Solutions for Nuclear measurements
Solutions for Nuclear measurements
Solutions for Nuclear measurements COMPONENTS SYSTEMS SERVICES The detection and the analysis of all types of radiation are essential for the safety and security of facilities and persons. For nuclear operators, providers or business stakeholders having the right tools and measurement services is the key to good decisionmaking, performance and cost optimisation in the areas of radiation protection, waste management, process monitoring, territorial and environmental protection… Nuvia offers a unique array of technologies and services in nuclear measuring. COMPONENTS EXTENSIVE PRODUCT LINE SOLUTIONS THAT SPAN FROM COMPONENTS TO COMPLEX SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES ANALYZERS DETECTORS SOFTWARE SERVICES EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS RADIATION MONITORING DURING OPERATIONS MODELLING STUDIES ON-SITE SURVEYS HEALTH PHYSICS WASTE MANAGEMENT RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING HOMELAND SECURITY RADIOPROTECTION LABORATORIES NUCLEAR MEASUREMENT SPECIALISTS UNIQUE VERTICAL INTEGRATION At all stages of the facilities’ life cycle, Nuvia provides tailored measuring solutions to nuclear operators, owners and stakeholders: components (detectors, analyzers, software) or measurement systems incorporating appropriate carrier equipment, conveyor equipment, GPS, control and processing unit. For each project, Nuvia has an exclusive work approach to meet the needs of the customer through a vertical integration of expertise, encompassing the design, manufacturing, qualification and on-site implementation of components or measuring systems. We are also able to provide our customers with various services related to nuclear measurement: modelling studies, surveys, on-site measurements, nuclear measurement in operation, management of sites and contaminated soils, radiological controls, radiation protection, maintenance and regulatory audit. Since all the necessary skills are grouped together within the Nuvia group, our clients have the answer to all their measurement problems from one single provider. This reduces the number of interfaces and subcontractors whilst benefiting from better control of risks, deadlines, quality and costs. The components Nuvia offers a full catalogue of highly reliable material which can be tailored on-request, such as detectors, digital analyzers and software (data logger & data processing). Our components are designed and manufactured in our workshops and are the result of our R&D processes, they have been integrated in our measuring systems. OUR RANGE OF DETECTORS: NuDET Plastic scintillators High sensitivity gamma counting. Standard sizes or custom-made on request. Polymerization (styrene + scintillating material). NuDET PLASTIC NaI(Tl) Crystal Scintillators NuNaI OUR SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS: NuSOFT Modelling of germanium gamma-ray spectrometry Software for mathematical modelling of efficiency curves without radioactive sources: MCNP characterisation of the detector, 3D graphical interface to model any type of scenes. Spectrometry Alpha and gamma spectrometry software for any type of detector (germanium, NaI(Tl), CZT and silicon). Spectrometry software for germanium detectors. Can be integrated into complex waste measurement systems. Our software is compatible with all the analyzers of the market and our team of professionals can adapt it to any specific request. Gamma spectrometry & gamma counting. Standard sizes of the crystal (1’’ / 2’’ / 3’’), custom-made on request. NuNaI NaI(Tl) Probes Gamma spectrometry & gamma counting. Standard sizes or custom-made on request. NaI(Tl) crystal coupled to a photomultiplier. Alpha & alpha/beta scintillators NuDET AB Designed for measuring alpha & beta radiation in the unified probes. Scintillators made of silver doped Zinc Sulfide ZnS(Ag). Radon chambers Designed for measuring radon concentrations: Airborne 222Rn, or 226Ra, 222Rn in water. Cylindrical alpha scintillation chamber for radon. NuDET RADON 4 - Solutions for Nuclear measurements NuSOFT GAMWIN Airborne real-time data acquisition and data mapping software NuSOFT PEIVIEW The Gamma-ray spectrometry data acquisition system incorporates algorithms for spectra image stabilization on natural radioactive elements lines. The supporting software provides real-time and post-mission data visualisation and processing. The real-time multi instrument data acquisition and navigation system can support a wide variety of PEI intelligent instruments, integrated third party detectors, as well as necessary ancillary equipment (GPS, Radar Altimeter, Barometer, Temperature Gauge, Video capturing, etc). The AGRS type detectors calibration can be verified and performed using original calibration software. The supporting software used for survey preparation (including calibration and conversion of map images, defining the survey area, observation lines and measuring points), as well as express flight-path and graphical data representation. The data extraction software allows the raw data to be quality controlled, analyzed, as well as exported to different file formats for following processing and representation with Geosoft Oasis-Montaj, Google Earth or other appropriate software. 