Institutional Development For Integrated Fire Management in South
Institutional Development For Integrated Fire Management in South
South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in South Sumatra, Part III: Draft of an Interagency Fire Management Master Plan Anja A. Hoffmann and Rosdiana May 2005 South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 PREFACE The South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project (SSFFMP) is a technical co-operation project jointly funded, in terms of the financing memorandum IDN/RELEX/1999/0103, by the European Commission and by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Forestry (MoF). This report has been completed in accordance with the project Overall Work Plan (OWP) and in part fulfilment of Activity 2.1, “Support government agencies, private companies, rural communities and other relevant stakeholders to improve fire management capacity at province and district levels”, to achieve Result 2 “Stakeholders enabled to organize and apply fire management mechanisms in their areas”, to realise the five-year project purpose, which is “Aid and facilitate the establishment of a coordinated system of fire management at province, district, sub district and village level throughout South Sumatra province in which all involved stakeholders, including the private sector, work together to reduce the negative impact of fire on the natural and social environment”. This report has been prepared with financial assistance from the Commission of the European Communities. The opinions, views and recommendations expressed are those of the author and in no way reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The report has been prepared by: Anja A. Hoffmann The report is acknowledged and approved for circulation by the Project Co-Directors when duly signed below. Palembang, Dr. Ir. Dodi Supriadi National Co-Director Dr. Karl-Heinz Steinmann EU Co-Director - ii - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank the South Sumatra Fire Management Project and in particular its team leader Dr. Karl Heinz Steinmann as well as the Indonesian counterparts for their efforts that enabled me to carry out the task. Moreover the author is very grateful to Mrs. Rosdiana for her work assistance, contribution and efforts to accomplish the difficult task to draft an institutional master plan and particularly the necessary budget for fire management in South Sumatra. - iii - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The third mission on Institutional development for Integrated Fire Management in South Sumatra aimed to draft a Fire Management Master Plan delineating the main functions and objectives of fire management elements with regard to the respective implementing agencies in South Sumatra. The overall fire management master plan or concept intends to guide on how, when and who is to be involved and mobilized at what stage of fire danger. According to the five functional elements of fire management such as analysis and information, prevention, preparedness, response and rehabilitation main tasks were formulated and further broken down to main activities to be carried out following Readiness levels (Normal, IIII). An understanding of the roles each agency has at each level is necessary to maximise the benefits of interagency coordination and ensure the fulfilment of agency responsibility. In addition, the necessary activities and estimated budget needs for integrated fire management are outlined. The master and budget plan has to be seen as a first draft and does not claim to be the final version. By incorporating known regulations, examples, knowledge, references and guidelines existing in Indonesia and elsewhere the document is not a static one but should be reviewed and updated as needed by management teams to review policies, roles, responsibilities and delegation of authorities as well as budget needs. Furthermore the draft master and budget plan provide guidance and serve as a discussion basis for further refinement of current fire management structure of South Sumatra, since not only the individual roles have to be understood but also the pattern of agency cooperation. Interagency cooperation is vital in attaining fire management program objectives. The ability of a single agency to implement fire management programs is limited without coordination and assistance from other organisations. Interagency cooperation and coordination of shared resources and common activities is imperative at all organisational levels. Therefore the document shall be the agency’s basis for compatible fire management planning processes, funding mechanisms, training and qualification requirements, operational procedures, and public education and awareness programs. Based on this master plan capacity building measures for the respective agencies can be tailored and implemented in order to help them to carry out their tasks. - iv - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Abbreviation Indonesian English APBD Anggaran Belanaja Pendapatan Daerah Local Income Budget Expenses APBN Anggaran Belanja Pendapatan Nasional National Income Budget Expenses BAKORNAS PBP Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penganggulangan Bencana National Co-ordinating Agency for Emergencies (Disasters) Bapedalda Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkunan Environmental Control Agency on the Provincial Level BAPPEDA Badan Perencanan Pembangunan Daerah Regional Development Planning Board BKSDA Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Agency for Natural Resource Conservation BMG Badan Meteorologi dan Geofiskia Agency for Meteorology and Geophysics BPN Badan Pertahanan Nasional National Land Agency BPPT Badan Pengkajian Dan Penerapan Teknologi Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology BrigDalKarhut Brigade Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan Forest Fire brigades Damkar Pemadaman Kebakaran Fire suppression DAOPS Daerah Operasi Operational area DR Dana Reboisasi Rehabilitation Fund DIS Kabupaten District Dishut Dinas Kehutanan Forestry Department Dishutbun Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Forestry and Estate Crop Department Distan Dins Pertanian Agriculture Department Disdik Dinas Penedidikan Education Department Dislinkup Pertanian Dinas-dinas pada lingkup pertanian Similar to Agriculture Departement Distamben & LH Dinas Pertambangan & Lingungkan Hidup Mining and Environment Department DJ PHKA Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation Dinas Kesos Dinas Kesejahteraan Sosial Social Welfare Service EU Uni Eropa European Union FIS Sistem Informasi Kebakaran Fire Information System Biro Hukum & Ortala Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan FMP Fire Management Program/Plan GTZ German Technical Co-operation/ Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit - vi - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 Infokom Informasi dan Komunikasi Information and communication Japanese International Cooperation Agency JICA Kab. Kabupaten District Kadishut Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Head of Forestry Department Kalinmas Kantor Lingkungan Masyarakat Bureau for Civil Society Protection Kec. Kecamatan Subdistrict KesBangLinMas Kesatuan Bangsa dan Lingkungan Masyrakat Agency for National Unity and Civil Society Protection MNLH Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Ministry of Environment KARHUT-LA Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Forest and Land Fire KTNA Kelompok Tani dan Nelayan Andalan Advance Farmers and Fishermen Group LAPAN Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional Indonesian Space and Aviation Agency LSM Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Non-Governmental Organisation Menko Kesra Menteri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare MoF Departemen Kehutanan Ministry of Forestry MoU Perjanjian Kerjasama Memorandum of Understanding ORMAS Organisasi Masyarakat Community cooperative PBK Regu Pemadam Kebakaran Fire suppression crew PDE Pusat Data Electronic Electronic data centre POLDA Polisi Daerah Regional Police POLRI Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia National Indonesian Police PPNS Penyidik Pegawai Negri Sipil Government Employee investigator Prop Propinsi Province PUSDALKARHUTLA Pusat Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Forest and Land Fire Control/Management Centre PUSDALOPS Pusat Pengendalian Operasional Fire suppression Centre Satgas Satuan Tugas PBP Task Force PBP SATKORLAK PBP Satuan Koordinasi Pelaksana PBP Implementation Coordination Unit PBP SATLAK Satuan Pelaksana PBP Implementation Unit PBP SATLAKDALKARHUTLA Satuan Pelaksana Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan PBP Implementation Unit for Forest and Land Fire Control Kajadi SSFFMP South Sumatra Forest Fire Management project SOP Standard Operating Procedures Subdin Sub Dinas Subordinate Agency TN Taman National National Park TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia National Indonesian Military UPTD Unit Pelaskana Teknik Daerah Technical Implementation Unit - vii - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 Wil Wilayah Region - viii - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 Table of Contents PREFACE.......................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................. iv RINGKASAN (Indonesian Summary).............................................................................. v ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................ vi 1 OBJECTIVE OF THE MISSION .............................................................................. 1 2 WORK APPROACH ................................................................................................... 2 3 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3 4 SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS FOR THE COUNTERPART ............................ 4 4.1 Current laws and regulations for fire management in Indonesia and South Sumatra. 4 4.2 Draft fire management master plan for interagency fire management ....................... 4 4.2.1 Readiness level determination ....................................................................... 4 4.3 Draft budget plan for the fire management activities.................................................. 4 4.4 Draft institutional structure for fire management in South Sumatra........................... 4 5 OVERALL CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................. 7 5.1 Main recommendation................................................................................................. 9 - ix - South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2837 KM 3,5 – PO Box 1229 Palembang 30129 – Sumatera Selatan – Indonesia Telp: (62) 711-377821, Fax: (62) 711-353176 List of Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Terms of References .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Determination of Readiness levels ..................................................................................................................... 13 Laws and Regulations ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Draft Fire Management Master Plan (English) ..................................................................................................29 Draft Fire Management Master Plan (Indonesian) ............................................................................................. 30 Draft Fire Management Budget Plan ................................................................................................................. 31 Current Fire Management Structures in Indonesia............................................................................................. 32 List of Tables Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Tingkat Bahaya Kebakaran .............................................................................................................................. 16 Ramalan Cuaca Kota Samarinda...................................................................................................................... 17 Tabel ringkasan buletin mingguan ................................................................................................................... 22 Elemen-elemen Tingkat Kesiagaan dan Tabel evaluasinya ............................................................................. 22 Penentuan Tingkat Kesiagaan .......................................................................................................................... 23 Panduan Evaluasi Elemen-elemen Tingkat Kesiagaan..................................................................................... 23 List of Figures Figure 1: Figure 2: Proposal 1 for institutional structure for fire management in South Sumatra .................................................... 5 Proposal 2 for institutional structure for fire management in South Sumatra .................................................... 6 -x- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 1 Objective of the mission The South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project is a co-operation project between the Government of Indonesia and the European Union. It aims to: Aid and facilitate the establishment of a coordinated system of fire management at the province, district, sub-district, and village level throughout South Sumatra in which the local communities, private sector companies and government agencies work together to reduce negative impact of fires on the natural and social environment. In this context the third mission on Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in South Sumatra aimed to draft a Fire Management master plan delineating the main functions and objectives of fire management elements with regard to the respective implementing agencies in South Sumatra. In addition the necessary activities and budget needs for Integrated Fire Management are outlined in relation to fire preparedness/readiness levels. The document drafted intends to provide references and guidance for consistent Integrated Fire Management practices of and amongst the governmental and other agencies playing a role in fire management. It shall be the agency’s basis for compatible fire management planning processes, funding mechanisms, training and qualification requirements, operational procedures, and public education and awareness programs. By accomplishing this draft fire management master plan, roles and responsibilities among involved parties are further clarified. The listed detailed activities to be carried out will assist to submit more successful fire management programs and hence budget proposals by the respective agencies to the local government. Based on this master plan capacity building measures for the respective agencies can be tailored and implemented in order to help them to carry out their tasks. Readers of report III are encouraged to read also report I & II of “Institutional Development for Fire management in South Sumatra” as well as report on “A Fire Information System for South Sumatra: Stakeholder Analysis and Draft concepts”. -1- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 2 Work approach The approach was to draft a fire management master plan for South Sumatra based on the existing legislations and the national legal framework given. By incorporating known regulations, examples, knowledge, references and guidelines existing in Indonesia and elsewhere the document is not a static one but should be reviewed annually and updated as needed by management teams once a year to review policies, roles, responsibilities and delegation of authorities. Almost all reference, guidelines and handbooks are available in Indonesian language and available at the SSFFM Project. According to the five functional elements of fire management such as analysis and information, prevention, preparedness, response and rehabilitation main tasks were formulated and further broken down to main activities to be carried out following Readiness levels (Normal, I-III). Readiness level determination follows the existing guidelines from East Kalimantan (see Appendix 2). Additionally, based on given examples and experiences budgets proposal for the functional elements and related activities have been made. The overall fire management master plan or concept intends to guide on how, when and who is to be involved and mobilized at what stage of fire danger associated with the needed routine budget. The master plan has been presented to the relevant provincial and district audience. Comments and inputs so far provided during this presentation have been included. Furthermore the master plan has been presented and discussed with the Directorate of Forest Fire Control of the Ministry of Forestry in Jakarta; comments and inputs have been included. Hardcopy and softcopy of the master plan have also been handed over to Ministry of Environment and its division for Land and Forest Fires (schedules for a presentation could unfortunately not arranged). Comments wanted to be send to SSFFMP directly. -2- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 3 Introduction Fire management is a structured way/are activities concerned with the protection of people, property and land/forest areas from unwanted fires and concerned with the use of fire as a tool for the attainment of land management objectives; all conducted in a manner that considers environmental, social and economic criteria. Fire management activities that are planning, preparedness, prevention, suppression, fire use, restoration and rehabilitation, law enforcement and prosecution, monitoring, research, and education will be conducted on an interagency basis with the involvement of co-operators and partners. The given fire problem in Indonesia (underlying fire causes and motivations for fires to be started) require a comprehensive approach of fire management including the main elements (see Report on Institutional Development part I & II). The desirable success of such a comprehensive fire management concept requires the active involvement of other important governmental land management agencies, the private sector, and the local communities. Ideally each land manager and land management agency and others concerned with fire need to have a Fire Management Plan (FMP) being a strategic plan that defines programs to manage fire. The FMP must provide for prevention workers and fire-fighter and public safety and includes therefore fire management strategies, tactics, communication plans, addresses values to be protected and public health issues as well as rehabilitation measures. It must be consistent with resources management objectives and environmental laws and regulations. In this context interagency cooperation is vital in attaining fire management program objectives. The ability of a single agency to implement Fire Management Programs/Plans is limited without coordination and assistance from other organisations. Interagency cooperation and coordination of shared resources and common activities is imperative at all organisational levels. An understanding of the roles each agency has at each level is necessary to maximise the benefits of interagency coordination and ensure the fulfilment of agency responsibility. The provided draft fire management master plan aims towards an interagency fire management approach outlining major tasks and activities of involved agents and it is its first kind in Indonesia. -3- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 4 Summary of the results for the counterpart 4.1 Current laws and regulations for fire management in Indonesia and South Sumatra See appendix 3 4.2 Draft fire management master plan for interagency fire management See appendix 4 (English version) & appendix 5 (Indonesian version) 4.2.1 Readiness level determination See appendix 2 and SSFFMP report January 2005 on “A Fire Information System for South Sumatra: Stakeholder Analysis and Draft concepts” by A.A. Hoffmann. 