The Providence Effect


The Providence Effect
The Providence Effect
Providence St. Mel School
Annual Report 2010
The Providence Effect
In September 2009, The Providence Effect, the awardwinning documentary film about Providence St. Mel
School, hit the big screen across the nation, appearing
in several cities including Chicago, New York, Newark,
and Washington, D.C. A month later, audiences in San
Francisco, Berkeley, and Los Angeles were treated to the
opening of the film. A few weeks later, the film earned
yet wider distribution, enjoying screenings in other
major cities, including Detroit and Atlanta.
Over several months, in the lead-up to its premiere,
The Providence Effect was screened at a number of film
festivals and was viewed by students, teachers, and
administrators in schools, libraries, and other public
venues in communities where students are underserved.
These early viewings helped in producing the “final cut”
for the film. And that final version continues to
garner praise.
Film critic Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times
declared that “The Providence Effect is a powerful thing.”
“The Providence Effect is impressive,” legendary film critic,
Roger Ebert, wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times. “One of
the greatest success stories in American education!”
As anyone who watches the credits at the end of a
film knows, many talents come together to craft a film.
Notable creators for this film are Ms. Julie Hurvis as
producer, her husband and Providence St. Mel board
member Mr. Tom Hurvis as producer, Mr. Rollin Binzer
as producer and director, and Mr. Joey Dedio as coproducer. The “stars” of the film are our students,
alumni, faculty, and administrators. The story for this
documentary is that of Providence St. Mel: academic
excellence, accomplishments, success.
Given the positive reviews, blogs, letters, and telephone
calls, the special story of Providence St. Mel and the film
that captures this story continue to have a profound
effect on those who have viewed The Providence Effect,
which is now out on DVD.
That The Providence Effect continues to receive
recognition shows that the story of our school and of
the young lives we transform offers great inspiration.
Providence St. Mel presents a successful model that
other schools around the country can emulate.
a few Words
from our leaders
Jeanette DiBella
Paul J. Adams III
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to share Providence St. Mel’s Annual Report with you! Our success is a true testament to the
passion and commitment of our trustees, friends, and parents, and to the generous support of Chicago-area and
nationwide individuals, corporations, and foundations. Thank you for your dedication to our determined students,
our important mission and our hard work.
It has once again been an exceptional year at Providence St. Mel. As in every year since our inception, each of our
graduates was accepted to a four-year college or university, with an average of 50% of these students going on to
tier one institutions of higher learning. Our 2010 high school graduates were awarded an astonishing $4.3 million in
scholarships! We continue to stand head-and-shoulders above the national average on the Terra Nova Standardized
Achievement Test and the ACT test.
Not only did our year bring great academic success, but the staff and students of Providence St. Mel School became
movie stars! The Providence Effect, an award-winning documentary about Providence St. Mel, opened in theaters
across the country. It has been heralded as a film that all educators, not just urban educators, should view. We are
hopeful the educators view it, are inspired by the film, and go on to make a difference in their schools.
In December of 2009, we were thrilled to have been the first private school invited to present a policy briefing to
the United States Department of Education. We traveled to Washington, DC with two members of the Board of
Trustees and presented “Providence St. Mel – The School that Refused to Die: A Model for Urban Education.” The
briefing was broadcasted across the United States for educators to understand our best practices. In May 2010, Dr.
David Baar, our esteemed Choral Director, was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Golden Apple Award for
Excellence in Teaching.
We are passionate about offering an outstanding education to children, and we embrace our mission of discipline,
morality and hard work. We instill tomorrow’s leaders with a solid moral compass and an unrivaled work ethic.
We enable our students to become the citizens that they are destined to become by providing four pillars of
success: instruction, curriculum, expectations and accountability.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Providence St. Mel School. We will continue to WORK, PLAN, BUILD
and DREAM. It is our most fervent hope that you will stand with us as we continue to transform lives.
Paul J. Adams III
Jeanette DiBella
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
A Message from
the Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Michael D. O’Halleran
The 2009-2010 school year was an outstanding time to be a part of the important work of Providence St. Mel
School. We are thrilled by the academic achievements and the national recognition received by both our staff
and our students.
For a remarkable 31st year in a row, 100% of our graduates were accepted into four-year colleges and universities.
This is an impressive statistic for any school, let alone when you take into account the fact that our students come
from some of the most challenging backgrounds in the nation. Our students are confronted with a world of poverty,
violence, drugs, and gangs on a regular basis. Due to these factors, our students often enter the doors of our school
lacking discipline, pride, or a solid academic background.
Undeterred by these formidable obstacles, we instill within each student a foundation that directly correlates their
success in life to the work they put into it. Further, we provide tools, including free evening and weekend tutoring, to
ensure our students’ academic success.
Not only do we pride ourselves on the work we do with our students, but we pride ourselves on forming and
cultivating long-term relationships with people committed to the growth and prosperity of Providence St. Mel. We
are extremely grateful to those who support our operating and capital budgets. Funds raised through our events and
appeals help us educate our youth and forever change their lives.
As a private independent school, we do not receive financial support from any government sources.
Therefore, we are extremely cognizant of the importance of every donation, whether it is $1 or $1 million. Be
assured that the Board of Trustees and I are respectful stewards of each dollar that is donated in support of our
mission. We thoughtfully and conservatively manage the resources of Providence St. Mel to ensure that this great
institution will thrive on Chicago’s West Side long into the future.
Throughout these pages, you will be inspired by the events and individuals who have built Providence St. Mel into
one of Chicago’s finest schools. Thank you.
Michael D. O’Halleran
The Providence Effect, the award-winning documentary film about
Providence St. Mel School, opened in several cities including Chicago,
Washington, New York, Newark, Detroit, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San
Francisco and Berkeley. The Providence Effect was named one of the
ten “Best Black Documentaries of 2009” by Kam Williams, syndicated
film and book critic and member of the New York Film Critics Online.
As well, the film was featured in the January/February 2010 issue of
Global Vision, a magazine which has a circulation of over 450,000 copies
throughout the world and is distributed in first and business classes and
in VIP lounges of major international airlines.
On Tuesday, May 11, 2010, Choral Director Dr. David Baar was selected
as one of only ten winners of the prestigious Golden Apple Award for
Excellence in Teaching, an award that is given to Chicago-area teachers
who exemplify the highest standards and practices of the teaching
profession. This is the first time in the history of Providence St. Mel that
one of our teachers has won this coveted honor. Recipients receive a
$3,000 cash award and a six-month tuition-free sabbatical to study at
Northwestern University.
On Wednesday, March 17, 2010, Providence St. Mel Principal Jeanette
DiBella was featured on CNN to discuss “The Failing Educational System
— Educational Reform.” Principal DiBella was selected for this interview
because of her extensive experience and excellent reputation in the field
of urban education.
In December 2009, the United States Department of Education invited
members of the leadership team of Providence St. Mel School to present
a policy briefing, “Providence St. Mel — The School that Refused to
Die: A Model for Urban Education.” This marked the first time that a sole
private school had given a presentation for the Department of Education.
In October 2009, a team from AdvancED (formerly the North Central
Association) visited our school to review our Standards Assessment
Report and complete our Quality Assurance Review. The visitors
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
conducted observations and interviews to better understand our
performance as a school. Based on its findings, AdvancED fully
accredited Providence St. Mel School.
Our National Honor Society organized the annual school-wide toy
drive in December 2009. This year, the toy drive benefited I Am Able,
Greater St. John Bible Church, Tap Roots, and the First Church of the
Brethren. Over 80 toys were distributed to the groups.
Facing challengers from Detroit, Columbus, and Indianapolis, Chicago
Try-Math-A-Lon (TMAL) students placed second in the overall
competition during the Region IV Fall Regional Conference. Two
Providence St. Mel high school students helped secure the silver medal.
The Chicago team was invited to attend the national competition
in Toronto and participate in the alternative TMAL tournament. In
December 2009, students were recognized locally at the Chicago junior
chapter meeting of the National Society of Black Engineers.
Providence St. Mel placed second in the championship round of the
“Know Your Heritage” competition, which included 28 teams from public
and private high schools in the Chicago area. Each student received a
second place trophy and $500 scholarship for college.
