November 8 - First Presbyterian Church
November 8 - First Presbyterian Church
Volume 12, No. 45 November 8–14, 2015 Ministry News Activities Ministry, Lindsay Graham THANKSGIVING AT THE GROVE PARK INN On Thursday, November 26, enjoy a Thanksgiving to remember in the Grove Park Inn’s Grand Ballroom. Cost is $55 for transportation to Asheville and the buffet extravaganza. We depart at 10:30am and return at 3:00pm. Contact Donna Roper (droper@, 672.0372) for reservations. JOIN OUR TOUR OF THE HOLY LAND! The FPC Activities Ministry will lead a Holy Land Tour September 18-27, 2016. Early Bird Savings are now available for this trip of a lifetime! Brochures are in literature racks and at FirstPresGreenville. org. Questions? Contact Donna Roper (droper@, 672.0372). Children’s Ministry, Tina Jones OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX DRIVE Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ name through a simple gift! •Pick up a shoebox and instruction pamphlet in the Loggia or Fellowship Hall •Fill the box with the items requested •Return it by Sunday, November 15. Questions? Contact Tina Jones (672.7031 or tjones@ SHOEBOX PACKING PARTY DONATIONS NEEDED All children grades K4–5th will be participating in a Shoebox Packing Party in the Gym on Sunday, November 15, during the 10:45 and 11:00am worship services. Please donate items for the children to pack, such as new and gently used small stuffed animals, mini balls, hygiene items, and art supplies (see the complete list at SamaritansPurse. org). Bring to Children’s Ministry. Volunteers are also needed during the packing party. Please contact Tina Jones at tjones@ or 672.7031. Family Ministries, Phil Hargrove FAMILY FIRST NOVEMBER 8 On Sunday, November 8, 9:45–10:30am, come to Harper Chapel for a Family First discussion on creating margins and overcoming busyness. Guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Shelton Sanford. CSI SINGLES DINNER NIGHT NOVEMBER 13 CSI, Christian Singles Interacting, will meet for Dinner Night at Acropolis Restaurant (3620 Pelham Road) on Friday, November 13, at 6:00pm. To reserve your spot at the table, please contact Dave Preuninger, [email protected]. First Presbyterian Academy, Tom Roe ACADEMY FALL FESTIVAL THANKS Last Friday’s Academy Fall Festival fundraiser was a great success and a lot of fun. A big THANK YOU to all who donated, volunteered, and attended! Men’s Ministry, Phil Hargrove THE SENIOR GUYS: LUNCH AND DISCUSSION This group of mostly retired men meets Thursdays, 12:00–1:30pm in the Formal Dining Room for lunch ($7), discussion, fellowship, and prayer. On Thursday, November 5, Carl Evans will lead a discussion on devotional life. For details, contact Bob Jones, [email protected]. Missions, Brian Stewart APPLY NOW FOR MISSION TRIP TO THE DR Join us for our next Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic January 30–February 6, 2016. Deposits are due November 21. For more information, go to or contact Autumn Clark ([email protected], 672.0370). MISSIONS CONFERENCE IN INDIA Rev. Brian Stewart will travel to India November 4-18 to teach at an annual missions conference. A group of Presbyterian Churches in Kolhapur (4 hours south of Mumbai) has a vision for planting 1,000 village churches by the year 2025. Leaders from ECO and the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil will be a part of the team that will speak to their pastors and evangelists. Please pray for Brian’s teaching and health during this trip. Music & Arts, John Gentry “JOSEPH” TICKETS ON SALE NOW Tickets are now on sale for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” coming up November 1315 at The Block Theater. Presented by the Resonate! Players, this all-new production will feature more than 30 First Presbyterian youth choir members. Performances will be Friday at 7:30pm, Saturday at 3:00 and 7:30pm, and Sunday at 3:00pm. Purchase tickets ($12 adults/$5 students) in the Vineyard bookstore or at Student Ministries, Charlie Buchanan YOUTH CONFIRMATION CLASS FOR GRADES 6-8 A Confirmation Class led by Rev. Charlie Buchanan for youth in grades 6-8 will begin Wednesday, January 13, 5:30–6:00pm in Room 316. In order to confirm their baptism, students are encouraged to attend Confirmation Class, which helps them consider the claims of Jesus and the Christian Church, the truths of the gospel, and the call to faith in Christ. Online registration will soon be available. Please watch the weekly newsletters, bulletins, and information racks for more information. Women’s Ministry, Tim Leslie WOMEN’S MONTHLY CIRCLES The following circles will meet in homes this week. Other circles are listed in the Calendar. 