1 - First Alliance Church
1 - First Alliance Church
Building Lives That Honour God —1— Annual Report 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2010 AGM Agenda .......................................................................... 1 Greeting from Pastor Scott Weatherford .......................................... 2 Greeting from the Chairman of the Board of Elders ........................... 3 Previous AGM Minutes ..................................................................... 4 Report of the Nominating Committee ................................................ 6 Ministry Report .................................................................................. 7 The Trail Markers We Will Follow ........................................................ 19 Treasurer’s Commentary on the Financial Results .............................. 20 Audited Financial Statements ............................................................. 22 FAC Staff Listing ............................................................................... 40 AGENDA Annual General Meeting - First Alliance Church Sunday, November 7, 2010 First Segment 1. Meeting Called to Order 2. Opening Prayer 3. Declaration of Quorum based on report from Registration Secretary 4. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Sunday, October 25, 2009 5. Motion to appoint tellers for Annual General Meeting 6. Report of the Nominating Committee for 2009-2010 7. Election of the Nominating Committee for 2010-2011 8. The Story of God’s Provision a. Report of the Treasurer – Robert Hawes b. Appointment of the Auditors for the fiscal period of July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 Second Segment 1. Report on Ministry a. Ministry Story of 2009-2010 b. Glenmore Christian Academy Report c. Vision/Strategic Direction/God’s Movement d. Comments re: 2009 Question Items e. Q&A on Past Year/Future Plans 2. Prayer Time in Small Groups 3. Closing Song 4. Final Comments/Closing Prayer 5. Invitation to Dessert Time Building Lives That Honour God —2— Annual Report 2010 Letter From Pastor Scott Weatherford God is on the move. Never have I seen God move in a church family like I have experienced here at First Alliance. We are concluding our first year together with great joy and full expectation of what is ahead. Tara and I are so excited and honoured to be a part of this exciting season at FAC! Speaking of moving, let’s look back and remember His movement this past year ... • • • • • • • We saw the waters of baptism move with people going public with their private devotion to Christ We saw many move into commitment to FAC through membership We saw more and more people take ownership by moving into serving Life Groups were on the move through alignment campaigns & intentional development of leaders We moved outward here in Calgary and across the globe with God’s love and truth Kids and students were moving toward a life built by God We saw people moved by God to give their resources to fund this mighty movement We can and should cherish this mighty display of our great God. I am thankful for the men and women of our staff who have joined God in His movement. They have adjusted their lives in this exponential season of growth, embraced a quick responsive attitude and allowed God to move in them as well. I am honoured to serve with these committed folks. I am also thankful for you as you have allowed God to shift our culture, move in our lives, and usher many into a new relationship with Him. This is a great church! God is truly on the move. God is not done! This year is already unfolding as a year of God’s glory. Let’s make a bold commitment to allow God to move in, for and through us for His glory in 2010-2011. My prayer for us this year is that we become all that God expects of us and respond with a resounding “Yes!” before He even asks of us. God is on the move – building lives that honour Him. Blessings, Scott Weatherford Lead Pastor Building Lives That Honour God —3— Annual Report 2010 Letter From the Board of Elders A s we complete another year in the history of First Alliance Church, we have seen God’s hand move strongly amongst our congregation, to work in, for and through us. The Kingdom of God has been growing as a result of the prayer, service and sharing of His love through the people at this church. Building upon the excitement that had started in the summer of 2009, we experienced a great start to the fall of 2009, and kept this level of excitement throughout the year. In their first full year in Calgary, Scott and Tara adjusted to the Canadian way of life – safe to say that January is not their favourite month! Pastor Scott, in conjunction with the lead team and the rest of the staff, identified a key focus on many of the basics that we sometimes lose sight of – a challenge to believe in Christ, to be baptized, to grow in our faith, and to belong through membership. This emphasis has led to increasing numbers of new believers, more people baptized, and more people desiring to become members and commit to being a part of FAC – Praise God! Throughout the year, teaching and sharing regarding the five Life Marks was prominent, and it is important for all of us to be reminded of this to reflect these in our lives: