit official transcripts of all
prior nursing and academic work
• Submit a resume, two letters of
reference (one from colleague
and the other from supervisor)
and a goals statement
• Provide evidence of
malpractice insurance
Following the completion of the
admissions requirements an acceptance
determination is made. A letter stating
this determination is sent by SHU
Online Program to the applicant.
Visiting Students
• Confirm with your college that they will
accept Sacred Heart University credits.
• Visiting students are required to
have completed all prerequisites.
• Contact University College
regarding class availability.
• Complete a registration form and have
it signed by a University College advisor.
• Bring your registration form to
University College or fax it to 203
365-7500. There is a non-refundable
registration fee per semester.
Connecticut law requires students born
after December 31, 1956, to provide
proof of two doses of measles vaccine
administered at least one month apart.
The first dose of vaccine must have been
given after the student’s first birthday
and after January 1, 1969; the second
dose must have been given after January
1, 1980. The student is also required
to provide proof of one dose of rubella
vaccine administered after the student’s
University College
first birthday. Laboratory evidence
(blood tests) of immunity is acceptable
in lieu of administration of vaccine. All
students must be in compliance with this
state law before registering. For further
information regarding immunization
requirements, contact the University’s
Health Services Office at 203-371-7838.
Registration is ongoing.
Although not required, it is
recommended that students meet
with an advisor from their major
periodically to ensure completion of
the program in a timely manner.
Academic Services
Academic Services are designed to
assist adult students in establishing and
achieving educational goals. Services
include pre-admission and new student
advisement, degree planning information,
academic support and referral. Academic
support assistance is available in
the areas of academic advisement,
major options and declaration, early
and mid-term assessment indicators,
course selection and registration.
Academic Skills Assessment
University College ensures that students
in the program are well prepared to
handle any and all situations connected
with the college experience. Through the
Jandrisevits Learning Center, assistance
is provided in the areas of critical
thinking, memory skills, problem solving,
reading comprehension, test taking, time
management and public speaking.
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
Assessment of Prior Learning
Recognizing that higher education
also occurs outside the classroom, the
University awards academic credit to
students for what they have learned
through life and/or work experience in
very exceptional circumstances. This
experience can be the result of selfeducation, professional certification,
in-service training programs, volunteer
work or management work.
To apply for credit, the student must be
enrolled at the University in the semester
in which the portfolio is submitted.
Credit is awarded only for experience
that parallels the University’s courses
and programs. This credit can be used
in the core curriculum, in the major or
as free electives, as long as the student
completes at least 30 credit hours in the
classroom, with one-half of the major
taken in the classroom at Sacred Heart
University. No more than 60 credits can
be awarded for prior learning and CLEP,
DANTES and EXCELSIOR combined. This
credit is not awarded in areas where
National Testing Programs are applicable.
The portfolio should include a brief
work resume, a detailed description
of the individual’s experience tailored
to particular courses offered by the
University and supporting documentation.
Supporting documentation may
include certificates, awards, letters of
recommendation, job descriptions and
samples of work. As the portfolio is
being composed, the student should
be reflecting on the learning that has
been derived from his/her experience.
The portfolio and application form are
submitted to University College, along
with the application fee. The portfolio
is referred to the appropriate faculty for
a determination of any credit award.
Some academic departments review the
portfolio as a committee, while other
departments prefer to test the student
in the particular subject matter.
After the faculty committee has
evaluated the portfolio, it is then
reviewed by the department chairperson.
A letter of award is prepared.
For additional information on the
Assessment of Prior Learning program,
contact University College at 203-371-7830.
These are national programs awarding
college credit by examination.
The University awards credit for CLEP,
DANTES, and certain EXCELSIOR exams.
CLEP exams are administered at the
Stamford campus. College credit is
awarded when a student successfully
passes an exam with a score of at least
50. Credit is awarded only in areas
where the student does not have prior
credit applied toward a degree.
Students may not take exams
in a graduating semester.
Sacred Heart University offers the Nursing
student the opportunity to take EXCELSIOR
exams in Anatomy and Physiology I and
II, and the National League for Nursing
(NLN) challenge exam in Microbiology.
For additional information concerning
these exams, contact the Nursing
Programs Office at 203-371-7715.
Adult learners have accumulated a
wealth of experience throughout life.
Sacred Heart University recognizes
that knowledge and expertise are
not exclusively delivered in a college
classroom. University College can provide
mechanisms for adult students to
convert life’s education to college credit.
national testing, portfolio presentation,
University College
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
and American Council on Education
and New York Regents’-sanctioned
noncollegiate sponsored learning,
students can earn as many as 60 credits.
