FP7/Space Project "SMARTEES". Towards a New TPS Reusable
FP7/Space Project "SMARTEES". Towards a New TPS Reusable
15-11-2012 / 1 The purpose of this presentation is to sum up all the actions to be carried out in the next few months. As indicated during the kick-off meeting it is very important to start the development of theFP7 TPS withProject a simple approach. SMARTEES Space – Towards a New TPS Reusable Concept for Atmospheric Reentry From Low Earth Orbit We can have baseline, which can become more and more complex as we progress with the1 project.1 1 1 2 2 3 J. Barcena , M. Lagos , I. Agote , C. Jimenez , C. Badini , E. Padovano , S. Gianella , D. Gaia3, V. Liedtke4, K. Mergia5, S. Messoloras5, P. Yialouris5, Y. Panayiotatos5, A. Ortona6, C. Then, we can think about a very simple TPS assembly design in order 6, and C. 7 D’angelo Wilhelmi to carry out a “bottom-up” approach and after we could get the baseline for Tecnalia (Spain), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Erbicol (Switzerland), Aerospace & Advanced Composites (Austria), manufacturing, andSUPSI testing. Nationalcharacterisation, Center for Scientific Researchsimulation “Demokritos” (Greece) (Switzerland), EADS (Germany) 1 2 5 3 4 6 7 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 283797 OUTLINE 15-11-2012 / 2 INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION OF THE WORK CONSORTIUM RESULTS CONCLUSIONS, LESSONS LEARNT AND FUTURE WORK ACKNOWNLEDMENTS INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION 15-11-2012 / 3 There is a strong interest in the development of reusable systems to accessing and return from Space. I.e. reusable capsules. This reusable systems demands a huge effort, not only in the development of new materials but also in the integration of them into the subsystems. On the one hand, ESA’s TPS technology are based on existing materials high TRL and mission oriented. On the other hand, EC space programmes allow the development of critical/disruptive technologies for advanced materials on TPS. On this context SMARTEES proposes innovative TPS concepts for ISS return systems and future launchers. Space tourism are potential candidate uses as well. Future space transportation, equipped with re-usable components will greatly reduce the cost of launching a payload into space. This issue is of great importance, i.e. ESA technology strategy and long term plan. SMARTEES addresses the development of advanced ceramic composites structures for reusable thermal protection systems. The solution will be based on a novel reusable TPS architecture which can withstand the extreme environment conditions CONSORTIUM 15-11-2012 / 4 CONSORTIUM MEMBERS LOCATION The core group of SMARTEES project is composed of 7 public and private organisations coming from 6 different European countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. 5 - EADS - IW 6 - SUPSI 7 - AAC 1 - TECNALIA (Coordinator) 3 - ERBICOL 4 - NCSRD 2- POLITO 15-11-2012 / 5 WP1: TPS design WP2: Materials development WP3: Joining processes WP4:Simulation WP5:TPS Sample Assembly WP6: Ground testing and validation Proof TPS design TPS manufacture chain Mockup assembly Delivery for ground testing Validation process WP7: Use and dissemination WP8: Coordination and reporting WORKPACKAGES: STUDY LOGIC RE-SCHEDULE OF THE PROJECT Schedule after 27 months 15-11-2012 / 6 REQUERIMENTS & TPS DESIGN 15-11-2012 / 7 A current Mission is selected based on the Advanced Re-entry Vehicle*: Re-entry module evolved from ATV. It is a real mission owned by ESA and developed by Astrium GmbH, which consist of a capsule-like concept for a service module to the ISS. There are two versions for cargo or crew system. The re-entry will be from LEO (500 km). The first flight will be not reusable and currently there is a trade-off of designs (the currently favoured one is similar to Apollo). For more details go to ARV’s webpage: http://www.esa.int/esaMI/ATV/SEMNFZOR4CF_0.html *ARV data have been produced by Astrium GmbH in the frame of a Contract with ESA REQUERIMENTS & TPS DESIGN 15-11-2012 / 8 REQUERIMENTS & TPS DESIGN The following specifications have been collected: Heatfluxes Time (during peak & total) Pressure profile Mechanical load 3 different scenarios have been envisaged 15-11-2012 / 9 TPS DESIGN A preliminary TPS design is ready and detailed design is on-going: Materials & structure levels Shape and thicknesses Joining definition Stand-off attachments Schematic concept design (as an example) 15-11-2012 / 10 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT External protective multilayers based on high and ultrahigh temperature ceramics: High temperature (SiC based) suitable for environments for temperatures below 1700 ºC. Ultrahigh temperature ceramics (ZrB2 based) suitable for temperatures above 1700 ºC. 15-11-2012 / 11 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT External protective multilayers 15-11-2012 / 12 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT 15-11-2012 / 13 External protective multilayers. UHTC based More details given under the presenation by Prof. Badini (Tuesday 9th at 9.25, Newton) MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT CMC External skins CMC (Cf/SiC) from EADS (PIP Process) 15-11-2012 / 14 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT SiSiCFoams: TPS Insulating Core 15-11-2012 / 15 