THE PUGET SOUND ROCKET - Puget Sound Olds Club
THE PUGET SOUND ROCKET - Puget Sound Olds Club
THE PUGET SOUND ROCKET Newsletter of the Puget Sound Olds Club An Official Chapter of the Oldsmobile Club of America JULY/AUGUST 2014 This is what our Annual Zone Show should look like!! Our member’s cars lined up on a sunny day at the Country Village in Bothell. In this newsletter you will find the entry form for the 2014 event. Please take a few minutes to fill out your entry to this years show and send it in. The 2014 show is a memorial to three members of our chapter who passed away in 2013; Bill Iverson, Don Wahlstrom and Howard VonPressentin. Howard was one of the founding members of our chapter. Bill and Don were two of the members who annually contributed to the success of our Zone Shows. They are members who we will never be able to replace. This year, the chapter will furnish hot dogs and soft drinks for the lunch. If your family would like to add a salad or desert for the picnic, please feel free to bring one with you. So, shine up your Olds and we will see you on Saturday, July 19. Between the Bumpers PAGE 3 MEETING MINUTES None this month Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 HERE’S MY RIDE PAGE 9 1 Puget Sound Olds Club 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Nina Rogers A New e-mail for The Roger’s [email protected] 360.651-6246 Vice President Ed Straw [email protected] 425.485-3093 Secretary Ed Konsmo [email protected] 253.845-2288 Treasurer Kathi Straw [email protected] 425.485-3093 Membership Chairpersons Ed & Kathi Straw [email protected] 425-485-3093 Newsletter Editor Ed Konsmo [email protected] 253.845-2288 OCA BOARD MEMBERS Ed Konsmo, OCA Chief Judge President’s Message Summer is finally here! The typical “June gloom” is not present this year. Our weather has been great. You know what that means; it’s time to attend car shows. Of course, the most important car show of the year, as far as we are concerned, is our own Zone Show. We will be meeting again at the Country Village in Bothell on July 19. Last year we had 40 cars turn out for the show. Let’s polish up all of our Olds and have an even bigger turnout this year. On Sunday, July 6, we will be meeting at the Redmond Library for a chapter meeting at 1 PM to discuss arrangements for the Zone Show. It would be great if we could have a big turnout of members at the meeting. The more members involved in the details of the show, the better the show is. If you could set aside a few hours to help, it would be greatly appreciated. An important announcement! The chapter will furnish hot dogs and soft drinks for lunch this year. If your family would like a salad or desert to complete the picnic, please feel free to add your choice. Please mark your calendar for the chapter meeting at the Redmond Library at 1 pm on July 6 and the Zone Show on July 19. With your help, the Zone Show will be a great success! Nina Rogers President Erik Martinson, PNW Zone Director Jamie Cox, PNW Zone Director PSOC Website: DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE NEWSLETTER: Information to be considered for submittal in to the newsletter needs to be received by the 25th of the month. Please send your information as an e-mail or attach it to your e-mail in word document form. If you have problems or questions, call Ed or Pam at 253-845-2288. Please e-mail your submittal to: [email protected] Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 2 “BETWEEN THE BUMPERS” … By Ed nsmo ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY – RANSOM ELI OLDS BORN, 1864 While many an engineer and machinist can lay claim to having built the first automobile in the latter decades of the 19th century, bringing the automobile to mass production fell to one man – machinist, accountant, inventor and entrepreneur Ransom Eli Olds, who was born 150 years ago today, June 4. Originally from the Cleveland area, Olds would later move to Lansing, Michigan, but his lifelong interest in machinery had already been set in Ohio. It was his idea to refocus