The members of the National Honor Society coordinated our
participation in the annual Church World Service/CROP Hunger
Walk, aided greatly by our religion classes. About 90 students and
staff joined hundreds of others on the 10K CROP Hunger Walk in
September. Although only high school students took part in the 10K
walk, all Providence St. Mel students — from pre-K to 12 — helped to
fill the CROP boxes in their classrooms. This year, our students raised
$2,083.84 to combat hunger in Chicago and around the world.
Students in all grades worked together to raise over $3,100 in a special
drive to collect money to aid the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
Providence St. Mel
goes to Washington!
It is not every day that our nation comes calling. But when the call came,
Providence St. Mel heeded it and headed to the nation’s capital.
On December 10, 2009, the United States Department of Education invited
members of the leadership team of Providence St. Mel School to present a
policy briefing, “Providence St. Mel — The School that Refused to
Die: A Model for Urban Education.” This marked the first time that a sole
private school had given a presentation for the Department of Education.
And our school enjoyed being the center of attention in the bright national
President Paul J. Adams III and Principal Jeanette DiBella were honored
with the opportunity to share with officials from the Department of
Education, invited guests, and fellow educators just some of the key
issues facing urban education in America, the importance of instructional
leadership for student success, the effectiveness of the Providence St. Mel
model, and the long record of academic achievement and excellence that
our school achieves.
Providence St. Mel trustees, Ms. Karen Pritzker and Mr. Tom Hurvis, joined
the panel, lending their voices of support and also their insights into the
state of education. For those in the audience, this presentation and the
discussion that followed provided important lessons and suggested new
strategies to achieve increased student and school performance.
On Friday, March 5, 2010, fifty of our high school
students traveled to the Abbott Park campus to meet
and speak with some of Abbott’s top specialists in their
field of work. Accompanying them on the trip were
Mr. Kevin McGrath, high school science and middle
school department chair, and Providence St. Mel board
member, Ms. Dona Scott.
As a part of their tour, our budding Providence St.
Mel scientists were led through the robotics division
and the 3D graphics and labs. Abbott staff conducted
demonstrations that helped explain key scientific
principles, answering questions and testing the
knowledge of their inquisitive visitors. For the better
part of a morning, our students were given a peek into
the pharmaceutical industry and into how innovative
and effective drugs are created and brought to the
It was an inspiration for our students to watch the
Abbott scientists at work, talented individuals who
are enthusiastic about their work, skilled in their
techniques, remarkable in their knowledge, and
dedicated to their profession. Our students could
see the application of science and, moreover, could
see where the application of their own education
could take them: to bright and very exciting futures.
Many of these talented students will no doubt pursue
professional careers in the ever-expanding fields of
science, technology, and engineering.
To face the challenges solve the problems, and devise
the innovations our country and the world will look to
scientists to lead the way. We anticipate that more than
a few of our Providence St. Mel graduates may one day
prove to be among those leaders shaping the future and
improving the lives.
Abbott Scholars 2009-2010
Myles Alston
Damari Croswell
David Sentongo
Tierra Finley
Felicia Shaw
Latrionna Moore
Torry Walker
Once on This Island
For a special few days in November, the
Providence St. Mel auditorium stage was transformed
by the magic of the Caribbean, music, and theater.
The musical, Once on This Island, was the
getaway experience!
A musical retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s
The Little Mermaid, Once on This Island includes a
Caribbean setting, myths and folktales, fantasy and ritual,
and elements of the star-crossed lovers of Romeo and Juliet.
With their teachers as directors, designers,
choreographers, and crew, our students executed their
roles as actors, singers, dancers, and musicians with
impressive skill and verve. Audiences were swept away
by the heartwarming tale, a memorable score, and
engaging performances.
Last year, in 2008, audiences were treated to The Wiz.
Now, after two straight years of presenting musicals,
the students of Providence St. Mel are quickly becoming
seasoned performers. Our thespians are waiting in
the wings to take the stage again, for another
musical — and another unforgettable night at the theater.
The Golden Apple of Our Eye
In 2010, choral director and
music teacher Dr. David Baar
certainly hit the high note! In
May, our school learned that
he was selected as a winner
of the prestigious Golden
Apple Award for Excellence
in Teaching. This marked the
first time in the history of
Providence St. Mel that one
of our teachers has won this
coveted honor.
Given by the Golden Apple Foundation, recipients are
considered to be outstanding education leaders in the
Chicago area who exemplify the highest standards and
practices of the teaching profession. Over a period of
several months, a special committee of experienced,
highly regarded educators thoroughly evaluated each
candidate before determining the very few to receive
this recognition of teaching excellence.
A highly experienced educator with a dozen years of
service at our school, Dr. Baar is certainly a golden
talent, a golden teacher. Providence St. Mel is certainly
fortunate to have a teacher of such high caliber making
a difference in the lives of students at our school.
Usually, it is his students who enjoy the limelight, but on
this occasion, it was his turn to shine.
Tom Hurvis
Jeanette DiBella presented a plaque to Mr. Hurvis,
with his wife Julie at his side. In an evening filled with
many memorable moments, this presentation served
to highlight the great vision and exceptional leadership
shown by Mr. Hurvis.
Beginning a brand new decade during the 20092010 academic year — beginning our 31st year as an
independent school — Providence St. Mel had much to
herald at the annual Celebration. This year raised nearly
$1 million to support scholarships for our students.
Top on the list of achievements to celebrate was
the successful premiere of the awarding-winning
documentary film about our school, The Providence
Effect, the brainchild of Mr. Tom Hurvis.
For nearly a decade, Mr. Hurvis has been an active
member of our board of trustees. An ardent supporter
of and spirited cheerleader for our school, he was the
driving force to move The Providence Effect from an idea
to a completed and well received film. At this year’s
Celebration, President Paul J. Adams III and Principal
This recognition of Mr. and Mrs. Hurvis continued in
the spring, when, friends, students, faculty, staff, and
trustees joined together to celebrate the renaming
of our school library. On May 6, 2010, in a moving
ceremony that featured songs and performances
by our students as well as heartfelt remarks and
remembrances, a plaque over an archway was
uncovered to announce that our books received a new
cover: The John Thomas and Julie Hurvis Library.
Given a new name, our library was also given some
new books. Mrs. Hurvis donated much of her private
collection of art books so that our students could learn
more about great artists, their creations, innovations,
and perspectives on the human condition and the world
around us.
For years to come, our students will see the names of
Mr. and Mrs. Hurvis and know how much they mean
to our school. Their commitment, generosity, and
kindness continue to produce a most powerful and
wondrous effect for Providence St. Mel.
Commencement at Providence St. Mel
is always an event like no other!
The 2010 graduation ceremony, held on Sunday, May 30, was a truly wondrous
occasion. Our auditorium was bursting with families, friends, students, and
teachers, all of whom were dressed in their “Sunday best” and were themselves
bursting — bursting with pride. Buzzing with anticipation and excitement, our
auditorium offered standing room only to anyone who had not come an hour
or more early to claim a seat.
To much fanfare, cheers, and quite a few tears, the members of our Class of
2010 entered. They waved. They beamed. They smiled knowingly. These young
women and men were about to become something very special: graduates of
Providence St. Mel!
Unlike most other schools, all of our seniors were accepted to four-year colleges
and universities, many to the most prestigious institutions in the nation, including
Bates, University of Chicago, Emory, Grinnell, Northwestern, Princeton, Rice,
Vanderbilt, and Washington University in St. Louis. These impressive seniors
formed a seeming parade of achievers. They strode across the stage to collect
their prized diplomas and many academic honors. And they stopped to
receive recognition for earning what awaited them in the fall: very sizable
college scholarships.
These graduates—our newest alumni—carried on a uniquely Providence St.
Mel tradition: college acceptance rate of 100 percent of our graduates. What
is more, they attracted nearly $4.3 million in scholarships, which they are now
receiving from the colleges and universities they are attending. Were this not
impressive enough, over the past three years, our graduates have received $14
million in college scholarships!
An event like no other, commencement at Providence St. Mel is something
not to be missed!
