Deaconess Annual Report


Deaconess Annual Report
Providing Aging Services Since 1889
80 Deaconess Road • Concord, MA 01742 • 978-369-5151
Northampton, MA • Provincetown, MA •
Gilford, NH • Waltham, MA
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A Message from the
Board Chair and CEO
Dear Friends,
When a book about living lives of meaning and choice through chronic disease, advanced age, and the
end of life process stays on the New York Times Best Seller list for 65 weeks, we should recognize that
our culture is ready to address some important issues. Dr. Atul Gawande, author of Being Mortal, struck
a chord with a national audience, and his message resonated within our Deaconess Communities. Copies
of the book were borrowed from the board room, offices, and resident libraries as the message spread
within our community. It was a highlight of the year when more than 20 residents and staff members
from our communities had the chance to hear Dr. Gawande speak at the Leading Age National
conference. At the heart of his message was a call for meaning and choice through the aging process,
and the encouragement to listen closely to older adults who need our support.
We should be proud that this message is implicit in our Deaconess Philosophy: “if one continues to
stay intellectually challenged, physically active, socially connected, and spiritually enriched in whatever
way that provides meaning to an individual that one can age well.” It also resonates in our mission
statement to “exceed the expectations of those we serve.” This recognizes that we literally cannot define
success without listening to our constituents.
Last year, we responded to the voices in our community by creating Deaconess Abundant Life
Services. Since then, we have served 107 residents in the towns of Concord, Acton, Maynard, Sudbury,
Westford, Littleton, Lexington and Waltham, and believe we have only just begun our growth towards
service outside of our physical properties.
We also continue to challenge the pre-conceived notions of senior living with growth at our Seashore
Point and Wesley Woods communities. Over 10,000 baby boomers now turn 70 each day. Engaging
this cohort and learning how to serve them creatively will be a defining challenge for our organization as
we look ahead. The Deaconess Association has thrived for 127 years by serving the needs of the
community in the present with a consistent awareness that the future will bring change. We invite you to
continue your involvement with the Deaconess by joining us as we face the future with an attitude of
“Joy, Hope, and Commitment.”
Thanks for your continued support of the Deaconess mission,
Yours in partnership,
Rev. Dr. James Mentzer
Chair of the Board
Christopher Sintros
Chief Executive Officer
2015 in Review
Newbury Court
Rivercrest, Chamberlin Apartments and The Gardens…
A Few Highlights of 2015
Residents choose from programs such as lectures, movies,
concerts, trips, art classes and more at Newbury Court. In
2015 new or expanded programming included:
 An eight-week meditation seminar for seniors in
collaboration with the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind
Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.
A Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series. Some of the speakers included Neal Graneau, Oxford
University physicist, Dr. Warren Zapol, head of the Anesthesia Center for Critical Care
Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, Brock Reeve, Executive Director of the Stem Cell
Institute at Harvard University, Robert Solow, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics in
1987 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and Jared Bowen, senior arts editor of WGBH
and host of Open Studio with Jared Bowen.
An arts program that moved into a new renovated art studio, drawing demonstrations with
live models and guest demonstrations in painting and drawing with professional, working
artists. Newbury Court also acquired 38 original works on loan from PAAM – the
Provincetown Art Association and Museum – depicting their 100 year history.
A $10,000 gift from Winifred B. Bush given in loving memory of her husband, Walter M. Bush,
established The Deaconess Endowment Fund to support Deaconess Abundant Life Communities in
fulfilling their mission to serve older adults. Others interested in sustaining the mission of Deaconess to
provide high quality care and services that exceed the expectations of those we serve are encouraged to
make a gift to The Deaconess Endowment Fund.
Residents of The Gardens at Newbury Court participated in a
movement class led by Susanne Liebich from Dancing
Wellness…Healing Motion for Life. Liebich wrote about her
experience, “A man who was physically mobile but who had
experienced severe memory loss has been attending class with
little or no participation. One day, I played a 1940’s torch song
and invited him to dance with me. Initially he was a little fragile
and unsure. Weeks passed and he eventually started leading me in
the fox trot, complete with twirls, promenades and bows. We then
started having conversation as we danced. The last time I asked
him to dance he joyously jumped up. At the end, the residents
applauded fervently. I told him, ‘they are clapping for you.’ He
said, ‘They are clapping for you.’ I laughed and said ‘they are
clapping for both of us.’”
Newbury Court (continued)
Goal: “Not only attaining a good death but living a
good life right to the end.” Atul Gawande
With a continued focus on mind, body and spirit, Pastor
Lilian Warner led a four-week seminar based on material
from the books Being Mortal by Atul Gawande and
Age-ing to Sage-ing by Zalman Schacher-Shalomi and
Ronald Miller. Well-attended sessions focused on quality
of life issues including who to turn to for help at Newbury
Court and making important “end of life” decisions.
