Feb 2016 Newsletter - Warrenton Presbyterian Church


Feb 2016 Newsletter - Warrenton Presbyterian Church
Warrenton Presbyterian Church
The Warrenton Presbyterian
February 2016
Hello & Thank you from the Nominating Committee
We all know that a new year is a
time of beginnings but for church
officers who have completed their
terms, it is a time to say goodbye.
In this article, the WPC Nominating
Committee would like to acknowledge the service of those officers
who are “retiring”, say thank you to
those officers who have agreed to
serve for another term, and offer a
special hello to all our new officers.
The Nominating Committee of Warrenton Presbyterian Church would
like to thank you for your continued
Elders serving another term:
Gary Light, Fred Gleason
Deacons serving another term:
Donna Calhoun, Kirk Heydt
New elders: Judy Slaughter,
Sherry Hawkins, Danny Smedley
New deacons: Joe Marshall,
Yongue, Nate Hunter
Retiring elders: Audrey Allen,
Laura Cline, Bethann Rome
 Retiring deacons: Starr Thomas,
Paul Bennett, Tom Thompson
The Nominating Committee of Warrenton Presbyterian Church would
The Nominating Committee of War- like to welcome you and to thank
renton Presbyterian Church would you for your willingness to serve.
like to thank you for your service.
Your generosity of time and talents The committee would also like to remind the
congregation that we have seven vacant deacon
is greatly appreciated. Again, thank positions to fill. Please let the church office
you for making WPC “a servant know if you are interested in more information
about service as a deacon and someone from
the committee will contact you. Or provide
names of those you think would make a good
A Message from the Interim Pastor
Dear Friends.
It never fails! There are always a few folk who greet me in January by saying, “ bet
you’re sure glad the Advent/Christmas rush is here. Now in January you can relax some.”
Well the true facts are, January, for pastors, is the time to put in the hours and effort to finish
training of new Church Officers, to get the Church Organization “re-organized”, elect Session
Clerk and Deacon Moderator and have all the Officers and Church Committees set goals for
the next 12 months.
And all of this leads to…FEBRUARY! And this is the month in the life of a church we set
plans for the year’s mission efforts, the Mission Trips, and all the programs from now through
the summer. June is when we work the details for Fall Programming and Thanksgiving and
Advent and Christmas. So this is the time for ALL Church Members to make good on their
promises about how to actively be involved in this 2016 Ministry of the Warrenton Church.
Now is the time to sign on!
And while we are busy praying and making choices and doing, guess
what? This is the year that the Lenten Season starts early, February 10th is
Ash Wednesday. This Lenten time of prayer and practicing the disciplines
of our faith is fast upon us, getting ready for Palm Sunday and Holy Week
and Easter, which is March 27th this year.
And before you think I’m looking for sympathy or trying to tire everyone out just as the
year gets started, look and see how the organizing/planning dovetails with the paying attention
to and our choosing where and how we wish to be involved in this ministry. Now is the time
to claim it in your heart and to share it with God AND the rest of us.
See you in church.
~~Phil Sommer
As I See It
When I first came to Warrenton to serve as your 2nd Interim Pastor (and having two is not
all that unusual!), I spent the first few weeks listening and observing what was going on in the
life of this Church Family. I saw many good things that impressed me and that I have shared
in this space with you. One of those observations was how physically and emotionally tired the
Session and Deacons were.. We spent time together sharing the events of the past year. We
shared and named some items that we needed to address. And we spent the Fall doing much of
this as well as getting to know each other.
This January, I have been greatly impressed with how well both Elders and Deacons have
re-focused, found new energy and are completely committed to being the Servant/Leaders this
Church Family needs and can have pride in and can trust with leading all into the future. The
spiritual depth and maturity they display speaks well of the long history of fine and full ministry in this place; and bodes well for the future.
That’s as I See It.
