safety regulations
safety regulations
Mr./Ms. Exhibitor 79^ ART 2015 Firenze, 12th March 2015 Prot. n° 601/C23 Object: accompanying letter and ART 2015 operating regulations. Dear Sir or Madam, We would like you to note that it is absolutely essential that all workplace health and safety regulations be observed, Leg. Decree no. 81 of 9 April 2008 and s.m.i., as well as the obligations and regulations described in the DUVRI of the Artisanal Products Exhibition attached to the present. We would like to remind you that you are personally responsible for complying with the legal obligations regarding workplace health and safety regulations, including any documentation necessary as indicated by the said laws. We would also remind you that in the case you intend to use firms and/or self-employed workers for set-up, you yourself must verify that they are technically and professionally qualified for the job and prepare an integration to the abovementioned DUVRI, see art.26 of D.Law 81/2008 and s.m.i. We must remind you to keep all the documentation necessary to fulfill your legal obligations, as per the abovementioned decree, available for inspection by the appointed controllers. The safety and prevention service of the company is available for any further information or explanations. Awaiting reception of a signed copy of the present letter, also by fax at 055/4972244, as a sign of having completely approved and accepted all that is contained therein, Cordially yours, Firenze Fiera Spa Approved by: ___________________________________ Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | D.U.V.R.I. Sole evaluation document of risks deriving from interference between concomitant activities occurring in the same working area. ART Fortezza da Basso – FIRENZE April- May 2015 Art. 26 D.Lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.i. 1. The employer, when entrusting jobs, services and supplies to a building contractor firm, or independent workers within his/her own business, or to a single productive unit of the same as well as for all work in his/her own firm during its normal productive cycle provided that s/he is legally responsible for the areas in which the contracted or independent workers' work is executed: a) shall verify, in the manner indicated in the above decree in article 6, paragraph 8, subparagraph g), the suitability of the building contractor firm or of the independent workers to undertake the job, service or purveyance to be entrusted by a contracting, labour or purveyance contract. Until the aforementioned law comes into effect the verification is to be done in the following manner: 1) acquisition of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry or Crafts membership certificate; 2) acquisition of certification declared under the personal responsibility (autocertification) of the building contractor firm or of the independent workers in which they declare that they possess the necessary technical and professional competence as per art. 47 of the sole text of the legislation and regulations regarding administrative matters found in the D.P.R. 28 December 2000 n.445.; b) shall provide to the same subjects detailed information regarding the specific risks existing in the areas in which they will be working and the safety and emergency measures which have been adopted for their specific activity. 2. Pursuant to paragraph 1, the employers, including subcontractors: a) shall cooperate to implement measures for the prevention and protection from risk relating to the work stipulated in the contract; b) shall coordinate the implementation of risk prevention and protection, informing each other so as to avoid risks due to interference between firms executing the separate jobs which contribute to the completion of all the stipulated work. 3. Employers shall promote cooperation and coordination as per paragraph 2, elaborating a single document of risk evaluation which shall indicate the measures adopted to eliminate or, where this is not possible, reduce risks due to interference to a minimum. This document is to be attached to the building or labour contract and is to be up-dated according to changes in the conditions of the work, services or purveyance. For contracts stipulated before the 25th of August 2007 and still in effect as of the 31st of December 2008, the aforementioned document must be attached before the latter date. The provisions of the present paragraph do not apply to the specific risks inherent to the activity of the building contractor firm or of the single independent workers. Pursuant to legislative decree 12 April 2006 n° 163, and subsequent modifications, this document is to be compiled, for the purpose of assigning the contract, by the person with decisional and spending power relative to the specific contracting job, 3-bis. Above and beyond the dispositions in paragraphs 1 and 2, the obligation as per paragraph 3 is not applicable to intellectual services, to the mere purveyance of materials or equipment, nor to jobs and services which do not last longer than two days and which do not involve risks deriving from the presence of biological, atmospheric, explosive, or cancerogenous agents or from the presence of particular risks as outlined in attachment XI. 3-ter. In those cases in which the contract has been assigned to subjects as per article 3, paragraph 34, of the legislative decree 12 April 2006, n. 163, or in all cases where the employer is not the commissioning party, the subject that assigns the contract shall compile the interference risk evaluation document which must contain an evaluation that identifies the standard risks relative to the type of work requested which might derive from the execution of the contract. The subject on whose premises the work shall be done, must integrate the contract before the start of work, correlating it to the specific interference risks present in the area in which the work will take place; the integration, signed by the executor in agreement, shall integrate the original contract. 4. Without prejudice to current legislation regarding joint responsibility for non-payment of pay and social insurance, the commissioning party, building contractor and any subcontractors shall answer jointly and severally for any injuries incurred by any of the contracting or sub-contracting workers who will not have been indemnified by the National Institute for Insurance Against Accidents Occurring at Work (INAIL) or by the Social Insurance Institute for the Maritime Sector (IPSEMA). The provisions of the present paragraph do not apply to injury arising from the specific risks inherent to the activity of building contractor or subcontractor firms. 5. For individual contracts of subcontracting, contracting and purveyance, even when still in effect at the date of coming into force of the above decree as per the articles 1559, with the exclusion of contracts for the purveyance of essential goods and services, 1655, 1656, and 1677 of the Civil Code, all costs relating to the elimination of or, where this is not possible, the reduction of risks regarding health and safety in the workplace deriving from interferences between jobs must be specifically indicated according to the provisions in article 141B of the Civil Code, otherwise the contract is nul and void. The costs as per the preceding sentence are not subject to reduction. For those contracts as described in the preceding sentence stipulated before the 25th of August 2007, the work safety costs must be indicated by the 31st of December 2008 if the contract is still in effect at that date. This data may be accessed by workers' safety representatives and by the local organizations of the most widely representative national workers' unions upon request. 6. In the arrangement of building contract competitions and in the evaluation of anomalies in offers during the procedures of conferment of public works, service and purveyance contracts, the judging panel must evaluate whether the price is adequate and sufficient with respect to the costs relating to labour and safety, which must be specifically indicated and congruous to the size and characteristics of the job, services or purveyances. To this end, the Ministry of Work and Social Insurance periodically determines the cost of labour, published in designated tables, based on prices contained in the collective national contracts stipulated by the most representative unions, regulations regarding social insurance and assistance, the various sectors of goods, and the various geographical areas. In the absence of an applicable national collective contract, the contract from the most similar goods sector is used to determine the cost of labour. 7. For all that which is not contained in the legislative decree n.163 of the 12th of April 2006 regarding public works building contracts, lately modified by article 8, paragraph 1 in law n. 123 of the 3rd of August 2007, the provisions of the present decree shall be applicable . 8. All persons working for a contractor or subcontractor must be provideed with an identifying card that includes the worker's name and photograph, and the name of the employer. Annex V Interministerial Decree 22 July 2014 “Decreto Palchi” ANNEX V OF I.D. 22 JULY 2014 Minimum contents of sole risk evaluation document, pursuant to art. 26 of D.Lgs. no. 81 of 2008 for fair events The sole risk evaluation document, as per art.26 of D.Lgs. no.81 of 2008, is specific to each fair event; its contents are the result of planning and organization choices in compliance with art.26 of D.Lgs. no.81 of 2008, with particular consideration for the context and site in which the event takes place, and contains at least: a) time and date for setup and dismantling b) characteristics of the fair premises c) access and logistics criteria for the fair premises d) emergency plan for the fair premises e) information regarding risks present on the fair premises f) indication of interference risks during setup and dismantling and the safety and protection measures adopted 1. GENERALITIES The sole evaluation document of risks deriving from interference, DUVRI, is drawn up according to the provisions in art.26 par.3 of the Leg.Decree no.81/08, in order to identify the measures adopted to eliminate or, where this is not possible, minimize the risks of building contract job interference. This company, as organizer of the fair event called "Artisanal Products Exhibition" which in 2015 will be held in the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, to comply with the provisions of art.26 of Leg.Decree 81/2008 and s.m.i. and Annex V of Decreto Palchi, has carried out a interference risk evaluation for this event. The risk evaluation has established that there may be interference between ORGANIZER and EXHIBIORS-SUPPLIERS as provided for in paragraph 3 of the said article 26, although minimal, since the organizing company does not participate directly with its own personnel in the set-up and dismantling of the event. However, the presence of exhibitors and suppliers in the "workplace" of the event creates the possibility of job interference risks. The identification of interference between different jobs must be done by analyzing the combination, overlap or increase in risks due to the situation of the environment, both in detail and in general. The objective is to establish cooperation between employers, including subcontractors, for the implementation of safety and prevention measures affecting the contracted work. This can be effected by coordinating safety and protection measures for worker protection, by informing one another to eliminate risks due to interferences between jobs of different companies involved in the execution of the totality of the work, and finally, by organizing both systematic controls and further measures to maintain or gradually better the safety measures achieved. The measures in the DUVRI document are not applicable to the specific risks of the activity of the building contracting companies (or subcontractors) or individual self-employed workers. In the case in which, during the carrying out of the contract, it becomes necessary to modify the contract, as indicated in the Ministry of Labour circular no. 24 of 14 November 2007, the contracting party (commissioning party) updates the DUVRI. Therefore, the DUVRI can be updated by the commissioner, also upon proposals by the executor of the building contract, in the case of technical, logistical or organizational modifications affecting the manner of realization. 4 The parties concerned with present document are: a) Organizer: Firenze Fiera S.p.a. b) The Exhibiting Firms: Before beginning work, it will be possible to see the layout with the location of the exhibiting firms present in the fair area. This layout may undergo variation up until the start of the event. c) Purveyors of Firenze Fiera d) Building Contractors or Contract Firms. Companies, businesses, or independent workers working in the Fortezza da Basso in whatever capacity during the aforementioned exhibition. Included are persons working for Exhibiting Firms to ready stands (outfitters) or to provide supplies. Hereafter, the "Commissioning party" is defined as any business (exhibitor, outfitter, supplier, Organizer, etc.) which entrusts another party (contractor: outfitter or subcontractor) with work/purveyance and labour/services within the Fortezza da Basso in the occasion of the ART 2015 event. In the case that the "Commissioning party" executes activities and /or work using workers from its own business, it shall also be considered "contractor". 2. DEFINITIONS COMMISSIONING PARTY (COMMISSIONER): a commissioner, that is, the subject responsible for the realization of an exhibition/fair event. BUILDING CONTRACTS AND LABOUR CONTRACTS The building contract or labour contract is a contract in which a subject (commissioner) engages a businessperson (contractor) to complete a job or a service in exchange for an amount of money. The businessperson (contractor), in order to complete the commissioned job or service, must: organize the necessary means (direct workers employed by him/her with no interference from the commissioner as to the actual manner in which the work is carried out); bear the risk of the undertaking (answer for the final result before the commissioner (commissioning party). BUILDING CONTRACTS A building contract is a CONTRACT where one party (contractor) bears, by organizing the necessary means and bearing his own risks, the obligation to carry out labour or service for someone else (commissioner) in exchange for money. Under Italian law, building contracts are regulated by articles 1655, and subsequent, of the Civil Code. 5 LABOUR CONTRACTS A labour contract is a CONTRACT in which one party promises to carry out a job or service, not as an employee and mainly on his own, for another party for an amount of money. Under Italian law, labour contracts are regulated by articles 2222, and subsequent, of the Civil Code. READIED AREAS Ares where stands have been completely or partly set-up, as requested by the exhibitor, by contract companies or self-employed workers who have contracted directly with the commissioner. The exhibitor, within the limits of the building contract, will complete set-up (where necessary) of the stand using his/her own personnel. BARE AREAS Areas supplied only with electricity, intended for stands which have not yet been set-up. The exhibitor, in observance of the present DUVRI, will set-up his/her stand him/herself using his own businesses (where necessary). BUILDING CONTRACT COMPANIES AND SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS Various types of building contract companies and self-employed workers may be present which are defined as follows: BUILDING CONTRACT COMPANIES AND SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS (CONTRACTED DIRECTLY BY THE COMMISSONER) Those who have a building contract with the commissioner to setup the READIED AREAS. BUILDING CONTRACT COMPANIES AND SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS (exhibitors) Those who do not have a building contract with the commissioner, as the work and supplying of materials or services has been commissioned directly by the EXHIBITOR of the stand who has for this purpose purchased a BARE AREA provided only with a source of electricity. WORKER All workers, except for the employees of the commissioner, shall be considered, for the purposes of health and safety in the workplace as regards the event, as members of a building contract company or self-employed workers. Art.2 DLgs n.81/08 and s.m.i. definition «worker»: a person who carries out work, under whatsoever type of contract, in the organization of a public or private employer, with or without pay, even for the sole purpose of learning a job, craft or profession, excluding those who work for a household. The following are the equivalent of workers so defined : a member of a cooperative or firm, also de facto, who works for the firm or entity itself; a partner as per articles 2549(N), and subsequent, of the Civil Code. 6 PERSON IN CHARGE OF SAFETY AT WORK (of the building contractor or subcontractor) a trained and able worker engaged by the commissioner, who is always present on the work site. def. Art.2 DLgs n.81/08 and subs. mod. «person in charge»: person who, according to his/her professional competence and within the limits of his/her functional and hierarchic powers, which are adequate to the nature of the responsibility s/he is charged with, oversees the work and guarantees the execution of the directives received and their correct carrying out by the workers according to his/her own discernment of necessity; THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE EXHIBIT The managing director for the exhibitor represents the employer (exhibitor) and must be present during the phase of set-up and dismantling. Art.2 D.Lgs n.81/08 and subs. mod. definition «manager»: person who, according to his/her professional competence and within the limits of his/her functional and hierarchic powers, which are adequate to the nature of the responsibility s/he is charged with, guarantees the execution of the directives received from the employer, organizing and overseeing the work; WORK AREA SUBJECT OF THE DUVRI The event shall be regulated by the present DUVRI document. The EXHIBITORS who have purchased "BARE AREAS", and therefore a work area for their exclusive use, may need to draw up an integration to the DUVRI (see art. 26 of D.lgs. 81 of 2008 and s.m.i.), and be ready to present it to the Appointed Controllers in the case that for the exhibition space, or its management, they need to employ companies and/or self-employed workers (subcontractors). In compliance with art. 26 D.lgs. 81/08 and s.m.i. and Decreto Palchi, they must also verify the technical-professional competence of the businesses and/or self-employed workers employed to setup, including any foreign businesses present. Should the exhibitor carry out work relating to building or civil engineering (for eg. a metal or wooden structure housing exhibition stands) that does not meet requirements as per art. 6 par. a, b and c of Interministerial Decree 22 July 2014 “Decreto Palchi”, they must nominate a project coordinator for the execution of work as per art.90 par.11 DLgs n.81/08 and s.m. 7 3. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE ORGANISER REGARDING SPECIFIC RISKS PRESENT IN THE FORTEZZA DA BASSO. Art. 26 D.Lgs 81/2008 and s.m.i. and Annex V I.D.: 22 July 2014 I) Description of work sites, activities, equipment, and dangerous substances present near the commissioner Sites, activities, equipment and dangerous substances Work sites The fair area is situated within the Fortezza da Basso of Florence The area is composed of a group of buildings of recent and antique construction (see attached plans) The external areas are mainly gravelled. Internal transit is regulated by a single main road (see attached plans). There are five accesses, three for vehicles and two for pedestrians. The regulation of access in the absence of major fair events (including setup and dismantling of stands) is effected from the sentry box at the Porta S.M.N. entrance. Access and transit during major fair events will be directly regulated and administered by the Organizing Body together with the Fair Organization Activities The following activities are present in the exhibition area: Opificio delle Pietre dure situated in the Restauration Laboratory – active from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (access from Porta S.M.N.) Firenze Fiera Technical Services for Buildings and Production Area Offices in Magazzino teatro comunale – the office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (access from Porta S.M.N.) Residents in Magazzino 07 (three families) (access from Porta S.M.N.) Besides these activities, the technical staff of Firenze Fiera supervise and safeguard the various structures within the Fortezza da Basso through on site inspection External maintenance firms may also be present as well as the temporary and mobile work sites necessary for the restructuring and extraordinary maintenance of the buildings. Equipment The Fair Organization does not directly use any kind of equipment. Any equipment that may be present is the property of third parties. Substances 8 The Fair Organization does not directly use any dangerous substances dangerous for health and safety Any dangerous substances that may be present are the property of third parties. The panels of the supporting walls situated at the ground floor and at the basement floor level of the Spadolini Pavilion are made of asbestos concrete (painted over and colored). These panels are placed at the perimeter of the walls and in some places are covered by drywall. From an Asbestos Risk Evaluation and from analyses effected, it has been determined that the panels are in good condition and that there is no danger to the health of workers, visitors and the personnel of the structure. Walls should not be used to hang paintings, posters or other objects and drilling and the use of abrasive equipment should be banned. Utility systems and units present Furnaces (at vehicle ramp in basement of Spadolini Pavilion, at peripheral wall near Cavaniglia Pavilion, on the second floor of Arsenale, near the west entrance of Quartieri Monumentali and Ex Liceo). Refrigerating plants and units (at the vehicle ramp in the basement of Spadolini Pavilion and near Cavaniglia Pavilion, Rastriglia, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, 02, 07, Magazzini del Ex Tribunale, Uffici Firenze Fiera, il Rondino, Le Ghiaie Pavillion, Quartieri Monumentali) Main water and firefighting plant (at vehicle ramp in basement of Spadolini Pavillion) ENEL cabinet(at vehicle ramp in basement of Spadolini Pavilion, at Palazzina Lorenese on the side next the “North-West” open area) Mains electrical cabin (at vehicle ramp in basement of Spadolini Pavilion) MT/BT electrical cabinets (located in Spadolini and Cavaniglia Pavilions, Magazzini del Ex Tribunale, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, Quartieri Monumentali, Magazzino 02) Electrical boxes (located in the the various pavilions) Other utility plants and rooms (UPS, lift machinery rooms, air conditioning, etc. located in the various pavilions) Buried and aboveground diesel depots (in the area between the vehicle ramp in basement of Spadolini Pavilion and Sala delle Nazioni, near the furnace at Cavaniglia Pavilion, in the external courtyard of Quartieri Monumentali, outside Ex Liceo) Kitchen at Arsenale Forklift recharging area at Magazzino The fair area is provided with sufficient suitable firefighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, hoses, and hydrants, as per the firefighting project. Subservices buried at around 50 cm, such as Medium Tension electric ducts, gas ducts, and pressurized water lines for fire extinguishing use, are also present. 9 II) Criteria adopted for estimation (measurement) and evaluation (judgement) of risks. This risk evaluation method refers to regulation BS 8800:2004 (also mentioned in OSHAS 2007), which also provides interesting ideas regarding how to evaluate risks, or more precisely, the process of evaluating risks (risk assessment). There is a fundamental distinction, marked by the regulation, between the concepts of estimation and evaluation. According to this regulation, in the process of risk assessment (evaluation of risk), “analysis” and “evaluation” must constitute two distinct phases; analysis (which includes the identification and the estimation of the risks) is necessary to provide information regarding quantity, which is then used in the subsequent phase of evaluation. The new T.U. and related decrees have indicated criteria for evaluation (judgement) and estimation (measurement) for only some types of risks, for example, the evaluations indicated in DM 10-3-1998 for fire risk and in art. 224 of the T.U. for risks deriving from the use of dangerous substances, or the estimations of levels or amounts relative to physical risks. ESTIMATION For the estimation of risks, where no criteria or quantifications have been established by law, the use of asymmetric estimation tables (table 1) conforming to BS 8800:2004 instead of the usual symmetric risk tables has been predetermined, for which completely comparable results are obtained by confronting risks with low probability and high magnitude and risks with high probability and low magnitude. Table 1 – Table for the calculation of risk estimation (reference BS 8800:2004). DAMAGE PROBABILITY Highly Unlikely Unlikely Likely Highly Likely Light Damage Very Low Risk Very Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Damage Very Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Very HighRisk Severe Damage High Risk Very High Risk Very High Risk Very High Risk EVALUATION The subsequent phase of risk evaluation has been conceived so as to obtain a judgement regarding the analysed risk which will be used to determine if security measures may have to be implemented and though the amount of risk estimated in the analysis phase will be taken into consideration, these security measures will also be based on considerations such as the cost-benefit ratio of any possible measures considering that, theoretically, a further reduction in risk is always possible. 