MiG-29A SOVIET FIGHTER 1:48 SCALE PLASTIC KIT intro eduard 1157 The roots of the MiG-29 can be traced back to the end of the sixties and beginning of the seventies. At that time, information had leaked out that the United States was working on the F-X program, from which emerged the F-15 Eagle. The Soviet Union, obviously, could not be left behind in the arms race, and the General Staff formulated requirements for the Perspektivniy frontovoy istrebitel (PFI - Advanced Frontal Fighter Aircraft). It was to have the ability to take off from small, unprepared fields, have a useful combat radius, excellent turn around time and be able to carry a varied payload. The speed of the machine was to be in excess of Mach 2. Aerodynamic study was passed to TSAGI in co-operation with OKB Sukhoi. It became clear that the best route to take would include two roads. As a result, the PFI program was expanded to also include the PLFI (Advanced Light Frontal Fighter Aircraft), which was to result in the Soviet answer to the F-16 Fighting Falcon lightweight fighter. The plans assumed that the Soviet air force would be composed of one-third PFI aircraft, and two-thirds PLFI, and as such would find its adversary to be mainly the F-16 and the YF-17 (which evolved into the F/A-18). The PFI program with Sukhoi led to the Su-27. The PLFI was entrusted to the Mikoyan bureau. Work on the latter type, under the factory designation ‘Izdelye’ 9 began in 1974, and three years later, on October 6, 1977, the aircraft first took to the air. The program suffered setbacks thanks to the loss of two prototypes, due to problems traced back to the engines. In 1984, air force tests were concluded, and thanks to positive results, the first production machines began to reach Soviet frontal fighter units. These new aircraft began to replace the MiG-23. In keeping with the requirements, the aircraft could lift off from unprepared strips. Auxiliary air intakes on top of the blended fuselage/wing structure provided air on the ground, allowing the regular intakes to close and prevent FOD. The existence of the new fighter was discovered by NATO very early after the program began, and the ASCC allocated the name Fulcrum ‘A’. Besides the base version of the MiG-29 (Izdelyie 9-12), there was also the MiG-29B, an export version intended for countries outside of the Warsaw Pact. Training was carried out on a two-seat version, the MiG-29UB (Izdelyie 9-51), which carried the NATO codename Fulcrum ‘B’. Further development and production was impacted by the fall of the communist block, and the inevitable economic collapse of the Soviet Union and its consequent splitting up of state assets with varying degrees of dependence on Russia. Production also came for the MiG-29K and MiG-29SMT (both coded Fulcrum ‘D’). The MiG-29K is a navalized variant and besides with the country of origin, it also flies with the Indian Navy. The intended role is that of carrier fighter for the ‘Vikramaditya’ (formerly the Soviet carrier ‘Admiral Gorshkov’). The SMT is a modernized