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2/29/2016 Tech Update 2016 Passenger Safety Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in cooperation with Texas Department of Transportation Passenger Safety 1 About Bob… • Bob i s a Retired Law Enforcement Offi cer from Fairfax County • He currently coordinates the child passenger safety programs for the Pri nce William County, VA, Department of Fire & Rescue. • Bob s erved a s a member of the National Child Passenger Safety Board a nd s erved as the Chair in 2011 a nd compl eted his tenure in Ja nuary 2013. Bob is currently the Global Car Seat Advocate for NUNA Baby Essentials 2 About Joe… • Joe ha s been a child passenger s a fety a dvocate for 22 yea rs. • He currently teaches, consults, develops programming a nd more for public agencies, private compa nies and other groups i n the U.S. a nd a broad. • Joe s erved a s a member of the National Child Passenger Safety Board, s erved as the Chair in 2003, a nd completed his tenure in 2004. Joe is currently the owner of Traffic Sa fety Projects, a company that works on child passenger safety a nd other motor vehicle risk a reas 3 1 2/29/2016 Fact or Fiction Fact or Fiction Car seats that have been in minor crashes can continue to be used. Fiction 2 2/29/2016 More Details In 2003 NHTSA defined a minor crash as one where ALL these criteria are met: - Vehicle was able to be driven away from crash site - Vehicle door nearest to child restraint was undamaged - NO injuries to ANY vehicle occupants - Air bags did NOT deploy or open - No visible damage to child seat Follow the instructions for the specific model Example More Details • ONLY manufacturers know whether it is safe to continue using THEIR products. • We CANNOT override OR not specifically refer to those instructions. 3 2/29/2016 Fact or Fiction Observational studies are showing a significant increase in the use of booster seats by children ages 4 to 7… FICTION Fact or Fiction CR Manufacturers do not test forward facing CRs installed with just lower anchors (no tether)… 4 2/29/2016 FICTION More Details • If a tether anchor is available and appropriate, a forward-facing CR SHOULD be tethered whether installing with lower anchors OR with a seat belt. • “Convertibles, sports cars, and some very heavy trucks need not have top tether anchors.” • “A top tether can reduce the distance that the child’s head moves forward by 4-6 inches and can thus lessen the risk of head injuries in a crash.” Fact or Fiction Car seats can no longer be used if they are more than 6 years old. 5 2/29/2016 Fiction The late 1990s JPMA recommendation of 6 years was in response to changing safety standards, and most manufacturers adopted that useful life period. Now we are seeing expirations of 7-10 years increasing. Follow the instructions for the specific model and manufacture date. Fact or Fiction If a change has been made in CRS manufacturer instructions, it is typically retroactive. Fiction Changes are NOT retroactive unless the manufacturer specifies that they are. For example, Safety 1st once required handles to be in the “down” position. Later instructions stated that handles could be in “any” locked position. New instructions require handles to be in the “up” position. Follow the instructions that come with the specific seat. 6 2/29/2016 A Few Examples - Handle position Correct lock-off use Rear-facing tether use Forward-facing tether use Correct recline angle Minimum and maximum weight limits Lower anchor limitations Infant inserts or harness covers Fact or Fiction A child reaching the height of 4’9” is a good indicator that he or she is ready to ride in just a seat belt because vehicle design vehicle seats to fit people 4’9” or taller… FICTION 7 2/29/2016 Fact or Fiction Car seat covers can never be machine washed or dried. Fiction While many car seat manufacturers instruct users to clean covers with mild soap and water and drip dry, some now allow certain models’ covers to be machine washed and dried using delicate settings. Follow the instructions for the specific model and manufacture date because the fabrics and treatments used may differ. Fact or Fiction All car seats manage crash energy the equally and in the same basic ways… 8 2/29/2016 Fiction Energy management features can transfer external crash forces away from children. Many different designs and materials are used to absorb and mitigate external forces, and how this is done varies by manufacturer and even by model. A Few Examples - Shell and frame structure Crushable foam or other inserts Tether designs and attachments Anti-rebound features Anti-rotation features Harness friction features Deep, padded side wings Fact or Fiction 15-Passenger vans are more likely to be unstable if they are not loaded properly or are overloaded 9 2/29/2016 FACT If most of the weight is on the driver’s side, this puts pressure on the left rear tire which may blow. Fully loaded vans cause the center of gravity to shift rearward and upward, increasing the likelihood of a rollover. Never load gear on the top of a van, which also increases risk of a rollover. More Details - Front and back tires may require different inflation pressures (doorsill) - Tires may have uneven wear, cracks, and damage - Exposure to sunlight and sitting parked for long periods can lead to deadly tire degradation and dry rot - As weight inside a van increases, so does the propensity to roll over Fact or Fiction Motor vehicle fatalities continue to decrease as they have since 2008… 10 2/29/2016 FICTION “Preliminary estimates indicate motor vehicle deaths were 8% higher in 2015 than they were in 2014 – the largest year-over-year percent increase in 50 years. The Council estimates 38,300 people were killed on U.S. roads, and 4.4 million were seriously injured, meaning 2015 likely was the deadliest driving year since 2008.” More Details 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 41,059 37,261 33,808 32,885 32,367 33,561 32,719 32,675 2015 Estimates 38,300 Killed 4,400,000 Injured Fact or Fiction The rotation and rebound of a rearfacing CR is a good illustration of “ride down” of crash forces… 11 2/29/2016 FICTION • Closely coupling the occupant to the vehicle allows the occupant to benefit from the vehicle crushing extends the period of deceleration and minimizes the amount of force the occupant experiences (ride down) • Stretching of harnesses and deformation of other system parts reduces the length of time that the strongest forces are experienced • Technology that combines and balances these energy management experiences results in optimal occupant protection. Where Are We Now? 12 2/29/2016 Ride Down Feature Examples • • • • • Load legs / stability legs Anti-rebound bars Tethers (RF or FF) Serpentine lap belt routing Other belt routes or lock-offs that use both the lap belt and