On Christmas Eve, residents, staff and family members
filled Duvall Chapel for a spirit-filled community
celebration of the nativity.
Rivercrest resident room renovations are
completed with a room redesign that includes new
paint colors, flooring, furniture, bedding and
window treatments. A partnership with our donors
has made these renovations possible with funding
from residents and resident families, Newbury Court
Resident Art Auctions and our annual Newbury
Court Golf Outing. Thank you to our donors who
have improved the quality of life of our residents
through these design updates in our resident rooms.
Significant expansion opportunities will be explored
in 2016.
The residents at Newbury Court understand the importance of a good education and each year conduct
a fund raising campaign to raise money for scholarships that are awarded to Newbury Court staff. In
2015, residents awarded over 40 academic scholarships to staff members to assist them in pursuing
their educational goals. An additional three scholarships were awarded from the Gladys Douglas
Scholarship Fund to staff members pursuing education and training in nursing. This fund was
established by the Douglas family in honor of their mother who was a resident at Rivercrest and always
encouraged staff to further their career in nursing.
A Few Highlights of 2015
A Gift of Friendship was the title of an article that appeared
in the Daily Hampshire Gazette in December, written by
Judson Brown, about two Rockridge Residents -- Bill
Streeter, 85 years old (the father of Julie Wysk, Rockridge’s
Program Director) and Paul Schratter, 93 years old. An
enduring friendship began at the Friday History Discussion
group that Bill started some years ago as a volunteer that
resulted in Paul’s desire to write a book on Bill’s life – “My
Friend Bill: The Life of a Restless Yankee.” The Gazette
article and book review and a large book signing party at Rockridge was a highlight for everyone.
Sadly, Paul passed suddenly only weeks before the book went to press and did not see the finished
product. He would have been so happy to see his words in print, as writing was a lifelong passion and
a dream to someday be published. Bill Streeter is happy to report that that the book has now generated a
modest royalty check which Paul and Bill agreed would be donated to Rockridge.
In November, a ceremonial groundbreaking event was held for
Violette’s Crossing at Rockridge. Violette’s Crossing honors
Violette Young, who, with her husband, Rev. Elmo Young, founded
the Rockridge Retirement Community in 1971. This innovative
project will provide rental independent living apartments for older
adults with annual income under $50,000. The Gardens at
Rockridge – currently providing high quality caregiving for those
needing memory support – will move into their new home at
Violette’s Crossing that will include a dedicated courtyard.
Over the years, Rockridge has established strong
relationships with local universities and colleges. In
2015, UMASS Amherst engaged in a number of
projects with Rockridge and our residents.
 Student volunteers participating in the 2015
Mass Impact Day of Service – an annual
event – cleaned up the grounds at Rockridge.
The Vice President of Philanthropic Service for Sigma Kappa Sorority and members of the
UMASS Amherst chapter ran a “Walker Wash Day” washing and disinfecting over 30 walkers
for our residents in October.
In November, eight members of the Sigma Kapa Sorority interviewed residents as part of a
“Legacy Project.” This project will continue with additional interviews and documentation of
our residents’ stories so their memories and life lessons can be passed on.
Rockridge (continued)
Michael Cahillane joined the Rockridge Board of
Overseers in 2015. Speaking at the Annual Founders
Dinner, he shared a personal story about his brother, Jack,
and Jack’s wife, Mary, who were past residents of
Rockridge. Jack lived on one floor and Mary lived on a
different floor receiving memory support care. Michael
visited his brother every morning, arriving with the
newspaper updates on the latest family news. As often as
possible, he and his wife would share lunch with Mary when
she was having a “good” day. When asked to join the
Rockridge Board of Overseers, he said he already had a
personal connection to Rockridge “I have a warm feeling in
my heart knowing that when Jack and Mary passed they had
received the best care available.”
The Leland Home…
a highlight in 2015
The Leland Home has a long and distinguished history of serving older adults in Waltham.
Established nearly 125 years ago, Leland has formed a strong relationship with the Police and Fire
Departments – those first responders who are there when there is a need. The Leland Home
honored Waltham’s first responders on 9/11/15 to thank them for all that they do as a partner in
fulfilling the mission of Leland Home to provide care to their residents. The event was supported by
a number of Leland Home vendors, including HPC Food Service Company and W.B.Mason. Mark
Tavenner provided entertainment for the event. This was a highlight of the year for both our first
responders and the residents of Leland Home.
Seashore Point…
A Few Highlights of 2015
Condo-owners at The Residences at Seashore Point
make up a vibrant, diverse community of people. As their
community grows, owners are finding more ways to be
involved in the day to day operations. One Condo-owner,
Joanne Colucci, has become our Facebook guru creating
daily posts about what it is like to live at Seashore Point.
One video she posted went “viral” achieving over 13,000
views! You can find us on Facebook as Seashore Point
Residences. Take a look and “like” us .
