Ponderings from the President


Ponderings from the President
Ponderings from the President
OCT. 1, 2013
3047 Garden Valley Rd
Roseburg Oregon
OCT 7, 2013
6:00 -8:00
1624 W Harvard Ave
Roseburg OR
OCT 15, 2013
9:00 – 4:00
September is almost behind us and it has been quite a month.
The first day membership meeting and sew day in the Garden Valley
Church went off smoothly. All the positive comments made the move
worthwhile. It was wonderful to enjoy the new space and activities. My
mariner's compass is not completed yet but the goal is to have it done
by our October meeting. It will be fun to see them all. Our block of the
month promises to be spectacular.
We have a second retreat available in February. Everyone that
wants to go, can.
UVQG is still in need of someone to be in charge of Design a
Block and one or two to be the Country Store Coordinator (s). I have
found that many people are willing to help out if only someone will take
the time to organize these activities. The Country Store is one of our big
money makers for the year. Helen Belk and Cherryl Taylor are
organizing the sew day activities including projects suitable for sale at
the Country Store. Storage is an issue. Is there anyone who has a spare
bedroom or other space that is never used, and is willing to store these
items? If so, please let me know. Never fear, you don't have to be in
charge of the Country Store to provide storage.
I am sure I speak for all of us in wishing Cherryl Taylor a speedy
recovery. Patti R is my hero for following her instincts to go check on
In October we will have another great program. Bring your show
-n- share, your lunch and a friend. See you then.
3047 Garden Valley Rd
Roseburg OR
Quilt on,
Shirley Pyle
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Thoughts from Teri~~~Our Evening Chairperson
We’re off to a great start this year. Our first UVQG evening meeting was nicely attended by 29
QL’s. That’s short of “Quilt Lovers”, or… “Quality Ladies”. You pick. It was so nice to see
everyone after the summer and to meet and greet a few new members as well.
The bus trip to the Northwest Quilting Expo was TONS OF FUN!!! There is nothing as
inspiring as being under the same roof with hundreds of beautiful quilts! I am always up for a
little retail therapy, too, and the many vendors at the Expo gave me a nice fix. Note to Self:
Next time bring some sort of a rolling bag to stash all of my purchases in. Hey, that way I can
buy even more!
I am very much looking forward to the October program. We will be viewing a collection of
Mini Art Quilts by Georgia French. Our meeting is on Monday, October 7th at 6:00 at the Arts
Be there or be square!
Teri G.
October 4&5:
Fascination for Embroidery
by Vi Angel
Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild –
“Quilts for all Seasons” quilt show.
3333 Walnut Ave. Coos Bay OR
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013 9am4pm
Garden Valley Church
Cost: $40.00
Hugo Ladies Club –
“Quilts in the Country” quilt show.
Vi will supply: floss, thread,
seed beads, and lace
Supply list:
Scissors, needles, color
thread, 6 inch hoop,
container for beads or foam
sheet, awl, card stock
*Supplies for sale: Silk
Ribbon, beads, needles and
kits ($10.00)
6050 Hugo Rd Hugo OR
October 18- 20:
Valley Girls Quilt Show –
10:00am – 3:00pm $3.00 entry fee
520 E. River St Cave Junction OR
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On 9-7-13 a BBQ was held at Stewart Park to welcome home the troops. Music was provided and lots of
info for the vets about services that are available. Pat Glass was able to find eleven vets that had served
in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. All were very appreciative of the hard work of the guild members.
Kirk Conner, PO3, served on the USS Belleau Wood 1996-20000 as a weatherman.
Daniel Roach was in Iraq and Afghanistan in the army as a scout sniper. He is now disabled
Billy Little, army, motor transport
Nickie McCurdy, US Army, served in Iraq in Human Resources
Jonathan Landon, chaplain (Mauor) USA Ret, served in Iraq '05-'06. He is the teleconference
Chaplain at the VA
Jimmy Bergland served in the Air Force as a mechanic in Iraq
Mario Gonzales was a Navy hospital corpsman in Iraq '03 and Afghanistan '01-'02
Randall Haberman, Air National Guard served in Afghanistan '07 in security and Hummer
Chris Ires, Army MP in Iraq and Afghanistan using trained dogs
Charles Piersen, Marine Corp, Iraq, '06-'08
Dennis Hughes Marine Corp, infantry, Iraq and Afghanistan
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On Oct. 1 at 10 am Georgia French will share a collection of mini art quilts from the SW Art Quilt Association. Georgia is
from Roseburg and is a well-known art quilt artist in our area. This will be a wonderful program of inspiration and beauty.
We will enjoy the same collection of quilts at our evening meeting on Monday, October 7. Georgia will be out of town for
this meeting but the same art quilt collection will be shared by Pam Shoemaker.