February Sermon Schedule (may change due to weather)
February 7, 2016
Transfiguration of the Lord
Sacrament of Holy Communion
8:45 & 11:00am
Children’s Time: “Nuts In A Jar”
Read: Exodus 34:29-35 Psalm 99 II Corinthians 3:12-4:21 Luke 9:28-43
Homily: “Down In The Street”
February 10, 2016
Ash Wednesday
Read: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 Psalm 51:1-17 II Corinthians 5:20b-6:107
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Sermon: “Before God”
February 14, 2016
1st Sunday in Lent
8:45 & 11:00am
Children’s Time: “Temptation”
Read: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Romans 10:8b-13 Luke 4:1-13
Sermon: “Temptation”
February 21, 2016
2nd Sunday in Lent
8:45 & 11:00am
Children’s Time: How God Leads Us”
Read: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Psalm 27 Philippians 3:17-4:1 Luke 13:31-35
Sermon: “Courage”
February 28, 2016
3rd Sunday in Lent
8:45 & 11:00am
Praise Team/youth led Worship
“Reconciliation - Humility”
Annual Congregational Meeting, Sunday, February 7, Noon
The Warrenton Presbyterian Church is called to the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, February 7, 2016, immediately following the 11:00 am Service of Worship in the Sanctuary, for the purpose of hearing the annual report of
the church.
By order of the Session, Laura Cline, Clerk
Living Missionally February 2016
Judy Pease
Mission Elder
As disciples’ of Christ, we go out in mission locally, nationally and internationally
with the good news of God’s love and grace. In faith we will identify mission opportunities
and provide hope and support to all God’s children.
Gift of the Heart Kits are assembled and sent to Church World Service, of which Presbyterian Disaster
Aid is a disaster relief partner, for distribution to communities recovering from natural disasters, to economically and disadvantaged families, to victims of Domestic Violence, for use with Immigration and
Refugee Programs, and for distribution to foster care teens and young adults.
You are cordially invited to Fellowship Hour with a Purpose Sunday, February 14th
The Mission Committee is teaming up with the Crafty Ladies and the Kid’s Club to organize this
community outreach project during the Fellowship Hour after the 11am service on Valentine’s Day to assemble Hygiene Kits and School Kits. Last year our Kid’s Club decorated bags that held the school supplies as one of their first mission projects!
We’ll provide the supplies, but if you would like to make a donation each kit costs about $15.00
to assemble – any donation amount will be appreciated!
If you have been thinking about what to give up for Lent this year, may we suggest instead you
give something – something like a Gift from the Heart !
Fauquier FISH Food Pantry donation request list for February 7:
Fauquier FISH Food Pantry located in Old Town Warrenton at 24 Pelham Street
Soup and Cash will be collected by the Confirmation Class
Thank you for assembling 200 Snow Day Packs on January 10th during the Fellowship Hour.
Our timing was pretty good for the 120 currently identified Fauquier school students needing
food over snow days!
The Weekend Power Pack wish-list of food items for February:
Ramen noodles; Individual fruit cups (usually 4 – 6 fruit cups per package); any variety
Jelly: In plastic Containers (any flavor, brand, or size, squeezable ok)
Peanut Butter: 40 oz. plastic jars (check out Wegman’s for best value)
Pasta sauce (Hunt’s canned pasta sauce usually costs about $1)
Thank you
for supporting the winter Red Cross Blood Drive on January
29th in the Fellowship Hall. This community outreach was in memory of Bill
Bundy. Thanks also to the WPC Deacons for sponsoring and volunteering at
the blood drive.
2015 CROP Hunger Walk Results by the numbers:
$4,710 total raised; $4,050 by WPC
5 church participated
1 Boy Scout troop, Pack 957, Den 2
50 walkers; 42 from WPC
12 volunteers; 9 from WPC
25% of total raised remains locally ($1,177.50)
Thanks for your generous support. ~~Joan Broughton
Thank you from Joan Broughton
Thanks for your generous donations of treats for
the jail ministry. The treat packages were prepared and delivered on Christmas Eve and were
placed on the food trays on Christmas Day. Each
had a message of “God Bless You, Warrenton
Presbyterian Church”. Also, there were enough
treats to share with the Haven Family Shelter.
