Winter 10 - Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods


Winter 10 - Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Preservation through Education and Stewardship
Russian River District State Parks
Volume XXV, Number 4, Winter 2010
Celebrating with our Volunteers
Michele Luna, Executive Director
espite our disappointment in the defeat of Proposition 21, Stewards and State
Parks took time to acknowledge and thank our dedicated volunteers with a wonderful celebration.
The Annual Volunteer Celebration that took place on Friday, December 3rd was attended
by about 150 volunteers and was a great success! In fact, many feel it was the best year
ever. The planning committee of both State Park’s and Stewards’ staff added some nice
touches to the evening and the food coordinated by Liz Beale and Annie Cresswell was
fantastic. Special thanks to the entire committee for all your efforts and help as well as all the
State Park staff who were on hand to tend bar and pass appetizers. A number of our volunteer
musicians throughout the year performed, The Honeybees, Jim and Kathy Ocean, The Blue Yonders,
and Michael Campbell. Thank you for again performing to the delight of the crowd.
The auction and wine cellar raffle brought in over $7,000, which will be very helpful in helping us meet our $35,000 4-month challenge. Special thanks also to our fabulous auction committee, Amy Racina, Lindsey Cole, Diane Barth,Yvonne Kenner, Clara Else and
Kevin O’Connor. Thanks to our donors, the auction items this year were notable. Also thanks to Stewards board members for helping with selling tickets and cashiering, Rich Lawton, Bob Caricato, Gregory Fearon, Elizabeth Vega and Mike Von der Porten.
We treasure each and every one of our volunteers.You are the heart and soul of the work that we do to provide education and stewardship programs in our State Parks. With your help we serve thousands of school children and park visitors, making their experience
of our parks enjoyable with lasting memories. With your help we are creating new stewards who will carry on this work in the future.
State Parks and Stewards acknowledged the hard work of our dedicated volunteer program coordinators. For those of you who may
not know, each and every program that Stewards supports has a volunteer that acts in a leadership role and coordinates the scheduling and logistics for their program. For this reason, Stewards can operate very cost-efficiently. Many of these wonderful people were
awarded special State Park commendation earlier in 2010 and at the Celebration. In addition, some of the young people who have
been volunteering for State Parks and Stewards in the past years were acknowledged for their efforts.
Continued on Page 5
Mission Statement
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
(Stewards) works in partnership with
California State Parks to protect and
interpret the natural and cultural resources
of the Russian River District.
State Parks Supported
Armstrong Redwoods State Nat. Reserve
Austin Creek State Recreation Area
Sonoma Coast State Park
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
P.O. Box 2, Duncans Mills, CA 95430
707.869.9177, 707.869.8252 Fax
[email protected]
Youth Volunteers Recognized at Volunteer Celebration
Trevor Schaap, Cory Cresswell, Justin Schaap, Sierra Wisehart, Bodie Wisehart, Joey Beale
Board Members
Bill Bambrick, President
Rich Lawton,Vice President
Mike Von der Porten, Secretary
Bob Caricato, Treasurer
Jo Anne Ackerman
Hollis Bewley
Jan De Wald
Gregory Fearon
Elizabeth Vega
Advisory Board Members
Frederika Haskell
Kathie Lowrey
Andrea Mapes, Supervising
Ranger, Armstrong Redwoods
Executive Director
Michele Luna
Executive Assistant
Annie Cresswell
Administrative Assistant
Amanda Wymer
Programs Manager
Ruby Herrick
Office Volunteers
Diane Barth
Clara Else
Barbara Hoffmann
Roz Hendy
Yvonne Kenner
Barbara Seymour
Michele Sokol - Coordinator
Michele Luna, Stewards Executive Director
e began the year with great hope that our efforts to secure a sustainable funding source for
our parks would be successful. Unfortunately, that was not the case with the defeat of Proposition 21. For those of you who helped with the campaign, I want to express to you our deepest
appreciation for your support with signature gathering and getting out the vote. We will continue to
support new efforts to address the desperate State Park budget crisis and keep you posted on how
you can help.