the shoulder belt to restrain the car seat – European routing of for RF seats – High shoulder belt routing for tethering effect Fact or Fiction Most children between ages 1 and 3 are properly restrained rear-facing… Fiction A 2013 NHTSA observational study found that only 83% of children 1 to 3 years old were restrained in harnesses. - 10% rear-facing - 73% forward-facing car seats - 9% booster seats - 3% seat belts - 5% completely unrestrained 13 2/29/2016 Fact or Fiction Child passenger safety efforts are only important until a child has outgrown a booster seat… Fiction Non-restraint and improper restraint use actually increase as children get older. Restrained or Unrestrained Source: NHTSA 14 2/29/2016 Fact or Fiction 3 out of 4 car seats are used incorrectly… FACT Overall Critical Child Restraint Misuse was 72.6% (critical = misuse that can be expected to raise the risk of injury) “While installing and using child safety seats may appear to be easy enough, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated that close to 3 out of 4 parents do not properly use child restraints.” More Details 15 2/29/2016 Energy Management Features Vehicle Features: New Belts & Bags 1 2/29/2016 2 2/29/2016 Manufacturer Customer Service Vehicle Electronics 3 2/29/2016 Vehicle Electronics Vehicle Electronics Latch Plate Changes 4 2/29/2016 Locking Latchplate (continued) 4-13 Switchable Latchplate Adult Position Car Seat Position 4-14 Dynamic Locking Latchplate • Lock the lap-andshoulder belt when loaded by occupant during a crash • Not intended to provide locking of seat belt for a car seat Front Back Dynamic Locking Latchplates 4-15 5 2/29/2016 What do they do? • • • • Webbing slides freely during normal driving Clamp is engaged by body’s motion in a crash Maintains ideal lap and shoulder portions Greatly improves performance 6 2/29/2016 Where are they found? • • • • Began being seen in 2010 GM models Now in many domestic and foreign models Originally limited to front seats Now found in some rear seats (e.g. 2015 extended-cab versions of GMC Canyon and Chevy Colorado pickups Dynamic Locking Latchplate Summary • Improve occupant protection for adults • CANNOT be used to secure car seats • Current versions have switchable retractors on the same belt system for car seats • READ the INSTRUCTIONS! • Moving parts on the latchplate no longer means “locking latchplate” (for CR installation or for class testing) Car Seat Features: Energy Management Expanding 7 2/29/2016 Evenflo SafeMax Britax – HUGS DIONO For children over 65 pounds using the harnesses, the second set of longer “sticky pads” replaces the original set 8 2/29/2016 Side Impact Features IIHS Testing Side Impact Crashes • Side impact crashes are among the deadliest type of crashes for children, accounting for 1 in 3 child crash fatalities, nearly all of which are caused by head trauma • A child’s head is most vulnerable and accounts for 95 percent of all injuries sustained 9 2/29/2016 Side Impact Standard • Currently FMVSS 213 only requires frontal testing • January 28, 2014 NHTSA published NPRM for SI testing—comments taken for 90 days • These comments will all be considered before final rule is made 29 Side Impact Standard What is proposed: Test all CR for children <40#, (including harnessed and BPB seats) with 12 month dummy and new 3 yo/32# SI dummy (Q3s) which is more biofidelic of a child’s body Compliance won’t be required for several years 10 2/29/2016 Side Impact Technology • Many seat manufacturers already produce restraints with added side impact protection • Internal testing to their own standards • Some currently use the European side impact crash test standard 33 Side Impact Enhancements - All manufacturers are looking at enhancements - Different internal testing protocols currently being used - Many different designs to car seats - Seats are getting deeper with more head and neck protection 11 2/29/2016 Side Impact Enhancements 34 Side Impact Enhancements Side Impact Enhancements 12 2/29/2016 5 1 10 p. 37 Side Impact Enhancements 38 AIR Protect Plus • Air Protect came out 5 years ago (Side Cushions) • Air Protect Plus will be supplemented with G Cell HX, a new foam Side Impact Enhancements 39 • Recaro Side impact foam air cushion to protect occupant sitting next to seat 13 2/29/2016 Rebound Control Rear Facing Tethering Swedish Method 14 2/29/2016 15 2/29/2016 Technology brings change… 16 2/29/2016 Britax Transition Example – Foonf Add-On Bar Rebound Control (anti-rebound) Bars 17 2/29/2016 Example – More surface area Example – Evenflo Embrace Handle as Rebound Control 18 2/29/2016 Handle as Rebound Control Rotation & Rebound Control Rear Facing Tethering Australian Method 19 2/29/2016 Load Legs (aka Stability Legs) What is a stability leg? Three Manufacturers with Load/Stability Legs now •NUNAPipa •Aton 2 •Aton Q •Aton Cloud •GB Q. What are the benefits of using the base’s stability leg ? The stability leg is not new to the world of car seats, it has been used in Europe for many years. This new to you feature greatly reduces rotation of the car seat during a crash, by as much as 90% or more. This is important for the protection of the child’s head, neck and spinal cord. By reducing rotation the child is supported by the shell and the energy absorbing material. stability leg security keeps seat more intact during a forward impact reduces forward movement during a forward impact by up to 90%* decreases baby's head injury values up to 33%* indicators turn green when the stability leg is properly connected to the car *based on USA FMVSS 213 testing 20 2/29/2016 Rear-facing car seat without a load leg test starting angle 40.45° from v ertical seat at full rotation, j ust ov er 63° from v ertical about 23° of total rotational mov ement Nuna PIPA with a stability (load) leg test starting angle 36.28° from vertical seat at full rotation, still at 36.28° from vertical measured 0° of total rotational movement 21 2/29/2016 Rear facing car seats with vs without No stability leg Pipa with Stability leg Nuna Pipa without a stability (load) leg Test starting angle 36.12°°from vertical Seat at full rotation, just over 54.6°° from vertical about 18.5°° of total rotational movement Rebound is also effected by a load leg At 66ms the seat is rebounding back, at 1.37°° degrees rotation ertical Seat at full rebound, note that rebound can also be greatly reduced by the stability leg preventing the infant seat from loading into the vehicle seat. 22 2/29/2016 Question: What is ridedown? How does the stability leg impact ride-down? The inf ormation on this page is f rom our f riends at CarSaf “Ride-Down Time”. Ride-Down Time: Child passenger safety advocates often stress the importance of "ride-down time." This term simply refers to the time it takes for a person to come to a complete stop in a crash. •Even a slight