Join NHS Alumni On FaceBook! NHS Volunteers Honored Student


Join NHS Alumni On FaceBook! NHS Volunteers Honored Student
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The Admissions Office
At The Norman Howard School we are privileged to have highly
professional, dedicated staff. For many of our families the first point
of contact is Julie Murray, Coordinator of Admissions and Special
Events. Julie exemplifies a professional who is both competent and
caring. Whether it is that first phone call of inquiry, an admission
interview, or the student visit, Julie’s guidance allays the anxiety that
often accompanies this process. She is welcoming and is there for
incoming families at each step of the way. She attends to every detail
and makes herself available whenever potential parents and/or
students have questions, concerns, or need more information.
Julie’s work with incoming families and students is so effective and
meaningful, that often she remains their “point person” well after the
admission process is completed!
Join NHS Alumni
On FaceBook!
Do you want to reconnect with old friends and be informed about
what’s going on at NHS? If so, join us on Facebook and check out
the new Norman Howard School Alumni page!
In addition to her admission responsibilities, Julie’s other important
role at The Norman Howard School is the planning and coordination
of special events. Julie is the guiding force behind Celebration of
Success, Graduation, and fund raising events. She is often behind
the scenes seamlessly taking care of details once again!
Julie is integral to The Norman Howard School community. It is a pleasure to work with such a consummate professional who also has a warm personality
and sense of humor. Thank you, Julie, for all that you contribute to life at NHS!
CEO’s Corner
Student Learning is First
After the 2010-11 NHS Graduation Ceremony one of the family members of a graduate called me to say that she
had seen more than 30 high school graduation ceremonies during her career as an educator and parent and that
our graduation was the best she had ever seen. She said, “I have never been to a graduation ceremony where the
focus remained on the students until now. Not once did the ceremony become about the institution, there weren’t
long speeches by adults, instead, your graduation did what every graduation should do, it celebrated each individual
graduate, their hard work, their success!”
Joseph M. Martino
NHS Volunteers Honored
Two important volunteers were honored at Celebration of Success this past
May. Assemblyman Joseph D. Morelle was awarded the 2011 Betsy McIsaac
Award and Mark J. Rosica received the 2011 New Horizons Award. Thank
you Assemblyman Morelle and Mark for all you have done to support NHS
over the years!
That phone call was just one of many reminders that The Norman Howard School is unique and special. As I reflected
on why this is true I started looking at a history that Trustee Judy Malone, a strong advocate and longtime supporter
of NHS, compiled of the school as it grew from a powerful idea among dedicated founders to its full realization.
The history includes highlights of the challenges of starting a new school and is a great record of our important
milestones. Our history shows us that we have had significant support and commitment from many supportive
individuals, local educators, parents, families, our teachers and staff and other institutions. From the very beginning
there has been a strong interest in partnership and in ensuring our educational program is solidly founded on what
works in helping students learn; there has been a real commitment to celebrate learning, to create a learning
environment that is fun, interesting and engaging. Indeed, from the beginning the focus has been to put student
learning first.
There are many important words that describe what is special and unique about the school and its culture. Some
of these include the commitment to individualized learning, best practices, a holistic, whole child approach and the
list could go on. But in the end when you walk in to a classroom there isn’t a “best practice” hovering above the
students and teacher–it is people who make the difference. At The Norman Howard School the combination of a
strong tradition, students, committed faculty, staff, leadership and a broad community of support are a big part
of why NHS is so special, so unique and quite frankly, an excellent place for students who struggle to learn.
Steven Goldstin pictured with Richard Sands
L to R: Richard Sands, Mary Beth Morelle (accepted the award
on her husband’s behalf), Joseph M. Martino & Mark J. Rosica
Congratulations to
Steven Goldstin the 2011
Richard & Jennifer Sands
Scholarship recipient!
Alumni News
Jeff Parker
Abe Saffer, Class of ‘98, attended The Norman Howard School from 8th–12th
grade. After graduating from NHS he pursued his post-secondary education at Arizona State
University. Upon receiving his degree in Political Science, Abe moved to Washington D.C.
to work in the political and legislative field. During that time, he served as a Grassroots
Manager and Lobbyist for a national health care company, a Legislative Aide for a Member of
Congress and he worked on multiple campaigns. Currently, he is the Campaign Manager for
a city council race and a Community Organizer and New Media Coordinator for Montgomery
County, MD for President Obama’s re-election campaign. Abe is also pursuing his Masters in
Political Management from George Washington University. He lives just
outside of D.C. with his wife, Tonya.
