10 - St. Gregory the Great
10 - St. Gregory the Great
Reverend Nicholas P. Clavin, Pastor Sunday Celebrants: Rev. Edward Gallagher, Rev. John Gubbins Deacon Ron Diem Parish Staff 11451 Blue Cypress Drive, San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: 858 653-3540 Fax: 858 653-3550 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stgg.org Deacon Ron Diem: School Principal: Maeve O’Connell Catechetical Ministry: Ginger Marlin, Judy Roitz Director of Youth Ministry: Pamela Poe Director of Liturgical Music: Stewardship: Nichol Swift Wedding Coordinator: Tina Diem Maintenance: Reception/Admin. Assistant: Secretary/Bookkeeper: 858 653-3582 858 397-1290 858 653-3594 858 653-3591 858 653-3583 858 653-3546 858 653-3584 José Barrera Enés Andrews Stéphanie Lower Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Closed Noon — 1 P.M. for lunch Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00,11:00 A.M. & 5:00 P.M.—Youth led 9:00 A.M. Sunday Mass is signed for the deaf Daily Mass: 8:00 A.M. First Fridays: 12 P.M. with Anointing of the Sick Confessions: Every Saturday at 4-4:30 P.M. or by appointment Mission Statement The Community of Saint Gregory the Great celebrates God’s love in Christ as a family of stewards centered in the Eucharist, the Word and Christ’s presence in one another. We live to glorify God and proclaim God’s presence in this world. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are God’s light, love and hands extended. St. Gregory the Great Catholic School 15315 Stonebridge Parkway, San Diego, CA 92131 www.stggcs.org or 858 397-1290 Fax: 858 397-1294; email: [email protected] SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2015 Principal: Maeve O’Connell Faculty /Staff 2014-2015 School Secretary Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Homeroom Seventh Grade Homeroom Eighth Grade Homeroom Reading Resource/ PE Science Instructional Aides May 12 May 13 May 15 Sts. Nereus & Achilleus Our Lady of Fatima St. Isidore Spanish Extended Daycare Director Custodian Barbara Kuzara Adrienne Newman Michelle Jimenez Jennifer Miller Jessica Carter Maureen Lundquist Camille Girard Amy Lid Liz Clark Laetitia Czerniak Michael Swan Kira Howe Kathy Maisano (K) Pam McCallum (Gr. 1) Kate Brouillard (Gr. 2) Julie Snyder (Gr. 3) Mary Perez (Gr. 4) Becky Walton (Office Aide) Ethel Shapiro & Miriam Snyder Maryann Hendren Debbie Howard: Daycare Assistant Humberto Meza Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 Whoever loves Me will keep My Word, says the Lord, and My Father will love him and We will come to him. Prayer for the People of Nepal Loving God, We pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal as we offer the words of the psalmist, “Be strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:25). May those who are paralyzed by fear… ∗ Be strong and take heart May those who have lost or are s ll searching for loved ones … ∗ Be strong and take heart May those who remain trapped under rubble … ∗ Be strong and take heart May those rescue workers who provide relief and recovery … ∗ Be strong and take heart May those who are moved with compassion to help … ∗ Be strong and take heart God, whose love knows no bounds, fill all those who suffer with your comfort and peace. We ask all this through Christ, our Lord. Amen ~ http://www.crs.org/prayers/prayer-for-the-people-of-nepal.cfm We joyously welcome the newest members of our Faith Community who received the Sacrament of Baptism: Daniel Christopher Cornelissen Jonathan Peter Cornelissen Nathaniel Owen Marconi Campbell Graham Caalaman Hannah Elise Gharst Grace Barbara Patterson Nolan Maddox Benito Astudillo Carys Sana Victoria Feretti Selah Amarys Melad Jimenez Benjamin Phung, Brooks Stone Gutteridge Nora Lynn Podmenick JN14:23 Happy Mothers Day! The Priests and Staff of St. Gregory the Great extend a wish to all the mothers for a most blessed day today! Stewardship Bulletin Reflection Acts 10: 25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98: 1-4; 1 Jn 4: 7-10; Jn 15: 9-17 The word “love” appears more than 500 times in the Bible. Our readings on this Sixth Sunday of Easter contain the word “love” . . . 18 times. Clearly this idea of loving is important for us as Christian Catholics, and the Lord makes it eminently obvious that love of one another needs to be at the center of our way of life. Of course, we need to understand that the love spoken of here is not the shallow romantic kind of love with which we are inundated through various forms of communication daily. The most commonly used Greek word which is translated into the word “love” in Holy Scripture is “agape.” This is not hand-in-hand love; it is much deeper, requiring much more commitment. Another Greek word for “love” is the word “phileo.” Our first reading from the Acts of the Apostles speaks of St. Peter’s meeting with Cornelius and Peter’s expanded thoughts on how we are to respond to the blessing of the Holy Spirit which we have received. In one of his letters (1 Peter), St. Peter uses both the words “phileo” and “agape” in the same sentence, saying “Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love [phileo] of the brethren, fervently love [agape] one another from the heart.” 