Conn-Area Catholic School
Conn-Area Catholic School
V o l um e 1 8 , I s s ue 1 “Ce n t e r e d i n Ch ri s t ” 2015-2016 Conn-Area Catholic School L O O K I N G T O E X PA N D INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from Fr. Bob 2 Principal’s Reflection 2 Fab Lab 3 STREAM 3 4-7 Thank you Classroom Stories 7-10 The Arts Sponsoring Parishes • Immaculate Conception • St. Aloysius • St. John the Evangelist • St. Rita 11 Conn-Area Catholic School is proud to announce its official doubling of the enrollment from its lowest number of ninety-two just six years ago. The school now services 186 students and has added an additional kindergarten teacher and a second sixth grade teacher. With this wonderful growth, the school is looking into the possibility of expanding the building. As more and more families, both Catholic and non-Catholic, are discovering the benefits of a Catholic education, we must prepare to provide that same great quality education to our growing school population far into the future. To help us make this vision a reality, we look forward to your continued support for the funding needed to provide an expanded facility as well as to increase the tuition assistance that will be necessary to meet the needs of the everincreasing student popula- tion. What an exciting challenge lies ahead! We know the people of Connellsville and the surrounding communities have great ties to ConnArea Catholic School. Our success is due to their faithful commitment to keeping a Catholic, faith-based option available for all families. Please keep our vision in your prayers. Our growth over these past six years holds a greater message much deeper than a quality, Christcentered education. It is about building community focused around a relationship with Jesus; a value from which we all benefit. Together, we can make this happen. M I DDLE STATES R EAC CR EDITATIO N On December 1, 2015, ConnArea Catholic School received its Certificate of Accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. This recognizes the school as “effectively advancing the quality of educational experiences it offers its students and meets its responsi- bilities to the public and the profession of education, and complies with standards for accreditation that are established by the Middle States Association”. This is a great honor and prestigious acknowledgement of the services Conn-Area Catholic School provides for its members. We will continue to uphold the standards and sur- pass them, as is the mission of Conn-Area Catholic School. P age 2 V o l um e 1 8 , I s s ue 1 A F E W W O R D S F RO M F R . B O B Another Catholic School’s Week is upon us, and judging from the weather up until the time of writing this just may be the FIRST Catholic School’s week in living memory that will NOT be torn asunder by delays and cancellations! (I hope I haven’t jinxed the celebrations!) Last year I mentioned that the “future’s so bright I gotta wear shades”. If anything, the future has become even BRIGHTER in the past twelve months. The good news keeps on a-coming! Maybe that is because we are rooted in THE Good News, JESUS CHRIST! Good news, however, like a coin, often has a flip side. OUR good news is no exception. We are struggling with the fact that space-wise we are BURSTING AT THE SEAMS. A good problem to have, but a serious problem nonetheless. We have been in discussion with the Diocese for months on how to address this “problem”. And you know as well as I that whatever the solution it will require $$$$. Which means we need YOUR help. I thank you for your past generosity and trust that GOD will inspire in his people the generosity we NEED to ensure an ever-brighter future! In Christ Jesus, Fr. Bob Lubic P R I N C I PA L ’ S R E F L E C T I O N More than ever in my lifetime I am seeing a greater need to pray for Peace on Earth, as the world seems to be more and more threatened by a negativity of Christianity. How fitting that Pope Francis declares this the Year of Mercy. God’s mercy has great power to relieve us from the heartache we experience from sin and unhappiness in our hearts. But God also asks us to show mercy to one another in an effort to find the peace on Earth we so desperately need. The children at ConnArea Catholic School are challenged with the thought of acting on this request from God to show mercy to one another. They know to con- sider whether their actions are promoting peace on Earth or not. As a school centered in Christ, we are blessed to encourage our Christian beliefs. We have all heard these words: Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me. Let us all do our part to promote peace through our actions. Mrs. Cecilia C. Solan B U SI NESSES SU PPORT I NG EDU C ATIO N In 2001, Pennsylvania legislatures passed the EITC program which provides Pennsylvania companies with tax credit for contributions to non-profit scholarship or educational improvement organizations. Thirty-nine of our students, PK through 6th grade are the recipients of these funds distributed from the Scholarship Partners Foundation of the Diocese of Greensburg, totaling $28,955. this