Annual Report - Tennyson Center For Children


Annual Report - Tennyson Center For Children
Gratitude Report
Changing lives and giving hope to children and families.
Tennyson Center works with children, youth, and their families to overcome a variety of life crises, including
abuse and neglect. Tennyson Center is a community of people dedicated to serving children and youth and
strengthening families. As professionals and concerned citizens we strive to provide competent and caring
treatment, education and advocacy services that are community-based, family-focused and child-centered.
The agency provides services to children and families regardless of religion, creed, age, race, color, gender,
national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability status or military status.
From Our CEO
Dear Friends,
Many believe that the secret to happiness is gratitude. I agree wholeheartedly. I have so much to be thankful
for. Here at Tennyson Center, I am grateful for our dedicated staff, the children and especially you.
This past year brought a great deal of change to our organization. With that, I am grateful for the new staff
members who have joined us, from our new Chief Operating Officer, to our new Chief Program Officer, to
several new program directors, teachers, clinicians, youth treatment counselors and more. This new team is
bringing fresh eyes, creative ideas and new ways of doing things to our work. I am extremely grateful for the
opportunity to serve along with them.
Additionally, I am grateful for the children. Although the bulk of my career wasn’t in child welfare, I have
always had a passion for helping kids. The children at Tennyson Center have survived abuse and neglect or
are overcoming mental health and developmental issues. Every day, I get to witness these children learning
how to become kids again. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet their needs and witness their path
to healing.
Finally, we could not do this work without you. Because of you, we served almost 500 children and more
than 1,500 family members in 2015. You are changing lives and giving hope.
Thank you for all you do to help children.
With much gratitude,
Rod Witte
CEO, Tennyson Center for Children
Executive Team
Rod Witte, Chief Executive Officer
Kathryn Arbour, PhD, Chief Operating Officer
Don Maestas, Jr., M.A., L.P.C., L.A.C.,
Chief Program Officer
Jeff Leniger, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
Micah Abram, Chief Development Officer
Andrew Pasini, M.Ed., Director of Human Resources
Management Team
Executive Team plus:
Kimberly Behounek, LPC, CAC III,
Director of Admissions and Quality Assurance
Maggie Frasure,
Director of Marketing and Communications
Mikki LeVett, Executive Administrative Assistant to CEO
Elizabeth O’Brodo, LCSW,
Clinical Director of Residential Therapy Services
Board of Directors
Paul Wiesner, Board Chair, Realty Connection, Director
Susan Aldridge,
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation,Counsel
Sandy Allen,
Christian Church in Kansas City (DOC), Retired
Diane Ashton,
Central Rocky Mountain Region (DOC), Moderator
Sean Baker, Crux Legal, LLC, Founder
Todd Blair, CoreSite, Senior Attorney
Beth Bowlen-Wallace, Denver Broncos,
Director of Special Projects and Events
Ted Brown, Lockton Companies, LLC,
Executive Vice President
Kathy Clark, Community Volunteer
Larry Drury, Vantiv, Chief Marketing Officer
Taryn Edwards,
Saunders Construction, Inc., Senior Vice President
James Freeman, Biologist, Retired
Jim Fricke,
Colorado Garden Foundation, Executive Director
Susan Gallagher, Community Volunteer
Pictured: Executive and Management Teams, front row, l to r:
Mikki LeVett, Djuana Osby, Kathryn Arbour, Maggie Frasure,
Meridith Shuman; Back row, l to r: Rod Witte, Don Maestas,
Elizabeth O’Brodo, Jeff Leniger, Lisa Roebuck, Andrew Pasini,
Kimberly Behounek, Micah Abram, Kerri Sterrett
Djuana Osby, MA, Principal
Lisa Roebuck, MSIM, Director of Information Technology
Meridith Shuman, LPC,
Director of Community-Based Services
Kerri Sterrett, MA, LPC,
Clinical Director of Therapy Services
Michele Hanna,
University of Denver, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Brian Harvey, Level 3 Communications,
Regional President, North American and Asia Operations
Caleb Hester, UMB Bank, Assistant Vice President
Christie Isenberg, Amp the Cause, President
Paxton Jones,
Christian Church in Kansas (DOC), Regional Minister
Mary Louise Lee, Community Volunteer
Laura Love, GroundFloor Media, Founder and President
Molly McCoy, hrQ, Inc., CEO
Aurora Ruiz-Hernandez,
State of Colorado, Retired Attorney
Dean Phelps, Central Rocky Mountain Region,
Interim Regional Minister
Susan Rutherford,
DaVita, Vice President International People Services
Stanley Sprinkle,
Sprinkle Financial Consultants, LLC, CEO/CPA
Colleen Stanley,
past Board Chair, SalesLeadership, Inc., President
Robert Swanson, RAS & Associates, Owner
Jeff Vaughan,
Tracker Resource Development, President/CEO
John Washabaugh, United Energy Trading, LLC, COO
Steve Young, Petroleum Field Services, LLC, CEO
Our Programs
Residential Treatment
We provide residential care to children, ages five to 18, who are learning and developing skills to be safe in
the community. Often, these children have lived in multiple homes within the foster care system. While at
Tennyson Center, these children benefit from intensive therapy services, including individual, family and
group therapy. We have five residential cottages (Warren, Tilsley, DeVita, Huston, and Miller) where children
live depending on their age and needs. Two of the cottages make up our Special Services Unit for children
ages five to 18 who have recently been hospitalized and/or require a higher level of support to prepare for
their safe return home.
Lucy’s Story:
When Lucy came to Tennyson Center, she had been sexually,
physically and emotionally abused. As a result, she was
emotionally detached. Anytime she felt an emotion, she didn’t
know how to react to it and ended up screaming, yelling and
hitting anything and everything around her. She was removed
from her parents and had been in 15 different foster homes.
She was referred to Tennyson Center as a last resort. Lucy was
only seven years old.
After living at Tennyson Center for two years, Lucy was able to heal from her past traumas. With play
therapy (therapy that uses toys and play to help children express themselves) and equine therapy (therapy
with horses), Lucy began to feel safe and comfortable. She learned how to trust others again, take care of
herself and form relationships with others.
Our team of therapists were able to find an adoptive home for her. She is thriving in public school and living
with her new family.
Thanks to your support, Lucy received the help she needed to learn how to be a child again.
Day Treatment
Our accredited school serves students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Our special education team is
dedicated to providing individual instruction in academics and social skills so that students can return
to a typical school setting. We serve students that live at Tennyson Center and children that come for school
and therapy and live at home. The students are served by our clinicians who provide ongoing individual
and family therapy. We also offer a school-only program called Innovative Direct Educational Assistance for
Learners (IDEAL).
In 2015, we expanded our program for students who are in need of life skills as a result of cognitive
impairments or autism spectrum disorders. Adaptive Skills for People with Emotional Needs (ASPEN) now
includes three classrooms serving students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Tommy’s Story:
Tommy is a student in our ASPEN program. He struggled with
getting ready for school. It often took him 45 minutes to get
dressed and he would complain that he didn’t want to go. Since
enrolling in our ASPEN program, he is excited to come to school
and will get ready in five minutes! He is thriving at school,
participates, and is learning essential social skills such as sharing,
managing frustration and being a good friend.
Thank you for supporting new programs to help kids like Tommy!
Year in Review
Kids served: 499
Kids discharged: 334
Community-Based Services
Our Community-Based Services (CBS) program offers therapy and support to children and their families
with mental health needs. The CBS program works with children from birth to 18 through individual
therapy, family therapy, school support and connection to resources in the community. Teams of two to
three staff members work together on cases providing services for two to 30 hours per week to help families
create safety, stability and health within their homes, schools and communities. Our staff use multiple types
of therapy to help children and families make changes, learn new skills and access community resources
with the goal of helping them to be successful in their home environment.
Amelia’s Story:
Eight-year-old Amelia was being sexually abused by her father.