Class of 2010
College University and Acceptances
Alabama A & M University
Alabama State University
Alcorn State University
Ashland University
Augusta State University
Augustana College
Barry University
Bates College
Baylor University
Benedictine University
Bethune Cookman University
Birmingham Southern College
Bloomfield College
Bradley University
Butler University
Calvin College
Case Western Reserve University
Chicago State University
Clark Atlanta University
Clarke College
Columbia College Chicago
Concordia University
De Paul University
DePauw University
Dillard University
Dominican University (CA)
Dominican University (IL)
Drexel University
East-West University
Eastern Illinois University
Elmhurst College
Emory University
Fisk University
Florida A & M University
Florida International University
Florida Memorial University
Georgetown College (KY)
Georgia State University
Gordon College
Grinnell College
Hampton University
Heidelberg University
Hope College
Howard University
Illinois State University
Indiana State University
Iowa State University
Kentucky State University
Knox College
LaSalle University
Lawrence University
Lewis University
Lincoln University
Loyola University Chicago
Marian University
Marquette University
Michigan State University
Michigan Tech University
Milliken University
Miami (OH) University
Mississippi Valley State University
Monmouth College
Northern Illinois University
Northern Michigan University
Northland College
Northwestern University
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University
Otis College of Art & Design
Oxford College (GA)
Princeton University
Purdue University
Rensselear Polytechnic University
Rice University
Roosevelt University
Rose Hulman Institute of
St. Mary-of-the-Woods College
St. Mary’s College (IN)
St. Mary’s University (MN)
St. Norbert University
St. Xavier University
Southern Illinois University
@ Carbondale
Southern Illinois University
@ Edwardsville
Southern University
@ New Orleans
Spelman College
Syracuse University
Talladega College
Tennessee State University
Texas Southern University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Truman State University
Tuskegee University
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas
University of Central Florida
University of Chicago
University of Dayton
University of Illinois
@ Chicago
University of Illinois
@ Springfield
University of Illinois
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Missouri
@ St. Louis
University of Notre Dame
University of Nevada-Las
University of Southern
University of Tampa
University of Texas
University of Wisconsin
@ Madison
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
Washington University
@ St. Louis
Wayne State University
Western Illinois University
William Jewell College
Wittenberg University
Youngstown University
Xavier University (LA)
Xavier University (OH)
Providence St. Mel
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
Cornerstone society
Total Gifts Since 1978 (through June 30, 2010)
The Cornerstone Society consists of friends and supporters who provide a solid foundation through their
generous gifts. This society honors those who have made contributions that total $100,000 or more since their
involvement began with Providence St. Mel School.
$3 million and above
The Coleman Foundation
Mr. Thomas H. Dittmer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pritzker
The Jay Pritzker Foundation
Pritzker Cousins Foundation
$1 million-$2.9 Million
Anonymous (2)
Aon Corporation
The Basler Family
Mr. Donald N. Basler
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Basler
United Conveyor Foundation
Bestfoods Educational Foundation
Debora de Hoyos and
Walter Carlson
The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Hurvis
Hurvis Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Michael and Kay O’Halleran
The Pusinelli Family
John and Maxine Pusinelli
Gregory and Marie Pusinelli
Renee and Edward Ross Foundation
Mr. Samuel C. Schuppe
Ms. Marie Hoyer
Ted Hoyer Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John Shutack
Ms. Oprah Winfrey
Polk Bros. Foundation
Refco, Inc.
Caroline and John Ballantine
The Barr Fund
A.G. Becker Foundation
The Canning Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
Mr. Gary Elden and Ms. Phyllis Mandler
The Fort James Foundation
GE Commercial Finance
Julie and Parker Hall
Michael and Diane Hora
The Joyce Foundation
Mr. Randolph R. Kurtz
LINK Unlimited
Mr. Judd D. Malkin
Mary M. McGuire Trust
Audrey and Jack Miller Family Charitable Foundation
Daniel Murphy Scholarship Foundation
Ronald H. Ringer Foundation
Sage Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Takiff
United Airlines
Anonymous (3)
Guy A. and N. Kay Arboit Charitable Trust
Banker’s Life & Casualty
Mrs. Janis Battle
The Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Albert Y. and Jackie Bingham
Blum-Kovler Foundation
Helen Brach Foundation
Marc and Liza Brooks
Mr. Richard M. Burridge, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Calderon
A.M. Castle Foundation
Children’s Scholarship Foundation
Citadel Group Foundation
Corn Products International, Inc.
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Cuneo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic V. DaValle
Mrs. Jeffrey C. Doane
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company
Dow Chemical USA
Mr. Harve A. Ferrill
Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc.
First Bank of Highland Park Foundation
Hackberry Endowment Partners
Marguerite Delany Hark Foundation
William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc.
HSBC-North America
Ms. Judith Joy
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Mayer Brown LLP
Mr. Barry Mayo
The Fred Maytag Family Foundation
Col. Stanley R. McNeil Foundation
Mr. Chuck McQuaid
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Motorola Foundation
Mr. Nickolas J. Neubauer
John Nuveen & Company Inc.
Océ-USA, Inc.
Mr. Peer Pedersen
Premark International
Mike and Maureen Roberts
RREEF Capital Fund
Sara Lee Corporation
Dona and Samuel Scott
Gertrude E. Skelly Foundation
Albert J. Speh, Jr. and Claire R. Speh Foundation
TCF Bank
Tellabs, Inc.
Wells Fargo Insurance Services (Acordia, Inc.)
W.P. and H.B. White Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Glickman
The Robert and Caryn Glickman Foundation
Philip J. and Carol J. Lyons
Philip J. and Carol J. Lyons Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Family Foundation
Mrs. Mike Michael
The Northern Trust Company
Gifts made by organizations
Gift period July 2009- June 2010
$100,000 +
Anonymous (2)
Bestfoods Educational Foundation
The Northern Trust Company
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Evelyn R. Simmers Charitable Trust
Aon Corporation
Cuneo Foundation
Gertrude E. Skelly Foundation
Ronald H. Ringer Foundation
TCF Foundation
The Coleman Foundation
The Fred Maytag Family Foundation
The Andrew and Alice Fischer Charitable
Theodore R. and Vivian M.
Johnson Scholarship
Foundation, Inc. Sage Foundation
Anonymous (2)
J.W. Bagley Foundation
Cashel Foundation
Endurance Specialty Holdings
Franklin Square Foundation
ICC Chemical Corporation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Family Foundation
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Inc.
Ritzenthaler Family Foundation
Ryan Enterprises Group
The Donley Foundation
W.P. and H. B. White Foundation
Alberto-Culver Company
Arch Capital Services
William Blair and Company, LLC
A. M. Castle Foundation
Chicago Board of Trade Foundation
Corn Products International, Inc.
Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust
Federated Group, Inc.
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Cele H. and William B. Rubin Family Fund
Kristin Linnea Skvarla Foundation
Howard & Frankie Alper Philanthropic Fund
Ariel Investments
Bruce Foundation
Glaxosmithkline Foundation
HAF Foundation
Elinor and Maynard Marks Family Fund
We continue to stand headand-shoulders above the
national average on the Terra
Nova Standardized Achievement
Test and the ACT test.
The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
HSBC-North America
Esther B. Kahn Charitable Foundation
Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP
Kinder Morgan Foundation
McIntosh Foundation, Inc.
C. Louis Meyer Family Foundation
Henry E. Niles Foundation
Perkins Coie LLP
Herbert C. Wenske Foundation
The Chartered Foundation
The Fanny R. Wurlitzer Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
KemperLesnick Communications
Kidsverse, Inc.
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
Geraldi Norton Foundation
Sunset Packaging, Inc.
The Braeside Foundation
The HAVI Group, LP
The Private Bank
Tootsie Roll Foundation
Wal Mart Foundation
Wells Fargo Insurance Services of Illinois
Carney Family Foundation
Enivar Charitable Fund
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Shell Oil Company Foundation
The Pzena Investment Charitable Fund
Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley, LLC
Trey Whitfield Foundation, Inc.
Up to $249
Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.
Brown Foundation
Matt Ferguson Photography, Ltd.
Google, Inc.