5 Nuclear measurement systems From modelling to implementation, Nuvia uses exclusive know-how and state-of-the art technologies in its monitoring systems dedicated to six major fields of application: waste management, homeland security, laboratories, radiation protection, radiation monitoring systems and environmental monitoring. OUR RANGE OF DIGITAL ANALYZERS: NuNA Digital analyzers Multi-channel analyzers Two models of DSP type digital analyzers. > Model 8k memory channels, internal oscilloscope for displaying input signal. Operates with graphical interface for laboratory applications, or without it for industrial applications. > Model 64k memory channels, ADC 16 bits sampling frequency of 80MHz, internal computer with Linux operation system & a TFT screen similar to a smartphone (can work without PC), internal oscilloscope for the visualization of signals. NuNa MCA2 NuNa MCB2 NIM standard analyzer (gamma-ray spectrometry, alpha and neutronics passive) integrating a high performance digital encoder: memory capacity 65,000 channels, a mirco-second conversion speed. Data transfer to PC via USB or remotely via Ethernet. Gamma, germanium & Nal(Tl) spectrometry: 16k memory channels, Linux embedded operating system. Data transfer via USB or Ethernet. PHA or List acquisition modes. Multichannel buffer for NuNa MCB gamma, germanium, Nal(Tl) spectrometric applications: 8k memory channels. Digital analyzers for scintillators (NaI(Tl), Csl, LaBr, plastic) Two models of analyzers suitable for VLLW measuring station, on-site measuring, mapping system: high voltage, preamplifier, ADC sampling and processing of the digital sign. USB or Ethernet data transfer. VERTICAL INTEGRATION, A RANGE OF STANDARD AND TAILOR MADE PRODUCTS Modelling: assistance in needs identification, numerical modelling, photon and neutron performance simulation calculations (any type). Design: preliminary studies, detailed or execution studies, choice of equipment including sensors, mechanics, automation, control command, sizing, sensor type… Mechanics: tailor-made manufacturing in our workshops of conveyors and structural equipment; treatment of material, machined and welded parts, metal structures, lead or steel shieldings and collimators, low background shielding made of modular concrete bricks… Automation and control-command: Assembly of pneumatic components and control-command, system design and stateof-the-art documentation processing, 3D design, electronic projection, PLC programming, development of control-command specific software, visualization and data collection. Computer developments with a dedicated team: strong experience in acquisition systems and analysis of nuclear measurements, expertise in many areas of development (embedded applications, databases, protocols for data acquisition...). Qualification: definition of procedures, verification and qualification of performance from TQC modelling of the system and measures with radioactive sources. Commissioning: appropriate factory and on-site test procedures, unit testing and factory calibration with radioactive sources, factory acceptance tests, site acceptance tests. Multi-scale modules Fast multi-scale modules for monitoring the neutronic influence of reactors, scanning fuel rods, active neutronic measurements: 4 MCS input, Dwell time resolution less than a micro-second. Transfer of data to PC via USB or Ethernet. NuWM GAMS 02 NuNa MCB3 6 - Solutions for Nuclear measurements 7 WASTE MANAGEMENT HOMELAND SECURITY Nuvia systems offer solutions for all types of waste and characterization: management of criticality, on-site storage, compliance with transportation rules on-site and on public roads, final disposal or free release according to the rules applicable to each country. The innovative equipment integrated into our measurement systems enables to reach precise and selective levels of measuring. Nuvia systems favour geographical measuring tools for multiple applications, such as for geological and geophysical monitoring, mapping of polluted sites and soils, illicit trafficking of radioactive material. The portability of our devices is extremely flexible (ground, airborne…), coherent. Data collection/processing is highly compatible regardless of the operating system (Windows, Android…). Spectrometry solutions Geolocated NaI(Tl) spectrometry solutions Mobile systems NuWM GAMS03 Beach monitoring • Off-road vehicle equipped with five high performance NaI(Tl) detectors designed to survey 2 