year. The more funds we receive, the more students that we can bring into the school. The EITC program enables companies to provide scholarships for students at Conn-Area Catholic, instead of sending their tax dollars to Harrisburg. It is that simple! If you have a business that pays the following Pennsylvania taxes: Corporate Net Income Tax, Capital Stock and Franchise Tax, Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax, Title Insurance Companies Share Tax, Insurance Premiums Tax and Mu- tual Thrift Institutions Tax you would qualify to participate in this program. Please call the school today at 724-6285090 to learn more about this great opportunity to provide a Catholic education for many children of the Connellsville and surrounding communities. The additional following foundations facilitated EITC and OSTC scholarships to our students for 2015-2016. We thank these foundations for their generosity. Bridge Edu- cation, Inc. K-6: 4 students/$1500; Community Foundation of Fayette County PK: 5 students/$3000 and K-6: 6 students/$2,760; Family Choice Scholarship of Pennsylvania-Pennsylvania Family Institute K-6: 6 students/$3000; Best of the Batch Foundation PK: 1 student/$1,975; AAA Scholarship Foundation K-6: 3 students/$12,000. Thank you to the businesses that support these scholarships. C o nn - A r e a C a th o l i c S c h o o l P age 3 W E L C O M E T O O U R N E W T E AC H E R S With the retirement of some faculty and staff, and the growth of our enrollment, Conn-Area Catholic School added eight new faces and talents to our school family. You will find Mrs. Amy Zimmermann greeting you when you enter the office. Mrs. Zimmermann has done a remarkable job handling the duties of secretary at the school. Mrs. Lori Sagosky and Mrs. Megan Gretz are addressing the needs of our large sixth grade class quite well. The split of students for both sixth grade and kindergarten has truly benefited their educational experience. Taking the role of the excel- lent second kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Wendy Hoffer. She also handles the Spanish for our upper grades. Mrs. Nola Lonigro is temporarily helping out with the music program. Although she has been with us as our wonderful instrumental instructor, she has done a great job with the music classes, as well. Mrs. Ann Gravelle joined our staff as the art teacher. Mrs. Gravelle comes with a great deal of artistic abilities. Our new physical education teacher is Miss Mandy Onder. Her enthusiasm for movement still makes gym class a favorite among the students. Miss Marney Hillen has taken on the job of handling our Extended Care Program, along with Mrs. Judy Forsythe. The children enjoy the program, as the two of them continued a great system that is appealing to the children, as well as the parents. This increase in staff was made with the children’s best interest in mind. We are blessed to have been able to split our two largest classes into smaller, more manageable groups. We will always consider what is best for the education of our students. THE FAB LAB IS COMING TO CONN-AREA The students in grades third through six will have the opportunity to experience the Intermediate Unit 1 Mobile Fab Lab. This lab will be brought to the campus the week of April 11th providing the children with the knowledge of engineering design process. This STEM program will have each child move from their specially designed drawing to an actual three-dimensional product. Students will work with routers, 3D mill and scanners, vinyl cutter, laser engravers, 3D printers, computers and software, and much more. The program aims to motivate students into engaging into the world of technology and engineering. We are sure the students will find this a rewarding and engaging learning activity. Fab Lab stands for Fabrication Laboratory. Makes you want to go back to school! STREAM The idea of STEM education at Conn-Area Catholic School continues to grow. In our second year with STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, art, and math) our teachers are getting the hang of this quickly. The faculty are all involved in an online course known as STEM for ALL, continuing to find ways of engaging the students of Conn-Area Catholic School into critical thinking skills, that have them collaborating and communicating with each other. The children love their STREAM days, as they design and build such things as catapults, rockets, model cars, and much more. Everyone from kindergarten through the sixth grade have their hands in this exciting learning. The children also continue to become experts at coding on the computer; programming that develops their thought processes to a higher level. It has been a great experience. Design, create, build, test, tweak - all makes for great engineering and a whole lot of fun! Dear Friends of Conn-Area Catholic School, Each year, when we send out our Annual Appeal newsletter, I find myself completely humbled by the goodness of your generosity. I think back to the few years when I sat with Mrs. Baker, the school’s business manager and wondered how we were going to