Sicilia n Pizza


Sicilia n Pizza
A ll ou rDou g h, Brea d , S a u ces
M a d e Da ily IN HO US E!
-Fres h
hom em a d e
d ou g h, s a u ce
m a d e from
s cra tch,
top p ed w ith
a blen d of
chees es .
T o p p in gs
T OPPINGS : Pep p ero n i, M u s hro o m s , S a u s a ge, Green Pep p ers , On io n s ,
Ha m , T o m a to , Ja la p en o , M ea tb a ll, E xtra Chees e, Ho tPep p ers , An cho vy,
Bla ck Olives , Pin ea p p les , S p in a ch & Bro cco li.
Do u b le T o p p in gs : Ba co n , Chicken a n d S tea k
(T hick Cru s t)
16 Cu tS qu a re......13.00..... To pp.2.6 0 ea .
*Ad d F ried E gg to An y S la m m erfo r ONL Y 99¢
Fre s h S
ce d G
Ou rFa m o u s Gyro S pea k s fo rits elf!
Regu la r................................................................6 .25
Ad d Extra M ea t.......2.50
Ad d Extra S a u ce...1.25
Extra To ppin gs ........75¢
*M a k e ItA Pla tter ON L Y $2.9 9
Cho ice o fF ries o rOn io n Rin gs a n d eitherCo le S la w o rT o s s ed S a la d
W h ite
te P
T o m a to , Olive Oil, S p ices , Pro vo lo n e & M o zza rella
T o p p in gs
S m a ll 10” 6 cu t................ 7.55...1.45 ea .
M ed iu m - 12” 8 cu t.......... 9 .9 5...1.75 ea .
L a rge - 16 ” 12 cu t............12.70...2.10 ea .
X -L a rge - 18 ” 14 cu t........14.32...2.30 ea .
Big M a m a - 20” 16 cu t.....17.25...2.6 0 ea .
S icilia n - 16 cu ts qu a re....17.25...2.6 0 ea .
Spp in a ch
ch P
Cho p p ed S p in a ch, On io n s , Olive Oil, T o m a to , Pro vo lo n e & M o zza rella
T o p p in gs
S m a ll 10” 6 cu t............... 9 .6 0....1.45 ea .
M ed iu m - 12” 8 cu t.........12.15....1.75 ea .
L a rge - 16 ” 12 cu t...........14.8 5....2.10 ea .
X -L a rge - 18 ” 14 cu t.......16 .20....2.30 ea .
Big M a m a - 20” 16 cu t. . .18 .35....2.6 0 ea .
S icilia n - 16 cu ts qu a re. .18 .35....2.6 0 ea .
Spp e ci
cia lty
lt y P
• S tea k • Piero gie Pizza
• Gyro • Bu ffa lo Chick en • All M ea t
• Delu xe • V eggie
• Bro cco li & Ched d a r• BBQ Chick en
• Chick en Ba co n Ched d a rRa n ch
S m a ll 10” 6 cu t.................................11.35
M ed iu m 12” 8 cu t............................14.75
L a rge 16 ” 12 cu t..............................18 .35
X -L a rge 18 ” 14 cu t...........................21.55
Big M a m a 20” 16 cu t.......................25.9 0
S icilia n 16 cu ts qu a re......................25.9 0
S a la
la ds
All Signa ture Sa la d s served w ith a hom em a d e roll.
• An tipa s to • S tea k • Bu ffa lo Chick en
• Gyro • Grilled o rBrea d ed Chick en
Regu la r 8 .9 5 L a rge 11.9 5
To s s ed
L ettu ce, to m a to , green p ep p ers , o n io n s , b la ck o lives
L a rge 4.75
Dres s in gs : Go ld en Ita lia n , Ra n ch, F ren ch, Ho n ey
M u s ta rd , Bleu Chees e, L ite Ita lia n , Ho u s e, Olive Oil &
Red W in e Vin ega r, Ba ls a m ic Vin ia grette
S tea k ................................................................$8 .45
Chees eb u rger...................................................$8 .9 5
Grilled Chick en .................................................$8 .45
Ita lia n ...............................................................$8 .25
Tu rk ey ...............................................................$8 .45
Ro a s tBeef........................................................$8 .45
Ba ttered Co d ....................................................$8 .9 5
Ha m & Chees e ..................................................$8 .25
S erved o n a 6” Pita w ith lettu ce, to m a to , o n io n a n d o u rho m em a d e
cu cu m b ers a u ce.