4.3 Draft budget plan for the fire management activities See appendix 6 4.4 Draft institutional structure for fire management in South Sumatra There are currently two proposals for an institutional structure for fire management existing in South Sumatra. Both proposals are based under the already known framework of the so called “Pusat Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan” –PUSDALKARHUTLA (Forest and Land Fire Control/Management Centre) generally involving the relevant sectors but previously missing a comprehensive strategy and related Fire Management Plans/Programs. Proposal 1 (Figure 1) is the result of ongoing discussions between the main agents for fire management in South Sumatra that are the Forestry, Environmental, Estate Crop Services and the Disaster Management Service. It foresees four sections that are Fire Monitoring, Information and Law Enforcement under the coordination of the Environmental Service, Fire Prevention and Suppression under the coordination of the Forestry Service, Rehabilitation under the coordination of Estate Crop Service and a Secretariat under the coordination of the Forestry Service or Disaster Management Service. The main supporting agencies for each section are given below (for abbreviation and acronyms see list). -4- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Figure 1: Sumatra Proposal 1 for institutional structure for fire management in South Proposal 2 (Figure 2) has been submitted by the Provincial Forestry Service. It foresees fives sections that are Fire Monitoring and Information, Fire Prevention and Suppression, Rehabilitation and Law Enforcement. All is under the coordination of the Fire Control section of the Forestry Service of South Sumatra. Supporting agencies and organisations are given below. Appendix 7 shows all currently in Indonesia existing fire management structures. For the abbreviations & acronyms see list. For further descriptions see Report I & II by A.A. Hoffmann. -5- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Figure 2: Sumatra Proposal 2 for institutional structure for fire management in South -6- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 5 Overall conclusion and recommendations The master plan has to be seen as a first draft and does not claim to be the final version. The master plan has been drafted with best knowledge and practise considering existing material and experience in and also outside Indonesia. SSFFMP should initiate and facilitate the constant review in consultation and cooperation with the mentioned parties to continue the clarification of tasks and more importantly the activities to be carried out in such an interagency framework. Management teams of mentioned agencies need to meet regularly in order to review fire policies, roles, responsibilities and delegation of authorities for instant fire operation activities in case of fires. The same is true for the related budget plan. The budget plan is mainly based on experiences from the fire management agency of East Kalimantan; it is not yet complete and must be changed to the conditions in South Sumatra. Its completion is only realistic if related institutions, their knowledge and work input are involved. Budget resources for fire management activities can be: Local Income Budget Expenses (APBD - Anggaran Belanaja Pendapatan Daerah), National Income Budget Expenses (APBN - Anggaran Belanja Pendapatan Nasional), Forest Rehabilitation Fund (DR - Dana Reboisasi) and in case of fire emergency situations ”On Call” budget from the National Disaster Management Board. There are still major gaps in both plans mainly related to aspects of rehabilitation, since experiences in this field are limited. Furthermore prevention measures and activities of the Agriculture Service are only fragmentarily covered. The plans shall provide a basis to arrange the Fire Management Plans/Programs (FMP) and the related budget in accordance with given tasks and functions necessary for successful fire management. It is inevitable that all involved land and environmental agencies have their own, however integrated, Fire Management Plans/Programs and that necessary budget needs to be provided for them. With this understanding it is furthermore essential to facilitate and advise the dialogue of the Planning Agency (Bappeda) and the land and environmental agencies related to local Provincial budget (APBD) and specific sector-related national finance services (ABPN and DR) for the Provincial Forest Services. The Planning Agency needs to recognize the fact that fire management activities have to be carried out on an interagency basis, thus approving integrated programs of the involved agency and ensuring budget. The institutional structure currently aligned will only be functional if the agencies involved have a clear understanding of each agency’s role at each administrative level. Therefore, the draft master and budget plan provide -7- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 guidance and serve as a discussion basis for further refinement of this structure. Moreover, not only the individual roles have to be understood but also the pattern of agency cooperation such as using compatible planning processes, funding mechanisms, training and qualification requirements as well as operational procedures. Cooperation amongst agencies and other partners is a must, since the ability of a single agency to implement successful fire management is limited and especially in the important field of fire prevention and public education programs. In this case agreements, integrated annual operation plans and contracts as well as interagency mobilisation on an interagency basis are required. Guidance for these aspects can be found in the “Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation 2003” of the National Interagency Fire Centre of the United States (available at project site). In addition the institutional structure currently discussed must consider the basis of the authority level, at which it wants to operate. It will only be limited use, if the new structure has no policy and law enforcement authority, hence falling back to the “toothless tiger” of the fire management structure of the previous years such as PUSDALKARHUTLA. In this context the structural name of PUSDALKARHUTLA can be both an advantage and disadvantage. In the past and still until today people are associating PUSDALKARHUTLA with a fire management structure, however also associating with it an inefficient and “talk only” structure. Whereas inefficiency of this structure is not a matter of names but rather a matter of the chronically diseases in Indonesia: little sense of collaboration and cooperation paired with egosectoral thinking and corruption. Providing a new name for the South Sumatra fire management structure could bear also the change to overcome old prejudices. -8- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 5.1 Main recommendation Recommendations made in report I & II are still valid. The plans need further discussion and refinement for operational use. Therefore SSSFMP should initiate and facilitate the constant review of the master and budget plan on individual agency basis but also on interagency basis at all administrative levels (national, provincial and district). For this purpose facilitate and organise workshops/work meetings with the management and operational teams of the agencies mentioned in the master plan. The result should be that agencies acknowledge ownership and responsibility and ensure incorporation of the master plan into their daily business. Initiate, facilitate, monitor and advise the dialogue between the Planning Agency and the Land and Environmental Services with regard to successful submission of budget proposals for their Fire Management Programs/Plans. In this respect the institutionalisation (Governor and Parliament approval) of a fire management structure based on a solid understanding of the fire management functions will be a first step to ensure routine fire management budget. With regard to the establishment of the “Fire Brigades” (Manggala Agni – see Report I) in South Sumatra SSFFMP initiate and facilitate workshops and meetings between the National and Provincial representatives of the “Manggala Agni” Fire Brigades and the local fire management stakeholders. This shall further stimulate the multi-stakeholder and interagency fire management approach. It shall furthermore ensure that the “Manggala Agni” Fire Brigades are well embedded in the existing and currently developing fire management structures and plans of the provincial fie management agents. -9- Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 1 Terms of References - 10 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Terms of Reference / Work approach For International Short-term Institutional Development Draft a Fire Management Master Plan for South Sumatra, assigning functions and responsibilities to relevant institutions Background: Fire history in South-Sumatra and SSFFMP goals. The EU program in Indonesia. Earlier institutional analysis studies Known and available laws, regulations and guidelines Main Tasks: Draft a fire management master plan guided by the experiences from East Kalimantan and the Riau set up. The Master plan should contain: 1. Relevant institutions 2. Responsibilities of the institutions based on laws 3. Tasks of these institutions to fulfil the requirements and to add to a comprehensive fire management 4. A matrix containing all activities to be performed and assigned to the institutions 5. Minimum personnel, infrastructure and equipment needs 6. Yearly monitoring and respective fine-tuning for the plan 7. Estimates of costs for the FM set up per year and major institutions 8. Indicate coordination aspects and requirements between the Centre and the Sub – Centres at district level 9. Develop standard operating procedures for the various readiness levels at provincial and district level taking into account existing parts or components from MoF or earlier projects 10. Define necessary steps for the integration and future co-ordination with the to be established “Manggala Agni” Fire Brigade(s) in South Sumatra. 11. Provide recommendations for the implementation of the guidelines 12. Socialise the draft to the stakeholders via a seminar at the end of the assignment Duration and Time: The International expert shall cover the tasks within two-person month (2PM). Main task No. 7 of Master plan shall be supported by a local expert (1/2 PM) covered by the International Expert’s contract. The assignment should start end of February 2005 and be finished before end of May 2005. Results and Outputs of the Assignment: Main stakeholders of South Sumatra have clear assigned functions and responsibilities Type of activities for an integrated fire management are defined within a matrix and estimates are provided on required funding. - 11 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 The establishment of the “Manggala Agni” fire brigade in South Sumatra is integrated and being supported. Recommendations are available to further fine tune the set up The set up is socialised and receives the support of the provincial government Deliverables / Reporting Requirements: The consultant will submit a draft report, comprising the major findings and recommendations and according to the format which will be agreed upon with the Teamleader, to the SSFFMP Project Management Unit (PMU) / Teamleader in electronic and printed version during the final week of the consultancy visit. The draft report will be discussed with the PMU prior to the end of the consultancy visit. A final report in electronic and printed version, incorporating comments from the PMU, will be submitted to the PMU, within two weeks after receipt of such comments. Additionally, Time Sheets will be submitted to PMU together with the final report. An electronic and printed version of the final report and a printed version of the time-sheets will be submitted together with the final invoice to Michaela Haaser, GTZ IS Eschborn. Profile: He/she should have a master degree in natural resource science with experience in tropical fire management and its related issues. Additional experience in organizing and facilitating seminars, workshops and presentations as well as multi-stakeholder processes. The expert must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the existing fire management concept and activities ongoing in Indonesia including the Indonesian government activities as well as other (donor-supported) fire projects. Additional knowledge and understanding of the Indonesian decentralisation processes is desirable. The expert must have excellent interpersonal, professional and diplomatic skills, a clear understanding of the advisory role in a technical cooperation project and should be used to acting in the role of mentor and trainer. The expert should be able to work productively with a broad range of professional counterparts, including governmental and non-governmental organizations, EU officials. Outstanding writing skill is required with the ability to meet deadlines, and provide concise report. Written and oral fluency in English is required, and understand Indonesian language is desirable. Basic computer skills. Experience: A minimum ten (10) years of professional work experience, including at least five (5) years in Asian, in the content of the tasks and responsibilities as described above. Experience in integrating tropical fire management issues into all aspects of project planning. Proven ability to work effectively in a team environment and productively work to achieve results. A good understanding of technical cooperation, society, government in Indonesia is desirable. Familiarity and experience with EU systems is desirable. - 12 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 2 Determination of Readiness levels - 13 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 PENENTUAN KRITERIA SIAGA KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN PROPINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Tingkat kesiagaan menggambarkan kondisi kewaspadaan dan persiapan dari organisasi pengelola kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Hasil dari perhitungan tingkat siaga ini yang kemudian dijadikan sebagai landasan kegiatan oleh setiap pihak yang terkait untuk dapat melakukan kegiatan sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan dalam upaya pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Sejak kejadian kebakaran hutan dan lahan tahun 1982 sampai dengan tahun 1997 secara umum Indonesia belum memiliki kriteria penentuan siaga dalam kebakaran hutan dan lahan, penentuan siaga lebih banyak ditinjau dari segi politis bukan berdasarkan pada elemen-elemen perubahan lingkungan yang sedang terjadi. Keadaan ini diperburuk lagi dengan tidak adanya tindak lanjut yang jelas dengan penentuan siaga yang diberlakukan, pemberitahuan siaga hanya bersifat pengumuman yang setiap pihak harus waspada terhadap bahaya yang mengancam, sehingga opini yang ada dalam masyarakat dengan penentuan Siaga II atau I akan datang ancaman yang tidak dapat dikendalikan lagi, hal ini karena tidak ada acuan yang jelas untuk melakukan tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh instansi terkait bila ditentukan Siaga II atau Siaga I, sehingga bahaya atau ancaman tidak dapat dicegah dan ditangani sedini mungkin. 