Vanessa Gell, After graduating from Norman Howard in 2004, Vanessa Gell spent
the next 4 years at Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL. She received her Bachelor's degree
in Hospitality Management in 2008 and spent a little over 2 years as a Front Office Agent
at the Boca Raton Resort and Club, a Waldorf Astoria Resort. She moved back to Rochester
about a year ago and is working for Karpus Investment Management in the office support
area. “Some of my favorite NHS teachers were Mr. Koffenberger, Mrs. Pudetti, Mrs.
McConville and Ms. Shearer. They all showed a genuine interest in me, encouraged
me and believed in me. I felt they went way beyond what was required of a teacher
and mentored me in many ways. The extra time and patience they showed me
changed my life for the better then and even now,” Vanessa said.
This past summer, Jeff Parker, NHS High School Writing & ELA teacher, took part in the Genesee Valley Writing Project
Invitational Summer Institute (Rochester’s chapter of the National Writing Project). He was one of eight local teachers
chosen to participate in this intensive four-week program designed to equip teachers with innovative strategies to
help students improve their writing skills. “I feel very fortunate to have had such a great opportunity to re-energize
my teaching and then use what I learned with my students this school year,” Jeff said. In November, Jeff attended
the National Council of Teachers of English conference in Chicago where he was asked to present to fellow educators.
His presentation focused on using the language and techniques of advertising with students in the classroom.
Jeff said, “I am very proud to represent NHS and share what we do with educators around the country.”
Nick’s Eagle Project
NHS freshman, Nick Pizzarello, wanted his Eagle Scout Project to impact The Norman
Howard School where he has been a student since the 5th grade. “NHS has done so much
for me in regards to my reading and learning and I wanted to give back. I also thought the
school grounds could use some help so campus cleanup and landscaping at NHS became
the focus of my project,” Nick said. Over two Saturdays, with approximately 50 volunteers,
Nick’s crew weeded, raked, trimmed bushes, planted an apple tree, installed new parking
lot timbers and laid mulch. The materials, equipment and food were donated by a number
of local businesses. His efforts paid off because the school grounds look great! Thank
you, Nick, for all of your hard work and good luck with the rest of the Eagle Scout process.
We look forward to hearing about your continued success!
Nick pictured here with
Assistant Scout Master, Mr. Luther.
2nd Annual NHS Reaching
for the Starz Golf Tournament
NHS Café–Open for Business!
This Fall, a new program was launched that offers students an opportunity to
learn real world job skills. The NHS Café, which opened in October, sells subs
to students and staff during lunch on Wednesdays. Interested students filled
out a job application, interviewed for a variety of positions and were hired
based on their interview and qualifications. Cheryl Granville, NHS Counselor,
said, “Student employees will be responsible for all aspects of running the cafe;
including taking orders, selling, advertising, accounting, etc. just as they would
be in a part-time job in the community. We believe this opportunity will allow
students to further develop their interpersonal and organizational skills, skills
that are so important to academic and vocational success.”
A special thank you to all of our donors, golfers and volunteers who helped
make the golf tournament a huge success! Over $25,000 was raised for NHS
experiential learning programs. Visit
to view tournament photos. Congratulations to Cynthia Woolbright who won the
JetBlue Airways tickets!
NHS Teachers and Golf Tournament Co-Chairs,
Adam Ciluffo and Kyle Wolcott
Mark your calendar
Ms. McConville, NHS Guidance Counselor,
shows Isaiah the job application.
10th grader, Ian, cashes out classmates Andrew and Slava
during the grand opening of the NHS Café.
NHS Teacher, Seth Hopkins, relaxing in his golf cart
Saturday, September 22, 2012!
Conservation Days
Service Learning enters its 6th year at NHS
4th, 5th & 6th grade students participated in Conservation
Days at Ellison Park. Students learned about conserving
our natural resources and how to make bird feeders and
art out of items found in nature.