Heritage Motel & Apartments
Horizon Screen Print, Inc.
I&G Charitable Foundation
Knightsbridge Asset Management, LLC
Lambruschi Family Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Lisa and Victor Nemeroff Foundation
People’s Energy
Pepsico Foundation
Pershing Square Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
Prior Family Trust
Pyramid West
Target Take Charge of Education
Winestyles South Loop
Gifts made
July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Hurvis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Michael and Kay O’Halleran, St. Mel Class of 1968
The Pusinelli Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Pusinelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Pusinelli
Debora de Hoyos and Walter Carlson
Mr. Samuel C. Schuppe
The Basler Family
Mr. Richard M. Burridge, Sr.
Gregory and Stephanie Guyett
Michael and Diane Hora, St. Mel Class of 1961
Mr. Howard Isenberg
Ms. Judith Joy
Becky and Lester Knight
Mr. Benjamin Kovler
Mr. William Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Culliton
Ms. Jeanette DiBella
Mr. Barton L. Faber
Mr. Harve A. Ferrill
Mr. Paul F. Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Jago
Mr. John H. Klancik
Mr. and Mrs. Raju N. Patel
Mr. Bryon Stanislaw
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Kathryn Bernards, Providence Class of 1966
Albert Y. and Jackie Bingham
We instill tomorrow’s leaders
with a solid moral compass
and an unrivaled work ethic.
Mr. James W. Mabie
Mr. Chuck McQuaid
Michael and Maureen Roberts
Mr. Andrew S. Rosenman
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Salemi, St. Mel Class of 1967
Joseph and Denise Seminetta
Mr. and Mrs. John Shutack
Mr. Peter F. Stack
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tully
Ms. Shirley V. Watts
Mrs. Marietta C. Bratta-
Garber, Providence
Class of 1960, and Mr. Samuel B. Garber
Mr. Thomas Brean
Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown
Dr. Birch H. Burghardt and Dr. Galen D. Burghardt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Jacqueline Burtin
Stan and Marlene Calderon
Mr. Woodrow Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Carlson
Phillip and Helen Coleman
Ms. Jamelyn E. Cotton, Class of 1986
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. John B. D’Arcy
Kent and Liz Dauten
Joseph and Kathleen Diclementi
Andrew and Barbara Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Eckert
Mrs. Patricia C. Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Fisher
Michael Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fortnum
Caroline and John Ballantine
Philip J. and Carol J. Lyons
Mr. Nickolas J. Neubauer
Ms. Stacey Riddell
Mr. and Kenneth H. Robin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Dona and Samuel Scott
Mr. Fred L. Turner
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Paul J. Adams III
Mrs. Linda Ray Arny
Mr. James Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Clesceri
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
Mr. James A. and Mrs. Cheryl Bebee-Grimm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Susan Bergeman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Brown
Mrs. Jeffrey C. Doane
Mr. Gary Elden and Ms.Phyllis Mandler
Mr. Christopher G. Filpi
Mr. Donald C. Gancer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffery Geldermann
Mrs. Frances Carter Johnson
Mr. Christopher G. Kennedy
John and Gladys Nowicki, Providence Class of 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Freeman
Mrs. Eileen L. Furey
Mr. Norman Goldring
Mr. Alfred G. Goldstein
Michael and Lisa Hartley
Mr. Dennis L. Heskel and Mrs. Tricia Bowdidge
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hadlai Hull
Mr. Paul J. Purfield
Mrs. Alice B. Rapoport and Mr. Michael A. Sachs
Rev. Orlando Redekopp and Ms. Joan Gerig
Mr. and Mrs. Konrad Schlatter
Glenn and Mary Schnadt
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal
We anticipate that more
than a few of our
Providence St. Mel graduates
may one day prove to be among
those leaders shaping the
future and improving lives.
Ms. Beatrice C. Hurey
Ms. Patricia Hurley
Andrew and Sheree Johnson, Jr.
Stuart and Melody Johnson
Ms. Angela F. Johnson-
Williams, Class of 1989
John W. and Nancy Q. Johnston
William and Mary Alice Jovan
Mr. Matthew E. Just
Mr. Richard Kerbis
Mr. Harold W. Knapheide III
Penny B. Kynion
Ms. Carolyn E. Labutka
Richard and Joan Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Laura Loventhal
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. MacLean
Mr. Scott McKeon
Dr. Cassandra R. Minor, Class of 1984
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Morris
Mr. Anton Motz
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mueller
Ms. Denise Nash
Mr. Robert S. Nelson and Ms. Margaret R. Olin
Alfred G. Nichols
Mr. Daniel J. O’Connor
Geoffrey and Roberta Parson
James C. Perry and Robert J. Horton
Mr. Michael J. Pierce
Dr. Gerald Shay, St. Mel
Class of 1960 and
Mrs. Judy Shay
John B. and Penelope A. Sullivan
Mrs. Dona-Lee Trotter
Mrs. Linda L. Tuggle
Ms. Paula Turner Grasso
Mr. Richard B. Vanecko and Mrs. Barbara H. Vanecko
Mr. Frans L. Victorson
Constance and Hugh Williams
Mr. Willie L. Wilson
Ms. Phyllis A. Wojtar, Providence Class of 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Yonover
Wayne and Nancy Haraldson, St. Mel Class $500-$999
of 1959
Dr. William Huizingh
Mr. John E. Abney, Class of James and Mary Ann Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. David Inlander
Mr. Dan B. Adams
Ms. Sylvia L. Jones, Class of Ms. Michelle Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Bert and Judy Krueger
Bandi, Jr.
Stephen Kusmierczak
Ellen and George Benson
Jim and Ann LaPalermo
Mr. Hill Blackett III
Mr. Richard Lenon
Mr. Albert L. Braggs, St. Mel Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. and Class of 1969
Carol L. Lucido
Mrs. Sarah Anne Brennan
Mr. James D. MacLennan
Mr. Michael Brennan, St. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Mel Class of 1963 and
Mrs. Patricia Brennan
Mr. Mark C. Mamolen
Bruce and Christy Bush
David and Emily Merjan
Mr. and Mrs. Rocker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Channell
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse and Drs. Jeanette and Mark Priscilla Adams Cleveland Moulthrop
Mr. Raymond F. Connor
Mr. Norman L. Muse
Mr. John H. Cooper
Mr. Anthony M. Natelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. and Mr. Daniel C. Pancake
Isabel M. Curley
Mr. Dan Petrik
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jay and Nicholas Piediscalzi, St. Mel Paula C. Epstein
Class of 1948 and
Ms. Vickie V. Fair, Class of Sybil H. Piediscalzi
Grace and Scott Rappe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Julie Jovan-Sheerin and Finnegan, Jr.
Patrick Sheerin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fiore
Helen E. Sieben
Bill and Pam Grady
Mr. Steven H. Stauber
John and Pat Grady
Ms. Janet Stevens
Ms. Patricia Smith Hanlon, Mr. James W. Stevenson, Jr.
Providence Class of 1946
Mr. Peter Zimmerer
Dr. Deborah Sturgis-Hinton, Class of 1989
Craig and Susan Swanson
Mike and Kathleen Talty
Mr. Wolfe J. Tone
Quinn and Shirley Waterloo
Mr. Richard E. Webber
Sara L. Wing
Mr. Charles Romeo
Ms. Diana Segal
Ms. Teruko Smith
Paul and Diane Spanier
Mrs. Rosemary Stueland
James and Mary Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Teglia
Ms. France Tuite
Mr. Robert W. Venn
Ms. Kimberly Whiting, Class of 1987
Mr. Orrin R. Williams
Ms. Aleatha Wilson-
Muhammad, Class of 1987
Mr. David G. Winston
Joe Young, Class of 1987
Anonymous (4)
Mr. John M. Alogna
Ms. Michelle Anderson
Mr. Edward C. Auxer
Mr. and Mrs. David and Barbara Ayars
Dr. and Mrs. David J. and Beverly Baar
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Beth Bakal
Ms. Terri F. Baker, Esq.