increase in this stopping time can reduce the risk of injury considerably. This is perhaps the most fundamental concept in keeping passengers alive in a crash. •Take the case of a child in a car seat. Ideally, you want the child coupled as tightly as possible to the harness system and car seat, and the car seat coupled as tightly as possible to the vehicle with the seatbelt or LATCH system. When you do this, the child gains all the benefit of "ridedown time" provided by the crushing frame of the vehicle in a crash. •With a loose installation of any kind, the child gets less ride-down time and suffers a more severe crash into the harness system. •Car seats themselves are not designed provide much ride-down time; their main functions are to prevent ejection and to allow the child to be coupled tightly to the vehicle so the frame can provide the necessary ride-down time. • The stability leg supports the seat (prevents rotation) so the spine can be evenly supported along the seat back during a collision. Ride-down with load legs • The stability leg and rigid lower attachments (LATCH) allow the child seat to be coupled tightly to the vehicle so it can utilize the engineered crush zone of the vehicle to dissipate the energy of a crash. • The vehicle has a few feet worth of metal crush structure to absorb crash energy vs. a car seat which has a few inches of plastic. By coupling tightly to the vehicle the car seat with a load leg can ride down the crash with the vehicle. HIC values are also decreased. European Belt Routing 23 2/29/2016 70 European Belt Routing 71 European Belt Routing 24 2/29/2016 European S/B Routing • • • • • • • • • Combi Cocorro Cybex Aton, Aton 2, Aton Q, Cloud Q Maxi Cosi Mico AP (some versions) and Nxt Nuna Pipa Peg Pérego Primo Viaggio 4–35 Recaro Coupe Snug Ride Classic Connect 35 * UPPABaby Mesa Urbini Petal 75 European Belt Routing • Been around many years in Europe • Used on RFO seats without base • Reduces forward motion of the seat in frontal crash • Great for smaller cars • Limits side to side motion during side impact 25 2/29/2016 Tech Update 2016 BREAK Passenger Safety 76 26 2/29/2016 CPS Technical UPDATE 2015-16 Produced by: Emilie Crown, RN Montgomery County Fire Rescue Bob Wall Prince William County Department of Fire & Rescue In Concert with: Joe Colella Passenger Safety 1 1 ABC SHOW UPDATE 2015 • • At this years show there were six manufacturers Child Restraints that had new seats and some changes and others that had small changes. Rule making on FMVSS 213 is still pending and until it is finalized we may not see many new products on the market. Seats shown and presented in this presentation are in no order of preference or importance. This presentation is not intended to be inclusive of all of the seats available on the market or in development or production. 2 Trends Seen at ABC 2015 More accessories available Load/Stability Legs continue Side impact protection advancements Tweaks and label changes to current products Not too many new seats, but some, and many on the horizon More use of rebound bars/rear handle positions Passenger Safety 3 3 1 2/29/2016 Doona seat now in 25 different countries worldwide. • Launched in US this summer. • Seat plus base cost $499. • Seat is a stroller and a RFO car seat. It is certified for use in US and Europe, and is certified for use as a car seat and a stroller. • Many tests to pass! Passenger Safety 4 4 There is an installation section on their website. Seat has been made lighter, and there are running changes to try and make it more “idiot proof”. A lot of effort being taken to try and explain this product, train sales people and distributors, etc, so it will never be sold in “box” stores. Passenger Safety 5 Passenger Safety 6 5 6 2 2/29/2016 Bamboo newborn insert now is labeled to remove at 11#--it is mandatory to use under 11#. Handle should always be used in the rebound position when used without base. The US version of the seat has a reinforced belt path and the belt guide for installation without the base is on the handle itself. Passenger Safety 7 Passenger Safety 8 Passenger Safety 9 7 8 9 3 2/29/2016 Snug Ride 30 • Will be out in the market in Jan/Feb 2016. • They have added a front-adjust harness to their lowest price model seat, and have added a cap to the base to “flatten it out some”. Cost will be $99. • NOTE: A couple of Graco’s lowest-price SR30’s in travel systems will still have back-adjust harness straps, as well as the industrial/factory versions of the seat. Passenger Safety 10 10 SN U G R IDE ® 30 C LIC K C ON N E C T™ M SRP $ 9 9 .9 9 NEW fr o n t -a d j u st h a r n ess Helps protect rear-facing infants from 4-30 lbs and up to 30 inches Easy to carry - Ultralightweight carrier weighs only 7 lbs 5-point front adjust harness adjusts for easy in & out LATCH-equipped Specifications 14”H 17.5” W 26.75” D 7 w/o Base 11 w/ Base MAX WEIGHT/HEIGHT Up to 30 lbs Up to 30” 11 SNUGRI D E ® 30 LX C LI C K C O NNE C T ™ M SRP $ 1 2 9 .9 9 Specifications Grows with baby from 4-30 lbs and up to 30 inches Easy to Carry – Ultralightweight carrier weighs only 7 lbs 15.6”H 11.75” W 28” D 7 w/o Base 13.7 w/ Base 5-point front adjust harness for easy in and out MAX HEIGHT/WEIGHT Accurate Installation Angle with 6-position base 4-30 lbs Up to 30” 12 4 2/29/2016 4-Ever and Milestone seats • No major updates to these seats. BRU now has the 4-Ever with Safety Surround. My Size, Size 4 Me, Fit 4 Me… with rapid remove • Two major changes: Now there is just one Latch system (like the Contender) and the cover can now be removed while seat is still installed in the car. There are just 4 snaps to undo for the rapidremove cover Passenger Safety 13 13 SIZE4ME™ 65 M SRP $ 1 7 9 .9 9 F E AT U R I N G R a p i d R e m o v e Specifications Machine-washable RapidRemove™ cover removes in 60 seconds without uninstalling the seat 23.43”H 22.05” W 18.50” D Simply Safe Adjust Harness System is safe & simple with a one-hand, no re-thread harness 19.29 MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T REAR-FACING: 4-40lbs Child’s head must be 1” below the red handle FORWARD-FACING: 22-65 lbs 27-49” InRight™ LATCH provides a onesecond LATCH attachment Engineered & crash tested to meet or exceed US FMVSS 213 14 Extend 2 Fit (NEW) • This seat was a finalist in the JPMA Innovation award this year. It is designed to Safely Fit a child RF for a longer period of time. This seat provides 5 extra inches of leg room when the leg extension panel (has four 1” increment settings) is used. • There are also 6 different reclines on the base (3 for RF and 3 for FF--#4 can be either RF or FF) Passenger Safety 15 15 5 2/29/2016 Seat is rated for 4# to 50# RF 10 adjustments in the no re-thread harness 10-year expiration date as seat steel reinforced Push button Latch with a bar that is integrated inside the seat