CONNECT: belonging to the corporate community and a smaller, intimate Life Group community GROW: continuing to develop our awareness of God and grow in our trust, faith and reliance on Jesus SERVE: ensuring that we find our place to put others before ourselves and reach out to those in need SHARE: identifying those within our circle of influence that need to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour HONOUR: fully engaging in worship and using our talents and resources day by day to honour God While the teaching and instruction has been at a high level throughout the year, the spring “Elephant in the Room” series was received in a special way, challenging people in many areas of their lives that may not otherwise be discussed. This continued to identify First Alliance as a place that challenges people – not to just show up to church but to be changed as a result. We will continue to be a place that talks about transformation – and identifies Jesus as the way to bring about life change. Thank you to all of our staff for their work at First Alliance Church – leading us, teaching us, and equipping us so that God’s Kingdom may expand. As a Board, we are grateful for each one in the congregation as well – for your giving of time, resources and talents – that make this a great place to be. We thank you and we look forward to the continued work of our great God in guiding us into the future! In His Name, Dave Orr On Behalf of the Board of Elders Building Lives That Honour God —4— Annual Report 2010 MINUTES Annual General Meeting of First Alliance Church October 25, 2009 First Segment 1. Meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Board Chairman, Dave Orr 2. Opening Prayer: Jae Chantler 3. Declaration of Quorum based on report from registration secretary - 194 4. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on October 26, 2008 were reviewed M/S/C the adoption of the minutes of the October 26, 2008 Annual General Meeting. 5. Minutes of the Special Congregational Meeting on Tuesday April 21, 2009 M/S/C the adoption of the minutes of the April 21, 2009 congregational meeting. 6. Motion to appoint teller M/S/C the appointment of Dave Meanwell as teller should any ballot votes be required and extending the authority for Dave to select additional tellers as required. 7. Report of the 2008/09 Nominating Committee M/S/C the report of the nominating committee to appoint the following as elders for a two-year term: Phil Bauer Wally Buchan Dale Dyck Jeff Good Robert Hawes 8. Election of the Nominating Committee for 2009/10 M/S/C the following individuals be appointed to the Nominating Committee: Faith Jalving Joyce Letkeman Marvin Weiss 9. The Story of God’s Provision A. Report of the Treasurer – Robert Hawes M/S/C that the audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2009 be accepted as presented. B. Appointment of the Auditors for the fiscal period of July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. M/S/C that KMPG be appointed as auditors for 2009-2010. 10. Adjournment of Business Meeting M/S/C the adjournment of the business segment of the Annual General Meeting. Building Lives That Honour God —5— Annual Report 2010 Second Segment 1. Report on Ministry A. Ministry Story of 2008-2009 – Scott Weatherford testified of God’s faithfulness to us as a congregation and gave special thanks to Pastor Terry, the staff, and the elders. B. Glenmore Christian Academy Report – Grant Vogeli brought forward a report of transitional changes in personnel and structure at GCA. The purpose and objectives of GCA remain unchanged. C. Vision/Strategic Direction – Scott Weatherford shared with the attendees 13 aspects of our vision to carry us into the future. D. Q & A on Past Year/Future Plans – attendees were invited to ask questions about the activities of the church and it’s leadership. Questions and comments about the following were raised by members of the congregation: - women serving as elders - the use of the C&MA logo on First Alliance Church printed material - the absence of deacons in our leadership structure - missions funding - various praise items concerning healing and spiritual growth 2. Prayer Time in Small Groups – the congregation participated in corporate prayer for wisdom, purity and changed lives. 3. Closing Song – led by Jason Erhardt 4. Final Comments/Closing Prayer – Dave Orr shared some closing comments. The meeting was closed in prayer by Ron Kish. 5. Invitation to Dessert Time – meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Phil Bauer Secretary Building Lives That Honour God —6— Annual Report 2010 Report of the Nominating Committee Board of Elders for 2010-2011 Elders Mid Term* – Serving to Fall 2011: Phil Bauer (3rd Term) Wally Buchan (3rd Term) Dale Dyck (3rd Term) Jeff Good (2nd Term) Robert Hawes (2nd Term) Names placed in Nomination for a 2-year Term* Commencing Fall 2010: Jake Bueckert (1st Term) Mike Humphries (1st Term) Marinus Hus (3rd Term) Ken Keeler (2nd Term) Brent Kinnie (2nd Term) David Orr (3rd Term) Victor Wong (3rd Term) Nominating Committee Reverend Scott Weatherford(Chairman) Phil Bauer Wally Buchan Jeff Good Faith Jalving *Elders can serve up to a maximum Joyce Letkeman of 3 consecutive terms; each term = 2 years. Marvin