Professional staff members work with
students to assess abilities and interests in
order to formulate a potential study plan.
Emphasis is on planning for life. Services
are offered to identify and establish career
goals, address current career issues and
research new options. In-depth career
consultation, testing, résumé writing
and employment search assistance are
available on an appointment basis.
The English Language Institute offers
high quality English Language instruction
to non-native speakers of English. The
Institute is an integral part of Sacred
Heart University, where our students
can participate in campus activities and
events as well as meeting other students.
The ESL professors for all programs
have earned their Masters Degree
and have many years of quality
experience in the field of Adult ESL
instruction for academic purposes.
These programs are designed for students
who are 17 and older. All new students
are required to take a placement test.
We offer six 7-week semesters per year
with flexible enrollment schedules.
International students can apply for
their student visa when enrolled in the
intensive or semi-intensive programs.
The attendance policy is enforced.
Students are expected to submit
homework assignments, attend language
lab and participate fully in class. Classes
are small in size (5 to 12 students) in
University College
order to ensure a successful educative
experience for all students. Individual
tutoring and conversation partners are
available to all full time students.
Students will receive a conditional
acceptance to our undergraduate and
graduate programs while attending the
English Language Institute. The ESL
program is designed for students whose
native language is not English and who
wish to study English either full or parttime (in compliance with their visa as
applicable). The program is designed to
help students improve their oral and
written communication skills in English,
preparing them for successful study in
an American academic institution.
Full-time ESL students take a cluster of oral
communication, written communication,
pronunciation, and service learning.
Placement in both the noncredit and
credit ESL Programs is determined by
the University College English Placement
Test, SAT scores, TOEFL, an oral interview,
and the student’s language profile. For
more information regarding the program,
contact the Director at 203-365-7528. For
further support, tutoring is also available
at the Jandrisevits Learning Center.
ESL classes are offered on the Fairfield
and the Stamford campuses. SHU offers
full-time ESL courses all year round,
including summer. Courses are offered
morning, evening and weekends. Please
see our website for further information: Students
who successfully complete their ESL
classes at the Sacred Heart English
Language Institute are not required to
take another proficiency test to enroll in
other degree programs at Sacred Heart
University. Admission to SHELI does not
guarantee admission to the University.
Our academic advisers will assist you in
working toward a university degree.
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
Non-Credit and Credit
ES 005–006 Intensive ESL Oral
Communication I, II Non-credit
These beginning courses are designed
for students to improve basic listening
and speaking skills. Through a variety
of materials and activities, students are
encouraged to share their ideas and
practice their English. Upon completion
of these courses, students should be
able to understand and engage in
everyday conversations, communicate
basic needs, and give a short report.
Placement by the ESL program staff.
ES 011–012/EF 011-012 Intensive
ESL Written Communication
III, IV Non-credit
These low to high-intermediate courses
are designed to help students improve
their reading and writing skills to
the level required for academic study.
Students read articles, essays and short
stories from a variety of textbooks,
magazines, and Internet sources.
Student writing focuses on ideas that
are generated from these readings and
from personal experiences, including
those of service-learning activities.
Placement by the ESL program staff.
ES 007–008 Intensive ESL Oral
Communication III, IV Non-credit
These low to high-intermediate courses
are designed for students to improve their
listening and speaking skills necessary
to study at a university. Students listen
to lectures and engage in debates and
discussions. In addition, students may
observe academic classes at the University.
Upon completion of these courses,
students should be able to understand and
take notes on lectures, participate in group
discussions, and give oral presentations.
Placement by the ESL program staff.
EF 151–152 English as a Second
Language V, VI 3 CR
The intermediate and advanced levels
in English as a Second Language, these
“university bridge” courses are designed
to strengthen students’ academic reading
and writing skills as they begin academic
study. Focus is on writing the welldeveloped essay with stress placed on
the appropriate elements of grammar,
syntax, vocabulary development, and
strategies for reading college-level texts.
Placement by the ESL program staff.
ES 009–010 Intensive ESL Written
Communication I, II Non-credit
These beginning courses are designed
for students to improve basic reading
and writing skills. Students read a
variety of short, multicultural reading
selections to develop reading, writing,
and critical thinking skills. The focus of
these courses is the structure of reading
and writing. Students take a closeup view of their reading and writing
and work on the fundamentals. They
discuss readings, develop vocabulary,
and learn to write well-structured, welldeveloped paragraphs and summaries,
as well as reactions to readings.