the family’s repair business to manufacture gasoline-heated steam engines, which proved to be a huge financial success. His inquisitive mind led him to construct a “self-propelled carriage,” but the self-critical Olds was dissatisfied with the initial result. His second effort corrected the mistakes made on his first attempt and drew the attention of Scientific American magazine, as noted by Special Interest Autos in issue 186. In describing the benefits of his latest horseless carriage, Olds summed it up by saying, “It never kicks or bites, nor tires on long runs. It doesn’t require care in the stable and only eats when it’s on the road, which is no more than at the rate of one cent per mile.” 3 Olds at the wheel of his Pirate racing car in 1896 or 1897. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 3 Olds founded the Olds Motor Vehicle Company in Lansing, Michigan, in 1897, and just two years later the business was sold to investor Samuel L. Smith. By 1901, Olds had built vehicles powered by steam, electricity, and gasoline, but it was the internal-combustion propelled Curved Dash Olds that would enter mass production. Using an assembly line (before Henry Ford) to maximize efficiency, Olds increased production of his Curved Dash model from 425 units in 1901 to 5,508 units by the end of 1904. Struggles with company owner Smith forced Olds to leave the business in 1904, prompting him to start a second company bearing his name. The R.E. Olds Company immediately began producing automobiles under the REO name, and by 1907, only Ford and Buick enjoyed higher annual sales. Though Olds reportedly hated trucks, it was commercial vehicles that would carry REO through the depths of the Great Depression and ensure the company’s later prosperity. By 1937, Olds had had enough of the automotive business, and at age 73 stepped down from his company’s board of directors. Other ventures beckoned, including the Oldsmar Hotel, a home for retired ministers of all faiths established by Olds in Florida. Though the automotive industry lacked his presence, it did not lack his influence, and the contributions made by the man often referred to as “The Great Teacher” continue to have an impact today. Olds died in 1950 at the age of 86. BELOW ARE COMMENTS BY VIEWERS OF THE ARTICLE ABOVE PUBLISHED IN HEMMINGS MOTOR NEWS Domenic D. Santucci says: June 3, 2014 at 1:26 pm I don’t think that he would have envisioned the Oldsmobile Club of America and its Chapter of the Oldsmobile Club of Southern California support for his cars history. The National Antique Oldsmobile Club has the same appeal and awareness of his great contributions to the American Automobile. Best to his family on this special day. Domenic Mike Cibulas says: June 3, 2014 at 9:50 am THANKS for trumpeting the fact that it was Olds–and NOT Henry Ford–who pioneered the assembly line. Ford did enough great things otherwise, let’s not revise history and steal credit from those who truly did conceive of a great thing… John C. Kovalo says: June 3, 2014 at 10:36 am Although both are deserving, I’ve always felt that it was Olds’ name, not Buick’s that should have continued on in GM nameplates, China’s long-term love affair with Buicks notwithstanding. The man was an inventive genius whose name deserves to be immortalized. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 4 LET’S GET PERSONAL Date Name July Lives In 12 Pam Konsmo 14 Rick Patterson (pay attention Ed) 18 Kathy Weaver (Oroville, WA) (DuPont) Aug. Happy birthday to you all!! 2 Jim Long (Graham, WA) 5 John McCauley (Selah, WA) 8 Gerald Giuntoli (Bellevue, WA) 9 Zack Lees (Rainier, WA) 12 Dave Wildenberg (Spokane, WA) 24 Bonny Gillmer (Milton. WA) 26 George Smith, Sr. (Tacoma, WA) 30 Marlene Smith (Tacoma, WA) UPCOMING CLUB MEETING HOSTS * 2014 MEETING HOST July/Aug.