variant of the MiG-29. úvodem Koøeny vzniku MiGu-29 sahají až do pøelomu 60. a 70. let minulého století. Tehdy vešlo ve známost, že americké ozbrojené síly pracují na programu F-X, jehož výsledkem se stal typ F-15 Eagle. Sovìtský svaz pochopitelnì ve zbrojních závodech nemohl zùstat pozadu. Generální štáb zformuloval požadavky na Perspektivnyj frontovoj istrebitìl (PFI - pokroèilý frontový stíhací letoun). Mìl mít schopnost operovat z malých, nezpevnìných ploch, disponovat znaèným doletem, vynikající obratností a nést rozsáhlou výzbroj. Požadována také byla rychlost stroje vyšší než 2 machy. Prací na aerodynamické studii se zhostil CAGI ve spolupráci s konstrukèní kanceláøí Suchoj. Záhy se však ukázalo, že bude potøeba jít dvìma cestami. K programu PFI tak pøibyl ještì program PLFI (pokroèilý lehký frontový stíhací letoun), který mìl sovìtskému letectvu dát ekvivalent lehkého stíhacího stroje F-16 Fighting Falcon. Plány pøedpokládaly, že sovìtské letectvo by se mìlo skládat z jedné tøetiny z letounù PFI a ze dvou tøetiny ze strojù PLFI a mít tak protivníky letounù F-16 a YF-17 (pozdìji F/A-18). Programu PFI se s definitivní platností ujal Suchoj a výsledkem se stal typ Su-27. Program PLFI dostala na starost konstrukèní kanceláø Mikojan. Práce na letounu pod továrním oznaèením Izdìlje 9 zaèaly v roce 1974 a o tøi roky pozdìji, 6. øíjna 1977, se letoun dostal poprvé do vzduchu. Program se dostal do skluzu díky haváriím dvou prototypù, pøíèinou byly problémy s motory. V roce 1984 byly dokonèeny testy provádìné letectvem a na základì jejich kladného závìru zaèaly v témže roce dodávky sériových letounù k prvním jednotkám sovìtského frontového letectva. Zde nové stroje zaèaly nahrazovat MiGy-23. V souladu se zadáním mohly operovat také z nezpevnìných ploch. Nasátí neèistot do motorù zabraòovaly alternativní vstupy vzduchu na horní ploše køídla, tzv. žábry. Existenci nového stíhacího letounu rozvìdka NATO zjistila velmi brzy po jeho vzniku. Kódové oznaèení znìlo „Fulcrum A“. Kromì základní verze MiG-29 (Izdìlje 9-12) vznikla také hùøe vybavená verze MiG-29B, která byla exportována do zemí, které nebyly èleny Varšavské smlouvy. Pro výcvik slouží dvoumístná varianta MiG-29UB (Izdìlje 9-51), kterou NATO nazývala „Fulcrum B“. Další vývoj a výrobu letounu poznamenal rozpad komunistického bloku a s ním spojený ekonomický kolaps Sovìtského svazu a jeho následné štìpení na státní útvary s rùznou úrovní nezávislosti na Rusku. Výroby se doèkaly ještì verze MiG-29K a MiG-29SMT (obì znaèené „Fulcrum D“). Verze SMT pøedstavuje modernizovanou podobu devìtadvacítek. MiG-29K je novalizovaná varianta devìtadvacítky a kromì zemì svého pùvodu létá také v indických službách. Zamýšlena je služba na letadlové lodi Vikramaditja (pùvodnì sovìtské plavidlo Admirál Gorškov). E MiG-29B, Iranian Air Force, 11 th Squadron, Teheran-Mehrabad, Iran, 1990s. This aircraft was part of the first delivery batch of MiG-29s to Iran in 1990. The actual factory type was the ‘Izdelye 9-12B’, which was an electronically downgraded export version