Al Hall is the new Pastor of Community Impact at FAC Email: ahall


Al Hall is the new Pastor of Community Impact at FAC Email: ahall
Looking back, the journey to a decision to follow
God’s leading into full time ministry was a lot longer process
than it seemed. Three years ago I was in my dream job, earning
a very good living, travelling North America and doing a job that
was rewarding. When that job ended a couple of years ago, I was
faced with the reality of what was next. I can now see that God
was nudging me toward something different but I was not sure what.
I spent some time in a couple of positions in my area of expertise
and experience over the last couple of years but was not feeling motivated; I felt a high level of what I can only call a “holy discontent.”
God was trying to get my attention – and I was finally getting it.
phone: 403-252-7572
weekend services
The Exchange
4:30 & 6:30 pm
9:15 & 11:15 am
Sundays @ 5:30 pm
those in hospital Penny Froese.
For updates, please contact Pastor Ray Matheson
[email protected]/403-212-8838.
march giving update (as of Mar. 17)
Budget to Mar. 31/14
DID YOU KNOW? You can securely donate online;
visit and click on GIVING.
The Community Impact position opened up at FAC and it intrigued
me. I spent several weeks in prayer and in conversations with people
in my life that know me well considering whether this was the right fit
for myself and FAC. I’m not sure there was an “aha moment,” but
I started going through the doors that God opened and as I always
do with these kinds of decisions, I decided not to stop until He
closed one of them.
I am looking forward to growing our relationship with our existing
community partners and our valuable volunteer base. I appreciate
continued prayer as I look to God for direction and wisdom.
Al Hall is the new Pastor of Community Impact at FAC
Email: [email protected] / Ph. 403-212-8842
• If you'd like us to contact you with
specific info, just fill out a Contact Card
located in the seat back in front of you.
• Pick up a FIRSTLIFE catalogue from
the Info Desk for an overview of FAC
& get a coupon for a free latte at our café
• Visit our website:
At the end of every service, you're invited
to the front of the Sanctuary for prayer.
You can also request prayer through the
Contact Card located in the seat back or
submit prayer requests online anytime (click on PRAYER).
FREE Family Easter Party! Come enjoy
lots of games, hunt for Easter candy and
watch a family-friendly movie in the Sanctuary
Friday April 4, 6-8 pm here at FAC.
Are you coming? RSVP to Cindy Duffin
[email protected]/403-258-8287.
Safe People: If you've ever been in a relatinship/marriage where you were abused or
abandoned, this free video and discussion
series is for you. Wednesdays, 7-9 pm in
Harvest Room A beginning April 2. (Required
book is available to purchase at Cornerstone
Resources). Register online under EVENTS
or at Cornerstone Resources.
FAC Emergency Response Team
Interested in serving as an on-call First Aid
responder during weekend services? Join
us for an info session March 26, 7 pm in
Harvest Room A; sign up with Colin Berg
[email protected]/403-771-1555.
Worship Music Workshop
Connect with other musicians at FAC –
you're invited to a session with Jon Neufeld
(from Starfield) followed by a Q&A time
Saturday, April 5, 9:30 am-2 pm in the
Sanctuary (FREE). For details email Matt Ellis
[email protected] or call 403-258-4353.
What's the biggest
promise you've ever made?
Join the conversation online:
@faccalgary #promises
Accelerate (Gr. 5-6) meets in Room
255 (upstairs) during weekend services.
Movie Night: "Despicable Me 2" March 28,
7-9 pm @ FAC; cost: $2. Contact Spencer
[email protected]/403-258-4354.
JHS (Junior High) Join us April 5, 4:30 pm
or 6:30 pm in the Harvest Rooms! Cops 'N
Robbers: April 11. For more info contact Jon Caldwell jcaldwell@faccalgary.
com/403-212-8840 or "like" us online:
SHS (Senior High) Join us Wednesdays,
7-9 pm in the Gym. (No SHS March 26
due to Spring Break). "Like" our group:
Young Adults (18-25): Games Night:
March 29, 8-11 pm in the Gym/Loft.
Contact Jonathan Klein jklein@faccalgary.
com/403-212-8851 or visit
Get connected into a smaller group for
weekly prayer, Bible study and community;
just contact contact Angela McCombs:
[email protected]/403-258-8289.
We have "PROMISES" DVD Curriculum
available in hard copy and online so your
group can dig in to this series together!
life @ FAC
The City Harmonic Concert
Welcome guests by helping with ticket
sales/handling, merchandise sales and
directing traffic on March 27. Contact
Sandra Taylor [email protected]
Marriage Course Facilitators
We're committed to promoting healthy,
dynamic marraiges at FAC, and right now
we're looking for married couples willing
to be trained as facilitators for some of
our marriage/relationship skills courses.
Contact Jamie Unruh junruh@faccalgary.
DiscoveryLand Easter Serve
Sub in on Good Friday (5 pm service) or
one of our Easter services (April 19/20) to
allow more visitors to experience DiscoveryLand! Sign up at the table on Main Street
or contact Cindy Duffin cduffin@faccalgary.
Discover more ways to get involved @ FAC!
Stop by the Action Centre or go online:
Wednesday nights are busy here at FAC,
offering lots of opportunities for you to connect,
serve and grow. Come enjoy Wednesday
Family Supper served by Harvest Ministries
(5-6:30 pm, cost: $8-10) before heading to
the areas where you're involved!
Dig in during our "Promises" series with our
Life Group Discussion Guide and DVD
(available in hard copy and online). Stop by the
Life Connection Desk after the service, go to or scan the QR code (see
far left corner) to access all of these great
tools on your mobile device!