satisfy payroll for the end of the year, so as to keep our budget balanced. We did a lot of praying and the teachers and staff made great sacrifices, receiving no raises for a number of years. It was because of you that we were able to get through those difficult times. It means a great deal to our school families to have their children in a Catholic school. They feel a sense of safety and community spirit at the school. They love hearing their children share stories of Jesus. They are excited to know their tuition dollars are being spent on programming that is unique to our school, such as our STREAM program, the Robotics Program, upgrades to our technology (licensing, latest software, all new desktops, new iPads), classroom improvements, and special programs such as the Fab Lab and the Ag Bus. Their involvement in these opportunities greatly enhances their education. A great number of our families could not experience this were it not for your generosity and interest in ConnArea Catholic School. Once again, we ask you to continue your financial and spiritual support in order that we may continue to bring more children into a learning environment that is centered in Christ. As we see Christianity under greater attack, we need to build the faith for a brighter future. The decisions of our country will someday be in the hands of our current young children. We need to prepare them with a knowledge of God’s goodness and love. Thank you for your great support. Please continue to keep Conn-Area Catholic School and its members in your prayers. I invite you to stop in for a tour of the school, whether you have a student or not. I would love to show you what your support means to our families. Sincerely, Mrs. Cecilia C. Solan Principal Sincere Appreciation to our Annual Appeal Donors as of December 31, 2015 $5,000 and above Amerikohl Mining, Inc. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Ewing & Family/COE Distributing $2,000 to $4,999 Colebrook Chocolate Company / Mr. & Mrs. John Coleman & Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Brooks Intermec - Seattle Foundation Trixie Puff Foundation $1,000 to $1,999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bailey *In Honor of the Faculty & Staff of Conn-Area Catholic Mr. & Mrs. George Bailey Mr. & Mrs. William Colvin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delmar & Family Janney, Montgomery, Scott, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Solan— Gerard Photography St. Vincent College $400 to $999 Anonymous (3) Ms. Mary Kay Dunaway *In Memory of Frank & Marie Dunaway Dr. & Mrs. Francis Jacobyansky Mr. & Mrs. John Kaylor Knights of Columbus - Council #948 Mr. & Mrs. James Mongell *In Memory of Margaret Jane Martin Mr. & Mrs. Duane Plummer *In Honor of Sr. Mary Agnes Kirsch Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Ruper Mr. & Mrs. Todd Sebek Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Shafer— Regency Horse Ranch Mr. Ron Welling Mr. & Mrs. Mike Zetwo $100 to $399 Mr. & Mrs. Rob Anderson Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Duggan Mrs. Shirley Eckman *In Memory of Richard P. Malone, Sr. & Dr. Richard P. Malone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Erneste *In Memory of William T. & Catherine E. Erneste Ms. Jackie Gambone * In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gambone Mr. Van Humbert *In Memory of Kathleen Galik & Joseph Beucher Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kislan *In Memory of Wilbur & Ellen Lizza Mr. & Mrs. David Kosslow *In Memory of Joseph Scarry Ms. Mary K. Kubitza Ms. Alice Milliman Mr. Arthur Mohall Mr. & Mrs. Henry Oppermann Peoples Gas Mrs. Stefanie Ranker Mr. Dennis Rendine *In Honor of IC Alumni 1942 & In Memory of Raphael Rendine Dr. Kara Sepp & Dr. Robert Sepp *In Memory of Joyce Sepp Dr. Kara Sepp, Mr. John Lypson & Eva *In Memory of Louis Ferenchua & Jeanie Humbert Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sholtis *In Memory of Newell & Mary Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Harry Soisson *In Memory of Cara Marie Soisson, Jacqueline C. Soisson & Gerald Scarry Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Solomon Dr. & Mrs. Edward Spotts *In Memory of Louise Maczko, Jeanie Humbert & Josephine Garsteck St. Rita’s Christian Mothers *In Memory of the Deceased Members of St. Rita’s Christian Mothers Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stephenson Mr. Edward Wallace & Family *In Memory of Shirley Wallace Mr. & Mrs. John Wisilosky— *In Memory of Michael Mariotti, Juanita Stasia, & Charles Hartz In Honor of Fr. Bob Lubic’s 50th Birthday Mr. Frank Zadell *In Memory of Richard L. Carpinelli Gifts in Memory of Donna Gambone Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Frick Mrs. Sandra Lincoln Gifts in Memory of Jeanie Humbert Laura & Terry Cavaness Chesterfield Rebels Baseball Team Chris & Mary Fette Mr. & Mrs. William Herman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith & Madison Mr. & Mrs. Sturge Hughes Immaculate Conception School– Class of 1959 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lohr P