April 24, 2016 - Our Lady of the Snow Blue Point


April 24, 2016 - Our Lady of the Snow Blue Point
Our Lady of the Snow
Catholic Church
175 Blue Point Avenue
Blue Point, New York 11715
Telephone: 631-363-6385
April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter
As Jesus has loved us. So we must love one another.
(John 13:31-33a, 34-35)
8:30AM in Mother Church
Saturday 5PM in Large Church
Sunday 7:30AM in Mother Church
9AM, and 11:00AM in
Large Church
Saturday 4PM—4:30PM
in Large Church
Monday 6:15PM—7:15PM
in Mother Church
Monday 6PM—8PM
in Mother Church
Monday 7:30—8PM
Mother Church
ROSARY: April 20, 4:45pm
Mother Church
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
in you we contemplate
the splendor of true love;
to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families too
may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic schools of the Gospel
and small domestic churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again experience
violence, rejection and division;
may all who have been hurt or scandalized
find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
make us more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Graciously hear our prayer. Amen.
--Pope Francis
Altar Bread and Wine
Pray for Our Sick
In loving Memory of our Parishioners
We pray for all who are sick, for their healing in
both body and spirit….
Sanctuary Candle in Mother Church
Karen Ray & Larry Wolfe
In loving Memory of our Parishioners
In Sympathy
April 25, 2016
Saints and Special Observances also indicated
April 25, St. Marks
Louise Gibbons †
April 26,
William Panciroli †
For all who have died this past week, that they rejoice in
the heavenly banquet…
Wednesday April 27,
Ginette Lacy †
April 28, St Peter Chanel & St.
Louis Grignion de Monfort
James Burrowes †
April 29, St Catherine of Siena
Lola M. Vlachos †
April 30, St. Pius
Joseph Montulto †
May 1,
Florence Behan
Parishioners †
Rocco Ranaudo †
John Petrizzi Jr. †
Millicent Racioppi †
Major Meghan Ederle
Capt Kyle Brown
Capt. Tara Brown Gomez
Capt. Thomas Gomez
Lt. Jg Sean Brown
Army Specialist Justin Brown
E3/ACAN Connor Rooney USN
2/c Midshipman Shannon Brown
Capt. Dr. Kate Desmond-Baker
We will be celebrating a special morning
Mass for our seniors
Wednesday , May 25th at 11:00am
In the Ursuline Convent
Following Mass, Please join us for a light
luncheon and friendship, hosted by
Our Lady of the Snow Parish Outreach.
Please R.S.V.P by Wednesday, May 18th
to Outreach at 363-2417
Monday—Thursday 10am-1pm
Or you may leave a message on their
machine at any time.
We look forward to seeing you!!
May Crowning
May 1st after
the 9 am Mass
All Are Welcome
In front of the Mother
A Message from Father Charles Fink
Page 3
My dear parish family,
The prayer on this week’s bulletin cover is the closing of Pope Francis’ new Apostolic
Letter, The Joy of Love, which received so much coverage in the media. Unfortunately, if
your only familiarity with the Letter is by way of commentary on the internet, TV, newspapers, or magazines, you’ll have very little idea of the thrust and substance of what the Pope
has to say.
The Joy of Love is a book length (255 pages) meditation on marriage and family. Pope
Francis covers an enormous amount of material: sex, children, motherhood, fatherhood,
adoption, care of the elderly, brother and sister relationships in the family, marriage preparation, challenges in marriage, pastoral care of the newly married and of those suffering difficulties in marriage, civil marriages, dealing with grief, ethical formation of children, sex education and modesty. There is a long and beautiful reflection on St. Paul’s lyrical description
of love in 1 Corinthians 13.
You’d be hard pressed to know any of this from the way the Letter is dealt with in the
media. There almost the entire focus is on the last 23 pages or so that deal with
“accompanying, discerning and integrating weakness.” It’s here that the Pope asks us to
reach out to those living in “irregular situations.” It’s here he borrows a phrase from John
Paul II, “the principle of gradualness” to describe the way we should try slowly and patiently
to bring those not living in accord with Church teaching into greater union with the Church.
The Pope explicitly rules out changing any official teachings on marriage and family.
What he asks for is compassion, understanding, sympathy, meeting people where they are
and accompanying them as they make their way to God, letting them know they are loved,
helping them move into greater conformity to the will of God.
A couple of weeks ago, in a Sunday homily, I recommended C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of
Narnia, particularly the last book of the series, as giving a brilliantly creative picture of heaven, remarking that the impact of the picture would be somewhat dimmed if one only read the
last ten pages of the last book. People laughed understanding human nature as well as I and
knowing what I was getting at. It seems most of the media is only interested in the last twenty-five pages of Pope Francis’ latest Apostolic Letter, and then only insofar as, depending on
their ideology, they can spin it to suit their taste.