Mission News (cont’d)
Mission Trips
WV Mission Trip: Remember
to contact Jake Muscar or the
church office if you are interested in joining the 2016 WV Mission Trip set for May
7 - 14. The mission of WVMAW is to offer the opportunity for discipleship by partnering with those in need whose lives have been devastated by natural disasters or by
the disaster of poverty in areas of West Virginia. The WPC team will spend a week
doing repairs on a home of someone identified by WVMAW as needing assistance.
For more information go to www.wvmaw.org or contact Jake. Most expenses are
Baja Mission Trip: FAQ
Document with registration forms for
the 2016 Mission Trip to Baja is online at www.shenpres.org/baja-mission/.
Joan Bundy and Jesse Montgomery are returning in 2016. Individual expenses include travel to and from San Diego and any overnight expenses before the team
heads to Baja on July 17 and
ends July 23. There is no registration fee for a member or
active participant of a congregation
in Shenandoah Presbytery.
Age minimum is 14 with parent or legal guardian.
Registration ends March 1st.
Youth In Mission News
Cub Scout Wolf Den, 2nd graders, will be setting up a display with information and collection boxes for their community service project. They are asking that we help them collect
clean used medicine bottles to be sent to the South African country of Malawi. Health clinics there are desperate for containers to distribute medicine.
Heifer International Camp – Youth Mission Trip
Please contact Lucy Lindsay, the church office, or any member of the mission committee if
you have a student in 5th to 11th grade who might be interested in attending Heifer International Camp.
We anticipate taking two years to educate, plan, and save for this trip.
Boy Scout Troop 92 – The Scouts had a Court of Honor in January. This ceremony recognizes Scouts for
their advancement in rank, completion of merit badges, and election to leadership positions as well as to provide incentive for other Scouts to advance. The Court of Honor was followed by dinner in Fellowship Hall.
A special thank you note was read to Troop 92 for their adopting one of the Salvation Army Children at
Christmas. The troop leadership continues to emphasize the importance of community service.
The Middle School Sunday School Class humbly thanks those of you who purchased Christmas cards and ribbons for the Alternative
Giving Tree. Through your generosity, Church World Service will be able to bring help and hope to others both here and around the
world. We have been able to purchase the following items for a total of $13,154.
1 sand dam & 3 borehole wells
7 sewing machines/training
2 Vitalita
19 hygiene kits
12 literacy training
25 bio-sand filters
20 mosquito nets
11 seeds and tools and training
74 blankets
The following members of the congregation purchased bows for the Alternative Giving Tree.
Preschool class
K-1st grade class
2nd-3rd grade class
4th-5th grade class
Middle School class
Carol Woodbeck
Anne Loftis
mosquito net
sewing machine
4 blankets, 3 mosquito nets
sewing machine, bio-sand filter
sewing machine
blanket, mosquito net, hygiene kit,
bio-sand filter
Kathleen & Nick Buranych
mosquito net, hygiene kit,
bio-sand filter
Nicolle Jones
10 blankets
Jones family
5 literacy training
Poppie (Clint) & Gigi (Judy) Pease literacy training
Elmer & Penny Magyar
borehole well
Eva Richardson
bio-sand filter
Rosemary Schneider
mosquito net
Nancy Babb
3 bio-sand filters
Samuel & Evan Torpy
2 mosquito nets
Eileen Berger
Amanda Stephens & Gary Light
Stacy Stevens
Daniel Nellis
Daniel Nellis
Daniel Nellis
Sondra McTarnaghan
Marianne Artherholt
Anne Loftis
Chris & Mark Headly
Debbie Armstrong
Tom & Sherry Hawkins
Chris Gatti
Housley family
Catherine Cox
Joan Bundy
John & Barbara Sylvester
Crafty Ladies
Philip & Ludmila McBride
3 bio-sand filters
bio-sand filter
hygiene kit
seeds & tools
2 bio-sand filters
blanket, mosquito net,
hygiene kit, bio-sand filter
2 literacy training
sewing machine
sewing machine
2 bio-sand filters
3 bio-sand filters
literacy training
bio-sand filter
5 blankets & 5 mosquito nets
5 bio-sand filters
mosquito net, vitalita,
seeds & tools, bio-sand filter
sewing machine
blanket, mosquito net,
hygiene kit
2 mosquito nets
sand dam
Benjamin Povelones
David & Mandi Hazel
David & Mandi Hazel & proceeds
from the Living Waters CDs
borehole well
Thank you and God bless you.