When her mom found out, she filed for divorce and moved out
of their home. Due to the trauma of abuse, Amelia was harming
herself and struggling with serious emotions and was being
hospitalized almost weekly. Additionally, Amelia’s mom was
struggling financially. Between the divorce, moving out and
Amelia’s frequent hospitalizations, her mom was pawning her
jewelry just to afford gas to visit Amelia in the hospital. She was
desperate. She didn’t know how she was going to make ends
meet or how to help her daughter.
Then they were referred to our Community-Based Services. Our therapy team began working with Amelia
and her mom for 14 hours each week. As a result, Amelia’s hospitalizations drastically decreased. She has
been safe now for several months. Our team is working with Amelia to build coping skills to deal with the
past trauma and grow into a healthy adult.
Because of your support, Amelia and her mom are able to get the help they need to heal.
Our admissions department handles all inquiries about access to the services we offer as well as helps
families navigate a complex system of service within child welfare and mental health. Our admissions staff
fields an average of 115 initial calls per month from parents, caregivers, teachers, insurance companies and
other community members. We focus on customer service. We strive to connect every inquiry with the best
services. We care about doing what is right for all clients. Our admissions team determines if our services
are the best fit for children and families, collects required information and documents, and establishes
initial goals for treatment.
Within the same department quality assurance staff support the agency in maintaining accreditation and
licensing to provide services to our clients. Through quality assurance, we collect data to inform better
practices, using information to create better services. We are accountable to ourselves, clients, caregivers,
governing bodies, and you for creating the best possible therapeutic services and work environment.
How You Have Helped
Dear Friend,
I cannot thank you enough for all you do for the kids at Tennyson Center.
You make a difference every day! In 2015, you made amazing things possible for the kids.
With your help, children suffering from trauma-filled pasts were able to heal through equine therapy and
play therapy. Kids who experienced anger and other behavioral issues were able to learn and thrive in our
Day Treatment Program. Children who experienced abuse and neglect were able to recover in a safe home
in our Residential Program. Families who needed extra support received therapy in their homes from our
Community-Based Services team.
One of the most exciting
accomplishments of 2015 was our new
playground. Thanks to you, we were able
to build a brand new sensory-integrated
playground for the kids to play and use
on their path to recovery. The playground
replaced 20-year-old structures with
more age-appropriate equipment. Building the playground was an all-hands-on-deck endeavor. You invested
your time, talent and treasure. With funds raised from our 2015 Mile High Country Q & Brew event, grants
from KaBoom! and The CarMax Foundation, and planning and building support from American West
Construction, LLC, and more than 300 volunteers, we built a playground in less than six hours on Sept. 22.
We could not have done it without you!
Thank you for your dedication to kids who need it most!
With great appreciation,
Micah Abram, Chief Development Officer
Total funds raised:
From Individuals:
From Events:
From Grants:
Thank you for donating your time to the kids at
Tennyson Center. Because of you, the children
learn how to build healthy relationships
with adults and how to trust adults again. In
2015, more than 1,000 volunteers donated
approximately 14,300 hours mentoring,
volunteering in the classrooms and cottages,
cooking meals for the kids and more. Thank you
for all you do for the children.
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped build our new playground in
2015! Pictured: Volunteers at the playground ribbon cutting
Corporations give their time, talents and
treasures to the children at Tennyson Center.
We could not do this work without you. You
sponsor our events, tackle large campus
improvement projects, host summer barbeques
and fun activities for the kids. We appreciate
all you do!
Thank you for donating your time,
treasure and talents to Tennyson
Center for Children!
We appreciate all of our corporate volunteers that select Tennyson Center
for service days. Pictured: DaVita HealthCare volunteers
Event Sponsors
We are grateful for corporations and foundations for sponsoring our events. Those recognized on this page
invested $10,000 or more in 2015. Thank you!
Thank you for attending events that raise money for
our kids!
We appreciate your support of our events.
In addition to the events listed below, individuals,
groups and organizations hosted 20 events to raise
money for Tennyson Center. Thank you for helping us
raise $1,490,781 at our 2015 events. Thank you for
supporting the children!
Pictured: Ian Humphrey was our moving keynote speaker at the
2015 Denver Dinner
Mile High Country Q & Brew
February 28, 2015
Spring Quilt Sale and Open House
April 10 and 11, 2015
Northern Colorado Dinner
May 1, 2015
Hope Classic Golf Tournament
June 25, 2015
Corks for a Cause
July 9, 2015
Fore! Our Kids Golf Classic
August 24, 2015
Colorado Springs Dinner
September 11, 2015
Denver Dinner
October 24, 2015
Fall Quilt Sale and Open House
November 6 and 7, 2015
Because of you, in Fiscal Year 2015 (Oct. 1, 2014-Sept. 30, 2015), we were able to raise 50% of our operating
budget. The other 50% is program-related revenue. Our main fundraising activities include reaching out to
corporations, foundations and individuals, like you, signature and third-party events, and direct marketing
fundraising letters. Our expenses include the programs for the children (74%) and administrative and
staffing costs (26%). Thank you for your support in helping us serve more children and families.
We could not do this work without you.
Donated Goods & Other 4%
Revenue & Support
Benevolent Support 37%
Education & Day Services 26%
Residential Services 19%
Community Based Services 9%
Bequests & Memorial Gifts 6%
Donated Goods and Other 4%
Change in Value of Trusts 0%
Investment Return -1%
Total Revenue & Support Benevolent Support 37%
Based Services 9%
$3,867,148 Bequests &
$2,704,102 Memorial Gifts 6%
Education &
Day Services 26%
Residential Services 19%
General & Administrative 14%
Education & Day Services 31% Residential Services 30%
General & Administrative 14%
Community-Based Services 13% Development 12%
Total Expenses $3,405,682
Change in Net Assets from Operations FY15 Endowment Contributions Change in Total Net Assets 11
Note: Percentages in the charts and tables may not add to 100% due to rounding.
Development 12%
Programs 74%
(Residential, Education & Day
and Community-Based Services)
Circle of Friends
Gifts received between Jan. 1, 2015
and Dec. 31, 2015
($100,000 and Up)
Louann Benbow
Robert and Kathy Clark/ RJ Clark Family
Colorado Rockies Charity Fund
Denver Active 20-30 Children’s Foundation
The Denver Foundation
David and Donna Killen
The Liniger Fund
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Mile High United Way
RE/MAX International, Inc.
Jane Sikes
Stanley and Sandra Sprinkle
($50,000 to $99,999)
The Anschutz Foundation
James Bowers
Galena Foundation, Inc.
John R. McCune Charitable Trust
Monfort Family Foundation
Noble Energy, Inc.
William I. Smith Foundation
Russ and Jan Stacey
($25,000 to $49,999)
Apple American Group – Mountain
Born to Build Foundation
Charles Schwab
CST Brands Foundation
William and Taryn Edwards
LibertyGives Foundation
Lockton Companies, LLC
Loving Hugs, Inc.
PCL Construction Enterprises, Inc.
RT Specialty
The Sprout Foundation
Ken and Lori Tolle
Thomas and Nonie Willisch
Shaun and Debbie Yancey
($10,000 to $24,999)
John and Jody Alderman
Anonymous (3)
LaFawn Biddle
Don D. Brewer *
Ted and Heather Brown
Central Kansas Community Foundation
Change Electric, Inc.
City Of Glendale
Delores I. Clark
Community First Foundation
DBC Irrigation Supply
Todd Filsinger
Sally Hapner
The HealthCare Initiative
Rhonda Hertel
Tony and Carol Hopshire
Helen K. and Arthur E. Johnson Foundation
Kaiser Permanente, Colorado Region
Daniel Kruse
Lilley Family Charitable Trust
Laura Love
Perry and Stacy Mattern
Chuck McDaniel
Bill and Suzy McKee
McKee Family Foundation
Mollie Nichols
PDC Energy
Offen Petroleum, Inc.
The Louis and Harold Price Foundation, Inc.
Charles and Melinda Rimer
Randy and Lynette Rockwell
Schwab Charitable Fund
Select Energy Services
SM Energy Company
Scott and Stacey Sprinkle
Sean and Stacey Sprinkle
Margaret J. Stookesberry
Gerald Suman
The Ryan and Genevieve Tedder Foundation
Billy and Linda Thorne
Jeff and Gina Vaughan
Vericlaim, Inc.