NHS Service Learning is a year-long program that partners with a 1st grade
class at School #7. Coordinated by NHS Teachers, Marie Lindley and Chuck
Koffenberger, seniors must apply to the program in September and discuss
why they feel they would be a good role model for a 1st grade student.
Seniors visit their “buddies” throughout the school year and work on reading
skills and arts & crafts. In addition, NHS Art Teacher, Paul Wagner, partners
with Service Learning to complete a long term art project with the students.
The project is designed to be a keepsake for the 1st graders symbolizing
their year of fun and work together. This year the 1st graders will design and
make banjos with their buddies. After each school visit, seniors meet and
discuss how the visit went and submit a written reflection. One huge benefit
that teachers at NHS and School #7 see as a result of this program is a boost
in attendance—students don’t ever seem to be absent on the day a Service
Learning visit is scheduled!
10th grader, Fahad, assists with water collection
aboard the William Scandling.
NHS senior, Cara, pictured here with her first grade “buddies”.
Science on Seneca
In October, Living Environment and Chemistry classes headed out on
Seneca Lake for an environmental study. “Science on Seneca gives students
an opportunity to conduct some real aquatic research,” says NHS Science
Teacher, Sally Shearer. Students collect plankton and water samples,
meteorological conditions are recorded and sediment samples are gathered.
All of the data collected by our students is recorded in the Hobart and William
Smith Colleges database as part of their long term monitoring of Seneca Lake.
A very special gift
Ben with his bird feeder.
NHS Junior Named
Defensive Player of the Week
Cooking Club
Dane & Annie enjoy after school Cooking Club!
On October 11th NHS junior,
Sam, was named an Ontario
Honda Section V Defensive
Player of the Week. Sam, who
plays for Wilson, had seven
solo tackles, three sacks, two
forced fumbles and two fumble
recoveries all in the first half
as Wilson beat Marshall 52-8!
Congratulations Sam!
Our Mission:
Edward P. Hourihan, Jr.
Robert L. Hartnett
Vice Chair
George Medill
Joseph M. Martino
Raffaella Borasi
Lisa M. Connolly
Joseph Defendis, P.E.
James P. Nonkes
Susan L. Walsh, Esq
The Norman Howard School fosters the academic growth of students
with learning disabilities while promoting their development as respectful,
responsible, resilient citizens.The school advances the understanding
of learning disabilities and serves as a resource for the community.
The Norman Howard School received a very
special gift from our 6th grade student
To Whom It May Concern:
From my church, we received two dollars
to give to someone to benefit from this and
I decided to give this money to my school.
I know that it is not a lot of money but I love
my school and I wanted to give it to you.
Board Member Highlight
Dr. Raffaella Borasi, dean of the Warner School at the University of Rochester,
and a Norman Howard School Board Member, is having a tremendous impact
on preparing future teachers for the classroom. Dr. Borasi was instrumental
in the U of R being awarded the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship, a highly
competitive program designed to interest math and science majors, and
professionals in science and technology, to become secondary teachers in
districts where they are needed most. The scholarship program, a division
of the National Science Foundation, dispenses scholarships to universities
identified as having exemplary undergraduate programs in science, technology
and mathematics, in addition to stellar teacher preparation programs. Borasi,
who joined the U of R faculty in 1985, has promoted and improved the
inquiry-based, student-centered approach to teaching mathematics ever
since. We are proud of her hard work ensuring future generations of teachers
are well-equipped for the classroom and we are glad she’s a member of the
NHS Board of Trustees!
A tribute to Sam Goodwin
Sam retired from East High School after 30 years of teaching
and one would think after that amount of time in any profession
you would want to relax and enjoy your retirement years. However,
lucky for us Sam wasn’t done sharing his love of science! He
joined the NHS Science department in 1989 where he taught
Physics & Chemistry part-time for another 20 years! “It was really
fun to teach with Sam. He was always so upbeat and knowledgeable
and fearless with his Chemistry experiments! He was an amazing
man,” says Sally Shearer, NHS Science teacher.
In June 2011, the NHS High School Science Lab was dedicated
to Sam as a token of appreciation for his 20 years of exemplary
service to the NHS community. He was also nominated by the
East High School Class of 1960 to receive a News 8 Golden
Apple Award which he received shortly before he passed away.
