Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church
Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization to each other, our families and our community. Page 1 704-948-0231 St. Mark Parish Directory stmarknc.org14740 Stumptown Rd, Huntersville NC 28078 Parish Office | Mon-Fri, 9 am - 4:30 pm Phone: 704-948-0231; Fax: 704-948-8018 Pastor Very Rev. John T. Putnam, JV Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul D. McNulty Pastor Emeritus in Residence Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Bellow Deacons Rev. Mr. Louis Pais Rev. Mr. Robert Murphy Rev. Mr. Richard McCarron Rev. Mr. Thomas McGahey Rev. Dr. Ronald Sherwood Sacristan Daniel Pressley [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 211 Administrative Assistant Tricia McCaa [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 102 Pastoral Associate for HR and Outreach Barry McCaa [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 119 Finance Director Florence Moore 704-948-0231, Ext. 116 [email protected] Parish Accountant Karen Zaleski [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 121 Calendar Management Leanne Vaccaro [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 101 Music Ministry Laura Maclean, Director [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 106 Faith Formation Donna Smith, Director [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 104 Elementary Faith Formation and Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion Faye Nye, Coordinator [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 115 Middle School Ministry and Sacrament of Confirmation Mary Grace Alvord, Coordinator [email protected] 704-948-1306, Ext. 117 Middle School Activities Coordinator Open Position High School Ministry Coordinator J. Brian Kaup [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 105 Preschool Jane Petriella, Director [email protected] 704-948-8015 Ministry Coordinator Beth Zuhosky [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 136 Deaf Ministry Mary Sumeracki [email protected] 704-576-0675 (V/TTY) Young at Heart Ministry Open Position Hispanic Coordinator Belisario Solorzano [email protected] 704-948-4239 Wedding Director Kris Brodof [email protected] 704-806-4071 Pastoral Associate for Facilities and Planning Scott Bruno [email protected] 704-948-0231, Ext. 118 Evening Attendant Hank Stiene 980-333-3040 Al-Anon Lisa 704-651-1065 Alcoholics Anonymous Tom 704-604-7739 Bulletin Team [email protected] 704-948-0231 Mass Schedule Sunday Masses Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am (signed for the hearing impaired), 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 5 pm (High School Ministry Mass) Spanish: Misa en Español cada Domingo a la 1 pm y cada viernes a las 7 pm Daily Masses Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri., 7 and 9 am Wednesday 7 am and 6:30 pm; Saturday 9 am Holy Days: Vigil 7 pm before feast day, 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm on the feast day Nursery available during 9 and 11 am Masses serving children walking through Kindergarten. Confessions Wednesday following the evening Mass; Saturday 3—4:45 pm, or by appointment Rosary Tuesdays - Church; 7—7:30 pm Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration In the Monsignor Bellow Adoration Chapel in the Family Center. For more information email [email protected] Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Immediately following the Wednesday 6:30 pm Mass Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary Immediately following the Friday 9 am Mass Hospitalization If you or your loved one are in an area hospital, call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Baptisms & Weddings The use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events is available to active Parishioners. Contact the Parish Office. Natural Family Planning Joe and Kathy Hack Teaching Couple #1947 704-548-1834; [email protected] Crisis Pregnancy Help Pregnancy Hotline:1-800-848-LOVE Catholic Social Services: 704-370-3262 Birthright: 1-800-550-4900; 1-800-712-HELP Post Abortion: 1-800-5-WE CARE Page 2 From the Pastor Last week, we heard how Jesus was rejected in His native Nazareth. Our Gospel reading for this week from St. Mark occurs immediately after that incident. Rather than being dejected and becoming withdrawn, the Lord renewed His efforts to tell the Good News and to minister to people everywhere. In fact, as part of this renewed effort, He took the next step of using His Apostles to expand His Ministry and Build the Kingdom. “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two…So they went off and preached repentance.” This same summons applies to us today. Everyone is called to evangelization. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#849) includes a mandate that we all be missionaries. “Having been divinely sent to the nations that she might be ‘the universal sacrament of salvation,’ the Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men.” Our readings on this Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time examine this universal call to evangelization. The First Reading, from the Book of Amos, gives us insights into the prophet Amos. Amos was a shepherd and a farmer. He is an excellent example of the idea that all are called to evangelization. God can speak through each of us, in spite of our place in the world. Just as Amos was a farmer prophet, and Jesus included simple fishermen among His closest followers, we are expected to evangelize in our present situation, representing ourselves as Catholics and Christians. It is difficult to think of evangelization without thinking of St. Paul. Everything he did and everything he represented was a form of evangelization. The key to his success was the fact that he “preached not to please men, but to please God who tests our hearts.” (1 Thessalonians 2: 4) Today’s Second Reading from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds those to whom the letter was written, which includes us, that we are blessed “with every spiritual blessing in the heavens.” It is of great consequence that we understand that Paul speaks of “spiritual” blessings, not “material” blessings. Sometimes when we try to define stewardship in our lives we look mainly at our temporal or material blessings. Paul’s point to us is that our spiritual blessings are even greater, and just as Paul translated those blessings into a lifetime of evangelization, we are expected to do the same. In preaching redemption, as the Apostles did reflected by our Gospel reading from St. Mark, they were evangelizing, preaching the Good News. Much has been written about evangelization in recent years. Pope Paul VI in particular spoke and wrote extensively on it. In his document Evangelii Nuntiandi he stated, “Evangelization means to bring the Good News to all the straits of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new.” We need to follow Christ’s admonition to proclaim the Good News. That does not mean we need to preach on street corners, but it does mean we need to recognize that we more or less proclaim the Good News in every conversation we have with every person with whom we come in contact. If we invite Jesus into our lives, we must be willing to let others know how that invitation, the inclusion of the Lord in what we do, has had a positive effect on us. Mass Readings Today’s Readings Readings for the Week First Reading — Amos said, “The LORD took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people” (Amos 7:12-15). Monday: Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation (Psalm 85). Second Reading — The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3-14 [3-10]). Gospel — Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two (Mark 6:7-13). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 3 Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 704-948-0231 Remember In Your Prayers Mass Intentions Please Pray For Mon. July 13 - St. Henry 7 am +Leslie Smelser (Melanie Liebert) 9 am The Rosamond family (Michelle Cannon) Tues. July 14 - St. Kateri Tekakwitha 7 am +Leroy Havarill (Berenice Weber & the Mrzlak family) 9 am Michelle Fisher (Tom & Leanne Vaccaro) Weds. July 15 - St. Bonaventure 7 am +Helen Virginia Grace (Mary Jane Zimmerman) 6:30 pm +Agnes Dodski (Jeanne Burner) Thurs. July 16 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 7 am +Keith Blynn (Faye Nye) 9 am Jorge Gonzalez (Gonzalez family) Fri. July 17 7 am +Alexander C. Reyes (Reyes & Cruz families) 9 am Caroline Hashemi (Rosie & Bill Fountain) 7 pm Catherine Gillard (Dr. & Mrs. James Hallock) Sat. July 18 - St. Camillus de Lellis 9 am Jorge Beltran (Doug & Caroly Cashman) 5 pm Nancy McGahey (Mary Louise & Dexter Koehl) Sun. July 19 - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am St. Mark parishioners 9 am +Anthony Ditje (Joe & Ida Puma) 11 am +Alistair Thomas Francis Scouler (Tom & Phyllis Vonderhaas) 1 pm +Digna Rodriguez (Reyes & Cruz families) 5 pm All members of the Reyes & Cruz families (Cruz family) + deceased; (requested by) Michelle Westbrook Accetta Joanne Anthony Roberto Argente Sam Bastianelli Steve Blaock Renee Branem Katherine Cipriano Torie Costa Dottie Dambrauskas Kristina Dontino Jean Fox Linda Gebelein Dr. Dennis Golden Patrick Golden Theresa Gribschaw Sarah Elizabeth Hauser Deborah Jeffcoat Baby Katherine Elizabeth Jousma Janina Kawa Phyllis Kiebler Robb Lamont Cecilia Leary Loretta Matarese Dale McCaa Bill Othling Nicole Pellitteri Kyle Poling Guillermo Rojas Alex Sabo Alexandra Schaney Lea Scorza Ron Seabacher Jefferson Sims Christine Talbert April Troy Robin Warner Karen Zaleski ...and all our parishioners who are homebound or reside in area nursing homes and are unable to attend Mass. Recently Baptized Please welcome our newly Baptized into our Faith Community. Ryan Joseph Farrice Avery Jayne Fogler Daniella Sophia Francisco Rodriguez Riley Ann Wunderlin Members In the Service PFC Jacob Alexander; LCPL Jon C. Atkinson, USMC; Lt. Colonel Scott Michael Breece, USAF; AM1 John Caldwell, (VFA 32); 2nd Lt. Sam Camut, USMC; Capt. Dan Crum, USAF; Lt. Colonel Peter