to slide the LA’s from RF to FF Fuss free harness pockets This seat will be in the market Jan/Feb 2016. This is Graco’s #1 launch in 2016! Passenger Safety 16 16 MSRP $199.99 E XT E N D2FIT ™ 4-position extension panel provides 5” additional leg room Specifications 25.16”H 21.73” W 19.76” D Simply Safe Adjust™ Harness System adjusts the height of harness and headrest in one motion 19.75 MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T REAR-FACING: 4-50lbs Child’s head must be 1” below the handle FORWARD-FACING: 22-65 lbs 27-79” 6-position recline and 10position adjustable headrest Fuss-Free Harness Storage and LATCH equipped 17 Atlas 65 (NEW) • Seat just came out in the market on .com sites. • 2-in-one seat, 22-65# with harness and 30-100# as a BPB 2-position recline • Child must be 4 yo for HBB and backless BPB use • 10-position no re-thread harness, 2 cup holders and front adjust harness Passenger Safety 18 18 6 2/29/2016 AT LA S™ 65 M SRP $ 1 2 9 .9 9 Specifications 2-in-1 Booster: 5-point harness and highback booster 25”H 19” W 22” D Simply Safe Adjust Harness System adjusts the height of harness and headrest in one motion 18 2-position recline and 10position headrest MAX WEIGHT/HEIGHT 5-POINT HARNESS: 22-65 lbs 27”-49” HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” Integrated harness storage compartment 19 Nautilus Nautilus name only now—no more Argos. All of the Nautilus seats will have a no re-thread harness and an added third crotch position. All of the FF weight limits have been changed to start at 22# instead of 20# Nautilus 65 (NEW) Now available - will not have an insert It will be 22-65# in harness mode, 30-100# as a HBB, and 40-100# as a backless booster. Passenger Safety 20 20 Nautilus 65 LX • Has upgraded fabrics, and buckle cover pockets. The backless BPB will go to 120#. Nautilus 80 Elite • Rated from 22-80# with harness • Has covered arm rests and lock off. • The insert on this seat must be used up until 30#. Passenger Safety 21 21 7 2/29/2016 N A U T ILU S™ 65 3-in-1: 5-point harness, high-back booster and backless booster Simply Safe Adjust Harness System adjusts the height of harness and headrest in one motion 3-position recline and 5-position headrest Seat pad, harness and buckle covers are comfortable and machinewashable M SRP $ 1 4 9 .9 9 Specifications 28”H 20” W 18” D 20.53 MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T 5-POINT HARNESS: 22-65 lbs 27”-49” HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” BACKLESS FACING: 40-100 lbs 40”-57” 22 N A U T ILU S™ 65 LX 3-in-1: 5-point harness, high-back booster and backless booster Simply Safe Adjust™ Harness System adjusts the height of your harness and headrest in one motion M SRP $ 1 6 9 .9 9 Specifications 28”H 20” W 18”D 20.52 3-position recline and 5-position headrest Fuss-Free harness storage holds the buckle out of the way MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T 5-POINT HARNESS: 22-65 lbs 27”-49” HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” BACKLESS BOOSTER: 40-120 lbs 40”-57” 23 N A U T ILU S™ 80 E LIT E 3-in-1: 5-point harness up to 80 lbs, high-back booster and backless booster M SRP $ 1 9 9 .9 9 Specifications 3-position recline and 5-position headrest 28”H 20” W 18” D Simply Safe Adjust™ Harness System and Fuss-Free harness storage 20.52 Fabric covered, contoured armrests with cup holder, storage compartment and pocket MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T 5-POINT HARNESS: 22-80 lbs 27”-52” HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” BACKLESS BOOSTER: 40-120 lbs 40”-57” 24 8 2/29/2016 M SRP $ 2 2 9 .9 9 MILE STON E ™ 3-in-1: Rear-facing harness, forwardfacing harness and high-back booster Specifications 25.5”H 19.7” W 16.25” D Simply Safe Adjust™ Harness System adjusts the height of harness and headrest in one motion 19.8 4-position recline and 10-position headrest MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T REAR-FACING: 5-40 lbs Head must be at least 1” below red handle FORWARD-FACING: 22-65 lbs 27”-49” HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” InRight™ LATCH provides a one-second LATCH attachment 25 4E VE R™ M SRP $ 2 9 9 .9 9 The only TRUE all-in-one car seat: 4 seats in 1 Specifications 24”H 21.50” W 20 ” D Simple Safe Adjust™ Harness features a one-hand, no rethread harness 22.75 MAX W EIG H T/ H EIG H T REAR-FACING: 4-40lbs Head must be at least 1” below handle FORWARD-FACING: 22-65 lbs 27”-49” HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” BACKLESS BOOSTER: 40-120 lbs 40”-57” InRight™ LATCH provides a onesecond LATCH attachment 6-position recline and 10postion adjustable head rest 26 T U R B OB OOST E R ® LX M SRP $ 8 9 .9 9 F E AT U R I N G Tr u e S h i e l d Specifications 2 seats in 1 – converts easily to a backless booster 25.59”H 16.93” W 9.21” D One-second LATCH attachment secures the booster for easy selfbuckling MATRIX 10.76 Integrated cup holder and hideaway storage compartment to store your child’s favorite things Engineered & crash tested to meet or exceed US safety standard FMVSS 213 MAX WEIGHT/HEIGHT HIGHBACK BOOSTER: 30-100 lbs 38”-57” BACKLESS BOOSTER: 40-100 lbs 40”-57” MATRIX 27 9 2/29/2016 Baby Jogger “City Go” Rear-Facing Only Infant Carseat The City Go is based on the SnugRide 35 LX, so it has similar features to that seat yet meets the needs of the Baby Jogger customer. No-rethread harness A more square handle Huge 50 SPF canopy Euro-style baseless install allowed All-new base with dual bubble recline indicators 6-position adjustable base Push-on LATCH Passenger Safety 28 28 Adventures with Baby from Day 1 Securely attaches to your favorite Baby Jogger stroller to create a travel system. Clicks into easy-install base for car trips Taxi-safe belt path for installation without the base, on the go Easy Install Push button LATCH for easier LATCH install Belt lock-off for easier seatbelt install Additional Features: One-hand headrest and harness adjustment 3-Panel Canopy with 50+ UV Protection 6-position base adjustability Dual bubble level indicators Infant insert 5-point harness US MSRP: $229 Target In-Store Date: late March 2016 30 Rollover Enhancements Evenflo (Previewed July 2015) • Platinum SafeMax™ • Babies R Us –early 2016 • First rollover-tested car seat • –All-In-One • –RF: 5 –40 lbs • –FF: 22 –65 lbs • –BPB: 40 –120 lbs Passenger Safety 30 10 2/29/2016 Evenflo safemax all-in-one car seat: • Four safety layers of premium material for advanced protection at head • Dynamic Rollover test and Evenflo SI test • Steel integrated frame • Infinite slide harness with non-removable harness—webbing helps limit head excursion • Newly designed hip covers and crotch buckle cover • RF 5-40# and 40” and 22-65# FF, 40-120# and min of age 4 as a BPB and up to 57” in height • Machine washable Cup holders can be removed and are