Weiss Provision is made for the addition of names to the Report of the Nominating Committee in Article XV of the Church Constitution ... Article XV – Elections At the Annual Meeting of the membership, the Board of Elders and any other officials required by the bylaws shall be elected. The Nominating Committee shall present and post, at least two Sundays prior to the Annual meeting, one name for each office to be filled. Other nominations, if any, shall be made in writing, signed by two members in good standing and filed with the Chairman of the Nominating Committee for posting before the public services of the Sunday prior to the Annual Meeting. Election shall be by ballot except in cases where only one nomination is presented and the ballot is waived by unanimous vote. Building Lives That Honour God —7— Annual Report 2010 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE BY SERVICE (JULY 2009-JUNE 2010) 2009/10 NEW MEMBERS including children & youth 1086 SUNDAY 11 SUNDAY 9 613 45 from 2008 2009/10 BAPTISMS SATURDAY 780 86 from 2008 AVERAGE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE BY YEAR (2005-2010) 2,479 2500 2,099 2000 INCREASE 1500 1000 500 0 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Building Lives That Honour God —8— Annual Report 2010 JULY 2009 - JUNE 2010 Children Dedicated Noah Boissevain Matthew Chizek Skylan Cobler Jasmine Dacocos Rylie Derksen Noah Emery Gerald Fernandez Erik Funk Siobhan Goulette Lincoln Grandoni Neyla Hargreaves Alexandra Jansen Keziah Janzen Hannah Jerrom Noah Jonker William Matte Jessie Miller Cruz Montalvo Caleb Popko Lucas Rheault Joshua Rohrick Jude Sawers Austin Schikosky Alexander Surducan Jaid Thomas Ariana Torrecampo Katherine Unruh Siena Wiseman Aaron Wolfe Jade Wiebe Vaughn Winters Halle Wutzke Charissa Yap Josiah Young Kampbelle Young Neyla Zbitniff Benjamin Zeck Itoro Affia Neilla Amero Wayne Amero Elizabeth Anderson Jennifer Bartlett Malcolm Bartlett Harvey Boldt Selma Boldt Colin Callbeck Kristen Callbeck Lawrence Carriere Doreen Chali Rodger Chali Elaine Chapin Margot Coben Wayne Coben Brian Derksen Colleen Derksen Dolores Dyck Ed Dyck Bonnie Eckert Ron Eckert John Fair Linda Frederick Paul Frederick David Friesen Maureen Friesen John Gartner Suzanne Gartner Adrian Gili Leanne Gili Mark Gillett Pearle Gillett Terry Ginn Tina Ginn David Groves Joan Groves Kathy Hadley Tom Hadley Susan Heagy Vince Heagy Travis Heide JoJo Ho Michael Ho Jonathan Klein Betty Korthuis Henry Korthuis Scott Langford In Loving Memory Lillian Buss Ron Ellergodt Edna Harvie Ida Hening Jody Holden Joseph Holowisky Chrissy MacInnis Helen Nemanishen May Price Bernard Skode Ella Tederoff Della Quiring Ferdinand Van Poeteren New Members of FAC Terri Langford Lisa LeBlanc Steve LeBlanc Afshin Latifzadeh Parvaneh Latifzadeh Lillian Leggott Shawn Leggott Delina Link Rachel Lippitt Warren Lippitt Wade Loberg Cliff Mackay Maureen Mackay Christina Magdalena Victoire Maombi Joanne Martin Tim Martin Elaine Maxwell Ken Maxwell Bernadette McGeachy Don McGeachy Eleanor McLellan Jim McLellan Kayla Morgan Esther Mugeni Stephanie Pigeon Craig Portell Sarah Portell Suzanne Quinn Marc Rajotte Shannon Scott Leonardo Sirait Blair Stromstedt Fred Thun Tanya Thun Diane Van Ham Jack Van Ham Brian Van Herk Suzanne Van Herk Beth Warkentin Terry Warkentin Bill Westmacott Tammie Westmacott Elaine Zbitniff Jason Zbitniff David Zimmerman Maxine Zimmerman Dawna Zuch Building Lives That Honour God —9— Annual Report 2010 JULY 2009 - JUNE 2010 People Baptized Scott Agnew Taylor Allan Sebastian Aviles Melissa Bareham Kayra Baykan Louis Belzil Ashley Berry Dave Blaine Ambur-Rae Blobel James Boldt Nathan Bon Bernard Deanna Bottomley Jessica Brantnall Christopher Bratton Becky Buszowski Richard Borgal Sandra Calder Brian Campbell Lawrence Carriere Luke Catto Ryan Chantler Elaine Chapin Matt Coben Delina Contois-Link Danna Craig Jasmyne deBruin-Hunter Shawn Demers Leif Dixon Kim Downs-Mitchell Jesse Dubruell Randy Elliott Victoria Erhardt John Fair David Flegel Wanda Gacek Maria Garcia Ken Garrett Erina Gartner Ryan Gartner Sarah Gaynor Hayley Gaynor Carissa Gili Jessica Gillett Candy Gomes Andrea Hahn Rylan Hahn Steve Hasham Alora Hill Kim Hills Doug Hills Ken Hoffman Helen Hoffman Kris Horvath Arlene Howard Ephraim Hui Jarrett Jennings Brandon Kaemingh Jon Kim Nicholas Kinnie Sam Kinnie Jackie Kowalenko Marie Lammle Kirsten Larochelle Cory LeBlanc Kimberley Leith Sam Lippitt Wade Loberg Joel Looby Becky Lowe Chris Lumley Chelsey Lynds Keyvan Majafabadi Paul Marsden Michael Martel Kristina Martinuzzi Leoncio Martinez Randall McCann Rachel McDonald Michelle McFarlane Debora McLean David McNeil Taryn Mikkelson Sandra Miller Doug Mol Katy Mol Viatcheslav Morozov Emma Moshurchak Erle Moshurchak Melissa Muller Jeanne Muller Brittany Neilson Alexander Neumann Sydney Neustaedter Carmen Oulette Diane Paley Doru Pumnea Shelley Radway Marc Rajotte Jan Resus Janelle Rice Gordon Robertson Janeen Robertson Jeffrey Romanuk Freddy Roy Michael Roy Mahnaz Amir Sadeghi Chris Sanchez Jennifer Sanchez Jared Savage Jamie Schiwy Lee Schlosser Shannon Scott Doug Sinclair Stephen Smiley Zachary Summach Rachelle Thiessen Verne Thorarinson Elizabeth Traub Jack Van Ham Daco Vroegindewey Jasmine Wagner Mike Wagner