09/10: Circle 5 (10:30am) will meet in the home of Gena McGowan, 925 Cleveland St. #213 (01). Circle 7 (10:30am) will meet in the home of Sandra Beckham, 212 Carilion Lane (17). 09/12: Circle 3 (6:30pm) will meet in the home of Brenda Evans, 108 Lynchester Road (15). 09/13: Circle 9 (10:00am) will meet at Rolling Green Village in Palmetto Conf. Room A (15). Young Adult Ministry, Phil Hargrove CELEBRATE FRIENDSGIVING NOVEMBER 29 In this season of gathering together, all young adults are invited to celebrate Friendsgiving with the Journey Sunday School Class on Sunday, November 29, 9:45–10:30am in the Parlor. Sign up to bring a dish to share; contact Anna Louise Carter ([email protected]) for details. Announcements KRISTALLNACHT PRESENTATION NOVEMBER 9 Come hear “Testimony to the Human Spirit: a Holocaust Survivor’s Story,” by Robbie Waisman, on Monday, November 9, at 7:00pm in the Furman University Younts Center. Please email [email protected] with questions. NEW DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP POSITION The Session and the FPC Foundation Board have approved a new Director of Stewardship position. The person called to this position will be responsible for shepherding the members of our church in the biblical principles of stewardship and working in conjunction with the Foundation to help members discern God’s plan for the division and gifting of their God-given wealth. Position requirements include the following: a heart for ministry, a sense of calling, a shepherd’s heart, good people skills, business experience (ideally as a financial planner, trust officer, or other related business experience), and effective communication skills. For more details, contact Dr. Shelton Sanford, Executive Director, at ssanford@ or 672.1755. FIRST PRES ROSE WINDOW ORNAMENT Just in time for gift-giving, the Vineyard bookstore is offering a new First Pres ornament featuring our Sanctuary’s beautiful Rose Window. Each individually boxed ornament costs $10. They are now available in the Vineyard in limited quantity. SANCTUARY FLOWERS If you would like to provide Sanctuary flowers in memory or honor of a loved one for Sunday, November 15 or 29, call Karen Franzen, 235.0496. Honors & Memorials AGAPE CLASS In loving memory of: Jim Dickenson by Mr. Hamlin M. Withington. Jeannette Hayward by Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson; Ms. Sandy Doblar; Ms. Sue Mallon. CHURCH MEMORIAL FUND In loving memory of: Jeannette Hayward by Mr. and Mrs. Wake Myers. John Kabas by Dr. and Mrs. Barry Davis; Mrs. Doris Small. PRAYER MINISTRY In honor of: Marian Austell by Mrs. Roberta Maddox. TURNER MEMORIAL FUND In loving memory of: Jim Dickenson by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drake; the Agape Class. Dr. Art Dunlap by Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Hanner. Jeannette Hayward by the Agape Class. John Kabas by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drake. YOUTH MINISTRY In loving memory of: Kitty Norman by Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Hanner. Calendar for the Week COMMITMENT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 8:30am•Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am•Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) 9:45am•Sunday School 10:45am•Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am•Worship Service (Sanctuary) 4:00pm•“Joseph” Rehearsal (The Block) 5:00pm•GriefShare Support Group (Room 305) 6:00pm•Youth House Groups (Off campus) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 5:30pm•Worship & Music Committee (Room 261) 6:00pm•Diaconate Meeting (Formal Dining Room) 6:15pm•“Joseph” Rehearsal (The Block) 7:00pm•Community Bible Study (Harper Chapel) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Pastor of the Day: Charlie Buchanan (561.6346) 8:30am•Women’s Study: The Family of Jesus (Room 314) 10:30am• Circle #4 (Room 210) •Circle #6 (Parlor) •Circle #8 (Room 212) •Circle #10 (Formal Dining Room) 3:30pm•Covenant Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) 6:00pm•Pack 11 Webelos (Scout Hut) 6:15pm•“Joseph” Rehearsal (The Block) 6:30pm•Worship Team Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm•Tuesday Evening Prayer Service (Harper Chapel) •Boy Scout Troop 11 (Scout Hut) VETERANS DAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:30am•Women’s Study: Misreading Scripture (Room 212) 10:00pm•Healing Prayer Leadership (Parlor) 11:30am•Luncheon Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 5:15pm•Wednesday Advantage Supper (Fellowship Hall) •Missional Ministry Committee (Room 261) 5:30pm•Stephen Ministry Facilitators (Room 212) 5:45pm•Nursery Care–age 0-2 (Nursery Suite) •Junior High Roots (Youth 354) 6:15pm•Bible Study–age 2-3 (Room 215E) •Bible Study–grades 1-2 (Room 323) •Bible Study–grades 3-5 (Room 318) •Cherub Choir–age 4-5 (Room 317) •Covenant Choir–grades 3-5 (Choir Room) •Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) •Men’s Fraternity: Authentic Manhood (Room 301) •Missional Church Leadership (Room 316) •Boundaries in Marriage (Parlor) •Experiencing the Grace Life (Room 210) •Fire on the Mountain (Formal Dining Room) •Level 1 Prayer Training (Room 303) •“Joseph” Rehearsal (The Block) 6:30pm•Bible Study: Creeds (Fellowship Hall) 6:45pm•Bible Study–age 4-5 (Room 323) •Carol Choir–grades 1-2 (Room 317) •Radiance Young Women’s Bible Study (Off campus) 7:30pm•Senior High Roots (Youth 352) •Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) •Young Adults Pickup Basketball (Gym) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 7:00am•Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Formal Dining Room) 8:00am•Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) 9:00am•Women’s Praise & Worship (Harper Chapel) 9:30am•Women’s Study: The Promised One (Room 305) •Women’s Study: Genesis—Joseph (Room 301) •Women’s Study: Matthew (Room 323) 10:30am•Level 2 Prayer Training (Room 303) 11:00am•Women’s Discussion: Voice of God (Parlor) 12:00pm•Women’s Study: Voice of God (Parlor) •Senior Guys’ Luncheon (Formal Dining Room) 1:00pm•Level 4 Prayer Training (Room 303) 6:00pm•Circle #2 (Formal Dining Room) 6:15pm•“Joseph” Rehearsal (The Block) 6:30pm•Tiger, Wolf, Bear Cub Scouts (Scout Hut) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 9:00am•High School Moms in Prayer Group (Room 352) 10:00am•Bulletin Stuffing (Room 254) •Circle #9 (Rolling Green Palmetto Conf Rm A) 6:00pm•CSI:Singles Dinner Night (Off campus) 7:30pm•“Joseph” Performance (The Block) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 7:00am•Men’s Cycling Club (Parking Lot) 3:00pm•“Joseph” Performance (The Block) 7:30pm•“Joseph” Performance (The Block) A W E E K LY N E W S L E T T E R O F F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H , G R E E N V I L L E , S C Worship Assignments for November 8th Connections Greeter Team: 8:30 Service (8:10am): Ann Crider (Loggia), George and Lou Creswell (Memorial Hall), Beverly Brown (Sanctuary) – 2 greeters needed. Sunday School (9:20am): Millard and Margaret Goodnough (Portico), Sara Morris (Loggia), Trey Suggs (Choir Room), Chad Brown (Academy) – 3 greeters needed. 11:00 Service (10:40am): Sanford and Heather Ware (Portico), Judy Klotzbach, Kathy McGee (Loggia), Muff Harner (Memorial Hall), Jim Watson (Sanctuary), Chris Buffington (Choir Room), Martha Beth Sturgis (Washington/Richardson). STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY Veterans Day NOVEMBER 8, 2015 8:30 and 11:00am Worship 10:45am Ignite Worship “CONTAGIOUS COMMITMENT” Exodus 14 Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons 9:30am – Continental Breakfast 9:45am – Sunday School Nursery Workers: (9:25) Barb Fountain, Molly and Elijah Murphy, Jill Hutchinson, Brandon Dean, Betsy Littlejohn, Jen Pestrak, Abigail Martin, Suzy Hwang; (10:45) Marty Garrison, David and Tiffany Hammett, Dan and Lynda Hoover, Harper Buffalo, Lindsay Melzer. This WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11, 2015 Bible Study (12:30pm & 6:30pm) New volunteers are always welcome! Dr. Richard Gibbons “The Nicene & Apostles’ Creeds for Today” To join the Connections Greeter Team: Contact Chad Brown at [email protected]. Wednesday Meals (11:30am & 5:15pm) Spaghetti with Sauce, Beef Burgundy Steamed Rice, Breaded Okra Broccoli and Cauliflower Buttered Corn, Salad Bar Assorted Breads and Desserts To join the Nursery Team: Contact Evelyn Penkert at [email protected] or 672.1843. Joyce Adams, Judy Adams Doane August William “Billy” Beavers Jennifer Bridges, Lynn Campbell Roger Chastain, Jim Clary Sally Coble, Valerie Cooke Jean Corbin, Debbie Davidson Ray Denny, Emily Doll Charmaine Dunn, Marilyn Fain Sarah Fain, Pam Faw Norma Floyd, Natalie Gibson Eula Goforth, Motte Gray Natalie Hall, Jay Huff, Amy Hunter Claire “Cee Cee” Kaylor Bettie