Ms. Mary Bellmar and Mr. Peter Olson
Mr. Joseph D. Benigni
Mr. Cliff Bregstone
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. and Myra M. Buettner
Mr. John P. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John E. and Carolyn Campbell
Lt. Col. Gregory Canty
Tom and Carrie Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Pam Conant
Ms. Jerolynne Croswell
Dr. Anthony M. D’Agostino, St. Mel Class of 1958
Ms. Betty Danley
Ms. Jennifer DePotter
Jon and Rachel Barreto Edensword
Mr. Randall Eilering
Rev. Timothy D. Ervin, Class of 1991
Mr. Edward G. Felsenthal
Miss Gloria A. Franchi, Providence Class of 1949
Mr. David Geiselhart
Mr. and Mrs. James C. and Mary Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Grisham, Class of 1969
John M. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Harris, Class of 1977
Mr. Lou Holland
John and Lisa Iberle
Dr. and Mrs. David Ingall
Mr. James L. Jackson
Mr. Hubert l. Jones
Mr. Virgil J. Jones, Jr.
Mr. Howard Karloff
Mrs. Kathleen O. Kaufman
Thomas Kearney,
St. Mel Class of 1946 and
Patricia (Connelly) Kearney
Ms. Carol W. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Earle R. Kessler
Jeffrey and Alexandra Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond R. LaPlace
Ms. Patricia J. MacMurray and Mr. Edmond J. Ford
Mr. Peter E. Manis and Ms. Susan A. Richman
Ms. Maribel Mata-Benedict
Ms. Ruby G. Martin
Ms. Nancy C. Maze
Percy L. Angelo and Marvin I. Medintz
Ms. Whitney Neighbors
John and Barbara Noonan
Mr. Thomas O’Neil, Jr.
Ms. Debra Parker
John and Carol Rappel
As a private independent school,
we do not receive
financial support from any
government sources.
Mr. William J. Leugers, Jr.
Mr. Martin S. Lindenberger and Ms. Arlene M. Wallace
Steven L. Rhodes, Ph. D
Mr. Charles P. Riley, Jr.
Robert and Amy Ring
LaDaryl Roland, Sr., Class of 1989
Anonymous (11)
Ms. Mary Lou Backes
Mr. Henry W. Barkhausen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. and Alma R. Barsanti
Ms. Joanne L. Beckman
Mr. Albert J. Belanger
Mr. Hedi Belkaoui
Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Berges, Sr.
Mr. Stanley Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Howard I. Bernstein
Ms. Mary Ann Berry
Mr. Peter J. Birnbaum
Mark, Sallie and Mark Boge
Ms. Carroll R. Bogert
Ms. Ruth R. Bremner
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. John and Linda Brodson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ellen Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Willard and Jeanette Bunn III
Mr. Terry A. Burns
Mr. Raymond P. Buschman
Hugh J. Cadden, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cahill
Mr. Paul E. Came
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cappo
Mr. James P. Caputo
Ed and Ursula Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Cherskov
Ms. Elizabeth Cibulskis, Providence Class of 1954
Don and Carol Ann Cisek
Ms. Carolyn Cole
Jim and Bev Cosgrove
Ms. Beverly Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Crawford
Ms. DeBorah J. Crawford
Mr. Frank J. Cullen
Mr. Andrew Del Giudice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Delaney
Allan T. Devitt and Susan Z. Diamond
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dirmish
Ms. Barbara J. Disko
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Dondanville
Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Thomas A. Downs
Mr. Goodwin W. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dylla, Sr., St. Mel Class
of 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ebert
Mrs. Joan Enderle
Dr. Suzanne L. Epstein
Dr. Ronald N. Errico, St. Mel Class of 1953
Ms. Marilyn J. Fall
Mr. and Mrs. E. Marvin Farwell
Dr. Adolphus C. Favors, Jr.
Kerry and Anne-Marie Finger
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Fish
Mr. J. Richard Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Florsheim
Mrs. Calvita Frederick-Sowel
Ms. Lara Frohlich
Joan T. Gagen
Mr. Tony A. Gallardo
Mr. Mark D. Gately
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gates
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Goldstein
Michael Graft, St. Mel Class of 1950 and Patricia Graft
Ms. Shirley Grigsby
Ms. Cassandra M. Harlan, Class of 1999
Don and Terri Liebentritt
Dr. and Mrs. William Lofton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Lynch
Ms. Corrine Lyon
Ms. Irene V. Maksym, Providence Class of 1960
Ms. Mary Ann Mallahan
John E. Maloy
For a remarkable 31st year in
a row, 100% of our graduates
were accepted into four-year
colleges and universities.
Ms Audrey J. Harper
Ken and Chris Hennig
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herdrich
Ms. Patricia Hollenkamp
Mr. Frank B. Hubachek, Jr.
Michael and Lynn Hurley
Mr. John A. Jackanicz
Roy Jasinski and Noreen
Dennehy-Jasinski, Providence, Class of 1968
Mr. Henryk Jedrzejek
Howard and Susanne Jessen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim J. Johnston
Antoine M. Jones, Ed. D., Class of 1988
Ms. Keysha L. Jones-
Wheeler, Class of 1992
Larry and Eunice Juracic
Mr. Daniel Kadjan
Mrs. Roberta Kaminski, Providence Class of 1959
Mr. Jack Kanuk
Mr. Morton Kaufman
Paul and Mary Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. King
Ms. Daina E. Kojelis
Mr. and Mrs. Jason H. Kravitt
Ms. Harriette S. Kretske
Dr. Jacqueline Krump
Ms. Maria E.J. Kuhn
Richard and Roberta Larson
Mr. Jack Lease
Mr. and Mrs. Marty and Barbara Letscher
Mr. Van Lewis
Ms. Alice M. Maresh, Providence Class of 1940
Mrs. Toni Mathis
Ms. Patricia McAvinchey
Ms. Noreen M. McCann
Ms. Joan G. McConnell
Ms. Margaret McDowell
Mr. Dan McLean, St. Mel Class of 1955
Mr. Earl Meltzer
Richard and Sara Mesirow
Ms. Stephanie A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Minor
John and Pam Mjoseth
Mr. Brian Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Percy C. Moss, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Nelson, Class of 1990
Mr. Brian Novelline
Mr. and Mrs. William P. O’Connell, St. Mel Class of 1968
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Olechny, St. Mel Class of 1965
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Orum
Dr. Krishna Pagilla
Ms. Brenda R. Palm
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patinkin
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Pawlowski
Ms. Julia Peters
Ms. Carolyn A. Powers
Ms. Mildred Prater
Trish and Tim Preheim
Mr. Jay H. Price, Jr.
Mary A. Prosser
James and Linda Pushaw
Mr. and Mrs. Everett O. Queckboerner
Mr. David G. Quinlan, Jr.
Mr. Nathan Ramin
Marjorie D. Reddick
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Redeker
Ms. Virginia Rose Reed, Providence Class of 1954
Mr. Patrick Reedy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reider, Sr., Mel Class of 1946
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Reisel
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Marjean Rubin
Art and Mary Ryan
Mr. Martin P. Ryan
Mr. Harry M. Sangermann and Ms. Lynn Gilfillan
Mr. and Mrs. Jason and
Nicole Schieffer
Ms. Jean G. Schuessler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Schuler
Margaret Zickgraff Schuttler
Ms. Cynthia A. Schwab
Drs. Timothy and Mirika Sentongo
Col (Ret.) and Mrs. Vance Shaw
Mr. Alexander L. Shay
Mr. Owens J. Shelby, Class of 2000
Mrs. Mary Simon
Mr. David Slate
Ms. Burlene Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Smith
Ms. Rita J. Spitz
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Stein
Ms. Natalie D. Stein
Lee and Maryanne Stone
Julie and Bob Stracks
Mr. and Mrs. James Strawn
Mrs. Janet Sutton
Mr. Gerald A. Swick
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thigpin
Ms. Mary Thommen
Janet W. and Samme Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomsen
Mr. Calvin C. Thurman, Jr., Class of 1972
Ms. Portia Trenholm-Hamlar
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Turner
Allan and Angela Vagner
Eleanor Wagner
Mary K. (Kelly) Wagner, Providence Class of 1952
Mrs. Bette L. Walker
Ms. Susan E. Ward
Gay M. Weber
Mr. Robert C. Wegman
Mr. Robert Weisheit, Jr.