2. Tujuan Penentuan tingkat Siaga dalam kebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan suatu upaya untuk memberikan informasi kepada seluruh masyarakat dan instansi yang terkait mengenai beberapa hal : a. Perubahan cuaca kearah yang semakin mengkhawatirkan akan terjadinya kebakaran hutan dan lahan. b. Perkembangan perubahan kondisi lingkungan akibat musim panas yang berkepanjangan. - 14 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 c. Langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan dalam upaya pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan. DASAR-DASAR KRITERIA Penentuan tingkat Siaga kebakaran hutan dan lahan ditentukan oleh beberapa elemen yang dikumpulkan dan kemudian diolah untuk menentukan tingkat Siaga sesuai dengan kondisi yang sedang terjadi, pembagian tingkatan ini dimulai dari kondisi Normal, Siaga III, II dan I. Untuk mendapatkan hasil ini maka elemen-elemen yang dijadikan dasar adalah: Tingkat Bahaya Kebakaran atau Fire Danger Rating (FDR) Satu aspek yang sangat penting untuk mencegah bencana kebakaran di masa yang akan datang adalah tingkat kesadaran yang dapat diperoleh dengan adanya suatu sistem peringatan dini seperti Sistem Penilaian Tingkat Bahaya Kebakaran (Fire Danger Rating System-FDRS). Sistem Penilaian Tingkat Bahaya Kebakaran menunjukkan bahaya kebakaran atau tingkat kekeringan dari suatu keragaman kondisi alam secara meteorologis. Sistem ini dimaksudkan untuk menilai bahaya kebakaran dengan cara yang mudah tanpa dibutuhkan banyak dana dan keahlian teknik, serta harus dapat diadaptasikan dengan mudah terhadap kondisi alam Kalimantan. 1. Kecepatan hilangnya kelembaban di kawasan hutan tergantung kepada tingginya penguapan vegetasi. Selanjutnya besarnya penguapan vegetasi disesuaikan dengan nilai rata-rata curah hujan tahunan. Jumlah dan karakter vegetasi telah dikembangkan untuk menentukan nilai KBDI (Keetch-Byram Drought Index) dengan menggunakan sebagian besar unsur kelembaban tanah yang tersedia. 2. Kecepatan hilangnya kelembaban tanah ditentukan oleh evapotranspirasi dan kandungan kelembaban tanah. Hubungan ini paling baik bila ditaksir dari fungsi eksponensialnya yang semakin menurun di mana hilangnya kelembaban potensial merupakan fungsi dari nilai rata-rata hujan tahunan. 3. Kedalaman lapisan tanah yang dipengaruhi oleh kekeringan yang serius yang mempengaruhi hutan dan daya hangus tanah organik memiliki kapasitas lapang delapan inch (203 mm). Disamping asumsi-asumsi di atas serta metode perhitungan yang sangat sederhana, karena hanya memerlukan tiga variabel untuk menghitung nilai tingkat bahaya kebakaran dan semuanya tersedia di stasiun pengamat cuaca (Badan Meteorologi ) setempat, yaitu: - 15 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 1. Rata-rata tertinggi curah hujan tahunan dari stasiun cuaca setempat/lokal. 2. Suhu maksimum hari ini 3. Curah hujan harian WEIDEMANN (1999) dalam Interim Report 1998-1999 IFFM-Dephut/gtz memberikan deskripsi dari grafik Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram dalam tiga kelas, yaitu: RENDAH (0-999), SEDANG (1000-1499) dan TINGGI (1500-2000). Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, sehubungan dengan disusunnya satu Prosedur Standar Operasional/SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) bersama dengan divisi terkait (Opersional dan Pencegahan), interpretasi dari grafik Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram mengalami perubahan. Perubahan terhadap tingkat bahaya kebakaran tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengantisipasi kondisi kekeringan pada tingkat di atas 1750, sehingga dibentuk satu tingkat baru yaitu tingkat EKSTRIM, dengan rentang kelas indeks bahaya kebakaran 1750-2000. Dengan demikian nilai indeks yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan dengan menggunakan formula Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram dibagi dalam empat tingkat bahaya kebakaran, seperti pada tabel berikut: Table 1: Tingkat Bahaya Kebakaran Skala Numerik Skala Sifat 0-999 Rendah 1000-1499 Sedang 1500-1749 Tinggi 1750-2000 Ekstrim Skala yang berbeda menunjukkan tingkat kekeringan dari bahan bakar yang tersedia (DEEMING, 1995). Sebagai contoh, jika Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram menunjukkan nilai 0, ini mendeskripsikan kondisi tanah yang penuh dengan air (lembab), dalam kondisi ini tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan baik. Sementara bila Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram menunjukkan nilai 2000, ini mendeskripsikan sama sekali tidak ada kelembaban tanah, sehingga bila tanah kering tentunya tidak ada daya dukung yang cukup untuk menumbuhkan tanaman diatasnya. Pada kondisi tanah dan vegetasi kering, menyebabkan tersedianya bahan bakar menjadi lebih besar. - 16 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Seperti telah ditunjukkan pada Tabel 1 diatas, bahwa Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram dapat ditampilkan dengan dua cara, yaitu dengan skala numerik dan skala sifat. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, skala sifat merupakan dasar dalam penyusunan prosedur standar operasional (SOP) untuk penanggulangan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Sistem ini juga telah dikembangkan di beberapa daerah lain seperti di daerah Sumatera Selatan melalui proyek Uni-Eropa, di beberapa lokasi di Indonesia dilakukan oleh JICA-Jepang, serta negara tetangga seperti di Sabah (Malaysia) dan Australia. Informasi yang lain sehubungan dengan sistem penilaian tingkat bahaya kebakaran dan sistem informasi kebakaran untuk Propinsi Kalimantan Timur dapat dilihat pada situs IFFM-Dephut/gtz atau UPTD.PKHL: dan situs ASEAN Fire Weather Information System: Berdasarkan pengalaman masing-masing daerah dan beberapa negara tetangga dapat disimpulkan secara keseluruhan, bahwa sistem penilaian tingkat bahaya kebakaran yang dikembangkan atas dasar Indeks Kekeringan Keetch-Byram ini telah memiliki keakuratan yang cukup baik. Prakiraan Cuaca Data prakiraan cuaca dapat diperoleh dari situs internet yang berbasis di Amerika, situs ini memuat informasi selama lima hari kedepan tentang cuaca di beberapa kota di Indonesia , termasuk Kalimantan Timur. Data yang dapat diperoleh berupa : a. Penutupan awan b. Temperatur c. Hari Hujan Table 2: Ramalan Cuaca Kota Samarinda Wednesday Cloudy with a stray t-storm. High 32° C / RealFeel[TM] 39. Max. UV 4. Thursday A brief shower or two early. High 32° C / RF 39° C. Low 24° C / RF 28° C. Max. UV 4. Friday T-storms. High 31° C / RF 39° C. Low 23° C / RF 30° C. Max. UV 4. Saturday Mostly cloudy and very humid. High 32° C / RF 40° C. Low 23° C / RF 30° C. Max. UV 4. - 17 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Sunday T-shower. High 32° C / RF 41° C. Low 23° C / RF 31° C. Max. UV 4. Monday Mostly cloudy and very humid. High 32° C / RF 41° C. Low 23° C / RF 31° C. Max. UV 4. Tuesday A couple of thunderstorms late. High 31° C / RF 39° C. Low 23° C / RF 30° C. Max. UV 3. Gambar 3 : Ramalan Cuaca Kota Samarinda Tgl. 22 s.d 28 Januari 2003 Titik Panas (Hot Spot) Hotspot secara harfiah dapat diartikan sebagai “titik panas”. Namun pada kenyataannya, hot spot dapat mengindikasikan lokasi kebakaran vegetasi yang terpantau oleh satelit NOAA-AVHRR (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration – Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) milik Amerika Serikat. Data hotspot dihasilkan dari pengolahan citra satelit NOAA-AVHRR yang dilakukan di stasiunstasiun penerima data satelit NOAA-AVHRR, dimana di Indonesia sendiri terdapat beberapa stasiun yang tersebar di beberapa propinsi, antara lain di Palembang – Sumatera Selatan, Jakarta, Bogor – Jawa Barat, Samarinda – Kalimantan Timur. Hasil dari pengolahan citra tersebut berbentuk titik-titik koordinat yang kemudian dapat ditampilkan berupa peta yang dilengkapi dengan informasi lainnya seperti sungai, batas administratif, lokasi pemukiman, batas penggunaan lahan dan lain sebagainya dengan menggunakan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Data hotspot tidak dapat digunakan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai jumlah, ukuran dan intensitas kebakaran serta seberapa luas area yang terbakar (Malingerau, 1990), karena resolusi citranya yang kasar (1 pixel = 1,1 km2), disamping itu proses deteksi kebakarannya berdasarkan pada pengukuran temperatur permukaan bumi yang menggunakan sensor optis satelit. Sensor satelit ini tidak dapat menembus awan dan asap tebal, sehingga tidak ada informasi untuk area yang tertutup awan dan asap. Sebuah pixel kebakaran atau hot spot memiliki area tetap seluas 1,1 km2. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat satu atau lebih kebakaran di dalam area tersebut (Hoffmann dkk., 1999). Adapun keakuratan koordinat hotspot tergantung pada beberapa faktor, antara lain: kualitas citra yang digunakan, keakuratan registrasi citra, alogaritma yang dipakai, pengalaman operator, serta temperatur ambang batas yang digunakan. Sejauh ini pengalaman IFFM- GTZ/UPTD PKHL yang mengelola stasiun penerima satelit NOAA di Samarinda, keakuratan data hotspot cukup memuaskan dan jarak toleransi antara titik koordinat hotspot yang terdeteksi dan lokasi kebakaran vegetasi di lapangan berada dalam radius 500 m dan terjauh yang pernah terjadi adalah sekitar 3 km. - 18 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Data hotspot sangat berguna untuk memonitor dan memberikan informasi untuk melakukan pemadaman awal dalam penanggulangan kebakaran, karena data hotspot tersedia secara real-time setiap harinya dan mencakup area yang cukup luas pada permukaan bumi, disamping itu juga dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kronologis penyebaran atau penjalaran api. Sejak bulan April 1996 IFFM-Dephut/GTZ yang dilanjutkan oleh UPTD PKHL telah menerima citra dari Satelit NOAA 12 dan NOAA 14 sebanyak empat kali dalam sehari diatas pulau Kalimantan. Satelit-satelit NOAA mencakup area permukaan bumi selebar 2.700 km dari ketinggian kurang lebih 860 km dan memiliki resolusi medan 1,1 km2 (ukuran pixel). Satelit-satelit ini memiliki sensor AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer), sebuah radiometer pemantauan dengan lima saluran yang masing-masing memiliki karakteristik spektral yang berbeda (tampak, infra merah dekat, tengah dan jauh). Di Kantor UPTD PKHL, tampilan dan analisis kuantitatif citra satelit AVHRR dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak Sea Scan STARS (Satelite Analysis and Reaserch System). Data AVHRR diterima oleh sistem penerimaan HRPT (High Resolution Picture System) yang disediakan oleh Sea Scan dan dirakit oleh Sistem Satelit Dundee (WANNAMAKER, 1996). Proses geografis lebih jauh dilakukan dengan Sistem Tampilan dan Analisa Geografis (Geographic Analysis Display System) dan Arc View 3.2. Dengan tingkat pengulangannya yang tinggi NOAA-AVHRR memiliki kemampuan untuk mendeteksi aktifitas kebakaran High Temperature Event (HTE) atau hot spot berdasarkan pengukuran temperatur pada waktu sebenarnya. Kondisi asap/kabut Kondisi asap dan kabut yang mempengaruhi jarak pandang penerbangan atau secara umum dapat mengganggu lalu lintas transportasi baik darat, laut dan udara dapat diperoleh melalui situs internet dan Beberapa informasi dari situs ini yang dapat diperoleh adalah : a. Sebaran Kabut Asap b. Temperatur udara c. Kelembaban relatif d. Durasi sejak turun hujan e. Arah dan kecepatan angin f. Jarak Pandang g. Gejala El-Nino - 19 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Perkembangan kondisi ini dapat diperoleh setiap hari yang kemudian diproses atau dianalisis sebagai data pendukung. Aktivitas Kebakaran Aktivitas kebakaran merupakan upaya penanggulangan kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang dilakukan oleh Instansi yang berwenang, pengguna lahan dan masyarakat. Untuk mendapatkan informasi aktivitas kebakaran yang terjadi di seluruh Kalimantan Timur, UPTD PKHL telah membuat kesepakatan dengan seluruh Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten dan Kota untuk melaporkan kejadian kebakaran setiap minggu secara rutin. Informasi lain di dapat dari para pengguna lahan seperti HPH, HPHTI dan Perkebunan. Informasi aktivitas kebakaran ini kemudian digunakan untuk mendukung perhitungan Tingkat Siaga baik secara umum atau regional daerah masing-masing. Sumberdaya Pemadaman Kebakaran Hutan Elemen/unsur ketersediaan sumberdaya (personil dan peralatan) kebakaran hutan di lapangan juga dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu elemen tambahan untuk menentukan tingkat kesiagaan suatu daerah. Elemen ini masih sulit diterapkan di Kalimantan Timur, karena di setiap daerah belum memiliki organisasi yang jelas dan belum dilengkapi dengan Standar Prosedur Operasi. PERHITUNGAN TINGKAT SIAGA Seksi Monitoring dan Evaluasi UPTD PKHL mengumpulkan data mengenai elemen-elemen Kriteria Siaga tersebut di atas. Setiap minggu, masing-masing Seksi (Monev, Pencegahan dan Operasional) mengevaluasi dan menganalisis elemen-elemen tersebut untuk memperhitungkan dan memprakirakan situasi dan kondisi status Siaga Kebakaran untuk minggu berikutnya pada kabupaten/kota di Kalimantan Timur antara lain : Kabupaten Nunukan Kabupaten Bulungan Kota Tarakan Kabupaten Berau Kota Samarinda Kota Balikpapan - 20 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Sementara ini kabupaten/kota lain masih belum memiliki stasiun pengamat cuaca yang berhubungan dengan Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) Balikpapan, sehingga kabupaten/kota tersebut belum dapat dihitung tingkat kesiagaannya. Berikut ini adalah proses menganalisis Tingkat Kesiagaan : 1. Mengevaluasi dan mengolah seluruh informasi dan laporan kebakaran hutan dan lahan mingguan dari kabupaten/kota. 2. Menghimpun data prakiraan cuaca, kondisi kabut asap, arah angin, hari hujan, temperatur, kelembaban, hot spot dan FDR, kemudian ditampilkan dalam Tabel 1. 3. Data dan informasi tersebut diolah menjadi data kuantitatif dan dimasukkan dalam Tabel 2 skoring tingkat kesiagaan. 4. Skoring dalam Tabel 2 tersebut dijumlahkan sehingga diperoleh nilai kriteria tingkat kesiagaan dalam empat kriteria yaitu : a. Normal b. Siaga Tiga c. Siaga Dua d. Siaga Satu 5. Menentukan Tingkat Kesiagaan yang sesuai dengan Tabel 3. 6. Memasukkan Tingkat Kesiagaan pada laporan Situasi Kebakaran Mingguan dan menentukan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan sesuai dengan Prosedur Standar Operasi. Dalam pengisian setiap tabel mengacu kepada Panduan Evaluasi Elemen-elemen Kesiagaan sebagai mana tercantum dalam Tabel 4. - 21 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Table 3: Tabel ringkasan buletin mingguan Tabel Ringkasan Wilayah FDR Samarinda Tinggi Balikpapan Rendah Tanjung Redeb/Berau Ekstrim TanjungSelor/ Bulungan Menengah Hot spot Laporan dari Kabupaten Tidak Terde teksi Tidak Terde teksi 11 Tidak ada aktifitas Berawan, cerah, hangat dan lembab Tidak ada aktifitas Berawan, cerah, hangat dan lembab Tidak ada aktifitas Tidak ada aktifitas Berawan, cerah, hangat dan lembab Berawan, hangat dan lembab Tidak ada aktifitas Berawan, hangat dan lembab Tarakan Rendah Nunukan Rendah Tidak Terde teksi Tidak Terde teksi 7 Kutai Timur /Sangatta Kutai Kertanegara/ Tengah Kutai Barat/Melak Malinau - 9 - 10 - 7 - Pasir - Tidak Terde teksi 11 Bontang - 6 Rata-rata 6 Wilayah Table 4: Rendah 61 Ramalan Cuaca Tidak ada aktifitas Tidak ada aktifitas Tidak ada aktifitas - Tidak ada aktifitas Tidak ada laporan - Tidak ada aktifitas Tidak ada aktifitas - Tingkat Siaga N 3 2 1 Catatan - - Berawan, cerah, hangat dan lembab - Elemen-elemen Tingkat Kesiagaan dan Tabel evaluasinya Elemen Rendah Menegah Tinggi Ekstrim (Skor 1) (Skor 2) (Skor 3) (Skor 4) 1. Peringkat Bahaya Kebakaran X 2. Ramalan Cuaca X 3. Hot spot NOAA X 4. Kondisi Asap/Kabut X 5. Aktivitas Kebakaran di Kabupaten X - 22 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Sub-Total Skor Table 5: = 9 El Nino? (Ya +1, Tidak +0) = 1 Total Skor = 10 Penentuan Tingkat Kesiagaan Tingkat Kesiagaan Penggolongan Total Skor I II III Normal (16 +) (12-15) (8-11) (<8) Total Skor Saat ini Table 6: X Panduan Evaluasi Elemen-elemen Tingkat Kesiagaan Elemen Rendah (Skor 1) Menengah (Skor 2) Tinggi (Skor 3) Ektrim (Skor 4) 1 Peringkat bahaya Kebakaran (FDR) Rendah Menengah Tinggi Ektrim 2. Prakiraan Cuaca Hujan diramalkan terjadi terusmenerus atau secara periodik Berawan hangat dan lembab Berawan, Panas dan tidak ada gerimis atau hujan Kering yang berkesinambun gan Kurang dari 10 titik 11 – 12 titik 21 – 60 titik Lebih dari 60 titik 0 – 60 titik 61 – 120 titik 121 – 360 titik Lebih dari 60 titik 4. Kondisi Asap Tidak ada Kadang-kadang asap dipagi hari Teradapat asap disiang hari Jarang pandang tergangu 5. Aktifitas Kebakaran Tidak ada laporan kebakaran Mulai ada kebakaran Laporan kebarakan sering terjadi Banyak terdapat kebakaran dan meluas 6. Ketersediaan Sumber daya Tidak digunakan untuk pemadaman Kadang-kadang digunakan untuk memadamkan (serangan dini dalam satu hari pulang) Terus-menerus digunakan untuk pemadaman kebakaran Kekurangan personil untuk mengatasi kebakaran yang terjadi 3. Hot Spot - Kab. / Kota - Propinsi - 23 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 D. TINDAKAN DALAM TINGKAT SIAGA Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kriteria tingkat siaga, maka akan diperoleh tingkat kesiagaan pada masing-masing daerah yaitu Normal, Siaga III, Siaga II dan Siaga I. Tindakan – tindakan yang perlu dilakukan sesuai dengan status siaga kebakaran hutan dan lahan adalah : 1. NORMAL Tidak diperlukan patroli atau pendeteksian langsung di lapangan (taktis). Memastikan semua peralatan pemadaman siap dipergunakan. Melaksanakan program penyadaran untuk pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Melakukan kegiatan pelatihan penyegaran tahunan untuk staf pemadam kebakaran. Memadamkan kebakaran hutan dan lahan apabila kebakaran tersebut mengancam daerahdaerah tertentu yang memiliki nilai sumberdaya atau yang diputuskan harus dilindungi dari kebakaran 2. SIAGA III Patroli atau deteksi taktis dilakukan apabila diperlukan, tergantung pada kondisi lokal. Memastikan semua peralatan dan personil pemadaman siap dipergunakan. Melanjutkan program-program pencegahan kebakaran pada daerah-daerah rawan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Mempersiapkan posko-posko pemadam kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Memadamkan kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang tidak dikehendaki. 