Resident Joanne Colucci
The Residences at Seashore Point plays host to a number of events throughout the year that are
open to the public. These are just a few of the many events hosted in 2015:
Poet-naturalist Elizabeth Bradfield read from her newest book that explores our navigations of
ecological and emotional environment
I-Heung Lee, who has performed at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, returned to Seashore
Point for a concert comprising works by Bach, Mozart, Saint-Saens, Friskin and Liszt.
Don Wilding’s highly-acclaimed “Henry Beston’s Cape Cod” rough cut documentary film
was screened with a lecture presentation
Resident Richard Pepitone, artist and author, read from his memoir: A harrowing story about
his Brooklyn childhood, survival in the juvenile justice system and coming of age through
artistic expression
Public meetings for The Provincetown Board of Selectmen
The Bakker Collection: William Littlefield, a presentation to view and understand the artist’s
work from the perspective of James Bakker, longtime collector, gallerists and president of the
Provincetown Art Association and Museum
The 12th “Santa’s Store at Seashore Point” brought
holiday cheer to residents of Seashore Point Wellness and
Rehab in December. This volunteer-driven annual event
has become a highly anticipated experience for our residents
receiving long-term care and short-term rehab services at
Seashore Point. Led by Cindi Gast and a team of “elves”,
donations are solicited from generous local vendors and
multiple fundraisers are held throughout the year with
proceeds used to buy a variety of new items that residents
are invited to “purchase” for their family and friends.
Santa’s elves create a store-like setting, assist the residents in
their selections and wrap the gifts. This event began in 2004
– then known as “The Merry Manor” – and continues to
grow in generosity and spirit.
Deaconess Abundant Life Home Services…
A Growing Business in 2015
Deaconess Abundant Life Services (DALS), our new private
duty home care service that began offering personal care
assistance and help with all activities of daily living for the
residents of Newbury Court in 2014, has experienced a year
of growth and expansion in 2015. DALS now has over 90
caregivers in their roster, with over 50 full-time positions
created in 2015 – positions that include health, dental and
401K benefits. DALS is now servicing older adults in
Concord, Lincoln (both in the town of Lincoln and at The
Commons in Lincoln), Acton, Maynard, Sudbury, Westford,
Littleton, Lexington and Waltham. The DALS team,
composed of home health aides, companions and certified
nursing assistants, continues to work hard to provide the
residents with a very hands on and personal service which includes personal care, light housekeeping,
meal preparation, medication reminders, transportation and general companionship and safety.
Wesley Woods…
A Highlight of 2015
Phase II of Wesley Woods began in 2014
with the completion of the first new home and
continued in 2015 with the completion of
five additional homes, welcoming seven new
residents. In September, Wesley Woods’s
residents and guests attended a ribbon cutting
celebration for the newly completed houses.
2 that became available during the year and remains
Four new residents also moved into Phase I homes
full with a waiting list. Chris Burke, a resident at Wesley Woods, remains an important part of the
marketing effort, and has been instrumental in the success of selling Phase II. What better ambassador
for Wesley Woods than one of our own residents.
Commitment to the Community
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities is committed to being a responsible and contributing
member of the greater community. In 2015 Newbury Court, Rockridge, Seashore Point, Wesley
Woods and The Leland Home partnered with their respective communities.
A Few Highlights of 2015
Responding to those in need, including. . .
Hosting community educational forums on elder issues, palliative care, elder abuse and finances
Supporting local food banks, soup kitchens and the Red Cross
Donated kitchen equipment to River Bend Farm
Donating household goods, clothing and/or food to Goodwill and Household Goods Recycling MA
Sponsored meals for local Councils on Aging
Provided free memory screening program for the community
Supported Box Tops for Education
Donated hand knitted scarves to Department of Family of Youth Services
Providing free space for meetings, functions, rehearsals and exhibits, including. . .
Concord Chorus, Concord Players, Concord Conservatory of Music, Concord Garden Club,
Concord Piecemakers Quilters and The Sudbury Valley Nature Photographers
MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lyme Disease and Care Giver Support Groups
Cooperative Elder Services Adult Day Care (subsidized space)
Councils on Aging
Minute Man Senior Services Meals on Wheels preparation
Five College Learning in Retirement Program (5CLIR)
Land’s End Writers
Concord-Carlisle Community Education
Participating in efforts to support local community organizations including . . .
The Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk
The Susan G. Komen Fund
Relay for Life
Habitat for Humanity
Local Food Banks
Northampton Police and Fire Departments
American Cancer Society
Minute Man Arc for Human Services, Inc.