Andrew Warman Dwayne Washington Darren Weidner Bernie White Julie Wiebe Laura Wiebe Ethan Wolsey Julia Wong Tyler Zeck Building Lives That Honour God — 10 — Annual Report 2010 BUILDING LIVES CONNECT # OF PEOPLE CONNECTED IN A LIFE GROUP IN 2009/10 LIFE GROUPS IN 2009/10 (aged 18 yrs. - seniors) 1053 people 2479 (average weekend attendance) INVOLVED IN A LIFE GROUP AVERAGE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE # OF RECORDED LIFE GROUPS IN 2009/10 ADULTS (77) (MEN/WOMEN/MIXED) YOUNG FAMILIES (8) YOUNG MARRIEDS (8) SINGLES (4) YOUNG ADULTS (6) When we first started attending FAC almost a year ago, we were excited but also overwhelmed. We knew if we weren’t intentional about getting connected and meeting other people, we would feel lost. Within weeks of officially deciding FAC would be our home, we became members and contacted Angela McCombs about plugging us into a Life Group. We were surprised to find out there were so many options: did we want a group based on where we lived? Age demographic? A mixed mosaic-style? Fresh out of university, we wanted to connect with people at our stage in life, so we opted for a “young marrieds” group, and absolutely love it! We learn as much or more about love and marriage from the other couples as we do from the great study materials we do as a group – and fun and laughter is always central. Most importantly, it is so comforting to know that we can lean on each other for prayer, celebrating triumphs and walking through valleys together. We love that FAC doesn’t just call them “small groups” but LIFE Groups. That little word change tells you what they are all about ... doing everyday life together.” Brian + Suzanne Van Herk LEADERS/COACHES IN 2009/10 Building Lives That Honour God — 11 — Annual Report 2010 • = 5 people APPROX. # OF PEOPLE ENGAGED IN SERVING (2009/10) Leadership* (25) *Board of Elders, Finance & Nominating Committees Administrative Support (40) Weekend Support Teams i.e. Communion (130) LIFE U Teachers, Facilitators & Support (82) Worship Arts & Technical Arts (218) Student Ministries (90) ••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• Life Group Leaders & Coaches (125) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Men’s Ministry/Show ‘N Shine (125) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Women’s Ministry (80) •••••••••••••••• Seniors & Friends (15) ••• Fusion Singles (8) Alpha (40) Prayer Ministries (65) Guest Services (82) Bookstore & Library (15) Family & Marriage (32) DiscoveryLand (310) Harvest Ministries/Cornerstone Café (240) Community Impact (210) Global Impact (40) Global Church Event Planning/The Summit (64) The House (100) Glenmore Christian Academy* (30) *GCA Board, Volunteer Core Camp Chamisall (40-50) •• •••••••• SERVE OPPORTUNITIES ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••• Building Lives That Honour God — 12 — Annual Report 2010 JULY 2009 - JUNE 2010 AVERAGE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE BY FIRST TIME VISITORS 77 76 grade 5-6 kids birth-walking AGE (SEPT. 2009-JUNE 2010) TOTAL: 413 KIDS EARLY CHILDHOOD (birth-walking) PRESCHOOL 156 grade 1-4 kids 104 (2-5 yrs.) GRADE SCHOOL (grade ACCELERATE (grade 5-6) 2009/10 OFFERING PROJECTS $5157 + $5000 GIVEN BY KIDS 11 CHILDREN BAPTIZED MATCHED BY DONORS WHERE THE OFFERING WENT WHAT VOLUNTEERS SAY KIPS FOR COLLEGE Helping Darrell & Katrina Weins send students in Laos, Thaliand to college “Being (in DiscoveryLand) on a Saturday night makes the whole rest of the week seem worthwhile!” DUCK SOUP Supporting a local lunch program in Calgary schools “I think God has used the children and the young parents to impact me. I feel honored that the young parents put their faith in me to look after their children and hope that it provides them time to connect with each other and with God.” CAR FOR JEN & TITO YWAM workers in Argentina 1-4) 2-5 year olds Building Lives That Honour God — 13 — Annual Report 2010 AVERAGE # OF STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE BY MINISTRY 2009/10 85 15 SPECIAL EVENTS SUMMER EVENTS 25 SUNDAY DISCUSSION GROUPS 100 0 20 40 60 80 SATURDAY LIFT 100 50 45 SUMMER EVENTS 44 SPECIAL EVENTS SUPER GROUPS 15 0 10 OXYGEN WORSHIP 20 30 40 50 LIFE GROUPS 35 10 20 30 SPECIAL EVENTS 40 “During a grade 12 retreat last spring, we had a time of support and sharing among the students and leaders. Everyone participated, sharing and receiving prayer requests, each student or leader praying for one another as each request was shared. We also wrote notes of encouragement and thankfulness in each others’ journals. Because of time spent together like this – sharing needs, encouraging each other and doing life together – these students will always remember the significance of Christian community and the need for it in their lives. The notes written in my journal bring some of my most treasured memories from the four years I spent leading these students.” - Terry Schmidt 50 0 20 50 STUDENTS BAPTIZED Building Lives That Honour God — 14 — # OF PEOPLE SERVING ON COMMUNITY IMPACT TEAMS 2009/10 LABOUR OF LOVE (10) TEEN CHALLENGE (18) Annual Report 2010 THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE 3940 LBS. OF FOOD DONATIONS TOOL TEAM (38) OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHERWOOD BREAKFAST PROGRAM (15) IT'S SEW EASY (13) INN FROM THE COLD (102) OIL CHANGE DAYS (14) 1995 SHOEBOXES PACKED LABOUR OF LOVE 1500 400 94 54 BACKPACKS FILLED INN FROM THE COLD SHOW ‘N SHINE IMPACT INN FROM THE COLD Feedback about the Show ‘N Shine has been very positive from young and old alike. The thing that really sticks out in my mind was the number of people that came and stopped me to ask about the church in general. Do I attend here? How does my family like the services? Are all these volunteers from this church? The best comment was from someone who said that he and his wife might come and check FAC out; they used to go to church a long time ago and coming to the Show ‘N Shine sparked their interest in church again. This is why we reach out to people outside of our building … it’s about meeting them where they’re at, serving, and seeing God work through community events like this. Inn From The Cold at FAC hosts two Inns per month for 10 months of the year. Our guests are composed mainly of single men, women and couples who may or may not have children, or who may or may not have custody of their children and would otherwise have no place to sleep at night. We receive approximately twenty guests per Inn, depending on the month. Some of our guests stay with us for more than one Inn in a season, but we fill about 400 beds over the course of the season at First Alliance Church, offering a safe warm place to sleep, two meals and people that care to love on them. -Dale Sevcik -Sarah Gaynor BEDS FILLED PER SEASON CARE FUND ASSISTANCE FAMILIES RECIEVED AID OIL CHANGE DAYS FAMILIES SERVED IN 2009/10 Building Lives That Honour God — 15 — Annual Report 2010 COUNTRIES WITH C&MA INTERNATIONAL WORKERS 2009/10 REPRESENTED FROM C&MA CANADA REPRESENTED FROM # OF OTHER MISSION ORGANIZATIONS FAC SUPPORTS FIRST ALLIANCE OUT OF THE 8 ARE LIMITED ACCESS HIGHLIGHT ON NIGER In the midst of political and military uncertainties, famine and flooding, our Saturday grain aid distribution continues with health teaching and the story of Noah. Last week, I was encouraged by the memorization of these guys. There were a few new young men, and after I finished the story on Noah, one of the new guys began asking about the meaning. His friend sitting next to him re-told the highlights of the SERVICE TRANSLATION @ FAC # MONTHS FARSI TRANSLATION HAS BEEN OFFERED DURING THE SUNDAY 11 am SERVICE story and then shared the meaning of the rainbow. Then they were given health booklets and the friend explained to him all the teachings of the last four months, page by page, picture by picture, until he understood it all! Pray that the truth of God’s love through His covenant of the rainbow will speak to the hearts of the Kongu villagers. CAMBODIA June 28-July 12, 2009 Team Members: 12 Involvement in student English camp & working with “Place of Rescue.” ECUADOR June 30-July 11, 2009 Team Members: 25 Urban building maintenance and evangelism in urban & jungle areas. -Kristi Hopf NICARAGUA EVERGREEN CHRISTIAN CHURCH February 20-March 6, 2010 Team Members: 22 Church construction, eyeglass clinic, community & school outreach. Supported by C&MA and First Alliance Church, Evergreen Christian Church held its first service on January 25, 2009 under the leadership of Pastor David Kang. Evergreen’s purpose is to serve multiple nations through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourages the speaking of simple English to communicate and teach the Bible. The church’s desire is to build a multi-cultural environment with respect for all individuals, offering ministries such as ESL, ESOL Alpha and small groups. Average Sunday attendance is forty adults and children at their current location, 10620 Elbow Drive SW Calgary. For more info, visit our website: www.evergreenchristian.ca HAITI March 24-31, 2010 Team Members: 4 + 2 from Quebec Provide relief supplies & shelter for Haitian seniors & solidify partnership AVG. WEEKEND ATTENDANCE @ EVERGREEN CHRISTIAN CHURCH Building Lives That Honour God — 16 — Annual Report 2010 COMMUNITY CHILI NIGHTS GOD MOVING @ THE HOUSE COFFEE SANCTUARY 2009/10 “We’ve had a street girl named Toni who’s been volunteering at The House for almost a year. She became pregnant and decided to keep the baby –praise God! It’s been a tough go for her, but the love, prayers and compassion of our staff has helped sustain her. She recently had her baby, a healthy baby girl named Harmony. She’s living in a stable environment and still wants to be involved at The House. She said that it would be amazing if The House had something where she could connect with parents. It just so happened that earlier that morning, I had met with some of the members of our Converge Church that happens here at The House. They wanted to start a program that would allow parents to meet at The House and talk about the struggles of parenting and to be a resource to one another. It would also be a chance to build relationships with people in the neighborhood who need Christ. When I told this to Toni, she was so excited she invited a number of friends from her pregnancy group. We hope in the near future to be able to connect a number of young moms from street culture with Christian parents as mentors.” (DERRICK MITCHELL, PASTOR OF THE HOUSE) 