S ic
ia n Pi
Extra Dres s in g 1.25
Ita lia n .....................................Reg. $8.95 L g. $11.75
S tea k ......................................Reg. $9.45 L g. $12.25
Chick en ..................................Reg. $9.45 L g. $12.25
S pin a ch ..................................Reg. $8.95 L g. $11.75
M ea tb a ll .................................Reg. $8.95 L g. $11.75
Ho tS a u s a ge ...........................Reg. $9.45 L g. $12.25
S la m m e r
S m a ll 10” 6 cu t............... 6 .00....1.45 ea .
M ed iu m - 12” 8 cu t......... 8 .40....1.75 ea .
L a rge - 16 ” 12 cu t...........11.15....2.10 ea .
X -L a rge - 18 ” 14 cu t.......11.8 5....2.30 ea .
Big M a m a - 20” 16 cu t. . .13.00....2.6 0 ea .
Regu la r 2.75
W ed
gie s o
r Ca
Ca llzon
zon e s
A p p e ti
t ize
ze rs
W e fry only in 0 Tra nsFa tOil.
Chips & Qu es o ...........................................5.9 9
S pin a ch Articho k e Dip ..............................6 .9 9
Brea d ed S hrim p Ba s k et ..........................8 .9 5
Chick en Ten d ers .......................................6 .75
M a c & Ja ck Bites ......................................5.9 5
Ho tPepperChees e Ba lls ..........................5.6 5
Ja la pen o Po ppers .....................................4.79
Pro vo lo n e S tick s .......................................4.79
On io n Rin gs ...............................................4.79
Brea d ed M u s hro o m s ................................4.79
Brea d ed Ca u liflo w er.................................4.79
Brea d ed Zu cchin i ......................................4.79
M in i Co rn Do gs .........................................5.6 5
Ho m em a d e Chips ......................................3.00
Fren ch Fries ..............................................2.75
Chili Chees e Fries .....................................6 .50
Chees e o rGra vy o n S id e ..........................1.25
Fried Chees eca k e .....................................4.50
4 Pieces & Ra s p b erry S a u ce
Fried Pla tter............................................12.9 9
3 Chees es ticks , 3 Chicken S trip s , 3 Po p p ers , 3 Zu cchin i
Pla n ks , On io n Rin gs & Cho ice o f1 Dip p in g S a u ce
A n gus
gus Be
B e e f Burge
B urge rs
Ha m b u rger..................................................................4.00
Chees eb u rger.............................................................4.25
W es tern Bu rger..........................................................4.75
Ched d a rchees e, b a co n & BBQ s a u ce
M u s hro o m S w is s Bu rger...........................................4.75
Grilled m u s hro o m s & S w is s chees e
*M a k e ItA Pla tterAd d itio n a l $2.9 9
Cho ice o fF ries o rOn io n Rin gs a n d eitherCo le S la w o rT o s s ed S a la d
Ad d a Fried Egg fo ro n ly 9 9 ¢
dw iich
W rraa p s oorPita
r Pit a SSaa n dw
ch e s
S tea k ................................................................$6 .50
Chick en ............................................................$6 .50
Tu rk ey Ba co n Ched d a r....................................$6 .75
Ro a s tBeef........................................................$6 .50
Cris py Chick en .................................................$6 .75
Bu ffa lo Chick en ...............................................$6 .75
Chick en Ba co n Ched d a r..................................$6 .75
Tu n a ..................................................................$6 .75
oup & Ch
C h illi
Cu p 2.75
Bo w l 4.75
P a s ta
t a Di
D in n e rs
Inc lud es sm a ll tossed sa la d a nd ga rlic b rea d & one m ea tb a ll
S pa ghetti ............................................................7.70
Pen n e ..................................................................7.70
Chees e Ra vio li ..................................................10.45
Zu cchin i Pa rm ..................................................12.9 5
Chick en Pa rm ...................................................12.9 5
Extra M ea tb a ll ..............................................1.6 0 ea .
oa g
ie s
All served on a fresh hom em a d e roll.