The United Way of Hampshire County
It Takes a Community Foundation
Belknap County Area Committee on Aging
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities
2015 Finances in Review
Other Current Assets
Property and Equipment
All other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Long Term Debt
Refundable Fees and Deferred Revenue
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Unrestricted Revenues
Amortization of entrance fee revenue
Operating Expenses
Depreciation and amortization
Non-Operating Gains
Change in unrestricted net assets
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Cash Flows from operating activities
Cash Flows from investing activities
Cash flows from finanancing activities
Net increase in cash
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities ended 2015 with 2.8 million in Cash Flow resulting in total
cash and investments to be 112% of total long-term debt. The Debt Service Coverage Ratio increased
to 2.9 times annual net cash flow to annual debt service. Unrestricted revenues increased by 10.8% or
$3.35 million.
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities financial statements are prepared under policies and
procedures overseen by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. The statements are audited
by Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP. A summary of the audited financial statements is shown
above. The audited statements are available upon request.
Our Partnership with Donors
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities, a not-for-profit organization, is grateful for the many
generous donors who support our mission to provide high-quality and highly-valued care to those we
serve. In 2015, 769 donors gave 2,189 gifts that totaled over $420,000. Donors contribute through a
variety of appeals, memorials, and special events – including golf events.
In 2015, the total raised in golf events since the first event in 2007, reached $1million.
Here are some of the ways we have put this money to work through the years:
The Gardens at Rockridge and Newbury Court
Memory support staff training and education, memory support programs for residents,
New carpeting, lighting and artwork in The Gardens, Rockridge
Staff Education, Training, Technology and Equipment at Seashore Point
Graduate program for nurses, Director of Nursing Education Series, dementia training/ certification,
IV and wound care training, INR machines, enhanced Wi-Fi, parallel bars and bladder scanners
Improvements in Rockridge’s Residential Care Neighborhood
Safety communication system, carpeting, blinds, handrails, lighting and wall upgrades
Improvements in Rivercrest at Newbury Court
A homelike way to experience meals with a new Dynex Cart, rehab of residential rooms with:
flooring, lighting, drapes, furniture, walls and paint
The Legacy Society
And, as always, we are grateful for members of The Deaconess Legacy Society – a special group of
supporters who have planned their giving to benefit Deaconess Abundant Life Communities in the future
through their wills, charitable gift annuities, life insurance beneficiary designations, or other legacy gifts.
We thank the current members of the Legacy Society who are planning to help us build our future:
Winifred Bush
Judith Dean
Rev. John and Mrs. Barbara Dusenberry
June Haywood
Earl and Connie Hutt
Lillian Jenney
Janet Johnson
Robert Johnston
Dorothy Krekorian
Rev. Donella Siktberg and Nathan Siktberg
Robert and Alice Vannerson
Joan Mortimer Watts
Rev. Donald Williams
We gratefully thank these generous members
of our giving Societies for their gifts received
between January 1st and December 31st, 2015
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $10,000 and above
Winifred B. Bush
Jay Forrester
Sarah Garth
Robinson Roswell Legacy
George Young
The Young Family
Emerson Society
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Daniel F & Margaret MacAdam
Loughry Charitable Foundation
Dorothy Moore Trust/Pioneer
Valley Baptist Association
Robert F. Littleton
Louis E. Keyes Trust
Daniel MacAdam Loughry
Burton Wolfman
The President's Society
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Healthcare Services Group
Harry and Amy Hedison
Mr. Robert Johnston
M&T Bank
Rev. Dr. James G. Mentzer
ProTerra Design Group, LLC
Charles Roberts
Sandri Energy, LLC
Rev. and Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor
Pastor Lilian J. Warner
Wespath Investment Management
Rev. Donald Williams
The Guy S. Morrison Society
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation
Alternative Recycling Systems
Wendy Arnold
Iris Werbalowsky Barten and
Ted Barten
BLW Engineers, Inc.
Bruce and Dorinne Burke
Glenn and Beth Burlamachi
Cape Air
Cape Cod Healthcare, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Chick
Citizens Bank
Rev. and Mrs. Charles I. Clough, Jr.
Joanne Colucci and
Marilyn Lober Colucci
Kevin and Deborah Comick
Concord Funeral Home
Robert C. Cowen
David Cox
David Crowell
Gertrude F. Cutler
Delphi Construction, Inc.
DMS Design, LLC
E W Martin Electrical Contractors
Enos Home Oxygen Therapy, Inc.
Fabian and Suzanne Fondriest
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fowler
Joel Freedman and Ann Risso
Lois Gallagher
John and Suzanne Gally
Cynthia Gast
Joe Gervais
Dorene and Stephen Glynn
Glynn Electric
George S. Gordon
Paul and Priscilla Gray
Paul Haran
Holden Produce
Jason Howse
Hutter Construction
Jared Colley Irrigation & Yardworks
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Keydel
Levi & Wong Design Associates
Logan's Lawn & Landscape
M.J. Cataldo Landscape and
Construction, Inc.
Joseph McDonough - Medical
Recruitment Specialist
Morrison Mahoney, LLP
New England Conference of the U.M.C.