Mrs. Janet E. Antal
Mr. Joseph Antonello, Jr., St.
Mel Class of 1936
Ms. Adwoa Antwi-Barfi, Class of 2000
Ms. Joan N. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. George Banjac
Mr. Alterio Banks
Mr. Harland Bartholomew
Mr. R.W. “Bill” Baruth, Jr.
Mr. James L. Baskin
Ms. Zobeida Beal
Mr. David Beasley
Mr. Bernard G. Beck
Ms. Naomi J. Bell
Mr. Robert and Sandra Bennis, St. Mel Class of 1962
Ms. Adele Bernstein
Ms. Joan Beiler, Providence Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Class of 1967
Mr. Rollin Binzer
Ms. Drenda J. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Alford Williams Ms. Phyllis Birks
Mr. Fred W. Bock
Dorothy Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Frank and
Natasha and Charles Willis
Mary Ann Brabec
Mr. George T. Wilson
Mr. William H. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Winger
Mr. Marcus Broadnax
Bob and Sally Winter
Mr. James C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Woods
Mr. Louis Yonke
Ronald and Diane Zachwieja, Ms. Margaret Burroughs
Ms. Kimberlee J. Burt, Class Providence Class of 1960
of 1988
Marvin Zonis and Ms. Lucy Ms. Susan Byrne
Ms. Helen Marie Callahan
Adam and Jennifer Zussman
Mr. Ronald Callahan
On Tuesday, May 11, 2010,
Choral Director Dr. David Baar
was selected as one of only
ten winners of the prestigious
Golden Apple Award for
Excellence in Teaching.
Up to $99
Anonymous (8)
Mr. Andrew Agostini
Mr. James E. Allen
Ms. Patrice Alpert
Mr. Kenneth K. Anderson
Ms. Virginia Anderson, Providence Class of 1965
Mr. Roald Cann
Mr. Charles M. Carey
Mr. Jay Casey
Mr. John J. Caulfield
Mr. Ronald Cerutti, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Justin B.
Chenelle, St. Mel Class of 1957
Ms. Laura A. Fisher
Mr. Kenneth P. Fivizzani
Mrs. Gloria Flanzer
Ms. Margaret Henning
Mr. Mark Hensman
Mr. Jesse Herr
Ms. Ann Sherby Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Ellen Hoye Cortopassi
Alberta Cotton
Dr. Yvette Coursey
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur R. and Ada B. Crampton
Rev. Robert A. Cross
Ms. Helen J. Cuncannan
Mr. Paul Damian
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Danko
Ms. Barbara A. Davis
Ms. Letitia D. Dillard, Class of 1996
Ms. Brigitte L. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Donoghue
Jean and Richard Doub
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunne
Mr. Jerome F. Dunne
Ms. Ayesha V. Dwyer
Ms. Ellen Edwards
Mr. James E. Egan
Mr. Burton Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Espevik
Mr. James Fadim
Mr. Paul S. Falzone
Ms. Beverly Felton, Class of 1979
Rev. Donald J. Fenske
Mrs. Juneal Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fischer
Audrey and Bob Fischer
Mr. ODowd Fleming
Mr. M. S. Frear
Mr. and Mrs. K. Sean Frey
Rev. Charles G. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gay
Ms. Tre Geoghegan
Ms. Nancy M. Gordon
Mr. Ettore P. Grimaldi
Mr. Jim Hagestad
Mr. Richard C. Haines
Mr. Don Hawkins
Ms. Lillie M. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. and Ellen Hofman
Ms. Ruth L. Houser
Mr. Chuck Huber
Mr. Leo A. Hudson
Tom and Rose Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. William Hummer
Mr. Matthew R. Humphries, Class of 1992
The Providence Effect, the
award-winning documentary
film about Providence St.
Mel School, opened in several
theaters in not only Chicago
but Washington, New York,
Newark, Detroit, Atlanta,
Los Angeles, San Francisco
and Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hayes
Mr. Thomas J. Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hennessy
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
Ms. Reanetta Hunley, Class of 2000
Mr. Terrence Hutton
Ms. Patricia Jablonski
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jackson
Mrs. Leona Jackson, Providence Class of 1939
Richard and Nancy Jacobs
Mr. Lee Jamison
Mr. Thom Jenkins
Dr. Sterling Johnson, St. Mel Class of 1968
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Keller
Dr. Jonathan R. Kelly
Ms. Nora D. Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Komperda
Mr. Michael J. Kress
Ms. Carola Kupfer
Mrs. Janey Lahey
Ms. Marsha Landau
Fred and Linda Lane
Mr. Jim Larson
Mr. James Lecuyer
Mr. Burton Lewis
Ms. Wen Jiuan (Daisy) Liu
Ann and Nello Lucchesi
Mr. Brian Lynch
Father Patrick M. Lyons
Ann Macur
Mr. James L. Maltezos
Mr. Leonard Manka
Donald C. and Audria B. Marek
Mr. Mark E. Maroney
Mr. Bob Marovich
Ms. Mary B. Marshall
Mrs. Joan Martin
Ms. Frances K. (Lee) Matheu, Providence Class of 1965
Virginia and George Maurer
Mr. Sam T. Mauro
Ms. Nan Mayer
Mr. Curtis Mayfield
Kevin and Patti McCanna
Josephine McCord Family
Ms. Teresa E. McDonald-
Ms. Mary J. McEnery
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. McKinney
Ms. Laura McMahon
Ms. Margaret McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McNally
Ms. Marilyn Krpal Michalek, Providence Class of 1948
Ms. Roberta Michaletz
Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Miller,
St. Mel Class of 1944
Ms. Erin G. Mitchell
Ms. Therese M. Molony
Ms. Diane R. Monnich and
Mr. Thomas C. Brennan
Ms. Verletta I. Moody
Mr. Warren S. and
Dr. Patricia Moore
Ms. Mary Eileen Mullins
Dr. L. Wynette Murphy
Mr. Sylvester W. Nowak, St. Mel Class of 1957
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Oken
Ms. Riley ONeil
Jane and Thomas O’Neil
Mr. Joseph Organ, Jr.
Rev. William J. O’Shea
Kateri O’Shea and Mary C. Stretch
Ms. Dolores Ostrowski
Mr. Neil Pagano
Dan and Mary Ann Pankiewicz, Providence Class of 1957
Bettye J. Parque
Dr. Myla Patterson,
Class of 1996
Mr. Otto Perlenfien
Mr. Ernest Pettis
Dr. Geraldine K. Piorkowski, Providence Class of 1954
Marijo and Michael Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Porter
Robert and Betty Press
Ms. Patricia A. Pruitt
Tom and Katie Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rafanelli
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ricker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Jean L. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Rogers
Mrs. Veronica Rogers-Brown
Mr. Mark Rohde
Mr. Howard J. Romanek
Mrs. Rita Stolfa Romanelli, Providence Class of 1955
Ms. Doreen Root
Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Rowells
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Rudawski
Ms. Mary T. Saigh
Mr. Gene D. Salvadelena
Mr. Joseph Sanchez
Ms. Yvette Sanders Costa, Class of 1984
Mr. Richard Sanderson
Ms. Bertha Schafer, Providence Class of 1939
Ms. Marian E. Scheffler
Ms. Mary Schmuttenmaer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stowe
Dr. Michelle L. Streety,
Class of 1990
Mrs. Mary Sublewski, Providence Class of 1943
Mr. Joseph E. Sullivan,
St. Mel Class of 1960
Dr. Earl C. Swallow
Over the past three years,
our graduates have received
$14 million
in college scholarships!