10 This does not mean that continuous improvements should not be made, but rather, that it is reasonable to consider a risk “acceptable” if it does not engender serious damage and if reducing it further would require disproportionate investments in resources (human, economic, organizational), or, consider an estimated high risk as “tolerable” if carefully considered safety measures have been taken as, for example, in the case of maintenance operations that require the disactivating of security systems on machines or electrical work performed on high tension wires. The results of the estimations have been translated into the following assessments or evaluation of risk, as per and in compliance with BS 8800:2004. Unacceptable Risk: Risk such that, regardless of the advantages obtainable, it is forbidden to carry out work. Tolerable Risk: Risk that is acceptable if precautions are taken to reduce the risk to the minimum level reasonably obtainable (programming of reduction and/or adequate control measures) Acceptable Risk: Risk that is either inherently insignificant or becomes so by applying prescribed safety measures. This criterion of judgement (according to the BS 8800:2004) permits a comparison between “normed” and “non-normed” risks for the purpose of establishing which safety measures should be planned, and also permits the planning of measures to reduce risk or to control it in a homogeneous manner taking into consideration priorities. In table 2, the correlation between estimation of risk and evaluation of risk is displayed. Table 2 – Indication of acceptability, tolerability and unacceptability for risk levels 11 Risk category Tolerability evaluation Very Low Low Moderate High Very High Acceptable Risks which should be reduced to tolerable or acceptable levels Not acceptable LEGEND The following is the legend of the symbols used in the tables: Probability Damage Damage HU highly unlikely U unlikely L light L likely M moderate HL highly likely S serious Risk estimation Risk estimation VL L M H VH very low low moderate high very high III) Risk Evaluation RISKS Due to work characteristics site (risk of falling from high places, of slipping, of goods falling from above, of being hit in the transit lanes, from the presence of dangerous glass walls) Specific risks present on the fair premises/measures adopted BUILDINGS: the Lorenese building and theater, Monumentale, Polveriera, and Arsenale, all situated within the Fortezza da Basso, are of ancient construction. ESTIMATE P D R EVALUATION The floors in the buildings are uneven as are the vertical walls, therefore there is a risk of falling or slipping The grounds are partly paved, partly set with stone and partly covered with gravel and therefore present conditions of instability (the gravel) or discontinuity (the stones), therefore there is a risk of slipping. U M M Tolerable Inside the Spadolini Pavilion there is a ceiling with mobile elements, therefore there is a risk of material falling from above when the ceiling is being worked upon. The areas of transit, the parking zone, the stocking area and the accesses to the structure are regulated as described in the attached plans. Due to equipment (risks from movement, burns or moving material) 12 Not present because the Fair Organization does not use specific equipment during events. There may be third parties present to carry out specific maintenance (see the specific risk evaluation of individual firms) NOT PERTINENT Electrical The Medium voltage line is buried (at least 50cm deep) as are the water lines and gas ducts. The distribution network for the electrical buildings is encased in the walls while in the newly built edifices, they are suspended from the ceiling and visible down the walls. U M M Tolerable U M M Tolerable Each pavilion has its own electrical substation. Temporary and mobile work sites Within the exhibition and congress areas, work sites for work on the buildings may be present. When active, they are completely surrounded by regulation fences but may interfere with access to the pavilions. The Director of the Building Technical Services office of Firenze Fiera S.p.a. must be contacted to coordinate a solution compatible with current regulations. Physical: (noise, vibrations, radiation, electromagnetic fields) Not present in the area destined for events. (See the specific risks evaluation of individual firms) Due to substances dangerous to health and safety (chemical, carcinogenic, and mutagenic agents) Not present as the fair organization does not use dangerous substances during events. Third parties may be present who use dangerous substances (see the specific risks evaluations of individual firms) Asbestos Panels of asbestos concrete are present at the ground and basement floors of the Spadolini Pavilion (perimeter) It is forbidden to do any kind of work or mounting which disturbs the MCA (drilling, removal of panels etc.). The Director of the Technical Services for Buildings office of Firenze Fiera S.p.a. must be contacted to set up any stands. Biological 13 Not present in the area used for events NOT PERTINENT NOT PERTINENT H U S H Tolerable NOT PERTINENT Explosive Atmospheres Fire Near warehouse 51 there are two stations for recharging moving platforms. It is forbidden to use open flames or to smoke H U M V L Acceptable H Tolerable The entire Fair area must be certified for Fire Prevention regarding Cat. C activities, no. 65.2 (congress and comparable premises with more than 200 people present), no. 69.3 (exhibition venues with a surface area exceeding 1500 sq.m. ), and no. 74.3 (diesel-fed underground heating system over 700kW in power) The entire area has suitable firefighting equipment such as fire hydrants, hoses and extinguishers. There are alarm buttons and electric boxes with a mains switch in the pavilions. All firefighting equipment, alarm buttons, escape routes and emergency exits are adequately and suitably indicated. Each pavilion is provided with emergency lighting. Moreover, there is an an emergency plan in each pavilion indicating escape routes, emergency exits, firefighting equipment and alarm buttons. There is also an emergency plan for the entire fair area and for each pavilion. The emergency squad for major fair events comprises external personnel and a team of firefighters. For events with large numbers of people, a doctor is present in a designated room, “infermeria”, on the congress-fair premises to meet any first aid needs. All firefighting equipment, alarm buttons and emergency exits must be kept clear. 14 H S U 4. HOURS AND MEANS OF ACCESS TO THE WORK AREAS Unless otherwise indicated, personnel must enter by the vehicle entrance (Porta S.M.N.) and display an identification card containing the worker's name and photograph, and the name of the employer as per art.26 paragraph 8 of D.lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.i. To access the areas, Applicants pledge to respect the following hours: Internal Setup FIRENZE FIERA from 7 April to 11 April 2015 (not spadolini, nor arsenale) from 14 April to 18 April 2015 from 20 April to 21 April 2015 hours: to be defined Exhibitor Setup Event Dismantling 15 22 April 2015 hours: 7.00-22.00 23 April 2015 hours: 7.00-24.00 from 24 April to 2 May 2015 hours: 10.00-22.30 3 May 2015 hours: 10.00-20.00 3 May 2015 hours: 20.00-24.00 4 May 2015 hours: 7.00-19.00 5. GENERAL REGULATIONS REGARDING CONDUCT a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. Do not work on (repair or substitute) parts still connected to live electrical current. Use only portable electrical tools with double isolation and electrical equipment that is in perfect order. Do not leave electric cables/extension cords lying on the ground, in areas of transit/passage and, in any case, at risk of being crushed. Ensure that cables are adequately protected from mechanical damage. Any openings onto a void must be suitably protected by a barrier. (ALL. XVIII 2.1.5 D.Lgs 81/2008) Do not obstruct passages with leftover cutting material. Follow the safety instructions specified in the individual safety instructions for each product in use. Use adequate protection from accidents (DPI) where necessary against risks from equipmentproducts-activity. Access work sites only by the specified routes; especially, do not use unsafe routes. Maintain order on the work site; (for example, removw any obstacles which could cause falls, injuries etc. from passage ways ) Avoid dangerous situations to oneself and others such as: perilous balancing, clothing which could be caught in moving machinery, transporting of large objects in a way which could cause injury to third parties, using machinery for improper uses, etc. Forbid access to all except authorized workers. Respect the TECHNICAL REGULATIONS FOR SAFETY. Do not consume alcohol nor use mind-altering substances. Reduce dust diffusion resulting from the cutting of materials (wood, ceramic, metal etc.) by using suitable aspiration systems or by cutting outside the pavilions. Avoid the use of stairs when suitable scaffolding is available. 6. THE EXHIBITOR AND THE COMMISSIONING PARTY IN GENERAL MUST: a. b. c. Have written contracts with suppliers for purveyance, contracting, subcontracting, and labour. Have verified the existence of the Technical and professional requisites for contracted or subcontracted activities as per art. 26 of D.Lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.i. and Decreto Palchi (including foreign workers). Have informed the contracting firms of the risks inherent to the fair premises. 7. SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTERS IN GENERAL MUST: a. fulfil all social insurance and prevention requirements (providing DURC and Cert. CCIA). b. be in possession of the technical and professional requisites necessary for the contracted activities. c. have prepared the risk document as per art. 26 of D.Lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.i. d. comply with the general protective measures in art. 26 of D.Lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.i. while executing work described herein. e. have trained and informed subordinates of workers' health and safety risks, of the use of protective clothing against injury (DPI) and of the specific risks of the work described in the present contract by devising procedures and plans for the mounting of the stands. f. keep a copy of the documents described in the preceding letters available for inspection. g. put subordinates under health surveillance where prescribed by law. 16 8. WORK EQUIPMENT Equipment (machines, equipment, tools) must be suitable for the job, have the mandated safety requirements and be used by suitably trained and informed the workers. It must also work cold, not producing incandescent shards or sparks which could start a fire. In the case that machines to move materials have been rented without a driver, the commissioner must ensure that the worker has the physical characteristics necessary to use it (see risk evaluation D.Lgs. no.81/08), that s/he has been informed and trained also through a specific course (ex. a course for forklift operator) in relation to the instructions of the manufacturer for that type of equipment. EQUIPMENT FOR WORKING AT HEIGHT If necessary, equipment to work at height may be used (mobile scaffolds) to be erected, dismantled and used according to the appropriate PiMUS. The commissioner must ensure that the worker has the physical characteristics necessary to use it (see risk evaluation D.Lgs. no.81/08), that s/he has been informed and trained also through a specific course in relation to the instructions of the manufacturer for the work equipment. Portable ladders with rungs may be used exclusively to access and position at height. In any case, portable ladders must be used for work at height only when the use of other types of equipment that is considered safer is not justified because of the low level of risk and the brief duration of use or by non-modifiable characteristics of the site. 9. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND INSTALLATIONS The commissioning companies must ensure that the stability of temporary structures, tenso structures and installations which could have repercussions on safety is certified by a specialized and qualified engineer. Stockage of inflammable and/or explosive products and gas tanks is forbidden. Chemical products and any substances used, in the quantity strictly necessary, for the job must be accompanied by an up-to-date safety profile. STOCKAGE OF MATERIALS The zones or areas where there is stockage of materials must be clearly indicated by ground markings or signs that do not interfere with mechanical movements and which will allow differentiated stockage. 17 10. SAFETY COSTS An itemized estimated list of safety costs in the workplace (actual costs cannot be lower) is given below relative to the safety and protection measures necessary to eliminate or minimize risks deriving from interference. Please note that the commissioner pays all costs relative to safety on his/her own job site as provided for in D.Lgs. no.81/08. The estimate must be fair and per single item, job or size (not, therefore, in percentage), and refer to a standard or specialized list of prices, or be based on official price lists valid in the interested area, or the price list for safety measures of the commissioner; in the case that there is no applicable or available price list, reference shall be made to a complete analysis of costs deduced from market surveys. The single cost items for safety must be calculated considering their cost of use for the interested purveyance or service which includes, when applicable, set-up and dismantling, and any maintenance or depreciation. N. DESCRIPTION LOCATION AMOUNT Public protection installations to bar entry to the work site 1 2 NOTES : To be paid by the commissioner (fixed walls, separators, chains, etc.) Setting up of safety measures barring the public from the forbidden area (vertical signs/ground markings, flashing lights, acoustic signals, etc.) To be paid by the commissioner Coordination meetings between businesses Total per business 3 € 1000,00 TOTAL COST FOR SAFETY: €1000,00 DLgs 81/08 art.26 c.5 In individual contracts of subcontracting, contracting and purveyance, even for those still valid at the moment this decree enters into force, as per articles 1559, excluding contracts for the purveyance of essential goods and services, 1655, 1656, and 1677 of the Civil Code, the costs relating to safety in the workplace must be indicated, under penalty of nullity as per article 1418 of the Civil Code, with particular reference to those costs specifically relating to a particular building contract. In reference to the contracts described in the preceding sentence stipulated prior to 25 August 2007, the safety costs of the job must be indicated by 31 December 2008, whenever the aforesaid contracts are still valid at that date. This data can be accessed upon request by workers' safety representatives and the local organizations of workers' unions most comparatively representative at the national level. Some examples are listed to exemplify: a) the installations described in DUVRI (such as scaffolding, mobile scaffolds, etc..) 18 b) any safety and protection measures and individual protective equipment which is be indicated in the DUVRI for interfering jobs; c) Any ground devices or protection systems against lightning, fire, or smoke provided for in the DUVRI; d) Services and means of public protection provided for in the DUVRI (such as safety signs, acoustic signals, etc.); e) the procedures contained in the DUVRI specifically for safety; f) any actions intended to increase safety by changing locations or times of work to avoid job interferences as described in the DUVRI; g) coordinating measures described in DUVRI relating to the collective use of installations, equipment, infrastructures, public protection means and services. 11. JOB INTERFERENCES Job interferences exist. The commissioning party and the contractor as described in this contract work at the exhibitor's stand and the areas pertinent to the same during set up, dismantling and the event itself. The interferences which may occur are of various types including: 1. Overlapping activities within the stand or areas pertinent to it, due to work being done by other businesses, the contractors or the exhibitor's own activity. 2. Overlapping of activities between adjacent stands. 3. Interference with vehicular traffic within the pavilion and in the transit areas outside. The measures to be adopted must be necessarily formulated in situ, based on information received by Firenze Fiera and the regulations regarding health and safety at work in coordination with the exhibitor of the stand and the workmen, taking particular care to: - 19 dislocate activities in time or in space so as to eliminate overlapping, subdividing the stand in distinct areas. keep transit lanes clear clearly signal the area occupied by any ladders or scaffolding in the common passage zones to enable others to easily recognize them and take appropriate action (stopping or moving the vehicle away). Area of the Fortezza involved Interference risks Safety and prevention measures to be adopted Company charged with setting up safety measures Esplanades, parking areas, pavilions 1. Collisions between forklifts, automobiles, tractors and vehicles in general situated in the fair area with vehicles of exhibitors, outfitters, and suppliers. a. Instruction, and training of drivers on the correct way to drive the vehicle. a. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. b. For critical manoeuvres and in conditions of poor visibility, the driver must be aided by a colleague on the ground. b. Contractors c. Speed must not exceed 20Km/h. d. During set up and dismantling, speed should be even lower than the limit if the actual conditions of crowding and traffic require it. 2. Tripping and falling due to hindrances and obstacles, such as materials deposited and discarded by outfitters in the preand post- phases of the fair, on the ground along pedestrian routes a. It is absolutely forbidden to deposit materials along the emergency escape routes (see attached floor plans) a. Contractor b. Instruction and training of workers in the correct manner of depositing material. b. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. 3. Noise a. The contractor must endeavor to reduce the emission of noise and vibrations deriving from the work of his workers. In the case they are being produced by workers nearby, the contractor must provide his workers with appropriate protective devices. a. Contractors 4. Collisions between workers and vehicles including forklifts and tractors. a. Contractors must ensure that forklift drivers receive adequate practical and theoretical instruction on the use of the vehicle. a.b. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. b. Highly visible clothing must be worn in esplanades or in areas with poor visibility. c. Speed must always be under 20 Km/h d. During set up and dismantling, speed should be even lower than the limit if the actual conditions of crowding and traffic require it. 20 c. Contractors 5. Cuts due to discarded material on the ground (nails, glass, etc.) 6. Personnel falling from scaffolding or ladders due to collisions with moving vehicles e. Instruction and training of workers on the correct manner of use of the vehicle. d.e. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. a. The use of reinforced work boots with antiperforation soles is mandatory in all work areas a. Contractors b. Discard waste in the appropriate manner b. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. a. The work area must be clearly marked off and signed. a.b.c. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. b. Instruction and training of workers. c. Vehicles shall move at walking speed inside the pavilions. d. The contractor must organize the work so as to limit/eliminate the use of ladders, and use more suitable equipment. 7. Objects falling from a. Areas under movement and work at heights must be above clearly marked off and signed. d. Contractors a.b.c. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. b. Do not place objects, even temporarily, upon structures or installations belonging to Firenze Fiera c. depots must not be created upon scaffolding or above ceilings without prior permission from Firenze Fiera. 8. Collisions and crushing due to material falling from forklifts in movement, and during loading and unloading. d. instruction and training as per the preceding points. d. Contractors a. Information and instruction on the correct use of the vehicle. a.b.c.d. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. b. Mandatory use of highly visible clothing in the outside areas . c. for critical manoeuvres and in conditions of poor visibility, the driver must be aided by a colleague on the ground. d. The load transported must be compatible in size and weight with the vehicle used. 21 Pavilions 9. Persons falling from heights a. While working on the stands, it is not permitted to use the stand being readied/dismantled or finished as a table or support. a.b.c.d. Contractors b. It is absolutely forbidden to lift or transport persons on the forklifts. c. Persons working at height on scaffolding or on stands during set up must be adequately protected against falls by temporary barriers or by certified systems to prevent falling. Workers must be adequately informed about the use of safety harnesses (III cat. DPI) d. Access by dumb waiters is forbidden. Pavilions, offices/meeting rooms 10. Inhalation of dust Esplanades 11. Fire a. Cutting of materials without adequate dust aspiration systems is forbidden within the pavilions. Verify that nobody is near and coordinate with potentially exposed third parties. a. Do not stock inflammable materials on the fair premises. a. Contractors a.b.c. Contractors b. Battery recharging must only take place at the designated stations and in any case, outside of the pavilions. c. It is forbidden to use an open flame anywhere on the Fair premises. Esplanades, pavilions, offices/meeting rooms 12. Occupying of transit lanes, escape routes and blocking of emergency doors (due to work) a. In the case of temporary obstruction of transit and escape routes, adequate indications of alternate pedestrian and vehicular routes must be given. a. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. b. Instruction and training of workers on the correct use of transit and escape routes. b.c.d.e. Contractors c. Do not obstruct emergency lanes or exits, or passages, with vehicles or material d. Waste containers may not be left in this lane . They may be temporarily positioned on transversal lanes leaving space for pedestrian traffic. e. The person responsible for the stand must ensure that all of the above is respected by colleagues. 13. Use of dangerous substances a. Instruction and training must be given on the correct use of the products. a. Contractors b. Safety information must be kept near the job. b.c.d. Contractor/firm specialized in the activity. c. It is absolutely forbidden to stock products without permission from Firenze Fiera. d. Any third parties present must be informed of risks. 22 Note. Contracting firms must eliminate risks due to any interference with other firms working on the mounting of stands by determining the necessary coordinating actions. All work must be done using one's own equipment as borrowing from other contractors/exhibitors is forbidden. Date: 12 March 2015 The Employer _____________________________ Attachments pursuant to Annex V of I.D. 22 July 2014, the following documents are attached to the present DUVRI: 1. Emergency Plan for the fair premises including planimetry 2. Information sheet as per Annex IV of Decreto Palchi 3. Access to and logistics of the fair premises 4. Planimetry with the event areas indicated 5. Technical regulations Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | 23 FORTEZZA DA BASSO EMERGENCY PLAN Drawn up in accordance with D.M. 10/03/98 INDEX 1. EMERGENCY PLAN 4 1.1 - PURPOSE OF EMERGENCY PLAN 4 1.2 – OBJECTIVES OF EMERGENCY PLAN 4 1.3 - CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PREMISES AND THE PERSONS PRESENT 4 1.4 – DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEMS 7 1.5 – EMERGENCY DISCONNECTION AND MANOEUVRES 10 1.6 – MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 10 1.7 – AUTONOMY AND ARRIVAL TIMES FOR EXTERNAL EMERGENCY HELP (estimated) 10 1.8 – EMERGENCY KEYS 11 1.9 – LEVEL OF TRAINING AND INFORMATION PROVIDED TO STAFF AND USERS 11 1.10 – LEVEL OF TRAINING AND INFORMATION PROVIDED TO CONTRACTING COMPANIES 11 1.11 – ORGANIZATION OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 11 1.12 – CLASSIFICATION OF EMERGENCIES 13 2. 14 MANAGEMENT OF EMERGENCIES BY TYPE 2.1 - ELECTRICAL BLACK-OUTS 14 2.2 - FLOODING 15 2.3 - G A S L E A K S 16 2.4 - TERRORIST ATTACKS – SABOTAGE 17 2.5 - EARTHQUAKES 19 2.6 – FIRE 20 2.7 - ACCIDENTS 23 3. 