below the standard of that which was delivered to the Warsaw Pact. The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force took delivery of 24 MiG-29s between 1990 and 1991, including four ‘UB’ two-seaters. Another four arrived from Iraq during the first Gulf War. Currently, Iran has two bases operating MiG-29s. The 11th Squadron is based at Mehrabad, and Tabriz is home to the 23rd Squadron. FOR COMPLETE PROFILE PLEASE REFER KOMPLETNÍ KAMUFLÁŽNÍ SCHÉMA NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 ATTENTION UPOZORNÌNÍ INSTRUCTION SIGNS INSTR. SYMBOLY BEND OHNOUT PLIER SIL VOUS PLAIT BITTE BIEGEN OPTIONAL VOLBA FACULTATIF NACH BELIEBEN PARTS ACHTUNG INSTRUKTION SINNBILDEN SYMETRICAL ASSEMBLY SYMETRICKÁ MONTÁŽ MONTAGE SYMÉTRIQUE SYMMETRISCHE AUFBAU OPEN HOLE VYVRTAT OTVOR FAIRE UN TROU OFFNEN DÍLY A> ATTENTION NOTCH ZÁØEZ L INCISION DER EINSCHNITT TEILE B> SYMBOLES REMOVE ODØÍZNOUT RETIRER ENTFERNEN PIECES C> PLASTIC PARTS APPLY EDUARD MASK AND PAINT POUŽÍT EDUARD MASK NABARVIT D> 6 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 2 3 3 6 9 5 6 4 7 5 7 8 10 2 9 11 7 8 5 7 6 12 9 8 12 10 G> 14 2 1 7 3 8 4 1 21 16 13 6 9 23 23 14 7 3 19 22 20 15 5 19 22 12 3 4 2 11 11 18 14 F> 10 13 17 14 10 6 4 8 5 11 9 12 10 6 5 13 3 14 4 15 16 E> 1 9 9 1 12 13 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 10 5 2 6 6 2 11 19 17 22 22 23 23 R - RESIN PARTS R1 27 4 18 16 7 4 14 15 3 3 PE - PHOTO ETCHED DETAIL PARTS R3 R2 8 R4 R13 R12 R5 R20 26 8 21 27 R21 R15 20 24 eduard R14 R22 24 25 FILM R17 R23 R6 R7 R10 R8 R11 R9 R16 R24 R18 R19 COLOURS BARVY GSi Creos (GUNZE) AQUEOUS GSi Creos (GUNZE) PEINTURE GSi Creos (GUNZE) Mr.COLOR H7 C7 BROWN H77 C137 TIRE BLACK H325 C325 GRAY H11 C62 FLAT WHITE H90 C47 CLEAR RED H334 C334 BARLEY GRAY H12 C33 FLAT BLACK H122 C122 LIGHT GREEN H337 C337 GRAYISH BLUE COCOA BROWN H136 C136 RUSSIAN GREEN H17 H22 H27 C19 Mr.COLOR SUPER METALLIC GRAY H305 C305 GRAY SM06 TAN H308 C308 GRAY Mr.METAL COLOR CHROME SILVER FLESH H309 C309 GREEN MC213 H47 C41 RED BROWN H319 C319 LIGHT GREEN MC214 DARK IRON H51 C11 LIGHT GRAY H320 C320 DARK GREEN MC218 ALUMINIUM H53 C13 NEUTRAL GRAY H324 C324 LIGHT GRAY H44 2 FARBEN STEEL A PE11 PE46 H 12 C33 PE7 R12 FLAT BLACK H 308 C308 PE16 GRAY PE20 PE19 PE39 PE24 PE18 PE38 PE18 - MARKING PE36 PE8 H 308 C308 D ONLY PE15 R12 GRAY PE25 PE25 H 308 C308 B1 PE17 R13 GRAY B1 PE22 PE21 R15 R11 E12 H 308 C308 GRAY FILL R15 H 12 C33 F13 FLAT BLACK H 308 C308 A F10 E10 GRAY R24 - MARKING F12 F9 D ONLY R24 R12 PE43 PE44 A1 F15 D16 D17 A2 B10 D8 B9 B8 B7 3 D5 D4 C7 E8 C8 MC213 STAINLESS H 308 C308 GRAY F11 PE54 H 308 C308 C6 GRAY E8 C5 OPEN / OTEVØENÝ C11 F18 F19 D3 F18 F19 C12 C9 MC213 STAINLESS PE48 C10 F8 F7 MC214 DARK IRON D19 CLOSED / ZAVØENÝ F17 F17 D6 MC214 DARK IRON F20 F20 MC214 DARK IRON F8 F7 PE67 H 308 C308 GRAY PE55 R24 - MARKING D ONLY PE77 R24 PE42 PE56 PE68 H 308 C308 GRAY R23 F2 R23 - MARKING H 308 C308 D ONLY GRAY F16 SM06 CHROME SILVER H 308 C308 F2 GRAY F3 H 308 C308 PE68 GRAY F3 SM06 CHROME SILVER 4 A6 D23 A5 SM06 CHROME SILVER H 77 