I wouldn’t expect many of you to be willing to wade through all 255 pages of The Joy
of Love, but I hope that in an age where even those who consider themselves good Catholics
are quick to question and dissent from Church teaching, you’d show at least a little skepticism toward what you read concerning Church teaching from media sources that almost always have an ax to grind.
With love and prayers
Fr. Charles Fink
Believing with Joy! Stewardship - A Way of Life
Monsignor Charles Fink, we
thank you for 40 years of
faithful service !
Next Sunday,
May 1, we will
crown the statue
of the Blessed Mother in the front
of the Mother Church. Join us after
the 9 a.m. Mass to honor Mary, as
queen of heaven and earth
We have been blessed by your
priesthood and your
Thank you to Eileen Schandal,
Ducky Pond Preschool for teaching
our Moms and More group to shout
praises to God! Our next Moms
and More will be
on April 28 in
the Mother
Church basement
at 10 a.m.
Please join us.
For the week of April 17, 2016
Come join us for
hospitality after
Mass to celebrate
Fr Fink’s
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
If we are to advance in our life of prayer, which is to say, in our life of love of
God, we should be on the lookout for anything that can help us on our way. We
have already discussed the sacraments. Ideally our celebration of them should be
moments of prayer. This is particularly true of the Eucharist, which we not only receive but adore. We have spoken, too, of the value of spiritual reading, most especially the Bible.
Within the Bible itself, there is an extraordinary aid to prayer, namely the
Book of Psalms: 150 songs of praise, petition, thanksgiving, lamentation and longing, all inspired by God Himself. It is no coincidence that in the Church’s official
prayer book, the Liturgy of the Hours (said mostly by priests and religious but recommended to all the faithful and available as a free app on smart phones) the
psalms make up the biggest part. In these beautiful prayers, expressing every imaginable response to God, it is as if He were saying, “It’s all right to question me,
to be angry with me; I don’t mind, so long as we stay in touch.” When Jesus cried
out from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” He was quoting the opening line of Psalm 22.
People are often put off by the violence in some of the psalms. There are a
number of things we can do to overcome this aversion. One is to think of the enemies the psalmist wants destroyed not as other people but as evil spiritual powers
bent on our destruction or as our own baser inclinations, which we beseech God to
At the same time, we can read the psalms as the prayers of all God’s children.
This ought to come easily to Catholics, who should possess a vivid sense of being
members of the body of Christ. When we pray the psalms, we pray for the whole
body, not just in the sense of wishing them God’s blessings, but in their place, because they may be so downtrodden and despondent, surrounded by enemies,
mocked and scorned, that they have not the strength to pray for themselves.
The regular praying of the psalms, therefore, can have a wonderfully broadening effect on us, breaking us out of the egotism of praying only for our own concerns and the concerns of those closest to us. We pray for those who feel abandoned by God, who in their desperation want only surcease of all that hurts them.
The day may come when we are similarly afflicted. If we are lucky, somewhere
someone will be praying a psalm for us.
363-6394 [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9:30—4:30 or by appointment
The ministry of Religious Education strives to bring all into a closer relationship with Jesus
Week of April 24
First Communions
Sat. 5/7 - 11am Rehearsal Wed. 5/4 at 4:30pm
Sat. 5/7 -2pm Rehearsal Wed. 5/4 at 6pm
Sat. 5/14 -11am Rehearsal Wed. 5/11 at 4:30pm
May Crowning—Sun. May 1st at
the 9am Mass All students are invited
to participate.
We are beginning to prepare for next year’s program. Please consider sharing your Catholic faith
with the children of the parish. Call or email the Religious Education Office for more information
2016-2017 will be on the parish
website the last week in April.
ourladyofthesnowbluepoint.com). Hard copies will be
available on the backstairs of
the Religious Education Office
Children Entering 1st Grade—Sept 2016 should
be registered in the Religious Education Program.
Participation in Level 1 is the first level of the
Diocesan mandated 2 year preparation program
for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Registration forms can be found on the parish website or on the backstairs of the Religious Education
Office and should be returned to the Religious Education Office as soon as possible.
