CUT FIRE® SYSTEM - General Membrane
CUT FIRE® SYSTEM - General Membrane
CUT FIRE® SYSTEM STOPPING THE WATER STOPPING THE FIRE PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS FOR THE PROTECTION FROM EXTERNAL FIRE SOURCES FERMIAMO L’ACQUA FERMIAMO IL FUOCO CUT FIRE ® PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS FOR THE PROTECTION FROM EXTERNAL FIRE SOURCES MAIN ADV A NTAGES N O C H A NGES IN T 1 S HE 2 3 PECIFICA TECHNICA L MEMBRAN TIONS OF THE ES. LIFELONG EFFICACY FIREPROOFING GUARANT EED. FIREPROO ACTIVATE F PRINCIPLE ISN’T OF THE MED BY TORCH ON APP MBRANES LICATION . STOPPING THE FIRE STOPPING THE WATER )LUH3UHYHQWLRQRQ5RRÀQJ6\VWHPV *HQHUDO0HPEUDQH'HIHQGV5RRIV IURP([WHUQDO)LUH5LVNV Fire has fascinated mankind ever since it managed to control it, though it still is an essential force of nature and when not carefully handled it can cause destruction and devastation. Roofing systems are particularly exposed to fire risks caused both by human activities and the presence of critical technical installations (ex. Photovoltaic Systems) and a fire originating on the rooftop can rapidly extend to the rest of the building causing structural damage. Total control of this force is especially important in the building industry, as the technological advancements and the evolution of different design choices have greatly enhanced the quality of life, but also exponentially increased fire risks in modern buildings. Heavily protected and reinforced roofing solutions can solve this problem but, due to the vast number of different roof designs existing, are not always possible or necessarily advisable (Insufficient static load resistance, type of roof deck, etc..). This problem has led researchers to investigate the inherent risks in the materials employed by the building industry and to develop a new branch of studies called “Fire Risk Engineering” that analyses and predicts different materials’ reactions and fire development dynamics. General Membrane, ever sensitive to fire prevention and building envelope integrity, has developed products and systems capable of satisfying the need to protect a building from external fire risks. These solutions fulfil the requirements of the strictest European standards and guarantee total peace of mind to Clients and Roofing Contractors. Building materials, including roofing supplies and appliances, are carefully observed and their fire reaction and resistance monitored and recorded. These researches have allowed to develop new solutions capable of offering an effective passive resistance to fire action, thus helping to preserve for a far greater time the functional integrity of a building in case of fire. In the last 15 years over 5 million square meters of Cut Fire ® waterproofing systems by General Membrane have been installed all over the World. The safety afforded to waterproofing membranes by Cut Fire treatment allows to employ them effectively in roofing projects where normal bituminous membranes wouldn’t be usually employed. They are particularly indicated for the protection of wooden framed buildings and for the use on roofs hosting photovoltaic systems. &HUWLÀHG3URGXFWVDQG6\VWHPV CUT FIRE®7HFKQRORJ\IRU ZDWHUSURRÀQJPHPEUDQHV General Membrane has supplied waterproofing products and solutions to Northern European Countries – the first to adopt fire protection standards in the building industry – for a long time. This experience has allowed to develop waterproofing membranes and systems, certified by the most reputable accredited independent institutions in accordance to strict standards, in order to exceed Clients’ expectations and guarantee their safety and protection. Cut Fire® proprietary technology is based on the Research & Development results of General membrane Laboratories and allows the membranes to become self-extinguishing and fire retardant. This innovative technology affords three major advantages compared to other solutions: 1 UNALTERED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND WATERPROOFING PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCTS Cut Fire® treatment doesn’t chemically alter the compound of the membrane nor affect its technical performance. FIRE PROOFING PERFORMANCE REMAINS INTACT 2 THROUGHOUT THE LIFECYCLE OF THE WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE All Cut Fire® waterproofing membranes are tested in accordance with European Harmonized Test Regulations (UNI ENV 1187/2) and have allowed General Membrane Roofing Systems employing them to obtain Broof Certification (in accordance to UNI EN 13501-5 Standards). FIREPROOFING PROPERTIES FIREPROOF TEST YEARS CUT FIRE® + standard firep roofing 1 5 10 15 20 Non ageing fireproofing properties are not affected by chemical reactions to the compound nor do they decay over time due to adverse climatic conditions.agenti atmosferici e non decade per reazioni chimiche. FIRE® REACTION IS NOT ACTIVATED BY TORCH ON 3 CUT APPLICATION OF THE MEMBRANES. The compound can be heated without Cut Fire® reaction being activated. &XW)LUH®3URGXFW5DQJH²7KHEHVWSURGXFWIRUDQ\FRPSRXQG PHOENIX SOLAR TECH CUT FIRE®: Class E Fire Protection Bituminous Membrane (UNI EN 13501-1 Standard) employing a proprietary APAO compound (-35°) specifically developed for General SOLAR PV® integrated photovoltaic waterproofing systems. PHOENIX SOLAR CUT FIRE®: Class E Fire Protection Bituminous Membrane (UNI EN 13501-1 Standard) employing a proprietary APAO compound (-35°) specifically