Charles Walters
John and Leann Washabaugh
Betsy Wells and Brian Harvey
Wells Fargo Foundation
Robert and Elsie Williams
Thomas and Wendy Williams
William and Judith Wolpert
James Young
($5,000 to $9,999)
Susan Aldridge and Jevin Croteau
Brad and Anne Anderson
Guy and Linda Beutelschies *
BluSky Restoration Contractors
Marcia A. Boutz
Ted and Kathy Brown
Lee and Jordan Buckley
Cherry Creek Mortgage
Steven Colligan
Colorado School of Trades
The Colorado Trust
Community Banks of Colorado
Sue Ann Cook
Crux Legal LLC
Linda S. Darling
Sami and Lilian Diab
Paul and Christine Duncan
EZE Foundation
Robert and Donna Faraci
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
FirstBank Holding Company
Friedery Family Foundation
Kristin Friedery
Melissa Friedery
Front Range CrossFit
The Get Grounded Foundation
GRs Foundation
Norman and Myrna Heimer
Tad and Ann Herz
G. N. Hurst *
Walter and Christina Isenberg
Betty Juhnke
Jonathan Koehler
The Ladd Foundation
Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Liberty Oilfield Services
Robert and Jean Martin
Terri Mayfield
Charlotte Meade and Justin Apt
E. & A. Miller Family Charitable Fund
Eldon and Ann Miller
Marguerite Moneghan *
Robert Moore
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material
Dealers Assoc.
Howard and Theresa Munzel
Richard and Donna Murray
N Balance LLC
Newfield Foundation
Robert and Geraldine Norris
Painter Ohrbeck Family Foundation
Kathy A. Parker
Rocky Mountain Active 20-30
Peter and Nicole Rueth
Richard and Elizabeth Rush
SalesLeadership, Inc.
Saunders Construction, Inc.
Schlessman Family Foundation, Inc.
William G. Sikes, Jr.
Elaine and Mike Stahl
Jim and Colleen Stanley
Paul and Michelle Stevinson
Target Corporation
Tracker Resource Development
Richard and Carol Van Lew
Jack A. Vickers Foundation
Ruth Waters *
David and Barbara Weaver
Dale and Carol Wheeler
Paul and Heidi Wiesner
Rod and Laura Witte *
Matthew Young
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
($1,000 to $4,999)
4X Construction
Nick Abbey
Corinne L. Adams
Melinda Adams
James and Amanda Ahlschwede
Lorraine Alcott and Kurt Reinecke
Alderman Bernstein LLC
Lauren and Tom Amble
Eric and Cate Amhaus
Daniel and Rebecca Amidon
Amp the Cause
ANB Bank
Carl and Vicki Anderson
Frederick and Janice Anderson
Archie Andre
Anonymous (6)
Elaine Anson
Apartment Investment & Management Co.
Irene Apergis
Robert and Christy Apodaca
Apollo Mechanical
Jim and Stacey Applen
Robert Austin
The Bachmann Strauss Family Fund, Inc.
Matt and Jennifer Baldner
Baker Hostetler
Pat Barbier
Paul and Marilyn Barker
John and Mary Barrick
Bavaria Inn Restaurant, Inc.
Garth Beerman and Sally Cline-Beerman
Bellco Foundation
Robert Benders *
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Carol and Michael Berkenbaugh
Bessemer Trust
Matt and Trish Biggio
Todd and Rachael Blair
David and Stacey Bledsoe
Paula Block
Terri Bohannon
Bradley and Heidi Boodt
Nicholas and Kelsey Borusiewicz
Jerry and Kristi Brells
Rodney R. Brewer
Eugene Brink
Mark Brinkman
Rebecca Brunelle *
Elizabeth Buchanan and Jim Sisson
William and Jennifer Buntrock
Carlos and Clemencia Burbano
Cardinal Group
Patrick and Sharon Carr
Kathy Carrington
Liz Carter
Chris and Brenda Case
The Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado
Lindell and Sharon Catlett
Jennifer Caudill *
Michael and Margaret Cawthra
Lawrence Cedillo
Richard Chambers
Susan Cirocki
City Bark
City Light & Power, Inc.
Michael and Cassandra Clark *
Robert Clarke
David Clayton and Marcy Kontak
Jeffrey and Tiffany Clayton
Clayton and Company, Inc.
Barb Clifton and Bruce Schilken
Stacey Cochran
Colliers International
Colorado Convention Center
Colorado Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Colorado State Bank and Trust, N.A.
Colorado Tortilla Co., Inc.
Roy and Diana Conovitz
Robert Cooper *
Robert and Judith Cooper *
Paul and Kathi Cosgrove
Robert and Nicole Counts
Joe and Carol Cox
Dick and Camille Crist
Chris and Susan Cumpton
Victoria Darling-Orth
Dwayne H. Davenport
James and Shirley Davis *
Mary Davis
Richard and Joyce Davison *
Dolores Dayhoff
Donald E. Dayhuff
Gloria J. Dayhuff
Del and Meg de Windt
Janet A. Delaney *
Ben C. Delatour Foundation
Scott and Nicole Delmoro
Rick and Leslee Dendorfer
John and Cynthia Deutschbein
D’Evelyn Jr./Sr. High School
Steve and Donna DeVisser *
Jim and Andrea DiSaverio
George and Marilyn Dockery
The Doyle Group
Eagle Mechanical, Inc.
Jaelyn Eberle and David Taylor
Edge Construction Specialities, Inc.
Margaret Emerich
EnCana Care Foundation
Encore Electric
Connie Elsbury and Daniel Schachtner
Orville Engelhardt
Engle Martin & Associates, Inc.
Andrea Erving
Rick and Ann Espey
Tim Estes
Anna Euser
Anthony and Margaret Euser
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
Nelson and Marilyn Fairfield *
Patrick and Jennifer Fairfield
Stephanie Farmer *
Thomas Fertal
Reggie and Linda Fields
Heather Fjare
Paul Fletcher
Foothills United Way
Karl and Karen Foreman
Daniel and Elizabeth Fox
Scott Franssen
Byron and Beth Freeby
Gregg and Joetta Freeby *
James and Sharon Freeman
Robert and Marion Freeman
Ike and Roz Friedman Foundation
Pamela Fromhertz
Linda Fuchs
Fuicelli & Lee, PC
William and Susan Gallagher
Richard and Sarah Gan
Ann Garstang
Sam and Nancy Gary
Mark Gengozian
Phillip and Debra Gerkin
Give With Liberty
Michael and Jessica Godo
Bahriye Goren
Nikki Gorgon
LaVerna V. Grant
Grant Thornton, LLP
Peter and Yvonne Grey *
GroundFloor Media
Guaranty Bancorp
Guaranty Bank & Trust
Michael and Cheryl Guinn
Chetan and Shikha Gulati
H-2 Enterprises
Stephen and Margare Hahn
Robert and Beth Hale *
Timothy and Nancy Haley
Hall & Evans, LLC
Kent Hallam
William and Karen Hammel
Curt and Christine Hample *
Carl L. Hanson, Jr. *
Jill Hardin
Shayne and Jacqueline Harris
David and Kay Hartley
Gay and Diana Hatler
Michael and Laura Hatler *
Dave and Kay Haughey
Thomas and Erin Hauser *
Hein & Associates
John and Diane Hennessey
Randy and Eyda Hergenreder
Sandra Hergenreder
Raymond and Martha Hermanstorfer
Elmer Hernandez and Aurora Ruiz-Hernandez
Matthew Heron
Brett Heronema
Rita Hertzfeld
Sandy Higgins
Steven and Erin Hill-Mixson
Martha and James Hoffman
Glen and Penny Holfuin
Holland and Hart
Mary D. Holleman
David and W. Jean Holley *
Thomas and Lanette Horan
Amy Hoskins
Judith A. Howard
Thomas M. Howard
Peter and Andree Hudson
Barry Hughes
Hunter Douglas Window Fashions, Inc.
The Ice Ranch, LLC
Gary and Carla Ikenouye
Mark and Daphne Inboden
Integris Partners
International Footprint Association, Inc.