Dargle, U.S. Army; Veronica Dominguez; Spc. Frank Christopher Dunning; PFC Albert Hadley, Infantry/Scout; Ensign Matthew Hartung USN; MSgt. Patrick Heffernan; LT. Jenna Hehn, USN; 1st Lt. Trevor Hehn, U.S. Army; Capt. Laura Hehn M.D. U.S. Army; MM3 Christopher Heim; Sgt. Christopher Holden; Lt. Colonel Matthew Holloway, Air National Guard; Michael Huddle, U.S. Army; CWO4 Christopher Joyce, Army Airborne; Corporal Edward Keller III; PFC NCARNG Derek Koontz; Lt. Patrick McFarland; SPC Michael Quinn, Jr., U.S. Army; USMC; Lt. Matthew Santoli, USMC; Lt. Carter Stapleton; LT JG Ryan P. Veatch, USN; LT Robert Vendley, U.S. Army; LT William Vey III; Staff Sgt. Andrew Vranek, USAF Army Airborne; CTT2 Zachary Wortham, USN; PFC Ryan Wilson, Army National Guard ...and for all service members not listed here. 704-948-0231 Mass for U.S. Military His Excellency, Bishop Peter J. Jugis, will celebrate a Mass for U.S. military personnel on Sunday, July 19 at 3:30 pm at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Charlotte. The Mass and Rosary (to be recited at 3 pm) will be offered for all military personnel who have died and for those who are now serving. All military personnel are invited and encouraged to come in uniform. Photos of those who have died or who are now serving in the military will be displayed in the Cathedral. To include your service member, preferably in uniform, please mail a color or black and white photo of them with their name and military rank on the back of the photo to Nancy Weber, Office of the Bishop, 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203 to be received no later than July 13. (Please do not send original photographs as they will not be returned.) Page 4 Parish Calendar Sunday, July 12 1 pm Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity OFS (SMS Library) 2 pm Welcome Event after Mass - Hispanic (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 2:30 pm Baptisms - Spanish (Church) 3:15 pm Baptisms (Church) 7 pm Organ Practice (Church) Monday, July 13 10 am Finance - Meeting (Room 204) 10:30 am Staff Meeting (Room 200) 1:30 pm YaHM -SilverSneakers Fitness Program (Parish Hall) 6:30 pm Troop 97 Meeting (Parish Hall) 7:30 pm Liturgical Training (Church) Tuesday, July 14 8 am SLAM (Parish Hall) 10 am Prayer Shawl Ministry (Parish Hall) 10 am YaHM - Tai Chi (24 movement Form) (Parish Hall) 12:30 pm YaHM - The Shufflers (Room 202) 7 pm Rosary (All are Welcome) (Church) 7:30 pm AOH - Meeting (Room 200, 201, Kitchen) Wednesday, July 15 10 am Cenacle of Divine Mercy (Room 204) 10 am Staff Meeting (Room 200) 1:30 pm YaHM -SilverSneakers Fitness Program (Parish Hall) 7 pm FFHSM-CAC (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 7 pm FOCCUS (Room 200, 201) 7:30 pm Psalm 150 Practice (Church) Thursday, July 16 8 am SLAM (Parish Hall) 6:30 pm SMHSM - Enrichment Class (Room 204) 7 pm Be a Man - Men's Fellowship (Room 202) 7 pm Stewardship Meeting (Room 200, 201) 7:30 pm Hispanic Ministry Meeting (Room 203) Friday, July 17 2 pm Organ Practice (Church) 5 pm Reheasal (Wykoff/Terbilcox wedding) (Church) 6:30 pm FF- Stop Hunger Now (SMS Cafeteria, Gym, Field, Room 259) Saturday, July 18 9 am FF- Stop Hunger Now (Parish Hall, Kitchen, Preschool Rooms) 10 am YaHM - Tai Chi (24 movement Form) (SMS Cafeteria) 12:30 pm Bridal Room - Temporary Location (Room 200, 201) 12:30 pm Wedding set-up (Church) 2 pm Wedding (Rachel Wykoff/David Terbilcox) (Church) 7 pm Hispanic Music Practice (Room 204) Sunday, July 19 2:30 pm Baptisms (Church) 3:15 pm Baptisms (Church) 6 pm FF- HSM (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 7 pm Organ Practice (Church) Illness Support Ministry Have you been diagnosed with a serious, nonreversible illness? Would you like to meet with others who are facing similar difficulties to support each other, to reaffirm your faith and to see your hope for the future? Then consider joining our Illness Support Ministry. To register for our group, or to find out more information, call Ron Haley at 704-439-2402. WORD OF LIFE Intercessions for Life For couples considering adoption; May the Lord guide their journey and grant them peace along the way. We pray to the Lord. Page 5 704-948-0231 Parish Life Women Newcomers, “After the Boxes” Session When: Wednesdays, Sept. 16 through Nov. 18; Daytime, 10—11:30 am; Nighttime, 7—8:30 pm New to our parish or still feel new? This class is based on Susan Miller’s book After the Boxes Are Unpacked, dealing with the spiritual, emotional and practical needs when making a move. It is a great way to meet fellow parishioners and make new friends. We are looking forward to meeting you! Contact: (Daytime) Cathy, 704-895-9879 or Maxine, 704-274-5453; (Nighttime)– Paula, 704-877-1456 or Valerie, 704-997-5296 Feed Our Priests When: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday As our first year of our Feed Our Priest Ministry comes to a close, I want to say Thank You to the many St. Mark families that helped with providing meals. This year was a wonderful success, and we couldn't have done it without all the love and