age 6 V o l um e 1 8 , I s s ue 1 Gifts in Memory of Louise Maczko Mr. & Mrs. George McDermott Ms. Rosemary Lippert & Ms. Melnyk Searights Maintenance Mr. & Mrs. Berton Swartzwelder $50 to $99 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ackerman *In Honor of Sr. Beatrice Ann Parenti Mr. Jim Downey *In Memory of William Downey Ms. Linda Galiardi *In Memory of Mary Susan, Eugene & Vivian Galiardi Mrs Elizabeth Haggerty *In Memory of James R. Haggerty, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunter Ms. Sherryn L. Keefer— *In Memory of Gaya Means Mr. & Mrs. Michael Masciarelli Carmine V. Molinaro, Jr. *In Memory of Louise Maczko & Jeanie Humbert Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mongell *In Memory of Gerald Scarry & Jeanie Humbert Gifts in Memory of Donna Gambone Pat Hockenberry, Judy Second & Mandy Kost Mr. & Mrs. John Bell Mrs. Kitty Kline Mr. & Mrs. Dan Laurion Gifts in Memory of Jeanie Humbert Chris, Sharon, Bill, & Sue Baer Dr. & Mrs. Joe Chomiak I.C. School Class of 1959 The Coffee Club Ms. Jeanine Forsythe Mr. & Mrs. Albert Herman Mr. & Mrs. John Maczko Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mahokey Martha Mathews & Family Miriam Brooks & Family Tom & Nina Nickelson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oglevee Mrs. Toni Schiavoni Gifts in Memory of Louise Maczko Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bruening Connellsville Senior Ctr.- Silver Sneakers Fitness Class The Cunningham Family Mr. & Mrs. Victor Gasbarro Mr. & Mrs. Flay Goodwin Ross, John & Mary Prestia Up to $49 Mrs. Kathleen Andyjohn Mr. & Mrs. Terry Baker *In Memory of Louise Maczko & Jeanie Humbert Mr. & Mrs. Steve Conko Mrs. Mary Downey Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forsythe *In Memory of Brian Ranker Mrs. Theresa Foley *In Memory of Bill Foley & Family Mr. Andrew Kruczkiewicz Rose Mariotti *In Memory of Juanita Stasia Mr. & Mrs. John McGough *In Memory of Michael Mariotti Mrs. Magaret Molinaro *In Memory of Anthony Molinaro & Jeanie Humbert Mrs. Philomena Patrick * In Memory of Frances (Mikey) Connell & Jeanie Patrick Ms. Paula J. Rendine Mrs. Kathleen Schott *In Memory of Edward T. Schott, Sr. & IC High School Class of 1946 Gifts in Memory of Donna Gambone Mrs. Jacquelyn Baker Mr. & Mrs. Nick Bell Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bosetti Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kurcina George & Mary Stefanis Mr. & Mrs. Roger Uhazie Gifts in Memory of Jeanie Humbert Mr. & Mrs. John Andursky Mr. & Mrs. William Baer Mrs. Sandy Beucher Mr. & Mrs. James Bielecki Mrs. Marie Blasey Eugene Carbonara Susan DeLara Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kissinger Mr. & Mrs. John Konieczny Karen Merriam Mr. Tony Natale Mr. & Mrs. David Petrum Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sarko C o nn - A r e a C a th o l i c S c h o o l P age 7 Mrs. Marlene Scarry Mr. & Mrs. Dwyer Sheehan Marc & Audrey Snyderman & Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patrick Trimbath Mr. & Mrs. John Zimmermann & Zander Gifts in Memory of John Kaylor Mr. & Mrs. Pat Kozel Mr. & Mrs. Vito Martucci Mr. & Mrs. John McGinnis Betty Zur Gifts in Memory of Louise Maczko Ms. Joanna Ball Mr. & Mrs. David Bogden Ms. Patricia Brothers Ms. Florence Cirilli Brian & Sondra Depue Mr. Richard Kasunic, II Mr. Andrew Kruczkiewicz Ms. Veronica Lesniowski David & Kathy Puff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Sages & Family Tony Sapanara Mr. & Mrs. Greg Skowronek PRESCHOOL One of the highlighted activities that occur within the Conn-Area preschool is the opening of a wrapped ‘gift’. Colorful packages stored in a standing closet within the classroom pique the students’ interest long before they are opened. The teacher selects one box to open in the classroom ‘circle’, where all the students gather, wide-eyed with excitement and anticipation. Each child takes his or her turn at handling and shaking the package and offers a guess as to the surprise within. Finally, after minutes of spec- ulation and analysis, the special helper student has the honor of removing the colorful ribbon and wrapping paper to reveal the contents to the classmates. The leader disperses them to the children as they try to determine the usefulness of the items. A multitude of sensory and motor skills are intended to be associated with the ‘gift’. The students eagerly engage in a new and fun-filled educational challenge that will be added to the learning activity shelves. In addition to using these items for their intended pur- poses, the children often opt to create their own personal variation of the activity and its materials. Although the students view these wrapped materials as toys, the items are primarily intended to be educational in nature. —- Mrs. Jan Spotts - Seneca KINDERGARTEN Years ago, I made the comment that CAC would have the “top” kindergarten in the area. Having taught with some of the best kindergarten teachers in the early 70s, I knew I had my work cut out for me. Yes, teaching reading, math, and social skills are the main focus for all kindergarten teachers. I