Sam will not only be remembered for his love of science and
teaching, but also for his love of music, his joyful personality
and the impact he had on others.
Thank you NHS
Parent Association!
Lake Ontario
Fishing Trip
A special thank you to Elizabeth Thiel, Cynthia
Woolbright & the NHS Parent Association for
organizing the Family & Friends Event at
Kittelberger Florist & Gifts on November 3rd
which raised $843 for NHS! Guests enjoyed
refreshments while they browsed the lovely gift
shop, toured the greenhouse and mingled with
friends. Thank you to the Parent Association
and all who came out and supported the event!
NHS senior, Lillian, pictured here with her
“catch of the day”–a 23 lb King Salmon!
Elizabeth Thiel pictured with her daughter, Anna.
Women’s Education Club
Don’t forget you are able to designate your United Way dollars to The Norman Howard
School, #365. You can also use your United Way donation to join the Women’s Education Club!
1st Quarter
Honor Roll
(GPA = 90-94)
Middle School
Bailey Geoghegan
Sam Guglin
Ben Kaza
Katherine King
Maria Marchionda
Alex Price
Anna Thiel
High School
Andrew Blankenberg
Ian Blyth
Rachel Broadhurst
Mary Church
Jake Collier
Jason Cromey
Jack Fairchild
Skye First
Justin Fox
Sarah Gordon
Jaelen Gross
Zoe Hammonds
Andrew Harrington
Alex Karlsen
Alexandra Montroy
Adam Morrison
David Neal
Nick Pizzarello
Nathan Scott
Andrew Weed
Duncan Wright
Thea Ziegler
1st Quarter
High Honor Roll
(GPA = 95-100)
Middle School
Ben Divens
Renee Golisano-VanNeil
High School
Brendan Courtsal
Ian Hogue
Lillian Esley
Cara Misch
Skylar Munger
Michael Roberts
2nd Quarter
Honor Roll
(GPA 90-94)
Middle School
Daniel Cosgrove
Ben Divens
Bailey Geoghegan
Sam Guglin
Dayvionn Hardmon
Lily Hoeflein
Ben Kaza
Katherine King
Maria Marchionda
High School
Andrew Blankenberg
Ian Blyth
Rachel Broadhurst
Carly Brown
Mary Church
Jason Cromey
Jack Fairchild
Justin Fox
Evan Funchess
Jaelen Gross
Sarah Gordon
Dylan Herold
Erica Inzana
Aaron Kimmel
Alexandra Montroy
Adam Morrison
David Neal
Nick Pizzarello
Samantha Roll
Nathan Scott
Duncan Wright
2nd Quarter
High Honor Roll
(GPA 95-100)
Middle School
Alex Price
High School
Jake Collier
Brendan Courtsal
Lillian Esley
Ian Hogue
Cara Misch
Skylar Munger
Michael Roberts
Education Partners - $1,000.00 +
American Packaging Corporation
Charles J. & Burton S. August
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Burton August, Sr.
Mr. Carl Bennett
Bonadio Group
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Simon & Josephine Braitman
Family Supporting Foundation
Buckingham Properties LLC
Buffalo Bills Youth Foundation
Chesonis Family Foundation
Christa Development Corp.
Citizens Bank Foundation
Community Development
Corporation of Upstate New York
Lisa & Jim Connolly
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Cornell Weinstein Family Foundation
Ms. Kathleen Dahl & Mr. Dan Hart
Mr. & Mrs. William Dell
E. J. Del Monte Corporation
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
First Niagara Bank Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fox
Frontier Corporation
Hazel Elizabeth Fyfe Revocable Trust
Genesee Regional Bank
Hahn Automotive Warehouse, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hammonds
Harris Beach PLLC
Rosemary & Tom Hodges
Mr. Edward P. Hourihan, Jr.
Jasco Tools
Barbara & Nick Juskiw
Konar Foundation
Lacy, Katzen, LLP
Linda & Richard Lawrence
LeCesse Construction Company
LiDestri Foods
Estate of Eugene Lilly
G. W. Lisk Company, Inc.
M & T Bank Charitable Foundation
Mary E. Maida, Ph.D.