24 EVACUATION PROCEDURES 3.1 - EVACUATION ORGANIZATION 24 3.2 - EVACUATION OBJECTIVES 24 3.3 - EVACUATION PROCEDURES 24 4. BUILDING CHARTS 26 4.1 - Padiglione Spadolini 26 4.2 – Padiglione Cavaniglia 28 4.3 - Padiglione Rastriglia 30 4.4 – Arsenale 31 4.5 – Palazzina Lorenese 33 4.6 – Teatrino Lorenese 34 4.7 – Sala delle Nazioni 35 4.8 – Sala della Ronda 36 4.9 – Rondino 37 4.10 – Polveriera 38 4.11 – Padiglione Le Ghiaie 39 4.12 – Quartieri Monumentali 40 4.13 – Padiglione 02 42 4.14 – Padiglione 07 43 4.15 – Storeroom 44 4.16 - Lyceum 45 4.17 – Firenze Fiera Technical Offices 46 4.18 - Magazzino Tribunale A e B 47 A COPY OF THE PRESENT PLAN IS FURNISHED TO ALL EMERGENCY STAFF IF LOST, A COPY MAY BE REQUESTED FROM THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE EMERGENCY SERVICE 1. EMERGENCY PLAN 1.1 PURPOSE OF EMERGENCY PLAN The purpose of the Emergency Plan is to evidence behaviour and procedures which should be followed by all those: employees, patrons, visitors, etc., who are present in the Fortezza da Basso, so that in the event of an emergency, the persons present shall be kept safe by removal from danger and/or by rapid and safe evacuation to an exit or to a safe area. It is necessary,therefore, that all visitors/patrons, employees, and organizations present within the Fortezza da Basso be aware of the procedures to be followed in case of emergency. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE EMERGENCY PLAN The contents of this document define the organizational structures, responsibilities, communication systems and necessary procedures to be followed in the event of an accident. In particular, they contain the practical measures necessary to: - contain and control an emergency event especially in regards to a fire area; - eliminate any danger and prevent it from spreading; - protect the persons inside and outside the premises; - proceed , if necessary, with the evacuation of employees, visitors, any handicapped people or any others present; - provide emergency help to the personnel involved; - gather all information necessary to subsequently analyze the incident 1.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PREMISES AND THE PERSONS PRESENT Location The premises are located in the center of the city of Florence, w i t h t h e m a i n e n t r a n c e o n Viale F. Strozzi. Premises The Fortezza da Basso was de si gne d by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger in the first half of the 16 t h century for Alessandro de' Medici, and today, besides being an important monument of the city of Florence, it is used for conferences and fairs. The total surface area is nearly 100,000 m, of which 55,000 m are indoor. Subdivision of the The following buildings are inside the walls of the Fortezza (see charts chap.4): premises - Padiglione Centrale Spadolini - Padiglione Cavaniglia - Padiglione Rastriglia - Arsenale - Palazzina Lorenese - Teatrino Lorenese - Sala delle Nazioni - Sala della Ronda - Rondino - Polveriera - Padiglione Le Ghiaie - Quartieri Monumentali - Padiglione 02 - Padiglione 07 - Storeroom - Lyceum - Firenze Fiera Technical Offices During fairs, temporary structures may be erected in the outdoor areas. Specific Risk Areas Utility systems: - Main Furnace Room (near the vehicle ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini, near the external wall where it nears Padiglione Cavaniglia, Ex Liceo, on the second floor of Arsenale building, and near the entrance on the west side of the Quartieri Monumentali). - Main and Auxiliary Refrigerating Units (near the vehicle ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini, 02, 07, Magazzini Tribunale, Uffici Firenze Fiera and near Padiglione Cavaniglia, Padiglione Rastriglia, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, Rondino, Padiglione Le Ghiaie, and Quartieri Monumentali) - Main Water and Fire-extinguishing System Control Units (near the vehicle ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini) - ENEL Cabinet (near the vehicle ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini, near Palazzina Lorenese on the Piazzale “Nord-Ovest” side) - Main Electrical Cabinet (near the vehicle ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini) - MV/LV Electrical Cabinets (located in Padiglioni Spadolini, Cavaniglia, Arsenale, Quartieri Monumentali,Magazzini Ex Tribunale, Magazzino 02 and Palazzina Lorenese) - Electrical panels (located in the various pavilions) - Other utility rooms and equipment (UPS, rooms for elevator equipment, ventilation, etc., located in the various pavilions) Underground and aboveground diesel fuel storage tanks (in the area between the entrance ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini and Sala delle Nazioni, near the furnace rooms of Padiglione Cavaniglia, in the external courtyard of Quartieri Monumentali, and outside Padiglione 07) Kitchens at Arsenale Forklift recharging area at the storeroom Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the area and internal roadways Access to the area is by the main vehicle entrance: - Viale F. Strozzi entrance (Porta S.M. Novella). There are also two other vehicle entrances and two pedestrian entrances: - v e h i c l e e n t r a n c e (Porta Faenza) - v e h i c l e e n t r a n c e (Porta Mugnone) - p e d e s t r i a n e n t r a n c e (Porta alla Carra) - p e d e s t r i a n e n t r a n c e (Porta Soccorso alla Campagna) The internal roadways are governed by specific signs. Emergency Exits see EMERGENCY DIAGRAM Disconnection in the The switch to disconnect the electricity is in the main electrical cabinet near the vehicle access ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini,. event of an emergency The mains valve to disconnect the water is on the main water system contol unit near the vehicle access ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini. The gas disconnection valve is at Arsenale. There are also zonal electricity disconnection buttons in the various pavilions mainly in the electrical panels and the MV and LV cabinetes. At the furnace rooms, there are electricity disconnection buttons and valves to stop the flow of fuel. In the UPS room, there are the emergency back-up release buttons. Gathering Zones Fire-extinguishing Equipment In a l l t h e ar e a s ou t s i d e th e Fortezza, there are gathering zones indicated by PUNTO DI RACCOLTA signs PUNTO DI RACCOLTA. In the various buildings and in the outdoor areas, there are: Hand-held or Wheeled Fire-Extinguishers UNI 45 hydrants UNI 25 fire hose reels Aboveground hydrants with UNI 100 , UNI 70 or UNI 45 couplings. UNI 70 motorized pump couplings There are sprinkler systems in the following areas: - Padiglione Spadolini - Padiglione Cavaniglia - Arsenale All buildings have emergency back-up lighting. In Padiglioni Spadolini and Cavaniglia, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, l Rondino, Padiglione Le Ghiaie and Quartieri Monumentali, emergency buttons have been installed that allow manual actuation of the fire alarm In all the buildings except for Sala delle Nazioni, Sala della Ronda, Polveriera, Padiglione 02, Padiglione 07, the storeroom and the Firenze Fiera offices, fire-detection devices have been installed. In Palazzina Lorenese, Rondino, Padiglione Le Ghiaie and Quartieri Monumentali there are visual emergency alarms. In Padiglione Spadolini there are water and fire-extinguishing system control units, in Arsenale, a water system control unit and sprinkler system and in Quartieri Monumentali, an alarm. In Padiglioni Spadolini and Cavaniglia a smoke and heat evacuation system has been installed. equipment, stairs, kitchens, etc. On the first floor of Palazzina Lorenese, there is a Fire Department station for use during events and fairs. Permanent surveillance The surveillance company ensures that there is a permanent guard 24hhours a day in the guard hut next the Viale F. Strozzi access. The office of the person in charge of surveillance is on the ground floor of Padiglione Spadolini. Max N° of persons present (internal The following is the maximum crowding allowed in the Fortezza da Basso buildings according to use: personnel, visitors and - For conferences: around 14,700 persons external contractors) - For fairs: around 20,000 persons For details of crowding allowed per building, see the tables in chapter 4. Presence of Activities can be attended by handicapped persons. handicapped persons Workers exposed to External personnel: see following paragraph. special risks Contracting personnel External personnel of companies employed for cleaning, for maintenance of the furnaces, equipment or fixtures, to run catering services on the premises, surveillance personnel, suppliers, personnel of other businesses, or self-employed workers charged with a specific task. Opening hours Opening hours may vary depending on the scheduled event company of the premises 1.4 DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEMS The Fortezza da Basso is provided with a detection and alarm system that comprises the following: FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT The main fire alarm control units are located in the offices of the Technical Building Services of Firenze Fiera and at the guard hut. T h e r e a r e a l s o c o n t r o l u n i t s i n t h e u t i l i t y r o o m s o f P adiglione Spadolini, Padiglione Cavaniglia, Arsenale and Quartieri Monumentali. The control units receive alarm signals which can be relayed from: automatic fire detectors distributed in the rooms in the various buildings (present in all buildings except Sala delle Nazioni, Sala della Ronda, Polveriera, Padiglione 02, Padiglione 07, the storeroom and the Firenze Fiera offices), manually actuated alarm buttons distributed in the rooms of Padiglioni Spadolini and Cavaniglia, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, Rondino, Padiglione Le Ghiaie and Quartieri Monumentali. Moreover, there is a closed circuit video system in the various buildings which permits the surveillance of all the public emergency exits. PRE-ALARM In the case a pre-alarm signal is actuated in a control unit, the alerted personnel (employees of the surveillance company at the guard hut and employees of Firenze Fiera in their offices) communicate with the the Person in Charge of the emergency squad, informing him/her of the zone from which the signal has arrived. The Person in Charge, assisted by other members of the squad, must go to the indicated place to assess the severity of the potential emergency. In the case of a false alarm, the alarm will be disactivated at the control unit. In the case of a real emergency, the Person in Charge will cause the alarm to be sounded in the pertinent area. ALARM An alarm activates for each individual building by emitting an acoustic signal. In Palazzina Lorenese, Rondino, P adiglione Le Ghiaie, a n d Quartieri Monumentali, there are also visual alarms installed. In the case of an alarm, the surveillance personnel in the hut and the Firenze Fiera personnel present in their offices are automatically alerted and must initiate emergency procedures (by contacting the person in charge and the staff of the emergency services if not already alerted by the pre-alarm, calling for external emergeny help, etc.) In the case of a false alarm, the appropriate personnel will silence the alarm from the control unit. EMERGENCY TELEPHONES They are the means by which essential information is relayed outside the structure. They are located in the guard hut where the surveillance personnel is present, and in the Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services Offices. The firefighting squad have mobile phones which can also be used to communicate beyond the premises. EMERGENCY CALLS ( EMERG ENC Y NUMBERS) At the guard hut, useful telephone numbers and the procedure for calling external emergency help are displayed. Listed here below, according to the type of event which could occur, are the kinds emergency help that can be summoned. Other USEFUL NUMERS Telephone N° Firefighting Squad 055 4972046 (at the Fortezza) 055 4972059 Fire Department station Only during events (at the Fortezza) Firefighting Squad (at PalaCongressi and Palaffari) Internal Firefighting Squad (at the Fortezza) 055 4972219 (at Palazzo dei Congressi and Palaffari) TECHNICAL BUILDING SERVICES OFFICE Fire, building collapse, 055 4972082 055 4972235 Internal Firefighting Squad Event 055 4972256 Who to call 055 4973005 055 49721 Telephone N° FIRE DEPARTMENT 115 POLICE 113 CARABINIERI 112 Accident AMBULANCE 118 Black out ENEL 800 900 800 PUBLIACQUA 800 314 314 GAS METANO FIRENZE 800 862 048 gas leak, etc. Breach of peace Water problem Natural gas problem In the case of an emergency call, the following concise information regarding the emergency event must be given: emergency event description: fire, explosion, etc. extent of event: a hall is involved, a utility room, etc. location of event: Fortezza da Basso, viale F. Strozzi, 1 Firenze presence of any injured persons I am: (name and position) phoning from: Fortezza da Basso located in: Viale Strozzi, 1 Firenze This has happened: (description of the situation) involving: (any persons involved) 1.5 EMERGENCY DISCONNECTION AND MANOEUVRES In the case of an emergency, it may be necessary to quickly disconnect some sources of energy such as electrical current and combustible liquids, or the water system, in order to limit or contain high risk situations deriving from malfunctions which may have occurred in the relative system. These disconnections are: - The main electricity disconnection switch in the main electrical cabinet located near the vehicle entrance ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini. - The natural gas disconnection valve at Arsenale - The water mains disconnection valve, located near the water pumps at the vehicle entrance ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini - Emergency release buttons located in the UPS rooms - Electricity disconnection buttons, and disconnection valves to interrupt the flow of fuel at the furnace rooms There are also zonal electricity disconnection buttons located in the various pavilions, mainly in the electrical panels and MV and LV cabinets. The location of the disconnect buttons is known to the firefighting personnel present on the premises, the maintenance company present at the Fortezza during working hours, and the personnel of the Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services Offices. In the case that the elevator is blocked, the elevator maintenance company will be summoned. 1.6 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION All fire-extinguishing equipment, electrical safety equipment, alarm systems, etc., are periodically inspected and undergo maintenance by specialized companies according to current regulations; the relative record books are kept in the Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services offices. Before the start of every event, the exits and the doors to the emergency exits are checked by emergency squad personnel. Any obstructions, damage, etc., regarding the emergency exits, emergency doors, fire-extinguishing equipment, signs, etc., may be reported to emergency squad personnel or to Firenze Fiera personnel by surveillance personnel. 1.7 AUTONOMY AND EXTERNAL EMERGENCY HELP ARRIVAL TIMES (estimated) The safety, alarm, fire-detection and fire-extinction emergency lighting system has safety back-up system installed to enable it to continue to function in the event of an emergency. AUTONOMY ARRIVAL TIME (from summons) WATER RESERVE EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE DEPT. EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HEATING SYSTEM Around 120 cubic m 60 minute autonomy MAX 10 minutes MAX 10 minutes Internal maintenance Internal maintenance 1.8 EMERGENCY KEYS In the guard hut and in the storeroom, the keys necessary to immediately access any room in the event of an emergency are kept clearly labeled on a board. NB: THESE KEYS MAY ONLY BE USED IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY 1.9 LEVEL OF TRAINING AND INFORMATION GIVEN TO STAFF AND USERS - the correct behaviour in the event of fire or other emergencies on the part of workers, users, and visitors (FIRE AND EMERGENCY BEHAVIOUR) is contained in the signs on display in the various buildings near the toilet facilities. - during conferences and fairs, a sheet illustrating the main indications for evacuation procedures and containing useful emergency phone numbers (in Italian and English) is available at the entrances. - a sheet containing addresses and useful emergency phone numbers is on display at the guard hut and near the toilet facilities in the various buildings. - a specific EMERGENCY DIAGRAM is displayed in the various buildings and in the outdoor areas. - specific training: for members of the Firefighting Squad for First Aid staff - meetings with Emergency Services staff to illustrate the Emergency Plan of which they are then given a copy. - periodic illustrations of the emergency plan with theory lessons on the problems deriving from an emergency situation. - employees of the surveillance company are trained according to the indications in DM 10.03.98 – medium risk, and to provide First Aid and assist handicapped persons. 1.10 LEVEL OF TRAINING AND INFORMATION GIVEN TO CONTRACTING COMPANIES Contracting companies whose personnel must access the Fortezza da Basso structure according to contract are informed of the characteristics of the emergency equipment and of the areas pertinent to emergencies through a specific procedure which responds to the requisites of art. 26 of D.Lgs. 81/08 and subsequent integrations. 1.11 ORGANISATION OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION OF THE EMERGENCY SERVICE The Emergency Service comprises: employees of the Emergency Service (ASE); supervised by a Person in Charge of the Emergency Service (RSE). At the Fortezza, an Emergency Squad is present comprised of the personnel of the company which runs/maintains the utility systems (whose employees are trained according to DM 10.03.98 – high risk). During events and fairs, this Emergency Squad is complemented by one or more squads from the same external company; moreover, if it is considered necessary according to the size of the event, one or more Fire Department squads may also be present, to whom a room with a phone is assigned in the Fortezza da Basso at Palazzina Lorenese, Liceo or Magazzino 07. All the other personnel, including the First Aid staff, are considered to be auxiliaries to the Emergency Service (ASE Collaborators), with duties as follows. During events, a medical doctor is present in the infirmary to aid workers and visitors. Upon request by the organizers of events and fairs, the management of the structure will engage a Volunteer Association (Misericordia, Red Cross, Pubblica Assistenza, etc.) to be present to provide First Aid. It must be remembered that the surveillance company employees are trained according to the indications in DM 10.03.98 – medium risk, as well as in First Aid and assistance to handicapped persons. In the temporary absence of the Person in Charge, emergency operations will be undertaken as follows. ATTENTION: DELEGATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (RSE) In an emergency, it is essential that it always be clear who is in charge of the operations described in the following plan which are normally under the jurisdiction of the Person in Charge of the Emergency Service (RSE). For this reason, in the absence of the RSE, the ASE worker on duty with the highest level contract, or with the longest record of service in the case that there is more than one at the same level, will act in his/her stead in the case of an emergency of any level up to evacuation DUTIES OF PERSONNEL IN THE MANAGEMENT OF AN EMERGENCY Components PERSONNEL PRESENT AT THE GUARD HUT FIRENZE FIERA PERSONNEL PRESENT IN THEIR OFFICES PERSON IN CHARGE OF EMERGENCY SERVICE FIREFIGHTERS FIRST AID STAFF ALL OTHER STAFF (in aid) Duties - Alert the Person in Charge and the Emergency Staff - Upon orders from the Person in Charge, summon external emergency aid - Alert the Person in Charge and the Emergency Staff - Manages the emergency, giving orders to the FIREFIGHTERS AND FIRST AID STAFF and to the rest of the personnel - Goes personally to the alert zone to evaluate it - Combats (with the ASE) fires, using fire-extinguishing equipment (fire-extinguishers, hydrants, fire hose reels) and disconnection apparatus. - Decides when to summon external emergency help - Decides when to EVACUATE the premises, either partially or totally - Collaborates with external emergency help - Aid in the management of the emergency, even without orders if the PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE EMERGENCY SERVICE has not been quickly found - combat fire, using fire-extinguishing equipment (fire-extinguishers, hydrants, fire hose reels) and disconnection buttons - Act in the case of an accident within the limits of their training using material contained in one of the FIRST AID KITS available at the infirmary, the guard hut or in the Firenze Fiera offices - summon if necessary and without delay, EXTERNAL EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE STAFF - Go to the gathering areas following the shortest emergency route indicated in the diagram of the zone - make themselves available to the Emergency Service and collaborate in the event of an evacuation of the persons present 1.12 CLASSIFICATION OF EMERGENCIES The possible emergencies at the Fortezza da Basso, and which are considered further on, are the following: ELECTRICAL BLACK-OUT (internal/external causes)) EARTHQUAKE FLOODING FIRE GAS LEAK FURNACE FIRE TERRORIST ATTACK/SABOTAGE ACCIDENT BOMB OR SUSPICIOUS CONTAINER REPORT FIRE CLASSIFICATION DETAILS MINOR FIRE (or small size): When the size of the fire is such that it can be spent using available firefighting equipment in a reasonably short time (10 minutes). MAJOR FIRE In all other cases In all other cases (or medium/large size): ATTENTION: at night (from 10pm to 7am) fire is always considered to be major. ACCIDENT CLASSIFICATION DETAILS MINOR ACCIDENT: Minor superficial cuts and wounds to the body excluding the head with no internal injuries Slight burns that do not involve large areas of the body Minor foreign debris in the eyes with healing certain MAJOR ACCIDENT: All other cases 2. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BY TYPE 2.1 - ELECTRICALBLACK-OUTS ELECTRICAL BLACK-OUTS ( internal/external causes ) Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Very improbable: a general BLACK-OUT due to internal causes of the FORTEZZA DA BASSO, having considered the characteristics of the electrical systems. All the buildings are equipped with emergency lighting that comes on automatically in the case of a black-out and which guarantees sufficient light to safely remain in the building. Probable: a brief BLACK-OUT due to external malfunctioning of ENEL. Various electrical utilities may however cease to work depending on the size of the black-out, especially elevators and utility services. ENEL usually announces beforehand if the electricity will be cut off for any length of time. Consider that the expected emergency lighting autonomy is 60 minutes WHAT TO DO WHO COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service) ACTIONS/DUTIES wait quietly while firefighters investigate the situation and then tell them what to do VISITORS FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their own Person in Charge) Must always check to to see that no one is trapped in the elevators; if someone is, they must contact the maintenance company. must find the cause of an ELECTRICAL BLACK-OUT: If it is due to an external ENEL malfunction : - t h e y m u s t o b t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g the expected duration of the malfunction using the phone number displayed at the guard hut using a land line or a mobile phone. - they must consider whether the BLACK-OUT involves or will involve nighttime and if necessary, they must alert the Emergency Service squad so that visitors can be reassured when the autonomy of the emergency lighting comes to an end - when it is uncertain whether the BLACK-OUT will last beyond the autonomy of the emergency lighting at nighttime, they must summon external emergency help If it is due to an internal malfunction: - they must try to find the cause including trying to reset the circuit breakers and if this doesn't work, they must summon the personnel charged with electrical maintenance as soon as possible - they must follow the same instructions as in the preceding case of a BLACK-OUT. When the electricity returns or the failure is repaired: - they must reactivate the disconnection buttons and check to see that everything works properly again, particularly the elevators In the case of a pre-announced ELECTRICAL BLACK-OUT due to ENEL, they must phone the elevator maintenance company so that it can shut down the elevators before the event and put notices on the elevator doors specifying the period for which they will be OUT OF ORDER. 