C137 H 308 C308 GRAY TIRE BLACK H 308 C308 E11 GRAY SM06 D22 D1 CHROME SILVER G2 H 319 C319 LIGHT GREEN D2 SM06 CHROME SILVER H 308 C308 D18 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY A7 A8 E20 H 308 C308 H 308 C308 GRAY GRAY E21 A1 D20 H 308 C308 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY D13 H 308 C308 GRAY D12 D11 D21 E14 H 308 C308 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY PE70 H 77 C137 TIRE BLACK D7 H 319 C319 LIGHT GREEN D8 H 308 C308 GRAY D11 D9 PE75 PE74 SM06 CHROME SILVER H 319 C319 H 308 C308 H 77 C137 GRAY TIRE BLACK D10 PE72 LIGHT GREEN D7 PE59 H 308 C308 PE74 GRAY E18 PE61 B9, B10 B7, B8 PE61 5 R18 A3 A4 A4 R19 A3 PE78 PE78 PE78 R17 R18 R19 A9 R16 A3 PE49 C3 C4 PE63 2 pcs. PE49 2 pcs. C1 C2 PE76 MC213 STAINLESS PE58 PE49 3 pcs. H 12 C33 FLAT BLACK MC213 STAINLESS C1 B C2 PE49 2 pcs. PE49 2 pcs. C PE45 PE64 2 pcs. PE66 PE65 PE52 H 308 C308 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY G3 G4 G4 H 308 C308 GRAY PE69 3 pcs. 6 A10 D SEE YOUR REFERENCES POUŽIJTE SVÉ REFERENCE R2 H 12 C33 FLAT BLACK H 47 C41 RED BROWN PE28 H 12 C33 PE34 FLAT BLACK R7 PE32 H 47 C41 RED BROWN H 67 C115 PE29 LIGHT BLUE PE34 R4 PE30 H 47 C41 R6 RED BROWN R1 R3 H 12 C33 FLAT BLACK PE31 H 67 C115 H 12 C33 LIGHT BLUE FLAT BLACK PE33 WIRE WIRE WIRE R4 R1 R1 PE2 PE5 PE35 PE27 PE6 PE2 PE10 PE1 PE26 PE9 PE13 PE4 PE3 R5 PE14 H 12 C33 FLAT BLACK H 308 C308 GRAY FILM PE40 PE50 H 12 C33 H 12 C33 FLAT BLACK FLAT BLACK PE51 B1 PE62 PE53 PE57 - MARKING D ONLY PE57 E7 R22 R22 SM06 CHROME SILVER PE71 PE12 PE73 R20 R20 - MARKING D ONLY R21 R21 7 PE60 PE47 H 308 C308 GRAY R15 C H 308 C308 PE79 GRAY R8 PE60 H 308 C308 GRAY R23 - MARKING D R9 H 308 C308 ONLY R23 GRAY R10 D PE23 B PE37 PE41 H 308 C308 GRAY H 308 C308 GRAY R14 F5 F21 F4 F6 F1 E F 2 pcs. E4 G 2 pcs. 2 pcs. E22 E23 D14 E3 E2 E24 E1 D14 E24 G F E 8 E F G A MiG-29, 2 nd Flight, 1521st AB, Soviet Union, Mary Air Base-1, Soviet Union, 1991-1992 This aircraft, bearing the serial number 2960518475 was manufactured in 1986. It served with the 91st IAP at Lipeck-2. From November, 1990, the bird flew with the 2nd Flight, 115th GvIAP (Guards Fighter Unit) based at Kakaydy (in today’s Uzbekistan). This unit stationed at this base flew in the days of the Soviet Union on a list of fighter types, including the MiG-17, -19, -21 and -29. During Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, Kakaydy was a key airfield in central Asia, and MiG-29s appeared here for the first time in 1989. In July, 1991, this machine was transferred to the base Mary-1, which is located in today’s Turkmenistan, and was pressed into service with the 2nd Flight 1521st AB (Aviabaza - ‘Air Base’). This MiG-29A of the initial production phase was tasked with playing the aggressor role, and that explains the white cockpit framing. Influenced by combat ops with adversary elements and VF-178 Skyraiders flying off of the USS Intrepid, the aircraft was adorned with a sharkmouth, a hornet on the vertical tail, and the letters ‘AM’ on the fin top. The letters ‘AM’ denoted the home field of the unit (in Russian, ‘Aviabaza Mary’). H305 305 8 H12 33 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 H11 62 17 S96 H305 305 16 14 H22 2 H305 305 14 14 7 10 9 MC218 H324 H309 6 17 5 H324 13 MC213 MC214 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 H305 305 H324 13 H324 MC213 H12 33 MC218 H324 MC213 H324 MC213 H324 H305 305 MC213 H324 S96 S96 H305 305 16 S96 S96 16 S96 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 80%+20% H320 H325 325 320 H305 305 S96 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 4 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 H324 16 S34 S34 4 H305 305 H324 MC213 MC213 H324 16 13 13 S96 H324 H324 MC213 H22 2 16 H305 305 H305 305 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 4 14 14 H305 305 S96 H11 62 12 MC213 H12 33 H305 305 14 1 3 5 ALUMINIUM MC218 STEEL MC213 H309 17 H324 11 10 DARK IRON MC214 WHITE H11 62 FS 26373 H324 FS 24277 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 GREY H22 FS 36118 H305 305 GREEN H309 17 BLACK H12 33 eduard 9 B MiG-29A, 85 th GvIAP, Merseburg AB, Germany, 1991 This aircraft, serialed 2968520142, left the assembly line in February, 1986. At the beginning of the nineties, it served with the 85th GvIAP (Guards) ‘Sevastopolskyi’. This unit was based at Merseburg in East Germany. After the reunification of Germany, this aircraft, along with the others of the unit, relocated to the Soviet Union at Starokonstantinov air base. The aircraft carries one of a number of variations on the standard scheme. The left side of the nose carries the Guards emblem, and the ‘Excellence’ badge, and also the MiG OKB badge on the intake. The right side is adorned with a drawing of a leopard, that was also carried by another 85th GvIAP aircraft. It’s author was apparently Capt. Yevgeniy Sadovoy. H305 305 15 H12 33 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 19 17 S96 H305 305 16 24 H305 305 24 24 21 18 MC218 10 23 H324 MC213 MC214 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 H305 305 H324 23 H324 MC213 H12 33 MC218 H324 MC213 H324 MC213 H324 H305 305 MC213 H324 S96 S96 H305 305 16 S96 S96 16 S96 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 80%+20% H320 H325 325 320 H305 305 S96 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 22 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 H324 S34 S34 22 H305 305 H324 16 H305 305 16 MC213 H324 MC213 23 23 S96 H324 H324 MC213 16 H305 305 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 22 24 24 H305 305 S96 20 MC213 H12 33 H305 305 24 H324 18 10 ALUMINIUM MC218 10 STEEL MC213 DARK IRON MC214 FS 26373 H324 FS 24277 80%+20% H325 H320 325 320 FS 36118 H305 305 BLACK H12 33 eduard C MiG-29A, Czech Republic Army Air Force, No.1 Sq., 11th Sqdn., Zatec Air Base, Czech Republic, 1993 The aircraft with the serial number 2960526377 was delivered from the Soviet Union to the 11th slp. (Fighter Air Regiment) in Zatec AB in late 80’s. This was one of ten MiG-29As delivered that were capable of carrying the RN-40 nuclear weapon. This