Manning & Napier Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martino
Ms. Betsy McIsaac
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Medill
Merrill Lynch
Monroe County
Dennis & Cathy Mullen
Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust
Jane F. & William J. Napier
Charitable Lead Trust
Mrs. Jane Napier
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Napier
Natapow Family Foundation, Inc.
Nixon Peabody LLP
Mr. Ed Pettinella
Mr. Richard C. Reichman
Richard & Jennifer Sands
Mr. Phil Saunders
The Saunders Foundation
Susan & Peter Schottland
Simcona Electric Corporation
Mr. John Summers
The John and Jayne Summers
Foundation, Inc.
Trident Precision Mfg. Inc.
The Wegman Family Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Wendy's Restaurants of
Rochester, Inc.
Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wilson
Windstream Corp. (formerly Paetec)
Ms. Cynthia Woolbright &
Mr. William Spelman
Wright Wisner Distributing Corporation
Women’s $1 Million Education Club
Ms. Susan Acker
Ms. Cheryl Albanese
Mrs. Suzanna Amalfi
Mrs. Keri Ansley
Mrs. Anne August
Ms. Jan L. August
Mrs. Jane C. August
Ms. Madeline August
Monroe County Executive
Maggie Brooks
Mrs. Josephine Braitman
Ms. Nicole Calcagni
Ms. Ginny Clark
Ms. Mary Collins
Mrs. Olivia Cornell
Ms. Kathleen Dahl
Mrs. Elaine Del Monte
Mrs. Anne DiMarco
Mrs. Deborah DiMarco
Mrs. Katy DiMarco
Mrs. Susan DiMarco
Ms. Cressida Dixon
Ms. Katherine Dulski
Mrs. Wendy Lane Dworkin
Ms. Katie Fox
Ms. Laura Fox
Mrs. Linda G. Fox
Mrs. Lindsay Fox
Mrs. Susan J. Gioia
Mrs. Krista A. Gleason
Ms. Deborah Haber
Mrs. Barbara Juskiw
Mrs. Margaret Kilmer
Mrs. Trudie A. Kirshner
Mrs. Rose-Marie B. Klipstein
Mrs. Gigi Lamb
Ms. Diana Lauria
Ms. Jennifer Leonard
Mrs. Edie Linares
Mrs. Carolyn Linehan
Sarah LoVerdi, LCSW-R
Ms. Amy L. Lustik
Mary E. Maida, Ph.D.
Ms. Charlotte Mann
Ms. Nancy Mann
Ms. Nicole Marro
Mrs. Denise Martino
Mrs. Kelly McCarthy
Mrs. Gayle Medill
Mrs. Beth Mascitti-Miller
Mrs. Beth Anne Napier
Mrs. Jane Napier
Ms. Sharon Napier
Ms. Barbara Nino
Mrs. Colleen Orbegoso
Ms. Ingrid Palermo
Ms. Jan M. Parisi
Mrs. Lisa Phelps
Mrs. Lisa Record
Mrs. Nancy Rencis
Ms. Betsy Riedman
Ms. Marcie C. Roberts
Ms. Dianne Salesin
Ms. Ashley Sands
Mrs. Jennifer L. Sands
Mrs. Nancy Sands
Ms. Karen Schaefer Esq.
Mrs. Susan Schottland
Mrs. Catherine Shapiro
Mrs. Jennifer Shetty
Mrs. Alice K. Smith
Mrs. Shari Smith
Ms. Eraina Travet Linder
Mrs. Barbara Wale
Ms. Ann Wallace
Ms. Susan Walsh, Esq.