30-80 PEOPLE COME FOR DINNER 3rd WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH WEDNESDAY NIGHT CHURCH 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! (AVG. 30-40 PEOPLE ATTEND) UNIQUE BEVERAGES ON MENU + ENDLESS FLAVOUR OPTIONS GLENMORE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY K-9 STUDENT ENROLMENT 800 www.gcaschool.ca 700 600 500 562 590 617 628 642 07-08 08-09 09-10 400 300 200 100 0 05-06 06-07 “We have been a GCA family for 10 years. Our kids have been blessed by amazing teachers and staff that encouraged them each day to live out a personal faith in Jesus Christ that has led our children to become involved in church ministry and many missions trips. We have been involved as parent volunteers and our kids have participated in the fantastic school productions and grown through their involvement in the many sports programs. GCA has supported what we have taught at home and our children are on their way to becoming successful young adults. GCA has been there for us during times of need and we hope that many more families will have the opportunity to experience what has become our GCA family. We are truly blessed from our time here.” - Jorge and Heidy Avilés Building Lives That Honour God — 17 — CONNECTING & SERVING THROUGH HARVEST MINISTRIES 2009/10 “When I started attending FAC about six years ago, I sensed a feeling of warmth and belonging that I had not felt before. It became an integral part of my life. After FAC rebuilt in its new location, I decided that I would like to become more active in the church and get to know more people. I decided to get involved with Harvest Ministries because I thought that it would be a place where I could comfortably fit in and pay back some of the love and warmth that I had received so freely. It was one of the wisest moves that I have ever made. I got to know many more church members and felt such a sense of belonging that I ended up being baptized and becoming a church member! I enjoy serving in the Harvest Ministries every time I go. I love the hugs, laughter and comradeship. It truly is a highlight in my life.” HARVEST KITCHEN CORNERSTONE CAFÉ APPROX. # OF PEOPLE WHO SERVE FUNERAL LUNCHEON TEAM “[Serving through Harvest Ministries] I got to know many more felt such a sense of belonging that I ended up being baptized and becoming a church member!” # PEOPLE INVOLVED IN WORSHIP 175 40 25 APPROX. # OF PEOPLE WHO SERVE -Christine Gieck church members and Annual Report 2010 APPROX. # OF PEOPLE WHO SERVE & TECHNICAL ARTS 2009/10 A TIME FOR CHRISTMAS TECHNICAL ARTS 86 90 DRAMA/THEATRE 5359 # OF PEOPLE WHO ATTENDED WORSHIP TEAMS CONCERT OF HOPE 53 48 ORCHESTRA CHOIR $22K RAISED FOR HAITI RELIEF +25 CHILDREN SPONSORED “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:16-17 Building Lives That Honour God — 18 — Annual Report 2010 8000 7000 www.faccalgary.com MONTHLY HITS 2009/10 ONLINE REGISTRATIONS 6000 5000 # OF VIDEOS ONLINE 4000 3000 120+ 22 TOTAL HRS. OF ONLINE VIDEO 2000 1000 HOURS 58 MIN. JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR 3 MOST VISITED PAGES 2009-2010 1 weekend resources 2 registration & tickets 3 staff listing SITE VISITS FROM COUNTRIES WITH > 100 HITS MAY JUN ONLINE REG./TICKET SALES $113,241 ONLINE GIVING $111,515 “I just wanted to tell you how incredible your website is and how excellent it looks. There is nothing more inspiring to me than a church who does things well. Good job.” -Lead Pastor, McKenzie Towne Church Building Lives That Honour God — 19 — Annual Report 2010 WRITTEN BY PASTOR SCOTT WEATHERFORD IN 2009 We will say yes to God! We will be a people who dare to follow His leadership regardless the cost. We will be a people of prayer and faith. (Zechariah 4:6; Ephesians 6:18; I Thessalonians 5:17-21) We will create an intentional environment and a system where people can come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We will be all about reaching people. (Luke 15; Romans 10:14, 15; II Corinthians 3:4, 5; 5:16-21; I Peter 2:9) We will provide dynamic weekend worship gatherings for all ages. These gatherings will be relevant and excellent, using the arts to touch the heart with teaching that is biblical ,leading to God-honouring life change. (Deuteronomy 6:5; Proverbs 3:9, 10; Luke 10:38-24; John 17:3; Romans 12:7; II Corinthians 9:6-15; Ephesians 1:22-23; Philippians 3:8-10; Colossians 1:28; II Timothy 3:16-17; I Peter 1:23-24) We will be a church of small groups for all ages, genders, and life stages. These gatherings will be the primary place of care, spiritual growth, evangelism and life change. (Luke 6:12-13; Acts 2:44-47; I Thessalonians 2:7-12; Philemon 1:2) We will create an environment and system for every member to minister according to their God-given design. (Romans 12:8; I Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:11-13; I Peter 4:8-11) We will create a leadership engine to equip leaders to lead well through time-honored biblical concepts, modeled after the servant leadership style of Jesus. This leadership engine will be for the leaders of FAC and the body of Christ. We will invest in the next generation, equipping them to serve in the now and in the next. (Romans 12:8, Nehemiah. 