1 Peter 1:22 What makes this notable is that it establishes the relationship and understanding we need for “love” as mentioned in the second reading and the Gospel. . . . St. John calls us to love in the second reading from 1 John. In the original Greek John, too, used the word “agape” to clarify the kind of love to which he was referring. This love from God is self-giving without expectation of a return. It is the kind of love God feels for us . . .and we must commit ourselves to loving in the same way. If we do that, God’s love through us can transform not only us but also those around us. Of course, our Gospel reading from John speaks of the same kind of love (agape). Nevertheless, Jesus adds another proviso to that love for it to be complete and pure. That is obedience. “If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love.” The Lord indicated more than once that the “foremost” commandment was to “Love one another.” Jesus refers to the “joy” which comes from keeping that commandment. . .Blessed Mother Teresa said more than once, “A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.” This is the love we all must strive to achieve . . . FAITH FORMATION 858 653-3594 ~ [email protected] FAITH FORMATION 2015-16 REGISTRATION Faith Formation Registration Forms are available in the Parish Office for those students in grades Kindergarten through 8, who wish to be part of the parish religious education program for children. CLASS SCHEDULE Grades K-4 Thursday 4pm: May 14 Saturday 4:15pm: May 16 Sun. 7am, 8:15am, 10:15am, 4:15pm: May 17. Grades 5 & 6: Thurs. 6pm: May 14 To contact FF during Thursday and weekend classes, please call 858 653-3588. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE at that number. Thank you! PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO Vacation Bible School for 2015 due to the Hall Construction. Pls. contact us for referrals. MUSIC MINISTRY 858 653-3583 ~ [email protected] For information about the children’s or adult choirs, please call or email the Music Office 858 653-3583. Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday, after the 8 A.M. Mass. All Invited! St. Gregory the Great Prayer Wheel Consists of two separate groups of interdependent prayer groups. A phone call to Elizabeth Ostadan and/ or Barbara & Paul Zepf, will set the prayers in motion for your intentions. Our “prayer wheels” have worked wonders — the power of prayer is strong! Contact: Elizabeth Ostadan: 858 566 6455 and/or Barbara & Paul Zepf: 858 271-5261 to leave your prayer request, or information on joining the group. We welcome more callers. Thank you and God Bless you! The Family Cancer Support Group will next meet, in the Trinity Room on Monday, May 11, at 6 P.M. We will discuss business items, followed by a discussion about Cancer at 7. St. Gregory the Great Catholic School NOW ENROLLING K-8 The Potential Student Application may be submitted electronically. Contact the School Office for information about St. Gregory the Great Catholic School. 858 397-1290 [email protected] www.stggcs.org During the month of May, we encourage special devotion to Mary, Our Blessed Mother. Visiting the Marian Grotto, and reciting a decade of the Rosary along our beautiful new Rosary Path, are wonderful ways for our students to put faith into action. Following our Catholic faith tradition, each of our classrooms will maintain a May Altar where students can place flowers by the statue of Mary and gather to offer prayers of thanks and petition to our Blessed Mother. Perhaps this is a tradition you already celebrate in your home, or one you might consider starting. Our Parent Rosary Circle meets every Tuesday morning, in the library at 8 A.M., and they extend an invitation to any parishioner to join our school parents in prayer. You are also most welcome to email your prayer requests to the School Office, and they will be forwarded to the Parent Prayer Circle. We extend appreciation and gratitude to all MOMS on this Mother’s Day. How appropriate that this special day is scheduled in the month of Mary, our Mother. Grandparents Student Council Outdoor electionsLiturgy: are on the horizon thisDay week. Students in grades 4-7 are invited to consider proposing themselves for a position in servant leadership. We thank your current Student Council for an amazing year of student leadership. On Wednesday, our students will donate a dollar to receive the privilege of wearing relaxed-dress clothing. All proceeds from “Jeans for Nepal” will go to Catholic Relief Services in support of the relief effort in Nepal. At St. Gregory the Great Catholic School, we are proud to offer an education that is distinctive among educational institutions in our community. Our students learn in a culture of faith, academics, and service inspired by a focus on learning and living our Catholic faith; supporting students to meet high academic standards; and reaching out in a spirit of service to those in need. We pray for God’s blessing on our ministry of Catholic education. Catholic education is a gift for life. Consider exploring our Parish School as a faith-based learning environment for your child. We are now enrolling for ALL grade levels! Check out our WELCOME video at www.stggcs.org. NEW PARISHIONER ORIENTATION May 17, 2015, 12:15 P.M., in the Parish Hall This is a wonderful opportunity for new parishioners to learn what St. Gregory the Great Parish has