Country Landscapes
NorthBridge Insurance Company
Outer Cape Health Services
Perkins Paper
Properties, Inc.
Raucher Brothers Auctioneers
Nancy and Arthur Robinson
Elizabeth Ryan
S & R Carpet and Floors
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Paul Schratter
Reina Schratter
Christopher and Erin Sintros
Steven Swanson Painting
Sysco Boston, LLC
Elizabeth Taverner
U.S.I. Insurance Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Warren
Kenneth Weiss
Faith Williams
Carol and Christopher Wilson
Elizabeth H. Wilson
Woodman & Eaton, P.C.
Ziegler Capital Markets Group
William and Sally Zoppo
The Deaconess Society
Gifts of $500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abbott
Olive and Raynor Ahmuty
Andra K. Stein and Assoc.
Andrews Pharmacy
Arlmont Associates
Richard Babb
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
Linda Ball
Berkshire Gardens Turf Services
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mass.
The Deaconess Society (cont.)
Gifts of $500 to $999
Boston's Best Coffee
J. Botsford
John Brewer
William C. Brewer
William D. Brighton and
Andrea Wolfman
Elaine Burnham
Mr. William F. Burt
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
Cape Cod Oil (M.J.T. Enterprises)
Caring Communities
Mary Ann H. Carr
Robert and Nancy Carr
Jacquie Carson
Michael J. Cataldo
Christopher Coffin
Countrypie Pizza, LLC
Mrs. William R. Cross Jr.
Jay R. Czelusniak
Susan J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Dorr, Jr.
Mark Duarte
Katharine and John Esty
Beverley A. Ferreira
Generations Home Care Systems
Geriatric Medical - Surgical Supply
William Glass
Phyllis and Paul Gleason
Gray Company
Donna and Kenneth Grinnell
Peter and Peggy Gunness
Cecile Jean Hallock
Andrew Hanes
June Haywood
Heritage Healthcare Services, Inc.
Highview of Northampton
L. Sumner and Marian Hopkins
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hutt
Robert Isotti
Janet C. Johnson
Graham and Annie Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Julier, II
Annabelle and John Kellogg
Barbara Knapp
Phyllis and Winfield Knopf
Konica Minolta Business Solutions
Barbara Leaf
Gabby Hanna Maray
Ursula Marvin
Nancy M. Marzilli and
Sondlo Mhlaba
Mayflower Advisors, LLC
Gary Melville
Marilyn Micka-Pickunka
Dorothy Morgan
William and Betsy Moyer
Peter and Sally Nash
Norel Service Co., Inc.
Northeast IT Systems, Inc.
Northwestern Mutual Wealth
Management Company
Notch 8, Inc.
Mr. Edward Pattullo
Martha L. Peabody
Doris Perry
Sue and Stephen Powers
Priscilla Pratley
Nancy Roberts
Carol K. Rogers
Donald E. Roy
Clifford Santos
Seymour and Barbara Schnuer
Seamen's Bank Long Point
Charitable Foundation
William E. Shay
Sylvia Skinner
Cathy and Alec Smith
Mrs. Lois Taylor and
Mr. Warren Field
W. Royce Taylor
United Methodist Foundation
Uvisualize LLC
Beth and Craig Vettori
Mary-Ellen Wang
Carol Warshawsky
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. Wheeler
Alice Wiggin
George and Jean Wiltsee
Byron and Kelvey Woodman
The Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $499
Advanced Heating & Air Conditioning
Scott A. Allegretti
Amedisys Hospice
Elaine J. Anderson
Mr. Robert Andrews and
Mrs. Meredith Stewart-Andrews
Arthur L. Anger
Elsie Apthorp
Thomas Argue
Anita Barker
Dr. Edward J. Barowsky
Nancy Barsh
Bayada Home Health Care
Beacon Hospice, Inc.
Martha Beckwith
Joanne E. Bell
Christopher and Kathleen Belmonte
Barbara Benjamin and Carol Procter
Christine and Douglas Bezio
Jeff Bigelow
Donald Blackmer
John Blair
Shirley, George and Lynn Blanchard
Boston Textile Company, Inc.
Thomas and Laurine Bow
Harvey and Helen Boxer
Margaret Boyer
Tim Brandt
Audrey M. Briggs
Susan G. Buerkel
L. Bullock
Catherine Burgess
Pat Cabana
Mary Ann Cabral
The Century Club (cont.)
Gifts of $100 to $499
George Cahill
J. Calcavecchia
Cambridge Trust Company
Care Realty
Edward G. Christie
Alice Christopher
Scott and Brandy Clark
Annemette Cliggott-Perlt
Coast Maintenance Supply Co
Cheryl Codair
Coldwell Banker-Upton Massamont
George and Kathleen Coleman
Melissa Comeau
Betty Comey
Concord Business Partnership
Alice Cook
Counter Revolution, Inc.