3. SIAGA II Patroli dan deteksi taktis dilakukan minimal 5 hari per minggu. Slip-on unit dan pick-up telah dilengkapi dengan peralatan pemadaman awal. Memfokuskan program pencegahan kebakaran pada daerah yang memiliki resiko tinggi. Pemadaman kebakaran hutan dan lahan dilakukan seawal mungkin (penanganan dini). Melakukan kampanye dan penyebarluasan informasi melalui media masa. Memberikan saran kepada pengambil keputusan untuk dikeluarkannya seruan laranagan membakar apabila kondisi semakin memburuk. - 24 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 4. SIAGA I Patroli dan deteksi taktis dilakukan 7 hari per minggu. Seluruh staff Pusat Kebakaran Lokal harus siap untuk mendukung kegiatan pemadaman. Semua bentuk kebakaran hutan dan lahan harus dipadamkan. Memohon kepada Gubernur/Bupati/Walikota mengeluarkan ketentuan larangan membakar. Memohon kepada Gubernur/Bupati/Walikota memerintahkan jajarannya untuk siap setiap saat jika diperlukan untuk mobilisasi operasi pemadaman. E. Daftar Pustaka - - - - - ARINO O., MELINOTTE, J.M. (1995). Fire Index Atlas, Earth Observation Quarterly, ESA, 50, 11-16. DOZIER, J. (1981). A method for satellite identification of surface temperature fields on sup-pixel resolution. Remote Sensing of Environment, 11, 221-228. KAUFMANN, Y. J., SETZER, A., JUSTICE, C., TUCKER, C. J., M. G. PERREIRA & I. FUNG (1990a). Remote Sensing of Biomass Burning in the Tropics. In: Fire in the tropical Biota. Ecosystems Process and Global Challenge. (Goldammer, J.G ed.) 371383. Ecological Studies 84, Springer-Verlag, Berlin -Heidelberg-New York. KAUFMANN, Y., TUCKER C. J. & FUNG, I. (1990b). Remote sensing of biomass burning in the tropics. J. Geophys. Res., 95, 9927-9939. KENNEDY P. J., BELWARD, A. S. & GRÉGOIRE, J-M. (1994), An improved approach to fire monitoring in West Africa using AVHRR data. Int. J. Remote Sens. 15, 2235-255. MALINGREAU J.-P. (1990), The contribution of remote sensing to the Global Monitoring of Fires in Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems. In: Fire in the tropical Biota. Ecosystems Process and Global Challenge. (Goldammer, J.G ed.) 371-383. Ecological Studies 84, Springer-Verlag, Berlin -Heidelberg-New York. WANNAMAKER B. (1996). Sea Scan STARS User Manual. Sea Scan Oceanographic and Remote Sensing Consultants, Canada, unpublished. MALINGREAU J.-P. (1990), The contribution of remote sensing to the Global Monitoring of Fires in Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems. In: Fire in the tropical Biota. Ecosystems Process and Global Challenge. (Goldammer, J.G ed.) 371-383. Ecological Studies 84, Springer-Verlag, Berlin -Heidelberg-New York. HOFFMANN A. A. et al. (1999), Fire Damage in East Kalimantan in 1997/98 Related to The Land Use and Vegetation Classes: Satellite Radar Inventory Results and Proposals for Further Actions, 5. - 25 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 3 Laws and Regulations - 26 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 A. Tingkat Undang-undang, Peraturan Pemerintah dan Keppres 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. UU No. 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya UU No. 24 Tahun 1992 Tentang Penataan Ruang UU No. 23 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup UU No. 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah UU No. 18 Tahun 2005 Tentang Perkebunan 7. PP No. 25 Tahun 2000 Tentang Kewenangan Pusat dan Kewenangan Propinsi Daerah Otonom 8. PP No. 4 Tahun 2001 Tentang Pengendalian Kerusakan dan Atau Pencemaran Lingkungan Hidup yang Berkaitan dengan Kebakaran Hutan dan atau Lahan 9. PP No. 45 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perlindungan Hutan, BAB III Perlindungan Hutan dari Kebakaran. 10. Keppres No. 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi 11. Keppres No. 111 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perubahan Keppres No. 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi. B. Tingkat Keputusan Menteri 12. Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No.97/Kpts-II/1998 Tentang Prosedur Penanganan Krisis Kebakaran Hutan 13. Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 131 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pedoman Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi di Daerah 14. Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No. 97/Kpts-II/1998 Tentang Prosedur Penanganan Krisis Kebakaran Hutan C. Tingkat Propinsi 15. Perda Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Sumatera Selatan No. 2 Tahun 1987 Tentang Usaha Pencegahan dan Pemadaman Kebakaran Hutan Dalam Daerah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Sumatera Selatan 16. Keputusan Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I Sumatera Selatan No. 7 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pembentukan Pusat Pengendalian (PUSDAL) dan Pos Komando Pelaksana (POSKOLAK) Serta Satuan Pelaksana (Satlak) Usaha Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan Dalam Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. 17. Keputusan Gubernur No. 538/KPTS/KEHUT/2001, Tentang Sususan Keanggotaan Tim Koordinasi Yustisia Pengamanan dan Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. 18. Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Selatan No. 377/KPTS/BAN-KBLM/2002 Tentang Pembentukan Satuan Kordinasi pelaksana Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi (SATKORLAK PBP) Propinsi Sumatera Selatan 19. Pedoman Kerja Tim Reaksi Cepat Satkorlak PBP propinsi Sumatera Selatan (Dokumen yang diperoleh tanpa tanggal dan tanpa tahun. Pedoman ini dalam rangka menindaklanjuti Kep. Gub No. 377 Tahun 2002) 20. Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Selatan No. 211/KPTS/HUT/2003 Tentang Pembentukan Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) dalam Rangka Kerjasama Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan Propinsi Sumatera Selatan 21. Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Selatan No. 234 Tahun 2003 Tentang Prosedur Tetap Penanggulangan Bencana dan Pengungsi di Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. 22. Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Selatan No. 24/KPTS/PU.AIR/2005 Tentang Pembentukan Tim Pengarah Pengelolaan/Pengembangan Daerah Rawa. D. Tingkat Kabupaten 23. Pemda Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin PROTAP No. 1214/VII/1994 Tentang Satuan Pelaksana Penanggulangan Bencana. (1994). - 27 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 24. Bagan Struktur Organisasi Kantor Kesatuan Bangsa dan Perlindungan Masyarakat (Kesbanglitmas) Kab. Musi Banyuasin (2003). 25. Keputusan Bupati Musi Banyuasin No. 585 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pembentukan Tim Koordinasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin dan SSFFMP dalam Rangka Kerjasama Pencegahan Dan penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. 26. Keputusan Bupati Musi Banyuasin No. 083 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pembentukan Multi-stakeholders Forum (MSF) Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (dalam rangka menindaklanjuti kerjasama EU-RI yang membentuk SSFFMP) 27. Keputusan Bupati Banyuasin No. 344 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pembentukan Satuan Pelaksanan Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi (Satlak PBP) Kabupaten Banyuasin. 28. Keputusan Bupati Banyuasin No. 345 Tahun 2003 Tentang Penunjukan Pelaksana Harian Sekretaris dan Penetapan Sekretariat Satuan Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi (Satlak PBP). 29. Keputusan Bupati Banyuasin No. 083 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pembentukan Multi-stakeholders Forum (MSF) Pelaksana Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Kabupaten Banyuasin (yang mencabut Keputusan Bupati Banyuasin No. 5560 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pembentukan Forum Pelaksana Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Kabupaten Banyuasin). 30. Keputusan Bupati Ogan Komering Ilir No. 210 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pembentukan Tim Koordinasi Kerjasama Antara Pemerintah OKI dengan SSFFMP dalam Rangka Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Lahan dan Hutan di Kabupaten OKI 31. Keputusan Bupati Ogan Komering Ilir No. 303 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pembentukan MSF Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. E. Tingkat Desa Belum ada Data. - 28 - Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 4 Draft Fire Management Master Plan (English) - 29 - Draft Fire Management Master plan for Sumse l Regulations, roles and tasks in an interagency structure for fire management This document intends to provide references and guidance for consistent integrated fire management practices of and amongst the governmental and other agencies playing a role in fire management. This document should be reviewed annually and updated as needed by management teams once a year to review policies, roles, responsibilities and delegation of authorities. General definition of Fire Management: Fire management is a structured way/are activities concerned with the protection of people, property and land/forest areas from unwanted vegetation fires and use of fire as a tool for the attainment of land management objectives; all conducted in a manner that considers environmental, social and economic criteria. Fire management activities are: Planning, preparedness, prevention, suppression, fire use, restoration and rehabilitation, law enforcement and prosecution, monitoring, research, and education and will be conducted on an interagency basis with the involvement of co-operators and partners. t Interagency cooperation is vital in attaining fire management program objectives. The ability of a single agency to implement fire management programs is limited without coordination and assistance from other organisations. Interagency cooperation and coordination of shared resources and common activities is imperative at all organisational levels. An understanding of the roles each agency has at each level is necessary to maximise the benefits of interagency coordination and ensure the fulfilment of agency responsibility. t Agencies must ensure their capability to provide cost-effective fire management programs in support of land and resource management plans through appropriate planning, staffing, training, and equipment. Preparedness planning must be accomplished annually at all organisational levels. When conditions exceed those of normal fire year, severity planning must be developed to consider agency needs on a local, regional or national level. Minimum performance requirements for an Interagency Fire Management structure: t Agencies will work together and with their partners and other affected groups and individuals to work out prevention programs based on a foundation of the best available knowledge and science of the underlying fire causes (reason to lit fires). t Agencies must use compatible planning processes, funding mechanism, training and qualification requirements, operational procedures, and public education and awareness programs for all fire management activities t Each land manager and land management agency needs to have a Fire Management Plan (FMP) being a strategic plan that defines programs to manage fire. The FMP must provide for fire-fighters, prevention workers and public safety and includes therefore fire management strategies, tactics, addresses values to be protected and public health issues. It must be consistent with resources management objectives and environmental law and regulations. t Underpinning scientific knowledge and information needed to support fire management shall be developed through an integrated interagency fire science program. The overall international framework for fire management is given by: t The commitment of the Indonesian Government to contribute to the implementation of the international forest-related commitments of UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development), AGENDA 21, chapter 9 (Protection of the Atmosphere), chapter 11 (Combating deforestation) and chapter 15 (Conservation of Biological Diversity), and follow-up processes (Commission on Sustainable Development-CSD) that Indonesia is part of and has adopted the principles. One of the key agreements adopted at Rio was the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that has been outline d in Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia. Member of ASEAN Haze agreement t The Indonesia’s National objectives and priorities that are to foster the utilisation of the biological resources in a sustainable and less harmful way. This objectives are supported by efforts of implementing fire management at all administrative levels and the involvement of the priva encouragement of the use of alternative methods of fire use and the promotion of integrated fire management as an inevitable part for sustainable forest resource management. te s ector as well as the t The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution The overall legal framework is provided by the Disaster Management Board (Bakornas) and assignment principles for fire management responsibilities are based on existing laws and regulations (see also Annex 1) t Keppres No. 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi tKeppres No. 111 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perubahan Keppres No. 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi. t Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 131 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pedoman Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi di Daerah t PP No. 4 Tahun 2001 Tentang Pengendalian Kerusakan dan Atau Pencemaran Lingkungan Hidup yang Berkaitan dengan Kebakaran Hutan dan atau Lahan tPP No. 45 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perlindungan Hutan, BAB III Perlindungan Hutan dari Kebakaran. Overall Fire Management vision in South Sumatra and its related fire management organisational structure (PusDalKarHutLa) To operate an efficient and functioning fire management organization that integrates the main responsible governmental agencies as well as the private and village stakeholders towards minimizing forest and land fires and to protect life, property and the environment. could be: Overall Fire Management mission in South Sumatra and its related fire management organisational structure (PusDalKarHutLa) To provide policies, services, guidelines, coordination and support to all fire management stakeholders within the province, with the aim of preventing, suppressing, and monitoring forest and land fires. This mission is achieved through continuous dissemination of current and forecasted fire-related information, providing training, developing cooperative agreements, and through the sharing of fire fighting supplies, equipment, and personnel to facilitate efficient and cost-effective fire management. could be: t Protect human life and property and natural/cultural resources both within and adjacent to agency administered land. t Prevent and investigate all unwanted (human-caused) fires t Minimize damage of unwanted fires within the framework of land use objectives and resource management plans t Promote an interagency approach to managing fires on a sustainable basis Fire management objectives for each land & t Promote public and political understanding of fire management programs and objectives environmental management agency could be: t Restore and rehabilitate resources lost in or damages by fire or suppression activities t Organize fire staff that can apply the high standards of professional and technical expertise t Encourage research to advance understanding of fire behaviour, effects, ecology, and management t Integrate fire management through all levels of the planning processes such land use planning, budget etc. Main agents for fire management are: Overall main support agencies for daily Forestry Services, Environmental Service, Agriculture Service, Estate Crop Service, Disaster Management Meteorological Service National Land Service Planning Agency Education Service Health Service Police & Prosecutor Services efficient fire management are: Integrated task/services of support agencies in fire management Regular Fire Danger Rating calculation and dissemination, weather and climate forecasting (El Nino) Support Agencies for large scale fire ABRI, Perhubungan, ORARI, PU, GIS data on land use and rights, administrative boundaries, infrastructure, etc. disasters Overall coordination of all agencies Disaster management regulations and guidelines, Disaster management services Program planning & budgeting, overall integrated (sustainable) land use planning Environmental/fire