“’Whoever welcomes one
of these little children in
my name welcomes me;
Mark 9:37
To Our Level 3-8 CATECHISTS
Monique Abel, Tara Anglim, Cynthia Bachek, Theresa Bailey, Cathie Balbera, Patricia Baldassare,
Shannon Baumiller, Janice Bershad, Joann Bilboa,
Mary Bradley, Joanne Brooks, Amanda Bryant, Allison Carroll, Lisa Carson, Jennifer Charvat, Loren Christie, Wendy Clare, Colleen Damiano, Michael Dawidziak, Orlando Diaz, Kathy DiPalo, Danielle Dobson, Mary Dolan, Colleen Erickson, Christine Fedorys, Tina Festa, Diana Fish, Kristen Fryer,
Maria Garafola, Haley Giuliano, Kathleen Giuliano,
Kathryn Goebel, Mary Ann Greenlaw, Susan Gressler, Jennifer Hans, Meaghan Healy, Stacey Hendershot, Lynn Hill, Katie Hruby, Kathleen Jacobs, Margaret Jeran, Janet Karan, Jacob Keiffert, Rosemary
Kessler, Maureen Knapp, Annette Lanteri, Melissa
Lessing, Kristin Maggi, Terry Martin, Danielle May,
Jennifer McDonald, Kelly McMahon, Kerri Newbeck, Jaime Onufrak, Susan Prescott,
Ricciardi, Allison Riordan, Michelle Ross, Patricia
Russell, Renee Schilling, Laura Segarra, Daniella
Sekela, Jennifer Shanahan, Kelly Smith, Jennifer
Stadier, Melanie Stafford, Christine Stawecki, Nicole Teufel, Courtney Thyberg, Jennifer Torre,
Patricia Vickers, Joseph Walsh, Kara Welling, Linda Wetherell, Maureen
Wuestmann, Nancy Yost
and Roberta Zoller.
To Our Liturgy of the Word Leaders
Barbara Renner and Loren Christie
To Our Faith Buddies
James Dobson, Gillian Dougherty,
Emma Gluchowski, Danielle Lanteri and
Kevel Lessing
Parish Outreach
40 years (1976-2016)
of assisting those in
need in our community
This educational self-assessment is a fun
way to help you see how much you know
about your Catholic faith. Answers can
be found on the bottom of this page.
1. God won’t forgive you if you break the
law even if you are sorry and go to
Due to these tough economic times, we are
helping an increased number of our
neighbors in need.
The Pantry is in need of the following:
*** Indicate we are very low in supply
♦ Coffee, tea and milk***
♦ Cereal , hot and cold
♦ Crackers
♦ Spinach***
♦ Jelly ***
♦ Mayonnaise***
♦ Instant and canned potatoes
♦ Canned Chicken, Salmon***
♦ Stew***
♦ Toilet paper, paper towels and tissue paper***
♦ Hand soap
♦ Toothpaste
♦ Laundry detergent
♦ Peas***
♦ Carrots
Mixed vegetables
♦ Juice
♦ Soap***
♦ Body wash
♦ Deodorant***
♦ Macaroni & Cheese
♦ Chili***
♦ Ketchup***
♦ Conditioner
♦ Rice
♦ Cat and Dog Food
♦ Cleaning supplies
♦ Pancake Mix
♦ King Kullen gift cards $10***
The pantry is located in the lobby of the large
Church. All donation can be left outside the pantry
door or at the Outreach office.
True / False
2. In the early church, public sinners
performed public______.
a. singing
d, exercise
b, dancing c, penance
3. In confession, it is Jesus, represented
by the priest, who forgives our sins.
True / False
4. Which sacrament does not include the
forgiveness of sins?
a, reconciliation b, baptism c, anoint
ing of the sick d, matrimony
5. What did Jesus do that forgave all our
a, walked on water b, died on the
cross c, picked 12 disciples
healed a blind person
Who is doing Mass?
April 30—May 1
5:00pm - Fr. John Amoah
7:30 am– Fr. Charles Fink
9:00 am—Fr. Charles Fink
11:00 am—Fr. John Amoah
IQ answers: 1)false; 2)c; 3)true; 4) d; 5) b
“Jesus I trust in You” Sister Foustina
4/28/16 Thursday – Catholic Health Services of LI
is opening a Gianna Center at Good Samaritan
Hospital, West Islip offering comprehensive pro-life
health care which is effective (99.5%), scientific,
physical & spiritual. It includes: crisis pregnancy assistance & counseling, education of
fertility care & management (Na-Pro - natural procreation technology using natural organic alternatives such as Creighton Model
System) & pre-natal loss (Gabriel’s Courageprovides help to women who are experiencing problem pregnancies) Q/A call 1-855301-4CHS or www.chhsli.org
4/30/16 Saturday – March for Life, NY - EAST
COAST: Meet @ Brookhaven Town Hall,
Farmingville @ 11:30AM – then march to
Bald Hill Amphitheater for Major Rally,
N.B. There is no parking @ the Town Hall /
there is parking @ Bald Hill (Q/A 681-7275
or [email protected])
5/7/16 Saturday – Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to
the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Manorville for Passing through the Holy Door of
Mercy, Adoration, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
& Confessions in the Pilgrim Hall --- THEN
join the Catholics for Freedom of Religion
who will host a presentation by Congressman
Lee Zeldin from 5-6:30PM Q/A 472-0033car pool from OLS @ 2:15 PM
9/30/16, Friday: Life Center of LI’s 30th Anniversary Dinner Dance / 6-11pm Woodbury
Country Club / Honoree & Special Guest
Speaker: Msgr. James Lisante – Special
Guest Speaker: Rick Hinshaw
“Bridge of Spies” with Tom Hanks
“Concussion” with Will Smith
Now and at the Hour of Our
A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decision –
Catholics are not morally bound to
prolong the dying process by using every
medical treatment available. Allowing natural death to occur is not the same as killing.
