Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church 175 Blue Point Avenue Blue Point, New York 11715 Telephone: 631-363-6385 July 26, 2015 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs (Psalm 145) MASS SCHEDULE WEEK DAY MASSES: Monday—Friday 8:30AM in Mother Church WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5PM in Large Church Sunday 7:30AM in Mother Church 9AM, and 11:00AM in Large Church SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4PM—4:30PM in Large Church Monday 6:15PM—7:15PM in Mother Church EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Monday 6PM—8PM in Mother Church MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA & BENEDICTION: Monday 7:30—8PM In Mother Church Visit us online! www.OurLadyofTheSnowBluePoint.com Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay: small acts of kindness and love. --from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien, quoted here before, was a devout Catholic and one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. If you’re not a fan, the prospect of wading into the fantasy world’s he creates might seem daunting. But you can get a sense of his imagination and style, not to mention his faith, by going to your computer and searching “Leaf by Niggle”. You’ll be able to access the entire short story. Maybe make it your beach reading. †The Pastoral Team Clergy† Rev. Edward R. D’Andrea, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Charles Fink, Parish Administrator Rev. John Amoah, Associate Pastor Deacon Frank Hartmann Deacon Edward Karan Deacon Robert Gronenthal Faith Formation for Adults: 363-2416 Mrs. Beth Rivalsi, Director of Faith Formation for Adults [email protected] Religious Education: 363-6394 Mrs. Patricia Bartoldus, Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.) Persons interested in becoming Catholic and adults who have not received Confirmation or First Eucharist, please contact Beth Rivalsi at 363-2416. Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least six to twelve months in advance. It is advisable to call the church prior to arranging the reception. Baptisms Are celebrated on the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of most months. Please visit our website at for complete information Director of Faith Formation, 1-9 Mrs. Eileen Mulry, Secretary, ext. 15 Mrs. Susan Gressler, C.R.E., ext. 14 Office hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. [email protected] Parish Outreach: 363-2417 Mrs. Diana Mongan, Director Mrs. Patricia Fulco, Outreach Assistant Office hours and food pantry 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Thursday in the cottage Evening Hours Available by Appointment [email protected] Director of Music Mrs. Theresa Martin Parish Office: 363-6385 — Fax: 363-7394 Mrs. Lindsay Butler, Parish Asst., ext. 11 Mrs. Loraine Gonzalez, . Asst., ext. 10 Hours: Mon -Thurs 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. [email protected] New parishioners Please register at the parish or call 363-6385, ext. 10 for information. Communion for the Homebound: To make arrangements to have Communion brought to the home, please call the parish office at 363-6385, ext. 10. For emergency sick calls, please call the parish at any time. Catholic Marriage for couples married outside the Church If you have a civil marriage but now desire a Catholic sacramental marriage, call the Rectory for more information about a Convalidation .Convalidation is having a couple’s marriage recognized and blessed by the Church through the Catholic Rite of Marriage Respect Life Ministry Coordinator : Jean Delaney For more information or to join please call 631 472-0033 A Message from Father Charles Fink Page 3 July 26, 2015 My dear parish family, Recently, at a family gathering (not my own but a family I grew up next door to), one of the guests, after being introduced to me, decided to share that, having taken a comparative religion course in college many years before, he realized that all religions were fundamentally teaching the same thing. I was reminded of Msgr. Ronald Knox’s witticism: “The study of comparative religion tends to make one comparatively religious.” Of course the gentleman at the party was on to something. What he said does contain a kernel of truth, but only a very tiny kernel. It really won’t bear much scrutiny, its positive impact depending on our leaving a whole lot out of the picture, like Jesus Christ being truly God and man, like sin and redemption, the sacraments, the historicity of the gospels, devotion to saints, and a host of moral issues on which different religions flat out contradict one another. It’s good that we should emphasize what we share in common