The Middle School Sunday
School class would like to give
three cheers for the wonderful
people in our church. You helped
Santa to come to 100 children in
our community, and you changed
lives through your support of
Church World Service.
in honor of Lucy Lindsay
in honor of their children
in honor of Rhys Carson Pease
in honor of Lucius Magyar (their grandson)
in memory of Bill Richardson
in honor of Darryll and Dustin
in honor of my family
in honor of Joan Broughton, Beverly Broadfield,
Quentin Jones, and Renata Kamp
in memory of Gene Light
in memory of Christopher Schreher
in honor of Sam Murilla
in honor of Molly Murilla
in honor of William Murilla
in memory of Jack McTarnaghan
in honor of Mary Hall
in memory of Isabel Carrico
in honor of our children, Maggie & Susanna
in honor of her family and friends
in honor of the church staff
in memory of Lana Taylor and Bill & Angie Sudduth
in memory of Allan Housley and Thomas Astin
in honor of my grandchildren
in honor of Sondra McTarnaghan
in honor of Jan Williamson & in memory of Margo Sylvester
in memory of Isabel Carrico
in honor of our kids
in honor of their sons
in honor of all those whose lives will be saved because of
access to clean water
Membership Committee News
Interested in learning more about membership? - Call the church office or simply check “Interested in
Membership” on the attendance pad and we will contact you. Membership Committee: Chairperson
Sherry Hawkins, Laura Cline, Stacy Stevens, Donna Calhoun, and Mary Hall
Food & Fellowship Opportunities
Mark your calendars:
 Sunday, February 7, Spaghetti Lunch and Dessert Auction rescheduled; the lunch
is free but reservations are required; donate a dessert to be auctioned to raise money
for youth summer camps and conferences
Sunday, February 14, Coffee Hour at noon; bring a finger food to share (sweet or
savory); enjoy food and fellowship. Each person who attends the Coffee Hour will
be invited to pack Gift of the Heart school and hygiene kits. Kit items will be
provided. We just need you to provide the labor.
Sunday, February 28 at noon, Chili Cook-off AND Cookie Bake-off Fundraiser:
bring your best chili and/or cookies and those who attend the event will “vote” for the
winners by placing their tickets in a cup. Whoever has the most tickets
in their cup by the end of the event will be declared the winner. All
funds raised will benefit the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund which helps
those in need in our church and community. Tickets are just 25¢ each.
Women of the Church: The meetings for the women of the church will resume in
the Spring. But we will host the February 14 coffee hour, deliver meals to the
free clinic monthly, and participate in the 40+ Fabulous and Fun Fellowship Group
(more info below).
Inspiration needed for February events. If you want
to attend a movie, play, concert or other event,
submit ideas to Mary in the church office (540-347-2213).
Possible March event: Piedmont Singers present Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo by F.J.
Haydn on Tuesday, March 22, at 7 PM at Emmanuel Church in Middleburg, Virginia. This
will be part of a Holy Week Eucharist service. Contact Diana Bennett for more information.
Happy New Year and welcome to winter. Thankfully, it did not appear until we had finished our catering responsibilities.
First, we had our usual monthly brunch for The Christian Women’s Club on Thursday, January 14 th.
Thanks to Andrea Brooks, Sandra Brown, Lois Hollar, Nanci Marshall, Kay May, Joyce Mills, Judy
Pease, Joyce Teague, Barrie Wince and Jackie Young we fed 61 delightful ladies.