capability was removed from the aircraft to satisfy conditions imposed by international nuclear disarmament agreements. In all, Czechoslovakia took delivery of eighteen single seat and two two-seat MiG-29s from the Soviet Union. In October, 1993, the 11th slp MiG-29s were transferred to Ceske Budejovice to the 1st slp. Over the course of dividing up assets between the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993, this aircraft remained in the Czech Republic, and became a part of a controversial agreement that saw the Czech MiGs go to Poland for eleven W-3A Sokol utility helicopters. Today, this aircraft flies with the Polish air force with the bort number ‘77'. H305 305 H12 33 H44 17 59 H17 29 MC218 S96 H305 305 H122 122 64 H136 136 64 62 54 64 H305 305 S96 52 57 60 MC218 10 56 H337 337 MC213 MC214 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 H305 305 H337 337 56 H337 337 MC213 H12 33 MC218 MC213 H337 337 MC213 H136 136 H305 305 MC213 H337 337 S96 H44 S94 S94 S96 H305 305 62 S96 61 S96 50 51 S96 H305 305 S96 55 S34 61 62 H44 H17 29 S34 55 H122 122 H305 305 H136 136 MC213 H305 305 H337 337 MC213 56 H337 337 56 S96 H337 337 MC213 55 61 H305 305 64 H44 H136 136 53 64 H305 305 S96 58 MC213 H12 33 H305 305 S96 64 52 ALUMINIUM MC218 STEEL 57 60 MC213 DARK IRON MC214 FS 26293 H337 337 FS 20227 H44 FS 24266 H122 122 FS 24079 H136 136 FS 20045 H17 29 H337 337 FS 36118 10 H305 305 BLACK H12 33 eduard 11 D MiG-29A, Lt.Col. Robert Cierniak, CO of No.1 Squadron of Tactical Air Force, Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, 2005-2007 This MiG-29 was flown by Lt.Col. Robert ‘Skuter’ Cierniak, who served as CO of No. 1 ‘Warszawa’ Squadron of Tactical Air Force from December 22, 2005 to October 30, 2007. The four-leaf clover, painted on both sides of the front of the aircraft, was a personal emblem. This aircraft also took part in the Polish military contingent ‘Orlik’, which operated in 2006 from the Lithuanian base at Zoknia. The purpose was to patrol the airspace over the Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This role is represented by the emblem on the vertical tail surfaces. The marking on the left side of the fuselage below the cockpit is that of the 7th Squadron ‘Tadeusz Kosciuszko’, which was a unit fighting against Russian bolsheviks during the Soviet-Polish conflict in 1919-1920. The core of the unit was made up of American pilots. This aircraft was delivered in 1990. The camouflage scheme consisting of two shades of grey was applied during modernization in Poland in the first decade on the twenty first century. H334 334 H12 33 17 33 H305 305 37 32 MC218 H90 47 S95 34 38 25 H305 305 38 38 S95 30 26 MC218 10 36 H334 334 MC213 MC214 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 H334 334 H334 334 36 H334 334 MC213 H12 33 MC218 H305 305 H305 305 MC213 H334 334 MC213 MC213 H334 334 S95 S95 H305 305 25 S95 25 S95 H305 305 S95 S95 35 29 28 H11 62 H11 62 27 35 29 MC218 H305 305 H305 305 MC213 H334 334 MC213 36 H334 334 36 S95 H334 334 MC213 25 H305 305 