knew something here had to be different. Would it be the bond we have with the CAC families? Would it be the students who learn here, generation after generation? Would it be the years of experience our teachers accrue? Would it be the requests parents make for teachers to hang in there so their child will have them, too? Just the other day, I ran into one of those kindergarten teachers from “back in the day”. And the first thing she wanted to tell me was that her grandbaby would be attending kindergarten next year at ConnArea Catholic. Had I reached my goal? Is CAC the “top” kindergarten in the area? I think so! However, all of the above may have contributed to my success; the real reason is that this is a Christ Centered class room in a Christ Centered School. About a week ago in the cafeteria a little boy was upset about his lunch. When I asked him what was wrong, he said that he forgot to get his milk. When I looked up, I Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. noticed that the milk cooler was closed. So we started to walk there to see if we could get him milk. On the way, we passed his brother’s table, who immediately jumped up to see what was wrong. His little brother said it was not his milk that he forgot but his fruit. Upon hearing that, the older brother took his own fruit off his tray, plopped it in his brother’s hand, put his arm around his shoulder, and walked him back to his table. I was so moved! WWJD— ”What would Jesus Do?” or “He’s not heavy, he’s my brother!” come to mind. Yes! I know what the difference is. We ARE Christ Centered! —- Mrs. Judy Colvin P age 8 V o l um e 1 8 , I s s ue 1 FIRST GRADE The First Grade students are really enjoying the addition of Conn-Area Catholic School’s Facebook page. The students have been in many videos that showcase activities and lessons they have learned in class. They’ve recited a story, sung a song for Johnny Appleseed Day, acted out the story of “Little Red Hen” from their reader, showed their dance for a Thanksgiving Celebra- tion, played instruments that they made while singing the song “Jingle Bells”, and many other school happenings. You can see many activities the students are involved in by going to Conn-Area Catholic’s web site and clicking on the icon for Facebook. We welcome you into our experiences. —- Mrs. Connie Sholtis SECOND GRADE “Check out how this mealworm is reacting to the stimulus.” “That’s so cool!” Second grade is an exciting year of growing academically and spiritually. This is the year that the children receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. They learn handwriting (cursive) at the start of the 2016 new year. During the year we do a lot of extra activities. We do three STREAM projects throughout the year. Our first project is making a fence and gate model for Farmer McDonald. He needs to decide which one he wants to purchase for his farm. The children have a wonderful time making vests, headbands, and shakers so they can dress up like the Native Americans for their Thanksgiving get-together with the first grade and for the Thanksgiving prayer service. The children enjoy putting together puzzles. We have a beautiful solar system puzzle donated to us by one of our former second graders. There are dinosaur puzzles and some one hundred piece puzzles. They are learning and having fun at the same time. The second graders have many fun activities that go along with their academic and spiritual lessons. They are well rounded children. —- Mrs. Goldie Lohr THIRD GRADE This year, the children will grow and develop academically, socially, and spiritually. The children participate in many activities that serve the under privileged in our community. They bring in food for the local food bank, collect baby items for the needy, make and send cards to shutins and always include all those in need during our daily prayers. Each student has the opportunity to become “the student of the week”. During this week, they get to showcase their talents and classwork. The children are always finding ways to be peacemakers and earn a special peace person to be displayed on the wall in our classroom. The students participate in a creative writing unit each month. Many genres are explored including personal narrative, expository, persuasive, fiction, fantasy, and nonfiction writing. In the spring of each year the children have the opportunity to create and publish their own hardback book. The third grade uses the computer lab three to four times a week as well as using iPads in the classroom for various educational activities and lessons. The children work on math, language, and computer skills. They also view live lessons on various topics being covered in class. They enjoy exploring the scientific method through hands on experiments in the science lab. They all love STREAM day when they are given an activity to design and build. The excitement never ends. - Mrs. Robin Hlebechuk C o nn - A r e a C a th o l i c S c h o o l P age 9 FOURTH GRADE The fourth grade students have been very busy this year and are growing academically, spiritually, and socially. Incorporating