Park Service Reductions
Russian River District service reductions went into affect on December 1st. The following campgrounds are closed until June 30th: Austin Creek Bull Frog Pond, Bodega Dunes (all but 19 spots),
Willow Creek, Pomo Canyon, Reef and Woodside. Day-use areas closed include: Bodega Head East,
Campbell Cove, Schoolhouse Beach, Russian Gulch,Vista Point, and Gerstle Cove. Fort Ross State
Historic Park is closed all weekdays and Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve restroom is closed.
Stewards is raising the funds needed to keep the Visitor Center in Jenner and restroom open.
These reductions create safety and habitat preservation issues of concern. As evidenced by visitor
behavior last year, people leave their garbage even though there are no trash receptacles and they find
other places to relieve themselves without open restrooms. They are less inclined to follow the rules
and we generally see more unleashed dogs and people accessing restricted areas. The north coast
businesses suffered last year with less access to day-use areas, which doesn’t help the local economy.
Stewards will continue to keep these issues in the minds of our local politicians.
New Board Members
I would like to welcome four new members to the Stewards Board of Directors, Gregory Fearon,
Jo Anne Ackermann, Elizabeth Vega, and Hollis Bewley. Each of them offers Stewards expertise in areas
such as natural resources, fundraising, education, nonprofit management and special event planning.
We are very excited to start the new year with renewed energy and excitement. In addition, I wish
to thank outgoing board members, Kathie Lowrey, Frederika Haskell and Lisa Bacon for their years of
dedication and support. Both Kathie and Frederika have agreed to serve as Advisory Board members.
In closing, I want to thank the Stewards staff for their unwavering commitment despite the recent
cuts we’ve had to make that affect us all. We are hopeful that things will turn around in 2011 and we
can look forward to adequate staffing levels. Please be aware that the Stewards office will be
closed from December 20th to the 31st. We will be back in the office on January 3rd.
Have a wonderful holiday season and don’t forget to visit your parks…the creek and waterfall at Armstrong are flowing and the coast can have gorgeous, sunny days with no wind this time of year.
Newsletter Staff
Michele Luna
Bea Brunn
Annie Cresswell
Ruby Herrick
Hollis Bewley
To receive our E-Newsletter
please go to our website and
sign up for these periodic
updates. You can customize
your subscription.
Page 2
Board/Staff Retreat on November 20, 2010: (Back - l to r) Rich Lawton, Frederika Haskell Bill Bambrick,
Bob Caricato, Elizabeth Vega, Ruby Herrick (Middle) Jo Anne Ackermann, Michele Luna, Linda Rath,,
(Front) Jan De Wald, Annie Cresswell, Mike Von der Porten and Andrea Mapes.
Andrea Mapes, Supervising Ranger, CAL
Trail Crew Goes Above & Beyond
n my modest eight years of experience working for State Parks, I have seen my fair share of the destruction marijuana plantations
cause to public land. Whether you are for or against marijuana use, there is
no debating the environmental damage caused by people who set up marijuana grows illegally on park land. Native plants and trees are removed to
make room and sunlight for marijuana plants, hillsides are dug out to make
terraces, streams are diverted to water the crop, fertilizers and pesticides
are used without consideration of other plants, animals or water sources,
and hundreds of pounds of trash are abandoned at the site once the grow is
While efforts are made to catch and prosecute those responsible for this
devastation, it is difficult, dangerous, and often unfruitful work. Cleaning up
the sites after they have been deemed safe from suspects is also challenging
and treacherous.
Imagine a ten minute hike down an old, overgrown fire road, crossing
a creek bed, hoisting yourself up the side of a steep hill with a pully
system, walking another twenty minutes through fields of broom and
tree branches on a makeshift trail with loose rocks and steep drop-offs,
and then billy-goating
up the side of another
steep hill. Now imagine
doing that carrying out
propane bottles, trash
bags, hundreds of feet of
irrigation tubing, plastic
drums, and rolls of wire
fencing. That’s just what
our volunteer trail crew
and State Park staff did
on October 15, 2010 at Austin Creek State Recreation Area in an effort to clean up
one of the abandoned marijuana grow sites located within the park. The dedication,
endurance and teamwork of the crew in accomplishing this much needed clean-up is immensely appreciated by California State Parks.