Mr. Myron Siegel
Mr. Gregory J. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith
Charles Stamm and
Mary Beth Woods-
Stamm, Providence Class of 1955
Mrs. Jane Stein
Ron and Julie Stepp
Mr. Sentral L. Stewart
Ms. Yvonne Stewart
Mr. Paul E. Stott
Mr. Charles Sweningsen
Mr. Ray Swidron
Ms. Linda S. Tart
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Tenner
Dr. and Mrs. Somasundaram Thamilavel
Mr. Jack L. Thorson
Ms. Drapel Townsend
Mr. Matt and Mrs. Anita Trainor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tritschler
Mr. John F. Twomey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Valentine
Nancy and Don Van Beek
Mr. Phil Varchetta
Mr. Harmon P. Vaughter
David and Jamie Wainwright
Sister Rosemary Ward
Ms. Hertestyne Watkins
Ms. Amber J. Watson,
Class of 2001
Mr. Danny B. Weathersby II, Class of 1996
Ms. Geraldine Weathersby
Mr. Jay M. Weiner
Ms. Virginia A. Weise
Ms. Sharon B. Wells
Mr. Wayne Williams
Ms. Vanessa Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carroll Williams
Ms. Katrina T. Wilson, Class of 1994
Ms. Sherelle A. Withers, Class of 1990
Mr. William H. Woods, Class of 1978
Ms. Naomi Yale
Mrs. Debra Yates
Jerry Zacker, St. Mel Class
of 1959 and Mary Pat Zacker
July 2009 – June 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglass
Mrs. Calvita Frederick-Sowel
Frank Kreutzer & Co.
Rainbow Book Company
St. Matthias Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Scott
The Second City
Mr. Steve E. Speltz
United Airlines
Matching gift companies
Gift Period July 2009 – June 2010
Abbott Laboratories
Aon Corporation
Bank of America Foundation
Corn Products International, Inc.
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Google, Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
JP Morgan Chase
Microsoft Corporation
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
People’s Energy
Pepsico Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.
Shell Oil Company Foundation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
July 2009 – June 2010
In Honor of
Alida Basler
Howard & Frankie Alper Philanthropic Fund
Sara L. Wing
Mr. Edward C. Auxer
Mr. Jimmy L. Birks
Ms. Phyllis Birks
Hill Blackett II
Mr. Hill Blackett III
Al Scharner
Mark, Sallie and Mark Boge
Michael O’Halleran
Mr. and Mrs. Rocker
John and Pam Mjoseth
Bob and Sally Winter
Nathan Mayberry
Ms. Helen J. Cuncannan
R’Che L. Danley and RL Danley, Jr.
Ms. Betty Danley
Bernard D. Gately
Mr. Mark D. Gately
Heather Noonan
John and Barbara Noonan
Dona Scott
Ms. Brenda R. Palm
Ms. Virginia A. Weise
President Barack Obama
Mr. Charles Romeo
Marci Van Gilder-Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Marjean Rubin
Jeanette DiBella
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Rudawski
Providence St. Mel Teachers
Drs. Timothy and Mirika Sentongo
Wayne J. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Burlene Smith
Sister Mary Magdalene Schwartz
Mary Beth and Charles Woods-Stamm
Mike and Maureen Roberts
Ms. Paula Turner Grasso
Tom Dittmer
Mr. Paul F. Glenn
Dick and Nan Burridge
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn and Shirley Waterloo
Karen Pritzker
Mr. Alfred G. Goldstein
Edward Auxer
Ms. Sara L. Wing
Lee and Maryanne Stone
Mr. Richard C. Haines
John and Eva Krump
Dr. Jacqueline Krump
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
In Memory of
Mrs. Mary B. Wing
Mr. Edward C. Auxer
Steve and Genevieve Alexa
Ms. Kathryn Bernards
Michelle Van Dyke
Mr. Sam Garber and Mrs. Marietta Bratta-Garber
Sanford Takiff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ellen Bryant
Patricia Andrews Marovich
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Ellen Hoye Cortopassi
Ms. Mary McEnery
Ms. Erin G. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Anita Trainor
Sister Marie Jeanette Riley, SP
Mr. Roy Jasinski and Mrs. Noreen Dennehy Jasinski
Edward J. Eagan and
William J. Egan
Mr. James E. Eagan
James G. Stockard, Jr.
Michael Flynn
Domenic and Mary Franchi
Miss Gloria A. Franchi
Sister Angela Marie
Ms. Patricia Smith Hanlon
James F. Kearney
Mr. Leo A. Hudson
Roberta Kaminski
Roberta Kaminski
Walter Macur
Ann Macur
Mattie L. Brown
Dr. L. Wynette Murphy
Winifred Quigley Fothergill-Quinlan
Mr. David G. Quinlan
Sr. Vincent O’Malley
Mrs. Rita Stolfa Romanelli
P.A. Saigh
Ms. Mary T. Saigh
Joseph Merle
Ms. Diana Segal
Harper C. Trenhom, Jr.
Ms. Portia Trenholm-
Dr. Cornell Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tritschler
Patty Turner
Ms. Paula Turner Grasso
Jean Mullin Yonke
Mr. Louis Yonke
Alumni Society
The Alumni Society consists of alumni who provide financial contributions in support of sustaining the future of
Providence St. Mel School. This society honors alumni who have made contributions that total $1.000 or more
since graduation.
Founder’s Circle $200,000 +
Builder’s Circle $5,000-$9,999
Michael E. Hora, Class of 1961*
John Coughlin, Class of 1968*
Timothy D. Ervin, Class of 1991
Joseph Fels, Class of 1940*
Michael J. Graft, Class of 1950*
Sylvia L. Jones, Class of 1989
Clement J. McDonald, Class of 1967*
John R. Olechny, Class of 1965*
Nicholas Piediscalzi, Class of 1948*
Gerald W. Shay, Class of 1960*
Robert Zbylut*
Nedra Miller Karim, Class of 1975
Eugene L. Moore, Class of 1997
William P. O’Connell, Class of 1968*
Earl J. Ruppert, Class of 1942*
Robert C. Sassetti, Class of 1947*
Betty Sloan, Class of 1955**
Kimbrel D. Stephen, Class of 1972
Deborah Sturgis-Hinton, M.D., Class of 1989
John F. Sweeney, Class of 1952*
Planner’s Circle $2,500-$4,999
Worker’s Circle $1,000-$2,499
John E. Abney, Class of 1996
Albert L. Braggs, Class of 1969
Peter A. Brusca, Class of 1959*
Kimberlee J. Burt, Class of 1988
Cecilia W. Fairfax, Class of 1974
Gloria A. Franchi, Class of 1949**
Marie Gartland, Class of 1968**
Lawrence E. Grisham, Class of 1969
Lowell D. Hamilton, Class of 1985
Patricia S. Hanlon, Class of 1946**
Wayne L. Haraldson, Class of 1959*
Beatrice C. Hurey, Class of 1985
Linton Johnson III, Class of 1998
Daniel R. McLean, Class of 1955*
Patrick Martin, Class of 1967*
Virginia Anderson, Class of 1965**
Erma E. Baer**
Kathryn A. Bernards, Class of 1966**
Michael P. Brennan, Class of 1963*
Ave Maria Capitanini, Class of 1945**
Jamelyn E. Cotton, Class of 1986
Janetta Cotton, Class of 1986
Anita Curi, Class of 1940**
Michael D. O’Halleran, Class of 1968*
Leader’s Circle
President’s Circle
Anthony J. Salemi, Class of 1967*
Principal’s Circle
John D’Arcy*
Marietta Bratta-Garber, Class of 1960**
Carl L. Harris, Class of 1977
Gladys Nowicki, Class of 1946**
Dreamer’s Circle
Leona Jackson, Class of 1939**
Cassandra R. Minor, M.D., Class of 1984
Thomas A. Sullivan Trust, Class of 1920*
Phyllis A. Wojtar, Class of 1944**
Dorothy Crane Davis, Class of 1940**
Noreen Dennehy Jasinski, Class of 1968**
Bobby T. Dillard, Class of 1996
Letitia D. Dillard, Class of 1996
Vickie Fair, Class of 1979
Robert A. Grisham,
Class of 1969*
George Johnson, Class of 1972
Angela F. Johnson-Williams,
Class of 1989
Sandra A. Jones, Class of 1974
Roberta Kaminski, Class of 1959**
Thomas E. Kearney, Class of 1946*
Robert P. Littlefield, Class of 1944*
Margaret Loftus, Class of 1946**
Alice M. Maresh, Class of 1940**
Patrick J. Mellett, Class of 1955*
Roosevelt Moncure, Class of 1980
Shawn W. Nelson, Class of 1990
James J. O’Conner, Class of
Daniel Pankiewicz, Class of 1957*
Thomas Pepper, Class of 1970
Ronald L. Price, Class of 1978
Virginia R. Reed, Class of 1954**