Placement by the ESL program staff.
The Office of Student Financial Assistance
counsels part-time students regarding
all of the options available to meet the
cost of education. To be considered for
financial aid, part-time students must
be officially accepted and matriculated
into a degree granting program. By
combining grant money, government
guaranteed loans, low fixed-interest
loans, deferred payment plans, employer
reimbursement opportunities, Veterans
Administration eligibility programs, a
plan will be designed for the specific
requirements of each student.
University College
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
University College allows students
to pursue undergraduate study in a
variety of formats. Classes are offered
at Sacred Heart University campuses
in Fairfield and Stamford. Students
can elect from the following choices:
Accelerated Classes
Traditional collegiate study terms
run anywhere from 15 to 18 weeks.
Depending on the course, students can
choose 51/2- or 71/2-week terms, with
class meetings either once or twice
per week, intensive sessions of varying
lengths or a weekend schedule.
AHEAD Classes (Adults in
Higher Education working
for Accelerated Degrees)
AHEAD is an accelerated scheduling
format. The core curriculum is the same
for all University majors; therefore AHEAD
core courses are available to all part-time
students. AHEAD provides working adults
23 years or older the unique opportunity
to complete an Associate or Baccalaureate
degree program of study in less time than
a traditional part-time program. It consists
of five terms per year. Each term is seven
and one-half weeks in duration. Classes
meet two nights per week for 2 hours
and 15 minutes per night, or one night
per week for 4 hours and 15 minutes.
Online Learning
Sacred Heart University offers on-line
and blended courses. through Blackboard.
Blackboard is the standard university
Web-based courseware that enables faculty
to deliver courses totally or partially
online and to supplement a course with
on-line material. Students must activate
their Sacred Heart University network
University College
account and be registered for the course
to have access to Blackboard course
material and on-line applications.
Courses require that students work
independently and interdependently with
their instructor and with fellow students.
A commitment to do this is required of
the students in order to sustain their
participation. Participants must maintain
their own access to the Internet, with
e-mail capability and have Microsoft Word
or compatible word processing software.
Guided Independent Learning
University College provides qualified
students the option to engage in advanced
or specialized independent study in a
given academic area. Faculty members
guide students through all phases.
Traditional Semester Study
Adults who prefer standard course
presentation and time intervals can elect
to tailor their programs in the traditional
format, both during the day and in the
evening. Many students take courses
in a variety of formats, depending on
subject, content and degree of difficulty.
Weekend University
The Weekend University offers
University core curriculum courses
that facilitate the pursuit of a degree.
There are two consecutive sessions
available during each semester.
Winter Intersession and
Summer Sessions
Students may take only one course during
the Late Spring session and up to two
courses during the Winter Intersession
with permission from University
College at Sacred Heart University.
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
Students may take 2 courses during
each of the summer sessions (Summer
session 1 and Summer session 2).
Taste of College–Lifelong Learner
Adults 62 years of age or older interested
in lifelong learning may take college
courses on a seat-available basis.
Adults may take college courses at a
reduced tuition per course. Selected
course offerings vary each semester.
Interested adults should contact 203371-7830 for more information.
The Professional Studies Degree serves
as a career advancement step for
professionals looking to obtain a Bachelor’s
degree. Building on the University’s core
curriculum and the required Professional
Studies major core, students will have
the opportunity to pursue individual
interests through a constellation of
electives and a choice of three designated
tracks. This degree serves to support
student’s interest in assuming leadership
roles within their organizations.
•Leadership Track
The Center for Financial Education was
established on the Stamford Campus
of Sacred Heart University to offer
greater Fairfield County opportunities
for continuing education in the financial
services area. The center assists the
university in carrying out the mission
of being “able to respond to an everchanging world” and “combining
education for life with preparation
for professional excellence.”
Admission to the Financial Planning
Certificate program is open to individuals
with a baccalaureate degree in any
discipline. Transfers from other boardapproved programs are also welcome.
Offerings include:
• The Financial Planning
Certificate Program
• Series 7 Prep
• Paralegal Certificate Course
•Geriatric Health and Wellness Track
•Eco-Awareness and Sustainability Track
The degree is designed for current
University undergraduate students
who are seeking an interdisciplinary
education, transfer students who
wish to pursue degree completion,
professionals holding an Associate’s
degree and seeking career advancement
and community college graduates who
are interested in furthering their careers
by expanding their knowledge in the
interdisciplinary areas of communication,
technology and management.