support of the parish. As a result of the success, we have added new dates to the calendar. If you would like to sign up to bring a meal, please go to the link below or contact me directly. Thank you again for all your support! We couldn't have done it without you! Information: go/9040D44A9A92B0-meals/ Contact: Josie Pressley, 704-975-7992, [email protected] 704-948-0231 Protecting God’s Children – Training Classes St. Mark will hold three classes to train volunteers who require the Protecting God’s Children certification. This class is required for all volunteers who will come in contact with children or older adults while doing any activity for St. Mark parish. This class is based on the Safe Environment Policy mandated by the Diocese. If you are a volunteer that meets the above criteria and have not yet taken the online class or the live training, this class is mandatory. The classes will be held on • 7/23 from 6—9 pm in the Parish Hall • 8/1 from 9—12 noon in room 200/201 • 8/22 from 10 am—1 pm in room 200/201 Please see instructions on how to register for this class at Questions: Barry McCaa at 704-948-0231, [email protected] Welcome! New Parishioners May and June Shad and Amanda Ansah Robert and Elena Beauregard Chris and Kimberly Bennett Peter and Erin Biqham Marilyn Birchak Charles and Renee Blanchard Gretchen Brinkman Laurel Broom Thomas and Heather Bryant Eduard and Pamela Bueno Emily Burch Martha Casorso Pedro and Maria Chavez Joseph and Jane Colucci Peter Connick Jeremy Cunningaham Berna De la Cruz David and Maria Diefenbach Darlene Drag Gregory and Evelyn Dreyer Neil and Kathleen Eibeler Cesar Flores and Guadalupe Ramirez Fred and Michelle Freda Jan and Barbara Fredericks Kevin and Meredith Gillis Steven and Pamela Goode Veronica and Danny Helms Lizeth Hernandez Jared and Shanel Hine Michael Koenigs and Mara Casanova Emily Looby Patricia Lorio Jason and Laura Mahoney Marcellin and Francoise Mangbau Dr. David and Susan McMurry Heriberto and Elba Millan Gustavo and Efigenio Morales Sean and Karina Mulholland Charles and Kim Murphy Samuel and Nicole Occhiato Sacramento Padilla and Teresita Garcia Janet Palazzolo Judith Petendree Donna Peterson John and Clara Pilkington Brad and Emily Pozniak Donald and Michelle Quarles Brad and Amanda Rametta Ryan and Lisa Slaton Johnathon and Claudia Soto Jacquie Spearman Robin Stone Luis and Melissa Suarez Edgard and Marcela Tenorio Blanca Torres David and Wendy Tumey Andrew and Jennifer Tuschong Darwin and Aracely Urquia-Torres Steven and Ashley Wolfe Greg and Marisa Wooten Alan and Diane Wunderlin Richard Zagari Mireya Zapata Page 6 Parish Life St. Mark Home School Ministry Open House When: July 23; 7 pm Where: Family Center, Room 200 “Parents are the first and most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area: they are educators because they are parents.” — St. Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Families (1994) Have you ever thought about home schooling your kids?? Perhaps you’ve wondered about the following: • “Home schooling would be too hard for me; I could never do THAT!” • “Home schooling seems nice in theory, but would my kids be ‘socialized’?” • “Home school!?! How would my kids get into college?” If you would like to meet families who are successfully home schooling and find out more about this wonderful opportunity, please join your St. Mark Home School Ministry for this Open House. We can’t wait to meet you! Contact: Betsy Hoyt, 336-425-6313, [email protected] SOCIAL COMMITTEE VOLUNTEERS WANTED We are excited to revive our social committee at St. Mark. Our new leaders, Mary Ann Marrero and Melissa Donohue have excellent experience in event planning and are excited to lead this fun committee. Please consider joining them organize events that create an opportunity to socialize with fellow parishioners of all ages. The committee will be planning the first event for September, 2015. We will be having our first meeting as soon as the committee is formed. Please consider helping organize events for the 2015/2016 year. If interested please contact: Melissa Donahue [email protected] or Mary Ann Marrero [email protected] Page 7 704-948-0231 Religious Formation Many thanks for all the prayers, supplies and donations that were given to our St. Mark Mission Team as we traveled to Cap-Haitien, Haiti to work with the Missionaries of the Poor. Twenty two of our finest (ages 16-65) served over 250 men, women and children many of which who suffer from severe physical and mental challenges. Special thanks to our Mission Team: Kristin Tacy, Yessenia Garcia-Cervantes, Allie Grainda, Lizzie Grainda, Molly Leiker, Erin Norton, Mary Rose Caprara, Fabrizio Campoverde, Jessica and Jasmine Perez, Karen Bonghanoy, Modzelewski Family (Ed, Lisa, Paul and Luke), Elizabeth and Mark Spytkowski, Jacquie and Chloe Eater, Eliana Ramia, Andrea Tritico and Donna Smith. 