Upgrade for your brain! Problemi di memoria? Vita sana, lettura e
Upgrade for your brain! Problemi di memoria? Vita sana, lettura e
Upgrade for your brain! Problemi di memoria? Vita sana, lettura e fosforo sono insufficienti per ricordare tutto? Segui i consigli di TOO LATE e goditi la nuova USB MEMORY. Lo stile TOO LATE si evolve e sorprende con le coloratissime chiavette USB per conservare i tuoi ricordi e le informazioni più preziose. Se cercate un gioiello tecnologico, un orologio o un portachiavi, TOO LATE vi offre tutto questo con la sua la nuova USB MEMORY che racchiude in sé le tre funzioni: quadrante digitale con data e ora preziosamente incastonate nei morbidi colori, un portachiavi chic da sfoggiare in ogni momento e ben 4 GigaByte di spazio per avere sempre in tasca la tua musica, i video e le immagini da condividere con chi vuoi. Da un PC all’altro, dall’ufficio all’università, distinguiti con gusto e colore. USB MEMORY è tutto lo stile TOO LATE: 10 colori freschissimi, materiale antiurto e antigraffio, e un design esclusivo. Risalta sul tuo jeans, colora il tuo zaino. Dal black professionale al verde più shock, la USB MEMORY di TOO LATE è versatile e adatta ad ogni personalità e ad ogni momento della giornata. Aumenta la tua memoria, salva i tuoi ricordi e conservali con stile. TOO LATE USB MEMORY! Disponibile nelle migliori gioiellerie e design store e sul sito www.too2late.com Having problems with memory? Perhaps all the preoccupations of life make it impossible to remember everything? Take our advise and you will enjoy the benefits of the new TOO LATE USB MEMORY. The TOO LATE style never fails to evolve and astonish, our new colorful USB memory sticks are just what you need to save your most precious information. If you are looking for a high tech jewelry, a watch or a USB stick, we are offering all of this in one design called the TOO LATE USB MEMORY which wraps all these functions together: a quadrant digital box that contains your data, informs you of the precise time, all presented around soft and pleasant colors. It is a chic USB key to show off as it has just as much space as it has style, 4GB to store your favorite music, images and videos in your pocket to share with whoever you wish. In your PC, at the office in the university it is always distinguished by its fantastic style and color. It is an original TOO LATE designs that comes in 10 fresh colors, it is also shock-proof, anti scratch and a truly exclusive design. Stick it out of your jeans, put it on your bag back, from professional black to shock green, TOO LATE USB MEMORY is designed to match any of your outlooks and ambients in any moment of your day. Bump up your memory, save your memory and store it with style. TOO LATE USB MEMORY. Available at the top jewelry and design stores or on our on-line store www.too2late.com TOO LATE usb MEMORY KEY COLORS GRIGIO GREY GIALLO YELLOW VERDE GREEN FUCSIA FUCHSIA BLU ELETTRICO ELECTRO BLUE ROSSO RED NERO BLACK ARANCIO ORANGE VIOLA VIOLET BIANCO WHITE TOO LATE VIA FRANCESCO LANA DE TERZI 51/53, 25064 GUSSAGO (BS) - ITALY - TEL. +39.030.310251 - FAX. +39.030.3739913 - WWW.TOO2LATE.COM - [email protected] TOO LATE usb MEMORY KEY PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ARTICLE: USB MEMORY KEY DESCRIPTION: SILICONE USB MEMORY KEY 4 GB WITH LCD WATCH AND KEYRING MODEL: VERSION 001 MATERIAL: 100% SILICONE WEIGHT: 28 GRAMS 90 MM CLOCKWORK: DIGITAL DISPLAY CONFORMING TO ROHS, TIME AND DATE FUNCTIONS WATERPROOF: 3 ATM PACKAGING: PLASTIC PILLS HEIGHT: 120 MM WIDTH 35 MM 22 MM 13 MM WEIGHT 22 GRAMS TOO LATE VIA FRANCESCO LANA DE TERZI 51/53, 25064 GUSSAGO (BS) - ITALY - TEL. +39.030.310251 - FAX. +39.030.3739913 - WWW.TOO2LATE.COM - [email protected]