2.2 - FLOODING FLOODING Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Flooding is unlikely but not impossible; flooding may result from piping breakages, including sewage pipes, or under unusual weather conditions. It will not in any case be massive and sudden. What to do WHO COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) ACTIONS/DUTIES Whoever discovers a relatively large water leak and especially if there is flooding, must immediately advise the available FIREFIGHTERS without delay and without entering the pertinent zone. VISITORS FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their own Person in Charge) must immediately disconnect the electric current by using the relative zonal emergency buttons to disconnect the energy. must disconnect the water system upstream from the leak using the water valve at the vehicle ramp to the basement of Padiglione Spadolini. Should there be elevators involved in the flooding, they must contact the elevator maintenance company to disconnect the electricity after having checked to see if anyone is still inside the elevator. They must request an urgent repair from the plumbing maintenance company. If there is any doubt that that the flooding has involved the electrical system, before turning the main switch for the zone back on again, they must make an urgent request to the electrical maintenance company to come and ensure that the electrical system has not been damaged. In the meantime, a sign must be immediately posted near the main disconnection switch of the zone saying DO NOT SWITCH ON WORK IN PROGRESS and the switch must be locked shut. 2.3 – GAS LEAK In the case of an emergency at a furnace room, see the specific EMERGENCY PLAN. GAS LEAK Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Improbable: gas leaks at a furnace room due to breakage or failure. Modest, but more probable, gas leaks in the kitchens (Arsenale). Gas leaks due to breakage or failure in a furnace room. Gas leaks may occur in the kitchens (Arsenale). Gas leaks may result in fire and/or explosions. What to do WHO VISITORS COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) ACTIONS/DUTIES Whoever discovers a gas leak in a furnace room or the kitchens must immediately advise the available FIREFIGHTERS without delay and without entering the pertinent zone.. Whoever discovers a gas leak in a FURNACE ROOM or in the KITCHENS must immediately: - send all persons present away from the area, - advise the FIREFIGHTERS. FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their Person in Charge) Should there be a gas leak in a furnace rooms or in the kitchens, they must immediately: - close the nearby fuel valve leading to a furnace room or the kitchens; - disconnect the electricity for the furnace room using the switch nearby; - switch off the electricity in the zone using the zonal disconnection switch if there is one. In the meantime, a sign must be immediately posted near the disconnection valve for the combustible fuels and the electricity switch saying DO NOT SWITCH ON WORK IN PROGESS and the panels must be locked shut. 2.4 – TERRORIST ATTACK- SABOTAGE TERRORIST ATTACK - SABOTAGE Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Very improbable, almost negligible, relative to an historical analysis of the past, the absence of premonitory indications, and the reassuring sociopolitical context. Difficult to predict but defined by: incendiary acts, introduction of bombs or explosive material, equipment sabotage. What to do WHO VISITORS ACTIONS/DUTIES must immediately advise the FIREFIGHTERS if they see: - unusual and suspicious material inside or near the Fortezza da Basso and the internal buildings, - suspicious behaviour of workers/visitors, in the offices, or buildings, inside the walls and near the Fortezza, - suspicious damage to or tampering with equipment (gas, electrical). COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) must immediately advise the FIREFIGHTERS if they see: - unusual and suspicious material inside or near the Fortezza da Basso and the internal buildings , - suspicious behaviour of workers/visitors, in the offices, or buildings,inside the walls and near the Fortezza, - suspicious damage to or tampering with equipment (gas, electrical). Should there be an explosion, they must collaborate with the FIREFIGHTERS to discover the circumstances of the event. FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their Person in Charge) In the above cases, discovered directly or indirectly, the surveillance personnel and the Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services Office must be discretely advised and in the case that it is considered necessary, the Police and the Carabinieri may be summoned directly. In the case of an explosion, having evaluated the situation (injured persons, damage to equipment, stablity of the structure), with the same indications given for the other emergencies and for the procedure of EVACUATION. The Police and the Carabinieri must also be summoned in this case. 2.4.1 – BOMB OR SUSPICIOUS CONTAINER REPORT BOMB OR SUSPICIOUS CONTAINER REPORT Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Probable, therefore not negligible, in relation to the historical analysis of the recent past. Difficult to predict but defined by anonymous telephone reports,and the presence of bombs and explosive material. What to do WHO COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) VISITORS PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE EMERGENCY SERVICE (AND FIREFIGHTERS) ACTIONS/DUTIES Whoever notices the presence of a suspicious object or container, or receives a telephone report: - must not go near the object, nor attempt to find, identify or remove it; - must alert the the Person in Charge of the Emergency Service (Firefighters) and the Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services Office. In the above cases of forewarning, discovered directly or indirectly, s/he must discretely advise the Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services Offices, and if s/he considers it advisable, declare a state of alarm by: - advising the authorities, phoning the Police and Carabinieri; - absolutely not searching for the bomb; - starting the FORTEZZA DA BASSO evacuation procedure as described in the Emergency Plan; - checking all buildings, in particular in the toilets and adjacent areas, and in the elevators, to make sure that no one has been trapped there; - manning the entrances and blocking access to anyone who is not an emergency worker; - coordinating the above emergency operations until the alarm has ceased. 2.5 – EARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKE Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Possible, but extremely difficult to predict. A critical emergency which should give rise to an EVACUATION. It is not possible to adopt preventive measures during activities (but only for the structure itself in the planning phase). What to do WHO VISITORS COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their own Person in Charge) ACTIONS/DUTIES should wait calmly and follow the indications given by the Emergency Service personnel. At the first signs of tremors, if small, they should remain calm and reassure visitors and guests while waiting for instructions and any message to INITIATE EVACUATION. If the tremors are strong, they should proceed in any case with evacuation according to the indications given further on under Procedure for EVACUATION. Depending on the magnitude of the tremors, they evaluate whether to give the alarm or not. They collaborate with and supervise evacuation according to the indications given further on under Procedure for EVACUATION. 2.6 – FIRE FIRE Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics The areas at highest risk are: Fires in populated areas are always expected to be small and therefore easily combatted. utility rooms (in particular, furnace rooms and electrical cabinets/panels) diesel fuel deposits, underground and aboveground They are to be considered more worrisome, even though less probable, fires which start in unpopulated zones as they will not be immediately noted and combatted. in the storeroom (recharging area for forklifts) areas where major crowding is expected during events Small fires may develop in zones that are normally populated (halls, rooms in the various buildings, etc. ) due to overheating, tossed cigarette butts etc. What to do WHO VISITORS ACTIONS/DUTIES In the case of a small fire, if there is no FIREFIGHTER nearby: - sound the nearest fire alarm. COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) In the case of a small fire with no FIREFIGHTER nearby, act within the limits of one's own knowledge and training, moving inflammable materials away and extinguishing the fire, using fire-extinguishing equipment if necessary, and moving away and reassuring any visitors present. In the case it is impossible to act directly: - sound the nearest fire alarm; - immediately advise FIREFIGHTERS and be ready to help if requested; - move as much inflammable and combustible material away from the fire as possible. FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their own Person in Charge) FIRE ALARM SIGNAL FIRE ALARM SIGNAL In the case of a fire alarm, go immediately to the zone from which the signal was sent to check and: 1) if the situation is normal (FALSE ALARM), return to the fire alarm control unit (for the location of the unit see paragraph 1.4) and: - silence the alarm from the control unit - note the event on the provided register 2) if there is a real fire: in the case of a MINOR FIRE - act immediately on small fires, using nearby fire-extinguishing equipment (extinguishers, fire hose reels, hydrants) and moving inflammable material away; - disconnect, also as a precaution, the electricity and any natural gas provided to the area involved; - move and have moved away from the fire zone as much inflammable and combustible material as possible. In the case of a MAJOR FIRE: In the absence of the RSE and if in doubt about controlling the fire or, in any case ,if the estimated extinction time exceeds 10 minutes, assume command and initiate action in the stead of the RSE as indicated in the following paragraph. - alert the surveillance personnel who will notify the Fire Department squad; - act immediately using nearby fire extinguishing equipment (extinguishers, hydrants, fire hose reels); - move and have moved as much inflammable and combustible material as possible away from the fire zone; - having evaluated the circumstances and the nature of the fire, disconnect, also as a precaution, the utilities involved (interrupt the flow of fuels and electrical current) either in person or by delegating someone nearby; - - - check that no one is trapped in the elevator check to see that containment is functioning (that the fire containment doors have closed off the fire zone); in the case that the doors have not closed automatically, try to close them manually if possible with the help of nearby personnel if necessary; if necessary, nearby personnel can be used to help collaborate with and inform the Fire Department squads who arrive (location of fireextinguishing equipment, emergency disconnection procedures, combustible material deposits, fuel disconnection, etc.) . request the presence of the appropriate repair company in the case that the fire has damaged the working of essential utilities (electrical system, heating system, etc.), that shall have been disconnected as a precaution. OTHER FIRE ALERTS In the presence of fire, however noticed or notified, proceed as in the preceding paragraph. Once the fire has been extinguished, eyewitnesses must be interrogated to discover the cause. 2.6.1 – FIRE in a FURNACE ROOM In the case of an emergency in a Furnace Room, reference must be made to the specific EMERGENCY PLAN FOR THE FURNACE ROOM. FIRE IN A FURNACE ROOM Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics Not very probable if it is considered that the furnaces are regularly maintained. Fire with possible explosion due to a gas leak. What to do WHO ACTIONS/DUTIES Whoever is near the FURNACE ROOM Sound the closest fire alarm FIREFIGHTERS In the case of fire at a Furnace Room or in the case the fire alarm sounds, the following initiatives must be undertaken: (Coordinated by their own Person in Charge) COLLABORATORS (of the Emergency Service staff) Immediately alert FIREFIGHTERS - the personnel nearest the furnace room must disconnect the electrical current and the fuel line, and leave the area; - ensure that the fire doors do not remain open; - the Emergency Service Person in Charge, aided by the firefighters, must visit the site and check to see that the fire is extinguished. If not, s/he must begin the procedures of the specific Emergency Plan for the Furnace Room. 2.7 – ACCIDENTS ACCIDENTS Probability of happening Possible emergency characteristics There is a possibility that accidents of various types may happen It is not a true emergency which involves a group or all the persons present. Instead, it is an event involving injury, usually to only one person. What to do WHO COLLABORATORS VISITORS ACTIONS/DUTIES When an accident happens, notify the nearest internal FIRST AID WORKER or, if present, the medical doctor at the infirmary While waiting for help to arrive, do not do anything except calm the injured person. Disperse any crowds which may form around the victim and wait for help to arrive to show them where the victim is. Gather information: the first-aid worker will need to communicate as much information as possible if s/he summons EMERGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH CARE ASSISTENCE : location, type of injury, the poison swallowed, etc. FIRST-AID STAFF (MEDICAL DOCTOR PRESENT IN THE FORTEZZA DURING EVENTS) In the case a medical doctor is present at the infirmary of the Fortezza da Basso, the First-Aid worker will make him/herself available to the doctor to aid in the care of the injured person. In the case there is no doctor present at the Fortezza da Basso, the worker will proceed as follows: On the basis of his/her training, evaluate the situation to decide whether it is a MAJOR or MINOR ACCIDENT (see par. 1.12). If it is a MINOR INJURY, perform first-aid using the articles in the FIRST-AID KIT. If it is a MAJOR ACCIDENT evaluate whether to: - summon external EMERGENCY PUBLIC HEALTHCARE SERVICE and in the meantime give first-aid, or - transport immediately to the Hospital. In the case of poisoning or contact with harmful substances, prepare the SECURITY FORM or at least, the original container of the product for examination by health workers. 3. EVACUATION PROCEDURES 3.1 – ORGANIZATION OF THE EVACUAZIONE Evacuation will begin spontaneously with the sounding of the acoustic alarms or the lighting up of the visual alarms distributed in the various zones. When an alarm is actuated, the building involved will be evacuated. If the emergency (especially for fire) is expected to involve adjacent areas as well, those areas or the entire complex of the Fortezza da Basso will be evacuated. This process will be coordinated according to the development of the fire or other event, and will entail having visitors and the other persons present exit using the pathways that are the farthest from the critical zone. The posted EXIT DIAGRAMS facilitate comprehension of the best emergency exits to use in the various zones. 3.2 – EVACUATION OBJECTIVE To have all workers and visitors leave the risk zone gradually and safely to go toward the external GATHERING AREAS. 3.3 – EVACUATION PROCEDURES WHO ACTIONS/DUTIES VISITORS Promptly exit by the nearest emergency exit and go to the external gathering areas. STAFF Staff who are not part of the emergency service: COLLABORATORS - promptly exit by the nearest emergency exit and go to the external gathering areas - make themselves available to the Emergency Service to help with evacuating visitors - collaborate with the operations of counting and verification to make sure no one remains in the risk zone. FIREFIGHTERS (Coordinated by their own Person in Charge) All Emergency Service staff, with the help of all other staff when necessary: All Emergency Service staff, with the help of all other staff when necessary: - carefully evaluate if the fire/event underway remains confined to the evacuated area - verify that the electrical current and fuel lines have been disconnected in the evacuated zone - repeatedly verify that no one is trapped in the elevators - verify the closure of the fire containment doors - inspect the areas at highest risk to program evacuation priorities - proceed with the evacuation of visitors according to the following priorities: 1. Handicapped VISITORS closest to the fire/event zone about to be filled with smoke 2. Independent VISITORS closest to the fire/event zone about to be filled with smoke 3. - VISITORS in less dangerous positions at the end of operations, proceed to count all personnel on shift and visitors to verify that no one is still in the evacuated area. At the same time, upon orders of the Person in Charge, the surveillance personnel at the guard hut or Firenze Fiera personnel in their offices will summon: - the Fire Department if not already summoned (115) - external emergency health care services (118) - company personnel on call (telephone n° displayed at the guard hut) In the case of fire, if it is completely extinguished within a brief space of time, the alarm can be turned off and evacuation suspended, reassuring all those present. If on the contrary, the fire is expected to spread into adjacent areas, these areas or the entire Fortezza da Basso complex must be evacuated. HANDICAPPED VISIITORS : In most cases, the external surveillance company personnel know that handicapped persons are present during events, fairs, etc. and are trained to assist them. In the case of an emergency, the emergency staff is advised of the presence of handicapped persons. 4. BUILDING CHARTS 4.1 - Padiglione Spadolini Location Padiglione Spadolini is situated in the eastern area of the Fortezza complex. Building The building, designed by Arch. Pierluigi Spadolini and constructed in 1970 , was built with a steel frame and prefabricated precompressed reinforced cement floors. The total surface area is equal to approx. 26,000 sq.m. Number of Floors The building has 3 floors, one of which is the basement. The structure has 2 symmetrical external stairways which connect the open area on the ground to the covered terrace that surrounds the top floor. In the center of the building there is an open square stairway that connects the floors and surrounds an ample internal court. Specific Risk Areas Sono inoltre presenti scale interne, normali e mobili, e ascensori. - The main Furnace Room near the vehicle ramp to the basement - An underground diesel fuel deposit in the area between the basement access ramp of Padiglione Spadolini and Sala delle Nazioni - Main electricity cabinet near the vehicle access ramp to the basement - ENEL cabinet near the vehicle access ramp to the basement - Electrical cabinet and MV and LV Electrical Panels Rooms - Zonal electrical panels - Other utility equipment and rooms (air conditioning, ventilation, UPS, water and fire-extinguishing system control units, smoke-detector commands, elevator machinery) - Rooms in which major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area Padiglione Spadolini is easily reached using the roadways inside the Fortezza and from the vehicle entrance at Porta Faenza. The pedestrian entrance at Porta alle Carra enters directly into the basement of the pavilion. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits and the other exits are adequately marked. Emergency - Fuel disconnection valve (at the furnace room) Disconnection - Electricity disconnection button for the furnace room (at furnace room) - Electricity disconnection button (at the main electricity cabinet) - Electricity disconnection button (at the MV and LV Electrical Panel Rooms) - Emergency back-up button (at the UPS utility rooms) At the guard position on the ground floor of the pavilion, there is a panel with electricity disconnection buttons and emergency back-up switches for the entire pavilion. In particular, the UPS system switches can only be actuated by the Fire Dept. Gathering Area Outside the building nea r th e m ain entranc e and the exit s to Padiglione Cavaniglia and Polveriera. Fire-extinguishing Equipment Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers located in various areas of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located inside the pavilion. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. A UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump coupling near the water and fire-extinguishing control units . There is a sprinkler system in the rooms of Padiglione Spadolini. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons and emergency back-up lighting have been installed. The main control unit for the fire-extinguishing system is located near the vehicle access ramp to the basement. In Padiglione Spadolini, a smoke and heat extraction system has been installed which can be actuated from the guard position on the ground floor of the pavilion. The smoke detection control unit is found in one of the rooms accessible from the toilet facilities in the central area of the ground floor. The utility rooms, and the rooms from which escalators and elevators are accessed, are compartmentalized by the installment of REI 20 doors. Max N° of persons present (internal staff, visitors and external contractors) The maximum crowding allowed on the various floors during fairs and conferences is: - Basement Floor – 2250 persons - Ground Floor – 3500 persons - Top Floor – 2240 persons 4.2 – Padiglione Cavaniglia Location The pavilion is located n e a r t h e Porta Faenza entrance, i n t h e s o u t h - e a s t a r e a o f t h e F ortezza. Building Three sides of the structure are made of prefabricated elements; the south side is the wall of the Fortezza. The indoor surface area is around 2900 sqm Number of Floors The pavilion comprises mainly one floor (ground floor). There is an internal stairway leading to the first floor where there are only utility rooms. In the basement reached by an elevator from the ground floor, is a corridor that connects Padiglione Spadolini t o t h e Porta Alle Carra pedestrian access, toilet facilities and the elevator machinery room. Specific Risk Areas - outside the furnace room n e a r t h e o u t s i d e w a l l a t Bastione Cavaniglia - Storage tanks of the diesel fuel used for the furnace room and found near it - Electricity cabinet on the ground floor - Zonal electrical panels - Other utility rooms and equipment (refrigerating units, ventilation equipment, UPS, elevator machinery room, pump room) - Rooms in which major crowding is expected during events Access to the area Padiglione Cavaniglia is easily reached using the roadways inside the Fortezza and from the Porta Faenza vehicle entrance. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits and the other exits are adequately marked. Emergency - Fuel line disconnection valve (at the furnace room) Disconnection - Furnace room electricity disconnection button (at the furnace room) - Electricity disconnection button (in the electricity cabinet on the ground floor) - UPS release button (in the UPS utility rooms) Gathering Zones Outside the building near Porta Faenza and the exits to Padiglione Spadolini. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers located in various areas of the building and in the furnace room. Sand pail near the furnace room. UNI 45 hydrants located near the exits on the Padiglione Spadolini side a n d i n t h e basement. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. UNI 45 double-coupling aboveground hydrants located at the entrance near Porta Faenza and the entrance towards the furnace room. Aboveground hydrants with 1 UNI 100 coupling and 2 UNI 70 couplings positioned on the side of building facing Padiglione Spadolini. There is a sprinkler system in the rooms of Cavaniglia. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons and emergency backup lighting have also been installed. The smoke-detector command controls are located near the main exit of the ground floor in the direction of Padiglione Spadolini. There is a smoke and heat extraction system installed in the pavilion. The utility rooms, the workrooms, the access rooms to the stairs which lead to the first floor and the ventilation room in the basement are compartmentalized by the installation of REI 120 doors. Max N° of Persons Present ( staff, visitors and external contractors) The maximum crowding allowed at Padiglione Cavaniglia during fairs and conferences is 1320 persons. 4.3 - Padiglione Rastriglia Location The pavilion is located in the south west area of the Fortezza da Basso, near the Porta Santa Maria Novella entrance. Building The tensile structure covers an area of around 2650 sqm Number of Floors The building is on a single level. Specific Risk Areas - Utility room near the toilet facilities (UPS and electricity cabinet ) - Other utility equipment (ventilation) - Electrical panel - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached using the roadways inside the Fortezza and from the Porta Santa Maria Novella entrance. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits on all sides of the building that lead to external areas. These exits are adequately marked. Emergency - MV electricity disconnection button (near the northern access to the utility room) Disconnection - UPS release button (near the northern access to the utility room) Gathering Zones Outside the building, towards the building where the Firenze Fiera offices are located and at the utility room side exit Firenze Fiera e in corrispondenza dell’uscita lato. Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers, mainly near the emergency exits. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment UNI 45 hydrants located on the facade of the building. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. Aboveground hydrant con 1 UNI 100 coupling and 2 UNI 70 couplings at the south east corner of the building. Automatic fire detectors and emergency back-up lighting installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons During fairs the maximum crowding allowed is equal to 1700 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.4 – Arsenale Location Arsenale i s located i n the central area of t h e Fortezza da Basso, not far from the Porta Soccorso alla Campagna pedestrian entrance. Building The structure, in masonry, is divided into various rooms used for exhibitions and fairs. On the ground floor: - Arsenale Ground Floor – 1095 sqm - Fureria – 590 sqm - Armeria/Basilica – 1035 sqm On the first floor: - Arsenale First Floor – 1070 sqm - Armeria First Floor – 315 sqm On the Second Floor: - utility and work rooms Number of Floors Specific Risk Areas The building comprises three levels connected by internal and external stairways, escalators and elevators. - Furnace room (total power: 1428.8 kW) on the second floor - MV/LV transformer cabinet on the ground floor and second floor - Electrical panel on the second floor - Zonal electrical panels - Kitchen on the second floor - Other utility equipment and rooms (refrigerating units, ventilation machinery room, UPS, alarm control units, water pumps and sprinkler system, elevator machinery room) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building i s easily accessed from the roadways inside the Fortezza and from the Porta Soccorso alla Campagna pedestrian entrance. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits and the other exits are adequately marked. Emergency - 2 fuel line disconnection valves (at the furnace room on the second floor) Disconnection - Furnace room electricity disconnection button (on the second floor in furnace room) - MV electricity disconnection button (outside the MV/LV transformer cabinet on the second floor and near the elevator on the south side on the ground floor) - Natural gas disconnection valve (on the ground floor near the external stairway on the side facing Teatrino Lorenese and near the water system control unit and sprinkler system in the central corridor, in the first floor restaurant area, and near the second floor kitchen) - electricity disconnection switch (in the restaurant area on the first floor, and near the kitchen on the second floor) - UPS release button (in the utility rooms) - Ground floor disconnection button for south side elevator, located near the elevator - ground floor disconnect button for the southside elevator, located near the elevator Gathering Areas In the open central corridor and in th e out sid e ar ea s near Porta Soccorso alla Campagna and the south exit from the building. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers located in the various rooms of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located inside and outside Arsenale. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. UNI 70 Fire Dept. Motorized pump couplings, on the south side and at the entrance to Fureria from the inside corridor. There is a sprinkler system in the rooms in Arsenale. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons and emergency back-up lighting have also been installed. The water pump and sprinkler are on the ground floor while the smoke detection control unit is on the second floor. Max N° of Persons The utility rooms, some stairways and the kitchen are compartmentalized by the installation of doors REI 120. The maximum crowding allowed in the various rooms is as follows: Present (internal For fairs: personnel, visitors and external contractors) - Arsenale Ground Floor – 650 person - Fureria – 416 persons - Armeria/Basilica – 738 persons - Arsenale First Floor – 375 persons - Armeria First Floor – 112 persons - work and utility rooms – no provision for activities For conferences: - Arsenale Ground Floor – 480 persons - Fureria – 300 persons - Armeria/Basilica – 400 persons - Arsenale First Floor – 375 persons - Armeria First Floor – no provision for activities - utility and work rooms – no provision for activities 4.5 – Palazzina Lorenese Location The building is located in the central area of the Fortezza da Basso. Building The structure, in masonry, is divided into several rooms used for exhibitions and fairs and comprises around 1530 sqm on the ground floor and 1550 on the first floor. Number of Floors The building is on two levels connected by internal and external stairways and elevators. Specific Risk Areas - ENEL cabinet accessed from the door on Piazzale “Arena Strozzi” - Zonal electrical panels - Other utility equipment and rooms (refrigerating units, elevator machinery rooms, utility rooms, UPS) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits and the other exits are adequately marked. Emergency - electricity disconnection (at the ENEL cabinet) Disconnection - UPS release button( in the utility rooms) Gathering Areas Outside the building in the piazzale “Arena Strozzi”, at the main entrance to Padiglione Spadolini and in the area between Padiglione Le Ghiaie a n d Teatrino Lorenese. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld fire-extinguishers in various rooms in the building. UNI 45 hydrants, located in areas outside the building. UNI 25 fire hose reels, located in areas inside and outside the building. UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump couplings are located in the open air court on the facades facing Teatrino Lorenese and Piazzale “Arena Strozzi”. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons, visual alarms and emergency back-up lighting have also been installed in the rooms. The utility rooms and some stairways are compartmentalized by the installation of REI 120 doors. On first floor is the room used by the Fire Dept. during events and fairs. Max N° of Persons The maximum crowding allowed on the various floors is the following: Present (internal For fairs: personnel, visitors and external contractors) - Ground Floor – 1421 persons - First Floor – 1526 persons For conferences: - Ground Floor – 1421 persons - First Floor – 488 persons 4.6 – Teatrino Lorenese Location The building is located in the central area of the Fortezza da Basso. Building The structure, in masonry, covers an area of around 520 sqm. Number of Floors The building is mainly on two floors (theater on ground floor and backstage on first floor). On the ground floor is also present a small space to access the stairs going to the upper floor On the second floor, not accessible to the public, is a utility room. Specific Risk Areas - Electrical panels on the ground floor and first floor - Other utility equipment and rooms (ventilation, utility room on second floor) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits and the other exits are adequately marked. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (at electrical panels) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building near the south exit and at “Arena Strozzi” Piazziale. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld extinguishers in various areas of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located in the external and internal areas of the building. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. Automatic fire detectors and emergency back-up lighting installed in the rooms. The utility room on the second floor is compartmentalized by the installation of REI 120 doors. Max N° of Persons The following is the maximum crowding allowed in Teatrino Lorenese : Present (internal For fairs: 270 persons personnel, visitors and external contractors) For conferences: 350 persons 4.7 – Sala delle Nazioni Location The building is situated near the north wall of the Fortezza da Basso, near the vehicle access of Porta Mugnone. Building The structure, in masonry, covers an area of around 2000 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - Electrical panel - Other utility equipment (ventilation) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the vehicle access of Porta Mugnone. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits are adequately marked. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (at the electrical panel) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building in the yard in front. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers in various areas of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located in the external and internal areas of the building. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump couplings are located at the front. Emergency back-up lighting has been installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons For fairs, the maximum crowding allowed is 925 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.8 – Sala della Ronda Location The building is situated in the north-east area of the Fortezza da Basso, near Bastione Strozzi. Building The structure, in masonry, occupies an area of around 950 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - electrical panel - Other utility equipment (ventilation) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso. Emergency Exits There are three emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits are adequately marked. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (in the electrical panel) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building, in the space in front. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld fire extinguishers in various areas of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located in the external and internal areas of the building. UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump couplings are located at the entrance near the Sala delle Nazioni. Emergency back-up lighting installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons For fairs, the maximum crowding allowed is 500 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.9 – Rondino Location Building The building is situated in the north-east area of the Fortezza da Basso, near Bastione Strozzi. The structure, made of prefabricated elements, occupies an area of around 450 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - Utility equipment (ventilation) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events - The refrigerating units for the top floor of Padiglione Spadolini installed behind the building. Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso. Emergency Exits The emergency exits vary according to how the pavilion is being used, but they are always sufficiently wide and numerous for the crowding expected at the event. At the moment there are 5 emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits are always adequately marked. Emergency Not present Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building, in the area in front. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld fire extinguishers in various areas of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located in the external and internal areas of the building. UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump couplings are located outside the building. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons, visual alarms and emergency back-up lighting have been installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons For fairs, the maximum crowding allowed is 337 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.10 – Polveriera Location The building is situated in the north-east area of Fortezza da Basso, near Bastione Strozzi. Building The structure, in stone and masonry, occupies an area of around 190 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - electrical panel - Other utility equipment (ventilation) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso. Emergency Exits There are three adequately marked emergency exits that lead to external areas. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (outside near the exit towards Sala delle Nazioni) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building, near the exit and in the yard in front of Sala delle Nazioni. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld extinguishers in various areas of the building. Max N° of Persons For fairs and conferences, the maximum crowding allowed is 99 persons. Present (internal personnel, visitors and external contractors) Emergency back-up lighting installed in the rooms. 4.11 – Padiglione Le Ghiaie Location The building is situated in the central area of the Fortezza da Basso. Building The structure, in prefabricated elements, occupies an area of around 1290 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - electricity cabinet on the east side of the structure - Other utility equipment (refrigerating units) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the Porta Santa Maria Novella and Porta Faenza entrances. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits are adequately marked. Emergency Not present. Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building, near the areas towards Teatrino Lorenese and Quartieri Monumentali. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers in the various areas of the building. UNI 45 hydrants located outside on the north and south sides of the building. UNI 25 fire hose reels positioned inside the building. UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump couplings are located outside on the north and south sides of the building. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons, visual alarms and emergency back-up lighting have been installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons, visual alarms and For fairs, the maximum crowding allowed is 896 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.12 – Quartieri Monumentali Location Building Quartieri Monumentali is located the southern area of the Fortezza da Basso, b etwe en Porta Santa Maria Novella and Porta Faenza. Maria Novella e Porta Faenza. The structure, in stone and masonry, is subdivided into various rooms that are used for fairs and exhibitions. In the basement: - Sala delle Grotte – 580 sqm On the ground floor: - Sala dell’Arco – 210 sqm - Sala della Volta – 240 sqm - Sala delle Colonne – 320 sqm On the first/raised floor: - Sala Ottagonale – 305 sqm - Sala della Scherma – 370 sqm - Sala Monumentale 1° piano – 545 sqm Cannoniera – 150 sqm Number of Floors The building h a s t h r e e m a i n f l o o r s (not considering t h e Cannoniera), connected to each other by ramps and internal and external stairways.. Specific Risk Areas - Furnace room (power: 300,000 Kcal) near the entrance on the west side of the building - 10,000 l capacity underground diesel fuel storage tank, near the outside court on the west side - Electricity cabinet, under the outside stairs on the east side - Zonal electrical panels - Other utility equipment and rooms (refrigerating units, ve n t i l a t i o n , UPS, central alarm unit) - Areas where major crowding is expected during events Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the Porta Santa Maria Novella and Porta Faenza entrances. Emergency Exits There are numerous emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits and the other exits are adequately marked. Emergency - Fuel line disconnection valve (at the furnace room) Disconnection - Electricity disconnection button furnace room (in the furnace room) - Electricity disconnection button (in the electricity cabinet) - Back-up system release button (in UPS utility rooms) Gathering Zones Outside the building, near Porta Santa Maria Novella a n d Porta Faenza. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld fire extinguishers in the various areas of the building UNI 45 hydrants located on the outside wall of the building. 2xUNI 70 and 1xUNI 100 aboveground hydrants, near the external stairway to the upper floors. UNI 70 Fire Dept. motorized pump couplings located near the external stairway to upper floors. Automatic fire detectors, manually actuated emergency alarm buttons, visual alarms and emergency back-up lighting have also been installed in the rooms. The alarm control unit is located on the ground floor. Max N° of Persons The following is the maximum crowding allowed in the various rooms: Present (internal For fairs: personnel, visitors and external contractors) - Sala delle Grotte – 262 persons - Sala dell’Arco – 63 persons - Sala della Volta – 165 persons - Sala delle Colonne – 200 persons - Sala Ottagonale – 140 persons - Sala della Scherma – 140 persons - Sala Monumentale 1° floor – 150 persons Cannoniera – 33 persons For conferences: - Sala delle Grotte – no provision for activities - Sala dell’Arco – 63 persons - Sala della Volta – 150 persons - Sala delle Colonne – no provision for activities - Sala Ottagonale – no provision for activities - Sala della Scherma – 150 persons - Sala Monumentale 1° floor – 150 persons Cannoniera – no provision for activities 4.13 – Padiglione 02 Location The building i s located n e x t t h e o u t s i d e w a l l o f t h e Fortezza da Basso, near Porta Soccorso alla Campagna (pedestrian entrance ). Building The structure, in masonry, covers an area of around 350 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas Utility equipment (ventilation) Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the Porta Soccorso alla Campagna pedestrian entrance. Emergency Exits There are 4 emergency exits, each 1.4m wide, located at the front of the building and adequately marked. Emergency Not present Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building, in front of Porta Soccorso alla Campagna. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld fire extinguishers near the emergency exits UNI 45 hydrants located on the outside wall of the building Emergency back-up lighting has been installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons The maximum crowding allowed for fairs is 245 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.14 – Padiglione 07 Location The building, and in particular the part used by Firenze Fiera, i s located n e a r ’”Arena Strozzi”, in the northern area of the Fortezza. Building A structure in masonry which covers an area of around 450 sqm. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - three 200 l storage tanks for diesel fuel, located outside on the “Arena Strozzi” side - Zonal electrical panel installed inside the building near the exit on the “Arena Strozzi” side - Utility equipment (ventilation) Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the vehicle entrance at Porta Mugnone. Emergency Exits There are 2 emergency exits: - on the “Teatrino Lorenese” side, 1.85 m wide - on the “Arena Strozzi”side, 1.30 m wide These exts are adequately marked. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (in electrical panel) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building near Palazzina Lorenese and Teatrino Lorenese. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld and wheeled fire extinguishers near the emergency exits. UNI 45 hydrant located on the side of the building near the exit on the “Teatrino Lorenese” side. Emergency back-up lighting has been installed in the rooms. Fire containment doors are installed near the heating/ventilation machinery for the rooms. Max N° of Persons The maximum crowding allowed for fairs is 150 persons. Present (internal No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.15 – Storeroom Location The building i s situated in the northern area o f t h e Fortezza da Basso, near Bastione Imperiale. Building The structure is in masonry. Number of Floors The building is on a single floor. Specific Risk Areas - Forklift recharging area (external) - Electrical panel Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and by the vehicle entrance at Porta Mugnone. Emergency Exits There are 6 emergency exits that lead to external areas. These exits are adequately marked. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (in the electrical panel) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building near Sala delle Nazioni. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld extinguishers in the various areas of the building. Max N° of Persons Personnel who work continuously inside the storeroom comprise 1 person. Considering the presence of any external workers (suppliers, maintenance, etc.) it is possible to consider a maximum of 5-6 persons. Present (internal personnel, visitors and external contractors) UNI 45 hydrants located outside the building. 4.16– “Lyceum” BUILDING Location The building called “Lyceum” is situated with the main entrace facing the S. Maria Novella vehicle access Building The building is not used as an everyday Firenze Fiera workplace but can be used as exhibition space by fair organizers Number of floors The building has three floors connected by internal stairways. Specific risk areas There are electric panels on each floor and a furnace in the basement. Access to the area -The Altri localiiseeasily impianti tecnologici building accessed from (condizionamento) the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the vehicle access of Porta Santa Maria Novella. Emergency exits There are three clearly indicated emergency exits on the ground floor that lead outside. From the first and second floors, the emergency routes lead directly to the emergency exits on the ground floor Assembly zones Outside the building near the exits. Portable extinguishers located in various areas of the building. UNI 45s located outside the pavilion. UNI 25 hose reel cases located inside the building. Fire extinguishers A UNI 70 fire dept. motorized pump coupling outside, on the piazzale Ghiaie side. There are also emergency switches to manually activate the fire alarm, battery-operated emergency lighting and emergency signs, and smoke detectors in every room. The maximum crowding allowed in the various rooms Max no. of persons permitted (staff, visitors and contractors) during fair events is the following: Ground Floor: 240 people First Floor: 150 people Second Floor: 30 people 4.17 – Firenze Fiera Offices Location Building The building which contains the Firenze Fiera offices is situated in the south-west area of the Fortezza da Basso near the vehicle entrance at Porta Santa Maria Novella. Basso, in prossimità dell’entrance carrabile di Porta Santa Maria Novella. The Firenze Fiera Technical Building Services and Production Area offices are on the first floor. The ground floor can be used as exhibition space. Number of Floors The building is on two levels connected by internal stairways. Specific Risk Areas - Zonal electrical panels - Other utility rooms and equipment (ventilation) Access to the Area The building is easily reached from the roadways inside the Fortezza da Basso and from the vehicle entrance of Porta Santa Maria Novella. Emergency Exits There are two emergency exits, adequately marked, that lead to external areas. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (in electrical panels) Disconnection Gathering Zones Outside the building near the exit. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Handheld extinguishers in various areas of the building. Emergency back-up lighting installed in the rooms. Max N° of Persons On the first floor (offices), the estimated maximum crowding is around 20 persons. Present (internal personnel, visitors and external contractors) 4.18 – Magazzino Tribunale A e B. Location Building The Pavilion is situated in the south-west area of the Fortezza da Basso near the Porta Santa Maria Novella entrance.Basso, in prossimità dell’entrance carrabile di Porta Santa Maria Novella. Masonry structure A covers an area of around 396 sqm, structure B 399 sqm Number of Floors The building has a single floor. Specific Risk Areas -Zonal electrical cabinet Access to the Area The building is easily accessible from the internal roadways of the Fortezza da Basso a n d the Porta Santa Maria Novella vehicle entrance. Emergency Exits There are emergency exits which lead to outside areas. These exits are adequately indicated. Emergency - electricity disconnection switch (in electrical panels) Disconnection Gathering Zones In the square outside the front of the building. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment Portable and trolley-mounted fire extinguishers in various areas in the building. Max N° of Persons Magazzino A: The maximum crowding allowed for fairs is 250 persons. Present (internal Magazzino B: The maximum crowding allowed for fairs is 250 persons. personnel, visitors and No provision has been made for the use of the building for conferences. external contractors) INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ANNEX IV OF PALCHI INTERMIN. DECREE 22 July 2014 Minimum information regarding the Fortezza da Basso fair and congress area managed by Firenze Fiera SpA In compliance with the requirements outlined in Annex IV of Interministerial Decree 22 July 2014, this document informs organizers of events in the Fortezza da Basso congress and fair area managed by Firenze Fiera SpA regarding: a) all permanent equipment present b) roadways and traffic c) general logistics d) fixed utility systems The fair area is situated inside the Fortezza da Basso di Firenze, with the main entrance on Viale F. Strozzi. The following buildings are situated inside the walls of the Fortezza: - Main Pavilion Spadolini - Pavilion Cavaniglia - Pavilion Rastriglia - Arsenale - Palazzina Lorenese - Teatrino Lorenese - Sala delle Nazioni - Sala della Ronda - Rondino - Polveriera - Pavilion Le Ghiaie - Quartieri Monumentali - Storeroom 02 Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | - Storeroom 07 - Technical Offices of Firenze Fiera - Liceo - Ex Magazzini Tribunale - Storeroom The following utility systems can be found on these premises - Furnace Rooms (at the vehicle ramp in the basement of Pavilion Spadolini, near the perimeter wall at Pavilion Cavaniglia, on the second floor of Arsenale, near the west side entrance of Quartieri Monumentali at Liceo). - Refrigerating Units and Stations (at the vehicle ramp in the basement of Pavilions Spadolini and Cavaniglia, Pavilion Rastriglia, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, Rondino, Pavilion Le Ghiaie, Quartieri Monumentali, Technical Offices, Ronda, Nazioni Hall, Storeroom 02, Storeroom 07 and ex Magazzino Tribunale - Water Supply and Fire Protection Facilities (at the vehicle ramp in the basement of Pavilion Spadolini) - ENEL (mains) Cabinet (at the vehicle ramp in the basement of Pavilion Spadolini ) - Main Electricity Cabinet (at the vehicle ramp in the basement of Pavilion Spadolini) - MT/BT Electricity Cabinets (located in Pavilions Spadolini and Cavaniglia, Magazzini Ex Tribunale, Arsenale, Quartieri Monumentali, Storeroom 02, Palazzina Lorenese ) - Electricity Panels (located in the various pavilions) - Other utility systems and rooms (UPS, elevator machinery room, air conditioning, etc. located in the various pavilions) - Underground diesel fuel storage (in the area between the vehicle ramp entrance to Pavilion Spadolini and Sala delle Nazioni, at the furnace room in Pavilion Cavaniglia, in the external courtyard of Quartieri Monumentali and at Liceo ) - Natural-gas powered kitchen at Arsenale - Recharging area for forklifts at the storeroom Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | There are also underground lines (around 50 cm deep) to transport: -Electrical current -Gas -Water ( drinking, industrial and fire-protection ) - Telephone and data transmission In old masonry buildings, the distribution networks are embedded in the walls or floors, while in newly built buildings, the distribution lines are clearly visible and easily accessed. The main entrance to the area is through the main vehicle access: - Viale F. Strozzi entrance (Porta S.M. Novella). There are also another two vehicle and three pedestrian accesses: - vehicle entrance (Porta Faenza) - vehicle entrance (Porta Mugnone) - pedestrian entrance (Porta alle Carra) - pedestrian entrance (Porta Soccorso alla Campagna) - pedestrian entrance (Porta Ottagonale) The external areas are mainly graveled. The internal roadways are regulated by specific signs (see attached site plan). There is no particular permanent equipment in the rooms since employees of Firenze Fiera do not directly use any type of equipment. Any equipment which may be present is the property of contractors contracted for maintenance. The various buildings and external areas are provided with: Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers UNI 45 hydrants UNI 25 hoses Aboveground hydrants with UNI 100 and UNI 70 or UNI 45 couplings. UNI 70 motorpump couplings Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | A sprinkler system is present in the following areas: - Pavilion Spadolini - Pavilion Cavaniglia - Arsenale All pavilions are provided with UPS-powered emergency lighting Pavilions Rastriglia, Monumentale and ex Magazzino Tribunale are provided with battery-powered emergency lighting. Manually-activated emergency fire alarm buttons are installed on the premises of Pavilions Spadolini and Cavaniglia, Arsenale, Palazzina Lorenese, Quartieri Monumentali, Nazioni Hall, Liceo and Rastriglia. All buildings have smoke detectors excepting Sala della Ronda, Polveriera, ex Magazzino Tribunale, Storeroom 02, Storeroom 07, Storeroom and the Technical Offices of Firenze Fiera. Palazzina Lorenese, Rastriglia, and Quartieri Monumentali are provided with optical alarms. Pavilion Spadolini has water supply and fire protection facilities; Arsenale has water supply and sprinkler systems. Pavilions Spadolini, Cavaniglia, Teatrino and Liceo are provided with a heat and smoke extraction system. There is a firefighters' (VVF) room at 07 which is manned during events and fairs. These fire protection devices and emergency plans are identified and clarified on the attached site plans. Logistics shall be defined by the event organizer according to his/her needs, without prejudice to the above. Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | TECHNICAL SAFETY REGULATIONS ____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION FIRENZE FIERA is committed to implementing the necessary precautions and complying with the relevant requirements set forth in current Italian legislation in order to ensure the safety of both people and property. For this reason, it is vital that, in addition to maximum care and attention in avoiding situations that may cause fire and, more generally, danger of any kind, the End-user and/or Organizer should scrupulously observe the rules and prohibitions set out herein. Therefore, End-users and/or Organizers, excepting those who are not setting up their exhibition space or who are using a previously set up space, are requested to carefully complete all the attached forms and declarations. During the inspection phases, FIRENZE FIERA will be assisted by qualified technicians who will carry out all the operations necessary in order to verify that the electrical systems and furnishing materials used fully comply with the Technical Safety Regulations. FIRENZE FIERA shall reserve the right to remove any materials which are inflammable or in any case considered to be dangerous, to disconnect any electrical systems considered unsuitable. Before the event begins, the End-user and/or Organizer should check that the appropriate inspection certificate has been issued for the stand and/or congress-exhibition area. Moreover, for the duration of the event, the End-user and/or Organizer should undertake to maintain the furnishings of the congress/exhibition area in the same condition as they were at the time of the preliminary inspection. End-users, Organizers, Businesses, Service Cooperative Societies and self-employed workers should use all the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by the relevant regulations in full compliance with the provisions of Heading III of Italian Legislative Decree 9th April 2008 n. 81 and successive modifications and supplements . The End-user and/or Organizer should request any technical or procedural clarifications concerning these regulations directly from: FIRENZE FIERA – S.p.a. Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1 - Fortezza da Basso 50129 Florence Tel. (+39-055)49721 - Fax (+39-055)490573 INDEX SECTION I GENERAL REGULATIONS Art. 1 – Scope of application and responsibilities. SECTION II ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND POWER SUPPLY Art. 2 – Electrical systems. Art. 3 – Electrical power supply. Art. 4 – Cutout switch. Art. 5 – Electrical leads. Art. 6 – Connections and shunts. Art. 7 – Outlets and plugs. Art. 8 – Light fittings. Art. 9 – Protection of leads from overcurrents. Art. 10 – Transformers and voltage regulators. Art. 11 – Grounding. Art. 12 – Quality of materials and electrical appliances. Art. 13 – Inspections. Art. 14 – Standards and regulations. Art. 15 – Wiring diagram. SECTION III FIRE PREVENTION Art. 16 – Safety and fire prevention obligations of the End-User. Art. 17 – Furnishing materials. Art. 18 – Materials fireproofed at origin. Art. 19 – Materials with ad hoc certification. Art. 20 – Materials subjected to ex post fire-retardant treatment. Art. 21 – Observance of standards and regulations. SECTION IV ACCIDENT PREVENTION INTERDICTIONS IN AND COMPLIANCE SAFETY WITH PRECAUTIONS, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ITALIAN REGULATIONS: LEGISLATIVE DECREE 9th APRIL 2008 n. 81, MINISTERIAL DECREE 10th MARCH 1998 Art. 22 – Interdictions. Art. 23 – Requirements. Art. 24 – Safety and regulation compliance forms AND SECTION I GENERAL REGULATIONS ART. 1 SCOPE OF APPLICATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1) These regulations set down the rules restricting the use of Firenze Fiera’s congress and exhibition areas for safety purposes. 2) In accordance with and as a consequence of art. 19 of the “General Conditions”, both the Organizer and End-user shall be responsible for complying with the contents of these regulations. The Organizer shall mean whosoever has been granted the temporary use of the congress and exhibition areas by virtue of a specific contract stipulated with Firenze Fiera. The End-user shall mean whosoever has been granted the temporary use of the congress and/or exhibition areas by virtue of a specific contract stipulated with the Organizer. 3) Any person carrying out work in any capacity inside Firenze Fiera’s congress and exhibition areas should undertake to use all the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by the relevant regulations and in compliance with Heading III of Italian Legislative Decree 9th April 2008 n. 81 and successive modifications and supplements . 4) The individual Organizers and End-users, excepting those who are not setting up their exhibition space or who are using a previously set up space, shall provide the following to Firenze Fiera: a) certificate of compliance with regulations; b) wiring diagram; c) statement regarding the setup materials used; d) certificate regarding the fireproofing of inflammable materials (where applicable); e) statement regarding the correct use of the above materials (where applicable). Firenze Fiera, either directly or through its assigned consultants, shall inspect all the documentation provided and shall carry out systematic tests on the electrical systems (assessment of compliance with CEI regulations 64-8/7-711), as well as sample checks on layout materials (fire prevention regulation checks). SECTION II ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND POWER SUPPLY ART. 2 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Any electrical systems in addition to those provided and installed by Firenze Fiera should be realized by the End-user in compliance with current regulations (CEI 64/8-7-V2) as well as the specific provisions of these Regulations. ART. 3 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY a) The electrical supply to stands shall be distributed for lighting purposes and for supplying, as necessary, small domestic appliances or office machinery. b) The use of refrigerators, electric calculators, computers, small fans and suchlike is permitted. c) The use of motors, stoves and electric convector heaters and, in general, appliances other than the office machinery and small domestic appliances mentioned above, is strictly prohibited. d) The display of working electrical appliances of a different type than normally allowed may be permitted in special cases. In this case, the End-user shall submit a written request for specific authorization to Firenze Fiera. The granting of such authorization shall be dependent upon compliance with all the other rules laid down in these regulations, as well as any special instructions. The Organizer shall be held jointly responsible in the event that the End-user should act without prior authorization from Firenze Fiera. e) Electricity shall be provided within the limits permitted by Firenze Fiera’s installations through single-phase electrical boxes offering a maximum electrical supply of 3 kW at 230V-50Hz. The electrical boxes are fitted with a 16A double-pole magneto-thermal switch equipped with high sensitivity (30mA) differential relay and an IEC 309 2 x 16A+T outlet at 230V 50 Hz. In the event that the End-user requires a power supply greater than 3 kW, Firenze Fiera can supply two or more boxes of the type described above, or 9 kW three-phase + neutral supply boxes, equipped with a 16A four-pole magneto-thermal switch and an IEC 309 3 x 16A+N+T outlet at 400V 50 Hz. The End-user should make a specific request for an increased power supply at least 30 (thirty) days before the event begins. Requests shall be granted according to the technical availability of the Distributor. ART. 4 CUTOUT SWITCH a) The differential magneto-thermal switch installed in the supply box (single phase or three phase), constitutes the main cutout switch for the electrical system supplied by the same. Therefore, no further control and protection devices are required if the stand and/or congressexhibition area system has only a single circuit. b) In the event that the system consists of several circuits, or small domestic appliances are used, the End-user should undertake to install an electrical board containing a cutout switch or general disconnecting switch for the system, as well as several automatic circuit breakers or fuses deriving from the same, in order to protect each of the circuits powered by the system. c) For three phase systems with a power supply greater than 9 kW, the End-user should undertake to install a high sensitivity (30mA) magneto-thermal cutout switch with differential relay. The container for the electrical panel mentioned in point b) should comply with CEI regulations and have minimum IP44 protection. Furthermore, the cutout switch and the electrical board should be placed in a position which is accessible to the End-user and Firenze Fiera’s personnel. ART. 5 ELECTRICAL LEADS a) Unipolar or multipolar cables produced according to CEI 20-22 II or CEI 20-22 III regulations with 450V/750V insulation should be used for wiring the stands and/or congress-exhibition areas, even for reduced voltage circuits. All the cables should bear the relevant symbols on the sheath. b) In special cases, such as, for example, shunting a connection to lighting appliances of a length no greater than 1 m, the cables supplied with the lamp can be used. The minimum sections permitted for leads are as follows: 2.5 sq. mm for distribution dorsal boards common to 2 or more lighting appliances; 1.5 sq. mm. for shunts to individual appliances. Cable installation may only be carried out in one of the following ways: free-hanging: only for multicore cables in inaccessible positions; installed inside protective tubes, channels or coiled sheaths (for external use), which comply with the 850°C incandescent wire test, with IP4X degree protection: below the walking surface and in all other cases. c) Cables should not be subjected to mechanical stress i.e. used to support hanging light fittings or placed under furnishing elements and, where necessary, they should be secured with appropriate collars and U bolts. d) The characteristics of any cables of foreign manufacture should be comparable with the above provisions and it shall be the duty of the End-user to provide the relevant technical documentation regarding the same, as listed in art. 1 and, in any case, in compliance with current EC directives. e) No cable extension reels nor catenary lighting of any kind are permitted. f) Rigid LED strips are allowed provided they conform to European standard EN 60598-1 ART. 6 CONNECTIONS AND SHUNTS 1) Connections between leads should be carried out exclusively in the following ways: by means of terminals with self-extinguishing insulating lining inside connector blocks; IEC 309 multi-outlet shunts; by head/head connections suitable for CEI 20-22 Wieland 1.5/2.5mm cables protected bus ducts with minimum IP4X protection and fitted with special plugs; electrified track at a height of no less than 2.5m from floor level fitted with special plugs. connector blocks containing multiple outlet units or connectors suitable for cables. 2) The connector blocks should be made of metal or thermoplastic material, in compliance with current CEI regulations (850 °C incandescent wire test). Moreover, they should be supplied with a screw-on cover and have minimum IP4X or IPXXD protection. The inlets for the cables, tubes and sheaths in the connector blocks should be equipped with a suitable cable press connector or core hitch. ART. 7 OUTLETS AND PLUGS 1) The fixed plug outlets for end user connection should have IP4X or IPXXD degree protection, a horizontal connection axis and be mounted on socket boxes. IEC 309 type movable plug outlets should be used. Movable outlets with multiple receptivity (multiple socket outlets) may only be used inside a connector block fitted with a cover. 2) Plug outlets with a capacity of more than 16A should be equipped with an electrical and mechanical interlocking system. Connection cables for movable equipment with the installation characteristics mentioned above should be as short as possible. For this purpose the outlets should be installed as close as possible to the user. Adapters which comply with current regulations and bear the Italian Mark of Quality or a European equivalent, may be used to power a single appliance with a rating of no more than 150W. ART. 8 LIGHT FITTINGS 1) Light fittings shall be installed at a height of over 2.50 m from floor level or, in any case, in places not accessible to the public. 2) Only lighting appliances with housing that has minimum IPXXD degree protection or unbreakable shields, mesh or other suitable mechanical lamp protection devices may be installed. 3) The housing of any lighting appliances located within reach of the public should not reach temperatures higher than those set down in the CEI regulations i.e. 80°C in normal operating conditions. 4) False ceilings and existing installations, particularly the water pipes of the automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system on the ceiling of the exhibition pavilions, must not be used as supports for hanging luminaires. 5) Halogen lamps should always be equipped with special tempered-glass shields or protective metal grills. Lamps should not exceed 300W. Light fittings should also be located at a suitable distance from objects being illuminated and in particular, with regard to spotlights and small projectors, the following distances should be observed: up to 100W: at least 0.5m from 100 to 300W: at least 0.8m 6) Cold cathode discharge tubes or lamps (neon tubes) with high-tension feeders should be housed in metal cases and assembled as indicated in CEI regulations EN 50107-1 (conformable to CT 54 CEI). 7) The installation of luminaires on surfaces or supports in combustible material is forbidden unless the same have been built for mounting on furnishing elements and bear the “F” mark. Wood materials which are fire resistant at origin or which have been subjected to ex post fire retardant treatment are considered to be combustible materials. 8) The lighting, for demonstrative purposes, of table lamps or lights on display may be permitted, in compliance with CEI regulations, as long as the following conditions are met: the location of the appliances is stable and removed from public passageways; the appliances being used are kept under constant surveillance by stand and/or congressexhibition area personnel; all the rules set down in these Regulations regarding the power supply system of the appliances in question have been observed; the appliances are powered using cables supplied by the manufacturer which are no more than 1 m long. 9) Power supply systems involving naked or catenary conductors of any kind are not permitted, neither at low voltages (12, 24, 48V) nor at 230V. ART. 9 PROTECTION OF LEADS FROM OVERCURRENTS 1) The protection of leads from overcurrents should be carried out in accordance with the criteria established by CEI Regulations. For this purpose, magneto-thermal switches or fuses may be used inside the stand’s electrical board, down-line from the main cutout switch. The protection devices indicated above should be coordinated with the lead sections, based on the criteria set down in the regulations mentioned and CEI tables. 2) Particular care should be taken to protect any low-tension circuits from overcurrents remembering that, for the same amount of power transmitted, the currents are much stronger than normal mains voltage circuits. ART. 10 TRANSFORMERS AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS 1) The use of transformers and voltage regulators for powering low or high voltage lighting systems is permitted as long as they are installed inside adequately ventilated metal or PVC boxes with IPXXB protection equipped with cable presses or in the container supplied by the manufacturer if suitable for installation. 2) Transformers and regulators should have maximum current protection on the single outlet circuit with manual reset (magneto-thermal switch or fuse). Moreover, they should be located in a wellventilated position, out of reach of the public. ART. 11 GROUNDING 1) Light fittings and any other metallic masses included in the stand and/or congress-exhibition area furnishings should be connected to the grounding system of the exhibition pavilions by means of N07V-K type protection leads with the section size required by CEI regulations and yellow-green colored insulation. 2) The connection of metallic masses should be carried out using feedthrough screws with nuts, washers and cable terminals of the proper size, or pipe clamping collars supplied with terminals, or other methods which ensure the effectiveness and permanence of the connections. 3) For metallic masses consisting of several separate parts, the unipotentiality should be ensured by means of suitable continuity connections realized in the ways described above. ART. 12 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 1) The End-user must use high quality materials and electrical appliances with suitable characteristics, which comply with existing CEI Regulations. In particular, materials and appliances bearing the Italian Mark of Quality or equivalent European Marks should be used. 2) Firenze Fiera shall reserve the right to prohibit the use of materials and appliances which do not comply with current regulations. In the case of appliances and cables used for previous layouts, it shall be the End-user’s duty to verify the integrity of the same. ART. 13 INSPECTIONS The electrical system of the stand and/or congress-exhibition area shall be inspected (even immediately before the event begins) in compliance with article 711.6 of CEI regulations 64-8/7-711. ART. 14 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS For anything not explicitly mentioned in these regulations, compliance with current CEI regulations shall be required. Failure to comply with the regulations and other rules contained in these Regulations with regard to the electrical systems may result in the disconnection of any electrical systems which do not comply with the obligatory safety requisites at FIRENZE FIERA’s unquestionable discretion. ART. 15 WIRING DIAGRAM Electrical systems for the stands and/or congress-exhibition areas may only be connected to Firenze Fiera’s power grid by presenting the duly completed “Statement of workmanlike compliance of the system” (Italian Ministerial Decree 22.01.08 n. 37), along with all the compulsory enclosures. SECTION III FIRE PREVENTION ART. 16 SAFETY AND FIRE PREVENTION OBLIGATIONS OF THE END-USER 1) In order to demonstrate compliance with the Technical Regulations, the End-User should present the following to the Technical Bodies appointed by Firenze Fiera during the setting-up phase of the stands and/or congress-exhibition areas: - a statement listing the materials used for furnishing the exhibition space, with an indication of the quantities (surface areas) used; - documents certifying the compliance of the materials used with the fire reaction requisites set down in article 17 below. A sworn translation into Italian of any certification drawn up by foreign Institutions or laboratories should be provided. ART. 17 FURNISHING MATERIALS 1) All materials used for furnishing the exhibition space should comply, as a whole, with the fire reaction properties as specified below: Flooring use Italian class I Class 1 European class (A2FL-s1), (A2FL-s2), (BFL-s1), (BFL-s2),(Cfl-s1); Wall use Italian class European class (A2-s1,d0), (A2-s2,d0), (A2-s3,d0), (A2-s1,d1), (A2-s2,d1), I Class 1 (A2-s3,d1), (B-s1,d0), (B-s2,d0), (B-s1,d1), (B-s2,d1); Ceiling use Italian class European class (A2-s1,d0), (A2-s2,d0), (A2-s3,d0), (A2-s1,d1), (A2-s2,d1), I Class 1 (A2-s3,d1), (B-s1,d0), (B-s2,d0), (B-s3,d0); The documents listed in the following articles 18 to 20 inclusive should be provided for each of the materials used in order to verify compliance with the classification requisites requested. ART. 18 MATERIALS FIREPROOFED AT ORIGIN These are materials whose fire resistant properties have been determined during manufacture. The following documents should be presented in order to verify the above characteristics: a) Copy of the material’s Certificate of Approval issued by the Ministry of the Interior to the manufacturer of the material; b) Declaration of compliance of the material with the approved prototype signed by the vendor of the material; c) Declaration by the End-user that the material in question has been used for furnishing the stand and/or congress-exhibition area (Form C). ART. 19 MATERIALS WITH AD HOC CERTIFICATION The Fire Reaction Certificate may take the form of an “ad hoc” certificate issued to the user by a laboratory authorized by the Ministry of the Interior. “Ad hoc” certificate shall mean a test certificate which has not been issued for the purpose of placing a product on the market, pursuant to art. 10 of the Italian Ministerial Decree dated 26.06.84. The End-user should present the following documentation to Firenze Fiera: a) A copy of the “ad hoc” Certificate for the material issued by the authorized laboratory; b) Declaration of compliance of the material used with the prototype, signed by the End-user; c) Declaration by the End-user that the material in question has been used for furnishing the stand and/or congress-exhibition area (Form C). ART. 20 MATERIALS SUBJECTED TO EX POST FIRE-RETARDANT TREATMENT 1) These are materials whose fire resistant properties are altered through the application of fireretardant painting products. In this case the following documents should be presented to Firenze Fiera: a) Declaration by the person who carried out the fire-retardant treatment, giving the date on which the said treatment was carried out, stating that the conditions of application imposed by the manufacturer of the fire-retardant product and set down in the technical specifications for the paint have been observed. Form D should be used for this purpose. It should, however, be specified that the fire-retardant treatment shall be only considered valid for a maximum of 6 (six) months; b) Copy of the Declaration of the Manufacturer of the fire-retardant product (Pilot Certificate), giving the conditions of use and application; c) Copy of the Transport Document or Invoice documenting the purchase of the fire-retardant product by the person carrying out the treatment; d) Declaration by the End-user that the fire-retardant treated material has been used for furnishing the stand and/or congress-exhibition area (Form C). Treatments using the products listed in the Italian Ministerial Decree dated 06.03.92 which have been carried out in a workmanlike manner shall be considered valid for 5 (five) years from the date on which the treatment is carried out. These paints may only be used on compact wood materials; therefore the following materials are excluded: - veneered materials with wood slices or strips using thermo-plastic type resin based glues; - cellular or strip structured assemblies with air cavities or cavities filled with miscellaneous materials. 