Mrs. Stacie H. Whitbeck
Ms. Theresa A. Wilmot
Ms. J. Christine Wilson
Mrs. Courtney Winslow
Mrs. Mary A. Worboys-Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew August
Mr. & Mrs. John August
Mr. Bruce K. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Braitman
Ms. Nicole Calcagni
Dr. Charles Courtsal & Ms. Lisa Gwinner
Ms. Joyce Crofton
Mr. & Mrs. John DiMarco, II
Mrs. Deborah DiMarco
Mr. & Mrs. Joel DiMarco
Mr. & Mrs. John DiMarco, III
Ms. Cressida Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Johnathan Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gleason
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Kirshner
Mrs. Rose-Marie B. Klipstein
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph LoVerdi
Ms. Charlotte Mann
Ms. Nancy Mann
Ms. Nicole Marro
Ms. Barbara Nino
Ms. Ingrid Palermo
Ms. Jan M. Parisi
Mrs. Lisa Record
Ms. Betsy Riedman
Ms. Karen Schaefer & Mr. Douglas Foss
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Burton August, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baxter
Box Tops For Education
(General Mills Program)
Cellino & Barnes, P.C.
Gray & Feldman, LLP
Mr. James K. Littwitz
Ms. Vera E. Mack
Mrs. Barbara McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ruschak
Mr. Hugh R. Thomas, Esq.
David S. Austin
Mr. Robert Bayley
Mr. & Mrs. John Dennis
Ms. Cheryl Granville
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harrington
Dr. Mark Hoskin & Ms. Denise Kilduff
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Malone
Ms. Susan P. Mavromatis
Dr. Susan McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Obourn
Mrs. Mary Pitlick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Quiram
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Richeson
Mrs. Madeline C. Roeding
Mrs. Sheldon R. Schrager
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seppala
Dr. & Mrs. Julian Yudelson
Mr. & Mrs. George Angle
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Birdsall
Mrs. Birgit H. Coates
Ms. Jane Conrad &
Mr. Kenneth Payment
Stewart D. Davis Esq.
Ms. Patricia Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henry
Ms. Rebecca Horwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Humphreys
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Inzana
Dr. Rafael Klorman
Mrs. Lisa L. McConville
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William Pfeifer
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Rubenstein
Ms. Gretchen Shafer
Dr. & Mrs. Edward W. Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Steinman
Dr. Stephen B. Sulkes
Mr. & Mrs. James Sutton
Mr. James Tefft
Victor Furniture, Inc.
In Honor of:
Brayden Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Owerbach
Mrs. Barbara McCoy
Mrs. Erin M. Alarcon
Mr. Richard I. Moore, Jr.
Ms. Andrea Moore Collins
Mrs. Richard I. Moore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Moore, Sr.
Ms. Barbara E. Morrell
Ms. Betsy Nitschke
Ms. Yvonne Harrison & friends
of Betsy Nitschke
Mr. Richard Sands
Mrs. Concetta Gioia
Dr. & Mrs. James Scarnati
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Murray
Mr. Rob Waugh
Ms. Kathryn Samson
In Memory of:
Mr. Sam Goodwin
Father’s Night Out Band
Members–Mr. Bill Barr, Mr. Dino
D’Onofrio, Mr. Jim Hoffman, Mr.
Tony Hubbard, Mr. Frank Lovecchio,
Mr. Dan Marsh, Mr. Tom Petronio &
Mr. Rob Wiley
Mr. Eugene Lilly
Mr. & Mrs. David Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Anderson
Todd & Barbara Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Bennett
Ms. Betty M. Bilak and Family
Catholic Family Center
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cimicata
Ms. Nancy B. Dalton
Ms. Margaret DellaPietra
Mr. Barry C. Dutcher
Mr. Seymour Fogel
Mr. James C. Haefner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Hartman
Mr. Thomas Huber
Rene & Verna M. Julien
“Kathy’s Club”–Ms. Mary
Beauchamp, Ms. Ann (Paul) Bell,
Ms. Mercy (Morano) Fredericksen,
Ms. Michelle (Morano) Holbrook
and Ms. Pamela (Scherer) Hin
Ms. Barbara Kristan
Mr. Joe Kristan
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lamberson
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Landis
Mr. John LeVay
John & Carolyn MacDonald
Ms. Gloria A. Malaggese
Ms. Rosemary A. McAuliff
Ms. Carol Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Messina
Jeff & Linda Miller
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nagle
Ms. Jeanne M. Nagle
Ms. Magdalen A. Odorisi
NancyJean & Douglas Osborn
Mr. Emmanuel C. Paxhia
Tom & Caroline Pratt
Chip & Liz Russell
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Smith
Ms. Joanne Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. White
Ms. Pamela Yuhaniak &
Ms. Anna Koontz
Ms. Margaret M. Ziemba &
Ms. Grace Ziemba
Aladdins on the Canal
American Sports Media
Mr. Bruce K. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Birdsall
Black & Blue
Bonadio Group
Bowl A Roll Lanes
Century Discount Liquor & Wine
Champps Restaurant
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Cook's World
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cunningham
Custom Brewcrafters, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen Dahl & Mr. Dan Hart
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Dell
Eagle Vale Golf Course
Eastman Kodak Company
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fike
First Niagara Risk Management
Ms. Edina M. Fitzpatrick
Full Belly Deli
Mr. Robert L. Hartnett
Hi-Tec Computer Power, Inc.