to offer, and for us to reach out and share our gifts with you. Please feel free to join us in the Parish Hall, or call Tom and Marcia Hommel at 858 693-8015 for more information. YOUTH MINISTRY 858 653-3591 ~ [email protected] Mass Intentions Sat. Sun. May 9 May 10 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm Lilia Laurente † Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena IN THE SPIRIT Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena SERVE Sat. Sun. May 16 May 17 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:00pm Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena Mothers Day Novena † Deceased SI Special Intention READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13; Mk 16:15-20 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE NEEDS & INTENTIONS OF: Carmen Afan, Jackie Shillington Ant, Charles Astudillo, Filemon Barongan, Emilia Bello, Bob Brennan, Dorothy Bromenshenkel, Ian Brown, Kaitlin & Sheryl Bunge, Marie Califano, Phyllis Corkill, Brett Davey, Judi DiMatteo, Margo Donahue, Jessica Ebilane, Jim Eigner, William Elsner, JoAnn Farmen, Anne Finnegan, Rowena Galendez, Kathleen Garrova, Norma Gherrity, Jeanette Hendren, Kathleen Hunt, Catherine Joseph, Joan Koehmstedt, Jack Kriz, Rhonele Laurente, Annabelle Masiddo, Makayla May, Abigail Allen Mendez, Andy Neidhart, Kevin O’Neill, Mila Qurini, Joanie, Dave, & Maddie Radcliff, Maribel Remos, Antonio & Bianca Rocabo, Jr., Lon Rocabo, Joanne Ross, Maria Santiago, Elise Serrano, Laura Shiwanov, Aurelia Silva, Celeste Silveira, Susan Smith, Rina Sy, Jean Pierre To Thach, Irene Trisko, Beth Underkoffler, Asaf Valdez, Corazon & Hermenigildo Valera, Gae Walker, Judy Walkowiak, Don & Shirley Wolf, Remedios Yuching, Barbara Zepf. May they find joy in the healing Love of Jesus Christ. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS: Rev. Nick Clavin, Rev. Ed Gallagher, Rev. John Gubbins May 9: Rev. Mario Vesga May 10: Rev. Manuel Villarreal May 11: Rev. Patrick Wainwright, MC May 12: Rev. Cávana Wallace May 13: Rev. Raymundus Wea, SVD May 14: Rev. Thomas West, OFM May 15: Rev. Robert White May 16: Rev. Michael White, CSSp May 17: Rev. Neal Wilkinson, SJ Congratulations to the Confirmandi of 2015! Next Confirmation Classes: Year 1: May 17, Family Potluck, 6:30-8 P.M. in Hall CF WALK SERVICE PROJECT | May 16, 2015 Volunteer & walk with TEAM FOXTROTTERS Sign-up with [email protected] fightcf.cff.org/goto/foxtrotters2015 CONNECT TUESDAY NIGHT DROP-IN, 7-9 P.M. in the Youth Room 5/12/15 Movie Night 5/19/15 Emoji Night Get creative & come as your favorite emoji! Steubenville San Diego July 24-26,2015. Join over 4,000 teens & youth leaders for a weekend of FAITH, FRIENDSHIP & FUN. There is AWESOME music, incredible speakers, time for prayer, friends, & delicious food. Come & discover the God Who loves you, Who wants to be your Strength & your salvation Featured speakers: Jackie Francois Angel & Jason Evert! SPOTS ARE STILL OPEN- sign-up today! http://www.stgg.org/ministries/christianformation/you th-ministry/youthforms For more info contact Pamela Poe, Coordinator of Youth Ministry. 858.653-3591 [email protected] DIOCESAN YOUNG-ADULT MINISTRY Please visit www.yamsd.org, Carrie Giebel, Director, [email protected]; 858 490-8260. † CYAS: Catholic Young Adult Sports of San Diego: FB Group: Catholic Young Adult Sports of SD. Get active with other Catholic young adults aged 18-39! Contact Nathan Poe at 619 4153024;or [email protected]; also checkout the CYAS website. † Pick-up Ultimate Frisbee, Mondays 5P.M.—Sunset and dinner after at a local eatery. Liberty Station NTC Park, Cushing & Roosevelt † An Invitation from the Diocesan Office for Young Adult Ministry Come & Experience ‘XLT’ ! Gather with young adults from all over San Diego for XLT’ (short for Exalt). This night of adoration, prayer, reflection, praise, & worship will be held on Friday, May 15, 7-8:30 P.M., Good Shepherd Church, 8200 Gold Coast Drive, 92126. Music will be led by a team of young-adult musicians from different parishes across the Diocese. Come to know Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and be transformed in your encounter with the living God! For more information, contact Jeannie at [email protected] Our Lady of Angels Please remember to bring your canned goods to Mass each Sunday to help our Sister Parish. God Bless your generosity abundantly always! PLEASE NOTE BULLETIN DATES: Ads for the bulletin for May 24 are due Friday, May 15. Thank you! CATHOLIC CURSILLO: VALLEY OF THE ANGELS ULTREYA St. Gregory the Great will be hosting the next Cursillo Ultreya in the Hall May 17, 3:30-5 P.M. Join in fellowship with others in our Parish who are currently involved in Cursillo, to see how we all can make a difference in our daily environments. Come and hear the inspiring witness talks of others, as well as meet and share with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. For more info contact Frank and Paulette Deniston: 858-831-0900, or [email protected]. Our parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord in gratitude for the gifts they have received from God, in the following way. Collection for April 25 & 26: Children’s collection: Credit Card April 20 — 26: Total Approximate amount needed weekly: TOTAL: $19,527.81 $19.00 $7,823.00 $27,369.81 $30,000.00 — $2,630.19 SEVEN-DAY CANDLES In Memory of Lucky Phounsy PARISH MINISTRIES & GROUPS 50+ Club Adopt-A-Family Adoration Altar Linens Altar Servers Baptism Seminars Bible Study Blood Drive Book Club Boy Scouts #616 Boy Scouts #664 Build-A-Miracle Catholic Men’s Fellowship Children’s Choir Children’s Liturgy of the Word Confirmation Preparation-Adult Confirmation Preparation-Youth Cooking Group Cub Scouts #614 Cursillo Daily Mass Ministry Kathy Cazin Deborah Sampson David Rowe DJ Sowers Joanne & Bill Bernard Paula Baker Joni Deiters Nancy Shute Alan Muir Kate Schemensky Paul Honeycutt Bill Boggs Chris & Julianne North Frank Deniston Ginger Marlin Deacon Ron Diem Pamela Poe Margaret Byrne Gerard Schnee Frank & Paulette Deniston Lolita Magpantay Maria Quitugua Divine Mercy Cenacle Helen Kremp Donuts & Coffee Eddie Arebalo Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Greg Tom Faith Formation-Adult Deacon Ron Diem Faith Formation–Children Ginger Marlin Faith Formation-Middle School Ginger Marlin Family Cancer Support Kent Peters Filipino-American Hermie Moscoso Film Fans Marie McGowan Gala Lynn Bautista Gardening Ministry Mike Yang Greeters / Ushers Don Wolf Helping Hands Margaret Byrne Immaculate Heart Radio Kitchen Coordinator Pat Rasmussen Knights of Columbus Dave Sigafoos Lectors Terry Poletto Lighthouse Media Joan Pernicano Liturgical Environment: Judy Cottel Marriage Encounter Ron & Patti Marcoux Martha’s Ministry Bea Iwig Military Friendship & Support John & Liz Dente Ministry of Consolation Jeannine Sullivan Ministry of Mothers Rebecca Podmenik 858-653-3540 858-229-0345 858-549-2215 858-414-5551 858-549-0979 858-653-3540 858-586-1488 858-537-0856 858-695-1633 858-748-5227 619-692-1112 858-530-9061 858-547-0845 858-831-0900 858-653-3583 858-653-3594 858-653-3582 858-653-3591 858-549-3375 858-271-6065 858-831-0900 858-689-1053 858-663-4135 858-240-6101 858-547-4879 858-271-9490 858-653-3582 858-653-3594 858-653-3594 858-735-6889 858-586-7473 858-538-6728 858-380-7728 619-607-0875 858-578-6341 858-549-3375 858-653-3540 858-693-1880 619-852-3085 858-536-8737 858-271-6727 858-578-1082 858-566-5041 858-271-5157 858-831-1505 858-689-1285 619-300-0724 Ministry to the Homebound Music Ministry New Parishioner Orientations Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Parent Teacher Stewardship Guild Parish Tours Prayer Wheel Paulette Deniston Tom & Marcia Hommel Carolyn Standifer Maeve O’Connell Deacon Ron Diem Elizabeth Ostadan Barbara & Paul Zepf Prayers & Squares Margaret Lynn Pat Kikendall RCIA Deacon Ron Diem Respect Life / Social Justice Joan Pernicano Maria Manyari Returning Catholics Deacon Ron Diem Rosary Cenacle Mary Ann Dunlop Rosary Makers Caroline Dixon Rosary Makers—Outreach Mission Lucie Hoge School Board Maeve O’Connell Services for the Deaf Gigi Howland Sister Parish Outreach Steve Locke Sister Parish Outreach Carolyn Prosi Sister Parish Outreach - Food Drive Eddie Arebalo Spirit Wear Bob & Shawn Heim St. Vincent / Meals for Homeless Margie Mills Sunday Childcare Co-op Claudia Saipe Jennifer Parker Vacation Bible School Ginger Marlin Wedding Ministry Tina Diem Widows Friendship Group Kristine Campiglia Joan Koehmstedt Women’s Friendship Circle Judy Roitz Youth Ministry Pamela Poe Youth Ministry Parent Advisors Pamela Poe 619-857-5443 858-653-3583 858-693-8015 858-536-1113 858-397-1290 858-653-3582 858-566-6455 858-271-5261 858-530-2560 858-312-6741 858-653-3582 858-271-6727 858-549-2812 858-653-3582 858-880-2265 858-586-7773 619-328-8314 858-397-1290 858-342-7656 858-566-0924 858-566-0924 858-231-8615 858-484-8669 858-271-7410 619-952-1281 858-442-5584 858-653-3594 858-653-3584 619-933-4077 858-547-4692 858-653-3594 858-653-3591 858-653-3591 Pastoral Stewardship Council — PSC Chief Steward Michael Kielty Chief Steward of Financial Council Gene Fantano Chief Steward of Parish Development Maria Sittmann Communications Rob Thornhill Stewards of Catholic School Maeve O’Connell Stewards of Christian Formation Ken Marra Stewards of Groups/Organizations Carolyn Burns Stewards of Liturgy Cheryl Magner Stewards of Parish Life TBD Stewards of Parish Outreach Mike Harris Stewards of Parish-wide Involvement Bill Carpenter Webmaster Jenny Quimpo 858-271-1004 858-549-0966 619-846-4706 858-679-0407 858-397-1290 858-442-3871 858-578-7051 858-271-7250 858-653-3540 858-513-1153 858-484-3201 858-695-6860 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament * * * May 14-15, 2015 * * * Sign-ups this weekend after all Masses. For sign-ups please contact Dave Rowe at 858 549-2215, or [email protected]. Come and visit with Jesus in Adoration— He will gift you many graces! Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary: “Make reparation for the ingratitude of men. Spend an hour in prayer to appease Divine Justice, to implore mercy for sinners, to honor Me, to console Me for My bitter suffering when abandoned by My Apostles when they did not watch one hour with Me.” ~ Holy Hour of Reparation, Soul Assurance Prayer Plan, ©1945. COOK BOOKS FOR SALE: Spring Salad, by Kathy Lester AROUND THE DIOCESE 2 cups diced celery; 1 can French-style green beans drained; 1 onion diced; 1/2 green pepper, diced; 1 can tiny peas, drained; 1 jar diced pimentos; 1/2 tsp salt. Put all ingredients in medium sized bowl and pour dressing over and marinate overnight. Drain well before serving. Dressing: 1 cup sugar, 2 T water, 1/2 cup oil, 1/2 tsp paprika, 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar. Pour in jar and shake well. WANTED: Used Magnificat Prayer Books! Your used Magnificat prayer books are wanted for re-reading and use by prison inmates. Please consider donating them at the end of each month. We will collect them in the Parish Office for donation to prison facilities in San Diego County. Thank you! WHISPERING WINDS FAMILY CAMP: JUNE 26-28 Does your family need to get away for just a little bit? Has your life become so busy you don’t have time to sit? Does God keep tugging at your heart, “Please come and rest with me?” We have a place to do just that, Whispering Winds is the place to be. Summer is coming, get ready for fun, God has a plan, you can rest in His Son. No cooking for Mom, no dishes for kids, A soft bed for Dad, no trash cans or lids. Swimming, basketball, campfires and crafts, Who could resist, three days of great laughs? On the mountain-top we’ll meet friends old and new, We have helpers for little ones, who’ll be there for you. Register at www.whisperingwinds.org. For questions, please call Christine Villasenor at 858 382-9405. SPECIAL-NEEDS FAMILY CAMP Whispering Winds is hosting a Special-Needs Family Camp on July 24-26 for families with a child/ren with developmental disabilities. Please visit the website at whisperingwinds.org for more information. FAQs 4: Religious Liberty and Marriage Marriage & Religious liberty stand - or fall – together Reprinted (excerpted) from the Promotion and Defense of Marriage of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/marriage-and-family/marriage/promotion-and-defense-of-marriage/ 1. What is religious liberty? Religious liberty is “the right to live in the truth of one’s faith and in conformity with one’s transcendent dignity as a person” (CA, no. 47). “Nobody may be forced to act against his convictions, nor is anyone to be restrained from acting in accordance with his conscience in religious matters in private or in public, alone or in association with others, within due limits” (CCC, no. 2106). Religious liberty is so important that John Paul II called it the “source and synthesis” of rights considered basic to every human person (CA, no. 47). 2. How are marriage and religious liberty connected? Marriage and religious liberty are two distinct goods that are also related to each other. The protection of each good follows from the duty to protect the inviolable dignity of the human person. But even more directly, the legal protection of marriage as the union of one man and one woman also protects the religious freedom of those who adhere to that vision of marriage. 3. How could changing the legal definition of marriage have any effect on religious liberty? Changing the legal term “marriage” is not one change in the law, but rather amounts to thousands of changes at once. The term “marriage” can be found in family law, employment law, trusts and estates, healthcare law, tax law, property law, and many others. These laws affect and pervasively regulate religious institutions, such as churches, religiously-affiliated schools, hospitals, and families. When Church and State agree on what the legal term “marriage” means (the union of one man and one woman), there is harmony between the law and religious institutions. When Church and State disagree on what the term “marriage” means (e.g., if the State redefines marriage in order to recognize so-called same-sex “marriage”), conflict results on a massive scale between the law and religious institutions and families, as the State will apply various sanctions against the Church for its refusal to comply with the State’s definition. Religious liberty is then threatened. 4. But would ministers really be forced to officiate at the “wedding” of two persons of the same-sex? This question is a red herring. In other words, it is a false caricature of the real concerns about religious liberty, and is actually used to distract from the real concerns. It is unlikely in the extreme that the State will force ministers and churches to officiate same-sex “marriage” ceremonies, although it is easily foreseeable that many church ministers and communities could be sued in court over this question. There are, however, other more probable and pervasive concerns. 5. What’s the real threat to religious liberty posed by same-sex “marriage”? The legal redefinition of marriage can threaten the religious liberty of religious institutions and individuals in potentially numerous ways, involving various forms of government sanction, ranging from court orders compelling action against conscience, to awards of money damages and other financial penalties, to marginalization in public life: - Catholic hospital sued by employee for not providing health insurance for the employee’s same-sex “spouse” (New York, 2012); Compelled Association The government forces religious institutions to retain as leaders, employees, or members those who obtain legalized same-sex “marriage”; or obligates weddingrelated businesses to provide services for same-sex “couples.” - University administrator placed on administrative leave for opposing marriage redefinition law (Maryland, 2012); Compelled Provision of Special Benefits