704-948-0231 Page 8 Religious Formation Totus Tuus During the week of June 21, our parish hosted a Totus Tuus camp during the day for rising 1st-6th grade students and an evening camp for rising 7th grade and up. The Totus Tuus team, consisting of four college-aged students, helped our participants explore their faith through daily celebration of the Mass, music, games, skits and lots of fun activities like a water balloon fight! We wish to thank the awesome Totus Tuus team and all the volunteers who made this event such a great success. Stop Hunger Now Many thanks to all who have already registered and donated to the Stop Hunger Now event. We can still use additional volunteers on July 18 from 9-1 pm and need for 15 strong men at 7:30 am to help setup. Please join us to make sure that we can meet our goal of packaging 50,000 meals for Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso is the third poorest country in the world. If you want to get involved, go to (scroll down) and register for one of two shifts in the day. This is an intergenerational event (age three and up!). We are asking for a minimum donation of $25.00 per family. Get the entire family out, as together we combat global hunger one meal at a time! Sign up and Donate today! We encourage employees who have a donation matching program at their company to please consider making a donation towards this worthy cause. We hope to have all of our funds and volunteers in place by ASAP. Questions: contact Donna Smith [email protected] 704-948-1306 or Fay Nye [email protected] $25,000 $25,000 $22,500 $25,000 $20,000 $17,500 $15,000 $12,500 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 704-948-0231 Page 9 Knights of Columbus What is Pastapaloosa? Coming to St. Mark Family Center in October! Congratulations, St. Mark Council Brother Knight: • • James Copio – St. Mark Council #12654 Knight of the Month Edward Kenny - St. Mark Council #12654 Family of the Month Reverse Raffle - A Smashing Success! On Saturday, June 27, the St. Mark Knights of Columbus held its first ever “Reverse Raffle - Super Cash Giveaway." All attendees enjoyed a delicious ribeye steak dinner with salad, baked potato and rolls. A fun time was had by all at this new fundraising event. Cash prizes were awarded to several lucky winners, BUT THE BIG WINNER WAS CHARITY, which will receive over $1,000 from this event. All profits go toward the many charities that the Knights of Columbus support. Many thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kenny, Ray Marr, Joe Scallan and all of the Knights who helped to make this new fundraiser a success. Knights Summer 2015 Family Picnic When: Saturday, July 25; 3 pm – 8 pm Where: North Mecklenburg Park; 16131 Old Statesville Rd., Huntersville St Mark Knight’s council members, KofC family members and friends of the KofC – please join us for fun, food and fellowship. Questions or RSVP: Anthony Baio, [email protected], 704-574-2657 or Jim Copio,[email protected], 703-901-5004 Quo Vadis at St. Mark The Knights of Columbus Council 12654 arranged and served a BBQ dinner with all the "fixins" to approximately 125 current and prospective Seminarians and their Priest mentors as a part of the Diocesan "Quo Vadis" retreat. The young men spent Thursday afternoon in prayer and fellowship at St. Mark after a week at Belmont Abbey. The BBQ was prepared by Brother Knight David Barnes of Waiter's Choice at a greatly reduced cost and the food and setup were extraordinary. A good time was had by all, including the Knights who served. Next Officers Meeting Knights of Columbus – Mon., July 27, 7 pm, Family Center, Room 200 Business Meeting Knights of Columbus When: Mon., August 3 - 7 pm Where: Family Center, Room 200 All Knights, please attend. All Catholic gentlemen may attend as a guest by contacting the Grand Knight, Tom Battle, at [email protected] . Want more information? Want to suggest an event? Send us an email at [email protected] or visit our website - 704-948-0231 Monday Night Football Books Are Now Available Football Season is right around the corner so get your football books now before they're all gone! Last year's prize money was $4,000; this year it will be $5,000. The St. Mark Knights of Columbus Council raised $3,600 last year from the sale of these football books and helped many who really needed assistance*. It will be more this year. To purchase your book(s) this year or if you have any questions, just send an email to Ray Marr at [email protected] or call Ray at 704-904-3839. Monday Night Football Books are the perfect gift for everyone. For $20 you get 20 chances to win $50. One winner for each 100 books means 5 winners per week - that’s $5,000! Knights of Columbus charities also receive almost $5,000. YOU WIN! CHARITIES WIN! You don’t have to know anything about football. Winners receive their checks each week. For 20 weeks, opening day (Sept. 10th) thru the SUPERBOWL, you will have a chance to win $50 each week. This is the perfect gift and it fits right in a birthday card envelope or you can have us mail it free. *Thank you for helping the Knights support local organizations that assist persons with intellectual disabilities, the aging and Hospice Care, local children and many other local organizations. Page 