Jack’s Auto Service Center, LLC
Howard and Dorsey Johnson
Jay and Barbara Johnson *
Matthew Johnson *
Audrey Jonas
Craig Kadlub
Howard and Rose Kast
Michael and Yun Hui Kehoe
Gregory and Sherlyn Keiling
Daniel and Lisa Kelly
Jean Kemp
Kentwood City Properties, Deviree Vallejo
Mary Killen Hollis and Leo Hollis
Gerald Kintzle
Betty M. Kissinger Designated Fund
Kenneth and Tamara Jo Knight *
Kevin and Rachel Knutson
Helen Kreoger
Nancy L. Kurtz
Greg and Sally Landmark
Charles Lazzeri *
Barbara LeFeuvre
Legacy Mechanical
Lori Lemmen
Lennox Family Foundation
Lindeman Chiropractic PC *
Jack and Nancy Lingbloom
Carol Livingston
Richard and Linda Livingston
Mark and Jane Locke
Joseph and Lyn Lorenzo
Tony Losacano
LPL Financial
Donald and Irene Mable
Greg Magruder
Major Mom
Eric Marshall
Bill and Roberta Martin
Joe and Jan Massi
Bert and Martha Masterson
Darrell and Jeannette May
Nancy S. May
Melba M. Mayall
MC2 Enerprises, LLC
Elizabeth McCoy
Molly McCoy and Greg Cummings
Curtis and Ruth Rueter
Mark and Cheryl McDade
Susan Rutherford and Frederick Hess
Merrill Lynch
Jeff and Addie Sale
Metco Landscape
Sand Construction, Inc.
Jason and Jenna Meyer
Kate Santoro and Steven Hamilton
MidFirst Trust
Donn Schaible
Milender White Construction Co.
Mary E. Schmidt
Adam and Denise Miller
Alex and Allyson Schomers
Nathaniel Mirelez
Margaret Schott *
Allison Moe
Nicholas and Kellie Schubert
Jack and Kitty Moore
John and Kathleen Schwappach
Brad and Tracy Morgan
Victor O. Schwarz
John and Carol Mumby
Scooters Bar & Grill
Corinna Murphy and Esteban Sandino
Charles and Julia Searle
Kaye Murphy
Ronald Selleck
Edward and Melanie Names
SERVPRO of Denver East
Peter Narog
Shane Co.
National Speakers Association, Colorado Chapter
Randall Shannon
Network for Good
Gary and Katie Shapiro
Stan and Dorothy New
Donna Shawn
Patricia Newton
Ryan and Diane Shay
John and Michelle Nichols
Archibald and Virginia Sheldon
Nancy Nichols and Garry Chadha
Eric Silver
Rob and Rosie Nichols
Daniel and Alyson Slatkin
Steve Noland and Betsy Davis-Noland
Joyce Slaughter *
NorthPoint Energy, LLC
Bruce and Dorthy Smith
Northsiders of Denver
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network – Boulder Edwin and Niki Smith
Roberta Smith
Stephen and Carrie O’Connor
Jason and Jessica Somers
Allan and Tricia Ojala
Timothy and Holly Soper
Chad Olivier
Richard and Evelyn Sparlin
Orion Environmental, Inc.
Specialty Construction Products
Mark and Lori Osborn
ST Oil Company
Luke Osborne
Eric St. Jermain
Peer and Djuana Osby
Craig and Jennifer Stack
Frank and Betty Ottesen
Dave and Chelsea Stangl
John Patsey
Paula Stanley
Peak Kia
STARZ! Entertainment LLC
Leroy and Alta Peer
Thomas and Sandra Stevanak *
Scott and Julie Perich
Stolfus and Associates
Dan Perlach and Ann Lott-Perlach
Ruth V. Stone
Brian and Marilyn Peters
Chris and Betsy Straka
Petroleum Field Services, LLC
Straka Speech
Andy and Lori Plucker
Shirley Strakal
William and Marilyn Plummer
Peter Strauss
Ronald & Mary Pott Family Foundation
Darwin Stump
Power Motive Corporation
William Suitts
Jim and Von Prichard
James and Polly Svenson
Robert W. Proctor
Robert A. Swanson
Sheila Ray and Leon Mason
Joe and Eileen Swenson
Real Capital Solutions
SySys Corp.
Reclaimed DesignWorks
Alan Tanaka and Jennifer Gruber Tanaka
Richard and Verna Recor
Shawn and Lori Reed
Melvin and Judith Terrell
Vera C. Rees *
Lisa Thompson
Troy and Sondra Reisner
Jeff and May Thomsen
Doreen Rhoades
Rick and Vie Thorgren
Jeanne E. Richins *
James and Catherine Thorson
Tom Riebel
Robert and Jean Thresher
Edward and Jean Robertson
Thrivent Community - 5280
Jody Robins
Ruth Tilsley
Norma Robinson
Robert and Michael Tinnen
Rocky Mountain Prestress, Inc.
Vince and Kellie Roe
Rogers & Sons, Inc.
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
Donald Roth
Lawrence and Dana Toriello
Christopher and June Treece
TZA Water Engineers
United Airlines
United Healthcare
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
United Way of Larimer County, Inc.
USI Colorado LLC
Deviree Vallejo and Dan Brown
David and Rhonda Vanderpool
Anthony and Marilyn Vecchiarelli *
Vehicles for Charity
Jack A. Vickers
Jeffrey and Julie Villalobos
Bruce and Lynne Waldo
John and Jane Wallace
Alvin Walters
Robert and Lynn Waltman
Brooke Ward
Brenda Waters *
Juliann Watts
Steve and Marilyn Weidner
Weifield Group
Mark and Karen Weiser
Robert and Kay Wendling
Marc and Deb Wernli
Western Sod Installation
Chad and Katrese Wheeler *
Dave Whitcomb
Link and Brooke Wilfley
George and Candace Williams
Norman and Joan Wilson
Nick Wininger
Dan and Nancy Woods
Jennie Wray
Alfred and Janet Wright
Chris Wright
Jerry Wright *
Vicki Wright and John Culverhouse *
Henry E. Wurst Family Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
Nona Yakes
Michael and Suanne Yarbrough
Kyung and Monique Yoo
Steve and Heather Young
Your Castle Real Estate
YourCause, LLC
Robert Zarlengo
($500 to $999)
Dwain and Virginia Acker
Mark and Geri Adams
Advanced Electrical Services
Richard and Doris Allard
Ray and Nancy Allen
David and Barbara Andersen *
Anonymous (2)
Aquacita LLC
Myrna Armes
Elizabeth Armstrong
Paula Armstrong
Diane Ashton
Association of International Hospitality, Inc.
Richard Austin
Henry and Anna Bangert
William and Jane Barnes *
Robert and Mary Bearman
Chris Beatty
Paula Beaty
David and Mary Bell
Jeffrey Bell
Belinda Biddle
Claire and Sue Bidlingmaier
Gary Black
Timothy and Jodi Bobbitt
Bob’s Appliance Service Co.
Lee Bollacker
Thomas and Pamela Boudreau
Barbara Bowes
David Brisnehan
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Devin and Crystal Brown
Robert and Wilma Brown
Suzanne Brown
Wilma D. Brown
The Brown Palace
Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Schreck
Dick and Joann Bruso
Patricia Burbano
Dean and Nancy Burchfield
Carol Burks
Burton and Robin Burrows
Chauncey and Ashley Busacker
C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc.