You are all true Stewards. THANK YOU!
Holiday Shopping
Help us raise
$35,000 in 4-Months
Support Your Local
State Park Visitor Centers
Armstrong Redwoods & Jenner
Nature-Related Books, Hiking and Field Guides
State Park Apparel, Totes, and Backpacks
Educational Books, Toys and Games for Children
Wooden Walking Sticks, Calendars and Patches
100% of Sales Benefit Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Check out our E-Store and Online Auction
Beginning on November
1st we began a 4-month
challenge to raise $35,000.
We are thrilled to report
that with the recent online/
live auction, year-end
donations, memberships,
and grants we have raised
Thanks very much for your
support and helping us
reach the top of our giving
tree by March 1st.
Page 3
Michele Luna, Executive Director
few years ago two outstanding women, Doris Dickenson and Carmen Finley came to me with an idea to write a book about
Colonel James B. Armstrong. Needless to say, I was thrilled at the prospect of having them write such a book. It wasn’t until I
saw the first draft that I realized just how much work they had put into researching the Colonel’s past and documenting new found
information about him and his family.
Over the years, I have grown quite fond of these two tenacious women and certainly respect their dedication to Armstrong Redwoods and capturing the history of this park like no
others ever have. I enjoy the phone calls exclaiming,
“Wait until you see what we have to show you…”
Their enthusiasm in finding the beautiful portraits of
the Armstrong girls and the lovely painting done by
Kate Armstrong is quite infectious. There are many
examples of their wonderful discoveries, including
relatives of Parson Jones, which led to their writing
the second book, Parson Jones, The Life and Times
of Reverend William Ladd Jones. Stewards has just
published this second book and it is now in the
Visitor Center at Armstrong Redwoods or available
online through our website. This book is extremely
well documented and includes some wonderful diary
entries by Parson Jones himself.
I need to thank both Carmen and Doris for funding
the first printing of the book. Their generosity made it
possible for Stewards to order enough copies to last awhile and keep the price reasonable.
In addition to both books, Carmen and Doris embarked on a new venture when they made their first DVD presentation about
Colonel James B. Armstrong, His Family and His Legacy book. It is very informative and narrated by Doris, Carmen and Edward
Schoon. The cost is only $10 and also available at the Visitor Center and online. Again, I wish to thank Carmen for funding the first
two DVD orders.
I am including the bios for these two inspirational women so you can see for yourself how accomplished they are and how lucky we
are to have them volunteering for State Parks and Stewards. I do need to add that Doris often can be seen leading groups around the
park, telling the story as Lizzie Armstrong, which is quite delightful.
Doris M. Dickenson, M.A., is a former editor of The Sonoma Searcher, journal of the Sonoma County Genealogical Society; author
of articles for Heritage Review, journal of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society and recipient of their Joseph S. Height Memorial
Literary Award; and a former educator and author of articles for Instructor magazine. She is currently a volunteer and tour guide at
Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, Guerneville, and author of several publicly distributed Armstrong family biographies.
Carmen J. Finley, Ph.D., CG, a retired educational research psychologist, is a certified genealogist, author of The Finleys of Early
Sonoma County, California, and numerous papers published in The American Genealogist,The Genealogist, Magazine of Virginia, National
Genealogical Society Quarterly,Virginia Genealogist, and Tennessee Ancestors. She is project director for the Sonoma County Genealogical
Society, chair of the National Genealogical Society Family History Writing Contest, and serves on the NGS Quarterly editorial board.
Page 4
Colonel James B. Armstrong, His
Family and His Legacy
Parson Jones, The Life and Times of
Reverend William Ladd Jones
Bea Brunn, Whale Mother
fter a fantastic summer and fall with whales frolicking off our
coast every day, they (the whales) told everybody to come to
our orientation on Saturday, November 13. Thank you all! We had
close to 50 people in attendance, mostly new faces and eager volunteers, with a few of our “old-timers” also in attendance.
Call the Stewards office:
869-9177 x1# or email
[email protected]
Program Activities
We were introduced to our new ranger Andrea Mapes, Cooperating Association Liaison. After a new DVD whale video your “Whale
Mother” gave her usual talk about our Gray Whales in particular and
also talked about our unusual show of whales this year off our coast,
we then had sign-ups for our season starting at Bodega Head on
Sunday, January 2.