and do our best to get along with those who don’t share our religious beliefs. I didn’t get into an argument with the man at the party. We parted amicably. But the next step after “all religions are basically teaching the same thing” is “religion doesn’t really matter; all that matters is being a good person.” In fact, many of our Catholic people have already arrived at this conclusion and have opted out of the practice of their religion, at least inasmuch as this entails going to Mass each Sunday, a trend which has grievously wounded the Church. As time goes by, we can only hope that some of them come to realize that not only is it not so easy to be good apart from the practice of their Catholic faith; it’s not even easy to know what it good. God bless those of you who faithfully attend Mass at Our Lady of the Snow and continue to support our Church. Let’s all pray for those who don’t. They may be good, but not as good as God wants them to be, unless I completely misread the third of the Ten Commandments and the first of the Two Great Commandments. With love and prayers, Fr. Charles Fink Prayers & Intentions † MEMORIALS FOR THE WEEK † Altar Bread and Wine In loving Memory of John and Joan Nolan Sanctuary Candle in Mother Church In loving Memory of John and Joan Nolan MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK July 27, 2015 Saints and Special Observances also indicated Monday 8:30AM July 27, Rita Horan † Tuesday 8:30AM July 28, Kathleen Donohue † Wednesday July 29, St. Martha 8:30AM John Devito † Thursday 8:30AM July 30,St. Peter Chrysologus Valerie Schaffel † Friday 8:30AM July 31, St Ignatius of Loyola Mary Ann Fox † Saturday 5:00PM August 1, St. Alphonsus Liguori Elizabeth Tenes † Sunday 7:30AM 9:00AM 11:00AM August 2, Parishioners † Michael Higgins † Dorothy Valentine † Lt. Col Christopher Ederle Major Meghan Ederle Capt Kyle Brown Capt. Tara Brown Gomez Capt. Thomas Gomez Lt. Jg Sean Brown 2/c Midshipman Shannon Brown Army Specialist Justin Brown E3/ACAN Connor Rooney USN Capt. Dr. Kate Desmond-Baker Page 4 July 26, 2015 Pray for Our Sick We pray for all who are sick, for their healing in both body and spirit…. Joann Auwaerter, Charles Edward Steele & Joan Maio In Sympathy For all who have died this past week, that they rejoice in the heavenly banquet… Laurie Ward & Scott Lally WEDDING BANDS Joseph Balcuk & Kate Knoepffler Special Collection for Persecuted Christians The number of persecuted Christians in the world has topped a staggering 100 million according to a recent report from Open Doors USA, an organization that assists persecuted Christians. Paying homage recently to the courage of the Apostles and that of the first Christian community. Pope Francis referenced the “atrocious , inhuman and incomprehensible persecutions, sadly present in many parts of the world today, often under the silent gaze of all.” Bishop Murphy urges us to reach out and protect these victims who are suffering who are our so often the targets of violence and murder, along with other ethnic and religious minorities. To that end, a special collection will be taken up in our parish the weekend of August 1-2, 2015 to assist those who are suffering religious persecution in Syria , Iraq and wherever needed. Please continue to pray for peace and if you are able, to support this special collection to assist for our brothers and sisters in Christ. KNOWING OUR FAITH XXVII. WHO IS SAVED? Water is poured over the forehead of a child, or a person is immersed in water, and the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” are said. As we saw in our last lesson, miraculous things happen as water and word are thus mingled. One is born again into a new kind of life. Having been born once into human life, we are reborn into divine life through baptism. But what of the billions who are never baptized? Are they cut off from participation in God’s own life? That question was answered by the great twentieth century Catholic philosopher, Jacques Maritain, in words that prefigured the official pronouncement of the Church at the Second Vatican Council. Here is how Maritain put it: We hold that every man of good faith and right will, provided he does not refuse the grace interiorly offered to him, belongs, as we put it, to the Soul of the Church, or, in other words, is invisibly and by the motion of his heart a member of the visible Church and partakes of her life, which is eternal life. The Second Vatican Council, at greater length and in more detail, said precisely the same thing in its Dogmatic Constitution of the Church (Lumen Gentium 16). What it all comes down to is this. God is love and desires the salvation of everyone, offering His grace to all. Only