Matthew Cambell
Ann Canady
Marco and Susan Capitelli
The Carlisle Group
Brian Carpenter
Bill and Cindy Carson *
Jim Castleberry *
Carl and Dena Catlett
The Center for Cosmetic Surgery
John Chmurak
Jesse Chuhta
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Michael and Jill Clark
CoBiz Financial
Ann Coffey
The Nancy Cohen & Jim Wason Fund
Mark and Peggy Cole *
L. Alice Collister
Community Shares of Colorado
Ronald Cook
Greg and Paula Cooke
Joanie Corbett
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
Lois Cossman
Richalyn Cox
Michael Crane
Ernie and Jamie Crawford
Gary and Victoria Crownover
Dan and Malia Curran
Dan and Laura Curtis
Jean Daiss
Cale Dancho
Darlene Davis
Mark and Terri Davis
Eric and Pat Dayhuff
Kurt and Dorie Dayhuff
Paul DeAndrea
Paul Demgen
Mark and Kerry Derrick
Donald and Joyce Dirks
Bob and Peggy Dumler
Dora Dunning and Seth Thompson
E & K of Denver
Matt Edgar
Rick Eldridge
Brenda Elliott
Keith and Kimberly Engler
Todd Erickson
Will and Rebecca Essin
Merle and Vivian Evers *
Frederick Ewald
Tammy Fanch
Richard and Mary Fanyo
Jim and Gretchen Faulkner *
Cyle and Tiffany Feingold
Jeff and Cindy Feneis
Harlan and Frances Ferguson *
Fiore & Sons, Inc.
David Fleck
Jack and Nathalie Fox
Solange Francfort
Glynn Frechette
Michael and Jennifer Freeman
Jim Fricke
Rebecca Furtado
Timothy and Roberta Gallagher *
Gannett Foundation
Amy Gavin
Brent and Sarah Gephart
Mark Germinario
William and Emily Goff
Golden Lions Club
Steven and Suzanne Goodspeed
John and Leslie Gould
Christine Groethe
Charles and Claudia Hahn
David and Caren Renee Haining
Charles and Janice Haley
Austin Hamre
Kent and Sharon Hanna
Darrell and Michele Hanna *
Zak and Mary Hanna
David and Jill Hardin
Jeffrey and Donna Harm
Gary and Lori Harshfield
Stephen Hart
Edward and Peggy Hawkins
Del and Janet Hedges *
Sam and Abby Heider
Jeremy and Jane Held
Hellman & Associates, Inc.
Rodney and Sandra Henderson
Peter and Pam Hergenreter *
Mary Herman
Matt and Sue Hesser *
Dan and Amy Hofkins
Edson and Mary Holland
Honnen Equipment Company
Jace Hopper
Thomas and Lanette Horan *
Angela Horvat
Dean and Kim Hruby
Ward Huffman and Linda Kolhouse-Huffman
Thomas and Charisa Hunter-Crump
Brian Hutchison
Carson and Kelly Hyatt
ICON Venue Group
The Impact Institute
Iselin Chiropractic *
Gerald and Carolyn Jaggers
Tom and Georganne Jaques
Jennifer Jelinek
Merlyn Jenkins
Robert and Nancy Jenkins
Joseph Jonas
Jones Family Foundation
Darci Jones-Tyson
Barry Kadlub
Taylor Kallsen
Debby Kaufman
Ray and Cathy Kawano
Wallace L. Keasey *
Michael and Michelle Keenan-Harte
Craig and Lisa Keim
Bill Keller
Jennifer Kelly
Kurt and Ann Kenchel
Ruby Kennedy *
Kent Denver School
Charlie and Lisa Kettering
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
Donna Kornfeld
Kim Koy
Jeff and Cindy Kraus
Clifford Lackey
Gerald and Ginger Lang
Chris and Olga Laursen
Micah and Meghan Leadford
Edward and Margaret Leede
Kurt and KC Leniger
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.
Jack and Bonnie Liddle
Jason and Bliss Lilley
Joel Lindeman *
Pamela Lingenfelter *
Loan Simple, Inc.
Lance Long
Shawn and Salena Lopez
Ronald and Amy Lottridge
Louden Family Foundation
Bill and Lori Ludden *
Chris and Diana Maddera
Dan and Pam Mahana
Hugh and Cristina Mahon
Maintenance Connection, Inc.
James Male
Kevin and Christie Mann
Mark and Katie Markley
Kimberly Marle
Richard and Margaret Marshall
Cecilia Martin *
Erik Mason
Brian and Kathy Matise
Erik Matthews
Maurice and Connie Mausbach
Melissa Mayer
Vickie McAnally
Shawn and Kelle McCarter
Ryan McCredie
Lorraine McDonald
Bobbi McElfresh *
John and Mercedes McKiernan *
Tripp and Emilie McLeod
Michael and Lydia McMahon
Lori McMillan
McStain Constructors LLC
Donna McWhirter
Michael Mead
Danny Medina
Don and Debbie Metz
Bob and Jean Miller
Steve and Janet Miller
Mondo Vino
Linda Mondt
Pamela Moore
Peggy Moore
Billy and Lori Mora *
Tricia Muniz
Ron and Ann Munsterman
Curtis and Tami Musfeldt
Richard and Leann Neff
Curtis Nelson
Larry Nelson
Brian Nenninger
Henry and Roberta Nieto
Terry Noyes *
Pete Oberle
Dan and Katie Ogdon *
Bruce Otten
Stacie Owen *
Park Hill Lodge No. 148 AF & AM
Jim Paroline
Andrew and Sharon Pasini
Bryan Pasquale
Pearson Education
Robert and Jeanette Perich
Judy Peters *
Dean and Debbie Phelps
Pioneer Natrual Resources USA, Inc.
Josh and Whitney Platten
Gwen Powell
Robert and Mary Prall
Candice Preslaski
Mark and Mary Kay Pumphrey
Larry and Debbie Queen *
George and Deb Quinby
Scott and Kim Reasoner
Bev Reeves
Courtney Ricci
Michael Riederer
Tim and Jen Roberts
Casey Robertson
Rocky Mountain Chapter NCRS
Rocky Mountain Flagging, Inc.
Michael and Monique Roth *
Kevin and Susan Rothschild
Will and Jen Routon
Robert and Mickey Routson
Michael and Letty Rozell
Keith and Angel Ruf
Lee and Alice Rush
James and Kristin Ryan
Fred and Mary Saar
Don and Heidi Saba
Sanborn & Associates, Inc.
Gary and Sarah Sanchez
Paul Sandquist
Donald and Bev Sarton
Joel and Barb Sauer
Dean and Heather Savoca
Gayle Schaeffer
Deb A. Scheer
Kimberley Schrupp
Amanda Schuck
Mark and Kim Schultz
Ulrich and Marthe Schwartz
Jeff and Dawn Schwarz
Celeste Scott
Scott Friedman & Associates
Tom and Cheri Seeton
Tammy and Mark Seib
Service First Community of Volunteers
Jason Shade
Rodney and Kay Shay
Bruce and Mary Simmons *
Jean Simon
John and Karen Smith
Roy and Grace Smith
Marilyn Smith and Richard Tubbs
Joe Snepenger
Patricia A. Snepenger
Christine Solomon
Bill and Lucy Sommer
Lee and Kathryn Sparks
Stanley and Shawn Sprinkle
Aubrey Stahl
Mike Staples
Jim and Joanne Steinback
Judy Stencel
Curtis Stevens
Kari Stewart
Michael Stiff
Harold and Joyce Stites
Gerald Stone
Summit Laboratories, Inc. *
Ronnette Sutherland
Grace Tanaka
Phillip and Andrea Tanner
William and Mary Taylor
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
TEGNA Foundation
TelecomPioneers Colorado Chapter #100
Christopher Terry
Jackie Thomas
Jeff Thompson
James and Patricia Tilsley
Sondra Tilsley and Lance Maloney
Bill and Vee Tooley
Elisabeth Trissel
Mark and Pamela True
United Way of Greater Philadelphia & SNJ
Alys R. Veal
Viegut Funeral Home
William Waddell *
Dwayne and Lori Walker
Beth Bowlen-Wallace
Lyle Wallace
Walrath Heating & Air Conditioning
Kellie Walter
John Waters
John and Beth Waters
Jann Weber
Julia Welch
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program
Cynthia White
Jean White
Gail Williams
Jason Williamson
Sheila Wilson
Dawn Wooderson
Donald and Terri Woods
Sharon Worley and Tom Rieves
Drew and Lindsay Wyatt
Chris and Minna Zelch
Theresa Ziegler
Mark Zimmerman
($250 to $499)
Colleen Abdoulah
Accent Dermatology and Laser Institute, PLLC
Justin Adams
Advisers Investment Management, Inc.