On Friday January 15th we served approximately 170 guests at a luncheon following the funeral service for Mr. Bill Richardson. Thanks to Beverly Broadfield, Andrea Brooks, Sandra Brown, Betty Hadden, Sherry Hawkins, Lois Hollar, Creola Loyd, Nanci Marshall, Kay May, Sondra McTarnaghan,
Joyce Mills, Judy Pease, Suzanne Taylor, Joyce Teague, Barrie Wince and Jackie Yongue. Thanks to
everyone who provided desserts. They were much appreciated.
Lastly, on Tuesday, January 19th, we served a light reception for Mr. Gerry DeHoff. Once again, Beverly Broadfield, Andrea Brooks, Sandra Brown, Kay May, Sondra McTarnaghan, Joyce Mills and
Joyce Teague handled everything beautifully. To all those who provided food we say thank you.
In every event, we are grateful for the help of Mary Hall and Jeanette Walker.
Soon we will be serving Lenten Lunches and will need help. Time involved is usually from 10:30 until
about 2 pm. The first one is Ash Wednesday, February 10th. We are planning to serve Tomato Soup,
Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Chips, Beverage and a dessert (to be decided). We will be serving the
lunches every Wednesday until Easter.
The following morning we serve the Christian Women’s Brunch. Time involved here is 8:30 until
about noon. Menu is scrambled eggs, ham, biscuits, fruit cup, juice and coffee. PLEASE give serious
consideration to volunteering your time for either or both.
On February 14th we will be joining the Mission Committee to fill “Gift of the Heart” bags for Church
World Service. During the coffee hour we will fill freezer bags with a hand towel, wash cloth, soap,
nail clippers, a comb, tooth brush, emery board and band aids. These bags are collected by Church
World Service and distributed to disaster areas in the US and around the world. Crafty Ladies have participated in this project for more than 15 years.
Many thanks to Pastor Phil for the Chicken Pot Pie recipe that everyone enjoyed. We have had many
requests for the recipe. It was published in the December newsletter but if you cannot find it let me
know and we will be happy to provide a copy.
Please make a note of my new e-mail address. [email protected]
Catherine Cox (540-347-2386)
Worship Committee News
Communion servers (past and present ordained deacons & elders) are
needed for both services each month. Sign your name to the sign-up
sheet in the Narthex if you are willing to serve, or contact the church
A training session for serving communion and one for preparing communion will be held in February. Please contact the office to sign up for one or both training sessions.
The next worship committee meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 13, after the 11 AM service.
Committee members can grab a bite to eat from the Deacons’ Tea and head to the meeting.
See the flyer on the following page for information about Lenten and Easter services at WPC.►
December 2015 Financial Summary
Monthly Expenses
Monthly Income
Year to Date Expenses
Year to Date Income
Monthly Change in
General Fund Balance
General Fund Balance
I’m pleased to report that December was a strong financial month for WPC. Monthly income exceeded
our monthly budget and, due to prudent spending across several budget areas, allowed our general fund
balance to rise for the second consecutive month. We ended the year with total annual income of
$512,746 but managed to limit the drop in our general fund to $13,878 for the year.
Thank you to everyone who has pledged their financial commitment for 2016. As of January 23, we
have received 102 pledges for $364,450 for the General Fund and 38 pledges for $27,546 for the Building Fund. If you have not yet submitted a pledge card for 2016, please do so as soon as you can. Our
2016 budget of $511,686 will be presented at our next congregational meeting but additional details are
available upon request.