prevention curriculum and teaching program Information and awareness rising of the negative impact of smoke-haze Legal investigation and law enforcement the Main functional elements and tasks required in fire management The main components Information & Analysis and law of fire management enforcement Prevention Preparedness Pre-suppression and suppression Rehabilitation Forest/Agriculture/Estate Crop Forest (incl. BKSDA) and Estate crop Forest (incl. BKSDA) and Estate Planning services (land services Services crop services management agencies) Coordination of interagency fire management activities Key agencies that hold responsibility at all three administrative levels Environmental services Disaster management services (national, provincial, district) Main objectives Establish an effective process to compile, analyze and communicate fire relevant data Develop and provide Community Based Fire and information for monitoring vegetation Management strategies and guidelines to fires and related smoke-haze, identifying and implement them. mapping/inventorying fire risk areas to managers, supervisors, and employees. Prepare and provide fire management plans for fire management activities to be carried out following determined readiness levels Implement fire management/suppression plans according to the SOP standards Coordinate and oversee the rehabilitation To provide general description of all programs/activities needed to be functional prior to fire measures of the respective land management season agencies Determine readiness (preparedness) levels based on fire information to assess the current and predicted fire situation/danger in order to conduct the necessary steps needed. Develop and conduct awareness/environmental raising programs to educate people about the negative impact of fire and smoke onto health and economic. Prepare and provide operational plans, including location of dispatch centre, communication and command structure, fields of cooperation with other agencies (expertise, training, information, prevention etc.) To provide and implement the physical and technical capacities for initial fire attack including prompt detection, patrols and fire reporting (response mobilisation plan). Ensure fire preventive rehabilitation measures Ensure that fire management programs of the respective agency are planned in an integrated through proper land use planning and by manner and complementary hence maximise synergies and avoiding overlapping and acknowledging land use rights redundancy Ensure clear and concise communications are maintained all levels and actively disseminate fire information necessary for main fire management stakeholders to support and make decisions and recommendations to political officials, agencies, and institutions as well as procedural direction for fire managers of the fire management agencies. Develop guidelines and regulations and provide training for controlled burning in the small holder sector (controlled fire use; only applicable in non-peat areas) Conduct regular resource assessments (equipment conditions) and provide competent fire control staff To provide and implement the technical means for and carry out pre-suppression activates such as fuel breaks, green belts in their Ensure that rehabilitation programs support respective jurisdiction (protected forest and community welfare estate crop) and to ensure and enforce that land owners implement pre-suppression and suppression measures Ensure interconnected fire management budget plans of respective land management agencies Assess fire impact on environmental/ ecological scales (ecosystem and biodiversity loss, carbon emission "green house gases" etc.) in order to provide recommendations for rehabilitation. Develop fire free income programs through research and implement and magnify them through respective extension work Provide and maintain necessary detection, communication & response infrastructure to ensure communication and standard interagency fire reporting from and to all levels To implement the capacities, coordination and cooperation mechanism to respond to (large scale) fire events Ensure timely follow-up actions to program reviews, fire prevention and preparedness review, fire operation plans review, cooperation and interagency agreements etc. Monitor and assess air pollution and issue warnings accordingly Prepare operational Fire Prevention Mobilization Plan (FPMP) to make the prevention resource mobilization more effective and efficient in the course of increasing fire danger. This includes the preparation and maintenance of fire prevention data base (material and personnel) and development of communication, coordination and cooperation mechanism (cooperative agreements with adjoining fire agencies, communities and concession/estate crop holders) to massively and widely disseminate Prepare operational Fire Suppression Mobilization Plan (FSMP) to make the resource mobilization more effective and efficient in the case of fire emergency. This includes the preparation and maintenance of fire suppression/prevention data base and develop communication, coordination and cooperation mechanism (cooperative agreements with adjoining fire agencies, communities and concession/estate crop holders) to respond to (large scale) fire events Enforce zero burning policy and laws/regulations and permits for fire control and fire use. Enforce fire management plans and capacities at concession, plantation and mining company level.. Ensure the proper coordination amongst the fire management stakeholders through regular work and coordination meetings Identifying specialized fire positions and qualifications and accordingly develop capacity building program for system, organisational and individual level Ensure fire preventive measures through proper land use planning and by acknowledging land use rights Main support agencies Meteorological service, LAPAN, Forestry department, National Land Agency, Police, Respective internet sources for weather, smoke etc. information Environmental, Education and Health services, Bapedalda, Kesbanglinmas, Agriculture services, Environmental Education Network, BKD, Perhubungan, PU, Planning Services, Mining services. Kesbanglinmas, Hansip Forestry, Estate Crop, Agriculture services, National Land Agency, Social service Bappeda and fire/land management agencies Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, Readiness level for Fire Management references Determination of Readiness Level follows Fire Danger Rating, Weather forecasting, Hotspot, Smoke-Haze conditions, and Fire Management Activities normal Main fire management activities to be carried out by the main agents for fire management Level III Contoh Info Situasi Kebakaran Mingguan KalTim Level II Level I 1 Regularly monitor, analyse and process all information and reporting of fire data from city and district level through all available means Regularly monitor, analyse and process all information and reporting of fire data from city and district level through all available means Minimum 5 days a week monitor, analyse and process all information and reporting of fire data from city and district level through all available means 2 Disseminate fire information regularly to all relevant stakeholders Disseminate fire information regularly to all relevant stakeholders Disseminate fire information minimum 5 days a week to all Disseminate fire information daily to all relevant relevant stakeholders stakeholders 3 Planning and budgeting of fire management activities predominate and up dating of the Provincial Fire Suppression/Prevention Mobilization (FSPM) plan Budget for fire management activities is in place and FSPM is up to date Based on fire information and instructed by political leaders the Fire Suppression/Prevention Budget for fire management activities is in place and FSPM Mobilization (FSPM) plan takes place to suppress is up to date all vegetation fires in the province and additional (oncall) budget is available 4 No patrols or tactical detection necessary Patrols or tactical detection performed as needed by local conditions Patrols and tactical detection occur minimum 5 days per week 5 Ensure all suppression equipment is “fire ready” and maintained All suppression personal and equipment must be “fire Ensure all suppression personal and equipment is “fire ready” and slip-on Engines and pick-up trucks fully ready” and maintained equipped with initial attack equipment All suppression personal and equipment must be “fire ready” and slip-on Engines and pick-up trucks fully equipped with initial and extended attack equipment 6 Vegetation fires suppressed if threaten specific resource values/ improvements Vegetation fire suppressed if threaten specific resource values/ improvements Initial attack on fires that escape pre-planned boundaries and if threaten specific resource values/ improvements Instructed by political leaders the Fire Suppression Mobilization (FSM) plan takes place to suppress all vegetation fires in the province 7 Develop fire prevention awareness/education strategies and continue the on-going prevention programs Begin “targeting” fire prevention programs to “risk” areas (socialization of laws & regulations, prevention campaign, extension program's to local farmers etc) Focus fire prevention programs to areas where fires are occurring and other “high risk” areas Focus fire prevention programs to areas where fires are occurring and other “high risk” areas 8 Continuous training of staff for fire information, suppression and prevention Begin annual refresher training for fire suppression and prevention staff Inform and advise political leaders on possible need for “burning ban” if conditions worsen and discourage local community from using fire for land-clearing Political leaders have to issue a “Burning Ban” and strict law enforcement measures have to take place 9 Contoh Pedoman Penentuan Kriteria Siaga Kebakran Hutan dan Lahan Propsini Kalimantan Timur Daily monitor, analyse and process all information and reporting of fire data from city and district level through all available means Patrols and detection occur every day normal 1 2 Environmental services Information & Prepare routine fire information budgeting based on the following activities Level III Budget for fire information activities is in place Level II Budget for fire information activities is in place Level I Prepare a monthly fire situation report of the province/districts Prepare a weekly fire situation report of the that includes: province/district that includes Prepare a daily fire situation report of the province/districts Prepare twice a day fire situation report of the that includes province/districts that includes t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. Daily determined readiness level based on fire information (mentioned above) and according to readiness determination guideline Daily determined readiness level based on fire information (mentioned above) and according to readiness determination guideline Actively request fire reports from the respective land management agencies Actively request fire reports from the respective land management agencies Fire information is being reported directly or indirectly to the agency responsible for the area that is on fire, or the closest security agencies by using any kind of communication means Fire information is being reported directly or indirectly to the agency responsible for the area that is on fire, or the closest security agencies by using any kind of communication means 3 Regularly determined readiness level based on fire information Weekly determined readiness level based on fire (mentioned above) and according to readiness determination information (mentioned above) and according to guideline readiness determination guideline 4 Training to new personal and additional training Continuous training of staff for fire information, suppression and prevention 5 Review and improve fire reporting system Actively request fire reports from the respective land management agencies 6 Fire information is being reported directly or indirectly to Prepare information dissemination commando structure and the agency responsible for the area that is on fire, or list of involved fire management parties that include person in the closest security agencies by using any kind of charge, telephone number, e-mail, facsimile. communication means 7 Prepare and up-date fire equipment and personal data bank 8 Request and compile digital spatial data (land cover, infrastructure, settlements & transmigrations, land use & land tenure boundaries) from the respective land management agencies 9 Analyze historical fire statistics based on fire reports and burn scar maps based on satellite information and prepare in combination with digital land use data seasonal fire risk maps 10 Implement existing law enforcement team consisting of the adequate personal (list of people, phone number, institutions etc.) and develop investigation procedures based on the current and actual laws and regulations Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references Budget for fire information activities is in place Pedoman Penentuan Kriteria Siaga Kebakran Hutan dan Lahan Propsini Kalimantan Timur Contoh Info Situasi Kebakaran Mingguan KalTim Pedoman Penentuan Kriteria Siaga Kebakran Hutan dan Lahan Propsini Kalimantan Timur Analysis and law enforcement Contoh data base untuk SumSel disediakan oleh SSFFMP Conduct fire investigation surveys based on fire information Conduct fire investigation surveys based on fire information Conduct fire investigation surveys based on fire information normal 1 Prepare routine fire prevention budgeting based on the following activities 2 Based on the fire causes prepare prevention strategy and program. 3 Establish Community based Fire Management program such as: Level III Budget for fire information activities is in place Level II Budget for fire information activities is in place Level I Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references Budget for fire information activities is in place CBFiM concept East Kalimantan, Materi Pelatihan Pemadam Kabakaran Hutan SSFFMP t Pembentukan Regu Pemadam di desa-desa. t Pelatihan Dasar Pengelolaan Kebakaran. t Penyediaan bantuan peralatan pemadam kebakaran t Pemberian insentif lain (income generating activities) t Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Kebakaran t Pelatihan Kelembagaan Organisasi Tingkat Desa (Institutional Strengthening)\ Makalah: "Peraturan Kampung Sebagai Salah Satu Bentuk Pelaksanaan otonomi kampung " oleh E. Marbyanto , CBFiM concept East Kalimantan t Penyusunan Peraturan Desa (Legal Drafting) t Monitoring Regu Pemadam Kebakaran t Pelatihan Training of Trainer (TOT) Pengelolaan Kebakaran. 4 Prepare Fire Prevention Mobilisation Plan (FPMP) that include t the preparation of fire prevention data base (trained extension workers, teachers, Boy Scout, relevant NGOs) that include also the available prevention material resources Forest/Agriculture/ Estate Crop t develop communication, coordination and cooperation mechanism Prevention services t establish cooperative agreements with adjoining fire agencies, communities and concession/estate crop holders and other relevant parties 5 Develop and review training programs and provide training of trainer for school teachers, agricultural extension workers, land management company staff, religious village 6 Identify, design and produce prevention/environmental education and fire information material (school curriculum, booklet, flyer, poster, Si Pongi comic books, etc.) 7 Apply prevention material through campaign and extension programs to schools and communities Intensify socialization of prevention material and Continuous socialization of prevention material and Highly intensify socialization of prevention material and conduct extension of fire prevention activities in areas conduct extension of fire prevention activities in conduct extension of fire prevention activities in areas with with high fire risk (according to fire information areas with high fire risk (according to fire high fire risk (according to fire information analysis) analysis) information analysis) 8 Produce and install public boards concerning fire prevention information Install and maintain boards concerning fire prevention information Install and maintain boards concerning fire prevention information Install and maintain boards concerning fire prevention information Material from SSFFMP, MoF, UPTD-KalTim 9 Produce short TV spot and prevention messages about the negative economic, ecologic and social impact of fire. Advertised and air the prevention messages in the press media and TV stations. Continuously advertised and air the prevention messages in the press media and TV station. Continuously advertised and air he prevention messages in the press media and TV station. Material from SSFFMP, MoF, UPTD-KalTim Stop agriculture burning Stop agriculture burning Pembakaran terkendali oleh E. Marbyanto berdasarkan Sk Dirjen Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam No. 47/KPTS/DJVI/1997 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pembakaran Terkendali., Refresher training for extension worker etc. Material from SSFFMP, MoF, UPTD-KalTim Develop and review guidelines/regulations and provide training Patrol areas of smallholder agriculture fire use and 10 for controlled burning in the small holder sector (fuel break, supervise farmers in controlled burning green belt, suppression techniques) 11 Prepare and review participative village/land use planning map for sustainable village development Develop fire free income programs through research