Brooks and Mary-Lu Cowgill
Kerry Cox
Sarah Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cronin, Jr.
Maureen Cronin
Jill Crowley
Robert and Jane Cummings
Elliot Curtis
Flora D'Angio
Leonard G. Danylieko
Judith Dean
Susan M. Dee
Sherry Dee Mobley and
Jack Mobley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. DeRose
Elaine and Sophie DiCicco
Anne F. Doane
David J. Donnelly
Rev. and Mrs. John A. Dusenberry
Joan Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Ellrod
Laura Eschenroeder
Robert Fallon
Robert Fano
Brian Farley
Fathers and Sons
Benjamin Ferber
Laurie Ferrari
Teresa A. Finigan
Fitzgerald Investment Trust
Phyllis H. Flandreau
John and Sabra Flood
Jane T. Fogg
Food Bank of Western MA
Edgar W. Francis
Frank A. Days & Sons
Nancy Frank
Rita Franks
Mary and James Fraser
Friends of Provincetown
Council on Aging, Inc.
Bill Gady
Gilbert and Lilian Gailius
William Garner
Elizabeth Gawron
Gervais Electric
John N. Gilbride and
Walt Winnowski
Harry Gillman
Atty. David R. Gluck
Go Fish and Kidstuff
Kelly Gougeon
Greater Northampton
Chamber of Commerce
Priscilla Greeley
Peter J. Greene
Zenith Gross
Dr. Craig Gruskowski
Nicholas Gulde
George and Virginia Haller
Albert J. Hammerle
Dr. Sunita Hanjura
Alice Hankowski
Gabrielle and Eleanor Z. Hanna
Melissa and Tony Haroules
Jane E. Harper
Oscar and Sophia Harrell
Tryntje Hawks
Healthy Mature Lifestyles, LLC
Haig Hedison
Susan J. Hersey
Robert Hill
Chad Himel
HopeHealth, Inc.
Karen Hopwood
Nancy L. Horan
HPC Foodservice
Mark Hurley
Betsy S. Huston-Skutnik
Sarah D. Ireland
Isaiah Thomas Books and Prints
J. J. Stanisewski & Sons
Lillian Jenney
William J. Jennings
Joan W. Vanderpoel Trust
E. Frederic Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Johnson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Johnson
Esther Kane
Kathleen Kangas
Rachel Kania
Keenan Law Offices
Joe Kendall
Steve Kenney
Klaus Kleinschmidt
Rita Knapp
Andrew Knights
Sharon L. Knox
Eunice N. Kugell
Lorraine Kujawa
Alice B. Kurten
G. Marisa Labozzetta
Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Landers
Nan Lanning
Thomas Latimer
Law Office of Lisa M. Westervelt
Richard Leavitt
Kenneth Lebo
Peter Lehrer
Chief and Mrs. Joseph P. Lenox III
The Century Club (cont.)
Gifts of $100 to $499
Thomas Levi
Kathryn Livelli
Lobster Pot Restaurant
(Clambake, Inc.)
Mildred M. Lombardi
Wesley K. Lord
Joanna J. Lovely
Henry Lubega
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Lynn Jr.
Amy MacAvery
Alexandre MacDonald
Carol Macdonald and Marsha Sirota
Susan M. Maciorowski
Andrew Magee
Elinor Malcom
Gregory A. Malynoski
Mr. and Mrs. John Mandile
Mark Gilbert's Auto Repair
Gertrude W. Martin
Mary Mason
Sandra Mason
Clifford N. Matthews
Maynard Supply Company, Inc.
Bernard Mazel
Dawn McCall
Kevin McCartney
Terry and David McConaughy
Catherine McGraw
Ransom B. McLam
David A. McPhillips
Michelle McSherry
Rev. Stephen and Sandy Melius
Mr. and Mrs. Jeramiah Micka
Mrs. Robert W. Minton
Hector R. Montesino
John Moodie
Rev. Robert A. Moore and
Mrs. Evelyn Johnson Moore
Ellen G. Moot
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morgan
Alan Morini
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moroney
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moses
M.J. Mugnier
Carol Murphree
Anna C. Naiman
Nashoba Valley Ski Area
NDA Consultants, LLC
Edna N. Neil
Roderick Nordell
Mary Nowd
Teresa A. Oakley
O'Connell Professional
Nurse Service, Inc.
Claudia J. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O'Flaherty
Omnicare, Inc.
Sean and Catherine O'Neil
Stephen O'Neill
Betsy F. Opitz
Laurie Ortega
Francis Osborn
Ostberg & Associates
Shirley Pace
Catherine Pannesi
Claire Pearmain
Sarah B. Peck
Christopher Perez
Carol Pesiri
Robert W. Peters
Pioneer Valley Industrial Lighting
Carmela A. Pompei
David B. Porter
Sheila Potter
Susan and Michael Pouliot
Donald M. Powell
Nancy and Stephen Powell
Production Resources
Provincetown Inn
Alexander and Julia Pugh
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Purcell
Elizabeth Railsback
Rev. Jared and Susan Rardin
Charlotte Read
Deiby O. Reele and William Wilson
Rene L. Cote Sons, Inc.