Harry Alderman
Carl Algermissen
Kenneth Allen
Neil and Nora Allen
All-Pro Lawn Care, Inc.
Frank Altman
Manuel Alvarez
Martha Andeen
Alan and Sue Anderson
Gerald and Carolyn Anderson *
Anonymous (2)
Frank Anton *
Art Wearables, Inc.
Milton and Carol Ashmore
Dwayne and Betty Axworthy
David and Linda Bachrach
Al and Judy Baker
Betty Baker
Cindy Baker
Sean and Natalie Baker
Laura Baldi
Leanne and Barbin
Christopher and Catherine Barnes *
Fred and Terrie Baros
Robert and Esther Bartholic
James Bartley
Beachwalker Properties LLC
David Beavers *
Trudi Beck and Kirk Weaver
Adele Beedie *
Teah and Bennett
Joe and Nicole Berg
Nathan and Brie Berry
Dan and Brandy Bertram
Howard Bever
Thelda Bishop *
Keith and Sue Black
James Blanchard
Dixie Blaylock
Blinker, Inc.
Richard and Rhonda Blinne
Kathleen Bohland
Brad and Kacy Born
William and Dorothy Bowles
Betty Briggs
Rachel Brown
Matthew and Tara Brunell
Tina Brusca
Scott and Kristyn Bunney
Howard M. Burright
Mike Butler *
C&S Products Co., Inc.
Kent and Sharon Callaway
Danny Cantu
George and Elaine Carlstrom
Bonnie Carmean
Karen Carmean
Dee Carsten
Ryan Carter
Francis Casey
Andrew Christensen
Reign Church
Salvatore and Jana Cipolla
Citywide Bank
Franchelle Cliff *
Rob and Betsy Clinton
David and Alana Codding
Becca and Patrick Collinson
Raymound and Katie Coons
Andrew and Jennifer Cooper
Adrienne Cope
Steven and Patricia Corder
Tashina Cordova Garret
Brian Corrigan
Keith and Karen Cowling *
Cleda Cox *
Lonnie and Loreen Crosby
Chris and Cara Crowley-Weber
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
Andrew and Jackie Czaplewski
Thandiwe and Darryl Dale-Ferguson
Marcus and Amy Danneil
Patricia Dart *
Brad Davis
Cliff and Paula Davis
Joseph Depelheuer
Michael and Janice Devich
Diamond A Ranch LLC
Joseph Dietz
Gary and Kay Dobbins
Robert and Julie Donohue
William Douglas
Andrew and Chelsea Doyle
Lawrence and Cindy Drury
Mike and Tiffanie Duggan
Jeff and Lorrie Eheart
EnCana Oil & Gas, Inc.
Carolyne Evans
David Eyer
Donald and Doris Farmer
Darrel and Patricia Fenton
Barbara L. Flechsig *
Barry and Diane Floyd
Brian and Jennifer Force
Steve Foster
Brady Fowler
Gordon and Janet Fox *
Todd and Rachael Friesen *
Norbert and Linda Frueh
Joseph and JoAnn Furay
Rod and Sarah Gallegos
Aaron and Dalley Galuzzi
Lindsay Garlow
Frances Gasche-Cain
Laurie Genell
Sherrie Girten
Charles and Velta Glenn *
Marilyn Goodrich
Mitchell Goodwin *
Howard and Joyce Grant *
Great-West Life & Annuity Ins. Company
Jon Green
Harold and Mary Greimann *
Karen Griffith
Lawrence and Dorothy Gunton
Clarence Haak
Paul and Darlene Hammer
Logan and Charla Hannesson
Les and Kathy Happel
Happy Cakes
Joseph and Shirley Harris
Noah Harris
The Hatch Foundation
Nancy Hatfield
Kim Hatler
Donald L. Helseth
Karen Hendrikson *
Henry Ham Insurance
Mark Herzfeld
Laurie Hevier
David and Shannon Hieb
Jill Hirschfeld
David and Jill Hobbs *
Gregory and Georgia Hock
J. Erik Hodne
Tara Hoffmann
Tom and Karen Hombs
Isabella Horsky
Larry and Donna Hulbert
Ian and Katie Humphrey
Mark Iannucci
Faustino and Joanne Ibarra
Imbibe, LLC
Kathryn K. Ioannides
Gwendolyn I. Irelan
Eric Jacobsen
Jann and John Jarosz
Berton Johnson
Connie Johnson
Donald and Christine Johnson
Joann Johnson
Terri Johnson
Johnson Custom Flooring & Design
Niki Jorgenson and Canaan Harris
Kurt and Suellen Kaisler
Dan and Mary Keener
Marilyn Kehe
Carl and Dana Kelley
Daniel and Cherise Kennedy
Karen Kerksiek
Colleen Kershisnik
Archie and Lisa Kettler
Lance and Tiffany Kikta
Darold and Michelle Killmer
Suzanne Kimzey
James Kinnel
Wayne and Irene Kinney
Alexis Kirkman
Ken and Chanda Kirwin
Cory Kistler
Katie Kjeldsen-Tullis
Knights of Columbus Council #13961
Ray and Ann Knodel
Chris Kolhouse
Korell Farmers Insurance Agency, Inc.
John and Jean Kouri
Tim and Andrea Kraft
Anthony and Heather Krupa
Joel and Ellen Kruschwitz
Richard and Kathleen Kulesa
Beth Lackey
Tracy and Sara Lee
Matthew Leoni
Joan Levine *
Dennis and Ginger Lewis
Tracy Lewis
Patrick and Tilia Liccardello
Butch and Sarah Lincoln
Catherine Liss
Travis and Piper Low
Ivan Loy and Mark Lee
Patrick and Tiffany Lusk
Donna Macconnell
Donald Maestas
Johanna Mallory
Charles and Margy Malott
Jon Marlan
Chad and Christa Martin
Kerry Martin
Anton and Sandra Martinez
Wesley Marymee *
Martha Mason
Matthew Mason
Master Klean Janitorial, Inc.
Paul and Karen Maurer
William and Sharon McFarlane
McNurlin & Associates, P.C.
Stephen and Jae McQueen
Mealdaro LTD
James Meurer
Steve and Karen Miller
Marissa Mink
Mod Photo Lounge
Betty Mohney
Dan and Rachel Mondragon
Charles and Michele Monroe
Curt and Kira Moore
Howard and Thelma Morgan
Valery Morris *
Thomas and Lisa Morton
Mary L. Mosier *
Terry and Mary Motsinger
Mountain Pine Woman’s Club
William Mueldener
David Nash
Rick and Dawn Needles *
Zachary and Amanda Nelson
Sherri Newell
Catherine Norris
David and Kay Norris
Deborah and Linda Norris
Wanda Oeser *
Donna O’Keefe *
Marilyn Olson Timberman
Mark Onstott
Robert and Betsy O’Sullivan
Ken and Kellie Ottenberg
Diane Padilla
Amy Palmer *
Rhonda Palmer
Jeffrey Payne
Edward Pecesky *
Mario and Janelle Penaherrera
Linda Pergola
Chris and Marti Perry
Lori Perry *
Edwin and Margaret Peterson
Eugene Petrone
Travis and Heidi Peveto
Robert and Eileen Phares
Mary Ann Pinon
Joe and Julie Points
Dave and Carly Posey
Judy Potter *
Tracy Price *
Brenda Pringle
Dave and Ellen Pulli
Thomas and Carolyn Rainbolt
Walter Rasmussen
Dorien Rawlinson
Bennett and Linda Redding
Cynthia Reed
Dan and Melissa Reed
Judith Reese
Louann Reilly
Marte Reps
Tom and Debbie Rich
Rebecca Richards
Riveron Consulting
The RMH Group, Inc.