and 12 implement and magnify them through respective extension work SSFFMP examples Establishment of field examples on income generating activities as part of fire prevention measures-SSFFMP material normal 1 Prepare routine and on-call fire preparedness budgeting based on the following activities 2 Prepare operational Fire Suppression Mobilization Plan (FSMP) to make the resource mobilization more effective and efficient to respond to (large scale) fire events and fire emergency. This include: t data collection and preparation and maintenance of fire suppression data base (equipment, personnel Level III Budget for fire preparedness and pre-suppression activities is in place Level II Level I Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references Budget for fire preparedness and pre-suppression activities On call budget for fire suppression activities is in is in place place and additional (on call) budget is available South Sumatra Mobilisation Plan from 1999, Mobilisation Plan Kutai Barat 2001 Check all fire suppression equipment and readiness of the fire crews t develop communication, coordination and cooperation mechanism t establish cooperative agreements with adjoining fire agencies, communities and concession/estate crop holders and other relevant parties Forest (include. BKSDA) and Estate t Set up regional fire command posts (POSKO) with sufficient trained personal, equipment and communication tools Pembentukan Pusat Pengendalian Kabakaran Hutan Daerah oleh UPTD Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan die Kalimantan Timur, Material from SSFFMP 3 Prepare and review fire management plans, as well as Conduct simulation on fire response/initial attack operational plans for POSKO. scenario Operational Plan examples from SSFFMP, Kaltim and other countries 4 Conduct regular resource assessments of the equipment conditions, logistics, look out towers, purchase new equipment if necessary and provide trained fire control staffs 5 Request up to date land use, fire risk information, maps etc. from district and provincial level 6 Supervise and control the pre-suppression activates such as fuel breaks, green belts in the respective area. 7 Prepare and review guideline of fire management and supervise / control the fire management plans and capacities of concession/plantation holders 8 Conduct refresher training and training for new crews Continuous training of staff for fire suppression 9 Develop a detection network using fire crew patrols and villager reports Patrols or tactical detection performed as needed by local conditions Preparedness crop Services Examples from SSFFMP, UPTD-Kaltim Ensure that fire breaks are maintained and cleared Patrols and tactical detection occur minimum 5 days per week Patrols and detection occur every day Request (from Fire Information unit) or prepare, review maps 10 of the area of responsibility (initial response area) showing the following locations: t Security posts) t Road, river network (closed or open) t Pre-established fire breaks t Water points – mark on map and ground t Natural reserves/riparian strips/conservation areas t Community residential and agricultural areas t Topography t Offices, residences, company infrastructure/buildings t Vegetation cover/fuel loads/fire hazard/fire risk t Land Use, administrative boundaries t Warning sign boards normal 1 Level III Level II Budget for fire suppression activities is in place and additional (on call) budget is available Level I Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references Budget for fire suppression activities is in place and additional (on call) budget is available Prepare routine fire suppression budgeting Budget for fire suppression activities is in place All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line duties will complete annual refresher training All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line duties will All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line duties will complete annual refresher training complete annual refresher training All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line duties will complete annual refresher training Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for fire-fighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for fire-fighter mobilisation, fire response procedures for fire-fighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack Incident Command System organisation and Initial and extended attack or large, multi-day fire fighting efforts attack (Fire Suppression/Prevention Plan) Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for fire-fighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack and extended attack or large, multi-day fire fighting efforts (Fire Suppression/Prevention Plan) Mopping up and Patrol Mopping up and Patrol Forest (include. BKSDA) and Estate Suppression crop services 2 3 Mopping up and Patrol Many SOP examples for fire operations are available such as from SSFFMP, East Kalimantan, other countries etc. Planning services (land management Rehabilitation 1 Each agency prepares fire rehabilitation budgeting based on burned area assessment and land use development plans 2 Coordinate and oversee the rehabilitation measures of the respective land management agencies: Site Selection and identification of future land use 3 Prepare the fire preventive rehabilitation measures 4 Prepare the rehabilitation programs to support the communities 1 Initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings 2 Collect data base and overall fire information to monitor and control preparedness quality and anticipate up coming long dry season and/or El Nino events 3 Prepare the cooperation policy among the fire management agencies 4 Observe and protect the communities from the certain area closed to the fire and evacuated them if necessary 5 Ensure dissemination and installation of fire danger awareness and warning information 6 Evaluation of the fire activities implementation agencies) Disaster management services Coordination of interagency fire management activities Monthly initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Biweekly Initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Weekly initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Example of Interagency Standards for fire and fire aviation Operations 2003 from USA, book available at SSFFMP, Example of Draft ASEAN agreement on regional interagency cooperation Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 5 Draft Fire Management Master Plan (Indonesian) - 30 - Draft Master Plan Pengelolaan Kebakaran untuk Sumsel Peraturan, Peran dan Fungsi dalam Struktur Multi Pihak Pengelolaan Kebakaran Dokumen ini bermaksud menyediakan pedoman dan referensi untuk pengelolaan kebakaran terpadu yg konsisten dalam pelaksanaannya baik itu dari pemerintah atau lembaga lain yang bermain peran dalam pengelolaan kebakaran. Dokumen tersebut seharusnya diperbaharui dan dirubah secara rutin apabila diperlukan oleh team pemerintah setahun sekali untuk memperbaharui kebijakan, peran, tanggung jawab dan pendelegasian otoritas. Definisi umum pengelolaan kebakaran: Pengelolaan kebakaran hutan dan Lahan adalah sebuah cara struktur/ kegiatan yg memperhatikan perlindungan masyarakat, tanah milik dan areal hutan dan lahan dari kebakaran vegetasi yg tidak diinginkan, dan penggunaan api sbg alat untuk mencapai tujuan pengelolaan kebakaran ; semuanya terkait dgn kriteria lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi. Kegiatan pengelolaan Kebakaran meliputi: Perencanaan, Kesiapsiagaan, Pencegahan, Pemadaman, Penegakan hukum, Penggunaan Api, Restorasi dan Rehabilitasi, Monitoring, Penelitian dan Pendidikan serta akan dilaksanakan sebagai dasar peningkatan kerjasama antar lembaga dan rekan lainnya. t Kerjasama antar lembaga merupakan alat tercapainya tujuan program pengelolaan kebakaran. Kemampuan suatu lembaga perorangan dalam melaksanakan program pengelolaan kebakaran sangat terbatas tanpa adanya koordinasi dan bantuan dari organisasi lainnya. Kerjasama dan koordinasi antar lembaga berbagi sumber daya dan kegiatan bersama adalah penting untuk seluruh tingkatan organisasi. Pemahaman peran dr masing-masing lembaga disetiap tingkatan juga penting untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan dr koordinasi antar lembaga dan memastikan setiap lembaga bertanggung jawab penuh. t Setiap lembaga harus yakin akan kemampuan masing-masing dlm penyediaan efektifitas biaya pengelolaan kebakaran untuk mendukung rencana pengelolaan sumber daya dan lahan melalui perencanaan yg tepat, staf, pelatihan dan peralatan. Rencana kesiapsiagaan harus tercapai tiap tahunnya di semu organisasi. Ketika kondisi melebihi dr normal kebakaran tahunan, perencanaan yg matang harus dikembangkan untuk memperhatikan kebutuhan lembaga tingkatan lokal, propinsi dan nasional. Syarat minimal yg harus digunakan untuk struktur pengelolaan kebakaran : t unt a ti uk ngkatan Lembaga-lembaga akan bekerja bersama-sama dengan rekan kerja atau dengan kelompok yg efektif atau perorangan dlm program pencegahan berdasarkan ilmu dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki dengan mengaris bawahi penyebab kebakaran (alasan menyalakan api). t Lembaga-lembaga seharusnya menggunakan proses perencanaan kompetible, mekanisme keuangan, pelatihan, permintaan qualifikasi, prosedur operasional, program pendidikan umum dan program peningkatan untuk semua kegiatan pengelolaan kebakaran t Setiap manajer dan instansi penggunan lahan perlu Perencanaan Pengelolaan Kebakaran yang strategis perencanaannya untuk mendifinisikan program pengelola kebakaran. Perencanaan Pengelola Kebakaran harus mencakup pasukan pemadam, penyuluh pencegahan dan keselamatan umum termasuk strategi pengelolaan kebakaran, taktik, sumber-sumber yg dilindungi, isu umum kesehatan. Tujuan pengelolaan tsb haruslah konsisten berdasarkan sumber-sumber serta peraturan dan hukum lingkungan yang ada. t Keseluruhan kerangka kerja internasional dalam pengelolaan kebakaran diberikan dlm rangka: Pemahaman pengetahuan dan informasi merupakan tolak ukur yg diperlukan dalam mendukung pengelolaan kebakaran yang dikembangkan melalui program ilmu pengetahuan antar lembaga kebakaran. t Komitmen dari pemerintah Indonesia memberikan kontribusi untuk melaksanakan komitmen dalam konferensi Internasional kehutanan dari UNCED (Konferensi PBB dalam Pengembangan Lingkungan), AGENDA 21, Bab 9, (Perlindungan Atmospir), Bab 11, (kombinasi deforestation) dan Bab 15 (Konservasi d Diversity) dan tindak lanjut proses (Komisi Pengembangan Berkelanjutan/Commission on Suitainable Development-CDS) bahwa Indonesia merupakan bagian dan harus mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip yg ada didalamnya. Salah satu kunci perjanjian adalah mengadopsi dr pertemuan di Rio yaitu Convention Bi olog (CBD) bahwa telah jelas dalam Biodiversity Action Plan utk Indonesia. Anggota dr perjanjian Asap antar ASEAN / Member of ASEAN Haze agreement. t Menyediakan kebijakan, layanan, pedoman, koordinasi dan dukungan kepada seluruh stakeholder pengelolaan kebakaran yang ada dipropinsi dengan tujuan pencegahan, pemadaman, dan monitoring kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Misi ini tercapai melalui penyebaran secara terus menerus ttg perkiraan i ada, penyediaan pelatihan, pengembangan perjanjian kerjasama dan melalui berbagi perlengkapan pemadam kebakaran, peralatan dan personil utk efesien fasilitas dan efektif biaya pengelolaan kebakaran. rBi nfor t ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution t PP No. 45 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perlindungan Hutan, BAB III Perlindungan Hutan dari Kebakaran. Secara legal keseluruhan tanggung-jawab kerangka kerja pengelolaan kebakaran telah tertuang dalam prinsipprinsip tugas Bakornas sesuai dgn peraturan dan hukum yg berlaku pad lampiran 1. t PP No. 4 Tahun 2001 Tentang Pengendalian Kerusakan dan Atau Pencemaran Lingkungan Hidup yang Berkaitan dengan Kebakaran Hutan dan atau Lahan t Keppres No. 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi t Keppres No. 111 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perubahan Keppres No. 3 Tahun 2001 Tentang Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi. t Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 131 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pedoman Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi di Daerah t Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 131 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pedoman Penanggulangan Bencana dan Penanganan Pengungsi di Daerah Visi keseluruhan pengelolaan kebakaran di prop. Sumsel dan terkait dgn struktur organisasi pengelolaan kebakaran (PUSDALKARHUTLA) dapat sbb : Beroperasional dan berfungsinya secara efesiensi organisasi pengelolaan kebakaran yang mana terintergasi dlm tanggung jawab pokok instansi pemerintah temasuk swasta dan stakeholder desa untuk menimalisasi kebakaran hutan dan lahan dan melindungi kehidupan, perumahan dan lingkungan. Misi keseluruhan pengelolaan kebakaran di prop. Sumsel dan terkait dgn struktur organisasi pengelolaan kebakaran (PUSDALKARHUTLA) dapat sbb : Menyediakan kebijakan, layanan, pedoman, koordinasi dan dukungan kepada seluruh stakeholder pengelolaan kebakaran yang ada dipropinsi dengan tujuan pencegahan, pemadaman, dan monitoring kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Misi ini tercapai melalui penyebaran secara terus menerus dari perkiraan informasi kebakaran yg ada, penyediaan pelatihan, pengembangan perjanjian kerjasama dan melalui berbagi perlengkapan pemadam kebakaran, peralatan dan personil utk efesien fasilitas dan efektif biaya pengelolaan kebakaran. t Melindungi kehidupan, properti dan sumber daya alam/budaya diantara kedua batas lahan administrasi lembaga. t Mencegah dan investigasi seluruh kebakaran (yg disebabkan manusia) yg tidak diinginkan. t Meminimalisasi kerusakan dr kebakaran yg tidak diinginkan antara tujuan kerangka kerja penggunaan lahan dan rencana pengelolaan sumber daya t Promosi pendekatan antar lembaga sebagai dasar pengelolaan kebakaran yang berkelanjutan Tujuan Pengelolaan Kebakaran untuk setiap lembaga pengelola lingkungan dan lahan dapat dijabarkan sbb: t Promosi pemahaman secara politik dan umum tentang tujuan dan program pengelolaan kebakaran. t Restorasi dan rehabilitasi hilangnya sumber-sumber atau kerusakan dr kegiatan pemadaman kebakaran t Mengorganisasikan staf kebakaran utk dapat melamar (mendapatkan posisi) dlm profesional standar yg tinggi dan sbg tenaga ahli tehnik. t Mengadakan penelitian untuk benar-benar memahami tingkah laku api, efeknya, ekologi dan pengelolaannya. t Pengelolaan kebakaran terpadu melalui proses perencanaan seluruh tingkatan spt. perencanaan tata guna lahan dan anggaran, dll. Instansi utama dlm pengelolaan kebakaran adalah : Instansi pendukung utama secara keseluruhan dlm efesiensi pengelolaan kebakaran setiap harinya adalah : Integrasi tugas/jasa dr instansi pendukung dlm pengelolaan kebakaran Sektor Kehutanan, Lingkungan Hidup, Perkebunan, Pertanian dan Penanggulangan Bencana Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Badan Pertanahan Nasional Regular perhitungan dan penyebaran Data GIS dlm tata guna lahan dan hak batas Penilaian Bahaya Kebakaran (FDR), cuaca administrasi, infrastruktur, dll. dan ramalan iklim (El Nino) Instansi dukungan dalam skala bencana kebakaran besar ABRI, Perhubungan, ORARI, PU, Koordinasi keseluruhan dari semua instansi Pedoman dan Peraturan dari Badan Koordinasi Bencana Badan Perencanaan Dinas Pendidikan Rencana program dan anggaran, semuanya Kurikulum pencegahan lingkungan/kebakaran dan terintergrasi (berkelanjutan) dalam rencana tata guna program pengajaran lahan Dinas Kesehatan Polisi dan Kejaksaan Informasi dan peningkatan penyadaran tentang dampak negatif dr Legal investigasi dan penegakan hukum asap-kabut ology ical Diversity masi kebakaran yg Unsur-unsur Fungsional dan Tugas-tugas utama yg diperlukan dalam Pengelolaan Kebakaran Komponen utama dalam pengelolaan kebakaran Informasi, Pemantauan dan Penegakan hukum Pencegahan Kesiapsiagaan Pra-pemadaman dan pemadaman Sektor Kehutanan (termasuk BKSDA) Sektor Kehutanan (termasuk BKSDA) Sektor Kehutanan (termasuk /Pertanian/Perkebunan /Pertanian/Perkebunan BKSDA) /Pertanian/Perkebunan Rehabilitasi Koordinasi kegiatan antar lembaga pengelola kebakaran Instansi utama yang bertanggung jawab ditiga tingkatan administrasi (nasional, propinsi Sektor Lingkungan Sektor Perencanaan Daerah Sektor Penanggulangan Bencana dan kab./kota) Membangun proses efektif untuk mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan mengkomunikasikan data yg relevan dan penginformasian utk memonitoring vegetasi kebakaran dan juga yg terkait dgn asap-kabut, mengidentifikasikan dan memetakan/inventarisasi areal rawan kebakaran utk para manajer, superviser dan karyawan-karyawan. Mengembangkan strategi Pengelolaan Kebakaran berbasis Masyarakat dan pedoman pelaksanan kpd mereka. Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan Menyebarkan tingkat siaga (kesiapsiagaan) berdasarkan penyuluha/peningkatan program lingkungan untuk informasi kebakaran utk mengetahui keadaan dan prediksi mendidik masyarakat tentang dampak negatif situasi/penilaian kebakaran sehubungan dengan langkah apa dari kebakaran dan asap terkait dgn kesehatan yg harus diambil. dan ekonomi. Tujuan dan Tugas Utana Menyediakan rencana pengelolaan kebakaran (pedoman, peta-peta, SOP yg lengkap) utk kegiatan pengelolaan kebakaran yg disesuaikan dg penentuan tingkat kesiagaan. Pelaksanaan rencana pengelolaan/pemadaman kebakaran berdasarkan standar SOP Menyediakan dan melaksanakan secara fisik Mennyiapkan dan melaksanakan rencana operasional dan teknik kemampuan pemadaman dini termasuk pusat lokasi pengiriman, struktur komando termasuk pendiktesian yg cepat, patroli, dan dan komunikasi, kerjasama dilapangan (pelatihan, pelaporan kebakaran (rencana tindak lanjut informasi, pencegahan,dll). mobilisasi). Memastikan komunikai berjalan singkat dan jelas di semua tingkatan dan aktif menyebarkan informasi kebakaran yg diperlukan untuk stakeholder pengelolaan kebakaran utama untuk mendukung dan membuat keputusan dan rekomendasi kpd para elit politik, lembaga dan instansi termasuk pengaturan prosedur untuk para manajer kebakaran dr lembaga pengelola kebakaran. Mempersiapkan pedoman pearaturan desa dan melaksanakan pelatihan pengendalian kebakaran Melaksanakan regular pendekatan sumber daya dalam sektor lingkup kecil (kontrol penggunaan (kondisi peralatan) dan menyediakan staf api, hanya bisa dilaksanakan di daerah yg nonpengendalian kebakaran yg kompoten gambut) Perkiraan dampak kebakaran dlm skala lingkungan/ekologikal (hilangnya ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati, pengeluaran karbon/carbon emission, "green house gases" dll) dlm kaitannya untuk pengrekomendasian rehabilitasi Mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan program pendapatan gratis (free income) melalui penelitian dan penambahan pendapatan masyarakat melalui perpanjangan kerja masing-masing. Menyediakan dan memelihara penditeksian yang Kemampuan melaksanakan mekanisme diperlukan, komunikasi dan infrakstruktur respon untuk koordinasi dan kerjasama untuk merespon memastikan komunikasi dan pelaporan antar lembaga (dlm skala besar) yg tepat. dari semua tingkatan berjalan. Memonitoring dan perkiraan polisi udara beserta peringatan isu-isu yg sesuai. Menyiapkan Rencana Mobilisasi Pencegahan Kebakaran utk membuat sumber mobilisasi lebih efektif dan efesien dlm keadaan darurat kebakaran. Ini termasuk juga persiapan dan pemeliharaan data dasar pencegahan kebakaran, mengembangkan mekanisme koordinasi dan kerjasama (perjanjian kerjasama dgn beberapa lembaga, masyarakat, dan perusahaan perkebunan/HPH) untuk penyebaran pesan pencegahan secara luas. Menyiapkan Rencana Mobilisasi Pemadaman Kebakaran utk membuat sumber mobilisasi lebih efektif dan efesien dlm keadaan darurat kebakaran. Ini termasuk juga persiapan dan pemeliharaan data dasar pencegahan dan pemadaman kebakaran, mengembangkan mekanisme koordinasi dan kerjasama (perjanjian kerjasama dgn beberapa lembaga, masyarakat, dan perusahaan perkebunan/HPH) utk merespon (dlm skala besar) kebakaran yg tepat. Melaksanakan kebijakandan hukum/peraturan tidak membakar dan ijin untuk menggunakan api Memastikan rencana dan kemampuan pengelolaan kebakaran di HPH/HTI, perkebunan dan pertambangan. Koordinasi dan mengawasi rehabilitasi luasan lahan dr lembaga pengelola kebakaran yg ditunjuk. Menyediakan diskripsi umum utk semua program/kegiatan yg diperlukan utk dapat berfungsi selama musim kebakaran Memastikan luasan rehabilitasi kebakaran dpt dicegah melalui perencaan tata guna lahan dan pengetahuan hak guna lahan Memastikan bahwa program pengelolaan kebakaran yg direncanakan oleh lembaga terkait terintegrasi dan saling mengisi/melengkapi untuk kesernegian dan menghindari adanya tumpang tindih dan kelebihan program. Menyediakan dan melaksanakan secara teknik pra-pemadaman seperti fuel break, Memastikan program rehabilitasi green belt di dalam yurisdiksi (hutan lindung, mendukung kesejahteraan perkebunan) dan memastikan serta masyarakat menjalankan pra-pemadaman dan pemadaman di pemilik lahan dilaksanakan. Memastikan rencana anggaran pengelolaan kebakaran terhubungi/terpenuhi satu sama lain dr lembaga pengelolaan lahan Memastikan koordiansi berjalan anatar stakeholder pengelola kebakaran melalui rapat koordinasi dan tugas sehari-hari. Mengidentifikasi spesialisasi dan kwalifikasi posisi kebakaran serta pengembangan program pembentukan kapasitas dalam sistem, organisasi dan tingkat individu. Lembaga Pendukung Utama BMG, LAPAN, Dept. Kehutanan, BPN, Polri, internet yg tersedia sbg sumber informasi cuaca, asap, dll. Dinas Lingkungan, Pendidikan dan Kesehatan, Jaringan Pendidikan Lingkungan (JPL), Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD), Dinas Pertambangan Bapedalda, Kesbanglinmas, Agriculture services, Perhubungan, PU Kesbanglinmas, Hansip, Private Sector Dinas Kehutanan, Perkebunan, Pertanian, BPN dan Dinas Sosial Bappeda and instansi pengelola kebakaran/lahan SOPs, Pedoman, contoh, Tingkatan Siaga berdasarkan data-data dan informasi-informasi kebakaran referensi, dll. yg. sudah ada Penetapan Tingkatan Siaga mengacu pada Fire Danger Rating, Prakiraan Cuaca, Titik Panas (Hotspot), Kondisi Asap dan Kabut, serta Kegiatan Contoh Pedoman Penentuan Kriteria Siaga Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Propisini Kalimantan Timur Kebakaran Contoh Info Situasi Kebakaran Mingguan KalTim Catatan : Penentuan Siaga normal Siaga III Siaga II Siaga I dikeluarkan/diintruksikan oleh para penanggung jawab pengelola Lahan, Hutan, pemerintah daerah Kabupaten/Kota, Propinsi Secara regular memonitor, menganalis dan memproses semua informasi dan laporan data kebakaran dari tingkatan kab./kota melalui semua alat yg tersedia Secara regular memonitor, menganalis dan memproses semua informasi dan laporan data kebakaran dari tingkatan kab./kota melalui semua alat yg tersedia Minimal 5 hari seminggu memonitor, menganalis dan memproses semua informasi dan laporan data kebakaran dari tingkatan kab./kota melalui semua alat yg tersedia Setiap hari memonitor, menganalis dan memproses semua informasi dan laporan data kebakaran dari tingkatan kab./kota melalui semua alat yg tersedia 2 Menyebarkan informasi kebakaran secara regular kpd semua stakeholder yg relevan Menyebarkan informasi kebakaran secara regular kpd semua stakeholder yg relevan Menyebarkan informasi kebakaran minimal 5 hari seminggu kpd semua stakeholder yg relevan Menyebarkan informasi kebakaran setiap hari kpd semua stakeholder yg relevan 3 Perencanaan dan anggaran pradominan kegiatan kebakaran dan memperbaharui data dr rencana Moblisasi Pencegahan/Pemadaman (FSPM) Propinsi Anggaran untuk kegiatan pengelolaan kebakaran tersedia dan data FSPM diperbaharui Anggaran untuk kegiatan pengelolaan kebakaran tersedia dan data FSPM diperbaharui Berdasarkan dr informasi kebakaran dan instruksi dr elit politik bahwa Mobilisasi Pencegahan/Pemadaman (FSPM) mengambil posisi dlm pemadaman semua kebakaran vegetasi di propinsi dan tambahan anggaran (on call) biaya tersedia. 4 Tidak dilakukannya patroli dan penditeksian langsung dilapangan Patroli atau diteksi taktis dilakukan apabila diperlukan tergantung pada kondisi lokal Patroli dan diteksi taktis dilakukan minimal 5 hari perminggu Patroli dan diteksi dilakukan setiap hari 5 Memastikan semua peralatan kebakaran siap digunakan dan terawat dgn baik. Memastikan semua personil dan peralatan kebakaran siap bergerak dan terawat dgn baik. Semua personil dan peralatan harus siap pakai serta mesin slip on dan truk pick up penuh dg alat sbg alat pemadaman awal/dini. Semua personil dan peralatan harus siap pakai dan mesin slip on unit dan truk pick up terisi dgn alat sbg alat pemadaman dini dan seterusnya 6 Pemadaman kebakaran vegetasi apabila mengancam spesifik thp sumber yg bernilai. Pemadaman kebakaran vegetasi apabila mengancam spesifik thp sumber yg bernilai. Pemadaman dini thp kebakaran sbg jalan keluar batas pra-perencanaan dan apabila mengancam thp spesifik sumber yg bernilai. Instruksi dari para pemimpin politik bahwa rencana Mobilisasi Pemadaman Kebakaran (FSM) telah siap utk memadamkan semua kebakaran vegetasi di propinsi. 7 Mengembangkan dan memperbaharui strategi peningkatan/pendidikan pencegahan kebakaran dan melanjutkan program pencegahan seterusnya Memulai "target" program pencegahan kebakaran di "areal rawan" (sosialisasi hukum dan peraturan, kampanye pencegahan, perpanjangan program thp petani lokal, dll) Fokus program pencegahan kebakaran untuk Fokus program pencegahan kebakaran untuk areal dimana api menyebar ke "areal yg tinggi areal dimana api menyebar ke "areal yg tinggi rawan" kebakarannya rawan" kebakarannya 8 Secara terus menerus melaksanakan pelatihan staf Memulai pelatihan penyegaran utk informasi, pencegahan dan pemadaman kebakaran pemadaman kebakaran 1 sampai dengan tingkatan Nasional. Sebagai contoh yaitu Kepala Taman Nasional, Bupati/Walikota, Gubernur sampai dengan Menteri dan apabila dirasa penting oleh Presiden. Kegiatan utama yg diperlukan 9 Menginformasikan dan memberikan saran kpd para pemimpin politik apabila diperlukan untuk Para pemimpin politik mengberitahukan mengambil tindakan "larangan membakar" "larangan membakar" dan perluasan penegakan dan mengurangi penggunaan api dlm hukum dilaksanakan pembukaan lahan oleh masyarakat lokal. normal 1 2 Environmental services enforcement Level I Prepare a monthly fire situation report of the province/districts that includes: Prepare a weekly fire situation report of the province/district that includes Prepare a daily fire situation report of the province/districts that includes Prepare twice a day fire situation report of the province/districts that includes t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. Weekly determined readiness level based on fire information (mentioned above) and according to readiness determination guideline Continuous training of staff for fire information, suppression and prevention Actively request fire reports from the respective land management agencies Fire information is being reported directly or indirectly to the agency responsible for the area that is on fire, or the closest security agencies by using any kind of communication means t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. t Hotspot information (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS etc.) t FDR information, weather/climate predictions 3 Regularly determined readiness level based on fire information (mentioned above) and according to readiness determination guideline 4 Training to new personal and additional training 5 Review and improve fire reporting system 6 Prepare information dissemination commando structure and list of involved fire management parties that include person in charge, telephone number, e-mail, facsimile. 7 Prepare and up-date fire equipment and personal data bank 8 Request and compile digital spatial data (land cover, infrastructure, settlements & transmigrations, land use & land tenure boundaries) from the respective land management agencies 9 10 Analyze historical fire statistics based on fire reports Implement existing law enforcement team Conduct fire investigation surveys based on Analysis and law Level II Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references Prepare routine fire information budgeting based on Budget for fire information activities is in place Budget for fire information activities is in place Budget for fire information activities is in place the following activities t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. Information & Level III t FDR information, weather/climate predictions t Wind t Smoke-haze and visibility information t Satellite imagery burn scar t El Nino forecasting t Fire reports of the districts, sub districts or local fire centres. Daily determined readiness level based on fire Daily determined readiness level based on fire information (mentioned above) and according information (mentioned above) and according to to readiness determination guideline readiness determination guideline Actively request fire reports from the respective land management agencies Fire information is being reported directly or indirectly to the agency responsible for the area that is on fire, or the closest security agencies by using any kind of communication means Pedoman Penentuan Kriteria Siaga Kebakran Hutan dan Lahan Propsini Kalimantan Timur Contoh Info Situasi Kebakaran Mingguan KalTim Pedoman Penentuan Kriteria Siaga Kebakran Hutan dan Lahan Propsini Kalimantan Timur Actively request fire reports from the respective land management agencies Fire information is being reported directly or indirectly to the agency responsible for the area that is on fire, or the closest security agencies by using any kind of communication means Contoh data base untuk SumSel disediakan oleh SSFFMP Conduct fire investigation surveys based on fire Conduct fire investigation surveys based on fire Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references 1 2 3 normal Prepare routine fire prevention budgeting based on the following activities Based on the fire causes prepare prevention Establish Community based Fire Management Level III Level II Level I Budget for fire information activities is in place Budget for fire information activities is in place Budget for fire information activities is in place CBFiM concept East Kalimantan, t Pembentukan Regu Pemadam di desa-desa. t Pelatihan Dasar Pengelolaan Kebakaran. t Penyediaan bantuan peralatan pemadam t Pemberian insentif lain (income generating t Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Kebakaran t Pelatihan Kelembagaan Organisasi Tingkat Desa (Institutional Strengthening)\ t Penyusunan Peraturan Desa (Legal Drafting) 4 Forest/Agricult t Monitoring Regu Pemadam Kebakaran t Pelatihan Training of Trainer (TOT) Pengelolaan Kebakaran. Prepare Fire Prevention Mobilisation Plan (FPMP) that include t the preparation of fire prevention data base (trained extension workers, teachers, Boy Scout, relevant NGOs) that include also the available prevention material resources t develop communication, coordination and cooperation mechanism Makalah: "Peraturan Kampung Sebagai Salah Satu Bentuk Pelaksanaan otonomi kampung " oleh E. Marbyanto , CBFiM concept East Kalimantan Forest/Agricult ure/Estate t establish cooperative agreements with adjoining fire agencies, communities and concession/estate crop holders and other relevant parties Prevention Crop services 5 6 7 8 9 Develop and review training programs and provide training of trainer for school teachers, agricultural extension workers, land management company staff, religious village Identify, design and produce prevention/environmental education and fire information material (school curriculum, booklet, flyer, poster, Si Pongi comic books, etc.) Apply prevention material through campaign and extension programs to schools and communities Produce and install public boards concerning fire prevention information Produce short TV spot and prevention messages about the negative economic, ecologic and social impact of fire. Refresher training for extension worker etc. Material from SSFFMP, MoF, UPTDKalTim Intensify socialization of prevention material and conduct extension of fire prevention activities in areas with high fire risk (according Install and maintain boards concerning fire prevention information Highly intensify socialization of prevention material and conduct extension of fire prevention activities in areas with high fire risk Install and maintain boards concerning fire prevention information Continuous socialization of prevention material and conduct extension of fire prevention activities in areas with high fire risk (according Install and maintain boards concerning fire prevention information Advertised and air the prevention messages in the press media and TV stations. Continuously advertised and air the prevention Continuously advertised and air he prevention messages in the press media and TV station. messages in the press media and TV station. Material from SSFFMP, MoF, UPTDKalTim Stop agriculture burning Pembakaran terkendali oleh E. Marbyanto berdasarkan Sk Dirjen Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam No. 47/KPTS/DJ-VI/1997 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pembakaran Terkendali., Material from SSFFMP, MoF, UPTDKalTim 10 Develop and review guidelines/regulations and provide training for controlled burning in the small holder sector (fuel break, green belt, suppression techniques) 11 Prepare and review participative village/land use planning map for sustainable village development SSFFMP examples 12 Develop fire free income programs through research and implement and magnify them through respective extension work Establishment of field examples on income generating activities as part of fire prevention measures-SSFFMP material normal 1 Prepare routine and on-call fire preparedness budgeting based on the following activities 2 Prepare operational Fire Suppression Mobilization Plan (FSMP) to make the resource mobilization more effective and efficient to respond to (large scale) fire events and fire emergency. This include: t data collection and preparation and maintenance of fire suppression data base (equipment, personnel t develop communication, coordination and cooperation mechanism Patrol areas of smallholder agriculture fire use and supervise farmers in controlled burning Level III Budget for fire preparedness and presuppression activities is in place Level II Budget for fire preparedness and presuppression activities is in place Stop agriculture burning Level I Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references On call budget for fire suppression activities is in place and additional (on call) budget is available South Sumatra Mobilisation Plan from 1999, Mobilisation Plan Kutai Barat 2001 Check all fire suppression equipment and readiness of the fire crews t establish cooperative agreements with adjoining fire agencies, communities and concession/estate crop holders and other relevant parties t Set up regional fire command posts (POSKO) with sufficient trained personal, equipment and communication tools 3 4 Forest (include. BKSDA) and Preparedness 5 Request up to