To top off the day, as we were waiting for lifeguard Tim Murphy at the Head we actually had a couple of
whale sightings to everybody’s delight, all heading north. Hopefully they will meet up with the regular
migration group who are now heading south to Baja and will turn around.
Thanks to all of you for attending and signing up for shifts. We look forward to seeing you for another
great season.
As usual, a very special thanks to Ruby H. and Michele S. for all the goodies and putting together all the
logistics for another successful annual orientation. See you all at the Head on January 2.
Continued from Page 1
Volunteer Coordinators
Joyce Bacci – Armstrong Volunteer, State Park Volunteer Medallion
Lanny Keyston – Armstrong Trail Crew, Poppy Award
Bea Brunn – Whale Watch Coordinator, State Park Volunteer Medallion
Bob Caricato – Seal Watch Coordinator
Bill Bambrick – Trail Crew Coordinator, Poppy Award
Keary and Sally Sorenson – Maine Debris Coordinator, Tidepool Roving Program
Linda Fisher – Jenner Visitor Center Coordinator
Suzanne Abrams – ELP Coordinator
In Memory
Fred Luna, Recycling Program
Thomas Fujiyoshi
Youth Volunteers
Cory Cresswell – Stewards Special Events
Bodie and Sierra Wisehart – Junior Interpreters
Joey Beale – Special Events
Trever and Jusin Schaap – Recycling program
The Mighty Chiplings – Special Events Musicians
Other Acknowledgements
Norman Hill – Poppy Award
John Cole - Park Volunteer Medallion
Elinor Twohy - Park Volunteer Medallion
Armstrong Visitor Center Volunteers –
Ten Years or More
Joyce Bacci
Jacque Mielke
Bob Lewek
Barbara Hoffmann
Norman Hill
1932 – 2010
Tom is described by his friends and family
as a kind, gentle and generous man,
always with a smile on his face, Tom will also be
remembered by Stewards of the Coast and
Redwoods as a dedicated Whale Watch volunteer
and passionate Board Member.
Tom also served as a board member and
volunteer at Fort Ross.
(Donations in Tom’s name will support Volunteerism)
Armstrong Redwoods
Visitor Center Staffing
Docent Tour Guides
Trail Maintenance
Habitat Restoration Project
Pond Farm Interest Group
Sonoma Coast State Park
Visitor Center Staffing
Seal Watch
Whale Watch
Tidepool Programs
Watershed Program
Environmental Living Prog.
Sonoma Coast Stewardship
Other Projects
Recycling & Firewood
Office Help & Special
Volunteer Program
Joyce Bacci, ARVC
Lanny Keyston, AR Trails, FAR
Laura Parent, Pond Farm
Linda Fisher, Jenner VC
Bob Caricato, Seal Watch
Bea Brunn, Whale Watch
Suzanne Abrams, ELP
Fred Luna, Recycling
Vacant, Willow Creek Ed.
Bill Bambrick, Sonoma Coast
Water Quality Monitoring
and Trail Crew
The Sorensons, Marine
Debris, & Beach Cleanups
Hollis & Jerry Bewley,
Tidepool Programs
State Park Volunteer
Ranger Ellen Brem
Armstrong/Austin Creek
Ranger Ben Vanden Heuvel
Sonoma Coast State Park
Page 5
GENERAL ORIENTATIONS (required of new volunteers)
January 8, 2011, 9:00 am to Noon, Armstrong Redwoods
March 19, 2011, 9:00 am to Noon, Armstrong Redwoods
May 21, 2011, 9:00 am to Noon, Armstrong Redwoods
Saturday, November 13, 2010, 9 am – 1:30 pm, Bodega Bay Grange
Friday, January 21, 2011, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm - lunch break
Saturday, January 29, 2011, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday, February 12, 2011, 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Equipment Training & brunch: Sunday, February 27, 2011, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Estuary Viewing by Kayak: Sat., June 4, 2011, 9:00 am - Noon, Summer Training: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Friday, March 4, 2011, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Friday, March 4, 2011, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm with lunch break
Orientation for Jenner: Sat., March 26, 2011, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Orientation for Armstrong: Sat., April 9, 2011, 1 pm – 3 pm
Ruby Herrick, Programs Manager
Volunteer Hours Due
Volunteers are reminded to turn
in their State Park volunteer hours
before the end of 2010. Stewards will
compile the hours and submit them to
State Parks early in the year. Forms
are available under RESOURCES on
Stewards’ website.