metre sand strips of 2 m wide in each sweep. The range of detection of Cs – 137 particles is from 1E3 to 1E5 Bq under 100-200 mm of sand and 1E4/1E5 Bq in Am - 241 on surface of sand. • Mobile mechanical systems equipped with fully steerable collimator, adjustable in height. Various detectors can be connected to these systems that are particularly suitable for the measurement on any type of object to characterize: drums, glove boxes, tanks, walls and floors. • Mobile system on trailer with turntable for outdoor measurements for contaminated land and building decommissioning (HiRAM) Survey of large areas • Integrated Radiation Information System. Highly integrated system, readily deployable, may be installed on land vehicles or airplanes. Consists of advanced NaI(Tl) gamma-ray spectrometers (up to 5, AGRS type), GPS navigation, PC OS Windows. Real time data acquisition, self-calibration on natural radioactivity, geosoft package for visualizing real time data. Stationary systems • System designed for the measurement of spectrometric values of high activity waste – equipped with rotating pedestal, weighing system (up to 600 kg) and adjustable turntable for automatic measuring. Lead shielding automatically adjustable - 6 different heights. The germanium detector embedded in the system may be cooled either electrically or by liquid nitrogen. The measurable maximum activity in Co_60 is 1E8 Bq/kg. • Automated system with an electrically-cooled germanium detector, conveyor, wireless bar code reader, turntable, weighing system, collimator variable aperture to increase the dynamics of counting and adjustable automatically up to 6 different heights. Lead shielding. Measured activities: up to 1E9 Bq/kg. Automated system operated by PC. Maximum capacity: 8 drums/ hour (depending on the settings). • Automated system with three germanium detectors cooled electrically, conveyor, turntable, wireless bar code reader, weighing system, measuring chamber with lead shielding for optimal low background performance and minimum MDA for very low activity waste. Free release • For low background measurement of boxes for “Free release into the environment” : an automated system made up of four germanium detectors cooled electrically, conveyor, weighing system, bar code reader, shielding for very low background made of concrete bricks (no brickwork needed) enabling to ensure background of only nanoGy h-1 in the measuring chamber. • Modular specific shielding made of concrete bricks of all shapes and sizes. The concrete bricks are made with specially chosen low background materials, and offer a cost effective alternative to the low background lead that is usually used for measuring very low activity waste whilst ensuring the same performance in the measuring chamber (Ra-226 & Th-228 < 5 Bq/kg / K-40 < 50 Bq/kg/ Th-232 and U-238 not measurable). 8 - Solutions for Nuclear measurements NuHLS GHV2000 Monitoring systems for difficult environments NuWM GAMS04 NuWM MUM • Portable monitoring system equipped with data acquisition and real time visualization module, GPS embedded. The user interface and data acquisition system are based on Android OS and can be hosted on any modern portable device (smart-phone, tablet, Note-book) Communication between the detector and data logger set via Bluetooth protocol. Interface software allows real time data acquisition, self-calibration on natural radioactivity. Visualisation on maps, possibility to record voice messages, pictures or to send SMS. These devices can be fitted with two types of detectors: • NaI(Tl) 3” (0.3 litres) up to 2 litres. • Dose rate system: 2 GMT energy compensated, range 50nSv/h – 400 mSv/h) NuHLS GHP100 Solutions for measurements of contaminated land NuHLS GEM System for real-time assay of excavated materials • The system allows positioning of an excavator bucket over a battery operated plastic detector (200mm x 200 mm) shielded in a heavy duty frame. Capacity 400 tonnes/ day. Lead shielded detector for optimal low background performance offering MDA ranging from 0.05 to 0.4 Bq/g with Cs-137 in ten seconds depending on the natural background radiation. The total mass of this system is 700 kg. The measurement result is immediately displayed at the end of count time. The illumination of a green light indicates exempt waste, a red light indicates LLW. Count time is adjustable for lower threshold levels. • Automatic conveyor belt for continuous monitoring of soils and rubble. 