Some treatments may be considered
“extraordinary” (as opposed to ordinary)
and are not morally obligatory because the
burdens an consequences are out of proportion to the benefit results anticipated for a
particular patient. These are considered
morally optional treatments.
For example, it would be permissible
for a cancer patient to forego a particularly
aggressive and expensive treatment if the patient judged the survival rate too low and the
pain of the treatment too great a burden.
But what constitutes an “excessive
burden?” Our Church suggests that when
making a decision to accept or refuse a treatment , we should take into consideration the
type of treatment recommended, how risky or
complicated it is, its cost, side effects, how
painful it will be , its availability , the likelihood of that treatment maintaining or enhancing the life of the patient, and the need
to share limited medical resources. We
should also consider the spiritual and emotional burdens on ourselves and our family.
Our Lady of the Snow 2nd Annual Raffle
First Prize $10,000
Second Prize $5, 000
Third Prize $1,000
Seller of Winning Ticket $500
Tickets $100.
Only 500 Tickets being sold.
The drawing for the Raffle will be on May 6, 2016
at the Dinner Dance.
Come into the Rectory
to get your ticket!!
Dinner Dance
May 6, 2016
Knights of Columbus Hall
38 West 1st Patchogue
Tickets are on sale NOW!!
At the Rectory office
$35 per person
Price includes , Appetizers, Dinner ,
Dessert DJ, beer, wine and soda
Drawing for Raffle
will take
place at the Dinner Dance
Get a group of eight friends
and have a table to yourselves
The Pastoral Team Clergy
Rev. Edward R. D’Andrea, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Charles Fink, Parish Administrator
Rev. John Amoah, Associate Pastor
Deacon Frank Hartmann
Deacon Edward Karan
Deacon Bob Gronenthal
Parish Office: 363-6385 — Fax: 363-7394 Hours: Mon –Fri 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Mrs. Lindsay Butler, Parish Asst., ext. 111; Mrs. Loraine Gonzalez, . Asst., ext. 110
[email protected]
Religious Education: 363-6394 Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m
Mrs. Patricia Bartoldus, Director of Faith Formation, ; Mrs. Eileen Mulry, Secretary, ext.115
[email protected]
Faith Formation for Adults: 363-2416 Mrs. Beth Rivalsi,
Director of Faith Formation for Adults
[email protected]
Parish Outreach: 363-2417 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Thursday in the cottage
Mrs. Diana Mongan, Director ; Mrs. Patricia Fulco, Outreach Assistant
[email protected]
Director of Music, Mrs. Theresa Martin
Respect Life Ministry , Mrs. Jean Delaney Coordinator 631 472-0033
Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.)
Communion for the Homebound:
Persons interested in becoming Catholic and adults
who have not received Confirmation or First
Eucharist, please contact
Beth Rivalsi at 363-2416.
To make arrangements to have Communion brought to
the home, please call the parish office at 363-6385, ext.
110. For emergency sick calls, please call the parish at
any time.
Catholic Marriage for couples
Arrangements must be made at least six to twelve
months in advance. It is
advisable to call the church prior to
arranging the reception.
Are celebrated on the second Saturday and
fourth Sunday of most months. Please visit our
website at for complete information
outside the Church
If you have a civil marriage but now desire a Catholic
sacramental marriage, call the Rectory for more information about a Convalidation .Convalidation is having a
couple’s marriage recognized and blessed by the
Church through the Catholic Rite of Marriage
New parishioners
Please register at the parish or call 3636385, ext. 110 for information.
Parish Outreach will be hosting our Spring
bake sale after all the masses on Saturday
April 30, 2016 and Sunday May 1, 2016.
Would you consider baking a cake,
pie ,bread cookies ,cupcakes, brownies
Please drop your
items off in the vestibule of the large
church before or after any mass.
Thank you so much
for helping us help
those in need .
A little humor from Father Fink
A visitor to Dublin was doing a coach
tour of the city. When the coach came to
Clontarf, the courier said, “the famous Battle
of Clontarf was fought
The visitor said,
“and when was that?”
“Ten fourteen.”
The visitor looked
at his watch, then said,
“Oh, we’ve just missed