dishwasher safe, • Parent Link Premier comes with this seat with a live video install and real-time chat support—Warranty extended to 2 years from 90 days 31 Passenger Safety expiration date. • 10-year 31 Evenflo Passenger Safety 32 32 Evenflo Advanced SensorSafe Embrace Comes with and without Sensor Safe technology. Sensor Safe won the JPMA Product Innovation award this year and also just won The Bump--Best of Baby Tech Awards for 2016. When using Sensor safe, the parents get the “sound” every time they use it. The receiver plug that comes with it is installed into the vehicle OBD (Onboard diagnostic) port. Once the parent installs this, they are done. The chest transmitter is already on the chest clip of the seat. They use the seat the way they normally would, and if the chest clip is unbuckled there is a sound within 30 seconds and when the vehicle ignition is shut off, the sound is heard within 2 seconds. Vehicle must travel 5 mph for 30 seconds first. Passenger Safety 33 33 11 2/29/2016 Evenflo Lite Max This seat is at BRU now for $149 One-step lock-off on base for stand alone sales Base with travel system is different: has a two step lockoff There is a body pillow too Follow instructions re hip straps and different widths Passenger Safety 34 Passenger Safety 35 34 35 Evenflo Right Fit High-Back booster For all Evenflo Backless BPB’s, child MUST be at least 40# and 4 years old. This is true for all Evenflo combination seats too. Evenflo does allow 30# and 4 yo to be in the following high-back boosters: Big Kid Sport, Advance LX and DLX as well as Right Fit. Passenger Safety 36 36 12 2/29/2016 Passenger Safety 37 37 Evenflo Transitions 3-in-1 Combination seat Used to be only at Walmart, but now open line seat. 22-65# and up to 120# as a BPB For booster mode, 4 yo age minimum Passenger Safety 38 38 Evenflo Evolve Sold at BRU. A 3-in-1 seat There is a recline feature on this seat. You MUST use the tether if using the LA’s and it is recommended if using seat belt too. If tether anchor is available, you must use it. Passenger Safety 39 39 13 2/29/2016 Passenger Safety 40 40 Tech Update 2016 LUNCH 11:45 AM (CT) – 12:45 PM (CT) 41 Passenger Safety Baby Trend Baby Trend acquired all of the First Years/TOMY/Compass tooling and intellectual property. Baby Trend built their own seats starting early 2015. The head shape of the EPS foam is patented. (Protect Convertibles and Yumi belt positioning booster) No Rethread harness shoulder height adjustment is patented. (Convertibles) Passenger Safety Yumi Boosters - No Gap Height Adjustment 42 42 14 2/29/2016 Baby Trend Patented head shape EPS foam Passenger Safety 43 43 Baby Trend ProTech Sport - a t Wa l ma rt for $139 • No re-threa d ha rness, a nd you do not need to cha nge the ha rness to wa sh the cover. Pa tented • The i ns ert tha t comes wi th the seat just grows wi th the chi ld-do not us e i n forwa rd fa ci ng positions. There wi l l be a ground-level i ndicator. Thi s s eat i s s hipping i n October s o will be i n the s tores in Ja nuary. Ca n be us ed RF up to 22#, wi thout hea drest or until head is just below the top of the s hel l. Ca n be us ed RF up to 40# wi th hea drest or unti l head is just bel ow the top of the s hell • • • Passenger Safety 44 44 Baby Trend ProTect Sport • Tota l RF i s 5-40# a nd FF to 65#. • It wi l l have the Baby Trend type of s pl itter plate, and Baby trend LA connectors a s well. • There i s a flip foot on the s eat, no l ock offs a nd a push-button crotch buckl e a djustment • Pa tented no rethread shoulder hei ght a djustment. Passenger Safety 45 45 15 2/29/2016 Baby Trend Pro Tect Premier • At Target. • Dual bubble indicators in the base. • 5 positions of recline –3 for RF and 2 for FF (no flip foot). • Seat will sell for $169. • Seat comes with more soft goods, better fabric. • EZ off cover for washing, as well as a grow-with-me insert. Passenger Safety 46 46 Baby Trend Pro Tech Elite • This is the higher price point seat and will be out in Qtr 2 2016. • It will sell for $179-$189. • Dual bubble indicators in the base. • 5 positions of recline –3 for RF and 2 for FF (no flip foot). • Three integrated lock offs (2 for RF and one center one for FF). • There will be integrated removable cup holders • RF Integrated infant head support and side impact. • No re-thread harness system. 47 Passenger Safety 47 Baby Trend Secure 32 • This RFO seat goes to 32# and 32” and is currently in the market at Target. • There is a centerintegrated lock off in the base, and both LA’s are independently operated. • There are loops in the straps to pull them tight. Sells for $119 at Target with a base. Passenger Safety 48 48 16 2/29/2016 Passenger Safety 49 49 Baby Trend Yumi Pro Tech Folding booster seat Sells for $69 at Walmart This booster is taller, wider and has better side impact containment. It is rated for 30-100#. It has a full floating back with huge cup holders and three positions for the shoulder belt to be adjusted. Passenger Safety 50 Passenger Safety 51 50 51 17 2/29/2016 Passenger Safety 52 52 Baby Trend EZ Loc 30’s They will still be sold with travel systems EZ Loc 32 No changes, staying the same EZ Flex 32# and 32”, with older style base. Only sold at BRU The Flex Loc or EZ Flex Loc 30# will fit in any new Baby Trend base. Extra bases are $49. Passenger Safety 53 53 Baby Trend Secure 35 Coming out in Spring 2016 at BRU 35# and 32” Baby Trend RFO seats have a 6-year expiration date. Fast Back with rigid Latch—they hope to bring back rated to 70# in harness mode. Passenger Safety 54 54 18 2/29/2016 Baby Trend Hybrid 2 • Has a 10-year expiration date, 2-position crotch buckle with different lengths • Will have mini connectors, and will be out in Qtr 2 2016 • Insert best for 30# and under. • Current Hybrid seat only weighs 13#, sells for $99. You can also scan their QR codes and get the instruction manual too. Passenger Safety 55 Passenger Safety 56 Passenger Safety 57 55 56 57 19 2/29/2016 Dorel Juvenile Mico-Max 30 • 4-30# and 32”$249.99 • Has a wedge insert from 4# to correct harness fit • Came out last December-- Has Air Protect • Pad removable without removing harness due to velcro • Anti-rebound bar on base • Machine wash and dry cover • New accessory: Canopy for $29.99 • 13 different colors, self-wicking fabric Passenger Safety 58 58 Dorel Juvenile Prezi -- Being phased out Mico AP -- currently in market is being phased out Mico 30 $199, • EZ off pad • 5-30# and 32” • No rebound bar and no Air Protect • Need to re-thread harness, has 4 slots has “fingers” to remove pad for washing Passenger Safety 59 59 Dorel Juvenile Pria 70 $249.99 • 9-70# and up to 52” • Updated December 2014 • Snap off pads for washing (machine wash and dry) • Self wicking fabric Only the Pria 70 comes with Tiny Fit and starts at 4#. This sells for $289.99 and only comes in Black Passenger