10 Young Adult Ministry Join Our Social Media Groups on Facebook and The Young Adult Ministry of St. Mark is open to all Catholics in their 20s and 30s. We have an active group and are always looking to reach more members of our parish community. We meet as a group for a variety of spiritual and social gatherings, including scripture study, community service, outdoor concerts and at local restaurants. To learn more about upcoming events, join our social media groups on Facebook (“The Young Adult Ministry of St. Mark Catholic Church”) and on THE YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY OF ST. MARK Information: -Ministry Contact: Heather Moeller, 704-491-7554, [email protected] Other Opportunities Men at Prayer (MAP) When: July 15 ; 7—8:30 pm (Third Wed. of each month) Where: Charlotte Catholic High School Chapel, 7702 Pineville-Matthews Rd., Charlotte Come and hear the inspiring message from Deacon Dr. Ron Sherwood and get recharged! Additional upcoming dates: Aug. 19, Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Dec. 16, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 16 Information: http:// Carowinds Catholic Family Day Join hundreds of other Catholic Families on Sunday, July 26, 2015 (park hours 10 am – 10 pm). Come and enjoy a day of fun and fellowship at Carowinds with your family and friends! $48 per person (Ages 3 and up. Parking Included) Package includes Admission to Carowinds, Mass in the theater from 10:30 – 11:45 and an all you can eat picnic lunch 12 – 1 the meal will have an abundance of Southern Fried Chicken, All American Hot Dogs, Vegetarian Beans, Chips, Drinks and Cookies. Register: carolina-catholic-family-daycarowinds/ For more information, call Paul 828-228-1692. 704-948-0231 Page 11 Anuncios Semanales del Ministerio Hispano 14 de julio Fiesta de Santa Kateri Tekakwitha Kateri nació en un pueblo cerca de Auriesville, Nueva York en el año 1656 y era hija de un luchador de la tribu Mohawk. Ella tenía cuatro años cuando su madre murió de rubéola. Esta enfermedad también atacó a Kateri y desfiguró su rostro. Luego fue adoptada por sus dos tías y su tío. Kateri se convirtió al catolicismo durante su adolescencia. Fue bautizada a los veinte años y esto ocasionó una gran hostilidad hacia ella por parte de su tribu. Después de un tiempo Kateri se fue a una nueva colonia indígena en Canadá. Allí, ella vivió una vida dedicada a la oración, a la penitencia y al cuidado de los enfermos y ancianos. Cada mañana, aun durante los inviernos más fuertes, ella se instalaba frente a la puerta de la capilla hasta que la abriesen, a las cuatro de la mañana, y se mantenía ahí hasta la última misa del día. Kateri era muy devota a la Eucaristía y a Jesús Crucificado. Murió el 7 de Abril de 1680 a la edad de 24 años y es conocida como la Flor de Pascua de los Mohawks. A la devoción de Kateri se le atribuye el establecimiento de ministerios para las tribus indígenas en las Iglesias católicas de los Estados Unidos. Kateri fue declarada venerable por la Iglesia Católica en 1943, fue beatificada el 22 de junio de 1980 por el papa Juan Pablo II y fue canonizada el 21 de Octubre del 2012 por el papa Benedicto XVI. Ella es considerada patrona de la naturaleza y de la ecología tal como San Francisco de Asís. Protegiendo a los Hijos de Dios en Español El próximo Sábado 1 de Agosto, a las 10am, en la Parroquia San Gabriel (3016 Providence Rd., Charlotte, NC 28211) tendremos una sesión de Protegiendo a los Hijos de Dios en Español. Invitamos a todos los padres y adultos responsables de las familias hispanas en todas las parroquias a participar, así como recordar a todos los voluntarios que éste es un requisito que la diócesis promueve con el fin de proteger a nuestros niños y adultos vulnerables. La sesión no está restringida sólo para catequistas que trabajen con niños, sino para todo adulto responsable que quiera comprometerse en promover ambientes seguros para nuestros pequeños. Si desea participar, por favor regístrese en (busque en el lado izquierdo: “Español/Inscripción”) e ingrese su información. Puede también comunicarse al 704.320.3454, con Carlos Castañeda Los esperamos! Celebracion Del Divino Niño Jesus “Todo lo que quieras pedir, pidelo por los meritos de mi infancia y tu oracion sera escuchada” Les invitamos a celebrar la Novena y Misa en honor al Divino Niño Jesus Dia: 20 de Julio 2015 Hora: 6:30pm Lugar: Iglesia San Marcos Al finalizar la misa, El Divino Niño Jesus les invita a compartir en el salon familiar donde pueden degustar unos bacadillos tipicos de Colombia. Todos los niños estan bienvenidos con sus familias, no faltes. Información en Español Andrea Solórzano (704-948-4239) Rosalba Rojas (704-895-8866) Horario De Misas Misa Diaria: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes: 7am y 9 am Miércoles: 7 am y 6:30 pm Sábados: 9 am Sábado: 5 pm Domingo: 7:30, 9, 11 am 1 pm Español 5 pm Misa de jóvenes Sacramentos Bautizos: Clases todos los segundos sábados de cada mes de 10 am a 12 pm Celebración del Bautismo todos los segundos domingos de cada mes a las 2:30 