…..Zone Show Sept./Oct.......Ned Peterson Nov./Dec…..Christmas Party (Nina & Jim) *Host provides refreshments Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 5 OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA IN MEMORY OF 29th Annual Pacific Northwest Zone Show Sat u r d a y, J u l y 1 9, 2014 10:00 a m -3:00 p m Country Village 23718 Bothell Everett Highway, Bothell WA 98021 Dash Plaques Trophies Peoples Choice Awards Entry Fee: Pre-reg istered (by 7/12) $15.00 Raffle Prizes Day of Show $20.00 2nd Car is Free Please make check payable to: Puget Sound Chapter OCA P.O. Box 82042 Kenmore WA 98028 Name _______________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City _____________________ State ________ Zip Code ________ E-mail address _______________________________________________ Car Year __________ Body & Model __________________________ For further information contact Ed or Kathi Straw 425-485-3093 ekstraw@comcast .net FIRE EXTINGUISHER IS REQUIRED WITH YOUR CAR Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 6 MEMBER NOTES & CHAPTER INFO This page features notes of interest for and about our members. If you have something interesting to report, please send an e-mail to your editor at [email protected], or call and leave a message, 253-845-2288. This issue of the newsletter should contain photos of the tour with the SeaTac Vintage Car Club we took on May 4. However, the iPhone camera that your editor used will not upload the photos to the computer for inclusion the newsletter. Despite consulting with the Apple Genius staff (I am not so sure that they are), the photos will not leave the camera. Hopefully, the problem will be solved by the time to print the September/October issue of the newsletter. By the way, if you were not on the tour, you missed a great outing. There are no chapter minutes this month as the tour in May took the place of a regular meeting. This coming Thursday, June 27, your editor will be flying to Albuquerque, NM to look over the possible location of the 2017 National Meet. Also attending will be Jerry Wilson, OCA President and Everett Horton, Swap Meet Chairman. Last month, we met at the Marriott Hotel in Kingsport, TN and viewed the site of the 2016 National Meet. Kingsport is in the northeast corner of Tennessee and just 20 miles from the Bristol Raceway. If you are a NASCAR fan, you are familiar with the reputation of the Bristol track as being the “fastest half-mile” one in the country. Also just 20 miles from Kingsport is Johnston City, the oldest city in Tennessee. The small city is filled with antique stores and historic buildings. The host hotel is terrific and the tours that the Kingsport Convention Bureau has planned are great. What if Oldsmobile had never stopped production – would this be the new wagon? Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 7 OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA PUGET SOUND CHAPTER 2014 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL OCA# ____________________ (It’s on the cover of your JWO) NAME:____________________________________________________________ SPOUSE'S NAME:__________________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY:________________________ STATE:________ ZIP CODE:____________ Check here if this is an address change HOME PHONE: (_____ )_________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY MONTH_________________ DAY_________ SPOUSE MONTH_________________ DAY_________ $15.00 annual dues payable. payable. Make checks payable Chapter and mail to: to Puget Sound Kathi Straw PSOC Membership Chairperson P.O. Box 82042 Kenmore, WA 98028 Please assist us in updating our roster by listing your current Oldsmobile(s) below: 1) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 2) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 3) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 4) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ 5) YEAR_______ MODEL____________________ COLOR_______________ Please print this form and mail to Kathi Straw Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 8 Here’s my Ride …the last Oldsmobile built! 