1:1-2:20, John 13:3-5, Acts 6:2-5) We will join God in church planting and church restoration movements by being a teaching, research and resourcing church. (Acts 13:1-3; Acts 16:6-10) We will be intentionally engaged in bringing God’s love to Calgary, Canada, North America and the world through prayer, projects and the giving of resources. This effort will be in direct relationship with the C&MA. (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8; I Thessalonians 1:7, 8) We will function as a family by having fun, believing the best, guarding unity and structuring according to relationships and purpose. (John 13:34-35; I Corinthains 12:1-13; I Corinthians 13; Philippians 2:1-11, Acts 2:4247; Galatians 6:10; I John 3:16) We will be a people and place of help, healing, and hope for individuals and families. (Matthew 5:14-16; Luke 10:25-37; James 2:14-26) We will create a core curriculum (spiritual pathway map) that allows people to develop into Christ-like maturity by equipping them to connect, grow, serve and share their faith. (John 14:21; II Corinthains 8:7; Ephesians 4:15-24; Philippians 1:6; II Timothy 2:2; James 1:22-25; Hebrews 12:1; I Peter 2:1-3) We will pay off our debt and expand our current campus, creating an environment for building the lives of preschoolers, children and students. (II Corinthians 9:9-15) We will give our very best in all that we do and we will also leverage technology as we pursue the vision detailed above for the glory of God. (Malachi 1:6-14; Proverbs 27:17; I Corinthians10:31; Colossians 3:17; I Thessalonians 2:12) Building Lives That Honour God — 20 — Annual Report 2010 First Alliance Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance COMMENTARY ON FINANCIAL RESULTS For the Year Ended June 30, 2010 (references to dollar amounts are $ thousands) This Commentary on Financial Results is provided to enable readers to assess the financial operations and condition of First Alliance Church for the year ended June 30, 2010. It should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements, notes and schedules and is dated October 20, 2010. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Total revenues increased by 6.7% or $486 to $7,747 and total expenses increased by 7.1% or $488 to $6,733 with distributions as shown below: 2010 General Fund Offering 2009 Capital Fund Offering Missions Fund Offering Care Fund Offering Other Revenues 1,000 2,000 3,000 41% Staff 19% Missions 2010 2009 15% Ministry Care Fund 4,000 3% 9% Support 5% Interest 8% Amortization 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 INCREASED GIVING SUPPORT Total donations increased by 6% or $372 to $6,792. Following is a giving breakdown for FAC’s four major funds: Missions Fund offering was up overall by 8% or $85 to $1,187. Almost all of that increase was in donor designated giving, enabling: • FAC’s funding for Alliance Foreign Missions to grow to $720 compared with $650 last year. • payments to Commissioned missionaries to increase by $31 to$175. • short term missions that involved increased costs (Ecuador, Haiti, Cambodia) – up $131 over last year. • $24 increase in support for Outreach organizations (e.g. Teen Challenge, Neighbourlink, Mustard Seed). Care Fund offering was up by 32% or $47 to $196. General Fund offering was up by 9% or $289 to $3,610. Capital Fund offering was down by 2% or $49 to $1,800. Building Lives That Honour God — 21 — Annual Report 2010 (references to dollar amounts are $ thousands) SIGNIFICANT GENERAL FUND COMPONENTS Earned revenues and recoveries are now reported on a gross basis on the Statement of Operations and Schedule of Expenses instead of net basis. Refer to Note 3 for further explanation. Revenues from facility rentals were essentially unchanged. But $26 new revenue from the cell phone tower on FAC’s property increased total rental revenues. Staff costs increased by $215 due to increases in pay rates and total paid hours. But a $75 increase in offsetting subsidies and recoveries brought the net cost increase down to $140. Greater use of the facility increased custodial and maintenance expenses by $21. But costs for electricity and gas utilities decreased by $28 due to lower rates and better use of the building management system. A renewed focus on Communications and events increased expenses by $26 in this area. Library and Resource Centre usage increased, driving revenues higher by $60 and expenses higher by $50. Life Connection revenues increased by $36 while expenses rose by $46. The Beth Moore conference was the largest factor contributing to the revenue and expense increases, along with increased spending on other connecting events. Sales volume at The House was down this year, resulting in revenues and expenses both dropping by $35. CHANGES IN FIRST ALLIANCE CHURCH’S FINANCIAL POSITION General Fund expenses were held below budget. Together with increased giving, that resulted in a surplus of $212. $183 of the surplus was reserved for specific applications: • $50 toward Global Advance, the Alliance’s primary fund supporting foreign missions • $100 to cover anticipated initial costs for required future facilities expansion • $33 for the future of Evergreen Community Church, a new ministry of FAC. New employee loans of $100 and $10 were issued to assist pastors settling into Calgary. The Capital Fund enabled