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT SiSiCFoams: TPS Insulating Core 15-11-2012 / 16 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT SiSiCFoams: TPS Insulating Core 15-11-2012 / 17 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT SiSiCFoams: TPS Insulating Core 15-11-2012 / 18 JOINING PROCESSES 15-11-2012 / 19 Definition, selection and implementation of the bonding processes. External hot-structure to CMC assembly Assembly of stand-offs to the structure Multilayer/CMC Joining, Credit:NCRSD/TECNALIA CMC/Stand-off Joining, Credit:NCRSD/TECNALIA Thermo-mechanical characterization and high temperature oxidation testing: Thermal conductivity Emissivity Mechanical loads Coefficient of thermal expansion Cataliticity More details under the presenation by Dr. Mergia (Tuesday 9th at 11.25, Newton 2). MODELING & SIMULATION 15-11-2012 / 20 Modelling of the different parts of the TPS (aided by computed tomography) Credit: RX Solutions (France) made with ERBISIC ceramic foams (Erbicol S. Gianella) Themo-mechanical analysis Inputs for WP1 (specifications), WP2 (materials) and WP3 (processes) Definition of temperature distribution The output has allowed to calculate critical design parameters (WP1), such as aerial mass. Temperature distribution (C. D´Angelo, SUPSI) Stress distribution (C. D´Angelo, SUPSI) TPS TECHNOLOGY SAMPLE ASSEMBLY 15-11-2012 / 21 Scale-up of materials and processes to build-up a technology sample WP1: TPS design WP2: Materials development WP3: Joining processes WP4:Simulation WP5:TPS Sample Assembly This sample will be a TPS tile with functional properties -> First assembly trials Foreseen dimensions 150 x 150 mm. Full characterisation of the technological sample: mechanical and thermo-physical. Characterisation at the ground test re-entry rig. Ceramic multilayers (POLITO E. Padovano) ERBISIC ceramic foams (Erbicol S. Gianella) CMC/SiC sandwiches progress (EADS-IW, C. Wilhelmi) GROUND TESTING AND VALIDATION 15-11-2012 / 22 Bottom-up approach for testing in a ground facility simulating the re-entry conditions. The testing is determining the fundamental performance and the degradation mechanisms. This final step will give insight into the overall performance of the TPS, identify possible modes of failure, and assess the efficiency of the thermal insulation and the heat fluxes into the sub-structure of a spacecraft. Testing outputs will be reviewed in comparison with the TPS requirements and specifications. Testing of foams (open vs. filled cells) -> Between 1400°C and 2100 °C (vacuum, at equivalent heat flux) Test Rig Chamber & Set-up Credit:V. Liedtke (AAC) 1613 °C 1794 °C 2053 °C (10 cycles) 2163 °C 2053 °C 2163 °C (10 cycles) High insulation capability is maintained until the foam degradation starts (at 2100 °C, after 10 cycles) ! GROUND TESTING AND VALIDATION 15-11-2012 / 23 Testing of Multilayer/CMC joints. Recording of the temperature at the back side heat SiC CMC Initial tests did not result in catastrophic failure, but more detailed investigations are necessary. Testing of CMC/foam sandwich and further Multilayer/CMC joints in air are planned for 2013 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 15-11-2012 / 24 SMARTEES aims at obtaining a novel “proof-of reusability” of a thermal protection system (TPS) concept with multifunctional properties. i.e. insulation and oxidation resistance. The TPS architecture will combine the use of advanced ceramic composites and porous structures. The project is in its final year and is progressing towards the final design and the technological sample assembly.There is a big challenge as the project deals with the development of new materials, but also new joining technologies and further testing. Future work, outside the scope of the project, has to be focused to the sample integration for a whole TPS concept for a re-entry vehicle, capsule or exploration probe. Positive effects of European Cooperation: Europe will benefit from the results of SMARTEES by improving its access to space critical technologies. The next generation launcher (NGL) will take advantage of this concept. Another important asset is the contribution to the creation of an independent industrial supply chain and open new doors for collaboration with space fairing nations. Space exploration in general may take advantage of the novel reusable TPS technologies. Potential for its use in cargo and crew space return vehicles. I.e. for a cost effective, safe and reliable return from the international space station (ISS), future launchers, space tourism. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 15-11-2012 / 25 Astrium GmbH (W. Fischer) European Space Agency (M. Bottacini and B. Jeusset ) European Commission Research Executive Agency (C. Ampatzis) EADS-Innovation Works (C. Wilhelmi, F. Meistring). NCSRD (S. Messoloras, K. Mergia and P. Yialouris). ERBICOL SA (D. Gaia and S. Gianela) Aerospace and Advanced Composites GmbH (V. Liedtke) SUPSI (C. D’Angelo and A. Ortona) Politecnico di Torino (E. Padovano and C. Badini) Tecnalia Research & Innovation (X. Hernandez, C. Jimenez, M. Lagos and I. Agote) WEB PAGE 15-11-2012 / 26 For more details visit the Project webpage: www.smartees-project.eu 15-11-2012 / 27 END OF PRESENTATION Many thanks for your attention Please visit the showcase at the exhibition!
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