Safety 60 60 20 2/29/2016 Dorel Juvenile Pria 85 • Out beginning of 2014 - 14-85# • Has T-shirt/Jersey fabric, snap off pads • No re-thread harness, harness holders • Both the Pria70 and Pria 85 have air protect, but no g-cell and both go RF to 40# Currently all Prias start at 22# FF (the minimum of age 2 for FF not on this seat yet) There is a canopy available for all convertible seats with a flip out visor too. Passenger Safety 61 61 Dorel Juvenile Vello 65 is now the Vello 70 and goes from 9-70#. • 9-40RF and 22-70 FF with 52” max height • This seat sells at Target • Has no self-wicking fabric or integrated cup holders • Sells for $229.99 RodiFix • BPB with rigid LATCH • Goes from 40-120# • There are new fabrics that are self-wicking and seat is identical to ones sold in Europe. Passenger Safety 62 62 Dorel Juvenile By mid-late 2016, the Alpha Omega seat should be all sold out Sears and K-Mart by mid 2016 and Walmart by Nov 2016. Currently the AO all-in-one seat sells for $99 at Walmart and is an exclusive seat for them. The Easy Elite seat will start in Walmart as an exclusive seat in January. It goes 5-40# RF,22-50 FF and 40-80# as a BPB. Passenger Safety 63 63 21 2/29/2016 Dorel Juvenile Continuum: This is seat that will replace the Alpha Omega. • It has a 50# harness, and goes to 80# as a BPB. • Retails for $129-$149 and is very similar to the Grow and Go. • This seat will be out in Qtr 1 2016 at Target and Sears, and will be in Walmart by mid 2016. Passenger Safety 64 Passenger Safety 65 64 65 Dorel Juvenile These next three seats all have QR codes with installation videos and are fully assembled out of the box. Scenera Next: allows head to be level with the top of shell for RF use. (Dorel RFO seats state head must be 1” below top of shell) Sells for $44.98 only at Walmart Passenger Safety 66 66 22 2/29/2016 Dorel Juvenile Apt 50 $59-$69 • Goes 5-40# RF, 22-50# FF (height 29-43”), as long as child is 2 years old • 5 harness slots Grow and Go $169 • Two levers to adjust the Quick Fit system. • Maximum LATCH weight is 40# • Three recline positions (2 RF and 1 FF) • Three crotch strap positions Passenger Safety 67 67 Grow and Go Passenger Safety 68 Passenger Safety 69 Three recline positions (2 RF and 1 FF) and three 68 crotch strap positions 69 23 2/29/2016 Safety First Grow and Go Air Passenger Safety 70 70 Dorel Juvenile Comfy • Better fabric and padding • Will be out Quarter 1 for $99 at Buy Buy Baby. Safety First Grow and Go Air • Air Protect and can go in washer and dryer (tumble dry) • Introduced in July 2015. • Five adjuster positions • Cover removes without taking off the harness—just take out the inserts and undo two snaps. • Hook on connectors • 5-65# and has less width than the APT 50 • There are dual level lines Passenger Safety 71 71 Maxi Cosi / Quinny Has teamed up with Rachel Zoe for versions of the Pria and MaxiCosi Mico seats with genuine leather, bold detailing, “cognac” leather handles and chunky gold zippers! Passenger Safety 72 72 24 2/29/2016 Maxi Cosi / Quinny Passenger Safety 73 73 Maxi Cosi / Quinny Passenger Safety 74 74 CYBEX – Goodbaby CYBEX is part of Goodbaby International, so are Evenflo, Urbini, and GB. CYBEX products are under Columbus Trading Partners, and Regal Lager is no longer the distributor. Passenger Safety 75 75 25 2/29/2016 CYBEX – Goodbaby CYBEX Products in the US 2016 Aton US with Aton Base US (without load leg) Aton 2 US with Aton Base 2 US (load leg) Aton Q US with Aton Base 2 US (load leg) Cloud Q US with Load Leg Base US (load leg) GB Products in the US 2016 Asana DLX with Base at BRU Asana Gold with Base at Specialty Stores Idan with Base at Specialty Stores Passenger Safety 76 76 CYBEX – Goodbaby CYBEX Aton Q • has product changes—there was an issue with the 8position head rest, so now they are using an EPS inlay • uses Aton Base 2 US with Load Leg CYBEX Cloud Q • Will be out by end of 1st Quarter 2016 • This has a full recline (15 degrees)/bassinet-type function when on a stroller. • Car Seat cannot be installed in vehicle when in reclined position. • Carrier-only: belt path blocker • Carrier+Base: lockout system to prevent attachment to base Passenger Safety 77 77 CYBEX – Goodbaby CYBEX Cloud Q – Cont. • Uses a unique Base with Load Leg • Carry handle MUST be in DRIVE position for use in vehicle with or without base. • Cloud Q is a heavier seat than the other seats CYBEX Aton 2 CYBEX Aton Passenger Safety 78 78 26 2/29/2016 CYBEX – Goodbaby CYBEX Aton Q CYBEX Cloud Q 79 79 Passenger Safety CYBEX – Cloud Q Load Leg Base US 80 80 Passenger Safety CYBEX – L.S.P. Passenger Safety 81 81 27 2/29/2016 CYBEX – L.S.P. Passenger Safety 82 82 CYBEX – L.S.P. Passenger Safety 83 83 GB – Goodbaby Passenger Safety 84 84 28 2/29/2016 Goodbaby Good Baby sells seats that are part of a full modular system: MARIS is the stroller and IDAN the car seat • 11-position recline • 4-35LBS / 30” MAX height • Newborn inlay easy to take in and out at 11LBS, and insert use is not mandatory. • New chest clip • Snaps on harness covers • There will be no changes in way LA’s store in the base, and handle can be in any position in vehicle • Seat has a new base (Load leg base US) • Coming out in May/June 2016 85 86 87 29 2/29/2016 Passenger Safety 88 88 GB (Goodbaby) New Asana DLX seat version will be out in January 2016. Sold at BRU and specialty stores. • • • • • • 4 positions of recline in base No re-thread harness Must use insert from 4-6LBS 3 crotch positions 2 hip adjustments Asana Gold has Seat Cover and Label Color changes Passenger Safety 89 Passenger Safety 90 89 90 30 2/29/2016 Recaro Performance Coupe goes from 4-35#. • The extra base is $79.99. • The newest version has no more gray on the foot, and the new handle is all black too. • They have a “Snug and Boot”. MSRP is $249.99 The Performance Ride has a cupholder, memory foam and improved fabric. Passenger Safety 91 91 Recaro Passenger Safety 92 92 Recaro Performance Racer seat (To meet the Canadian standard) has “anti-rebound”cupholders Selling on Amazon now for $299.99. The Performance Rally seat has a flip foot The Performance Sport has a quick flip foot, and it is OK to use in either position. The shoulder belt routing assists like a tether too. Passenger Safety 93 93 31 2/29/2016 Recaro Passenger Safety 94 94 Recaro Passenger Safety 95 95 Recaro Passenger Safety 96 96 32 2/29/2016 Recaro Recaro did a demo for us on how the recall gets fixed—this load limiter strap started on 6/9/2015 Passenger Safety 97 97 Recaro Passenger Safety 98 98 Recaro Passenger Safety 99 99 33 2/29/2016 Recaro 100 100 Passenger Safety Chicco Passenger Safety 101 101 Chicco NextFit was first Chicco seat to offer the Zip covers, then the KeyFit, and now their booster, Kidfit. • No need to remove the shoulder straps when removing the cover on any of the harnessed seats. • Expiration date