Volunteers who donate 16 hours
per year receive a District day-use
pass and those who donate 200 hours
receive a state-wide day-use pass.
Register on our website
for all
Orientations and Seminars
Cultural History of Armstrong Redwoods/Austin Creek State Recreation Area:
January 8, 2010, 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Make your Interpretive Walk/Hike a Memorable One:
Saturday, January 15, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Redwood Ecology:
Saturday, January 22, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Exploring the Intertidal Zone:
Saturday, January 29, 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Pinnipeds and Sonoma Coast Birdlife:
Saturday, February 12, 9:00 am - Noon
Natural and Cultural History of Willow Creek:
Saturday, March 5, 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Geology of Sonoma Coast:
Saturday, March 12, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Plant ID Hike at Armstrong Redwoods:
Saturday, March 19, 12:30 - 3:00 pm
Archeology and History of Sonoma Coast:
Saturday, March 26, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wildlife of Western Sonoma County:
Saturday, April 9, 9:00 am -12:30 pm
Wildflower and Plant ID on the Sonoma Coast:
Saturday, April 30, 9:00 am -12:00 pm
Pond Farm/the Legacy of Marguerite Wildenhain:
Saturday, May 28, 10:00 am -12:30 pm
State Park Archeologist, Breck Parkman’s Archeology Seminar in 2010
Page 6
In Appreciation of our Donors
Bodega Bay Fisherman’s Festival
California State Coastal Conservancy
California State Coastal Commission
California State Parks Foundation
The Dean Witter Foundation
Save the Redwoods League
State Farm N. CA Public Affairs
Westamerica Bank
Other Sponsors
Clover Stornetta Farms, Inc.
Mara Shepard Designer Jewelry
Jim Maresca/Edwards Jones
Northwood Golf Club
Sonoma Uncorked
Wine/Beer/Food Sponsors
3rd Street Ale Works
Andy’s Produce
Applewood Inn
North Bay Corporation
Barefoot Winery
Redwood Credit Union
Bella Vineyards and Wine Caves
Sophies Cellars
Balletto Vineyards
B.R. Cohn Winery
Whole Foods Market
Chef Patrick’s
Clos du Bois
Event Sponsors 2010
Corks Restaurant, Forestville
Heartwood - $3,000 In-Kind
Coffee Bazaar
Dry Creek Vineyards
A Hot Tub Place Inc
Food For Humans
Sea Star - $2,000
Fritz Underground Winery
Russian River Getaways
Gallo Family Vineyards
Affinity Solar Energy
Gold Coast Coffee & Bakery
Hartford Family Winery
Wildflower Sponsors - $1,000 plus Jenner Bistro
Kenwood Vineyards
Barefoot Winery
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Sonoma Cutrer Vineyards
Moshin Vineyards
Sonoma West Times & News
Old World Winery
Quivira Vineyards and Winery
Ramazzotti Wines, LLC
Mushroom Sponsors - $500 plus
Ravenswood Winery
Russian River Recreation & Parks District
Rochioli Winery
Fern Grove Cottages
Russian River Vineyards
Redwood Credit Union
Westamerica Bank
Shone Farm
Sonoma Cutrer Vineyards
Applewood Inn
Sophie’s Cellars
Arts of Sonoma
Stumptown Brewery
Chef Patrick
Taft Street Winery
Coffee Bazaar
Third Street AleWorks
Corks Restaurant
Toad Hollow Vineyards
Guerneville Graphics
Twin HIll Farms
Gregory Hayes Photography
Whole Foods, Sebastopol
Wild Hog Vineyards
Jenner Bistro
Old World Winery
River Reader
Russian River Chamber of Commerce
Russian River Times
Russian River Vineyards
Sonoma County County Gazette
Osprey Circle
Donors - 2010
$1,000 plus
Dennis McAuliffe
Carmen Finley
$500 plus
Doris Dickenson
Michael & Margaret Kennett
Laura Morgan
Betty Reiss
Gilbert Roberts/Penelope