The government forces religious institutions to extend any special benefit they afford to actual marriage to same-sex “marriage” as well. Punishment for Speech Preaching, political action, or conversation reflecting moral opposition to same-sex “marriage” represents actionable “harassment” or “discrimination,” or forbidden “hate speech”. Exclusion from Accreditation and Licensure Those who adhere to the definition of marriage are excluded from participation in highly regulated professions and quasi-governmental functions, as licenses are revoked and religious institutions lose accredited status. Exclusion from Government Funding, Religious Accommodations, and Other Benefits Those who adhere to the definition of marriage are excluded from receiving government grants and contracts to provide secular social services, and from various tax exemptions. 6. Have any of these threats come to pass? Yes. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: - Legal action taken against a Catholic high school for firing a teacher in a same-sex relationship (Ohio, 2013); - Florist who declined to provide flowers for a same-sex “wedding” sued by state Attorney General (Washington, 2013); - Bed-and-breakfast owners who declined to host a reception for a same-sex “wedding” had to pay $30,000 and agree to never host wedding receptions again (Vermont, 2012); - High school student threatened with suspension for writing school newspaper op-ed opposing adoption by persons of the same sex (Wisconsin, 2012); - Public notaries told by state officials that if they perform any weddings, they must provide wedding services to persons in same-sex relationships or face a human rights violation (Maine, 2012); - The loss of funding and licenses to provide adoptions and/or foster care for refusal to place children with same-sex couples (Catholic Charities in Massachusetts [2006], DC [2010], and Illinois [2011]). These threats have been manifest in other countries as well, often to an even more persistent and invasive extent. 7. Doesn’t a religious exemption protect institutions and individuals if they believe that marriage can only be between a man and a woman? Sometimes. A religious exemption may provide protections, but so far those protections have been drawn very narrowly and fail to cover known risks. More broadly, because “marriage” so pervades the law, it is difficult to foresee all circumstances where religious freedom conflicts may arise. But even further, no religious exemption—no matter how broadly worded—can justify a supportive or neutral position on the redefinition of marriage (see CDF, 1992, no. 16). Such “redefinition” is always fundamentally unjust, and indeed, religious exemptions may even facilitate the passage of such unjust laws. Protecting marriage protects religious liberty; the two are inseparable. See also http://www.marriageuniqueforareason.org/faq/ rancho bernardo inn a special thank you from the gala chair We look forward to this event each year as a time for the entire St. Gregory the Great parish family to come together as one community built upon our faith, our fellowship and our commitment as stewards of God. This year was no exception. Once again, the STGG family has rallied together to bring forth a fantastic evening for all to enjoy! From your service to your donations, and even your well wishes have all been duly noted and accepted with a truly grateful and humble heart. Thank you to Father Nick and Mrs. O’Connell for being the Gala’s biggest cheerleaders, your faith in us all is deeply appreciated. Special thanks to the many adult and student volunteers, and STGGCS parents for their service and time. And finally, a shout out to some shining stars who went the extra mile or gave that extra bit of their time and talents when help was needed the most during the planning of this event. Marc Treitler Pia Corpuz Alan Bautista CJ Schafer Jenny Quimpo Maria Gray Rebecca Korn Dave Armstrong Jessica Pearson Amy Dittamore Marilou Pennington Ron Diem Diana Garcia Jose Becerra Amy Martin Rowena Treitler Maryann Quinto Amy Pack Donna Beltran Joy Marsella Roy Pearson Juliet Stoepler Meredith Nady Barbara Chicca Enes Andrews Mirella Navarrete Sheryl Cayetano Kate Brouillard Barbara Kuzara Gigi Adriano Stephanie Lower Gina Callipari Kevin Bond MJ Wittman Bert Meza Nika Haleftiras Steve Susca Gina Duggan Laryna Rodriguez Bill Feathers Taunya Conte Nichol Swift Bob Forrest Haley Antoine Laura Ventimiglia Tracey Hazeltine Jacqueline Yang Leslie Armstrong Doug Korn Candee Cruz Pedro Navarrete Uyen Talaga Lisa Keller Carolyn Wrightson Janis Bond Xavier Nady Peggy Abrom Cheryl Shaw Jennifer Gouslin Lisa Patrico Lisa Susca thank you to... our underwriters & sponsors Frank & Paulette Deniston The Barno Family Betty Robertson Boy Scout Troop #616 Brady & Christine Hill Club Z! Home Tutoring The Coffie Family Dasheen Jewelry Studio David & Lynda Linaugh Dr. Christopher Maulik Dr. Thomas Splitberger Fil-Am Association Inland Federal Credit Union John & MJ Wittman Kaminski’s BBQ The Mudwilder Family The Nady Family PAC Heating and Air The Peterson Family Pro Tool & Equipment Robert & Marietta Tom Mammini Company Vernon & Sandra Bowman Adeline Madruga Beatrice Iwig The Cui Family Don & Kathy Moody Frank & Catherine Barrack Mary Jackson Paul & Colleen Dorin Prayers & Squares Ministry Robert & Elenore Darrian Adam & Martha Morris Bill & Maureen Carpenter Bob & Ellen Svatos Brian & Karen DeWitt Bruce & Julie Breslau Casey & Julie Tibbits Chad & Bethany Wishchuk Dan & Sue Carter David & Pamela Ricci Dominick & Taunya Conte Pedro & Mirella Navarrete Donal & Monica Gavagan Doug & Rebecca Korn Greg & Ann Wisniew James & Brenda O’Leary James & Caroline Dixon James & Jennifer Alexander Joe & Sarah Lynch John & Barbara Chicca John & Ginger Colletto John & Loretta Gander John & Marjorie Owens John & MJ Wittman Larry & Jennifer Parker Mark & Carolyn Burns Mark & Gail Russell Michael & Uyen Talaga Mike & Elizabeth Mammini Nancy Gaffery Paul & Maria Sittmann Paul & Valerie Nalbandian Warren & Kristina James Peter & Kate Mangan Reg & Lisa Kobzi Rick & Lenora Kneeshaw Ron & Patti Marcoux Tyler & Kathy McIntosh congratulations to the 2015 st. gregory the great honored parishioners john, barbara & katie chicca rancho bernardo inn thank you to... our donors & vendors Adeline Madruga Hotel Max Seattle Roger & Noelle Barno Alvarado Institute of Skin Care In-n-Out Burger Ron & Marilou Pennington Applied Compter Solutions Ivon Buisan Roy & Jessica Pearson APR Linens James & Caroline Dixon San Diego Air & Space Museum Arrow Electronics/NetApp Joel & Courtney Rizzo San Diego Jr. Theater Belle-1 Racing John & Celia Cresci San Diego Museum of Art Belmont Park John & MJ Whitman San Diego Natural History Museum Ben & Diane Smith John & Nancy Madok, Cucina Casa M San Diego Padres Bill & Jennifer Gouslin Jon & Susan Christ Scripps Ranch NJB Bob & Becky Forrest Joseph & Dina Zumwalt Scripps Ranch Theater Bob Forrest Photography Joshua & Sabrina Patterson SDSU Alumni Association Body Beautiful Car Wash Kathy Nichols Shaw Family Cathedral Catholic High School Kelly Ball Southwest Airlines Cenacle of Divine Mercy Ministry Ken & Karen Kuhn SportsClips, Scripps Ranch Cha Cha Namdar, SR Soccer Camp Kenneth Perry & Terry Poletto STGGCS Grades K - 8 Chris & Mary Jackson Lillian Schnee Stills by Hills Photography Chris & Susanne McComic Lisa Campbell Sue Flanagan Clint Bell, Auctioneer Lisa Patrico Tania Castaneda Collins Family Jewelers Little Artists, Poway The Academy of Our Lady of Peace Cory & Lynda Rowin Louise Edu, Summit & Spark The Fish Market Croce's Park West Ludy Peralta The Living Desert Dan & Sue Carter Lynn Bautista, Thirty-One Gifts The Reyes Family Dave & Leslie Armstrong M Beauty by Dr. Tess The Stronghold Crossfit & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu David Bahnemann & Ursula Polakowski Marie Failma The W San Diego Del Mar Photographics Marie McGowan The Widow's Ministry: Pat Brentall Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Melanie Trehan, HD Beauty The Yaszay Family Dominick & Maria Scigliano Mission Bay Aquatic Center Tjung-Ling & Roselynn Ho Dominick & Taunya Conte Mitch Stuart, Inc. Tony & Johann Spadafora Donna Lemay Muse Murals & Custom Paintings True Grits School Uniforms Doug & Rebecca Korn Museum of Making Music Tyler & Kathy McIntosh E2 Young Engineers, North County SD Nancy Shevik Ulrich & Sonja Krauss Felizardo & Herminia Moscosco North County Soccer Park USD Athletic Department Film Fans Ministry Omead & Elizabeth Ostadan USS Midway Fitness Quest 10 Pat & Karen Reilly Waxie Sanitary Supplies Frank & Paulette Deniston Pat Brentnall Wedding Ministry Freddi Pakier Health Coaching Patty’s Linen Rentals Westin Kierl& Resort & Spa, Scottsdale Gina Callipari, Stella & Dot Peter & Mary Kemp Westin La Paloma, Tuscon Greg & Ann Wisniew Phillip & Maria Hoffman Westin San Diego, Gaslamp Greg & Michelle Hoagl& Pinery Christmas Trees Westin St. Francis, San Francisco Gregory & Patricia Mudwilder Prayers & Squares Ministry Wild Rock Canyon Ranch Photography Hazel Chirnside Pump It Up, Poway Yogurt Heaven Hike Bike Kayak Sports Rancho Bernardo Inn Ziggy & Kay Wirganowicz Hornblower Cruises & Events Ray Gador Zoological Society of San Diego john, barbara & katie chicca Visit our website: www.stgg.org/2015gala & Email any questions to Lynn Bautista, [email protected] Ministry Fair May 16-17, 2015 St. Gregory The Great Parish Invites You To Explore The 23 Ministries That are Part of the Liturgy and Parish Life Stewardship Groups Information on our new Parish Mobile Phone App will also be available at the ministry fair The Second Reading from 1 John, Chapter 4, verses 11-16 for May 17, 2014 provides a foundation for stewardship. “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also must love one another. No one has ever seen God. Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us.” This is the universal call of the church and your invitation to be God’s presence to others. We invite you to visit one or more of the ministry tables to see where you may find new friends with a common interest. “We are a Stewardship Parish” Recognizing That All That We Have Comes From God and We Are Called By God to Build His Kingdom Through Service To Others New Parish App Coming Soon! In the coming weeks Saint Gregory the Great will launch our own app for iPhone and Android smart phones, including iPads and Tablets. This will allow us to better communicate with you throughout the week and to keep you updated with relevant parish news or updates. The app is very well designed and very intuitive. It will be a great resource for parishioners by providing daily Mass readings, Catholic news and prayers, convenient prayer and Confession reminders, our bulletins and more. Our hope for this new app is to become an invaluable tool to foster stronger parish life at Saint Gregory the Great and to better engage the New Evangelization. iPhone Screenshot Please watch for our official launch announcement in the coming weeks! If you wish to preview our FREE App, download and install “myParish” from the Apple App Store or from Google Play. HANDYMAN Free Estimates STEVEN SCHMITT 619-977-2084 When donating your used car, you give us the resources we need to provide Job Training, Child Care, Addiction Treatment, Medical Care and so much more to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. You Can Help! God Bless! www.neighbor.org Heating & Air Conditioning (858) Senior Discounts Electrical Plumbing Carpentry Hauling 748-6437 ■ RESIDENTIAL ■ COMMERCIAL ■ MOBILE HOMES Family Owned • • • • HOCK PIANO STUDIO PIANO LESSONS 858-900-4591 Beginners-Advanced • Service • Maintenance • Installations • All Makes & Models License #724141 40 yrs. + exp. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Cont. Lic. #770827 In the plumbing business for 39 years. Owned and operated here in the community. • Water Heaters • Pressure Regulators • Drain Stoppages • Air Conditioning • Faucets • Garbage Disposals Kitchen & Bath • Heating • Sprinkler Repairs Good Quality work at Reasonable Prices Call 1-888-FATHER JOE 39 YEARS 858-578-7808 Temporary, Temp to Hire and Direct Hire Placement Services Serving San Diego’s finest companies and employees since 1998 10% OFF 13907 Poway Rd. Unit A- Poway, CA 92064 (858) 748-0561 M-F 8:00-5:00 Sat 8:00-12:00 Jose Zendejas, President Towing Available Service • Quality • Excellence (858) 558-1400 www.staffworks-us.com Joyous Weddings and Events by KDV & Katherine Vergara Event Planner 858-215-3105Serving San Diego County joyousevents.webs.com facebook.com/joyouseventsbykv [email protected] Filippis Pizza Grotto ITALIAN RESTAURANT PRIME RIB AND COCKTAILS 9969 Mira Mesa Blvd. “Look for this man for Quality” 586-0888 Mira Mesa / Scripps Ranch • Free consultation • Saturday appointments • All types of braces available 12112 Scripps Summit Dr., Suite F, Scripps Ranch • We treat adults and children (858) 527-0090 www.ScrippsOrtho.com • Catholic school graduate Scripps Tax & Financial Group Jason B. Laccone CFP®, EA, CRPC® CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM CA Insurance Lic.#-0G18429 9909 Mira Mesa Blvd., STE 230 San Diego, CA 92131 Tel - (858) 271-1488 [email protected] • www.scrippstax.com 000536 St Gregory the Great Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 We Make Remodeling Easy Your Real Estate Team Over 8,000 Satisfied Customers Certified Bath & Kitchen Designers 2500 Sq. Ft Showroom Five Year Workmanship Warranty Complete price guarantee, no surprises! (858) 413-2305 (We Are Parishioners) email: [email protected] 858-547-6003 www.denistons.com FITNESS QUEST 10 A Center for Health & Human Performance • Personal Training • Massage • Youth Athletic Training (858) 271-1171 • Pilates • Yoga www.fitnessquest10.com Owners Joe & Patty Christenson 12147 Kirkham Road. Poway, CA 92064 www.remodelworks.com Lic. #781576 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com PETER J. BAUER, DDS, MS Orthodontic Specialist 13035 Pomerado Rd., Ste. D Located in the Scripps Ranch Trader Joe's Center FREE Exam & Consultation Invisalign and Traditional Braces for Adults and Children Poway 486-1412 Dr. David S. Gilmore • St. Gregory’s Parishioner • Board Certified Orthodontist 9870 Hibert Street, Ste. D9 • San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 433-7377 • www.gilmoreortho.com Largest Bank Headquartered in San Diego Joe Snyder, VP/Branch Manager Poway-Bernardo M O RT U A RY Since 1978 Handcrafted St. Gregory the Great 14K Altar or Dome Cross charms 858.578.6670 Mira Mesa Mall Tues-Sat 10-6 Closed Sun/Mon Bill and Cynthia Collins Owners/parishioners Finding a Great Plumber Doesn’t Have to be a Draining Experience! (858) 486-4070 www.plumbingplus.net License # 938964 Owned by Michael & Rachael De Silva 10% OFF TO MILITARY AND SENIORS In the heart of Little Italy!! (858) 720-9373 - [email protected] Serving Our Community - Investing in Our Future “FAMILY OWNED AND FAMILY MINDED” www.powaybernardomortuary.net 13243 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 Office: 858.748.4101 FD#1195 Fax: 858.748.4069 Serving: POWAY ADULT Poway, MiraMesa, Scripps Ranch, Rancho Bernardo, DAY HEALTH Rancho Penasquitos, CARE Carmel Mountain and 4S Ranch 12250 Crosthwaite Circle Poway, CA 92064 Phone: 858-748-5044 Visit our New State-of-the-Art Center In the Poway Business Park Attorney Michael J. Kielty Our Lady of the Rosary Church GIFT SHOP La Jolla Office - 1127 Wall Street 29 years experience in personal injury civil litigation / damage claims St. Augustine HS; UCSD; USD Law School Graduate Parishioner - Free Consultation (619) 850-2096 Tel: 619-234-0162 Mon-Wed 10 AM-3 PM Thurs & Fri 10 AM-4 PM Saturday 10 AM-5:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM-2 PM 1629 Columbia Street San Diego, CA 92101 www.ourladysgiftshop.org 000536 St Gregory the Great Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805