those who knowingly and freely reject God and the good are cut off from Him, and this by their own free choice. God’s favored and most efficacious means of communicating a share in His life are the sacraments, but He will not refuse His grace to those to whom, through no fault of their own, the sacraments are not available. Grace is everywhere because God and His love are everywhere. We receive the sacraments not out of fear that without them we are lost but because we are here to learn to love God and others, and we should be looking for the best way to do that. The sacraments are the best way to be united to God and to receive the grace to love as we should, which is more than enough reason to cherish them. Believing with Joy! Stewardship - A Way of Life Stewardship and Feeding the 5000! What an image we have in today’s gospel, 5000 people wanting to be with Jesus, to be fed with his words and actions. Little did they know they would be participating in a miracle of such magnitude! When Jesus sees the crowd his first question is “what can we feed them?” Jesus knew what he was going to do but he wanted his disciples to be part of this miracle. He wants all of us to be part of his miracles. Jesus’ actions exemplify stewardship. Jesus takes the boy’s offering and he blesses his heavenly Father, acknowledging that all things come from God. Pope Francis in his homily at the Fifth National Eucharistic Congress in Bolivia said, “Blessing has this double aspect: thanksgiving and transformative power. It is a recognition that life is always a gift which, when placed in the hands of God, starts to multiply.” Jesus takes this bread that has been blessed and now shares it; he gives it to the people and all were filled. Pope Francis tells us, “For it is only in giving, in sharing, that we find the source of our joy and come to experience salvation.” Jesus is also leading us to the Eucharist, an ongoing miracle that we experience at every Mass. He feeds the 5000 with bread and fish; he feeds all of God’s people with his body broken and his blood poured out for us. Again Pope Francis states, “The Eucharist is a sacrament of communion, which draws us out of our individualism in order to live together as disciples. It gives us the certainty that all that we have, all that we are, if it is taken, blessed and given, can, by God’s power, by the power of his love, become bread of life for all.” May we be amazed by this miracle, may we be transformed by this miracle. Mary Queen of Peace, Pray for Us Join us as we pray the rosary for peace on July 28 at 4:45 in the Mother Church. In honor of our feast day, August 5, we will pray the rosary at 7 p.m. We hope that parishioners will come to honor Our Lady of the Snow, by praying the rosary with us. If you would like a good book to read this summer, members of our Book Discussion Group have offered to share their books with you. In the front vestibule is a basket of books that we have read over this past year. If you take one please read it and then return it to the basket for someone else to read. We have had some great discussions with these books and we hope you enjoy them as well! . From the Diocese of Rockville Centre Statement on Ticket Availability for Holy Father’s Visit: We prayerfully anticipate the visit of Pope Francis to NYC. Tickets will be made available through Diocese of Rockville Centre (not local parishes) sometime after August 1st. We will keep you posted. Catholic Ministries Appeal ***Pledges $68,710 (Over $810)*** **Payments received $ 60,270** Thank You For Your Support STEWARDSHIP FINANCIAL REPORT For the week of July 19 , 2015 Mass Attendance 5:00 pm 185 7:30 am 137 Envelopes $ 2383 2073 Loose $ Total 382 2765 473 2546 9:00 am 158 1775 310 2085 11:00 am 188 1501 286 1787 Total 668 7732 1451 9183 Parish Outreach & Local Events Page 7 Parish Outreach News Several families in our community are in need of school supplies. Can you help these children? We are in need of the following items: Tissues Baby wipes Glue sticks (not liquid) 3 and 5 Subject notebooks Book covers 1”, 1 1/2”, 2” binders Loose leaf paper and subject dividers Post its—all sizes 3x5 index cards Black permanent markers Fiskar 5 inch scissors Expo dry erase markers Colored pencils 2 pocket folders—plastic or paper Highlighters– assorted colors Markers Gift cards to Staples, Target and Bob’s would be greatly appreciated!! **PLEASE NO COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS, RULERS OR 1 SUBJECT NOTEBOOKS.