H334 334 34 H305 305 38 35 38 H90 47 S95 MC213 32 H12 33 H334 334 S95 38 31 26 H334 334 10 ALUMINIUM MC218 12 STEEL MC213 DARK IRON MC214 © EDUARD M.A. 2011 WHITE H11 62 LIGHT GREY H334 334 FS 36118 H305 305 www.eduard.com BLACK H12 33 CLEAR RED H90 47 eduard Printed in Czech Republic E MiG-29B, Iranian Air Force, 11th Squadron, Teheran-Mehrabad, Iran, 1990s. This aircraft was part of the first delivery batch of MiG-29s to Iran in 1990. The actual factory type was the ‘Izdelye 9-12B’, which was an electronically downgraded export version below the standard of that which was delivered to the Warsaw Pact. The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force took delivery of 24 MiG-29s between 1990 and 1991, including four ‘UB’ two-seaters. Another four arrived from Iraq during the first Gulf War. Currently, Iran has two bases operating MiG-29s. The 11th Squadron is based at Mehrabad, and Tabriz is home to the 23rd Squadron. H305 305 H12 33 H53 MC218 13 40 17 H27 19 49 41 H305 305 S96 48 H305 305 48 48 39 MC218 10 S96 44 47 H53 13 MC213 MC214 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NA www.eduard.com/info/photos/1157 H305 305 H53 13 47 H53 13 MC213 H12 33 MC218 H53 13 H27 19 H305 305 MC213 H53 13 MC213 MC213 H53 13 S96 S96 H305 305 39 S96 S96 H305 305 S96 S96 45?46 S35 S35 45?46 H53 13 H53 13 H27 19 39 H305 305 H27 19 MC213 H305 305 H53 13 MC213 47 H53 13 47 S96 H53 13 MC213 45?46 43 49 H305 305 48 H53 13 48 H305 305 S96 40 MC213 H12 33 H305 305 S96 48 H27 19 H53 13 39 42 10 ALUMINIUM MC218 STEEL MC213 DARK IRON MC214 BLUEGREY H53 13 TAN H27 19 FS 36118 H305 305 BLACK H12 33 eduard eduard 1157 D23 2 pcs. D22 2 pcs. D7 D7 G4 G3 MiG-29A STENCIL VARIANTS SN S72 S78 SN S79 SN SN S89 H51 11 ? S84 S86?87 H2 2 ? MC218 S89 CPB 145-87843-0 H11 62 S86?87 H318 318 R-XX S88 CPB 145-87843-0 H11 62 S85 S84 S85 S85 S85 R-XX S80 S82 ? ? S81 S83 S85 S85 H51 11 SN MC213 S85 S85 S85 S77 SN MC213 S82 S80 ? ? S83 S81 H318 318 S73 SN S85 SN SN-SERIAL NUMBER S75 S85 S76 SN S85 SN S74 S88 MC218 S90?91 S88 H2 2 R-60 S85 S85 8511816127 H7 7 S88 S92 S85 S90?91 S88 SN SN S66 SN 8511816127 S88 S85 S85 S92 S88 S85 S69 S88 ALUMINIUM MC218 S66 STEEL MC213 WHITE H11 62 S71 RADOME H318 318 S70 LIGHT GREY S68 H51 11 S70 BROWN H7 7 S71 S67 BLACK H2 2 eduard MiG-29A STENCIL VARIANTS Pro letoun Czech AF 7702 použijte popisky oznaèené pøíponou "b". Use stencils marked by suffix "b" when building Czech AF aircraft No. 7702. S1 S1 S1 S1 S7 S6 S9 S8 S10 S11 S13 S12 S15 S14 S16 S3 S2 S4 S5 S57 S60 S58 S56 S58 S60 S1 S14 S14 S61 S1 S21 S62 S64 S14 S59 S61 S14 S59 S64 S21 S15 S14 S15 S14 S14 S16 S21 S1 S15 S21 S1 S21 S22 S15 S16 S14 S21 S65 S22 S14 S25 S15 S15 S63 S52 S50 S38 S48 S43 S49 S50 S38 S48 S54 S46 S44 S45 S47 S42 S41 S41 S24 S26 S31 S15 S26 S31 S15 S39 S15 S28 S32 S30 S28 S32 S40 S16 S36 S24 S27 S27 S24 S37 S24 S15 S29 S15 S16 S65 S14 S55 S51 S40 S23 S25 S14 S61 S14 S15 S33 S11 S13 S12 S15 S9 S6 S8 S10 S7 S20 S1 S1 S1 S1 S14 S16 S18 S17 S19 eduard S53 S49 S53 S49
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