developed for waterproofing solutions hosting traditional Photovoltaic installations. Available in different finishes, including several mineral protection versions. I.T.C. issued - D.V.T. certificate n°0007/10 I.T.C. issued - D.V.T. certificate n°0007/10 PHOENIX SUPER CUT FIRE®: Class E Fire Protection Bituminous Membrane (UNI EN 13501-1 Standard) a unique APAO compound that affords the membranes an extremely low temperature flexibility (-35°) and extraordinary flow resistance at high temperatures (140°) and ant ageing properties (over 30 Years durability). Available in different finishes, including several mineral protection versions. MERCURY P CUT FIRE®: Class E Fire Protection Bituminous Membrane (UNI EN 13501-1 Standard) featuring a distilled bitumen SBS modified compound with a very high quantity of elastomeric thermoplastic materials of the styrene-butadiene-styrene family (SBS). Available in different finishes, including several mineral protection versions. I.T.C. issued - D.V.T. certificate n°0007/10 B.B.A. issued - Certifcate n°99/3586. PHOENIX STAR MINERAL CUT FIRE®: Class E Fire Protection Bituminous Membrane (UNI EN 13501-1 Standard) featuring a top quality APP compound that combines extremely high temperature flow resistance to high values of low temperature flexibility (-15°). I.T.C. issued - D.V.T. certificate n°0007/10 B.B.A. issued - Certifcate n°99/3586. &RPSDUDWLYH)LUH3HUIRUPDQFH Standard Membrane CUT FIRE® MEMBRANE RODUCTS & SYSTEMS FOR THE PROTECTION FROM EXTERNAL FIRE SOURCES &HUWLÀHG3URGXFWV6\VWHPV)RU7KH3URWHFWLRQ)URP([WHUQDO)LUH6RXUFHV General Membrane has developed several Broof certified waterproofing stratigraphies (in accordance with UNI EN 13501-5 Standards). Broof certified systems include Cut Fire® membranes and thermal insulation layers (mineral fibre, thermoplastic materials, clays). There are over 250 certified Technical Specifications that meet any demands the project designer may have. These Specifications offer solutions to any external fire risk requirement the roofing system may demand, both in case of renewals and new constructions. Broof certified systems have been tested on most of the materials roofing decks may be made of (wood, concrete, sheet metal, pre-existing membranes), allowing General Membrane to satisfy any need the roofing project’s designer may have. 6WUDWLJUD Tetto fred do 1. Supporto di ILDLPSH UPHDELO con nuo va imperm H1XRY R eabilizzazio base inco ne in dop mbustibi le in clas pio strato se 0; di membra HDELOHEL na WXPLQRV RJXDLQ 2. Prim DLQGRS o strato: membran SLRVWUD 3. Seco WRLQWRWD a ndo strat OHHVSRV o: membranbitume polimero L]LRQH impe a bitume 4. Modulo polimero rmeabilizzante (guaina); fotov impe ovol perm oltai rmea taico eabilizzante co tradizion zio ale (guaina); (rigido). 6LVWHPD H1XRYR PSHUPHDELO 6WUDWLJUDILDL di in doppio strato ilizzazione impermeab bitume poli mero 6WUD ero bitume polim membrana superficiale con nuova lamiera); con finitura o in legno, lana di roccia nto, tavolat R, lana di roccia, di base (ceme LRQH (EPS, PIR/PU 1. Supporto RWDOHHVSRVL] termoisolante LRVWUDWRLQW 2. Pannello LQDLQGRSS 4 PLQRVRJXD a); UPHDELOHELWX zante (guain a); 6LVWHPDLPSH ro impermeabiliz (guain bitume polime ro impermeabilizzante membrana polime strato: rana bitume 3. Primo 3 strato: memb 4. Secondo (rigido). 2 tradizionale fotovoltaico 1 5. Modulo Tetto caldo LPSHUP WLJ UDIL Tetto DLP fredd SHUP o co Supp n nu HDE orto ova di ba LOH impe se inc HP 1X DLP rmea ombu SHUP RYR 2. 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FRQWLQXDHRP le FRQ trali, volumi eabile 6LVWHPD mentiimperm i perime LPSHUPH DELOHVLQWHWLFRLQP ficio (murett sce opera imperm ell'edifi di de eabil RQRVWUDWRLQWRWDOH azione costitui la tenuta idraulica dell'edi 1RWD7HQLFD ttagli izzaz HVSRVL]LRQHFRQ scano di impermeabilizz ion o ch IRWRYROWD 3. Monostrato: manto L'intervento io che garanti LFRLQWHJ e ga e coUDWR ti di dettagl impermeabile sintetico; ranti stituisc tutti gli elemen scan e op 4. 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Mod Broof Test conducted in accordance to European Union harmonized regulations, UNI EN 13501-5 Standard, in accredited independent laboratories.accreditato. 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 1 rficie della la supe ecc). ici, Dsu tutta PRJHQH li, volumi tecn etra WLQXDHR abile FRQ (muretti perim imperme dell'edificio opera ituisce idraulica ione cost ano la tenuta LFD abilizzaz ntisc 1RWD7HQnto di imperme glio che gara di detta L'interve elementi tutti gli dendo compren copertura anche 1RWD7HQLFD L'intervento di impermea bilizzazione costituisce tutti gli elementi opera impermea di dettaglio che garantisca bile FRQWLQXDHRPRJHQ no la tenuta idraulica HDsu tutta la superficie dell'edificio (muretti della copertura comprend perimetrali, volumi endo anche tecnici, ecc). 2t 3 4UFRGH 1 - Take a picture to the Qr code with your smarphone or tablet. 2 - Enter the website: 3 - Download the content on the memory of your smarphone or tablet. FOR INFORMATION & CONTACTS For questions and information please refer to: General Membrane SpA Phone: +39 421 1890629 Fax : +39 421 322800 Mail: [email protected] STOPPING THE WATER. STOPPING THE FIRE. PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS FOR THE PROTECTION FROM EXTERNAL FIRE SOURCES GENERAL MEMBRANE S.p.A. Via Venezia, 538 - 30022 - Ceggia (VE) ITALY Tel. + 39 0421.322.000 - Fax. +39 0421.322.800 [email protected] - INFO and QUOTES: [email protected] -