Ellen Reusch
Ms. Grace Rizk
George A. Roberts
Frederich Robinson
Harriet Rogers
Charles Roth
James Rougemont
Jean M. Rumrill
Kenneth J. Russo
Jason Ruttan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Salamy
Mary Jane Sanders
Dr. Brad Scharf and Dr. Mary White
Dorothy Schecter
James Schermerhorn
Albert and Victoria Schilling
Rev. Steven and Marilyn Seminerio
Gail M. Serino
Shark Window Cleaning
Eleanor Shattuck
Judith Shuppert
Robert E. Siegfried
Simplex Grinnell
John P. Simpson
Carmela and Judy Slattery
William Smith
Beverly B. Snow
Patricia and Jerry Sokop
Cynthia L. Sperry
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Donald and Marjorie Stevenson
Rev. Alexander Stewart
Jered Stewart
Kathleen Stone
Robert and Elaine Storella
Pamela Storm
Robert and Lynn Stroud
Miriam M. Stubbs
Kevin Sullivan
Betty Jane Sweet
Parker and Midge Symmes
The Century Club (cont.)
Gifts of $100 to $499
The Medline Foundation
Marion Thompson
TJB Plumbing and Piping Co.
Anne Marie Trombi
Mabel Urban
US. Foods
Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Vaillant
Robert and Alice Vannerson
Helen Wade
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Washburn
James and Faith Waters
Linton Watts
Wayside Florists, Inc.
Janie H. Webster
Sinclair and Birchy Weeks
Wellesley Design Consultants
Weston United Methodist Church
Barbara C. Wheeler
Philip Wheeler
Bishop C. Dale and
Gwendolyn White
Christine Williams
Colleen and David Williams
Frank S. Wills
Wind River Environmental
Rev. Matthew and Amy Wissell
F. Russell Wolf
Edward L. Wright
Julie Wysk
Terese Yaffe
Yankee Equipment Systems
Jane S. Young
Elizabeth B. Zahalka
Thank you to the hundreds of others who supported Deaconess Abundant Life
Communities with gifts up to $99, donated in-kind gifts and volunteered their time.
We are grateful for all the donors who supported our work while honoring a friend, colleague,
or loved one with a gift from the heart. Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals:
Nancy and Clifford Adelman
Walter M. Bush
Doris Campbell
Katherine Gross and Peter Thorne
Bob and Lorraine Gryp
Haig Hedison
Bob and Ruby Houston
Ben Taylor, my Grandson
Rev. Herbert B. Taylor
Lilian J. Warner, Our Pastor
P. Johnston Wheeler
We extend our sincere sympathy to the many families and individuals associated with Deaconess
Abundant Life Communities who have lost special loved ones. We give our grateful thanks for the
memorial gifts we received during 2015 in tribute to the following individuals:
Dorothy “D.J.” Andrews
William Apthorp
David Arnold, Jr.
Wanda J. Blanchard
Donna Burt
Rev. William Campbell
Randi Carlson
Doris and Arthur Carr
Clara Chapman
Madeline S. Chick
Sophia Clark
Dr. Lawrence (Peter) Cloud
Rev. Tremayne and Eleanor Copplestone
Jane Cratsley
Jeannette Crowther
Eileen Cunniff
Mary Currin
Albert B. Dean
Deceased Parents
Charles and Nancy Dee
Dr. Norman E. Dee
Romeo DiCicco
Anne Dorr
Eleanor St. A. Finigan
Ruth W. Fish
Sandy Flandreau
Susan Forrester
Olive Sidney Fox
Sarah Garth
Nadia Gilman
Margaret Gorman
Dan Haywood
Earl Haywood
John Haywood
Joan D. Hedison
Rose Hounsell
Bob Hunget (KIA Saipan)
Thomas and Jessie Johnston
Claire T. Johnston
Frederick R. Keydel
Deborah LaClaire
D. William Lee
Nathan Mobley
Caroline and Llewelyn Warren
Georgine Muller
Robert C. Munro
Leonard Neil
Parents of Caroline and William
Gene Parish
Lester and Phyllis Peabody
Bob Pearmain
Gladys Powers
William P. Risso
Louise and Peter Romanskis
Paul Schratter
Victor Schratter
Blanche W. Siegfried
Rev. and Mrs. John Snook, Jr.