Randy and Mauri Roberts
Tyler Rodenburg
Alan Roeckel *
Frederick and Barbara Rogen *
Dan and Beverly Rogers
David Rohn
Nicholas Rollo *
Dan and Sarah Rottinghaus
Tiffany Rozinski
Jeff Ruckman
Harvey and Bonnie Ruegsegger
Dylan and Safia Rupe
Philip Rush
Joe Sabia
Bryan and Jaima Salagovic
The San Diego Foundation
Dan and Gina Santangelo
Dwayne and Bette Lynn Sargent
David and Jeni Schafer
Carolyn Schierholz and Ramin Aghevli
Neil and Dawn Schilling
Jackie and Luella Schoonover
Darryl and Shari Searuggs
Mark and Nancy Shapiro
Pankaj Sharma
John and Nancy Shaw
Heidi Sheldon
Andy and Katherine Sikora
Luke and Alexandra Slattery
Chuck and Diane Sloan
Darren Smith
Jeff and Jane Smith
Ralph and Emily Smith
Virginia Smith
Christine Snodgrass
Charles Snure
R. K. and Janet Spencer
Spencer Fane Britt & Brown, LLP
Stephen and Carey Sprinkle
Dana and Debi Srdoc
Scott and Rachel Stack
Keleen Stanfield
Michael Steckmyer
Merle and Carla Steele
Leah Stockham
William and Laura Stout
John and Julie Strain
Linda Street
Shawn and Kelly Strohman
Ryan and Taylor Surroz
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Nick Tabacchi
Jim and Carol Tactac
Brian and Marcy Tafoya
Robert and Julie Tatlock
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
Teresa Mundy, Inc. *
Georgenne Tomlinson and Stanley Lewis *
Floyd and Betty Trail *
Travelers Community Connections
Joe and Patricia Urban
Craig and Angela Vanderlan
Julie Vasquez
John and Kathy Vaughn
Steve Verret
Kevin Vollmer
Derek Votaw
The Wahl Foundation
Jim and Karen Wailes
Joyce E. Walker
Ron and Joyce Walker
John and Brooke Wallace
Lianne Walliser
Don and Debi Ward
Sharon Warren *
Wayne Watley
Joseph Watson
Kenneth and Kathleen Way
Gary and Lillian Waye
Robert and Susan Webber
Jo Ann Weber
Carl and Elizabeth Weller
Sally Westerberg
Todd and Kristen Whealon
Leslie and Jack Wheeler
Jadon and Brynn Wiens
Clark and Gail Wilder
Jan and Carol Williams
Patricia Williams
Diane Willmann
Martin and Carolyn Winch
N. Jean Witte
Jeffrey and Adrienne Wolf
Michael and Julie Wolfe
Rosanne Woloschuk
Darla Woods
Jerry and Danielle Woodward *
George S. Worcester
Marcia D. Worcester
Edward and Judy Workman
Michael Wozniak
Ray Wozny
John and Chaire Young
Martha Young
The Young Philanthropists Foundation
Bennie and Karen Yount
John and Tracie Zakavec
Jerry and Carol Zanker
Erik and Jenny Zeitlow
Life Changers
Churches in
Micah Abram and Andy Maass
Bridgette Albright
Carrol M. Allen
Janelle Armentrout
Michele Baldridge
Steve and Margaret Baumer
Deana R. Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett
Jack and Jonnie Ann Bentley
Gary and Pamela Bone
Charles and Mary Byers
Jim Cashner
Allan and Teresa Cunningham
Charles Davis
Bob and Pam Deal
Julie Diehl
Frank Doupona
Grethren J. Duncan
Diana Garcia
Neal D. Gilmore
Bob and Jocelyn Harris
Harold and Margaret Hayslett
J. Ralph and Catherine Karlberg
Jessica Maloney
Carma McConahay
June and Charles Miller
Klindt and Sherry Nelson
Patrick O’Connell
Bob and Julie Ogdon
Marilyn A. Patterson
Elizabeth Pilcher
Kevin and Anna Rodgers
Bob and Nancy Rosi
Luke and Rebecca Ross
Anita Rutter
Kate Ryan
Robert and Janet Scheevel
Brandon H. Schlauder
Mary K. Shultz
Ashley Singer
Judy Skov
Colette V. Snyder
Dick and Bettie Spencer
Rose Strotman
Sharon Tausan
Jeffrey J. Thorne
Chris and Janna Thornhill
Margaret Wilson
All Souls Catholic Church, Englewood
Arvada United Methodist Women, Arvada
Berean Sunday School Class, Littleton
Brown Baggers Group, Denver
Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette
Central Christian Church, Denver
Chapel Class, Colorado Springs
Christ Congregational Church, Denver
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Denver
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Grand Junction
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Greeley
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Pueblo
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Sterling
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Wray *
Circle of Friends, Denver
Concordia Women’s Guild, Steamboat Springs
Disciple Women’s Ministries, Canon City
Evergreen Christian Church, Evergreen
Evergreen United Methodist Church, Evergreen
First Christian Church, Burlington
First Christian Church, Canon City
First Christian Church, Colorado Springs *
First Christian Church, Grand Junction
First Christian Church, Greeley
First Christian Church, Manzanola
First Christian Church, Monte Vista
First Christian Church, Rocky Ford
First Christian Church, Sterling
First Christian Church, Wray
First United Church, Arvada
Harvey Park Christian Church, Denver
Heart of the Rockies Christian Church, Fort Collins
Highland Christian Church, Denver *
Kum Dubl Class, Denver *
Legacy Christian Fellowship, Westminster
Loyal Legion Class, Canon City *
Mountair Christian Church, Lakewood
Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Lakewood
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Denver
Parker United Methodist Church, Parker
Quilters, Colorado Springs
Quilters, Wray
Rachel Group CWF, Loveland
Seekers Class, Colorado Springs
Shepherd of the Hills, Lakewood
South Broadway Christian Church, Denver
South Suburban Christian Church, Littleton
St. Paul’s Community Church, Lakewood
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lakewood
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Arvada
United Methodist Church, Evergreen
United Methodist Women, Wheat Ridge
Village Christian Church, Colorado Springs
(Monthly Sustainers under $249 - all above
$250 denoted with an * by their names)
*Life Changers - give monthly sustainer donations
Churches in
Churches in
Builders Class, Topeka
Christian and Congregational Church, Eureka
Christian Church in Kansas (DOC), Topeka
Christian Men’s Fellowship, Phillipsburg
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Atchison
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Cimarron
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Clearwater
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Colby
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Fort Scott
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Goodland
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Hiawatha
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Kansas City
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Marysville
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Ottawa
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Phillipsburg
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Scott City *
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Yates Center
Christian Women’s Ministries, Ulysses
CIC Class, Yates Center
Disciple Men, Great Bend
Disciple Women, Atwood
Disciple Women’s Fellowship, Stafford
Disciple Women’s Fellowship, Arkansas City
Disciple Women’s Fellowship, Manhattan
Fellowship Class, Newton *
First Christian Church, Leavenworth
First Christian Church, Lyons
First Christian Church, Phillipsburg
First Christian Church, Topeka
Friendship Class, Salina
Gospel Gleaners, Dighton
Happy Partners Class, Lyons
Kansas Disciples Women, Kinsley
Ladies Evening Circle CWF, Louisburg
Loyal Daughters CWF, Smith Center
New Day Group, Great Bend
Riverside Christian Church, Wichita
Riverside Disciples Women, Wichita
Seekers Class, El Dorado
Shelton Memorial Christian Church, Ulysses
Trinity United Christian Church, Cheney
TUCC Mission Trips, Cheney
United Church Women, Kensington
Co-Pilots Class, Cheyenne *
First Christian Church, Cheyenne
First Christian Church, Laramie
First Christian Church, Sheridan
Churches in
New Mexico
Bethany Christian Church, Farmington
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Artesia
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Farmington
First Christian Church, Santa Fe
Los Altos Christian Church, Albuquerque
Monte Vista Christian Church, Albuquerque
Preschool Sunday School Class, Albuquerque
Churches in
Other States
First Christian Church Of North Hollywood,
North Hollywood, CA
Christian Church (DOC), Indianapolis, IN
Christian Church Foundation, Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Middletown, IN
First Christian Church, Bloomington, IN
General Assembly of the Christian Church
(DOC) Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Raymore, MO
Disciple Women’s Ministry, Smithville, MO
Christian Women’s Fellowship, Sidney, NE
First Christian Church, Duncan, OK
Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
National Benevolent Association, St. Louis, MO
Rush Creek Christian Church, Arlington, TX
St. Francis of Assisi Christian Church, Murray, UT
$10,000 and Up
American West Construction, LLC
Amp the Cause
Cocktails for a Cause
Colorado Cattle Company & Guest Ranch
Jennifer Cooper
Custom Direct, LLC
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
KYGO Radio Station
Mile High Outdoor Advertising
Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc.