10 Years ago, on April 29th, 2004 at 10 am. The last Oldsmobile, this Oldsmobile, rolled off the assembly line in Lansing Michigan Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 9 Swap Meets & Shows to attend in July/August The swap meets and shows were selected based on convenient locations. JUN 29 Bellevue, WA; Bellevue Strawberry Festival Classic Auto Show Crossroads Park, 164th Ave NE and NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA 98008; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee $20; Eastside Heritage Center; 425-450-1049; [email protected]; JUN 29 Stanwood, WA; Twin City Idlers Show and Shine Downtown, Stanwood, WA 98292; 9am – 3pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee $20; 425-422-1395; JUL 4 Auburn, WA; Auburn’s 4th of July Car Show Les Gove Park, 1005 12th Street SE, Auburn, WA 98002; 11am – 4pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $20; City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation; 253-931-3043; [email protected]; JUL 4 Bainbridge Island, WA; Bainbridge Island 4th of July Car Show Downtown Winslow, Bjune Drive, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $20; Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce; 206-842-3700; [email protected]; JUL 4 Blaine, WA; Old Fashioned 4th Show N Shine Downtown Streets, 344 H Street, Blaine, WA 98230; 9am – 3pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $10; Blaine Chamber of Commerce; 800-624-3555; [email protected]; JUL 6 Renton, WA; Return to Renton Cruz-In Downtown Renton, WA, South Third Street and Burnette Ave. South, Renton, WA 98057; 10am – 3pm; No Adm. Fee; Return to Renton Car Show Committee; 425-430-7589; [email protected]; JUL 11 Tacoma, WA; National Car Collector Day LeMay – America’s Car Museum, 2702 East D Street, Tacoma, WA 98421; 10am – 5pm; No Adm. Fee; No Reg. Fee; LeMay – America’s Car Museum; 253-779-8490; [email protected]; JUL 11-12 Lynnwood, WA; Concours d’Elegnace at the Wood A Classic, Sports and Muscle Car Show Lynnwood Golf Course, 20200 68th Avenue West, Lynnwood, WA 98036 6pm – 10pm, 1pm – 5pm; Adm. Fee - $10; No Reg. Fee; Alderwood –Terrace Rotary Club; 425-672-4653; [email protected]; CAR SHOWS AND SWAP MEETS - continued on page 11 Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 10 JUL 12 Gig Harbor, WA; 3RD Annual Car Show @ KeyFest Gateway Park, 10405 State Route 302, Gig Harbor, WA 98329; 10am – 6pm; Reg. Fee - $15; 253-444-3547; [email protected]; JUL 12 Roslyn, WA; Run to Roslyn Roslyn Park, North 3rd Street, Roslyn, WA 98491; 8am – 4pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $15; Strangers Car Club; 509-674-5018; [email protected] JUL 13 Tacoma, WA; 25th Annual 442/Cutlass Car Show Griot’s Garage, 3333 South 38th Street, Tacoma, WA 98409; 10am – 2pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $10; South Sound 442 Club; 253-847-0737; [email protected] JUL 19 Bothell, WA; 29th Annual Oldsmobile Car Show and Picnic See our show flyer on page 6 of this newsletter JUL 20 Forest Grove, OR; Forest Grove Concours d’Elegance Pacific University, 2943 College Way, Forest Grove, OR 97116; 8:30am – 4pm; Adm. Fee -$20; No Reg. Fee; Forest Grove Rotary; 888-359-2530; [email protected]; JUL 20 Issaquah, WA; XXX Classy Chassis Car Show Triple XXX Root Beer Drive In, 98 Gilman Blvd, Issaquah, WA 98027; 8am – 3pm; No Adm. Fee; 206-243-2702; JUL 25/27 Puyallup, WA; Goodguys 27th Wesco Autobody Supply Pacific NW Nationals Washington State Fair Events Center, 110 9th Ave. SW, Puyallup, WA 98371; 8am – 5pm; 8am – 8pm; 8am – 3pm; Adm. Fee - $18; Goodguys Rod & Custom Association; 925-838-9876; [email protected]; AUG 2 Arlington, WA; 2nd Annual Car Show, Rhodes River Ranch Rhodes River Ranch, 22016 Entsminger Road, Arlington, WA 98223; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $20; Restaurant at Rhodes River Ranch; 425-275-8540 [email protected]; AUG 10 Port Orchard, WA; The Cruz On the Waterfront, Downtown, Port Orchard, WA 98366; 7am – 4pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $15; Saints Car Club; 360-876-3505; [email protected] AUG 17 Pacific, WA; Terry Home Show & Shine Pacific City Park, 600 3rd Ave. SE, Pacific, WA 98047; 8am – 