Mary J. Stone
Dr. Larry Strasburger
John Studer
Michael J. Tasha
The Rev. Dr. Gilbert Taverner
Doris Taylor
Chief and Mrs. Thomas Tombeno
Dr. Raymond Vanderwyk
Edith and William Warren
Teresa and Charles Weiss
Belle Ruth Black Werbalowsky
Karen West
Adelaide B. Williams
Ann C. Young
Elmo and Violette Young
Violette Young
We have been careful in the preparation of this list; however, some errors or omissions may have
occurred for which we express our apologies. If a name has been inadvertently omitted or
incorrectly listed, please bring it to our attention so that we may correct and update our records.
(2015 – 2016))
Christopher Sintros, President and Chief Executive Officer
Kevin Comick, Chief Operating Officer
James McGowan, Chief Financial Officer
Nancy M. Marzilli, Human Resources' Director
Dorene D. Glynn, Director of Development
Beth Winn, Director of Sales and Marketing
Hector Montesino, Director of Home Care Services
Robert Fallon, Executive Director, Newbury Court
Beth Vettori, Executive Director, Rockridge
Joanna Lovely, Executive Director, Seashore Point
Christine Battisti Keane, Executive Director, Leland Home
Deaconess Board of Directors
Rev. James Menzter, Chairperson
Carol Wilson, Vice Chairperson
Theodore Barten, Treasurer
William Zoppo, Clerk
Christopher Sintros, President
Glenn Burlamachi
Donald MacKenzie
Hon. John Cratsley
Rev. Stephen Melius
Phyllis Gleason
Susan Powers
Donna Grinnell
Colleen Williams
Dr. Sunita Hanjura
Rev. Matthew Wissell
Harry B. Hedison
John Young
Marcia MacClary
Rev. Tom Getchell-Lacey
William F. Burt
Nancy E. Carr
David S. Chick
Robert S. Cummings
George Haller
Earl Hutt
Rev. Shephard S. Johnson
Robert Johnston
Christopher Sintros, President Joanne Colucci
Kevin Comick
Michele Couture
Cynthia Gast
George Haller
Barbara Knapp
Joanna Lovely
Rev. Terry Pannell
Burton Wolfman
Rev. Matthew Wissell
Pastor LilianWarner
Newbury Court, Concord
Rev. John A. Dusenberry
Rockridge, Northampton
(Retired 2015)
Deaconess Leadership Team
Glenn Burlamachi, Chairperson
Marcia Bradley
Marty Ryan
Robert Cowen
Patti Salvatore
Robert Fallon
Christopher Sintros
Mary Fraser
Pastor Lilian Warner
Donna Grinnell
Byron Woodman
Rev. John Lombard
John Young, Chair
George Button
Danielle Lord
Michael Cahillane
Christopher Sintros
Rev. John Dusenberry
Alex Stewart
Dr. Richard Humphreys
Beth Vettori
Robert Isotti (2015)
Dr. Marilyn Micka Pickunka
Marcia MacClary, President
W. Royce Taylor, Vice President
Gabriel Aufiero
Kelly Hill
John Barry
Glenna Gelineau
Denise Spataro
MaryBeth Duffy
Bret Francis
Christopher Sintros
Deaconess Abundant Life Communities, a not-for-profit provider of
quality housing, health and wellness services, has been serving older adults as New England
Deaconess Association since 1889. An abundant life –rich in family, friends, caring, comfort
and peace of mind – is what we strive to provide in each of our communities.
Newbury Court • Concord, MA • 978-369-5151
Provides a maintenance-free lifestyle and amenities in a residential setting
offering continuing care without moving. Full home health services, along with
The Gardens – a specialized memory support neighborhood – and Rivercrest
Wellness and Rehab complete the community.
Rockridge • Northampton, MA • 413-586-2902
Offers a comfortable, home-like retirement community in the woods which
includes assisted care apartments and cottages and The Gardens at Rockridge
– a specialized memory support neighborhood.
Seashore Point • Provincetown, MA • 508-487-7090
Seashore Point consists of the Wellness and Rehab Center – for those in need of
long-term or short-term services – and The Residences at Seashore Point - a
concierge condominium community designed for those over the age of 55.
Newbury Court
Rockridge Residences
The Leland Home • Waltham, MA • 781-893-2557
A provider of residential care services in Waltham since 1892, The Leland
Home became an affiliate of Deaconess Abundant Life Communities in 2014,
continuing to serve older adults of Waltham and the surrounding area.
Wesley Woods • Gilford, NH • 603-528-2555
This special cottage community offers folks over 62 a chance to live,
maintenance-free, in the heart of the lakes region.
Seashore Point
Deaconess Abundant Life Services • Concord, MA • 978-402-8620
Our new private duty home care services offering personal care and assistance
in your own home. A team of companions, Home Health Aides and Certified
Nursing Assistants provide services that offer solutions for daily challenges –
allowing clients to remain independent.
For more information call 978-369-5151
Visit us on the web at:
The Leland Home
Like each of our communities on Facebook * *
Leave a lasting legacy –
Remember Deaconess Abundant Life Communities in your will and trusts
Wesley Woods