$1,000 to $9,999
5280 Magazine
ABC Quilts
Ardent Mills
Balisteri Vineyards
Benziger Family Winery
Boulder Beer Company
Brother’s BBQ
Ted and Heather Brown
Robert and Kathy Clark
CoBiz Financial
Jamie Craig
Drury Plaza Hotel
Goosecross Cellars
Image Seller
Jones Lang LaSalle
Leprino Foods Company
Will LeVett Graphic Design
Liberty Media
Molly McCoy and Greg Cummings
Noble Energy
Todd and Nadine Penny
Shane Co.
Oran V. Siler Printing
Third Light Photography
Toshiba Business Solutions
Zachery Engineering Corporation
Estates and
Trusts Realized
in 2015
Rita M. Bolinski Estate
Central Kansas Community Foundation
Christian Church Foundation, Inc.
Christian Church in Kansas (DOC)
Community First Foundation - Endowment Funds
CRMR Foundation
The Denver Foundation
E. B. Harkness Trust
W. W. Harkness Trust
Dorothy J. McDonald Estate
Edwin J. Miller Trust
Palmer Trust
Hazel T. Ransom Estate
Warren V. Young Trust
Tilsley Heritage
Society Members
Corinne L. Adams
Sharon Adcock
Brad and Anne Anderson
Anonymous (3)
Betty Armfield
Robert and Bess Arnold
Milton and Carol Ashmore
Pat Barbier
Ruth E. Barrington
David Beavers
Trudi Beck and Kirk Weaver
Winnifred Beito
Robert and Maurine Blackwell
James Bowers
Charles Brand
Don D. Brewer
Mary A. Brown
Robert and Wilma Brown
Wilma D. Brown
Peter and Nancy Bugbee
Connie Buxton
John H. Cain
Ann Canady
Bill and Ellen Capehart
James M. Carder
Thomas and Judith Claar
Vance Claassen
Franchelle Cliff
Barb Clifton and Bruce Schilken
Ernest and Loyce Clore
Peggy Codding
Robert and Judith Cooper
Richard D. Daetwiler
Richard Dahl
Richard and Gloria Davis
Richard and Joyce Davison
J. P. and Louise DeBernay
Edith Dodd
William and Evelyn Doll
Bill and Sandy Dougherty
Jerry and Sandra Ducey
Betty M. Eaton
William and Taryn Edwards
Jean Filkins
Mrs. Lee B. Foushee
Murray and Susan Frick
LaVerna V. Grant
Clarence and Ella Green
Jo Grundy
Karen Gutjahr
Clarence and Jeanette Haak
Dale and Phyllis Hanna
Sally Hapner
Roger and Constance Harbert
Gay and Diana Hatler
Paul and Lori Hendricks
Sandra Hergenreder
David and Lysa Holmes
Alan and Betty Howard
Dorothy Isaak
Steve Jenkins and Elizabeth Hayden-Jenkins
Lloyd and Marjorie Johnson
Lucille Johnson
Paul T. Jonas
Kenneth and Judy Juengst
David and Donna Killen
Nancy L. Kurtz
Mary Kay Kussmann
Eleanor M. LaGree-Hubbell
Joyce M. Lang
Emery and Ruth Leathers
Betty L. Leeson
Hope Leighton
Donna J. Lewis
Paul Lewis
Charles L. Lindberg
Laura Love
Esther Marinoff
Arleigh and Frances Markee
Andrea Marsh
William and Marlys Marshall
Bill and Roberta Martin
Dave and Suzanne Marty
Martha Mason
Paul and Karen Maurer
Melba M. Mayall
Richard L. McCall
Bobbi McElfresh
Georgia McGee
Glenn and Lea McKerrow
John and Mercedes McKiernan
Carolyn M. McMillan
Brenda Miller
Linda Mondt
Lane and LaDonna Moore
Edith C. Moss
Terry and Mary Motsinger
Jane Murphy
Floyd and Joanne Murray
Richard and Donna Murray
Patricia Newton
Thomas and Patsy Nix
Donna O’Keefe
Thea Otterson
Kathy Parker
Gail Parsons
David and Janet Pasque
Norma Piccone
Marjorie Pinson
Lavonda Pointer
Judy Pree
Jim and Von Prichard
Sheila Ray and Leon Mason
Vera C. Rees
Edward and Jean Robertson
Imo V. Robertson
Norma Robinson
Dan and Beverly Rogers
Ruth Rumley
Donald and Bev Sarton
Mike and Betty Sass
Michael and Pat Schene
John and Arlene Schierholz
Mary E. Schmidt
Robert and Phyllis Schulhoff
Victor O. Schwarz
Grice E. Sexton
Nancy L. Sheer
Jane R. Simon
Joseph and Chloe Sinisi
Patricia A. Snepenger
Rosemary Snyder
Lloyd and Velma Sparks
Russ and Jan Stacey
Evelyn L. Stark
Faith Stephenson
Raymon Stockham
Ruth V. Stone
Margaret J. Stookesberry
James E. Strain
Melvin and Judith Terrell
Nate and Jennifer Thompson
Billy and Linda Thorne
Ruth Tilsley
Steve and Jeanette Walgren
Dale and Carol Wheeler
Karen Wibrew and Michael Wanas
Richard and Carol Will
Clayton D. Wood
Lyn Woods
Staff Donors
Micah Abram
Kathryn Arbour
Kimberly Behounek
Erin Boyce
Laurie Ditterline
Jenna Eisenhart
Patricia Erickson
Jennifer Force
Scott Franssen
Maggie Frasure
Kelly Fries
David Killen
Michelle Lawrence
Jeff Leniger
Mikki LeVett
Donald Maestas
Valery Morris
Tricia Muniz
Djuana Osby
Andrew Pasini
Liz Richmond
Lisa Roebuck
Heather Savoca
Censie Sawyer
Rick Thorgren
Stacy Wells
Rod Witte
Bethany Christian Church
Shirley A. and Don D. Brewer
Delores I. Clark
Willard and Lena Cobb
Clarence V. and Leona Coleman
The Rev. Dr. John A. Cook
Robert M. and Judith L. Cooper
Sadie Danks
David and Linda S. Darling
Victor G. DiLeo
James T. and Blanche A. Donovan
Dale and Marjorie Eppley
Louise Harris
C. E. Hawley
D. D. and Lila Haworth
Charles W. and Ruby Houchens
John and Alma Killen
Lyle and Melvina Killion
Harry W. Lawrence
Paul W. Lewis
Ivalee H. McCord Long
Katherine R. Lundin
Robert and Betty Manning
John and Jeannette McKiernan
Cindy McKinney
Emma Miller
Clayton T. and Helen M. Milloway
Carol L. Moore
Dr. Rex and Marie S. Murphy
Patricia A. Odom
The Rev. Dr. Ron Parker
Mary L. Parks
Gerald H. Phipps
Leo J. and Hilda B. Ritter
Wilbur B. and Imo V. Robertson
Salida Community Christian Church
Michael V. Schaefer
James and Jane R. Simon
Dr. Norman R. and Dorothy L. Stacey, Sr.
Russ and Jan Stacey
James H. Tilsley
Carl A. and Betty Valentine
Valley Heights Christian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Watkins
Rev. J. Allen Wheeler
Gifts of $249 and under
and not a Life Changer (Monthly Sustainer)
We value all gifts from our generous friends. Every dollar matters to our children.
We appreciate each and every gift we receive.
If we made an error, our apologies. Please contact us at 720-855-3312.
Thank YOu!
2950 Tennyson St. | Denver, CO | 80212
303.433.2541 | 877.224.8223