of 6 years for the KeyFit and 8 years for the KidFit and NextFit. • Standard KeyFit is $199, and with Zip is $229. KidFit is $99 regular model and $129 with the zip. (Zip feature is $30 more) Passenger Safety 102 102 34 2/29/2016 Chicco Kidfit • Seat now comes with the Zip feature. It has fabric on the back, and there is no shrinking problem as it is mostly polyester. • Seat goes 40#-110# in backless mode and 30100# with the back. • Seat has head and shoulder SIP and 10 different positions—most booster seats have just the head adjust. Passenger Safety 103 103 Chicco • Uses IMMI connectors, and also comes with “Mix and Match” padding and extra armrest covers. • There is a box—mini console that will switch sides too, and the cups are removable and dishwasher safe—called “cup folders” Passenger Safety 104 104 Chicco Passenger Safety 105 105 35 2/29/2016 Chicco Passenger Safety 106 Passenger Safety 107 106 107 Hauck /iCoo Sold in travel systems - Hauck operates out of Toronto, Canada The ProSafe is sold separately for $199. Extra bases are $79. Currently sold online. iCoo just in specialty stores. Hauck seat came out in US in late June 2015. No European belt routing. Angle indicator label in base will be added to seat itself. For best performance, handle should be in rebound position. Passenger Safety 108 108 36 2/29/2016 Hauck /iCoo Passenger Safety • 109 109 The Pipa base will get minor updates in the near future • Updated rigid LATCH storage location. • The newest fashion is Berry. • The cover is now stitched in a way that allows them to move the required warning labels up higher on the seat. Passenger Safety 110 110 • Updated rigid LATCH storage location. • The cover has the required warning labels up higher on the seat Passenger Safety 111 111 37 2/29/2016 112 UppaBaby 112 Passenger Safety UPPAbaby • It no longer has the European belt-routing option and is about 1 lb. lighter. • Conducted study and based on the shape of the shell, many vehicle belts do not fit around the shell. The feature was underutilized and with weight savings in mind, every ounce counted. • Snaps have replaced Velcro on harness pads and the material has changed on the infant insert, head restraint and harness pads to a more breathable fabric. • Base now includes an indentation on the top rail to align better with contoured vehicle seat bolsters. 113 Passenger Safety 113 UPPAbaby • Stickers on base feature more pictures and fewer words to aid with Ease of Use. • There is an available sun/bug cover with UV shade. • When people register within 3 months of purchase, UPPAbaby will extend their standard 2-year warranty by an extra year (for a total of 3). • The Mesa is now in Canada! Passenger Safety 114 114 38 2/29/2016 UPPABaby Passenger Safety 115 115 UPPABaby Passenger Safety 116 116 UPPAbaby Passenger Safety 117 117 39 2/29/2016 Clek Passenger Safety 118 118 Clek • • • • • New lock-offs, two will be used, and no need to lock retractor too—currently just uses one More padding on head support and cushion Harness covers are longer, have more padding and snap closures—they are optional They have a transport bag for $129 that folds flat when not in use called weelee Accessories: mat-thingy, infant-thingy, drink-thingy, strap-thingy Passenger Safety 119 119 Clek Passenger Safety 120 120 40 2/29/2016 Clek Passenger Safety 121 121 Clek Passenger Safety 122 122 Clek Passenger Safety 123 123 41 2/29/2016 • • • • • Roundabout G4 seats go to 55#, and all other convertibles go to 65# Next major changes not until 2018 Advocate G4.1 and Parkway SG are phasing out of market—will probably be gone by end of year Accessories: • B-Warm, for the B-Safe $49.99 and B-covered for $24.99 Selling: B-Safe 35 and B-Safe 35 Elite, Marathon CT, Advocate CT, Frontier 90 Passenger Safety 124 124 B-Warm Passenger Safety 125Sarah Passenger Safety 126 125 Tilton CPS Advocate at Britax Child Safety, Inc 126 42 2/29/2016 B-covered Passenger Safety 127 127 43 2/29/2016 LATCH 2016: Where are we today and how do we address our caregivers with the information FMVSS 213 Changes FMVSS 213 Revision: 2014 • Covers to 80 pounds • Tests with 10-year-old ATD • CRs labeled with lower anchor limits • LATCH tests NOT performed when maximum weight is exceeded – seat belt and tether tests exclusively used • Booster CR mass limits removed 1 2/29/2016 Dummies by CR Weight Ratings 0 to 11 lb 11 to 22 lb 22 to 40 lb 40 to 50 lb 50 to 65 lb Newborn Newborn & 12-month-old 12-month & 3-year-old 6-year-old 6-year-old & weighted 6-year-old New Member: Family of Dummies • • • • 50th Percentile 10-year-old 77.6 pounds Sitting height of 29” Effective in 2014 – voluntary before that CRASHES ARE VIOLENT ALL ANCHORS HAVE LIMITS Not all 30 or 35 mph crashes are the same… the specific vehicle, seating position and CR can make a significant difference in forces experienced. A MINIMUM standard has to consider that. 2 2/29/2016 Why Limit LAs? • • • • • • 35 mph frontal test - 2010 Kia Forte HIII–10C in Safety 1st Apex 65 CR = 13 lbs. - Child+CR = 90 lbs. Peak vehicle acceleration = 46 G Maximum anchorage load = 20,395 N Inboard anchor pulled through the sheet metal at the attachment point • Failure demonstrates a finite strength limit Instructions That Discuss LATCH Weight Limits ALL CR LATCH l imits determined by CR ma ker based on knowledge of CR cha racteristics and required mi nimum anchor strength. Al l CR LA a ttachment limits ba sed on a formula required by NHTSA whi ch takes into a ccount only the CR wei ght and required mi nimum anchor s trength. FEW 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 Safe Ride News Publications, 8/2014 2007-13 Certification Curriculum 3 2/29/2016 Current Certification Curriculum Tool: The LATCH Manual 4 2/29/2016 5 2/29/2016 Tips for Discussing LATCH • Lower anchors and tethers have weight limits. - If not stated in the owner’s manual, do not use lower anchors or tethers if the child + car seat weight more than 65 pounds. - Vehicle LATCH weight limits can be found at • If there are no lower anchors in the center position, use the seat belt and tether to install the car seat. 6-5b 2014 Label – Internal Harness CRs “Do not use the lower anchors of the child restraint anchorage system (LATCH system) to attach this child restraint when restraining a child weighing more than _____ “ (combined recommended weight and weight of CR does not exceed 65 pounds) CR Models - Specific Examples Model A (typical CR when LATCH started) CR Weight = 15 Pounds Maximum Child Weight = 50 pounds Model B (among the heaviest CRs today) CR Weight = 33 Pounds Maximum Child Weight = 32 pounds Seat belt installation required beyond labeled weight 6 2/29/2016 Tool: Car Seat Labels FMVSS 213 Revision: 2015 • Limit label associated with LATCH installation diagram • Limit may be rounded up to next 5 pound increment for FF harness