Thank you from Eva Richardson
Thank you to our church friends who have blessed us during this very difficult time...to the middle
school class whose baskets of cookies and candy have touched my heart; to Sondra for her weekly
cards; to Kathleen McClelland for her delicious apple sauce; and most of all to everyone for their
thoughts and prayers. May God bless you. In Christ’s love, Eva
Wednesday Lenten Services 2016
12 Noon
Theme: The “I AM”s of Jesus
Ash Wednesday
February 10, 2016
“I Am…The Bread of Life”
John 6:27-38
(Don’t forget the Ash Wednesday evening service
at 7 PM in the Chapel)
February 17, 2016
“I Am…The Light of the World”
John 8:1-12
February 24, 2016
“I Am…The Gate”
John 10:1-10
March 2, 2016
“I Am…The Good Shepherd”
John 10:11-18
March 9, 2016
“I Am…The Resurrection and the Life”
John 14:1-10
March 16, 2016
“I Am…the True Vine”
John 15:1-8
March 23, 2016
John 13:21-32
Don’t forget the Seder & Tenebrae Service
(two events in one service)
on Maundy Thursday, March 23, at 7 PM,
starting in the Fellowship Hall and ending in the Historic Chapel
Be sure to pick up the Christian Education Brochure with more information on
classes, curricula, and class location; available in the narthex.
Classes for all ages are available each Sunday morning. Children’s classes begin at 9:45
in the chapel with Jeanette Walker, then dismiss to their classrooms. Youth and adult
classes meet in the scheduled spaces for their groups at 10:00 AM.
Sunday Morning Adult Classes for February
 Study of the Creeds and Confessions begins on January 31, led by Susanne Taylor in the
Fellowship Hall
 Presbyterian Worship, led by Dr. Sommer in the Historic Chapel
Other Opportunities
 Book Discussion Group – 4th Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:00 PM, Coordinated by Cheryl Crow
 Young adult group, “Christians Doing Stuff” – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Women’s Lounge, Coordinated by Kristin Heydt
 Men’s Bible Study, Saturdays at 8:30 AM in the youth lounge, coordinated by Don Broadfield
 40 + Fabulous and Fun fellowship group, contact the office with activity ideas
 Disciple class, Introduction to the Old Testament, taught by Susanne Taylor, Tuesdays, in
February and March
Book Group, every 4th Wednesday at 7:00 PM
February 3: The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton at Cheryl Crow’s house
February 24: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simison
March 23: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
April 27: Astronaut Wives Club: a true story by Lily Koppel
May 25: Arthur & George by Julian Barnes
June 22: I am Malala: the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban by
Malala Yousafzai
Kid’s Club – (2nd – 5th graders)
February 13: 11:00 AM–1:00 PM in the church fellowship hall, hosted by the Toothman family
Thank you to the Trask family for hosting the January 10 skate at Rollerworks
The next Christian Education committee meeting is Monday, February 15, 2016 at
7:00 PM. Please bring any ideas, comments or concerns you may have to the attention of
the Christian Education committee, to the Chair, Chris Headly, or to the DCE, Lucy Lindsay.
The youth from the confirmation class of 2016 will collect cans of soup on
“Souper” Bowl Sunday, February 7, 2016. They will join young people in
churches across the country to collect soup and money for those who are hungry and hurting, by participating in the “Souper Bowl” of Caring. Cash donations are also welcome. All of the money and cans of soup collected are donated to a charity selected by the participant. Please support the youth of our
church in this effort to “love our neighbors” by dropping your dollar in the
soup pot or bring cans of soup to donate on February 7. All donations will be
given to the local FISH organization.
Acolytes – All middle school students and 4th & 5th graders are encouraged to sign up for an opportunity to serve as acolyte for the 11:00 AM worship service, September through May. A signup sheet is posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Hall (between the sanctuary and chapel).
Indulge your sweet tooth!
Plan to support the youth group by attending the spaghetti luncheon
and dessert auction on FEBRUARY 7, 2016 at 12:00 noon.
Plan to make and donate your favorite dessert or try a new recipe. The desserts will be auctioned to the highest bidder after lunch. The friendly competition is
a lot of fun and you may get to take home a delicious masterpiece to enjoy yourself.
Prices may get a little inflated, but it’s all for a good cause.
Plan to come and enjoy the fun. All are welcome even if you don’t
bring a dessert. (donations are accepted). Watch the bulletin for reservation information. There is no charge for lunch but reservations are
necessary for planning and preparation.