2) Fire-retardant treatment certificates produced in a way other than those described above shall not be considered valid. ART. 21 OBSERVANCE OF STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS 1) Apart from the provisions set down in these Regulations, End-users must also comply, without fail, with all current fire prevention standards and legislation. 2) Firenze Fiera reserves the right to take samples of furnishing materials considered to be “unsuitable” and to send them to an authorized laboratory in order to verify their compliance with fire prevention regulations. 3) In the event of partial non-observance of the requisites set down in the regulations concerning the reaction to fire of the materials used, Firenze Fiera shall reserve the right to assess the possibility of authorizing the End-user to operate within his/her stand and/or congress-exhibition space in derogation of the above. This possibility shall, however, be dependent upon the adoption of alternative and equivalent safety and fire prevention measures, to be agreed upon with the persons appointed by Firenze Fiera and the Fire Department. Any additional expenses which may arise from the adoption of such measures shall be charged to the End-user or, in the event of the default of the same, to the Organizer. SECTION IV ACCIDENT PREVENTION INTERDICTIONS IN AND COMPLIANCE SAFETY WITH PRECAUTIONS, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS ITALIAN AND REGULATIONS: LEGISLATIVE DECREE 9th APRIL 2008 n. 81 AND SUCCESSIVE MODIFICATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS, MINISTERIAL DECREE 10th MARCH 1998 ART. 22 INTERDICTIONS It is forbidden to: - smoke inside the pavilions; - recharge forklifts, pallet transporters and other battery operated machinery inside the pavilions (and, in any case, within enclosed spaces ) . - use electrical tools and machinery during set up to make furnishings at the stand (planers, circular saws, cutters, welding equipment etc..) ; - use inflammable glue, varnish and /or paint; - use mobile forklifts with an internal combustion engine inside the exhibition pavilions; - introduce inflammable objects of any description which are not treatable with fireproof varnishes ( paper, cardboard, rubber tires, textiles and plastic coverings, tulle etc.); - introduce motorized vehicles into the pavilions for exhibition purposes without the express permission of Firenze Fiera; - use incandescent electrical equipment; - introduce refrigerators and cooling devices without prior consent from the Ente Fiera; - use naked flames ( candles, stoves, heaters etc..) inside the pavilions ; - use radiating heaters inside the pavilions; outside use must be agreed upon with Ente Fiera and each element must be provided with a certificate of conformity for the working mechanism; - use glass surfaces unless they are safety glass (for example Visarm and wired glass); - use combustible compressed or liquid gas tanks inside the pavilions. Outside use may be authorized by prior agreement with Firenze Fiera, with a storing limit of 75Kg and a certificate of conformity by a qualified installer for the connecting equipment. - use inert gas canisters of any size and/or capacity. In special cases, they may be authorized by Firenze Fiera but only if all the regulations regarding the subject have been abided by; - use temporary ceilings to partially cover exhibition and congress spaces. They may be allowed with prior authorization by Ente Fiera for a maximum of 1/3 of the stand area for continuous coverings or for strips spaced at least 1m apart with the following characteristics: a) grated ceilings or similar coverings if of solid, non-combustible or fireproof material, adequately fixed to the ceiling, with openings of not less than 10cm x 10cm and with rafters not thicker than 5 cm (aluminum, steel, metal wire, fireproof or fireproofed wood etc.); b) netted ceilings made of fabric or synthetics having a fire reaction class not exceeding 1 (one) and mesh openings not smaller than 5mm x 5mm. - introduce inflatable structures or balloons which use inflammable gas; only those using inert gas are allowed if adequately fixed and of a reasonably small dimension. - access the exhibition and congress areas with motorized vehicles in general; - use electrical or manual loading platforms except in the phases of set up and dismantling of the exhibition and congress spaces; - cover in any way, even partially, the mobile or fixed fire fighting devices of the exhibition and congress structures and the signs indicating emergency exits, forbidden activities and limitations; - lean anything extraneous on the sprinkler system, the ceiling, the pylons, the rafters, or any other part of the exhibition and congress structure; - have set-up and dismantling personnel for the exhibition and congress spaces present after hours without explicit written permission by Firenze Fiera; - cover in any way, even partially, the air ventilation intake openings at the base of the pylons in the exhibition and congress pavilions, - apply fireproofing to materials inside the exhibition or congress pavilions; - keep carton boxes or other packing material at the stand or use them as a support; - leave the electricity on at the stand and/or in the exhibition-congress space without the presence of personnel and, in any case, outside of the opening hours of the event except in the case of a prior agreement with Ente Fiera; - use loudspeakers or any other source of sound which could create disturbance, without express permission from Firenze Fiera; - introduce materials and/or products to the exhibition-congress spaces which are dangerous, bad smelling, or which could cause damage or annoyance to the persons present; - introduce unbound fibers of any description that are not bagged into the exhibition-congress spaces; - obstruct internal and/or external corridors and emergency exits with decorating materials, products, packing materials and similar items during set-up and dismantling and during the entire period of the event . - use equipment or fixtures inside the Firenze Fiera pavilions which do not comply with current safety regulations and legislation; - tamper with or damage in any way the furnishings or premises of the exhibition -congress spaces; - introduce heavy concentrated weights without prior authorization from Firenze Fiera. ART. 23 REQUIREMENTS 1) Any floor coverings must be positioned in such a way as not to constitute an obstacle (for example, the presence of stairs, bumpy floor surfaces, etc.) in full compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 9th April 2008 n. 81 and successive modifications and supplements . Packaging and materials of a particularly cumbersome nature should be immediately removed from the congress-exhibition areas at the expense of and by the End-user. The occupying of communal areas and corridors should be limited to loading/unloading and transport. Particular care should be taken to never block safety exits nor to hamper the transit of other vehicles . 2) During set-up and dismantling, entry to the congress and/or exhibition areas shall only be permitted to commercial vehicles displaying the appropriate permit previously distributed to End-users, and only during the hours indicated. Parking inside the congress and/or exhibition areas should be limited to the time strictly necessary for unloading and loading operations, after which vehicles should be immediately removed from the manoeuvering areas. ART. 24 SAFETY AND REGULATION COMPLIANCE FORMS Form A: Certificate of compliance with regulations Form B: Wiring diagram Form C: Furnishing materials Form D: Declaration of ex post fire-retardant treatment Form E: Declaration that ex post fire-retardant treated material has been used End-users or Organizers who set up exhibition and/or congress spaces must complete Forms A, B and C, whereas Forms D and E are only necessary if ex post fire retardant treated materials are used during setup. The completed forms must be sent at least 15 days before the opening date of the event. Please note that all those who do not set up their space or who use a previously set up space are exempted from completing and sending these forms. Send to: FIRENZE FIERA S.p.A. Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1 – Fortezza da Basso – 50129 Florence FAX: +39 055 490573 The completed forms should be sent to FIRENZE FIERA within the time limit stated above. The event to which the forms refer should be stated on the envelope. Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | REGOLAMENTO TECNICO DI SICUREZZA ____________________________________________________________________________ PREMESSA FIRENZE FIERA è impegnata a porre in atto gli accorgimenti e far rispettare le attuali normative vigenti, alla ricerca della sicurezza ai fini della incolumità delle persone e delle cose (D.Lgs. 9 aprile 2008 n.81 e s.m.i.). Per tale ragione è indispensabile che l’Utilizzatore finale e/o l’Organizzatore, oltre ad adottare ogni cautela ed attenzione per evitare occasioni di incendio e più in generale, di pericolo, si attenga scrupolosamente alle norme ed ai divieti di seguito riportati. Si richiede, pertanto, all’Utilizzatore finale e/o l’Organizzatore di compilare accuratamente tutti moduli e dichiarazioni allegati, tranne quelli che non allestiscono gli spazi espositivi che hanno a disposizione o che si avvalgono di allestimenti preallestiti. FIRENZE FIERA, durante le fasi di controllo, si avvale della collaborazione di tecnici qualificati per svolgere tutte le operazioni necessarie al fine di verificare la rispondenza degli impianti elettrici e dei materiali di allestimento al Regolamento Tecnico di Sicurezza. FIRENZE FIERA si riserva la facoltà' di poter rimuovere eventuali materiali infiammabili o comunque ritenuti pericolosi e di disalimentare gli impianti elettrici ritenuti non idonei. L'Utilizzatore finale e/o l’Organizzatore prima dell’inaugurazione della manifestazione, deve accertarsi che sia stato redatto l’apposito certificato di verifica dello stand e/o spazio espositivo e congessuale, inoltre si impegna, per tutto il periodo di svolgimento della manifestazione, a non alterare le condizioni di allestimento del proprio spazio espositivo/congressuale rispetto a quelle rilevate al momento della verifica dell'impianto. Gli Utilizzatori finali, gli Organizzatori, le Imprese, le Cooperative di Servizi e i lavoratori autonomi devono utilizzare tutti i dispositivi di protezione individuale (D.P.I.) imposti dalle norme ed in piena conformità di quanto previsto dal titolo III del D.Lgs. 9 aprile 2008 n.81 e s.m.i.. Per ogni chiarimento di natura tecnica e procedurale nei riguardi del presente regolamento, l’Utilizzatore finale e/o l’Organizzatore dovranno rivolgersi direttamente a: FIRENZE FIERA – S.p.a. Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1 - Fortezza da Basso 50129 Firenze Tel. (055)49721 - Fax (055)490573 1 INDICE CAPO I DISPOSIZIONI GENERALI Art. 1 – Ambito di applicazione e responsabilità. CAPO II IMPIANTI E FORNITURA DI ENERGIA ELETTRICA Art. 2 – Impianti elettrici. Art. 3 – Fornitura di energia elettrica. Art. 4 – Interruttore generale. Art. 5 – Conduttori elettrici. Art. 6 – Giunzioni e derivazioni. Art. 7 – Prese e spine. Art. 8 – Apparecchi di illuminazione. Art. 9 – Protezione dei conduttori contro le sovracorrenti. Art.10 – Trasformatori e regolatori di tensione. Art.11 – Messa a terra. Art.12 – Qualità dei materiali e degli apparecchi elettrici. Art.13 – Verifiche. Art.14 – Norme e regolamenti. Art.15 – Scheda impianto elettrico. CAPO III PREVENZIONE INCENDI Art.16 – Adempimenti di sicurezza e prevenzione incendi da parte dell’Utilizzatore finale. Art.17 – Materiali di allestimento. Art.18 – Materiali ignifughi all’origine. Art.19 – Materiali con certificazioni ad hoc. Art.20 – Materiali ignifugati a posteriori. Art.21 – Osservanza di norme e regolamenti. 2 CAPO IV PREVENZIONE INFORTUNI E NORME DI SICUREZZA, PRESCRIZIONI E DIVIETI: IN OSSERVANZA DEL 9 APRILE 2008 n. 81 e s.m.i.,D.M. 10 MARZO 1998 Art.22 – Divieti. Art.23 – Prescrizioni. Art.24 – Modulistica sicurezza e rispondenza alle norme. CAPO I DISPOSIZIONI GENERALI ART. 1 – AMBITO DI APPLICAZIONE E RESPONSABILITÀ. 1) Il presente regolamento detta le norme che vincolano, ai fini della sicurezza, l’uso degli spazi espositivi e congressuali nella disponibilità di Firenze Fiera. 2) Ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’art.19 delle “Condizioni Generali”sono responsabili dell’osservanza di quanto in esso contenuto sia l’Organizzatore che l’Utilizzatore finale. Per Organizzatore si intende chi ha la disponibilità temporanea d’uso di spazi espositivi e congressuali in forza di uno specifico contratto stipulato con Firenze Fiera. Per Utilizzatore finale si intende colui che ha la disponibilità temporanea d’uso di spazi fieristici e/o congressuali in forza di uno specifico contratto stipulato con l’Organizzatore. 3) Chiunque a qualsiasi titolo svolge attività lavorativa all’interno degli spazi espositivi e congressuali nella disponibilità di Firenze Fiera, deve utilizzare tutti i dispositivi di protezione individuale (D.P.I.) previsti dalla normativa e conformi a quanto previsto dal titolo III del 9 aprile 2008 n. 81 e s.m.i.. 4 ) I singoli Organizzatori ed Utilizzatori finali, tranne quelli che non allestiscono gli spazi espositivi che hanno a disposizione o che si avvalgono di allestimenti preallestiti, devono consegnare a Firenze Fiera: a) attestazione di conformità alle norme; b) schema dell’impianto elettrico; c) dichiarazione dei materiali utilizzati nell’allestimento; d) (eventuale) certificato di ignifugazione dei materiali infiammabili; e) (eventuale) dichiarazione di corretto utilizzo dei suddetti materiali; Firenze Fiera, direttamente o per mezzo di consulenti incaricati, controlla tutta la documentazione consegnata ed effettua i controlli sistematici sugli impianti elettrici ( verifica del rispetto della norma CEI64-8/7-711) e controlli a campione sui materiali di allestimento (verifica delle norme antincendio) 3 CAPO II IMPIANTI E FORNITURA DI ENERGIA ELETTRICA ART. 2 – IMPIANTI ELETTRICI. Gli eventuali impianti elettrici aggiuntivi a quelli già predisposti e resi disponibili da Firenze Fiera, devono essere realizzati dall’Utilizzatore finale in conformità sia alle disposizioni normative in vigore (CEI 64/8-7-V2) sia a quanto specificatamente disposto dal presente Regolamento. ART. 3 – FORNITURE DI ENERGIA ELETTRICA. a) L’energia elettrica ai posteggi viene erogata per l’illuminazione e per l'eventuale alimentazione di piccoli apparecchi elettrodomestici o di macchine da ufficio. b) E' consentito l'impiego di frigoriferi, di calcolatrici elettriche, di computer, di piccoli ventilatori e di apparecchi similari; c) E’ vietato l'impiego di motori, stufe e termoconvettori elettrici ed in generale apparecchi diversi dalle macchine da ufficio o dai piccoli elettrodomestici sopra menzionati. d) Può essere consentita, per particolari esigenze, l'esposizione di apparecchi elettrici funzionanti, di genere diverso da quelli normalmente ammessi. In tal caso l'Utilizzatore Finale deve richiedere per iscritto a Firenze Fiera una specifica autorizzazione, che potrà essere concessa subordinatamente all'obbligo dell’osservanza di tutte le altre norme stabilite nel presente regolamento e di eventuali prescrizioni particolari. L’Organizzatore, deve intendersi responsabile in solido nel caso che l’Utilizzatore finale abbia agito senza la preventiva autorizzazione da parte di Firenze Fiera e) L’Energia elettrica è fornita, nei limiti consentiti dagli impianti della Firenze Fiera, a mezzo di quadretti di alimentazione monofase, per prelievo di potenza elettrica fino ad un massimo di 3kW a 230V-50Hz. Il quadretto di alimentazione è equipaggiato con un interruttore magnetotermico bipolare da 16A con relè differenziale ad alta sensibilità (30mA) e con una presa IEC 309 2x16A+T a 230V 50Hz. Nel caso in cui l’Utilizzatore finale richieda una disponibilità di potenza superiore a 3kW, possono essere fornite da Firenze Fiera due o più cassette del tipo sopra indicato, oppure cassette di alimentazione trifase + neutro da 9kW, munite di interruttore magnetotermico tetrapolare da 16 A, con una presa IEC 309 3x16A+N+T a 400V 50Hz. In caso di necessità di potenze elettriche superiori, L’Utilizzatore finale deve inoltrare richiesta specifica almeno 30 giorni prima della data di inizio della manifestazione. La richiesta sarà accettata in funzione della disponibilità tecnica dell’Ente erogatore. ART. 4 – INTERRUTTORE GENERALE. a) L'interruttore generale magnetotermico differenziale installato nella cassetta di alimentazione, monofase o trifase, costituisce l'interruttore generale dell'impianto elettrico da esso alimentato. 4 Non sono quindi richiesti ulteriori apparecchi di comando e protezione se l'impianto dello stand e/o spazio espositivo-congressuale comprende un solo circuito. b) Qualora l'impianto sia articolato in più circuiti, oppure sia prevista l’alimentazione di piccoli elettrodomestici deve essere predisposto, a cura dell’Utilizzatore finale, un quadretto elettrico contenente un interruttore o un sezionatore generale dell'impianto e più interruttori automatici o fusibili da esso derivati, per la protezione di ciascuno dei circuiti alimentati dall’impianto. c) Per gli impianti trifasi di potenza superiore a 9 kW, deve essere installato a cura dell'Utilizzatore finale, un interruttore generale magnetotermico con relè differenziale ad alta sensibilità (30mA). Il contenitore del quadretto elettrico di cui alla lettera b) deve essere conforme alle norme CEI ed avere un grado di protezione minimo IP44. In ogni caso l'interruttore generale ed il quadretto elettrico devono essere posti in posizione accessibile all’Utilizzatore finale e al personale di Firenze Fiera. ART. 5 – CONDUTTORI ELETTRICI. a) Nell'allestimento degli impianti elettrici degli stand e/o spazi espositivi-congressuali devono essere impiegati cavi unipolari o multipolari costruiti a norme CEI 20-22 II o CEI 20-22 III con isolamento 450V / 750V anche per i circuiti a tensione ridotta; tutti i cavi devono essere muniti del relativo contrassegno riportato sulla guaina. b) In casi particolari, ad esempio per derivazione di collegamento ad apparecchi illuminanti di lunghezza non superiore a 1mt, possono essere impiegati i cavetti di corredo alla lampada. Le sezioni minime ammesse per i conduttori sono le seguenti: 2,5 mm² per le dorsali di distribuzione comuni a 2 o più apparecchi illuminanti; 1,5 mm² per le derivazioni ai singoli apparecchi. La posa in opera dei cavi può essere eseguita nei modi seguenti: posa in aria libera solo per i cavi multipolari in posizioni non accessibili; posa entro tubi protettitvi, canali o guaine spiralate (per uso esterno), rispondenti alla prova del filo incandescente a 850°C, aventi grado di protezione IP4X, sotto pedana e in tutti gli altri casi; c) I cavi non devono essere sottoposti a sollecitazioni meccaniche, ad esempio per sostenere apparecchi illuminanti sospesi o sotto il peso di elementi di arredo e quando necessario fissati con idonei collari e cavallotti. d) I cavi di produzione estera devono avere caratteristiche corrispondenti a quelle sopra descritte e sarà compito dell’Utilizzatore finale consegnare la documentazione tecnica, già elencata all’art.1, comunque conforme alle attuali Direttive Comunitarie vigenti. c) Non sono ammessi avvolgicavo e catenarie di qualsiasi tipo. d) Sono ammesse le striscie led rigide purchè rispondenti alle normative Europee EN 60598-1 5 ART. 6 – GIUNZIONI E DERIVAZIONI. 1) Le giunzioni tra conduttori possono essere eseguite esclusivamente con le seguenti modalità: mediante morsetti con rivestimento isolante autoestinguente all'interno di scatole di derivazione; mediante prese e derivatori multipresa IEC 309; mediante giunzioni testa/testa, idonee per cavo CEI 20-22 sez. 1,5/2,5mmq., tipo Wieland mediante blindosbarre protette con grado di protezione almeno IP4X munite di apposite spine; mediante binario elettrificato posto ad altezza non inferiore ai 2,5mt dal piano di calpestio munite di apposite spine. mediante scatole di derivazione, contenenti al loro interno gruppi di prese multiple o connettori idonei per la giunzioni cavi. 2) Le scatole di derivazione devono essere metalliche od in materiale termoplastico, conformi alle attuali norme CEI (prova del filo incandescente a 850 °C), munite di coperchio fissato con viti e dotate di grado di protezione minimo IP4X o IPXXD. Nelle scatole di derivazione gli ingressi dei cavi, dei tubi e delle guaine devono essere muniti di adeguato raccordo pressacavo o passacavo. ART. 7 – PRESE E SPINE. 1) Per la connessione alle utenze finali le prese a spina fisse devono avere un grado di protezione IP4X o IPXXD, asse d’inserzione orizzontale e devono essere montate su scatole portafrutto. Le prese a spina mobili devono essere del tipo IEC 309. Si possono impiegare prese mobili a ricettività multipla (ciabatte) solo se all’interno di scatole di derivazione complete di coperchio. 2) Le prese a spina con portata superiore a 16 A devono essere dotate d’interblocco elettrico e meccanico. I cavi di collegamento con apparecchi mobili, con le caratteristiche di posa precedentemente citate, devono avere la minima lunghezza possibile, a tal scopo le prese devono essere installate il più vicino possibile all’utilizzatore. Si possono impiegare adattatori, che devono essere rispondenti alla normativa ed avere il marchio IMQ od equivalente europeo, con cui alimentare una sola utenza con potenza non superiore a 150W. ART. 8 – APPARECCHI DI ILLUMINAZIONE. 1) Gli apparecchi di illuminazione devono essere installati a quote superiori a 2,50 mt dal piano di calpestio, o comunque in posizioni non accessibili al pubblico. 2) E’ ammessa l'installazione dei soli corpi illuminanti dotati di custodie con grado di protezione minimo IPXXB, nonché di schermi infrangibili, reti a maglia stretta o altre idonee protezioni meccaniche delle lampade. 3) Se a portata di mano del pubblico, le custodie degli apparecchi di illuminazione non devono assumere temperature superiori ai limiti previsti dalle norme CEI, 80°C in funzionamento ordinario. 6 4) E’ fatto divieto di utilizzare come sostegni per la sospensione di apparecchi di illuminazione i controsoffitti e gli impianti esistenti, con particolare riguardo per le tubazioni idriche dell'impianto di estinzione automatico a pioggia esistente a soffitto dei padiglioni espositivi. 5) Le lampade alogene devono sempre essere munite di apposito schermo in vetro temperato o apposita griglia metallica di protezione. La potenzialità' della lampada non deve superare la potenza di 300W. Gli apparecchi di illuminazione devono inoltre essere mantenuti ad adeguata distanza dagli oggetti illuminati ed in particolare per faretti e piccoli proiettori tale distanza deve essere: fino a 100W: almeno 0,5mt. da 100 a 300W: almeno 0,8mt. 6) In caso di impiego di lampade o tubi a scarica a catodo freddo (tubi al neon) con alimentatori ad alta tensione (questi devono essere alloggiati in custodie metalliche) e montati secondo le prescrizioni contenute nelle Norme CEI EN 50 107-1 ( conformi al CT 54 CEI). 7) E’ vietata l'installazione diretta di corpi illuminanti su superfici o supporti di materiale combustibile se non costruiti per il montaggio su mobili e dotati di marchio "F". Si ricorda che i materiali in legno ignifugo sia all’origine, sia ignifugato a posteriori, sono da considerarsi materiale combustibile. 8) Può essere ammesso il funzionamento a dimostrazione di lampade da tavolo o lumi in esposizione rispondente alle norme CEI, purché siano verificate le seguenti condizioni: ubicazione degli apparecchi stabile e lontana dalle zone di passaggio del pubblico; sorveglianza continua degli apparecchi accesi da parte degli addetti allo stand e/o spazio espositivo-congressuale; osservanza di tutte le norme contemplate nel presente Regolamento in merito all'impianto di alimentazione degli apparecchi. possibilità di alimentazione con cordoni di fornitura del costruttore di lunghezza non superiore ad 1mt. 9) Non saranno accettati in nessun caso sistemi di alimentazione a conduttori nudi sia a tensione ridotta (12, 24, 48V) che a 230V ed a catenaria di qualsiasi tipo. ART. 9 – PROTEZIONE DEI CONDUTTORI CONTRO LE SOVRACORRENTI. 1) La protezione dei conduttori contro le sovracorrenti deve essere eseguita secondo i criteri stabiliti dalle Norme CEI. Allo scopo, possono essere impiegati interruttori magnetotermici o fusibili, a valle dell'interruttore generale, all'interno del quadretto elettrico dello stand. I dispositivi di protezione sopra indicati devono essere coordinati con le sezioni dei conduttori, in base ai criteri prescritti nelle già richiamate norme ed alle tabelle CEI. 2) Particolare cura deve essere posta nella protezione contro le sovracorrenti degli eventuali circuiti a bassa tensione, tenendo presente che, a parità di potenza trasmessa, le correnti sono molto più elevate, rispetto ai circuiti a normale tensione di rete. ART. 10 – TRASFORMATORI E REGOLATORI DI TENSIONE. 1) E’ ammesso l’impiego di trasformatori e regolatori di tensione per alimentare impianti d’illuminazione a bassa od alta tensione a condizione che siano installati all’interno di cassette metalliche o PVC con 7 grado di protezione IPXXB opportunamente aereate munite di pressatavi oppure nel contenitore fornito dal costruttore se idoneo alla posa. 2) I trasformatori e regolatori dovranno essere dotati di protezioni di massima corrente sul singolo circuito di uscita con ripristino manuale.( Interruttore magnetotermico o fusibile). Inoltre dovranno essere ubicati in posizione debitamente aereate e fuori dalla portata di mano del pubblico. ART. 11 – MESSA A TERRA. 