Bill Reider, Class of 1946*
Margaret Rimac, Class of 1941**
Irene Smith-Steele, Class of 1975
Terry A. Soule, Class of 1971
Calvin C. Thurman, Class of
Patricia Wilde, Class of 1953**
Aleatha Wilson-Muhammad, Class of 1987
Diane Wodzien Zachwieja, Class of 1960**
* St. Mel High School, **Providence High School
Michael D. O’Halleran, Chairman
Gregory J. Pusinelli, First Vice Chair
Debora de Hoyos, Vice Chair
Marcia E. Doane, Vice Chair
Howard Isenberg, Vice Chair
Karen Pritzker, Vice Chair
David Hoffman, Secretary
Denise Seminetta, Treasurer
Board of Trustees
Paul J. Adams, III,
Providence St. Mel School
Providence Englewood Charter School
Caroline W. Ballantine, Heidrick
& Struggles
Mary Jo Basler
Maribel Mata Benedict, Katten, Muchin, Rosenman, LLP
Angelina D. Brown, Ottawa Ford
Richard M. Burridge, RMB Capital Management
Paul J. Adams III, President
Jeanette DiBella, Principal
Renee Kallok, Director of Student Services and
Senior Counselor
Marsha Clesceri, Acting Director of Finance
Christel Ward, Dean of
Students and Faculty
Beverly Baar, Special Areas Department Chair
Mary Bellmar, Instructional Chair
Teresa Cullen, Director of Athletics
Adrienne Hawkins-Turner, High School Mathematics Department Chair
Julie Jovan, Pre-K-5 Department Chair
Kevin McGrath, High School Science and Middle School Department Chair
Stephanie Miller, High School Social Studies/English Department Chair
Jim Rojahn, Director of Technology
Marsha Spight, Director of Social Work
Marci Van Gilder-Rubin, Professional Development Chair
Dr. David J. Baar, Middle and High School Choral Director
Ted Boswell, Religion Teacher
Keziah Brackett, 4th Grade Teacher
John A. Canning, Jr., Madison Dearborn Partners
Debora de Hoyos, Mayer Brown, LLP
Thomas H. Dittmer*
Marcia E. Doane
Gary Elden, Grippo & Elden
Dan Fietsam, Energy BBDO
Harve A. Ferrill
Gregory L. Guyett, JP Morgan
David H. Hoffman, Sidley Austin LLP
Michael E. Hora, Sr.
J. Thomas Hurvis, Old World Industries
Howard Isenberg, The Barr Fund
Sylvia L. Jones, WLS-TV ABC 7
Judith Joy
Michael L. Keiser, Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
Benjamin Kovler, Blum-Kovler Foundation
Barry Mayo, Radio One
Scott A. McKeon, ACE USA
Michelle Byrd, Work Study
Coordinator/High School Counselor
Amy Dean, High School Spanish
John Egan, Middle School Science
David English, High School Biology
Timothy Ervin, Varsity Basketball Coach
Adrienne Fama, High School Spanish
Julia Finder, Middle/High School English Teacher
Gregory Finger, High School Math
Sheila Foster, Kindergarten Teacher
Megan Granholm, Middle School Math
Elizabeth Greene, 2nd Grade Teacher
Eric Hendricks, High School Math
Sharrell Holmes, 1st Grade Teacher
Stacy Huhn, Elementary Teacher
Dr. Marsha Landau, Math Consultant
Jacqueline Lanier, Teacher Assistant
Mary Kay McGrath, Library/
Media Specialist
Tami Malina, Middle and High School Band Director
Emily Michalak, Middle School Social Studies
Kendra Mills, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Sharon Mixon, 5th Grade Teacher
Valerie Mulvey, Kindergarten Teacher
Providence St. Mel School Annual Report 2010
Michael D. O’Halleran, Aon Benfield
Raju N. Patel, Bank of America
J. David Pepper, Pepper Construction
Karen Pritzker, The Jay Pritzker Foundation
Gregory J. Pusinelli, William Blair & Company
Stacey Riddell
Michael J. Roberts, Westside Holdings, LLC
Kenneth H. Robin
Mark W. Rohde, TCF Financial Corporation
Andrew S. Rosenman, Mayer Brown, LLP
Edward W. Ross, Renee and Edward Ross Foundation
Robert J. Ryan, Interactive Metronome
Samuel C. Schuppe
Dona T. Scott
Denise M. Seminetta, Premier Asset Management, LLC
Patricia C. Shutack*
Kimberly Nelson, High School English
JoAnn Page, Registrar/Sub/Copy Coordinator
Edmond Pryor, Middle School Girls Basketball Coach
Nathan Ramin, High School Geography
Emina Rebronja, Teachers Assistant
Jennifer Rhoades, High School Art
Andre Rogers, Women’s Basketball Coach
Maggie Russell, High School Spanish
Aaron Smith, Middle School Girl’s Basketball Coach
Colleen Smith, 5th Grade Teacher
Meredith Stevenson, Lower and Middle School Bible/MS Guidance
Carolyn Stopka, High School English and History AP
Jennifer Sullivan, Middle School Language Arts
Dr. Donald Van Beek, High School Chemistry and Economics
Brian Ward, LS/MS Music/
Computer Applications/
Administrative Assistant
Maria Ward, 4th Grade Teacher
Kathy Weil, PE/Health/SOAL Coordinator
Dr. Daniel Wessel, High School Social Studies
Angela Yonke, Lower and Middle School Art
David L. Steinberg, Copy-Mor, Inc.
James W. Stevenson, Jr., Wiedner and McAuliffe, LTD.
David B. Wainwright, Wainwright Construction Services
* Lifetime Trustee
Michael Burks, Maintenance
Laura Dixon, Administrative Assistant
Melissa Fentress, Accountant Assistant
Henry Jedrzejek, Maintenance
Charles Ligon, Head Custodian
John Mahalek, Computer Technician
John McGrath, Building Manager
Carolyn Smith, Business Accountant
Martin Glynn, Corporate and
Foundation Relations
Aleatha Wilson, Director of Admissions
Design: Carla Hill Langston
Photography: Carla Hill Langston
Nathan Ramin and
Jennifer Rhoades
Printing: Bell Litho, Inc.
Your effect can be profound!
With your most generous gift today, you can have
a positive and powerful effect: you can help shape
young lives and give children the hope that comes with
an exceptional college-preparatory education —
a Providence St. Mel education.
But for this story to go on — for the Providence effect
to continue — we need your support of our students,
our school, and our mission of academic excellence.
Although our tuition remains among the lowest of all
independent schools in Chicago, it is still much more than
what hundreds of our struggling families can afford. The
true cost to educate a student at Providence St. Mel is
more than double our modest tuition. Even though our
school automatically underwrites more than half of this
true cost, the great majority of our students require yet
additional financial aid.
Only through the assistance of such caring partners
as you can Providence St. Mel continue to keep
tuition low, provide necessary scholarships, meet operating
expenses, and offer vital academic and enrichment
You can produce your own effect for the promising
young lives we teach, guide, and inspire. We ask you
to join our other supporters and friends and urge
you to be as generous as you can. Please use the
enclosed self-addressed envelope to give today to
Providence St. Mel!
For more information on how you can help advance the
Providence effect, please call our Development Office at
773.722.7756 or visit our website at
All of us at Providence St. Mel thank you for your
much-needed support. Your effect will be profound!
Mission Statement
At Providence St. Mel, we believe.
We believe in the creation of inspired
lives produced by the miracle of hard work.
We are not frightened by the challenges
of reality, but believe that we can change
our conception of this world and our
place within it. So we work, plan,
build, and dream – in that order.
We believe that one must earn the right
to dream. Our talent, discipline, and integrity
will be our contribution to a new world.
Because we believe that we can take this place,
this time, and this people, and make a better
place, a better time, and a better people.
With God’s help, we will either find a way
or make one.
119 South Central Park Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60624