Shenandoah Presbytery
Senior High Retreat
February 5 – 7, 2016
Massanetta Springs
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Prayer Inc.:
Registration information is available. Contact Lucy Lindsay for details
Youth Group Schedule of Events
January 29 – 31
ski retreat - Canaan Valley, West Virginia
February 5 – 7
Senior High SPYCE retreat at Massanetta
February 6
Spaghetti lunch preparation and set up, 2-4 PM
February 7
“ Souper” Bowl of Caring AND
February 7
11:30 – 2:00 PM - Spaghetti Lunch and dessert auction
February 12
Middle school cookie bake 4:00 PM
February 20
SPARC service for Warrenton Community Youth
hosted by WPC youth - 7:00pm in the sanctuary
Appetizers by the deacons at 6:00 PM
February 21
6:00 – 8:00 PM Youth Meeting, Dinner by (Volunteer*
February 27
9:00 – 11:30 AM, Youth Sunday rehearsal
February 28
Youth Sunday, both morning services
Thank you to those generous volunteers who provided food for the Progressive Dinner: The Caines, The Pinillas,
and staff of Warrenton Presbyterian School
*Additional dates for dinner volunteers remain. Please contact Lucy Lindsay for information.
February 21
April 3
March 6 - The Youngs and the Pinillas
April 10
March 13
April 17
More Dates for your calendars:
Ski retreat at Canaan Valley, West Virginia, January 29 – 31
Senior High SPYCE retreat at Massanetta, February 5-7
Spaghetti lunch and dessert auction, February 7
Souper Bowl of Caring, February 7
Warrenton Community Youth worship service, planned and led by SPARC, February 20 at WPC
(see poster ion following page for more information)►►►►
Youth Sunday, February 28
Vacation Bible School for 2016 is June 20 - 24. Classes are offered for children age
3 through those who have completed 5th grade. The leadership team is beginning to
plan and make decisions for the fun week. Volunteers are needed in many areas
and we will be recruiting to fill all those positions in the next few months. Contact
Tracy Mazurkiewicz or Lucy Lindsay ([email protected]) for more information.
Summer Opportunities
Fred Camp for 2016 is July 3 – 9. We have 8 spaces for youth and 2 for adults. If you are interested in
attending, please see Lucy Lindsay as soon as possible. Registration information is now available. If
you can attend this worthwhile week, please talk with Lucy Lindsay or Phil Montgomery.
Massanetta Middle School Conference
Registration information is available for the summer’s conference for middle school students.
Those completing 6th through 8th grades are invited to attend this 4 day event in nearby Harrisonburg, Virginia. The dates for this year’s trip are July 7 – 10. This is a great opportunity
for worship, fellowship and spiritual growth presented to middle school age youth in an energetic environment directed to their interest and needs. See Lucy Lindsay for details.
An Ever Present Help in Times of Trouble
I have been sitting here for quite some time, hands poised above the computer keyboard, waiting for a
stroke of inspiration that has not been in evidence. Pondering the blank screen, and occasionally fending off Liesl’s attempts to write this for me, I have thought about a lot of things. In reviewing the last year, I have to admit
that a lot of the subjects have been somewhat less than happy. I have experienced a lot of personal grief, as has
our congregation. There has been upheaval and a lot of drama, locally and in the denomination. Our world
seems to be becoming a more dangerous place all the time. It’s frightening; it’s mind-boggling. I wonder how we
as a church face it all, and remain constant in our faith, perhaps even strengthening it. As with most learning
experiences, I look to history. For our church, looking to our past contained in our creeds and confessions may
hold some clues as to how we go forward in our times of confusion and fear.
Our Book of Confession, Part I of the Constitution of the PCUSA, contains the church’s statements in
times of confusion, discord, disagreement, war and injustice, as well as one of great rejoicing. Each is based in
theology, and seeks to articulate or perhaps clarify the church’s position in each instance. Our denomination has
undergone upheavals, dramas and discords before. There have been splits and reunions. The Church - - as in
Christianity - - has borne witness to many wars and periods of injustice for centuries in many countries. Many
times, she has been moved to put pen to paper and outline a response to these events based on Scripture and collective understanding of where Christ would have us go and what He would have us do. The PCUSA has
adopted many of these and made them the leading part of our Constitution. Recently, the PCUSA has added one
coming out of South Africa and one of the worst modern day injustices imaginable - - the Belhar Confession in
response to apartheid.