seats (could be closer to 70 pounds combined weight) • Manufacturers MAY have begun to label that way in 2014 but MUST label that way in 2015 or later Tool: Car Seat Labels 7 2/29/2016 Instructions Examples No TA Limit Labels Required “(Tethers) provide more rigid attachment at the top part of the child restraint, so that the CRS can ‘ride down’ the crash while the vehicle is crushing. This considerably reduces excursion of the child’s head relative to the vehicle interior, so the head is far less likely to hit other parts of the vehicle interior—the most likely cause of serious injury to a properly restrained child.” FMVSS 225 Revision: NPRM • • • • • • Angle Clearance Attachment Force Anchor Depth Removing Exemptions Standard Markings Tether anchor design, zone, accessibility • LATCH in center position or third row 8 2/29/2016 Tethered vs Untethered 9 2/29/2016 Tethered vs Untethered Tool: Car Seat Labels 10 2/29/2016 Active Use of Instructions Active Use of Instructions Problems with LATCH • The overall goal of LATCH was to provide parents with a second option for installation other than the seat belt and to reduce misuse • So why is LATCH often misused? 11 2/29/2016 Tethers • According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Safe Kids Worldwide, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and NHTSA… • Non-tether use is one of the most common mistakes found in observations and seat inspections • When is it appropriate to use a tether? Routing Tethers • When routing the tether with a head restraint, you need to determine if the tether is routed over or under the head restraint Under Over Routing Tethers • Some owner’s manuals instruct to remove the head restraint all together in order to get a proper installation! 12 2/29/2016 Routing Tethers • Some vehicles require unique routing of top tethers! Routing Tethers • In some vehicles, the directions can become complicated • For example: The Mazda 5 owner’s manual instructs – the tether straps are to go under the head restraint in the second row and over the head restraints in the third row Tethered vs Untethered 13 2/29/2016 The Rules • Use a tether for forward facing seats whenever it is acceptable • This includes seat belt and tether OR lower anchors and tether (LATCH) • If the seat was made on or after 2-28-2014, find the limits on the label and follow them • For seats made before 2-28-2014, find the vehicle and CR limits – use the lower of the 2 • If there are no published limits, assume 65 pounds combined CR and child weight Tech Update 2016 BREAK Passenger Safety 41 14 2/29/2016 Booster Seats 201 Crash Energy 1 2/29/2016 Estimated Force (energy) Crashes are violent events! Weight X Speed = Force (of each child or adult) (vehicle before the crash) (needed to restrain body) Managing Crash Energy • Prevent ejection • Contact the strongest body parts • Distribute force over an extensive area • Allow body to “ride down” with vehicle • Protect the head, neck, and spinal cord 2 2/29/2016 NHTSA Recommendations Keep your child in a booster seat until he or she is big enough to fit in a seat belt properly. For a seat belt to fit properly the lap belt must lie snugly across the upper thighs, not the stomach. The shoulder belt should lie snug across the shoulder and chest and not cross the neck or face. AAP Recommendations AAP Recommendations 3 2/29/2016 IIHS on Belt Fit Photos: IIHS 4 2/29/2016 Shoulder Belt Under Arm Trend - Kids Using Boosters Source: NHTSA Kids Who Should be in CRs by Law Source: NHTSA 5 2/29/2016 Restraint Use for Children 4 and 5 Years Old Restraint Use for Children 6 and 7 Years Old Restrained AT ALL by Ethnicity Latino Child Restraint Use Lower 6 2/29/2016 TX Restraint Laws • Children under 8, unless taller than 4’9”, must ride in a CPS seat system according to the manufacturer instructions. • Older children and adults must be secured by child restraints or safety belt systems. • Children under 18 may not occupy the bed of an open-bed pickup truck, flatbed truck or flatbed trailer. Illustration: SafetyBeltSafe, USA Photo: NHTSA Photo: NHTSA Injury Mechanism Photo: CIREN Illustration: Partners for Child Passenger Safety 7 2/29/2016 Photos: CIREN 8 2/29/2016 Photos: CIREN Injury Example – Bladder Rupture Photos: CIREN Injury Example – Spinal Photos: CIREN 9 2/29/2016 Boosters Correct Fit Beyond Fatalities CHOP 1998 – 2007 • Ages 4-8 in crashes • Insurance claims & telephone survey • 45% less likely to sustain injuries in BPBs than belts • 68% near-side impacts • 82% far-side impacts Source: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 10 2/29/2016 BPB Injury Reduction Source: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia TX Booster Law • Children under 8, unless taller than 4’9”, must ride in a CPS seat system according to the manufacturer instructions. Is Age or Height Reasonable? CDC Growth Chart 11 2/29/2016 Fit Variables • Overall heights are not relative to specific ages • Child body proportions vary • Seat cushion depths vary • Seat back heights vary • Belt anchor locations vary • Seat cushion contours vary 2 Most Accurate Laws • Wyoming – Up to age 9 unless, “lap and shoulder belts… fit properly across the collarbone, chest and hips of the child…” • New Mexico – Up to age 12 unless, “lap belt properly fits across the child’s thighs and hips… shoulder strap shall cross the center of the child's chest… knees bent over the seat edge.” Some Testing Issues • 213 bench used does not represent most vehicle seats • Dummies are in the optimal position • Dummies do not measure abdominal injury • Dummy pelvic construction does not “submarine” like a 6 year-old human. • Boosters are not evaluated for belt positioning effectiveness 12 2/29/2016 IIHS - All Boosters are Not Equal Photos: IIHS Poor Belt Fit This lap belt is too high on the abdomen, and the shoulder belt is too low on the shoulder. Good Belt Fit The shoulder belt crosses snugly over the middle of the shoulder. The lap belt fits flat across a child’s upper thighs, not the soft abdomen. Photos: IIHS Boosters & LATCH Projectile prevention & enhanced stability claimed • Some recommend using LATCH • Some allow the use of tethers or LATCH • LATCH attachment NOT required 13 2/29/2016 Some Anchors & Belts Not Aligned Increasing Booster Use • The concept of boosters is relatively new to many Americans • BPBs do not appear to be safety devices • People need to understand “why” • Kids may bridge the gap to parent understanding Teaching Kids WHY Boosters Empowering kids to protect themselves & their families. 14 2/29/2016 Do your KNEES BEND all the way? Is the seat belt on your HIP BONES and touching the tops of your LEGS? Does the other seat belt touch your CHEST and cross your SHOULDER BONES? Are you COMFORTABLE? 15 2/29/2016 Joseph M Colella Traffic Safety Projects 301-466-8140 [email protected] 16