Jeremiah's Tavern
Jet Blue Airways
Kittelberger Florist and Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Krenzer
Ms. Helen M. Larkin
Mr. Peter Maley
Ms. Donna Meyer
New Ming Restaurant
Pack Paddle & Ski
Park Avenue Spa & Salon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roll
Mrs. Gloria Sagen
Schaller Group, LTD
Mrs. Sheldon R. Schrager
Mr. & Mrs. David Scott
Seabreeze Amusement Park
Seneca Park Zoo Society
Sticky Lips BBQ
Strathallan Hotel
Tantalo Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Thiel
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Topolski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Weed
Wegmans Food Markets
Windstream Corp. (formerly Paetec)
Woodcliff Hotel and Spa
The Yarn Cottage
Ms. Jan L. August
Ms. Raffaella Borasi
Mrs. Laurie R. Broccolo
Mrs. Lynn Burns
Dr. Walter Cooper
Mrs. Victoria Darcy
Mr. Joseph T. Defendis
Ms. Jennifer Dell
Mr. William M. Dell
Dr. Paul Di Sant'Agnese
Ms. Christine A. Drake
Mrs. Brenda A. Driscoll
Mr. Paul Dusett
Ms. Margaret M. Finucane
Mrs. Jennifer Fonseca
Ms. Diane Gaziano
Mr. Steven Glena
Mr. Craig Hook
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Inzana
Ms. Dawn M. Jones
Mr. Parrish Kelley
Mrs. Kim Kleps
Mr. Mark J. Krieger
Laborers International Union of
North America Local 435
Mr. Jeffrey G. LaPointe
Mr. Anthony G. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Malone
Ms. Tina M. Mastrangelo
Mr. Patrick Murray
Mrs. Lisa M. Oakley
Mrs. Sally Quataert
Mr. Richard J. Quiram
Mrs. Abbey Rasnick
Mrs. Theresa J. Reddick
Ms. Christina A. Reiss
Ms. Meredith Reynolds
Ms. Maureen E. Sampsell
Mrs. Jennifer Sands
Mr. Richard Sands
Mr. Luke A. Santos
Mr. Daniel G. Schied
Mr. William D. Schlinger
Mr. Stephen W. Schultz
Ms. Sally A. Schuth
Mr. Daniel J. Scurlock
Mrs. Sharon K. Scurlock
Mrs. Amy J. Stringer
Ms. Susan L. Walsh, Esq.
Dr. Wayne W. Walter
Mrs. Annette S. Zobel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Allen
Allendale Columbia School
Mr. Morgan Bare
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. David Beh
Mr. Mike Bergin
Mr. Dennis Bly
Bonadio Group
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Mr. Andrew Britton
Mr. Patrick J. Brown
Mr. Tobin L. Brown
Mr. William R. Bruns
Mr. Greg Bump
Mr. Joseph Canori
Mr. Gregory J. Cavaleri
Mr. Wally Cerquone
Mr. Jim Cheney
Mr. Adam Ciluffo
Mr. Mark J. Ciluffo
Mr. Douglas E. Colburn
Mr. Steve Colburn
Mr. Larry Compa
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Connolly
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Mr. Brian Cornetta
Mr. Mike Crane
Mr. Steve Crane
Ms. Kathleen Dahl & Mr. Dan Hart
Mr. Larry Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Dell
Mr. Nick DiBello
Digital Home Creations, Inc.