writing into the curriculum is essential, as this skill is needed throughout their lifetime. They have been working on poetry, narrative, and descriptive writing. In addition, their most recent writing activities let them embark on creative writing. The five steps of the Writing Process are essential and they are focused on with each type of writing. Once the children published their stories, they then share them with their classmates. In science class, the children have used microscopes on several occasions. They look at and compare plant and animal cells, as well as the leaves and stems of a flower and also mosses, which come from spores. The fourth graders continue to grow spiritually each and every day and reach out to the community with service projects. They recently made Thanksgiving and Christmas cards for the shut-ins and brought in baby items throughout Advent Season. What an amazing year of growth, all with Jesus by their side! —- Mrs. Krissy Garsteck FIFTH GRADE Students are challenged each year to participate in the PRIDE IN CONNELLSVILLE AREA POETRY AND POSTER CONTEST sponsored by the Connellsvlle Area Historical Society. This is an excellent opportunity to research local history and then to stretch our creativity to illustrate one aspect of our area's impressive history either in poetry or as a poster. Some students are more talented with words while others are more talented with artistic media. The contest is available to grades 4-6 on the elementary level with monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention categories. Pictures are taken by The Daily Courier reporter and are displayed in our local newspaper. All the winners are showcased in the Winter Issue of Connellsville Crossroads magazine. The fifth graders did an outstanding job on this assignment The topics that they explored included: Crawford's Cabin (both inside and outside), coke ovens, railroads, the P&LE Train Station, The Porter Theater, Native Americans, Johnny Lujack, Bob Bailor and Yough Park. That list certainly represented a wide aspect of Connellsville Area History. Although some students won awards, everyone won because each student learned something new about Connellsville that they had not known before. After all, that is the purpose of the PRIDE IN CONNELLSVILLE CONTEST. —-- Mrs. Debby Mullaney FIFTH GRADE MATH We have all heard the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. As a fun learning Christmas project, the fifth grade math class learned a little history about the meaning behind the song and what it would cost to buy their ‘true love’ all those Christmas gifts. They began researching the song and were surprised to learn that each gift had a religious meaning behind it. Next, they researched the price of each individual gift, the price for the gifts each day, and then the total cost for all twelve days. Every time a gift was mentioned, they had to add it to the total cost. The last requirement for the project was for each student to cre- ate his or her own gift to give at Christmas. The gift had to keep in the context of the song. Overall the class learned a little history and did a great deal of calculating . The next time they hear this song, they will know the meaning behind it, and just how costly a ‘true love’ can be. —- Mrs. Wendy Hoffer Learning is fun! P age 10 V o l um e 1 8 , I s s ue 1 SIXTH GRADE “”All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.” - John 13:35 Conn-Area Catholic’s sixth grade class is making our community and world a better place by learning about our community and our families. Their pride in our community was certainly shown through the projects submitted for the Pride in Connellsville contest where they showcased many of the community’s local treasures and the importance each has for this community. They are also touching the lives of our shut-ins and prayer partners who we remember every day in our prayers and with whom we correspond. This outreach goes far beyond the borders of Connellsville and extends into our surrounding counties. They are able to bring joy into someone else’s day. Also, the students have learned about one of their own family members who has passed away. By celebrating Dia de los Muertos, a traditional Mexican celebration honoring the deceased, the students were able to gain an insight, not only into another culture, but into a family member who has SIXTH GRADE Sixth grade students have been working hard to complete a classroom STREAM project. While learning about genetics in science class, they made connections to social studies, religion, math, art, and technology. They made a pedigree showing how traits are inherited from parents and grandparents. Also, the students learned about their heritage and where their families came from. Using this information, they mapped out all of the places their ancestors came from. The students learned that Punnett Squares can help us predict the probability of a trait showing up, and they calculated the percentage of acquiring certain traits. They even used the basic rules of heredity to draw a portrait of an individual