1) Gli apparecchi di illuminazione e le altre eventuali masse metalliche esistenti nell'arredamento degli stand e/o spazi espositivi-congressuali, devono essere collegate all’impianto di messa a terra dei padiglioni espositivi, per mezzo di conduttori di protezione tipo N07V-K di sezione secondo la normativa CEI, con isolamento colorato in giallo-verde. 2) I collegamenti delle masse metalliche devono essere realizzati per mezzo di viti passanti con dadi, rondelle e capicorda di idonee misure, oppure mediante collari serratubo muniti di morsetti, o altri metodi atti ad assicurare l'efficienza e la permanenza dei collegamenti stessi. 3) Per le masse metalliche composte di più parti separate, deve essere assicurata l'equipotenzialità mediante idonei collegamenti di continuità, realizzati nei modi sopra indicati. ART.12 – QUALITÀ DEI MATERIALI E DEGLI APPARECCHI ELETTRICI. 1) L’Utilizzatore finale è tenuto ad impiegare materiali ed apparecchi elettrici di ottima qualità e di caratteristiche rispondenti alle vigenti norme CEI. In particolare, devono essere impiegati materiali ed apparecchi provvisti del Marchio Italiano di Qualità (IMQ) o di equivalenti Marchi Europei. 2) Firenze Fiera ha la facoltà di vietare l'impiego di materiali ed apparecchi non conformi alle vigenti normative. Nel caso di apparecchi e cavi utilizzati in precedenti allestimenti, è cura dell’espositore verificare l’integrità dei materiali. ART.13 – VERIFICHE. L’impianto elettrico dello stand e/o spazio espositivo congressuale sarà sottopostoa verifica ( anche immediatamente prima dell’inizio della manifestazione) in accordo all’art 711.6 delle norme CEI 64/8-7V2 ART.14 – NORME E REGOLAMENTI. Per quanto non esplicitamente previsto nel presente regolamento, è prescritta in ogni caso l’osservanza alle norme CEI in vigore. L'eventuale inosservanza dellle Norme e delle altre prescrizioni contenute nel presente Regolamento, relativamente agli impianti elettrici, potrà determinare, a giudizio insindacabile della 8 FIRENZE FIERA, la disalimentazione degli impianti elettrici non rispondenti ai necessari requisiti di sicurezza. ART.15 – SCHEDA IMPIANTO ELETTRICO. L’allacciamento degli impianti elettrici degli stand e/o spazi espositivi-congressuali alla rete di Firenze Fiera potrà essere effettuata esclusivamente previa presentazione della “Dichiarazione di conformità dell’impianto a regola d’arte” (decreto 22 gennaio 2008 n.37) debitamente compilata e completa di tutti gli allegati obbligatori. CAPO III PREVENZIONE INCENDI ART. 16 – ADEMPIMENTI DI SICUREZZA E PREVENZIONE INCENDI DA PARTE DELL’UTILIZZATORE FINALE. Durante l’allestimento degli stand e/o spazi espositivi-congressuali, l’Utilizzatore finale, a dimostrazione del rispetto del Regolamento tecnico, deve presentare, agli Organi tecnici preposti a tale compito dalla Firenze Fiera, quanto segue: - la dichiarazione dei materiali utilizzati nell'allestimento del proprio spazio espositivo con le indicazioni dei quantitativi impiegati (superfici); - certificati attestanti la rispondenza dei materiali impiegati ai requisiti di reazione al fuoco, di cui al successivo articolo 17. Nel caso di certificazioni redatte da Enti o laboratori stranieri, queste devono essere tradotte in italiano e la traduzione deve essere giurata. ART.17 - MATERIALI DI ALLESTIMENTO Tutti i materiali utilizzati per l’allestimento dello spazio espositivo devono essere rispondenti nel loro assieme alle caratteristiche di reazione al fuoco e in particolare: Impiego a Pavimento Classe italiana I Classe 1 Classe europea (A2fl-s1), (A2fl-s2), (Bfl-s1), (Bfl-s2), (Cfl-s1); Impiego a Parete Classe italiana I Classe 1 Classe europea (A2-s1,d0), (A2-s2,d0), (A2-s3,d0), (A2-s1,d1), (A2-s1,d1), (A2-s3,d1), (B-s1,d0), (B-s2,d0), (B-s1,d1), (B-s2,d1); Impiego a Soffitto Classe italiana I Classe 1 Classe europea (A2-s1,d0), (A2-s2,d0), (A2-s3,d0), (A2-s1,d1), (A2-s1,d1), (A2-s3,d1), (B-s1,d0), (B-s2,d0), (B-s3,d0); 9 Per accertare la conformità ai requisiti di classificazione richiesti, devono essere allegati, per ciascuno dei materiali utilizzati, i documenti elencati nei successivi articoli da 18 a 20 incluso. ART. 18 - MATERIALI IGNIFUGHI ALL’ORIGINE. I materiali ignifughi sono tutti quei materiali la cui caratteristica di resistenza al fuoco è determinata durante la produzione. Al fine di poter verificare tale caratteristica dovrà essere consegnata la seguente documentazione: a) Copia del Certificato di Omologazione del materiale, rilasciato dal Ministero dell'Interno al produttore del materiale; b) Dichiarazione di conformità del materiale al prototipo omologato firmata dal venditore del materiale; c) Dichiarazione da parte dell'Utilizzatore finale, che nell'allestimento del proprio stand e/o spazio espositivo-congressuale è stato usato quel materiale (Modulo C). ART. 19 - MATERIALI CON CERTIFICAZIONE AD HOC. Il Certificato di Reazione al Fuoco può assumere la forma di certificazione “ad hoc” rilasciata, da parte di un laboratorio autorizzato dal Ministero dell’Interno, all'utilizzatore stesso Per certificazione “ad hoc” si intende una certificazione di prova non ai fini dell'immissione sul mercato, ai sensi dell'art. 10 del D.M. 26.06.84. In questo caso sono necessari: a) Copia del Certificato “ad hoc” del materiale, rilasciato dal laboratorio autorizzato; b) Dichiarazione di conformità al prototipo del materiale utilizzato firmata dall’Utilizzatore finale; c) Dichiarazione da parte dell'Utilizzatore finale, che nell'allestimento del proprio stand e/o spazio espositivo-congressuale è stato usato quel materiale (Modulo C). ART. 20 - MATERIALI IGNIFUGATI A POSTERIORI: 1) I materiali ignifugati a posteriori sono quei materiali la cui caratteristica di resistenza al fuoco viene modificata mediante l’applicazione di prodotti vernicianti ignifughi. Devono, quindi, essere presentati a Firenze Fiera i seguenti documenti: a) Dichiarazione, da parte di chi ha effettuato il trattamento di ignifugazione, in cui viene indicata la data nella quale è avvenuta l'ignifugazione e il rispetto, delle condizioni di applicazione imposte dal produttore del prodotto ignifugante, riportate nella scheda tecnica della vernice. Allo scopo deve essere usato il (Modulo D). Si specifica, comunque, che il trattamento è ritenuto valido al massimo per 6 (sei) mesi; b) Copia della Dichiarazione del Produttore del prodotto ignifugante (Certificato Pilota), in cui sono riportate le condizioni di impiego e posa in opera; c) Copia del Documento di trasporto o fattura che documenti l'acquisto, da parte di chi ha effettuato il trattamento, del prodotto ignifugante; 10 d) Dichiarazione, da parte dell'Utilizzatore finale, che nell'allestimento del proprio stand e/o spazio espositivo-congressuale è stato usato il materiale ignifugato (Modulo C). Per trattamenti con prodotti previsti dal D.M. 06.03.92, la validità del trattamento, se compiuta a regola d’arte, è di cinque anni dalla data del trattamento stesso; tali vernici possono essere impiegate solo su materiali legnosi compatti ad esclusione quindi di: materiali impiallacciati con tranciati o sfogliati di legno mediante collanti a base di resine di tipo termoplastico; assemblati a struttura cellulare o listellare, includenti cavità d’aria o riempiti con materiali di natura eterogenea. 2) Non hanno alcuna validità le dichiarazioni di ignifugazione compilate in maniera diversa da quella sopra descritta. ART. 21 – OSSERVANZA DI NORME E REGOLAMENTI. 1) Fermo restando quanto previsto dal presente Regolamento è prescritta l’inderogabile osservanza di tutte le norme e leggi vigenti in materia di prevenzione incendi. 2) Firenze Fiera si riserva la facoltà di prelevare dei campioni dei materiali utilizzati nell’allestimento ritenuti “non idonei” per inviarli a un laboratorio autorizzato al fine di verificarne la rispondenza alla normativa di prevenzione incendi. 3) In caso di parziale inosservanza dei requisiti di conformità al regolamento, per quanto attiene la reazione al fuoco dei materiali, Firenze Fiera si riserva di valutare la possibilità di autorizzare l'Utilizzatore finale ad operare nel proprio stand e/o spazio espositivo congressuale in deroga a quanto sopra riportato. Tale possibilità è comunque subordinata all'adozione di misure alternative ed equivalenti di sicurezza e prevenzione incendi che vanno concordate con i responsabili incaricati da Firenze Fiera e con il comando dei Vigili del Fuoco. Eventuali maggiori oneri economici che dovessero derivare dall'adozione di tali misure, saranno addebitati all’Utilizzatore finale o, in caso di suo inadempimento, all’Organizzatore. CAPO IV PREVENZIONE INFORTUNI E NORME DI SICUREZZA PRESCRIZIONI E DIVIETI: IN OSSERVANZA DEL 9 APRILE 2008 n. 81 e s.m.i. D:M: 10 MARZO 1998. ART. 22 – DIVIETI. E’ vietato: - fumare all’interno dei padiglioni; - mettere in carica muletti, traspallet ed altri macchinari a batteria all’interno dei padiglioni; - utilizzare utensili e macchinari elettrici nella fase di allestimento degli spazi espositivi per l'esecuzione in loco di particolari di arredamento (piallatrici, seghe circolari, frese, saldatrici ecc.); - usare collanti, vernici e/o pitture infiammabili; 11 - usare, all’interno dei padiglioni espositivi, carrelli traslo-elevatori, con motori a combustione interna; - introdurre oggetti infiammabili, non trattabili con vernici ignifughe, di qualsiasi tipo (carta, cartone, pneumatici, tessuti e rivestimento plastici, tulle ecc.; -introdurre a fini espositivi veicoli a motore nei padiglioni senza l’autorizzazione preventiva della Firenze Fiera; - usare apparecchiature con resistenza elettrica ad incandescenza; - introdurre refrigeratori e frigoriferi senza averlo concordato preventivamente con l’Ente Fiera; - usare fiamme libere ( candele, fornelli, stufe ecc..) all’interno dei padiglioni; - usare stufe ad irrangiamento all’interno dei padiglioni, all’esterno dovrà essere concordato con l’Ente Fiera e ciascun elemento dovrà essere corredato da certificazione di conformità dell’impianto a bordo; - usare superfici vetrate, a meno che queste risultino di tipo antinfortunistico (ad esempio visarm e vetri retinati); - usare bombole di gas compressi o liquefatti combustibili all’interno dei padiglioni. L’utilizzo può essere autorizzato all’esterno, concordandolo con Firenze Fiera, con un limite di stoccaggio di 75Kg e certificazione di conformità dell’impianto alimentato da parte di installatore qualificato; - usare bombole di gas inerti compressi di qualsiasi dimensione e/o capacità. In casi particolari può essere autorizzato da Firenze Fiera previo rispetto di tutte le prescrizioni normative in materia; - l’uso di celini anche se a parziale ricopertura degli spazi espositivi e congressuali. Può essere consentito previa autorizzazione dell’Ente Fiera, per un massimo di 1/3 dell’area dello stand in modo continuo oppure con strisce intervallate da spazi min di 1mt. con le seguenti caratteristiche: a) cielini grigliati o similari purché di materiale solido, incombustibile od ignifugato, adeguatamente fissato al soffitto, con magliaturanon inferiore a 10cm x 10cm e con spessore dei travetti non superiore a 5cm (alluminio, acciaio, filo metallico, legno ignifugo all’origine od ignifugato ecc.. b) cielini retinati in tessuto o sintetici avente classe di reazione al fuoco non superiore ad 1(uno) purchè con interasse della maglia non minore di 5cm x 5cm; - introdurre strutture gonfiabili o palloncini che utilizzino gas infiammabili, sono ammessi unicamente quelli gonfiati con gas inerte adeguatamente fissati e con dimensioni contenute; - usare montacarichi manuali od elettrici tranne che nelle fasi di allestimento e smontaggio degli spazi espositivi e congressuali; - coprire in qualunque modo, anche parzialmente, i presidi, fissi e mobili, antincendio delle strutture espositive e la cartellonistica esistente indicante le vie di esodo, i divieti e limitazioni; - appoggiarsi con proprie strutture all'impianto automatico di estinzioni a pioggia (SPRINKLER), al controsoffitto, ai pilastri, alle travi e, in generale a tutto ciò che fa parte della struttura espositiva e congresuale; 12 - La presenza, fuori orario e in date non concordate, di personale adibito all'allestimento e lo smontaggio degli spazi espositivi, salvo esplicita autorizzazione scritta da parte della Firenze Fiera; - coprire in qualunque modo, anche parzialmente, le bocche per le riprese d'aria ubicate alla base dei pilastri del padiglione; - sottoporre a trattamenti ignifughi i materiali all'interno dei padiglioni espositivi; - tenere negli stand od utilizzare come supporti scatole di cartone o altro materiale d'imballo; - lasciare sotto tensione gli impianti elettrici del proprio stand e/o spazio espositivo-congressuale in assenza di personale e, comunque, oltre l'orario di apertura della manifestazione salvo accordi con l’Ente Fiera; - usare altoparlanti o comunque fonti sonore arrecanti molestia a meno di espressa autorizzazione scritta della Firenze Fiera; - introdurre negli spazi espositivi-congressuali materiali e/o prodotti maleodoranti o comunque pericolosi o suscettibili di provocare danno o molestie alle persone; - introdurre negli spazi espositivi-congressuali fibre libere di qualsiasi tipo, non insaccate; - ingombrare i corridoi e le uscite di sicurezza interne e/o esterne con materiali di allestimento, con prodotti, con imballaggi e simili, durante il montaggio, lo smontaggio e tutto il periodo della manifestazione; - all’interno dei padiglioni di Firenze Fiera l’uso di attrezzature di lavoro e di impianti non rispondenti alle disposizioni legislative ed ai regolamenti vigenti in materia di sicurezza; - manomettere o danneggiare in qualsiasi modo beni mobili ed immobili degli spazi espositivicongressuali; - introdurre pesi rilevanti concentrati senza preventiva autorizzazione da parte di Firenze Fiera ART. 23 - PRESCRIZIONI: 1) Eventuali rivestimenti dei pavimenti devono essere posizionati in modo tale da non costituire un ostacolo (ad esempio presenza di gradini, rigonfiamenti della superficie, ecc.). Gli imballaggi ed i materiali di risulta particolarmente ingombranti devono essere allontanati immediatamente dagli spazi espositivi-congressuali a spese e cura dell’Utilizzatore finale. L'occupazione di aree comuni e di corridoi deve essere limitata alle sole operazioni di carico/scarico e movimentazione e si deve porre particolare attenzione a non impedire il transito di altri veicoli e non ostacolare mai le vie di esodo. 2) Durante i periodi di allestimento e di smontaggio, l'ingresso allo spazio espositivo e/o congressuale è consentito esclusivamente ai veicoli commerciali dotati di apposito contrassegno distribuito preventivamente agli Utilizzatori finali e limitatamente agli orari indicati. La sosta all'interno dello spazio espositivo e/o congressuale deve essere limitata al tempo strettamente necessario per le operazioni di scarico e di carico, al termine delle quali i veicoli dovranno essere immediatamente allontanati dalle aree di manovra. 13 ART. 24 - MODULISTICA SICUREZZA E RISPONDENZA ALLE NORME Modulo A: Attestazione di conformità alle norme Modulo B: Schema Impianto Elettrico Modulo C: Materiale d'allestimento Modulo D: Dichiarazione per ignifugazione a posteriori Modulo E: Dichiarazione per uso di materiale ignifugato a posteriori Per gli Utilizzatori finali od Organizzatori che allestiscono lo spazio espositivo e/o congressuale è obbligatoria la compilazione dei Moduli A, B e C, mentre la compilazione dei moduli D ed E è obbligatoria solo se nell’allestimento dello stand vengono usati materiali ignifugati a posteriori. I moduli debitamente compilati dovranno essere spediti, all’indirizzo sotto riportato, almeno 15 giorni prima della data di apertura della manifestazione. Precisiamo che sono esentati da tale presentazione e spedizione quelli che non allestiscono lo spazio che hanno a disposizione o che utilizzano allestimenti preallestiti. Indirizzo di spedizione: FIRENZE FIERA S.p.A. Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1 – Fortezza da Basso – 50129 Firenze FAX: 055 490573 L’invio alla FIRENZE FIERA, dei moduli compilati deve avvenire entro il periodo sopraindicato. Sulla busta deve essere indicata la manifestazione a cui si riferiscono. Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale ed operativa Piazza Adua, 1 – 50123 Firenze, Italy I tel.+39 055 49721 I fax +39 055 497 3237, CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481 – Capitale Sociale €21843977,76 I [email protected] I 14 FORM A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS. The Legal Representative _______________________________________________________ of the Company ______________________________________________________________ (full corporate name) with registered offices in __________________________Postcode __________Prov._______ Street________________________________________________________________________ Tel.______________________Fax.__________________email________________________ PRESENT AT __________________________________________________________ STAND POSITION __________________ PAVILION ___________________ STAND ______________________________ BRAND ________________________ DECLARATION - I have been given a copy of the Technical Safety Regulations and have read all the articles and declare that I will be personally responsible for ensuring that the exhibition space that I will set up will conform to the technical regulations issued by FIRENZE FIERA S.p.A. for the exhibition spaces; - I hereby hold harmless from any and all liability the organising body and third parties in any way involved in the event and renounce all claims and/or recourses against the organising body and aforementioned third parties for any harm to persons or damage to the property of others in the event of failure to implement the provisions of the Regulations; - I will indemnify any damage suffered directly by the organising body or third parties. Date ________________ 1 Stamp and signature ______________________ FORM B WIRING DIAGRAM The Legal Representative _______________________________________________________ of the Company _______________________________________________________________ (full corporate name) Street________________________________________________________________________ Town____________________________________________Prov._______________________ PRESENT AT _________________________________________________________ STAND POSITION __________________ PAVILION _______________ 2 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION DATA OF THE STAND The installation will be implemented by: 1. ELECTRICAL BOARD - Does the installation have its own electrical board? IF YES: - is the circuit breaker differential magneto thermal (30mA), with __ poles of ___, Amperes YES - is the circuit breaker magneto thermal, but the users are protected by secondary differentiated switches - the circuit breaker is ___________ ___________________________ type ___________________________ type switches derived from the circuit breaker are provided - the electrical board container is: IP44 metal IP44 non-flammable plastic - the cables leading out of the board have cable clips 2. CONDUCTORS The installation employs the following cables: - CEI 20-22 multipolar cables - silicon type cables 3. JUNCTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION The cable junction are executed: - by terminals in metal function oxes - by terminals in non-flammable plastic junction boxes - by IEC 309 multipin connectors - by IEC 309 plugs and sockets - by protected busbars 4. LIGHT FITTINGS The following are utilised in the installation: Date _________________ 3 NO the following Company____________________ the Exhibitor (after verification by a licensed company as per Italian Ministerial Decree 22.01.08 n.37) - in housings with IP44 minimum protection - above 2.50 m or inaccessible, in housings with IP20 minimum protection IF (IP20) LIGHT FITTINGS ARE USED: with lamps at an height of less than 2.50 metres above public passages, they are segregated: - by heat resistant glass - non-flammable polycarbonate screens - fine mesh metal grilles 5. FEEDERS AND TRANSFORMERS (if Feeders and/or transformers housed in: - ventilated metal containers - non-flammable plastic containers (electronic transformers only) Protection by means of fuses on the primary and secondary circuits of the transformer 6. OTHER LIGHTING USERS (if any) There will be the following: any) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Connected by CEE protected plugs and sockets 7. ANY OTHER INFORMATION ON THE INSTALLATION _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ WAS THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION OF THE STAND ALREADY MOUNTED IN THE PREVIOUS EDITION OF THE EVENT? YES Stamp and signature _________________________ NO FORM C FURNISHING MATERIALS The Company ___________________________________________________________________ (full corporate name) with registered offices in ____________________________Postcode_________Prov.__________ Street__________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT AT _____________________________________ STAND POSITION _________________________________ PAVILION __________________ BRAND ______________ DECLARATION - The installation will be implemented by: the following Company__________________________________ the Exhibitor - Only the materials indicated below, in the quantities stated and with the following certificates attached will be used. 1. WALLS COVERING: (Type and sup. sq. m.) CERTIFICATE __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 2. FLOORS COVERING: (Type and sup. sq. m.) __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 3. CURTAINS: (Type and sup. sq. m.) __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 4. CHAIRS: (Type and sup. sq. m.) __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 5. TABLES: (Type and sup. sq. m.) __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 6. UPHOLSTERIES __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 7. PREVIOUSLY FIREPROOFED MATERIALS: (type) __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ 8. OTHERS: (type) __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ The stand will be equipped with n. _______ fire extinguishers, type approved for class A, B, C fires, with a nominal capacity of 6 to 9 kg. Date __________________ 4 Stamp and signature ________________________ FORM D DECLARATION OF EX POST FIRE-RETARDANT TREATMENT Certificate to be filled in by the company that performed the fireproofing (*) The Company (**) _______________________________________________________________________________ With registered offices in Street______________________________________________________________________ Town __________________________________________________ Prov.___________________________________ has duly fireproofed the following materials: 1) description of the material treated _________________________________________________________________ 2) dimensions (sq. m.) ____________________________________________________________________________ 3) trade name of the product utilised for the fireproofing _________________________________________________ 4) quantity of the product used __________________________________________________________________(Kg.) 5) date of the operation ___________________________________________________________________________ 6) type of use of the fireproofed material _____________________________________________________________ we attach for said material a copy of the pilot Certificate No. ______________________________________________ of _____________________ issued by ____________________________________________________________(***) stating the fire reaction class of the material which the manufacturer of the fireproofing product refers to in relation to the conditions of use and installation. We attach a copy of delivery note No. ____________________ of ___________________________________ relating to the purchase of the fireproofing product. The Company that carried out the fireproofing accepts full civil and criminal liability for the performance of the fireproofing treatment and expressly declares that: - the manufacturer’s conditions for the application of the fireproofing product have been strictly complied with; - after fireproofing, the material has not been washed, ironed, vacuum-cleaned etc.; - the material has been stored in a totally dry place after the treatment. Date ________________ * Stamp and signature of the legal representative ___________________________________________ Progressive number of the form (a form D type form complete with certificates must be filled in for each material that is fireproofed). ** Indicate the name of the company that carried out the fireproofing. *** Give the name of the authorised laboratory that carried out the fire reaction test. 5 FORM E DECLARATION THAT EX POST FIRE-RETARDANT TREATED MATERIAL HAS BEEN USED Fireproofing certificate to be filled in by the Exhibitor. The Company ____________________________________________________________________ with registered offices in Street_________________________ Town _______________Prov._____ present at _______________________________________________________________________ Stand position ________________________________ Pavilion ____________________ DECLARES - that the previously fireproofed material referred to in Form D will be used to set up said stand; the fireproofed material has not been washed, ironed, vacuum-cleaned etc.; after fireproofing, the material has been stored in a totally dry place. Date _______________ Stamp and signature _______________________ Firenze Fiera spa Sede legale e operativa: Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze, Italy | Tel. +39 055 497 21 | Fax +39 055 497 3237 CCIAA di Firenze, P.IVA 04933280481- Capitale Sociale € 21.843.977,76 | [email protected] | 6