Ms. Gina DiPietro
Ms. Pamela R. Dunham
Mr. Richard L. Elliott
Mr. Andrew Farnan
Mr. Bill Ferrell
Mr. John Finter
Mr. Robert P. Franklin
Mr. David J. Garofalo
Mr. Chris Gaudioso
Mr. Adam Giglia
GleasonEBS. LLC
Gordon & Schaal, LLP
Mr. Kenneth Gordon
Ms. Sarah Gordon
Mr. Gregory W. Gribben
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hammonds
Mr. Garth Hankinson
Jeff Harris Real Estate Services
Mr. Robert L. Hartnett
Mr. Karl Heath
Mr. Roy Hebert
Mr. Jason C. Hermance
Rosemary & Tom Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Hoeflein
Ms. Val Holmes
Mr. Seth H. Hopkins
Mr. Bill Hopkins
Mr. Philip Humphreys
Mr. David E. Inzana
Mr. Christopher Jaskier
Ms. Alison King
Mr. Thomas Kirkpatrick
Mr. Wendell Knoll
Mr. Charles Koffenberger
Mr. Milt Kotin
Mr. Jim Kripper
Linda & Richard Lawrence
Ms. Marie J. Lindley
Mr. Hal Lindley
Mr. Jake Lindley
Jesse Lindley
M.A. Services/Pullano & Company
Mr. Jason A. MacBride
Ms. Vera E. Mack
Mr. Peter Mancuso
Mr. Paul Mannella
Mr. Bruce W. Marche
Mr. Michael Marinan
Mr. Joseph Martino
Mr. Ben Mastronardi
Mr. Jeffrey T. McCaffrey
Mr. Dan McDonald
Mr. William J. McEvily
Mr. Jim McEvily
Mr. Andy McLoughlin
Medical Motor Service
Mr. Nate Merritt
Mr. John Miller
Mrs. Rene' L. Monks
Monroe Piping & Sheet Metal, LLC
Mr. Walter Moore
Mr. Bob Moore
Mr. Eddie Moss
Mr. Andy Murphy
Mr. Scott C. Murphy
Mr. Chuck Nickles
Ms. Lauren M. Nickles
Mr. Brian Nickles
Mr. James P. Nonkes
Mr. Joe Novick
Mr. Steve Pace
Panorama Collision Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey T. Parker
Mr. Frank Pasia
Mr. Frank Pasia, Jr.
Mr. Bobby Patt
Ms. Anita Pelletier
Ms. Kaitlyn Pelletier
Mr. Phil Pelletier
Mr. Edward Perdue
Mr. Dan Petote
Mr. Dave Piccirilli
Mr. Daryl Pietrocarlo
Mr. Jeff Pritchard
Mr. Steve Pritchard
Mr. Harish Ramani
Mr. Heath J. Randell
Mr. Shawn Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Rosner
Mr. Richard Sands
Mr. Joseph Sargeant
Schaller Group, LTD
Ms. Elaine Schaller
Mr. David Schaw
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Schmeer
Mrs. Sheldon R. Schrager
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seppala
Mr. Chris Shanto
Mr. Christopher J. Shiga
Mr. Dave Shortino
Mr. Jeff Slater
Mr. Brian Sloan
Mr. Rich Sloan
Mr. Steven G. Smith
Mr. Tim Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Snyder
William Spelman Executive Search
Mr. Mike Spencer
Mr. Charles Steehler
Mr. James C. Stevens
Mr. Pete Stollberger
Mr. Michael J. Struzik
Mr. John Suhr
Mr. Eric Sukhenko
Mr. Bob Swartz
Mr. Steve Taylor
Mr. Dave Thomas
Mr. Larry Tiefel
Trident Precision Mfg. Inc.
Mr. Melvin H. Walczak
Mr. Neil Wallace
Ms. Susan L. Walsh, Esq.
Mr. Brian Wing
Mr. Kyle B. Wolcott
Ms. Linda Wolcott
Mr. Ed Wolf
Mr. Mark Wolf
Mr. Greg Woodworth
Woolbright Group
Zeller Corporation
Gifts made to The Norman Howard
School are from 1/1/2011 through
2/29/2012. Please know that we
make every effort to ensure this listing
is correct and truly apologize for any
errors. If you find an error, please call
our Development Office at 210.4710
so that we may correct our records.