with certain traits that were determined by a coin toss. Learning about our heredity and how special we are made us feel closer to our families and more thankful to God for making each of us unique! —- Mrs. Megan Gretz S E RV I N G O U R P A R E N T S One of the great blessings that Conn-Area Catholic School provides for our parents and guardians is our Extended Care Program and our Early Morning Drop Off services. For our working parents it is often difficult to find a dedicated adult to get their children on the bus in the morning or be there at the end of the day when they get off the bus. We are thrilled to be able to assist them by providing a safe place where they can gather with school mates and engage in crafts, games, socializing, or working on homework. Even on days of two-hour delays, the school will provide the Drop-Off service starting at 8:00. Even more comforting is the children’s desire to be there. It is a ‘play date’ of great fun. died. The students researched the sacrifices and accomplishments that person made to his/her family and made an altar and papermache skull and wrote an essay that each student shared in class. —-Mrs. Lori Sagosky C o nn - A r e a C a th o l i c S c h o o l P age 1 1 THE ARTS On February 28 and March 1, 2015, Conn-Area Catholic Performing Arts (PA) Club celebrated its 10th anniversary with its annual musical theater production of Willy Wonka, Jr. The show was performed at The Edwin S. Porter Theatre in the Connellsville Community Center. Fifty-three students in grades 3-6 participated in the production. The show was directed by Susan Uhazie Camele and choreographed by Jennifer Soisson. It was seen by approximately 750 audience members with a standing room only Opening Night! Our club originated with the artistic vision of then 8th grade student Ashley Runyan and the support of then Principal Sister Catherine Meinert. At its inception, the two decided the musical production would be our school’s gift to the community. Admission was free of charge with a requested canned good donation to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society food pantries in Connellsville and Dunbar. Through the generosity of the Conn-Area Catholic extended family, that spirit and tradition remains. Veterans Jeff and Janet Hutchinson returned for their 10th year. The program said goodbye to choreographer Jen Soisson and to Linda and Sylvia Sitko who managed publicity and in -house meals during Tech Week. Thanks to all of them for their hard work and commitment to our school. — Mrs. Susan Uhazie Camele MUSIC Music is very important in a child’s life. At Conn-Area Catholic School, we provide music class to our students twice a week. Mrs. Nola Lonigro is currently standing in as our school’s music teacher. She is doing a wonderful job teaching the children church songs, folk songs, and reading music. Playing the bells is a favorite among our upper grades. The program was enhanced by the addition of our music stands which were built and donated by the Mr. James Black family. Mrs. Lonigro put together all that was needed to make this a great learning opportunity for the children. Besides their regular music classes the children have the option of taking instrument lessons. This program is offered to our second through sixth grade students. Currently we have thirty-five students involved in the program. The children will showcase their talents at our annual Spring Concert. They are doing a wonderful job! - Sydney Gurewitz Clemens ART CLASS Mrs. Ann Gravelle joined the Conn-Area Catholic School faculty this year as its art teacher. Mrs. Gravelle is a true artist with a wealth of experience. She is also an expert in pottery. This summer, we received a donation of a kiln and potter’s wheel from a dear friend, Mrs. Pam Bablow. Right now it is in storage, but we hope to have it up and running in the near future. In the meantime, Mrs. “Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.” Gravelle plans on doing some pottery pieces with a few of our upper grades. As our mission statement states, we want to provide opportunities of every kind to help our students identify the talents God gave them to carry out the plan He has for them. We look forward to all the great possibilities the children will be creating in their art classes. Conn-Area Catholic School 613 East Crawford Avenue Connellsville, PA 14525 Conn-Area Catholic School Located on the Geibel Catholic Campus Outstanding Education Faith-Filled Atmosphere - “Centered in Christ” Safe & Secure Learning Environment STREAM Classroom Preschool Through Sixth Grade Excellent Technology Program Beginning in Kindergarten Spanish Beginning in Preschool Performing Arts Club Sports Programs Child Care Program—Before and After School Family Atmosphere 613 East Crawford Avenue Connellsville, PA 15425 Phone: 724-628-5090 Fax: 724-628-1745 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the web! Call for an appointment to see the school and to learn more about our great program. Registration for the 2016 - 2017 school year has begun. Like us on Face Book! Like us on Face Book!