4pm; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $20; Terry Home, A Non-Profit Corp; 253-537-2377; AUG 17 Snoqualmie, WA; Snoqualmie Railroad Days Legends Car Show Downtown, Snoqualmie, WA 98065; No Adm. Fee; Reg. Fee - $20; Legends Car Club; 360-654-1539; [email protected]; CAR SHOW AND SWAP MEETS continued on page 12 Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 11 AUG 30 Tacoma, WA; 37th Annual LeMay Car Marymount Event Center & LeMay Home Grounds, 325 152nd St E, Tacoma, WA 98445; 8am – 5pm; Adm. Fee - $15; LeMay Family Collection Foundation; 253-272-2336; [email protected]; Future Oldsmobile National Meets 2014 - July 31-Aug 3; Cincinnati, OH; Holiday Inn Suites; Hosted by the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Chapter 2015 - July 22-26; Brookfield, WI; Brookfield Milwaukee Sheraton Hotel. Hosted by the Olds Club of America 2016 - The OCA Nationals Site Selection Committee visited Rockport, TN and will be present the results to the OCA Board for a vote. Dates to be announced. 2017 - The Selection Committee will be in Albuquerque, NM on June 27-28 to visit a possible location for the 2017 National Meet. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 12 CLASSIFIED – For Sale/Leads & Needs CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS: FIEDS: Classified ads are free, unlimited words, within reason. Ads will ONLY run for four consecutive months unless renewal is requested. Please submit your classified advertisement in electronic format by the 20th of the month to [email protected]. FOR SALE: • 1954 & 55 Hood Rockets $275; both show quality re-plated, never installed. Don Monroe 253 566-8488. (1) • 1972 Olds 442 Conv., Viking Blue with Black top. 455 ci, PS, PB, Turbo 400. Restored to original, numbers matching. $26,500. Contact Ben Nilsson at (360) 582-9533 or E-mail at [email protected]. (2) • 1976 Oldsmobile Delta 88 hardtop sedan. $9,500. Excellent condition. 128,259 miles. Single owner. Runs well. Was used as an office car until the late 80's. Since then, stored in a covered garage. Original white paint. White upholstery in excellent condition. Body also in excellent condition. Some small dings on the side. Contact: Bliss Kolb [email protected] 206.938.011.(1) • 1986 Delta 98 Regency Brougham. Always garaged, 100,000 miles, original. No rust, no dents, new tires. Call Steve Denmark for the price and additional information - 206-679-4980 (1) NEEDS: • Need: Radiator shroud for ’57, ’58 or ‘59. Call Erik (425) 433-6480 (1) • Need: Cornering light switch for ’65 “98 LS” Call Art Gamash (360) 683-4749 (1) LEADS: An antique shop (two floors) in Renton has some car items; ’49, ’53 and ’54 reference manuals plus other things that may be of interest to Olds folks. Pinky wanted to share the info with you. They offer discounts to Vets. You may want to call before going there, to be sure the manuals listed are still available. The name of the shop is Park Avenue Antiques & Collectibles. Address: 101 Park Ave. N., Renton, WA 98057 Their phone number is 425 255-4255. PARTS: ’64 OLDS STARFIRE - Contact Bill Hemstock at [email protected] for the parts listed below. (1) HT 1965 Oldsmobile Starfire Convertible 1964 Oldsmobile Starfire- 2 door HT 1964 Starfire parts 1956/58 Tri-power manifold and 3 twin carburetors IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ADS: A number at the end of each listing indicates how many months the ad has already run. The ad will run for four months (two issues in a row). If you have a TWO after your ad, you need to contact us if you wish to renew the ad for following issues. Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 13 “PARTING SHOT” AUGUST 23rd 1897 - APRIL 29th, 2004 The final Alero Final 500 Edition (#500 of 500) also happened to be the last Oldsmobile ever built. All the employees of the General Motors Lansing plant signed their names under the hood. The car was then donated to the R.E. Olds Transportation Museum in Lansing Michigan Puget Sound Oldsmobile Club July/August 2014 14
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