Ita lia n ...........................Reg. $6.55 L g. $10.55
S tea k & Chees e ...........Reg. $6.95 L g. $10.95
Chees e Bu rger.............Reg. $7.25 L g. $11.25
All Am erica n ................Reg. $7.45 L g. $11.45
Ho tS a u s a ge .................Reg. $6.85 L g. $10.85
Chick en Pa rm ..............Reg. $6.55 L g. $10.55
Grilled o rBrea d ed Chick en Reg. $6.75 L g. $10.75
M ea tb a ll .......................Reg. $6.55 L g. $10.55
Ro a s tBeef& Ched d a r. Reg. $6.75 L g. $10.75
Tu rk ey Ba co n Ched d a r Reg. $6.95 L g. $10.95
Bu ffa lo Chick en ...........Reg. $6.85 L g. $10.85
Tu n a .............................Reg. $6.75 L g. $10.75
Ba ttered Co d ................Reg. $7.45 L g. $10.95
Ha m & Chees e .............Reg. $6.45 L g. $10.45
V eggie ..........................Reg. $6.75 L g. $10.75
Gyro ..............................Reg. $7.45 L g. $11.45
ADD a fried egg to a n y Ho a gie.........Reg. 99¢ L g. $ 1.99
M a ke ItA Pla tter......................Ad d itiona l $2.99
Cho ice o fF ries o rOn io n Rin gs a n d eitherCo le S la w o r
T o s s ed S a la d
za B
re a d
A fresh b a ked roll top p ed w ith ourp izza sa uc e
a nd a b lend ofc heeses.
R egu la r......................................... $6.55
Top p in g s Ea . $1.45
La rge............................................ $8.95
Top p in g s Ea . $1.95
Gaa rli
rlic B
re a d
A fresh b a ked roll top p ed w ith ourhom em a d e ga rlic sa uc e
a nd a b lend ofsp ic es sp rinkled w ith p a rm esa n c heese.
R egu la r......................................... $2 .00
W ith Chees e $3.25
La rge............................................ $2 .75
W ith Chees e $4.75
W h ole
ole W in g
W e fry only in 0 Tra nsFa tOil.
Do zen .................................................................14.9 5
1/2 Do zen ............................................................7.9 5
Sea soned Sa lt,Ca jun,B-B-Q,HotSa uc e,Butter& Ga rlic ,Buffa lo Sa uc e *
Dip p ing Sa uc es $1.25 Ad d itiona l
*Ad d Fried Egg to An y W ra p o rPita S a n d w ich ON L Y 9 9 ¢
M a ke ItA Pla tter...............................Ad d itiona l $2.99
Cho ice o fF ries o rOn io n Rin gs a n d eitherCo le S la w o rT o s s ed S a la d
icks & SStrom
t rom b oolislis
R olls & BBrere a ddss tticks
Peppero n i Ro lls (4) .............................................7.30
Brea d s tick s w /S a u ce .........................................5.00
S tro m b o li ............................................................8 .9 5
dss M e n u
Chick en S trips & Fries ........................................4.9 5
Chees e S tix & Fries .............................................4.9 5
Peppero n i & Chees e Pita Pizza ...........................4.9 5
Extra To ppin gs ...............................................50¢ ea .
No tres p o n s ib le fo rtyp ro gra p hica l erro rs • Prices s u b jectto cha n ge.
Prin ted & Delivered by
(412) 243-4215