9 LABORATORIES RADIATION PROTECTION Measurement systems for laboratories range from solutions for single measurements to automated measurement systems for any type and size of sample. We also provide software solutions for laboratory management as well as all types of shieldings for low-level gamma spectrometry measurement systems. NuLAB ASC100 Solutions for germanium or NaI(Tl) gamma spectrometry Chronos • Anthropogammametric measurement system embedded spectrometry software with two NaI(Tl) (3’’x5’’x16’’) crystal scintillators, two digital analyzers, and low background lead shielding. Fast counting in minutes. • All types of system and related shielding, controlled by Nuvia spectrometry software. Automatic measuring systems Mobile measurement systems (gamma ray, NaI(Tl) spectrometry, detection of sources) NuLAB ASC100 • Portable system with in-built GPS, operated with spectrometry and real time data acquisition software for any type of system operated with Android (smartphone, pad, PC). NaI(Tl) detector (different types and volumes). Transfer of spectra on USB stick. Monitoring and control of restricted access areas in nuclear facilities Data management tools for nuclear measurement • Lims (Laboratory information management system) is a comprehensive software for laboratory management. This solution is multi-user and is built on client server and Oracle database architecture. • Operates with evaluation and measurement modules from any software manufacturer. Shielding for germanium detectors Solutions for measuring dose rate values on personnel and equipment Whole body counting system for medical laboratories and nuclear facilities For manual measurement of samples • System with automatic sample changer. The system consists of an automated arm operated by a PLC Siemens Simatic S7 to position up to 50 samples on one or two lead shielded measuring chambers. The later can be equipped with NaI(Tl) or germanium detectors. The system can be adjusted for processing of selectable number of sample containers and sample geometries. Nuvia systems provide a solution for contamination screening for both personnel and equipment at the exit of nuclear zones as well as internal screening and irradiation and contamination mapping systems within the ALARA principle. Our solutions aim to reduce the exposure to ionizing radiation. IRIS NuHP TED A comprehensive network for hardware composed of: • A TED system enabling to identify people and read individual dose rate meters (Thermo, MGP or RADOS) • Local Monitors (LMU) signalling units and visualization of alarm: the system enables to interrelate the information from all the monitoring systems such as airborne dose rate monitors or monitors at the exit of restricted areas. And for the software: NuLAB BOX • An application to record the date and time of access to restricted areas, the dosimetry measured during operations and also an application to archive all the data and values obtained by all the radiometric and dosimetric systems. Combines innovative modular design and simple access to the detector. Various shielding thicknesses allowing a reduction of background noise by a factor of 100 to 1000. Easy to set up and to transport. 10 - Solutions for Nuclear measurements 11 RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Nuvia systems also include continuous monitoring of processes with high performance equipment set for specific applications. Nuvia systems for environmental monitoring and geophysical analysis of the soils range from airborne mobile solutions, detection technology, to fixed beacons to measure rate doses, spectra, meteorology, … Solutions for gamma ray spectrometry Solutions for continuous automatic monitoring Devices for noble gases activity measurement NuRMS GEM02 • System for gammaspectrometric activity measurement of noble gases. A sample of gas is taken every 10 minutes in a pressurized container through a by-pass. Gases pass through a filter and active carbon cartridge to capture iodine and aerosols before arriving in the measuring vessel. Semiconductor detector is cooled electrically. Average MDA is 110 Bq/m3 with Xe-133, 50 with Xe-135, 35 with Kr85m and 120 with Kr88. All measurements, pressure and temperature information are automatically archived in a database. Solutions for monitoring density and concentration of liquids in pipelines • A non intrusive NaI(Tl) system based on the analysis of the mitigation of a source of Cesium-137 or Cobalt-60 by a fluid flowing through a pipe. The system is composed of an outer shielding, a NaI(Tl) detector, adjustable collimator with exchangeable front head. Monitoring of potential steam generator leakage • A NaI(Tl) system temperature-stabilized by a source of Am-241 positioned on the crystal allowing the measurement of high-energy gamma rays from the decay of N16. Data processing and evaluation are performed by spectrometric software together with advanced autonomous evaluation SW which evaluates the steam generator leakage in physical units l/h. 12 - Solutions for Nuclear measurements NuRMS N16 NuEM AIRSPEC Mobile measurement for environmental monitoring • The airborne (fixed-wing or helicopter) gamma-ray spectrometry system can support: - Chain of maximum 4 AGRS spectrometer assemblies providing up to 64 litres of downward looking NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors and up to 16 litres of NaI(Tl) detectors (for cosmic and radon correction). · System hardware and software features: - Real-time data acquisition synchronized by GPS location and time. - Real-time spectra stabilization on natural radioactive elements individually for each NaI(Tl) crystal. - Integration with additional (original or third party) sensors and ancillary equipment. · Acquired data can be exported to different file formats for following processing, visualization and interpretation using different software. Base stations for environmental monitoring • GPS dose rate measuring systems connected to scalable beacons offer the possibility to equip the detectors with crystals NaI(Tl) and/or plastic scintillators or even a weather station. Distant data report is realised via all types of transmission either secured or not (Ethernet, GSM, DSL line, Rs-232, radio modem, VPN, phone line …). All fixed and mobile systems work with the same Nuvia real-time data acquisition software and the same tools for data processing (navigation, visualization, calibration, export). NuEM RAMS 13 Services In addition to our measurement solutions Nuvia can also provide clients with various services related to nuclear measurement. Since all the necessary skills are grouped together within the Nuvia group, our clients have the answer to all their measurement problems from one single provider. Modelling studies Sizing of protections RP Management & Logistics Radiation protection: with engineering tools (Mercurad) and Monte Carlo (MCNP). Simple or complex modelling. Mapping: biological dose rate, warm-up and conservation of energy. Sizing of protections against radiations, shieldings. Global or energy gamma and neutron transfer functions. Detection efficiency and limit calculations. Management of RP tool and equipment warehouses Calibration: radiological and contamination measurement equipment. Rental of equipment and portable and fixed devices. Overall management of the shops on site (Tools, RP equipment, consumables). Surveys Video inspection accross restricted area access. Sampling in hostile environment. Radiological & physical characterisation. DED measurement & Gamma spectrometry. Mercurad modelling. Surveys On-site measurement Germanium detectors maintenance Inspection, repairs, calibration Semiconductor detectors (germanium). Preamplifiers, replacement of FET transistor, vacuum renewal. Scintillation detectors (NaI(Tl), plastic scintillators...). Electronics & spectrometry modules. Germanium gamma-ray spectrometry: sampling, waste management. Measurement in decommissioning sites (soils, walls…). On-site measurement Nuclear measurement during operations Measurement during operations Modelling and dosimetry calculations Waste management: tracking, storage, surveillance. Nuclear measurement: alpha & gamma spectrometry. Radioprotection Radiological and periodical monitoring. Mapping. Modelling and dosimetry calculations (Panthere). RP interventions: optimisation, surveillance and consultancy. Regulatory audits of sealed or non-sealed sources. RP Maintenance & regulatory audits Contaminated sites & soils, a comprehensive offer A vertical integration of skills for a global management of contaminated sites in compliance with authorities’ recommendations: 2D/3D measurement & mapping, survey and 2D/3D data reconstruction, collection of contaminated soils, destruction of buildings. Geolocated 2D/3D measurements of contamination on any type of surface: fast mapping regardless of the type of carrier (manual, motorized or airborne). Accurate and highly sensitive in all configurations of measurement. Real-time screening of excavated material: fast characterization (few seconds) of radioactivity in support of clearance activities. Measurement of the airborne radon rate in buildings, underground constructions and contaminated sites. Periodic control and calibration of portable devices. Servicing, repairs, maintenance of RP measurement equipment. Management of equipment and measurement chains as well as the related CMMS databases. 14 - Solutions for Nuclear measurements 15 From modelling up to on-site implementation An unparalleled range of vertically integrated solutions SAFETY ENGINEERING / INSPECTIONS / EXPERTISE AND CONSULTANCY / CALCULATIONS, SIZING AND JUSTIFICATION Two equipment levels � � Components Nuclear measurement systems A range of standard and tailor made equipment Exclusive applications for… Waste management Homeland security � Laboratories � Radiation protection � Radiation monitoring systems � Environmental monitoring Services Modelling studies Surveys, on-site measurement � Nuclear measurement during operations � Management of sites and contaminated soils � Radiological controls, radioprotection � Maintenance and regulatory audits � � � �
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