Program Structure
In addition to core requirements, students
are required to fulfill 9 credits in each
of three disciplines, Computer Science,
Communications and Business for a
total of 27 credits. A minimum of 15
credits is required in one of the tracks.
There are a minimum of 120 credits
required for the Bachelor Degree with
no more than 27 credits in total from
the John F. Welch College of Business
University College
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
Qualifications for Admission
The General Studies program was
developed specifically for adult students
interested in custom-designing their own
multidisciplinary curriculum. It allows
students to investigate areas of study that
best serve their life and/or work situation.
Students select courses from either one or
two broad areas of study. With the help of
a faculty advisor, a cohesive plan of study,
which culminates in a project to synthesize
the learning experience, is designed. Classes
may be taken in any number of formats.
Admission to the General Studies
program is open to individuals with a
high school diploma or its equivalent.
Students who already have transfer
credits are also welcome. Credit through
and through the Assessment of Prior
Learning Program is also available.
Program Structure
Associate Degrees are offered for
students whose needs are best met by
this degree or for students who may
seek to further their education at a later
time with a baccalaureate degree. The
Associate degree programs fall in two
general categories: Associate of Arts
(AA) in General Studies degree, with
specialties in 19 different fields, and
career-based Associate of Science (AS)
degrees in one field. In addition to the
specialty courses, each program has its
foundation within a liberal arts base.
Students select 36 major credits from
either one or two broad areas of study
plus a capstone project (3 credits).
The broad areas of study are:
• Arts and Humanities
• Natural Science, Numerical
and Symbolic Reasoning
• Professional Studies
• Social Science
A capstone project course is required at
the end of the program to synthesize
learning. In developing the General
Studies major, students, with the
help of a faculty advisor, formulate a
comprehensive plan of study thus ensuring
the pursuit of a meaningful program.
Course Scheduling
Students may select courses from the
University’s regular day and evening
offerings in the Fall, Winter Intersession,
Spring and Summer terms. Students
can also take courses in an accelerated
format, as well as on weekends. The
program is available at the main campus
in Fairfield, with selected courses
offered at the Stamford campus.
University College
Associate of Arts Degree General Studies Program
All Associate of Arts degrees are offered
by University College. The candidate for
the AA degree in General Studies must
complete 60 credits, which include the AA
Core Curriculum as well as an emphasis
of not less than 15 credit hours and
elective courses chosen in consultation
with the student’s advisor. A minimum
of 30 of these credits must be taken at
Sacred Heart University, and a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required.
Core Curriculum
The Core Curriculum for the AA degree
provides the student with the opportunity
to experience other disciplines, obtain a
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
background for further study, and gain
the knowledge to become a knowledgeable
and educated human being.
Foundational Core
*EN 110; *EN 111; *Effective 7/1/08,
MA 006 will no longer count toward any
degree, MA 101 or above unless otherwise
specified; Many Business College
programs require MA 133 (Statistics)
Political Science
Religious Studies
Associate of Science Degree
*A grade of C or better is required.
Common Core: The Human Journey
Sacred Heart University’s academic
signature centerpiece, The Human
Journey, is a coherent, integrated, and
multidisciplinary study of the liberal
arts and sciences and the Catholic
Intellectual Tradition. See description of
the Common Core: The Human Journey
courses listed previously in this chapter.
Elective Core
To accomplish the elective core, students
will complete the following: Humanities
(3 credits), Social and Behavioral Sciences
(3 credits), Natural Sciences (3 credits),
Religious Studies/Philosophy (3 credits).
Credits range from 15-32, depending on
the emphasis. Note: The required courses
for each emphasis are listed under each
college and department section. A grade
of C or better is required in all emphasis
courses. Area discipline courses cannot
be used in above core areas. Areas of
emphasis with required courses are:
Associate of Arts Degree
College of Arts and Sciences
Communication and Media Studies
Graphic Design and Visual Arts
College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science and
Information Technology
John F. Welch College of Business
Business Economics
Sacred Heart University offers credit
certificate programs as a short-term
goal and as a way to enhance students’
knowledge and skills in a particular
area, by providing specialized indepth instruction. Credits earned
can be later applied to an associate
or baccalaureate degree program.
Programs in Arts and Sciences include:
•Catholic Studies
•Catholic Theological Studies
•Computer Science and
Information Technology
•Computer Gaming, Design,
and Development
•Interdisciplinary Certificate
Program in Interactive Design
University College
Sacred Heart University Undergraduate Catalog
Programs in the John F. Welch
College of Business include:
Programs in the College of
Health Professions include:
•Geriatric Health and Wellness
University College