** July 26 , 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The Log Island State Veterans Home Presents: Concert Under the Stars, featuring the West Point Band.. Wednesday August 26, 2015 6:30 PM to 9:00PM rain or shine, at Campus of Stony Brook Universality 100 Patriots Road Stony Brook. Bring blankets, chairs and the whole family The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts– A Course in Spiritual Growth and Devotion to Our Lady– An 8 Sessions series of Prayer, Study and discussion August 6, 13, 20, 27 Sept. 3, 8, 17, and 24. 7:00 pm—8:30 pm at Shire of Our Lad of the Island , call Shrine Office to register 325 -0661 Stepping On- Have you fallen in the past year? Take this free work shop to help with balance , improve strength and build confidence. Mastic Moriches Shirley community library . Call 399-1511 for more information. Worldwide Marriage Encounter- Come join us for a day of enrichment Saturday August 29, 2015 at The Shire of Our Lady of the Island. Day starts at 8:30am. For further information or to RSVP please call Bob and Jean Payne 886-2256 Live in Concert Kathy Troccoli— Wednesday , September 23 7 PM St Mary’s Auditorium. Kathy Troccoli’s soulful vocals and passionate styling’s have resonated with all generations Get tickets at the St Mary's rectory office or online 581-4266 The pantry is located in the lobby of the large church. All donations can be left outside the pantry door or at the Outreach office. Thank you for your continued support Save the Date, Blood Drive Monday, October 5, 2015 2pm—8 pm OUR LADY OF THE SNOW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 363-6394 [email protected] Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9:30—4:30 or by appointment The ministry of Religious Education strives to bring all into a closer relationship with Jesus Week of July 26 REGISTRATION You can still drop your registration forms off at the Religious Education Office. Forms can be found on the parish website or hard copies are on the back stairs of the Religious Education Office. Children Entering 1st Grade Sept. 2015 Children entering 1st grade in Sept 2015 should be registered in the Religious Education Program. Participation in Level 1 is the first level of the Diocesan mandated 2 year preparation program for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Registration forms should be returned to the Religious Education Office as soon as possible. FYI—The Religious Education Office is closed for vacation. We will reopen Mon. Aug. 16 “If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.” _ St. Francis of Assisi Who are our Catechists??? Parents—Mothers & Fathers Grandparents & Godparents High School & College Students Parishioners CATECHISTS Catechists are still needed. Please call or email the Religious Education Office if you are interested in sharing your faith. Level 3 & 4 on Wednesday at 4:30 to 5:30 or 6 to 7 GOLF OUTING Our Lady of the Snow’s 19th Annual Father D’s Golf Outing Wednesday , October 14, 2015 Rock Hill Country Club Golf, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Open Bar 9:00 am Registration, 11:00 am Shotgun Start, 5:00 pm Dinner and Raffle Sponsorship/Costs ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Eagle Sponsor….$1000, Includes; Sponsorship for dinner, halfway house BBQ, breakfast, driving range and hole sponsor. Birdie Sponsor….$500, Includes; Sponsorship of Dinner, Cocktails, halfway house BBQ and hole sponsor Par Sponsor….$250 Includes; Sponsorship of halfway house BBQ, and hole sponsor Tee Sponsor…$100 Individual Player….$150 Includes; Reservation for Day of Golf, with Continental Breakfast, Barbeque at the turn, Cocktails and Dinner. Dinner Only ….$50 All /sponsorships will be prominently displayed during the entire day. Page 10 July 26, 2015 WHAT’S YOUR CATHOLIC IQ? OUR LADY OF THE SNOW ANNUAL PARISH PICNIC Sunday September 13, 2015 3:00pm-6:00pm Please join us as we come together as a parish community Tickets on sale soon…. Bring the children for pony rides. This educational self-assessment is a fun way to help you see how much you know about your Catholic faith. Answers can be found on the bottom of this page. 1, The Easter Vigil can take place at any time of day. True/False 2, The liturgical color for Easter is______. a) blue b) gold c) white d) magenta 3, How many days are in the Easter season? a) 40 b)1 c)8 d)50 4, “Thanks be to God who gives us the ____through our Lord Jesus Christ! a) victory b) victim c) seasons d) voyage 5, Miracles are ______. a) magic tricks b) only for those who deserve them c) signs that what God has revealed is true d)fake Answer key 1, false 2, c; 3, d, 4, a; 5, c A little humor from Father Fink: A man went to confession and asked the priest if it was a sin to golf on Sunday. The priest, recognizing the men’s voice, said, “The way you play golf, it’s a sin any day.”
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