Landreth, John Loft Bobbie McCall, Janet MacCallum Faye Mulligan, Kent New Betty Parker, Walker Phillips Ann Marie Poe, Brenda Preston Betty Putman, Pat Quarles Jonas Ramirez, Terry Richey Bob Shell, Bertha Mae Sims Sandra Spradlin, Debbie Troxell Mary Lou Vassar, Dot Whitesides Jocelyn Williams, Barry Wimberley Bold = New Italics = In Hospital PRAYER REQUEST LINES Prayer Requests: 672.1838 Prayer Appointments: 672.1848 Congregational Care Director Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327 November 8–14, 2015 Contact Us WHAT’S INSIDE 200 West Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 Commitment Sunday November 8 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Family First November 8 phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698 website email [email protected] Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive & Packing Party “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” Tickets on Sale Broadcast Journey Class Friendsgiving TELEVISION First and Foremost Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina Sundays at 10:30am New Director of Stewardship Position For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” The chart below represents an approximate monthly commitment at various income levels. Annual Income 12% 250,000 2,500 200,000 2,000 150,000 1,500 100,000 1,000 80,000 800 60,000 600 40,000 400 30,000 300 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-7 1% 2,083 1,875 1,667 1,458 1,250 1,042 833 625 417 208 This coming Sunday we will have the opportunity to present our financial commitments to our 1,667 1,500 1,333 1,167 1,000 833 667 500 333 167 church during the worship services. Please take time this week to pray with your family and be 1,250 1,125 1,000 875 750 625 500 375 250 125 833 750 667 583 500 417 333 167 commitment 83 prepared Sunday to turn in 250 your cards. If you are unable to attend Sunday, please 667 600 533 333 267 200 133 67 mail them to467the400church or drop them by the church office. 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 333 300 267 your 233 200 167 133to 100 67 33 Encourage children make commitments as well. This is a great time to teach them the 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 biblical principles of stewardship. Recognizing God as the provider of all good gifts, I/we intend to return a portion of those gifts toward this year’s ministry and mission of First Presbyterian Church. Total Expected Giving for 2016 $ Printed Name Signature Date q I would like to continue and/or begin receiving offering envelopes. q I would like to begin giving using automatic withdrawals (ACH) (Please complete the Bank Draft Authorization form below and return to the Accounting office.) q I am currently giving using ACH and have no account information changes. Please change my ACH amount effective ___/___/16 to $ per draft. q I am currently giving using ACH but my account information has changed. (Please complete the Bank Draft Authorization form below and return to the Accounting office.) Give online! You may also give online using ACH or debit cards at Please remember First Presbyterian Church and FPC Foundation in your estate planning. Bank Draft Authorization (ACH) tach voided check or bank-provided routing slip here. Deposit slips cannot be accepted. November 8–14, 2015 COMMITMENT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8 I authorize First Presbyterian Church to debit my bank account for my contributions. FPC withdraws on the 5th and/or the 15th of each month. Amount of contribution per draft: $ Frequency: q 5th q15th I understand this draft process may take up to ten days to begin. I will provide First Presbyterian Church with ten days written notice when I wish to have this electronic draft terminated or make a change to this draft. Account Name (print) Routing/transit number Account Type (check one): q Checking q Savings Account Number Date you would like First Presbyterian Church to begin drafting your account: We anticipate needing $5.5 million to continue our ministries as they are. All the funds which exceed this amount will allow us to expand our ministries as we seek to fulfill our calling to grow faithful Christians to engage and impact the culture with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. There is much to be done! Watch your mail this week for your commitment card, fill it out, and bring it to church this Sunday.
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