date land use, fire risk information, maps etc. from district and provincial level 6 Supervise and control the pre-suppression activates Ensure that fire breaks are maintained and such as fuel breaks, green belts in the respective cleared area. 7 Prepare and review guideline of fire management and supervise / control the fire management plans and capacities of concession/plantation holders Estate crop Services Prepare and review fire management plans, as well Conduct simulation on fire response/initial as operational plans for POSKO. attack scenario Conduct regular resource assessments of the equipment conditions, logistics, look out towers, purchase new equipment if necessary and provide trained fire control staffs Pembentukan Pusat Pengendalian Kabakaran Hutan Daerah oleh UPTD Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan die Kalimantan Timur, Material from SSFFMP Operational Plan examples from SSFFMP, Kaltim and other countries Examples from SSFFMP, UPTDKaltim 8 9 10 Conduct refresher training and training for new crews Develop a detection network using fire crew patrols and villager reports Request (from Fire Information unit) or prepare, review maps of the area of responsibility (initial response area) showing the following locations: t Security posts) t Road, river network (closed or open) t Pre-established fire breaks t Water points – mark on map and ground t Natural reserves/riparian strips/conservation areas t Community residential and agricultural areas t Topography t Offices, residences, company infrastructure/buildings Continuous training of staff for fire suppression Patrols or tactical detection performed as needed by local conditions Patrols and tactical detection occur minimum 5 Patrols and detection occur every day days per week t Vegetation cover/fuel loads/fire hazard/fire risk t Land Use, administrative boundaries t Warning sign boards normal 1 Suppression Estate crop services 2 Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for fire-fighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack 3 1 Each agency prepares fire rehabilitation budgeting based on burned area assessment and land use development plans 2 Coordinate and oversee the rehabilitation measures of the respective land management agencies: Site Selection and identifcation of future land use 3 Prepare the fire preventive rehabilitation measures 4 Prepare the rehabilitation programs to support the communities Planning services (land management Rehabilitation agencies) 1 2 Disaster management services Budget for fire suppression activities is in place Level II Coordination of interagency fire Initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Collect data base and overall fire information to monitor and control preparedness quality and anticipate up coming long dry season and/or El Nino events 3 Prepare the cooperation policy among the fire management agencies 4 Observe and protect the communities from the certain area closed to the fire and evacuated them if necessary 5 Ensure dissemination and installation of fire danger awareness and warning information 6 Evaluation of the fire activities implementation management activities Level I Existing SOPs, guidelines, examples, references Budget for fire suppression activities is in place Budget for fire suppression activities is in place and additional (on call) budget is available and additional (on call) budget is available All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line duties All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line will complete annual refresher training duties will complete annual refresher training duties will complete annual refresher training Forest (include. BKSDA) and Prepare routine fire suppression budgeting Level III All agency fire personnel assigned to fire line duties will complete annual refresher training Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for firefighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for firefighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack and extended attack or large, multi-day fire fighting efforts (Fire Suppression/Prevention Plan) Fire suppression of unwanted vegetation fires based on fire response procedures for firefighter mobilisation, Incident Command System organisation and Initial attack and extended attack or large, multi-day fire fighting efforts (Fire Suppression/Prevention Plan) Mopping up and Patrol Mopping up and Patrol Mopping up and Patrol Monthly initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Biweekly Initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Weekly initiate and conduct regular interagency coordination meetings Many SOP examples for fire operations are available such as from SSFFMP, East Kalimantan, other countries etc. Example of Interagency Standards for fire and fire aviation Operations 2003 from USA, book available at SSFFMP, Example of DRAFt ASEAN agreement on regional interagency cooperation Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 6 Draft Fire Management Budget Plan - 31 - Estimate Cost Forest Fire Management Information & Analysis and Law Inforcement Activities No. 1 Amount Total Administration ; - 1 packet 4.000.000 4.000.000 1 packet 5.000.000 5.000.000 1 packet 5.000.000 5.000.000 1 packet 6.000.000 6.000.000 Documentation film, bateray, printing & film develop, cassetes, CD transfers, 1 packet 5.000.000 5.000.000 2 Office procurement computers, printer, plotter, GPS, scanner, including catriges/inks, 1 packet 100.000.000 100.000.000 3 Digital datas collected Maps produceds by GIS 1 packet 10.000.000 10.000.000 - Stationeries papers, folders, envelopes, pens, pencils, stapler, clips, stabiles, Copy and binding (data's, reporting,letters,etc) - Mailling and data/report distribution letters, fire information data / report - Meeting /Workshop / Seminar snacks and/or lunch - Forests, Plantations, HPH/HTI, and adm.boundaries, settlements, land cover, transmigrations datas Maps produceds 5 6 7 - Fire risk area maps - Land use village maps - Others Maintenances and services - Telephone and facsimile 12 months 1.000.000 12.000.000 - Internet / LC 12 months 5.000.000 60.000.000 - Computer, printer, plotter, etc 1 packet 10.000.000 10.000.000 - Weather stasion 1 packet 6.000.000 6.000.000 - Travel to Jakarta and others 5 person 4.750.000 23.750.000 - Within Sumsel 10 person 3.000.000 30.000.000 - Fields checking; hotspot checking, etc 20 person 1.500.000 30.000.000 - Computer plus data base, etc 1 packet 2.000.000 2.000.000 - GPS trainning 1 packet 2.000.000 2.000.000 - GIS training 1 packet 25.000.000 25.000.000 - Fire reporting system training 1 packet 5.000.000 5.000.000 - FDR training 1 packet 5.000.000 5.000.000 - English training 1 packet 20.000.000 20.000.000 packet 100.000.000 100.000.000 Travel Training Cost includes; Stationaries,training material copies, documentation, certificate, banner, invitations, etc. Transport Accomodation Foods Trainer fee/ speaker fee/ moderator fee Committee member fee Pocket money only for comunities 8 Law enforcement 1 investigation honorarium/insentives team travel expenses others; Total 465.750.000 Institutional Development for Integrated Fire Management in SumSel – Part II – December 2004 Appendix 7 Current Fire Management Structures in Indonesia - 32 - Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Kebakaran di Indonesia ? Kelembagaan di Indonesia saat ini WAKIL PRESIDEN NASIONAL KETUA BAKORNAS PB&P BAKORNAS PB&P MENKO KESRA SET BAKORNAS PB&P Dephut MNLH BMG, LAPAN, BPPT, Perg. Tinggi, BASARNAS, AU, dll Proyek BLN (EU, JICA, GTZ, ADB, dll)LSM DJ PKHA PUSDALOPS GUBERNUR PROPINSI KASATKORLAK Sek. SATKORLAK Satkorlak PB&P KesBangLinMas Balai KSDA BAPEDALDA DISHUT PROP BRIGDALKAR BUPATI KABUPATEN St.BMG, Perg. Tinggi, TNI/POLRI, Proyek BLN, LSM,dll. Seksi Wil. KSDA KASATLAK Sek. SATLAK Satlak PB&P BAPEDALKAB KesBangLinMas DISHUT KAB Balai TN Brigdalkar DAOPS DAOPS CAMAT KECAMATAN & DESA KAOPERASI Unit Operasi PB&P Kades/Lurah KAHANSIP/LinMAS Garis Kommando Garis Koordinasi Garis Regu Pemadaman Regu Damkar Lahan - Masyarakat Lahan/ Perkebunan Inti Rakyat Hutan lindung St.BMG, Perg. Tinggi, TIMSAR, AU, TNI/POLRI, Proyek BLN (EU, JICA, GTZ, ADB, dll). LSM Brigdalkarhut DAOPS Swasta (HPH/HTI/ Perkebunan) Hutan produksi/ Perkebunan LSM,Pramuka, TNI,POLR,I dll Kawasan Hutan Konservasi Kelembagaan Tingkat Nasional Ikut Bakornas PBP, 2000 Sektor Utama Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan/Lahan Masyarakat Pemerintah Menko Kesra & Taskin Ketua Bakornas PBP LH Pemantauan & Evaluasi Api, Asap, Dampak Lembaga daerah Bapedalda Pencegahan Pelaporan Pemadaman Sekretariat Bakornas PB Dephut Koordinasi darurat Api & Asap Operasi Pemadaman Kebakaran & Pencegahan LSM, Pramuka, dll. Lembaga daerah SATKORLAK/ SATLAK PBP Lembaga daerah DisHut/BKSDA Swasta Dukungan sumber daya dan informasi Kelembagaan Tingkat Nasional Ikut Bakornas PBP, 2000 LH Pemantauan & Evaluasi Api, Asap, Dampak Peringatan dini •Prediksi Cuaca •Prediksi Dispersi Asap •Peta Risiko •Peringkat Bahaya Kebakaran Diteksi •Diteksi Sateli Hotspot & Asap •Diteksi area kebakaran & Asap •Tracking Api & Asap •Investigasi Penyebab Kebakaran & Dampaknya Advokasi • Penegakan Hukum •Informasi Kajian Situasi •Kerjasama Regional (ASEAN agreement) •Advokasi/Evaluasi Repsons pemadaman Kelembagaan Tingkat Nasional Ikut Bakornas PBP, 2000 Dephut Operasi Pemadaman,Kebakaran & Pencegahan Pencegahan •Pendidikan & Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat •Perijinan Pengunan lahan: use of fire, control, responsibility •Mengelola bahan bakar •Insentif Ekonomi & administrasi Pemadaman • Pra-Pemadaman: Kesiapsiagan, diteksi lokal •Pemadaman dini dengan sumber sectoral •Pemadaman skala besar (extended attack) dengan sumber cross sectoral (Mobilisasi dan koordinasi dengan sektor lain Struktur organisasi Brigade Pengendalian Kebakaran (Mangala Agni) Menteri Kehutanan DIRJEN PHKA PUDALOPS-NAS Perencanaan Operasi Perencanaan Pemadaman Pasca Kebakaran Balai KSDA BRIGDALKARHUT Propinsi Seksi Wil. KSDA Seksi Wil. KSDA Balai/Unit TN BRIGDALKARHUT DAOPS I Kab. A,B, C BRIGDALKARHUT DAOPS II Kab. D, E, F, G BRIGDALKARHUT DAOPS TN Kawasan Hutan Struktur organisasi Brigade Pengendalian Kebakaran Propinsi PUSDALOPS-NAS Kepala Balai KSDA BRIGDALKARHUT Propinsi Perencanann Sumber Daya Mon., Analisis & Program SDM Pencegahan Regu DamKar Anggaran Logistik Yustisi Specialis Kerugian & Kompensasi Pencegahan & Pasca Kebakaran Pasca- KarHut BRIGDALKARHUT DAERAH OPERASI Operasi Pemadaman Struktur organisasi Brigade Pengendalian Kebakaran Wilayah KSDA Kepala Balai KSDA BRIGDALKARHUT Propinsi Kepala Seksi Wilayah KSDA BRIGDALKARHUT DAERAH OPERASI Perencanan Pencegahan & Yustisi Logistik Operasi Pemadaman Penyuluhan Peralatan Regu DamKar Pengelolaan Bahan Bakar Akomodasi & Konsumsi Sukarelawan Peringkatan & Deteksi Komunikasi Yustisi Transportasi UPTD (DisHut) Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan & Lahan Kalimantan Timur KEPALA UPTD PENGENDALIAN KEBAKARAN HUTAN dan LAHAN KASUBBAG TATA USAHA PERENCANAN & PROGRAM KEUANGAN UMUM KEPEGAWAIAN KEPALA SEKSI PENCEGAHAN DAN OPERASIONAL PENYULUHAN & PENDIDIDKAN LINGKUNGAN PENGENDALIAN KEBAKARAN BERBASIS MASYARAKAT KEPALA SEKSI MONITORING & EVALUASI PELATIHAN & PENGEMBANGAN OPERASIONAL, LOGISTIK & PERGUDANGAN PENGOLAHAN DATA PENGINDERAAN JAUH, SIG & INDEKS KEKERINGAN PENGUMPULAN, DISTRIBUSI & KOORDINASI INFORMASI Struktur kelembagaan Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Kabupaten Kutai Timur BUPATI BUPATI UPTD UPTDPKHL PKHL Kalimantan KalimantanTimur Timur Dinas DinasKehutanan Kehutanan// Lingkungan LingkunganHidup Hidup Dinas Dinas//Instansi InstansiTerkait Terkait Pelaku PelakuUsaha Usahadan danMasyarakat Masyarakat Kepala UPTD PKHL Bagian Tata Usaha Bagian Monitoring dan Evaluasi Bagian Operasional dan Pencegahan Regu Pemadam Regu Pemadam Regu Pemadam UPTD PKHL Kabupaten Kutai Timur Model Kelembagaan PKHL Kota Balikpapan UPTD-PKHL Samarinda Kelembagaan AD HOC Tk. Kota Leader: BAPEDALDA Member: Ktr. Pemadam Kebakaran KTR. PEMADAM KEBAKARAN UPTD Peredaran Hsl Hutan PERTAMINA UNOCAL UPT-PKHL KPK POKMAS CEGAH KARHUT BP HLSW UP-DIV PAM TOTAL INHUTANI BAKOM PKB Garis koordinasi/konsultasi Garis kendali dan komando Garis kendali dan komando internal Model 2 Kelembagaan Ad Hoc PKHL Kab. Kutai Penasehat Barat Garis Komando Bupati Garis Koordinasi Administrasi Dishut Bid. Informasi Humas Kab. ORARI Dishut Ketua Kadishut Danramil Bid. Pencegahan Dishut Distan Dis. Pemb. Masy. Dewan Adat LSM Keuangan Dishut Bid. Operasional Dishut Dishub Seksi Pengolahan Data dan Informasi Seksi Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Seksi Pemadaman Seksi Penyebaran Informasi Seksi Peraturan dan Perundang-undangan Seksi Logistik/ Peralatan Seksi Pengembangan Organisasi Seksi Mobilisasi & Prosedur Tetap Struktur organisasi Pusat Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan & Lahan (PUSDALKARHUTLA) di Riau PUSDALKARHUTLA Ketua Pengarah / Pembina Wakil Guburnur Riau Wakil Ketua MUSPIDA Riau Assis.Ekbang & Kesra Sekretaris bersama Instansi terkait Bidang Pemantauan & Pencegahan Dinas/ Instansi terkait Bidang Penanggulangan (Pemadaman) Bidang Penegakan Hukum (Yustisi) Dinas/ Instansi terkait Dinas/ Instansi terkait SATLAK DALKARHUTLA SATGAS DALKARHUTLA REGDAMKARHUTLA Propinsi Kabupaten/Kota Kecamatan Desa/Lokasi/Perusahaan Struktur SATKORLAK Bagaimana bisa jalan di dalam aspek PKHL…? Tingkat Nasional Bakornas PBP Sekretarias Bakornas Ketua Gubnr Tingkat Propinsi Gugus tugas khusus kebakaran Satkorlak PBP Sekretaris Pelaksana Harian KesBangLinMas Ketua Bpti/Wkota Anggota kebakaran dari pihak yg. terkait Gugus tugas khususTingkat kebakaran Satlak PBP Sekretaris Pelaksana Harian KesBangLinMas Ketua Camat Anggota kebakaran dari pihak yg. terakit Gugus tugas khususTingkat kebakaran Unit Operasi PBP Pelaksana Harian Pejabat Fungsi Linmas Kabupaten Regu-regu kebakaran Kecamatan Ketua Gubernur Struktur SATKORLAK di SumSel mengenai masalah kebakaran…. Ketua I Pangdem/Danrem Ketua II Kapolda/Kapolwil Sekretaris Pelaksana Harian SATKORLAK - KesBangLinMas Tata usaha Data & Informasi Logistik Operasi Tim Reaski Cepat (TRC) DisHut, Bapedalda, DisTrans, KesBangLinMas, BMG, Air force, SAR, DisKes,DisBun, DisHub, InfoKom, Badan Ketanahan ,ORARI, Swasta (PT PUSRI), PMI, YONIF 145, Pramuka. Rehabilitasi, rekonstruksi, relokasi GUGUS TUGAS Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan/Lahan 16 anggota + Ketua Usualan I Pusat Pengelolaan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Sumatra Selatan Tingkat Propinsi Ketua/Wakil Ketua Assisten II Bidang Secretariat Koordinator bidang: Dinas Kehutanan/Kesbanglinmas Bidang Pemantauan & Informasi & Yustisi Bidang Pencegahan & Penanggulangan Kordinator/Tangung Jawab: Bapedalda Kordinator/Tangung Jawab: Dinas Kehutanan Bidang Pemulihan Kordinator/Tangung Jawab: Perkebunan Sektor utama yang kerjasama didalam program 1 BMG 2 Dinas Kehutanan 3 Dinas Kesehatan 4 Infokom 5 POLDA & Jajaranya 6 PPNS yg. terkait 7 Biro Hukum & Ortala 8 Kejadi 1 Kesbanglinmas 1 Bappeda 2 BKSDA 2 DinKesSos 3 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 3 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 4 Dinas Transmigrasi & Pendukukan 4 Dinas Kehutanan 5 Dinas Pertambangan 6 PPDAS Musi 5 Bapedalda Usualan II Pusat Pengelolaan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Sumatra Selatan Tingkat Propinsi Ketua/Wakil Ketua Assisten II Bidang Secretariat Dinas Kehutanan/Kasi Penanggulangan Kebakaran Hutan Bidang Pemantauan & Informasi Bidang Pencegahan & Penanggulangan 1 Kepala BMG 1 Kepala Kesbanglinmas 2 Kepala Dinas Perhubungan 2 BKSDA 3 Kasubdin INTAG Kehutanan 3 Kepala Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 4 Technical Assistant GIS SSFFMP 4 Kepala Dinas Transmigrasi & Pendukukan 5 Kepala Dinas Pertambangan & Pengembangan 6 Kasubdin Proteksi Tanaman Dinas Perkebunan Bidang Pemulihan Bidang Yustisi/ Hukum 1 Kepala Dinas Perkebunan 1 Kabid Pemulihan Bapedlda 3 Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 2 Kadit Serse Polda 4 Kasubdin RHL Kehutanan 3 PPNS Kehutanan Usulan berdasakan diskusi Struktur Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kab. Muba SATLAK Pengeloloaan Kebakaran Bidang Pencegahan & Penyuluhan Pertanian Perkebunan Kehutanan Bidang Informasi & Monitoring & Yustisi Bapedalda Infokom Bagian Administrasi, Keuangan & Koordinasi KesBangLinMas Bidang Operasional & Penanggulangan PDE BKSDA Kehutanan Peraturan & Perundangan Pengumpulan & Pengelolaan data/informasi Mobilisasi Pelatihan, Penyuluhan & Sosialisasi Penyebaran & Pelaporan data/informasi Logisitk Penegakan Hukum Pemadaman Sumber bahan Pendidikan Disdik, dll. Sumber Informasi Kebakaran: BMG, LAPAN, JICA, ASMC, dll. Sumber regu-regu: Dishut, masyrakat, swasta dll. Konsep dasar Kelembagan Pengelolaan Kebakaran Hutan & Lahan di OKI Oki Pokja I Pencegahan & Penyuluhan Pemadaman & Pengendalian Restorasi & Rehabilitasi SSFFMP SSFFMP SSFFMP Dishutbun Kantor Linmas Disbun Kalinmas Disbun Dislinkup Pertanian Dislinkup Pertanian Perusahan Dinas Kesos Perusahsan Kantor Pertanbangan & LH Perusahaan Perkebunan & Kehutanan Camat Dinas Naker & Kesos ORMAS Kepala Desa Camat Lembaga Adat Kepala Desa Kelompok KTNA Organisasi Masyrakat (ORMAS) Konsep dasar Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Kebakaran Hutan & Lahan di Banyuasin Banyuasin Pokja I Pencegahan & Penyuluhan Pemadaman & Pengendalian Restorasi & Rehabilitasi Dishutbun PBK Kesbang & Linmas Bappeda Distan Regu Pemadam Kebakaran Perusahan Perkebunan & Kehutanan Dishutbun Kesbanglinmas Karhutla Dishutbun Perusahaan Perkebunan & Kehutanan Disdik PT. Expan PT. Exspan Kepala Desa Regu PBK Desa BPN Tokoh Masyrakat Masyarakat Distamben & LH