Michael Von der Porten
Julie and Kurt Whitaker
Supporting and
Businesses $100
Dave Crawford & Mary
Stumptown Brewery
Third Street Aleworks
Allen Bealer
Beth Hearn
Barbara & Jim Kokalis
Alan & Alice Plutchok
Curt & Felicity Quantz
Auction/Raffle Donors
Ann Chambers
Lisa Bacon
Balletto Vineyards
Diane Barth
Hollis & Jerry Bewley
Bea Brunn
California State Parks
Bob Caricato
Janet Ciel
Connie Cloak
Thomas Cook
Doris Dickenson
Enjoy Day Spa
Carol Farnes
Fern Grove Cottages
Gregory Fearon
Frank Field
Carmen Finley
Nancy Fortner
Girls Speak Out
Harmony Festival
Robert Janover
Doug & Audrey King
Christine Theresa LaPorte
Rich Lawton
Wanda Lee
Marcy Silviera Lenhardt
Living Landscapes
MacArthur Place Inn & Spa
Marty MacMillan
Mara Shepard Design Jewelry
Music Sponsors
Heather Meader-McCausland
Edge of Town
The Mighty Chiplings Harvey Mendelson
Lollie Mercer
The Thugz
Happenstance Thiessen Brothers
Jacque Mielke
Monte Rio Cottages
Jim Ocean
Amber Moshin
Monkey Tunes (Recording services)
Keith Nelson
Taimalietane Islands of Polynesia
Denise Felman
Michael Gordon
Auction/Raffle Donors
Nothwood Gold Course
Carol Norick
Jack Norick
Kevin O’Connor
Out on a Limb Tree Climbing
Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary
Leslie “Kanti” Pike
Stephen Pryputniewicz
Quercia Gallery
Amy Racina
Riverlane Resort
River’s Edge Kayak & Canoe
Robert Hunter Winery
Rocker Oysterfeller’s Kitchen
Evalena Rose
Royal Pacific Limousine
Russian River Getaways
Save the Redwoods League
John Schubert
Monica Schwalbenber-Pena
Sea Ranch Lodge
Sebastopol Hardware Store
Erin Sheffield
Joel Slaton
Sophie’s Cellars
Continued on page 8
Page 7
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
Auction/Raffle Donors
continued from page 7
Susannah Stringam/De
Barbara Tobin
Mr. Trombly’s Tea Shop
Elizabeth Vega
Sherry Vierra
Village Inn
Suki Waters/Watertreks
Weavers and Dreamers
Worldly Goods
George Zastrow
Membership Form
YES, I’d like to become a member.
$250.00 plus
Osprey Circle
$500.00 plus
Payment type:
Annual Renewal Date: February 1
Stewards members
receive this quarterly
newsletter by email or
mail .
Members are also
entitled to 20% discount on purchases at
Stewards run visitor
centers and at our special events. In addition,
Members can attend
our educational seminars for a $5 donation.
I’d like to help with an additional donation of $_______
Charge Card
Make check payable to Stewards.
MC Total tax deductible donation $______
Account #_________________________ Exp. Date____________
Signature: _________________________
Your Gift to the Future of State Park Volunteerism
With your help future generations will enjoy quality interpretation through “Volunteers in Parks” programs for many years to come. A gift to Stewards is the simplest form of giving from your estate. There are
several types of charitable bequests by will (or beneficiary designation).
I hereby give and bequest to Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods, a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California, with a principal address at P.O. Box 2, Duncans Mills,
CA 95430, _______percent of my estate, (or) the sum of _____dollars, (or) the following assets
For Information on contributing to Stewards’ Endowment in support of Armstrong Redwoods
please contact Michele Luna at the Stewards office (707) 869-9177 X4#.
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
PO Box 2, Duncans Mills, CA 95430
(707) 869.9177, FAX (707) 869.8252
[email protected],
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