pm. Por favor contacte a Caridad Masson al 704-948-2839 para registrarse en las clases. Matrimonios: Clases PreMatrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Exposición Perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está expuesto en la Capilla 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Ven a visitarlo y a pasar un momento en la presencia de Jesús Sacramentado. El Señor ha reservado gracias especiales para los que le visitan. En el altar el Señor es puro amor, y distribuye sus gracias a manos llenas a los que le visitan. Grupo de Oración Carismático Todos los viernes a las 7:45 pm Iglesia San Marcos Jesucristo siempre nos está buscando y nos habla de muchas maneras. Sólo tenemos que saber escuchar su voz. El grupo carismatico Esperanza y Vida te invita y te espera todos los viernes a las 7:45 pm para participar y juntos alabemos a Dios. Para mas información puedes llamar al hermano William Veliz al 704-634-8302 704-948-0231 “El primero en pedir disculpas es el más valiente. El primero en perdonar es el más fuerte. El primero en olvidar es el más feliz.” Page 12 Jim Engel, CEO & PRESIDENT Parishioner unexpected convenience, unsurpassed service 704-439-4343 KEN E. WOOD, MD Now with 7 locations to serve you! Cornelius Is Lake Norman’s Davidson Community Bank! Mooresville Huntersville SouthPark Aquesta FRESHLY CRAFTED FOR Watermelon Kiwi Summer-tini SUMMER Dipped Strawberries 170 MEDICAL PARK RD. SUITE 102, MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 TEL 704 660 4750 Summer BBQs Graduation Parties Holiday Picnics • Birthdays FAX 704 660 4751 WWW.LAKENORMANORTHOPEDICSPINE.COM SE HABLA ESPAÑOL SUMMER FRUITS ARE HERE. CALL US! CELEBRATIONS BEN J. GARRIDO, MD PARISHIONER 2910 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Rd. 704.392.6750 Parishioners St. Mark Parishioners Catherine G. Reimels, DDS, FAGD Michael O. Reimels, DDS, FAGD, FICOI Matthew R. Miller, DDS 13605 Reese Blvd. West • Huntersville, NC 28078 • 704-948-1111 Get a second opinion while enjoying a cup of coffee. Fred C. Goduti, CFP® Senior Vice President - Investments Fundamental Choice Portfolio Manager [email protected] Member FINRA/SIPC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 130 Harbour Place Drive, Suite 200 Davidson, NC 28036 Tel: 704-990-7060 Toll Free: 866-798-7982 Fax: 704-655-9352 STACY S. SCHMITT, DDS 10616 METROMONT PKWY. Christina J. Collura, DO, MPH, FAAAAI Jonathan R. Romeo, DO Julia W. Parkhurst, MS, PA-C 11907 Sam Roper Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269 961424 St Mark Church (D) SUITE 200 CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 PHONE 704.597.2570 15940-C Northcross Drive Huntersville, NC 28078 311 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 704-655-1466 704-746-9889 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL ST. MARK PARISHIONER For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Cortes Home Services Cathy Hansen 704.897.2723 Call Juan Cortes - Parishioner 704-937-5033 [email protected] One Call Gets It All Electrical • Cleaning Gutter • Pressure Washer Landscaping • Trimming • Pine Needle • Mulch • And More! Assisted Living & Memory Care Opening Soon Conveniently located across from St. Mark SERVING THE LAKE NORMAN AREA SINCE 1984 WISDOM TEETH | IV SEDATION DENTAL IMPLANTS | JAW SURGERY CAROLINAOMS.COM 704-892-1198 Patrick J. Coleman, DMD Michael J. Coleman, DDS Parishioner Robert & Eileen McCrary - Parishioners 231 Griffith St. Davidson, NC 28036 704.987.1885 VOTED “BEST BREAKFAST ON THE LAKE” 10% OFF TO ST. MARK PARISHIONERS w w w. N o r t h l a k e M e m o r i a l . c o m 11001 ALEXANDERANA ROAD • HUNTERSVILLE To better serve our community, your local family owned funeral home now owns and operates the areas only non-Church related cemetery, NorthLake Memorial Gardens. NorthLake is a 30 acre cemetery in a secluded setting that includes the only consecrated Catholic grounds in the Lake Norman area. With grave space starting at less than $1,000.00 we are also one of the areas most affordable cemeteries. The cemetery includes a columbarium and cremation gardens for families who choose cremation. As Lake Norman’s only funeral home and cemetery combination, we will be able to serve your family with the high quality service you have come to know, from the first call to caring for the grave space for years to come. 704 895-9844 Debbie Ruthenberg Feel free to call 704.584.9004 for more information. Owner & Parishioner Lizzie McCormick, Parishioner CUTS • COLOR • HIGHLIGHTS • SKIN CARE WAXING • NAILS • SMOOTHING SYSTEM 20035 Jetton Rd. #C, Cornelius PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months From Our Family to Yours Best Pizza in Lake Norman! OPEN 7 DAYS 704 896-2928 MENTION AD FOR SPECIAL OFFER 19400 Jetton Rd., Suite 201 Cornelius Peninsula Village Shopping Center OWNED BY PARISHIONERS HORTON’S PAINTING We Color Inside the Lines RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Licensed & Insured Interior & Exterior Dry Wall Repair Pressure Washing Window Cleaning Gutter Cleaning Locally Owned & Operated FREE ESTIMATE Jason Horton Owner/Parishioner Ph. 704.777.0100 961424 St Mark Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 WILLIAM G. DAGIT, CPA WILLIAM G. DAGIT, JR., CPA M.S. TAXATION [email protected] Floral Arrangements - Weddings - Loose Wrap Bouquets Home Decor - In-Home Decorating 704-892-7960 “A PARISHIONER” 18127 W. CATAWBA AVENUE PHONE (704) 655-8648 FAX (704) 655-8656 20017 N. Main St. Cornelius, NC 28031 CORNELIUS, NC 28031 Parishioners Brennan Law Firm, PLLC Simple Solutions for Complex Problems • Trusts & Estates Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Martin M. Brennan, Jr., Probate, Estate Administration • Tax/Benefit Plans JD, CPA Tax Planning, IRS Representation St. Mark Parishioner Employee Benefit Plans Licensed in North Carolina & Virginia • Corporations & LLCs Business Formations Mergers & Acquisitions Business Succession Planning 704-896-6441 • Interior & Exterior • Residential & Commercial • Fence & Deck Staining • Pressure Washing • Repaints • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 704-400-3111 [email protected] *Aim High * Exceed Expectations * Mike Hege, Realtor® 13801 Reese Boulevard West, Suite 110 • Huntersville, NC 28078 [email protected] Paint Corporation Deacon Carlos Medina President WWW.MMBRENNANLAW.COM ABR, GRI, GREEN, RCC, CRS Bill Fitzpatrick Saint Margaret Owner/St. Mark Parishioner Sunday Missal St. Mark,Parishioner 704.491.9445 (c) [email protected] An ideal companion for personal prayer. & Closet Systems Plantation Shutters, Blinds & Shades Custom closet organization system In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Quality products and superior customer service since 2000 (704) 947-9822 800-566-6150 • Diagnostic Tires Brakes Alignment Tune-up Quick-lube Mufflers A/C Service Batteries NC Inspections JIM NEITZKE, Parishioner 411 South Old Statesville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 (704) 875-1095 Daniel Skotzko, DDS 20816 N. Main Street, Suite 202 ~ Cornelius, NC 28031 704.987.8700 Monolithic Slabs, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Colored & Stamped Concrete f. 704.987.8777 Progressive, Family, Cosmetic, & General Dentistry Parishioner 961424 St Mark Church (B) Cesidio Castricone 704-299-5023 Laura Castricone 704-361-3770 Office: 704-895-8952 Fax: 704-895-8130 [email protected] For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 General & Cosmetic Dentistry 9725 Caldwell Commons Circle Cornelius, North Caroline 28031 Steven M. White, DDS, PA (704) 896-9535 Parishioner Brad S. Haines, DDS, PA advanced dentistry ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Myrtle Beach Rental and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 3 bedrooms 2½ bath condo Oceanside/Oceanview 704-500-4530 Info go to: Email: [email protected] Patrick Golden, Parishioner 9115 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 250 Charlotte 704-688-0605 Office 704-578-9451 Mobile Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Executive Home Care of Charlotte Discover the Home Care Difference TM Mention you saw us in the bulletin and receive your 1st hour free! - Parishioners A way for you to partner with service TODD SANSBURY CHRISTIE SPINKS providers who support your parish through HOME CARE SERVICES: their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. • COMPANION • PERSONAL CARE • MOBILITY • HOURLY • LIVE-IN • BEDSIDE • MED PREP • ACTIVITIES 980-237-2856 OF DAILY LIVING The Good Samaritan Funeral Home 3362 North Highway 16 • Denver, NC 28037 704 483 2124 Owned and operated by the Costigan Family (Parishioners) Cremation, Irrevocable Pre Need and Veterans Services Available “We’re The Good Guys Your Friends Told You About®” • 100% satisfaction Guaranteed • Straightforward Pricing • Technician Seal of Safety • Precise Appt Windows • Sat Appt’s Available • Drug-Free Plumbing Specialists Dr. Brian P. McNulty Dr. Luis L. Dancausse 3014 Baucom Rd., #200 Charlotte 28269 704-596-3186 Huntersville 704-766-0049 Gentle Dentistry with a Caring Touch New Patients Welcome Alina M. Bohn - Parishioner DIAMONDS: EGL AND GIA. Certified 14kt-18kt - Platinum Quality Jewelry All Repairs Done on Site 980.292.1017 / [email protected] • Accounting Solutions / Advice • Personal & Small Business Accounting • Tax Professional ¡Hablo Español! 704-892-7343 Michael Malyszko, Parishioner Master Jeweler 20035 Jetton Rd. A Cornelius, NC 28031 N 䡵 䡵 NOVANT HEALTH Northlake DERMATOLOGY Appointments available in days, not weeks! PARISHIONERS Jose Peña, M.D. • Jean Kois, M.D. • Full SPECIALIZING IN: service dermatology • Mohs surgery • Skin cancer specialists 9604 Holly Point Drive • Huntersville, NC 704-316-5070 961424 St Mark Church (A) 460 S. Main Street • Davidson, NC 28036 (704) 896-5850 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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Saint Mark Catholic Church
call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The
Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or
administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.