Jan Story from Dallas, Oregon will be our program for our day and evening guild meeting in November. She will share her
own quilts and quilted garments and wall hangings that feature applique and free-motion quilting. She is a retired
teacher and is now a passionate quilt teacher. She will be teaching a free-motion applique class on Wednesday, Nov. 6
from 9 am to 3 pm at the Garden Valley Church. She needs at least six students so please consider taking this class. You
will complete a small art quilt and have your choice between "Sunrise" and "Sunset". They are both lovely and would
make a great gift for someone special. Jan is very excited about coming to our guild and from my visits with her it's
obvious she has a ton of enthusiasm and loves helping other quilters develop more skills.
Looking ahead to January we will have another guest quilter from Dallas, Oregon. Her name is Terri Linn Kygar. She will
present a program at both our day and evening guild meeting on a technique she discovered using color crayons to color
your own applique pieces for quilting projects. Remember the fun you had coloring as a child? Well, it's just as much fun
now! She has a book out and you tube videos online if you'd like a sneak preview. She will offer a 3 hour class from 12:30
pm to 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 7 immediately after our morning guild meeting. The fee for this class $30.
Our own Nancy Murphy will be teaching a free class at our sew day in October. It's a sports bag tote. I made one that I
took to Hawaii and it's the kind of bag that keeps expanding as you stuff in more items! I think the teens in our lives
would love them as they have the "cool" factor, especially if you make them from an equally "cool" fabric. If you haven't
signed up yet you can email her and request the supply list and directions. If you bring your fabric precut you should be
able to complete one in three hours.
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Umpqua Valley Quilters’ Guild
1624 W. Harvard Avenue
Roseburg Oregon 97471
The Umpqua Valley Quilter’s Guild was established in
1982. An evening group began meeting in 2000. The
meetings are held at 10:00am on the first and third
Tuesday of each month. An additional meet is held at
6:00pm on the first Monday of each month. Both
meetings are held from September through June. Check
the calendar for additional dates, times and special events.
The purpose of the UVQG is to promote the joy of quilting
as a creative expression and an art form. The meetings are
a time set aside to learn more about the history of
quilting, explore new quilting techniques, and share the
joy of quilt making with the community. The guild is a
501-C-4 non-profit organization.
Kathy Knapp
[email protected]
Asst. Editor
Sue Kelley
Sue Propp
Template Design:
Jeremy Cochran
[email protected]
Web Master:
Leann Law
Kathy Knapp is the Chatterbox editor for
the 2013/14 newsletters. The Chatterbox
is a monthly publication. Members may
submit information for the Chatterbox to
Kathy at [email protected] or by
phone at 541-496-4522. Articles are due
on or before the 20th of the month.
Please put UVQG NEWSLETTER in the
subject box for easy recognition.
Committee chairpersons are encouraged
to have articles in the newsletter. Let’s
keep everyone informed about what is
happening in our organization.
~~~Quilt ‘til you wilt~~~
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Block of the Month- Corrine Woodward 541-391-3567
Books, patterns, magazine nook- Patti Rude 541672-1320
Shirley Pyle
Bus Trip- Rhonda Hjort 541-430-3453
Vice President:
Community Outreach – Vi Jobb, 541-430-7327
Email – Sue Kelley, 541-672-6847
Kathy Haskins
Community Quilts – Katy Scarantino, 541-677-2905
Assistant Community Quilts - Trudy White 541-680-9009
Ditty Bags - Becky Robinson 541-530-1897
Nancy Murphy
Douglas County Fair Coordinator –Nancy Jarvis, 541-672-2313
Evening Hospitality-Linda Witbeck 541-672-3998
Quilt Show Chairperson
Evening Secretary – Jennifer Vincent, 541-817-2408
Nancy Jarvis
Fabric Solicitor –Leta Cook 541-679-0287
Workshop Co-Chair
Pam Shoemaker
Cathy Patrick
Free B Table – Jennifer Vincent 541-817-2408
Kitchen Hospitality - Barbara Watson 541-672-9865
Librarian – Patti Rude, 541-672-1320
Assistant Librarian –Sharon Hager 541-496-0241
Membership – Jeanette Vincent, 541-874-2074
Newsletter – Kathy Knapp, 541-496-4522
Evening Chair
Teri Gregg
Evening Representative
Patriotic Quilts – Pat Glass 541-440-6874
Photographer – Sue Propp, 541-530-7608
Publicity - Kathy Haskins, 661-444-9898
Assistant Photographer –Katy Scarantino 541-677-2905
Quilt Show – Nancy Jarvis, 541-672-2313
Jeanette Vincent
Web –LeAnne Law, 541-643-3840
Raffle Quilt 2014 – Doris Koozer, 541-459-3709,
Members at Large
Retreat - Glenda Zalunardo, 541-673-6076, and
Cheryl Meredith, 541-430-6975
Katy Scarantino
Sunshine/Wellness:-Lydia Stever, 541-637-5113
Telephone -Elva Davis 541-672-8137
Becky Robinson
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