We will be looking at these Confessions from the perspective of an overview during the Church School “hour”
starting January 31 in the Fellowship Hall. Our study will take us through Palm Sunday. If you happen to have a
copy of the Book of Confessions, please bring it. We will have some available for use during class.
I do hope to see you there to discuss these courageous documents. Peace be with you!
Susanne Hooker Taylor
Jan 31– Mar 20
The Pastor Nomination Committee (PNC) has reviewed over 50 Pastor Information Forms (PIFs) and
now has begun a second round of reviews of those PIF's the PNC believes best meets the needs of
the WPC. Even though the PNC is now engaged in a second review (short list of candidates), the PNC
continues to receive new PIFs each week which we also give due consideration through research,
prayer, and discussion as we continue to move forward, in seeking the person who God has called to
be our new Pastor.
~~Rich Crow, Chairperson
Warrenton Presbyterian School
Serving Christ and God’s Children in the Heart of Warrenton, Virginia
Stacy Stevens, Director
Incorporated 2009
[email protected]. or (540)222-8509
Happy Valentine’s Day!
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is
REGISTRATION for the 2016/2017
Registration for next year is now open to church and preschool families. The following preschool
classes will be offered:
1-Day Class (Wed/9am-12noon) for 2 year olds
2-Day Class (Tues and Thurs/9am-12noon) for 2.5-3 year olds
3-Day Class (Tues-Thurs/9am-12noon) for 3-4 year olds
3-Day Class (Tues-Thurs/9am-1 pm) for 4-5 year old
4-Day Class (Mon-Thurs/9am-1pm) for 4-5 year olds
Please contact Stacy Stevens (540-222-8509 or [email protected]) for more information.
WPS would like to thank everyone who participated in our pot pie fundraiser!
Please contact Stacy Stevens to arrange to pick up your order.
New playground at WPS
A big thank you goes out to the following church members who helped unload
playground equipment from the delivery truck:
Steve Torpy, Jim Cantrell, Joe Marshall, Jake Muscar, Jesse Montgomery
Come Celebrate PANCAKE DAY with Us!
WPS will be hosting our annual pancake supper on Tuesday, February 9,
in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your family and friends for food
and fellowship anytime between 5:00 and 7:00pm.
See reservation forms on following page and in weekly bulletins.
______x $5 = $______ (#_____ of gluten free eaters)
______x $2 = $______ (#_____ of gluten free eaters)
______under 2
Total $______
______x $5 = $______ (#_____ of gluten free eaters)
______x $2 = $______ (#_____ of gluten free eaters)
______under 2
Total $______
Please make checks payable to WPS
Please make checks payable to WPS
adults and children 6 years and older
children 2-5 years
children under 2 years
adults and children 6 years and older
children 2-5 years
children under 2 years
Tuesday, February 9, 2015
5:00-7:00 pm
Tuesday, February 9, 2015
5:00-7:00 pm
Warrenton Presbyterian School
Pancake Supper
Warrenton Presbyterian School
Pancake Supper
Pancake Reservation Forms: one for you and one for a friend
Warrenton Presbyterian Church
91 Main Street
Warrenton, VA 20186
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage Paid
Warrenton, VA 20186
Permit 40
91 Main Street
Warrenton, Virginia 20186
Help us keep our mailing list up-to-date.
Please contact the church office with corrections, additions, or subtractions
at 347-2213 or [email protected]
Look for the snowflakes throughout this newsletter to remind us that
winter has arrived.
In the event of inclement weather, please check the church website
(www.wpcva.org) or call the church (540-347-2213) after 6:00 AM to
check the message on the answering machine. If schools are closed, most
church activities will be canceled that day or evening. Individuals and
groups may choose to meet if road conditions improve during the day.
Please always use best judgment for your safety based on conditions in your area.