additional investments in property and equipment: third parking entrance, tractor, renovations and furniture for office and ministry spaces. The debt required to provide FAC’s current facilities was paid down by $1.4 million, reducing it from $11.9 million to $10.5 million. The declining loan balance and a lower interest rate reduced interest expense, down from $505 to $332. OVERALL SUMMARY All of the above leaves First Alliance Church in a positive financial position, as needed to support ministry to a growing congregation. We are thankful for God’s provision through the giving of His faithful people. This year’s financial results should encourage all of us to continue trusting Him as we take on the larger challenges and opportunities in FAC’s vision. Respectfully Submitted, Robert Hawes, CA Treasurer Building Lives That Honour God — 22 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 23 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 24 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 25 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 26 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 27 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 28 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 29 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 30 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 31 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 32 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 33 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 34 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 35 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 36 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 37 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 38 — Annual Report 2010 Building Lives That Honour God — 40 — Annual Report 2010 STAFF LISTING For complete contact information, please view our online staff directory located on the homepage under CONTACT US. • Pastoral Staff * Part-time Staff (less than 30 hrs/week) ** Volunteer Staff LEADERSHIP TEAM Scott Weatherford (Lead Pastor) • Terry Young (Teaching Pastor) • Randy Rohrick (Life Connection Pastor) • Carey Thiessen (Director of Operations) Les Bon-Bernard (Family Life/Share Pastor) • Jason Erhardt (Worship Arts Pastor) • Heather Wile (Director of Global Environments, Events & Communications) ADMINISTRATION Carey Thiessen (Administration Team Leader) • Cathie Hall (Office Administrator) Brent Krawchuk (Cornerstone Resources) Anne Freeman (Admin. Assistant) Cheryl Siebring (Office Assistant) Cherie Merryweather (Admin. Assistant) Heather Brown (Admin. Assistant) Janet Loewen (Receptionist) Suzanne Van Herk (Admin. Assistant) Sandra Taylor (Room Bookings) Ruth Bittle (Admin. Assistant)* Sharon Teichroeb (Admin. Assistant) Financial Officers Betty Korthuis (Financial Manager) Sheila Forbes (Financial Assistant) Facilities Kevin Jalving (Building Superintendent) Ron Kroeker (Building Maitenance Supervisor) Donna Martin (Custodian) Pat Roach (Custodian) Brad McDowell (Custodian)* Ingrid Thiessen (Custodian) Dave McNeil (Custodian)* Choy Fuk (Custodian)* Harvest Ministries Gail Hunter (Harvest Ministries Team Leader) Michele Flynn (Cornerstone Café) COMMUNICATIONS Heather Wile (Communications Team Leader) Derek Johnson (Video/Web Design)* Cheryl Siebring (Drama) Brad Young (Guest Services) • Julie McPhail (Print Communications) Suzanne Van Herk (Admin. Assistant) The House Coffee & Sanctuary 126 – 10 St NW Calgary AB T2N 1V3 Derrick Mitchell (Pastor of The House) • www.thehousecoffee.ca WORSHIP ARTS Jason Erhardt (Worship Arts Team Leader) • Celeste Avilés (Student Worship Director)* Vic Delamont (Technical Arts Associate) Wayne Jeschke (A/V Coordinator) Paul Nadeau-Bonilla (Technical Director) Anne Freeman (Admin. Assistant) FAMILY LIFE Les Bon-Bernard (Family Life Team Leader) • Ed Dyck (Seniors)* • Sharon Teichroeb (Admin. Assistant) Children’s Ministry Team Crystal Sylvester (Children’s Ministry Team Leader/Early Childhood) • Colleen Hoare (DiscoveryLand Grade 1-4)* Jenn Limacher (DiscoveryLand PreSchool)* Cherie Merryweather (Admin. Assistant) Meely Cho (Intern) Student Ministries Team Dennis Velikodnijs (Pastor of Accelerate & Junior High) • Jonathan Klein (Pastor of Senior High & Young Adults) • David Conrad (Senior High Associate)* Heather Brown (Admin. Assistant) Building Lives That SHARE Les Bon-Bernard (Team Leader ) • Grant Weber (Community Impact Pastor) • Pat Worsley (Global Impact Pastor)* • Afshin Latifzadeh (Ethnic Ministries Pastor) • Sharon Teichroeb (Admin. Assistant) Building Lives That SERVE & GROW Terry Young (Serve/Grow Team Leader) • Robyn Manning (Pastor of Life Development) • Cindy Bartlett (Serve Coordinator) Ray Matheson (Pastor of Congregational Care) • Janet Loewen (Admin. Assistant) Building Lives That CONNECT Randy Rohrick (Life Connection Team Leader) • Grant Sylvester (Life Group Coaching/Men) • Tara Weatherford (Women’s Ministry Director) Corinne Yuzek (Women’s Life Groups)* Angela McCombs (Life Group Rep.) Ron Kish (Life Group Coach)** Cathie Hall (Admin. Assistant) 12345 40 Street SE Calgary, AB phone: 403-252-7572 email: [email protected] www.faccalgary.com
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Respectfully Sub...